Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    ; ' ' : " . . . / EHETQMAHA PA ± LY. BEE : WEPNESPAY. SEPTEMBER 12.18881 ' :
Delivered by Carrier In Any I'nrt of tup City nt
Twenty Cents i'er Week. .
tst OFFICE , No. 4.1.
NHIIIT KtUTOii , No.I. .
N. Y. Plumbinjr company.
William Lewis lost n valuable horse yes
terday morning.
General d. M. Doilgo nnd daughter , Mrs.
Montgomery , arrived In tlio city yesterday
morning from Uc.s Monies.
The most elegant patterns nnd most com-
jiloto line of fail goodH over shown. A. Hol
ler , merchant tailor , Jill ) 1 ! roadway .
W. O. Lawrence , n well known engineer
on the dummy train between this city nnd
Omaha , died at his homo in the latter city
Tlio case of Honrglimnn nnd Watts , for the
Inrcany of some Jewelry from the sloro of
Hoblnson Hros. . will como up for hearing
this morning beroro 'Squlro Biggs.
Miss Myrtle Swlgart royally entertained
n number of her friends nt her homo on lien-
ton street Monday evening. The oecas.on
was the eighteenth anniversary of her birth.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Julia Judson
took pliice at B o'clock yesterday afternoon
from the residence of her son , L. 1' . Judson ,
037 Sixth nvonuc , nnd was larncly attended.
Miss Maria Phillips , a daughter of the de
ceased , arrived last evening from Goshen ,
Ind. , and Mrs. Yoswlnlclo , another daughter ,
nrrlvcd yesterday morning from Fairbury ,
John M. Regan and Miss Ltzzlo C. Mohr ,
both of this city , were united In marriage
yesterday afternoon at the Planters' hotel by
Kov. G. W. Crofts , of the Congregational
William K. Curtis and Miss nolle 13. Stcw-
nrt , of St. Paul , were married yesterday af
ternoon nt the Congregational imr.sonaga.
The newly wedued couple will reside In
Uov. C. P. Tolman , district secretary of
the Missionary Union of Nebraska , will
speak nt tlio First Haptlst church this evenIng
Ing In connection with the regular weekly
prayer meeting. All are cordially Invited to
The funeral of J. M. Phillips will tnko
place at2:30 ! : o'clock this afternoon from his
late residence on IJlulT street. Hcv. G. W.
Crofts , of the Congregational church , will
ofllciatc. All the no. ir relatives of the family
have nrrlvcd in the city to attend the
services ,
In police court yesterday morning Squire
Schuiv. cinched the unfortunate victims as
follows : August Egr , drunlt , $7.00 : James
Clark , drunk , fcUO ; P. II , Wilson , disturb
ing the peace , p.ild costs , ? I.OO. The eases of
William lirown , suspicion * character , and
William Smith and P. Sehlossor , vag.s , were
There was a sudden jump In the matrimo
nial market yesterday. Six licenses were is
sued during the day by the county clerk.
The follo'vlng were the candidates for the
Joys of double blessedness : Hcuben Welser
nnd Lavinn Meade , of Lincoln ; John J.
McGIiinlss and Sarah J. Hunch , of Council
HlulTs ; John M. Hoagan mid Li/zlo C. Mohr ,
of Council Bluffs ; Patrick Morris , of Chicago
cage , and Stemi Dailey , of Omaha ; William
E. Curtis , of Council Bluffs , and Hello A.
Stewart , of St. Paul ; I' Cnslduy , of
Ouiahn , and KatoP. Putnam , of Shcimndoah.
K. H. Shcafo & Co. , innlco long or
short time loans on rciil ostnto , in sums
to Hull , ut lowest nito of interest. Ollleo
Brotidwuy siiul Mtiin struct , upstairs.
K you have property for sale at a bar
gain list it with us nnd wo will adver
tise it frco of charge. A. A. Clark &
Co. , corner Broadway and Main , ovur
American express.
Dr. C. C. Ilazon'a dental parlors are
nt room 0 , Opera house block.
Full line of shoot music at Council
Bluffs Music Co. , ± M Broadway.
Pcrsnnnl PnrncrnptiH.
Chnrllo Bniy is homo from the west on a
visit to his parents.
Mrs. George Kudlo has gene to Colfax
Springs for two weeks of recreation.
A. W. Askwith Is preparing for the erec
tion of n $ T,000 residence on Park avenue.
Mrs. C. H. Warner , of Eagaro , Dak. , is
visiting her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Shoupe ,
at the Northwestern hotel.
Arthur Crittenden accompanied his father
on his western trip to look after his stock
ranch. They will bo absent about n month.
J. J. Jennings Is preparing for n business
nnd pleasure trip to Colorado , where ho will
spend a month , and then proceed to Wash
ington territory.
Ml. II. Huntington , of Huntlngton & Ten-
Vllllgor. has engaged wilh Duquette ft Co. ,
nnd will occupy an important position In
their commission department.
John T. Stewart has returned from Now
York. His stable of thoroughbreds are nt
Washington Park. Chicago , but not In con
dition to start in the races at present.
Hon. Lafo Young and J. 11. llockafcllow ,
ot Atlantic , nnd J. G. Grconfleld , Greenfield ,
arrived In the city yesterday as delegates to
the republican congressional convention.
Frank Pusoy and wife returned homo yes
terday morning from an extended European
tour in excellent health , and full of enthu
siasm over u.most enjoyable trip In foreign
l > Hon. D. O. Finch , United States district
attorney , Is in the city on business relative
to the next term of the United States court
f or the district of lown. that con
venes In the now government building on the
28th of this month for the llrst tlmo.
Dr. A. S. West loft last evening for a
month's shooting ut big gnmo in the Uoekles.
Ho was very well "fortiiled , " nnd carried
largo supply of ammunition , both liquid
and solid , A keg of long range "forty-rod"
will help Hoer the grizzlies and other ugly
"varmints. "
U. S. Nolr and wife of Utlca. Nob. , were in
the city visiting Mrs. Nelr's brother , E. U.
Fonda. Mrs. Nolr is lender of the famous
Utlca brass band , comiwscd entirely of la
dles. It is proposed that "no pent up Utlca"
shall restrain their powers , but that the band
shall bo invited to visit Council BlulTs and
furnish music when Ulalno is here.
S. B. Wadsworth fs , Co. loan money.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtolo.
Ir Hale.
Ton ncrow in Council BlulTs , off the
cast end of the Ballard 80. Will make
72 lots , Mime as the Omana add. , which
it joins on the south. Ninth avenue
driveway to U. 1' . bridge passes through
the tract. Title clear. One-third
down , balance one and two years. Eight
per cent. A. V. LAKIMKU.
Will lloHpoot HlH Memory.
The following order has been issued bj
Mayor Hohrer , which , without doubt , the
merchants and business men of the city will
take pleasure In respecting :
la. , Sept. 12. Universal expressions of sorrow
row como front nil classes of our clilzena
over the sudden nnd untimely death of J. A ,
Phillips , Esq. , which occurred on Monday
Having represented his ward for six years
in the city council with honor and lldollty
* n upright and public spirited citizen , active
In all thosu public enterprise ! that would redound
dound to thli city's welfare , for many ycart
idcntltiod with this city as an honored mu' '
esteemed citizen , it is becoming that Iho po
plo of Council Bluffs show respect to Ills
I therefore , in response to many Bolteita
tlons , request that mercantile and all otlioi
active employments bo suspended and thai
tholr places of business bo in a measure
closed from 2:80 : to 3:80 : o'clock this after
Rooni It being the hour of his funeral.
M. V. RoniiER , Mayor.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
I" value , at low rates of interest. Nc
publicity ; ( air and honorable dealing
A-A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broudwaj
ftad Mala , over AmerAcsia uxpttiw.
The Wntor Trcntmont Trlod on a
Refractory Prlaoncr.
District Qjzirl Hoard of Trailo Pro-
Ccctliims The Republicans Opcu
tlio Campaign Item * In the
Koitnil-Up 1'oi'HonaI.
Tried Wntur on Him.
Among the prisoners confined In tlio county
Jail Is ono Ulo.ison , charged with tlio larceny
ot Jewelry from the ottiibllsutnonl of Uobln-
luson Dros. Ho Is it bltf fellow , anil it pluturo
of perfect muscular development. He was
the notorious "cell boss" In tlio Douglas
county jail atthotlmoof "IJIjj Frank's" reign
there a few months ago. After his Incarcera
tion Imro ho behaved hluHolf for tt tlmo , but
It was contrary to his disposition to IOHR sub
mit to the rigid rules of Sheriff O'Neill's '
Jail discipline and he began to trot mu
Ho reviled his follow prisoners for their
obedience and licensed thorn of eow.mlleo In
n vuln attempt to create an open rebellion.
Those things came to the curs ol Sheriff
O'Neill ' and ho promptly determined to im
press upon Glcasou very forcibly that ho was
not confined in Douglas county jail , mid hy
dropathic treatment , was used upon the re
fractory criminal with very good effect.
When the hose was turned on him ho tried
In vain to got away from it , as the terrible
force of the water almost blistered him.
Ho sought refuge In it cell , but
the nozzle was thrust in through
the grates , and after being two
thirds drowned tlio ugly brute gave up and
said ho bad enough. As the sheriff turned
off the water ho coolly said , " .lust remem
ber , Glcason , that I am not Joe Miller. "
That was all there was of It and since then
the notorious crook and dangerous thug has
been as quiet and poaec.iblo us any ol the
prisoners. This is the lirst case of insubor
dination that Sheriff O'Neill has hau to con
tend with in a year and a half. He Is not a
tyrant but ho is a strict disciplinarian in
every scnso of the word , and tlio nalutory
effects of Iiis course may bo seen by a trip to
the county jail. Perfect cleanliness , prompt
compliance with the jail rules and implicit
obedience are required. No scowling or
sulking Is seen and the prisoners evidently
respect the sheriff , with whom they are on
the pleasantest terms , although no famil
iarity is seen or tolerated. Sheriff O'Neill is
a model jailor , and his work always shows
for itself. The jail Is there and an inspec
tion of it at any time will convince anyone of
tills fact.
Of Council Hind's Lots At Auction.
I will offar for siilo and soil without
reserveto the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots iu ( Joclmui's addition to
Council Bluffs.
Ono lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo fcoid with
the privilege to the ptirchnior of the re-
nainlug lot tit the same price. The
ground on which tlio addition is laid is
mown as the old fair ground forty ,
lorth of the Union Pacific depot , and
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 100 , or four to the aero.
Ton per cent of the purchase money
cash in hand. The balance in nine
equal annual payments to be evidenced
by notes bearing interest at 6 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
property jnirohusers will got warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
I will also sell on the same terms and
at the same sale 100 lots in sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of these lots are situated
on Broadway.
' 12. !
The place of sale will bo on the
grounds on Wednesday , the 12th of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is sold.
The lots and blocks will bo numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on day of salo. Other particulars on
day of salo. A. COCHUAN.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on
farm and city property.
Speculations in Heal Kstatc.
Those desiring to inako oithpr largo
or small investments in Council Blutis
real estate are requested to examine
our list of property. It comprises n
choice selection oflots in additions lying
between the business portions of Omaha
and Council Bluffs. Prices low and
terms easy. Title guaranteed. Money
loaned on city property. Corrcspond-
once solicited. Odoll Bros. & Co. , 103
Pearl street , Council BlulTs.
Board of Trade.
There was no quorum nt the board meet
ing last evening. The president , secretary
and souio half dozen members were present.
It was expected to transact some important
business in connection with manufacturing
enterprises which are desired to bo located
here , .but this business could not bo attended
to. Tun HKE has no deslro to dictate to or
llml fault with the board unnecessarily. Hut
the board was organized for specific work.
It Is constituted of men whoso private busi
ness demands their time and attention it is
true , but having considered this matter In
connection with the necessary worn of that
organization , thcso men should give it and
its meetings such attention as the business
under its consideration requires. It may bo
said that it Is unjust to ask a sacritlco of
thno which should bo devoted to private
matters. A connection with the organization
tacitly imposes thcso duties , and it Is fair to
presume the business men therein knew
what these demands would bo before they
identltlcd themselves with It. Having gone
into It , they should not shirk their duty. Al
ready one of the most energetic members
has withdrawn , and others have declared
they will do so if there Is not a moro hearty
co-operation and attention to the incctincs.
The organization will before long bo brought
fnco to face with dissolution and disintegra
tion , and it Is this Tin ; HUB would not have
occur. _
Ilock'H Gnrtlcn.
A concert by Dalby's band will bo
given at Bock's garden Wednesday
evening. After the concert will bo
dancing. A beautiful prize will bo
given the best couple of walt/ors on the
Moor. Everybody invited. Good ordoi
will bo preserved , as always is the case
at entertainments hold at this place.
Good dwellings and lots for sale on
monthly paymo'its by E. II. Shoafo & Co. ,
cor. Broadway and Miiin sts. , up-stairs.
A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok
ers , have a list of choice inside property
on their books. Nothing but bargains
_ _
Another Biirclnry *
J , Cummlugs , a baker employed at the
Union bakery on South Main street , was
made the victim of a burglar's pilfering
visit Monday night. Ha Is busy during the
earlier part of the night In the bakery base
ment , and Ina room Is on the first floor. Jus
about midnight , as ho was mixing up ivlot ol
of dough , ho thought bo board a noise in his
room and requested ono of the bakers to gc
up and see what was the matter , as ho was
busy. The others were rather afraid to po
and as soon us Cutnmlngs could wash his
hands ho took a lamp and started up stairs
As ho arrived at the top lie noticed a dooi
closing , but thought It was one of the others
Koh'.R out. Ho entered his room and discov
era I that It had boon ransacked. The work
was'uvldently done .by some ono familial
with the situation , as the bolt of the dee
was llpped , and Cummlngs1 clothes and 3.7.
in money secreted In the bed were gone.
A Xoraor employe , now working la Omaha
was suspected , and telephonic inquiry at the
latter place revealed the fact that ho was off
duty that night. The police nro Investigating
the matter.
_ _ s
Opotilnc tins CuiMpnf ifn.
The republican headquarters were filled to
overlln : Srit | last evening by an enthusiastic
audience which assembled to hear short ad-
Ircsses on the issues of the day by leading
republicans of this section. Kven standing
oem was at a premium , and many were
urncd away who were unable to get within
tearing distance of the speakers. Hinging
speeches were made by C. M. Hart , Council
Huft's. Colonel Nichols , of Outline county ,
John A. Storey , of Ailnlr county , HI'iis ' Wil
son and Hon. Lnfo Young , nf Atlantic , and
> ank Shinn , of 1'ottawattamic. Tlio ad-
Iresses wcrchstcncd to with the closest attcn-
Ion throughout and the wildest enthusiasm
was manifested. The meeting was presided
over by J. ,1. Steadtmui. At the close a mret-
ng of the Tlppeeanoo club was announced
or this evening. A notlco was also given to
ill members of Abe Lincoln post to be pres
ent nt ( } . A. K. hall , at 1 : ' . ' 0 o'clock this after-
10011 to act as an escort to the remains of the
ato.1. M. Phillips.
Boots. Shoes. Rlnnchairs , 320 B'way.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
can ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
vagons , personal property of all kinds ,
ind all other articles of 'value without
omoval. All business btrictly conli-
Artists prolor the llallott < fc Dnvis
) iano , at 0. B. Music Co. , 5221 Broadway.
For bargains in real estate see E. II.
Shcafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
street , upstairs.
Court Proceeding1 * '
The greater part of yesterday was re-
lulred to llnisli the hearing of the case of
vllmer vs Perry Keel , In the district court ,
and the ease was dually submitted to the
ury. The grand jury returned an indict-
nent against Frank Hillorinan , for larceny
rom the dwelling of John N. Baldwin. The
efcndaut desired to plead guilty and was
irought in court for that purpose. Ha will
> e sentenced next Saturday. Tlio grand jury
ailed to ilnd a true bill against the darkey ,
off Green , for the larceny of money from
'Slim ' Jim , " and ho was released from the
county jail , whore ho has been confined for
ho three months. The next c : .e Is that
of W. S. Mayne , assignee , vs Council Ululfs
Savings b.uik. Messrs. Stone & Sims ap-
> ear for the plaintiff , and Wright , Baldwin
t Haldano for the defendant.
United For lU'a.
Another of tlio Bluffs policemen has con
cluded to take unto himself a wife. Ofllcer
David W. Thomas and Miss Kmma U. Mor-
1s were united in tlio holy bonds of matri-
nony Monday afternoon by Hov. G. W.
Crofts. "Davo" is a first-class "cop , " and
vlll doubtless make an exemplary husband.
I'm : Bui : extends congr.itulations.
Union Ijtilior Meeting ; .
There will bo a union labor meeting In G.
A. H. Hall this evening at S o'clock. All
abor organizations and workingmcn gener
ally are cordially invited.
E. II. Sheafo loans ir.onoy on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlldental. Ollico 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , uptairs. .
Will DcnMVItli Him.
The police are looking for an indecent
brute of about twenty-live years of ago who
, 'cstorda.v Interfered with several of tlio
little girls attending school at the Lindsay
building on North Main street , and enticed
them into adjoining buildings for immoral
purposes. It will go hard with him if
. Loans made on city business and resi
dence properly. Notes bought. Kim-
jall-Champ Investment company.
How an Keillor Proposed to Mnko n
Famous Man Moro FamouH.
Some time ago while Mark Twain was
taking a reminiscent lloat down the Mis-
issippi river , the boat on which ho was
omoarked was compelled ono night to
"tio up' ' ' at Floy's Point , a villngo in
Louisiana. The humorist had gene to
bed , and had just sunk into ado/.o when
there came a sharp rap at his slate-room
door. Twain opened the door. Asquint-
eyed follow , wearing n cheek shirt
and rawhide boots , stepped into the
"Is this Mark Twain ? "
"Yes. I am known by that namo. "
"Well , sir , I huvc borne mighty im
portant business with you. "
"Please state it. "
"Kain't do it hero , but of you'll como
with mo you'll soon find out * "
"I don't care to go anywhere to-night
except to bed , " Twain replied.
"But I tell you this is important
something that should bo attended teat
at onco. You just come with mo n few
minutes and I'll bo dinged if you over
regret it"
"I don't care to meet anyone. "
"You won't have to meet any ono but
mo. You inuy have had n trick played
on you , but I toll you this is to your ad
vantage. It won't take you ton minutes.
Tlio only reason I want you to go with
mo is that I may prove my good faith. "
He continued with such strong irapor-
tunity that Twain finally consented to
go with him. The humorist was con
ducted through a muddy strcol and
down a dark alloy to a small wooden
building. His conductor unlocked a
door , entered a room and lighted a
smoky lump.
"Como right in an' set down. "
The humorist looked around and dis
covered that he was in a printing ollico ,
lilted up with a hand press and a few
cases of typo.
"Sot down. "
Twain seated himself on o box. His
conductor added :
"You are now. sir , within the portals
of the Weekly Progress , a paper that
circulates extensively throughout the
country , and of which I am tlio editor.
I wanted to bring you hero to show you
as convincln' proof of my standin' the
tools and appliances of my honorable
profession. I could , on the boat , luivo
given the information thai I intended
to deliver , but , suh , without these hero
surroundin's of sincerityyou must have
thought mo a fraud. Now , this is what
1 want to toll you Mr. Twain. I have
hcarn of you , and I want to suy any
thing you write that you want printed ,
w'y you bond it to J. Casper Mclntosh ,
and I'll bo blamed if I don't print it for
you. Yes , I will , " ho added , mooting
the humorist's attire of amazement.
"Yes , I'll be dinged if I don't. You
just go ahead now and write out a lot of
your fool things , and I'll bo hanged if I
don't publish 'em , I don't care a bhimo
whut folks bay. Don't bo snatched , Mr.
Twain , for I am a tolling of the truth.
I'll publish your articles. Well , of yo
must go , good night. When you got
down thar to the corner of the fence
turn to the right , if you don't want to
got dog bit. "
Katlier Unexpected.
Savannah News : ' ! would like to
speak to you a moment privately , Mr.
Moneybags , if you are not too busy. "
"Certainly. Mr. Penwiper , I am a lit
tle busy , but I can hear what you have
to say. ' Well , what is it ? "
"I expect to got married , shortly ,
sir "
( Brief Bilonce , during which ho won
dered whether the expected increase of
salory is to bo as much as5K ( ) . 1
"IleyV What did you bay ? "
"I said I was e.xpoctiifg lo bo married
before long , fair. . " .
\ "Well , sir , you tu'o a d d fool ! "
Substitute Tor
tlio rnlr.
It Is an Incontrovertible fact * that there Is
n growing sentiment unionthu ! citizens of
Omaha , that the rity is ontitlcil'to something
In the way of an annual exposition or festi
val on n moro extensive and clabor.Uo basis
than the fair. The latter' , whllo It Is nil
right in It w.iy , does not seem to meet tbo
cuds Unit the magnitude , anil progrc.sstx'o
spirit of the city demands , neither does it
prove the source of emolument that Iho
thrift and enterprise of Its business Inter
ests have n right to oxpset. This is especi
ally the case when the tlmo and money ex
pended In the attempt to got up something
to ntttrnct the people hero is considered.
The fair , as an exposition of the resources of
the city and surrounding country ,
falls far short of the umric , and It
is thought the tlmo has arrived
for Omaha , If she desires to keep pace
with other cities of commensurate impor
tance and size , to do somothliiif that will
Justify an outpouring of the people , and the
expenditure of a inunh larger sum of money.
The people , it is conceded , must have their
annual frolic , n period of sight-seeing , guy-
ety and mirth , and the one dlsideratuni Is to
combine with this season as mui-li as is
prolltable , ennobling mid Instructive ns pos
sible. St. Paul lint lior Ice carnival , Sioux
City hoi * corn palace , St. Louis her fair and
veiled prophets , Cincinnati her centennial ,
New Orleans her mnrdl , New Yoric her
world's fair , Boston her May festival ,
Chicago her uiter-stato exposition , and so on
throughout the list of metropolitan centers.
Omaha In catering to the elevation ,
the enjoyment and progress of
the hundreds of thousands interested in her
as n commercial centre , it is assorted ought
not bo behind in such n prospect.
To fei'l the pulse nt the city in this regard
n Hun reporter had brief chats with the fol
lowing well known citizens :
Mr. Hcllmau advocates u grand Interstate
exposition. Ho said the people who como
hero to the fair , Hud nothing in the city to
nmuso them , and of course , look to the attrac
tion that brought them hero to furnish it.
Thus , they go to the fair , and their disap
pointment Is fully ns great. They stay a
half-day mnybo , and then return to their
homes tired and disgusted. A grind
mter-stato exposition to bo held
within the city limits would prove a
most meritorious attraction. Wo have
as line hotels as any city , and there
is no question of adequate accommodation.
The business men and capitalists should call
a meeting and dibcut > s the situation , as it will
devolve upon their enterprise and liberality
to erect a suitable building for a show of
such magnitude. And instead of a week of
dust and weariness , a month or six weeks of
good , solid enjoyment should bo afforded.
J. A. Houiiisou thinks that nn Intcr-stata
affair of the discription suggested , would bo
a big thing for Omaha. All the largo cities
in tlio country are vicing with each other in
getting up an annual gala season for the pee
S. P. Morse was very enthusiastic. lie
thinks Omaha is now old enough , robust and
strong enough to tackle any enterprise that
any other city can. He thinks such n pro
ject would be a colossal success If only gene
at in the right way , and the proper man se
lected to manage and ongiaeor.-'f his must bo
a man of the most undoubted ubil
ity , of Jliniitless information , broad
ideas and soundest discrimination one capa
ble of taking hold of such a prodigious
scheme and organizing it and tarrying it out
to a Bucco-sfull ssue. He thinks some bright
nowdpiipcr'nan , ono familiar with all the
devices for amusing the people , Would bo of
much service to a board of directors. Mr.
Morse would like to see the matter boomed.
George and Josooh Darker , ara of the
opinion that the people have grown Indiffer
ent to thu old-fashionea pn/.o punkin , big
squash and elephantine porcine exhibition ,
and yearn for something higher and bettor
something of n permanent character to
show the resources of their town and coun
try , and the day and age in which they live.
The attraction must bo extensive , advantag
eous , profitable , something that would war
rant the railroads in taking a prominent
hand In it , something that would awaken a
spirit of emulation in othoc. cities ,
something distinctive and highly
meritorious in all details. There
must bo much that will interest and nmuso ,
and the whole people should concentrate in
making such an enterprise a success. The
Germans with their satigorfost , the young
men with their military , musical and athletic
clubs , commercial men , agriculturists , manu
facturers , artists , musicians and inventors
should alLtnko a hand in it. They thought a
Missouri Valley centennial wouldn't boa bad
idea for next year.
John D. Crclghton was of the opinion that
the chief feature of such an affair should bo
the city's facilities for getting up a grand
programme of extraordinary attractions , and
ho thought a little racing nnd base ball
thrown in by way of variety would bo a good
Erastus A. Henson said ho had already
been upon a committee with the view of get
ting up Just such an exposition and festival
something that would enlist the in
terests of the people from the
Mississippi to the const , and to
continue throughout the autumn months ,
which nro most delightful in this latitude.
He Raid n mammoth building would have to
bo put up , to cost not less than $ r > 00,000 , nnd
that the sooner the project was agitated and
taken hold of the better the prospect of at
taining success.
W. V. Morse thought the old Exposition
building should have been preserved , the
Omaha of its day was not the Omaha of to
day. Ho had no especial esteem for a fair
held without the city limits. What wo want
is a grand , good show inside the city to bring
the people and hold them here.
W. A. Puxton thought the project was too
much of an undertaking , that Omaha would
not respond in n manner to Justify the at
tempt. It had failed once , and ho thought it
would again.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is nn absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , unJ nil skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , ut 'Jo
cents per box bv wall ; (0 ( cents.
County Siiparintcuilentnruncr Wants
Knforced iVttoiulaneent School.
Prof. Hrunor , county suporlntondont of
schools , has addressed postal cards to the di
rectors In school districts 5 , 6 , T , 11 , W , 19 , 15 ,
1(1 ( , 17 , 18. 19 , 2J , 21 , 20 , ill , 33It ) and frac
tional district No. 2 , instructing thorn to re
port to him at once the numbsr of pupils be
tween the aitos of eight and fourteen years
who were enrolled In the schools for the year
ending July . ' ) , ISsS. This autiou < is taken to
see whether or not the compulsory school
law is Doing complied with .or not.
It has been found that the ? least attention
has been paid to the law in.tho country dis
tricts , and the directors wio have not al
ready reported are for the most part these of
the country schools.
According to reports , out of the 0,010 pupils
In this city of school ago , 5jl4 ( wore enrolled
last year. This does not includu the largo
number of children who attend private
schools. " J
According to the reports alriady sent In
a number of schools report tnb U'ttondanco ot
every child In the district Vholcomo under
tlio compulsory law. In other districts the
attendance is very bad. .Superintendent
Brunei- will make a vigorous effort to have
the law pretty strictly observed during the
coining year.
Tlio 1'olloy ol'tlio Union 1'aultiu in He.
arranuliiK It.
"Tho policy of the Union Pacific is to do
the greatest good to the greatest numbsr , "
said Assistant General Pasion ar Atcont
Lomax yesterday , "and It was In , follow
ing out that policy the rooant changes in the
time card were made. Wo had to maka a
change , because both our eastern and west
ern connections had tnido a change in
their's. We have no idea of killing
or hurting the trrtdn of any town on our llni
that is nonsensical on tlio face of it , and i
Oinaba Is losing any trade , the merchants
are making up tor 'it' by the rapid trans !
given their druuiucn , wuo lUvo no longc
to lose time , and money In the voxatloas delays -
lays they mot with licrotofaro In limiting
connections. The' only place tlmt
inl lit have. any cause ot com
plaint Is Norfolk , and they c .n'l grumble
nt the through sorvleo. The local traflle may
not bo quite us saUs'r.elory now ns formerly ,
but In the meantime wo may devise n
sehcdulo that will bo better than over. Wo
took off trains No. 7 and 8 because there was
practically only nn hour's dlfforcneo in tholr
arrival and departure from the tlmo of Nos.
! ! mid 4 , and yet they cost the company about
? 14 1,000 per year. Take the train from Nor
folk to Omaha on an average wo did not carry
more than three passengets a day between
these points , and you can see for yourself
that wouldn't ' pay. Wo want to encourage
local trafllc , and are trying to accommodate
those who llvo from fifty to ono hundred
miles from the county seats and business
centers , so that they can leave their homes ,
transact business , and return in the same
day. Uesldcs that wo have to look after
our through trade and compote with rival
companies , but the Idea of a train covering
211) ) miles and being looked upon ns
surburbau train Is all wrong. People who
travel thai distance lo reach Omaha generally
have enough business lo keep them there
a whole day , and our now time card has been
arranged to suit their wants. "
Hound trip tickets to Chicago and return ,
Including admission to the exhibition there
are noxv being sold at fclG.'Jo. ' They ore good
for ono week.
Do not bo induced to take some other
preparation when yon call for Hood's
Sarsaparilln. Bo sure to get Hood's
which is peculiar.
Mncty-Kittlit Inmates lu tlio County
Jailor Miller says that If Judge Bcrka
gives him ono moro crowd of men like that
ho sent Monday ovonlng , the jail will bo
staiuUnir full and rings and chains will have
to bo put In the stone wall about the court
house lol to chain seine of the men to nt
night so the others can have room to make up
their bunks.
There were just fourteen in the company
broughl up the lime mentioned , and the
number now in tlio jail is ninety-eight.
Among thcso arc ttio thirty men who are
under indictment and will bo tried at the
coming term of court. Three are United
States prisoners , two are from S.irpy county ,
two are under state sentence but their cases
are now pending before the supreme court.
Tlio remaining sixty or moro who cat at the
jail table are the city's vags and drunks. As
the building is only planned to accommodate
about sixty psoplo the crowd Is iiuro than
can bo properly cared for.
For coiibtipalion , "livor complaint , "
or biliousness , sick headache , and all
diseases arising from n disordered con
dition of the liver and stomach , take
Dr. Picrco's Ploasanl Purgative Pellets -
lots a gentle laxative or active cathar-
lic , according lo elr.o of dose.
For Furniture.
Mr. P. C , Ilimobaush , president ot the
Young Men's Christian association , has sent
out circular letters containing cards asking
for donations to a fund for the furnishing of
the now Young Men's Christian association
rooms. The circular states that f 10,003 are
needed for the purpose. This Includes the
parlors , reading rooms , lecture and seven
educational rooms and the gymnasium. The
apparatus of the gymnasium is to cost 2,000.
The card in the circular has a reccptablo
in the middle covered by a seal. It is largo
enough to hold a silver dollar or an cquiva-
cnt amount of small change or a twcnly-
lollar gold pioea. Tlio plan is to have people
o whom thcso cards arc addressed 1111 them
vith coin and keep them until they are
called for. Mr. Himebaugh will give three
ash pri/os to the persons collecting the
nrgcst amount of money for Ihn fund be-
wccn now and November 1.
To increase the stamina of nn on-
eobled system the nourishing proper-
, ics of tlio blood must bo increased. Dr.
T. II. McLean's Stronglhening Cordial
ind Blood Purifier , enricho * and puri-
ics the blood and fills it with Btronglh-
giving constituents.
The New Gmanuel Hospital.
Ground was broken yesterday for the
now hospital in Monmouth Parkin the north
> art of the city. Uov. E. A. Fogelstrom , Iho
nunagor , says the work will bo pushed as
rapidly as possible. The present expend- !
uro for buildings will bo at least $2),000 ,
nul it is thought thai the institution will bo
ready for patienls by July 1 , 1SSS , earlier if
wsslble. The site of the hospital is very
louutlful , commanding a magnlllcienl view
of the cities of Omaha , Council Bluffs , the
Ivor and valley for Hftccn or twenty miles ,
Tort Omaha , and Iho highlands west. Hov.
. 'ogolstrom has now several ladles in traili
ng in Philadelphia for the position of
lurscs when Iho institution , to which ho is
leveling time and eminent ability , is ready
'or occupancy. _
Po/.7.oni's Complexion Powder is uni
versally known and everywhere es
teemed as the only Powder that will
improve the complexion , eradicate tan ,
freckles , and nil skin diseases.
Uncle Sam's Sharpshooters.
The consolidated record of scores made by
competitors nt the rlflo contest of the do-
lartmcnt of the Platte , August 9 , 10 and 11 ,
ins made its appearance. It shows thai Iho
totals of the marksmen In tiring nt known
distances was 23.287 , a gain of 558 over those
of 'S7 , that the totals in skirmish firing were
ISl ! greater than these of last year , the pres
ent number , 7t-7. ! The percentage of gain
In both these features was respectively 1.50
and 0.00. The order of regiments In the con
tests is as follows : Seventeenth infantry ,
first ; Eighth , second ; Ninth cavalry , third ;
Sixteenth infantry , fourth ; Twenty-first ,
fifth ; Seventh , sixth and the Second , the
homo regiment the eighth and last.
The Choicest Ground For Residence
in the Western Part of the City.
Is now platted Into Hcautlful , Largo Lots.
About ten minutes ride on the motor to Doug
lass Street , Omaha.
They Ho on n level but elevated btrlp of ground.
About ItO yards from the new motor line to
Let , * than Hi miles from the Council Hlulfs
I'ostolllce. .
Nearly twice as largo In size as most of the
newly platted lots.
Good public schools near by.
The proposed Houlevard bounds It on the
TITLF.S : Perfect. ,
AIISTHACT : i'rintcd Abstract and War
ranty Deed with each Lot.
G HADE : Examine these Lots with reference
to the prnilii before buying a Lot.
The ordinary price of a Lot in waved
on grade alone , if you buy one of
tlit'se Lots.
To n good class of purchasers a limited num
ber of Lots will bo sold for one-tenth
down ; balance in monthly payments
J. J. Drown UMtf. , 115 1'earl St. , Council Hluffs ,
.1514 DoutfUs St. , Ouiulia , Neb
Smith's Bakery.
"Wholesale Broad & Cakes.
INCOUl OHVrtl ! >
CO. ,
SIZES FROM Especially AdniitoJ tot
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete strain plants. HpRiilatlou , Durability Ouar-
antced. Can show letters from users where fuel Economy is equal ivlth Corliss Nun-Condensing.
ICUA1 EIUL'SI ] , C UM'3I , Itl.DFI'S , 1O\VA.
Send tor Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the remaining lots in Squiro's addition to Council Bluffs , I
will sell Iho lincfcl located lots in the cily for $50 cash payment , mid longtime
time on balance , to persons who dchiro to socnro homes , and'I will make liberal -
oral loans to these who dcsiro aid in building houses. Call at once and see
mo at Miibonlu Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
SPECIAL advertisements , such ixs Iost , Found ,
To Loan , 1'or S.ile. To Kent , Wants , Hoard
ing , etc. , will t > n inserted In this column at the
low rate of TUN CKNTS I'KIl LINK for the first
Insertion and Kivo Cents Per I.tno for each nub-
sequent Insertion. I.envo advertisements at
our ofllco , No. 12 I'enrl Street , near Hroadway ,
Council lllulls lown.
WANTED-A barber. Good wages will bo
paid to right man. Address U. A. Wngner ,
Vnll , lown.
F OR SAljK A good drny team ; will weigh
iiboHtiyijOlb-f , Will be sold cheap if taken
soon . Uoero , Wells & Co ,
\ VANTIID Good girl for general housework ;
VMrn. . Dillon , 11(1 ( Fourth tt.
T710H SALK or trade , for city lot , uncst
J- ' matched family team In state. No. llti.
West Hroadway.
FOH HENT Seven-room house , modern Im
provements , good stable. II. 0. Cory , Coun
cil HlllttH.
FOK SALK My entire stock of cook nnd
heating stoves ; also a full line of furniture
at bottom rock prices. Goods sold on pay-
ments. A , J. Mandel. ICil and ! M. Hroadway.
WANTED Wood turner at once. Steady
employment to good man. J. F. Cody ,
ail Washingtonave. . Council UlnifH , la.
T7IOH ItTlNT A largo number of good dwell-
-I ? ings. Call nud examine list. K. II. Sheaf o
i Co. , Hroadway and Main St. , up stairs.
FOR HUNT Nicely furnished , n suite of
rooms , also a single room , one block from
Ilroodway , 1UJ Glenn avo.
Foil SALK My new eight-loom cottage on
Second ave. W. C. James.
TjTOIl SALK Harbor shop at 150 Hroadway ,
f ! Council Hlutlo ; good trndo ; satisfactory
reasons for selling ; bargain for the right man.
TIIOH KXRIIANQK A line , well assorted f 1,000
J ? stock of stationery , fancy goodn , Jowelrv ,
etc. , In a thriving town for residence ) In South
Omaha. K. T. Hryant & Co. , tt3 Hroadway ,
Council Hinds. la.
HOUsns for rent. Johnston & Van Patten ,
IT ! Main ttt.
A UO-acro small fruit farm very diep. Just
-C.V outside city limits or will divide Into 10
acre tracts to suit purchaser. H T llryiint & Co
- of merchandise to ex
change for city property In Council Hlull.s ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of nny kind ,
Wo make exchanging a specialty. K. T. Hryant
Sc Co. , KM Hroadway.
Latent > 'd\ellh'H In
urns. c. i , . GIIMTTI : : .
PRICE $15.
Is equal to
diiy High
The FMI'on Mimeograph , the bet apparatus fur
niHulfoMlntf , nutourapblc and typo writing work ,
S.UUJ copln tan be taken.
The Ezcelsior Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
t001)road ar.Council muffs , Iowa. listablhljoJ
A positive euro for Liver nnd Kldno.v troub
Ics , all Blood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspcp *
sin , and Sour Stomach , Is found In
Tor sale by local druggists mid drupglsti
everywhere. 1'rlco $1 per bottli1 , six tor $5 <
Address nil communications to
j. ii.
Council HlulTs , la.
Overcoming nil opposition , till the rometerlel
with newly iniido graves , leaving the once
happy homo with nothing but memen
toes of loved ones loht , Wltero
Is uaed it IH universally found to bo
Tlio value of n single bottle for n In nv ot
the above named is really incalculable.
Money rotild not Induce those who have thor-
oughl'v tried It to bo without it. The market in
lull of remedies for a similar pmpoKu , and all
have merit In Korno CHHO.S , but with them It Is A
htubborn fact that these are in many places tuq
of the country. Wltn this medicine they ard
This medicine has now been used In this country
Has no equal on earth. Hold by drugging every
where. HARLE , HAAS & . CO. ,
Wholesale Agontii , Council IllulU , Iowa.
D. H , McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
USJuncl 82 Main BtreotCouncil Uluild.lowa.