THE OMAHA DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 11 , 1888. NUMBER 89 A WLD DAY FOR DEMOCRATS , They Arc Frozen Out Completely In the Pine Trco State. REPUBLICANS SWEEP THE FIELD. They Elect Their CamlltlntcB My the SlnJorltlcH Since 1HGO Prohibition CulH lint llttlo Figure. The Mnlno Elections. PoitTi.ANi ) , Me. , Sept. 10. There nro GOT town mul plantations hi Maine ; of these , re turns have been received from 211 , which gave Uurlclgh ( rep. ) 50,019 , Putnam ( tlcin. ) 41,018 , Cushintj ( prolnb. ) 1,774 , scattering 1)57. ) The sumo towns In 1S&0 gave the republicans 49,100 , democrats B'.t- 095 , prohlbtionists 2,412 , scattering 23. Burleigh's plurality is l-t)73 : ) , against 10,005 In 18SO. The republican gain Is 4OS. ! ! The 2-JO towns to hear from gave In 18SO , republicans 20,831 , democrats 17,194 , prohibitionists 1-l'JO. If the same ratio of gain and loss Is maintained the iliml vote will stand : Hcpubllcans 0,252 , democrats f/0,445 , prohibltloniHts 2,810 , scatterhiB 1'57 ' , total 141,101 , with a plurality for the republicans of 19b07. In 1888 the total vote stood : Hepuhlicans 78,099 , democrats 68,031 ; republican plurality 19,735. The labor vote this year is included in the scattering , but evidently some of the scattering should bo assigned to the prohi bition vote. Four representatives to eon/ gross are elected with increased majority. Thirty-seven towns and cities In the First district give Heed ( rep. ) 15,513 , Emery ( dein. ) 13,01'C. Heed's plurality Is 2,541) , The same towns In ISbO gave Heed lJ7i ! plurality. AWIU.STA , Sept. 10. Chairman Manlcy hag sent the following telegram : To Hon. M. S. Quay , chairman of the re publican national committee. Now York ; Wo Imvo carried the state by it plurality of twenty thousand. Have chosen tlio entire delegation In congress. Heed's majority will rcnch 2,500. The majorities for Dingley Houtcllo and MilHUen will exceed six tlioti Band , respectively. Wo have chosen cvor senator and nearly or quito four-fifths of tin representative1 * in our legislature , and hav < carried every county in the state on the pnu uhir vote. Hlalno has telegraphed General Harrises as follows : Aiuii-NTA. Sept. 10. General Hen Harrison Indianapolis , Ind : Kcturns up to 0 o'ulocl indicate that the republican candidate wil have moro than twenty thousand majority over the democratic candidate , the larges majority ninco 1SOU. The prohibition voti falls off everywhere. JAMHS G. BI.UNI : . A largo body of citizens , headed by a band tendered Governor-elect Hurleigh a scrcnudi this evening to which lie responded in a brio speech. The procession then called at All1 liluino's residence and in response ho alsi made a congratulatory speech. LP.WISTON , Sept. 10.In the Second distric ex-Governor Dingloy ( rep ) is re-elected ti congress by nearly 5.000 plurality over Allei ( doml and ; true , majority over all , n rcpubli can gain of about 1,000 over his majority o 188-1 , snd 1,000 , moro than his majority in 18SO Xlnrrlson'H 1'YiomlH tainted. IxniANAroMH , Sept. 10. Lights burno until n late hour to-night at the reputillca headquarters at the New Dculson , and als nt General Harrison's residence , the occasio being the intorcf.t taken in the Maine elci tlons. General Harrison and his househol usually retire about 10 o'clock , but o.arlyi the evening telegrams began to reach th general , giving the prospects of heavy r < publican gains. From time to time n fei friends would Inquire the latest news froi Maine , and the cordial good humor of Got ernl Harrison indicated that the tenor of h ! bulletins were of an agreeable charade : His friends , however , were far moro elate than the general himself , who took mattei very quietly. Early in the evening n toll gram was received from Joseph Manly sta ing that the prospects were good for a mi Jority of 15,000. Two telegrams from M IJlaino sent early also predicted n rcpubllca victory. Tlnirstoii on Cleveland's Letter. CIIIOAOO , Scut. 10. [ Special Telegram I Tiir. Bic. : ] John M. Thurston stopped attl Grand PnclUc to-day , bound for Mllwaukc where ho speaks to-night. To-morrow 1 speaks at Madison , and then goes into Mich gan to deliver n series of republican spccche "Mr. Cleveland's letter shows that ho wan to call a halt upon the free trada ideas , " sal Mr. Tliurstou. "That la the way republieai can Interpret It. Ho enters Into a dcfcm or apology of the democratic position upc the tnrilT question , as if an apology wei necessary at this Etago of the canvass. TI people are very much interested In polltii this year ; moro so , I think than in IbS-i. " KXGUItSION Tit A IN WUKCKI31) . Four Persons Hilled and Several Si rlonnly Injured. Ci.cvci.ANi ) , O. , Sept. 10. The fourth so tlon of train No. 5 , west-bound , on the No York , Pennsylvania & Ohio road , carryh ; G. A. K. veterans from Youngstown and v clnity to the national encampment at C lumbus , was wrecked at 1 o'clock this aftc noon at Klttman , n small station three mil west of Wadsworth. The train consisted nlno cars. The connecting rod of the loc motive drawing the special broke near HJi man , and after much difficulty the train w topped on a curve.Vhilo waiting for s pairs to bo inado freight train No. 37 , will had been following the special , thunder down u heavy grade nt the rate . twenty flvo miles an hour , and nlthoui warning was given , it was impossible avert a collision. The locomotive of t freight plunged Into the rear of t special , two cars being completely dem Ishcd. The excursionists had notice of t impending danger , and all succeeded getting out of the cars before ttio em came , but as they hurried down the embmi incnt the wrecked coaches soiled down up them , killing four persons outright u Injuring twenty-live others moro or Ic Boritusly. The names of the killed are : Barney Holingcr , Gallon , O. , engineer the freight , who Jumped against the bn and fell back under the wheels of his o\ engine , his head being cut off. William Cochrnu , Caledonia , O. , brakcin of the freight train , killed outright. John Shook , Yonngstown. Samuul Draco. Youngstown. Miss Inn Tucker , Austintown , serlou ; hurt Internally , and since reported to dead. Three of the injured will probably dl The Injured were taken to farm houses ate to the nearest station , where surgical atti tlon was given thorn. Tlio accident is I Hoved to have been unavoidable , as a JU man was sent to stop tUo freight. An iuqui will bo held at once. Jta Saw Irish Evictions. DCS Moixus , la. , Sept. 10. [ SpceiaHoT BEE.J Uev. Father Flavcn , of St. Arnbn Catholic church of this city , has Just turned-from Ireland. He says lie saw si o al evictions , where the battering-ram v used to break down tenants' houses. 1 evictions wore quite as brutal and cruol. eayn , as any descriptions have represent At one place he denounced the outrage In t in osonro of the military , and tlio cotnmai Ing ofilccr said tiiat if no repeated the si tenet ) ho would bo thrown into Jail. ' 1 pod priest held his tongue , though ho bad bl'.u it hard to do.BO. New Iowa Postmaster. WASUIXOIOX , Sopt..lO. ( Spocia TTclcgr toTiuBBB. ] ' John KnlHell.was to-day , i clntcd postmaster nt KtiUtcll ; Hrcn Ollrl" T * . - - T 1 FIIOM A nillTlsn STANDPOINT. Papur.H on Cleveland's Letter Tim KlHherli-H Dispute. & tin Jninci Gordon llennrtt.\ \ LONDON. Sept. 10. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB Hne.1 All the mornIng - Ing papers yield great space to the presi dent's letter. Two , especially , comment , The Dally News observes : "The letter of President Cleveland which wo publish to-day Is primarily a defense of the democratic party against the imputation of f reo trade. The most , damaging thing to bo said against the party is that It favors throwing open the national posts to foreigners , and thus reducing the rewards of American labor rnd the condition of the American laborer to what is currently believed to bo below ths level of laborers In Europe. It Is needless to say that the democratic party Is open to no such reproach or rather deserves no such complaint , if wo are to Judge the American contest from an American point of view. The democrats have undoubtedly urged a re vision of the tariff but they have taken care to urge not only the Interest of Americans at largo but that of tlio great American indus tries which at present look to protection as their only hope. In n certain sense democrats claim to bo the only true pro tectionists. While they rejoice In true do mestic prosperity which Is n direct result of unrestricted free trade between state and state within the borders of the union , they deplore the difficulties that beset the Ameri can manufacturer in his struggle with the foreigner. They believe that nothing but a judicious reduction of the duties on raw ma terials is wanting to enable the American workmen and his employer to command the markets of the world. " The Morning Post devotes the most atten tion to the debate on the retaliation bill and says : "It is not without pained surprise that Englishmen will notice the treatment dealt out to this country in the ncbato in the house of representatives on the retaliation bill. Even the description of the head of the state as an ass and a shivering coward , which expressed the convictions of the republican minority , seems to have been inspired more by n sense of being out-maneuvered than by any consid eration in the case ns It may affect others. After this , wo cannot , perhaps , make any very strong complaint. In an assembly where language which will strike most people ple ns u gross outrage on public decency Is directed against the president himself , it is scarcely likely that Britishers would meet with more conciliatory treatment. So far thuro has been no public intimation ol the course which tlio British cabinet have decided on , a fact which should have servet to make the premature nature of these at tacks on England more apparent than it has done. To speak of this country as a cold clammy devilllsh is totally inconsistcn with the common civility due between state ; living at pcaco with each other. II would bo idle to disguise from our selves that there Is nothing tc expect in the -vay of friendly ncgotiatior until the doti'cstlc matter has been settled Meanwhile we tire not without hopes thai the legitimate feelings of American commerce merco will have made themselves heard above tills unseemly hubbub before it is ab solutely necessary to make fresh attempts u a solution of the fisheries question. " A Modest Philanthropist. Nr.w YOUK , Sept. 10. A gentleman whi refused to give his name for publication entered tlio mayor's office to-day and left hi : check for f 12,0'JO ' for the relief of the yellow fever sufferers at Jacksonville. Wild Gnmullni ; lii Coffco. HAMHUUO , Sept. 10. The price of Santo coffeu for September delivery advanced las week from SO pfennigs Tuesday to 23 pfennigs Friday nipht. Then the bulls , win consisted of four prominent firms , after net ing , according to report , 40,000,000 marks lost courage in the face of the intensely hos tile feeling. The maddest efforts were mad to cover by the bears , whoso losses foot u ] to many million marks. Saturday's closini price was IflO pfennigs. Much of the blanv for the dilemma in which the bears wor placed is attributed to the Colteo Liquidatioi bank , whoso directors , only on Saturda , morning , forbade further sales for Septembe delivery without absolute proof being givei of ability to deliver. This gambling lu coffe is likely to have serious results. The cham her of commerce is now considering the mat ter. The Country'ti Crops. WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. The report of th department of agriculture for Septembe makes the average condition of corn 01.1 wheat T7.t : , oats 87.2 , rye 02.8 , barley SO. ! buckwheat 93,7 , potatoes 01.0. The wlnte wheat iitatcs show a slight Improvement eve the last report of condition ( July ) , but ther lias been n serious decline in the sprin wheat , region of the northwest. Chine bugs were aga'n ' a serious evil in portions c Wisconsin and Minnesota , while unscasom bio rains at and after harvest material ) lowered the condition in these states and 1 portions of Iowa. Tlio averages ot the prli cipal states are : Winter wheat , Illinois , 7 : Spring wheat , Wisconsin. 78 ; Minnesota 7C Iowa , 73 ; Nebraska , 80 ; Dakota , 78. Social Sensation at St. Joseph. ST. Josurn , Mo. , Sept. 10. [ Special Toll gram to Tim Ben. ] Frank B. Hooper , sot In-law of Colonel A. N. Schuster , the ml lionairo clothing dealer , has loft the city an creditors mourn his departure to the tut ot W , " > 00. Hooper had given cheeks on tt German American bank , on which ho had s cured largo sums of money when ho had r funds In tlio bank. Tlio bank Saturday iv fused to honor the checks ami Hoopt skipped. Two years ago ho ran away wit Colonel Schuster's daughter , und they woi married in Lenvenworth. lie has slnco bet employed by his father-in-law's house us traveling salesman. Plow From the Wrath to Come. ST. Louis , Sept. 10. Samuel Drake , r actor with the Kegrotto Comedy company , supposed to have committed suicide Springfield , Mo. , to escape the vengeance i his wives , who were after him for bigatn , His victims are Miss Dullard , daughter of prominent Louisiana Judge , now a reside ! of St. Louis ; Miss Kuto Kobortson , India npolis ; Mlsd Marie Dolincourt , Qulncy , 11 and n Holdcn , Ktxs. , girl last. Ncuraskin4 : Purchase Blooded Stool LnxtXfToi ! , Ky. , Sopt. 10. [ Special Tel gram to Tun BCE. ] For fl.OOO it , MuEler ; of Omaha , Neb. , has purchased of 11. 1 Phojtper , of South Klkhart , thn stud bay cf Sa'aum ' , three years old , by Onward , da Biscay , by Almont J. For $1,500 A. Patrlc Grand Island , Nob. , 1ms purchased the b. colt Interchange , threoyears old , by On\ynr dam Kit , by Itnsols. I " ' T Tlnirmnn EndorseCleveland's Lsttc 8 I COM-MUCH , O. , Sept. 10 , "That Is a stror o paper , n very Strong paper , " was the romni o of Judge Thurmaii , when Prcs.Uent Clev land's letter of aeccptnneo had been ro-td him tit n late hour last night. The judge ni party arrived homo this morning safe in well ami will remain there qutotiy for a fo days. Churnh Unstroyed by Plrc. MASON Crrr , la. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tel pram to TUB Bus , ] Tho. 'Methodist ' Episc pal church nl.Noro of 'tlio lar cst In this section , .burned last night. . ' L.OS T. M.OOO ; ' no-insurance. . The Jlro Is thought MR , M'SHAM'S MAGNANIMITY , While Ho Don't Expect to Bo Gov ernor of Nebraska HE WILL MAKE A LIVELY FIGHT Which It is Hoped May Help the Party Judge Thnrnmn Falling PaHt Why Cleveland llc- Inycd HIM letter. ConRtiltliiR With the Committee. WASHINGTON Bunintr TUB OMAHA Bun , 513 Fouimi\Tit : STUCIIT , WASIIISOTON , D. C. , Sopt. 10. ; Congressman McSliano expects to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday for Omaha and to reach there by the end of the week. Mean time ho Is in Now York where ho is said to bo in close consultation witli the national democratic committee. It is generally be lieved that while Mr. McSliano will not ex pend as largely from his own funds as ho is said to have done In previous campaigns , that ho will give to others who will provide the ways and means the benefit of Ills per sonal experience and lend them the advan tage of his name. It it quietly understood that while the democratic national commit tee have few hopes of carrying the. state in view of its largo republican majority that there are hopes expressed that the effect upon the legislature of a lively democratic canvass may bo such as to warrant either a democratic candidate or ono who would nlllliate with the democracy. At least this is the view taken by n prominent democratic politician in the city who said to me to-day ttiat next to the presidency an upper house in accord with the lower house of congress was most desired. Should Cleveland and Tnunnan bo elected the sen ate will bo n tie , unless Now Jersey tills McPherson's seat with a democrat or West Virginia selects a republican. An additional United States senator , or ono who will go with the democracy upon questions like tar iff reduction , is therefore greatly to be de sired , and the democrats are making their combinations in several states with that end in view. IS TIlfllMAN WEARING OUT. William C. MacBrido , the well known cor respondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer , ar rived hero to-day from New York. Ho has 'or some time been in close contact with ludgc Thurman , and says ho does not believe Thurman will live till the Novombjr elec- ion , that if ho docs live that long ho cannot , n all probability last till inauguration day , Mr. MacBrido adds that Thurman is crowing very feeble and that the way ho is hauled out for exhibition by the democratic mali ngers is shameful. TIIC 1'itr.sinnNT A POLITICIAN. President Cleveland , it is learned , held back his letter of acceptance for two month ? and moro nnd issued it to-tiny to inlluencc the election in Maine. It is learned furthoi tliat the president ordered tlio democrats in the house and senate to discuss tlio retalia tory and Chinese bills during tlio past wceli to the exclusion of appropriation bills anO other important legislation to influence the election to-day. How well ho succeeded tlie returns indicate , TUT. SITI'ATION- PENNSYLVANIA. "The enormous majority which the repub llcan ticket always secure ? in the state ol Pennsylvania , " said a gentleman from Me Kean county , in that state , to-day , "makes i' ' seem ridiculous to talk of political change.1 in the state ; but there is ono section it which the flopping is as remarkable ns it i ; nny where In the country. I refer to the lum ber regions in tlio counties of McKean , Pot ter and Cameron. In those three counties there are employed several thousand met cutting and peeling hemlock , and in sawiiu the logs into lumber. The township in whlcl I live is known as Portage Creek. Thh township has usually given n democratic ma Jority of about ono hundred and fifty , nnt last week there wore registered sixty-foul new voters by the commissioners , and evorj ono of tlio sixty-four expressed his deter initiation to vote the republican ticket. The day before yesterday sixteen moro wore added. " 1 took some pains to nsecrtain the feeltnf nmong thn men in the lumber regions n dni or too ngo nnd I found that out of the lit- who voted for Mr. Cleveland in 18SI , 123 nn in favor of tlio republican ticket and the re publican platform. This remarkable chansi is owing to the fact that the president's mea ' sago na'lntcrprcted by the Mills bill place lumber on the free list. Lumber at presen pays S3 per 1,000 feet imnort duty whei brought from Canada , nnd as our lumber i almost nil sold nlong the northern frontier principally in Buffalo and Rochester , the re movnl of the duty of $3 on each 1,000 fee would bo a serious blow to tlio industry , es pccially when it is considered that hemlocl lumber sells at from -JO to § 10 per 1,000 feet. "Among the men most Interested in th lumber interest are Moses , Charles tun Frank Goodyear , The former has recentl ; gone into partnership with his brother. * few years ago ho was a member of the lawye firm In which Grovcr Cleveland was partner. Mr. Charles Goodyear vote in Buffalo and . has always been democrat. Ho has also been n member o the democratic clubs , and no longer ttia : four years ago an earnest supporter of Ore vor Cleveland. While the Messrs. Gooi year have not told mo distinctly that the will vote for the republican ticket this fal they have said very plainly that they eoul not consistently support any man who ndv ( cates the theories in regaid to the taril enunciated by Grovcr Cleveland , and I knoi that their employes nro ulmost all Harriso men to a num. The Pennsylvania lumbu regions lop over into New York state , an there are hundreds of men residing in f" tar.iugus county who tire directly IntercX w in the lumber tnrilV , because of their en ployment in these lumber woods. Whil many of these men have been democrat they sco that tlio difference between tlio tu parties to-day lies primarily in the positio assumed by each on the tariff question , an ns n consequence , seeing that their own ti terests lie with the republicans , they will ui doubtedly vote for Harrison and Morton an the platform upon which they stand , ratlu than for Cleveland nnd Thurmnn nnd frc Canadian lumber. " A IIISOIII.IOINO ADMINISTIUTION. Bv degrees the avenues of public inform ! ion in the depaitment have been closing du lug the past two years , until at present it almost Impossible for an outsider , an ord nary patriotic citizen , to procure any inforn atiou whatever relating to public business. Under previous administrations there lit been no difliculty whatever for anybody I procure nny character of information , excel that procured by detectives nnd held iuvi < lute on account of its very secret nature , nn the books und the archives have been open \ every ono. There were no discrimination ! n democrat , a negro , a Jew , or nn Irlshimi could procure information as correctly and t quickly as u republican politician , Tlio so vices of all clerics were nt tlio disposal t American citizens , and everybody was trea ed with uniform courtesy , without questio Shortly after the present admluistrutic caino into power an order was Issued nt tl postonlco iicpartmcnt to permit no one < have this information or that Infonmuio and gradually the avenues which had bee for so many years open to the miblic relutii to the appointments of postmasters , the bom of postmasters , changes In locations of pos ofllces , removals , appointments , and so fort were closed and were Hermetically scale Then there was an order probably verbal issued at tlio treasury department , which w ; of a Ulmlivil character. It was only ttieotlu day that your correspondent went to the o ilco of the assistant treasurer of the Unite States and asked for one of the last mouth statements Issued under the Arthur udmlni tratian. The assistant treasurer is n vei courteous gentleman , but ho was perfon compelled to decline the request , saying th no one was permitted-to give outside inform tier except the secretary of the treasury. < T1 assistant ireasurer.was thcarcmindcd that tl information- requested 'Was simplyin tl form .of public statements which are given ' thn press nnd to the 'icoplo wltlmnj , nnv he tntion whatever , as they were required by law and the oldest rules of the departments ; and yet the assistant treasurer repeated that ho was sorry to bo disobliging , but ho did not feel at liberty under thc-rules of the depart inent , at present , to grant the request. Tlio same Is true In ttio office of the supervising architect. That officer will not oven say that n contract has been lut or that n special agent has been sent on a public mission with out a special direction from the secretary of the treasury. In the office of the commis sioner of customs the name condition of atlairs exist. In the Interior and other de partments ono encounters a similar condition of affairs. A. new order has been issued by Assistant Postmaster General Knott. who has been uniformly obsequious to his superiors and disobliging to his inferiors and the public , whereby clerks in the dcpartmegt are not permitted to give out any Information re garding contracts , or movements of agents , or any information , in fact , which has here tofore been public property. It has come to pass that it is quite ns diff icult for any one in Washington who is not in official authority to procure information of tlio most ordinary character as it is to secure official favor. It is even n difficult thing for a member of congress to procure information which only four or llvo years ago a coal heaver or hod carrier could get by simply asking. There are two reasons for this strange condition of business. In the first place , the administration is determined that nobody shall procure any infornntion which can bo turned to the political advantage of thi5 opposite party. In the second place , tlio employes , whether they bo democrats or re publicans , are suspected of being dishonest. The superior officers are afraid to trust their assistants. Till : IMMHIIIATION QUESTION. It is generally conceded by the leading thinkers on both sides of congress that ono of the most important pieces of legislation for next winter will bo that of restricting immi gration of all classes into the United States. The recent investigation by the special com mittee of the house hela at New York and Boston has created u profound impression upon the minds of men in congress , and of the people throughout the country. Hun- dreas of letters nro being received hero every day , calling attention to the necessity of decided legislation to prohibit tlio immigra tion of undesirable foreigners. There is no danger that the American idea will prevail , except in a limited degree , for the present at least. But there seems to bo unanimity among at least the native-born citizens upon the conclusion that every character of for eigners not specially desired as n part of the American republic should bo excluded from our shores. There is to bo no specillc discrimination for or against any nationality. Tills legislation is to apply to all counties alike , and there are to bo requirements imposed through the consular and diplomatic and other agents of the gov ernment abroad , which will require good character and patriotic intentions upon the part of all foreigners who embark to tills country with u view to becoming citizens. Undoubtedly this question will bring about n great deal of discussion when congress re convenes in December. The subject is a very important ono and is n very delicate one. Tlio politics in moro than one-half of the congressional districts are controlled by for eign-born citizens , and it will bo the aim of every man in speaking and voting upon this subject to avoid insulting those who may have kin or friends in their mother country. It Is not Intended that there shall be any re striction placed upon these of good character and good Intentions who dcsiro to come to tlio United States and make this their homo. The solo object Is to keep out pau pers , criminals and the classes who will not assimilate with native Americans , or if they do assimilate will injure society or tlio gen eral good of the country. It will require fur ther investigation by this special committee of the house and cxtrciro.caro to draft a bill which will meet with ; but that such a measure will finally bo adopted there is no reasonable question. The department ot state Is collecting In formation on the subject of immigration from the various countries bf the world , and enougli has been ascertained already to show that tlio United States is almost the only country , if not indeed the only country , In the world which places little or no restric tion upon Immigration. Even China , Japan , Italy and the countries which have attracted the attention of the United States on nc- count of the largo percentage of people whom it is intended shall DO excluded from citizen ship in the United States , have laws restrict ing the immigration of undesirable pcrsdus , One of the first reports received at the de partment of state on this subject relates tc Switzerland. The federal council of Switzer land requires all persons who wisli to engage in professional transportation of emigrants or sale of passage tickets , to.procuro a H cense for that purix > so issued by tlio fedora' council , and the latter make regular reports to the canton , winch makes tlio laws of the republic. Agents are required to "prove r good reputation und their civil and political rights ; that they are acquainted with the emigration operations , and are enabled tt ship emigrants safely. The liccnso fee Is 5 ( francs (510. ( ) Emigrant agencies are required quired to make u deposit of10,1)00 ) franc : ( jS.OOO ) , and sub-agonts n further deposit 0 ] U,000 francs each , and agencies for tlio saloo : emigrant tickets a security of yo.OOO francs as bonds for the faithful performance of tin duties required by ttio existing laws. The laws prohibiting emigration agents cnticim desirable citizens to leave the country niu the admission of undesirable persons who in tend to become citizens are very stringent The system of inspection is rigorous. Tin result is that Switzerland retains her bos people and excludes from her domain persons from all parts of Uio world who are regnrdct as uullt to become part of the republic. CHAIRMAN' DCIiMONT. While Chairman Boiiuont , of the forclgi affairs committee , has made a speech on tin retaliation bill , the part which" ho tooic ii tlio measure was so insignificant as to hnvi excited some comment. Mr. Bclmoiit has bcei absent from Washington during nearly tin entire summer. Ho lias had very little to di with legislation for two years , and as ho Inn announced his intention to retire from eon gross at tlio close of his present term , hi will probably bo heard from very infro qucntly during the remainder of his cou gressional llfo. Mr. Belmont gained some notoriot ; through his attack on Mr. Blame some year ago and for a while it was predicted that in would prove to bo ono of the rising youni statesmen. But In the Forty-ninth emigres ho had charge of a bill for the reorganlzatioi of the consular service upon a busines : basis which was universally endorse ! by the administration and by members of th house and sonata who had any know ledge on the subject. Mr. Belmont's man ngemcnt of the debate on the floor , howovci was so far from being successful that ho an tagonlzcd moro than half the house , and los the bill through bad generalship. Slue that time the "young statesman from B ib.v Ion" has kept himself In the baekground.ani to-day ho is seldom heard or seen on th floor. Tills accounts for the minor part h has played in the farce that has been cr acted in the house during the past wccli Kvon if Mr. Belmont should bo returned t the Fifty-ilrst congress ami there should b n democratic majority in the house it is no llitcly Unit he will bo entrusted with th chairmanship of the important committee o foreign affairs. MISCF.I.MIEOU3. Joseph Tucker Patch , of Omaha , was U day admitted to practice-before the Interio department. , By direction of the acting secretary c war. First Lieutenant Aimer Pickering , Sei end infantry , having performed the duty ai bigucd him and reported to the adjutant goi oral of the nruiy under the requirements c special orders September 1,1SW , Uenartmci of the Platte , will return from this city to hi Draper station. MrV. . 1C. Annln , for many yo.irs ono c the editors of TiiB'Hcc , loft Washington t < night for Omaha. Ho will hot return hoi till copgrebs convenes in December. Uurin his Htay nt the national capital Mr. Auiil has made n largo circle of acquaintances an many warm friends. Ho is a favorite i Newspaper Uow and li | the senate. Senator Mandcrson , "who " is at Columbui O. , attending the national encampment c the G. A. U. , expects to return to washing ton by the eutl af the wesk. City Treasurer' Rush yesterday Colvcd $70,000 Irora New-York for curl ' ' lnrboiiil.8i- ( , A HERD OF CATTLE GO MAD , Singular Misfortune of a Farmer Near David City. DRASTIC MEASURES FOR DOGS. A llurjilnry nt Nebraska City The Kncnnipmcnt nt Kearney Assign ment or Methodist Mlnlstcro An Old Man Suicides. Cattle Go Mud. DAVID CITV , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to THE Bun. ] About four weeks ago n dog be longing to Simon Mollcy , who lives on n farm seven miles noithwest of David City , ran mad and before ho could bo killed had bitten ten head of Mr. Molley's cattle running in the pasture. The dog was soon killed and Mr. Molley kept close watch of his cattle. On Tuesday of last week ho discovered three head of them running about tlio pasture act ing wild and frightened and frothing at the mouth and disposed to attack whatever they came in contact with , Mr. Mollcy at once shot and killed them , and during the week two moro had to bo killed. Yesterday ho killed two others , nil showing symptoms of hydrophobia. The other three bitten Imvo not yet shown symptoms of the rabies. The Kearney Uncninpincnt. KEAUNKT , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to Tin BIE. ] The camp of Instruction for United States troops hero has now been established for over n week. Tlio troops forming the en campment marched on the ground Septem ber 1 from Forts Omaha , Sidney and U. A. Husscll , and were at once put In camp by General Henry A. Morrow , colonel of the Twenty-first infantry , who was the senior officer present. General Frank Wlieaton , colonel of the Second infantry , who is now in command , was detained on important business , but tlio camp was laid out In ac cordance with his plans und was named in honor of the department commander , Camp John H. Brooke. The battalion of the Twenty-first infantry occupies the right of the line and Is commanded by General Henry A. Morrow , colonel of the Twenty-first In fantry. The battalion of the Seventeenth occupies the center and is commanded by General Henry H. Mizner , colonel of the Seventeenth infantry. Lieutenant Colonel John S. Fletcher commands the Second In fantry on the loft. The entire camp is com manded by General Frank Wlieaton , colonel of the Second infantry , who Jias established his headquarters on u low hill in the rear of ana overlooking the camp. Following is tlio roster of officers in camp John H. Brooke : General Frank Wlieaton , colonel Second infantry , commanding camp ; First Lieutenant John Ivlnzic , A. A. general ; First Lieutenant A. 11. Kgbert , regular quartermaster Second Infantry , Q. M. and A. C. S. of camp ; First Lieutenant J. M. Burns/Scvoutoonth infantry nido-do-camp ; First Lieutenant John S. Parkc , Twenty- first infantry aide-do camp. Second Infantry Lieutenant Colonel John 3. Fletcher , commanding Second infantry ; Major Edmund Butler ; Captain William Mills , company A ; Captain Charles A. Dempsey , company B ; Captain J. Abuer Huines , company D ; Captain Luther S. Ames , company B ; Captain James Ulio , company F ; . Captain Charles Keller , coin- pauy G : Captain Aaron S. Daggett , company H ; First Lieutenant John S. Mallory , com pany B ; First Lieutenant William U. Abor- crombio , company D , First Lieutenant Horace ace B. Sarson , company F ; First Lieutenant John K. Waring , company G ; First Lieu tenant Sidney K. Clark , company I ; First Lieutenant William J. Turner , compauy 1C ; Second Lieutenant William M. Wright , com panyC ; Second Lieutenant Harry K. WIN kics , company F ; Second Lieutenant Virgil J. Brumback , company H ; Second Lieuten ant James S. Arrowsmith , company K. Seventeenth Infantry General Henry R. Mlzncr , colonel Seventeenth infantry , com manding regiment ; major , James S. Casey ; capUln , William VanHorno ; captain.Charles H. Grenn ; first lieutenants , James M. Burns , Daniel H. Brush , George Uuhlen , George II. Iloach , William A. Mann ; adjutant , Edward Chcnowoth ; regiment quartermaster , Edgat W. Howe ; second lieutenants , Edward J. Gr'umloy , James T. ICcrr , Edar S. Walker , Charles D. Clay , James L. Druicn , Lucius L. Durfce. Twenty-first Infantry General Henry A , Morrow , colonel Twenty-first infantry , com manding regiment ; first lieutenant und adju. taut , Willis Wittich ; first lieutenant mid regiment quartermaster , C. H. Boucstecl : captains , Frederick H. E. Ebstein. J. W , Duncan ; first lieutenants , C. A. Williams , H. L. Bailey , Solomon E. Sparrow and J. S Parko ; second lieutenant ; A. L , Parmcnter The camu Is about ono and a half mile ? southwest of Kearney , on a beautiful piect of level ground. Several driven wells in eacl battalion camp furnish nn excellent supply of good water , besides the surplus of watei from the Kearney canal and lake runs jus west of the camp. There is ample grouiu for brigade movements whenever these ex orcises begin. The work of the first wool has been in company and battalion drills The ceremonies of guard mounting and dres ; parade are carried on successively in cacl battalion , enabling the members of cacl regiment to observe the formation as earriei on by the other two. The ladies and gentle men appreciate this arrangement highly , n1 they can visit each in succession and enjo ; the music of tlio three bands. Ills rare thn three such good bands get together nt om timo. Their selections of music are good and they all play beautifully. They dlfTe somewnat in composition , the Twenty-firs inlnntry band , for instance ) , having mon reed instruments ; but they all play well am Imvo their own special admirers. Exercise In outpost and picket duty commence to morrow , ono company from each regimen participating. This exercise will contlmx daily for some timo. It is thought thn brigade drills and brigade parades will b the order next week. The inspector general of the department , Colonel Kobt. H. Hall , arrived in camp Sat urday. Extensive preparations nro being made fo a Grand Army reunion September 17 to 2 inclusive. Their encampment will bo mnd on the hills in thd vicinity of Kearney lake and will bo named after General H. A. Mor row. The county fair is to bo hold nt th same time ns the reunion , and many pcopl will bo present in the town during ; tbos days. Yesterday , for the first time at Cam ; Hrooko , picket duty was ordorcd. three com panics being sent out under command o Captain Daggett. Troops on picket duty to day were under command of Captain Arrc smith. Tlio regular evening dress parad Sunday was moro largely attended than n nny time since formation. Every mode o conveyance which the city affords was cnlle In use , while hundreds visited the camp 01 foot , the distance from the city being enl , about ono mile , The parade was opened b. the Second infantry , followed by thcTwcntj first and Seventeenth. It was made mor interesting than usual by the command taking ground at BOUIO little distance fret their regular quarters , furnishing the spei tutors an opportunity to see marching an countermarching by the different companies part of which was made on double time Tins morning at 0:40 : there was a brigad drill which attracted n great many visitors Many of the officers had never wltnosscd brigade drill , and none of them hud seen on for a number of years. It was conduete under command of General Wucuton vor successfully. The Twenty-Fourth District. Giui'TOX , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to Tit Br.R. ] The republican senatorial conventlo for the Twenty-fourth senatorial dlstrle' ' comprising York and Fillmore counties , \Vj held at Fairmont .last Friday uftprnooi York county lias'clovon delegates anil' Fll AH ore ten ; Both counties hud candidate : York , having ono delegate moro than V\l \ more , was sure of getting her man , but on tlio first ballot Captain P. S. Heal , of Grafton - ton , received eleven votes and ho was declared - clared nominated , The surprise was RO great to the York delegation that they de clared war and went into n battle among themselves. The Filluiore delegation , hav ing received recognition and all the honors possible , withdrew. Captain Heal's nomina tion was fair and on the first ballot. of Methodist Mlnlntnrf ) . Cr.NTHAii CITV , Nob. , Sept. S. [ Special to Tim BIK. ; ] The committee on church peri odicals made a report , to which Dr. B. St. James Fry , editor of the Central Christian Advocate of St. Louts , spoke with earnest ness in advocacy of nt least ono copy of a weekly church paper In every family. Dr. Fry stated that next year Is the centennial of the Methodist Book Concern , and that it is tlio purpose of the book agents to make n dividend of * UX,000 ) to the conference In If ? * ' . ' . Tlio report of the committee was adopted. The report of tlio committee on tlio bible cause was read , and Uev. Mr. Wninwright , agent of the American Bible Society , ad dressed the conference , stating that In last February the translation of the bible was completed in tlio Japanese language and the work was put In press. But the press was not able to furnish copies as rapidly as de manded. He also stated that the Bible so ciety will give a quarto copy of the bible for the pulpit of every now church completed in Ills district , and that the secretary of the so ciety had Informed him that during the past three or four years moro gifts of this kind had been made in h'.s district than in all the rest of the United States. The committee on education reported , mid while the report was pending Dr. M. S. Terry , of the Gurrett Biblical Institute , Evanston , 111. , presented n clear nnd prac tical talk to the conference , urging that all young preachers should attend classical school , and if possible , afterwards the theo logical school , before entering upon the ac tive work of tlio ministry. CCNTKAI. CITY , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special to THE line. ] Following are the appoint ments of the north Nebraska annual confer ence of the M. E. church , which closed its session yesterday : Omaha district T. C. Clendcnnin , presid ing elder. Omahn : First church , T. M. House : Hanseom Park , G. N. Brown ! Seward Street , W. M. Worloy ; South Tenth Street , C. N. Dawson ; Trinity , ,1. W. Kobinsen ; circuit , W. B. Slaughter. Ames , A. C. Gnines ; Arizona , Thomas Bitholl : Blair , H. B. Wilson ; Elkliorn , O. Eggleston ; Fremont , T , B. Hilton ; Gretna , W. Miller : Hooper , J. A. Ftoliarty ; Nortli Bond , J. H. Brooks : North Bond circuit , J. Charles : Oakland , H. H. Mlllard ; Schuylcr , D. Mar- quettc ; Scribner , J. T. Knucky ; South Omaha , L. H. Eddlebluto ; Albright , W. D. Luther ; Tokumali , 1 { . L. Marsh ; Vacoma , H. C. Dahoit : Valley , T. L. Helliwell ; West Point , A. A. Davis. Grand Island districtW. . Shank , pre siding elder ; Albion , H. G. Plttenger ; Al bion circuit , H. Gillogly ; Beaver Valley , tc bo supplied ; Cedar Unpids , H. S. Crawford ; Centinl City , H. S. Hilton ; Central City cir cuit , J. B. Lccdom ; Chirks , H. 1C. Pierce Chapman , C. S. Moore ; Columbus , H. L , Powers ; Elba , William Uose ; Fullerton , G. W. Martin ; Fullerton circuit , C. D. Day : Genoa , G. A. Martin : Grand Island , C. U * . Savhlgo ; PetorsburhvV. ( A. Wilson ; Scotia , L.Campbell ; Silver Creek , S. Gates ; St , Paul , J. E. Moore ; Wood Ulvor , C. E. Har per. Norfolk district J. B. Maxfleld , prcsldliif older ; Bancroft , J. H. Main ; Bcamer , J. B , Priest ; Carroll , J. H. High ; Coleridge , J. U , Gcarlmrt ; Dakota City , J. W.Jennings ; De entur , J. II. .Miller ; Hawkeyc , T. Stuum Homer , to bo supplied ; Humphrey , to be sup plied : Leigh , W. Esplin ; Lyons , C. F. Hay wood : Madison , D.V. . McGregor ; Norfolk J. W. Martin ; Platlo Center , J. Crews Ponca , J. L. St. Cluir ; Staunton , H. W. Con ley ; St. James. AV. H. Carter ; Wakeliald , W A. Davics ; Wayne , William Gorst ; Wisuor , to bo supplied. Elkliorn District A. Hodgotts , presiding elder ; Crcighton , W. II. Bunch ; Elgin , Wi Slothowcr : Ewlug , T. Thompson ; Inman , C G. House ; Minneola , W. II. Hurt ; Neloigh H. A. Barton ; Newman's Grove , F. B. Ham Niobrara , C. N. Grinlth ; Oakdalo , D. C Wlnship ; O'Neill , D. T. Olcott ; Paddock , D , 13mm ; Plain view , S. A. Bear. The Situation in the First. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEG.J A prominent Nomahr politician who carao into tlio city to-day sayi that Church Howe's resolutions coiiccrnini the Hon. E. E. Brown of Lancaster wen railroaded through by Howe himself am carry no weight. "Johnson county has clgh delegates. J. S. Drew heads the delegation The remaining seven of the delegation ex press no particular choice. Mr. Drew , or i n respectable majority of his collcagiies.havi expressed themselves as favorable to Hon Sam Chapman. Pawnee , with its eight del egatcs , will also give tlio Cass county states man a majoiity voto. Ncmalm county wil follow P.uvnco and Johnson with a mnjorit ; of her vote for Chapman. It is prcuictei in southeast Nebraska ttiat neither Connol or Brown can bo the nommeo for congres from the big First.-Chapman is an nvowci candidate. Hon. G. M. Lambertson Is ndnrl horse but Chapman's candidacy is formida ble. Charged With Indecent Assault. BtNKi.tMAN , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Specia Telegram to Tin : Bnn.l A most extraoi dinary case was tried in the justice cour this evening. Smith Kisser made com plaint this morning that a man by the nam by J , L. Clackston had criminally .issaultei his ten-year-old daughter with intent t commit rnpo. A medical examination indl cnted that the girl had been assaulted Chirkston is a married man , about forty ilv years of ago. Ho will probably bo boum over to await the action of thu district court which convenes next week. Hurclnrs at Krcmnnt. FIIEMONT , Nob. , Sept. 10. Burglars cl fcctcd nn entrance into the residonro of Mn Clara I. Henry some time during Frlda night or Saturday morning , and complete ! demoralized tlio entire institution. Ever cupboard and case of drawers \VUs emptied o its contents on to the floor and pushed tc gather. The residence is ono of tlio best i tlio city , and in the absence of the propric tress has been closed tor a few weoku. Th indications are that but little booty \va found and the burglars took rwengo fo their disappointment in mi.\in3' ; things up. A Ynnnu llur/tliir / Arrested. STUO.MSIIUIIU , Nob. , Sept. 10. A younq ; mn g his name as A. W. Wygant , broke int the residence of Georgn Miitson , a wtill-to-d farmer , residing between thin city ami Oatv ola , while the family was absent , and cnrrlc nwny a now suit of clothe * , an overcoat an some Jewelry , and r.bout sTJ in cash. II catno to this city und was arrested her Saturday evening. Ho pleaded guilty to tli charge brought against him , and not bcin nblo to secure bonds fur $500 is now in jail t : Osceola. Several stores hero wuvj broke into Wednesday night and u gjudly umoiii of mcrcl'.undiso tuiicn. Tim Hiirylar Usoaped. CITV , Neb , , Sept. 10 [ Spi cial Telegram lo Tin : HUE ] Tlio realdenc of II. H. MeElhinry was burglarized las night. The tliiot was discovered at his wor and four shots were sent after him , aovera it is believed , taking effect , but hojumpi from a window aud escaped In the darknus. An Old Mun Suicides. FIIRMOXT , Neb , , Sept. 10. [ Spuulal Toll gram to TUG Bun. ] Ffed Gaughor , n Go ; man In the employ of Tiieron Nye for th past Boven years , committed suiei.lo at o'clock this ovmiliiR by shootlnij himself I the templu with a revolver. Ho was abet fifty years old nnd leaves a wif-3 and 01 son. A'Crald of Hydrophobia. tlLVS ? ! ! ' , Meb.yetit. .10. { Special to.Tl BEG. ] The recent discovery of n dog hclon Ing-to a prominent citizen , being , mad hi caused a relentless , war awiUist canines Uo u-4 fully twg sogvQ Uuve vceu killed , Canada Must bo Absorbed by the United States. AN EX-CABINET OFFICER TALKS. Kdxvnrds Plcrrcpont Hcvlcws th "Kiny-Kour , Forty or Flight " nnd Draws Conclusion ! ) , Talk of a Statesman. iSfSliU Jamtn f.niifimfciuifM / PAHIH , Sept. 10. [ New York Herald Cable Snccial to Tin : Bii.1 : : Edwards Picrrcpont , formerly In the cabinet of Pres ident Grant , and Inter American minister to ji England , Is spending a few weeks in Paris. ; | Speaking yesterday to a Herald correspond ent on the president's message to congress , he said : "I think It n masterly stroke of policy in the president to send his retaliation message to congress after the rejection of tlio fishery treaty , and it will redound to his credit with the American people far moro than the unanimous confirmation of the treaty would have done. Positive views upon publlu af fairs , expressed with honest courage , have always captivated Americans. In the fore cast of the few American statesmen worthy of the name Canada lias appeared as a future danger to the peace of the United StateswhIlo politicians have scoffed thu Idea that the population In the Icebound region could over disturb the quiet of the grcnt republic. So long ngo ns when Webster was secretary of il state , considerable bluster was made about J\ \ the fishery business , nud in 1840 , while Polk was president and Buchanan secretary ot btnto , these who wore then bid enough to read will remember that we insisted that our northern boundary on the Pacific coast ex tended to the Russian possessions in north latitude , 54 degrees , 40 minutes. During the public discussion about tins boundary the ilcbatcs in congress nnd the columns of the eaaing journals dcliantly proclaimed nnd ileclnrcd that wo would go to war if that , ) oundnry was not conceded. 'Fifty-four Forty or fight' rang throughout the country. Tills cry came from out of the hearts of the icople , who had been instructed by the most ntelllgcnt statesmen of the north that : ho claims were well founded. But [ ho south was In the ascendant. The slavery question was already ngitntcd , nnd , - , . the dominant .south did not wisli to extend > ? | our free territory. The president was a slave-holder , und the secretary of state n northern man with southern principles , so the popular cry was hushed. The secretary of state nnd the British minister concluded n treaty nt Washington on Juno 15 , 18-10 , by which we surrendered to Great Britain every ortion of the Pacific ocean between latitude 41 ! degrees north and the Russian possessions , and to make our humiliation moro abject , wo bent our northern line of111 degrees down through the channel and out through the Straits of Fuca in order to give England the whole of Van- couvers island , which nlono hns an area larger than the combined states of Massa chusetts , Rhode Island , Connecticut nnd Del- M nwnro. The summer climate is charmlngnnd .9 winter is not cold , 84 ° Fahrenheit being the f ' _ * | maximum and 22 ° Fahrenheit the minimum - for the year. By this treaty wo throw away nn empire nnd imperilled the trade of the Orient , nnd much of our own transconti nental trade nlso , ns wo are now beginning to find out. The time required for ships to sail from China and Japan to Victoria is sev eral days less than is required to sail from these countries to San Francisco. The peace of America will bo yearly endangered until Canada is divided into states and made a part of the great union. Tlio Canadian and American statesmen who shall combine nnd accomplish such n result will nchiovo Imper ishable renown. The absorption of Canada by the great republic is manifest destiny , and tlio history of nil vast empires teaches that Inevitable result. " THIS SUNDAY SALOON QUESTION. Conclusions Arrived at I5y the Motlio- dtst Clergymen of Chicago. CHICAGO , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnr. Bii.l : The Methodist Episcopal min isters of this city , at their regular weekly meeting to-day , had the Sunday saloon clos ing question up again and had n very heated session. At first it was charged that the foreigners were responsible for the day of rest being turned into ono of debauchery and pleasure. Finally they very generously con cluded that tlio real cause was within the folds of the church itself. When the meet ing was called to order the committee on municipal legislation on the saloon question submitted a report in which it was stated that Chicago was practically a foreign city that not over one-fifth of the population were Americans ; thai the municipal olllcors were mostly foreigners nnd the city council had n majority of foreigners as members. Consequently the Americans were unnblo to enforce American laws and felt some modesty - esty about asking the foreigners to enforce thorn. Tim report held nut that in conso- qucnco of this state of things nnd in the in fluence of foreign politicians , the mayor was terrorized and could not enforce the lawi , The committee recommended that mass meetings be held in Central Musio hall for tlio purpose of arousing the people to a realization of tlio fact that the laws were continually being broken ; that if ihu mayor did not do something ho bo impeached for nun-performaneo of duty ; that If the mayor was unable to enforce the laws ho could call on the city council for aid. This caused quite a sensation , but after n vigorous dis cussion the report was rejected nnd the mat- t'jr went over once moro. ATm'rililo Onath. Su/rL.vii : , Utnh.'Sopt. 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Uisu. ] Last Saturday W , I. Uusmussen. late of the district school at ItluhlluUl , Ulch county , nnd Henry Hague , of Elsmor , wtiiio on a pleasure trip in Monroe canon , were rolling stono.s for the fun of seeing them splash in the waters bo- ncath. While Kasmussen was in tlio act ot rolling n boulder his foot slipped or tin earth gave way beneath him , and ho foil from a precipice fifty-live feet liijli , killing him In stantly. As ho wnnt down ho struck on n Jutting crag und his throat was cut and a piece of his cheek was loft on u rock. His left shoulder was broken nud his clothing was nearly all torn o'.T. The ViHihlu Supply. Cmcuio , Sept. 10. The vUiblo supply for the week ending September 9 , as compiled by the secretary of thu Chicago board ot tiatlc , is ns follows : Bushels. Wheat H0.43S.OOO Corn 0,030,000 Oats -1,421,000 Uyo 378,000 Burlcy 110,009 The Tiouomotlrn Klrcnscn. ATLANTA , Ga. , Srpt. 10.--Tho convention of tlio Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen was addressed by Chief Arthur , ot tb Brotherhood of Engineers. Ho laid bofora the lli'cmen thu different phases ot the "Q" 8trUo.but ! muda'uo propoiitlga ol unv kind |