Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1888, Image 1

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Buch la Qonornl Harrison's Letter
of Acceptance.
Tlic American WorklnKincn Wnrnctl
AgnlitNt the Deceptive Promises
mid KnrrciiRtfi wl' Throrlz-
liiK HeTormnrs.
Harrison's hotter of Acceptance.
lNiiiA.v\i'OLis , Sept. 11. The following is
General Harrison's ' letter accepting tlio re
publican presidential nomination :
Ixni.iNU'OMg , Ind. , Sept. 11. To the Han.
M. M. Estoo mid others , committee Gentle
men : When your committees visited mo on
the 4th of July lust , and presented thooflicial
minouncomcnt of my nomination for the
presidency of the United States by the re
publican national convention , I promised as
soon as practicable to communicate to you a
more formal acceptance of thu nomination.
Since Unit time the wotlc of receiving and
addressing , almost dally , largo delegations
of my follow citi/ens lias fully occu
pied all of my time , but lias
in Boino measure rendered it unnec
essary to UHO tills letter as a
medium of communicating to the
public my views upon the questions involved
in the campaign. I appreciate very highly
the confidence and respect manifested by the
convention , and accept the nomination with
n feeling of gratitude and u full sense of the
responsibilities which accompany it.
It is a matter of congratulation that the
declarations of the Chicago convention upon
the questions that now attract the interest of
our people iiro so clear and emphatic. There
IB a further cause of congratulation in the
fact that the convention utterances of the
democratic paity , if In any degree uncertain
or contradictory , can now bo Judged and in
terpreted by executive acts and messages ,
and by dcllnito propositions in legislation.
This la especially true of what is popularly
known as the tariff question. The issue can
not now bo obscured. it is not
n contest between schedules , but between
wlrio apart principles. The foreign competi
tors of our market have , with quick instinct ,
Been how ono Issue of this contest may bring
them advantage , and our own people are not
BO dull as to miss or neglect the grave inter
ests that are Involved for thorn. The assault
upon our protective system is open and do-
Jlant. Protection IB assailed as unconstitu
tional in the law or as vicious in principle ,
ami those who hold such views sincerely ,
cannot stop short of an absolute elimination
from our tariff laws of the principle of
protection. The Mills bill is only a step , but
is toward an object that the leaders of demo
cratic thought and legislation have clearly in
mind. The important question is not so
much the length of thu step as the direction
of it. Judged by the executive mcssago of
December last , by the Mills billby the debates
m congress and by the St. Louis platform ,
the democratic imrty will , if supported by
the country , place the tariff laws upon a
purely revenue basis. Is this practical free
trade1 , Ireo trade in the English sensol The
legend upon the banner may not bo "free
trade. " It may bo the more obscure motto ,
"Tariff reform , " but neither the banner nor
the inscription is conclusive , or , indeed , very
Important. Those who teacli that the im
port duty on foreign goods sold in our mar
ket is paid by the consumer , and that the
price of the domestic competing article is
enhanced to the amount of the duty on im
ported articles ; tltut every million of dollais
collected for custom duties represents many
millions more which do not reach the treas
ury , but nro paid by our citi/ens as the in
creased cost of domestic productions resulting
from the tariff laws , may not intend to
discredit In the minds of others our system
of levying duties on competing foreign pro
ducts ; but it is clearly already discredited in
their own. Wo cannot doubt , without im
pugning their integrity , that if free to act
upon their convictions they would so rovlso
our laws as to lay the burdens of thocustoms
revenue.'upon articles that are not produced
In this country , and to place upon the free
list all competing foreign products. I do not
stop to refute this theory as to the effect of
our tariff duties. Those who advance it are
( students of innxlms and not of the markets.
They may bo safely allowed to call their pro
ject "tariff reform" If the people understand
that. In the end the argument compels free
trade in all competing products. Tills end
may not be readied abruptly , and its approach
preach may bo accompanied with some ex
pressions of sympathy for our protected in
dustries and our working people , but it will
certainly como if these early steps do not
nrouso the people to effective resistance.
The rcpudlicim party holds that a pro
tective tariff is constitutional , wholesome
nnd necessary. Wo do not offer a fixed
schedule but a principle. Wo will revise the
schedule , modify rates , but always with an
intelligent provision as to the effect upou
domestic production and the wages of our
working people. Wo believe it to bo ono of
the worthy objects of tariff legislation to
preserve the American markets for Amer
ican producers , and to maintain adequate
discriminating duties upon foreign compet
ing pi oducts. The effect of lower rates and
larger importations upon the public revenue
is contingent nnd doubtful , but not so the
effect upon American production and Amer
ican wngcs. Less work and lower wages
must bo accepted as the inevitable ro-
Biilt of the increased offering of for
eign goods in our market , lly way of
recompense for this reduction in his wages ,
and the loss of the American market , it is
suggested that the diminished wages of the
workingiuan will have an undiniinishcd pur
chasing power , and that ho will bo able to
make up for the loss of the homo market by
an enlarged foreign market.
Our worklngmen have the settlement of
the question in their own hands. They now
obtain higher wages and live more comfort
ably than those of any other country. They
will make a choice between the substantial
advantages they have in hand and the de
ceptive promises and forecasts of these theo
rizing reformers. They will decide for them
selves and for the country whether the pro
tective system shall bo continued or de
stroyed. ,
The fact of a treasury surplus , the amount
of which is variously stated , has directed
public attention to a consideration of the
methods by which the national income may
best bo icduced to the level of a ui > o
nnd necessary expenditure. This condition
has been seized upon by these who nro hostile
tileto protective custom duties as an ad
vantageous base of attack upon our tariff
lawn. They have magnified and nursed the
surplus which they affect to deprecate , seem
ingly for the purpose of exaggerating the
evil lu order to reconcile the people to the
extreme lemcdy they propose. A proper re
duction of the revenue docs not necessitate ,
nnd shou'd ' not suggest the abandonment or
impairment of the urotcctivo system. The
methods suggested by our convention will
not need to bo exhausted in order to effect
the necessary reduction. Wo are not likely
to bo called upon , 1 think , to make a present
choice between the surrender of our protec
tive system and the eniii o repeal of the In
terim ! taxes. * Such a contingency , in view of
tbo present relation of expenditures to reve
nues , is remote.
Tlio inspection and regulation of the manu
facture anil sale of oleomargarine la Impor
tant , and the revenue derived from it is not so
great that the repeal of the law need enter
into any plan of rovcnuo reduction. The sur
plus now in the treasury should be used in
tlio purcliaso of bonds. The law authorizes
this use of it , and if it is not needed for cur
rent or doiiclenry appropriations , the people ,
and not the banks in which it has been do-
iwslted , should hava the advantage of Its use
by stopping intarcst upon the public debt ,
At least these who needlessly hoard It should
not bo allowed to use the fear of a monetary
stringency , thus produced , to coerce public
sentiment upon other questions.
Closely connected with the subject of the
tariff is th V of the importation of foreign la
borera under contracts of service to bo per
formed hero. The law now in forc-o prohlb
iting such contracts received my oordliil suj >
I > ort in the senate , and such amendment !
us may be found necessary effectively to deliver
liver our workingmcn and women from this
most iucuuitaulo form ot comuoiiUonvil
have my sincere advocacy. Legislation pro
hibiting the Importation of laborers under
contracts to servo hero will , however , afford
very inadequate relief to our working peo-
Pie if the system of protective duties Is
broken down. If the products of American
shops must compete In the American market
without favoring duties with the products of
cheap foreign labor the effect will be differ
ent , if at all , onlj In a degree , whether the
cheap laborer is across the street or over tlio
sea. Such competition will sonn reduce
wages hero to the iovel of these abroad ,
and when that condition Is reached we will
not need any laws forbidding the importation
of laborers under contract they will
have no inducement to come nnd
the employer no inducement to send for
them. In the earlier years of our history
public agencies to promote Immigration were
common , The pioneer wanted n neighbor
With moro friendly Instincts than the Indian
labor was scarce and fully employed , 13ut
the day of tlio Immigration burer.u has gone
by. While our doors will continue opened
to proper immigration , wo do not
need to issue special invitations to
the inhabitants of other countries to
como to our shores or to share our
citl/enshlp. Indeed , tbo necessity of some
inspection and limitation is obvious. Wo
should resolutely refuse to permit foreign
governments to send their paupers and crlrn-
Jnals to our ports. Wo are also clearly un
der a duty to defend our civil position by ex
cluding alien races whoso ultimata assimi
lation with our 'jeoplo is neither possible nor
deblrable. The family has been the nucleus
of our best immigration , and the home the
most potent assimilating force in our civili-
The objections to Chinese immigration are
distinctive and conclusive , and are now so
generally accepted as such that the question
has passed entirely around the stage of ar
guments. The laws ielating to this subject
would , if I should be charged with their en
forcement , bo faithfully executed. Such
amendments or further legislation as may bo
necessary and proper to prevent evasions of
the lav.'s and to stop further Chinese immi
gration would also meet my approval. The
expression of the convention upon this sub
ject Is in entire harmony with my views.
Our civil compact is a government by ma
jorities , and the law loses Its sanction and
the magistrate our respect when this com
pact is broken. J'he evil results of election
frauds do not expend themselves upon
the voters who are robbed of their
'ightful ' influence in public affair ? ,
' 'ho Individual , a community , or party , that
iractlccs or connives at election fiauds , has
uffercd Irreparable injury , and will sooner
ir later realbo that to exchange the Ainorl-
an system of majority rule for minority
lontrol is not only unlawful and nnnatriotic ,
ml very unsalo for these who promote it.
t'ho disfranchispment of n single elector by
raud or intimidation is n crime too grave to
0 regarded lightly. The rii'ht of every
ualilled elector to cast ono frco ballot and
, ave it honestly counted must not be qucs-
ioned. Every constitutional power should
> o used to make this right secure and punish
i-auds upon the ballot. Our colored people
lo not ask special legislation in their inter-
: st , but only to bo made secure in the com-
neil rights of American citizenship. They
rill , however , naturally mistrust the sin-
: ority of these party leaders who appeal to
heir race for support only in these localities
I'horo tlio suffrage is frco and election ro-
ults doubtful , and compass their disfran-
ihisemcnt where their votes would be con-
lolllng and tholr choice cannot be coerced.
The nation , not less than the states , is do-
'cndont ' for prosperity and security upon the
itelligcnco and morality of the people.
This common interest very early suggested
lational aid in tlio establishment and ondSw-
nentof schools and colleges in the now
itates. There is , I believe , a present ex-
gency that calls for still moro liberal and
Jireot appropriations in aid of common school
education in the states.
The territorial form of government is a
omporary expedient , not a permanent civil
condition. It is ndoptodjto the exigency that
suggested it , but becomes inadequate and
oveu oppressive when applied to
fixed and populous communities.
Several territories are well able to
bear the burdens and discharge the duties of
frco commonwealths In the American union.
To exclude them is to deny the just rights of
their people , and may well cxcito their in
dignant protest. No question of tlio politi
cal preference of the people of a territory
should close against them the hospitable
door which bus been opened to two-thirds of
the existing states , But admission should
bo resolutely refused to any territory , a ma
jority of whose people cherish institutions
that are repugnant to our civilization or nro
inconsistent with a republican form of gov
Tlio declaration of the convention against
all combinations of capital organized in
trusts or otherwise to control arbitrarily the
condition of trade among our citizens , " is in
harmony with the views entertained and
publicly expressed by mo long before the as
sembling of the convention. Ordinarily ,
capital shares the losses of Idleness with
labor , but under the operation of the trust in
some of its forms the wage worker alone
suffers loss , while idle capital receives
its dividends from a trust fund. Pro
ducers who refuse to Join the combination
are destroyed , and competition as an element
of prices is eliminated. It cannot bo doubted
that the legislative authority should and will
find a method of dealing fairly and effect
ively with these and other abuses connected
with this subject.
It can hardly bo necessary for mo to say
that I am heartily in sympathy with the
declaration of the convention upon the sub
ject of pensions to our soldiers mid sailors.
What they gave and what they suffered I
had some opportunity to observe and , in a
small measure , to experience. They gave
ungrudgingly ; it was not a trade , but an of
fering. The measure was heaped up , running -
ning over. What they achieved only n dis
tant generation can adequately toll. Without
attempting to discuss particular propositions ,
1 may add that measures in behalf of the sur
viving veterans of the warand of the families
of their dead comrades should bo conceived
and executed m u spirit of Justice and of the
most greatful liberality , and that , in the com
petition for civil appointment , honorable
military service should have appropriate
DTho law reflating appointments to to the
classified civil service received my support in
the senate , in the belief that It opened the
way to a much needed reform. I still think
so , and therefore cordially approve the clear
and forcible expression of tlio convention
upon this subject. The law should have the
aid of a friendly interpretation , and bo faith
fully and vigorously enforced. All appoint
ments under it should bo absolutely frco
from partisan considerations and inlluence.
Some extensions of tlio chissitled list are
practicable and desirable , and further leg
islation extending the reform to other
branches ot the service to which it is
applicable would receive ray approval. In
appointments to every grade and depart
ment , fitness , and not party service should
bo the essential and discriminating test , and
fidelity and efficiency the only sure tenure of
olllce. Only the interest of the public service
should suggest removals from office. I know
the practical difficulties attending the attempt
to apply the spirit of the civil scrvico rules to
all appointments and removals. It will , however -
over , bo my sincere purpose , if elected , to
advance the reform.
1 notlco with pleasure that the convention
did not omit to express its solicitude for the
promotion of virtue and temperance among
our people. The republican party has always
been friendly to everything that tended to
make tlio homo Ufa of our people frco , pure
and prosperous , and will in tlio future bo
true to its history in this respect.
Our relations with foreign powers
should bo characterized by friendliness
and respect. The right of our people and of
our ships to hospitable treatment should bo
insisted upon witn dignity and firmness. Our
nation is too great , both In material strength
nnd in moral power , to indulge in bluster or
to bo suspected of timorousnvsS. Vacilla
tion and Inconsistency are as incompatible
with successful diplomacy as they are with
tlio national dignity. Wo should especially
cultivate and extend our diplomatic and
commercial relations with the Central nnd
South American states. Our fisheries should
bo fostered and protected. The hardships
and risks that are the necessary incidents ol
the business should not bo increased by an
inhospitable exclusion from the near-lying
ports. The resources of a firm , dignified and
consistent diplomacy are undoubtedly equal
to thu prompt and peaceful solution ol tuc
difficulties that now exist. Our neighbors
will surely not expnct in our ports a com
mercial hospitality they deny to us in theirs.
I cannot extend this letter by n
special reference to other subjects upon
which the convention gave an expression.
In respect to them , as well as to these 1 have
noticed , I am In entire agreement with the
declarations of the convention. The resolu
tions relating to the coinage , to tlio rebuild
ing of the navy , to coast defenses nnd to
public lands , express conclusions to all of
which I gave my support in the senate.
Inviting a calm nnd thoughtful considera
tion of these public : questions , wo submit
them to the people. Their intelligent pa
triotism and the good providence that made
and has kept us n nation will lead them to
wlso and safe conclusions. Very respect
fully , your obedient servant ,
Hctiirns From tbc Election In
the I'Jne Tree State.
u , Mo. , Sept. 11. Ueturns from
yesterday's election show that the republl\
cans have gained ono senator in Knox
county and have certainly gained ono in
Waldo county and two in York county. This
makes the senate unanimous , unless pos"
slbly ono or both of the democratic
nominees in Knox may have escaped
a general slaughter. These two nominees
were Stephen J. Gusheo of Applcton , mem
ber of the present senate , and Kandall J.
Condon , of Friendship. In the house the
democrats gain ono seat in Cumberland and
another in Lincoln so far , and loose tw. I *
York county. If the gains and losses con
tinue to offset in this manner the house will
divide us now , 133 republicans and " 7 demo
The fourteen towns in Knox county give
91 republican plurality. The same towns in
SsG gave M3 democratic plurality. Tlio ro-
mblieans elect senators , representatives nnd
. -ounty officers except sheriff and register of
LmMDTojf , Me. , Sopt. 11. The Lewiston
veiling Journal has returns from three hun-
Irod towns which give a republican plurality
f 17,000. Tlio same towns last year gave u
epubllcan plurality of 18,000. If the remain-
ng towns show the same rates of gain , the
republican plurality will bo 20,01)0. )
Auausrv , Sept. 11. Twenty-five towns in
: Ccnnobro county give Burleigh a probable
plurality of 2,000 , and his majority in the
state will probably bo 20,000.
CALAIS , Sept. 11. Thirty-six towns in
iVashington county RIVO llurlelgh 4,345 ,
Pitman : ) ,043. Tlio entire county will give
nearly thirteen hundred majority , against
JS9 two j cars ago.
Republican Prospects on tlio Coast.
CIIKMOO , Sept 11. fSpecial Telegram to
Tin : HKK. ] State Senator M. D. Foley , of
Nevada , is in the city on his way to Wash-
ngton. Mr. Foley is a banker and n repub
lean loader in his state , having served for
years in the senate and also as a member of
ho national committee. Ho is fresh fron
San Francisco , and ho spoke cheerfully of
republican prospects on the coast.
' Tlio Chinese question will cut no sort of
llguro on the Pacitlu slope , " ho remarked in
the course of a pleasant conversation. "Tho
issue is clearly and squarely drawn on tlio
tariff question , which will certainly be de
cided in favor of protection , the wool and
fruit industries of the coast not yet
being prepared to risk free trade.
I do not think that Mr. Cleveland purposes
free trade now , it is true , but should ho bo
elected I should expect to SPO the protective
tariff wiped out entirely by the end of his
second term. Frco trade is what the demo
crats want in the end nnd that is what they
are striving to get by the insidious attacks
on tlio outposts o' the protective system. I
am entirely confident that Mr. Harrison will
carry all the Pacific states , particularly in
view of the exclusion bill Just adopted by the
senate by a practically unanimous vote.
That bill , and tlio vote upon it , settles the
Chinese question and removes it from the
vnlo of current politics.
"In regard to our state , I can say that
Nevada has no very kindly feeling toward
Mr. Cleveland. His persistent hostility to
silver has checked the mining industry in the
state , many mines having boon shut down
entirely as the rosultof his policy , which lias
reduced silver from 111) ) to 00. At the latter
figure silver can not bo mined at a profit , and
many camps have been abandoned and
labor has been thrown out of employment
throughout the state. This has resulted in
depopulation , except In the western valleys ,
where there are line agricultural lands , the
finest in the world. There the population IB
growing , and it would grow moro wore the
government to do its duty and establish a
system of irrigation. "
Colorado Democrats.
DRXVEU , Sept. 11. The democratic state
convention was called to order at 10:30 : this
morning. Martin Morris was chosen tempo
rary chairman. Committees on credentials ,
permanent organization and resolutions were
appointed , after which a recess was taken
until 2 o'clock.
On ro-assombl ing the reports of the com
mittees on credentials and permanent organ
ization were submitted. The latter recom
mended Dexter T. Sapp for permanent
chairman. Both reports were adopted. The
remainder of the day was taken up with
speeches by Governor Adams , Hov. Myron
W. Hood , lion. Charles Thomas and others.
Adjourned to 10 o'clocic to-morrow.
Dryce Going to Chicago.
CHICAGO , Sept. 11. Chairman Calvin S.
Brycc , of the democratic notional committee ,
will bo in Chicago this week to confer with
party leaders concerning the plan of cam
paign in the northwest.
Dakota Ml item Qnarrol and Ono
Shoots the Other Iind.
IUrii > CmNob. . , Sept. U. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BUG. ] This morning at Look'
out Mine , Edward P. Purcell shot and killed
a man named Lane. Both are minors. Last
night they quarrelled in a saloon at the camp
and this morning Lane entered a boarding
house and assaulted Purcell with n Winches
ter rillo. The latter drew his six-shooter and
killed Ills man. M. P. Day , the owner of the
mine , who was there , at once started for
Kapid City with Purcell , turning him over to
Sheriff Boyd this morning. Purcell is in Jail
here and will have a preliminary hearing to
morrow. Both are now men hro. the killer
hailing from Now Mexico. The impression
is that the shooting was Justifiable.
Suicided In n Fit of Passion.
PitovniRNCK , II. I. , Sept. 11. Minnie
Brown , fourteen years old , committed sulcldo
b yshooting in her brother's room iu their
cottage. The only cause that can bo as
signed for the net was chafing over the re
straint imposed by her mother , who had for
bidden a desired visit to another town , as
her daughter's services were required at
President ml Appointment * ! .
W\smvGTOx , Sept. 11. The president has
appointed Lambert Tree of Illinois , now
minister to Belgium , envoy extraordinary to
St. Petersburg , vlco Lathrop , resigned.
Prof. George Davlson of California has boon
appointed a member of the Mississippi river
The Yellow Fcvrr.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla , Sopt. 11. The king of
fevers had a royal feast to-day. It has besn
a dUmal time for Jacksonville , dark , rainy
| and depressing. The official bulletin of Dr.
Ni'ul Mitchell , president of the board of
health , for the twenty-four hours ended at 0
p. m , , reportsi Now cases , 43 ; deaths , 11.
Abandoned the Dark Secret.
NEW VOIIK , Sept , U. The dory , Dark Secret -
cret , which started on its voyage from Bos
ton to Queenstown , some weeks ago , was
abandoned at sea by Captain Anderson , w'ho
arrived hero this morning oa the Norwcgiali
bark Nora. .
A LarRo Number of Bids For the
Slto Submitted.
The Committee on Finance Una Ac
cordingly Postponed Action Slmm
Civil Service Ilcform A Queer
Pension Ilcnort.
Receiving llld j.
WASHINGTON1 , D. C. , Sgpt . , 11.j
The war department expects by to-morrow
to have a largo number of bids offering land
near Omaha for the purpose of establishing a
gairison there for ten companies of regular
soldiers under the law calling for proposals ,
which invites land holders within ten miles
of the city to offer their land to the govern
ment for purchase. The provisions of tlio
law do not authorize the secretary of war to
accept tlio lowest bidder. This fact was
made known by an official who Incidentally
remarked that the site to be selected might
bo referred to a board of army officers to re
port on. The appropriation of $ .100,000 for
the now barracks , ono third of which Is for
ii site , will not bo sufficient to put the pro
posed garrison in working order and ,
i is thought , ? .J03,000 will be really
ceiled before the work is completed.
\s yet no plans have been drawn and none
, vill bo thought of until the site is selected
ind the transfer of the land is made good to
ho government. The proposals call for 320
icrcs and not more than 040 acres. The
ifficei-3 at the war department are much in-
.crested in the matter and as the policy is
now to build fine quarters for the troops in
r near cities it Is proposed to have the best
'or the soldiers who will bo stationed at
The condition of Senator Beck , of Ken
tucky , who has left the senate until it con
venes in December next and gene to Fortress
Monroe , is stated by his most intimate
friends to bo considerably moro serious than
rcpoi ted. Senator Beck is a very large , rug
ged looking and hearty man , but is sixty-six
years old. Ho m a native Scotchman , is very
active and has lived an extremely busy life.
Ho is by far the strongest man on the demo
cratic side on all questions of tariff , finance
and tlio Judiciary. Ho has had entire
charge of the tariff for the democratic side
of tho&cnutonnd has been an extremely hard
worker during the last three or four months.
It is stated that ho 1ms nn affection of the
heart which is pronounced very serious and
his friends believe that his lifo is in clangor.
The committee on finance has deferred for at
least ten days or two weeks action upon tno
tariff bill , anJ predictions are made tunt ,
owing to the absence of Senator Beck , the
endorsement of the position of the republi
cans on the tariff by the Malno election and
and the fact that nothing can bo done in the
way of passing a bill before November , the
measure may not receive moro than a report
from the committee before congress con
venes in December next.
Of the result of the eleciicm in Maine Sen
ator Paddock said tins "nftaruoon : "It is
wonderful. I had not .oi'ioctod any such
overwhelming majority. ' said yesterday
that , everything considered , wo ought to bo
satisfied with 10OJO majority. The Maine
election , considered with those in Oregon ,
lihodo Island and Vermont , shows conclu
sively that the trend of public opinions Is in
our favor. It is decisively significant of re
publican success in November. "
These who have followeu President Cleve
land's alleged civilsorvicoioformpolicymust
bo very much disgusted with the whole busi
ness by this time. It will bo remembered
that early in the administration ho caused
the precipitate removal of the United States
district attorney for tlio western district of
Pennsylvania , because that'gentleman made
a speech In which ho veryiillldly talked pol
itics. The president thought federal officials
had no right to enter into partisan action ,
and that they should bo free from all politi
cal connections. It will be remembered how
an interview was given out at the white
house upon tlio removal of that officer , and
various interviews were hold by newspaper
correspondents with the officers at the de
partment of Justice , nnd the falsetto voice of
the mugwump was shrilly sentthroughouttho
country , and how George William Curtis and
other'hybrid politicians praised the president
for standing lirmly to civil service reform.
There wore great pretenses made in every
direction during the first year of this admin
istration in the matter of civil service re
form. I recollect that within six months
after Mr. Cleveland was inaugurated quite a
number of instances where men who were
connected with newspapers were either re
fused appointments because they were en
gaged in pa i tisan work , or they were com
pelled to sever their relations with the press
before they were given positions under the
federal government. I remember distinctly
a gentleman who is at present , and whoywns
prior to that time for several years interested
in a democratio daily newspaper in north
western Indiana , woo applied for the post-
mastership in his city. The president and
Postmaster General Vilas said they would
like to make the appointment , but that the
editor would have to sell out his
busines nnd get himself clear beyond
the pale of collection with a partisan news
paper. Tlio editor made a pretended trans
fer of his newspaper property , and ho was
appointed postmaster. When ho inquired of
tlio administration it ho could secretly write
editorials forhls nowspanor.lio was informed
that ho could not ; tint if it was discovered
that ho was writing for n partisan newspaper
it would ruin the civil seryico rnform reputa
tion of the administration. Within eight
miles of the same city another editor sought
an appointment to a special agency in the
postoffico department. Ho was first told
that ho would have to sell his newspaper ;
that no ono connected with the administra
tion was permitted to run n newspaper , or
to write for it. or make political speeches.
The editor sold his office , or rather transfer
red it to n friend , Then ho was
compelled to pass an examination
a pretended examination and was ap
pointed through the civil commission. Then
no applied to the postmaster general to know
if ho could , on ' the quiet , write for his nows-
paixsr , and was'told that ho could not. These
men and Incidents I am personally acquainted
It will bo remembered by nil readers of
current news that a number of federal of
ficers during the llrsb twelve or fifteen
months of this administration were severely
chastised by the administration for uttering
by tongue or pen political sentiment , and
that there were several removals of demo
cratic officeholders , on the ground of "offen
sive partisanship. " Hundreds of Invitations
extended to federal officeholders to deliver
political speeches In the campaign of l&SO
wereicfuscd on the ground that it was in
direct opposition of the administration to
permit any ono connected with it to partici
pate in politics. A largo numborof tlio clerks
in the departments hero were frightened
with the pretended civil service reform
policyof tno administration that they did not
dare go homo in 1SSO to vote. It will bo ro-
mombercd how the president distinctly told
Land Commissioner Stockslagor that ho
would not bo permitted to retain his office
and bo a candidate for congress In Indiana ,
and how that official refused the nomination ,
though ho wanted to make the race very
much , on the ground that "federal officials
are not permitted to take active part in poli
tics. "
So much for civil service pretentious.
There are on the pay roll of thn depart
ments In Washington to-day not less than
1UO names of men who are writing the most
bitterly partisan letters and editorials for
that could possibly bo pcuued. . I
recall the chief of n division In the pension
office who writes every week to nn
Indiana newspaper n letter , over his
own full correct name , which cov
ers almost the entire front pace
of that newspaper , and the letters are leaded
nnd given great sensational headlines. Tlio
subjects this official writes upon nro of the
most extreme partisan character. Ho denounces -
nouncos republicans and the action of re
publicans in congress , and praises the presi
dent and the ndmlhistratlon. Ho compares
the work of tlio present administration with
that of President Arthur , Garlleld , Hayes ,
and other republicans. Four or live partisan
newspaper correspondents have been taken
out of the press galleries in congress and
placed in positions in the departments , nnd
they continue to do their newspaper work
and draw salaries from Uncle Sam. They
never mlsa an opportunity , however , to
praise the administration. This is beyond
any question of doubt the secret of their in
fluence in securing positions nnd retaining
them. There is no doubt , whatever , about
their appointments being made on account of
their ability to bolster up the administration
before the country.
Secretary Vilas opened the campaign in
Wisconsin at Milwaukee the other day with a
long partisan speech. Postmastcr-tjcneral
Dickinson Intends going into Michigan to de
liver the . during
key-note. Secretary Whitney ,
ing the last year , has paid almost weekly
visits to Now York , and ho remained in that
state nearly six weeks miring the campaign
last fall , giving it his personal direction , con
tributing Ills money by ten and twenty thous
and dollars at a time , Including tlio checks
of the president and members of the cabinet ,
and ho is at present devoting ncaily all of his
time to the Now York campaign. Secretary
of War Edincott has spent nearly all of his
time for six weeks campaigning , nnd it is
stated at tlio department that he will bo
away almost continnally until after the No
vember elections. Ho is looking after the
campaign in Now England. It is no secret
in Washington that Attorney-General Gar
land has charge of the southern wing of the
administration campaign.
There nro in Washington republican nnd
democratio clubs which are organized by
members of the two parties from various
states. These have weekly meetings at this
stage of the national campaign. Seldom a
night passes now but that ono or moro of
these clubs are addressed by a number of
men connected with the departments. They
deliver the most bitter political harangues.
They are as intensely partisan and as "of
fensively partisan , " as men .could bo. I
could write the names of dozens of men who
lold tlio positions of chiefs and heads of
bureaus who have accepted invitations to go
into close states next month and deliver par
tisan speeches.
So much of the administration that does
not pretend to bo in favor of civil service re
Just how mugwumps , or that class of neu
tral or independent or business eiti ons , who
do not care especially for national politics , or
who claim not to c-aro much , but who want a
president for the good of the country , and
who left the republican party or left the
P'irty of independence In 1HS4 to support Mr.
Cleveland , support Cleveland in IS'iS is in
deed a mystery. Thorp is not now the
slightest pictenso of civil service reform by
Mr. Cleveland or any of his inferior officers.
If there Is it is base hypocrisy , and it should
disgust every intelligent voter in the coun
try. Tlieronevcr wasgreatornctlvitj under
Pi cstdent Jackson or any other man who as
pired to run politics with a high hand and
with tlio bit in its moutU than at present.
There is Just ono object in view hero now ,
and that is to re-elect President Cleveland.
The whole machinery of the government is
turned in that direction. The contribution
of 510,000 by President Cleveland and the
contributions of equal sums by certain mem
bers of the cabinet , with the exception of
Secretary Whitney , whoso friends boast
that ho gave 8100,000 , is only a straw in the
direction of the anxiety of the aslmraistra-
tion to succeed itself ,
There is a peculiar feature about the con
tract , for the Brooklyn federal building
which has Just beeh awarded , which , under
any other administration than the present ,
would probably cause a congressional inves
tigation and , perhaps , some scandal. Some
two montns ago bids were opened for supply
ing the labor and material necessary to-con-
struct the the public building in Brooklyn.
Among tlio bidders wore E. F. Gobol , of.
Chicago , and Bernard GalliRhcr. Gobel's
bid was the lowest and Gallighcr was the
third. Gobel offered to do the work for
about $050,000 , while Mr. Galllghor asked
&WO,000 moro than the sum asked by tlio
Chicago man. The contract , after the ex
piration of the usuhl time , was awarded to
Mr. Gobcl , and he was given n certain num
ber of days ia which to file his bond , The
time expiroiUJast week and Mr. . Gobel
falicd to put in an nppcaranco. When
ho filed his bill he deposited with the treas
ury department a certified check forll'OJ '
to insure the fulfillment of the contract. Un
der the terms of the letting this check was to
bo forfeited if , in the event of securing the
contract , ho should fail to comply with the
requirements of the department.
Gallighcr is a well-known democratic poli
tician in the city of Brooklyn , and part owner
in ono of the democratic organs there , and a
man who has a "pull. " From the day that
the bids were opened until the contract was
finally awarded to him last Monday , Ijg anu
his friends made a vigorous kick against the
award to Gobel. All sorts of charged airainst
the supervising architect and other officials
of the treasury were concocted and published ,
and it Is doubtful if there was ever a moro
strenuous effort made on the part of a con
tractor to defeat an opponent for the
award of a contract. This kick seems to have
been effective , for in spite of the fact that
Galligher's bid was 81) ) per cent higher than
that of Gobol's , ho gets the work.
Under ordinary circumstances and in pri-
vuto business the course would have been to
have readvertlsed and to have invited propo
sals once moro from these who cared to
compete for the work. Inasmuch as it Is
claimed by Galligher nnd his friends that
they labored under a misapprehension , and
that Ciobol had knowledge not possessed by
any of the others , namely , that the granite
to bo cut was to bo supplied to the con
tractor dressed down to within ono inch
of the requirements for the building ,
it would Bccm that there is more reason
than over that now advertisements should
have been placed , and that the contract
should not have been awarded without giv
ing other Didders a chanco.
This is particularly manifest when It is un
derstood that Galllghcr's friends wore posi
tive that if ho had known what character of
stone was to bo furnished by the granite
contractors ho could have cut his bid down
materially. As it is , n Brooklyn concern
with a big "pull" has a fat contract in which
it would seem there is nearly a quarter of a
million dollars prolit , Just before n presiden
tial election. Perhaps the affair can bo sat
isfactorily explained ; but at present it looks
black , to say the least.
There have been some "queer" transac
tions in connection with the compilation of
the annual report of the commissioner of
pensions which was issued last week. As
stated in these dispatches , for two or three
weeks before the report of the commissioner
ot pensions appeared about n half dozen of
the most expert clerks in the bureau wore
engaged In compiling a defense of President
Cleveland's pension vetoes. They selected
from among the largo number a few of
these upon which a defense of the whole
course of the president In vetoing pensions
could bo based. They wrote up the cases in
detail and in a form something like the regu
lar brief a lawyer issues hi a law case. When
it was published that this work was
being done with n view to putting it lute
a campaign document to bo issued
by the national aermcrntlo committee and
that , of course , the whole expense eatno out
of the general fund created by congress to
pay for the issuance of pensions , it was stated
nt the pension bureau that the work was a
part of the annual report of the commis
When General Black made un his synopsis
of the refort for ho regular press associa
tions It contained elaborate reference to the
president's veto of pensions. The press was
thus thrown off the track. It appeared , sure
enouch , that all of this work on the defense
of the president's pension vetoes was really
a part of tbo annual report of tbo commis
Muoh to the astonishment of everybody in
Washington .who paid And attention to this ,
matter , the annual report ol Commissioner
Hlack docs not contain this matter. A care
ful reading of the report , which contains 125
largo pages of solid minion nnd nonpareil ,
does not disclose a single effort to defend
the president in his pension vetoes , or to
make nn exhibition of the veto work of the
president. Just where this matter , which
was surely prepared by the exports In the
bureau , has gene nobody appears to know.
There is no question that n defense of tlio
president's pension vetoes was prepared at
the pension office by these experts , and that
the expense was paid out of the common pen
sion funds. In the event the people of the
country receive such literature they will
know where it came from.
T. S. Canty , of Lincoln , Is at the Howard
George S. Towle and II. C. Browne , of
Omaha , arrived to day.
First Lieutenant George Rhulcn , Seven
teenth infantry , has boon granted four
months' leave , with permission to apply for
an extension of two months.
Nchraska nnd town Pntentw.
WASHINGTON' , Sept. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hci : ] Patents were to-day
granted the following Ncbraskans and
lowans : D C. Jackson and H. J. Hyan , Lin
coln , Neu. , alternate current electric motor ;
Joseph Cockfleld and C. D. Higgins , Uoone ,
la. , metallic packing for piston and vulvo
rods ; Seneca Culver , Utlthven , la. , windmill ;
Abiathcr Full-brother , Janosvlllc , la. ,
stanchion ; George Henderson , Sioux City ,
la. , mechanical movement ; James A. llcnson ,
assignor to Hcnspn car coupler company ,
DCS Molncs , In. , car coupling ; John Llpp-i ,
assignor of one-half to T. S. Roberts , Hock-
ford , la. , hamo attachment ; Nelson Smith ,
Kearney , Nob. , churn ; John Xerr. assignor
of ono-half to E. E. Hawkes , Keokuk , In. ,
roll paper holder and cutter/
Grandest Demonstration oT Grand
Army Men Kvcr Known.
COLUMIIUS , O. , Sept. 11. During last night
the veterans , with their wives and children ,
continued to pour into thocityand the camps
nnd streets are about filled. At an early
hour Grand Army men in uniform and a
nobby drum corps began to form for the pa
rade , which was ono of the grandest over
witnessed on a similar occasion. There were
eighteen divisions , eight of them comprising
the Ohio department. The ninth division
was made up of tlio Veteran Ciipplcd Sol-
diois' association. Mexican veterans , and
Andrew raiders , a naval squadron , and the
Fifth United States volunteer infantry. Tlio
department of Illinois constituted the tenth
division , Wisconsin and Iowa combined to
make the eleventh , Minnesota was included
in the fifteenth division , and Dakota in the
seventeenth. The Sons of Veterans bi ought
up the rear in the eighteenth division.
In advance of the divisions were the police ,
tlio commander of the parade , and the com-
mandcr-in chief with their staffs and the
Oliio battle flag veteran association. On
Broad street , north of tlio state house , the
immense and beautifully decorated review
ing stand held the distinguished guests of the
occasion. All along the Hue of
march the streets were densely packed
with people , and there were continued
waves of applause up nnd down the city as
the veterans marched by. The old soldiers
themselves Joined in the enthusiasm nnd
heartily cheered in response , especially when
they passed the reviewing stand on which
stood old "Teeumsoh" and others of their
former leaders ,
Illinois came first after Ohio , and a very
hearty greeting was accorded that state's
noble representatives. Mrs. Logan was
evidently their especial pot , for the veterans
passed jy their old leaders on the reviewing
stand and cheered nnd saluted the wife of
their gallant "Black Jack , " nnd as she stood
with glistening eyes nnd waved back a re-
pponso , a kindly smile on her beautiful face
gave evidence of how much she loved these
who had braved danger with her beloved
Besides banners , Wisconsin announced
herself with a badger , which was
carried Just behind Governor Husk
as ho marched on foot with his
comrades. The Lincoln post drum corps re
ceived much deserved praise for the quality
of the music made on the drums and fifes.
Commander Curtis and Senator Miller
headed New York's well drilled veterans.
Michigan was headed by Farquhar post of
Detroit , in which General Alger marched on
toot , to the gicat delight of his comrades.
The southern states came in for about the
heartiest cheers that were accorded to any
delegations nsido Iroin their drilling and
The Sons of Veterans , nearly all in
uniform and many carrying arms , deserved
all of the continued applause that greeted
them. The procession was four hours and
forty minutes passing the reviewing stand ,
nnd all marched quietly.
After the parade about ten thousand people
ple crowded up to the reviewing stand to
call for speeches- _ Governor Foruker took
chargq of tlio meeting , and ono after another
introituccd the distinguished people who
stgo'd around , the crowd cheering each mime ;
Moro were added , and although the meeting
lasted but half un hour thousands were
shouting and cheering before the crowd dis
persed for Mrs. Logan , Mrs. Algcr , Mrs.
Johnston , Mrs. Foraker , Mrs. Fred Grant ,
ex-President Hayes , Colonel Fred Grant ,
John A. Logan , Jr. , nnd others. This evening -
ing the officers of the national organization
dined at the Commercial club. This even
ing the national officers and members of the
staff met in the law library of the state
house and some pleasant remembrances
were there given to their chiefs. Cominnnd-
or-m-chlof J. P. Uea recaived a beautiful
gold badge.
At a big camp fire to-night addresses were
made by General Sherman. Governor Fora-
kor , Commandcr-in-Chief Kea , General
Fail-child , Governor Tliayor , of Nebraska ,
General Hovey , of Indiana and others.
WASIIIXOTON , Sept. 11. In the senate the
house amendment to the senate bill for a
pension to tlio widow of General HcinUcl-
man ( reducing the amount from ? 100 to $75 a
month ) was non-concurred in nnd a confer
ence ordered.
Mr. Sherman , from the committee on
nuance , repotted a bill to declare unlawful
trusts and combinations in restraint of trade
and production. Placed on the calendar.
Tlio house bill for the allowance of certain
claims reported by the accounting officials of
the trca'sury , known as the Fourth of July
claims , was taken from the calendar and
and passed.
The senate then resume I consideration of
the Chinese exclusion bill , and was addressed
by Mr. Stewart In favor of It. Ho was fol
lowed by Mr. Teller , who criticised the man
ner in which the bill had been introduced
and hurriedly passed through the house. It
finally went over without action.
The senate then adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Sept , 11. The house re
sumed consideration of the sundry civil ap
propriation bill , the pending amendment
being that relative to the reclamation of arid
Messers. Vandover of California and
Symes of Colorado favored the senate
amendment , which was attacked by Mr.
Herbert of Alabama. Finally the debate
ended and the appropriation in the senate
amendment was reduced from $ ' )0,003 ) to
The house then adjourned.
Stopped hy Train llolIern.
PiicscoTf , Ariz. , Sept , 11. The westbound
express train was stopped by three men at
Parker's Mill last night. They did not got
anything. A reward of f 1.500 has been of
fered for their capture , and Wells , Furgo &
Co. will incrcaso the amount ,
Patented u Churn ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEU. ] Kel8on Smith , of Kearney
Neb. , was to'-tlaylerantcd a patent on aehurn'
Mnrrlaso of Princess Eonnparto to
the Duke do Oostn.
Klnhornto Prcpurnturns Kor the ICvent
A. Description of the licnutlCul
lressen Worn lly Two ol'tlio
Imdlcs Present.
Wedded Uin Niece.
[ Ciipyi tulit ISSS tin Jiimt ( Ionian Itcnnctl. ]
Tim ix , Sept. 11. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tiiu UI-.B. ] This city maybe
bo described to-day as having boiled over
with excitement. It was the day when
Princess Clothlldo gave away to her own
brother her own daughter as a bride. In an
ticipation of tills marriage of n ducal uncle
to his princess niece , Turin was en fete. The
street through which the bridal procession
was to pass was hung in red nnd white ,
the colors of Savoy. Tlio arches of its
line arcades were filled with llowois sup
plied by the wealthy Inhabitants of the place.
Victor Emanuel was transformed Into a vast
amphitheater with a gieat flower basket
standing in the center. Nearly all the streets ,
houses nnd public buildings were gay with
colors. Catholics were heard expressing
plcasuro. because the marriage did not
take place in the private chapel adjoining
the quirlnal at Home. This wan at
the express wish of the pope himself. Prln-
less Clothlldo , mother of the bribe , wrote to
Leo XIII. , who immediately abridged the
'orinalities of the dispensation for tlio mar-
iage bctweon tlio uncle nnd niece , but on
condition that thu wedding should bo sol-
jmnizcd outside the territory of the ancient
papal states. The pope also hinted to Card-
11:1 : ! Bonaparte that his presence would not
. > o necessary. Still , Cardinal Alimonda ,
i\rohblnhop of Turin , was requested to spare
no splendor of ritual in tlio celebration.
Prince Napoleon had his son , Prince Louis ,
, vith him and looked quito becoming. Ho sa
uted tlio cheering crowd In quito imperial
'nshion. Princess Mathildo received quito
un ovation. Two of the most magnificent
dresses were worn by Queen Marghcretta
ind Princess Mathilde. Tlio former wore ,
'or the church , mauve satin brocade
.s'ith . rippled lines in the same
color nnd having n direotoiro coat
pnlo , silver gray brocade of the same
lattcrn , made with long square ends at the
back reaeulng to tlio skirt hem. This coat
HIS a deep vest in mauve brocade , clabor-
utely embroidered with steel cord and steel
: ind crystal beads. The skirt breadth is
Kirtcd in front over straight folds of
gray brocade , each side of the
opening being edged with embroidery to
match the vest. Tlio short dollman wrap of
the gray brocade is also bordered with siml-
ar embroidery and is lined throughout with
mauve satin. The Princess Mathilde wore a
tulle of a bluish pearl color. The front and
sides of the skirt wore elaborately em
broidered witli gold and bordqied with gold
.ace and the former was dotted nil over with
spots formed of n single gray pearl and ono
gold spangle combined. The edge of the
skirt in front was finished with deep fringe
n gray pearls and steel beads falling over a
land of gold laco. The train , over four
irards in length , is in gray faille brocaded
, vith boquots of red and pink roses with
their foliage intermixed with gold flowers.
This magnificent silk was manufactured
at Lyons over twenty years ago expressly
for Empress Eugenie. After the death of
Napoleon , the empress presented it to the
princess. The sides of the train are each
caught together in a single long , narrow fold
which is held in place by bow knot shaped
ornaments iu gold passementorio nnd it is
incd throughout with gold yellow satin.
The royal and notable personages present
are too long to send. They in
cluded three kings , a score of princes
and princesses , and several ministers
of state. In the bridal group may bo men
tioned the three sons of the bridegroom , the
Princes Emanuel , Victor and Louis. Prince
Victor Bonaparte was notinvited , which was
n grief to his sister , the brido. Ho should
have been , but for the paternal veto , the
: hlof witness for tlio bride but his phieo at
the civil ceremony was takun by Prince
Charles Bonaparte. I could fill your
columns with a list of the principal presents ,
if space and electricity permitted. The
Duke do Aostiiuud the Princess Letltla have
been at the royal palace since Thursday re
ceiving deputations and presents. Probably
the most worthy of mention is the gift
of 400 ladies of Turin a Sedan chair
richly embellished and intended to remind
her of a lost art of Turin ; also a
gift from the municipality , n , tapestry
chest in the style of the seventeenth century ,
containing specimens of the richest brocades ,
silks and velvets of Italy. The representa
tives of the house of Savoy , Bunaparto
and Braguniio met In the grand hall
of the palace at 11 o'clock for the civil cere
mony. Senator Fariny , president of the
senate , read the articles of marriage. The
deeds were signed by tlio duke and princess ,
by the king and queen of Italy and Prince
Jerome Bonaparte.
The Annual Moctlni ; of the Society
of Friends.
WATEKI.OO. la. , Sept. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bii5.J : The Iowa yearly meet
ing of Friends opened at Oskaloosa Septem
ber 4 and will close to-morrow , after having
disposed of a large amount of business of
great Importance to the society in the future.
A number of prominent ministeis are In at
tendance from the cast , the Pacific coast and
elsewhere. Among them Is the Hev. Will
iam Allen , who was a slave in cast Tonnes-
see. He came to Indiana after his liberation ,
learning to road and write after ho was
thirty years old. Ho Is a very efficient min
ister ,
The Iowa conference of the Methodist
Epifccopal church was brought to a eloso In
the same place last nigh' , when the appoint
ments for the year wcio made public. Fully
1,0',0 , ' strangers visited the city Sunday. Ex
cursions were run In from all directions.
The Methodist coufc-ronco adopted resolu
tions favoring legal prohibition and expressed
Its opposition to the third party movement
In Iowa by thanking the party now in power
fo.1 what wo now have of prohibition.
Suicided In n Coll.
CIIESTOV , la. , Sopt. 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bui : . ] A woman named Ida Harring
ton suicided by hanging herself In her cell in
the jail nt Greenfield , la. , last night. She
had been locked up for drawing a revolver on
a negro whom she claimed bad robbed her of
C700. and had been In the cell but ufow hours.
Slio was a notorious character , and some
months ago attempted nulcidu by taking
"rough on rats , " presumably because the
negro , of whom she was enamored , refused
to longer live with her.
Jfnw YOIIK , Sept. 1. Thorno , Carroll &
Co' , hosiery , made an assignment to-day ,
giving prcfcicnccs amounting tooVer 120,000.