0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATtfflDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1888 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFIUK , So. 12 rn.vuij STIIUKT Delivered by Cnrrler In Any 1'nrt of the City nt Twmty Ccuta 1'er Week. II. W. TJI.TON. . : . . MANAUKH. cr. No. 41. NIIIIIT I'.IIITOII , No. BJ. MIXOlt ai N. Y. Plumbing company. Tlio low rate Klvcn by the Northwestern rend Ims cnunoil quite mi extensive exodus of citizens wlio ileslro to visit old homes iilul friends in the cast. City Clerk liurko is to build n One real- dcnco next to the one lie now occupies. Thu cxcnviitlon be mi yustcrdny nnd work will bo pushed rlKlit along. J. M. 1'nlmer lim moved Into the Marshall residence , corner of Ninth street mid Fourth nvcnuc. He has nrndu souio marked Im provements in the property. When district court convened yesterday morning , none of the casiM assigned for the day were ready fur trinl , and an adjournment wan taken until this morning. There was a large attendance at the meet , last evening. It jni' of the republican club was decided to attend the rally at Malvorn next Frldnv evening. There will bo a large delegation from this city In attendance. ii nnd Mrs. Kobcrt Mullis cclcurntcd uielr first wedding anniversary last evening bv inviting a few relatives and Intimate friends to a pleasant tea. The occasion was a jo.vous one , with true hospitality in all its details. Mlfes Georgia Brewer died yesterday mornIng - Ing of consumption at her tiomo in this city tit the ago of twenty years. The deceased was a woll-Unowii young colored lady , and hud suffered for the past six years from cou- bU 111 I it foil. Captain D. .1. Clnrlr. who has been attend ing the state fair nt bcs Moincs , returned yesterday. Ho brings in the train vote ns : Harrison 107 , Cleveland , Fisl : 13. The Indies nlco voted and they stood t5 ! for Harrison risen and ! W for Cleveland. Messrs. Hudio & Scars arc Using up the Manhattan temperance cigar store and billiard parlor in elegant style for the winter Reason. The decorating is very line indeed , and the place will be without n rival in this part of the country. The Macedonia hall team will play the homo club Sunday and Monday aiternoons for the entire gale receipts. The visiting team has not been defeated this season , aim is ono of the lineal in this part of the state. Some Interesting games may bo cxpcetcd. Mr. E. Hosencranz , late of this city hut now located in California , is remembering his old friends hero by elegant souvenirs of the Odd Fellows' grand convocation which takes place on the ! 3ith ( inst. He is running a hotel which ho bus named the ' Iowa Villa hotel. " The foundation for the Mcrrlatn blocls is completed. Nearly COO.OOO bricKs were re quired for Its construction. The walls of the lirst Jloor will bo almost entirely of iron and plate glass. The iron is furnished by the Ogdcn iron works of this city. The greater part of it is already llnUhcU , and there will be no delay in the work. Several of our citizens who participated in the rendition of "The Ucestrict Skule , " some time ago wil visit Omaha this evening to ren der some advlco nnd assistance to the mem bers of the Hillside Congregational church , who are preparing to present this laughable entertainment. A pair of horses attached to ono of Mul- holland's ice wagons indulged In an exciting runaway on Tenth avenue nnd Main street yesterday morning. The runaways collided with n buggy belonging to Theodore Uray. The horses were stopped , but the collision was fatal to the buggy. No one was In jured. Fruit of nil kinds tit Fcaron's. Oospel Meetings. Will bo held In the Scandinavian Baptist church this evening at7:4f : . and every night this week. The evangelist , Ucv. A. Jacobs , Is hero and will conduct the meetings. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. II. A. HciciiBXiiAcii , Pastor. Ef II. Shcnfo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly con lido 11 tul. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main btrcot , up-staira. The Mannerchor society will have a picnic at Lake Mamuvu to-morrow. Kapp's Lauding has been secured for the exclusive use of the society and those who attend as its guests. The so ciety never docs things by halves , and nil who attend to-morrow may bo as sured ot a good time. 1'crnonnl Paragraphs. Charlie Mitchell end mother left last night tor eastern points. I. N , Fllcklngcr went to Logan yesterday on legal business. Mr. Ed Wright nnd wife started last even ing for Columbus , O. Jerry O. Mayer leaves to-day for his okl homo in Wcaversville , Pcnn. Mr , W. O. Wort , wife and children went over the Northwestern last evening. Ezra Sprague of Maryvlllo , Mo. , who travels In the Interest of an agricultural machinery house , was yesterday the guest ol Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fllcklngcr. P. H. Farley of Sloan , la. , the first sub scriber Tin : DAILY Bun had In that place , was In the city yesterday. Ho has been tak ing m the week's attractions over the river. Mrs. H. H. Glover returned yesterday from an extended trip to Boston , Narragan- sett Beach , Washington and other eastern points , and is stopping for a few days with her sister , Mrs , T. E. Cavin , ISO Park avo- ouc. ouc.T. T. C. Fllcklnger , a brother of the attor ney's , has returned from an extended stay at Bessemer , Wyo. . a town which is belnj , boomed much of late. Ho says the reports wo greatly exaggerated and little or nothing Is doing there. Mr. Fliekiiiger returned to his homo near Independence , la. , yesterday Michigan poaches , finest in the luiiJ fet Fearon's. Boots. Shoes ; Kiunohan's , 320 Broad way. CHEAT SALfi HICl'TKMnRU 12. Of Council Hind's Lots At Auction I will offer for sale and sell without reserve to the highest bidder one-hal of all the lots in Cochran's addition to Council BlulTs. Ono lot of every other pair through out the whole addition will bo eoul will the privilege to the purchaser of there uialiiing lot at the sumo price. The ground on which the addition is laid is known as the old fair ground forty , north of the Union Pacific depot , and Eouth of Broadway. The number ol lots arc 100 , or four to the acre. TKUMS. Ton per cent of the purchase money cash iu hand. The balance in nine equal annual payments to bo evidenced by notes bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum , secured by mortgage. The property purchasers will got warrantee deeds , title perfect. I will also sell on the same terms and nt the same Bale 100 lots in Central sub division and Street's addi tion on grounds joining on the north. Some of these lots are situated on Broadway. DAY OF BALK SKl'TEMHKU 12. L it The place of sale will be on the grounds on Wednesday , the 12th ol September , 18S8 , and continue from day to day till all is sold. The lots and blocks will bo numbered on stakes and maps furnished bidden on day ol sale. Other particulars on day of rale. A. CocilUAX. A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on ft * farm and city property. ! For bargains in real estate see 12. II. Bheafo Si Co. , Broadway and Main street , upstairs. \ WEAK -WOMAN'S ' SORROW , Her Love Betrayed , Her Property Taken , nnd Her Mind Dnsocl. A BROTHER'S VOW OFVENGEANCE Tlie Klcctflc Motor The New Inter- Jstnto lilnc Hwcet Charity Wanted Kick AKuliiNt u Jnnltor The County Boa rein. Search for n fiislor. Another sad case of over confidence of womnii nnd Its abuse by man has just come to light , nnd because the latest acts In the drama , which nuiy develop Into a tragedy , were performed In this city and county , the recital will ho of Interest to the readers of Tin : lir.i : . The Mory as told by the various lorsons Interested Is substantially as follows : Until about six weeks ago there was In a itllo village near Webster City tin unpre tentious millinery establishment presided over by Miss Kate Clnzy. 'J ho money , by which her business was established , came from the estate of the father , who died re cently. She also hud a small farm , and was , to till appearances , getting along well In her business. She was twenty-four years of age , singularly modest and of a retir- ng disposition , keeping company with 10 man and seeking few friends beyond the limits of her business transactions. About the time mentioned the lady disap- icared Irom her place of business , and In a lay or two the stock was taken possession of > y various creditors. At the time she left that place she made a hort visit to her mother , who lives and still ivcs , some miles from there. Hero she got icr mother to indorse a note for jK.O , pre sumably to help her over a little ihmneial strait. She then disappeared , and the lirst iitlmation that she was-not nt her place ot business came some days later. Then the nether began Inquiring , but no clue to the vhercnbolits of the daughter could bo so- urcd. Fearing , she knew not what , she vrote to her son Theodore , who is engaged n the stock and grain business in a town ibout forty miles east of Sioux City. Then ho brother begun n search for the est sister. No one had seen her eave her home , and fearing cither lisgraco or suicide or both he left his broken icarted mother , unit with no eluo to aid him 10 started to llnd the lost one. Friends of he family living nt various places In both his state and Nebraska were visited , but vithout result. Three or four weeks wore thus spent in n fruitless search , when ho caught a clue tit Sioux City. She had been Hero ; had acted strangely while there , and md left without giving any Intimation as to icr destination. The brother then came to Council Bluffs , and after searching two or lirco days without accomplishing anything , 10 engaged tlio services of Constable A. F. 3hatterbucic. That officer began working on ho case last Tuesday. Various places about ho city and near town were visited. Uccoy otters wore sent , but they were not taken Irom the ofllcc. Various "clues" were fol- owed to the end but ended in nothing. Thurs day afternoon the oftlccr thought ho had found out the whereabouts of the missing me , and yesterday morning he and the jrother of the lady started out on the last winter. They drove about llvo miles into the country , in the Garner settlement , and -hero learned that n strange lady was nt the house of ono Mrs. Dillon. The oftlcer then saw that lady and when the description of Miss Clasz was given , she said the lady was there , said she rode out from the Blufls with u neighbor about the 20th of August , that she had made her homo beneath her roof since then , but had tried to earn her liv ing by working out nmonir the farmers. She said the young lady would filvo no account of ucrself , her family or previous history , and at times acted so strangely as to cause grave fears as to her sanity. The young lady herself was then called hi anil introduced to the oflicer. His business with her was explained , and she was asked if she would sco her brother. She appeared somewhat indifferent but said she would sco him , whereupon the brother came In. The meeting was affec tionate on his part , Indifferent upon hers , so unlike her usual , normal self that thcro was no question but that she was deranged. When asked If she would go homo to her mother she said she would , but a moment afterward became violent when nskcit to get ready to leave. Entreaties were used and she linally put her hat on and came away with the ofllcor nnd her brother leaving her effects to bo sent on later. Now come the sensational features of the story. Mrs. Dillon says that in n conversa tion with her the young lady told hcrshohad kept company with n young Catholic priest , and that she had expected to marry him ; that the clergyman had "gone back on her" and she would never trust another man as long as she lived. Another man Is also charged by the family with being largely responsible for her la mentable condition. She explained the llnan- cial break in her business by charging that certain drummers , representing DCS Molncs nnd St. Louis houses , had "raised" her orders , and had sent her"a lot of unsala ble goods ; that having hud little business ex perience tills course of procedure was very easy. A certain cattle man , whoso name may hereafter figure prominently In this same connection , Is also charged with having gained her confidence , got her to put her money into his hands 'for investment and then heat her out ol the pile. The brother herein mentioned swears that ho will hunt the man down who Is responsi ble for his sister's lamentable condition'and visit upon him sucti punishment as ho do serves. Both ho and his sister left last evening foi ttio mother's home , after which , said th ( young man , "I will not rest day or night until 1 have unearthed the villain and make him pay dearly for what ho has done. " Homo grown celery at Fearon's. If you have property for sale at a bar gain list it with us and wo will ndvcr tiso it free of charge. A. A. Clark < S Co. , corner Broadway and Main , ovei American express. S. \Vudsworth & Co. loan money. AVIwt the Motor Will Ho. The work of completing and equipping tin electric motor is steadily going on , and tin time for the opening nnd practical operatioi of the road is rapidly drawing near , yet ver ; few of our citizens have any Idea how th cars arc to bo run , what they will look like or , in fact , anything connected with It , n electric motor lines are by no means commoi in this part of the country , and the brldg company has been too busy to devote an ; time to anything but to the countless ina'.tcr in connection with the building of the bridg nnd the motor line. The company hn had many obstacles to overcome , bu they have all been successfully couibattec About ono mile of track is already laid am spiked on Avenue A from Fourteenth strec west. The track will bo paved on pave streets , of course , nnd also on curves , wher bracing Is needed to prevent spreading. Th Iron is what Is known ns the T and glrdc rail , and is laid on heavy oak sleepers. Tti speed to Lo obtained on straight broad street will bo fifteen miles an hour , and greate speed could bo obtained If necessary. The cars are of the most approved style being among the llnest productions of th famous Pullman Palaeo cur works They are tastefully furnlsheJ , bet inside and out , and are one furnished with live incandescent lights , thro upon ttio Inside and ono nt each end , whlc render ample light and give the cars u bri' llant appearance at night. The orcrhca electric system furnishes the method of opci ation. It was applied for the lirst time enlarge large scale to the road at Hlchmoud , Ya after which Oils road Is patterned. The electric current comes from tbo dym inos at the central power station thrnug wire above the tracks to motors beneath th cars. The current Is taken from the ovui head wire to the motor by means of a roi "under trolley " whin trlvanno Known as an , Is fixed on a flexible arm projecting up fixit the roof of each car. On each side ot th street Is a line of poles , set 100 feet npari Which are connected , two by two , by wire UMihif ? across the street at right angles .to ho tracks' . At n hcight'pf twenty < * . ? Urceily above tho1 middle of the track , Is lunp the "workltiB comhiitor,1' it * the wire H called , on which the. trolley runs. 1 ho Ini-hcn In dlain- rollcy is u wheel about eight tcr and deeply grooved , which , by thopress- ire of the flexible arm which supports it , Is tept In contact continually with the under Mirt of the "working conductor , " which Is a copper wire three-eighths of an Inch In dl- It 110 t.C I * The trolley runs n little back of the cen ter of the car , and a small rope running from ho end of the arm over the rear hood " { the car irlvet the conductor means of controlling the trolley , so that hi ! can shift It around when ho reaches the end of the route and wishes to start on the return trip. The method ol swltchlnuby reason of its Ingenuity , deserves special noto. At each switch an automatic switch plate Is attached to the wire , so timtno attention has to bo mid to either the wire or rails , as a little spring attached to a swinging pluto does the whole business , simply , fcufcly and very of- fectually. . , . . , , Two motors are placed beneath each ear , one on each axle. They are of the well- known Thomson-Houston pattern , being so compact in build that they can bo put on any street car without a change In the construc tion of the car , except a strengthening of the loor. An observer would not notice any- hing more than the usual running gear , un- ens he looked sharply , in 90 small a compass ire the motors contained. Kadi represents en horsu power and each nets independently hough coutiolled by the same switch. In his way the passengers and the car ; ive their full weight in tractive value , ilnco each pair of wheels is enabled to use ts full tractive power. These motors are jearcd by toothed wheels to the axle In such i way that for every revolution of the axle line revolutions of the armature of the motor ire made. Each motouis supported by bcur- ngs on the nxlc. With such n support each notor swings from its axle , and the swaying md Joltinir of the car does not affect It. In iscendinp a steep hill or going around a sharp curve the motor makes n buzzing sound , but ordinarily it makes no noise at all. Control of the car is had by common irakes at each end of the car and the speed s regulated by n system of electrical switches contained In a cylinder about three feet high , vhieh rests against the dasher. By an arm nnd indicator on the top of the cylinder the current islcton or shut off , reversed or regu- ateil. The motors may by this means , with out the use of the brake , bo reversed aim the car brought to u standstill almost immcdi * itcly. The power house is situated , Just west of Twenty-eighth street and south of First , ave- me , adjoining the Northwestern track , so that coal can be received without any trouble , t will contain two Wcstinghousc engines of 150-horFO power each. Each will drive two argo Thomson-Houston dynamos. One of ho dynamos will furnish electric light , for the bridge. On the bridge alone , independ ent of the approaches , will ho placed twenty 2,000-candlc-powor arc llghs. : They will be ) laced 100 feet apart , and will illuminate the itrtieturo at night in n most brilliant and jeautiful manner. The approaches will also jo abundantly lighted. This system has always proven a success. The plant being established hero will give ibundant power for forty cars. There will ) o but twenty-six put on at present , which will give ono car each way every six minutes. Closed cars will be put on when ho road is opened for the winter , but open cars will bo put on during the stun ner. All that is necessary is to change the joxes , as the construction is so simple that ho removal of a few bolts is all that is neces sary. The time now set for the grand open- ng is October 20 , and it is hoped that all will ho in readiness by that time. Turkish prunes , 5c per pound , at Fca- " ou's. Buy a Stewart or n Radiant Homo icator this fall and save $ : iO in your coal bill. Cole & Cole , 41 Main st. o Good dwellings and lots for sale on monthly payments by 10. II. Sheafc & "o. , corner Broadway and Main sts. , up stairs. Had Change of Janitors. The school board Is being subjected to some very severe criticisms Just , at present for its action in appointing a certain party as jani tor of one of the city school buildings for the ensuing year. It is claimed that tlio now ap- xilnteo has but very little of which to boast , n the way of a moral record , being an ox-tin- lorn gambler and his female associates being not of the best. It Is said that he was for merly a janitor of one of the city schools , nnd at that time gave good satisfaction. This is given by some of the members of the board as a reason for his appointment , while others of that body urge his ill health as a recom mendation for such consideration at their hands. However , neither or these excuses seems to satisfy the public , and the residents of the locality in the vicinity of the school building are inclined to rebel very strongly against the removal of a reliable , competent nnd in every way deserving man to make room for ono whoso career has been so checkered and whose reputation Is very far from being above reproach. It is urged that his Inlluenco upon the tender minds of the hundreds of children with whom he would bo daily associated would bo most per nicious , and parents very naturally object to trying such n dangerous experiment. One member of the board says that if the new man does anything objoctlonab'e , off will como his head , but that is very poor consola tion to parents and guardians who dread re sults past all remedy from the school board , The mutter should bo attended to at once. Travelorsl Stop at the Bechtcle. Fresh country eggs , 15c to-day , at Fearon's. Picked Up Ky the Police. The police arrested a suspicious charactci Thursday evening who gave his name as George Williams. Two new pockctbook : were found upon him , of which ho could giv < no satisfactory account. The property was identilicd yesterday by Mr. A. D. Foster and was doubtlcss > stolen from his store Williams has not yet had a hearing , but wil probably bn accommodated to-day. Henry Schwab was lined W.10 for n glori ous spree. Mrs. Trotter , n crazy woman , was gath ercd in by the police and taken to the count : Jail. Her ease will soon bo Investigated b ; the Insanity commissioners. Tomatoes to put up at Fearon's. Dr. C. C. Ilnzon's dental parlors an at room 0 , Opera hoiibo block. The County Hoard. The county commissioners met again yes tcrday morning to continue their labors aftc a day of sightseeing and pleasure at th Omaha fair. The business transacted wa mostly of a routine nature. A few petition for reduced assessments were granted on ai count of clerical errors. The bond of W. S Wllkins for fl.Ol'O , as Janitor of the cour house , was accepted and ho entered at one upon the discharge of his duties. C. B. Wait and Auditor Hcndricks were appointed committee to purchase supplies for the cour house. The afternoon was occupied in ex aminlng and allowing bills. Loans made on city business and resi donee property. Notes bought. Kim ball-Champ Investment company. Artists prefer the Hallott & Davii piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway Fruit for tlio Sick. Those who are handling fruit nnd gooi housewives who are preserving for the win tcr , should bear In mind the needs of the W C. A. hospital. Nothing Is more acccptabl than fruit. F.very bed In the hospital Is nov taken , and the ladles are doing so nobly ii caring for the sick and distressed that the ! appeals should not bo passed lightly hy. For Salo. Ton acres in Council BlulTs. oft th > eu&t cud of the Bullard 80. Will mak < 72 lots , sumo as the Omaha add. , whicl it joiimoii the south. Ninth ave. drive way to U. P. bridge passes through th tract. Title clear. One-third down balance ono and two yearn. Eight pc cent , A. V. Just Mmiu for the Coin- in ; ; Year. The following nrcjho mimes of the teach ers of the public schools for the coming term with tlio schools to which they are assigned : High School Homer 1' . Luwls , principal ; Aldii/oN. Hciisha\v , assistant principal ; S. D. H Heal < , Irwtn Luvisten , LouisI. lllnko , Albert M. Humann , Mary U. Harris , S.imun- tlm K. Davis , Mary E. Quuckonbtish , Villa H. Sinppey , Jennie E. Koysor , Hello H. Lewis , Dccle A. Johnston , Anna L. Wcin- lingen , Stncin Crowlcy , Faiinio Arnold , Myron \V. Hlchardson , Elizabeth P. Good- BO n. Ambler School Jennie C. Salmon , princi- Hancrot School Emma H. Hlco , iirlnctpnl ; Katie A. Wolcott , Mrs. A. Cornish , Emma Soncrgun , Mrs. Alleo H. Hodge. Class School Grace II. Wilbur , principals Mary B. Siiiiiiionds , assistant principal ; Nolle ncnnott , Hiutio C. I'r.itt , Susan B. Evclcth , Emily .1. Hoblnsnn , Mary A. Frit- zier , Hattie D. Kay , Hello Doyle , Hattie B. Slmmoiuls , Mattie L. Husscy. Castellar School Marv H. Newton , prin cipal ; Lucy.I. Hoys. Lizzie L. Hanker , Mar- paret Galbniith , F. Hurtlia Nugl , Amelia S. Cranston , Uortenso Smith , Ellen L. Stoll , .lennle H. Hugh , .lennic Owens , Hannah Hot-die. Center School Jennie L. Hedllcld , princi pal ; Amelia S. Slmt'uiek , Mary L. Hedge , Margaret Vincent , Clarn E. HutmakerMyra La Hue. Emma 1 locker. Central School Prances M. Briggs , prin cipal ; Panniu Maxwell , Alice L. Harper , Ida E. Muck , Clara Schleslngcr. Central Park School Elllo Heed , princi pal ; Emily Wood , Dodge School Jennie McKoon , principal , Li/zlc H. Nccdham , assistant principal ; Hattie M. Allen , Emma J , Godso. Allie B. Bonn , Moselle Eddy , Annie l.-Gillis. Dupont School Mary W. Hay. principal ; Emma L. Newcomb , Dollic A. Church , Laura J. Hrailford , Lottie M. Hurch. Davenport School Anna Noon. Parnam School Anna P. Trulund , principal - pal ; Lottie L. Cassette , Minnie H. Wilson , Clara H. Mason , Nora O'Connor ' , M. Florence Littletlclcl. Emma Whoatloy , Lida A. Kelly , Mary E. Thompson , Margaret Hogan , Emma Watts. ' ' 'orc t School Mary E. Kent , principal ; Mary Mikan , Virginia II. Ptttlers-on. Franklin School Mnrgaret J. Lntey , prin cipal ; Emily Dorn. Hurtman School Ellen M. White , princi pal ; Emma ,1. Carney assistant princip.il ; Mary L. Alter , Ada Armstrong , Ella Thorn- gate , Dora A. Lillic , Jennie Koucrts , Ida Dysart , Kettle E. Kccd , Martha W , Chris- taincy , Esther Heston. Eolia Nichols. Hickory School Pannio M. Nevius , prin cipal ; Carrie M Hicks , Kato , T. Brown. Izard School Anna Pees , principal ; Co- bclla E. Schaller , assistant principal ; Sadie Hunker , Ida K. Wilson , Minnie S. Dyo. Jen nie Stull , Stella M. Champlin , Pannio C. Fernnld , Camilla Elliott , Holla M. Wilson Marv P. Crane , Catherine- Fees , Cassandra P. Schaller , Bum K. Hugh , Mctta DcCou. Long School Sarah M. McCheane , Princi pal ; Helen L. W.yokoff , Gertrude C. Ellis , Virginia , H. Victor , Harriet S. Eddy , E. Vir ginia Kennedy. Htildah P. Isaacson , Jennie Woodward , Ada C. Jones , Elizabeth Atkin son , Clara P. Cooper , Helen M. Nave , Grace E. Macauley , Phcb'o D. Perkins , Amelia Hllimve , Mary E. Jordan. Omaha View School Sarah E. Thompson , principal ; Julia E. Ufcmiie , Alice M. Avery , Matilda Evans , Fannie Hlanehard. Lnlio School Emiim Whitmoro , prin cipal ; Charlotte C. Bdgen , Artie D. Webb , Evangcllno C. Slbloy , Lizzie M. Elcoclc , Harbara E , Hosteller , Lizzie II. Witmun , Harriet II. Ilickox , Alice E. Hitte , Georgia Valentine , Penelope Smith , Mary E. Wol cott , Edttli M. Goodspeed , Etta Powers. Lcavcnwortli School Minnie J. Wood , principal , Agnes McDonald , assistant prin cipal ; Ida 1C. Greenlco , Mary D. Hallantyne , Ida M. Johnston , Flora Lelghton , Margaret II. Kead , Olive Hubbard , Lida Hanna , Mary Lucas , Ellen M. H. White , Priscilla A. Ward , Esther Jacobs. Lothrop School Nora H , Lemon , princi pal ; A. Uello Pcnniman. Pacillc School Mnrgaret McCarthy , prin cipal ; Mary H. Goodman , assistant principal ; Lily M. Hruner , Clara H. Duvall , Hcrtha A. Hirkett , Margaret F. Goss , Ida M. Good man , Jessie Lazcar , Kato Powers , Clara E. Elder. Daisy Wood , Kate Hungerford. Park School-Lillian A. Littlelield. prin cipal ; M. Elizabeth Allen , Dora Harney , Emma D. Littlelield , Lyde A. MeCool , Fun- nio B. Hurlbut , Margaret O'Neill , Kato E. Crane. AdaM. Alexander , Dora Coburn. Paul School Carrie M. Hartley , princi pal ; Hosallo C. Eddy , Kato Hutmaker , Nancy L. Lewis. Pleasant School Mary A. Fitch , princi pal ; Martha Parrott , Julia A. Newcomb , Emma Fitch , Florence Baker. Saratoga School James II. Paris , princi pal ; Minnie E. Hendr.vx ; Mary P. Starr. Vinton School Lida Shallenbergcr , prin cipal ; Nellie Ireland , Kose Fitch. Walnut Hill School-Kcne E. Hamilton , principal ; Julia A. Carter , Louisa H. Mann , Kathcrino M. Stilwell , Georgia Harrington. Webster School Sadie P. Pittmau , prin cipal ; Mattie C. Ellis , Mary H. Meyer , Alta L. Peacock. AVest Omaha School Jcsslo C. Scott. West Side School James L. Alvison. Special Touchers Kate M. Ball , Lucia A. Rogers , Henry Kummcrow. Substitute teachers Maltlo L. Powell , Kato M. Kean. Possibly after the school opens other teachers may bo required , and in case too many have been appointed , fiomo of them will have to wait , the latest appointments being the Hist to bo re-called. Drink Malto for the nerves. FR1I2NI1S OF THU HI3ATIIEN. Their Arrival In Omaha and thcAVork to Bo Done. To these who are interested In foreign missions the coming of such workers ns Hov. J. Hudson Taylor and Mr. George B. Studd , of London , England , as announced , will give cspecUl pleasure. The former gentle man is the founder of the China inland mis sion , organized in IS'JS. ' This mission Is re markable Doth for the principles upon which it is carried on and the success which has at tended its missionaries. The mission is un denominational In Its membership , has no assured income from any source and offers its candidates no salaries for their services. Upon arrival in China , they ubsumo the dress , queue and mode of living of the inhabitants , and endeavor In this wav to strengthen the bond of sympathy between themselves and the natives. The missionaries rely upon prayer for the supply of their wants and It Is claimed their needs have been well supplied. During 1887 10- IKH ) more than was needed was contributed by various parties for the current expenses , and 10J new missionaries were added to their numbers. Mr. Stuild Is oho of the band of young men from Cambridge university who were converted during the visit of evangelist Moody , who immediately gave their large fortunes to this society and entered the work themselves. Tneir voyage to China and their work since it Is said seems more like n romance than actual fact. These two gentlemen are en route for China , and on the , way have visited several of the principal cities of the country , hold ing conference ami giving blblo readings. They desire to meet the people of Omaha to talk over this work , in the Kountzo Memor ial Evangelical Lutheran church , Saturday , at 10:80 : a. m. , ! i0 : ! ! and 8 p. m. The Sunday meetings will be announced tomorrow. A STUPKl-'lHO VICTIM. A Jehu and n I'lutruer Get Themselves In Trouble. A daring case of daylight high way robbery occurred Thursday afternoon. H. Pracht , who works for the Midland Guarantee com , pany , was enjoying n holiday Thursday. Dur ing the afternoon ho was somewhat over come with the heat and sat down in front ol the Derby hotel , where ho sank Into a stu por. When In that condition cab No. 11 drlvct. by Henry Christian drove up. Chrls tlan and his "plugccr" dropped down from the box and lifted Mr. Pracht Into the cab They then drove rapidly off. It transpires that Mr. Pracht was taken to Twnnty-sixtl : and Douglas streets where he was lifted by the driver and his ' 'pjuggcr" ' from the cab ant ! carried into the tall weeds. This is n some what loocly place and well calculated to hldi it crime , \vhilo Christian held the unfor tunate man up the "plugyer" wnut through his pockcti. They secured a cola watch and phalli and n sum of money , which Mr..Pracht foulrt not exacely determine. They then placed him on the ground and drove off. The robbery was witnessed by John Campbell , n volorcd coachman , Who drives for Mr. Shc.1- ton. Campbell followed them In hlacarriage and Raw Christian put the "pluirgcr" off at Seventeenth and Dodge streets. Ho then ic- uirtcd the affair to. the police. Mr. Pracht was found and removed to his home. Yesterday Christian was arrested and dcntllk'd by the colored coachman as being ; he mini who had helped to rob Mr. Pracht. Christian acknowledged going through Prticht's clothes , hut said ho was only after ils fare , which had not been paid. Jim Ste- ihcnson said that the man Chilstlan had worked for him for a few days , during which time ho had robbed him. Mr. Stephenson swore out n warrant yesterday for Christian for embezzlement. The "plunger" is being searched for by the police , and will probably be apprehended before long as ho Is known. E. II. Shcafo & Co. , mtiko long or short time loans on real estate , in minis : o suit , at lowest rate of interest. .Olllco Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Full line of Hhoot music at Council BlulTs Music Co. . BiM Broadway. Money loaned on furniture , piano ? , llamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value , at low rates of interest. No mblicltv ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway uid Main , ever American express. J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s ( inn oflico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , per.-onal property of all kinds , md all other articles of value without omoval. All business strictly conll- lential. A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok ers , have a list of choice inside properly on their books. Nothing but bargains offered. "SPECIAL NOTICES ? NOTICH : ijrKC'l ALadvertisements , suchns Lost , round , J To Loan , For Sali > . To Kent. Wants , Hoard- ng , etc. , will UP Inverted In tills column at the o\v into of TUM HINTS 1'Mlt MNM lor the lirst tiBcitlon nnd l'ivo Coins 1'or l.lnu for each sub- heiment Insertion. Leave advertisements at our oflico. No. 12 I'oarl Street , near Urondway , Council lllull's Iowa. WANTS. \17ANTKD Good girl for general housework ; _ > > .Mrs. Ulllon , llu Fourth nt. FOH SAM ? or trade , for city lot , Hurst matched finally team In state. No. VSSi Wo&t liroaduay. "filOUND Came Into my onclosura hist Wedncs- J-1 dny , a bay hois > u ubimt ten years old. weight 1.100 Ibs. Apply to 15. Stocktrt , Council Hl'ills Carpet Co. FOH HKNT Seven-room linusi * . modern Im provements , goods-table. H. 0. Cory , Connell - ell Hlulls. _ _ _ _ FOH SAI.K Jly entire stock of cook and heating stoves ; al o n full Hue of furniture at bottom rock prices , flood * sold on pay ments. A , J. Mandel , M and S ! , ' > Urondway , WANTKIJ 1'osltton as assistant bookkci-por or copyist by n young lady who has hail olllce experience. Heferences furnished. Ad dress II. A. 11. , llco olllce. Council lllulls. \\7ANTKU Wood turner at onco. Steady employment to good man. J. F. Cody , Sll Washlngtonnve. , Council Illuifs , la. FOH HKNT A largo number of good dwell ings. Call and i-xamluo list. K. II. Sheate A : Co. , Hroadwny and Main St. , up stairs. 1T10H HKN'T-Nlcely furnished , a suite of - irooms , also a single room , ouo block from y , Ki Olenn avo. 1710 H PAI.K My new eight-room cottage J- Second nve. W. C. James. FOH SALK nurbor hhop nt ISO llrondwny. Council lllnlls ; good trade ; satisfactory reasons for helling ; bargain for the right man. "T710H KXCHANOK-A line , well assorted M.fOO JL1 stock of stationery , fancy goods , jewelry , etc. , In n thriving town for resldenco in South Omnlui. Ii. T. Hrynut & Co. , (23 IJroadwny , Council Illulls , In. OUSES for rent. Johnston i Van 1'ntten , H a. ) Mnln st. A KO-ncro small fruit fnrm very cheap. Just -A. outside city limits , or will divide Into ! 0 ncro tracts to suit uurchnser. 11 T Hrynnt & Co Stocks of merchnmllso to ex- WANTED for city property In Council IJIuirs , Omnlui , or western Innd or chattels of any kind. \Vo iiiuke exchanging a specially. It. T. liryaut & Co. , CM Urondway. BURKE'S ' ADDITION ! The Choicest Ground For Residence In the Western Part of the City. Tsnowplntted Into Itcautlful , I.nrRCf/ots. About ten minutes ride on the motor to Doug lass Street , Omaha. They lie on n level but elevated M rip of ground. About UCO yards from the new motor line to Onmhn. Less than 1 ! { miles from the Council llluffs I'ostolllce. Nearly twice ns Inrge in size as most of the newly platted lots. Good public schools near by. The proposed Iloulevard bounds It on the north. TITLES : Pertect. A11STHACT : Printed Abstract nnd Wnr- runty Deed with ench Lot. GRADE : .Exnmlne tliese Lots with reference to the Rr.ido l > fore buyliiR a Lot. The ordinary price of a Lot Is Mivcd on grade alone. If yon buy one of these Lots. -TERMS To n good class of purchasers a limited num ber of Lots will tie hold for 1-10 down ; balance In monthly pnymenta WITHOUT INTEREST ! TO FINLEY BURKE , J. J. Ilrown llldg. , llfil'enrlBt. , Council Illuirn , lown. KYNETT'S ' MIXTURE AT THIS SEASON OP THE YEAR WHEN DIARRHEA , DYSENTERY , FLUX , CHOLERA INFANTUM AND CHOLERA MORBUS , Overcoating nil opposition. 1111 the cemeteries with newly iniiile graves , lenvlne the once happy home with nothliiu but memen toes of loved ones lout. Where | KYNETT'S MIXTURE Is used'It is universally found to be EQUAL TO ANY EMERGENCY , The value of a EliiKlo bottle for use In any of the above named diseases Is ivnlly Incalculable. Money could not Induce these v.'ho have thor oughly tried It to bo without It.The market H mil of remedies for u similar purpose , nnd all have merit In some cuses. but with tl-.mn it IH n fatubboru fuct that thet > e are In many pli'-ea the MOST FATAL DISEASES of the country. With thin medicine they are THE LEAST FATAL. Tills medicine has now been used In this country FOR FORTY YEARS , AN TO-DAV KYNETT'S MIXTURE Has no equal on earth , fold by drugging every where. HARUE , HAAS. & CO. , Wholesale AB ats , Council Illutts. Iowa. READ THE NEWS. New Styles. , ' 'NEW PATTERNS. New Goods Throughout. NEW PRICES ON ALL GOODS. New Curtains , Shades , Etc. New Tapestry and Hangings New Rugs , Mats , Etc NEW CARPETS Council No. 405 Broadway. Smith's Bakery. Wholesale Bread & Coke * IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. To close out the remaining Iot3 in Squiro's addition to Council Bluffs , I \vill sell the finest located lots in tlio city for $ .r > 0 cash payment , nnd long time on balance , to parsons who dcsiro to Boouro homes , nnd I will make liberal - oral loans to those who desire aid in building houses. Call at once and sea mo at Masonic Temple , Council BlulTs , Iowa. C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent. CASCADE MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 KSXABLi8HKD 1812. iNCOItPOHATliU 1878 CO. , MASSILLOX , OHIO , MAXUFACTUKKKS. Adapted fOI SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINES. Specifications and estimate ! ) furnished for complete steam nUnti. Hegnlatlim , Dur.iblllty Guar anteed. Can show letters from users wheie fuel Kconomyls equal with Cot-lisa Nou-Coudenshu ; , IIOUSi : , CHJ\C1I , ItMJl'I-S , IO\VA. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. THE MORRIS 1 YPE WRITER. uiCE $15. I ; equal to niiy High Triced Machine. TbeEJIton .Mimeograph , Ilia boil pp rnlu for nianlfuldliiK , uutouiaphlo Hnd typo nrltlnt woik. 3.UUU copies can bo tukeu. The Ercilslor C : . , Council Bluffs , la. Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 620 nod K2 Uilu Street , Council B luffs , Uvr * . OFFICER & mil. BANKERS. tOOIJroadirsy Council II In Us , [ cm. . 18J7 FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY Uougliu fit. , Oiuuba , Nab