Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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, i i i a ii ! ! i r"i nr "MM i i i n nimi !
Everybody la Holding Back in the
Wheat Pit.
After n AVcnk Opening
Trailing In Onts ABlinrp Advance
In 1'rovlsinnit Ovofloadcil
With Cattle-HoK * llrlsk.
io , Sept. 10. ISpccinl TclCRrnm to
Him. ] The wheat market was dull
to day nnd not particularly IntercslliiB from
n news Rlnndpoinl. The price around Iho
WHS @ % c lower limn Salurdiiy's
closliiK range , first quotations being OlJ o
for October , Wa forlJeeembornndUT c for
Muy. A Inrgo uinount of long wheat came
o'n the market and prices wore slill furlher
dciressed , Oclober selling down lo ! ll@Ul c ,
Deecinber 9J'fc ; ' und May to 9Tc. This rungo
marked a decline of about Ic from Saturday.
From thai point Iho market turned up
sharply and rallied % < W > Jtfc. The crowd got
short on the early decline and when Ihcy
Blartcd to cover , the discovery was mndo
that offerings wuro exhausted. The excuse
given for the rally was Unit the visible sup
ply figures were going to show a much
smaller dccrcaxo limn hail been counlcd on.
It is niori ) lhan likely Iho real reason of the
slubborn refusal of the market to
decline when everybody is looking
for a break is Iho obstinate refusal
of leading longs to unload. Hutuhlnson and
Fairbanks are not the only big longs , by n
great ways. The majority of private cables
reported good weather abroad and rather
easier markets , but public cables rellected n
slcady tone , wilh small oltorings of wheat
The early selling was b.v u few largo com
mission firms und foreign houses , but later
the best buying seemed to ba for eastern ac
count. The loc.U nmrkel seemed firm at Iho
rally and it was found impossible up to Iho
noon adjournment to enuso another break.
Keporls from Iho northwest ire , as usual ,
conflicting. The new spring wheat thai is
coming in grades well , hut frosted districts
lire yet lo hear from. Tlinro was a report in
circulation before the opening that the gov
ernment report would not bo issued until to
morrow , but this could not bo continued.
The government report was very litllo talked
uboul to-day. The lateness of its receipt re
moves it from the day's ' Hal of speculative
factors , to n largo degree. One o'clock clos
ings were about the same as Saturday's last
figures. Trading to-day was not especially
significant unless the failure of liio market
to break and stay down can bo regarded ns
eucli. The volume of trade is light und the
oulsido seems lo bo in u wailing mood.
Corn was fairly aclivo to-day , but , opened
lower and weak , largely in sympathy with n
weaker feeling in wheat , bill partially owing
to the fact that Iho receipts posted exceeded
the estlmales by nearly one hundred cars.
This , with the belief that a largo proportion
of tlici crop is safe from frost , and that an
enormous crop is assured , caused an early
weakness , and October sold from -UJ c to
H > ie. lint the shipping demand continued
brisk , and cash and September sold at a pre
mium of l)4a over October. The feeling
grew strong , und there was a gradual ad
vance of about } c in October , eased off
Borne , closing at 44-l5c. At the close Sep
tember was about c higher than il closed
Saturday , October J c higher , and May
about unchanged. The heavy receipts ex
pected to-morrow 075 cars had a tendency
to cheek the upward movement to some ex-
lent. The crop report did not come , and the
visible supply was lute.
Oats opened quiet und rather easy , with n
small attendance of operators , but under
some demand later ou the part of the shorts ,
prices were forced up 2fi" @ > o , with
the inquiry chiefly for September nnd
May. Offerings were only modcr-
nlo although recoipls wore fairly liberal
ami included about -iT per cent of contract
grade. The Improvement was not wide
spread with November nnd year in litllo re
quest and chiefly on the part of local traders.
A few cars of No. 2 in store went chiefly al
S4JCc , or c above Salurday , while sales of
cash oals were mostly by sample.
In provisions the week opened wilh n mar
ket that completely surprised the short in
terest. Hogs were in light supply nnd
liighor , nnd as advances from the south indi
cated u subsidence to u considerable extent
of Iho uneasiness existing over Iho threat
ened spread of yellow fever , an unusually
strong feeling took possession of trade , nml
prices , to the dismay of the shorts , advanced
sharply , nnd. based on Saturday's last quo
tations , closings at 1 o'clock showed an ad
vance of 37J o on September nnd October
pork , 0@7Kc on near and extended deliveries
of lard , ! tOo on Seplomber and October short
ribs , ! Mc on November pork , lOo on year and
January pork , nnd 7Jo on January short
active and closed aboul ? c higher lhan'al 1
o'clock ; September Viffe , October liajtfe ,
JTljo corn market was rattier firm , closing c
hade higher ; September 45Xc , October 4ic. !
Oat * ruled quiet nnd prices wero"stead > :
fSJetrberitfc , Oclober 24c. 1'orli
O vanou 17JaC for Seplember and Oclober
7 | c for January , llic for year , 12 } e for Jan
wary ; September # 14.5 : % , October JU.faj/
November $14.1 ! . L-ird was steady nni
for most deliveries unchanged. Novembei
was 2 } c higher. September J10.00 , Octobei
$10.00 , November S-'J.OJK. ' Short ribs foi
September and October were advanced 2V < o
September $3.77 } , October ? S.77 > t' .
CiiiCAno , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram t (
Tun UBU.I UATTMS The fealuro of tin
. market to-day was the immense number o
unlive cows and heifers that came in drove :
from all quarters , Iho best informed trader
placing the numbers as high ns 0,000 to 7M (
Such a largo number of imtlvo cows urn
heifers has never been seen In Iheso yards ii
tiny one day since Iho opening in 1805. Th
run of Toxnns nnd rangers was comparative ! ;
light , and there were scarcely ii,500 naliv <
steers out of the entlro 13,000 cattle on sale
All things considered , business was active
and anything ut all good and useful , cithc
natives , rangers or Texans , or oven gooi
native cows , sold right up to last week'
prices. There was not n load of natives li
sight when this report closed thai was gooi
enough to make ftl.OO , and mighty few tha
would make W.7S. The Hghl rui
of Texans was offsel by Iho bi ;
run of native cows und heifers and savoi
prices on that class from dropping out o
eight , as it wero. That the lail ends uni
scrubs among the natives sold lower Is not t
bo wondered at but wo again say thai nnj
thing at all useful sold up lo lasl week' '
prices. calves were not plentiful am
sold a shade liighor. There was nothing o
note golii ( ! on in the stockerand feeder trade
The receipts Included 0,000 Tcxans and wosl
crn cattle ; medium to good steers , 1,850 t
1.500 Ibs , $500,81.00 ; 1.200 to 1,350 Ibs , ? 4.i !
05.50 ; 1150 to 1,200 $1.5031.5) ; stackers an
feeders , $2.00oU.15 ( ! ; cows , bulls and mixcil
fl,35@3.00 ; bulk. j,00@j.r > 0 ; Texas cattl
steady ; steers , l > 50 lo 1,050 Ibs , ) .00@3.75
730 lo H50 Ibs , ja.bO@3.40 ; COJ to 700 Ibs , 3. &
© 3.00 ; cows , ri.00a.40 ; western and native
nnd half breeds , t3.50tg5.00.
Hoes Business was brisk and values
good ti ( < 410u higher than the close on Sutui
day. I'rimo fat burrows were scarce an
commanded a premium. The udvunco wa
largely on the ordinary run of mixed an
packing sorts. Ligiit sorts were rnlhorscarc (
yet the demand continues limited and uncci
tain. Best assorted heavy , Including Phi
dclptilus , sold at $ < ) .00 < jt.70 , and best hoav
mixed at f1 4Kg0.50 ( , with tha ordinary ru
of mixed making fO.25SO.33 ; light sorts 50.0
® 0.5 and llijht * o.SOQ5.00.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 10. [ Special Telograt
lo Tim Ur.B.1 STOCKS The opening figure
were not materially changed from Satut
day's close In the general ' list of stock !
Early trading was with a strong fooling an
mall advances were scored , but the Up war
movement was limited and most of the Rain
Vcre lost. There WM a bear pressure on S
1'nul again this morning nnd it was weak ,
dropping smartly in comparison with other
securities , while general realizing sales tended
to depress values a lltlle. Western Union
was strong , advancing a little with Uoinlnick
and Dlckerman prominent buyers , and the
good tone ! n this stock was slightly benefi
cial to the remainder. The tone of dealings
became moro settled nnd fluctuations were
extremely narrow later In the morning , nnd
by 12 o'clock the market was nulct , and
rather heavy at prices not much diffo rent
from the opening. Houklng Vulloy was very
strong , advancing about three points lo the
close , while Pullman also gained 1J4 points.
Toward the lust St. Paul was paundud qulto
severely and declined to 70) ) at the final or
IJtf under Saturday's ' O'.OJB. The other
grangers shared somewhat In the weakness ,
declining X ( < l point. The remainder of the
list closed generally n little under the Ural
figures of the morning.
Uovp.iiNMKXTd Government bonds were
dull but firm. '
The closing quotations of the stocks were
ns follows :
STRIIUXO ExciuNon Quiet nnd steady at
for sixty-day bills , $ I.S7 ? for demand.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 10. stronger ; cash
92e ; October , lllj c ; November , IPJ e.
CoitN Firmer ; cash , l. > io ; October.
41 5-10c ; November , l"c.
O TS Firm ; September , 24 5-10c ; October ,
2l } c ; November , 2l c.
in i5' > c.
HUII.KV Nominal.
PUIMI : TIMOTIIV ? 1.07@1.70.
Fi-vx Siii : > -$1.3i@l.2J.
WHISKY ? I.2 ( ) .
Point Easy ; cash and October , i4.35 ! ;
November , $14 05.
Lv IID Steady ; cash and October , $1.10 ;
November , Jl.O'.i. '
Flour Firm ; winter wheat , $3. 10@5.00 ;
spring wheat , $1.75 ( > 1.30 ; rye. * 2.70 ( t.X ( ) .
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. ? 7.0:2 : > < f ( > 7.7.r ;
short clear , SO.OOft9.J5 ( ! ; short ribs , S8.77K'
Uutlcr Steady ; creamery , liX&gic ; dairy ,
heese Firm ; full cream chcddars , 6 } {
flats. S @ 8 c ; Voting Americas ,
Kf'trs Firm at ir . .
Hides Firm with an udvanco of j c on
heavy and light salted hides. Heavy green
salted , ( % c ; linhtpreensaltedG@lc ; salted
bull , 5c ; green called calf , tiKC'S'c ; dry
ilint , 7@So ; dry calf , "i@iebranded \ hides
ir per cent off ; deacons , 20@2oo each ; dry
salted , 10@l. > c.
Tallow Firm : No. 1. solid , r > } { ( < lj)40' )
No. 2 , 4J < c ; cake. 5 > @r.c per lb.
2:30 close Wheat Firmer ; e.ish , C2fc ;
October , ! i2 , ' < c ; November , 'J33fc.
Corn Steady cash-10j ; October , 51 3-10c ;
November , 4HKc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 247-llio ; November ,
I'ork Stroup ; cash nnd October , SU.MJ .
Lard Steady : cash and October , $ 'J.b2) .
Ueeuipt < . Shipments.
Flour , bbls 18,000 . 18,000
Wheat bu 122,000 a ,003
Corn , bu Bltt.OOO 540,000
Oats , bu 250,000 208,000
Hye , bu
Barley , bu . . . .
New Vork. Sept. 10. Wheats-Receipts ,
101MK ! ) ; exports , 50,400 : spot market X@
% e lower ; No. 2 red , ! iS > 4'Hil ( ? ! .fo in elevator ,
S1.00@1.XK ( ) afloat ; * l.l0 ! > i@1.0Ji4' f. o. b. ;
No. 3 red , UU o ; No. 4 red , b. > c ; untrraded
rod , S9 > riOiXu ) ; options opened heavy , de
clined Jj@lc , rallied and closed } f@-Vc under
Saturday's prices ; market fairly active : No.
2 red , October , closed nt $1.00 % .
Corn Receipts , : ! 5,000 ; exports , 84,800 ;
and \ ( S > y\o lower , closing steady ; Oclober
closed ut 51c.
Oals Hecolpls , 104,000 ; market a trifle
easier ; mixed western , 27 ( < J35c ; white west
ern , 2 ( I45c.
Coffee Options nollvc ; sales 140,000 bags ;
September , $12.00 ( 12.40 ; October , $11. TOM
11.05 ; November , $11. 10@ll.20 ; spot Uio , un
settled nnd dull ; fair cargoes , $15 00.
Petroleum Firm nud quiet ; United
closed nt U4-c. !
Eggs About steady on choice ; others
weak ; western , 17@lt > ! fc.
Pork More active and strong ; mess
quolcd nt $15.25.
Lark Spol higher ; sales of western steam ,
$10.2S@10.30 , closing at ? 10.3r > ; options ad
vanced on squeezing shorts 15@20 poinls on
Seplomber and Oclobor ; sales at$10,2o@
10.JSO , closing ut $10.28.
Butter Quiet ; line grades firm : western
creamery , 14@2.'lo ; western dairy , 12@15c.
Cheese Unsetlled and dull ; western , 7)i )
St.tioulH. Sept 10. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
9Jc : October , U3 c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 4'2@42e ' ' ; October ,
Oats Firm ; cash , 2l'f@2l > c ; October ,
Pork Higher al $15.00.
Lard Firm nt $0.)2K. ! )
Whisky $1.11.
Duller Quielbul easy ; creamery , 18@20c ;
dairy , 15@17.
MiiutcnpoliH , Sept. 10. Wheat Loca
receipts were 459 cars for two days ; ship
mcnts were 70 cars ; bcsl grades sold abou
> c lower and low grades lo lower ; Iradinj
was fair , but offerings were liberal. Closint
quotations : No. 1 hard , September , OSi * ; Oc
tobcr , USJJc ; old , O'JK : now , OSKOWc ; No. }
northern. Septembur , KOc ; October , tOs ; old ,
97Ko ; now , 02K@3c ; No. 2 northern , Sop
teinber , 9.c ! ; October , 93c ; old , ; new , 89is ,
Milwaukee , Sept. 10. Wheat Firm' '
cash and October , 8' ) ' .fo ; November , OOJ.fc.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 4Ic.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 'JS c.
Hye Steady ; No , 1 , 65J c.
Harlev Firm : No. 2 , O'Jc.
Provisions Firm.
Pork Cash und September , $14.0. ! !
Cincinnati , Sept. 10. Wheat Easier
No. a red. OOc.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 49 ( < ? l9 < fc.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 25K@-Oc.
Whisky Steady at $1.14.
Kansas City , Sept. 10. Wheat Weaker
No. 2 red , cash , "Sc bid ; October , 77,1'c bid
No. 2 soft , cash , SJLfc hid ; September 82c.
Corn Two year , 2Ke hid ; May , 30c bid
Outs No. 2 , cash , 20 0 asked ; Octobei
208'c bid. - _
Chicago , Sept. 10. The Drovers' Jour
nal rcttorts as follows :
Cutllo Keccipts , 13,000 ; market strong
for good steers al $3.50@J.OO ( ; slockers nm
feeders $3.00@3.15 ; cows , bulls and mixed
$1.35(33.0J ( ; Texas cattle , J2.00S3.75 ; westcri
rangers , $3.6'J@5,00.
Hogs Uucoipls , 9,000 ; market stroni
5 to lOo higher ; mixed , $5.05 0.45 ; heavy
$ } .00vi u.70 ; light , | ) .05@0.23 : skips , $1.00 ( <
Sheep Receipts. 5,000 ; market steady am
llrm. Natives , * J.OO@ .l5 ; westerns , $ { .25J
3.70 ; Texans , $ J.50@3. ( ; lambs , $3.50@5.5 (
The Drovers' Journal cablegram froti
London quotes the cattle , market steady u
KO advaiu'e. best American slcers makin
IBo per pound , estimated , dead weight.
Kansas City , Sept. 10. CaUle-Rc
cclpls , 0,000 : shipmenis , 0,000 ; best drcssc
beef and shipping steers steady ; common
slow ; grass range steers and cow * . 5@ 15
lower ; good lo choice corn-fed , f5.00@5.5fl
common lo medium , $3.25@4.73 ; stockcrs an
feeding steers , $1.0yt < { 3.tX ) : grass rang
steers , $1.80(33.40 ( ; cows , $ l.50ii,70. ( ;
Hogs Uecolpts , 1,000 ; shipments , none
market steady to strong ; good to choice
{ O.lSQO.Sj ; common to medium , $5.40 ( 0.11
National Stouk Yards. I3ast Si
Louis. Scut. 10. Cattle Heccipts , 3,40U
shipments , 000 ; market slow ; choice heuv
native steers , $5.10VSri.l5 ; fair to goo
natlvo steers , $4.40@5.15 ; butchers' slccn
medium to choice , | 3.50@4 50 ; stocker
and feeders , fair to good , $2.30(33.W ( ( ; rangen
corn-fed , $3.604.4Q ; gross-fed. $ i2iQ3.00.
Hogs Ueecipu , 1,400 ; ihlpmenU , IU
market stronger ; cliolco heavy nnd butchers'
selections , * fi.f > 0 ( < lO.O > ; packing , medium to
primp , J0.30@ < 1.50 : light grades , ordluury to
best ,
Monday , Sept. 10,18:8
There was not very much life to the cr.ttie
trade , owing largely to llic scarcity of good
beef caltle. There was one fancy load of
Polled Angus I'litllo which sold utSjUX ) , but
aside from that there was nolhlug desirable
here. The packers bought a few Texas and
western entile. The feeders on sale were
nearly all westerns and not very good. The
market as u whole was about steady , al
though Chicago was quoted lower.
There were hardly enough here to make n
market. Tliero were , however , some extra
choleo heavy hogs which were better than
unything seen hero in u long time. Good
heavy hogs were in demand at an advance of
fully lOc , but light hogs were slow at barely
sleady prices. _
Shot ! p.
The receipts were heavy but only 100
changed hands.
Gallic . 2,900
Hops . 1,000
Sheep . 1,050
Horses . 20
I'ruviitlitit ; Prices.
Thcfollowin is n t-ibb of prices paid in
this mantel for the grade of Block men-
I'rimestcers. 1300 to 1503 Ibs. . * 3.23 [ 35.50
Prime steers , 1UX ) to 1300 Ibs. 4.50 r 5.5 ! !
Native feeders . a..Ti @ 3. 10
Western feeders . 2.75 ( ii'A..W
Uanuo steers , com'on to choice 3 DO @ 4.0i )
Common to good cows . 1.40 ( u2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.25 ( 3.00
Corn-fed cows . 3.00 ( JM.4I )
Common to choice bulls . 1.25 oet..OO
Fair tounoico light hogs . 0.1)0 ) )
Fair to choieo heavy noira . 0.30 ( $0. 10
Fuirlo cliotce mixed hoits . 0.10 GiO.25
No. . Av. Pr.
1 bull . 1,75) , ) $1.75
1 heifer . ' . ' 30 2.00
4(1 ( cows' , westerns . 97 ! ) 2. CO
48 cows , natives . s . 1)50 ) 2.15
10 cows . ! ) b7 2.20
2(1 ( cows . (1.12 ( 2.25
2 cows , natives . 1,0(15 , ( 2.40
3 cows , westerns . 1 ,2 Hi 2. ( > 5
15 feeders , natives . 1,0.3 3.0. )
21 feeders , natives . 1,015 3 t'O '
bO feeders , westernn . 1,022 3.05
1 stcer.wcstcrn . 1,100 3.25
4 steers , westerns . 1,10) ) 3.25
3 btcors , westerns . 1,13.1 3.25
3 steers , westerns . 1,113 3.25
1 steer , western . 1 ,250 , 3.21
1 steer , western . 1.KO 3 25
8 steers , westerns . 1,11'J ' 3.25
03 steers , westerns . 1,058 3.1SO
84 steers , westerns . 1,174 3.85
19 steers , Polled Angus . 1,3.5 ' 000
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Mil Invest. Co. . . 70 cows , wcstns. 914 $ .2.30
J. W. Howies. . . . 915 Tex. sierra . . 1)77 ) 2.80
J. W. Howies. . . .120 Tex. steers . . 901 )
Hay State C. Co. 21 steers . 1,131 3.00
Conrad Kohrs. . . 37 feeders , . 1,031 2. SI
No. Av. Shlc. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
81. . . . 194 10080.00 0..257 120 ffi.25
07. . . . 208 SO 0.00 5-J. . . . : )8 ) KM ) 0.25
70. . . . 22' ) 200 ( i.05 03. . . . 302 W ) ( i.30
CO. . . . 257 80 li.25 01. . . . 278 3CO (1.30 (
l3..S.Vi ! 10 ! ) 0.25 03. . . . 290 120 ( l.r > 0
( IS. . . . ' . ' 5 ! 120 0.25 70. . . . 278 2sO 050
72. . . . 209 40 0.25 00. . . . -91 200 0.50
Mir. El' .
No. Av. Pr.
34S Idaho westerns . 120 * J.35
Packers Purchases.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on Iho market to-day :
Omaha Packing Co 4
Armour U. P. Co 293
J. P. Squires & Co 735
Highest anil Ijowcnt.
The following arc the highest nnd lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past few days , and
for the corresponding period in 1887 and 188(5 ( :
Ijive Htoolc Notes.
E. nagloy , Vail , la. , was in with two loads
of hogs.
A. M. WnUeflolil was in from Atlantic , In. ,
looking over the market.
T. U. Irvln , Gordon , Nob. , was in and
marketed three loads of cattle.
Charles Hceht , Laramie City , eamo in
with twelve loads of cattle and Edward Fnr-
rcll with live loads.
James W. Howies came In from Ray. Colo. ,
with nine loads of Colorado Texas steers
which sold in the market.
The Now Hampshire Cattle company will
feed 000 steers at its Nebraska fattery the
coming winter. Northwestern Live Stock
F. C. Dodge , Wood Rver , marketed three
loads of choice heavy lions at Si.50. This is
as high as has been p.ild in this market this
season. Mr. Dodge always has some good
hogs to soil in tliis market.
W. C. Swart/ marketed n load of extra ,
fancy grade 1'olled Angus cuttle attt. They
were bought last fall by R. H.uly , of Silver
City , lu. At that time they were yearlings
nud weighed SOO pounds , nnd after being fed
since March they weighed over 1,800 pounds ,
Tills goes to show the advantags of feeding
good blooded animals.
Produce , Fruits , Kto.
UUTTEH Fancy , solid-packed creamery , IS
@ 21c : choice country , Vi ( < J > l c ; common
grades , 10(3 ( i'Jc. '
Eaas Strictly fresh , 15@liecandled. (
ORANGES Mcssmas , $5.l'0 ( < iti.OO per box ;
Rodi , $0.00(20.25 ( per box.
CALIFORNIA GIUIT.S $1.25ai,50 ( per case.
SOUTHERN GRAI-KS 4C@lOo per 10-lfc
I'p.tciiES California , $1.00(71)1.50 ( ) per box ;
Missouri , 5'Jc@$1.00 per k ? bu. „
UiNANAS-Commoii , $1.50@2.25 per bunch ;
choice , $2.50(213.50. (
LKMOSS f .00@5.50 per case.
CANTCLOPES 40075c per dozen.
PLUMS 50@75c per bu.
H.ucKi.niiERitns : ? 1.2o i > cr drawer.
POTATOES I0@00c per bushel.
SWCUT POTATOES tu5o ( per lb.
POULTRY Mo dressed fowl In the market ;
live chickens , $3.50(3.75 ( : per doz.j spring
chickens , $2.25@3.00.
TOMATOES 75i'gl.2S ( per bn.
WATERMELONS S3.00a ( ' > 12.00 per 100.
PKARS California , Jy.'o0g3.50 ( per bu box ]
Southern , 75 per % bu.
CEI.URV 2. > r < i30i ; uer dozen.
Eon PLANT $1.00(31.23 ( per dozen.
ONIONS l o per lb.
APPLES $2.0003.00 per bbl.
CiuiiAi'i'LES 50j per box.
CIDER Michigan , $4.50@6.50 per bbl K
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Per CORN Rice , ! l@4o ; common , 2@3e.
CARROTS 50cpcr bushel.
I UEAXS Choice eastern handpicked navies ,
5 $2.70@2.SO per bushel ; western hand picket
navies , $2.i @ 2.75 ; mediums , $2.00@2.15
I Lima beans 5c per pound ,
t HAY f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland. K5.00 : No
2 upland , $5.00.
UiiAS $10.00.
Cnori'EU FEED $17.00 per ton.
VINEOUI Cider , 8@15o per gal. White
wine , 9lGo per gal.
Grocers List.
Revised prices are as follows :
UAOOINO Stark A. seamless , 22o ; Amos-
kcay , seamless. 17H" ! Lowlston A , seamless
lto ) ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps ,
to 51jii , ll@Hc ; gunnies , Bincle , 13o ; gun
nies , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 5e. 'IVines-
Flax , USc ; extra sail , 20@21o sail JQ , 10 < < j20c
cotton. 21e ; Jute. lOc.
Correns Mocha , 25@2Cc ; Rio , good , 10
17c ; Mandohllnp , 2a@-Se ; roasting Rio , 14c (
lOc ; O. G. Java , 2t@20c ; Java , Interior. 22ft
25c : Rio. tancy , 10 < auio ; Santos and Mara
caibo. 17S10c ( : Arbuckles. .
SDOAR Granulated , 80 ; ceJof. A , 7J/c
white pxtra C.7Ko-extra ; C , 1 oyellov \
{ powdered , 8 0 , cubes , B c ,
HONET 1204130 for ono' f > ound frames ;
strained honey. iH/iSc / per pound.
HUES WAX Choice yellow. i.'U@22) < c ; dark
rolorcil , lliyilc. " .
CnnnsE Younn Aworlc.v. full cream.
OJ4@10'c ; full cream i&UtJurs , t i < ? ' . > hc ; full
cruuin Huts , ( ' ( 'J1 , good to eholeo skimmed
Cheddars. 0iifl'4 ( ; skimmed lints , GftM c.
PlCKi.Ei Medium , in bbK ) ; do In half
bbli.0 : < l ; small , In bbls,1 JC50 ; do In half
bbls , ? : ) .7 ; gherkins , In bbls.fS.Ol ; do In half
bbls , f .60.
TOIIACCO IMup , 20(3 ( ( We ; smoking , lG@90c.
jELi.lDS-fl.2ri poryo-lb pall.
SI.T * 1.30tHl. ( ; | Mjr bbL
Hoi-E M i. HKjJlU c.
MAPLE Sucun HricKs , IKjllCo per lb ;
penny cakes l'i < $18c per lb ; pure innplo
syrup , tl.OO per pni. .
powder , choieo to fancy , IOtftV ( > c ; Japan , com
mon to medium , ! 5'f ( Inpiiti , choleo tote
to fancy , .
T- ! Almonds , U17c ; tllborts , ll ( < ? 12o ;
Uni7.ll , llvio | ( : walnuts , 12e ; pecans , 10@lle ;
peanuts , fiC'C.
CIUUKKHSfiilOo pur lb ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 2.'c pcrlb. ns per list
POWDKU ANII SHOT rihot. $1.20 ; Imcushot.
$1 45 ; powder , Irc s , J.YOOj half ketfs ,
S2.75 ; one-fourths , $1. : > 0 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ;
fuses. 100 ft , 'tfi.imo
UiriNii : : > nut > -Tierce , OVi 40-lb square
cans , tl'ic ; fiO-lb round , ' .H4'i > ; 20-lb round ,
' > . : 10-lbpaiH , < J ? < o ; r.-lb pulls. O'io ; 1Mb
palls , 9'-o. ,
PROVISIONS Hams 12 } ( iDlJJi' : breakfast
bacon , 103ii(11e ( ( ; bacon sides , HK'tlO'4o ; dry
s.ilt. DVi shoulders , lie ; dried beef ,
Ditnt : > i' RUITS Figs , in boxes , per ii ) , ,1 _
Hie ; dates , in boxes , 5 } @ 7c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , 1.50i3.75 ( ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2.30 ( < 22.50 ; now Valen
cia raisins , l > or lb , 7. } ( yHc ; Call-
fori'ia loose muscatels , per box. $1.7. ) .
California London layer raisins , per box ,
$2.85S'.50 ( ) ; jutted cherries , per Ib , .0rf21e ( ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 12f < J13o ;
dried blackberries * , per lb , SV/ia'U / ; ; dried
raspberries , per 11) ) . 4i25s5 ( evaporated ap
ples , 8' ( < 2 > ' 4e ; California sun dried pouches.
We ; California unimrcd evaporated
poitcncH , l.yais'c ; evaporated California
apricots , Hie : Xunteocurrants , OV C't'c ; Turk
ish prunes , 4'4M4jic ' ! ; citron. 22 ( < i/Jo ! ; orange
peel , 15 ; lemon peel , Hie.
FISH. Holland Hcrrinir , S.'cfreWe. per keg ,
White Fish , iv' bbls. . No. 1 , fcilUO , Famil.\
S3 ifi ; Tiout , No. 1 , MfiO : Mackerel , > < , bbls.
Hloater Mes , iflS.OO. Hloater , $11 ! 50 , No. 1
Shore , Large Family , $1050 ; Labra
dor Heirlntr , $1.50 ; Columbia River Salmon ,
S17.00 per bbl.
Council Per lb , whole , tic ; bricks and
strip" , 7 ( < fSf.
CANIM--Mixed , ssglHu ; sticlt , SJfQ'.lJtfc ;
rook candy , 10' ' < @ 13o ; fancy cauciy. 7M'Jie.
I rv Oootlq.
COTTON FiaNNin.s 10 per cent du. ; LL ,
5 < < e ; CC , ( Hfo ; S3 , 7c ; Nameless , 5o ;
RX , 18c ; R , 2ilo ; No. 10 , 8 > o ; No. 41) ) , lOUc " ;
No. ( XI , 12 0 ; No. SO , IMJ o ; No. 30 , colored , "io ;
No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12' ' < c ;
Bristol , 12'sfc ; Union Pnciflc , 17e
CARPET WAHP Uib White , 19c ; colored ,
22eUATH Standard , Sc ; Gem lOc ; Heauty ,
12Kc ; Uoono , 14c ; If , cased , 5ii.f > u.
PRINTS Solid colors Atlantic , fiu ; Slitar
i ) u ; Uerlin oil , ( > K ° i Garner oil , ( i@7i' .
Con.iKT JIIVNS Androsc'oirgin , 7' < je ; Kear-
, argo , 7 40 ; Rockport , 0fo ; Conestoga ,
TICKS York , 30 in. , 12 > e ; York , 3) )
13 , ' c ; Swift River. Sc ; Thorndiko OO , !
rnorndiko EF , & } Jc ; Thorndiko 120 , !
Thorndiko XX , ] 5e ; Cordis No. 5 ,
Cordis No. 4. lie.
DENIMSAmoskcag , ' .107 , 10 > Je ; Everett , 7
oz , 13' ' c : York. 7o < , I3) ) e ; Havmaker , S'c ' ;
Jaflrcy XX , ll' e ; Jnlfrey XXX. rJ.Uo ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12u ; Heaver Creek HB
lie : Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
ICKNrt'CKY JniNs. M iiuorial , 15c ; Dakota
ISc ; Durham , 27 } c ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning.
Ington , 22 } < je ; Cuttswold , U7' e.
Ciusn. Stevens' H , lie ; Stevens' H
bleaolied , ie ; Stevens' A. 7 c ; Stevens A1
bleached , SKo ; Stovena' P , y < e ; Stevens'
P. blenched , ! ) Kc ; Stevens' N , 'JS-tfe ' ; Stevens'
N , bleached. 10J < c ; Stevens. Slit , 12. ' '
. Tame on eiotn , ? 2.50 ;
plain Holland , O' c ; Dado Holland. 12Jic.
Hrown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } o ; At
lantic II14 , 7'4'e ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , ( i)4'o ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , , 44 , ( > o ; Aurora
C 4-4 , 44'e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ( IS/e ; iloosier
LL , 4-4 , ( to ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7 > < c ; Law-
rcnco LL , J- ( , Oo ; Old Dominion 4-4 , S c ;
Peppcrell H , 4-4 , 7e ; Poppcrell O , 4-4 , O c ;
Pepperoll. 84 , IS c ; l > opicroll ) , 0-4 , 21e ; Pep-
perell , 10-4 , 23o ; UticaC. 4-4 , 4-4'o ! ; Waehusett ,
44 , 7Vc ; Aurora K , 44 , 7c , Aurora U , 4-4 ,
< ! Vc.
' IJUCK West Point ! ) ' . ) in , 8 01 , lOKo ;
West Point 29 in. 10 oz , lc : ! ; West Point
29 in , 12 07 , 15o ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , Hie.
VLANNHLS Hed , C , 24 in , 15K ; E , 24 in ,
21 e ; G G , 24 in , ISc ; H A F , % , 25c ; J It F , Jtf ,
27 c.
PHISTS Pink and Kobcs Richmond , ( tyfo ,
Allen , ( ic ; Hivei-point. 5c ; Steel Uiver , 0 > ie ;
Hichmond , G > cPai'illo ; , > fe.
PUINTS Dress Charter Oak , S' c ;
Hamapo , 4 } < c ; Lodl , S' ' c ; Allen , ( ic ; Richmond
mend , ( ic ; Windsor , CV < fc ; Eddystone , OJ c ;
PaciOc. ( i ) c.
Bt.KACiiui ) Snnr.riNo Horkoloy cambric
No. GO , ! > Xc ; Hest Yet , 4-4. ( iVc ; butter cloth
OO , 4 > i'o ; Cabo' , 7 } c ; Farwoll half bleached
8 > o ; Fruit of Loom , ' . )3iu ) : Greene
G , Go ; Hope , % ; Kin Piiili ] ) cam-
brie , llo ; Lonsdalo cambric , 11K- !
Lonsdale , 9c ; New York mills , lUXc ;
Pepiercll , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 46-in I2o ;
Pepporell , 04 , IGc ; Pepperoll , 84 , 21c ; Pcp-
percll , 'J4 , 2o : ) ; Popperell. 104 , ft'c ; Canton
44 , 8Jie ; Triumph , Gc ; Wamsuttn , lie ; Val
ley. 5e.
FI.AXXUI.S. Plaid -Haftsmen,2Uc ; Gosnen ,
; Clear Lake , ! JJKc ; Ji'on Mountain ,
FLANNELS White G H.No.2 , % . 22 > o ; G
H , No. 1 , Jf , 2 ytu : U II. No. 2 , & , 22 c ; U
H. No. 1 , V. 0e ; Quechee , No. 1. ' 4''c.
Uis'CiiUM Plunijettcliec'ks , 7' < fcVhitton ; \ -
ton , 7Mo ; York , 7Jtfe ; Normandi dress ,
8 } ( s : Caloutta dress , sj c : Whittenton dress ,
SKc ; Henfrew dress , 8 } 12) .
CAMIIHICS Slater. 5'4c ' ; Woods , 5c ;
Standard , H o ; Peacock , 5l4e.
PitiNffl I.snioo ili.ui : Arnold , 0 ! c ; jvmer-
Ican , O'fe ' : Gloucester , OJ c : Arnold C long
cloth , 0 : Arnold H long cloth , W/t ; Arnold
Gold Seal , li $ : Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. UK. )
SiiiiiTixo Checus , Caledonia X , 9 > c ; Cal-
cdoniu XX. lOl c ; Economy , 'Jo ; Otis , He.
Coal and Ijinio.
LIME S5@Ko ! ) ; Portland content. § 3.55 ; do
mestio comcnt , $1.35 ; plaster , $2.00TM5 ( ;
hair , 2'J5c. : !
CO.VL Anthracite , range , nnd nut. $ ! 0.rO ;
largo egg , 810.- ; Hock Spring , $7.00 ; Su
perior , § 0.00 ; Iowa , W.5035.50 ; steam coal ,
I1.5U to ? J.OO. _
First and second clear , J < J@vJ in.f 17 00@I9 O'J
First and second clear , l4a > IK
in . 4(1 ( 00(351 ( OC
Third clea- 1 > ( "i 1 i-f in . 411 OO&f 4J ( 0 (
A select , Ufffil in . ! I7 ( Kiti'J ) ; ' ( K
Hbelect , l > { ( ! $ IHi" . ! ' 3 OOftfU01
A block boards , 12 ( ? 1S ( ifcet , 12 in. . . . . . . 40 01
H stock boards , V. lll foot , 12 in . 41 W
C stock boards , 12 ( 1J ( fcul , 13 in . ! t(5 ( 0 (
D stock boards , 12 1(1 ( feet , 12 in . 23 Ol
Flooring , ilrtit common , G in . at 0 (
Flooring , second common , ( I in . ilj 0 (
Select fencing llooring ) . 17 01
Siding , llrst and second clear , llgiu ( ft. 25 OC
Siding , llrst common , Hijeot . 22 0 (
Siding , second commoi ) , , . 10 ( X
Common boards . . , . 12 5 (
No. 2 boards , all lenglhs . 12 5 (
Fencing No 1 , l2 ( 20 feet . 10 5 (
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 nnd 18 feet . 15 W
Jolsls nnd scanning , 2x4 , 14C'1U feet. . . .1(1 ( 0 (
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 121(5 ( feet . 17 0 (
Pickets , first rough , gopd . 20 0 (
Pickets , fancy head and dressed , selected.25 ( X
Shingles , choice A to extra A . 2 G0@2 8 (
Shingles , Ktandard. . . . . . ; . 2 5 (
Shingles , No. 1 . { . 1 10@1 1. '
Lath , dry . : . . . 2 4 (
Posts , each . 10@ 2 !
Hemlock solo , 18JJo { per lb ; oak sole , 80(3 (
33c per lb ; oak harness , 2S : j"c per lb ; seleo
ted oakand Iraco , ailcper lu ; oait and hem
lock upper , 20Jo per fool , iiuoilock will
skin , No. 1 , b04 ,9ue per lb , according U
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 90c ( < Jtl.OO pei
lb ; Philadolnhla calf skin , exira , | l.XXjl.l ( (
per lb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 00@70u pei
lb : oak kip akin , No. l-70380c per lb ; Phlla
delphiu kip akin , exlra , 80@'JOc ' perlb. Froncl
calf skins , ( according lo weight audnunlily ) ,
$1.1501.75 per lb ; French kip skins , do , 8Ucn (
$1.10 perlb. Cordovan , russell , 18o ; salli :
Jlr.ish , 20o per fool ; welt loalher , § 3.50@4.5 (
j-er sldo ; moroccos , ( nebblo goal ) , 20@ 0i
per fool ; moroccos , bool leg , 2o@3Uo pei
foot ; glove calf skins , 20@aOc ] > er foot
Douglas kid , 30@40o per fool ; kungaroc
skins , 40@50o per foot , according to quality ,
Toppings , td.00@10.00 per dozep ; linings ,
5.00@ .00 per dozen ; apron skins$10.00(3 (
12..00 per dozen. . '
Mctnls nnd Tinners' Stuck.
Tin plnle. 1 C , 10x14 , besl , $0.75 ; tin plate ,
rooting , I C , 14\20 , J5.15 ; sheet zinc , f ) ,50 ( ! ?
0.75 : plir lead , f4.W ; ; bar lead , $4.55 ; largo pig
block tin , 2jc ; small pig block lln , 27c ; bar
lin , 2Sc : solder , UCTl7o ; copper botloms , 31c ;
Am Russia planished , A , lO'io ; Am KusMa
planished , H , SHfe ; painted barb wire , $ J.25 ;
galvanized barb wire. SI.OJ : steel nails , § 2.2J
( jt'l.nOt steel wire mills , * > , ' .GO(72.70 ( ; Iron
nails , $ ) Hli72 ( 15.
Ji'SK Machine castings , $12.000U3.00 ;
stove plates , e.OOjJ8.00 ; wrought lronS.OO@ ,
10,00 ; bones , dry , 55.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ;
copper. $ S.l > Oirfl.OO ; brass , $4.X@S.lH ( ) ) ; zinc ,
* 2.iKiii : .00 ; solid lead , $2.Xt.l)0 ( ) : ) ; tea lead ,
$2.0013.50 ; rubber , $2.50(23.00 ( ; mixed rags ,
$1.1001.15 percwt.
liistruiiiiMits I'laood on lleoord Diir-
Itift Yo .ter < tnv.
T flenry nnd wlfo to Clms Knlifhold , o ' J
lot II , blk I.1. J otter's add , w il . t' , KO
K S H ii' ' 1 mid \lfr to H K Vnlqiitlne , lot
15 , blk H , AlinlKlit'H annex , w tl . S30
'C II Toncr.iv nu < l wife to A W llnldwln ,
lot 15 , bile 4 , Wnkelry aiUl . 1.1WO
H H Wheeler and wife to I ! A llcnson , lots
U and JIT , North Nldo. w (1 . 1 , K )
KC Johnson and liusluind to J 11 Kedle ,
lot M , North Hide , wtl . 1,030
FSteti-.s and wlfu to J l.Tedrow , lot CO ,
Noith Kldf. wrt . WO
.1 li Todrow to O (5 Johnson , lot 6J , North
Mdf , wil . 100
Jiunes 1'erklns to V H Cuttmun , lot 7 ,
blk 4 , Moynu plucp , wd . 700
S I. Amliows unit itn to K ( Uucton , n 'i
lots land' . ' , bikiltl , wd . l.OJO
M II Comatoclv mid wlfo to ! 1C. Moody ,
iintl > 3 lots U to U and -tl nud blk 2 nnd il.
County eommlbsloners to II It Wood , tr ,
ote. , lots I , ft , i ) , li , 13 and 14 , blk 1 , Doug
las ndi , wd . t'T5) '
M U Comstock to J M'lernon. lot ! , llk
" , Portland place , w d . 700
M 11 C'oimtock to J Movtenseu , lot 21 , ulk
- ' , Portland place , w d . ( C6
1 , Ilurnham a'ul wlfo to K ( Instiifson , lot
1 , lilk'J.Crestouiidd. w d . J.fiO )
Mir uiV limner to Jl I'Ciirr , lot 1 iiuds 10 ,
lot 2blk 7 , llor'oacft's M ndd.wil . l , OW )
K P. Iteldund miiliundto K llrrett , lot .
llnckoju plaee , w d . . 450
A M Kltchtmet nl to public , Klth : ( > n&
WauKh'c sub of blks 10 , 11 and IS , llowl-
iiiKtirocn plat .
N > hellon and \\llo to C' T ( ullen , lot 3 ,
lilkC , Winds > rt"rraco.wd . 400
W 1' Stevens t ) W C ( Jus- ) , lots lil and i ,
blk S , Stevens' place , w d . 2.2UO
.1 M Wild mm huslmnilto.l U Thompson ,
aixKHftluxloMJ , lU-lHIlp.wd . tl.OOU
U Wild nnd wife to .1 II Thompson ,
lot U , bin . , Milnn's add , w d . 4,5'JO
A II 1 Ionian and husband ts J 11 I'ne , lot
! ' , blk 8 , Konatzo place , w d . 10,000
W It Human and wife to .1 K Cue , w (0 ( ft
olHfiHl Uotlot Id , Hiu tlett'.s add , w d 15,000
T ( i Dust ut til to pjbllc , Itust A ; 1'eeson's
add , plat .
A S 1'otteret nl to V. M Hardy , lots 15 and
III , blk IU , lledford platewd . 1,203
O T Walker and \\Ui to C T 1'aulsen. lots
ft and ( I and part of lot 1 , blk ft , Drook-
llne. w d . 1,000
J H due and \Ufeto A II Homan , so 17-lti-
li-e.wd . lo.OOJ
A Kountzoet al to .1 Kdwurds , u'J ' of lot
4 : > , A Kuuutzu'8 add , w d . KX )
T enty-nlno transfers aggregating. .t
The following permits to build were
sued yrsterday :
LI ) Harris , cottige. Thirty-third , near
KpriiKna street . f 1,000
A ( ! IiiKhram , bilck Hat , Twenty-ninth
and Hickory htreets . 13,000
I'lvo minor permits . 1,1'Jj
Haven permits , nggreBnting . . . . I15l " >
Drink Muito ut soda fountain.
It lOntlH in the Presence , ot'tliu 1'ollco
Li/zle Whisklo , " called .Ttidgo Bcrka
yesterday. At the name , a small figure , up-
parentlv a darkv boy of sixteen with close
cropped hair and a suit of clothes several
si/.cs too largo , stepped forward. A quiet
tiller ran over Hie court room thai n boy
should answer to girl's name.
"You are charged with being a depraved
woman1 sternly said the judge , reading the
Indictment , "are yon guilty ! "
"Yes , sir , " was the answer , in a girlish
voice , and Iho judge looking up from Iho
groal book of judgment , stared in astonish
ment ut the paradox. There was not ob
served the slighlest trace of fem
ininity about the figure. Face , hair and ac
tions ns well as dress , completely carried out
the deception. A pair of high heeled ladies'
shoes was the only clue to the snx of Iho fig
ure. At her reply a low murmur ran about
the court room.
"And you are really n woman ! " gasped the
"Yes. sir , " re I'ed ' the treble voice again.
"And masquerading in men's clothes 1
Take that seat yonder and I will have an
other complaint Hied against you for wearing
the wrong fashion of dress. " And Liz/io
archly walked over to the seats occupied by
other soiled dnves , while a general sensation
prevailed among prisoners and spectators.
In the afternoon Lizzie was put on trial
and fined $40 and costs.
Mnrrhiiio Ijlocnses.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued ycslcrday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. ' Ace.
I Frank Harmon , Omaha . 28
I Delia Urcnnan , Omaha . 24
( Fred C. Hloemer , Omaha . 25
( Theresa Ucckor , Omaha . 32
I George W. Pratt , Omaha . 2(1 (
| Mary Kimball , Omaha . 10
( Alex N. Hayne , Omaha . 25
( Mrs. Laura N. Wayne , Omaha . 30
I George W. Lewis , Deadwood , Dak . 24
( Jennie Hoyer. Fremont . 10
ltnllcd a UlindMan. .
Louisa Hell , a repulsive looking female of
about thirly-llvo , with unkempt hair and
general dawdy appearance , was arrested on
the charge of robbing a blind man named
Thomas Franklin , of * 14. Franklin's homo
U in Missouri , and he was on his way lo Iho
Linojln fair , where ho hoped lo gel some
money by silling on the street corners ns an
object of charity. Ho went into a dive on
Nmlh street owned by this woman , and
when ho nwoko yesterday ho found that
liis pockctbook had been taken out of his
sock. lie immediately proclaimed his loss ,
and the woman claimed thai she know noth
ing about it. 15ut later she handed him the
pocketbook empty , saying she had picked it
up oulsido. _
The County Ilixpitii ) IMuinlilnir.
Architect Meyers , of Detroit , assisted Iho
county commissioners yesterday in review
ing the details of the bids for Iho plumbing ,
steam heating and electrical appliances in
the now county hospital , The contract was
awarded to Samuel O. Pope , of Chicago , for
$ 'i.,000. ! The board will meet llus morning
lo close the contract.
ItrenktiiK n Colt.
Gus McComb was out on Sixteenth street
lust night breaking u horss without a kick
ing strap. A barking cur ran behind the
animal's legs and the cell lei his heels fly.
The driver was thrown out , nnd the borso
ran away. Mr. McComb's head was cut
open to the skull and he bled profusely , but
the wound is not dangerous. The colt was
caught near the "Siege of Scbastopol , "
The Ijll'o Buvlnir Appliance Works.
G. Kcckstoin , a gripman on Iho cable ,
jumped off lo switch a car on the north end
of Iho Twentieth street line yesterday. Ho
slipped nud fell in front of the moving car ,
but the fender about the wheels rolled him
over and over for souio distance. Ho was
badly bruised and had lo quit work , but ia
not .seriously Injured.
r. u. I'.U.MEII. K. p. nirutiAX. j. 11.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Onlcu-Ilooni 21 , Oppoilto Kiclmneo lliilldlDK , Union
_ Hlock Yard * , Houlli Omiiua. Nub.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room 15. Kxcbanno Itulltllnir. Union Stock Turds ,
buutu ( Jamba , Nub *
Coiiiiiiisioii Dealers in Live Sock ,
W. OppoilteKiclmngo llulldlnit , Uoloa titock
Yanla , BuulU Oio U , KtU.
Of Omaha , Limited , .
_ VgrTouTuirni Implements. _
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
mat llueslci. .U ii > * Strrrt.bctncvu'JUiiinj
H'tli , Omslin , Kobri'kn.
Agricnltnralliniilcinenls.Wagons.Carrlagci . .
Ilupplcs , Ktc. Wliolcmilo. Oin hnNi'brnski\ ,
\Yholoi > .itt' llcnlcrs In
Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Wl , HO. n.V > nml W7 Jonei Street , Omfdin.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeflers ,
Cultivator" , Ifnjr Ilnkcu.CUIer Mills nnd I.ubnn l\d-
vvrltcn. Cur. Illli ml Mcliolas stroc-H.
Agricultiirallnmlements.Wagons&Bnggies .
OirniT Illli JMU ! Nlrholn StrcPl .
Akron , Ohio.
Hanesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mead , Mnnniror. UHLciiTi'nwoiHi U Om.ilia.
Miniurnctiircrsiui I Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. lull mil I'ncino stfectc. Oinnha , .Vcb.
Artists' Motorlola.
" " " " " jj-w
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513lUiuidiin PtreotOmaha , Jsobrnnko.
Booksellers nncl StatlonorjB.
HrM7& S. W. JONES ,
Successors ID A. T. Kcnjun it Co. , Wholca.ilo A HctKll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flnu Weilrtlng Sta'lin.erj , Cnmmcrdnl h
i-J DoUk'lai Street. ( Imnlia. Ni'b.
Boots and Shoi > a * _
( Miccepsurs to Hvctl , jonvs A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Anunlsfor llnvUm HubDcr Miuu C" . 1103,1104 A HOC
llnrney St. , Omaha. Xubraukh.
w. v. MORSE & co. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-1103 Dousta * 8t , Oiiialni Mamtfui.torjSum'
. .
lllCr t. ItLBlOl )
Coffooo , Splcos , Etc. _ _ _
Orualia Coffee nnd Splco Mill * .
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
lavin-Ing Kitrncts , laundry llluo. Inks. Ktc. Hit-
Hlilllnrney Street. Om lin.
Crockery a
" "
'Apent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Glassware Lames Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
Ktc. OtH co , 1117 8.131h St. , OniHha. Nobrmlta.
Iniuortors and Jobbers of
Crcc'ier/ , Glassware , Lsinis , Silverware
Etc. 1S14 Kiirnum St. , New 1'aiton IlnlldlnK.
CommlBBlon and Storago-
" " " " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
gpecliiltli" " "T. F- " c > - .p- " } ' -Itry , ( Jnmc.
lllSIlowardStriflt. Omaha.
{ successors to McShanu & Schruoder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Umuba. Nebraska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Coinmision
Merchant. Correspondence sollclteiJ. 10U Nortli ICtb
blrei-t.Oniiiliu , Neb.
CoalJ2oke and Llmo. _
* "
Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal ,
8(19 ( Smith nth Street , Omaha , Nebraika.
jr"j. JOHNSON & ICO.
Mannfactnrers of Lime ,
And Rtilppfr-4 of Coal , Oo.ik , Cuineiit , 1'luster , U
UruluTlle , and Hewer Pipe. Orrtco , W , S. loth
SI. , Oumlia , Neb. Tclepbouu fall.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
311 Eoulh 13tb Ht. . Omaha. Neb.
Dry Goods ana Notions-
M7 if SM 1TH & C o" . "
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Doutfat. Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Cunts' Furnlsblni ; Ooodi. Comer Itth and llunoy
bU. , Ouiaba , Ncbratka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Kuraum Street. Omaha. Nebranka.
' Furniture
Oiualia. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
71)5.707.709 ) and 7U8. _ lOlli St. , Oinalin , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 Hi and Leavonwortli Btrceti.Omaha , Nebraska.
_ _ Hardware. ' " _
Wholcsnla Manufacturun of
Saddlery & Jjbbcrs of Siddlery Hardware
And Leather. HOJ , llV ( > atul U07 llnrncy St. , Omaha ,
_ Hooyy Hgrdvvaro . ' " "
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Watton Stork , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. 120 !
nud 1V11 llornor Htreet ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tooli and Ilutralo Kcalei. UU5 Uuuulai
btrcot , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
( Ui and Ilarner SIB. , Omaha , Neb. Wvitern Agent
( or Autlln Powder Co. , Je Demon Steel Nalle ,
Kalrbankt Standard Ucalei.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metiils , Sheet Iron , etc. Agents ( or Howe Scales.
Miami 1'owder and I.yimin 1'urbed wire ,
Umahu ,
Hats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 Uaroei Btrett , Omaha , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali
18U Street and Union Pacific Tree * , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber ' , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Door i , L'tc < Tardi'-Corner 1th and Uguclu : Come
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber ,
lithiuid California Streets Omaha , Nobrn k
liuu y . u , j ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
COrncrr.Ui nnd Douil iEU..Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
OfflroIIOH Karnam Street Omaha
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American J'ortlan.l Content. PUtl
AKvntforMllwaukpd Hydraulic Cumrnl and
( julncr White l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and 1'arquct Fluorine. Mh and DouRlai
" "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
am. iinnniHig'ioiiih nib stropi
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans fonts , fcblrts , itc. : Illttaml HOI Uuuitlai Street ,
Utunhu. Ju'li.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4 ! nnil 40J He mti lOlli HI. , Oiimbn.
Wliolsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle OruaBo , Etc. , Ouiaba. A. II. lllshpn , Mnnmur
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1101 Hartley Street , Oumhn.
Office Fixtures.
Miumlutt iro.'s of
Banlf , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle * . Slilelioiinl" , Hook Cnsos , Drug rixtiires.Wnll
CUM. * , 1'artltlonv Knlllnuii.rniiitturi , llocrmid Wlno
( ' ( > olt > r > , MtrrnrfCtc. I'Helury IXHC * onlep , IToUuna liJH
boulli l.Uh rit. , Uiuaba , Tulophunc 1U4.
Paints and Oils.
Wliolasnla Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
111 * F.irnam Plroot. Omaha , N b.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Curry a nice itno-k of I'rlnllnu , Wrnpplnit and Writing
I'brtr. Spucltil atlvntlon Klrvn to car load order * ,
Proprietor Omaha Paner Box Factory ,
Nos. 1.117 and 111 ! ) Uoujlai St. , Umahu , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Vll uml I'D ' JOUCB tftrcit. Umaha.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Drnnch liixiKOdf tlio llcimcr UuKKrCn. HunKloal
lKmlu nil rctutl , l./H IJIOnnd 1312 li&rU blrsut ,
OuiitUu. Tulepliono No. 7U ) .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 Ncrtu Kitjthtoenth Street , Omaha , Kcb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
JuhnUponetvr , Proprietor. WO Dodge and 103andlOI
North ivth Street , Omaha.
_ P/Jjters Ma tori ' a Is. . _
Auxiliary Publishers ,
D aer.ln , ' e-n. . " printer. ' Suppll. . .
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing and leather llcltliiK. lOOri Kanmm BlrtM.
. DISBROV/ , CO. .
\VUolc , ilo Mauur'.cturera of
Sasli Doors , Blinds anil Monlflinp ,
ranch ufflco , 12lh and Irani Blroets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds ,
V ulillntfs , Plulr Work nml Interior Hani Wool Mri
uu. M. K. Corner Hlli nml l/.jnviuworth ' btrccts ,
, Etc.
A. L. STRANQ CO. ' , "
Pumps , Pines and Enpcs ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam aniVnler Supplier Headquarter * ) for Mait.
hoe t ACo'nguuili. 1111 Kurnam HtUmalm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Bngines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
AllMlt lZl3 m&
Carter A t-on , IVop'n. Mmuifiiclurcr of ull kind *
Steal Boilers , Tanlis and Sheet Iron Worlc
Worki South 'JOtb und II. S. M. Crosilntf.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
Knitlnea. IImm Work , General Foundry , Muolilne an *
lllackiuiliu Work , unuu and Worki , U , 1 * . lly.
anil litb fctrect , Omiiliii.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
! > > k llalli , Window GuanU. Flower Htaniti , Wlr
Hgin.Klo. 1Z3 North ICtli Hired.Omaha.
Man'frsofFire&BurglarProofSafes ' I
Vaulti.Jnll Work , Iron and Wlro Funclnx. Blitni. UtO.
U. Andieen , 1'rop'r. Uur , lltti and Jackson bu.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Screens , ( or bank * , onicoi.Morei. roildencei , eto ,
Injprovtnl Awnlnf" . l/ockimlili Mnclilnrrr ubd
lilackitulih Worki. ( U houtti lull bt.
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime , Locfo
Usacral Acenu tor Dlebold Hafc A llock Com * aj'A