Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Many Things Contribute to u Strong
Pooling In Wheat
Onls Quiet Hiu Steady Moderate
Trndinu In tlio 1'rovlninn 1'lt Con
tinued Activity In Cattle MOKS
Fair Quotations.
Cmctno , Sept. 12. [ Special Talogrnm to
THE UKI : . ) The wheat bulls had mi Inning
In wheat to-day. It didn't ' begin at the
opening , but It lusted nearly all the session.
At the start there was a great amount of
wheat for sale , for the outsldo as well as
local speculative- account , St. Louis and
Now York being especially anxious to soil
before the marltot had uchanco to decline
further. They wcro accommodated. De
cember wheat sold In great blocks from Wy
to WJ/L- , and the price did not stop advano-
inj- until it reached OlJ c. A great many
bulls who had been waiting to get in on the
break got In In the morning. The 5o break
brought In a world of buying orders fiom
uvcry direction. There was a largo in
fusion of new blood and accompanying en
thusiasm. Market cables were dull and gen
erally easier In tone , but never
theless , several sensational Items of
foreign news were sprung whleh had
considerable influence In stimulating the bull
spirit. The first ot these was u cable esti
mating European necessities , over and above
nil possible supplies , at 141 > , OJO,000 bushels.
'Xho next was a dispatch that the French
crop shortage was oflicially admitted to bo
115,000,000 bushels. The third was another
report to the effect that the "thinking" the
French government was credited with In
dulging in yesterday had berne fruit to-day
in a presidential recommendation to the
chamber of deputies for a rebate duty engrain
grain in view of the crop calamity. The au
thority to do this is vested in the president
of the republic , hut the responsibility of such
an act Ib probably more than a discreet exec
utive would care to assume. The last report
was not confirmed , but there is nothing im
probable about it , and the French will proba
bly come to it sooner or later any way. This
conviction may account for the frequent re
iteration of late of the stories of
contemplated action In that direction
by that government. Then again there was
n revival of bad news from the northwest.
Iakotn , Minnesota and Manitoba were vis
ited by severe frosts last night. If Ihero is
anything left there that can bo hurt it went
lastnitrht , the temperature at some points
being 10 ° and 12 ° below freezing. The har
vest returns from the northern part of the
spring wheat country are not as favorable as
recent bulletins promised. On the other
band very little wheat is being shipped from
the seaooard and cynics are "ringing the
bell" on the oft repeated explanation that
the export movement has been checked by
high ocean freights. It U not denied that
ocean freights are high , but the other part of
the explanation is not quite satisfying to the
souls of doubters. Hut to resume the recital
of price variations : December wheat , paused
nwliilo around ! ) lj < ' fi' and sold oft u little , hut it
started off towiml'lfcJc at a gallop. It touched
that price several times anil worked
back to Oljfo as often. The
ratine the hist half of the session
was given at UlK@'l'-'c. Tlio ruling tone of
the market VMS strong. From the moment
the upturn commenced buying was of a good ,
substantial character , and contldcnco was ro-
ptorcd to tlio bulls very easily. It is under
stood that several leading local operators ,
who have been conspicuous raiders from
W } o down , covered yesterday afternoon and
this morning , mid went the oilier way.
Hutchlnson was again buying on n liberal
scale. Indeed , the whole floor sentiment
bccnm to have undergone n marked change.
Hccelpts of winter wheat continue to fall off
nnd spring wheat receipts to increase. The
range on May wheat was M@0(1KC. ( and the 1
o'clock range records an improvement of Ic
over yesterday.
The corn market was fairly active for near
futures , and tolerubli llrm and steady , clos
ing with No. ! ! and No. 2 yellow a shade
better than yesterday , and low grades also
firm. Seller September closed about % c
better than last night , and October about Jjc
better. Long futures wore firm with May
about % c higher. The cash demand con
tinues brisk and the reduction of lie per 100
Ibs in rail freights has had n strengthening
influence on cash grain. Business In near
futures was active but without any new
feature , while long futures were also rather
lirm. The whole fluctuation In October was
only Jtfo , and in May jtfc.
Oats were quiet , and whlla the aggregate
business recorded only moderate , there
was a general firmness characterizing the
trade. As was anticipated , receipts were
rather light , and under light demand from a
few shorts who wore covering , near futures
ruled J < @ 'fc higher. Deliveries beyond
October were dull until May was reached , In
which there was fair trading at substantially
unchanged prices within ranges of 2j @
! ! $ } { ( ! . Cash oats on the regular market were
quiet but about } o higher at 24 > < c for No. 2
In store , with fair business noted in the sum-
plo market.
At the morning provision call cnlcs were
0,250 barrels of pork , li5U ! tii'rccs of lord and
liiO.OOO Ibs of short ribs. In the pit the
trading Indulged in was only moderate in
volume. Fair Interest , however , was shown ,
and , though averaging easier , the market
was able to command good support. Fluctu
ations were also confined within a r.ither
limited range. Uascd on last nlnht's ilnal
pnoes , closings at 1 o'clock were unchanged
for October pork , ' @ } fo lower for the dif
ferent deliveries of lard , lOo lower for Oc
tober short ribs , l'J } c lower for November
pork , 7fc lower for January pork , and SJ c
higher for January short ribs.
AFTKIINOON Snssiox. Wheat was irregu
lar and easier. December sold up to 02l& @
K3).fc , olV to 01 * 0 sparingly , closing at
MJf@HJtfe. ! September , UOJjfo ; Oc
tober , iKl p ; November , Die. Corn , quiet
and easy ; October closing about Jfo lower
than at 1 o'clock ; September o ; October ,
45 > ( , c , November , 4'ifc. Oats were in mod
tembor nnil October closed 2 } c easier than
nt 1 o'clock , nnd Junuiuy unchanged ; Sep
tember. ? H.)7) ! ) ) < ; October. $11.37J ; November
f r.l.Uf. Lard strong , anil for October iJJtfo
higher , and for January 2 > o onslcr. Other
deliveries were nominal. September , $ U.li7V ;
October , iO.OT.'J ; November , S0.10. Short
ribs , quirt , steady and without quotable
change ; September , J3.70 ; October , fS.TO.
ctuoAuu JUIVK srooii.
CHICAGO , Sept. 12. ( Special Telegram to
TJIR UEK.I CATTLE Tnulo continues active
and prices remain about the same as for the
past two days. Some salesmen regarded the
tit I general inarknt as "tophcavy , " and claimed
values , especially on westerns , were consid
erably lower , but as an offset also admitted
the quality was not so good us heretofore.
Hut , taken altogether , there was little or no
change in good and useful boot cattle ; that
is , anything shippers or dressed beef operators
Ll . * raters could use. Cow stock and common
natives sold substantially lower , owing to the
big run of Tezans and westerns. Heavy ra-
colpts are nnclclpatod toward the end of the
ivcelt , as the run in Kansas City was re
ported as between T,000 and S,000 , , about
all of which will hare to come
to Chicago to find a market.
The stoclcer and feeder trndo remains
slow , yet there Is a Blight Improvement In the
volume of business as compared with the
past month or so. The receipts included
7,000 Texans and westerns. Choice to extra
beeves. W.IOQO 05 ; medium to good steers ,
1350 to 1600 Ibs , f5.COf3rt.00 ; 1200 to lir.O Ibs ,
K.50S5.40 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs. tfl.POftI 75 ; stock-
cro and feeders , fl.WX33.20 ; cows , hulls nnd
mixed , tl.50(33.10 ( ; bulk- , ti.lSQ-.CO ; Texas
and Indian etoora.O.M ) to 1030 Ibs , f300&4.00 ;
750 to OW Ibs , t'J.5@r.5 ( ! ! ; 000 to 700 Ibs ,
PJ.4WJ3.00 ; cows , J2.0u@2.CO ; western ran-
eer , natives and half breeds. W.N ) 4.7rj
cWs. f3.T5S3.25. Wintered Tcxans , W.OO
liooti Buslnesi opened brUk with price *
about the same as yesterday , but later on
the run developed nn increase of 3,000 to
1,000 over early estimates , hence last nnd
Into sales were IHSlOc lower than at the
opening , especially on ordinary mlxi-d pack
Ing grades. A few fancy heavy sold at
.Cilfl.ti.'i ' , and a load or so of I'hlladelphlas
at $ ( i.70 , but the great bulk of mixed nnd
packing sorts sold within n range of
0. 10 ; light sorts were slow and weak at fO.OO
(3(5.83. ( (
NEW YonK , Sept. 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tim HnB.1 STOCKS There was n strong
opening this morning with a flrm undertone ,
the Vlllards and the Grangers being the feat
ures of the market. London had orders for
about 10,000 shares of uctlvo securities , wlillo
Chicago did but little. Grangers wore tolerably
erably firm , especially St. Paul and North-
western. Hollitis and Coburg wcro good
buyers of the latter. In New England there
was quite a little activity. The report that the
Chicago , Durltngton .t Northern had joined
HIP Northwestern Tralllo association was a
strengthening factor but there was consid
erable selling and values did not advance
much , standing nt 12 o'clock at about opening
figures and , In some instances , slightly
lower. In the latter part of the session the
market was nither dull n largo part of the
time , and little that was of interest devel
oped. St. Paul and Northwestern hold up
pretty well , but by the close most stocks
showed n slight decline as compared with the
llrst figures of the day. Mental speculation
was active regarding the outcome of the St.
Paul meeting and many traders were In
clined to hold off for a time.
CoviiiN'Mi\T3 ! : : Government bonds wcro
dull but firm.
Tlio closing quotations of the stocks were
as follows :
IT. S. 4s rcKtilnr . . .12 < l'i Northern I'.vldc. . . 28 Jf
U.S. Is coupons. . . . 12 M4 do preferred . Oil
II.S.4 > isrcgnlar. inii'i C.N. W
U. S. I'iHrnilpons .10 > tJ do preferred . llHi !
I'aciflc Us of'Id U'l .V. V. Central . 1W
Ontrnl Piiclllo . . . 3i ) l'l\-K ) . 'H'S
Chicago & Alton . .13' ' Hock Island . lltii
Clilcngo.llnrllnyton C. , M.&St. I' . . . . , 7H5
* ( jntncy in do preferred . Ill1 *
I ) . . L. AsW IKIJJ St. 1'aul.V Omaha. . 11
Illinois Central. . . . 130 do preferred . UW
i. , n. .v\v in Union I'.icillc . MS
Kansas A-Toxan. . . 15't W. . St. L. A ; 1 * . If.
I.nkeShoro IM3 do preferred. . . . 5J7i !
.Michigan Central Western Union . MM
Mlssouril'acitlc . . . f,2'i
MONP.Y ox CALL Kasy at li ( < ? 2 per cent ;
closed offered at 2 per cent.
STEUUNO ExciiAxnn Dull but steady nt
f 1.84 % for sixty-day bills , W.SS for demand.
Citic.tno , Sept. 12. Wheat Market
firm ; uasii , OO c ; October , tHc ; November ,
Corn Firm ; cash , 4.c ; October , 455-lGc ;
November , 42e.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2l f ; October , 247-KJc
Hye 5lc.
Hat-ley Nominal.
Prime Timothy ? 1.7o.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Firmer ; cash and October , $14.40.
Lard Steady ; cash and October , * i)5. )
Flour Firm ; winter wheat , SUO@ : .00 ;
spring wheat , $3.75 ® ,30 : ryo. if2.70 ( gJ.OO.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , S7.CJV O)7.73 ) ;
short clear , $9.00 ( 9.23 ; short ribs , $ b.70.
Uuttor-Firm ; creamery , 1552Jc ( ; ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars and
flats. SJtfSSKo ; Young Americas , SK@W -
Eggs Finn at IfiQlGc.
Hides Unchanged. Heavy green salted ,
C ) e ; light green salted , ; salted
bull , 5c ; green palled calf , 0 > i@7c ; dry
Hint , /@Sc ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; branded hides
15 per cent off ; deacons , 20@23o each ; dry
salted , 10@13e.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
@r > J jU ; No. 2 , 4 } o ; cnlto , G } @ 5Jfc ; per Ib.
2UO : close Wheat UneliaiiRed.
Corn-Stcadv ; cash , 45e ; October , 45i c ;
November , 21 ! MGc.
Oats Stonily ; cash , 21Xci October , 24
U-llio ; November , 24c.
Pork Unchanged ; cash and October ,
$14.40 ; November , $14.10.
Lard-'Unehanged ; eash and October ,
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 20,000 2S.O)0 ; )
Wheat bu 159.000 6 ! > , ClU )
Corn , bu STil.OOO 40,000 ; !
Oats , bu 287,000 10(5,000 (
Hye , bu . . . .
Uarlcy , bu . . . .
Now Vork. Sept. 12. Wheat Receipts ,
102,000 ; exports , 24,000 ; spot market un
settled , closing easy No. 3 red , OSO'JSJi'e '
In elevator , 9SJ < cii1.02j/c ( tiiloiit , 99Lc(3M.UO ( (
f. o. b. ; No. a red , Olc ; No. 4 red ,
84o ; ungraded red , 7Sc@fl.02K ; options
opened ? ff ( < JiO lower , reacted und advani'od
l" @li c on manipulation , closed weaker ,
but iidS gc above last night ; No. 2 red , Oc
tober , closed at OSJfc.
Corn Uocoipts , 81,000 ; exports , 117,000 ;
spot omarkct less active butc } higher
and flrm ; No. 2 , 5r > @ 55kc in elevator , f,5K
@Ma afloat , ungraded mixed , 5l@55 * o ;
options ' 4fc higher , moderate business ; Oc
tober closed at Sljtfc.
Oats Ucceipts , 154,000 ; exports , 32 ; spot
market Irregular und less in demand ; mixed
western , 2ll@35e ; white western , 2ji 45c.
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
irregular ; Kales 80,250 bugs , Including Sep
tember. S12.20ftl2.10 ( ; October , 511.S5Gjn.03 ;
November , $11 2o@ll.l5 ; spot Uio about
steady , quiet ; fair cargoes. 815.35.
Petroleum firm nnd quiet ; United closed
at ! > 5o.
Kggs About steady ; western , 17@19c.
Pork In light demand and steady ; mess
$15 25T ( 15.75.
Lard Spot easier and dull ; sales of west
ern steam at $10.35 , closing at $10.8 (1 ( ?
10.35 ; options lower , closing steady ; sales of
Sdptcmber $10.25 ; closing tit SIO.'S.
nutter Firm on froah ; fair demand ;
western creamery , 14 < 33Jc ; western dairy ,
Cheese Dull ; western ,
St. Lioiilrt. Sept 12. Wheat Higher ;
cash , OlJ/c : October , Ol c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 4'J , ' < 2t'iKe ; October ,
Unit's Strong ; cash , 2323 e ; October ,
Pork Firm ; $15.00.
Lard Steady at f 9 G2l { .
Whisky . 14.
nutter Steady ; creamery , 18@20c ; dairy ,
15 ® 17.
Afternoon board Wheat Strong and J @
# c higher early , but fell off. Corn , dull.
Oats , firm ,
Mimioniiollfl , Sept. 12. Wheat Re
ceipts were 220 cars ; shipments , 82 cars.
Sales were effected at n slightly lower range.
Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , In store ,
September , 9Se ; October , 93 , ' c ; on track ,
old , 9yXc' n ° w , 95) o ; No. 1 northern. Sep
tember , Otic ; October , I Oc ; on track ; old , 97c ,
now , 02@93o ; No. 3 northern , September ,
92U'o : October , 02 > $ con track , old , Ole , new
Milwaukee , Sept. 12. Wheat Nervous ;
cash and October , 87s'c ; November ,
Corn-Steady ; No. 3 , 44 c.
Oats Steady ; No. a white , 29c.
Hyo Lower ; No. 1 , 54J < c.
Harley Unsettled ; No. 2 September and
October , 07c.
Provisions Firm.
Pork Cash ana September , $14.40.
Oliiolniintl , Sept. 12. Wheat Easy ;
No. 8 red. 8'Jc.
Corn liaslor ; No. 2 mixed. 4S@50o.
Oats Irregular ; No. 2 mixed , 25c.
Hyo Firmer ; No. 2. 57o.
Whisky Steady at $1.14.
Kariwns City , Sept. 13. Wheat Strong
er ; No. 2 red , cash , 765 0 bid ; October 76)tf )
bid ; No. : l red , cosh , 73cusked ; No. 2 soft ,
cash , sales at S3&S4C.
Corn Qulot ; No. 2 , cash , SC. o bid ; May ,
No. 3 white , cash , sales ut 38o.
Outs No. 2 , cash , 20fo ! bid.
Chicago , Sept. 12. Tlio Drovers' Jour
nal renorta as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 12,000 ; market steady ;
beovcs , ? l5.40in.G5 : steers , $3.50@(1.UO ( ;
stockcrs end feeders. tl.DOSca.20 ; cowh. bulls
and mixed , $1.50 3.10 ; Texas and Indian
cattle , f.J.pO .l'O ; western rangers , $ J.OOij )
4.73.Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; market opened
strong , but closed lOo Inwor , mixed , f5.U5i ( $
0.50 ; heavy. M.15SC.72K ; light ,
skips , | l.00@3.t .
Stieeu Receipts. 6,000 ; markut firmer ;
natives , $ d.75@4.00j western , W.35y.t5 :
, | J.OO < 3y.35i lambs , f3.7W25.85.
Kansas Cltr. Sent. 12. Cuttlo-Ro-
colpts , 7,120 ; shipments , 4,000 ; dressed beef
and shipping steers strong ; grass range weak
and CoflOc lower ; good Texas cows about
steady ; native 6c lower ; good to choice
corn-foil. f5.00 ( < tn,60 : common to medium ,
W.25@l,75 ; stockcrs und feeding steers ,
$ l.GOvii.G'J : grass range steers , $1.00 3.30 ;
cows , $ l.25@.75.
Hops Receipts , 3,000 ; shlmncnts , 1.300 ;
marki't actlro , and 5c higher ; good to
choice , $0.25(30.35 ( ; common to medium , $5.50
Nntlonnl Stock Yards. Knst Ht.
LoulH. Sept. 12. Cattle Receipts , 4,400 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market easy ; choice heavy
native steers , f5.10fu5.75 ; fair to good
native steers , $4.40(55.20 ( ; butchers' steers ,
medium to choice , M.4504 50 ; stockers
and feeders , fair to good , $2.iU : ( < ? : ) . ( > 0 ; rangers ,
corn-fed , $3.COC < ? I.OU ; crass-fed. f'J.20Q..70. )
Hogs Rocelpts. 2,000 ; shipinpnts , 000 ;
market steady ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , ft.50@f.UO ) ) ; packing , medium to
prime , ffUJ@1.5J ) : light grades , ordinary to
best , * 0.20tfU. ( IK.
Wednesday , Sept. 12 , 1SS8.
There was comparatively no change In the
cattle market to note. The supply of good
bof ( ! c.ittlo continues light , nut there was
some ranw cattle here good enough to bring
$ : U'0@I.10. ' The packers also paid ? 4.50 for
ono small bunch of com fed westerns.
Hutchors' stock was not so iictlvo as yester
day , though quite a good many head changed
hands. Tlio prices paid ranged from $1.50 to
8.4(1. ( The frodor market was quiet and only
a few head were sold , the range being i2.l5 ( ( &
3.0. ! ! Taking the market as n whole it would
show about steady prices all through.
There was no change in the hog market
from yesterday. Good heavy und heavy
mixed hogs were wanted by both packers nnd
shippers. Light and light mixed hogs moved
very slowly , no one seeming to want them.
The market was steady and the best hogs
hero sold up to $ i.3U. ! The quality of the
hogs Is improving audit require * much bet
ter hogs to bring the top price than ti week
or two ngo.
The market was largely supplied but orly
ono bunch was reported sold.
Cattlu 000
Hogs 4,400
Sheep 1,400
Prevnllitii ; lrios. (
Thofollowlng is n table of prleas paid In
this maricet for the gr.Uoj of stock men
Pnmestcors. 1300 to 1GOJ Ib3.5.25 (35.50 (
Prime steers. U03 to 1UJJ Ibs. 4.W ) fS > 5.5 ! }
Native feeders 3.00 < a,40 : !
Western feeders 8.75 ( ii.'l.23
Raniro steers , eotn'on to choice 3.00 ( VJI.10
Common to good cows 1.50 ( ic2.50
Choice to fancy cows 8.50 ( H3.00
Corn-fed cows 3.00 @ 3.40
Common to ehoico balls 1.23 M2.03
Fair to cnoico light hogs 0.10 ( U0.25
Fair to clioico heavy heirs 0.40 ( 0.50
Fairto cnoico mixed lious 0.30 ( & 0.40
HeproHiMitativo Said * .
NO. AV. Pr.
1 cow , native 910 $1.50
1 cow 1,130 1.50
Ibull 1,520 l.GO
Icow 1.150 1.75
1 co W 1,050 8.00
24 cows , natives S'.IG 2.U7K
Icow fcOO 2.1(1 (
Gc-ows : & 50 8.5
Icow 1,110 2 85
Scows 1,000 2.85
Icow 1,030 2.25
2 co w s 1,1 n 0 2.85
29 cows , natives S)00 ) 230
10 cows , natives 981 8.0 ! !
10 cows , natives 918 8.40
" 1 cows 874 8.10
5 feeders , natives 9.0 ! 8.115
Isteer 1,180 30J
1 calf 150 3.00
! 3 feeders 'J5J 3.00
4 feeders , natives 1,100 11.15
! J feeders 1,007 3.85
! G feeders , natives 1,018 3.85
llfecJers 1,149 3.30
2 feeders 1,035 3.85
it steers , westerns 1,047 3.75
8 steers , grussnrs 1,179 4.00
35 steers , western corn fed. . . .1,3SG 4.50
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Hooth &Crockor .80 steers 1,31(1 ( $4.10
"Jooth & Crocker. . steers 1,85(1 ( 3.90
: Jooth & Crocker. .17 steers 1,813 3.90
iJooth & Crocker. .3) steers . . .1,30:1 : 3.90
ilooth & Crocker. . 1 steer 1,560 8 85
Uooth & Crocker. . 2 c-cws 1,175 2 75
HootUfc Crocker. . Icow 970 2.75
Hooth & Crocker..8 : { cows t > SS 8.10
No. Av. Shir. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
73. . .188 1GO o75. . . . .241 200 $ (5.30 (
b2. . .214 200 0.20 75. , . 237 320 0.30
71. . .1S9 1GO (1.20 ( 51. , . .313 120 030
OS. . .839 800 0.22M 03. , . .834 40 (1.35 (
GO. . .038 bO 0 2. } 81. , . .849 ISO 0.85
55. . .850 123 ' O'J. . .218 20 } 0.35
70. . .209 1GO 0'.25 01. . .34S ICO (1.35 (
71. . .389 ICO 0.25 r > s. . .273 2-0 (5,35 (
78. . .ICO 800 0.25 70. . .233 240 (1.85 (
72. . .Si ! 200 0.2"i 74. . .22S 200 0.85
G5. . .283 1GJ 0.25 71 ! . . .249 200 0.35
GO. . .8(1(1 ( ( 200 0.25 01. . .35 $ 12J G.35
. . .809 180 0.25 03. . .277 ICO (1.35 (
, . .219 380 0.25 . .251 40 0.40
. . .214 100 0.30 . .281 ICO (1.40 (
. .258 SO 0.30 . .239 KM ) 0.10
, . .231 40 . .252 120 0.40
, . .2-S ! 200 (5 : UI . .2S9 12' ' ) 0.40
, . .841 800 (1.30 ( . .2(59 ( 810 0.42
, . .235 1GO 0.30 (1.45 (
, . .825 1GO (1.30 ( . .27f bO G.50
, . .84(1 ( 800 G.30 . .27'J ' 0.50
. . .870 810 G.3U
No. Av. Pr.
303 westerns. , , .111 $3.3 ;
Pnckcru t'urchatOM.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyer * on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co . . ' 170
Omaha Packing Co . 1,878
J. P. Squires & Co . . 1,873
Highest mid
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past few days , und
for the corresponding parlod in 1SS7 and 18815
| August IhSj.
n ur > i UJ . > 11) )
0 OJ dill .2K 4 K > W > IK 4 4' > & 1 ft' )
Sept. 1SSC. Sept. ltW7. Pept. IRWl.
U ( X ) &a 25 4 hU ® 5 10 4 40 ® 4 5'J !
Sundav. 4 hT. y. 2J 4 30 litl ( M
0 ( Ti &a 'i 6 00 ( So - ' o 4 30 ffl4 71) )
G 10 Q.U ; l71i Sunday , 4 4ri 4 r,7) )
5 ! 0 © 0 371i 5 ID ( tif , 85 Sunday.
H U5 ll 32i ! 5 10 < < & - > : 4 30 < ftm \
0 00 < iW 40 G 10 ffl-i : 4 41 < ttl U >
Sunday. R 15 Gtf 30 4 4U ( kl liS
0 00 fill ) 10 - 40 4 40 Ul ft' .
0 OJ G.O M 5 10 4 40 Ct4 t
U 15 4WJ 60 6 iu 4 DT'.W&I O.i
Ijlvo Stock Notes.
E. L. Thayer , of Hrittaln & Co. , packers a' '
Marsholltown , la. , Is at the yards.
Andy Haas had two loads of cattle on th
market from Herman , which sold nt $4.50.
William Prlestman , Stionandoah , la. , an
A. H. Taylor , Plulnvlew , marketed hogs
$ (5.50.
L. C. Gorham , the well known live stoc
agent of the Rock Island , is in from th
L. G. Todd , West Union , and C. W. GoulO
Atnsworth , wcro among the shippers wh
came in with hogs.
Thomas Wilson , Shenandoah , was In look
Ing over the market. Henry Clem , of the
same place , was also here.
Money Is about as usual , in fair aemand
and wants fully met If the names are satis
factory. Exchange is steady at f I per 1,000.
General trade is improving and the sales of
two months past , whllo In excess of the same
tlmo last year , are likely to bo exceeded in
increase by the gains of September and Oc
tober. Quotations are unchanged. Opinions
are that sugars , oils and fish will bo higher ,
and dried fruits and canned goods of all
kinds , lower. Dry goods nro steady with
a tendency to higher prices. A barbed wire
trust Is In process of formation at Chicago ,
and next year the prices of tills B hi plo will
bo steady and higher. Produce of all kinds
is cheap and the market unsettled.
Proiluco , 1'VultB , Kto.
UUITEII Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 18
@ 21e ; choice country , 10@17c ; eonimou
grades ,
Koos Stnctlv Ircsh , 14 lnccnndlcd.
CAuronstAGiiU'K- 'iViM.50 ) > cr caso.
SotmiEiiN Cl turns ICQWc per 10-lb
I'EICIIKS California , ? l,00jjl.50 per box ;
Missouri , 5Jc@t.OO per > i 1m.
IUKAXAS Common , $1.59(82.25 ( per bunch ;
choice. $ iCO < 3.50.
LIJMOXS $4.00 ( & . * > .50 per caso.
CANTKI.OIT.S 4075u ( per dozen.
PLUMS 50G ? < 5c per bu.
HitCKi.nnEiuitHS $1.2i per drawer.
I'OTATOES 40@tWc per bushel.
SWCGT POTATOES ' . ' ( rt2J < ; c per Ib
POULTIIT No dressed fowl in the market ;
live chickens , $3.50@3.75 per doz. ; spring
chickens , $3.35 < 23.M. (
ToMAions 30i-rfl.00jcr ( ) bu.
W\TiuMCUNS-J3.00@l2.00 per 100.
I'rAHS California , $3.00@3.50 per bu box ;
Southern , 75 per > tf bu.
CKI.EHY 85 ( < i30c ucr dozen.
Eoo PUNT Sl.lXKtfl.2G per do/en.
ONIONS n e per Ib.
A1TI.ES-S2.OOC-13.00 per bbl.
CIUIIAITI.F.S 73e per bushel.
ClDKK-Mlchlgan. $ t.50(5.50 ( nor bbl 33
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Pol1 COHN Ulco , 34c ; common , 3@3c.
CjAiinoTS 50opjr bushol.
HIANS : Choice eastern Imndplekod navies.
$2.70Q3 > 0 per bushel ; western hand picked
navies , $3.l5 ( ( < ? 2.75 ; mediums , $3.00@8.15.
Lima beans 5c nor pound.
HAY f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , $3.00 ; No.
2 upland , $4.00.
Hiux $10.00.
Ciiori-KU Fr.r.i ) $17 00 per ton.
Vixtn : in Cider , S@15c per cilWhito
wine , 0@lGc per gal. _
Oroci'r-j Ijlst.
Revised prices are as follows :
Uiooixo Stark A. seamless , 2'3c ; Amos-
keag , seamless. 17 l-e : Lewiston A , seamless ,
lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4
to5bu , llQUc ; gunnies , siUKle , 18c ; gun
nies , doubli20c ; wool sacks , 33c. Twine *
Flax , 33c ; extra sail , 80&210 sail U , 10jj2Jc ( ;
cotton. 81c ; Jute , lOc.
Kfis Mocha , 35@Mc ; Rio , good , IC'i ?
17c ; Miiniluhllng , 2i2ac } ( ; roasting Rio , 13 64
1 i. , O. G. Java , 84@ 3-lc ; Java , interior. 88 ®
85c : Rio , fancy , 10 190 : Santos and Mura-
caiho , 17J19c ( : Avbucklcs , lt4c ) ' ; McL-.uigh-
lin's X.XXX , lO' c
Kr.rtxr.i ) LIKUDTierce. . 9\c ; 40-lb square
cans. 9 c ; 50-lb round , UJ c ; 30-lb round ,
9' , c : 10-lb pails , 9 ' 8c ; 5-lb pails , ICc ; 3-lb
ualts. 1 ' ( , c.
Sue til Granulated , lj c ; conf. A , 8-- ;
white extra C , 7'7"o ; extra C , 9c ; yellow
C. 7c ; "owilercd , ! 'c ' ; cubes , 7 } c.
HONEV 1818c for ono pound frames ;
strained honey. flSc per pound.
UEKSWAX Choice yellow , 20@22Xo ; dark
colored , 18Ji014c.
Ciiunsu Young America , full cream ,
10@llc ; full cream Cheddars , 9' riJlOc ; full
cream Hats , 9Jgood ; to choice skimmed
Cheddars , 0 > . , ' < ; skimmed flats. Go.
1' Medium , in bbls.$5.5j ; do in half
bbls , $3.00 ; small , in bbls , $ (550 ( ; do in half
bbls , * 3.75 ; gherkins , in bblsS.O > ; do in half
bbls $4.50
Tonxcoo Plug , 2GJlG5c ( ; smoking , 10@90c.
JEU.IKS $1.25 per 80-lb pail.
SALT ? 1.80@1.3uper bbl.
KOI-B 7-10. WfilW c.
PitovisioNs Hams , li ! @ 12C ; breakfast
bacon , ll@U'c ' ; bacon sides , \Wi owytc\ \
dry salt. 9jic ; shoulders , 9c ; dried , beef ,
MAPI.H SUOAR iincks , ll12o ( ? per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12 ( 13i5 per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
TIIAS i oung Hyson , common to fair , 1S@
23c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30@33c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 32Vr23c ( ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40(2G3c ( ; Japan , com
mon to medium , \5fy \ > Japan , choice to
fancy , SJC'MSc ; Oolong , common to good , 23 ®
85c ; Oolong , cnoico to fancv , 509 70c ; Imper
ial , common to medium , 25@33c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40fi50c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; filberts , ll ( < D12c ;
Brazil , U aK'c ; walnuts , 18c ; pecans , 10@llc ;
peanuts , SfSi c.
CiucKCits 5@10cpcr Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 2Jc perlb , as per list
POWDBK AND SHOT Shot , $1.80 ; bucushot ,
? 1.45 ; powder , kegs , S5.00 ; half kegs ,
{ 3.75 ; one-fourths , il.50 ; blasting , kegs , $3.13 ;
fuses. 100 ft , 27'.t75e
DuiCDJ'UL-irs Figs , m boxes , per ib , 13 ®
lic ( ; dates , in boxes , 57e ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $3.50J3.75 ( ( ; Malaga
Ifcoso raisins , $2.30jl8.50 ! ; new Valen
cia raisins , Per Ib , 7X < r < bc ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , per box. $1.75.
California London layer raisins , per box ,
$2.85(312.50 ( ; pitted cherries , per Ib , DOWSlc ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 12@13c ;
dried blackberries , per Ib , S ! < @ " ; dried
ni'.oberries , per Ib , 435c ; evaporated ap
ples , 8) ) ( ( ? 14c ; California sun dried peaches.
18c ; California unbared evaporated
peacties , ! 5@lSe ; evaporated California
apricots , 19o ; Zantee currants , CJ < fT07c ( ; Turk
ish jiruncs , 4fi4 ! ( c ; citron. 88tr3c ( ! ; orange
peel , 15 j ; lemon jMcl , IGc.
FISH. Holland Herring , S5c@90c. per keg.
White Fish , K "bis. , No. 1 , $0.00 , Family"
$3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , $550 ; Mackerel , % bbls.
Bloater Mess , $18.00. Bloater , $1(5.50 ( , No. 1
Shore , $18.50 , Largo Family , $10.50 ; Labra
dor Herring , $1.50 ; Columbia River Salmon ,
$17.00 per bbl.
CODFISH Per Ib , whole. Gc ; bricks and
strips , 7@8c.
CANDV Mixed , 813a ; stick , 8J @ 9 > c ;
rock candy , 10J < @ 13c ; fancy candy. 7a2ic. (
lrv Goods.
COTJOX FLANNHLS 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
5 > ? c ; CO , OJio ; SS , 7-J.fc ; Nameless , 5o ;
CAHPCT WAIIIUib White , 19c ; colored ,
22cHVTTS Standard , So ; Gem lOc ; Beauty.
13Mc ; Booue , 14c ; B , cabed , $ (1.5u. (
PniXTs Solid colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater
5J e ; Berlin oil , 0 > c ; Garner oil , G@7c.
COHSET JKANS Androscoggln , 7Xc ; Kear-
sargo , 7 c ; Roukport , GXc ; Conestojja , Gj c ,
TICKS York , 30 in. , 13Uc ; York , 33 in. .
13 > jjo ; Swift River. 8c ; Thorndiko OO , 8 > e ;
Tliormliko EF , SKe ; Thorndiko 120 , 9 > .ic ;
Thorndiko XX , I5c ; Cordis No. 5 , 9) c ;
Cordis No. 4. He.
DENIMS-Amoskeag , uoz , inj o ; Everett , 7
oz , 13Kc ; York. 7oz , 18) 0 ; Havmaker , 8 c ;
.laffroy XX , HJie ; Jaffrey XXX , rJHo ;
Beaver Crock AA , 18e ; Beaver Crock BB
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY J > HNS. Memorial , 15o { Dakota
18u ; Durham , 87 > c ; Hercules , lie ; Learning.
Ington , 22 > < ' o ; Cuttswold , 27 } c.
CIUSH 'Slovens' 11 , Gc ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A , 7W- Stevens A'
jilnin Holliincl , 9V o ; Dado Holland , V
Urown slicctiiiK Atliuitio A , 4-4 , 7M"t !
Inntlo H , 4-1 , 74c ! ; Atlantic U , 4-4 , 0 > fc ; At
lantic P , 4-1 , ( ic ; AuroruLL , 4-4 , Do ; Aurora
Ov4--4 0 ! Crown XXX , 44 , CJ/o ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , ( to ; Indinn Head , 4-1 , , o : Lawrence -
ronco LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , C
Pcppcrell IJ , 4-4 , "c ; Poppcroll O , 4-4 , f.Jf
JUCK West Point JSf in , 8 or , lOKc
West Point 20 In. 10 oz. 13o : West Poin
29 In , 13 oz , 15e ; West Pdint 40 In , 11 oz , lOc
FLANNELS Ued , C , 34 In. 15 > ; E , 24 in ,
21o ; G G , 24 in , ISo ; II A F , % , 25o ; J U F , Jf ,
PitiNTS Pink and Robes Richmond , i
Allen , Oc ; Ulverpomt. 5o ; Steel illvor , i
Richmond , OKo ; Pacific , ti' e.
PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , . .
Rainapo , 4Ko ; Lodl , 5.t e ; Allen , Co ; Richmond
mend , Oc ; Windsor , Oltfc : Eddystone , 0 > ic ;
Bi.EACiiEn SIIEETI.VQ nerkoley cambric
No. 00 , OKc ; Best Vet , 4 4. OJ/c ; butter cloth
OO , 4c ; Cabot , 7Ko ; Farwell half bleached
8Vc ; Fruit of Loom , 9j/u : Greene
G , Oo ; Hope , 7J/i KiniJ Philip cam
bric . . , . _ lloLonsdalo _ . cambric . . ,
_ .
T " 0 XT I \T .l. tllr.
Lousdalo. 9c ; Now' York mills , lOUc ;
Pepperoll , 43-in , lie ; Peiiperell , 40-in I2c ;
Popperell , 0-1 , lOc ; Peppcrell. 8-4 , Sic ; Pop-
poroll , 0-4. 33c ; Popporell. 10-4 , 35o ; Canton
4-4 , 6 } o ; Triumph , 6e ; Wamsuttn , lie ; Val
ley. 6c.
FLANNELS. Plaid Raftsmcn,30o ; Coslien ,
32Ko ; Clear Lake , WMo\ \ Iron Mountain ,
UIXOIUM PluiiKottcnccUs , 7 \Vhltton- ; -
ton , TKo ; York , 7K ; Normand ! cross ,
B ai Calcutta dross , BKoj Whlttcntou dress ,
8xo ; Renfrew dress , 8J < ( iiljv. .
CAVIIUICH Slater , 5Ljo : Woods , 5 c ;
Standard , 5 o ; Peacock ,
lean , OJ/c ; Gloucester , 0o : Arnold C lone
cloth , 9 : Arnold U lonV cloth. 1UK ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10X : Stlefcl A , 12 ; WinUsor Gold
Tiokct , 10K.
SniRTixo Checks , Caledonia X , WjaCul \ -
cdonia XX. lOJfc ; Economy , 'Jo ; OtU , lc. !
C-'onl nnd Ijlino.
LIME SSfgyOc , Portland cement. W.oS : do
mastic reuient , | L35t plaster , f4.
hair ,
CoAt -Anthracltc. ranpo , and nut , * 10.0 ;
II Inrpo cec , $10. 5 ; Rock Snnnfe' , J7.00 , Su-
porlor i , $0.00 ; Iowa , tl.50fi.60j steam coal ,
f 1.5U to fJ.00. _
Klrst nnd second clear , ' < @ 2 In. $17 ( XX IO 00
First nnd second clear , 1 " 4 fid ± i
in . 40 OOyT.M 00
Third clou * , l jf itj ; , In . 41) ) 00 ( < f 1(1 ( tX )
A select , l Otl' . , In . ! I7 00cW ( ! ( K )
H select , H40 il > J In . 35 00 ( . { ; 7 ( X
A stock boards , \1 \ H6 feet , IS in . 40.00
H stock boards , K'MUl feet , 12 In . 41 00
C stock boards , I'.VKl feet , 12 In . m 00
1) stock boardi , ISfttlO feet , 12 In . 2.'l DO
Flooring , llrst common , 0 in . ! H 00
Flooring , second common , C in . B2 IX )
Select fencing ( loorliK ; . 17 00
Sldlne , first and second clear , 11(210 ( ft.2" > 00
Siding , llrst common , 10 feet . 22 00
Siding , second common . 19 00
Common boards . 12 50
No. 2 board * , all lengths . 12 f > 0
Foiicinp No 1 , 12(320 ( feet . 1(1 ( N )
FcnuliiK No. 2 , 12 , 14 nnd 18 feet . 15 CO
.lolsts nnd sc.uitliiii ; , 2x4 , U ( < UI5 feet. . . .Ill HO
Timber , 4x4 , 8xS , 12il ( feet . 17 00
1'ickets , llrst roiiRh , good . 20 00
Pickets , fancy head nnd dressed , selected. ! * ! 00
Shingles , choice A to extra A . 2 C0@2 i0
Shingles , standard . 2 50
Shingles , No. 1 . 1 10@1 IT.
Lath , dry . 2 40
Posts , each . 10@ 25
Hemlock sole , lb.J7c ( per Ib ; oak solo , ! H@
Sic per Ib ; oak harness , 2s@l50c per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , 'Ma per Ib ; oak and licin-
lock upper , 20 ( 220 per foot , ueinloel ; calf
skin , No. 1 , fcOji'.iUc per Ib , according to
weight : oak calf skin , No. 1. l Oct ? 1.0U per
Ib ; Pliiladelphia calf skin , extra , ? l.001.10 (
perlb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , OOffiTOc per
Ib : oakldp skin , No1 1 , 70'dbOc , per Ib ; 1'liila-
delphia kip skin , extra , bOgUUo perlb. French
calf skins , ( arcordlnc to weight and quality ) ,
$ l.ir1.7rt per Ib ; French hip skins , do , 80c ( < S
f 1.10 per Ib. Cordovan , nibsutt , Ibc ; satin
llnisli , 20- per foot ; welt leather , ? . ' ) . 10 ® I. rU
per side ; moroccoH , ( pebble goat ) , 20tt0o ( : !
per foot ; moroccot , boot leg , 2. > @ 'iUc per
foot ; glove calf skins , 200c ( ; ! ] ) cr foot ;
Douglas kid , ; iO@-IOc per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 4 ! ) ( < ? . )0c.1 per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , $3 ( > 0 < < t > 10.0) ) per dozen ; linings ,
fT.OU@9.KJ ( n jp do/cn ; apron skins , JIO.OD ®
12.00 per do/en.
Mtscnu.\xiovs : Sulpli. acid , IJ c ; citric
acid , (50e ( ; tartaric ftdc ; bul. copavla , l c ;
borax , lOc ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , Sic ;
gum Arabic , select , ? 1.00 ; gum camphor , 20o ;
gum opium , ? 3. 15 ; sulh. ) ) morphia , (2.DO ;
bromide ] )0tassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , l. > 0 ° lOc ; headlight , 175 °
1-l c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12 > o ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; ? ere , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , ISc ; extra W. S. , 7Ic ; No. I lard ,
44 } < fc ; turpentine , 44J o ; linseed raw , 50c ;
boiled , Blic.
QIJIMNC P. & W- . per oz , &JG ; .German ,
p r oz , 42c. _
Metals nnd Tinners' Stock.
Tin plato. I C , 10x14 , best , ? 0.75 ; tin plate ,
reeling , I C , 11x20 , $ . " > .15 ; sheet zinc , ? ii.50@
6.75 ; pig lead , f-I.UO : bar lead , f I.'M ; largo pig
bloctc tin , 2Sc ; small pig block tin , 27c ; bar
tin , 2Sc ; solder , 14@17c ; copper bottoms , Ulc ;
sheathing copper , tinneu , 2'Jc ' ; planisnmg cop
per , tinned , y5c ; lead pipe , d' ' c : sheet lead 7c ;
sheet 'Iron. N S IS to 24 $3.20 : Kussiairon , 13c ;
Am Russia plainshcu , A , lOjic ; Am Russia
planished , 11 , 9L4i ) ; painted barb wire , $3.25 ;
galvanized barb wire. $1.00 ; steel nails , J.2.20
Q2.30 ; steel wire nails , $2.CO@2.70 ; iron
nulls , mo@2.15.
JUNK Machine castings , $12.00@13.00 ;
Htovo plates , ? 7.00@8.00 ; wrought ironM.OO@
10.00 ; bones , dry , 95.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ;
copper. ? S.OOii9.00 ( ; brass , S4,00@S.X ( ) ; zinc ,
S2.00C 3.00 ; solid leaa , S2.00a3.00 ( ; tea lead ,
$2.00 ( 2.50 ; rubber , $2.50 .00 ; mixed rags ,
$1.10@1.15 per cwt.
InHtriiineiHH I'lnoctl nn Itecoril Dur-
liid YuHtertlny.
> f S Hartley anil wife to L K Chiibbiick , n
31 ft 2H Inch , lot 1 , blk ti , Central park ,
IICll f 1
12 1' Colcimm to K Ihu-hni' , lot I , bit "II , "
1'rospcct place , w d 550
II Loud and \\llo to S A Ithett , eilO ft of
uw of o > , ' , blk " / , " Slilnn's 3d mid , w tl 3OJO
G SnalllM and wlfo 11 .1 nud H O
llracker , oUiirt of nTUftlotfl , blk "I. "
Shlnn'u 2d add. w d 1,100
11 llracktr to ( i bnalllhl. w L'O It of u 70 ft
lot 0. ulk "I , " Bhum'H 2il add , wil 1,500
B J Hood anil wife to A Hood , lot ! > , blk ,
Albright's annex , w d . . .r 500
South Omaha Land Co to C C Spotswood ,
Iot7 , blk Sill. South Omaha , wd TOO
Saunders & Hlmelmuch to 1 < II Cooley.lot
10. blk "C"Suuiulers&Illmebaiign'H add ,
wd 330
F I ) .Mulr and wlfo to O N llamsoy , lots 10
nnd20 , bile2 , Hawthorne add , wd 4,750
CM IIiintetnltoAShedorer , s 40 It , lot
0. blk W , So. Omaha , w d 2,100
1) L Thomas and wife to KG Glenn , lot 10 ,
Mayno add. Orchard Hill , w d 875
O N ilain&ey nud wife to A Kkc. n 4 lots
R anil ( I , blk 1 , sub , J I Uedlck'R add , w d 0,000
D F Hrown ana wlfo to I ) C Cameron , lot
4blk ( ) , HlverSldoadd , wd Si
Patrick Land Co. to M A Upton , lots 21.
! . ' , L'l and 24 , blk 114 , Dundee 1'lnce. w d. 4,200
G 11 Hoggs et nl to J A 1'orsyth , lot 6 , blk
tf ' , Omulia View Kx. , w d I.TO3
Jas Vure nnd wlto to K Jennings , lot 14 ,
blk 4. Central park , w d 2,000
M U and H S Ithodes to A .1 .Jennings , lot
li ( , blk 15 , Shull's 2d add , w d 5,000
Wm C Goss nnd wife to (1 Stevens , lot 3 ,
1'rnyn'H bub , blk 5 , Lake's add , w d 3,000
A ( J Charlton and wlfo to .1 U Held , lot 13 ,
blkl , Institute place , wd. . . . : 425
J I' riuley to G A Manvlile , n w lot 0 , blk
5 , Park place , w d 0,000
\ \ in Coif ax to W L Selby , lots Id , 20,21 and
i' , blk 110 , Uundco place , w d 0,301) )
U M Patterson toV .Miller , und 14 low 8
nnd ti , blk 4 , Fayctto park , w d
Twenty-one transfers , aggregating . . - - . K0.01
ntillilintr Permits.
The following building permits wcro is
sued .yesterday :
1) . r. llvown , dwelling nnd stable. Thirty-
third and bprnguestreets : 81,300
Maurice Tekk-ai'V , stores and Hats , Leav-
cmvorthnndTlitiW'-iilntli strnots 1,800
C. II. Union , three dwellings. Twentieth
street and Capitol avenue 3,000
Aichur Kke , brick dwelling. Twenty-
eighth and Half Howard btret't-i H.OOO
Six minor permits L"
Tonn permits , aggregating $15.155
Drink Muito nt sodu fountain.
Kemarkftblo tor powerful snap * .
tlietlc tone , pliable uctloa and nt >
goluto qurablllly. ! > J years' record ,
ton best KUarautee ot the excal *
lence of tnese inatrumentu.
PAIli.V OUTFITS , with constitution.
drill tactics and full Information about
organlilnx and drilling Marching Clubs.
: ctbro (
( torn 01
ST. Wldttt'
I lhl > iptcifiepurpo , CtXior
JlriiTIT * WI1KHIS9 , gif.
nuoui. mllJ , teething currtmi ol
, - - xtlf through ( II e k pim.Mitor.
. . . . . . jhf Uh n < JVIforou 8lr iiffh. EUctnu
Ciunnt " > V J-fcllin.untlrcri > fortltJ.OJO ( In cub.
Urciltit lmpto > tronll o > r > II othtr tllli. Vforit cam ptr.
rn > D < nll7 cured In th-ternonthf. Sctlrd ptmphltHr.Umy
the Sinden EUeUio Co. 169 LiSilic it. , Chlotao
G OLI > I'EK GIVEN A\VAY. 1'arttcularsfree
WKKKLV lIo.ME8TEAD , " Omahu , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ollico - Hootn S , Opposlto Kictmngo IlulhllnK , 1/olon
block \ Urdu , boutb UiuauuSeb. .
Live StocK Commission ,
( loom 15 , KxcbanBO Hullilliix , Unlou Stock Vurds ,
Bouth Urnahii , Nob.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
iconi- . ' , Upi > ri lto KrchunBO Iliilldlng , Colon Stock
Yanli , buulli Omnuit , Neb.
* "UrioN STOCn YARDS Cto'.T"
Of Omaha , Limitei
Joa * IMiard.&uccrlatGDdcni.
AgrTciiTturai linplomontB.
Dealer iu Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons ,
.Ullage * ontl nuvrlo. ' " < " Street , tietncenCtlmua
lOlli , ( nha , .Ni'lirn kn.
AgricultnralImilefflentsfagonsCarria2Ci { , )
IIiuvloi , Etc. > Vliolesnlc. Omalis , Nrbrntkn.
" '
WholcuMi' llenlpm In
Agricnltural ImDlemcnts , Wagons & Boggics
Bl. ) Va , tttt nnil W7Jonc Street , Om li .
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeflcrs ,
Cultivators , l.'njr Knkoj. Cliler Mills anil l.utinu lul'
viTlicrt. Cor , lltli anil .Mcliolm iitrocH.
Agricnlturai Implements , Wagons &Buggics
Corner Ulh "nil Nlfliolx ftrpot .
Akron , Olilo.
Harvesting Micliinery and Binder Twine ,
V. i : . .MrnMnnHfcr. . 1J13 Lunvcnwortti ft. Uin'ilm.
.MnnufnitiiriT3aiulJobbor In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cur. Ptli ami Tactile ctroota , Omiilm , Neb.
ArtlatB *
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1113 DouL'la * Street , Omalm. Nobrnnkn.
Booksolloi'a nnd S t o 11 o n or s-
H. M , &Ts. W.'JONES" .
iucccusonto A. T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholcjalo Allctull
Booksellers and Stationers ,
'InoVctlilliiK Stationery , Commercial Stationery
16' . Duutflas Street. Omuliu. > pb.
Boots and Shoos *
( Successors to Hci'il , Joncii It Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
ARCiitiior llortim HutiDer Shiir Co. lllTJ , 1104 * 1101
lluruvy bt. , Oumba. Nebraaka.
W. V. MORSE A : CO. .
Johhcrs of Boots and Shoes ,
101,1103-110J UuuelBB St. , Omnhn Jlttniifattorj.Sum-
Coffees , Splcos , Etc.
OuilvUn ColTco unil plce Mllla.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavorl'iK Kitrncts. I-uumlrr llluo. Inkn. Ktc. llll-
KMIlarnuy ftrout. Ooiahn , NeUruska.
Crockery and Closovvnro.
" "
W. L""w RIGHT.
Agent for the Manufacture and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. .ffl ce. 317 S. nth St. , Oiuahii. Ncbraiika.
IniDorleit nnd Jobbari of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 1511 Knriiam St. , Now 1'axton Building.
CommlBSlon and Storage.
' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Fpeclaltl" fuller. rV , ' . CIHT.P I'nnltry , Uamc ,
Buoccisora to McShano A prbrociler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oimibtt. Nebnuka.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence aolloitort. 1014 North ICtu
ritreet , Omaha , Neb.
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard anil Soft Coal ,
SOOFouth 13th Street , Omabn , Nehraika.
J. J. JOHNSON & ico7i
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Couk , Ceninnt , I'instor. t.Im
JJrulii Tlio , anil Suwur 1'lpe. Ollice , al8,8.13th
tit. , Ouiulm , Neb. Telephone fell.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
311 Bouth 13th St. . Omaha. Neb.
Dry Goods ono Notions.
M. E SIvTlTH & C0. . "
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1103 and 1101 Douglas. Cor. 11th St. , Omaba , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' FurnlBUlnn ( londi. Cnnior llth uud lliuney
bin. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnatn Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
701.707.700 and 711 S. 10th M. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t Ib nnd Lenroiiirorth Stronti. Oniulm , Nebrnikn.
" "
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardy/arc /
And Leather. 1103,1IO. " > nnd IVfi lliuaey St. , Omalm ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
SprlnRa , Waifon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Klu. 1W
und 1211 Ilarnoy titruet , Omaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
UecbtDlci' Tooli and Hurfn'o ' Scales. 1105 Douela
fctrccl , Omaha , Ncbrnaka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
ftnand Ilarnor Kt . , OmahH , Neb. Weiteru Agouti
forAuitln Powder Co. , JetTernun htoul Nalli ,
Kalrbanki titkndard Hcntjt.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Jletuln. Sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Howe Scales ,
Hlnnil 1'owder and Lyiimn llarbcil M'lro ,
Omnlm , Nobr.mVa.
_ _ Huts , Caps , Eto.
" "
Wholesale Hats. Caps and Straw Goods ,
1197 Ujrnrr Street , Oai iia , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
18tj Street an1 Uulon Pacino Track , Oicai'O.
Dealer iu Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
floor. , tic. YurJi-Corner fth nd U u4l j | C * l
_ LumborJ
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Ulhnml California Streets , Omaha ,
w. UMAT ,
Lnmlicr Lime Cement Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner lUh and lX > nBla SU. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Ofllro , lira Karnam Flro t , Omaha.
Wholesale Lniulier , Etc ,
ImportpJ nnil Auirrirnn ; > ortl nc ( Cement. Put *
AKVUI ( or Mllirnukp ) ' llTilrnulloCouiviit ana
Qulnoy Whltu l.lnio.
Dealer in Hardwood Lunger ,
WooJ CarpeU rul I'nrquct Hooring. 9th and Donglai
Mllllnory nnd Notions
" ' "
"i. OBERFELD'ER * "co. , . „
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions , ]
SN 710 unit 213 * > "iifh tilt , Mrcot '
Ovornlia. 4
Mannfacturcrs of Overalls ,
Jeans Pant * , Shirts , lUc. ltU3nnd 1101 Douutai Street ,
Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goods
4tl ( nmUtViBcnth 10th St. , OinnU * .
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Orcnie , Etc. , Omaha. A. H. lll.'hop , Maiiuner ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
11U5 Uarnur Htroet , Omaha.
Offlco Fixtures.
.Maiiilfiutilrc.'s of
Bant , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle , Sideboard * , nook Case" , Drue fixtureWall
Cavx , I'nttltliHillullliiKii.CuuiiturH. . llcornnd Wlno
roolurt * . Mlmirx.eti * . Tiielnry mil1 omci * , irJUnudliJl
houtli luth St. , Uuinlia. Tolciiliolio Hit.
Paints nnd oils.
\Yholosnlo DoiMerslii
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Fnrnam Street. Omuha.Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C rry n nice Hook uf 1'rtntlnn. Wrnpplnu und Writing
I'a tr. Bpoclul attoallon Klvon to car load onler .
pnP ° ! l Boxes. _
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , g
Noa. 131 * and 131 Douglas St. , Omaba , Neb. 3
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Oil Had l > 13 Jones KtrcU. OinuUa.
Storogo , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
rnnch liotinnot tliu Iloimor Iluccr Cu. llut'ulej at
vrtioluaalo und ri'tnll , l. H lilOiuid l.M'J Icard Sircct ,
Ouiuha. Tvlophoav No. 7W.
111 ,
1M1 Nottli Kl tlitcontli Street , Oaiulm , Xcb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John lljiuncter. Proprietor. ICU Doilen und lUlnntl 101
Nonii Wih street , Uiuiiim.
" _ Prlntora " * Matprlals.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealer , la T , . { , 'gntor.-auppll , . . 601
, Rulbop
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
911 Clotlilnu and J/catuor llcltluit. 100S Kiirniim Street.
M. A. DISBROV7 . CO. .
Wholesale Munu..ctmeri of ij
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
ranuli Ofllce , 12th and IznrJ Htieols , Oiunha , Nob. . '
llannfactnrcrs of Sash , Doors. Blinds. .j
Vruldlnits , HtKlr Work.and. Interior Ilnnl Wnoil nu ?
. .
'K.CornerBh nnd I.LftTouwortiTtJtreuis"
UumUu , i > 'cu.
5J ° ! ' .FlttLn8a.j Pumps , Etc
A'STRANG CO. . " "
Pnmps , Pipes and Eupes ,
Heam , Wnlor , Un Iwnr nnrt Mlnlni ; Huppllos , Eta.
VJJ , VIS and Wl Kiirnum Htriot , Oniulm.
Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings ,
3tcam an.l Wuter Buppllni. ncmtqiiarior * for Alnit.
1'iiosl \ CD'S oo Is 'J13 .v ' .OJ FHHKIMI t-t. , unmlja.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ualltaujr Wln.l . Mllln. Oil unit tt rarnam Ht. . Omaha.
( i. r. Hois , Aclliig .Mnimfcr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bhoet Iron Work Stcnin 1'iiini/i / , Hiw MlKn. 1:13-1215
Lonver.wortlj ftiuut , Omuliu.
Iron WoM < 8.
Carter & > -oi ; , 1'rnp i > . Miinufucturcrsuf nil Llnds
Steam Boilers , T.J\S \ and Sliest Iron Weft
Worki Pouih 'AliU iin.t 11. & .M. Criu-blnt %
* nto.vvoitks. .
Wrought and Gas ? Iron Building
Knjlnei , HraVorV ( Kho ; : IV.milry , Mnc'-iliio nnd
liluckiimltli Work. oiiiiuunU V.'ink * , I i' . Hf.
nnil litb Mrci'l , ( im-iln.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Ua k Kill. , WluJow Uimrili. Planer rtitn < l < , Wlra
Flitii > , Ktc. I ft North ICth rilfpft.'nn .tin.
Man'frs ' of Fire SBiirglar Proof Safes
Vaulti , JH | | Work , Irnn Hii < 1 W ro Tunrliu , Strii. Hto.
U. AiUrceu , I'rov'r Cor , lull inJ Jattis/ : .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
and Rcrccni , for hanki , offices.m > r. ; < re'Haiiro.ntc.
Improveo Annlnyi. I ckimitli Machlriprjr and
Ulacktnlth Work * . WrSoutU lull M.
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime , LOG&