IT MADE W DAH/Y BEE. ) KVKIIV MOKNINU. . TKKMS OP SUnfeCHHTION. jn > ly < M < jnilMKKtWloninduiilng.lut.uAT ) IlKB.ono Year . Jin IX ) Tor .six Months . . . J'or Thre-o Months . . . . . , . . . "to TIIEOMAIUKUNHAV Ili.r , innlleMl to nny Ono Vnr. . . . . " " > , . . M-.W VOItKUITiejE. HOOMSHANII I" . TlllllUSK luni.tiiNd. WisiiiNNTn.x omen , No. &u 1'OUIITKtNTII BTUEr.T. . , All communlcatloas relatiucto new * nnn a | . torlnl matter should l > o nddrur sed to the .ursiNr.sHi.r.rmtH. . , , , , should be All hilbllies't ' Ir'ttors nml remittances BllllieH'Cel to'llIK llf.H I'l'IIMfMHSO ( 'OMI'ANV , OMAll.t. DrnttM , rlicckH mid ptntolllco orderi to bo Hindu pnyatile to the order ot the coniiuny. TlieBccPiiMisliiiig Company , Proprietors , H. RO.snWATKR , Editor. _ ' 'i'JlK DAIIiV HKi : . Sorn Statement ol Cli dilution , Btnteof Xebrnikn , ! . _ County of nmi la , I"8' < ! eo. II. T/Bclmrk , secretary of The nto T'nb- lUhlliK conilMuy , eloos coleinnly HWP.M that too lutiinlL'IrtuinUnn of TIIK UAII.V UKI : lor Ilia WeckendlUK Pcptrinbcr 1 , 1FW. wan us follows. Hiltiilnr. AUK" " * ' . W-HO Momlny , AimtlRf.T . If,1" ' ' ) AUKUU23 . IH.'ilH Tlmrxtlay. Trlelay , Aii mt HI Baturday , Soot. 1 Average . 18,17."i OKO.II.TXSCIIUCK. Bworn to before mo m l subscribed in my picuenco tills Lit dixy of September , A. I ) , 1MH. N. 1' . run * Notary 1'ubllc. Blatoof Nebraska. I . . County of DoiiRlas , ( B > " ' flt-orgo II.'J'7firnurk . , being first duly swnrn.dc- post's ami says Unit ho ft hvcrelnry ot The lleo I'lililluhlUKcompany , that the uctiial nveiriiga dully circulation of TIIK PAII.V HKE for tlio month of AUKUst , IW7. was ] 4ril copies ; for FotPinbcr | ) , 1S87 , H.UI'.l ' copies ; for October , 1W.7 , llnrCI copied ; for November , 167 , 1B.BS1 copies ; for December , 1WJ7. 15.CH I cop ies ; for.lanuary , 1KW. IVJUOropleii ; for February , l t.V > , VM copies ; forMarch.1fc88.1li.liKi copies ; for April. 1W , 18,714 copies ; for May , IShf. IS.m copies ; for .1une , ! 8 , U > ,2leopleK ! for July , 1W ( , 18I J copies. ClliO. H.T/SUHUUIC. Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence this 1st dav of August , A. 1) . , 1888. _ N. 1' . KK1L Notary Public. Tun ice bridge across the Missouri ir will bo passable much sooner than tlio ft new wagon bridge , tlio way things look now. IT is very evident that the demo cratic party is suffering just now with an "old-fasliionod cabo of cholera morbus. " WK AUK now on the eve of the rainy season. Tlio indications are that cquinoxial Btorrns will bet in oarlioi tlian usual. Alii. CLKVIIAND'S : letter of accept ance haunt last been placed in the hands of the national democratic committee , Tlio following is Iho full u.\l of the letter : S $ $ $ . SKNATOU TAIIOK , of Colorado , could not'got the nomination for governor on the reputation of his frilled nightshirts and BO the nomination wont to Banket Cooper. IK IT bo Iruo that Colonel Henry Wat- torson with his star-eyed goddess is managing the democratic headquarter : in New Yorit , lie is making a prottj sorry mess of it. WITH a long pull , u strong pull and t pull all together , UH they say at sea Omaha can next year improvise an exposition position that will eclipse anything evoi attempted west of Chicago. Tun general managers of the westorr railroads have ratified a now ngrocmen OP to passenger rates to take oftoc1 September 15. In the words of the soit { of the day , "Oh , 1 wonder how long i will last. " THE past three days have demon strated tlio advantage of cable roadf over tlio horse railway system. AIor < than sixty thousand people were carriee over the cable line , within forty-oigh hours. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE best advertisement Omaha jobbers bors have over had was the demonstration tion on Drummers' Day. Next year tin parade should bo supplemented by i grand banquet to country merchant and dealers who purchase supplies ii Omaha. Now IT is charged that General liar risen lias contributed $2/5,000 / to the republican publican national committee. The trull of it is that Air. Harrison has not paid ; dollar into the campaign fund for man , reasons , the most obvious being that hi has no such stun at his disposal am would not borrow it if ho could. WHKK Chicago can show up n sonsn tion equal lo Iho recent hurly-burl enacted in Jubtico Fields' court at Sa Francisco , by the famous Sarah Althc Hill and her husband.Judgo Terry , i will bo in order for the Queen City c the Lake to lay claim as the America divorce centre. OMAHA is now overrun by shyslc 'Justices who make it their business I promote litigation for the sake of coats It is u revival of the old cost-mills thn have boon the bane of merchants an omplovcrs generally. Tlio respond bility for this state of facts is with th parties who encouraged and hired IOR "islfUtvo boodlors to tamper witli ou metropolitan charter. Ono of the mo ; needed of reforms which Omaha wil exact from her delegation next win tot will bo tlio abolition of cost-mills , by reduction of tlio number of justices c the poaco. Five justices can do all th business of this city very conveniently Now wo have eighteen justices i Omaha and six in South Omaha. THE condition in the yellow fovc district of Florida is br no means in proving. In spite of the prompt an vigorous measures taken by the stat tuiil national authorities the epidemic spreading , and fears are cnlcrtainc that the dreadful scourge will sweo nvor other sections of tlio south. 1 .is only by the strictest attention t quarantine regulations that any hop is entertained for confining the dli case in its present boundaries Thio appears to bo the only way c stamping out the epidemic. Unforti nntoly the people of Jackson villo or dialing under the quarantine rules nn cause the authorities no end of troubl ns the germs ot the fever are cnrrlc into other parts of the country chioll through refugees who ornde the quni nntluo regulation * , OMAHA DAILY BEE : , , SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 188& HritlHli IlltiMrr. The American people are not likely to bo seriously disturbed by British bluster , iiml they will not bo diverted from wimt they believe to bo their duty to themselves by nny reflections which momlMM's of the Httgliiih ministry or the English press shall iniiko upon the conduct or expressions of their olllcial representatives. A London paper rep resenting the government luis been ells- poiud to indulge in monnnooH to thin country in commenting upon the pro posed ) > oliuy of roliilintion , and iv mem ber of the British cabinet in a public speech treated with a measure of deris ion the idea of the United States adopt ing any radical measure for protecting the rights of its citizens against the abuses of the Canadian authorities. This is not the tone which English newspaper * and public men should ob serve. A fair criticism of the attitude of this country is admissablo. If Eng lishmen believe that the message of Mr. Cleveland was a more political move it is their unquestionable privi lege to ssiy so. If they believe our con struction of treaty rights is incorrect it b their right to say HO and give their on sons. But our sense of injustice islet lot to be removed by telling us that Canada , being n. province of Great Brit- lin , will bo protected at every hazard > y the imperial government against a defensive policy of the United Statesro- rardless of the true merits of the con- rovorsy. This is the real moaning of the utterances of the organ of the British government , and they are not alculatcd to increase the friendly re lations of the two countries , or contrib ute to the settlement of the controversy with Canada. There can bo no question respecting the real sentiment of the Amer ican people as to what should bo done by their government iU the event of Canada resuming iti former policy of hostility to American ntorests and rights. They believe in a policy of non-intorcour&o , to bo extended tended as the circumstances shall ro quire. The question that divides then now relates wholly to the expediency o clothing the president with extraordinary nary powers , which the exigency doei not seem to demand. The imlisposi lion to do this must not bo regarded 01 indicating a fooling in any directioi favorable to the abandonment or tin least rolinqnibhinont of any just claim so up by tliis government. The country is a unit in demanding that Canadi shall bo required to respect every righ belonging to American citizens undo treaty stipulations , and if she fails tide do so there can bo no doubt that at parties will agree upon a policy tha will most amply attest the national dis pleasure , regardless of what the consequences quoncos may be. There is reason to believe that tin real sentiment of the British govern ment is not reflected in the Londoi press. If the communication of Lor < Salisbury to the Canadian govornmcn has been correctly reported , in whiol ho is said to have onjoinei great caution in every move mcnt , he evidently has in view a polic , of pacification. On this line the gov eminent of the United States will undoubtedly doubtodly bo prepared to moot the Brit isli government half way. But there i nothing to bo gained on either side b , bluster , and English statesmen and edi tors will make a great mistake if the ; imagine- this country is to bo frightened onod from its just position by boastinj and bravado. Contribution ) ) Flowing In. It i ? understood that the example c Mr. Cleveland's ton-thousand-dolla contribution to the campaign fund ha had a most beneficial cifoot. Before i was made very little had boon or coul bo accomplished in inducing the ofllcc holders to "chip in. " The urgent up peals that had boon niudo in variou localities wore not freely responded tc Whether from an apprehension thti there might bo trouble from contribut ing to the campaign , or because th average democratic officeholder i loth to part with his hart earned dollars , the fact wu that subscriptions went to thocampaig committee very slowly and in most nif gavdly amounts previous to the stimv hint administered by the president. It was this state of affairs that mad Chairman Brice and Mr. Henry Wattci son tired , and caused these gentlemen t make certain public avovyals whic threw the whole democratic line int momentary confusion. Mr. Clovolan was given to understand thatsomcthin more waa necessary in a hot politici light than wordy messages to congrcs and that it was especially important 1 give those enjoying the spoils an idem their obligation and what was o : pocted of them. The head of tli ticket was equal to the occasion , an with a few strokes of his pen not on I convoyed to all office holders the assu : unco that contributing to the campaig is regarded as an entirely proper an desirable proceeding , but also that tli correct thing is to forward twenty pi cent of salary. It is reported tin those suggestions of Mr. Clovolan have had their expected effect , and thi the campaign committee is no long ( harrassed with a fear that it may I unable to moot tlio demands qpo it. With a hundred thousan officeholders to draw upon , all of the : understanding what is required , thci would seem to bo no reason why tl domo'cratio campaign from now c should not exhibit some vitality , and is certainly in need ot it. Meanwhile there continues to boson comment not favorable to the remark ! ble liberality of Mr. Cleveland in tli matter. There are persons who insi upon regarding the exceptional coun of the president as an exhibition of po Bonal solicitude not altogether crci itablo to thn occupant of tfi highest offlco in the ropublli The opinion is somewhat free ! expressed that the action of Mr. Clov land in this matter is an abasement < the presidency. It certainly was not i line with the JolTergouiun principl but the democracy of to-i\ay \ ia not nni rownd by any such limitation. At n ovonta a most urgent exigency was n llovcd , and at present the treasury i the campaign committee is reported i bo prosperous. There will bo use , ho\ over , for all the committee cnn get , and no democratic officeholder should with hold a contribution with the idea that liis mite may not bo needed. Every man is expected to do hU duty , the measure of which is twenty percent of ills salary. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ Time to Order a Unit. A now forest of tall telegraph poles is just now being planted on our principal thoroughfares. Whether those polo * are to supplant the unsightly old poles now on the streets is a matter of con jecture. In all probability both the old and the new poles will bo nllowodto remain , un less the city authorities take steps to ntxito this obstruction. It scorns to us that the limo is at hand for our mayor and council to compel the laying of the telegraph wires under ground at least in all the principal busi ness streets. Heretofore the telegraph companies have sot up the plea that they could not successfully operate un derground linos. Tliis plea is no longer tollable. Subterranean telegraph lines are no longer an experi ment. They are in successful operation in all of the larger eastern itics from Now York to Chicago. It vill , of course , involve considerable mtlay to plant the wires beneath the > avement , but the companies that op- i > orate telegraph and telephone lines en- oy privileges which would amply rc- > ay them for the cost of underground onstruction. The overhead lines are not merely unsightly and obstructive of ravel and tralllc , but they en danger public safety. In cases of cyclones and storms , the telegraph poles and broken wires endanger the ivcs of people , and in case of lire they seriously imperil life and property. It will bo almost impossible to put out a lire in the largo business blocks of this city by reason of the network of wires and proximity of high poles sur rounding each block. There is also so- ious danger of ( Ira being orig- nated by the contact of tele- raph and telephone lines with elec tric light wires which necessarily must be carried on poles because the intense current needed for electric lighting would be doiloctod into tlio ground , nc matter how perfect the insulation of n subterranean lino. It is manifestly high time for deci sive action on the part of our city au thorities to forestall and prevent disas trous loss of life and property by the promiscuous planting of telegraph poles and stringing of wires in the heart ol the city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A LITTLK too much horso-jockoy ant much too little exhibit of products was the only draw-back of the Omaha fair Other Ijantlrf Thnii Ours. Queen Victoria is at Balmoral , whcro uhi Is to remain until the third week m Novotn bor. She will have a host of royal visitor ; during her sojourn , but there will bo in political significance connected with tin courtesies thus paid to the British sovereign Meantime no country In Europe is ofTorhif loss In the way of political interest thai Great Britain. The government is steadily and vigorously carrying out its policy ii Ireland , and certain political leaders arc 1m proving the parliamentary recess in.cndcav . orlng to strengthen their posltloi with constituents or advance th' ' cause they represent in popular regard , but generally there Is a very quiet condition in politics , which may bo expected to coutiuui until the reassembling of parliament. I would seem that for the present most Eng lishmcn are moro interested in Amoricat than In homo affairs. * * Advices from Germany indicate that the health of the great chancellor is in n stati which is far from reassuring to his friends It is claimed that ha himself is the immc ditito cause of his own illness , by having dis obeyed the Instructions of his physician , bu it may bo more than suspected that mcnta trouble is at the bottom of his sickness. I Is evident that the young emperor chafes a the control of Bismarck , and that ho i ambitious to bo out of leading string and to pursue his own course unhain pored. If ho does induce the retire mcnt of the chancellor ho will take a sic which will put a stop to German progress fo many a year , and which will do much to dc stroy the unification of the empire so pn tiontly and carefully built up by the old cic pcror and his faithful counselor. Howove much wo may differ about the means ntloptc by Bismarck for the creation of a unite Germany , wo cannot deny his wonderful sue cess nny moro than wo can challenge hi statesmanship. Having accomplished tli task which ho hod set before him , It woul seem the part of wisdom on the part of th young emperor to permit the aged stntcsmai to retain the control of affairs , especially a his ability Is unquestioned. Latterly ther lian been a disposition evinced by Bismarcl to bo content with keeping the peace of Eu rope , and permitting Germany to devclophc ) resources under the protective systci adopted In 1SS2 , anil her success in that lin has been most encouraging. Now If th young emperor comes In anil pulls down th carefully built fabric its full may involve th whole empire in ruin , * * * It appears that the most oxtraordlnar efforts were mode to defeat Boulangcr i the late elections in which ho was succcsi ful. All sorts of tyrannical persecutions at said to have been practiced , including tl : bending of largo bodies of troops Into tli towns where Boulanger was to speak , an the dispersion , at bayonet point , of crowi assembled to hear his harangues. M. Tit quot , member of the chamber from Alsm and formerly a cabinet minister , is authorit for the statement that at Doullcns agents i the government prevented by force Hoi langcr's friends from calling upon him i the hotel , caused the banners of his pa tUans to bo destroyed , and , in effect , J clarcd the town In n state of slcgo , oven fo bidding all trafllc In the streets. OT cours the excuse for all this was that vigoroi measures were necessary to preserve orde Color was givento the clai : by the uproar which prevailed i all points along the line of the general progress. No woll-wlsher of our sister r public can study the European accounts i these most recent political events in Fram without grave apprehensions. Our conteni ] for a charlatan must not bo allowed to blln our eyes to facts which explain , though the do not excuse , his career. There is a seomiii lack among till parties in Francoof that fall in the strength of frco institutions wlilc makes iv self-governing people at once mode nto and firm. Franco is full of illficontcn Thcro Is an ominous want of mutual co : fldetico between rulers and citizens. The : are many signs that a vast number , probnb a vast majority , of the people want som thing which they have not got , and that Hit do not know wlmt It is. For such a conelltlc of unrest and unreason Boulangcr Is oxuctl fitted. Ho has Just ono proclamation i muke , nnel that is that tliiugs are in a be way. Ho offers Just ono rrmoily , leaving each faction to put Its own inclining on the .phrase , iiml that Is revision ofthe constitu tion. * * King Milan of Servlu m pushing Industri ously ahead In his effortu to obtain a divorce , and the royal scamlnl Is bclnir discussed everywhere. Queen Nntaho has gone to Bucharest so as to bo as near as possible to Belgrade when the suit for divorce Is heard. Rlio is not ullcmed by her royal husband to enter Servian territory. The prlnco hns written his petition for divorce entirely In his own haml. Ho says ho asks for divorce , not for his own advantage , but for that of the country whoso Interests arc compromised by the queen's conduct. The grounds on which ho asks for n divorce , and which tire nufll- clout according to the Servian church , is that of insurmountable aversion for each other between himself anil thoqnccn. It Is not bc- Huvcd the King will obtain his divorce , but In liny CURO cither will have the right of ap peal to the superior ecclesiastical , onrt , com posed of archbishops and archiman drites. The King's ' chief ground of complaint appears to bo his wife's deslro to spltu him In ull possible ways. He declares that If ho wished to rlilo out the queen always preferred to walk. If ho chanced to admire n dress she hail on she would change it at once , and that when his army and himself were beaten by the Bul garians his wlfo uddtossed hint n most in sulting telegram , inquiring practically why ho did not learn to light before he Hut up ns Icing. She would also countermand royal dinner parties to which ho hull invited am bassadors ami other friends. It was hoped ii feeling of national sympathy so strong as o influence- the king would bo aroused in Queen Natallo's favor , but this lias been dlsuppoiutcd. In the place the king Is a Russian , and , In the second place , Servian lilcas of wives anil wifely obedience are quite worthy of the Turks. The Servian peasan try , who form thu bulk of the population , oblige their wives to work In the fields anil take their meals apart. To them the lilea of n wife , even though she bo a queen , defying her husband in any way is a thing which should not bo encouraged. * # * It Is natd that a marriage , or at least a betrothal , has been arranged between the oldest son of Don Carlos , anil therefore , of course , the heir to the Carllst pretensions , ami the youug Infanta , the sister of the in fant king of Spain. It is said that this nt- tanipt to settle a dynastic quarrel which has repeatedly plunged the peninsula In war , has the hearty approval of the queen regent and of the present ministry. Obviously , such n union would only settle the dispute about succession , now sumo half a century old , In case the Infant king should die and his rights should pass by inheritance to his sister , us they would If wo accept the theory , always rejected by the Carlists , that the Salic law docs not obtain in Spain. In any event , wo should then sec a state of things analogous to that which existed In England at the close of the fifteenth century , after the marriage of Henry VII. , representative of the Lancastrians , to Eliz abeth , the daughter of Edward IV. , anil and consequently heiress of the Yorkist claims. In their son , Henry VIII. , the con flicting titles to the crown , which had ruukcd England for a century , were merited. The same thing would bo true of the son of the Carlist prince and the infanta , should the present king of Spain die without heirs. But if , on the other ham ] , the young king should live , this marriage on which the queen re gent counts for" pcaco * and harmony would aggravate the situation. For then the Carl ist pretensions'would remain Just what they were before , ondUheir representative , being allowed to Hvo'inSnUn ; and build up a party there , would acquire opportunities for In- tnguo and conspiracy such ns neither his lather nor his grandfather enjoyed. So that , from this point of view , the quocn regent and her advisers may with the best inten tions , bo doing after all , the worst thing pos sible for the infant sovereign. # * # The latest exchange of titles and honors ia that by which Emperor William II. has made King Oscar II. an admiral in the German navy and King Oscar II. has made Empcrot William II. an admiral In the Swedish navy. They are probably equally worthy of this nautical distinction , and neither will take away the laurels of Nelson and Farragut , Thcro Is something rather amusing In the profuse swapping of titular dignities and decorations that has been going on among the monarchs of Europe who have hobnobbed together this year. Luckily these gifts arc less expensive to the donors than the most costly kinds of diamond snuff boxes , and the amusement Is so comparatively harmless that their subjects can hardly grumble. Besides - sides , these exchanges of colonelcies and ad- miralships and what not-givo great opportu nities for masquerading in now uniforms , and a largo part of the enjoyment which the young German cinpeior has thus fur fount In reigning seems to hive been that of rig ging himself out in the military and uava : clothes of different nations. * * Prince Bismarck once remarked , when he was in trouble with the Vatican , that "we will not go to Canossa. " The complete col lapse of the Kulturkauipf sent Germany vcrj far on the way to Canossa , and moro recent occurcnccs have given what may bo taken as nearly complete assurance that Bismarcl fears , as much as ho dislikes , the Influence of Homo In German politics. In view of the coming visit of the Emperor Willinn to Khif Humbert a proposed visit which is salt greatly to have auiioyeel and irritated Pope Leo the prince has written a private lottci to his holiness , explaining the situation niu saying that William will go to Homo solelj for the purpose of examining the military situation , and bccauso ho intends to sco al his "cousins" and allies In succession. Bis irnirck and the papal nuncio at Vienna are arranging the terms on which the pouo ani emperor shall meet. * * * - Italy needs disarmament , freedom froir entangling alliances , and repose. Her people are poor and cannot much longer bear the constantly increasing burdens Imposed or them. Some parts of the country have bo couio almost , depopulated by emigration which has increased from 20,000 annually Ii 1878 to nearly 17 ,000 In 1837. If the wai tuxes continue their yearly augmentation the Inability to pay will become general as It Spain , and as in ( lip latter country , the prop erty of the greater part of thu small taxpay crs will have to lio's'clrcd ' by the state. HTATB AND TKItlUTOitY. Nebraska Jottings. Superior's urgent need Just now Is mon houses. The town of Beemcr is booming , with twi saloons. Hastings' police Judge only collected 43 Ii fines the past mouth. The Wyinoro roller mills have been grcatl ; improved and will bo ready for opuratlot next week. Beatrice furnishes a contingent of seventy five old soldiers to the G. A. K. reunion a Columbus , O. The war In the Hastlncrs city council ha been ended by tha resignation of Street Com mlssloner Breed. Every residence in St. Paul is suppllci with a heavily loaded revolver and kept in i handy place to shoot burglars. A farmer at Paxton has an n'iricultura curiosity in tbo shape of six stocks of con containing nine well developed curs , all growl from ono grata of corn. Churlos Shultz , who rohbe > d his employer II Helm , of tn Plnttc , of J100 and n wixtch , was arrested at I'lnllRuioulh Thursday and most of the preipprty recovered. The Norfolk board of pension examiners claim to bo doing more worn than nny similar board In the state. There arc now thirty- seven orders for examination on hand , The farmers In the vicinity of Aranahoo are agitating the subject of building nn ele vator and shipping their own grain. Over one hundred fat mcrs have agreed to take ono share each at (10. Wayne county's fourth annual fair will beheld hold at Waynu , September 20 to 23. and promises to bo u grand surccas. The tickets are very pretty pieces of pasteboard , and Tin : liii : has one. Incendiary fiends maeto another attempt to fire the town of Aurora Tuesdny night , but the flames were discovered in time and ex tinguished. The citizens will organize u vig ilance committee ) . Poisonous Ice crentn doubled up a nmnbor of the guests of O. 11. Fuller , u Hurt county farmer , ono night lust week. A doctor was called and quelled thu luwaril disturbances after a short siege. The United States fish commission car de posited a largo number of bass , wall-eyed pike , carp and perch in the North Fork at Norfolk , and other fish were distributed along the main line of the Elkhorn us Mr west as Stuart. A loam of mules belonging to Owen Winslow - low , of Bcuvor City , ran away the other day , throwing Mr. Winslow from the wagon , breaking his leg. Mrs. Wliislow attempted to stop the animals and was knocked down , receiving Injuries which may prove fatal. A "poor sick ulcer" was being trampled on in a cur when It stopped ut Schuyier the other day and the humane men In attendance unloaded the cnttlo in order to relieve the fallen brutes. In repay for their kindness the steer charged the men , Jumped out of the car , broke for the country ntid terrorized everybody in the neighborhood. It was finally found necessary to shoot the animal. The straw vote llond worked ono of the trains returning from the Norfolk reunion md this was the result : The whole number of vote.s east was 1T2. Of thcso Harrison re ceived liO ! , I'lpvelund 40 , Flsk 5 , andStrcetcr 1. Of the 1(2 votes , 111 of them were tlio votes of old soldiers , divided as follows : Harrison 101 , Cleveland 7 , Fisk 3. Ono pe culiarity about the vote was that ! 21 ! of the -10 votes for Cleveland were in the smoking car. The Lyons Mirror refers to a contempor ary as follows : It has often boon said that "there is nothing in u name. " Perhaps this is true , and for the good of our contemporary , the ToKuniuh Herald , we hopeIt Is. For a longtime it was under shuckol ( Sheekle. ) Later it was under the guidance of ono who ought ( Olt ) to have made It n good paper. Still later it was conducted by the most Suv- ugo man in the count } ' , and now it Is owned and edited by corns , ( Kerns ) that which IIBK given the human family moro intense pain titan anything else of similar dimen sions. Wo Implore the editorial fraternity to tread lightly. Iowa. Farmers' alliances are being formed by the wholesale thioughout the state. The Central Christian church in DCS Molncs has uiado u choir out of twenty-five children. The brick pavingin Burlington , the Hawk- eye. says , Is unanimously voted to bo a line thing. DCS Moines papers say that GO.OOO is a con servative ) estimate of Wednesday's crowd nt iho state fair. Webster county electors will vote on the question of speneftng ! T ,000 In bridging the Ucs Moincs river in Dayton and Badger townships. Muscutino democrats will open the cam paign at that city with a grand parade , and torchlight procession Saturday evening , Sep tember 15. Miss Von Black , daughter of John Von Black , of Poyner township , Black Hawk county , committed suicide Tuesday morning by taking poison. Miss Von Black was a cripple from infancy , and before dying she told her folks that she had tukcn thu deadly drug that she was tired of life. She was about twent-eight years old. The Belle Pluino artesian well , which caused such havoc when Iho water was first struck , is now being put to practical uso. Koine near business blocks have pipes throughout the buildings , and the force is sufficient to reach the second story. All of tlic wells arc closed in the center of the street and iron boxes are stationed at different points , and to thcso from the different wells runs a supply of cold drinking water abso lutely pure and healthy. There is a firm in Marshalltown styled the Chicago Importinfrcoinpany. The > y importuil u cur load of whisky in bottles- about live to the gallon each bottle jn u separate box , They packed thcso bottles in boxes m the cai with straw Just us tho.v puck bottles in boxes until the car is full. They went to Milwau kee and packed a car full of beer the same way each bottle was un originul package , The day Burnum was in Murnhulltown thi' firm sold a carload of boor and 1,000 bottles of whisky. Dakota. The total amount of Hapid City reglsterct is 7'JG.3i. wurrants now outstanding & , ! Tito Dnkota editors have entrusted theit the ' 'devil" and their papers with are on an nual Junket. Brown county has 171 ex-union soldiers who are drawing pensions. Lust year thoj were paid $5,811. The Hoit.fnrms , south of Aberdeen , pro duccd this year ' .1,073 bushels of wheatr 15 ( acres being a little moro than twenty-two thu aero. The Mcthoellst confercnco wilt meet ir Yankton October 11. Entertainment Is wanted for 120 ministers , twenty ludy dele gates and ten ofllclnl visitors. A Bowdlo mi.n whipped.his wlfo. Whet the neighbors heard ol it about a dozen ol them formed u pool. The Bowdlei man wa < taken out , tied to a telegraph polo and beau tifully larruped. The city council of Aberdeen has deferred for thirty days the further consideration ol un ordinance for the suppression of house ! of prostitution , much to the disgust of certain tain citizens whoso homes are in the infcctcel locations. Twenty-five years ago lust Monday oc curred the buttle of Whitcstono Hills. Ii this engagement the Sixtli Iowa cavalry , Colonel Pollock's regiment , was surrounded by 5,000 Indians , but cut their way out , kill ing about two hundred braves. The Bismurck Tribune observes that the crop with which the Missouri valley husbeoi : blessed this year , the fact that n railroad l to be completed to the city next year and the advantages which nro offered by cheap fuel , should uivo the Bismnrck's chamber of com inerco an abundance of material for gooc work during the winter months. Why the Sioux Do Dr. T. A. Bland , tlio corresponding - ing * secretary of tlio National Indian Defense association , re turned to Washington after a ton week's trip through tlio oast. Ho was soon by a ronortor , and questioned concerning the prospect of an early settlement of the dispute with the Sioux , concerning the proposed treaty. Dr. Bland is em phatically oppasod to the treaty , which ho says , is a fraud upon the Indians. Tlio Dawos act proposes that tlio Sioux tribes shall cede one-half of tholr reser vations , amounting to 11,000,000 acres , and receive in return 25,000 cows , 1- OOObulls.agricultural implements , seeds , school houses and the moans of educat ing their children. "In other words , " said Dr. Bland "Ii simply provides fcr the extensions o thn treaty made by the government ir 1808. The exchangeis unfair , because the government agreed to give the Sioux in the 1808 treaty , just what il proposes to give now in exchange for their land. The same attempt was maele in 1882. A commission sent to the Siou > returned with the report thill they had obtained tlio rcqufsito signa- turos'of throe-fourths of the male adults , It was proven to tlio senate that tlio report port was false , and a committee com posed of Senators Dawes , Logan and Cameron , of Wisconsin , who visited tin Sioux , found that the commission had perpetrated stupendous frauds. Snnatot Dnwos then introduced n bill in all es sentials like the otlior. It passed the senate in tlio Forty-ninth congress , bul failed In the liousp. Last- December it- ' was ngnin'introdnced and advocated by Mr. Herbert' Welsh , of the Indian Right association. It was passed , but the prospects of inducing the Indians to yield their best land for something that is theirs by right now is not promising. " ' 'Who nro at the bottom of this move- men IV" "Tlio St. Paul , Milwaukee & Chicago railroad. " "Wlmt about the chances for war ? " "There will bo no war , unless it is forced upon tlio Indians. War to them means the loss of their reservation. If the soldiers arrest these who 1mvo gone from Iho Pine Hidgo to the Cheyenne agency , a light would probably result. The Indians would not be to blame , for they would be acting on the defen sive. " "What sort of an Indian is the Sioux ? " "llo is the host representative of the gonuiiio American Indian now on this continent. In bravery , intelligence md moral power ho stands lire-eminent. Red Cloud , their leader , is a man of jrcat character and wise statesman ship. " "Do you believe that the Sioux should liold their land indefinitely , shut It oil' from the whites ? " "I advised them in 1831 , should the Tovornmont present an agreement te ) Lhom , that they should solo'it ' thu land they were willing to part with and sell it to the government. They agreed to do so. This they will do when the gov ernment has paid thorn for land previ ously bold. An honest and fair agree ment tlie Indians will sign. But should it bo stated that a sullleiont number of signatures hud been obtained to the agreement in dispute , I would know that they hail been secured by false rep resentation , or not obtained at all. " Tlio "Old Uomaii , " fi'cw I'uih D'oHd. Somo'discussion lias been aroused ns to how ox-Senator Thurman , of Ohio , came by his sobriquet of the "Old no- man. " The explanation is very plain. Mr. Thurman Inherited this title from liis undo , William Alien. The Migo of Fruit Hill , William Allen , was distin guished in politics and statesmanship in the days of Andrew Jackson. Ho was a United Slates senator contempo raneous with Clay and Webster , Benton - ton and Calhoun. When ho retired from politics ho took up his abode nt Fruit Hill farm , near Chillicotho , O. , and de voted himself to ancient history. Ho was familiar with every feature of tlio Roman republic , its rieo and fall , and ho could draw a parallel on short notice between all things modern and all tilings ancient. Ho could quote Mncuu- loy and Gibbon by the yard. It was be cause of this , coupled with his great height , liis splendid physique and liis powerful voice , that ho was given the title of the "Old Roman. " When brought out for governor in 1873 in Ohio ho was regarded as a curiosity the connecting link as it were , between the farmer republic and the commercial re public of to-day. After his death Mr. Thurnmn , his "nephew , who developed some of his characteristics , succeeded to the title of the "Old Roman" in the most natural way. But Judge Thur man has never been able to talk of Ca.-ar , Brutus , Calus , Sixtus Dontutus , Circus Maximus , Lucullus and Enobar- bus like liis Undo Bill. A Mtlltiaman'H Wall. HlUDQUAKTBIlS C Ml' SlICHIIIXK , FlllST RECIIMCKT , W.vnoo , Neb , , Sept. " . To the Editor of THE Br.E1 Perhaps n few words from "ono of the boys" would be interesting to the people ns well as give vent to the feelIngs - Ings of every private and non-commissioned ofilccr iu the camp. The legislature ) appropriated 30 cents per day per man for rations ; heretofore when wo received the money wo lived well and were happy. This year the officers saw fit to change the program and furnish rations and they receive- the money. Whut Is the result I About half of the tlmo our bill of faro Is bread , fat pork and coffee ( without sugar or milk ) . Once in a while wo gut beef for breakfast instead of pork , and occasionally a little rice and sugar ; but when wo get cither of these luxuries for dinner wo get nothing but cnffeo and bread for supper. Now what wo want to know is , who gets that 30 cents per day. Ten cents would furnish everything that is furnished us. Some of the oftieers nro pinking money. Great dissatisfaction exists throughout the entire brigade. At one tlmo an open rebellion was greatly feared , and it may come yet before fore camp breaks. The probabilities are now that many of the companies will disband wh'en they reach homo because of their mis treatment. Wo think wo should not starve oven it wo are so unfortunate as to belong to the state militia. NON-COMMISSIOXCII OrncEit. Twice Trovcel a Trnltor. I3unwn.ii , Neb. , Sept. 4. To the Editor of Tun BEE.J Although the news will bo somewhat stale , It should bo stated that the reputable voters of this community are thor oughly disgusted at the way things have turned out , mid worse may e-omo of it yet. Cruno got to Lincoln on u proxy Riven by Judge Monllon , who was elected delegate , mid who wns said to bo a strong Leoso man , and would go if elected. And for Cruno to attend that convention and to bo on the com mittee on resolutions was very humiliating to these who have known him intimately. Since his success at the stnto convention ho has taken courage , and ho is hard ut worlc for a renomination. After what has hap pened I shall not bo surpriseu if ho gets the nomination , but that will not bo equivalent to an election. T. T. McCorel , the other dolegntc , came back from Lincoln un out and nut Crane man. that nil the bad re ports about Crnno were lies ; that C ratio voted for Von Wyck first , lust and all the time. time.What can bo done with such mcnl Our convention is on the 1'Jth. Twenty-four of the thlrt.v.six delegate's to the county convention signed nn urgent re quest for the delegates to the state conven tion to vote and use their influence for the renomination of Attorney General Leese. Both McCorel and Crane ignored It entirely. An Arkansas Klcntlon. Mnryvillo Republican : Robert Worth- ens , who has boon sheriff of tins county for a long time , lias boon very success ful in keeping the democratic party in poworhasa rabbit foot that oxortsmoro power over some of the negro voters than all the newspapers in Arkansas. It is said that once ho murks that foot across a darky's gate it is impossi ble for him to vote the republican ticket. Onei old follow who went to the polls witli a republican ticket in ills hands , who had been hoode > cd , began to tremble ; his hand shookand , in fact , his whole body , as with ague ; the ticket fell from his grasp and tlio negro fell in a swoon. A great many are similarly alTocteil , especially these who , as county prisoners , worked on Mr. Worthons' farm. Ho says lie lias not had the rab bit foot out yet. and if ho lets it alone there is a fair chance- elect a portion of the republican county ticket. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria , When B l > y was tick , -we Kate bur Cutort When the waa a Child , the crird fcr Cn * ' When slio bocnmn MIfil , rba clung lo ( When she htd Chit jren DIAMONDS Watches and Diamonds Found in Tea and Coffee A Novel Way of In troducing Goods , Tlio names of all persons finding dla mends , watches ! , cto. , are added to tills list daily. The Overland Tea company of San I'YniicimiJmvo refitted tlio store , ± . ' 0 S. llth St. , near t'nrimm , Omaha , and in order to introduce their goods , this company put for 00 days , souvenirs in every can of lea and colloo sold such as teliefgeld. ? silver and nickel watches , ali-n genuine diamonds , in Felid gold setting ; also money , and many other articles of los-s value. Kvory can con tains a souvenir. This colTeo , can aifil contents \\t-igh about three pounds ; tlio ton , can and contents about ono and n half pound * . Tills expensive and novel way e > t advertising will bo dlscontlnuoel after GO days , and the' o really eholco goods will bo sold strictly on their merits ' its bul without thesouve'nir. . Of conrso every purchaser must not expect to got a diamond or watch. Thin company claim that they have just as good right to give away wntohos , diamonds or other jewelry and money nstheir com petitors linvo to give away glassware , clironios , oto. Oot up a club. Those who got up a club order most always got a handsome present. Orders by mail promptly forwarded to all parls'of tlio United States on receipt of cash or post- olllco order. Terms : Single can $1 ; six for $5 ; thirteen for 810 , and twenty-sev en for $20. Address Overland Tea Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. George A. Nobellc , Missouri Valley Junctionhunting eiso ; gold watch ; Gluts. Dicdreck , Chicago street , $ -10 in geild coin in tea ; Mrs. Frank Snyder , "flth st. , silver butler dish ; David Monden , mail order , Sioux City , Ia. , cluster diamond mend ring and $ -r > in gold coin in tea ; May Lynch , California street , silver live bottle casteir ; Minnie IMttingor , mail order , North Plulto , Neb. , ladies' coin silver chatelaine watch in tea ; Gcorgo Kdloff , St. Mary's avenue , silver plckio stand ; Bonj. llnrtnmiin , Douglas st.can , money in tea ; Hindo 1'erkins , Ohio st. , $10 in gold coin in tea ; John A. Rylon , Itanium St. , merchant tailor , hunting. , case gold watch in tea ; Mrs. Conovor Potwick , silver pickle stand ; Carrie Gradon. Howard st. , silver cake stunel ; Dennis Murpliy , Dodjjo st. , lalxiror , $ " 0 in gold coin in tea ; Dora Wilson , mail order , Independence , Nob. , silver fruit stand ; Arthur DuOray , Locust , silver butter dish ; Simon Powell , Jackson st. , diamond cluster ring in tea ; Charles Coiling , Parlco avo. , can money ; Louis Simpson , Capitol avo. , silver fruit stand ; Susan Hopworth , Council BluiTs , Ia. , hunting case gold watch in tea : Hirdio Manning , 20th st. , solid golel liu-o pin , diamond , ruby , anil sapphire setting in tea ; Joseph Haas , Seward st. , solitaire diamond stud in tea ; Ophelia Cogsoll , Itanium st. , silver five bottle castor ; Alex Gumbort , Hlondo si. , silver pickle stand ; Surah Jacobson , Lake st. , $10 in gold coin in tea ; Sol Gondorf , Webster st. , can money in tea ; Ida Grav , Saunders st. , silver cake stand ; Dolllo Wentworth , Viuloii st. , silver berry stand ; Oscar Clayton , 20th st. , hunting case gold watch in lea. Andrew R. Wilson , S. 80th st , gont'fl hunting case geild watch in tea ; Rob't L. Brooks , S. Omaha , silver fruit stand : Alex J. Irvington , Fremont , Nob. , mail order , 27 runs $20.00 , found $50.00 in gold- coin and gouts' hunting case gold watch ; David Greening , California st , silver 6-bottle castor ; Ida Grayson , S. 14th st , ladies' gold lace pin , diamond , ruby and sapphire boiling , in lea ; Grace Ardue- lon , mail order , Blair , Nob. , $20.00 in gold coin in tea ; S. R. Diet ? , Douglas &t , silver pickle slnnd ; Mibs Ruby Louoning , St. Mary's nvo. , can money ; Harry Balrter , mail order , Grand Island , Nab. , 810.00 in gold coin in can tea ; Uortha Wilkins. Fur- imm st. , silver butter dish ; Edward Tumbluy , Ohio st. , cluster diamond ring in tea ; Sam'l Bonbon , Sowarel St. , can money ; Carrie Lewis , 9th St. , cluster diamond scarf pin in tea ; But ler Johnson , Davenport st. , $10.00 in gold coin in tea ; Ada Jones , Capital ave , silver cake stand ; Gluts. Anruson , Park avo. , can money ; Eva E. Johnson , mail order , Lincoln , Nob. , gents' hunt ing case gold watch am ? cluster diamond shir , v , ud ; Ada Rivers , S. Kith St. , can money ; Bertha Miller , Loavonworth St. , silver sugar bowl ; Henry Dresser , N. 25th st. , solid gold ring , elinmond ruby and sapphire setting ; John Winslow , Nebraska City , mail order , ladies' chntulain watch in tea ; Henry Moles , Dodpo st. , silver pickle stand ; Daisy Bushier , Itanium st. , $10 in gold coin'in tea ; Edward Jacobs , of Missouri Valley , visiting tlio htato fair , gents' hunting case gold watch , Elgin movement , in tea ; David Pope , Fort Omaha , ladles' hunting case geild watch in tea ; Thomas Coslin , Millard Station , Neb. , diamond ring ; Miss Annie Har vey , So. Omaha , Neb. , diamond ring in leu. leu.C. . E. Mason. Blonde st. , silver butter dish ; Mrs. C. H. Iliuihon , 17th st. , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. Edward A. Roland , So. 13th st. , diamond ring in can of tea ; i ! Mrs. .T. C. Johnson , Capitol ave , . silver live bottle castor ; Mr. Jim Motcalf , Sownrd st. . silver pickle stand ; Miss Iluttio Cnlhonn , 27th st. , ladles' hunting case gold watch in can of tea ; Mrs. John Howell , 40th st. , silver suurur bowl ; Mrs. W. A. Reynolds , 2d ; ; st. , $20 in gold coin in can of ten ; Miss Lotlio Moon , 18lh st. , silver pickle bland ; Mrs. Olias. E. Freeman. So. Omaha , silver fruit stand in tea ; Mrs. A. C. Benson , ICtli st. . sil ver sugar bowl ; Mrs. II. L. Bigolow , 18th st. , ladies'elegant scarf pin , diamond mend , ruby and sapphire sellingin can tea ; Mrs. M. U. Harvey , 42d at. , silver butter dish ; Miss Mary O'Connors , Capital avo. , silver pickla slaud ; Mrs. < Samuel Bowman , gent's hunting CURO gold watiih , in can of lea ; Airs. Adam , Burger , Davenport st. . silver sugar i bowl ; Miss Lou Thatcher , Council t BlulTh , Ia. , silver live-bottled castor in J ten ; Mrs. Fred Thorn , 10th st. , $10.00 In t gold coin in can tea ; S. M. MurtinuicJ J janitor board of trade , diamond ring in can of lea ; Airs. C. H. Hallon , Lcuvon- worth st. , silver pickle stand ; Airs. Kd- wnrd L. Alnyflolel , KHh si. , can mctnoy in tea ; Airs J. H. Howard , 27th st. il- vor pickle stanel ; Airs. John E. Clicster , , Dodge st. , silver sugar bowl : Miss Delia Scott , Capital avenue. $ .5.00 in gold coin in can tea ; Mrs. S. B. Brown , llth St. , silver butter dish ; Air. V. 13. Culler. Parko avo. , gent's solitaire diamond stud in can ten ; Air.C. D. Norton , laard St. , silver pickle sland ; Mrs. T. / . Sow- urd , 42d st. , silver butter dish ; Airs. A. R. Whitmore , 14th fit. , can money in tea ; Air. M. I. Wilson , 12th St. , silver fruit Bland ; Airs. II. E. Schut- tlor , Cuming fit. , 815 in gold coin in can tea ; Airs. Will C. Baldwin , 21st st. , sil ver sugar bowl ; Aliss Alay Stuart , Dodge st. . Hllvor picUlo bland ; Alr.Chas. Burdick , Suundci' * si. , can money in 1 ten ; Miss LiUic Loivny , Howard st. , ftllvsr piolflo bland ; Air. Edward Phil ips , Pnrnum fat. , diamond collar button in tea. Mihs Dora Borganauor , So. 1'Jth St. , . 'vcr fruit bland in can tea ; Airs. John \VYtbridgo , silver sugar bowl Airs. i fin's ICenyon. S. Kith t > t. , diamond ring in can tea ; Air. H. E. Hwuu , Dav enport St. ,