' . , - - a - . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - 8 _ . - . . . TITh OMAITADAILY BEE : SATtJIDAY. { SEPTEMBER 8 ISSS. . L : , THE CITY. ; The Interniti rovenuc collcttonR yes- terdLty ninotiriteti to 1OSO1.S8. . ' The Inst of the wood cribs , which had , beei put down to SUpOtt the fulso work at the new britigo , went to Pieces ycterday tuid drifted dowii trl3a1u. No one was hti't but the work of several days ss ns lost. ChnrlesVlttnoro , the alleged con- Uuetot who fired two iliots at the cx- prcsTnnii on Thursday , when usked to pay fyi' leng liauletl nfl over town , was lined 2O 811(1 costs yesterday In the 1)011cc court. 1\ girl baby not more than two or I three doys old was found at an early f hour Thursday inoriiing in front of the resideiico of Ncls 11. Anderson , on the bottoms. It vits found in a box , wrapped hi 01(1 llou , sacks. Lt. ilal iilt. city phy- siclnii , took it to his residenCe and dressed It up. No clue has beoti found as to its fltIcntnge. . VCrHOIflt PnragrapIii. S. .1. Aioxantler iind F. II. lieiitcni , of Liii. . coin , arc l'nxton guests. , w. I ) . 11111 , of Beatrice , anti F1. M. Cus- tettur , of I3Iuir , arc in the city. George It. Duvis , of Norfolk , and Eli F. ( . Ash , of Alnswortli , are Murray guests. E. 11. Stu1)J ) ) , of Des Moinrs , and 11. E. rind A. L. Stetson , of Sioux City , nrc at the Mur. ray. . E. A. lUcliurilson , of Clark , Nob. . 1111(1 . - Ambrose II. Lee , of Waterloo , are Millard ; guests. ' V'llliam Itirr , of fliund Island , and P. D. Ilabeocic , of Nebrasini City , were In Oiiialia j . yesterday. \v. II. SheLdon , of lIust1nq , . .TolinViggitis , of Frernont , iiiiil If. IC. Cooper , of Lincoln , . are at the Millard , j , A. lluckstaft , of Llricolti , George if. , I'nuriicr , of l'liittsiiioutli , and E , lirong. of i Crete , were Omaha visitors yesterday. ; Anioiig the lrorlllllcllt cltizeiis of Nobrasira , City , vIio iitteiiOeil the fair yestwdriy were Major D. P. HolE , C.V. . PhIllips and ( Jcorgc , v. Ionaldson , , A New Firiii. : The agricultural Implement Jirm of Arm. ; strong , I'cttls & Co. , has been dissolved , and the business will hereafter ho conducted r wider the mime of Armstrong & Co. . . Icutli of Mi q. i'slntlicwson. . Mrs. C. P. Mathewson , of Norfolk , svcll known lii this city , tiled last Frlda' utter an 4L - lilnoss of three inontuis. She was the sister E of Mrs. W'atson' 13. Smith iiiid Mrs. I. A. , Paritielco of this city. . : still W'lliont II Is Iforse. , . , ; v. A. L. Gibbon , whose horse and car- . ( . ringo was stolcit last ' .I'uesday nIght from in . front of J liii D. Creigliton's residence , bus : offered a reward of T5 for the return of his ProPertY. 'l'hic ofllt'ers hiavo liati the tlescrii , t iou of the rIg for two days and thuiilc they have located it in Council Bluffs. ; 1)led at the hlosliltal. 'rhionias Oleson , a native of Denmark , . . twenty years of age. tiled at St. Joseph's hospItal. Ills remains were Interred In Laurel 11111 Liy friontis froixi Ilcafey & 1Ietfey's. . 'I'lio reniatas of Andrew Tieglono , rlio died a few days ago lii St. Tosepii's hospItal. hiivc becxi turned ever by the same fIrm to County Agent Zsluhoney for burial. Iloy ltnri ( ) er fly a lhnse aiid fliiggy. . Between I and 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon - noon Freti Titi , whIle coming from tiio Grand opera house to the southwest corner , of FIfteenth and Capitol avenue , was struck by a horse , knocked down and run over by f the ; vhieels of the buggy. ' .I'hto man was driving Uhi Fifteenth street at a rnptd rate , . hut diti not see the boy tIll just on him. The . forcsiiouldcr of the horse struck the boy on the loft side , causing Internal Injuries and : the wheehs run over his legs. The boy was taken home by friends. Tue driver , who . was blamable refused to give his name. : )1OV Intelllgetit 'oiueii , When the question has to be met as to what Is the best course to adopt to secure k' . a sure1 safe and agreeable remedy for - those organic diseases which aflhlet the oinalc sex , there is but one vise do- . : cl1on , Vzt1t ( ' (1IISO of Rt'lf-trentment . -with Pr. j , i'cQ'SPitVorjto ' Prescri ptlon : it Is an unfattin g specific lot' poriod'ica I pains , misplacement , internal Infliuna- tion. and all functional disotders that render the lives of so inuiiy women iiiis- Oi'LtllO RIItl joyless. They who try it , : prMso it , Of th'ugglsts , Cable blue Facts. The bu'iiness which ha bcn none by the I cable line the hirosent week has bccii ro- - inarkable. On MOUda' and Tuesday the , cars carried on an average P3,000 ieovlo. On \Vcdncsday , the circus day , they carried 2OfOO , and on yesterday 23,000. WIth to- , : Iav's work the number of passengers carr- led by the road will be iii excess of 100,000. . . The horse railway compuily had a meeting Thursduyoaiid considered a ProPosition from the Tcrr.v cable coinpaily , which coinpre- , bonded features not referred to In either the timerienn or National systems. Au Alsohiite Cure. . The ORIGINAL AI3ITINE [ OiNTMENT Is only jiut up In large two ounce tin boxes , - and Is an absolute cure for old sores , burn5 , youuds , chapped hiatitis , anti all skin crup- . tions. Will PositivelY Caic all kinds of 1)1105. ? sk for the ORIGINAL AUIETINE OINT- MEN' ! ' . Sold by Cooduian Irug Co. , at 2 . cents PC box-by tuall 30 cents. I : . . . The hey to Jilnine. 13. F. Lawson was driving down DavenPort - . Port street yesterday morning about 0 o'clock , , , and when itcaring Fourteenth street run . over an eight-year-old boy named Arthur - hayward , The whecis Iasscd ovcrtlio boy's . . legs , badly bruising thorn. Mr. Lawson stopped and investigated the affair , in which ft was proven that ho was not at all to blame , as the boy started to run ncross the street directly In front of the hiorso. Mr. Lawson endeavored to stop his horse , but did not succccd In doIng o before the boy vn under the 'hicc1s. Jho boy was icuioved to hits - hioiiie , 142J D.vcnport street , vhiero lie Is doing vclt , no serious Injuries resulting. . 1)lscovcrles iloro Valuable luau Gohl Are SANTA 4BhI , the California tils- covory for Consumption and iieascs of the Throat , Chest mid Lungs , and CALIFORNIA - . IFORNIA OAT-1t.CUiE , the only guaranteed cure for Catnrrh , Cold lii the henri RII(1 kindred complaints. They . are sold at. $1 hot' packnge , or thrco for . . & 2.5O , and are rccoinineiidctl niiti used , . by the iciuling li13'IC1a1)S of the l'ncItlc Coast. Not beccet conipounds. Guaranteed - . anteed by the Goodman Drug Co. . , A lieiiet'nctoi' o1 ( lie County. County Trcuvct 1oh1ii has received a let- tct' s tollows : Ni : ' Yoiti , Sept. 1SSS. - Tr3aurer of Douglas County , sob. : Dear Sir : Enclosed you will lhiiti : i for the benefit of the county . and which I thInk is due the county. Yours . truly , JUSTICe. , 'ilio ofliclal has no Idea who is tIm writer , but has 1)11100th the money on the credit side of the general fund. 'J'hio ehirography of the letter is very poor and looks us though It might hiavc been written - ten by a very old man. : Ladles a word in your car Good looks are your gift most precious , Fortheso era the sIlIcon toils 'With whIch the girls inumesh us. . So lIne teeth your Imaralnoulit chitrl3l . With Sozodont guard ( ruin harm. r p Au Ovcrzrown Brute. John I3Ioombor , an old settler In Omaha , who lives at 115 North 'rwcnty rourtli street , : was knocked down yesterday by a big ruf- flan. Ofllccr iiloom very opportunely hap. pened along and arrested the man. At the II2 l9 blqbcc 1IIo t ) , ttby , Io 15 sIx ' 1 -4 _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ i- _ _ _ _ _ - . feet tall and lonhcs as though he mntght fell fin ox.'heri asked hIs name between sobs , lie rlechtrotl it to be WillIam hack ; that ho worked lii the sniehtlng works , rind boarded at the Anmerlenu hoteL lb svlll be given an opportunity to explain his brutalIty to the police judge to-day , 'rho nina whom he as. saIled is an old gentlemnnui who is well known in Omaha. fly its mnflil , soothutig and healing itnpcrt1cS. ) 1)i' ) , Sage's Cntnrrhi ifwned cures the worst eases of iinstl : catui'i'ii ' ' ' ' and niso 'colti In the heath , coryza , cttarrhttl : headaches , lit ) cents by drug- gists. _ _ _ _ _ A 'lf o [ the lair. At an earh.v hour yesterday the cries of an Infant nvakened the fatally of Nchs If. Anderson , who live on the bottoms near the fairgrounds. On going to the door , they found snugly esconsed in a cracker box a baby boy about four or lIve ilays old. There Is nothing to shies to whom lie 1cloiigcd , , uni It was nplarcnt ) that the parents , whoever the.y ss'cre , haul abandoned It. Mr. Anderson thInks lie li&t & mouths cilolign t feed , tuirl has turned thie lIttle stranger over to time nutliorl. tIcs. ' 'rhie best on earth" cmi truly ho sitid of Griggs' Glycerine Salve-a specily cure for cuts , bruIcSeitldH , bu1nsMorem , 111105 , totter and all ski ii t'i'uptioims. 'l'ry this wonder healer. 2 ccii ts. Gimara- , , teed. Goodumn 1)rug Co. , ngciits , Onmuhma. - - Vhiere Is ( Irrle hleiiiiii lii g 'rime Parents of Orrio Itcmoinliig , zimed fourteen - teen , nrc mimuch ilistresseil over his myster- lotis dlsappcai'aimee. They reside at 3 I0 Fraimkhiu street , mind on 'rhimiisthiy lust thu little fellow left hIs hioIIiQ itimil tins not been seemi or heard of shore. 'I'lie ) of the boy do hot lCIIOVO that hum wIlfully ran away as they claim hio 'as arm unusually gooi boy and bid no cause for mmcli a step. 'L'hey mire immoro lnchiiicd to believe that ho has been drowned , dcco.vcil or carried away iy force. The 1,01100 uro making a search for the iiiisslng lad. Drink imtlto , 2.5 ceutsa bottle. Ijocketi Iii a I'lyIiig Car. Yesterday a team of horses on a car onthic St. Mary's avenue hue became unnuinagc- able on time lull. 'l'hie brake svus mpplled , but could not Stol ) time car because of the mimoist CoUditloil of the track. Time driver thmcim lashed his hiorses to their utmost. as the only meant ; to avoil UI ) accident , at the same tlnto closing the rear door of tim car so that none of thu ) L5SCIgcr3 could get omit uiiil jtiiip : oIl' , milthmougli several of thorn vmimniy tried to do so. 'J'lmocar fairly flow down tIme hill 'iiile every occulnmnt was almost feverish with excite- miment. Time cur was stopped mmc'&it & time svitcli mind thou thmo passeilgers e'qerieimced imectied relief. Time driver acted with great presemmec of mnitid. IIOi'Slbi'd'&m inil Piioslhmato I'ui ; I him' 'ricOh llrmilim fromim Ovci-o.tertioi. ' 1i'3' it. 1tlgiivny hijiljijj' , . \Vimilo rcturilmg , from town to his farm a fo' mites omit , oit Leavenwortii street , \Vcdriesday night , lleimry Eicko wits attacked by footp.uls near thio Holy Setnmhchmre conic- tory.Viihio one seized his horse time other attempted to board time buggy , but was immet by a varni reception fromim it horse whip , vlmichi forced hilmim muvmmy. 'I'hmc POIIY in time mmmeantiimmo hcrfotmflcd ) his Part multi Iii hits frighiteimed jllmimgiig ) hiiiolcetI down the other robber am ! sturted miway at a breakneck specti , sinasuilug thmrougim a hiomil , of stones and throwing Eleko amid hiim roll of greemi- immicks amnountiiig to l0 tilion the giouiid. The robbers hovevcr , wcio ignorant of time accident IIIId iIti not follow , or Mr. Eleko would probably have been a little poorer , for lie was completely at their mercy. CHEYENNE COUNTY ( lETS TIIEIIE ' . % 'Ithi a 1agiihliceiit Agi'ieii ltural Ills- 1)1411 at time I"alr. Believing that ( lomonstm'ation is the iettCI' 1iti't : of mtlguiiiunt , this coun ty has by hot' exceiheimt exhibit of farni products - ducts givoim coimelusivo evidence that she huts the requisitc of soil and cli- iflfltc capable of pi'odtieing the most abuuduit : Iiat'vcst. 'rhmeit (1iS)1fly in floral hail vts : under tIme efficient mann- ! .gnh1toi1t , 91 DIr. C. 1' , who willingly timirt ably ropt'eseimted his county nrid her interests. The array of vegetables , grains , grasses , etc. , embraced - braced twenty varieties , of comn , the greater Iart ) sod corn , nil vell filled amid well matured. There were sIeeilnons of spi'in and fall wheat of excellent quality , mimammnoth oats , rye , millet amid ilux , clover and timothy as hue as ever grow. The specimens of natural grasses showed how generously nature hind en- ( lOWed the soil. The squashes , Purnim- kimis , turni1)s rind elliot' vegetable would do credit to the best agi'meultura state in tho'uimion. 'ibis exhibit is but mum average of the products of this part of the vcst , whioso increasing rainfall and unequalled soIl is attracting a tecinitig h)0PUhttt'OIi amid ei'e long vill be Pi'OhOrlY ) manned the gardomi spot of the Missouri 'allcy. Get Your Railroad 'rickets NORTh , SOUTh tAST atdVEST , and secure your sleepingbcrthis at 1302 Furniun St. , Union Pacilic Ticket oluice , IJAIIItY P. 1)ium. , City Ticket agent. p \Vmtntcd , a first-class dress goods sales- man. inquire of .T. L. l3raimdcls & Soims , ' .I'hiirtccimth ittid howard streets. -S CoL Cochran's sale of Council Bluffs ots , Sept. ill. See page 6. Not stlvnhmcci Iii Ncbrmiska. Heforrlng to a runior that time Burlington had mulvanced their rates for svitchmlng to elevators not on their line , a leadiiig official of time B. & I' ! . saidVe certainly have hot immdc any change on this road.o don't chimmrmo anything for switching to dc- vntom.s along our line , auth whicmm the cars are conslgimed to elevators on other ro.nls , the charges arc mimado amid collected by them. If It refers to anything , It must be lii Ciitemgo , but I domi't tlmiimk It Is so oven there. " ' Its supertor exceileirco proven in mtllon ! of homne ror more tuSh it quarter of a Centtmt7. It Is umod by the United States Uoverlitoeot En- ( iorse(1 by t'me hmeaii of time great UniversitIes as thu strongest , purest and Iliost imomdthiful. hr' ) Prlcos Creanllaklig I'owmlsr doss nut contain anunonla. llama or 1iiifl. Soul omly in caus , l'htIC1 B.KlNQ POWDER CO. Now York. chIcago , t. LQ.1I - N _ ' Whie Is WF.AII , NERVCIT $ . IEHILITA. 1'IwholmhtsWOLLYsnd , IUNtitANI'r IRR TRIFLED awsy his ViliOk of HOlY , : ii 1'4 D aumi MA411 0(51) , causIng exlmsustimig drains upon the F4)UNTAINfl of LIFE HEADAIIIJE HACRICIIE. flteaiind DreAm. , WF.AINERS of Memory HASh. VULNES In 4VIF.TY , VIMI'k.ES upon the FACE. end all the El FECTS lesdlng to EFtRL.Y DEC.iTsntt perhapi COSSUMI' . 'fON or INSANI1Y should conuhtntoico 112 , CEIEEIf2LTIt ) b. CICTICC. Established 11m61. Vt , Clarke has msdo NERVOUS hE. BILITY. ( ) IEILONC snd all Iiaeasea of ibe GMIT4) IIRIAHY Orrana a Lifo fidy. It mAkes 1 ( ) dIfler.nee WHAr you . .Dye taken or WHO he felled to cure you. ss-rr.MA IES iiffcrfiig from dIsoascspecu liar to their sex csn cormauht with the assurance Sf a'eedy relief auth cure. Bend 2 cents poitago for worka on your dlieesea. 413'Pend 4 ceoti postage for Celahrac4 Works . on Chroile , N'roiis and Dell. ep. : . , blseaes. ConsultatIon , personally or by ttpr , fttu' . Consult the old IJ.ctur. : 'tioutnndi cured. Otficea and , arlors prl vsto. 4E'Thoso cootemplating ? arrIago isend ( or Ir. ( lRrko's celebrated guide R.sk and } ' iirilc each JC'e. , both 25c. tampa ) . hlefore confttlng your case , consult fir. CiAtIE. A friendly letterer call may 'ave future sullerliigammmt shame , and add golden years to lifeBook " Ltf."s ( Secret ) Er- rorc , " Soc. ( stamps ) . Medicine aiid writings sent eorywhere , secure from exsosiirc. hour , , 8 tO 5 : Hundays , S to 12. Addns F. D. oI.a1c.E : M. D. 106 So. . Claric & 1ICAGO. Itt. oibury's Zulphur Canales I'or disinfettlug ( 'losot , Store itIi1S ( , ( chum , hiiks. iStiilhe.4. UutImnms' , ' , Cfilcktn Coops , hlird D N'T ' fill Cages. &c. U JU ' Coabury'sHy3.rcnaphtholCap , ' For tils use5 of time Skimi imimU ii 'EED reali , such i'm letttr , It iimgwormI , , 1czemimmt. : cabIcs , Semiloy , mrmmp n E tttIii4. I tchitn r , Svcnting Feet , till tI R 1)amulrtiil ) , Fmtiimn hair , &c. ' nr Hy.roaphthml Paltihlos , 'E U F For purifyIng time Sick rooimi , ox- triiiliutt tug 1 us cts tiiid elirilin. ' nitmig ( tIseu'.t ) LOiim15. THESE Mea.'z Ccra fltiaioa P1atcrz For Foot troubie. ARTICLES ? Bonton's Plastcr for Adios itimil l'atiis. told ; by a 1 hrugzits. ) sIAIIL1ltV & JOhNSON. Solu Shitiiulacttirvrs , Sew York GOLD MEDAL , FAIthS , 1878. BAKER'S Broktllt Cocoil. t. ' .Varrniitet , b.qole1y , 11,1 , . , , I Crori , from w lilcim time cxccss 01 I . ) t has lcn rcmovcn It Imas three I ii tii'u She treagth cl Cocoa , nixed I itI , Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , I ahmil Is therefore far liloro ecolmomi. I I cal , costing ten than one crmt a ¶ L ; cup. It Is dchicioime , noiir1iiig , , , ; I strciigthemiimig , easily hlgt'sted , mind ) nIiiitraiIy adiptiti icr iimit1id as I / tll as for pursonqin health , Sohil ly C.rorcracieryherc. vu BAKER & PorhcsIr , Iass. THEY DID IT. Whirit ? Cured among others time cohlowimig. They write : s1 Central A a. . Cincinnati , 0. , .laniiary it : , o'ss. f Athloboros , Pills hay , ' ciire4 ne cf thur oiiiiatiit aim ! dypewia. I ; Av , , I cii nf th ( ' l'lii' tO a fricict Siio 14 troimb'til ittti liiciicc"tiou StiLl hO has iiilliiV"i1 Woil. tierfully. 1' . Ii. ltoulKAMP. : 16 htoetto fit. . New haven , Ct , Febriiar3 10th , ho's , Athiicyhmnro'i I'lhIs worlOMi wonders Iii my ca'e of dysptIsia. EMMA L t'riio. Athm.lo-phmo.ros l'ihls are iiiail and iTeflsammt to take , yet womiderfully efibetive. I iivaiuable for k idimey anti liver coimiplaimits , dyspepsin , in. ( ligestloim , eoimsti pat , Ii eadaclie etc. They'll take away that tir4d feeling giving iiew life and stremiglhm. 13-Scnil 6 edits dir the beiumtiful colored i'Ic ' lure , " mloorlh Nakien , ' THEAT/ILOP//OROS CO. 112 wi.t. N. Y. SIEGE OF SE BASTOPOL N5 16th SI1 , Bet5 Dinney and WirI , Evary Evening. Ba'Uuanf , 1'ctlbmtic ( filet StrllihLfj. Eucrj , r'Iuht ( t SJWCICII Nlejht. 5O Performers , Horses and GUnS. Artificial Lake ! Moving Ships BOflt&fI'dhItCflt of Fort t.y .Alliecj J'os'ccs. GRANDEST MILIT1IR Y SI1EC- TJIUUL.L U EJ'Elt I'RO D UCED. GOPJOlIS PIJrotecIhatIclt llspluy The whole imiaklng the Most hiiterestiimg amid b wildering of hxlmibitIoiis. Popular Prices 50c and 75c. BW uy [ A Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the Puget Sound Nationi Hank GIven as Security for Money invested. To tim , , ilustrous C f hiiyii , 1rP'rty on time , we ofli'r tie filiowimigVo : will imiloy i'rinn 8 imiojutho to A years tluuuo. uucconimiug to the land ) uuui seieet'I Vo ciuuurea iuettiuur Irezuuiumu nor iutcrrst , uo hub. I'tuymuuu'nts , it iii will givu yuu a warrant I bet.Vu have inti itt to uuuli Ch that are , citiu In a rod I ii or tWO ituud a half uiutic 01 thU luoStolticO , 5' guiro only Iii jar cent. an earnest , noier nnul a wil I givc cart iit'ul check fur I iui fu I i lit (1 t'bu ( Ii a uui uv.'ry tit.u'juietut iaymuueuu t. 'I'Ie , iu'c k s .1 rmui , mu by the l'uet Suuind uitionuuI buik anti I , ir.uniop.y. able at sigtut tumid you , can draw your meoney lit nuuy' tinitu though by , 'o doing you forfeit oubr rgiuts ii ) puireimn'i 11(0(1. Make your iuucoiut. no matter haw suui&miI. ear , , somu'thlng. 'I'ranscouutincuutnl ruuliroads Iii e ttetil rig for Scott IC. nuid iuuuuu ii hunt , rii' I' tiotu r- isIuinu. ( lauteral u'unuunereo is In a utate 01 MiLstuun- hal IroCreion. 'lime daIly iuio. are Hued with aCCObilitbi of uov enteriurisei. ( 'ohio cii , ' . uuuuul iuiro Carctrcii , Scuttla. Adutrt'SM CoOK , tI4I(511E , Who have ( tie i.AlLtII'S "I' l'itOl'kft'j'V Lia'L' mu SEATTLEC W T. Health is Wea1th Da. B. C. WFST'S NEnwa AND BRAT $ TnA. MED. a guaranteed speciuc for hysteria. lJlzzt. ness ' Convulsions , Ilta , Nervous Neuralgia , Ileat'taCiie. Nervous l'i'ostratlon. caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. ! dexmtal liepreaslon , Softening of the Ihratn. resulting In Insanity. anut ieauhlni to misery. decoy anti death. Premature Ohi Age , Ilarrenuess , Loss of lower in eIther eor Involuntary losses and Sperniatorha's caused by over.axert1oi ot the brain aelt.abusa or over.lnduhgenCo. Lach bo' contains one month's treatment. $ h.O ) a box , or lx boxes for $ .0Q Sent by mall prep&d on , . colpt of price. w1 GUARAiTEI3I SiX liOXits To cure * ny case. With each order received by a , for al * boxes ' accompanied with $5.00. we will send lb. purc'haSer our written guarantee to refund this aaonsy If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by C. F. QOO1)14N1 Druj1st oJ1 . &unt , lUll Farnaxn Strict. Omaha. zsa. . _ _ - _ THE BEST MADE. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 - . . 4. . . _ _ . ' . . . , 1' ' , F - yl 5' . 1 t5 . . , " .4 : tl ' ' 0 p. ) , . , , . ' : , I. ' , . - Sr 11'c ctn titre you they ltI'JeSf .StO'I ( Isut ( lire the 1OIVC.It , v11ce9 ill fF10 city. / city.e4tao AS ALL OMAHA vs. MILWAUKEE Friday amid Saturday at 4 1' . 'uI. ' , Suiduy anti Monday at 3 0. DREXEL & MAUL , tSttcccssors to , lohiim U. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers A t I lie old , , t until , I 4J7 l"uurnnim , it Irulers by tuicuruululi MhlCitl ) ( aitl Irolumptly attetitled. 'I'elCluhioiie to No. STEDYEIPLOYMEHT atolytorellahic tiuea fluid CneretiC lady canvuusera residing iii liii , hr other towna .N o capital necessary. ( lood pehl lii , , year rotini. Itefereico ru-qulrel. Attire , . \\E $ rint AGICNTS ' 5u1 i'Lv CO. , 2J'i Filth Ave. , Catcugo : , iii. . ii : N. ! I ubdb.CT111lbS at & .iieu. 5'S UVAK&STSr TO ( ( ntI by th' i-tRW iMl'xovrma pIbreumn tbbtIeCUror SYkAlhSijs.gi , , . ui000'j , . null. Iothmvg ( Untie. of raeeirie. . 'A,4V . liy t'lrsrtly uilr.buht , all a tk pail , tutor. iugmhabbu ( "uu hat1 , aldVloroucSttrgbb. Currint ' , ' , . . , -leItlntanuI7 or ac frflt SuooQ In co.5. Ortatcut ' . . , . , . . . . Inlu'l total. o.r .1 tiS r tell. \or.t caics let. I macally curti Iii ihwe mnatl' . S.tet ytemsici Ce , 'imp the tfnderu Elect , ; Co. I6 LS.It at. . Chcari I - - - - - - - - ' - - $ . % , l j u - - - -r s L . _ . ' _ - ' _ z- : ' DRtJ1KNi'ES8 ' ! Or tim Lijuor Habit , l'osltlvely Cured b AdluittlsterItigDr. Ilatues' Golden . Specific. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with. cut the inowledge oh thiti persolm taking It : abso- hutely harmless. and will effect a permanent and speedy cure. whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck , Thousands of drunkards have been matle temperate men vhmo have taken tiolden Specillo In their cotfee without - out their knowleulge and to.duiy believe they nuit drInking of their own free will. U flower fatl. 'l'he systelu once impregnated With the Specitic. it becomes an utter 1niposaibiiit for the liquor appetite to extt. For ale by Kuhn & Co. , Ith and loughas ate. , ano 15th and Ctun. log bts. . Omaha. Neb , ; A. Ii. Voster & IIro 'auCcIh ihiulls. lawn. ' I- AND PIRSSTE1 $ - ) - , _ _ , AdvertIsing hmn always vt'ovn _ ; succoeafuh. Before hheiga - Newspaper AdvertIsIng consu . LORD &THOMAa , DTSET1SISO LUESTS , ' - - " ti 0 aeI& bIcll CII1CAQ. , . ' = uIi SChOOL SUITS. We are Showing a 'arger ' stock of Boys' and Cliihlren's Olotliiiig tlutii all our corn- I ietitors coiiibine d , 811(1 feel tIisfied that we can "lend the trade1' in tills dejartludnt of our business. Clothing tiever was as olleal ) as it is 110w , and never did we mark our gooas with stieli a small profit : tS we did this season. The larger the business we do the cheaper we dlii a1ror to soil. ' \Ve will inaugiirato the fall seasoti with a graiu'l Boys' Ciothing Sale , au as at the 01)etlihIg of schools , boys' clothing are itiostly in ( lenland , we propose to make the con- ihig week the most ineinoi'able one in our boys ( Iejartlneltt. lYe iuotii ; to surprise yn ' \vitll our bargains ati'd tilat every garluchit that we sell . shall ho a big advertisornetit for us. ' 'I 11eie are only a few of the bai'gains which we offer thuis week : Two'pieco Oli'ildieii's Suit , size 4 to ii : , at $1.00. W7o cannot describe this stilt , but we asic you to COIHO anti co it. You will be astonished what a suit you can got iii our store for $1.00. Other houses WOtl1I chiaige $2 OO for such a stilt : uicl jrotehlcI to give you a bargain Two iiece 'Children's Stilts , of good. cotton niixed Cassimor' , heavy weight , nice 1)attel'lls afll well made , at $ I .60. .But the greatest of all bargains is the lCiioo Pants Stilt we are offer this season at $ 2 . 50 . This is a suit we are iroud to show. To call the material "all wool" woul4 not ilicali much , I13VO hltL' ¼ 'O SO1(1 ( all wool suits at that Prio before , but we can truth. fully say ve iiever oftereci SUO1'I a suit for the motoy. 'l'liis suit is conscientiously nia e with SIeCial view to wear. The 1nttei'ial is hoitest all wool cassimore-no shioddr , 'The 1)ith1tS ai'e macic with double tliickiicss of cloth , ill knee and seat , and every seam IS sewed strong. It is a perfect wear resister. Boicles that it is neatly plaited and flu- islied. Other liotices voiild charge $ t3.OO for such a suit. \\T0 ai'o equally well 1)rePareI ( to fit larger boys from 12 to 18 , aic'I prices are just the way the Nebraska Clothing Company does biisiness---GIVL NG GREATtI EST VALUE FOR LEAST MONEY. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. Coihing Company Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. FORTHETREATMENTOFALL . Clillouic ad Surgical Diseases , alld Diseases of the Eye and Ear S . . . . . DL J. W c1iMY , r1ysia anI iirgeon h Charge. ' ' , . ' - TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. ' ' ' Ash1vtI I ) ) ' II LhitIbC ? o1 Coiiijcleiit , Skillful miid Experienced Pltysicitii alimi SIIIoofls. , Particular 4tttiitlon paid to 1)eforlllilies ) , Iflseasos ot Wsnicn , flieass of the Urinary and Sexual Orgaitsl'tlrate DLioasc , ' iiscases of the ero.ls System , Lumig auth TLIrJtt : Jicea4ee , Siirgic.il Opera Ions , Epilepsy or Fits , I'iIs , ' Cnllc'rd , 'I'unlor3 , Etc. . More money invested ; more skillful physiciana anti surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; niore mod- ' era improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in time west combineil. I.argct and iuott complete Medical Institute or hlosnital in tIme west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and yen- * . ' tiiated rooms for patients , thircc kiiled physicians always in the building. Al' kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner. We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , EIec'tricnl Batteries , and call sulply hhiYSiCilttlS tuid patients any appliance , i'onicdy or instt'uinemmt known. Call and consult tis , or wiito for circulars unon all subjects , with list of questions lot' patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treat n diseases , 1merfurmning surgical opot'htions and mmutsing patients , whilehi , combined with oat' ' acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and I.oIutatioll , should. make the Omaha Medical tlfll Surgical Institute tIme first choice. 'rime Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and sciontitlc principles , andpation tim rocievo here every advaiitago that art , skill , science and human ingonuit ' can brimig to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience svill always be takomi into coimsideratloim. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you vih1 find these statements of our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn l any particular , but tti'u ilain unvunislmed : facts. ' nly Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES All blood diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic poison removed from the system without mercury. Now restorative treatment for loss of Vital Povor. Per8o unable to visit us , initv be treated at home ly correspotidenco. All corrtmspondcmico confidential. Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , sccqroly on mimarks to indicate contents or setidor. One peisonal interview preferred. Call anti consult us or send history or your case , au we vill Seli ill plaitiVrtp3r , QU BOOK TO MEN FREE. ( Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleot and \Taric000ie , , with question list. ' iI3Itemisuit for Yilt ii ; a IOI IJOtl Privitte , Special 111(1 i'eroiis JIsenes. I hiave for many years mimatic : t spccinlty of diseases of time urinary itlid sexual organs , have liecoino a recognized authority upon time Stliject , conscqtmently 1 rcceIv an ilnnicnso nUlfllCt of letters [ coin jhiSiCiRhIS amid alhlicted hem-soils , itsiciiig my opinion niitl advice upon individual cases. For time ht3liOlit of such pOrsOils , I hmuvowrl ten a book givilig a general desciiptioii of tIme most comnumon diseases and conditloims , may trtNttinent , success , advice , etc. After reading it , P0t'SOIiS vill have a choaro 1(100. of their COhilitioii atid Cati Vt'ite Inc lflOi't ) ititehllgemitly and to time point. It will therefore be secim that our object in writing those pages is iiot to Itirnlsim rouduii thmo uffimes mntmltot' to a cilti.s of ieisotis who m'etmti out of more idle cuiiosity , but for the benefit of the mnmuiy vito are suffering to a greater or loss degree from discuses diseases , or tiiol this class of , or of diseases or abuses , of time sexual or tll'intry organs. Not a day passes but we receive IIIaiy calls or letters fromn pesois suffering fromim thick . aiitl Iii sitortelmilig days. sequal. mImtiiy of them are ignorant of time cause of time dufhlculty that hams wrecked their constmtutmonsthirowmm a cloud over their brigiitprospeets SURGERY. Surgical operations for the cure ofhiare Lip , Ciub Feet , Tumors , Camicers , Fistuha , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cm'oss cycs ) Ynricocele , Inverted Nails , Wcns and Deformities of tba human \Ve Bodies treat Chronic performed hiscasc in time ofthe inott Lungs scientific , heart manner. , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp. Stomach. Liver , Kidne s , Bladder. Nerves , Bones , Ct : . , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fitsj , Scrofmmla , Brights Disease , ' [ 'apeVoru : Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dysocnsia or Gastritis , Ilalthnes , , Eczema , etC. IS = .4.i3 = S OL Ir McMcnan has for 1)1SEAES OF WOMEN , FREE , ears and by the hatestand most approved inetiiode. WRITE FOR 1100K ON ) ( Carefully , skillfully to perfect himself , and a Itiily supphie with every devoted a large Portion of hii ttme to I me study and trca' macnt of this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money trtmmcnt , appiiance.antl remedy of valmme in this thepartmnent of Medicine and Surgery. = p = 1NT : : T cured after others have failed. substantiate our claims. To timo3c afflicted vit \S claim superiority river flu ) ' ocuhist or nuritt in time vest , and time thousands whom we have , intelligent viti return to us for trcatmen like and if arc an person you Eye anti Ear 1)iseases , we siniply say call and consuit us , get a scclntifmc opinion , then whit whom you , you amid cure , wrtten for tIme benefit of patients and physicians who write us in ro Our book , describing the Eye anti Ear and their diseases , in plain language v ith numerous illustrations discribecases , arc to us more intelligently. WitlI'E FOR BOOK ON DIS , garth to cases I ) ) ' readings them carcfu1' ' ' phpsician andpatient wilihavc a clear undcrstandiflgafld can EASES OFTILE EYE AND EAR FIthE. Athiress all letters to : r-n stTPtGIC-AL. ' INSTITTJT6 , MIioIciAL. - QMAE..A : : ! . Ne13. Or , DR. J. W. McMENAMYN. _ W. Coiier13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , . 1YSPSf OJR By hf.liN'S GOLIUN hYSI'iiI'Sl.t CUiti. Timid reamed ) ' Is w macranted to cure all cases of DYSIo1)sla , l'lutttienCO. Acidity of time Stomach , . amid limtllgestloli , lit ) mutter of how bug StSitd. lug. I'rlee tOo per box. For sale by alt drug- giats. 3lanufauAured by Oustavo hahn , Omaha , Nebraska. T. E1 CVLPIF , FIRE INSllRMCE BROKER , ltoon 03 Traders' Uullding CHICACO. flaerentes-3IetrOPOlit5fl National flank. U. U. mun Co. 'rme Dradutreel Ca How is Your Baby ? rat and happy. or lean nail fretful , through In- iblllclemmt miourlahiment ? RIDGE'S FOOD. roduccs bone at1 uclo v.a no"otkc fcqd OMflA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. CAUTIOS-IeslgnIng ; , ersoiis , taking midvalitrigo of our rciu.mta. 11011 flSrC coumatantly stnrtl ig bogus IedIoal Estabilshmiuiouns , to dcc i't'g ' I4trngCrH visitimug time city. 'I'hicso pretelitiers usually ( tlslhplOLL' In I tvcrk. . iletYareol thmoni , ' ' ew or their runners or lugohuts 'j' 1XetiIczt % ziiitl Siirleal hliStItmtn Is hut only estnblsiit'tI ? slctiieal Lnstltut iii Oninlis , Dr. 1o'.tmurtamiy , L'ropm'lctor. % 'hien you ilttlce : iii ) your matn4 to visIt its make a mmseIaiorazmtIugmi of our exact mttltlrcq , and hus syi trouble , delay or mistakes. Ste ckPiano Icemarkable for powerftfr thetic toTffeiFon * nd af bestguarauteeof _ the excel. lenceoftliese IistrUuieflta. WOOllBRlDE BflOSM JOSEPH ILLTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL J'1IRIS XI'OSITION 1371. 11105. 303-404i70604. THE MOST PEItPECT O' PENS. AIADYIC Fht. IIOWTOACT. , . . ' lostViterandM&'b ° S' ° ' - I' seat , , . Li.ciln. md Yuctloisi . dust . , . . . .I.rICgRduiLhOat5Iun M.dlclo.I. , . . , . S Suh.d TtU.LlIlIMCS5b.fl ippiic&Uo .5 MAui , i co.i' rukIM.Itfu. Nebraska atiOll1 llaiiik , U , C. DEPOSITOflY , OMAhA , 1TEB. I'miitl Ult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , StIrillils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,00Q II. IV. YATES. I'reatdent. 1 I Lawns 5. ltxem' , 'Ico PresIdent. .A. it. TOUZAI.lN. Cut ! \'ico l'resttlont. v. II. S. Ilcjuiies. Cahiio iiiltCUltll 15t \v. V. Moitsa , .loiue S. Cor.r.INS , $ Ii. V , YATk , Lr.wItm S. ltieu , A. E , ToUz.sr.my. flanking 081cc- THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th anti l'arnatn Ats. A General llankiumg Iluslucss Transacted. OAMPAIN ' 'ii IiCHES. FLACS. PANe 1ER8TRANSPAREN I - y ' ' 8endforManufaCataIo . I .GFFoster Sd C _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - . 17MachIsQn-st. , - - ' ' ir-- T'