TTTE OMAKA DAILY BEE : TTTRSDAY , SEPTEMBER J1 , 188a CRE4TEST SHOW ON EARTH , Formal Opening of the Nobnioku State Pair. VISITORS CROWD THE GROUNDS. Tlio Inhibition PrnmlHCH to Ho tliu HiifHU'KMi'nl of tlio Kind Kver llnltl Tim Hpcrd KvuntH. KvuntH."H L.INCOI.N BimrM ) or Tin : OMAHA Ilitn , "H 1WJ 1' Bruiciir , t i.Ntoi.v , Sept. 10. I Whcwl Wind mill tluntl 'I'hn liuiUituiU' sputter ni tlicy oittoh It fore uiul ntt. Hut Btlll tlicy conic , nntl luitvvllhstnnil- liiK thu uiifrlomlly wuntlirr the wruat ( iiiniinl uxposltlmi prciiiilsti to bo nil thut IIIIH Ixjoii otalini'd fur it. At | > or antinuiictMiiunt , Uio ilcxii s wiuo formally llirnivn open ut 8 o'clock tli In inornliiR , unil tlio tiuiliiiKiniiuiil vvns | irnclliiilly romly for lliu ovi'iit. Most of Ibo uxhlbltn wuru In tliulr plucoH. 'I'lilH woik \VIIH pniiiounuetl llnlsliod ut lii li noon , Flral tlity vlHltoi-H do not liuvo to Htatid nround witltltiK to scu whut I.H lo bo seen. In thin I'CHpoct u victory In scored ovur luit your. Tlio ccitHoluHH roll nf hncus , c.irrynllH , Im- ; KOH ! uiul t'urriiiKi's ( inuiiciicod lliU iiiornlnjt ut tlm uurliortt poAgllilu hour. The truiiHil to nnd from the Kroiitid U rapid , It wouhVbu hard to improve the IniiiHiiortiition fucllltloB. Tlio Htrout cur lliitiH liavo provided uu oxcol- Inut Htirvlco. Kvory twulvu niinutuH Htrout cur * unload th'ilr bunion of huiunn frol { ht vlthin100 fccL of the KroumlB , lind In uddltion to tills the Hurliniitoii runs u npochil train every llftoon uilnntcM , The band of the ntuto Industrial nchool r- rivud on the ground * ut noon. It di courtiul Kood inimludurliiK itaontlro line of inurcli , mid will bo iinitrUirnd on tlio iri'ouiuln during the cutlro wuolc. Nuvv and mioru.stliiK nt- trantloiiB tiuiots the visitor from the moment ho onUira tlio Krounda , to right mid loft , itnd ho bocowcH loHt In lulmlratlon im ho nntUcH the clix'lo to wo and lulmlro the colluutcd utlntclloii . On cntorlug the KroundH city nf IcnlH Is buhold. HvomliiKly nothing li'ts ' been forgotten. 'L'ho wiints of tlio tomporat mail can bo tuipplii'd itnyvvhoro. Quo In rc- mlndtid of the hind of milk and honey. In iimUIni ; the clrolo of the utaltn in whloh are quiirlorcd thu Uncut colleotlon of Uot'soi ever hocn In the ntnto , the next ono Is always the butt and noltlod JudKinunt llnally \vlndn up In coufualon. This , however , can bo ulil of almost twry cltiss ou uxhlbitlon. The best of ovcrythln ? bus been imthoriHl from the four iiurts of the Ntiita And , loo. Uu : cluster of sistijr staten Imvo milled much tit thu fcuturoa of liitoroHt. "Tho best , exhibition the stulo hua ovi-r nlvrn , " IH hciird on bund. Two I'lnsscH worn ontcrcd for the thla uUcniKon , nnd they wuro ciillid at O'clock. hUilioiiH , tl10 ; cln s-Pur o , JOO. Tlm McMnhoii , buy stallion , CJ. I1' . Slowart , Itroivnvillo : ( lovurnor 1) . Hwijjort , black stallion , A. II. Crnmcr , llastin a ; moiit , buy Hlullion. M. Lovott , ( iuldo Kock ; Ijyndon , bay stallion , \VlllIain Mercer , Unr- vurd , Hunnlni ; race , Half milo dash 1'urso , $100. Uny Hilly , I.i'dy Slippur , H. Woodburn , Kpuitr l-'Uh , I altotu ; Mis Nelson , A. 11. NolHon , Utica ; lluby Hey , Marlins , Kola , Kobort .Smith , Stur ca City , Dakota ; Kiuma. Froni the art to the agricultural hall , ono Is ImprusKcdvith the vast iiiiioiint of work the mannKi'inont ban bad in bund to Insure the phenomenal success promised. Tlio lu' products of the Htato on exhibition Inivo been arranifod with itrtlHtio skill. Hut it Kfes without , tolling tlmttlio hull Is the of ovur forty counties of the state , and the wonder Is how it was dono. ISvcr.vthin piovokort admlrn- tlon. l''iomthi tiny srcds to tlm mammoth pumpkin cvory piodnut of thu farm and Kur- dcn IK to bo scon. 1'Moral hall Is a tribute tn the genius and axill nf UK ; ladies who have it In charge. It la a complete work of beauty nnd art. Unt u description of nil the thlnps to be Ftoen would bo an endless tusk. It would bo bard to tell where to commence and end. Itut tlui exhibit of tbq Htuto Ilshorlos. can not Ixi passed. Suporiutcndcut CVIJrlrn IB on the ground with n display of speckled nnd inonntain trout , one , two and three years nldOcrmiu\ ; carp ol the HUIIIO use ; black buss and wnll-oyed plko ono and two years old , nnd aJiled to these can lie soon pirkerol , biuuory nnd gl//ard Htmd , channel and spcckcl cut lltii , bulTalos , quillbncks , long nnd short nosed par , bull boails , sun lihh , red. IIOTHO , black suckers nnd chubs ; also , Hiiuupln ? , mud and t-oft shcllod turtles. The superintendont'a jars of speci mens uro also Hue. Ho has * lxty Jars of al coholic spi'cimeim , representing ilOO % 'nrletlcs of the deep sou liilioM. Twenty hnr.dsomo ilah jiictures adorn the wall of the hall , done in water colors by Kllbourno , the artist , nnd they represent tlm cauia italic * of America. Thfrt.v frames contain ii.'iO fishplate * . Two larn of alcoholio specimens rontuln speci mens of the speckled trout. When planted they were ono nnd ono-half Inches in leiiKth nnd when prepared for exhibition they were sixteen Inches in length , Hut the live li U form the grout uttractlon of this class , The exhibitors in every department vie vith each other In making it cheerful nnd iileutant for the comers nnd coors. Hut will they all bo thus cheerful when Uio awards Imvo all boon uuidol The placing of the premiums will bo a hard task this year. Points of excellence will have to ba determined. And ufter all , in u measure It will bo n bit add miss deal , it will bo absolutely Impossible ) to successfully eUtrimlnnto. The Hvo stoi-lc on exhibition bars the possibility of experts making immaculate decisions. Awards will bo made at the Oipnnso of superiority in ninny Instances. lint the great state show K now on. After to-day It will bo pottslblo to give tno rcadln ; ; public n fair idea of what Nebraska has done in the way of her animal exhibition. Tlio crowd increases. To-morrow the ui omuls will bo nllvo with people. The attendance ol tci-tlay gives nmplo assurance that the inter est will grow until thu closing scenes uro announced. Tlio attractions are on the grounds , nnd the multltudo nlono is ncccs- nary to make the fair of" 1SSS the grandest over hulil in the state. Tlio following is n full text of Attorney General hocuo's protect against the late ao- tion of the state board of transportation , it is n plain statement of an honest man's con victions , and is worth careful reading. Gcu > erul Loose docs not mlnco mutters , mid lit expresses himself so dearly that ( ho public will appreciate the situation ns it Is : The board Iiua made nu order nftor duo deliberation liberation , and nerved it upon the roads ir this state , reuuiring them to so arrange tholi Bcliedulo of rates , that the rates In this state limy bo llxed in the snmo proportion as in tin Htatcs of Minnesota , Illinois , loxvu , and Ua Itotn , although our rates would bo mucl higher than in thosn states. This tiise has been adjourned a number o times ; all the railroad companies Imvo bou before the board , nml mi two different oeca slims set for hearing have nuulo long nrgu uicntH each time , but have introduced no evl dcnce , nnd now alter the roads Imvo rofusci to introduce any testimony to show vatisi why they do not obs.v the order of the stall board , and hnvo interposed over } ' tochnJcalltj known to the law ; a majority of the suit board presents n pocket resolution to adjourn the case until November 12 , 163S. There is no request by the railroad com panics for an adjournment. The majority o the board voting ou the adjournment are no dhutatisnc'd with the order nuulo by tb board , although two of them voted ugaine It when it was introduced July 5. but tin motion to adjourn IB for the aliened purposi of rinding out the cost of roads , nml this i the only reason assigned on the part of th majority of our board. What Imvo the * members been doing for the past two yearn Why liavo they -not uuda the o Inqulrle : beforol Wtiy do they not rcud the rex > ref of the rullroad cniiunlktioncrd wliett ) the cos of till the roads is given under oath an liavo been printed and signed by those nanii luejnucrsi Why is it that our threw peerotarics Lav not gained this Information during tlio la * two vcars ! What consideration has the stnt received for the fit , < XX ) appropriated to tit board it at thla lute day neither oT the seen tarlcs nor the majority of the board know what It costs to build u railroad I The cos of the various road * has been given to th board uud has been sworn to by the ofllcci of Uio roads , nnd they will swear to tb aamo facts and figures again. The rceolutlo does not usk for any information relating t the operating expenses , which ia very nocei ary if the design U to UK rate * , and If oror question continued in the resolution shoul lift properly nnnwerol , tbo lumnl would hn In no l > cU r condition U > iimKn rules limn they nro to-ihiy. Anil if for nny reason Uio nlntu nuiiitx nro nut the Identical liuiKiiago used In the report M In the resolution , It would only ImVrt boon naixisinry to usk u fnw nihlltloiml questions nml thny would Imvo been chnorlullv nniworod l > y every roml In tlio state , hut for the Itoinl ItBL'lf to iiiljonrn thla cnso nl thU tlmti until the 12th ot November In hoyond my cuuipto * honslon. If thotnnjorlly of thoboanl thought they hail inuilo n inlsiaxo In making the original order , unil dual red to ix-ucilo from the posi tion they hnil taken. It would tmvo boon their duty to huvo Mated Unit fm-t nnd dlsmbupcl the onto uud coininoncrd unow ; hut to nil * Jotirn thu CIIHU for the masons n nliird ( IcuilH mo to holinvo tlmt U Is n mihtcrfugo od for notni ) other object In view limn Hint ntatud. The fuel Is nt'tuiTiit ' Hint tlio pcudliii : IMIMO Is ( inu tlmt In absorbing the minds of the poo- tiluof ilid state , nnd they Imvo the right to Know whether the ntnto him thu mithorily to lit niton ou UK so rail- romlx , nud especially an the Union I'arlllo rnllwn.v claims exemption from the Jurlsdle- Him of our state IIIWH hix-aiMO it him ui-uu Iwoi pirated liy nn net ot congress. 'I'o ndjoiirn this cnso until November I'.1 , without knowing how the Mate liounl will holil on this question , IH In Itself n irosi ; violation lation of pulillo duty , nnd I ciin only nay that whllo I must Huhinlt to thu vote of the majority , J do BO protesting with my own voiuo nnd vole , In the nuino of Justice to the iw.'oplc of tills Btnto. 1 want It distinctly understood Unit I ntn not n policy member of the honrtl , and In ovrry ruse nnd on every question I have mil oil on my own Judgment und as mj eon Hclonco illututed to ho right. 1 do not want to Injure the railroads In thU Htato , realizing the fact tlmt wo ull need the roads lui much us the roads need the people. Our Intnrosts nro mutual. Hut when I neo gross violations of our constitution and laws by the rallroiul corporations , und un utter disregard of the rights of the people shown I rnluo my volco mrniniit the HUIIIO , I nm will- lug now , : ilways Imvo hoon nml always will ho , to allow every road such rutoa as will yield n fair per cent on the value of the prop erty , under the HUIUU rules of economy ui : to operating expenses , : is should bo nsud In the prlvato nffnlr.i of thn Individual stoekholdorH. Kvory nmn nhould ho willluir to concoilo tills , nml 1 do not bullovo tlmt tltoro is n man in this Htnto that would object to Htiuh rates ; I do nov/ and always will object to such rutus as will ylold n dividend on lie- titloim ciiplt.U , or what is known us wulorod Blockfuiul make this oxplnnntlon to ussnro you that I only ask right nnd Justice , and submission to our constitution nnd laWH. by the railroad corporation of this Htuto , ami until this object Is attained , you will Hud rno In the ranks with my face to Ihoso who oppose ) It. 1 consider It n misfortune nt this time for the hoard to dulay HO vital n question. I can realUo how two members of the board can 'HO vote nnd act , UH they Imvo Inlerposud tholr objections , nml shown n disposition to dolav nnd vote down the proceeding froui Uio Ural ; but to llnd a third member chnny lit ) ? front , for the reason nssl > 'iicd Is n ny - 'lory to mo , and T must rest mittsllod that whatever reason ho 1ms is locked In his own breast , nnd as ono member of the board , I submit to tlio Inevitable , but firmly bellevo that the wavering disposition shown by the mujority ou mich an important question , will work n great injury to the people of this atnte. AIIT1CI.I1S 01' INCOItl-OimiOX. Articles incorporating the Mlimtnrs C.imil nml Irrigation company were Illo'l ' with the set-rotary of sta'o ' this moi niug. The com puny will operate in UlRtycniio county and T Harshman , W.Clark , , J , H. Fairllold , Cieorgo W , Kali-Held , .1. I-1. Itlnglnr , A. M. Falrlluld , W. U. Tnbor , K. T. liarahmnti and A , W. Mills nro the ineorporator.s. The object of the company It to lease nnd sell nnd other wise dispose of wntor rights to persons , for the purpose of irrigation , domestic , manufac turing , dydniulli : nnd other useful purpoBO * . AVator will bo taken from the 1'latte to the north part of Cheyeiiuo by canal or other foaslblo means. The company authorises n capital of & ! 0,000. which is divided Into shares ot llUOvaeh. NKW NOT \IIIH-I I'l' MI.1C. The governor issued the following notarial commissions to-day : W. S. l.oyan , Weeping Water , C.IS.R county : .1. H. .Smith , 1'iorce , I'ierco county ; C. II. I'liclrborgor , Clnxnt , I'orkins conntv ; .F. W. Moore , \Vilcot. Kearney county ; W. A. Hills , Knglu , CJass i-otinty ; U. . ) . Uuliii , Harper , Dodiro county ; W. S. Poppluton , Omaha , Douglas county ; M , J. Hall , , Claj county. L c > OAlHN'ti wore Btroiif- ; liolds of love , contuiitincnt , health and lisipijiiics. Coon slciiiH worn ntiilud to the Jeer anil they were the luiiy | ] lunnuH uf ptronir. , honlt'liy , noble men and women. The simple hut ollcctivo ro- nic-dioH which carriud thorn to green tild n 'o nro reproduced in Warner'fl ' Tipjwcnnoo , " : tnd Warner's Loj { Cabin Sarsapurilla and other Los Cabin rem edies. Uov. W. P. Uavis , who has served , nearly n year In n Uoston Jail for preaching on flic com moil , gotA out this wool ; . It must not lie ussumoil that preaching is n penal offeneo per so in Hoston. Kov. Mr. Davis persisted in using the common at * n ground for open- air services uftur ho hud been frequently ad monished that it was a violation o local or dinances to do so. Peed makes Illnuil and Blood makes Beauty. Improper digestion of food neeecMirily produces bad blood , result- hitf in a fooling of fullness in the atoiu- auli , acidity , heartburn , aiokhcadaehe , and othorilyhpopticbymntoins. A closely eontlned life causes indigestion , eon.sti- pation , hilioubiiess and lo.-s of appetite. To remove those troubles there Is no remedy equal to 1'rlckly Abh Bitters. It has been tried and pi-oven to be n bpceille. According to the Honiau Catholic returns for liiS , there nro In KngUind and Wales 'J.IIH . priests , as against 1,7 3 in 1S75 , serving 1,1101 churches , chapels nnd missionary sta tions. In Scotland there are 5 bishops nnd 1KH prlosts , serving a-JT chapels , churches und stations. The estimated Catholic pop u < lutlon in England nml Wales Is 1 , 51,000 , in Scotland , y-.VOOO ; in Ireland , : iW > llHHi ) total , f.,011,000. IU superior xwlU-nce proven In inllllonin tioaiet. lor moi u than a uuurtttr of a century , 1 U u od by the United States Uoveniuirni. it itortMby tli Uemln ot Ilia prent Unlvorsltlc * n tlio klronceit , niir st miA moot henlthful , Di J'rieu'a iltilclnK 1'owiler does notrnutiil ammonia. Hum or ulnm. Bolil nnlr In rans. J'UIUK 1I.VK1NO I'OWUKltU ) . York. ' . lonli fftw _ C'Ulfatto. _ fct. BUSlMiSH WAItl * A Tlio Hotel llrokers. HI UnuuUny. Ne - Yorl otliT fconio Una Inulncsi rlmmra in tbo Nile c l juo ami Furniture ut Hotels ll or the U. I Our Wi-storn illvlslou comprises pome nu Iiou ea In Nabra Ka , Kansas , Missouri , Io\ uud Mluuvwto , i iUfomla amlToiaj. Utriinlre rnptul W.WO to IIO.UX ) . ou l-.ouws that me pa ; laic wull.Vc nhvnys vnlistantlate irooil r n outer tor piirUa * solllui ; where evuu houses are ilolu wrlf. Nu\v 14 thu mouth tor ho tola to bo iwmt I It wv wish to a ll to good ntvaaiaj- * . All cvti tuunlciitlona tuuwcrv-U prouiplly. CALIFORNIA ! THW nANI ) OF DISCOVERIES. Cj.1a m ircur E ran n CATARRH Santa Able : and : Cat-E-Oure For Sale by Goodman Drug Go. iTisAPURnyvr.srrAaiiPim'AitMtoN tZfguAiHe , eU BARK A > < tlr , PBI * SS&SHg SENNA-MANDRAXE-BUCHU It has stood iho Test of Ycaro , la Coring all DUeasss of the " " BLOOD , LIVBBBTOK- ' AOH , KIDNEYB.BOW- EI8&e. It Purifies the Blood , Invigorates and CleanierthoByitem. D7SPEPBIACONflTI PATION , JAUNDICE BICKHEADACHE.BIIr LIVER lOUBCOMPIAIHTB.ft ditappear atonee undo KIDNEYS its bsneflelBl Influence STOMACH It la purely a U dlone AND as Its cathartic proper ties forbid * its use as a b Yor Ke. It is pleas ant to the taste , and nk oaally taken by children asadultB. ren _ _ _ IPBIOKLY ASH OUTERS CO Hole FrnprUtor * . or HKAiiruv's UKMIV MAIU : MiivrAliu I'll\STKliBlntholioi S3 diirliiK tlm hummer m ( ntlis.ttmt there muv bo no dt lay In nromi > t- ly rt-llevhiK HiuIiU-ii attacks of EVERY IMinluni Alorlmn. Cia-Jip. Colic , ual other\ljlcntp lcsrc < liltliiK from oviulnduljcncu in duun FAMILY rrnlt-i. Stile \ L-Hutablci , Iroil DrlnVH , I no Crt-am , xc. Tins a I'lastcisa'Difiidy for limited ntu SHOULD : thi-y it-present thuvt-ry best muility of mnstnrd , nnd new > r full to net vromiitly. S < ild by HAVE JriiKglHta ) overywhcro. . Kvry IntGlngtfiit I liy.slcnm tries to hnpr. m tiiion p-itrons A the Important o of kcuplntlic air of ( ha iiU-ic room pure unil un- c oiitumlimtuil. This can b" done BOX by mitnlng llvimojf u'imiw. 1'ASTIM.KH. wlilch will quickly ri-ndor the air pure , f roxh and In- vlHoratliiL' . I'utup In ncnttin boxu-i and soltl by UriiRgivts at "Vi cento , or KSUI post imlil by IIV Si JlJIlNBON , N. V SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that they can't cure Khenmatitmi and Neuralgia. Others gay they can htithin't. . AtU-lo- iilio-roa ways nothing but curti. That's thu sccrt-t of Its wiccpsi. Years of trial have proved it to be u ijuick , mft , ture cure. f'oncord. N. H..Bi'.t.3.1i < s : 111 my r wu Juinlli AtUloi'lioruii IKI lyteil I * n l.i.t IVHurt , Uin mi r liii > iinc Hiuli from rtieimmlljni for i runt and liatlnn -d for tli dfrean ) bydltlinut ] > ij fJii In Uibi Btato and . mils Mllhoitt even Iciuiorary nllef. Uiou uiyt -niutlouMion of | x > - . IUVK IIMHI tlili luiuwly with tlm Kiiiia reiuJt tlaliuoil fur It. C. II. \ \ IION. Diiliuqiio. Iowa. iix In pilurlio , neil I feul UiaiiLfiil lor all tlw good HliiniUiiiniii' ' . Mrf. I.ODJJIF. Ciicnnv. jBjr Send C rcnt for the ln\illftil \ rolou-d pic ture. " Moorlih Midden. " THEATHLOPhOfiOS CO. 112 Wall St. N.Y. See That Rugged Baby ! TH there anything In the world moro pleiutlnui It Ls the ilmy of every motner nnd nurse to & < that the child has proper uourishmeut. H you haven't tried RIDGE'S FOOD makes a test , and see If you regret It. WEAK . , , I , _ v -O.-hi , thli ip ciio pursuit , CCHC or ar > * Ttvi TuicM < a.f. i , Bil ! < L tuotklnt currtpu ol 2nUoti d YlfyrouiSlrfBflh. lTOr mfarftfl 11.100 CMb. iDta orrf all othtr t tlu. w r l ra * , p r . . o 3tadia EI cUtd Ca. 169 LsSalic U Chicago. AMPAIEN GOODS Our ni-w CIATAI.UOCE OF CAM' PAION OUTFl'I'J * , wltli cuiutltution. drill uctlca and full Information about ornnlilnK and drilling Marching Clubs. ILLUSTUATED CATAtOUUB fAKK. A , 0 , SPALDINB t IROS , , Jl llfATFI ) IN ! Alf INI til EUROPE Apattr ialU DEO.29for th South of FRANCE , ITALY , SICILY , ami other dellchtlul resorts. A Second Tarty for thf HOLT LAND. OHKKCK. TUHKKY.The MILK.and the chief countries and cltlca of Europe , sails same date S ud for Circular , E.TOURJEE , FranklinSq. Boston. tall tanu U , - . .gina Sept. It Kor eliruUir * address H. HOOTII. UilCHgo. HI BOWTOAOT CHICAGO WESTERN RAILWAY. Omalia , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Thoonlj ruail la InVo for DM Mnltxn , ( Vilnr lUpl'U , I'lltilon , Diion , CjiliHUo , > llnaiiki-u | , mill nil iinliiK 13ml. 'IV llin | i iif > lii nf Ni-liraikft < 'IIIH | ratio , IV yiiiiilnit , Utnli , liliilin. NiiraJn , Ornoii.V ; | I | . InuKin nnil CnTifnrnm. II iprfi-m m | > urltir nilvnnlatfu * nulio | ltiln hy nr nlni < r linn. AMKIIIK n fn r nf HID iiunu'imn ixitiimit iiiiMirlorllr i-njiif wl liy Uin imliorn of Ihli mml iM-twfliin ( Hualm nn.l niloiiyu , " ni III llm-n Imlni n liny of DAY CO A CHI' ' : ' * , "Molt nta Ihn llni < it Ihijl liiiinnn nrl nncl IniMiiulirr.iiirn-itln. lt < I'AT.ACHMl.nHI'lNIMMICH , Iho C'lutil nf wtilih imiinnl hit found Dlpnwlifiru , At ( 'iiuticll lllulM , tlin IritliiK nf UHI I'lilun I'nritlo HKI | y riinwict In union < ! i > | int wllh thuin uf HID ( 'lit. rntiuX Norlliwuntiirii ly. ( In f'lilcniiii HIM ( rnlnn nf thli line imilm i Into iiinui'ctlon with llioui uf all Ullmr Knutoni line * . . . . l-nr liiilrnlt , ColiunbiM. linllminpolli , ( 'liulniintl , Nlannni litlln , Hiirfulo. I'llUliiirit , 'Inriinlti , Muinrritl MiMlon , Ni-ir VnrX. I'lilii1lntil | | , llnltlniiira , Wititf tniitun , mill nil po'lil" ' In tin- I. mil. Auk iu "lu "NOnTH WE3TEHN' ' If roti l li Hi" l'i < t nivDiiiiiiiinitloii , All Hi ket . . W. N HAIICOCK , l u'l Wuinini Anuiit , II. 15. KI.MIIAI.I. . 'Hi-kin AKunt. ( I. K. WKM * . City l-immiuer Au'unt. 111)1 ) l'iiinntiiHlr HlUiimlm , Nub , Epps's Cocoa IWIIAKI-'AST. "My a tlinriiuiili kuuxloilvo of Mm natural IIIM whlcli K'lU'rn HIM ciwrulliin | < of ill i-itlun iiml nu ll Illiin. unil liy n cxnilnl upi'lH illnn of th nnu | > r | > - iTllei * ill wnll fltiturlnil ( tin u.t. Mr Kmu * IIAH imiylili' I iiur liiuaklnn l ii ! " ' wltn n ilc' ilnvnni.l liuvur- HUD Hhich limy mve IM iiiniiy In avy uot-hiiV lilllt II In liy tlm JiKlliltiin unu uf mil h iirllrlr * or illot Hint it ( nimllliinim tuny l i Kr.i'lnullr ' built ii | > nnlll Dlrunu -rmiuli in ri' l't uvi'iy li-nil'-ncy ID illnt-iiuj. thin * clfi-il > - nf mihtlo irml.ullri uru llimlliii ; uniuinl in luuily In Hliinvtnr lln-rii I" n wniK iiolnl. WH may uacitjuj ninny itlatnl nliult liy krititlnitffUrJitlu1 * vu'll liirtlnnl wall [ HIMhlinxl uiul n iiriiiivrly WHIP li-lm I tiKinis" Civil HiTvlr. ' lln/utU ) . Miuli ) Minply wltli l > nllliit ( wntir or milk. KoM only Inhiiir pun ml linn hy ( liucurn , Inlx-luil t'nii iiO.MIlO.V , Kmii.ANII. LIN EN : THEI HFOR SALE-i- EVERYWHERE. rjl > TOBCHCS. FLAC8. BAN- T. E. CILPIM , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Kooru 03 TrudcrV CHICAGO. ncei Mcironolllnn Natlnnal Hank. It. U. nun It Co. Tliu limlbtrcct Ca ' Obtained. ATTK'PJfO K. I O Trade Mark , Uitel , Priul and Copyright prelection cured. Good work , good reference * . moJer- aiech'gt. Sent ! Tor pamphlet R , G. DuBoll i 916 F St , Wuhlngton , D. C. Burlington Burlington C.B.gQPR . The Burlington takoo the lead , tIt was In advance of all lines in developing Nobraako. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the pcopo ! of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. j It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feavo Omaha in the morning and arrive in Dorwer tha evening of the same day. It has boon progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Stroot. n I oatlslBCIlun In tbe ctircofOonurrbcra nnd OlcM. I prtacrlliollsn'l fuel taf * In rctijinnund- , , „ , ufrcririf DccoSur' ' bold by DEPOS1T03Y , OMAHA , 1IS2. 1'iiiil Up Ciipltul . $100,000 Surplus . 50,000 II. W. YATKS. I'rt-sldcnt I.KWIHH. UKKII. Vlco President. A. K. TOU/AMS. ' 'nd Vlco I'reBlilent. \V. 11. H. Hmiiii.s : , Uuthlor UlllECTOIW : w. v. MUHSK , JOHNS. H. W. VAT Kit. Ir.witi 8. A. K. ToUzAbl.v. IlrnklngOIIIco- THE IRON BANK , Comer 12th and Turnum Silt. A Oennral llaium , ' HuHlneta Tr.uuncteJ. SteekPiano Kenmrkabl for pownrM ifmpa- tin-lie tona , pllabli action and ab- olut aurabtillj. + ! Jtirn' rf cor l , tln b t ifunranice of lti exc > - lence of tn < - o ln trum > ntn. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLO MEDAL I'AKIS RXrOSlTIO : ; U7 ! . Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-8O4. TUB MOST PERFECT OF PENS. PKNNYItOYAI , WAFCnit are ucci sfuliy uis d monthly by ori-r IO.IXX ) f. iUuile * . AteSafe. Effectual unit 1'Uavint ' VJ ( I p r Ixxi by niallor at dnJKKl't . Rfulnl -l' < irttcular It ixiiUfo tUrai > i. Addntia Tac Et-KHA CHCuicAt. ( jo. , Vmtoa , Mien. for sale find hy mail by Goodman Itrntt Co. , Omnhn. ffeh. Health is Wealt i ! DR. B. 0. WasT'/i / Nxnrm AVD DnAiic ME.-IT , n cuarantvod tticcinc for liyntfirl , DMII. Conrulilons , I'tln. Ntrroat Ne lieadacn * . Nerroui Prostration. caitt 4 . . . u e of Rlcchol or tobacco. W kefnln . Mental Ipreitnloo , Boft nn ! ? of tbe Ilr ln. r'lnltlnf lit Innanltr. and l * < lln to inUtrr. decay arUt death. Prtiuatnr * Ol'fAc * . IJarrcnneu. COM if I'ow r In'eltbrr UST. Involuntary I.OHM an4 Hp nn torh < ra caused by or rzertton ef tli * brain. e lf-abu or over-lndul-cnt * . Kaoh l > o contain * one month's tr tmeit \ \ . < f > box. or Biz boxes for K.OO , a t.t by mull prepaid on r - celptot prtc . WK ROARAMTKK HIX BOXES To cur * anyme. Withtieb crdtr recvtred by no for elx boxta. arcompanled witb tkfa , vr will tend th purcliuufr our wrtt n guarantee to refund tb * money If the treatment docinol ffrcta euro. ( junranUf l8nneJ only by O. IrV OUOLlMAN. nniK lit , Hole Agent. Ill } FirnI HT1 INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sis. , Omaha , Neb , CAUTION Ie lKnlnc prrsonn , taking aclvnntnuc or our reputa tion nre conmuuily tnriln Itouim .Medical I-JiiabllHtiuiRiiiM to ( tcceiro HlrnnucrH vislilnt : tlm city. These proientloni ut-ually cilHaiipcnr In a fc.w wcnk-t. Kitwareoi them or tlieir runncm r HKCIIIH. llic Omnba Medical nnd hnrclcal Jn iltuinlR tliconly eHtnU'flicil ' MctllCftl Intiiittto in OnialuDr. . McMi-numy , Proprietor. AVhnn you make up your mind to vlxlt uu rnakn a memorandum of our exact atldrcit , and lliu * nvo iruttblCi delay or mistakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL .4 I Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear = , J. W * HeMENAllY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. shUte l by \iiuiliar of Competent , .SUilinu ami Experienced IMiyilclan * nut ! Surtfeoi 1'nrtlcular Attention paid to DcforniltlcR , Diseases of Women , Dhcas s of the Urluarr and Sexual Organs , Prlrate Diseases of the Serious Sy > tem , Lun ami Throat Diseases , Surgical Operations , Epileps/ fits , riles , Caiiwrs , Tuuior Clc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treAted ; more cures eflcctedjmpre mod ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be Jound in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensarict in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty nc ly furnished , well warmed and ven tilated rooms for patients , three skilled physicians always in the building , AH kinds of diseascp treated in the most scienthlc manner. We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can hupply physicians nml patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call ami consult < is , or write for circulars upon all subjects , with libt of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. Wo have superior advantages unil facilitioa for treatinu- diseases , performing surgical operations nnd nursing- patients , which , combined with oar acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility anil reputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the nrst choice. The Omaha Medical nnd Surgical Iimtituto is conducted upon strict business anil sciontlUc principles , andpatlen ts reciavo hero every advantage that art , Fkill science and huinaiungonuity can bring to Ixsar on their cases. Their comfort tuid convenience will always be taken into consideration. ' Should you conclude to vibit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find these statements of our position , location and facilities are not ovenlravn in any particular , but'aro ' plain unvarnished faeto. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES All blood discabns successfully treated. Syphilitic poison removed from the system without mercury. Now restoraUvo treatment for loss of .Vitnl Power. Person unable to visit us nar bo treated' homo by correspondence. All correspondence confidential. Medicines or instruments sent bv mail or express , securely jm-keil on marks to indicate contents or sender. One personal interview nrefarrcd. Call anil consult us or send history or your cusc , and we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN FREE. Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Irapotencv , Svphilis , Gleet and Varicocolo , with question list. My KCIIHOII lorVrHln u IJook Upon Private , Special and Acrvom I > iica < > c . I liavo for many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently 1 rewivo an immense number of letters from physicians and afflicted jHsreons , asking my opinion and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit oUuoh per on , I havcwrit ten n book giving n general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After reading it. ( tcr ons will have a olcaro idea of their condition and can write mo moro intelligently and to the point. It will therefore be seen that our object in writing thunj pages u not to ( urnlah rcidinrf matter to a class of persons who readout of mere idle curiosity , but for the bcnotlt of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from dUeasej , or the rftoc-i of dibeasos or abusto , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes hut wo receive ninny calls or loiters from poraons suflorinir from t'.iis claw of dineases , or thol eequal. Many of thorn are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constttutions.thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and in shortening their days. I - SURGERY. Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabiiinus ( Grots eyes ) Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens end Deformities of tha Human Bodies performed in the most scientific manner. We treat Chronic Disease of the Lungs , Heart , Head , BlooJ , Skin , Scalp. Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder. Nerve * , Bonei , eti. , as Paraljrtli , Epllepiy , ( Fit * ) , Scro.'ula , Brights Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis , Baldness , Eczemp. etc. 4 ' - JDISESBS O VO . BiT. T33.3 u'I1EID Carefully , skillfully and sientifically by the latestand most approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN' , FREE. Dr McMenarar has for jear devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment of this class of diseases , and lias spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and fully supplied with every In * ttumcnt , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. We cUlm superiority over anyoculint or auriit in the west , and the whom we have cured , afler other * have failed , substantiate our claims. To the c z-Hicted H | Eye and Ear Disease * , we simply say call and consult us , get a sceintific opinion , then viiit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to us for trea'mtn Our booV , describing the Eye and Ear and their disease * , in plain language with numerous illustrations , arc written for the benefit of patients and physicians who uritcu. fo gard to cases ; by readings them carefullv phpsician and patient will have a clear understanding and can ducribe cases to us more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DI $ > . EASES OFT HE EYE AND EAR FREE. Address all letters to OM.A.H.A. : : : : IMEIDIO.A.XJ Or , DR. J. W. McMENAlEY , N. W ; Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Oinalia , Neb.