Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1888, Image 7

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    "FT * sr VT1 Jtff tft * * / * * * "V ) rr * *
Advertisements under this head 1U rent * per
line for the llrst Insertion , 'cents for enchant-
sequent Insertion , and II.M A line per month.
No advertisement taken for less thnn25 cents
the first Insertion. Nsven words will bo counted
to the Hue ; they mil t run consecutively nnd
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise-
menu muitt be hnnded in before 22:30 o'clock p.
tn. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd hav
ing their answers addressed In care of TlIK HKB
vlll please nsk for n check to enable them to get
their letters , ns none will be delivered except on
presentation of ehcck. All answers to nilvcr-
tlfif mcnt.1 should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement * In these columns nro pub-
llsticil In both morning nnd evening editions of
THE HKE , the circulation of uhich aggregates
innrc Uinn 18.C0) pnpers daily , nud gives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the cltyrlreu-
Intlon of THK HFP , but nlro of Council Illurfs.
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo tnkcn
on thit nbove conditions. nt the following busi
ness housotwho nro authorized ngents forTitli
JIIK : special notices nnd will < iuoto the same
rules IIH can be hnd ut the main olllce.
TOHN W. 11EI.L , Pharmacist , KW South Tenth
tJ Street.
l/sE A F.ODV , Stationers and Printers , 113
South ICth Street.
SH. FAHNSWOKTH , Pharmacist. 2115 Cum-
Ing Street.
WJ. HUGHES. Pharmacist , C2t North IRth
GKO. W. I'AUK , Pharmacist , 180U St. Mary's
W ANTED Work of some kind. stranger in
city , fairly educated. Address OU > , : iIee.
_ _
TXTANTKII Rltuntlon in wholesale orretiiil
T ? house nn book-keeper. assistant bookkeeper -
or , cleikor traveling hiilesman ; have oxpcrl-
cnco In hardware nnd groceries : cnn furnish
references. Aduross P , care A. A. Jllckel , UXXI a
13th bt. KM 8t
\VANTED-Pltuatlon-A competent young
man dcslroi situation : bank preforied ;
ono ycnr'H experience as cashier ; good refer-
enco. Address U 14. lleo olllco. U578"
\\f ANTED -Ily active nnd steady young mnn.
" situation where ho can work for his board
and attend tchool during the day. Ap ply 007 N
mil. C47 8
AN experienced farmer wishes to take ehnrgo
of a stock farm on salary until spring , then
on shores if ngreeablo ; good references given.
Address , 1012 i-uunders st. , Omaha , Nob.
039 b >
mid" wife "with"-
\VANTED-Sftuntloii by mnn -
out children to do cooking nnd house
work nud take rare of horses nnd work nround
the house. Address I ) 2 ! ' , Hoe olllce. 710-11 ?
"VV ANTEISltUitIon ! by expcrieiired lady
i stenographer ; city reference ! ! . Mi sM. S , ,
1U10 Dodge st. r,8l 13 ?
A/l'NO ( ) man wishes plane In drug store to
1 lunrn tlio business. Speaks ( lermnn and
English. Well recommended. Address C , 24 ,
Hue. -UK-II" )
WANTED Situation as foreman In country
minting olllcis. Am Hrst-class workman ,
nnd cnn give best of references. Address C. 2J ,
cnro of llee. db'j-lUT
\ \ 7ANTKD-Posltlon ns stenoi apher and
T tyjiewrlter Keferences given. 11. K. Kel-
oy . liln * . In.
WAN'IEO-A steady man. Apply Commer
cial Employment ageiu-v , n. w. cor. lUth
and Fnrnam , and iloor , room 0 " OW Bt
WANTIID-An experienced dry oods cleTk.
Address jiersonally during the Hours 10 to
K and 1 to rt p. in. , 7liJ N. lUth at salooli.
_ _ 0V ) 7 * _ _
\\rANTKD A sober. Industrious harness
T > milker , able for liffht and lioavy work.
Steady employment lor tUe right man. i ( . Dick
-ou. Cret e , N e n . ( i r : 8
, - " ) Flrst'Class Ecntleman ptenogra-
iiher for out of city. Valentino's Short
hand Institute. C20 8
"VirANTEp-O llrst-classbrendbnker.s. Gultcli's
ifENTjwarned "Tor ! 1 eutfreTy mj\v < ] ulck
selling article * . Hit ? profits , ireo territory ,
free samples. Wilto for particulars , J. W.
Corllos t : Co. , Sfi Dearborn bt. , Chicago. 111.
WANTF.D A mnn to solicit ; snlnry tlOO per
mouth ; must deposit $25 nnd give security
for money collected. Address George S. Cllno ,
Wngner block , Pea Molnes , In. 754 0.8
WANTED First-class colored man to wait
on table and work nround houso. Apply
110 and 118 N Uth. 730 11 *
WANTED A oed agent with small capital
In every county for our oil burners for
cooKlnfrund hentlna stoves , 25 per cent cheaper
than coal. Omnha M'f'g Co. . Oth st. and Capitol
nve. 74SJ-I5
K wnnt n few successful salesmen to sell n
patented nrtlclo used by retull dealers. It
naves time and labor , and hnu proved a bonanza
to tirtiva nBonts. If you have from Si to S3. ) and
lire a uorsl.stent M-orker you can clear from 8T > to
SIB per day. Wo give exeluiivo territory free to
mullein , and if you consider yourself Mich and
can recognize a good thins when you BOO It , you
can't ntlord to miss this. Will sell to anyone
who sells goods by weight. Call nt room 105 ,
1'axton block. Will
\\TANTnil 60 tracklayers , free fare , at AlT -
T T brlghfs Labor Agency , lliO Knrniun bt.
_ _
WANTED A good sewlnc machine Salesman
fononmry work. B. H. iJaley. Geneva ,
WANTKD-Uve agents. Write secretary
llnlTalo Mutual Accident and Sick llonoilt
esioclntlon. lluiralo , N. Y. _ 600-10J
\\/"ANTKI / > A good rag carpet weaver. Steady
y employment the year round. Address
Nebraska Carpet Mills , 7tu and O st , Lincoln ,
Ifob. _ 4'M
" ANTED-MIlker. 1115 Sftundew. iC3
" \\rANTEn Twelve or fifteen millwrights and
carpenters at onie. to work on the H.
llbckman flour mill at Oakdalo Nob. II. c.
Blenker. aioj
WANTED Men for railroad work liTwasii.
ington territory. Ttnmstors , nick and
nhovel men , ax men nd rock men , big wajres
mill liuir. steiidy Job. At Albright's Labor
ARoney. liajKarnamst. 1SI
" \\AANTMD-A llr t class experienced window
TT dresser , luuuire at the Fair. OS8
CJOL1CITOU8 wnuted for n lar'o ; miiuufactui--
kJln company ; lefoicnces renulred. Address
jUoxMt ± Oiimlin. _ | _ un tai
"lA AN'l'ED Energetic men nnd women every-
TT NNhoru for o gentiel money-iuaklng busi
ness. JU ) weekly prollt guaranteed easier than
ffiO monthly otheiwlee. Experience nb Iutely
unnecessary. Permanent position nnd exclu-
Five territory assured. tS Baniples freo. Write
for particulars. Address , with Hump. Merrill
WTgCo. , ilfxl , Chlcngo. 4WslO *
AO BNT3 WANTED-J75 a month and expenses -
ponses paid any active person to sell our
Roods. No capital required. Salary paid
monthly , expenwes In advance. Full particulars
tree , btandarj Hllverwaro company , llo.stuu ,
OVS-Ain. DUt. Tel. Co , .
\VANT Kl Alady to solicit ; mustdepoTuiil
I and give security for money collected.
Address ( leorce S. Cline , Wagner block , lea
Hulnes. ! . _ 75,5 o. 8
\\TANTKD-A girl for houses orfc p.t 2.YT. Cum-
1 > ing st. TJt-U.t
LADV AQKNT8 wnntcd for our new bustle.
llrst , chetipuht und most durable ever made.
Ono agent ni.ido 113 nrst day. Hample by mnll
ct § . Circular * nve. . ) . \ \ ; Corlles .V Co. , 81
Dearborn at , Chicago , III. 7CMIJ
" \\rANTRH ( Jood girl for general housework.
TI a in family. A pplyi'dUO Patrick aveiiuo.
_ . . . _ _ _ 7iH 10 ?
* \\T ANTED-Charabermnld. 110 nnd 118 rTotiT
l\ _ ii-lill
WANTCn-Glrl for general house work. 1'JOO
Varuam at , mil
WANTBD-Oooit glrTforKMicraThousew rk"
Apply at once at 511 bo.ud bt. fJT 10J
WANTED first-class second girls inuai
assist in laundry ; German pcrferredi
mall family. 10 Uodge. 094
\\7 AN TKUJo ly agents for the ladies' friend
T Darker block , room Si. ww 8 SA *
\7'ANTJU Nnre girl. SJ15 Farnnm.
\ \ rANTKDLady"stenographer. . Address , C
w. lice. 031 8
\Tr-NTm > -A Oootl Kirl for general house
jn work. Apply at laoa Capllol avo. _ Olu S1
WANTKD-1 nurse , B nee
oud girls , 1 ho per out city , 1
nlrlfor , . _ lllalr , tl week , . . . „ . , -
f girls gu'l w'ork.-0'iiRlm ' Knp. Uureau. lj .N
l ta. a jTf
STEADY employment Riven linmedliitolr Jo
rcllnbln anil energetic ladv cnnvaMors re-
Kldlnu In this or other towns. No capital neces
sary. Goods sell the year round , Keforenro
reqnlred. Address Western Ag nts Supply
Co. . ZU Fifth a\e. . Uilcngo , 111. ' "
ANTED-fl women cooks , Koow ! fflrl
for family of ! J in country. ! 4 ; dish
washers. | "i ; woman to wash every Monday ,
tl.M ; o girls to work on farms and in country
towns , girls who wish places out of city to come
and lenru their addresses , nswo have callers
every day. Also , r/1 good strong girls who want
places In private families. Mrs. llrega , : ) HJ ! S
11th. ma t
T\7ANTED-lrl ( for general housework , n w
V cor. Uth nnd Lenveiiworth. 4" ' , '
\\rANTMD Middle aged Indy with peed ret-
' ' orenccs as housekeeper und tnku cnro of
two Illtle etilldren ; will keep girl for second
work ; good wages and a good homo. Apply nt
207 S 31th. bol
" \\7ANTF.D-Oood girl for gsnernl housework -
> > work ntflio south I3tn st. . upatnlrs. 512
ANTED-Good girl lor housework. 819 8
19th. 300
\\7"ANTED A thoroughly competent girl for
Tf general iiousowork ; references riMUireil. |
Apply nt No. U70 North Wth and Indiana nve.
Mis. Slmcral. iQr ! >
ANTED-Olrl for general housework , IN
> Capitol avc. 169
ATED Dining-room girl and tlishw.ish-
er. ICJN. 10th bt. IJj
WANTED trc sniaklng nnd plain sewing
to do at home. Call or nddieso MW N" 17th.
° ] CfENlINi and Onrnlug of gentlemen'M tlotli-
1'i lug n nil cleaning of suits neatly donn nt
mojCassNt. 4 'l it ?
WANTED Young ladyroomote ; board al o ;
private family ; terms leusouable. Eff-'J
Howard street. 75D 11 *
ANTlID-Washlng to do , rear of W)7 ) S.
.11(1 ( st- 72J 1W (
"VVANTliD Her > cs to board , lluckeyo StaT -
T > bles , liith between Hnrney nnd St. Mnry'ti
ave ; llrst class uccommodatious : best box stalls
In the city ; terms reasonable ; tolephoue , Ml.
Hies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 'Mil Leaven-
worth st. WJs Bl
WANTED If you have any lands , Jot.s , or
houses nnd lots to sell or exchange for
other property , cal' ' on mo or write , lean find
you C. C. Spotswuod. 30514 S , lutn.
\\7ANTr.I ) The public to make good useot
The iluo's message boxei throughout the
city. lOi )
FIIIRT rlass board can bo had by the week nt
I'lOS Douglas st. ( I'M 'M *
TyANl'El , ) Table boarders nt UW Douglas.
T f 47t"i
HlIHAHKA EitiiiloymeiiToIllrei" ! I17 N"
10th st. Male and fumalo help tllpplled.
Private families n specialty. UJ-l'ij
CANADIAN employment ollke. Mrs. Hrepa ,
Jllii S 15th. Hefereutu Omaha Niitl'Hial lunik
CM s7' !
\\rANTED rnfurnMiod room within I c
> blocks of Uth and i'uinam ; mint be chenp.
Add. C2J llee. ( ! t"'J " ' fj
\\r.\NrED Ihftvo orlO parties who want
T > to rent flu to $ .U hous'-s coutrally lociited ,
by Sept. IDth. Submit what you havo. C. V.
Harrison , 4IS S. IMhst. M >
OH HE\T Lower story of Iiousi' . S07 S 'sitli
ht. , riioom.s , luit android and cistern water ,
hot uir and ( MS nice yard. 7 1-
SHED cott.iiri- blocks from Hoyd's
opera houbo. CM at 511) ) So. VlKt n\e or
rooms 410-11 I'uxton building. 7r > 0-lUt
171011 HUNT Cottaco , (1 ( rooms , with well nnd
JL1 cistern ; good locality ; lor infonniillon call
at i'U15 Chicago tt. 715 lUf
7IOH HENT-1-room house , now anil warm ,
JC Ihth und Cubtellur , ilU per month C. II.
Sllkworth , loO'i Fnrnam st. 7H 10 *
FOH HKNT 1-ronm house on S. 16th St. , two
bloiks south of Vintonst. ; will rent for $10
per month or sell ou teims to suit purchaser.
Geo. ,1. Hternsdorir , room fi , opposite P. O. 710
l OlTitENT At very low rate * . 10 imdTl n w
A1 residences. 2404 and S4I4. Casi str.-et. CUrko
Place. Onn block south of Creluhton college , on
Fiiiuum und 24th street car lino. All modern
Improvements. Auply , U. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. . or nt acxi Cass street , CM
FOK HEHT houscb New l-rooin cottage } 1J.
live room cottnce , water closet , 270J Caldwell -
well , $ . ' .00
Kit o room cottage ono mlle from post office
on N. : .vth st , f .
Seven room house , bath , rnnga and furnace ,
Faruim : street store , four lloora.
rarmim street store , large cellar ,
J. II. Evans. 151U DodK < 3. CCS 11
ItENT-A r.-room llatut WW N 16th st.
FOH or addrohs E. A. Mursu , as nbove. ( II.
TJIOU HRNT-A C-room house , KW S 21st , be-
JB twecn I.eavenworth and Jlason. Oil 11 *
T7IOHHENT 1'lnToTu rooms , S W cor. 16th
J-1 and Lea\unworth. Oil 11 *
FOH HUNT Five room house , Lenvenworth
st. and -list. , JW. J. W. Kller , room 7 , iron
bank building , t'JJ
"I7IOH HENT A new dwellluc house on west
JLJ Hide of ZOlh , north of FnMiUlnK kt. , PurKer
addition , conslsthiRof ulna rooms , modern 1m-
provoments , bath room , hard nnd soft water.
A ten-room house on the alley rear of Mason ,
between 10th and llth stn. , couvonlent to tin
Union Pucillc nnd 11. i M. depots , with hard
and noft water In yard , modern Improvement ,
well adapted for n boarding houne.
Six newly furnished store rooms , with cellars
underneath , well lighted and boated , In the Lin
ton block , liith nud .Mason stg. Inquire of Joht
llnmlln ail South llth bt. 4UM1
IrtOH HUNT S room modern improved IIOUFO
1 Al locality nt moderate price. Apply M
Elgutter , HM1 , Fnrnani. 4IX )
HENT Housp , 13 rooms , furnished or
unfurnished , suitable for bof.rdliiK , or nice
ly arrungeil for two families , UJJ Park nve.
4S7 Id *
FOH HENTNice 7 room house , 113i N 17th st
In'mlrutilOS Kith . 4.K
' OlfllENT Nlco 7-ioom house , 1134 North
nthbt. ImiulieSIOS. Wth bt. 4'U
TJT1OH HENT I have uboiit n dozen homes
J. ranging from three to thirteen rooms that
can bo rented at llvins prices. If you want to
lent a houae , call and bee me. George J. Sterns
dorll , room U , opp. I1 , u. : wj
T7UH HENT-Cottage , four largo rooms , lot'
JL1 South 2Jth st. aia
" 171OH IlEXT G-room cottnjjo centrally located
J-1 Mead .V Jamison , UK S. loth. ( M
T71OH KENT Nent 7-room house on Dnvenport
- iBtncar high school , rent $ IUa mouth. Ilrun
nan & Co. , Chamber of Commorce. 1S1
1/1OH HBNT Cottage. 6 rooms , very tleslrublo
JJ IS 13 2Tth bt. , near Sewaul at. Inmiiro I4UU
fnnltnlnve. ttll
IflOlfUUNT Now live-room cotUpe , 2 > i blocks
oir Faraaiu car line , liuiulro , 3h S l th st ,
| f.7
TTAOll HENT Ten-room new house , with gn.s
-L water , sewer , furnace , .Vo. , ie. , by led um
llarnoy. 10 per mouth. Dexter I * Tlionm3 , a
Nebraska bavlnga bank , 10th nnd Fnrnam , 110
"TTUHl HKNT Nent fc cottnge. Apply at once.
JJ C. 1Hnrrlson. . 4UB. 15thbU 727
TpOK KENT Now two-story EC ven room house ,
X1 cellar , largo nttlc , cistern , well , coal house
and stable ; all now nnd well fenced , on Military
road in Clifton Hill , 211 mile ? from postolllce , at
only Kli per month. A. 1' . Tukey , S. W. cor. 15th
nnu Douglas. 370
"TT'OH ' HENT b-room house , sewer , gas , hot
X1 nud cold water , b.tth room , new and com
plete , * 10 per mouth , ready Sept. 1. Apply at
once. _ O V. Hnrrlaon.418 S. 15th st. 4t > i
" L L
OH ItKNT or Sale New cottage , Hcdtori
Place , ou easy payments. Uuuuiro M. I/
llo der , room 4uu Paxtunblncc. 215
IJlOIt HENT-10 room modem house IM.PO.
-L1 room ditto , frlXO ) . 7 room ditto. sa.OO. Othe
houses , ntorort and olllces. U , E. Thompson.
Shecleyblk. laili nnd llowarU sta. _ iVia
IPOlt HENT New b-room housu on Curalu ,
Jxt , near Ix ve ave. Terms reasonnblo. Ap
plyiiuick. Kpotswood , ! WJ4 S 10th. 722
OH HENT Elrgant 10-room modern house
near Utah suhool , (00. ( } , K. Thouipsuu
block , 13th and Howard , 701
" 171011 HENT When you wish to root a hon 9
X' store or oDIco call on us. U. 12. Col * , room
P. Continental block. 243
TT10H HEXT Six-voom cottage , 1515 Harne
-JL' at. , ca per month. _ 831
rpOlt' Kl'.NT-r3 splrndlU loomi""furnished
X1 itani heat , gns , bath , all outMdq rooms.Wth
nJ Jackson , U4 , flat U , ' -O&i 6T :
FrUNlSIIED or unturnlshcd robin's to rent.
_ 7JU S Ibth st. 70U 8J
[ 71OH HUNT To the right party , 8 rooms on
JL ? Park are. Kent taken in board. Kir. Doug *
as st. 5--0 8
fJIOR HENT 2 houses , t rooms each , in rear
ot * ' * lltllst- vMartmau. ' . < ji.'i J
pltHEE new houies elepantlv finished , nil
JL modern imp. Apply to Owen McCairrey , 212J
larney. .M3 8'
mt'HMSHED rooms. 1701 Capital avc.
| /HH HENT n furnished rooms for hou o-
I. keeping to a man and wlfo without children ,
tent taken In board. UIUN.17thbt. C'J2 12 *
moil HENT Hooms furnished or unfurnished
L1 Inquire iU3 ; Douglas , ilrd Iloor room F. l > S4 U
I71OH HENT A largo front room , with dress-
1. Ing room and closet , nicely furnished with
all modem Improvements. 2uul I0
FOH HENT Hooms with or without board.
UI2 So. 13th St. , 2nd Iloor. 7UJ 13J
"I71OH KENT Furnished rooms with board
J- furniture nil now , neat and clean ; 222N lUth
700 14 *
FOH HENT Newly furnished , dean rooms ,
nil modern conveniences prlvnto house ; 1
block from P. O. 1013-1015 Capitol nve. 421 Ijt
ITIOH HENT A large front room nicely fur-
JJ nlshcd , suitable for two or three gentle
men ; also first class board by the week nt 1708
Jou'jlas st. D.VI 10 *
CIOK HENTHooms with family , table board
-C 17U3 Dodge st. 10 ISt
FHONT rooms , single or en suite. 1718 Dodgo.
( ,20 12 *
"V7EHY deslinble front room , furnished , all
> modem lonvenleiices. 2107 Douglas KM
ITIOH HF.NT Furnished rooms , 1201 Kornam.
JL1 KW 10
TTIL'HNISIIED room to let , 2105 DoufilaH.
FOH HKNT A nleelv furnished room , with
uee of bath room. In a convenient location
o n r/entlcmnu of good habits. Hefercuco re-
lUtrod , CIS South 20th st , corner St. Marys ao.
Foil HENT A largo pleasant front room ,
noOChlengoht. U
Foil HENT A hnndsomo loom with alcove nt
JJJ-'IU St. Mnry'H avo. _ _ 417
33LEASANT furnished rooms , 11MI rarr.Biutt.
rpHHEE furnished looms , 013 8 ICth.
1107 14
fTiOll HENT Furnished rooms m Greunlg blk
Jcor. . I.'ith nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. H. ,
Davis. Millnrd hotel billiard room. 217
'IjlOH HUNT -Elegantly furnished looms with
-Li liooul. luuuire ICKJi * louglas. ) ! ljt
i rooms , 113 SZOth.
Kfi K 21 *
ITIOH HENT Front room , largo nnd nicely
J-1 furnished , locntod la-nr the ulgli xcliool , In
thohlKhost and coolest buctiou of the tlty ;
cable line and horse cars pass the door. En-
qulro nt ' iij Dodge 21th si. W > -
KOO.M3 Including boaul In the Younr : Wo
men's home ll'lO ' Dodge st. Inferences ro-
( liilred. ! iJ |
F.IjY furnished roomsl l per week or $11.50
Jper month , W2 , WJ1 nndCOJ S. Ibth st.
r,4U s 17 *
_ _
fTlUHNlSHED looms , 1810 Dodge.
-A ? 45.'sir <
irOR HENT rurnlshed loom , modern ton-
JL ven'.euces. A. llo pe. 1.113 Douglas. 171
DESlHAlllA" fitrnlshod roomi , Mngio and
double. Gentlemen preferied. 1'Jltt Capitol
nve. 2H )
LAHGE und small room suitable for gentle
man. with \vlthout board , 1812 Dodiro.
& > . '
1T1OH HP.M'-S unfurnished rooms for light
.I1 housekeeping. 11. it7 : : N. Ibth t > t. UJ'i 8t
IflOK HENT 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms at K23
1 S a-th st nt moderate price , or will i cut simo :
furnlbhed. 012
UNIT HNISHED- Suitable for housekeepinK :
U'hree (3) ( ) rooms , ll8 ) NortliKlst st . . .ill U )
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 11101 * tf. 7th nt U nil
Throoi3)roomiottw. ) : 1124 N.2Istht 12 ,7) )
'Ihioo CD room house llth and Chicago. St. . II U )
Tliree W ) rooms. 70115 i'ncllloM II 0) )
Three ) rooms. 1122 North21st Bt 12 ril
Three CI ) rooms , 1015 North 20th st 13 ( V )
Three (3) ( ) rooiuf , ' , ffiV 1'aclllo st 11 IH )
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 417 South 10th st IS W )
Apply to Judge Iteming Agency , Herald
building , 3. W. comer of 15th and llarnoy st.
TjlOR HF.NT Tv.-o stores nnd Hats , corner 28th
X1 and Dodge sts. Potter i : Cobb4'JSS '
T7-OR HENT-Splendld building suitable for
A1 drugstore , well located , lu Hnstliuj.s , No-
biasku. Address , Gazette-Journal , Co. , Hnst-
ings , Nebraska , li'M 10
FOH HENT On Turning st store nud living
npartmontH , nl-jo livery stable. Eivmiro of
HarrU H. E. it L. Co. , Hoom 411,1st Nat. bank.
HENT A part otiXM N 10th bt. 627 10
"ITIOH HENT-Nicely furnished olllco , ground
JU iloor. hair of soys Kith st , opposltn Chamber
of Commerce , M. A' Upton Company. tiuu
TT10H KENT Double btoro loom , fuitnbla for
JL1 clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
llrst clans. Address X VI lieu olllce. 1U !
/ \FI'1CES and basements for vent , comer 13th
nud Jnckuonhta. Mr * . F. I.angc. b04.
POH HENT-Stororoora , No.S14 S. Hth st. Ap.
ply at lllll lionardbt. 2.V )
TTIOIl KENT Store-room under Omaha Hani-
JL1 Ing Co. , cor. loth and Hftrney. suitable for
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
\ Co. , No. Ull , room H , 1'aruam st. IVY :
T/IOK HENT Fine retail store room with
-I ? largo basement , * DO per mouth. C. F. Harrison
risen , 419 S. 15th st , 4M
rpWO choice store roomtf in the Her building ,
-I- between Howard nnd Jackson t > tH. Apply
Haymer & Her stole , 6'1 B 10th st. 4 ! sli
STOlfirior lent , 11 U Farnnm btrcct.
of Nathan bhclton , nt IJOo Fninnm &trect
rnwo stores , 22xiV.i , just completed , with lints
JL of seven rooms nbove , with water and gis ,
ilrst-cliiBS flulfch , flth nnd P.ielllo sts. , low rent.
Apply to ElUnger llro . , U12 H. lUth at. , Omaha.
BABEMENT for rent , furnished or unfur
nished. Ibl5 Dodge. 071
ri KOIIORTt. STEHNSDOIll'l Troom n , opp7 F.
V.TO. , \ \ ill hereafter give special nttontluiito
renting houses , utorcs and Hats. If you waul
your property rented without delay nnd to roll-
ublo tenants , do not tall to ll t the bamovltli
him. l
G. E. THOMPSON.Sheely blk , 15tU AE Howard.
\\rE gtvo Bpecisl attention to renting nnd colT -
T ? lectlng rents , list with us. II. E. Cole , room
8 , Continental block. 251
IV YOU wniit your nouses re&tert place them
with ilenawa A Co. , 15th , opposite postolllce.
LOST In Omaha or fnir grounds Thurbdny , n
Indies' clack silk wrap , I'lnder will bo liber
nlly rewarded by leuviug same at Hub redtnn
tout , HlSontli Hth fat.
I.OST Gray ChamoU skin bag containing t 0
* Kinder bultably rewarded by leaving nt llee
olllce. CC9 ti *
niAKEN DP Ily the subscriber , about the
-L 10th of Augtitt , IMS. Scows , 1 red colorwltl
broken horns nud 1 ronu nnd whlto ; cnn bo
found at my farm 11 miles northwest of Omnha
on Military rouii. Henry LoKeman.
iUS25s 1815
NAl miiOO of Blunt time patent right
paper. Will bell or trudo for laud , goods or
stork. For nnawor address with description o
property. .Lock box -XW , Knuias City , Mo.
70D-ii ; *
N A IWlll I trade for land pair of Hue
J. cream horses , whltu maneft und tilla ; tlmo
Satopolo. : ) Also Veto McGregor. Btulllun. ( ton
of Earl McGregor , record 221. ; Lock box 5-2
Council llluJJ ? , la. 701-lu *
PEHSONAL 1 rebpectfutly call the attention
of those who live out of the city , to the tac
that I make purchases in uny nnd every line o
goods , and to the sntlsfactlou of the buyer
Uuslness dou through the bank. Write for
particular * . Address F. T. Frost , room , Con
tloeotal block. Omaha. _ 759 o. ; t
MAIIY 8THONO , M.'D. . rooms 3 nnd 4 Jacobs
block , cor. Capjtol ave. and llth st.
- -
f0lt HENT-Offlce snlte' > 2s'month. . S lugle
J. ' joBicei tl& uRcti. all fronting I6th St. , Huijn
man blocV , N. K.Oor. leth antt Doucho. W. M.
lltistaian. rjn J.eav ny orth , 2W
you want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
IF call on or address. Utorge J , Sterusdorff ,
oomC , oppo lte P.O. . . . . 231
/ If you nave n personal item , or
any communication , drop it in ono otThe
Il ' message boxes. 1M
T710H SALE Elegant furniture of 0-room rot-
X' tiiK'o at a uarguln. Also jireuilscs to rent.
'all before noon nt 221u Sewnrd st. 727-14
1TIOH BAiitf Two tTi Ugribred red IrltliTet"
V tcrpups. "i months ola , Just ready to break.
; miulrontl23IN. IbthBt ; 72iH4
| JVlt ) bAliE Cliicherlng jilatio * llO , H cash ; n
J- bargain ; goml reason tor selling Address
021 lleo olllce. 6S3 10J
_ _
FOK SAIjE A Snydcr make open buggy ,
cheap for cash , or111 trade for top buggy.
Geo. J. Sterusdorlf , room U , opposite P. O.
3M )
"ITIOH HALE Planing mill machinery. Call at
JD uoa Dnvenixirt at. Omaha. 310
_ _
SALE-lcolu car lots. Gilbert llros.
Council lllutls. 310-130
T71OH SALE All kinds of home grown trees.
JL1 suitable for this climate , C. 0. Howard &
Co. . Omnlm. 2tH S28
A span of horses , harness and wagon for tale
on the Installment plan or otherwise ; will
; rado for real estate or commercial paper , or
will rcntsamo to the right pnrty. Sloman. room
405 Paxton block UM )
Foil SALE Clieap for cash , n good roadster
7-year-old and almost new Columbus top
buggy nnd haruess ; it you u an' , a Hun looking
rig it will pny you to Investigate. George J.
jternsdorff , Itoom 0. opp. P. O. ' .63
GAS fixtures fur sale cheap. Have a large as
sortment of the latest designs In gastixturea
which 1 will sell nt cost. M. E. Free , successor
to J. C. Elliott , agent , 15I1M Farnam bt. 278
"IJIOK SALE A new ( I seat Hockaway carriage
X1 nt Leo Jc Nichols' livery burn. Twenty-eighth
nmlLeavouworth. Telephone 810. 417
SPECIAL terms to merchants on team work ;
nromptness u specialty. Address H. H. ,
Hoxb2B. City. 742 10 *
T > HAUTIKJTi fncew nnd forms gimrnnteed.
JJFncobluicherremovo freckles , plmple.s nnd
wrinkles. $1 po r bottle. Hook of receipts fo
the complexion m rents. Send 4 < ent.s for cir
cular. Mndame Huppert , 2W Stalest. , Chicago
E have a party who will build n line wnro-
W !
house ou splendid trackage and lease tor
term of years. Will build to suit business ot
lessee. Apply to llrkliauser& ! llulmcr , Hoom
18 , Win o building. 617 10
I HAVE u (111 ( ft lot on Knriiuni street between
" < Uh nnd 2dth ( " . a Hplondid location for n
livery bum , wiilch I will louse clieap and build
to suit lessee if dssired. George J. btoinsdortl1 ,
HoouiO , opu. P. O. IKO
rpHE banjo taught as an art by Geo.F , Gellen-
Jbeck. . 1WJ llarnoy st. 1SJ
"ITIOLLOW the rush to 1'tah. E verybody Is
X1 buying a Salt Luke City i.'J town lot nt 310
S' liith st. 'Jo early for choice. 2J3
GEO UGH J. Mernsdorir. room fi. opposite PO ,
lias some very desirable lots In vnilous parts
oftheeltv thnt can bo leased on reasonable
teims. Will build to suit lessee. USD
1 > AHTIiS hnvlm ; real estate thtv wlsli to sell ,
or houses thny wish to lent will find leady
customers by i.-alllnt ; on Slomnn , loom 405 , Paxton -
ton block. u.W
H OI'SE for rent ; furniture for sale or trade.
1H15 Dodge. % ! )
S END your orders for Una fnmlly nnd geutlo-
rjinen's washing and iteming to WIu : < Sing , Bin
North Ifith bt. ; will call for clothes lu any part
of the city wild make tejma ou uppllcatlon.ClIJd20
OMAN'S Exchange , 1U" ( Fnrnam st. Lune.h
dully , Riippur Saturday nights. UIO
HOME for Destitute' Women and Children ,
2713 Hurt st U40
IF you nave anytnlng txj trade cnh on or ad
dress George J. Sternsdorff. Hoom U , oppo
site postollico 107
GE. THOMPSON. Hoomll' . ' Sheely blorl : .
AUCTION nnd Storage Wo nro prepared to
receive consignment * of furniture ami other
poods for sale nt auction nt our largo salesroom
No. ll''l Farnam st. advances made. We
have also the bust oC ftorago fr.cllltles. OutMda
sales uttended. Omnha Auction A : Storage Co. ,
J TO HA GE at low rates in new building , 314
JSouth 12th street. 200 H ; > U
: afo , dry and clean nt low intea.
Oltlddell & Hiddell , 1112 Howard ,
AUCTION und Storage Wo nrn prepared to
receive consignments of furniture and other
goods for sale or storage at our warehouse , 1121
Faiiiam st. Ontsldo auction sales nttcniied.
Omaha Auction Jc Storage Co. t J7 SO
rriHACKAGE. storage , lowest rates. W. M
X Hushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 251
CIHOHTIIANI ) nnd 'Typewriting-Vnlcntlne's
kJsliorthnnd nnd Typewriting Institute. Larg
est nnd best cijulppeil iu the west. Graduates
all occupy good pnylng situation. Day nnrt
oveulug sessions. StudnntH can enter ut nny
time. Send for circular. New Paxtou building ,
Omnhn. 22 O
"IDENSONCAHMICIIAEL furnlsti complete
XJand Kimruuteed ubstrncts of tltlo to any
real estate In Omnha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
boots In the city. No. I50J 1amain st. 20U
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1303 l < ar >
namComplete abstracts furnlsiiod. A : titles
to rent estatu exnmlned.perfccted & cuamnteod.
OLD Hooks Cash paid for second-handbooks
at Antiquarian HookStoie , H13 Farnam.
72J O 7 *
_ _ _ _ _
IF yon nave Improved Business or residences
property that iou wish to sell , call and pea
me. Oeorgo J. sterusdortt , room 6 , opposite
postolMce. si
" \\7ANTRD 1 have ono pnity who wnuts to
' buv house nnd lot in KounUe place for
cash Submit nn oirer If you want to sell. C.
1' . llarrlion , 411S. ! 15th r , yoo
\\7ANTED-To uuy or iraile for n good build-
11 lug that can be moved. Pleaao call on
or address Oeorgo J. StemsdorlT , room 0 , oppo
site P. O. 231
" \\7ANTED-1 nave 3pirtles who want to buy
ii lion-.o and lot worth ll.OJO to ? 5,0 < M , cen
trally located. $ )00 to Sl.twi ) cash , balance
monthly. Submit nn oifor. C. rIlarri -
eon , 418 S. 15th st. ; uti
rpIIE Omnha Financial"ExchangeT" lloom lj"
X llarker block , bouthwest comer of 1'ar-
uam nnd sts.
Makea a specialty ot short-time collateral and
real estate foann.
Money always on hand in sums of $100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved so-
Secured notes bought/sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good Drat or second mortgages.
Loans mide upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst'or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tap * .
Financial business of nny kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15 ,
block Corbett. Manager. . _ 27U
MONEYTo I-oan uyihe undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan agency
in Omaha. Loans or 110-tq" 1 10. ) made on ni na
ture , plauos. orgnns.hor.sns , wagons.macnlnery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All busluon.s
strictly Loans so made that any
part can be paid at any ; time , each payment re
uuclng the cost pro ratii , . Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. l'erson Bhoulc
cnrefully consider who ffley are dealing with , ns
many new concerns are llaily coming into exis
tence. Should you noeVnion > y call and see me.
W. H. Croft , Hoom 4. Wfthaell biiildlng,15th aud
Harney. n KU )
_ _ _
MONEV to loan on Omnha nnd suburbs
Mnrxhnll & Lobcck- room ' . ' , Chamber of
Conimerco. 711 13
MONEY to Lonn City nnd country , cheap
rntes , no del ly. L P. Hnmmoml , 4W. Pnx
ton building. 705
to loan ou insldo property. Some
' nrnt mortgages for Bale. Nathan Shelton
I'M Farnam at. _ WJ _
MONKV to loan in niiy amount , either foi
building or otherwise , ut lowest rates of
Interest und on short notice. 1) . V. Shol < , room
210 , Flr-A Nnt'l hank , cor. 13th and Farnani. ' TJ
Hll. lREV 3uiISjO tol7jan oil city p7o"party
and Improved farm land. Freuzer block
MONEY to lend on improved real estate , nc
i-omuilsslon charged. J. H. Evans. 1510
0ge. U8 11
WK HAVE Mine private "funds to loan on
improved city property or to Invest H
choice short tlmo notes. Umnir. & Jtyan , room
0 , U. a Nat. Hank. sSlO .
jlf'OJf KV loaned at 0. J > . Heed * Co.'s
J-Tionice , on furniture , pluno.s. hones , waB6os ,
porscinal nronerty ot all , kli dj , and all other
article * of value -without removal , 3J9 S. 13th.
All strictly conQJeutUt , li > 7
C ' tolonn-cnsn on hand Vf ,
M. Harris , rooui U , I'rcuizcr block , OPP. P. 0 ,
$ WOOO to loan on business property at an ex
tra low rule. For particulars see W. M.
Harris , room S.V , Krenzer block opp. P. O.
SLOMAN . room 4 < V > , Paxton bulldlup. loans
money on cltv property nnd farms. Parties
wishing to build will do well to see him Slo-
nan , room 4(0. Pnxton block. _ VM
IOAN8 made ou rent estate and mortgages
bought. LeMls B. Heed & Co. , 1' > 2I Kurnixui.
G city nnd farm loans wanted by A. If ,
Hlley , 161'J Farnam. 281 ,
B UILD1NG loans. Llnahan tc Mahouey.C51
$ rxXXiOto ( lonnnt d per cent. Llnahan * Ma
honey , Itoom M1'axton block. S i
QIXMAN ) , room 4fi. ( Paxton building , will
.Jmake loans lu any amount , for short or long
line. Short time collateral loans : i Hpcclnlty.
.nans made on reel estate. Commerrlnl and
st mortgage paper bought and sold. All bust *
IPSS strictly contldentlal. Como and see me.
Bloman , rooiujp'i. 1'axtou bloeg. Bin )
" \il ONBY to loan on furniture , horses , wngnns ,
AT-I etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob-
) lU8. R. 103 Sheely blk. 16th and Howard. g.
M PONBY to loan. Lonn time. George J. Paul ,
low Farnam st. 2M
M ONBV to loan. O , F. DavU Co. , real estate
and loan agents , im rarnam at. 1)1 )
DON'T b ow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. II.
Jacobs , room 410 , First National b uk bulltllue ,
cor. Uth and Farnam > 7
MDNEV to loans laruo and small sums nt low
rates , for short time , on real estate or
chattel security ; second notes bought ; all mmn-
clal business Ktrlctly confidential. People's Fi
nancial Exchange , o. Ilou.scaren manager ; room
iO4 ! Marker block , 15th and rarnam. CUT
$ H)0 ) , Wto loan on Omaha city property at
per cent. O. W. Day. se cor Ex. bid. 2S )
MONEY to loan on fimilturo wagons , otc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
business strictly confidential. A. K. Greenwood
* Co. , U 1 , Cunningham block , cor M ft Jackson.
MONKV to loan ounorses. turnlturo nnd other
personal property or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business confidential. Olllce S. W. cor
ner Kith and Douglas Ht.s. Entrance on 15th st.
The 1'alrbank Investment Co. _ " 80
MONEY to oan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
\V , Smilro , niU Furimm Bt. , Flrs > t National
bank building. _ " 7J
E EAIj estate loans , lowest'ratos. Odoll llros.
& Co. . aia S. lath at. 81 7
K1MIIA1.I- . Champ land Ityau make loans
ou city property at lowest rates , optional
payments , cash on hand , no delay. Mortgaged
jonght. Hoom 0 , U. S. National bank.
1 * s ifll
"IT ASTEHN money cheap. City and country.
-11/Olllce Philadelphia Mortfae | and 'rrust Co-
room II , Hoard of Trade ( leo. W. P. Contea 'MS
C HATTIUifind collateral loans , M. E. Davis ,
111 S , l th st. Hoom ST. : . >
ONKY to loan on Omaha und South Omaha
property. C. r. llnrrlbon 413 s liithjit."JO
, per cont. Money to loan on mpro-
$ ved farms or city property. .lames A. Wood
man , at tlio old lira Insurance olllco of Murphy
Jc Lovett , W S. Uth st. i."J7
T/10K SALE The best located nnd best
J- equipped bakery lu the city. Long lease.
Must ba sold. Address C 3 , Hoc olllce. 500 h *
1T1OK SALE A good stock of hardware nt half
X price. Inquire at Ilia South Uth storof
Lee Clark , Anilreeseu Co. 005 8
TTIOIl SALE and bakery. Hest
J-1 chance you ever saw. Huslm-ss booming ,
town booming. Good reasons. Address A. E.
Haydeu. Crete Neb. ; il 7 ?
"ITIOH SALE Or trade , for good productive
J- property , one of the best Hotels in Omana.
Adllre s. Xotf , lleo olllce. 171 s 8
FOH SALE Farnam Street restaurant , llx-
tures , lease nnd good v 111 , for if 10J , wortli
Sl.iOJ. ImmodlntoTJOSsesslon.
Cigar btore , clean wtook , former prlco $700 ;
probi-nt price tlUO. llusluess trouble calls mo
Confectionery nnd ice cream parlor on Cum-
ngs tit. , price JJ75.
Clear , tobacco , toys and news depot in the
best location In the tlty , rent only S31) , prlco
nboutSl.WH ) .
Cull early nt Co-operative Laud nnd Lot Co. ,
2.15 North 10th st. 703 10
rpWENTY roomed boarding house ; rent only
JL { 31 ; price of turnlturo MIX ) . 2) ) roomed Hat ,
centrally located ; i out J-W ! furniture for bale.
2J roomed hotel In city ; rent 1140 ; prlcoUOO. ! .
11 roomed Hat on 13th St. ; rent W > ; furniture
onlv J.VW , nnd several other choice houses and
Hats , all in good location ! ) , with furniture for
Bale. Co-Operntlvo Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. Kith.
A HAKE business chnuco Wanted n partner
with monov or security , ( a doctor pre
ferred ) to wholesale a Hue of exclusive druggists'
goods. JI.OOI worth now manufactured anil
ready for bale. Profits , J100 per day. Address
fully with reference. W. 11. V. , 1400 Farnam st.
MEAT market for sale. One of the best pay-
Ing stands in the city. Very low rent.
Address 1811 St. Mary'save. 027 H *
TJIOH SALE Abstract books of Omaha ami
JU Douglas county , This is nn established ,
rapidly increasing , busluoss , paying iv
hirge interest on the Investment. For books
and good will of the business. Omaha real es-
tnte or bccured paper with n fair cnsh payment
taken. George W. Ames , 1507 Faruam.
TT1OK SALE Grocery store ; good bargain.
-U Want to quit the business. Address C , 27
lleo olllce. ,2S 11 *
FOH SALK- First clnss btntlonnry , confec
tionery , tobiicco , cigars nnd oyster parlor ,
Address J. A. Sober. Wahoo , Neb. 4iX ) lit
FOH SALE At n bargain , n stock of general
merchandise in n live town. Address Lock
Uox li , North Hund , Nob. 315s30
SPECIALbaignln in ono 'of the best paying
restaurants In this city , tor npeclal reasons ;
will Hell and not refuse nny reasonable oiler.
Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
C75 8
Foil BALE-My half iuterast in an estnb-
ll.-hed lire insurance agency. t'M required ,
Address 0 11 , Hoe. U.JO-S *
"ITIOH SALE cheap Hestanrant doing a fine
JL' business on 414 North lOtti , No rnsh re
quired to tight parlies. Possession given any
time. Must bo sold Immediately. U37-7 ?
TTtOH SALK or Kent llakory. Ice cream nud
' luncli business ou n good corner. Apply WJ
Cnmlng st. fi7'l ' 7t
"IT1OII SALlf or trndo A vaiuablB liTveiitlon ,
-IJ Willsoll bame cheap for oasl. , or will tnidc
Tor good real estutoor ronl estale paper , reason
for selling , my tlmo being occupied with othci
matters to give this nttentlou. The right party
can ninko money out of this. Investigate ,
blomnn , room 4U Paxton block. 1 > M
FOH SALE-Good will , fixtures nnd stock ol
ono of the llne t groceries west of Chicago ,
with n trade ot J70.000 p 'r year. Nothing but
rash or class nulneumbeied ical estate will
bo considered. Address C4 , lleo olllco. 524 ii :
TT1OH SALE At 1C earaey , Nob. , the furniture
X1 and lease of Grand Central hotel. The sec.
ondbest house In thn city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. Price ifl.WO. Inquire T 0. Urnluard ,
Midway hotel , Kearney , Nob. 271
IJIOH SALE-Cheap for casK NTS'"Hotel nnrt
-L Hestnurant , 7UU N. Hith Ht. ; good business ;
desirable location , reason for selling , have
other business to attend to. Call on or address
K. A. Mnrsh , t H N. Mh st. Omaha. 631
" 17011 * SALE or exchnngf Tlio slock of a char
X1 tered member Holding the choicest oil Inudn
inllattlesnalio district , Wyoming , Address I
07. llee olllco. 7C8 24 *
OK SALE-Salt Lake lots i30 eut.h , at 310 B
15th st. 425
TDAKTIES wishing to purchase real estat <
X or seeking Investments of any kind will dc
\\ell to call on Slonmu , room 405 Pnxtou block.
ITIOH SALE-Llvery stable , stock nnd fixture-
XI complete , nil iienrly new , rent reasonable ,
centrally located. Addious A 14 , Boa olllce.
471 o IK
TT1011 KXrHANGK-Cholce improved farm
X' lauds In Nebraska for Omaha residence prop
erty or stocks of clean merchandlsn. Call or nd
dress W..A. 1'ryo , H 1 , nw. cor. 15th & 1'nrnam
* | jVH 8A Li : or oxo iiaugs Farm of 434 acre * It
X1 Harlnn county , Nob. SLOW oncumbrnuce
Want huiull unancumberod farm in eastern No.
brniiktt. Dr. llodi.'iimn. llurr blk. . Lincoln. C0i-b ) ;
0 ? 1,00) stock of millinery in Omnha , postoHlc
Poutllt lu Iowa , photograph gallery , net of ab
struct of Utlos , one good saloon , " > , OX ) stock o ;
hardware , plaulni ; mill , und n good stock n
general , store property and dwell
ing , well located in Nebrakii. All ot the ubovi
to trade tor good real estate , and borau ot then :
require a part cash. Call on or address Co-op
eratlve Laud and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
| 710 10
_ _
QJW.OOO worth boots nnd shoes to exchange fo ;
Preal estate. Wnnt } J cash , balance In trade
1'leas.e. enclose stump. J ; W. .itullfson. ' 101.
Main street. Kaptaa City , Mo. $90
l-Ilrlck forclear lots. C. If. Harrl
sou , 418 8. Uth st. yua
F n.VCHANOr. Five room house nnd lot
UII175 rent , on South 11th st. Nice home.
Wnnt an H ) acre farm. C. E , Moaghcr. room 2 ,
over Knymoncl'8 Jowelrj * store. ICO-12J
M10 KXCH XifOfi - i'nrtTnmt lot , " 1 blocToff
X paved St. , for cheap western land ,
House lot In Kouutzo place for farm ,
Fine east trout lot , 1 mlle from court house ,
for horse und phaeton.
840 ncres of Franklin Co. , Neb. , land for house
and lot.
Lot nnd store bulldlnp.clearof encumbrances ,
for good cheap western land.
House and lot in good lown town , clear of ln
eumbrancos , for house ami lot In Kountzo
Ilnn com place lot nnd $2.000 cash for house
nnd lot In western part of city.
Clms. U. Woolloy. 418 South 15th at. 454 1Z
I HAVE real nnd personal property of all
kind * for trade , Cnll and see me. George J ,
Sternsdorff , room 0 , opp. P. O. SkO
\VHAT have you to offer for I.2HO acres of
T T timber land ! u West Virginia , clear ot In.
cumbrnuce , pecfoct tltlo. George J. SterusdorlT ,
Hoom fl , opi > o.slte P. O. 231
WHAT have you to trade for 80 ncres ot land
unlncuuibered in Juneau county , Wls , ,
! ! mllea from county scat. U. J. Sterasdortr.rooni
6 , opp Postoftlco. 1ST
W ANTED Land for lots. Paul , 1G09 Fnrnam. 3M 0
GJ.STKItNSbtlHKK. Itoom e. opposite p.
( ) . , has some cholca turm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light Incum-
brances. _ at
WANTED A good I.orse , bugay and harnnss
In exchange for South Omalin loU. Uorg
J.Stcinsdorff. room 0. opp postolllco. iXM
made in real estate ana personal
-L property. See exchange book. OO-OD. L.
imdl7. Co.WjN. ICthst. WO
_ _ _
\\T HAT have you to trade for come north-
T T western oil stock ? Address H 0 , lleo olllce.
WILli giro you a ? oed trnan tor nn eight or
ton room House ami lot. Qeorce J. Sterns-
dorff , lloom 0 , opi > oslte P. O. t
EIGHTY (80) ( ) ncres of and adjoining Laka
Mituawa , Council. Illuffa , la. This tract
will make 400 beautiful lots and is free from
encumbrance. What have you to offer ? Heorge
J.Sternsdorff room u , opp P. O. 107
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clntrvorant. Med
ical , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases * specialty. 119 N. Utk
t. . Uooma 2 A3 Tul. 4 < . ai6
IJOI'SEIIOLD goods moved ; no breakage
1. nnd jammed walls Address It. II. , HOY
aas city. 741 10 *
BAIK1AINS Wo have two extra bargains for
this week. One nt $7,500 and the other ut
83.500. M. A. Upton Company. _ 571) )
Tjloll SALE "Houses oTiTull lots from JSOO to
-U Vt.M ( , on mothly payments. Now U your
tlmo to get a home In splendid locality. Como
an Invest igue. 1' . 1C. Uurllng , 1521 1'ttrimm.
_ " ) J 8
" OUTIlOMAHA-Lot II , block 77 , S. E. corner
-Oth and M streets , 5-room house , J10.UOO , H
Lot H , block 78. S. E. corner 25th nnd M streets ,'i cnsh. House on this rents JI5.
If corners were on N street they would
Bell for { .JO.OUO each. M will bo u better street
Inan N in n year from to-day. liuch one of
the-o corners will make seven biislnous lots. M.
A. Upton As Co. 80-J
SOLD The following , advertised by ns In
thcMi columns m the last sixty days , have
been sold :
ftixix. , N. \ \ ' . Cor. Wtli and Farnam.
Denlso addition lot ,
! feet on Park nve.
83 7W ) house nud lot , In Wlnsor Place.
8 > l.70 ( ) resilience In Omului View.
$ s,001 residence In Kountzo Plnro.
Lot 14. block 12 , Albright's annex.
l < oti : , block , South omuha.
Lot 4 , block 24 , South Omaha.
Lot : i , block 10 , South Omaha.
N. W. Cor. M and 84tli. South Omaha.
S. E. Cor. N and 4th , South Omuha.
S1.71M lot in Kllby Place.
KiO acre farm In Holt county. Nob.
If you wnnt your property sold don't inllato
the price nud list It exclusively with JM. A.
Upton Company. Omaha , Nob. 710 la
FOH SALE-lly J. H. Kvan , 1510 Dodge.
New 4-rooin house , monthly pnyments.f 1,500.
Now 4-room house , monthly payments , $1,800.
n-roora house and lot. In mlle circle , on cable ?
Fine lot , llanscom Place , ut grade , &i,600.
Corner in Ilawthorno nt grade , f
East fronton Sauuders. line fruit , f-.OOO.
1 have plans for handsome cottage to be built
on rorner in Hanscom place ; will bo aold on
monthly payiu ent plan.
A share in Park llulldlngassociation , paid up ;
handsomely wooded lot ; Investigate 1
Fine u-room house nud good barn , Park ave. ,
Several half lots In easy reach of U. P. shops
and stieet cars , on easy terms.
Hood , llrst-elass farm land in Oolfax , Kear
ney , Hulfalo , Dawsou , Keith and other counties.
A line tr.ict , IOJ acres , choice hay land , I mlle
from county sent and station , fenced , well and
wind-mill ; n decided bargain.
1 make a specialty of choice lands In eastern
part of state.
J. II. Evans , 1510 Dodge St. Cfi3 11
TJIAllMlNGln eastern Nebraska pays now.
JL1 To those wanting to go on n farm wo can
toll how to get good land with very llttlo money.
Tlio day that tins can bo done will Boon bo
passed. M. A. Upton Company. 807
GJ.STEHNSDOUFP , roomO opposite post-
olllco , will sell you a good 4-room house
on 10th street , 4 blocks south of car line , by payIng -
Ing & .MO CHBM. balunco monthly payments to
suit. Tills la a splendid opportunity for anyone -
one wanting n cheap horns. -31
FOH SALE Or exchange , 0.000 acres cholco
well Improved farming land In northern Ne
braska , in lots to suit purchasers. Address L ,
caro. M Lyons , O'Nell , Neb. 4 ! > 3 111 *
TJ10H SALE Elegant house nnd lot in Wind-
J-1 ser place , owner non-resident who wants to
put his money olsewhera und will sell right. C.
F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 09
TTOH SALE Or ti ado , house , lot , furniture ,
JL1 buggies , cows , etc. , 418 N. " 1st st. Apply to
Henry Ulbjon , 1215 Haruoy st. 707 10
FOH SALE-Houso and lot , only 11,250. W60
down. Ualanco on easy terms. Call Ihl8
Paclilc st. 712 lli *
NKHHASKA forma Wo have some good 100
aero farms up the Elkhorn valley with ftoo
and t' > 'X > long time mortgages ogulnst them
that from JWil to } NX ) cash will buy the equities ,
Now is tlio tlmo to Invest in Nebraska farm
lands , although selling cheap they are valunbla
anil more productive than eastern land valued
at four or llvo timed our price. M. A. Upton Co
ITIOH sale or trade for good Inside real estate
J-1 or good secured real estate paper 5:50 : acres
of land. Nolncumbrauco. A bout 8 miles from
Dulutlu Minn. , and about 4 miles from Superior
City , WiH. ; this will bear close investigation ;
remember Duluth and Superior are the two
coming cities. It will pay to investigate this.
Sloman. room 4Q.'i Paxton block. tflu
"T71AHMS Wo have some of the finest Improved
J- farms In Missouri , ICrnsas. Iowa nnd Ne
braska for sale , M. A. Upton Company. 570
"TT1OH SALE Now8-room House , all modern
JL Improvements , near corner Woolworth and
Virginia avenues , llanscom Place , 84,600. 0.
F. Harrison , 118 S. 15th st. 483
TTlOlt SALE Fullloiand large 3-story house
X1 of 7 torgo rooms , good well , cellar , cistern in
the kitchen , good neighborhood , atroot cars ,
church , school and Btoro close by. All new and
complete , JJ.GiPO. Small nosh payment , balance
monthly. Just the place lor a man of moderate
means and largo family. Come and see rnc
about it. C. F. Harrison JIB 8.15tli st. 83J
GILT-EDO 12 bargains-Parties wishing to
make good investments in Omaha or South
Omaha property , to sell or trade n good farmer
or buy 11 good established business in any line
in thlsclty , call upon F. J. McCarthy , 310S. _ _ 15th.
TWO blocks from cable line , lot 30x119 to alloy
Nlco 5-room cottage , small barn , lot fenced ,
everything nice , tSMt , one-fourth cash , bal
ance easy , M. A. Upton company. 143
TT'OH SALE I will sol you ft complete and
JC beautiful homo forty (4'J ( ' ) minutes by street
car and J minutes byliorsa nnd buggy from
15th and Furnam for what you woufd nave w
pay for u vacant 10-foot lot In Hanscom Place
or equally good addition ; my horao nnd car
rluge are at your service to show you this prop ,
erty. Como In to-morrow and see ma about it ,
U. F. Harrison , 418 B. 15th at. m
OK HALI5-A beautiful rosldsnce lot In Isaac
& belden's addition ; if you want a bargain
Investigate. Ueorga J. BtornsdorlT , lloom 6 ,
opp. P. O. _ 681
T710H 8ALE-f > r exchange. We have some
X1 good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will eell cheap or trade foi
stock of clothing , furnUhiug goods , dry goods ,
boots nudshoAs , groceries or hardware. Bchle *
inger llros. . C14 B. 10th st. _ jiOjZ _
COUNCILTm.UFFB We hove frome lots ai
the cast end of tno new bridge that can b (
bought at a ilguru that will tanke purchase ]
money. M. A. Upton Company. 67tf
ONLY a few lots left in n. & M. park addltior
to South Omaha. What have you to on > ri
George J. Bterntdortf. Hoomfl. opp.V. : O. VSU
I HAVE a few choice lots Jn Orchard Hilt left
which I will eell cheap and oa long time ,
Eloman , room 405 Paiton block. Vjy
T WILL sell a limited number of lots ID Soutl
JLOmaha'u U. &M. park addition for thelov
price of 110. lemomber ( a warreuty deed glvui
with each lot. This vale only continues u fov
daya. Cull nulck and get flrot cholco. bloman
.room iUO , 1'aitoa block , . vxi
man RALE-lly Dexter I , . Tliomas. t N'
X1 braska Pavings Hunk , 10th wild rnrnaiuj
JO percent ott value. . . . . . ,
lofull lols at gr.ido (1 ( blocks from postofllca
dock. South Oiunluv , WJi ) each , terms to suit !
who wiiniH nrst cholco ?
ll lots ou Farnnm street , east of Dundee Pines ,
north or couth fronts , tl.MM encli and less ,
r. nicest full lots in lledford Placc.south fronts ,
holco $7ui , terms easy.
10 nlceU corner lots and adjoining in Lincoln
lace.very chenjt and terms to suit.
G and 10 aero timber tracts C miles fvomOiualm
' .O. , ! ( ) per an e.
{ ai'ro trni'ts by Florence , can't bo beat for
small fruit , ICO per acre.
I own the nbove as well ns lots lu various d
iltlons , Including 0 lots on West llroadwuy ,
Council niurrs.
See me for a bargain.
Dexter L. Thomas , t Nebraska Savings flunk ,
loan ! of Trade building. Wi >
CNUlmyRR full lot und good 4-ronin cottogd
Pcasy terms and good location , D. V. Sholos ,
oomUU' ' , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th und Fun
jam. liOJ
niOH SALE Houses of tlvo nnd six rooms.
L1 Your own terms. Paul , low Farnnm st. ; WJ 9
FOH SALE or trade W acre farm near
Omaha ; good Improvements ; plenty of
rult ; terms reasonable. Heal Kstatu Ex-
haiiRf. axti N st , South Onmlm. 418
BUSlNESS-lfith street , corner. 4 blocks from
Faninm , for lj less than It Is worth. OflxlIKI
> n Capitol ave. betw < u 16th anil Ifilh , t leal
hnu value. M , A Upton Company. 57U
Notice to Contractors.
GALED bids will be received at the olllco of at
the Secretary of the Hoard of Education of
he School District of Crete. Nob. , until Sept.
, lth , IHsH. nt 8 p. m. , for the erection of tna
: rote High School , 111 accordance with plans ami
Bpeclllciitlons to bo seen at the First Nutlonnl
" ( auk , Crete , Nob. , or ut the olllco of Fowler Ss
lelndorlf , architects , INVi Fnrnam street ,
) mnha. Said bids should cover brick work ,
cut stone , plastering , galvanized Iron , und tin
voik , slating , mill work , ciirpontorltu' , pnlnt-
ng , and all other work demanded , nnd the fur
nishing of nil the materials required for the en-
lie completion of thu bulldlug , except ateum
leattng. A certified chock for VJ.(0 ( : nu-l ac
company each bid. The board reserves the
Ight to reject any and nil bids.
Ily order of the llo.ird of Education.
s9dt : W. T. HuiniANA.v , fcocrctftry.
To Plumbers nnd Strain Heaters and Manufae-
.urorn of Electrical Apparatus.
Sealed proposals will bo received at the ofllo
if County Cloik Douglas County. Nebraska.
mill Da. m. , Saturday , September hth * * , for
Steam Heat lug. Plumbing , und etc. , for the now
'ounty Hospital llulldlng. Plans nnd spoclllcn-
Ions can bo KXMI nt olllco of County Clerk.
Jertilled cheek of J.VX ) to nocompnny each bid ,
The board reserves the right to reject any nnu.
M. U. llociiu , County Cleric.
a. 33-m V. e-to s. 8.
KKIilj IN A ItOlljlNU 1'OOlj.
Uow n Soldier KcHciicil n A'oiilurc-
HOIIIIImdy I'roin Dentil.
St. Paul Globe : Goiiornl Thomns H.
ufo , coiniutuuliii tlio ilopnrtmeut of
Dakota , returned from si tour of inspec
tion of Uio sunituvy condition of posts
untlor his charge , and found thut considerable -
siderablo business had ttccuinuliited on
ilia dcfek during hisnbsonco. Ainonff the
communications mniitinghis action was
i regimental order from Colonel Peter
Swainc , of the Twenty-second inftu- ;
Lry , stationed at Fort Kcogh. commond-
iny Private Coylo , company B , Twenty-
second infantry for an act of hero-
ii displayed in the Yellowstone
Park recently. According to
the statement of the comman
der , Coyle is ono of a detail of sol
diers in the L'ovornment park ffunrdinp1
properly , ami stationed near Old Fnith-
fnl iLjnyser , which is well known to tour
ists who have inspected the wonders ol
the Yellowstone. A fo\v days ugo n
party of ladies from the cast wcro doinp
the park , and in the course of their
ramble they strolled in the vicinity of
the crater uf the geyser , and ono daring
spirit essayed to j/onotrato the mysteries
of a spot where frequent but fruitless
efforts have boon made
She passed in safety along u narrow
ridge , which divides a pool of boiling
water , and peered into the depths of thd
dangerous crater a few feet distant ,
Faithful geyser derives its naino from
the fact that every fifty-five minutes
there is a discharge from its depths
which replenishes the pool near which
the venturesome tourist stood. Pre
monitory symptoms of an eruption nro
conveyed by a lustring sound as of escap
ing steam , and the day In question the
tourists had been frequently notiilod of
this fact. Fcmalo curiosity , however ,
would not bo bafllcd , and the lady approached
preached nearer the forbidden ground ,
which is a more- crust of limestone and
sulphur formation. Soonthoro was the
usual sign given by Faithful geyser ol
its intentions , and the lady tourist ,
startled by the sound , shrieked and fell
backward into the pool of hot water.
About ton feet distant the crater
yawned in front of her , and in her fran
tic efforts she was rapidly drifting
towards the bottomless pit. At this
Juncture Private Coylo bravely sprang
into the boiling water to the rescue of
the unfortunate victim o ! her curiosity ,
and , unmindful ol the fact that ho way
being badly scalded , succeeded in sav
ing the tourist nnd himself , but not
without terrible results. It was .only
about twenty feet across the pool , and
the water was not moro than three foot
deep , but in an incredible uhort space
of time both Iho lady and her bravo do *
livoror from a horrible fate
and in a helpless condition were re
moved to the Park hospital , where both
are now under treatment. When the
lady fell into the pool she made an at
tempt to spring forward , and fell upon
her face in Iho soothing waters , and her
principal injuries wore found to bo
about the face and bond , while her
clothing had protected other portionsof
her body. A few seconds and all would
have boon ever with her , for in her
struggles eho had approached Iho brink
of the crater , and UH Bho grabbed with
her hands at the apparent rocky forma
tion it crumbled like powder. Luckily
Coylo know the dangerous character of
the surroundings of thu pool , and amid
the plaudits of u few spectators ho care
fully retraced his Bteps along the nar
row pathway to firm ground and sank
unconscious beside the senseless form of
Iho rescued woman. At regimental pa
rade that afternoon the heroism of the
bravo follow who had dared so much in
behalf of a woman was fittingly com
mended , and a story of the nil air sent
to General Rugor , who will transmit
the details to the secretary of war.
It is proposed by friends of the lady
that an appropriate awio-d shall bo
made for the Borvices of Private Coyle ,
and it has been suggested that a lieu
tenant's commission would not bo too
great a recompense for his solf-sacri-
licing performance.
AVlint Women Must Contend AVItlu
A certain married Brooklyn lady sat
up until 112 o'clock ono night last week
waiting for her husband to como homo
from the lodge. At last , weary and
worn out with her long waiting she
wont to her bedroom to retire , and there
found the missing husband bound aslcop.
Instead of going to the lodge ho had
gene to his room and never left the
house. Such are the troubles some poor
married women have to contend with
in this life.
The IJostou HiHter'H Stylo.
Chicago Tslbuno : "Dear Lucy1
wrote the St. I-diuis girl to her marrW
sister in Boston , "since you wont east
you don't scorn to care for us any moro.
Your neglect deeply grieves us all.
Dourly as wo love you wo must try and
forget you oven as you have forgotten
us. "
"Barbara , " wrote the Boston Indy in
reply , ' 'it pains mo to observe that , you
\IHO \ the ' ' anil foriret.- '
oxpt'CRHion 'try foriret.'Trj
to forgot' is the correct form.-