BPE01AL. . NOTICES. Advertisements under this hond 10 cents per line for tlio first Insertion , 7 cents ( or each suit- sequent insertion , und II. rn > , line per 'month. No advertisement taken for Ic&s thnn 2."i cents thn llrst Itimirtloii , Seven words will bo counted to tlio llnu ! they niiiBt run consecutively and mint bo paid in ADVANCE. All ndvertlse- jncnts mtiKt be hiindcd In before \'i-t\ o'clock p. in , and under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtlos advertising In these columns and hnv- lug their nnswersnudre-ined In euro of TllKllKK v 111 plciiso nsk ( or li i heck to enable them to get their letters , us noun will bo delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to ndver- tl cmont8Hhouldlx ) t-nclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these col 1 1111:1 = 1 nro pub lished in botlt nun Mini ; mid evening editions of THE IlKK , the rlroulutlon of which nggregntes more thnn Ifl.OOO pntiers dally , and gives thu ad vertisers the beno lit. not only of the city clrcu- Jut Ion of 'I'll r. HBK , but also of Council HlillTft , Lincoln and other cities and toyrns throughout .hi * M-ctlon of tli ! country. _ BRANCH OFFICEST Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the nl > ovc conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who are nuthorlred agents tor'J'HK llEK special notices , and will ( junto the same rales as can bo had lit the main office. o'ltNV. Mreet. It ASK & EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 South 10th Street. , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- S. IngStrett. WJ. HUGHES , Pharmacist , f24 North ICth Btroet. EO.Tv.'pATui. Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTEO-Sltuution In wholesale or retail IIOIIHO as book-keeper , assistant bookkeeper er , clerk or traveling salesman ; have experi ence lu liunUvnre and groceries ; can furnish references. Address 1' , euro A. A. Illckel. J.DJ3 8 l.'lth ht. fi&o t TJ\f ANTED Situation A competent young TT tnun desires situation ; bank proferiod ; Olio year's experience us cashier : good refer- cnce. Address U II. lice olllee. ' 157 8 * A YOUNG lady who Is n stranger In the city wishes employment ; will Scotch merchants please asHlHt. U III Hue olllce. H52 . " \\f ANTKtlly active and steady young man. TT situation where ho can work for his board and attend bchool during the day. Ap ply DO" N Oath. 6i7 A N experienced farmer wishes to tuko charge JAot a stork farm on salary until spring , then on shores If agreeable ; good references given. Address , 1012 1-auiidors St. , Umaha , Neb. ' 638 8 * _ " \ArANTED-Poslllon an stenographer and TT typewriter Heferences given. II. H. Kel- oy , Mina Springin. . 008-12 * 'lA/'ANTED A position as salesman In a dry TT gootlH or general store ; ton yeur.s'exper ience. Hefcrences ( uinlshcd. Address Lock llox .Tin , Grand Islund , Neb. r.OV7 * \\fANTED Position on a dally or weekly TT paper , by a young man , well iMucnted and pxpeili nred in newspaper worn. No objection to leaving the city , ( 'Q , lieu. fib8 7' SITUATION wanted lly a young iiiau of .sev eral yearn experience In a general store , a pltnatlonas rlerk In grocery or general jttore , ( lood references gl en. Not out of employment , but would like n chiingo. Address L. , euro 1'Ilot , lllalr Nob. 4 l 0 * WANTED--WIALe HELP. "lyANTKD Agents for the best novelty ot T T tno ago ; needed In every house ; no com petition. Do not miss this chance. Address C , Jo Duo olllco. b71 Ut W /'ANTED Three good news agents. Apply It. H News Co. , Lincoln Nob. 070 U \\TANTKD SS men mmrrv work , il.BO mid TT $175 day , Fine paid. Whlto's olllee. 1HIN 30th. cli77J " \\rAN'IED-A steady man. Appl y Commer- TT i lul Employment agency , u. w. cor. lutli nnd raiimm , 2nd floor , room o. cfs bf WANTED An oxperlenced dry goods clerk , Address pmsonully dm Ing tno hours ID to 12 nnd I to 0 p. m. , 713 N. lUth at salooh.HP ( HP 7 * "VATANTED A Holier , industilous harness TT maker , nblo for light nnd heavy work. Steady oniploj mont for the right man. It. Dick & Son , Crete , Neb. U12 8 * WANTED A boy about 111 years of ngo to worklnn phvstclnn'B olllcoouo ; who speaks German preferred. Apply 2208 Faruam. OHIO WANTED W ) tracklayers , free fare , ut Al- . brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam Bt. WANTED First-class gentleman stenogra pher for out of city. Valentine's short- linuil Institute. C20 8 WANTED A first class dress good salesman. Euquiro of J. L. Ilrandeis fc Bous , 13th aud Juckson BW. tllo- * \\7"ANTED-n first-class bread bakers. Gullck's i bakery. U12 P ttivet. Lincoln , Neb. 05 7J "ITT Lr ANTED A good sowing machine Salesman TT Jor country work. 13.11. Daley. Geuovu , , 5U7-10 * TTW W ANTED-Situation by oxperlonced lady stenographer ; city roicrcnces. MlssM.S , , WANTED I want several Mtve men with irom JIO to $ "A ) to huiidlo the best soiling patent uver Introduced. It Is a tlmo nnd Inbor hnv er for retail dealers and un active , energetic pulesmnn uau I'lour $ ' < * > to f.M per day. If you vvuut n prolltnblo business and know a good thlntr when you see It , call mid tnvectlgnto this. Wo sell no territory , but are helling our goods us last as wo can turn them out nnd will give exclusive county rights free to successful snlos- iiien. Call ut room 105 , Paxton block. ti'-O 7 WANTED Live agents. Write secretary Hutlalo Mutual Accident nnd Sick llonollt association. Hiiirnlo , N. Y. 000-10. ) \\TANTKIV-A good rag carpet weaver. Btondy TT > employment the year round. Address Nebraska Caipct Mills , 7th and O sts , Lincoln , \\7ANTEIJ-AKentB to represent us In every TT city and town In Nebraska nnd town. Per- innnent Position. J. SI. MqClave & Co. , room 50 , llnrkcr _ lllk. Uinnlia , Nob. iUW 7 * ANTED-MIlkir. 4115Snundors. 322 \\rANTED-Twelvo or fifteen millwrights nnd TT carpenters at once , to work on the H. llvikmnn Hour mill nt Oakdulc , Neb. II. C. bleaker. aifij \JUANTED MPII for railroad work m Wash- TT Ingtou teriltory. Tiumstcr.s , pick uud fihov ol meu , n\ men nnd rock men , big waves and long , Btcndy Job. At Albright's Lnbor Agency , 1120Fuimini st. KI1 "IWANTED A llrst-eliiss experienced window T dresser. Imiulreutthn Fair. 583 * 8 ( iL10lTOHS wanted for n largo mnnuractur- lug company ; refeiouces ro < iulrod. Addrosa Hex a7. ! Omaha. _ t4i7 _ sM : " \\rANTED Energetic men and women every- T I where tor a genteel money-making busi ness , ( at weekly pi oflt Eiiaraut ul easier thnn ( ( O monthly otliuiulsti. Experience nbsolntely uniiecessury. Pejmnncnt position uud e\clu- hive territory nfBured. J2 Biimples free , Wrlto for paitlculnrs. Address , with stamp. Merrill Blf'B Co. , l > Kl , Chlcngo. 4ti7blli' A OENT8'WANTED-K5 n month nnd ox- J : - penses paid any active person to sell our poods. No capital required. Salary pnld monthly , expenses In ndvunce. Full iiurtlculara free. Mnndurd Silverware couipnuy. liostou , Jlims. to Slip B OYH-Asn. Dlst , Tel. Co. , 1304Douulas. till ' WANTED-FENIALE HELP. \\rANTED-A good teacher of experloiico , TT for primary trades. Address O 15 , Dee olllco. _ _ _ tai K \l r ANTED-A good girl at 1004 Dodge sf , gooil TT wagespuld. tlio 7J \VANTEIJ Laily stciiogrnpher. Address , O , > -A llee. U21 8 -.J Stioim couipcteut woman foi COOK and laundress , for family ot two nl Ami' > station , fifty miles vyest ot Omnha on th U P. Cnu take woman and child. Address It. H. Uleu. Ames , Nrb. , or apply at 2200 Miami ( it. . Omaha , from 10 to 12 on Friday nud Hntur ilny. LTANTEP-Glil for general house work , UKX , 020 ANTED Girl forpcncrni housework , Gci T man or Swede preferred , 2514 Douglas. " \\rANTEll-A Booil slrl for general nouse- \\urk. Go < id wages paid. Knqulro at2tl ! ] /Bt. ' . iw Mary's ave. _ _ _ CiTEAOV employment given Immediately tc lOrellablti und incrsetic lady canvassers ro plUIUL- tills or other ton us. No capital neces sarv. Goods sell the year round. Heferenc * required. Adaress Western Agents Buppl ) Co' , 23 : . Fifth ave. . Chicago. 111. 4iU b * a scrub Avomcn , K per vfek. i hours -work per day Mrs , lliegn. 3Hi8 ! 16th. COO 15' I \ T A N'tlili-A middle'nEod woman to keet : ' > housa for nianwlth3 children. Mrs. A. P , Wooil , lMb2othst. : ' 013 It WANTED-Lady agents for the ladles' friend , llnrkcr block , room 21. 208 S 28 * WANTED 1 nurse girl. 1 typewriter. 2 sec end girls , 1 housekeeper out city , 1 laundry clrl for lllalr , ll week , 8 w'altfrs. S dishwashers , fid ulrts gen'l work. Omnha Euip. llurean , 11 ? N 16lTi , Ofi7 7J _ WANTEIJi-GlrlTor en rarhousowork. 1017 N 22ndst. BK 7 ? "I VANTED A Good girl for general house- T > work. Apply at I.BU Capitol avo. BI'J 8 * \VANTED-fl women cooks. } 2Jto WO ; girl TT for family of 2 In country , } 4 ; 2 dish washers , J" > ; woman to wash every Monday , ll.wi ! 0 girls to work on farms nnd In country town' , girls who wish places out ot city tocoino nnd lenru tholr addressep , an wo have callers every day. Also , M grmd strong girls who want places in private families. Mrs. llrcgn , UU'i S IMh. oca st WANTED Good girl for gcncrnl housework. Apply nt once nt CU S 22d st. C187t WAtlTED-Glrl for gonernl housework , n w cor. Uth nnd Lenvenworth. ' 4"fl WANTED A nent nnd competent Gorman girl for general housework ! must bo good cook nnd laundress. 718 N. 21st st. C54U ANTED-Good girl. N. E.cor. Park avo. and Pacific. 2nd door from cornor. 401 WANTED-Nurso girl , 212 Somtb 30th st. 681 7 \\rANTED-MIddloagod lady with good ref- TT erencns as housekeeper and take care of two little children ; will keep girl for second workj good wages and n good homo. Apply at WANTED Good girl for general house- work at COB south Illtn St. . upstairs. 512 V\TANTED Thoroughly competent cook nnd TT laundress with references. Apply be tween 0 nud 11 a.m. nt JlcCord , Ilrndy & Co. , corner 13th nnd Lenvenworth sts. Kl ) 7 ANTKD Good girl lor housework. BIOS 1'Jth. ' iifiO _ W ANTKU-Second girl. 17 1 Daveunort. - _ _ WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for general housework ; references required. Apply at No. U70 North 28th and Indiana avo. Mr.s. Slinerul. LOTi WANTED Girl for general housework , 101 Capitol ave. 15" ) WANTF-D imiTng-room glrlaniTdrsTiwasF- er. 'J22N. Idthst. IJi" MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Dressmaking nnd plain sowing to do nt home. Cull ornddiosa tOJ N 17th. C458J WANNED Some young men who deslro homo comforts ut reasonable prices , to room and board , 2118 Grace st , near table lino. " \\TANTED-5Icn who have been successful In TT selling fnrm machinery , sowing inn- chines , etc. , etc. . to cnll , nnd work torus. Ill ) } pay. Midland Manufacturing Co. Olllce , Una lloor Hosenbery's factory , cor. 8.151handMarcy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 467-tiJ MENDING und darning of gentlemen's cloTP Ing nnd denning of suits neatly done ut 1710 Puss si. 421 b ? WAN'l ED Horses to board , Hnckcyo Sta- bios , lath between Huriioy nnd St. Mnry'B nvo ; llrwt class accommodations ; best bo\ stalls In the city ; terms reasonable ; telephone. 841. U2 s2l ) XGAGEMKNTS to do dressmaking in fuirT Hies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2017 Leaven- worth st. 102 s 21 * WANTED It you have nny lands , lots , or houses nnd lots to sell or exchange for other property , call on me or write. lean llnd you a customer. C. C. Spotswood.COjHS.ltth. WANTED Tlio public to mnko good use ot The Don's message boxes thioughout the city. 100 BOARDING. "IIMU'-T class board can bo had by the w euat J3 17(8 nouglaBrtt. _ lw..20t \A7ANTii-TttBlo : boarders nt lUO'J "Douglas ! T T 47 EfslPUOYWENT BUREAUS. NEIIHAS1CA Employment olllco. No , 317 N. ICth Bt. ' Male anil female help supplied. Privatefamilies n specialty. 13.WJ MALKor female help furnished In or out of city , private families a specialty , II. 11. Wundoll. 4U8 N. ICth St. , 2d lloor. 221 /CANADIAN employment otllce. Mrs. Ilrega , ' 311i ! S 15th. Itufereuce Omaha National bunk SID s7 ! * WANTED-TO RENT. IhavoSorlO puitlos who "want to rent JIO to S'O houses centrally located , by Sept. 15th. Submit what you havo. C. F. HariUon , 418 S. liith st. ! 109 eon RENT-HOUSES. IOlt lir.N'T 2 hoiiscH , 4 rooms each , in rcnr of 112 ! j llth at. F. J. Haitman. tfi.-JSJ FOU HUNT houses Now 4-room cottngo $12. rive room cottage , water closet , 210.1 Culd- well , tX.ra Five room cottage ono mlle ( rom post olllco on N. 20th st. S20. Bovon room house , bath , range and furnace , Karnntn street store , four floors. Faruam stieet store , lurgo cellar. .1. II. Kvans , 1310 Dodge. CC2 U FOH HUNT Kow house In Ilanscom 1'lace ; furnace , bath , gas , \c. ; elegant location ; neighborhood ningnlUcont ; coiivenlont to two lines of horbo cars. Also .Vroom house.llilO.Tack- son st. , ? 20. 8-room hoiiBe , Windsor 1'laco , &S7.F.O. K. r. Soaver , room 40 , Darker bluck , 019 u OU KENT A n-room lint nt 903 Ninth st. Call or address E. A. Marsh , as above. G43 17KJH HENT 7-room cottnge , completely fur- JU nlshed , cheap , 3013 Lcnvenw orth st. 67 i > * F I OH KENT A C-room house. K9B21st , bet - tren Leaven worth and Mason , 814 11 ? FOKHEiNT-Flatofflrooms , B W cor. Itith and Lenvenworth. 01111 * " | T\OS \ KENT A frroom house. Kent moderate JU to a permanent tenant. 2tOU Franklin st. Enquire , llrst house north. tt l 7t FOH KENT Flvo loom house , Lenvenworth st. and 41st. , * 12. J. W. Eller , room 7 , Iron bnuk building , M3 171O11 KENT-nirnlshed , n It-roomed cottage , J- best locution In city , near 2 street car lines ; only 7 blocks from P. O. Address , C 7 , Heo olllce , 5S3 ! l rpIIIIEI. newhomes elcpantly finished , nil JL modern Imp , Apply to O\voii JlcCattrey , 212 { Harnoy. ; noj b 1J10K KENT A now dwelling house on weal JL ; side of 25th. north ot Frankllng st. , Parker addition , roiiblstlng of nine rooms , modern im provements , bath room , hard nnd soft water. A ten-room house on the alley rear of Mason , between 10th nnd llth sts. , convenient to the rnlou Pacific nnd 1) ) . & .M. depots , with hard nud soft water In yard , mo Jerii improvements , well adapted for a boarding houso. Six uowly furnbihed store rooms , with cellars undernentli , well lighted nnd boated. In the Lin- ton block , l.itli and Mason sts , lunuiro of .lohn Hamlln , 311 South llth st , 419-11 KENT 5-rooni house , 1121 N Wth st. 402 o * EOH HENT 8 room modern Improved house AI locality nt moderate prlco. Apply SI. Elgutter. li > Jl , Fnrnam. 4tO FOH KENT House , 13 rooms , furnished or unfurnished , suitable for boarding , or Jilco- ly arrniiBed for two famllloi , W3 Park avo. ] 487 M * EOH KE.NT-Nice 7 room house , 1131 N 17th st. Inqulrn 21tl S lath st. 4:12 : "ITIOH ill.NT live room cottage , cast fronl JL1 blO s 1'jth st. liumlro room 14,303 n 10th st. 4CC-OJ TI1OH KENT Nlco 7-room house , 1134 North JUnthBt. Inquire31BB. 13th st. 432 ifoit KENT I have about n dozen houses X' ranging from three to thirteen rooms thai can be rented nt living prices. If you want to sent n house , call and sea mo. George J , Sterns- dorir , room o , opp. p. o. use I7UW KENT -Cottago , four large rooms , 101 ! J _ Bouth 2oth sj. 313 TilOK KENT New two-story seven room house. JL' cellar , large attic , cistern , well , coal house and stable ; all new nnd well fenced , on Slllltary road in Clifton Hill , 2 * | miles from postofllce , nt only t2-i per month. A. 1 * . Tukey , 3. W. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. a7tl Itl'.NT b-room house , sewer , gas , hoi nnd cold water , bath room" , new and com plete , JIO per month , ready Sspt. I. Apply at ouce. 0 V. Harrison. 418 8. mh at. 4&.I 1J/OK KENT-or Bale-Js'ew cottage , lledfori JL1 place , on easy payments. Enqulio 41. li Hoeder , room 4Ca Paxton blnoE. 215 IliOlt KENT Nent 7-room house on Davenport JL1 Bt.mur high school , rent (10 A month , llren- uan i ) : Co. , C'huiuberot Comtuerce. 1st WOll KENT Cottage , 6 ro'oms. very desirable. JU 1212 2th tt. , near Seward bt. Inqulro 1400 Capital ove. tr'i fjiOll HENT An T-room lint. elegant - . Inquire JllatTheFttif. . . tin kr ( JI-ff-J. ,4- * I IjlOK HENT- New nve-room cotlnae. 2i | bloc J-1 oil Fnrnnm car Hue. Inquire , 3l4 B 12th st. FOH KENT Ten-room new house , wth gnu. water-power , furnace. Ac. , Ac. , by .CM and llnrnoy. * IO per month Doxlor L. Thomas , at Nebraska Savings bank , 10th nnd Farnam. HO "Tito ! ! HUNT Nent J20 coltfiKS , Apply at once. JL1 C. F. HnrrUoy , 4 315th _ st. f 7 T71OK KENT 10 room modern house J.15.00. 9 JL1 room ditto , f.K.00. 7 room ditto. rJi.OO. Other louses , Mores nnd olllcos. 0. K. 'Ihompsou. heeley blk , 18th nnd llownrd tn. _ mil FOK KENT iVroom cottnpa centrally located , Mend it Jamison , ill ! S. luth. KM KENT Six-room cottage , 1315 Ilnrney JU st. , fcXi per mouth. ii'il FOll KENT New 8-room house on f'umlm ? st , near Lowe nvo. Terms ren sonuble. Ap- lilUlck. | . Spotswood , DOiJi S Iflth. 722 1710H KENT At very low rates , residences of X1 10 to U rooms lu now brick row on Cass and 21th BIS , , on 21th street car lino. All modern Improvements. Apply H. T. Clarke , 25th and Cass or nt I'nlon Ti list Co. U22 EOH UF.NT Elegant 10-room modem house , near High school , J.V ) . (1. ( E. Thompson , Bheely block , Uth nud Howard. 701 FOH HrtNT Now cottngo , 7 rooms , nil mod ern improvements. Inquire lll'J Farnam st KM 7 _ FOK KENT When you wish to rent a house , store or olllco call on us. H , E , Cole , room 0. Continental block. 213 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. POH KENT A large front room nicely fur- lilshed , suitable for two or three gentle men ; nlso first class bonrd by the week nt 1703 Douglas st. tiJVI lo IjVW HENT Hooms with family , table bonrd JU 17U3 Dodge St. ( I1C 124 : Tjl HO NT rooms , single or en suite. 1718 Dodge , - - b2t 12 $ ROOM or suit of rooms for ront. lie I Fnr- nam st. KCO YBKY desirable front room , furnished , nil modern conveniences. 2107 Douglas KJJ OH HUNT Furnished rooms , 1204 Fnrnnm. 623 10" 17IUHN1SHED room to let , 210) Douglas , > JUi10 * FOH HENT A nlcelv furnished room , with use of bath loom , in u convenient location to a pentlemuu of good habits. Kofereuco re quired , 013 South 20th st , corner St. Marys nve. 501 TJ1OH KENT Furnished room with board , 1011 JU Douglas st. 37U 0 * " 171OK KENT-2 or 3 nice largo roomsfurnished JL1 or unfurnished , with board in private fain- lly. IMPS 15th st. Cfll 7 ? IpOK HENT Two nicely furnished rooms.sln- ' glo or Insuite , No. 212:1 : Webster st. 471 TIKJIl KENT A largo pleasant front room , JU 17UO Chicago St. KOI 17IOH HENT A handsome room with alcove at -L1 253J St. Mnry's nve. 117 "TJ10H HENT Newly furnished , clean rooms. J-1 nil modern conveniences ; 1 block from P , O. 1013-1(115 ( Capitol live. 421 bt FOH HENT Newly and nleelv furnished looms , with llrst clnsss table bnnrd. Al'o bonrd by du > or week If desired , 1T \ Daven port. llf'j 7" "PLEASANT furnished rooms , 1WX51'nrnnmst. J H.VS B.20J rnilKEE furnished looms , 013 S 15th. -1- 3fi7 14 I7UMI KENT nirnlshed rooms in Oreunlg blk JL1 cor. llith nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Qeo. H. . Davis. Jlillard hotel billiard room. 217 FOK KENT Elegantly furnished looms with board , luqulro 1GUJ Douglai. 331 TTUMiNlSHED rooms , 11.1 S 20th. JU1 8Q > B 21 * I710H KENT Front room , largo uud nicely J- ' furnished , located near the nigh sciiool , lu the highest uud coolest section of the city ; cublo line und horse ears pass thtf door. En- qulro ut 222 , ' ) Dodge near 2Uh ai. boO- KOOMS Including board in the Young Wo- mcu's homo IViO Dodge st. Keferonees ro- quired. . MO NICELY furnished rooms $1 per week or 5J.50 per month , 002 , BOlandOOJS. Isth st. 4U s17 * 1810 Dodge. ROOM nnd board , 1812 Chlcngo st. 18780 ? TTOK KENT Furnished room , modern con- JL' venlences. A. Hospe. i ; Douglas. 174 DES1KAHLY furnished rooms , Blugio nnd double. Gentlemen preferred , 1WM Capitol nve. 2UO T AHGE nnd small room suitable for gentle- J-i man , vt 1th or without board , 1812 Dodi'e. FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOH HENT 0 or 4 unfurnished rooms nt 623 S 2Hh st at moderate pi Ice , or will rent same furnished. 012 FOH HENT To the right party , 8 rooms on 1'aik.uvo. Heut taken in board. HODoug - Ins st. 5H ) 8 TTNFUHNlSIIED-SultabloforhousokeepIng : U Three ( .1) ) rooms , lo.'S North2Ut st . . .Jll OJ Three (3) ( ) roouiB. 11UHS S. 7th st 1100 Three CD room cottuge.'JIst and Paul st 1260 Three (3) ( ) rooms , 701i ! PnclllrBt 1100 Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1122 North21st st 12 CO Three HI ) rooms , 1015 North 20th st ii : Hi Three CD rooms. 707'i I'ncitlc Bt 1100 Four (0 ( rooms. 417 South 18th st ' 18 00 Apply to .ludge Hentlng Aponcy , Herald building , S. W. corner ot 15th nnd Harnovst. aio YI3UV desirable unfurnished rooms , single or cu sulto , lr , Otterbourg , 10th uud Hurney Sts. 4W ( 9 ? FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 7 > OK KENT-Splondld building sultablo for JD drug storo. well located , lu Hustings , Ne braska. Address , Gazette-Journal , Co. , Hust ings , Nebraska , G24 10 POH HENT On Cuni/ng / st. store nnd living apiirtments , nlso livery stnble. Kmiulro of Harris K. E. & L. Co. , Hooiu 411,1st Nut. bank. 1 CO. ) tOHHENT ApnrtofSOSNICth st. 62710 TT1OH KENT Nicely furnished olllce. ground J-1 floor , half of 300 S 10th st. opposlto Chamber of Commerce , M. A' Upton Company. OU9 O FFICE5 and basements for rent , corner 13th nud Jackson sta. Mrs. F. Lnngo. 801. 17IOK HENT Storeroom. No.214 S. llth st. Ap. JU ply ut 1110 Honnrdst. 250 "IJIOH HENT Two stores nnd lints , corner 28th JU and Dodge sts. Potter & Cobb4088 FOK KENT Etpro-room under Omaha llnnk- Ing Co. . cor. 15th and Harney. sultublo for money loaning or real estate business. Paulson A ; Co. , No. nil , room f , Faruam st. U52 "f/IOK KENT Fine retail store room with JL ! largo basement , ? 90 per month. C. F. Har- rlson , 418 S. 15th st. < 8.l rilWO choice store rooms in the Her building , JL between Howard and Jackson sts. Apply Hnymer * c Her store , 624 B ICth st. 473 slu FOH HENT Double store room , suitable for clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , locution first cluss. Address X 01 llee olllce. I'.U STOKE for rent , llll Fnrnnm street. Inqulro of Nnthan bhclton , nt 1505 Farnnm street 248 OH HENT-Ofllco suite 125 month , 2 single olUces $15 each , nil fronting IBth St. , llnsn- mnn block , N. E. Cor. 16th nno. Douglas. W. M. Ilushmnn. 1311 Iienvenworth. 249 mWO stores , 22x.W , just completed , with lints X ot seven rooms nbovc , with water and gas , first-class finish , Cth nnd Pacific sts , , low rent. Apply to EUlnt'er Ilros. , U12 B. 10th St. , Omaha. RENTAL AGENCIES. GEOHGE J. STEHNSDOHFF , room , opp. P. O , , w 111 hereafter gtvo special attention to renting houses , stores and Hats. If you want your property rented without delay nud to reli able tenants , do not fail to list the same nlth him. sso 171011 quick rental and peed tenants list your JL1 houses with H. H , Wandell , 403 N. Ifith st , 2nd lloor. ; ri : /7J. E.THOMPSON.Shcolyblk , 15th & Howard. iit tii'5 ' \VE KlvB special attention to renting aud col- > lectlngrentft. list with Us. II. E. Cole , room 0.Continental block. bl F l OU want your housei rented place them with llenawn & Co. , 15tn , opposite postotnce. LOST. T , < J8T At Hnruum's show , a ladlus' gold TrnK.BlSA\alcu wlth Bll ° rt chain , monogram , l\fw' . 1'lueral reward for return to 0. . w. cor. 16th anil l > o Klas , up- TOST In Omnhn or fair grounds Ihurndny. n Indies' black silk wrkp. Finder will be liber ally rewarded by lenvlng game nt Hub ro'tau- lunt. Ill South Uth bt. IOST Orny CliatnoH ikln ling containing JW ) . - Finder suitably rcwnided by lenvlns at llco olllce. ofu 8' LOST-On the 4th Inst. , black Spaniel pup with stump tall , in the neighborhood of Park nvo , nnd Mnson streets ; tinder will bo ro wnrded by Icavluj ; him nt BtO Park nve. 6'J2-7 ' * rpAKEN-lYomaith nmrcss sts Tuesday JL night , at about V o'clock , a dark bay horse with new top buggy , red running gear. A suit able reward will bo paid by leaving nny Infor- mntlon of some nt Neb. Pnvlnt-s llauk , Ifith and Farnaui sts. W. A. L. Gibbon. CM 7 * FOUND. TIAKEN UP 3 year old cow , led nud white , H14 N. 22nd St. U1-7-14-21-2S * FOUND Mileage book on Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railway. Cnll on Edvnid Olo- BOII , 1010 Fnrnnm St. 040 7 * PERSONAL. HORACE , when you stop at 310 South 15th fit. see F. .1 McCarthy. lie olTers ROIIIO good real estate bargains or trades In Omaha and South Omaha. Hollos. i)71 ) U * AKY STHONG , M. I ) . , rooms 3 and 4 Jacobs block , cor , Capitol avo. nud 15th st. 413-O-U IF you vvnnt to buy , sell , rent or exchange cnll on or address George J. Sterusdoru , room C. opposlto P. O. 231 T3KHPONAI/ you hnvoii personal Item , or JL any communication , drop it in onu of Tlio Ileo's message boxes. 103 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOIt SALE Pony , harness and cait , cheap. N. W , cor. 29th and Seward sti. ii 0 l FOlt SALE All or pnit ot furniture of n llrst- class boarding house full of bonrdeis. H 53 , llee. 3H ( 7 * FOK 8ALE A Snyder make open buggy , cheap lor cash , or will trade for top buggy. Oco. J. SternsdoilT , room 0 , opposlto P. o. Foil SALE Planing mill machinery. Call at 1403 Davenport st. Omnhn. 310 171OK SALE-Icoln cuflot Gilbert Hios. . JU Council HUills. Min.i.ii FOlt 8ALI. All kinds ot home grown trees , sullublo for this climate. C. O. Howard \ Co. , Omuha. 'Mi S''S A span of horses , harness and wagon for sale on the Installment plan or otherwise ; will trade for real cstato or commercial paper , or w ill rent same to the right party. Slomaii. room 4ftj 1'axton block 1M ) TfOll SAlitt Cheap for cash , a peed loiul.ster JL' 7-year-old und almost new Columbus top buggy and liainess ; It you want n flno looking rig It will pay you to investigate. OeoicoJ. Sternsdorff , I loom , opp. I" . O. hVI GAS llxtuies for Palo cheap. Have a largo as sortment of the late.st designs lu gas llxturos which I will sell at rost. M. C. Free , Hiiccessor to J. C. Klllott , agent. IMlii rarnain St. 278 "IjlOlt SAliK A new 0 fceat Ilockaway cu ; Hugo JL1 at I.eo & Nichols' Ihery barn. Tweiity-elghtli audlioavenworth. Teleplioue 81) ) . 417 rpllO'rriNO brodhor.ses : standard bred mares JL in foal to fashionably , ! bred stallions ; a ( ew choice young muies aud goldlngs , broken to harness and suitable for track or loud , .lohu W. Watt , Moorelleld , NqT ) . 78(1 ( b"t MISCELLANEOUS. JH. SMITH , the expert accountant , gives in- Btructlons In bookkeeping , and assists In procuring situations , Itoom S48 , Itamgo block. tdl li * WI2 have n party who will build a line 1 waie- house on splendid tratkagu nnd J lease for term of \ ears. Will build to Milt business ot lessee. Apply to HlrkIiiiUor& llulmer. Itoom 18. Wine building. Iil7 10 _ III AVi : a fil ft lot ou 1'arnam street between -bth and 2Jth sts , u splendid location ( or u livery burn , wnlch 1 will lease cneap and build to suit los eo If deslied. ( leoige J. Stcinsdoill , IJooiuO , opi ) . P.O. ' ! W ) _ _ rpflE banjo taught as an nrt by Goo. ! ' . Gellen- - * - beck. 8iW llamuy St. IW TT101I.O\V the rush tcFvtali. 1. verybody is -i-1 buying a Salt Lnko City $20 town lot at 310 S' 15th st. 'Jo early for choice. 2JU GKO1K1E J. Sterusclorir. room rt , oppislte P oT lias bomovery deslrablelotx lu vailons parts of the cltv that can bo leased on reasonable terms. Will build to suit lessee. iW ) TDAHTIE3 having real citato thev w Ish to sell , JL or houses they wish to rent w ill llnd ready ciistomors by culllug on Slomau , room 405 , I'ax- ton block. UM _ OUSE torrent ; fuinlturo for sale or trnde. 1015 Dodge. W/J SEND your orders for One family nnd gentle men's wnshlngiind Ironing to Wing Sing , C09 North ICth st. ; will call for clothes In any part of the city and tnnko terms on nppllcatloii.CuOs20 WOMAN'S Exchange , 1C17 Fnrnam st. Lunch dally , supper Saturday nights. 1)10 ) A UCTION and Storage Wo are prepared to ti-recelvo consignments of furniture und other poods for sulo at auction at our lurse salesroom No. UJi Fnrnam st. Cush advances made. Wo have also the best ot storage fucllltlos. Outside sales attended. Omnha Auction & Stornge Co. , t'uS ' SU H OMR for Destitute Women and Children , 18 Hurt st itto IF you navs anytnlng to trade call on or ad- nressaeorge J. StornsdorlT. Itoom o , oppo site _ postollico. 1G7 E. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 Sheely block. ' . " 55 STORAGE STOHAG Eat low rates in new building. 314 South l-'lh street. 2tkl s 80 OTOHAHE-Snfo , dry and clean nt low rates. Oltlildell & Uiddcll , 1112 Howard , A UCTION nud Storage We me prepared to Xirecelve ronslgnnipnts of furniture and other goods for snle or Btorngo at our warehouse , 1131 Furnnm Bt. Outside unction sales attended. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. _ ! > 57 SO fll HACK AGE , storage. lowest ratej. W. M JL llushman , 1 111 Loavenworth. 254 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING SIIOHTHANDnnd Typewriting-Vnlontlnn's > hnrthaud and 'J'ypoH-rltliiu lusiltute. Larg est nnd best equipped lu the west , ( iraduntos nil occupy good paying situation Duy nnd evening sessions. Students ran enter nt uny time. Seud for circular. New Pnxton bulldliijf , Omaha. 1122 O 0 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ] BENSON X-CAH.MICIIAEL fumlsh romplcte und guaranteed abstracts of tltloitonny real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas couutv upon short notice. The most complete set of abstract books in the city. No. 1WJ rarnain st. 2UU MIDr.ANOaiiaramee.nnd Trust Co , . 150 , " , l-ar- unin Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to leal estate examluecl , perfected JL guaranteed. 2Us _ _ _ WANTED-TO BUY. OlildAdns"wantixT i vnnt "to "buy flovon or eight tUoliBnud dollars worth ot short time mnrlKngesi. Cull at noon or n o'clock or address George Glouser ; 112i Cupltol ave. Oil ! ) _ WANTED A second 'hand , 6 or C ton stock and groin scale. Address llox 2tf , Mul- vern , la. _ i , _ U72 U'fJ \\TANTED-lhaveoii9 , party who wants to TT buy house anil lot in Kountzo place for cash Submit an offer If you want to sell. O. F. Hurri'on.418S. 15th Jr.l _ 309 WANTED-1 nave ilptrtlcswho want to bur house and lot worth , I.OM to } ftliOO , cen- tinlly located. J500 to tl.OOJ cash , oalnure monthly. Submit nn offer. 0. ! ' . Hurrl- son , 418 S. 15th st. _ gifj W ANTED To liny or irado for u good build ing that can be moved. Please call on or address George J. Sterusdoru , room 0 , oppo- TT7"ANTED Household furniture , etc. , Omn- TT ha Auction & btorago Co. , 1121 Fnrnnni ht. _ IF you nave Improved business or residence property that you wish to sell , call nnd sea me. George J. Bternsdorff , room , oppoalU poatol'lce. | i frtOMEY TO LOAN _ MONEY tolend on improved real estate , no commission charged. J. II. l.vnn * . 1510 podge , _ BO-J n \\7F.IIAVE8omo private funds to loan on JT improved city property or to invest in choice short time notes. Lhumii i It ) an. room 6 , U. H. Nut. Hank. oaa It ) T CANS on Omaha city pioporty or improved JU farms nt lowest rates. Central Loan nnd . , 331 1 M : ONHr : tanned ntC. F. Heed A Co.'s Loan office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , porsortal tiroperty o ( all kinds , und all other rttcles of value without removal , 31 ! ) 8. 1 Jth. All business strictly confidential 1ST MONBYTo Loan -lly the undersigned , who has the only property organized loan agency lu Omaha. Jx > ansorIO to flOOmado on furni ture , plf > aof. organs.horscs , waKous.machluery , etc , , without rtajova. ! , No delays. All business Btrletly conlldentlal. Lo n,1 DO inado that any part cau be paid at anr time. etoU unyment re ducing the co < t pro" rnta. Advances ins1' " on line watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they ate dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into exls- Je 'nee. ' Should you need mon"y call and see me. W. 11. Croft , Hootn 4. Wlthnoll butldltic.lMn and H rney. e. _ _ _ T ,000 to loan on Inside property. Porno llrst mortgages ( or sale. Nathan Shelton. . 'I rarnain t. 7f > 3 _ MONKVtoloan In any ainonut , olthor for building or otherwise , at lowest rates of Interest and on short notice. 1) . V. Shales , room 810. rin-t Nat'l bank , cor. lath and rarimm. 8TJ HU. IUKV ! 3i SooTo loan on city property and improved ( arm land. Frcuzar block ! TTo rplli : Uinalm Financial Eiclionge , Itoom 15 , J- Darker block , southwest corner of 1'ar- cam and liith sts. Makes a specialty of ahort-tliuo collateral and real estate loans. Money always on hand in sunn of 1100 and up ward * to any amount , to loan on approved tt- Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear rial estate and cash to exchange ( or good first or second mortgages. Loans made upon laud 'contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage se curity. without publicity , delay or red tap * . Financial business o ( any kind transacted promptly , quietly und fairly. Itoom 15 , llarkor block C'orbctt. Manager. _ -70 . . ' to loan-casn on hand W. M. Harris , room SO , Freulzer block , opp. 1' . O. U7.I _ iVj'XjO ( to loan on business property at an ex $ tra low rate. Kor particulars see W. M. Harris , loom 20 , Fieiizer block opp. 1' . O. I.OMAN , room 401'axton building , loons money on cltv property and farms. 1'artles wishing to build will do well to Bee him Slo- man , room 40 , ' , 1'axton block. _ QUO made on real estate and mortgages IOANS ( . LonU 8. Heed & Co. , l.'C'l Fnmaiii. _ "HI G OOD city and farm loans wanted by A. K , Hlley. 1J19 Farnam. _ _ S81 _ BUILDING loans. Llunhnn & Mnhoney.C51 , to loan nt il per cent. Llnahan < fc Mahoney $500,000 honey , Hooiu 50il 1'axton block. 282 LOMAN , room 40 , ' , Faxton building , will . , make loans In any amount , for short or long time. Short tlmo collateral loans n specialty. Loans made on real estate. Commercial und 1st mortgage paper bought and sold. All busi ness strictly conlldentlal. Come and see mo. Slomnn , room 4Q. ' > , t'avtou block" . I'.K ) MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc , , or on any nnnroved security. J. W. Hob- bins. K. 20fl Sheely blk. Ifith nnd Howard. 233 MONEY to loan. Long time. George J. Paul , 1000 Fnrnainst. 290 ONEV to loan. O , F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1-iOfi Farnam st. 201 DON'T b ow money on furniture , horses , wnconi , etc. , until-you have seen C. U. Jacob.-i , room 410 , I'list Nutloual bunk building , cor. 13th and Furnani 278 MONEY to loan ; largo nnd small sums nt low rates , for short time , on real estate or chattel security ; second notes bought ; all nnnn- clnl business strictly confidential. People's Fl- nnuelal Exchange , O. llouscnrenmanager ; room Mi ! Ilurker block. 15th and Fnrnam. 507 fl'iXXUO ! ) to loan on Omnha city property at 4'per cent. G. W. Day. so cor Kx. bid. 2S3 MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. , without removal or on collateral security , IlUJlness strictly conlldentlal. A. E. Oreenwooa Ic Co. , It 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson. MONEY to loan ontiorsus. turnlture and other personal pioperty or collateral. Rates mod erate ; business confidential. Office S. W. cor ner IMh and Douglas sts Entrance on 15th st. The 1'airb.ink Investment Co. 250 MONEY to oan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. \ \ . Snulro , 121'J ' Tarnam St. , First National bunk building. 279 B EAT. estate loans , lowest rules. Odoll llros. & Co. . 312 S. ICth st. * ' 2i7 K1MHALL , Champ laud Hyan make loans on city property tit lowest rates , optional liaj mcnts , cash on hand , no delay. Mortgages bought. Itoom 0 , U , S. Natloualbank. _ _ EASTEHN money cheap. City und country. Onice Philadelphia Mortgage and TiUbt Co. . room VI , Hoard otTrnde Geo. W. 1 * . Coates 202 fiATTELnnd collateral loans , M. J HIS , Uthst. Itoom 27. M 1ONKY to loan on Omnhaand South Omaha property. C. F. Harrison 413 s. 15th st. 2i'6 ' . 8 per cont. Money to loan on rapro- $ v d farms or city property. James A. Wood man , at the old fire insurance omco of Murphy & Lovott , 220 S. 13th St. 2 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HAKE business chance Wanted a partner with money or security , ( a doctor pre ferred ) to u holesale n line of exclusive druggists' goods. JI.OOJ worth now manufactured und u-ndy for unle. Prollts. $100 per day. Address fully with reference. W. It. V. , lt' 0 Farnam st. ( J3030 FINE faun for halo within one mile of Cnth- olio college at Yoik. Addiess Heal Estate , box 1)37 ) , Yoik , Neb. ( to ! U ? BAHDEIt shop for sale , small cupltnl re- gulicd. Address 012 , Hoe. OU Oj Foil SALE My half Interest In nu estab- INhed llro luhiirunco ngency. 8200 required. Address 0 11 , Hoc. C3li-8 FOH SALE cheap Itestauraut doing n flno business on 414 Noith IGth , No cash re- quhed to right parties. Possession given nny tlmo. Must ho sold immediately. C37-7t MEAT market for Halo. Ono of the best pay- Ing stands In the city. Very low rout , Address 1811 St. .Mary's avo. 627,11 * Foil SALE-or Kent Hakery , Ice crenm and lunch business ou n good corner. Apply 2:109 : ( 'liming st. 570 7t FOll SALE A tlrst-ciass grocery stock , cen tral locution. largo and paying business. Satisfactory reasons for desiring to sell Nusou , Itoom 19 , Chamber of Commerce. 5S7 "IJ1OU SALE Kestuurunt nnd bakery. Host -L ? chance you over naw. lluslness booming , tow u booming. Good reason * . Address A. E. llnyden , Ciete N'eb. 1KI1 7J T710H SAI.Ii- First class stationary , coufec- Jtlonery , tobacco , clgui'H und oyster parlor. Address .1. A. Sober , Anhoo. . Nob. 4W lit TJ10K SALE-Ilestnurant with confectionery , J ? clgprs nnd tobacco. Good location. Ad- dre-s II 07 , llee. 4VS a * TJ1OH SALE The best located nnd best J. ' eiiulpiicil bakery lu the city. Long lenso. Must bo sold. Addtuss C ! l , Iloo olllco. 600 b iTvm SAI.E-ARI stock of hurdw are ut half X1 pi Ire. Innuln nt 13JU South 1'Jth st or of Lee Clnrk , Andrec Co. 605 8 T71OH SALE Abstract books ot Omaha nnd X' Douglas county. This is nn established , rapidly increasing , business , paying a lingo Interest on the Investment. For books und good will of the business. Omaha real es tate or secured puper with a fair cash payment will bo taken. Ueoigo W.Ames , 1507 Furnum. 612 jlOH SALE or trade A valuable invention. - Will sell same cheap for cash , or w ill trade Sloman. room 4il ( Paxton block. E OK SALE-Good will , futures nnd stock of one of the finest groceries west of Chicago , ith n trndo ot f70,000 per you.- . Nothing but cash or first class unlurumbored real estate will be considered. Address 04 , Heo olllce. D24 13 FOH SALE At 1C earney. Nob. , the turnlture and lease of Grand Central hotel. The sec- IjlOHSALE A w on-established whole. rieand J ? retail tobacco and cigar business. Coving n good iobbliij-trado In city nud country ; busi- nes-4 i located ou one of the principal business streets in the city. Good reasons for selling. For partlculai s address X 63. Hea olllce , 612 OK SALE-Or trade , for ggiod'productive property , one of the best uotels in Omuna. Addiess. X of , llee olllce , , 171 B S ' \VANTED Partner to take charge of a biisT- T ness. Hmall cupltnl required. Call room 21 , Darker block. U71) ) 7t IjAOlt SALEl'hoan for cash , N. V. Hotel and J-'Iti-stuuraut , 71W N. 10th St. ; good business ; desirable locution ; reason for selling , huvo other inslnes * to atteiuVto. Cull on or address E. A. ainrt.li. IHS N. luth st. Omaha. 631 IT'OK SALE or exchange The stock ot a char- JL tered member noldltm the choicest oil lauds inltattlesnako district , Wyoming. Address D 07. liee olllce. yaa 8t 1710K HALE-ijult Lake lots $20 each , at niO S. K Uthst. 426 TJ10K BALE At n bargain , a stock of general J.1 morch ndlso in a live town. Address Loclc IJox D , North litnd. Neb , U15s3g DIIUO "tore , fstaollshedMyrs. thlscltyU cn li. rare bargain ; address X Cl llee. 2IVn9 * 13AW1ES wishing to purchase real o tnto Jor seeking Investments of nny kind will do well to cation Sicilian , room 405 Paxton block. I71OH 8ALE-l.lvery otablo , stock nud Hxtures J. ' complete , nil nearly now , rent reasonable , centrally located. Add ! ess A 14 , Hco ofllce. 474 s 13 * FOR EXCHANGE. IF you hnve good clenr fnrm land or city prop erty to exchange , cnll nud ace mo , Geo. N , Hicks , llnrker block. 1148 B EXCIIANOE-Cholce improved farmlands - lands In Nebraska for Omaha residence prop erty or stocks of clean merchandise. Call or nil- dress W. A. Frye , H 1 , uvv. cor. 16th * Fnrnnni , 628 03 1T10K THADE Three well-located houses nnd J-lots for good Nebraska land , Improved or unimproved. Mint bo unencumbered. Address H G.S , care Omaha llee , giving inscription and price , 470 i ) TTIOIt EXCHANGE-Flve room house and lot JL ? 60x175 feet , on South lpith st , Nlco homo. Wnnt nil fO ncre farm. C. E. Monghcr , room 2 , over Kaymond's jewelry store , V20-12J TJEXCIIANGE-East front lot , 1 blocVToTl paved st. , for cheap western land. House lot In Kountro place for fnrm. Flue east fiont lot. 1 mile from court house , for horse and phaeton. C40 acres ot Franklin Co. , Neb. , land for house and lot Lot nnd store bulldlng.cloarof encumbrances , for good cheap western lund. House nnd lot lu good Iowa town , clear of in- cumbrancen , for house nud lot In Kotintzo place. llansrom place lot and 12,000 cash for house nnd lot In western pnrt of city. Chns. H. Woolloy , 418 South 16th st. 484 18 I II AVE renl aud personal property of all kinds for trnde. Cnll and see mo. George J. Bternsdorff. room 0 , opp. P. O. 31-0 mo EXCHANGE Lots for lands. Paul , 1009 JL Farnam. 39t ) U * WHAThave you to offer for 1.2SO acres of Umber landl u West Virginia , clear of In- cumhrnuce , perfect title , George J. Storusdorlf , Itoom 0. opposite P. O. 231 A HOTEL and saloon centrally located to xl-trado for city property or fnrm laud. Goo. J. Sternsdorll.room 0 , opposlto P. O. C80 TVANTED-ltrlck tor clear lots. C. F. Harri- TT son , 418 S. 15th st. 309 WHAT have you to trade for 60 acres or land unlncumbored In Juncan county , Wls , , ,1 miles from county seat. U. J. Stornsdorff.room C. opp Postolllce. 1U7 " \yANTED Laud for lots. Paul , 1008 Fnrnam. aJ. STr.KNSDOKFF , Itoom B. opposite P. O , , has some choice farm land to trade for city property. Will assume light lucuni- brauces. 231 WANTED A good horse , buggy nnd harness In exchange for South Omaha lots. G orc J.StcinsdorM. room ( I. opp postolllca. 230t rpllADES made In real estate and personal JL property. See exchange book. CO-OD. I * nnd L. Co. 20a N. 10th st. 2U'J V\THAT have you to trodo for some north- TT western oil stock ? Address U 0 , Ueo olllco. 811 WILL give you a ; oed truao tor an eight or ten room nouse and lot. George J , Sterns- dorff , Hoom 0 , opposite P. O. 231 EIGHTY (80) ( ) acres of nnd adjoining Lake Munawa , Council , Bluffs , la. This tract will make 400 beautiful lots and is free from encumbrance. What have vou to offer ? George J.Sternsdorlt room a , opp P. O. 107 CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvoranv. Med ical , business and test medium , magnolia free. Foicale diseases a specialty , lit N. 16th Bt..ltooins2&3 Tel. 944. 2.VJ FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. A HA Hi : chance The tmutlful grove und grounds on Vurlc Etieet , Just out- sldo the oily limits , in West Omuha , and neai Iv opposite lltisT's hotel wlllboollered for sale this week. This property Is undoubt edly tno oest situated lor summer giirdeu and picnic purposes of any around the city , and If properly handled , can bo mudo the great sum mer resort around Omaha , and a live , enter prising man can make a fortuuo out of It. This valuable property will bo ollored for sulo l > y Hicks , the real e-ituto agent , room 40 , Mar ker block , and If you want to get hold of one of the biggest chances for making money ever of fered , w o advise you to call and see him nt once. 048-9 _ IF you have good property for sale , list the same with Geo. N. Illcks , room 40 , llarkor block. _ _ 048 U TJM1H SALEoroxcnange Form of 431 acres In - - ' Marian county. Neb. $1,000 encumbrance. Want small unencumbered farm in eastern Ne braska. Dr. Hodgman , Hurrblk. , Lincoln. U BARGAINS We have tno extra bargains for this week. Ouo at $7,500 and the other at f.600. M. A. Upton Company. _ 679 FOH SALE Or exchange , 3.000 acres choice well Improved farming land in northern Nebraska - braska , in lots to suit purchasers. Addioss L , cnriuM Lyons. O'Nell. Neb. 49,1 1U _ _ TTIOH PALE Llogunt house and lot lu Wind- J- . ser place , owner non-resldont who wants to put his money elsewhere and will faell right. 0. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. D09 EYMOIJH PAHK-Thls beautiful suburban property is now on the market. Seymour park consists of about four hundred nnd eight r acres of woodland mid law n. situated on a nigh cmlncuce. commadluK a magnificent view or Omaha ami surrounding country. The entire property is covered with thousands of beautiful torest trees , consisting of oak , hickory , walnut , ash , maple , box elder , oatalpn , black cherry and other varieties. Suburban tialtis now running on licit Line Hy. nllord quick und easy transit between Seymour park and the business center ot Omaha. Magnificent lots In Blzu 10'lx20J ' ( eet , ( routing on broad avenues can be sold at prices innglng ( rom $100 to ? GCO. One , two and three- aero lots can be bought ( or one-half of the cost of MI ordinary city residence lot. Now is the tlmo to secure a choice residence slto in this beautiful suburb. We will bo pleased to show this pioperty at any tlmo and cordially invlto all those seelclng a homo to call at our olllco and make airangoments to go out with us to see Seymour park. E. F. Seaver , room 40 , Darker block. 048 0 GI LT-EDffE bargains Parties wishing to make good Investments in Omaha or South Omaha pi oporty , to sell or trade a good farmer or buy n good established business in any line in this city , call upon F. J. McCuithy , 310 S. ictli. 477 Ot T71OH SALE Full lot and large 2-story housa -L ot 7 lurgo rooms , good well , collar , cistern In the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars. chinch , school and store close by. All new nnd complete , 42.0JO. Small rash payment , balance monthly , .lust the place lor a man of moderate means and Urge family. Cnmo and son mo about It. 0. F. Harrison 418 8. nth st. b32 anco easy. M. A. Upton company , if ) TriOH SALE Choice section of fnrm lund at J- ' price that makes it ono of the best Invest ments on the maikot. Gee , N. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block. C4t ) 0 T71OH SALE New 8-room house , all modern L' improvements , near corner Woolworth aud Virginia nvcuues , Ilanscom Place , J4.600. 0. I' . Harrison. 118 S. 15th st. _ < 83 TTIAItMING In eastern Nebraska pays now. To those wanting to. go on a farm wo can tell lipw to K 5 K533 land with very little money. Tiio day that this can be don * will soon b passed. M. A. Upton Company. 807 T71ARMS Wo have some of the finest Improved J-1 farms In Missouri Krnsas Iowa - , , and Nebraska - braska ( or sale , M. A. Upton Company. C79 171011 sale or trade for good inside real estate Jor good secured real estate paper 6'iO acres otland. Noincumbranco. About 8 miles from Duluth. Minn. , anil about 4 miles from Superior City. Wls. ; this will bear close Investigation ; remember Duluth and Superior are the two coming cities. H will pay to investigate this. Slomau , room 4U'i Paxton block , 090 OUTHOMAHA-Lot 14. block 77 , B. B. corner 2 th mid M streets , 6-room house , J10.000 , H cash. Lot II , block 7R , 8. E. corner 23th nnd M streets. .omt. 5i cash. House on this rents $15. If these corners were on N street they would neli for KJU.W.U each. M will be a better street tnan N In a year from to-day. Each ono o ( these corners will make seven business lots. M. A. Upton A : Co. _ bai FOH HALE-Uy J. II. Evans. 1510 Dodge. New 4-room house , monthly payments , ! ) , MX ) . Now 4-room house , monthly payments , JI.ROO. -room house and lot. In mile circle , on cable. Fine lot. Huascoin Place , nt grade , J.&OO. Corner in Hawthorne at grade , gl.COO. East front on Suunders. line fruit , { 2,000. 1 have plans ( or handsome cottuge to bo built on corner in Hanscom place ; will be sold on monthly payment plan. A share in Park llulldlngassoclatlonpaldup ; handsomely wooded lot ; invcutlgatel Fine U-room house and food burn , Park avo. , 13.700. Several halt lots in easy reach of U. P. shops and street cars , on easy terms. Good , flrat-clas farm land in Col fax , Kear ney , Ilutfalo. Dawion , Keith and other ( .ountles. A Una tract , aw ncrea. choice hay l nd , 1 mile from county scat and station , fenced , well uud wlnd-mlUi deoidml bargain. I make a specialty ot choice Unas in eastern part ot state. 0. D. ISYWis , 1510 Dodge it CCS U GJ.RTKHNPOOIlFr. roomfl opposite poifr onice , will Mil you a good 4-room house on 10th treet , 3 blocki south ot car Hue , by par * ing tM rain , bnlnncn monthly payments to suit , Thti l.s a splandld opportunity for , * UT * one wanting a cheap lioint. 231 DO you want a gilt edged Investment. Ilehd our list of choice Omaha properly. Bargain 70x140 feet , turner Lake nnd 18th street , with onn nice house tuid room for two more , pnco tnixu. Hnrgnln-Coruer 22d nnd Lenvenworth sts , , 52xl-M feet , with three good houses , bringing la rental of from IVJO to i.OOU per yenr. Price for n few days , only IU.5WI. Choice five nnd ton aero trncts in West Omaha near licit Line railway. In n tlnn stnto at culti vation , especially ndnpted for elegant fruit nnd vegetable gardens' Magnificent view , high nnd healthy location , and only twenty-live minutes rldo to business center of city. Call and got prices nnd terms. Hnrguln-06 feet on 1,1th St. , near Pierce , with small cottage , can offer fora fe.w dnys nt M.OCW. This is n first cluss business propcity. Hnrgaln Choice ten-aero tract near Uelt Line Hy , In West Omaha. This land Is in n flue stnto of cultlvntlounud especially dostrablo for fruit nud vegotnble garden. Till * property is ono of the best Investments In the mnrket to day , Magnlllceut view , splendid location , H can be divided Into fifty nlco lots that will sell Inside ot live yours for I40J or $500 each 1 can oiler the ten acres for the next ten days for 1,1,500. There is no safer or surer Investment than well located aero property , and It will pay you to Investigate this. Hnrgnln-Splcudid business lot on M street , nonr U. P. depot , tor a few days nt UOCO , Geo. N. Hick ? , Darker block , southwest corner nor 15th and Farnam sts. 043 9 OH SALE I will sol you a complete and F beautiful homo forty (4U ( ) minutes by street car and 20 minutes by hor.so nud buggy from 15th and Furunm for what you would nave to pay for a vacant 40-foot lot In Ilanscom Place or equally good addition ; my horse nnd car riage are nt your service to show you this prot > - urty. Come In to-morrow aud see me about it. C. F. Harrison , 418 3.15th st. 184 OH SALE-Houses on lull lots from WOO to Jo.000. on mothly payments. Now Is your tlmo to get n homo In splendid locality. Come nn Invest Igao. F. K. Darling , 1521 Farnam. SALE A beautiful residence lot In Isaac. & Seldeu's addition ; If you want a bargain investigate. George J. Sleriisdorlt. Hooiu 0 , opp. 1 * . O. 681 TJIOH liALE Or exchange. We have sorat JD good Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms , which wo will sell cheap or trad * for stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drr poods , boots audshoes , groceries or hardware. Scale * Inger llroa. . 014 S lOthst. COB UJWJO buys n full Tot und good 4-room cottngo Pcasv terms nnd good location. 1) . V. SJiqles , room Vlfl . , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th and Far. nnm. ULUFFS We have some lots at V /tho east end of the now bildgo that can bo bought at n figure that will make purchaser monuy.M. _ A. Upton Company. 679 . farms Wo have some good 100 NEIIHASK.A up the Elkhorn valley with $400 and $500 long time mortgages against thorn , that from JOO to fMXcash ) will buy the equities , Now Is the tlmo to Invest In Nebraska farm lands , although Belling cheap they nro valuable and moro productive than eastern land vuluocj at four or live times our price. M. A. Upton Co 810 1T1OK SALE Houses of live and six rooms ) . J- Your own tcims. Paul , 1000 Faruam st. UVO 0 ' NLY a few lots loft lull. & M. park addition to South Omaha. What have you to offer ? George J. Sternsdorlf. Itoom C. opp.P. : O. 231 I HAVE a few choice lots In Orchard Hill left which I will sell cheap nnd on long tlmo. Slomun , room 401 Pnxton block. WO 71OK SALE-lly lextcr ) L. Thomas , at No J braska Savings Hunk , 10th nnd Farnam ; SO percent oil value. lo full lots at grade 0 blocks from postofllce block , South Omaha , $500 ench , terms to suit ; who wants llrst choice ? u lots on Farnam street , cast ot Dundee i . „ , north or south fronts , $ lr > 00 each and less. 5 nicest full lots in Bedford Plnco.south fronts , choice $700 , terms onsy. 10 nicest coiner lots and adjoining in Lincoln Placevery cheap nud terms to suit. r > nnd 10 acre timber tracts U miles from Omnha P.O. , ( inn perncre. f- aero tracts by Florence , can't bo boat for smnll fruit , $80 per acre. I on the above ns w ell ns lots In vnrlous nd- dltions. Including 0 lots on West Broadway , Council lllulls. See motor n bargain. Dexter L. Thomas , nt Nebraska Savings n nle , Boaid of Trade building. C3i > I WILL sell n limited number of lots in South Omaha's D.'M. . park addition for the low price of 810. Hemomber n warranty de d given , with each lot. This ealo only continues a fayy days. Cnll quick nnd got llrst choice. Sloinan , room IO.Puxton block. 000 FoOmaha " or trade SO aero fariii near Omaha ; good Improvements ; plenty of fruit ; terms reasonable. Heal Estate Ex > change. 2002 N st , South Omaha. _ HI 15 BUSINESS Kith street , corner. 4 blocks from Farnam , for > j less than It is worth. 06x139 ou Capitol ave , butwt-on 15th ami Kith , at lesa than value. M , A. Upton Company. 079 Nntlco to Coal Dealers. Sealed proposals will bo received at the office of the County Clerk up to 9 o'clock n. m.Soptem- bcr 8th , ms , for soft coal to bo furnished Doug las County for winter of 18889 , as tollowsi For Poor Fnrm , 160 tons moru or loss to bo de livered on side track near Poor Farm , For city poor , 600 tons moro or less , to toe de livered lu lots of y nud > , i tons. ( Vrtllled check of 850 to accompany each bid. The board reserves the right to accept nny or refuse nil bids , JI. D. 11OOHH , a-4-d-Ct County Work. NoM(5o To Plumbers nnd Steam Heaters nnd Manufac turers ot Electrical Apparatus. Sealed proposals will be received nt the offlo of County Clerk Douglas County , Nebraska , until 0 n. m. , Sntiirday.-Soptember 8th 1888 , ( or Bteam Heating. Plumbingand to. , for the new > County Hospital llulldlng. Plans and spocltlca- tlons can bo seen nt olllco of County Clerk. Certified check of t , > 00 to accompany each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any nnil nil bids. . , M. D. KocnE , County Clerk , n. S3-mtt e-to s. 8. Notice to Contractors. SEALED bids will bo received at the o dice ot theSecrotnryof the Hoard of Education of the School District of.Crete. Neb. , until Sept. 13th , 18(8 , nt 8 p. m. , for the erection ot the. Crete High School , in accordance with plans and specifications to be seen at the First National Hank , Crete , Neb. , or at the onice ot Fowler It Ilelndorff , architects , 1004 Farnam street. Omaha. Said bids should corer brick work , cut stone , plastering , galvanized iron , and tin work , slating , mill work , cnrponterlmr. paint ing , and all other work demanded , except steam heating , and the furnishing of all the materials required for the entire completion of the build ing. A cortlOed cheek must accompany each , bid. The board reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. . IJy order ot the Hoard of Education. W. T. HUCIIANAN , Secretary. Notice to Contractor * . Sealed proposals will be received ut the offlca of county clerk until Un. in. . September 8. ltH , for removing 2,000 ynrds ot earth , moro or loss , nt intersection ot road running through center of see. 3.J-I8-1U and the Fremont , Klkhorn ft Missouri Valley railway company. The board , reserves the right to reject any and nil bids. 8 6-dlt-mS.e M. D. HOCHE. County dork. Notice Notice is hereby given that nil baggage being in my possession over thirty days , will ba sold to pay charges on the same. If not railed for on or before the first day of October , I8K when the sale will take place nt the .Southern Hotel , corner Oth and Lenvenworth streets , Omaha ! Nebraska. KIDS DEHECK , Erodr. August 3-s7-H [ Bettia Stuart Institute gi Will commence ! U21il reartiiiptombor Utli , KM. AU Tantnccs uiiBiirpaiiHil. llonin crmfortu ! OH refit tmlnluti. ApplT to tr . M. AUKEUllosits , I'rlnolpat UNION COLLEGE OF LAW , SS ft * * For circular * address H. HOOTII , Chicago , 111. T. JOHN'S SI 1L1TAHY SCHOOL , MANLIUH. N. V. Civil Engineering. CHsslcs. lluslness. IlT. HBV.F. D.llUNTINGTON. President. Lr. COL. W. VEKIIEOK. Bupeifutendeut. Mor unP rkne-rChlca ( o ) . I U Scbwil rorQlrls and YouiiRLnrtloi , Keri Cltnloftu * addreM . TIIAVKIl. 1,1 , . l.1 Morg u 1'atk.lll. , or > 77 41 aiou Bireet , CWcogo , III. KEYLOCK INSTITUTE , South Wllllumstottii , nerkshlre county. Mnss. A prlvnt * school for boys. Prepare for college , scientific school or business. Forty-sev enth year begins Thursduy. September I3th , For catalogue address UEO. F. MILLS. ' Principal. Morgan Part Military Academy The llfst Hoys' Hoarding School In the West. Sixteenth year begins Sept. 18th. Send for cat * , lotrue to CAIT. ED. N. ItlllK. TALCOTT. Bupt. . MoitoAN PAIIK , COOK Co. , ILL. NORTHWESTERN ' -a ' nor" ' ° ' . -A Full Corpi of ISiperlencod In. . 1 for Initrurtlon , fotnfnru. nil Ctirlitlan I , III. PEEKSKILL MlLlTAHY . ACADEMV-- Pecksklll-oii-Hudion , N. Y. Peud for cat * * . JNO. M.'nLUUX.il.D. , M.A. , _ . \ / * , & * - JL „