Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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[ I.-- UVKtlY MOUN1NU.
I ? nilrflfoTiilrmKull Ion ) including Hir.MUT
JIKP. Onn Y ar . J10 Of
JVrPlx Months . . 5 ( X
ref Tlirefl MotilhB . -W
.ITHKOHAIUBHNDAV HKK , mulled to nuy
naatcw. Ouo Year . six
Iltm.TJlHO. WAHIII.VdTON OrriCK , NO. 01 ;
l'outmr.KTii :
Alt rommnnlcAltoin relating to news nnd flill
torlnl matter lliould Ijc addressed to tlie Knrron
All lm ltPH ) lottr rs and remittances should be
Mlilten ctltuTtiR Hm : rinii.isiHMi ( 'OMPANV ,
OMAHA. Drill ta , check * nnd postolllco orders tc
1)0 nmllupjyablo to tlio order of tlio company.
TlioBecPalsliing Company , Pronrictors ,
UOS12WATKH , Editor.
Sworn Statement , ol Clreitilatlon.
Etnt of Nebraska , |
County of Douglas. I Bl "
( leo. tl. Trochurlc. secretary of The llcfl Pub
lI.Milntc company , does Milaintily swear that tin
iictunl circulation of Tin : DAILY IIKK for tht
week ending September 8 , 1BS8 , was ns follows
fcuiidny , Ropt. 2 1R.SK
Monday , P pt. il 18w :
Tuesday , Sept. 4 18n3
Wednesday , Sept. 5. . 1W !
TJiurnday , Sept. 0 18,271
J'rlrtny , Sept. 7 Is.nli
Eaturdny , Bcpt. 8 lH.J7i :
Or. ( ) . II. T/e.CHtJCK.
Sworn to bcforn me nnd subscribed in mj
tircsetico this 8th day of September , A. D , 1S-&S
N.I' . nll : , . Notary J'ubllc.
glntoofNebrnfka , I _ _
County of Douglas , f " "
Ocoro | ; II. TzRcnuck. belrtR first duly
J > o = es and says that he Is sccietnry of 'I ho I lei
Publishing company , tlmt the actual averugi
dally circulation of THE DAILY HKK for tin
month of September , Ifs > 7 , was H.HD : copies ; fo.
October , 18t7 , 14WI ! copies ; for November
JKJ7 , copies ; for December , im , ir..dll top
It ; for January , IN-H , iria i copies ; for Tebrnary
lF nir.rtuuoplrs ; forMarchlM)8.lliUNcopies ) ) ; fo
Apiil , WP. 18,714 copies : for May , Ihifl IS.IS
copies : I'm Juue.lPM , 1U43copies : for .Inly , 1 ! 8S
li\xa \ copies ; for AllKiibt , MW , Ks.lsll copies.
Sworn to licforo mo and subscribed inin-
pi-fseiico this8th tiny of September , A. D. , 1888
M.I' . I'Klli Notary Public.
Mu. CI.KVKLAND'B letter of nccop
tnnco needs a postscript. In it ho dit
ilot say a single word about a secont
Mil. TiruuiiAN is said to sloop with i
tmulT Ira * under his pillow and a bun
datum f r anight cap. What ho dee
with his cholera inorhua IB not stated.
"BAD MBN" nro once more brcnkinj
loose in the Black Hills , and yet Ihon
is no talk o ( lynching. The old minin |
town vigilantes have evidently orai
grated to Nobnwka.
CANDIDATKS do not take kindly ti
criticism In Georgia. Two Atlanta editors
tors huvo just boon thnished by ai
nspirant to the legislature , and the cam
paign has" only jiiiJt begun.
How candidly and how innocontl
the JFentld chirpa of domocratio succcs
to coinol Ono would think , to road it
prattle , that there arc not a handful c
republicans in Nebraska.
THE girl of the period knows ho
rights. A Providence young lady ha
taken hors in the shape of death be
cause her mother had the prosumptlo
to aslc her aid in household affairs.
THE conferees on the fortification ar.
propriatioiiB have reported to congres
n bill to expend nearly four million fo
coast dofonscs. It is more than likcl ,
that the bill will bo accepted by th
house and immediate work bo ordoroi
in the making of new stcol guns.
CAPTAIN ANDKHSON , who abandonc
his dory , the Dark Secret , in mid-ocoa
in his trip to England , sots a good example
ample to the democrats. If they don'
hurry and abandon their dark score
party they will lind themselves adrif
with a capsized boat in the Novorabc
OMAHA wants parks in her suburb
nnd she ntmda city parks within a mil
of the postolllce as well. With the nov
syndicate park on the south and th
proposed Florence park on the nortl
the suburbs will bo roasonablysupplicd
But as yet no proposition has boon madi
to convert a square or two within th <
cfty proper. The time will soon come
however , when the latter will bo anal
solute necessity ,
Tim old board of education' was wo
. nwaro that there would bo a largo ii
crease of school population on the opor
ing of the fall term and should hav
prepared for it. The now buildinf
cohld have been finished for the opoi
inn of the present torin if proper prc
caution had boon exorcised b
the board. Contractors should ha\
boon placed under penalties for failur
to complete their work in the pr <
crlboii time.
TiiKiu'is said to be an organized gan ,
of thieves systematically robbing th
malls between Now York and the wes
The attention of the postoflloo doparl
mcnt has long boon directed to thi
nbuso but it is apparently powerless 1
run it down. There is evidently a fcro
loose in the postolllco department undc
Mr. Cleveland's administration , an
Don Dickinson aa postmaster general
anything but a brilliant success.
CONMNOTON , just across the river fro
Sioux City , is fast securing a hard ropi
tailon. Low dive keepers who hai
boon outlawed in Iowa have swarmc
into the llttlo Nebraska town , and wil
their advent have como reports of ro
bory , midsight brawls and general lai
lessnoss. The latest is a murder su
] K > sahly traceable to ono of these dons
vico. It is high tlmo that tlio author
tics called a halt , nnd It is to bo hope
that this last development will lead I
an investigation which will drive the
criminals out of Dakota county.
IK no other city of the country wou
a valuable franchise such as the 01
granted to the Horse Car company c
the Eleventh strcot viaduct bo give
away to n corporation wlthouUcompai
satiou. The building of tho\viadui
was a severe tax on the property ownoi
of the district assessed for its constru
tion , Tlio Omaha Horse railway di
not spend ono cent on it. Novortholes
that corporation is given the use of tl
brldgo without being required , to co
tribute oven to the expense of kccpli
the bridge , in repair. la not this a Hi
grunt disregard of the Interests of ta
payers on the part of tha city co'uncl
- * General Harrison's letter.
The letter of General Harrison , for-
nally nccoptlng the nomination of the
opubllcan party , followed hard upon
hat of the democratic candidate , as if
o glvo the people of the 001)11 ) try an op-
) ortunityto immediately compare the
wo documents. If this idea moved the
republican candidate tomako public hif
otter , which evidently was ready some
imo ago , within forty-eight hours aftoi
ho appearance of Mr. Cleveland's for-
mil accoplanco , It was aslirowd thought
vhloh General Harrison will not fall tc
jroflt by. No candid and fair-minded
nan who will compare- these loiters can
all to bo impressed In favor of that ol
ho republican candidate.
The distinctive merit of General liar-
Ison's letter in that it explains cloarlj
nnd suniciontly the position of its nil-
, her with respect to nil matters whlcli
mmodiately concern the interests and
volfaro of the American pooplo. It islet
lot conllnod to a single issue and made
to do service for ono question. Evor.i
) roblcm that engages llio attention o
, ho country in the present campaign ro
colvos attention , nnd not in a morel ;
lorfuilctory way , but with a can
and fullness that loaves no room for c
doubt or question respecting the attl
, udo of the republican candidate. Ho-
gardlng the loading issue of the cam
iiilgn , the tarilt question. General liar
risoa's letter is entirely reassuring tc
the advocates of n just and oquitabli
lollcy of tarill revision. Ho points ou
nest forcibly nnd convincingly that tin
contest of the two great p.irtios is no
between schedules , but between wldi
ipart principles. On the part of tin
lomoeraey the purpose and inovitabl
drift is toward free trade , while th
republicans insist upon presorviiij
the principle of ] ) rotoction. "Tlv
republican party holds , " says Genera
Harrison , "that n protective tariff is
constitutional , wholesome and nocos
sary. Wo do not offer a fixed schedule
but a principlo. Wo will revise tin
schedule and modify rates , but alway
with a provision as to the ottco t upoi
domestic production and the wages u
our working pooplo. " No ono who ha :
believed the republican candi
date to bo In favor of maintaining the
war tariff can fail to bo convinced o
his vnistako after reading th
letter of acceptance , nnd thos <
who have gratuitously charge
that General Harrison was oppose
to it revision of the tariff will bo compelled
polled to acknowledge that they luivi
done him an injustice. If ho shall b
elected to the presidency ho can lx
safely depended on to recommend ti
congress such changes and reduction
of the tarill as will give the peopl
needed relief without imperiling an ;
established industry or enterprise
This is the plain promise and assur
ancc of the letter , and the character o
General Harrison warrants confidonc
that the promise will bo kept.
With regard to the importa
tion of foreign laborers an
the immigration of Chinese
General Harrison's plain and unmi !
takably honest language is all that an
fair-minded American citizen coul
ask. Ho does not believe that wo shoul
exclude the worthy people of otho
lands who seek homos in this country
but that wo should rigidly enforce th
laws for keeping out all the objection
nblo classes , as paupers , criminals , an
these aliens who cannot assitnilato will
us. His position regarding Chinese in
migration is so clearly stated that none
ono will hereafter venture to quostio
it. General Harrison recognize
the objections to this immigratio
as conclusive , and assures the counli
that if elected ho would faithfully 01
force the laws relating to this subjoci
Protection of the political rights (
every citizen , public education , th
trusts , pensions nnd civil service r <
form are all referred to briefly in th
letter , nnd ave treated with a cloa :
ness and directness which enable th
least intelligent reader to undorstan
the views and position of the author. 1
is a concise , straightforward nnd man
festly sincere letter that General Harr
6on has addressed to his party and I
the country , and wo believe it will ha\
the effect of greatly strengthening tli
republican cause.
The Sioux
The opinion is that in duo time tl
bill providing for the opening of tl
Sioux reservation will receive tl
requisite number of signatures , no
withstanding the hostility to the mea
uro thus far manifested. It is foun
that there is much loss opposition i
the lower agencies than at Standin
Hock , and It is loss unreasoning. As
mutter of fact a great deal of the oppi
sition shown is not serious. To a coi
sidprablo extent it is simply in coi
formlty with the Indian habit of fanl
finding and obstruction , which has i
motive in a desire to bo bought. The It
dlau nature is not so different from tin
of the white man that it will not tali
advantage of an unusual opportunit ;
such as the Sioux believe is prosontc
to thorn in the pending negotiations.
Still there has boon and isyot a mea
uro of genuine opposition , and sou
tlmo and a good deal of further ofToi
will bo required to overcome it. Tli
squaw men , whoso interest it , is tlinttl :
Indians should remain as they are , hav
boon hard at work , and they have hoc
actively seconded by certain solf-sull
clout philanthropists , who , it is just
said , have been the curse i
the Indians for more than
generation. This combination , ' a
cording to trustworthy reports , In
been most aggressively busy in polsoi
ing the minda of the Indians again
the proposed arrangement , and wil
what degree of success the situation
this time amply attests. But there ai
indications that these marplots nro no
losing ground , and once the Indiai
begin to manifest distrust of them :
considerable numbers it will not bo di
Hcult to bring over the whole bed ,
The statement is that the moro intoll
gent Indians are doing their best ft
the treaty , and it is believed to bo
practical certainty that when thotrlb , <
have discussed It to thulr an
isfaction , and this they hai
an unquestionable right to do , ni :
when they find they have received n
the concessions they can hope for , the
will sign the treaty almost unanimous !
The pity is that the falsa friends of the
iidiuna , whoso motives tire wholly self-
sh , should have so great an inlluuuco
\\lth them.
Atmossliig OlUuuholdorH.
Mr. George William Curtis Is consist-
out in condemning tlio action of the
lomocrutlo stnto committees of Ohio ,
tlassaohusollH , and other states in sond-
ng out circulars to federal officeholders
calling for assessments , but what fusti-
Ication can ho offer for supporting an
idmlnislratlon that allows this to bo
done ?
It Is true thcso circulars do not do-
naud contriouUons. They ars slmplj
suggestive. But who doe1 } not under'
Bland thut they are practically as coercive
is if tholr language was mandatory'
They bear upon tholr faces the argumeni
, lmt , being stipendiaries of the
administration , thoao who get them arc
expected to support the administration
Inancially as well as otherwise. If the
administration is sincere In Us civil ser
vice reform professions Us manifest
duty is to publicly and distinctly dis
countenance this method of blooding
Llio federal officeholders for campaign
Out the administration will do noth
ing of tlio kind. The sentiment that
controls It was fully expressed In Dai
Lament's explanation of Cleveland' )
contribution , and the oxnmplo thus
sot by the president hlmsoll
every stipendiary of the ad
ministration is expected to emu
lato. The average pollticiai
will porhnp * find no fault with tills , but
it is not easy to see how the virtuous
mugwump reformer can conscientiou.-tlj
vote for a man and a party that thu
violates a cardinal principle of elvi
service reform.
Tim recent inquiry made by congress
with respect to the amount of money be
longing to the government in the hand :
of the banks brought out some valuable
facts. Two hundred and nlnoty-foui
national banks during the year 183' '
wore made depositories for govornmon
funds , the amount of which , as roportoi
to congress , exceeded sixty millions , i ;
lieu for which the United Slates troaa
uror hold as security fifty-six millions o
government bonds. Formerly no banl
was permitted to hold at ono time mor
than 3500,000 of those deposits but under
dor the now rules of October , 1887" , tin
limit was extended. The cause of thi
leniency regarding deposits was duo t
the money strlngonesy in the market las
autumn. To relieve this pressure Secretary
rotary Fairchilel was led to put thcs
sixty millions into circulation throng !
the banks , taking their govornmon
bonds as security. Tlio holding of treas
ury deposits by national banks is by n
means a now feature in our govern
mont's financial dealings. Since 183
national banks have had in their lcooi )
ing at ono time or other govornmen
deposits varying from six to sixty mil
lions. During the refunding operation
of 1878-9 under Secretary Sherman
however , tlio banks hold funds belong
ing to the government to an amount ay
grcgating throe hundred anel thirl
millions. How far the govornmen
shall go in making national banks it
depository is a elobatablo question an
ono upon which congress will bo calle
sooner or later to pass careful
COUNT MITKIKWIC/ , who is thoi
oughly informed as to China , is reporto
to scout the idea that China has re
jootod the now treaty with Americf
In his opinion China favors the treat
restricting the emigration of Chinos
to the United States because China doe
not favor emigration. For that reaso
China would accept the treaty , sine
it would affect English interests i
Hong Kong aiid Canton ami not its owi
The attitude of confrroB'iOn the Chines
question has boon taken advantage (
by the English to further their ow
ends. It is evidently an English trie
to spread abroad the rumor that Chin
rejected the treaty with the view thn
hostile legislation would shako tli
friendly relations holwcon China an
the Unitdd States. This would allo
the British to take away the Chines
trade from this country , and to kill th
project of buileiing American railroad
in that empire. Should it turn out 1
bo true that China has not rejected th
treaty , the suspicions of British intoi
foronco in our relations with Chin
would bo strongly confirmed.
Ai/ntouou there is diHappnlntmor
over the wheat crop on which grot
hopes wore built earlier in the season
there need bo no such apprehension re
garding the yield of corn. During th
past two weeks the corn crop of th
country has passed out of the danger e
being nipped by frost. It may bo safol
assorted that fully two thirds of th
yield is now out of peril. The rest e
the crop is rapidly passing into thi
stage where frost or insects ca
affect but little the drying husks
The returns from Nebraska , Kansas
Iowa nnd Illinois are highly oncourag
ing. The average condition of corn , a
reported by the national department e
agriculture , for September 1 , througl
out the country , is 01.2 , and in seven c
the great corn producing states th
average condition is 95 as compared wit
04 at the corresponding time last yoai
Such another autumn as the prcson
season has not boon experienced fo
years. It can bo aptly described n
"corn-woathor , " being cool , wit
bright , warm days. And the farmer
may well rojolco at the plontoon
bounty which ho is promised.
MOIIQAX CIIANK , who is trying to 11
his political kite in Loup county , wil
find out that the old thing wobble
badly. Traitor Crane can't use th
people of his district as a tail for hi
soaring aspirations.
Oranil Island Independent : Direct rogi
lation of rates by the next legislature shoul
bo the Issue in the campaigu , and then tli
railroads will have leas Interest in buy in
state officers.
SUnoy Telegraphs Congressman McShan
will accept the nomination for Govurnoi
Still the people of the xtato will have soon
thing to say and McShuno knows exact !
how they will suy it.
Ncraabu Granger : The 'democrats <
Omnha declared that they would not wen
uniforms irf.ido'by convicts' . That's right ,
boy * , nnd be airoful that you do not wear
uniforms made for convicts.
Nebraska Ulty Press ! Mr. McShnno has
informally ttiicopteil the nomination for &eiv-
crnor. Mr. Strootcr has slt-Hlli'd that he
will "stand" for the prosUdoncy. Kacli
Simula about art equal sheiw.
Ashland Gnzelto : John A. MeShano has
formally accepted the domocratio nomination
for governor , arid during the campaign will
run for governor ubd United States senator
ut the same tlmi , aud in all probability will
run himself Iut6 the ground.
Nebraska Laborer : Wo have long been
regaled with dissertations on the moral
wickedness of the boycott when wielded bj
labor organlratlotis , but wo notice It has i
different aspect when recommended by th (
chief m.iRlstrato of a great nation.
Hcntrlco Kopubllran : The republican leg
islative ticket ot Gage county is composed 01
men who cannot bo wheedled or bribed bj
the railroads Into any measure that would he
detrimental to shippers or producing olasses ,
They are men who jiro In close sympatlij
with the people , ami who will stand by the !
Wayne Herald : The nomination of Me
Shuno for governor will lot him down muel
easier than a renomtnatlon for congros
would have done , ami suvo him cousiderabl
money. There Is no possihle ehauco of hi
election , but ui the louder of a forlorn hope will be less humiliating than a failure
uro to secure a ro election from the First dls
IMalr i Hon. .T. A. McShan- -
will fiuel his campaign for the gubernatorin
chair lu ting state an exceedingly rocky roai
to travel. Ho is possessed of the mos
important requisite to sucorst from the hour
bon standpoint plenty of money but gran
him that and the aid of the third party ti
boot and he won't leave a grease spot 01
the assured republican majority for Govcrno
Greoloy News : The democrats and thi
railroads uro putting forth every effort to defeat
feat William Lceso for attorney general
That tool of "monopoly , " Munger , is striv
ing hard for the place , nnd ho would bo
sad commentary on tun pjoplo's rog ard fo
the daring services of Loose to defeat him
Leeso has proven himself the people's frient
and it' railroad power onuses his defeat i
will bo cause for mueh regret.
Wayne Gazette : Two years no the ] ral
road organs wore unanimous in saying thai
Van Wyck was politically dead ; now thoj
seem to bo Just as united in endeavoring ti
kill him again. In fact the general seems tc
have as many lives as tlio follow in tlio shau
battle at Norfolk last weak , who w.v
brought In deal from the fluid no low thai
eight times. Uut then the general is used ti
It. His enemies have been singing his doat !
song ever since wo wore a kid.
Corttand Herald : The Omaha Herald say
McShauo will ba elected governor of Nc
brnska. David Butler says that ho will h
elected governor. U'e would like to knoi
how many gdvornors they think it will tak
to run the state of Nebraska , llio repul
llcan party has run the state for upwards c
twenty years with but ono governor at
time , and will continue to do so in the futun
McShauo anjl Htitler need not lese any sloe
over the matter , for John M. Thayer will a
tend to the governor's department. But fo
presumption the. Omaha Herald takes th
McCook Tribune : Democratic gall is ej
cluslvoly carried iu original packages. Built
ing higli on the purchasing power erf Me
Shane's bar'l , they now have the temerity t
claim his election for governor over Thayc
as miito sure. ' Preposterous 1 The claim I
prluia facie evidence of insanity. Wo dii
parago the congressman not. But the sin
pie fact that ho carried the First distrk
over a weak , unpopular man , by 5,003 majoi
ity , when Thayer carried thu district by eve
seven thousand , is hardly sudleiont evident :
of his ability t carry the state. 'Outside c
Omaha ho will but poll his party vote.
Pope Leo , assisted by Abbot Pessuto n
editor , is writing a history of Homo in th
middle ages.
Attorney-General Garland is said to b
spending his time hunting doer at Homin ;
Hill , Arkansas.
General Boulangor has given the munif
cent sum of0 forn"Grand Uoulauger prl/o
for the St. Male regatta.
The Chinese minister to thls ountry i
now in Lima , Peru , and is not expected bac
in Washington until the end of October.
President Cleveland has purchased fron
Mr. Falrwothor , of MoLano , Pa. , eight hoai
of thoroughbred Ayrshire cattle , for whicl
he paid 1,510.
Uuskiu mentions Miss Alexander , Di
Holmes ami Prof. Chillies Eliot Norton a
these who converted his dislike for Amor
cans into something like un affectionate r <
Sidney Dillon received n painful kick o
the thigh Irom his horsu the other day wlill
out riding , at his summer Litchllole
Conn. It is stated that no dangerous result
are feared.
At tlio opening of now waterworks in Lin
crick Bishop O'Dwyor , who has hertolor
been hostile to homo rule , spake strongly i
favor of the measure , and expressed it as hi
opinion that Ireland would speedily obtal
self-govern in cut.
Judge Ilammon of Cincinnati , O. , has n p <
culiar method of reaching his decisions in th
cases presented to him in tlio United State
couit. After a c.iso has heon tried ho retire
to ills library nnd walks around the roon
sometimes for hours , until ho has reached
conclusion. He has worn n track in the cai
pet by his Judicial pcdestrlanibin.
"Ouida" has really bucomo religious. ]
was rumored some time ago that she wn
verging towards repentance , and now it i
learned that she spends her days in rcadin
pious books and making long prayers. Sli
even refuses to associate with worldly pe <
pie. She is not devoted to any special tli
nomination , but seems to bo slowly formin
a cult of her own.
Every Jinn of Tliom u St. Geortce.
I'Mldtieliihin Timet ,
Senators may exercise a little caution i
twistingtho tail of the llrltlsh lion , but who
it comes to defying the Chinese dragon the ;
are all ou hand and eager for the fray ,
Air. GKivoliinil'H Ijottnr ,
Kansas City Journal ( rep. ) : Mr. Clovt
land's letter of acceptance is now puull
property. It is an Indictment of Mr , Clove
land's aduiinistralion. It is au acknowledge
incut that under the management of Mi
Cleveland and ills party managers th
country has b'eem brought to a conditio
which throatovuj a crisis.
Globe-Democrat ( Kop. ) : There is nothin
to bo Biild of the Jotter of acceptance whlc
ha § not already .been snld of the moisago
which it reiterates witout the correction of
single mistake or the improvement of i
single weakness. If ho has noted the pervj
slvo and omphatio popular uprising agalns
his plan of tariff reform , ho lias cloarl ,
failed to derive instruction from it , or to b
warned by it to the advantage of his part
uud himself. Ho is content still to rccom
mend a free trade policy as the best mean
of reducing the surplus revenue , and to urgi
upon the country the allegca duty of surron
doriiiR to foreign nations these benefit1
which have bocn secured by protection , nm
which can bo preserved only by malntaininf
the protective theory.
Chicago Tribune ) ( Hop. ) : The presldon
has now been in oftlco nearly four years an
fails to toll us how the solo issue upon whlcl
ho was elected has progressed U woul
have been interesting for him to have ex
plained why n round bund rex' thousand nlHcc
holders have been turned out ; , why evcrj
postofilco nnd custoui-houo of Importance ) n
the country has boon converted into partlsar
eU'otlonoerlng centers ; why postmasters nm
e-olleotors have boon perniciously active ii
tossing conventions nnd running local poll
tics ; why the employes have been assessed !
why notorious criminals and partisan line
workers have been appointed to ofllco ; whj
the pension bureau and the ( xistal dopartmenl
lias been used ns part of the domocratio ma
ohlnery In dellanco of law ; why the presi
dent himself has personally Interfered In tin
local politics of Now York ; why his nttor
ney general is now trying to break down tin
safeguards which congress 1ms placed nroiiiu
the ballot box ; and why ho himself has con
trlbuted n largo sum of money toward tht
democratic campaign boodle.
Nchrnskn .lot t Inn * .
Stock yards are being built at Crawford.
The "arsenic route" Is carrying off Ulysse1
cauines by tlio score , There is a mad iloj
scare in thu town.
Nebraska Ulty parents nro making a how
on account of another change of text book
in the public schools.
Workmen on the Pluttstnouth sewers ox
hunted an Indian's skull which was burlci
six feet boloiv the surface.
The MerricU County Hcpubllcnn is th
name of n clean ami Intelligent looking pape
Just started at Central City. W. P. Wutsoi
is editor nnd proprietor.
A young man named Craig , living nca
Ulysses , has the "rim" or his hand left. Th
palm was carried away while ho was lioldin
u loaded gun by thn nni/ylo.
The old veterans living near Crawford col
obruto tlio anniversary of tlio battle of Antic
tain September 17 , with u picnic , camp llr
and dance. General Brlsbin will bo on him
and give them u talk.
A Utlca man named Cobb Htolo n team se\
oral weeks ago and made his e-scape. Tli
ofllct'rs kept au eye on the thief's best glr
nnd have Just been rewarded by catuhin
him while on a visit to her.
Annlu Miller , a seven-year-old girl llvin
near Crawford , was thrown by an nnru !
broncho last week and dragged over half
mile with her foot caught in the stirrup c
the saddle. The little girl's face was hoi
ribly mangled , but shu will live.
Jacob Hellville , a farmer living betwcu
Whitney and Chudron , is said to have poll
onod Homo of his watermelons as agunrante
against thieves. The Crawford Crcson
wants thu mutter investigated , and says thn
if the report bo true Bollvillo would bo a dis
grace to a coat of tar and feathers au
should bo chased out of the country by bleu
G. W. Klrfmnn , a Sarpy county farmci
solu his crops , stock and furniture nt n sat
rilico last week to accept the offer of a U :
crutivo job made by a Hlick individual wh
claimed to own a stock farm in Kansas. Tli
money from the sale , however , was absorbc
in paying ( Clrfnmn's debts , nnd when th
sharper discovered the fact he skipped. H
evidently intended to rob his victim of tli
proceeds of the sale.
The oold water psoplo have cleaned out tli
Logan saloons.
Algona's building records for the year shoi
? 30OiX , ) invested.
The Iowa State Fair receipts arc over $ tl
000 , the largest in the history of the societ :
The povcrnor reappointed L. G. Weld , o
Iowa City , state superintendent of weight
and measures.
Miss Louise Sownoborgor was attacked b
a highwayman on the streets of Dubuiiuoun
robbed of her purse.
Actual count showed that over 5,000 pee
plo passed through the state library during
single day last weoic.
Davenport ministers will hold union re
vival services in November , with an emincn
evangelist from the cast to conduct the mcei
i Italians nro employed in city worknt Siou
City , anil in reply to the general kick tli
contractors aver a shortage of American h
The Des Moincs Electric Railway coinpan
commenced .setting poles last Monday. Tli
company expects to have cars running b
October IS.
Postville is getting an unenviable reputn
tion for burglaries. They como poriodicall
and almost regularly , and the lapse of tim
between them is shortening up.
A pleasing incident of the Maple Grov
church dedication at Murshalltown is the
every member of the board of trustees an
the minister who performed the dedicator
rites had served as soldiers in the unio
army during the war.
A gigantic wheat trust is gradually boin
brought to n focus at Fargo.
Mitchell university is now almost frco c
debt , while last year it was nearly $30,000 i
the hole.
The M. E. church at Armour is the rcc ! [
lent of a check for $100 from P. D. Arinoui
of Chicago.
Pierre will vote October 1 on the qucstio
of bonding the town in the sum of $7,000 fc
the purpose of building two school houses.
A. McBam , of Fargo , offered the director
of the north Dakota fair 81,000 for the privilege
lego of running a wheel of fortune , but WH
Tlio James Klvcr Baptist association hn
closed its third annual meeting at Aberdcet
Four now churches were received into th
Tlio W. U. T. U. in session at Farpo hn
decided to establish and maintain heat
quartern at Bismarck during the session c
thu legislature.
The Rapid City Republican says : Th
frontiersmen who have long been fainiliu
with the reservation and its resources Imv
invariably insisted upon llio existence of liu
veins of coal on the rriervation. People wh
have crossed it from time to time state tim
they have found indications that this mi
torial Is there in largo quantities Froi
time to lime parties haVu prospected on th
reservation for coal and have returned t
this city with good reports of thuir exploni
tions. A gt ntlouiau who CMHO up toll ,
city a fuw days ago from that set
tion ftay.s that ho has found a largo body o
coal of what ho beliovoi to bo a supoiio
quality anil oxprcts to lake possession of it i
the reserve is oprned. The value of coal dt
posits in the eastern vitinagu of Rapid Cit
cannot bo overestimated. The llrst railroad
to the city will In all probability bo from th
east , anil if they will bring cheap coal to it
doui-H the mining problems of the section wil
lind ready solution. H Is now apparent tha
the only thing nco.lful to bring out. th
wealth of the Hills and make it attractive t
capital in cheap fuel and coke. But th
United States government has virtually lof
the whole matter to the option of the Siou :
Indians. _
How u DultPtl Stiiloa Marshal Got i
llnilrnntl I'nst I'orOhaiios Crocker.
The death of Charles Crocker of tin
Central Paciflo railroad esalls to mini
an incident thathappenoil when Chniie
1. Lammon was United States mar-jha
for Nevada , about the year 187-1 , say :
the Virginia Enterprise. Lammon , it
his oillcial capacity , had served four 01
five subpcurfas on as many persons In i
suit of tlio Central Pacific versus Mars
ilun , ot ill. The suit was for possossioi
of water rights. The persons horvee
lived on the line of the Contra ! Pacific
between Verdi and Ilnmboldt station
and a car was furnished the aforesaid
marshal while making the services
talcing but portion of t\vo ; days te
transact the business. Lninmon's bill
wont Into the company for t815. whioli
after quite a wrangle was paid. The
joke of this article came in when Lam
mon soon after presented himself In the
private ottlco of Mr. Crocker , asking
that his wlfo bo added to his
yearly pass , in compensation of his
faithful services to llio company and hi :
endeavors In its behalf. After ho had
taken his scat and stated his case , Mr ,
Crocker looked him square In the face
and said : "Lammon. are you the mar
shal who has just boon paid $ S15 for t\yi
days' work quadruple the amount you
had a right to charge undo ? the law-
mid now have the cheek Jo ask for i
for your wlfo over thu road ? '
George said yes without a blush. "Well ,
sir , " said Mr. Croeikor , "you cannot got
it , and besides , I feel like taking your
own pa > w away from you. " Lanunon
then Haiti : "I have ciilloti to gut It , and
1 don't in tone ! to leave IhlH otllco until
you add her name to the pass. " "I will
call the colored gentleman who attends
to the ofllco turn have you summarily
ejected , " wild Mr. Crockor. "Thero
inti'l a nigger on the coast who could
put ono side of mo out of these rooms , "
bald Lammon. Crocker Immediately
picked up his pen , added "family" tti
tlio pass , baying ns ho did so ! "Mr.
Lnmmon , in consideration of your abil
ity and the immensity of your gall , 1
grant you all you ask , and moro , too
call again when that runs out. " Lam-
nion cleverly thanked him , bade him
good day , nnd tool : his departure.
The Lniiil of tlio Ijcittis Mniiana
American IntcrCHtH.
Kl Paso , a city old aud yet now , once
nn Important trading post , since the
pass offered the best communication
between Mexico aud the country nortli
of the Hlo Grande. Wo found hero an
International street car line , atTordini ;
easy and cheap passage between Amer
ican Kl 1'nso anel the old Mexican city
Paso del Norte. On our trip througl :
Now Mexico wo have made the acquain
tance of the primitive adobe houses and
their swarthy occupants ; yet , after we
have missed the Ulo Grande , wo too
that wo are in alien country ; alien , mil
only because wo have loft the stars nnd
stripes behind us and hoe the Moxicai :
tricolor waving over public buildings
but bee'iuise the language , manners
customs , all nro distinctly foreign. The
depot of the Moxie-an Central railroad ,
though built of adobe , and the cars are
the only objects reminding us that we
are still in the nineteenth century bul
take a look around at obioe-tsanimate 01
inanimate , mm they will remind you ol
bygone centuries. Look at that primi
tive oxcart ; its rude two wheels would
seem to fall apart at the llrt motion :
the yoke , too , is such as wo have road ol
in the middle ages. The driver standing
lintlcBHly by his sleepy teams , geeini
satisfied to wait for work , oven thougl
it should never como. Tlio emblem o
stupidity , which should bo rather the
omulein of patience and frugality , the
donkey , is well represented , lloro car
rying a load of wood , tlioro some bun
dies of charcoal and occasionally munch
ing sonio olTal with wh'ich the
streets are plentifully sprinkled , those
animals are in roalitv tlio best friend ;
llio poorer class of Mexicans have
Not much Is needed , It seems , to make
a living. There is a stalwart fellow , in
the prime of life , squatting down be
hind a diminutive table on which is hi :
stock in trade , live buns , representing t
value of perhaps ton con Us. Instead ol
employing his time ho is satisfied if he
can make his daily tortillas , without OX'
exerting himself. The hood of the
women , the wrapper with which tl
hide their features , it is all foreign , all
alien to us.
It cannot bo the airfor that is bracing
enough , it must bo something in the
the rnce itBolf , which accounts for the
indifference ) to progress , the quiota tier
movoro , which IH apparent everywhere ,
It cannot bo called laxinoss for that ii
moro an acquired habit ; it seems almosl
as if the whole Mexican race had boot
fed on the lotus plant. Order home
wort ; done and the answer will bo
Mamma { from mah-nyah-nah ) to-mor
row. The old saying seems to road in
Mexican , never do to-day what you can
dei to-morrow. Throughout Mexico wei
will ilnd ample evidence that our south
ern neighbors fully believe that.
Wo are the same that our fathers
have boon. Mexico is a rich country
Its natural resources , agricultural ai
well as mineral , cannot bo surpassoel ,
Notwithstanding the immense amount
of precious metals taken from its miiiet
for hundreds of years , the states o
Sinnlon , Chihuahua nnd Durango yield
still vast quantities. With all this the
people are poor , or what wo would con
sider wretchedly poor. Their houses
of the simplest material , are almost entirely
tiroly without furniture ; their food is
of the simplest , beans or the flour ol
beans forming the staple : but in the
simplicity of their wants they know nc
bettor and ask no moro.
There is a great influx of American !
into Mexico , and the government ol
President Diaz seems to encourage
American enterprise. But now , the
question arlhos , if the extreme liberal
ity with which our capitalists arc
treated will not give rise to political
complications of which it is dilllcult to
forohoo the end. Wo refer especially le
theSmmonsooonccBsionsof land granted
to Americans. Take , for instance , the
International company , of Hartford
Conn. This corporation obtained r
grant , of 18,000,000 acres in Lower Cali
fornia and another largo grant in Las
Palomns , in the northern part of MexIco -
Ice , boutli of Doming. Aa thcso im
mense territories nro obtained without
any or nt the merest nominal considura
tion , the now owners offer great induce
ments to settlers , but this immigration
upon which the native looks now witli
apathy , is likely to drive him to the
wall and produce feelings of aversion ,
which may lind their expression in
deeds rasher than words.
Ijil'o DII Hit ) I'ralrlo.
The most iutorobting'partof Mr. Tod'f
book deals with tlio'pralrlu nnd prairie-
farming , hays the Chicago Mail. Here
is a''bit describing one sort of prairie
lifoWhon tlioro are no wives and sihtord
on the "lot" the inaidos ( if the houses
are neither tidy or tempting. I asked
ono Bottler who had boon "batching
it"ns this Hfo Is called , for eomo years
how of ton ho washed tlio dishes.
"About once a month in the munmo r
simbou , " was the reply. "I take thorn
to a 'slew , ' andafter rinsing themgive
them a geiotl rub with prairie grass. "
"How do you got on with Iho cook-
"Well , so-so. It was hot work In sum
mer after a hard day's work. I got a
barrel of s > ea biscuits ; sometimes on
Sunday I tried to cook a fowl , but it
somehow didn't como right. "
"Whatabout the spring cleaning1" !
"Tho what'/1 Haiti lie in surprise.
"Tliocleaning of the houso. "
"Well , I guens that tno dog'fl tail did
the most of that. Sometimes I took a
a broom , but it made moro dust than be
fore. "
"And the clothes-washing'/ "
"Tho rain did a good deal : I HOIIIO-
timus gave some of them a swtll in the
croolc , but they became too llttlo for mo
afterward. "
"Did you over try starching or iron-
This provoked a great laugh.
"Ironing1/ Shirt collars are unknown
on the prairio. I think I have a few
bomowhoro , but where I have no no
tion. Ironing'Starching' / Ila , ha , ha ,
ha !
I was , however , told that a man con
sidered himself entitled to take a wife
if ho had a luam , a dollar to pay the
parson , not nocobsarily u wagon , al
though that looked bettor for the home
The experiments with the electrical
motor on the Brooklyn City railroad
have proved M ) bucccsdful that the pubr
Ho trial trip will bo made to Fort Ham
ilton In a few days.
Drink Mal'.o , > ccntc.i bottla.
A Olmptor on Horology TlmtV1I >
Provo Interesting.
Four IIoiii-H OlfToroiioo netwcou San
nnel ( h < < HnHtcrn Const
of Maine.
AH iiuwmrcme'iit of tlmo Is wholly nrbltary
nits rlmrnctcir , bJnnuia the artunl mul thwt
four clooSs iiqrco only ns to Iticnl time on four
dnyn ! n till'yi'uApril 13 , Juno 11 , August Ul
nnd December -i. Thl-i applies equally to nil
local Rtnn lards usul la tills country. Tlio
trouhlo to piautlrnl men \VUH tno Tart Unit thuro
was four lmiir.4 tllltortmco bot\u-uu Mui l rnnrld-
conml lliooistrrn portion of Mnlnr. Thumlop-
tloneir both Washington nnil Nowtlilmns tlmo
us aslnglo xtitiuVinl uas open ta the miuio ob
jection. 'Ihnitroat chanuu that would have to
bo miuio t ninkn It If o'clock , noon , In all parts
of tlio country t the HUIIIO tlmo uould sorlous-
ly mliTfrroltti unit rlmm-ii ull old customs
niKlii .iKt > - , In | " ) , 1'riir. Aliln y MiRKeftt d tlio
adoption ot four tlmo bolls for UMI In thin coun
try , bmrdon tlio 7. ' , It ) . Jir > and ttJilrKnw of
lonqluuU' . 'Ihurovtuto lie Ja t oiui lu > urn tilt-
frroiice In clocKtlmo b Uvoim riirh tuo ot thcsit
point : ) , 'llio i-lmiiKO niUKod but unlniportiint
tllffore'iicps anywhere , mvo In p'acpavhme two
belts nit'et , mid then In pnsxliif ; fioin one bolt
to niiuthcr , there is just one liouis dliruiunco In
Mim < . Theplun Jt tin- simplest midmost con-
Vt'ulont Hint can bo dniRod. .
Tlio curly history of clocki aud wntclios Is n-
volopeilInsomuch olncmlty that Itonld bi >
almost InimHslblu tt > point out any Individual
who could with propriety beruileil the lurrntor.
Striking clockH wore known In Italy na o irly un
tholatte-rpnrtof iht > 13th or tha ImginnliiK ot
the 14th century. 'I ho middle e > r the mil ecu.
tnty hoomxtobo Iho tlmo which wlfoids the lint
rortalu evidence of thn exlxlenct * of What would
bo now called a clock or rexulntoil horoloKlcal
machine. The first clot-k nt llologim was flxetl
up In 1SIV1. Conniilua DasypodtU' ) ( 'lvo.t an ac
count of a clock ncted at Slrasburi ? . about
li'rOI. I.i'liniiiim Infornii'H us Unit there was a
clock tit yplro In MM. Vrnlco hud < mo lu 1W7.
The conclusion to bo drawn from thn evhlonra
hPi-u adduced Is tlmt a Wi 11 roRtilntod horologl-
cal imicliluo b uolthur ot HO undent a datu an
NOIIIO writers nuppoa , nor crt thu moro recent
Invention of thu lust two centurcs and that the
Inventor Is not certainly known. So imimirotis
liavubopn the novelles ! In tlio clock mul watch
iiinuufa turo within the last few yuan tlmt tlio
burn inunu > nitlon of tno nuimi ? of tlio Inventors
would occupy a considerable space.
Aliionu thn nmuy * > xpptt wntr . . .
Ouuilia Is nue , Mr. l' . M. liover. who when Inter
viewed worked nt lil.s business nt the Jnwelry
fltoro No'tl South llllli street. Mr. lloycr l.s n
native of Uunmuik , antl cittno to tlda city from
tlloin ulunit tlirou yours n o , lit ) MIVS :
"I llrst noticed tlieroas MimuthliiB the mat
ter with mo when I was about 15 j OHM old , aud
It continued to Krow worse until It became al
most unljcnrublo. My head utjhcd mo and I
hud tlio most oxcruclntliiK pains over my eyCs ?
my oycs were wixterjr mid nrowluf ? weak ; my
uosovns continually Htopped up , one Hide ,
tlion tlie other , and In thn morntnu 1 cnuld blow
dry. linrtl scabs from It. I had a continual
dropping In tun back part of my throat , which
caused nu unpleasant hawking nnd splttliiK uud
caused my throat to bo quite Bore most of the
tlmo ; my lungs \uro corn and I laid un awful
tightness on my client , mukliiK It ilillluilt , for
inn to breathe at times , particularly WHH this
noticeably nt night when I would retire : I
would often have to Rut up uud sit In a chair BO
as to bo able to bveatlio ; this of course would
cnuNO mo to net but llttlo Bleep aud muko mo
unlit , for active work tlio next tiny. 1 was both *
ure'rt considerably with my xtomuch , too , nnd to
make a long story short t was about as mist r-
abl n sullcier from cattirrh ns can be lound. I
rend the advertisements of Dr. O. > I. Jordan
In thu datly pipers nnd found the symptoms
there do-strlbed to lit my case BO well that I
called ou him and wus examined , anil ho told
mo tlmt it was catarrh and tlmt I lind BOIHO
polypus tumors growing In my uofte tlmt would
huvo to bo removed. Ho removed them , aml4
the treatment he gave inn KOOII brouaht m'i out
n well man. I treated for three months n d my
nose anil head Is clear. No moro houduches , not
iiioio pain aver the moro sore throat
nor hawking and spitting , nnd when I retire nt
night It Is tou good nnd rofrcsttr IB sleep , ami I
do not have to pet up to beablo t wreathe. What
bothoi-H mo now Is tlmt there are so ninny people
ple In this city , ono net-s them every ilav on the
btreetM , who can not say they huva hranl their
natural volco for a long tlmo. who have not hnd
n good nlcht's rest for mouths , nnd who nro in
perpetual niltcry , nil owing to n chronic case ot
cntnrrh , but there Is uo necessity for tmcU
thlng'i ns long us there Is a doctor who-
cnn nnd will euro It , aud do It cheaply , too , I
was surprised nt the cost of Ills treatment. 1
hud supposed tlmt It would cost quite a Hum of
money and that I would have to lay olt from
work , but 1 was agreeably disappointed as It
cost but a nominal sum , nnd I did not losu a
ddvfrom my usual occupation.
The following me the symptoms read by Mr.
Itnyer and which convinced htm tlmt lie had ca
tarrh. Koiid them , If so , thcu yon too have ca-
The nctfuiiing nntl Proem's oi'n IMa- '
C.TSO Ht > Common In tills Climate.
A Few Symptoms of Dlsnnso Tlmt
May Prove HerloiiH to You.
Do you have frequent ( Its of mental deproj
Do you experience ringing or buzzing noluos
In vour t-arsf
lo ) yon feel an though you must sullocato
whoa lying tlow-n ? , . , . , ,
Are you troubled with a hacking cough and
general debility/
Are your eyes generally weal : and watery and
frequently iiillnmoilY , , , , . , '
Dooi your volco huvo a hnsk , thick sound and
a nasal fort of twang ?
isjon breutli frequently ollonslvo from unmo 4
unaccountable cause ?
Have you a dull , oppressive headache , geucr- '
ally located over the eyes/
lo you huvo to IIUWK and cough frequently la
the el'tort to clour your throat ?
Are you losing your nen n of suioll and It
your sense of tusto becoming dulled ?
Does your IUIMJ alw.iyn feel htoppoil up , forc
ing you to lu-oatlie through your mouth ?
Do you frequently feel illzzy. p irtlculnrly
when stooping to pick anything oir thu llooiv
Dooa o\vry little draft of ilr and every slight
chaugo of temporal urn Klvo you a com ?
Are yon annoyed by ucoimtuntilcilio to Imwl ;
fplt out an endless quantity ot phlegm I
Do you rifco from bmlnstiieil and weak as you
woiotho nght before and feel as though you
wanted to lie there forever/
Is vmirtliroat Illled with phlegm In the morn-
Ing. which cun only bo tlHchurgeil after violent '
couching and haw king anil
Do oc-asioimlly wako tiiini n troubled
nleop you with u Murt and feel as If you had Just
e-caneil n horrluloiloath by choking ?
Huvo you lost all Interest. In yo ir callln'for
buslines or former pIcn'UiniB.nd ambition gene ,
nud < lo you fuel Imllirorunt hethor to morrow
llmis YOU ttllve or ( load/
Are' you troubled with a discharge from the
huud into , homotlmut wueiy and o-xcea- ,
slve , honiotlmoi mucus , llilck , xtuklna to whatever -
over it touches , siiinetlnHH bloody , uud neaily
always putrid unit oirenslv o/
Tlie abovn am some .f the ninny symptom
ofcuturrlinml the boilnnlu of lung troubles.
Not one case In ii hundred will IIUVB ull of them ,
but dverr ono afflicted will Jinvo a few or many
of them. The greater or more serious your.
symptoms , thn mom duiiRorous your condition.
Till * class of dlsfasols tioaUrt verytmccojHfully
by Dr. Mcl'oy or his assoc-latus. The nriiiy
cases reported througn the columns of tim dally
papers proves this , and each statement pub
lished 1" substantially the name ns given by thu
patient cuioil. Dr. Slct'oy and Ills ushocl.itoa
use no secret nostrums , tint euro disease by
Ihulr skillful cnmolntilloii of the Im-it known
feme lies , applied In the most approved man
ner , and by inlng the latest anil most lilghlj
rocommondoil npplluaces Vnown to the profcs
oloii. TheV thus pioduoii result i tlmt spunl- ,
for thumtvlves la the many pntlnnti cure. I , am'
we uxHiiru our rt-ud'-r-i ' tlmi these eminent plij
ntelnns hav achieved a success In curing dls
eata which few or no olhor doctors cun dupll
( Late of Ilellevue irospitHl.Kow Voik. )
SiiWieiloa by
( Latwof the I'nlvorslty of New Yorfe City nni f
llowurd University , Washington , It , V ,
No. 01O and 311 Rnra o Bulletins
Comer Klfttonth anil Harney HIS , , OmuLa , Neb-
where all cnrnblu caso.s uro treated
with Mircoss.
Note Dr. Charles M. Jordan 1ms bson resi.
ilont physlclun for | > r. JlcCoy , In Omaha , toy
thu pant year and IH tim pliyelrlan who hat <
mane tlio cures that have been uuhllolica
weekly iuthli paper.
Mt-illcui dlseufux treated kklllf ully. Cnnsuuip.
lion , llrlEht'H ills aKH , Dyspepsia , ItheiiiimtUm ,
and all h KH VOUS DIHI'.Abl l. All elUeatMrn pa
CONHlfl/r.VTJON at olllco or by mall , Jl.
, i iiuiioiMo
fortho a unkbln to nnike n Journey t obtain