w/ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDjSHESDAY ; SEPTEMBEK 12. 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Everybody at Sea on the Govern ment Crop Report. IT CAUSES A BREAK IN WHEAT. lnruo Lots of the Cereal Sold The Koporl Very ( icncrnlly Considered ol' n ISullinli Character Ocii- oral QuotatiuiiH. CHICAGO 1'UODUCE MAKICHT. CHICAGO , Sept. 11. [ Special Tnlcgram to Tun liKi : . ] The trade was ut sea this morn ing on the meaning of the government cro report. Popular construction put on the figures wns bearish , the results arrived at by various but commonly accepted processes of calculation ranging from IW.OOO,000 to 401- 000,000 bushels. The crowd Jumped to the conclusion that the outside was the safest llgtiro to take and acted accordingly. In this connection , however , the following state ment by n local statistician of note Is sub mitted as affording a reasonable explanation of tha government estimates and aver ages : "Tim method of estimating the prob- iiblo yield of wheat in bushels by deducting tlio percentage 77.JJ from b2 , last year's general average on September 1 , and then reducing last year's yield of 457,000,000 , bushels 6 per cent , leaving 4:14,000,000 : bush els as the Indicated yield , Is manifestly erroneous , as It assumes that the acreage harvested is the same as in Ii87 , while in reality It is much less. Then 5 points less than 82 is not 5 per cent of the whole. Uy taking the wreago harvested , UO.iii'O.OOO ' , and multiply ing it by 14 , as u full average yield , and taking 77.y per cent of the result , the yield Is ii'J'Jby8 , < JSO bushels. " Wheat broke on the government rctiort any way. It broke 2Jfo mid the closing range at 1 o'clock does not Hhow that the market was possessed of great rallying power. As indicated in these re views for several days past , u good many people wcro In readiness to sell on the gov ernment report , no matter what it might be , and the result shows that this intention was very generally , not to say generously , carried out. Cables catno in easier and harvest weather abroad Is turning out good. There was a private cnblo on the lloor from Walker Hros. , of London , to the nffect that the French government was thinking of removing the duty on grain. This served to brace up the market for a while , until it was remembered that the government was at this stage only "think ing , " not "doing , " whereupon the scalpers turned in as one man and sold wheat. The government report , if it means anything , which Homo say Is doubtful , is open to bullish construction , but the trade couldn't see it that way and there was free selling from all quarters. The longs vied with the raiders in soiling the whole range of futures. The primary movement of winter wheat is falling off sharply , but receipts are still In excess of last year , and it is the comparative llgu res the trade is looking at. December continues to bo the favorite month. It opened at ' .I'JJrfc , a loss of Ic over night. There were sales nt U'JVc and then Urn market worked down to ! ll'i@01o. Later it rallied to UlK@3-c , but during the last hour of the long session the course was downward. There was no stopping It. .lust before the tap of the bell December was selling at Olc , a shrinkage of 2'oC , from yesterday. The range of October wheat wns from ( H' c to 89Xc , and the range of May wheat from OTJf to Wijfe. Toward the last n irreut lot of long wheat come upon the market , nn amount too largo to bo ab sorbed. Last prices were at the bottom. September closed the same as December. There was tin active demand for cash corn to-day at higher prices. This affected Sep tember and October , which ruled generally Btrong and higher , but the now crop futures wcro quiet and showed little change. At the close cash on Sep tember was about ohigherttian last night's close , October about % c higher , but May was nearly \c \ lower. Shipment was again brisk and prices decidedly llrm and the shorts soon became nervous and began to cover. The strength quickly cxtondoj to October but longer futures were not inllu- enccd much , as trie weather and crop pros- poets seemed to bo everything that could bo desired. Oats were dull though about steady. Re ceipts wcro as largo as anticipated , though they showed poverty in quality. A few out side trading orders appeared and business was chiefly local and small in the aggregate. Moderate inquiry was noted for near futures and also for May. which sold up to 28itf@3SJ e , though the latter was ruling slightly easier while few sellers appeared for the next month. Cash oats wore llrm. soiling at ! MJ2l ? o in store , duo partly to the strength in corn and also to the offerings , which were but moderate. Provisions opened with the bullish fooling of yesterday still controlling the market. The initial sales of pork mid short ribs wcro at n further small advance and of lard at about last night's final prices. Later the entire - tire trade showed an easier tendency and under free soiling of October pork by Hutchinson - inson and of January pork by Cudahy , lower prices followed. During the last half of the day a receding movement was the rule and a rather tame citato of affairs was witnessed. Cudahy , while a free Boiler of January , bought Octo ber pork quite llDerally. General trading was fair , and ot the cash product sales showed something of an Increase. Based on last night's tlnul prices , the closing nt 1 o'clock showed irregular changes. Pork for October rested 12J o lower. Lard was un changed and short ribs 3o higher. Later future closed 7 } e higher. A rrEiiNooNSixiioN Wheat weak , and December - . comber closed about J o lower than at 1 o'clock. 2CO : closing : September , 00j o ; Oc tober , S'.iKc ; November , 90) ) < c ; December , wyfc. Corn was moderately active but eas ier , October closing about } . , 'o lower than at 1 o'clock ; September , 45tfu ; October , 45) o ; November , 4'3l , o. Oats steady , but. the ilo- inand was very light ; September , 'Jlj ! o ; Oc tober , 2 ! jc. Pork unchanged for September and October , lOo off for November , and 5c lower for January ; September , ? 14.4 ( ) ; Octo ber , $14.40 ; November , $14.10. Lard steady for September mill October , 2) ) c lower for November , unchanged for year , and 2J o higher for January ; September , flO.OO ; Oc- tohor , $10.00 ; November , $ ' . > . .12'c. . Short ribs declined 2) ) 0 for September and Octo ber and 5o for January ; September , 18.80. CHICAGO ItlVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ucu. 1 Uvrru : Trade was active and prices show little or no change on the iron- oral run of cattle. The Immense number of native cows and heifers on the market yes terday has disappeared and In looking over the yards to-day there is not the slightest evidence that anything extraordinary had happened In this line , and the run was dis posed of at satisfactory prices considering the numbers. Prime native steers continue scarce and remain firm ; also anything at all good , either Tcxans , rangers or natives , again sold tight up to the last week's arrivals. There wcro at least 5,000 Texans and rangers - ors among the arrivals , which only loft about 11.500 natives , a largo per cent of which wnro cows , bglls and rough stock gen orally. Trade was in an active and healthy etato with prices satisfactory on anything that shippers or packers could use. Veal calves are in good demand and steady. Very little is doing In Btockcrs and feeders , all walling for the frost and cooler weather. Receipts Included f > ,500 Tcxans and westerns. Cholcq beeves.fil.OO 0080 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , f5.(0@.VM ; 1200 to 130 Ibs , $1.40(35.50 ( ; O.V ) to 1200 Ibs. 13.50 @ $4.35 : stackers and feeders , 12.00(33.20 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , fl,50 < 33.90 ; bulk , W.40@M',0 ; a train of KOO Ib Indian cattletJ.IH ) ; Texas cattle , steers , W > 0tol050 Ibs , 3.CO 3.1H ) ; 750 to IXJO Ibs , f3.0@J.40 ; 000 to 700 Ibs , t2.50@3.10 ; cows. f2.0C ( < 42.65. Western rangers , natives ami half breeds , $3.50 4.00 ; cows , $2.75(23.50. ( Wintered Texans , M.00@t.65. Hoos-Business waa brisk and values a Btrong nickel higher at the opening but rather weak at the closo. The best mixed pold at M.3.Vgrt.45 , and the ordinary run nt krt.00 @ K5.25. The best heavy sold ut Jrt.50 J.GU ; a few fancy at * 0.05 Q W.72X- City butchers paid (0.75 for an assortment of all varieties to average (2.50 , tine boned and fat all over. Light sorts neglected ; no shipping - ping or packing dciaoud ; nominal at J5.6Q@ Nr.w YOHK , Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram to Tiir. UriB.1 STOCKS The market scorned to get up out of the narrow lines in which It has been running for a number of days , and business was tnoro evenly distributed than for some tlino past. The opening wns strong , with n general Improvement extend ing to M , n point , though Western Union started a little under last night's closo. Hocking Valley was again bull stock and ap preciated rather remarkably. Pullman , which advanced IJ-f points on yesterday , was again on the upturn and by noon had gained 8 points. There was no special reason as signed for this spurt. It Is said the com pany has a surplus of ? 12)00OCO ( ) , and that they are doing the largest business In their history. The mooting of the directors Is to be held soon and It Is probable something fu- vorablo will then bo made known. Among the more active stocks Manhattan and Lake Shore showed the most strength , advancing materially. At noon the market was active and strong at about the best prices of the morning. London was quite a largo buyer of npccliiltlcs to-day , which helped the mar ket , and there was strong buying of St. Paul , which closed nearly nt the top 7 , a gain of % of a point. Coverings of shorts was also in favor of the bull market. While there was some reaction from the highest prices , the close showed Irregular gains In nearly all the stocks of Jf to 1 point. The few exceptional gains wcro 2 points In Pull man and \Yi \ each In Lake Shore and New England. ItovcKXMcxTS Government bonds wcro dull but firm. _ The closing quotations of the stocks wcro as follows : Srr.Ri.txn Exciuxnn Quiet and steady at 4.S14' ; ! for sixty-day bills , SI.88 for demand. PICO DUCK. Cinc.voo , Sept. 11. Wheat , stronger ; cash 02'Nc ; October , OlJ/c ; November , 02-yc. Cou.v Firmer ; cash , 45 > c ; October. 41 5-10c ; November , 4Iic. OATS Firm ; September , 21 S-lGc ; October , 2l } c ; November , 2t o. Hvu 5.C. UAUI.CV Nominal. Pimm TIMOTHY ? 1.07@1.70. Fi.vx Siii : > $1.2j ( < 81.30. WHISKY $1.20. POIIK Easy cash and October , $14..To ; November , &U.05. LAUD Steady ; cash and October , $1.10 ; November , ? 1.0-i. Flour Firm ; winter wheat , $3.40515.00 ; spring wheat , ? 3.75@l.l0 ! ; rye , ? ! 2.70e ( ? > 'U)0. ) Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. $7.W ( ) ( < 7iT.75 ; short clear , $ ' . ) .00gy.25 ( ; short ribs , ts.bO. llutter Steady ; creamery , ISti&jJcdairy ; , Choose Firm ; full cream Cheddars , Slf " Hats. Stf@S c ; Young Americas , Ejy'irs Firm at 15 } @ 1G.2C. Hides Finn with : ui advance of J c on lifivy ! anil light salted hides. Ilcayy tjreen " --11-1-- - - ; salted dry 1.1 per'cctitoff ; deacohs"io@23o each ; dry salted , 10@l c. Tallow Firm : No. 1 , solid , 5i @ 5J c ; No. " , 4J o ; cake , 5 @ "i5ft- per l\j. \ 'JiliO eloso Wheat Kasy ; cash , 00 13-10c ; October , SOX" ! November , OOJ t-1. Corn Lower ; cash , 45 cOctobor151lGo ; ; November , Slj c. Oats Kasy ; cash , 21 c ; October , 217-lOc : November , 40 c. Pork Steady ; cash and October , $14.40 ; November , $14.10. Lard Easy : cash and October , $10.00. Ueecipts. Mhipments. Flour , bbls 10,003 11,000 Wheat bu 123.000 10,000 Corn.bu 3l,000 10SK)0 ( ) Oats , bu 310,000 80,000 Uyo , bu Hurley , bu . . . . Now Vork , Sept. 11. Wheat Receipts , 01,000 ; exports , 9,000 ; spot market depressed - pressed and lj @ 2c lower ; No. 3 red , 97 > .C @ 0r ) c In elevator , OSJ QOOJ o afloat , 0 > ijSl.OO ( > f f. o. b. ; No. a red. Olc ; No , 4 red , 84 0 ; ungraded red , S0ogl.01 ( > / No. 1 red , Jl.OJ ; options were 2c lower on troveriunent crop ru ] > ort and easier cables , but active ; No. 2 red , October , closed at Corn Receipts , 73,000 ; exports , 30,000 , ; spot active but steady ; No. JJ. 5-l c in ele vator , Me afloat , ungraded mixed , 53@5r > > ; ; options a trillo easier but fairly active , clos ing about steady ; October closed at 51e. Oats Receipts , 130,110 ; exports , 58 ; spot J @l lower but moderately active ; mixed western , 2igJ3c ( ( : ; white western , 2745c. Coffee Oitlons ( opened steady and closed September easy , others llrm ; sales 2,500 ba s ; September , $12.10@12.15 : October , fll.OOJilll.OO ; spot Rio quiet but timer ; fair cargoes , $15.23. Petroleum Quiet and firm ; United closed at 05H s. EifK3 Easy nnd quiet ; western , 17@10ye. I'orlt Steady and In moderate demand. Lard SiKt ) stroiiKor nnd scarce ; sales of choice western , $10.45 , quoted at$10.40(810.4- ( nnd easy ; sales of September $10.80@io. 3 , closing at $10.2 $ . Mutter In moderate demand and firm on oxMiM fresh ; western creamery , 14@23c ; western dairy , 12@15c. Ulioeso Steadier on lancy ; western , } St. LoulH. Sept 11. Wheat Weak and lower ; cash , OlJ c : October , 01 'c. Corn Lower ; cash. 42c ; October , Oats Weak ; cash , 42o ; October , Pork-$15.00ir > .25. Lard Steady at $ 'J.50. Whisky $1.14 , Butter Quiet ; creamery , 18@20c ; dairy , 15 ( 17. Afternoon Board Wheat lower and easy after a slight rally. Corn lower. Oats quiet. Minneapolis , Sept. 11. Wheat Re ceipts wore i.55 cars ; shipments , 47 cars. The situation onttho local board was but slightly changed , buyers of milling wheat insisting on a reduction , but with a drop of 2o In outside markets local prices declined but a small fraction. Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , la store , September , tiSc ; Octo ber , b9c ; on track , old , 00 } o ; now , 03 } e ; No.l northern , September , b ( > c ; October , t'Oc ' ; on track , old , < J7o ; now , 02@i2Ko : ; No. 2 northern , September , Qjj $ a ; October , 92o ; on tr.tck , old , Olc. Milwaukee , Sept. 11. Wheat Steady ; cash and November , SSe ; October , 87c. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 44c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 20c. Rye Dull ; No. 1 , 55o. Pro vis lo n s Fl rm . Pork Cash and September , $14.40. Cincinnati , Sept. 11. Wheat Quiet ; No. a rod. Wo. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 49o. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 2 Whisky Steady at $1.14. No. 2 soft , cash , 8tc asked. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 30o bid ; May , 30o bid. . Oats No. 2 , cash , COJ c asked. LIVE 8TOCR. Clilcnco , Sept. 11. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , S.ODO ; market slow and steady ; beeves , fO.OO < rfa30steers$3.50@5.95 : ; stackers and feeders. $ . ' 1.00(23.30 ( ; cows , bulls and inlxcd , 1.60 ( < $2.90 ; Texas rattle , $2.00(3 ( 3.W ) ; western rangers , $2,75 ( 4.90. Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; market strong and 5 higher : mixed. $ D.05ii0.50 ( ; heavy , W.15(20.75 ( ; light , $ o.70 ( 0.80 : skips , $1.00 ( D , ( > 0 Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market steady. Natives , * J.00 4.00 ; western feeders , $3.3554 3.65 ; Tcxans , $ J.75@3.30 ; lambs , t3.75 ( < 5.S5. Kuiinnu City , Sent. ll.attle ! Re ceipts , 7iaO ; ; shipments , 3,000 ; supply chlelly grass range audnative cows ; gross rongo G@10o lower ; cowa steady to 5e lower ; dressed beef nnd shipping steers about steady ; good to choice corn-fed , $5.000 ? . " . & 0 ! common to medium , $3.23(31.73 ( ; stockcrs nnd feeding steers , $1.00 ( < f3.00 ! grass range btcers , J1.SOJ3.W ( ( ! ; cows , ? 1.23@t.25. ; Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 300 ; tnnrkot active , strong and 5c higher ; good to cliolce0.20 ( < { 0.30 ; common to medium , $5.00 @ 0.10 ; skips and pigs' ' , ? t.00@3.25. National Stock VariK Enst St. Louis , Sent. 11. Cattle Receipts , 3,000 , ; shipments , 2'JO ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , M.lor < T3.80 ; fair to good natlvo steers , M.IO@5.15 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , $3.50 ( < ? 4.50 ; stockers nnd feeders , fair to good , $2.20'it3.50 ; rangers , corn-foJ , ? 3. ( XS1.75 ; crass-fed , $3.2003.70. Hogs Receipts , 225 ; shipments , none ; market stronger ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , M.no@fl.OV. packing , medium to prime , ? U.8.@t5.50 ; light grades , ordinary to best , $0.33ci0.40. OMAHA LjIVI3 STOCK. Cnltle. Tuesday , Sept. 11,1883. The scarcity of beef cattle continues , there being very few of the range cattle which nro now arriving that can bo used by the dressed meat trade. There were four loads of fair corn-fed natives in the yards which sold to the packers ut $5.00. The mar ket for beef cattle could hardly bo quoted otherwise than steady. The market for butchers' stock has been gradually improving of late and good cows are selling freely nnd r.t stronc prices. Feeders wcro in good de mand but the quality was not such as to encourage - courage the buyerawlio were looking mostly for good stock. IIORR. Heavy and mixed hops sold at an advance of 10c and the market was active. Every thing offered was quickly taken at the prices. One good load , though lighter than the top yesterday , sold at $0,50. Light hogs wore slow sale at only steady prices. Everything was sold early. Sheep. There wore no fresh receipts and nothing doing on the market. Itcucipts. Cattle 1,250 Hogs 4,000 PrcvnilinB Prices. Thefollowins ; is a table of prices paid In this mantel for the grade * of stock men tioned. I'rimostoers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs.$5.25 (25.50 ( Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. , 4.50 .T45.33 Native feeders 3.00 @ 3.40 Western feeders 2.75 ( ji3.25 Range steers , com'on to choice 3.00 ti 4.00 Common to good cows 1.50 ( a3.50 Choice to fancy cows 2.50 ( < ? 3.00 Corn-fed cows 3.00 ( $3.40 Common to choice bulls 1.25 ( cW.OO Fair tocnoico light hogs ( ! .UO ft 0.15 Fair to choica heavy hoas 0.40 ( i40.iO Fan-to ennlca imxcil ho s 0.20 ( 0.40 Kcpresout.auvo Sales. CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. 4 cows , natives 513 $1.05 0 cows 815 2.00 7 cows 040 2.00 1 cow , native 1,100 2.00 4 cows , natives 1,075 2 15 3 cows , natives llOJ ) 2.15 25 cows 1,003 , 2 20 5 cows , natives Slit 2.20 10 cows , natives 1,125 2 25 20 cows 003 2.30 25 cows 708 2.35 21 cows , natives 8S8 2.40 23 cows 1,011 2.40 21 cows , natives OuO 2.50 4 heifers 1,000 2.50 4 cowa , natives 1,103 2.50 3 cows 1 > 30 2.W 1 cow , native 1,120 2.50 18 feeders , natives 105 2.55 24 cows and heifers , natives. . 010 2.C.O 10 cows , natives 1,033 15 cows , natives 1,110 2.05 11 cows , natives 1,0'JO ' 2.C.5 0 calves 310 2.75 48 feeders , westerns 1,003 2.85 28 stockcw , natives 84'i 2..10 0 feeders , natives 1,0(50 ( 3.00 2 oxen 1,440 3.00 17 feeders , natives 'J$2 3.05 23 steers , westerns 1,13'J 3.10 2 cows , natives lno : 8.50 18 steers , natives 1,253 3.70 70 steers , natives 1,333 5.00 HANOI : OATTLIS. Owner. No. Av. Pr. Dntors&Co 21 cows &SO 81.75 Al. Uowio 1 steer , W. T..1,120 3.20 Al. Bowie I steer , W. T..1,200 3.20 Al. Howie 10 steers , W. T. 1,080 3.20 Tcschemncher & DcUlllirr 40 steers 1,200 4.00 Win. Haynes 21 steers 1,223 3.85 HOGS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 70. . . . 103 100 $ 'U)5 ) 07..223 240 $0.80 07..210 0 0.15 50..250 80 G.JiO 70..200 200 0.15 01. . 120 0.80 85..215 2SO 0.20 77. , . .230 100 0.30 73..233 210 0.20 05. , . .2G ! 60 0.80 75..210 130 0.20 57. , .251 120 0.80 74..217 2sO 0.20 01. , .234 100 O. 0 O0. . . . 03 120 0.20 70..230 40 0.30 70..225 120 0.20 73..2-.0 1(0 ( 0.80 07..231 100 0.22K 04..240 240 0.30 50..234 40 0.25 70. .213 200 0.85 112..213 500 0.25 02. . .274 2CO 0.85 57..271 100 0.25 00. . ICO 0.35 71..211 80 0.25 57..2J1 80 0.35 15..2HS 0.25 5S..234 200 0.35 W ) 220 60 0.25 04..304 200 0. 5 . .235 100 0.25 03..233 120 0.35 CO. . ,273 100 0.25 03..243 leO 0.37i 08. . .211 200 0.25 71..207 2JO 0.40 03. . .240 80 0.25 00. .274 240 0.40 70..220 300 0.25 70 .244 SCO 0.40 5'J..2.3 100 0.25 00. .255 tO 0.40 CO..252 300 0.25 05. .203 80 0.40 73..230 200 0.25 03. .251 120 0.45 57..252 200 0,25 01..203 80 0.45 78.2-11 100 0.30 00..272 80 0.50 50..243 120 0.80 Packers Purchascn. Showing the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers on the market to-day : O. H. Hammond & Co 517 Omaha Packing Co 1,231 Armour C. 1' . Co 43) J. P. Squires &Co 1,402 { Ugliest nnd Lowest. The following are the highest and lowest prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs on this market , during the past few days , and for the corresponding period in 1887 nnd 1880 ; Ijivc H too It. Notes. Henry Koch , IJradshaw , caino in with stock. Mr. Stevens , Uva , Wyo. , was in with flvo louds of cattlo. Thomas Stretch , Valparaiso , and U. K. Finkle , Creighton , came in with cattlo. \V. W. Latta camn down from Tekarnah with four louds of fat cattle , which sold on the market at * 5.00. Fred Clarke was down from Fremont looking over the market. Ho reports everything - thing there in good shupo. William Lewis , Macedonia ; F. W. Bow man , Uruning. and Mr. PetlsonVeston , la. , were among the visitors ut the yards. Jamns Farrell , Bromiield ; Mr. Skinngr , Abio ; Henry Cook , Underwood ; Mr. llutlcr , Crescent , and E. C. Goodoll , Western , came in with hogs. Among those who came in with cattle wcro Charles lireese , Merrl > oan , Neb. ; F. J. Tohill , O'Neil , nnd Mr. Hockwood , Whitewood - wood , Dak. ORIAHA THADE CONDITIONS. Money is In fair supply for all legitimate demands at the usual rate. Exchange steady at $1.00 per thousand. General trade is good. Sugars are advancing , this being a month oj largo consumption and the rcllnera are mak ing hay whllo the sun shines. Salted ocean fish continue scarce. As cold weather approaches preaches and with it the end of the season , it becomes evident that high prices will rule during the ensuing year for mackerel ark cod. Speculative manipulations initiated by a French bull syndicate at Havre and sup ported by free buying of Now York specu lators , have enhanced the prices of Hio and Santos coflce uud aa advance'of Kc PC ? Ib on o\v grades of Hlo Is ndttll. The stocks in Jrazll are very Jur o , however , and t seems hardly probable , that higher prices will obtain. Green fhms ro in demand , owing to the hot iveathor. Oranges nro icurco , and the lemou season 1 ? about over. The magnificent crops , TIIOW almost out of danger from frost , and the good prices likely .o bo obtained for them , indicate n plentiful supply of cash in farmers' hands nnd cpnse- Itiently n heavy donmtid for the staples nnd Fancies with which our jobbers' shelves nnd leers arc loaded. The iron and wool mar- < cts have felt the c'tTecis of the business joom , which it is evident the west is to bo jlessed with this yeah and are advancing in sympathy with other lines nnd In increased demand , _ j _ Produce , Fruit < * , I5tc. UUTTEU Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 18 @ ! 21c : choice country , Ii5@17e ; common grades. lOyllUc. Koos Sirictlv fresh , U@15ccandlcl. CAi.iFOUNMAGii\i'ia : 5l.B5Ml.riO per case SOUTHEKX GliAl'cs IGuOo per 10-lb basket. PnACiir.s California , $1.00@1.50 per box ; Missouri , Jiic@l.OO per K bu. BANANAS Common , $1.50(32.25 ( per bunch ; choice , ss.rxKaa.oo. LKMOSS ( M.000S.50 | > er caso. CAXiBi.orr.8 4075c per dozen. PLUMS 50 < V76c per bu. HticKiiiiEiiiiii $ l.'Jo ) > cr drawer. POTATOKS 10@Wo ( per bushel. SWEET I'OTATOMS ' . ' ( it'JJ o pur Ib POULTHT fto dressed fowl -hi the market ; live chickens , W.50@.1.75 per doz. ; spring chickens , ? 2.25@y.O ! ) . TOMATOES 5Ucrf1.00 ( per bu. WATUUMCLOXS SS.OO@12.00 per 100. PP.AUS California , W.IXK33.CO pur bu box ; ffioiithcrn , T5 per , bu. CEI.KKV S.V330U ior ) dozen. Eao PIANT $1.00$1.S5 ( i > or dozen. ONIONS l u per 10. Ai-i'i-ns ? 3.00 ( < ia.lX ) per bbl. CiiAiiAi'i'i.Es 70c per bushel. CIUCK Michigan. f4.r > 0@o.50 per bbl 33 gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl. Pop Coux Kite , at < J4i ; ; common , " @ac. ( jAiiuoTS HOopcr bushel. \Ns-Choico eastern handplcked navies , $2.TOS'J.hO per bushel ; western hand picked navies , $ ! J.j.X ( ia.75 ; mcaiums , $2.0002. ID. Lima beans 5o per pound. HAY f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , $5.00 ; No. 2 upland , ? 4.00. HHAN $10.00. Ciiorrr.D FUKD S17.00 per ton. VIXIIOAU Cider , 8-fil5c ( pur c lWhite wine , ( Jl10c ( ! ! per gal. Grocers I lst. Koviscd prices are as follows : UAIIOIXU Stark A , suiim'.eas , 22c ; Amos- keag , seamless. 17'Xo ' : Ijcwiston A , seamles'j , 19c ; American , seamless , lc ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bn , ll@Uc ; gunnies , sniRlo , 13c ; gun- nius , dotiblo , 20c ; wool sacks , 3Jc. Twines- Flax , ! Wc ; extra sail , ' . ' 0it21c ( sail B , l'J ' 2Jc ; cotton. 21c ; Jute , lUc. COITKCS Mocha , S5@20o ; Hio , good , 10JZ 17c ; Mandahlinir , aiC ' 'Sc ; roasting Hio , 15i 1'io ; O. G. Jiivn24@2io " ; ; Java , interior. 'Kf(6 B5oUio : , taucy , 1010c ; Santos and Mar.i- caibo , 17@iyc : Avbucklcs. 10J40 ; McLaugii- lin's XXXX. 10 > .f i1. SUOAU Granulatsd , ,1i'c ; conf. A , 8" ; white extra C , 7'ic ; ! ; extra C , t'c ' ; yellow C. To ; Kowdercd , ' , 'c ; cubes , % c. HONP.T 12@lic ! for 0:10 pound frames ; strained honey. C@Se per pound. BBCSWAX Choice yellow , 2U@22Kc ; dark colored , lUJil-le. Citnusn Young America , full cream , KHgllc ; full cream Cheddars , OXiJlc ( ) ; full cream Hats , yj c ; good to choiuo skimmed Cheddars , OUJi-jsltiinmcd Hats. Oe. PICKI.IU Mcdlunl , in bbls , $5.5j ; do in half bbls.0 ; ! ( ) ; small , in' ' bblh , $ d.50 ; do in half bbls , ? 3.7fi ; gherkins , in bbls.fS.OT ; do in half bbls W.50 ToiiAcro Plug , 2 ( ' < S05o ; smoking , lC@90c. JEI.IIIH : f l.'J5 per yO-lb pail. SALT fH.aOQl.U6per bbl. ROPI ? 7-Hi. 1010-lc. ! - MAI-LK SUOAH isncUs , ll$12c ( per Ib ; penny cakes , K'CWc per Ib ; pure maple syrup , ? 1.00 per gal. Tius i oung Hys.on , common to fair , 18@ 23o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30tf55c ( ; Gunpowder , common to good , 22 ( < o2. > o ; Gun powder , clioii-o to f ancy , 4natoc ( ; Japan , com mon to medium , 15tf $ # > Japan , choice to fancy , 3'J@-l.r c : Ooloiig , common to good , 25 ( l 35c ; Oolong , clioico to fancv , 50@70o ; Imper ial , common to medium , 25@y5c ; Imperial , good to fancy , 40fZ50c. " W UTS Almonds , 1517c ( ; lllberts , ll@12c ; Brazil , yi'lCe ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10@llu ; peanuts. C@Sc. CHACKEUS 5@10c pcrlb ; assorted caUcs , 7 @ 2o perlb , ns per list POWDEII AND SHOT Shot. $1.20 ; bucltshot , $1.45 ; powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 : blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; fuses. 100 ft , srci'ita KEFIXKD jjtiu'tTierce. . OJs'c ; 40-lD square cans , ! ) ! < ; c ; 50-lb round , 9) c ; 20-lb round , O'fc : 10-lb pails , O c ; 5-lb pails , U o ; 3-lb pails , OJc. PKovisioNS Hams , I3@l3lobreakfast \ bacon. ll@H ! < o ; bacon sides , 10 > c ; dry salt. 'J54cj ' shoulders , 9.Kc ; Uried beef , IKIID : U IIUITS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13@ ICc ; dates , in boxes , 5 > j@7c ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box , $3.50@8.75 ; Malaga loose raisins , $2.30 ( 2.50 ; now Valen cia raisins , per Ib , 7 } @bc ! ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , per box. $1.75. California London layer raisins , per box , $2.i5ii2.CO ! ( ! ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 0@21c ; California pitted plums , per Ib , 12@13c ; dried blackberries , per Ib , 8K@flc ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 4i5c ( : evaporated ap ples , 8 ( il4c ; California nun dried peaches. 13c ; California unpared evaporated peacnes , 15@lSc ; evaporated California apricots , 19c ; Zantuo currants , C ) < @ 7c ; Turk ish prunes , 4)4@4J40 ; citron , " 2fC'Jic ( ; orange peel , 15 j ; lemon peel , lOc. FISH. Holland Herring , 85c@90c. per keg. White Fish , M bbls. , No. 1 , $ ti.OO , Family * $3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , $ . " > 50 : Mackerel , % bbls. Bloater Mess , $18.00. Bloater , $10.50 , No. 1 Shore , $13.50 , Large Family , $10.50 ; Labra dor Herring , $1.50 ; Columbia Ulver Salmon , $17.00 per bbl. Council Per Ib , whole. Cc ; bricks nnd strips , 7@Sc. CANDV Mixed , Sil > l3a\ \ stick , SJ Oll o ; rock candy , 10 > < @ 13o ; fancy cauuy , 7g ( Sc. Dry Goods. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent dis. ; LL , 5k'o ; CC , 6o ; SS , 7fc ; Nameless , Cc ; UX , 18o ; U , 20o ; No. 10 , 8 c ; No. 40 , lO c ; No. (10 ( , \ 'iytcNo. \ . 80 , 13Kc ; No. 30 , colored , Uc ; No. 50. colored , 12o ; No. 70 , colored , 121 < o ; Bristol , 1'JKc ; Union Pacific , 17o CAIU-CT WAIIP Bib White , 10c ; colored , 22cHATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem lOc ; Beauty , 12Mo ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased. $0.5u. 1'iiiNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater CKc ; Berlin oil , OUo ; Garner oil , C@7c. COHMBT JIIANS Androscoggin , 7J < c ; Kear- sarge , 7Jfo ; Uockport , 6a ; Concstoga , 0) ) o , TIUKS York , 30 in. , l'MoYork \ , 32 in. . 13 } c ; Swift Hlvcr. 8c ; Thorndiko OO , 8J c ; Thorndlko EF , 8Kc ; Thorndiko 120 , 'JJ < Jc ; Thorndiko XX , I5c ; Cordis No. 5 , O c ; Cordis No. 4. lie. DeNiMH-Amoskeag , uoz , 10 > < o ; Everett , 7 oz , 13J. < c ; York. 7oz , l3 > c ; Haymaker , 8Hc ; Jaffroy XX , llfto ; Jalfrey XXX , i2 o ; Beaver Creek AA , Jiio ; Beaver Creek BB He ; Beaver Creek CC , lllo. KENTUCKY JEANS. Memorial , 15o ; Dakota ISo ; Durham , 27 > d ; Hercules , ISo ; Learning. ington , ' - > 2 > o ; Cottswold , S7Ko. CIIASII. Stevens' B , Co ; Stevens' B bleached , 7e ; Stovena'tA , 7J c : Stevens A' bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P , 8Ko ; Stevens' P , bleached , WoSlovens' \ N , W.o ; Slovens' N , bleached. 10 > oStevens , , SRt , 12 > < o MISCELLANEOUS. Taoio ou ciotn , $2.59 ; plain Holland , 9J$6\ Dado Holland , 12Kc. - Brown Bheetlng Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } o ; At- lantio H , 4-4 , 7 o ; Atlantic D. 4-4. CVo ; At lantic P , 4-4 , ( Jo ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Co ; Aurora Ov4Wo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJfc ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Co ; Indian' ' Head , 4-4 , 7c : Lawrence - ronco LL , 4-4 , Co ; , Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Ko ; Pcpperell H , 4-4 , 7c ; Popperell O , 4-1 , GJfc ; Pcpporell. 84 , iSJ cs'Pepperoll.O-l.aic ' ; Pcp- porell , 10-4 , 23c ; UtTcaC , 4-4 , 4Ji"o ; Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 o ; Aurora II , :4-4 : , 7e , Aurora B , 4-4 , JUCK West Point SO In , 8 oz , lO o ; West Point 29 In. 10 oz , 13o : West Point 29 in , 12 oz , 15o ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , ICo. FLANNELS Rod , C , 24 in , 15K ; E , 24 In , 21o ; G G , 24 In , 18o ; H A F , Jf , 25o ; J II F , tf , 27Jo. Pin NTS Pink and Robes Hichmona , 0 > o ; Allen , Co ; Rivcrpomt. Co ; Steel illver , 0 > jo ; Richmond , 0 > < c ; Pacific , PuiXTS iJress Charter Oak , Ramapo , 4lfo ; Lodl , CJ ctAllen. Co ; Richmond mend , Co : Windsor , OKo ; Eddystono , CHo ; Paciflo , OK" . , , BLEACHED SUEETIXO Berkeley cambrio No. 00 , 9Ko ; Best Yet , 4-4. CJ/o ; butter cloth ° < J , 4/o ; Cabot , 7Uc ; Farwell half bleached 8Kc ; Fruit of Loom. 9/o : , Greene G , Co ; Hope , 1Knn \ Philip cam- brlc , llo ; Lonsdalo cambric , llffa ; Lonsdale. 9c ; Now York mills , lOUc ; Pepperell , 42-in , lie : Pepperell , 4C-in , l2oi Popporoll , 6-4 , 16c ; pcppercll , 8-4 , 21o ; Pep- percll , 9-4 , 23o ; Pepporcll. 10-4 , 2.H } ; Canton 4-4 , 8 0 ; Trlurapb , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val- lete. . . FLANNELS. -naftsuicn,20cGo3hcn ; , 52Vc ; Clear Lake , OoJ ci Iron Mountain , " i LANXELS-Whltc G H.NO. 2 , ? / , SSVOI G II , No. 1 , Jf , 2 , { o ; u n No. 2 , # , B2Ko : B H.No. 1 , 4 ! 80c ; Qucehct , No. 1. h 42d. UixnttAM IMuuKCttcticclM , 7 } < \Vhltten- ; - [ on , 7Kc ; York , 7tfc ; Normandi iiress , 8'jo : Calcutta dress. 8' c : Whlttenton dress , y 'o ; Renfrew dress , SjtfoM'J1 jo. CAMIIHIC" Slater , GUe : Woods , Gj o ; Standard , Cj c ; Peacock , ojfc. PHINTS Ixiuao BLUE Arnold , O' c ; Amer ican , CVo ; Gloucester , 0/c ! Arnold C long cloth , { ) ; Arnold B long cloth , 10 } ; Arnold Gold Seal. 10 > : Stiefcl A , 12 ; Windsor Gold Ticket. 10K. SntiiTtNO Checks , Caledonia X , 9 > ( fc ; Cal edonia XX. 10' c ; Economy , 9o ; Oils , I'c. ' Con I nnd Iihnc. LIME S5(300c ( ; Portland cement. $ .ir > 5 ; do uiestic cement , $1.35 ; plaster , $2.00/2.15 ( / ; hair , 23@25c. CoAir Anthracite , range , and nut. $10.f.O ; largo egg , $10.'J5 ; Rock Spring , $7.dO ; Su perior , 0.00 ; Iowa , $4.50(35.50 ( ; steam coal , $1.50 to $2.00. Lumber. First and second clear , J ( ? 12 In.$17 00@10 00 first mid second clear , } ( n ' in . . 411 OOftfr.l 00 Third clca114 fcnHtf m 43 0.1 ( < i4ti 00 A select , lU'Oei'i i ' ' * OOorM < > 0 B select , lUOCW" a > 00iJT ( ; IK ) A stock boards , 12@IO feet , 12 in 40 00 B stock boards , 12 < S HI foot , 12 in 41 00 C stock boards , I''t'CUJ foot , 12 In 3(5 ( 00 D stock boards , 12 10 feet , 13 in 23 00 Flooring , first common , ti in 34 00 Flooring , second common , 0 in 32 00 Select fencing fiooring 17 Od Siding , llrst and second clear , 14@ > 1G ft.2.1 00 Siding , llrst common , 10 feet 22 00 Siding , second common 10 ( K ) Common boards 12 50 No. 2 boards , nil lengths 13 50 Fencing No 1,12020 foot 10 50 Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet 15 50 Joists nnd scantling , 2x4 , 14 ( < ? 1 ( ) feet. . . . 10 00 Timber , 4x1 , 8x3 , 12 ( < D10 feet 17 00 Pickets , first rough , good 20 00 Pickets , fancy hciul and dressedscleotcd.25 ( X ) Shingles , choices A to extra A 2 00(32 ( SO Shingles , standard 2 50 Shingles , No. 1 1 10@1 15 Lath , dry 2 40 Posts , each 10 ® 25 Ijciitliur. Hemlock sole , lSity7o ( per Ib ; oak aolo , 31@ 3ic per Ib ; oak harnuss , 2SgOc ( : ! wor Ib ; selec ted oak and truce , 33o per lu ; oait and hem lock upper , 20@2'Jc per foot. iiumlock calf skin , No. 1 , fcOf 90o per Ib , according to weight ; o-ik calf skin , No.l. 00c@ll.03 par Ib ; Plilliidolphla calf sldn , extra , $1.00(31.10 ( pcrlb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , ( iOCyJ'iOc per Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70ifSOo per Ib : Phila delphia kip skin , extra , SO@9Uc peril ) . iTrcnrh calf skins , ( nccordinir to weight and quality ) , $1.1551.75 per Ib ; French kip skins , do , 8'Jc ' ( < § 81.10 i > ur Ib. Cordovan , russctt , IRi- ; satin finish. 20o per foot ; welt leather , $3.50 > < 2t.5U per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20j ( 3io ) per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25u.3tic ( per foot ; giovc calf sl < ins , 30Q7.Kc : ) per foot ; Douglas kid , 30@40o per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40$50t. ( < par foot , according to quality. Toppinits , f8.00fflO.OJ ! per dozen ; linings , J5.00@9.00 par dozen ; apron skuis , $10.0U@ 12.00 per dozen. Iru < ; < 4 nnd Clioiulcnls. MiSTi.i.\xioi's : Sulph. acid , lc ; ritric acid , CtOo ; turtaric 5Uc ; "bal. copavia , O c ; borax , lOc ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 23c ; gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 20c ; gum opium , & 1.1G ; sulph , morphia , $2.50 ; bromide potassium , 42c. Oii. Carbon , 150 ° 10o ; headlight , 175 ° Mc ; gasoline , 74 ° 12 cVcst ; Virpiulu summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma chine , ISc ; cxtrii W. S. lard , 74c ; No. 1 lard , 44c ; turpentine , 44 } < fo ; linseed raw , 50c ; bniiou , 5jc. : QUISIXI : P. & W- . ' per oz , G5c ; German , per oz , 4''c. Jlctnls nnd Tinncr.s' Stock. Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , $15.75 ; tin plate. tin , 23e : solder , 14@17c ; copper bottoms , 31c ; shcalhing copper , tinned , 2'Jc ' ; planistnni ? cop per , tinned , 35c : lead pipe , ( i' ic : sheet load 7o ; sheet iron. N S 16 to 2453.20 : Kussiiuron , 13c ; Am Russia planished , A , 10ac ; Am liussia planislicd , B , 9' ' c ; painted barb wire , $3.25 ; galvanized barb wire. $1.0D : stcol nails , $2.2J @ 2.30 ; steel wire nails , $ 'i.CO@2.70 ; iron nails , $ J.10@2.15. JU.N-K Machine castings , $12.00@13.00 ; stove plates , $7.00(58.00 ( ; wrought ironS.OO@ 10.00 ; bones , dry , $ o.OO ; steel , $5.00 per ton ; copper. 88.00@9.00 ; brass , $4.00@8.00 ; zinc , $2,00 < c3.00 ; solid lead , $2.00@3.00 ; tea lead , 83.00@2.60 ; rubber , $2.50@3.00 ; mixed rags , $1.10@1,15 per cwt. A Natural Product ol'Call Torn la. It ia only found in Butte county , Cal iforniu , nnd in no otlioi * part of the world. Wo refer to the tree that pro duces tlio healing nnd penetrating crum used in thnt pleasant and ell'cctivo cure consumption , asthma , bronchitis , and coiiRhs , SANTA ABIE , the King of Consumption. Goodman Drug Co. pmmuiteos and sells it for $1.00 a bottle tle , or $3 for $2.50. By the use of CALI FORNIA CAT-R-CUilK , all symptoms of catarrh are dispelled , and the dis eased nasal passage is speedily restored to a healthy condition. $1.00 a pack age. By mail $1.10. Circulars free. 21.829,850 Tans ill's ' Punch Cigars were shipped tfurlne the past two years , without a drum mer in our employ. No other hnueo lu the worlit can truth * fully make such n. Htiowinc. One agent ( dealer only ! wanted in each town. 83LD DY LeADINQ DRUGGISTS. R.W.TANSILL & C0..55 State SLChlnnao. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1873. Nos. 3O3-404-I7O-CO4. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Bettie Stuart Institute P.WSSSM . Will commence Its Slst year Keptomher mil , 1883. Ad vantages unMirpa vod , Homo comforts ; carctu training. Apply to Mrs. M. McKKE HUMF.S , 1'rlnclpul Morgan Park Military Academy Tlio Host Hoys' Hoarding School In tlio West. Sixteenth year beRins Sept. 10th. Send for cata logue to CAIT. Kl > . N. K1HIC TALCO1T , Supt. , MOUQ.VM I'.MIK , COOK CO. , ll.L. rrillE I'EEKSKIIJj MIUTAIIY ACADKMV -L I'ceksklll-on-Iludsoii , N. Y. Send for cala- lofc'UO. JMO. M.TII.DKN.M.l ) . . M.A. , 1'rlnclpal. U School for Girls and YouniTijiuiies. For I catalonuB address U. THAYKK. Mi. I,1 Mown rarfc. 111. , uff > Modlsou Uueet , CWcago , III. G- HEY LOCK INSTITUTE , South Wllllamstown , Iterkslitro county , Mass. A private school for boys. 1'ropnre for collego. Hclentlllo hchool or buslne s. 1'orty-sev onlh year bcglnH Thursday. September 13th. For ciUaloguo udilress UEO. ! ' . M11.I.S , 1'rlnclpal. OTEADY EMPLOYMENT A and cncrcetlo ladr canvaiiera redding In tblt w or other tuwni. No capital necesiarjr , ( Joodi | > < * II the year round , UoTorcncn required. Address WBSTBKN AUKNTS' BUl'l'LY CO. , ZJ3 fifth Av . . CutcUKO , 111. Ml. rAI.MEIl. K. P , IlIcnilAM. J. II. lll.A.NCIiAlai PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants. Offlce-lloom 21. Oppoilto Kichango llullillnu , Union _ _ Btocte Vardi , BoutU Uuiulia.Neb , " " KORIMERWESTE"RF"IELP& MALEY Live Stock Commission , Room 15 , Kichange IlulldlnK. Union Stock Yardt , boutU Quiaua , Nub. _ _ ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sod 3oomZ3 , Oppoitto Kxcbange IlulldlnK , Union 'Stock Yard , tklulll Omana , Keti. YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , - ABrloiiltufnTTmplcmonta. " " " CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implementsagous , , Cnrtlaccs and llut lf . . StrrrMietwcciiVtlinoO linb , LININQER & METU-ALF CO. , AgrlcnltnrallfflDlcincnls.fapfls.CarriagK . . llupclci , Klc. Wholesntc. Omalia , Ncbrn-kn. PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , \Vholesnlrt Deillrn" In AgTicnltural Iiunlcuicnts , Wagons & Buggies 1U1 , ' . ! . Wa and .07 Jouca Street , Omaha. pTpTVi AST * * " c oTi Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Culllvalors , liny lUkPi. Cldrr Mlllti and I.ubnn 1'ul' Tcrlieri. Cor. llth and Mcliolns i-lrcots. WIN6TTA IMPLEMENT CO Wliole.'sle - AgricultiiraiIiniileiiiciitsWagoiis&Biiggies , ( V.rnrr . Kill "nd Xlrholn > OMAHA 11UAXCH , J. F. SEIBERLINO CO. , Akron , Olllo. Hancsting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mesi ! . MaiiHjcr. 1213 Lciivonworth St. , Omnha. M O LI N E , M ILBllRN&STobDAR'D Co Mnnufiicturcrsnnd Jobbers lu Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th and Tactile Streets , Omntia , Neb. Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 IOUK | S ptrcet , Oraoba , NcbrasVa. Booksollona nnd Stationers. ' " H.'M , & s. W.JONES. Successors to A. T. Kcnyon .t Co , , Wholesale & Itotnll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino WeddlnK Sitn'loiierr ' , Cuniincrctal btatloncry , i.v ; . ! Dout'lm Street. Omnhu , Neb. Boots and K1RKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( buccusiur.t to Heed , Jones & Lo. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Accnlslor lloston HuMier Shoo Co. 1KB , 1104 & 11UC llurnoy fct. , OmoLa. Nebniuka. W. V. MORSE Ar CO. . Johhers of Boots and Shoes , 1101llKMlUi IJouBlns St.Onmlin Mamil'nctorjSum mer St. lic&lon. Coffooo , Spices , Etc- _ _ C3LARKE COFFEE CO. , Ouialm CutTeo and Hplco Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , flavoring Extracts , Laundry Illue. Inks. ntc. Kll- Kliillurriar Street. Omuhn. NebrKfku. Crockery and _ " " w. L. "WRIGHT. Anent forthp Mnnufncturcrs nnd linportots of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Kt < - _ Hfllcc.3178. l.'th Kt. . Omnhn. Kebrnika. PEtSKINS , OATCH &LAUMAN. Imuorterb and Jobbers of ( Mcry , Glasware , Lamis , Silverware Etc. 1114 V'urnara St. , Now I'll \ ton llulldlng. Comrnlnaion and Storage. " " " " " RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , SpccloHIrP''er. . ! rhoe.n. ! 'oijtry , Garni- , 1112lIo\Tard Street. Omalia. CEO. SCHROEDER & . CO. . Bucoesaors to McSliuno A. Kchrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Ouiitlm. Ncbmsku. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 .North IttU Street , Uinnliu , Nub. Coal , Coke and Lima. OMAHA"coALT COKE' &TLllvTE" Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 13th Street , Oninlm , Ncbrnika. J. J. JOHNSON < Manufacturers of Lime , Anil shippers of Coul , Coak , Cement , 1'Imter. Mm Druln Tile , and Sewer IMpe. onico , - . > 1S , H. iJlh : ( it. , Omulm , Neb. Telephone til. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Cote , ! H South 13th St. . Omaha. Kcb. Notions. " M. ESMITH & CO , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 nnd 1104 DoiiRlai , Cor. 11th St. , Omaha , Nub. KILPATRICK-KOCHDRYCOODSCo Importers and Johhers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gcnta * Furnishing Ooodi. Corner llth and IlunoT tilt. , Omaha , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICKi Furniture Omaha. Nebraska. Crocorios. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & C d7T Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , .OB , TOT , 709 ana 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1 lh and Ixa : Bnworth Strceti , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jfoers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 1103 , llCtt and 1177 Ilurnoy St. , Omalia , Nebraska. Ha rdvvaro W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , WaKen Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. ira and 1811 Harney titrect.Umaha. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , llechanlcn' Tools and DufTalo Hcalei. 1105 Douelai Hlreot , Omaha , Ncbraaka. RECTOR , W1LHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , Wh and Ilarner Pts. , Ornaha , Neb. Western Aecnti for Austin Powder Co. , Jcirerson Bteel Nolls. Fairbanks Btandurd Hcuk > > . LEE CLARKE , ANDREESEN , HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate. Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. AgenU for Howe Scales , Miami 1'owdur and I.yimm Itarbetl wire , Omuba , Nebraska. Hats , Caps , Etc W. L. PARROTTE & , CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 Ilarner Stre U Omaha. Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale IStj Struct and Union Pucltlc Track , Omaha. LOu7s BR AbFORD , 'Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Saso , Dooif.lito. Tau -Corner 7tU add JoU."la i Corusi < Mn KuU Uuiula * Lumber' C. N. D1ETZ , Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumhcr , 12th anil California SlreeKOmaha , Nobrrnkn. I1U.U V , , L. , , , , , , Lniuher Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , nonBUi l < . .Om ha. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER COTe To Dealers Only , Ofllco.UCU Fnrnnm ttcot. Omnlin. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Liimlcr , Etc , Imported nnd American I'ortlnm ! Omcnt. Pta ( Auentfor.Mllniiuken llyArnullc Cement and ' tjJliicy While l.lm e. CHAS. R. Dealer in Hardwood Liimoer , Wood Carpets and Parquet rioorln ? 9th and IloiiRlai _ _ _ Millinery nnd Notions. " " " " "i. OBERFELDER" * "coT Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions IN. ? lflnmHU Smi Ovprnllft. CANFIELD Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'nnU , Shirts , htc. llViand 11UI Douglas Street , Omulm. .Ncli. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ( i and 4A'i Be nth 101 li St. , Omnha. I , Oils- I CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , WholsaleReflncd and Lubricating Oils , i Axle Urcasc , Etc. , Omulm. A. II. lllnhop , Mnnngar VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , ! HOG Hnrner Street , OuiHhn. Office Fixtures. THIS S1MMO.ND8 MANUKACTUllIXG CO. Mnnulnct-.ir . 's of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Manilas , SMcboar.K Hook Cases , Drui ; Klxliiri > nWall r M > irnttltlonj. Killlne.Counter' , lleernnd Win * Cooler * . Vilrrurft.Glc. Kurtor ? Hiu1 omcr , ITJOuuu 1T3J SoutU Uth St. , OuiiiLm , Tolupliuuo ir.4. a _ CUMMINGS Wliole nlo Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Gin , Etc , HIS F.irnam Street. Omaha , Neb. Pnpor. CARPENTER PAPER GO. Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice itoek of rrlntliiu , Wrapping and Writing Fapsr. Special attention Klvon to cur load orderi. Paper Boxos. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Panel1 Box Factory , N'os. 131" nml 131'J Uoujlns St. , Omaliu , Nob. SoocJs. PHIL. STIMME"L coTT Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 811 nnd (113 ( Jones Street. Ouinlia. Storngo , Forwarding : & Commlsalon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , ' Drancti Innianof the Hemioy IliiKPY Co. Hucgipsal wUoloulu anil rotull , l , w iJlOaml 1312 liard Street , Omaha. Telephone No. 750. ' JBrovvora STORZ & 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1521 North Klgthloenth Street , OmHtm , Ntb. Cornlbo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , ' Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Epenetor. Proprietor , 920 Dodso and 101 and 101 North llrth Street , Ouiiiba. Pi In t o rs * Ml a to rl a I a. RN"NEWSPAPE"R Auxiliary PaWIste Dealer. la . M Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goofls 311 Clothlna and Leather Pelting. 100) ) Kanmiq Btr t , _ 8a _ s h , Doors , M. A . DISBROV/ , CO. , Wtiolcsaln Mttnuf..ctiircrs of ( , Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , ' llranch Ufflco , 1Mb and ItitrJ Btreets , Omaha. N b. \ BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. ] Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors. Blinds , V-nldlnzs , StHlr Work and Interior lUrcl Wood n aa. N. II. Corner Mh nnd I.oiiTonwurtli Streets , /1 Omaha. HOD , . 1 , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . * I Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings , ' Uoim anj Water Supplies. TTpiuIqunrteM for Mart , toosl A , Co a itooils. U13 & VJU Karnuin fct. , Ocuuli J U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP COTT Steam and Water Supplies , Uftllldar Wind Mills. 013 and DM Farnam St. , Oraaht. U. K. ltoa , Acllnu Manager. ' BROWNELL & CO Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet iron , „ , . Jjroni Worka STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter U bon , 1'rop'n. .Mnnufiicturcrs of all klndl Steai Boilers , Tanto and Sheet Iron WorS I Works gouth SOlh and U. * M. Crossing. PAXTO.V & VIEUUNd 111ON WOllK3. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , Enulnes , Ilrais Work , Goncrnl Foundry , Jlnchlno ant lilttckinillh Work , omce and Works , U , i * . Hjr. and lltb Ktruet , Umulm , " " " WIRE" * rnoTT"WORK3 , Mannfactarers of Wire anil Iron Railings Detk lUlli , Window Outrdn. Mower HdindiVlr ' * blitiin , Klc. 123 Nortli ICth Blrcut. OmuL . J OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS/ Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes f 7ault , Jail Work , Iron and Wlru Fencing , Slum , BU < U.Andiocn. I'roy'r Cor. lUbaoUJuckiun Ut * . CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Hcreens. for banki , omco , ilore . reilrtpncoi , etc. Improved Awnlni ! > . I ockir.aiU Muclilnorr uud lllacktmlili Work . tai boulli 1UM St. MEACHER &WHITMORE , Fire and Burglar Proof SafcsTime , tieiicrul Avunlt lor Illo-jnlJ Hnfo VaulU und Jail Work , m B.litU tit.