Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Minnesota Officials Oroato a Sonaa-
tlon on the Chicago Board.
Iliully Krlj > lilciietl Corn Hull * * )
Moderately Firm An Iiiiiruu-
incnt in Onts 1'roviNloiiN Irregu
lar Cattle Unchanged.
CiiiCAflo , Sept. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Hin. : ] The sctisiitlon In the wheat mar
ket uiul the disturbing factor was thu iiction
of the Minnesota railroad and wiirohouio
commission in lowering the Crudes of wheat
to accommodate the oxipenelcs of the situa
tion In the northwest. The change directly
effects Mlnnciiiwlis and Duluth , the Inttor
place particularly , as It Is the leading specu
lative market In the far northwest. The
full force of the change was not felt in this
market until those who had bout'ht in Uu-
luth began to run. They felt that there was
no security for them In the market where
they could bo compelled to take wheat of
poorer quality than they had contracted to
buy , and they proceeded to unload. For
fear the Uuluth market would break many
of them hedged by sales here. Those
who sold outin ; iJuluth were delighted to
find that the oversold condition of the market
enabled them to net out to good advantage ,
the nervous shorts being good buyers. The
Duluth market felt the shock less than this ,
and when the report started that the whole
thing was n canard , .concocted to help out the
shorts , tiinn.v were found to believe it. Trade
wiis In fact torn up all day over the conflict
ing reports from Minneapolis and Uuluth ,
First came the original reports as given.
Following this were denials of the authen
ticity of the statements ; following tills was a
statement that the commissioner had not
nuttiori/ed the publication of the change.
This latter was regarded In the nature of u
hedge and not a denial. The president of one
of the leading elevator companies of the
northwest , who authorized the use
of his nniuo and then requested
that it be withheld , as ho did not
care to bo involved In u dispute , but who Is
nevertheless a gentleman of the very highest
responsibility , said that on his departure for
Minneapolis last evening the chief Inspector
had notified him that in the future more
frosted wheat would be admitted Into regu
lar grades than had been customary. Imag
ine then his surprise on receiving the follow
ing dispatch on 'ehango just before noon :
"Tho chief inspector absolutely denies any
instructions from the commissioners to
change grades. No change would bo made
in any event without consulting all Interests
in trade , and no changes nro contemplated. "
Clearly there has been no reduction In
quantity or lowering in grade of liars.
They aio No. 1 hard , all of them ,
and will so continue to bo. Minnesota
commissioners are cyidcnlly trying to crawl
out of the position they assumed. That they
did contemplate a sly lowering of grades the
sumo as has been done In Toledo and St.
Lonib is unquestionably trim and it is proba
bly true that they did not intend publishing
tholr Intention broadcast. In other words ,
they didn't know that the gun they had
loaded was pointed their way. The effect on
prices may bo understood by a glance at the
principal fluctuations in the leading month
December. It opened at ! 4H''i ' % c off from
yesterday , worked off to lU-Vfc , advanced to
IMXe , broke to ! U' ( , ( < Zy'/e ! ' , advanced to ! > 4o
on the failure of Duluth to break and on
Hutchlnson's buying , Mumped to ( % on
the development of n panicky sentiment , ad
vanced once more to the highest point of
tiiedny , OtJifdjlUKc , on a flood of denials
that any change in Minnesota grades had
been made and worked back to Ulc , when
the Impression got fairly hold of the crowd
that the Minnesota commissioners were
equivocating , Hutchinson was openly a
steady and largo buyer of wheat all day , the
largest m the market , supporting it on every
break. Northwestern crop news was gen
erally bullish. No special change was noted
m cables. The local market does not seem
to bo broadening In the least and the drift of
sentiment still scorns to favor the idea that
there will bo lower prices before the market
will secure another important advance. In
attempting to measure the extent and force
of this opinion , however , there is great lia
bility to mistake. One o'clock prices show n
decline of % @ % o us compared with ycster-
Aay.Corn opened with a firm tone and prices
went up some , but there was a decline of % Q
on free offerings by prominent holders , then
recovered and sold up Ic , closing with Octo
ber about ? f o higher than it closed last night ,
Boiler November about } c better and May
nbout ' ( fo higher. First sales of October
were at 45c , and with pretty liberal buying
and not much for sale tlio market was grad
ually advanced to 45 c. At this point sell
ing became quite free , one- party largely idcn-
tilled with the longs being a liberal seller ,
mid under the pressure of these offerings
October sold off toI4o. . After the selling
pressure was removed there was a reaction of
about % c , and near the close thcro was some
excitement owing chietly to the sharp ship
ping demand and wheat sold up lo from the
lowest point charged , some closing at 45 % ®
Cables were firm and the shipping
demand good , which helped the market some
rit the start but the early break In wheat and
the rising temperature In the west devel
oped a subsequent weakness whlcji was fol
lowed by much strength at the clobo.
Oats exhibited more animation under im
proved inquiry , ruling firm at about K@'ft
higher on nearly all futures. The advance
in corn was nn clement of strength , togcthei
with the continued light receipts and UK
small proportion of contract oats therein
which , at present , is only 20 per cent
All futures wcro in fair requcs' '
with Bomo inquiry for Dccemboi
while October and May were the favorites
The usual demand appeared for cash oats
with sales } fo better at ' . ' 4V for No. 2 ii
store , while trading was principally bj
In provisions trading was spasmodic am
under an average volume. Cash buyers tool
\llttlo more property , but In a speculative
wy there was no great activity nt any time
Vorators ui a rule wcro somewhat con
B , watively inclined , though , for January delivery
livery yesterday's prices wcro tolerably wol
supported. T.ard , for the month named
closed at 1 o'clockKo higher , short ribs uu
changed and pork only Co lower.
AVTIJUXOON Snssiox In wheat Hutchln
eon was the leading buyer and Cudahy tin
leading bcllcr. On the late board the nmrko
advanced aHo. Late cables wcro strong
September Witfe , October U2J c , Novetube
PIiKc. Corn active for near futures am
lirui ; September 40o , October 45c , Novem
bcr 13 0. Oats were in light request am
steady ; September 2l-\c , October " 4v
Pork was nominally unchanged for near lu
turcs and 2-iJ o higher for January ; Septeni
ber , S14.00 , October $14.00. Iard ndvancei
9Mo for September and October and ruled
jyuulo castor for January , other futures un
Whanged ; September f'J.bCJf ' , October 3.S2 >
November fs.'JO. Short ribs , September an
October unchanged ; January Jfo highci
September f S.l'5 , October tS.8o.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 7. ( Special Telegram t
Tills BKK. | CATTLE For the week so far th
receipts nro15,512 ; for tt-.o sniuo time la :
week , 4SttS4. Thcro wcro scarcely lifty load
of what dealers would classify as good natlv
cattle In the pens. This morning there wer
n few urgent orders here for good steers , an
when a buyer came across a lot of such h
would not lot them got out of his sight If h
could buy them ; consequently that class sol
10@l5o higher. Hut after these urgent ordot
were tilled , and top cattle disposed of , th
trade sceinca to fall back Into yesterday' '
rut. In.lact , lower grades of shipping native
wcro rather hard to sell at the close And som
salesman could not get what they were offerc
In the morning for tholr ordinary and con
nion natives. L5cst Tcxnns and rangers sol
be same as yesterday but cunning stock rule
Veak. Good native cowa and bolters ol
equally as well as on any day this week , j
Jew stockcn and fetdere wen > clian-jln
lands but there was really no market Ycal
alvcs were In good demand but 2J@50e low-
r than last week. The receipts Included
, fOO Tcxnns and western cattle ; choice to
xh-a beeves $ JtO&ifl.CO ; medium to good
leers , Ii50 : to I.roo Ibs , tri.MlSj.CO ; l,2Kto ( )
,350 Un. M.TlKrf.YMl ; IKX ) to 1,200
bs. O.fiO'jtJI.'S ; s lockers and feeders ,
' -MCtTcJ.Sd ; cows , bulls and -mixed ,
l.P5'n3.Ci ( ) bulk ,' ) ; Texas steers ,
50 to UCi'J Ibs , * M.OO ( 3.rU ; 1M to tbO Ibs , SU.f.O
( an.lOCOMo ; 700 Ibs , ? 2.rOC'M.10 ; UY9 , Jl.M
( ! (2.yO : natives and half breeds , (4.0 < J < rt5.00 ;
vlntrrcd Texans , $ U'0(31.00. (
Hon Tiade continues ncMvc and prices
o day showed no particular change ns corn-
tared with yesterday , best heavy mnkinr
0 r.ljrt < UJObO.t ; mixed atJ.20 ( (1.40 ( , and com-
non , fVJOfitiUO. Light sorts are almost un
saleable. There are no packers buying such
low , and there arc no shipping orders of ac
count. Quotations nro nbout { 0.03(20.20. (
NP.W YORK , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram
o TUB Unt.1 STOCKS The stock market
vas dull and weak early this morning with
ratline confined mainly to Lacknwannn , St.
'nul , Heading and Western Union. In the
remainder of the list transactions were feu-
urelcss and fluctuations few and small.
There was ndeculed wcakncf s at the opening ,
.ho declines extending to M point , Lake
Shore and Canada Southern leading , while
.ho first losses wcio supplemented In cany
trading by further declines , though not to
any great extent. After the first hour was
well advanced n better tone was developed
and there was a little appreciation. The
Forenoon went away without any specially
interesting features developing , the market
see-sawing a little , and by 12 o'clock It was
fairly active and strong at prices generally
little better than the opening. Thcro was a
n further attempt to depress St. Paul to-day ,
but it was of little avail. It sold ht TO o
soon after the opening , but from that point
Ihoro was almost u steady appreciation until
it closed at 7'J Ve , u gain of 1 ' 40 over the best
llgures of the day. There was a better mar
ket in the afternoon and values improved
nearly all around , closings showing gains for
Lho day of % < 1 point on the average. Lake
Shore imptoved materially after the early
weakness , closing J higher , while grangers
and coalers also showed good gains.
Covin\Mi\Ti ! : ( jovcrnmcnt bonds were
quiet but steady.
The closing quotations of the stocks wcro
as follows :
IT.S.4 * regular. . . . 123 Northern I'nclnc. . . 28 s
1' . S. 4scoupons l.i : dniiroferred ) ; i
U. H. 4'srfglllur. . .H V . &iN'.W 11ft t
U. 4lixconpoiM..liili ) { do preferred 1K < /
1'aclllcbsof MCi 1M ) N" . V. Central 109
Central 1'arlllc . . . x'i l'I.ti : ! ! 5
Chlcnt'O A : Alton .l.tJ Ilock Islund Illaj
Chicago , HurllnBton C. ,
A : Qiilnvy 11TJ do prufcrred 112
D. , L.&W U4 , St. Paul & Omaha . UU
Illinois Central. . . ! ! ' , ' doproferred Ida
I. , 1I..W 18'4 I'nlonPacific ' HIVi
Kansas .VTexns. . . " " W. . St. U * 1' . 14 %
I.nko Shore do preferred. . ! > 7i :
Michigan Central. . Western Union
Missouri Tactile . . .
MoNiir ON GALL Kasy at I < ( a2f { percent ;
last loan IJtf per cent ; closed offered ut 1
per cent.
PKIMB MciiCANTiLU PAI-CU l ) < j@C > per
STEIILINO EXCHANGE Dull hut steady at
& 4.S4J for sixty-day liills , M.87JJ for demand.
CniCAno , Sept. 7. Wheat , stronger ; cash ,
Oy'4c ; October , 2 < e ; November , 'j ; ( 4xe.
C < mx Stronger ; cash , 40c ; October.
45 ll-lOc ; November , 43' ' c.
O \TS Firm ; cash,21 c ; October , 21 9-10c ;
November , 2ic.
1H K 54c. Nominal.
PIIIMU TiMoriiv $1.S5@1.90.
Fnx SKii-tl : 0.
POIIK Stronger ; cash andOctobcr , $14.00 ;
November , H-U'j.
LAUD Steady ; cash and October , JO. SO ;
November , $ S.'JO
Flour Steady and linn and unchanged ;
patents. W.25ri.40 ( ; bakers' , W.00(74. ( 10.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , i"W ( > fJ7. 5 ;
short clear , S'J,00rtl ' ( > .25 ; short ribs , fS.y- > .
Huttor Steady ; creamery , 15 ( < i22c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 8'/ '
lints. $ % @Sa ; Young Americas ,
Kggs Firm at Ifi _
" '
Hides Firm with"an ii'lvnnco of } { e on
heavy nnd light salted hides. Heavy green
salted , OJ o ; light green saltcd.tXgO o ; salted
bull , 5o ; green called calf , < l > j@7e ; dry
Hint , 7@Sc ; dry calf , 7 < < ? Sc ; branded hides
15 per cent off ; deacons , 20@25c each-dry ;
salted , 10@l5c.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 , solid , 5 > @ 5 > c ;
No. 3 , 4J o ; cake , Df@r Xu per ll/ .
2:30 : close Wheat Firm ; cash , T3Uc ;
October , 02Vc ; November , 93J < fc.
Corn Steady ; cnsh,4GcOctober ; , Bl 3-lCo ;
November , 4u. !
Oats Steady ; cash , 247-lOc ; November ,
Pork Steady ; cash nnd October , $14,00.
Lard Steady ; cash nnd October , S9.W > ,
Receipts. Shipments ,
Flour , bbls 10,000 2)OOC
Wheat bu 103.000 TX'.COC
Corn , bu 249,000 4.W.OOC
Oats , bu 201,000 144.00C
Uyc.bu ,
Uarlcy , bu . . . .
Now Vork , Sept. 7. Wheat Receipts.
109,000 ; exports , 137,000 ; spot unsettcd nnd
hGJKc. lower , closing steady ; shippers in
active ; No. 2 red , U9J.f@'J'.iJfu in ele
vator ; $1.01@1.01i aOoat ; * 1.015f@1.03 }
f. o. b. ; ungraded red , 9Uc@f 1.0-4 ; options
opened inoro active , but declincdX < ' ! Jfo nuil
closed steady ; No. 2 red , October , closing al
Corn Receipts , 07,000 ; exports , 100,000 :
spot JjdtJ/o liigher , strong nnd active export
demand ; No. 2 , 54Ji@)5 > c iu store and clo-
valor , r < CJ.piSc ( nilout , ungraded mixed , 53)
< 3 . " > e ; options were freely dealt in , strong
und Ic higher ; October closing at 55.fc.
Oats Receipts , 180,000 ; exports , none ; spol
unsettled and rather easier but fairly active :
mixed western , 2i(235c ( ; white western
Coffee Options active but weak ; sales
104,000 bags including September , jl2.2Ui ( (
13.00 ; October , $11.70 12.30 ; November
fll.lfK'Ul.SO ; spot Ulo , in moderate domain
but unsettled ; fair cargoes , $15.25.
Lard Spot opened weak , closing firm
western steam , spot. $10.15.
Huttor Firm and active ; western cream
cry , HG 23o ; western dairy , 12o.l5c. (
CheeseSteady and quiet ; western
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 90c
Eggs Harely steady and quiet ; western
Pork Stronger and quiet ; old mess , $14.50
new mess , ? 15.50jvl5.70. (
Miniicniiolls , Sept. 7. Wheat Receipts
202 cars , PI shipped out. Uuyers were activ
but during the lirst part of the session bu
little selling was none. Disturbance li
grading had the effect of weakening prices
No. 1 hard , in store , cash.OO' ' c ; No. 1 north
cm , cash IMJ c ; No. 2 northern , c.ish , 91c
Milwaukee * , Sept. 7. Wheat Firm
cash and October , V'0c ' ( ; November , Ul , ' c.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 44Kc.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 23c.
Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 555tic.
Harlev Unsettled ; No. v3 nominal ; Octo
bcr , 07WC.
1'rovisions Quiet.
Cincinnati. Sept. 7. Wheat Steady
No. 2 red. 90 'c.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 mlved , 49J4e. ( ! ! )
Oats Stronger and active ; No. 2 mixed
25 f (0.200. (
Whisky Active nnd firm at J1.14.
Knnsaa City. Sept. 7. Wheat Lowci
No. 2 red , cash , 7ti > $ o bid ; October , 70c bid.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , c ish , 30o bid
year , 29X" bid.
O.ils No. 2 , cash , 20 'o bid.
Bt. LoulH. Sept 7- Wheat Lower ; casl
9Cc ; October. 95Jfc.
Corn Higher ; cash , 42Jfo ; Septcmbei
Oats Finn ; cash , 24u ; October 2lc.
Ilyo- Firm ; Wife.
Pork-Quiet ; 14.b7h' .
Lord $ 'Jr0. '
Butter Quiet but steady ; crn.xmcry , 1 (
20c ; dairy , 15fel7c.
Clilcnco , Sept. 7. The Drovsra" Jout
nal rcnorts n follows :
Cattle-Receipts , 7,000 ; market lOohlghc
for good ; common weak ; beeves , M.2036.40
steers , fatOQO.lOt stackers and feeder !
j cows , bulls and mixed , il.S
( ftfl.OO ; Trxns cattle , $ l.SO&j3.20 ; western
rangers ,
HORS Receipts , 10,000 ; mnrUct wenk ;
nlxcil , J.t)5c'iO.-W ) ; lienv , $ < t.XiO.OO ( ) ( ! ; light ,
j.7ii(0.5 ; skips , f 1.0 : vy0.tVT .
Sheep Receipts. O.IXX ) ; market slow und n
hmlo lower ; natives. M.00 4.1K ) : westerns ,
* n.l0.n3.ij ( ; Texuns , * 2.40 ( < ia.50 ; liunbs , $ n.50
Nutlonnl Stock Vnrds. Knst St.
Louis. Sent. 7. Cuttle Receipts , 1,000 ;
flhlpincnU , 1,0H ( ) ; innrkct stronp ; clioice
icuvy nntlvo Btccrs , J.M.Iriifi.M ; fnir to Rood
iiitivo steers , $4.Xi ( ) 5.Vi'i ; butcherh" steers ,
nedium to choice , $3.bOii-IOO ( ; irruss-fcd ,
Hogs Receipts. 2-)00 , ; shipments , 300 ;
nnrket Btcnily ; choice heavy nnil butchers'
selectioni , SO. lAgO.O ( ) ; packing , mcilluin to
irimc , f < t. : < . i@i.r ] > o : llKht grades , orillnury to
best , ? < ) .20Ci < lU ( ) .
KniiKnH City. Sept. 7. Cuttle Re
ceipts , 200 ; shipments. II.5CO ; peed
to choice corn-fed. $5.00 ( 5.60 ; comnion
to medium , J5.00@fi.20 ; f-rnss rnngo steers ,
? 1.00jl3.40 ( ; cows , S1.2o@2.75.
Ho 's Receipts , : iOOU , ; shipments. 2,000 :
innrkct opened steady , closing' weak nnd 5 ; < 3
1IM lower ; peed to choice , ? 0. : ) ( ( UO ;
common to medium , { "J.tXi7 ) ( O. ' O ; skips uud
pis ( , M.5U ( 5.20.
Friday , Sept. 7 , 1SSS.
Thcro wcro no very Rood cattle hero nnd
nothing sultahlo for the dressed beef trade.
The bulk of tlio receipts was made up of
native nnd western feeders. The offerings
of choice butchers stock were tilsolinht. The
market was about , steady on all grades of
The market was strong on good heavy hops
and tlio tops , which wcro better than any
thing hero yesterday , brought SJ.40. The
market on lii-lit and mixed hogs w.isnot very
active at about steady prices. The market
closed weak with the buyora bidding lower ,
tlio sumo as on the past two or three days.
The hogs were about all sold before the closo.
Shoe p.
There wcro no fresh receipts , but n load of
stale offerings changed hands.
C.rttlo 550
Hogs 2,1)50 )
I'ruvnllitiu I'fiucs.
The following is a table ot prices p.ild in
this innrKQt for the gr.Uci ot stoult men
1'rimostecrs , 1300 to 150J Ibs.$5.25 W5.50
Prune steers , 1100 to 13JO Ibs. . 4.50 ! 5.35
Native f coders 2.75
Western feeders 2.75 ( iiII.S
Runto steers , com'on to choice 3.00 @ ! ,00
Common to good cows 1.10 ( u'J.OO
Choice to fancy cows 2.25
Corn-fed cows 3.00 ( 3.40
Common to choice bulls 1.25 fti'J.OO
Fair tocnoico light hops C.tO (7i0.10 (
Fair to choice hc.iv.r hops 0.25 ( rf ( > .40
Fairtocuolcu uiixeit nogs 0.00 ( iili.20
ItcprcHontiutvo Sale * .
No. Av. Pr.
1 cow , native 770 Jt.OJ
13 cows , natives 801 1.40
S3 heifers , yearlings 443 1,50
4 cows , natives 1,100 l.fiO
20 cows , natives S(0 ( 2.10
23 heifers , natives 878 2.20
31cows 845 2.20
21 cows , natives 830 2.30
2 Istockcrs , natives 802 2.50
15culves 341 2.05
0 calves 311 2.01
17 feeders , natives 05(1 ( 205
3 calves 2W5 2.75
8 feeders , natives 038 275
24 feeders , natives 870 'i . y
1 h'-ifer 1,150 2.t5
03 feeders , westerns 878 3.02J <
20 feeders , natives 1,000 3.05
7 feeders 1,0'4 310
20 feeders 1.0(5 ( 3.20
7 feeders , natives 1,181 3.25
07 feeders , natives 1,021 3.35
44 steers , natis-cs 1,110 3.40
No. Av. Shk. Pr.
74. . .212 20J tli.OO
70. . , .177 M ) 0.00
00. . , .211 SO 0.05
100. . , .lbO 100 0.05
04. . , .23-1 120 C.05
72. . nee 2i 0 0.05
f > 5. . ! ! iio SO 0.05
71. . , .232 280 0.05
5(1. ( . 200 0.07'
73. . , .23-i 240
01. . , .255 120 0.10
CO. . , .229 ICO 0.10
03. . , .210 200 C.10
78. . , .237 120 ( i.10
71. . , .235 100 0.10
75. . , .2Jj 120 0.10
75. . . .220 ICO 0.10
03. . , .240 200 0.10
03. . , .240 120 0.10
70. . , .233 120 0.12
Cj. . , .245 200 0.15
54..251 210 0.15 01..202 0.40
No. Av Pr
11 bucks 09 2.5C
100 sheep , natives 78 8.0C
Packers rtircluisc.s.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading huyers on the market to-day :
G. II. Hammond & Co . f,4
Omaha Packing Co . 3J.C
Armour C. P. Co . 75t
J. P. Squires & Co . 1.22C
nnd Lowest.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past few days , ami
for the corresponding period in 1887 and ISSOi
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs sold here within 20e of the extremi
top in Chicago.
Mr Culdwell , of Elgin , Nob. , came in will
a load of cows.
H. W. Hiohardson came In with thrco loads
of cattle from Cambridge.
Sam Idle , of Ashland , was in and solil t
load of hogs at the top price.
Jim Frnzior , a shipper of Columbus , wai
down looking over the market.
Mr. Hankin , of the linn of Hell & Hankln ,
of Tilden , was a visitor at the yards to-day.
H. W. Curtis , of Abhland , came In will
two loads of cows and calves which sold 01
the market.
A. C. Smith , of Fullerton , was in with tw <
loads of cattle nnd two loads of hogs. Tin
hogs sold at $0.40.
Shippers are warned to look out for ligh
hogs , which are now selling 35c per hundrci
lower in Chicago than heavy hogs ,
Produce , KruIlN , 12tc.
HUTTEII Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 1 !
@ 21c ; choice country , liif < J17o ; commoi
trades , 10vl3c.
Eoos Stnctlv fresh , 15@10o candled.
OIUNGKS Messmns , f5.CO@0.00 per box
Korli , $0.00@0,25 per box.
CAUFOIINU Gu U-ES ? l.251.50 per case
SOUTH EUN Giurus 4C@Oyo per 10-11
PBACHES California , 51.00Q1.50 per box
Missouri , S3c@il.00 per K bu.
lUNAJUs-Commou , J1.50Q2.25 per bunch
choice , $2.50(33.50. (
LEMONS ? 4.00ji5.50 ( per case.
UANTULores 4003751 ! per dozen.
PLUMB 5001750 per bu.
Ilt'CKi.EiiEiutiES $ l.2o per drawer.
SWEKT POTATOES ! ( 5o jierlb.
PoL'LTiir No dressed fowl in the market
llvo chickens. t3.50@3.75 pur doz. : sprini
chickens. tJ.25@3.00.
TOMATOES 75.0itl.25 per bu.
WATCIIMULOXS J3.00@12.00 per 100.
PEAKS California , S3.00@3.50 j > er bu box
Southern , 75 per & bu.
CKLuitv 25Q30o ner dozen.
EOG PLANT fl.XXtfl.25 per dozen.
ONIONS Ufo nor lb.
AITLES $ -OOQi3.00 per bbl.
CIUIIMTLKS 50o per box.
CiUEii Michigan , .50@0.50 pqr bbl a
gals ; Californlu pear cider , JJ15.00 per bbl.
Pop Conx Hico , 3i54o ( ; epmmon , 2@3c.
Ciititora 50o per bushel ,
BEANS Choice eastern handplckcd navies
I3.70Q2.60 per bushel ; weatcra hanj
navies , { 2. ( > 5i22 75 ; mediums ' ,
Limn bcnns 6c nsr pound.
IUf. . n. b. cars , Nn.-l upland , $0.00 ; No.
2 upland , J5.00.
UlUX J10.00.
Cuorrni ) Fr.nn $17 00 per ton.
ViNi.fHii Cider , Syoloc per tfal. White
wine , Iii ( lt5o per
Groc'i'rst . 'liUt ,
Revi cd prices are as follows :
HAOCII.NO Stark A. seamless , 22c ; Amos-
kcng , scitiulcss. 17iii ) : Lewiston A , seamless ,
lOc ; American , seamless , 17e ; burlaps. 4
to 5 bit , Il ( l4e ; gunnies , single , I3o ; gun
nies , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines-
Flax , 3Sc ; extra sail , 20te21c sail U , HiftfJOo1
cotton. 21c ; Jute , lOc.
< Mocha , 25@20c ; Rio , good , Irtff ?
17o ; Mandahllnf. , 2a&l-'bc * , roasting Itio , 14c < |
lOu ; O. G. Java , 2l@20o ; .lava , interior , 22 ( < 5
Sfic : Klo , fiinoy , 10' U'c ' ; Santos mid Mara-
calbo , 17rt U o : Avbucklcs. lS.8ic.
SOOAU Granulated , So ; conf. A , 73fc ;
white cxtru C , 7 . , c ; extra C , 7'4'e ' ; yellow
C. 04c ; iiowderod , bjfe ; cubes , S c.
HOXRT 12 11'c for one pound frames ;
strained honey. ( XSSc per pound.
HBIISWAX Utioico yellow , 20ii'32Xo ( ; dark
colored , 133 14c.
Young America , full cream.
c ; full cream chtddara , 'Ji ' 9l , u ; full
cream Hats , ( lOti'J'l ; good to uholco skimmed
Cheddars , UOitlV * . skimmed flats , 5' 5' e.
PICKI.IU Medium , in bbls.5.5j ; do In half
bbls , 1.1X1 ; small , in bbls , $050 ; do in half
Mils , $3.75 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.0' ; do In half
bbls , 44.50.
ToiiAcro Plug , 2005c ( ; smoking , 10@00o.
.Ir.M.iKs 81.25 per 30-lb pall.
SU.T $ l.30C'n.3per bbl.
Koi-K 7-10. lOiSlO'ie.
Mvri.n SUOAII linens , 1t ( < 112o per Ib ;
penny enkci , 12i13c per Ib ; pure umplo
syrup , $1.00 ber gill.
TI\I : i oung Hyson , common to fair , 1S@
25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , { lUjtSSoj
Gunpowder , common to gond , 22it25c ; Uun-
powdcr , choice to fancy , 10 ( < tti5c ; com-
r on to medium , 15w.'f Janan. chnic.j to
lancy , 3) ) ( 45c ; Oolong , common to good , 25(3) ( )
: ' 5o ; Oolong , clifiieo to fuiicv , fiOvi(70c ; Impor-
lul , common to medium , 2o@3)6 ; Imperial ,
peed to fancy , 40/50c.
NUTS Almonds , io@17c ; lllberts. ll ( < M2c ;
Hnizil , 'j.ydrc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10@tlc ;
peaiuits , riZ-o.
CUMKIHS : 5rtJ > 10c perlb ; assorted cakes , 7
(5T2."c ( perlb , as per list
Po\vniu ; AND Sitor rfhot. S1.20 ; Imcushot ,
? 1 45 ; powder , IteL's , $5.00 ; half kegs
52.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , ? 2.15 ;
luscs. 100 ft. 2Xi75u !
HiriNin : : JJMID Tierce. ! 'V' ' : 40-lD square
cans , ' .I' ' . c ; 50-lb round , 0'4i" ' 20-lb round ,
' , c : 1 0-lu pails , O o ; 5-lb paiis. l ! > , c ; 3-lb
pails , U\c.
PuoMsioss Hams 12JfO > l-/fc : hrcakfast
bacon , 10 40ille ; bacon sides , lOiiDlO c ; dry
suit. ! l'e ' ; bhoulders , ! 'c ' ; dried beef ,
SMffilOJ c.
DHIIUI I'lit'lTs Figs , m boxes , per ib , 13@
ICc ; dates , in boxes , 5J ( < t'7i ! ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , 1.50 ( < f3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , S2.30ii2.50 ( ; now Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , 7K&'hc ; Call-
foroui loose muscatels , per box. SI. 75.
California London layer raisins , per box ,
$2.35(82.50 ( ; pitted cherries , per Ib , S0&i21c ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 12@13c ;
dried blackberries , per Ib , 8V < i@'c ' ; dried
raspberries , per Ib. 4C' 25c ; evaporated ap
ples , S' ( ( il4c ; California sun dried peaehus.
13c ; California unbared evaporated
peaches , ! 5@lSc ; evaporated C.Wifornia
apricots , llo ) : Xantee currants , 0) ) ' ( i7e ; Turk
ish prunes , Il4fii4 4'c ; citron. 22 ( ( 2lc ; orange
peel , 15. : ; lemon peel , lOc.
Fisn. Holland Herring , ' SScfJTOOc. per keg ,
White Fish , } < bbls. , No. 1 , irli.OO , Famil.\
$3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , ? 550 : Mackerel. ) bbls.
Hloatcr Mess , S18.00. Hlontcr , f 10.50. No. 1
Shore , 13.50 , Large Family , $1050 ; Labra
dor Herring , SI. SO ; Columbia Hivcr Salmon ,
$17.00 per bbl.
CoiniMi Per Ib , whole. Co ; bricks and
strips Tocgc.
CANPYMixed. . Sf < 7 > 13c ; stick , 8JX(3'.ll ( ' c ;
rock candy , 10J < @ 13c ; fancy uindy. 'iWUic.
Dry Guotls.
. . .
il U. t/V' UU1U1 fU. i Uf 11 Vf. IV , IU11
Hristol , 1'iJ ' o ; Union Pacific , 17o
OAUI-ET WAUIUib White , lOo ; colored ,
H\TTS Standard , So ; Gem lOc ; Beauty ,
2' c ; ISooiic , 14c ; H , cased , * tl.5o.
PHI.NTS Solid colors Atlantic Gc Slater
. . . . . . . . , . , ; . .
1./.IB lf.l ll > rtll fil Sn f .M.I n JI i/ * " 1.
; Swift Uiver , So ; Thorndilto OO ,
Ttiorndiko EP , SXo ; Thorndilio 120 , 0 > Jo ;
Thorndilco XX , I5c ; Cordis Wo. 5 , O o ;
Cordis No. 4. lie.
DESIMSAmcisUeag , ' .ioz , Kl o ; Everett , 7
oz , 13Ho : York. 7oz , i3' < c ; Havmakcr , 6 0 ;
.Taffrcy XX , ll o ; Jalfrcy XXX , i2Hc ;
Heaver Crook AA , 12o ; Heaver Creek UB
lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY JEVXS. Memorial , 15c ; D.ikota
18o ; Durham , 27 } < c ; Hercules , Itic ; Learning.
iiiRton , 22 > o ; Cottswold , 27 } c.
CitAsii. Stevens' 13 , Go ; Slovens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7J c ; Stevens A'
bleached , SKc ; Stevens' 1 > , 8'tfc ; Stevens'
P , bleached , O'Xe ; Stevens' N , y c ; Stevens'
N , bleached. lo } c ; Stevens. SRt , 12 c
MISCCI.IANKOL' ! , . Taoio ou ciotn , 2.50 ;
plain Holland , 9J o ; Dado Holland. 12Kc.
Hrown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7HC ! At'
Inntio H , 4-4 , 7 > { c : Atlantic D , 4-4 , OKd At-
lantiop , 4-4 , Oc ; Auroni LL , 4-4. Oe ; Aurora
Cv4W ° \ Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0 > fc ; Hoosiet
LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > fc ; Law-
rencoLL , 4-1 , Co ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } o ;
Pepperell U , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , O c ;
Pcpporoll. 8-4 , lSKoPcppcrcll,0-4,21c ; ; Pop-
pcroll , 10-4 , 23cUticaC ; , 4-4. 4c ; Waehusctt ,
4-4 , 7 > * fc ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora H , 4-4 ,
. ' DUCK \Vcst \ Point r'J in , 8 o ? , lOJ c ;
West Point 29 in. 10 oz , 13c ; West Point
29 in , 12 01. 15o ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , lOc ,
FIAXSKLS Hed , C , 24 In , 15 ; E , 2-t in ,
21 c : G G , 24 In , ISc ; II A F.ff , 25o ; J U P , J ,
TI c
PHISTS Pink and Hobcs Richmnnn , Go ,
Allen , Oo ; Hiveruomt. 5c ; Steel Hivcr , 0) o ;
Hichmond , 0 cP.ifille. ; O c.
PitiNTS JJrcss Charter Oak , 5J c ;
Kamaix ) , 4 } < c ; Lodl , 5'4c ; Allen , Oo ; Hich
mend , Oc ; Windsor , O'Xc ; Eddystouc , CJ o :
Paeitlo. OKc.
. SiiEHTiNo Uerkelpy cambric
No. 00 , OJ < e ; Best Yet , 4-4. GJfo ; butter cloth
OO , 4 c ; Cabo' , 7 c ; Farwcll half bleached
8Ke ; Fruit of Loom , OJfe : Grccm
G , Oo ; Hope , 7Jf ; Kins Philip cam
brie , Ho. Lonsdalo cambric , 11 y a
Lonsdale. Oc ; Now York mills , lOKc
I'cppercll , 42-in , llo ; Pepperell , 40-in , 1'Jo
Pepperell , 0-4 , lOc ; Peiipercll , 8-4. 21c ; Pep
pcroll , 9-4 , 2lo ; ; Poppcroll. 10-4 , 23c ; Cantor
4-4 , 8'4c ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , fie.
Fi.ANsni.s. -Haftstncn,20e ; Gosticn
32J < c ; Clear Lake , 3JK" ! Jron Mountain
Fi.ANN'iii.o White G H.No. 2 , / , 22'ie ; C
H , No. 1 , J/ , 2c ; U H. No. 2 , , 22Ko ; U
H ! No. 1 , V , 0c ; ( iueehol , No. 1.i , 42c.
fe > 5'e ; Henfrow dress ,
CAMIIHICS Slater , 6)40 ) : Woods ,
Standard , 5 } c ; Peacock , 5'ic.
PUIXTS ( NDIOO Hi.uif jArnolcl , OV e ; Aincr
lean , O' c ; Gloucester , OJ e : Arnold C loni
cloth , U : Arnold II loiifr cloth , 1 ( > K' Arnoh
Gold Seal. 10) ) ; Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gel <
Ticket , lok.
SiiiHTiXd Checks , Caledonia X , 9 } o ; Cal
edonia XX. 10 ! c ; Ecqiiomy , Oo ; Otis , Oc.
Hemlock bole , Ib ( < f27o per Ib ; oak solo , 30 (
Sic per Ib ; oak liar ness , 23@30c per Ib ; solee
ted oak and trace , 33opfcrlb _ ; oaK and hum
lock upper , 20@22o por'foot. Hemlock cal
skin , No. 1 , BOigOOo 'lier Ib , according t <
woiBht ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , OUcQill.OO poi
Ib ; Philadelphia call skin , extra , tt.OOdJl.H
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , G070o poi
ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , TO'tSOo per Ib ; I'liilu
dolphla kip skin , extra , fcO@OOo perlb. Froncl
calf skins , ( uccordlntrto weight imdnuolity )
f 1.15Q41.75 per Ib ; French kip skins , do , SOetf.
$1.10 | xr ; Ib. Cordovan , russott , 18e ; satii
linish. 20o i > er foot ; welt leather , $3. ! > 0@4.5i
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20 ( < 30i
per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@30o pe :
foot ; glove calf skins , 20SiUc ( : per foot
Douglas kid , 30@IOo per foot ; kangaroi
skins , 40(8500 ( per foot , according to quality
Toppings , f3.CKXraiO.00 per dozen ; linings
$500@y.OO per dozen ; npron skins , flO.OOGJ
12,00 per dozen. _
MctnU and Tinners' Stock.
Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , 0.7n ; tin plate
rooflng , I C , 14x20 , W.15 ; sheet zinc , M.BOfT
C.75 : pig lead , fl.30 : bar lead. 14.55 : largo pl |
block tin , 23e ; small pig block tin , 27o ; ba
tin , 2 < o ; Eoldor , 14@l c ; copper bottoms , 31o
sheathing copper , tinnea , 2Uc ; planlsning coji
per , tinned , 35c : leudpipe , ( Ike : slieot lead 7o
sbceriron. N S IS to 24f3.20 ; UUssiairon , 13o
Am liussla tilanishcd , A , 10 Uo ; Am Hussii
planished. ' ! ) , OUo ; painted barb wire. | 3.25
galvanized barb wire , H < X > > it l Bails , | 2.9
( " .2,30 ; steel wire nails , $2.COo2.70 ; Iron
nails , f3lO.J2.15. (
Jt SK Maehlno castings , $12.00ifl3.00 ( ;
steve plates , J7.U0ilS.dO ; wrought IronS.KK'5
10.00 ; bones , dry. $ o.lM : steel , t-VOO per ton ;
copper. $ ) j.OOi(9.tX ) ; brass , * 4.00(5.00 ( ; zinc ,
? 2.00.ft.0l ( : ( ; Holld lend , W.OOCi3.00 ; tea lead ,
$2.00ccW.50 ; rubber , $2.50 3.00 ; mixed rags ,
Sl.UlGJUft pcrewt.
First and second clear , } tfii'J ( In. $ 7 OOQI9 00
First and second clear , lhO 13f (
In 40 00@.M 00
Third clca-- l ic\ \ \n \ 43 thK'MO 00
A select , I'iO'l1. In 37 00 ( < i3.l ( H )
H select , l C'-'l ' in 35 00rf37 ( 00
A stock boards , I2W10 feet , 12 in 40 ( K )
H Mock bo.vrds , 12&1" feel , 12 in 41 00
C stock boards , l' ' ( 10 foot , 12 In SO ( K )
1) stock boards , 12(110 ( feet , 13 In 2.1 ( HI
Flooring , tlrst common , ( I lu 31 00
Flooring , second common , U In 32 00
Select fencing flooring 17 Oil
Siding , first and second clear , 14 ( < eiO ft.25 00
Siding , first common , 10 feet 22 00
Shllng , second common . . .19 ( XI
Common boards 12 50
No. 2 board ? , all lengths 12 50
Fencing No 1,12@20 feet 10 5(1 (
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet 15 BU
Joists and scantling , 2.\4 , 14 ( < ? 10 feet. . . .1(1 ( IX )
Timber , 4x4 , SxS , 120110 feet 17 ( X )
Pickets , first rough , good 20 ( X )
Pickets , fancy bend and dressedselectcd.'Jfi IK )
Shingles , choice A to extra A 2 00A2 ( SO
Shingles , standard 2 5'I '
Shingles , No. 1 1 10@t in
Lath , dry 2 4(1 (
1'osts , each 10@ 2(1 (
Coal anil Mine.
LlM J S5gKe ( ! ) ; Portland cement. $3.55 ; do
nifstic cement , $1.35 ; plaster , & 2.00 ( < C2.15 ;
hair , 23@25c.
Co vi. Anthracite , range , and nut. f 10.0 ;
largo egg , 4.0. .5 ; Ilock Spring , $7.00 , Su
perior , ? 00,1 ; low.i , S4.50go.50 ; steam coal.
Jl.50 to * ' .M)0. )
HnnnltiK betwi-en Council IllulTs and AlbrlRlit ,
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth ttreots ,
aud at the Summit In Omalu.
Leave. Arrlvo.
A No.l4 4OOp.m.O : No.2 7 : ( a. in
Jl No. 2 0:5) : i > . m. A'No. 13..11:30 : a. in
C No. 0 0Cfi : a. m. 0 No. 5 5:45 : p. in
A No. 4 U:40a.m. : A No.3 fl:60 p. in
C Des Molnus Accommodation.
G Doa Accommodation.
A No.2 Hii : a. m.A ! No.3 U:3 : > a.m
A No.4 . . . .U:10 : p.m/A NO.T . . . . : 'W p.m
C. Kx. No. 2.H:10 : a. m.O. , Kx. No. 1..7:00 : p. m
Vcstlb'd No. 4.H : J p. in. Vfbtlb'd No.3.7:10 : a. in
Atl'o Kx.No. .U:40 : a. in. I'ac. lix. No.G.OMIp. in
Dally except Sunday.
No.2 : ! ( ) a. m.No. , 1. . ! 7:00a.a :
No. t 7:30 p. in. No.3
A No. 10 Tiffin , in. A No.O Si.Tia.m
A No. 13. . 7iflp. in. A No. 11 . . .0:00 :
A fio.8 .3:101) : . m A No. 7 . .
A No.4 H:4) : a. m. A No. B. . . 7 : 0 a.m
A No.fl . . fi:50 : p. m. A No. . " . . . .fli'O
A dally ; II dully exeunt Sat : C dally etcep' '
Sun. ; I ) except Mon. : t fast mail ; * Limited.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Sample * for trial of 12 different styles by mall , on
receil'tof K ) cent * In ttaiui'8. A k for card * m U.
WISON , BL&KEMAN & GO , , 753 New nrmubvny Vork. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Live Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , Bxcbiniie llulldlng , Unloa gtock Yard
euutu OmaUn , Nco ,
. Commision Dealers in Liye Soft ;
Scorn i. , OpponUo Kichango lliilldlng. Onion fitoc
_ Vanla , bouth Onialia.Ket ) .
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Bgytl.BaD riateadeaL
" "
Dealer in Agricultural Iiiiplcineiils , Wagons ,
CurrlBtfot ) urn ! lliiirclcv . .tmrHlr < TlticUccii9llinnO
lOlh , UnMiik , Ncbrmku.
AsriciiltnralImiloiucntsJWagonsCarriagcJ { )
Itusf IcJ , Klc. Whotonlf.
Wholi > nle Dcfilem In
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggics
JOl. TO , ! W > nnJ IW Jones Street , OmRhrt.
P. P. MAST& CO. .
Mannfacturcrs of Biictoye Drills , Seeders ,
Culllintori. liny Knkc . CUIcr Mill * nnil I.ubikti Tut-
Tcrlieri. Cor.,11111 nnil Nkholns Mri'ct * .
Wtiole nl ( > -
AEriciiltnral Iinplemeiits , Wagons & Buggies
Cumor 14tli "ml Xldiolun ftrrrt .
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Macnincry and Binder Twine ,
W.H. Mpml , > l im < cr. H l.onToiiwortli U Omalm ,
M.inufaitiircrJnn , I Jobbers lu
Wagons , Busies , Rate , PJOY/S / Etc ,
Cor. athnnl 1'nvlllc iJtrcots , Onmhn.Nvb.
Artists' WlatorlnjB.
" * A HOSPE. Jr.I
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1SU Doucliin t-trepl , Omelm , ebrnrk3.
Bool < solloro nncl Stationers.
H. M , SiS. W. JONES.
Successors lu A. T. Ken run A Co. , Wholes-lie & Itctrll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
I'lno Wcildlnj ! Stn'liinerr. ConmiPiilnl S-tallonery
l.'i''J llDUiflns Stiect. Uamliu , Ncli.
Boots and Shoos-
( Succcusors lo Iteud , Joni' < .V ( .o. )
Wholesale MannfactoreKofBootsanilSlioBs
Agents fur llorton llubDcr bhoo Co. lift ! , 1104 \ 11
llarney Bt.OinnliK. NclmmUa.
W. V. MORSE A. CO. .
Jofcs of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-11U3 loucln St.Omiilm .Manurnctorj.Sum
Coffees , S lcos , Etc.
Onmlm ColTeo and ! -plco Mills.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baaing Powder ,
Fluvorlne KztracU , I/auiidrr luc. Inkn , Ktc. Ull
14llill rner Htreel , OmaUa , Nebraika.
Agent for tlio Minufncturcrt nnd Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliiinncys ,
Elc Office. 317 B. 11th fl. , OiiiHhu , Nebraska.
Iiuuurtura and Jobber ) of
Crcciery , Glassware , Lamis , Silverware
Ktc. 1514 Kiirnum PL , New I'lixton ItulUlInt ; .
Commission and Storage.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Ppeclaltlr * Hutlcr. I'IT rhro " IMiiltry , ( Inrac ,
1112HowanlStre t. Omaha ,
fcucce BOrs to McSliano & Scbrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nibrntka.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commisioi
Merchant. Corrc pondpneo solicited. 101 ! North ICtt
btruutUuiiu : , Nob.
" " "
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
303 Pouth 13th Street , Omaha , Ncbraika.
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And shippers ot Coul , Conk , Cumont , l'ii [ ter. IIK
IJraln Tile , and Sewer I'lpo. Olllec , 21s , 8. Uth
St. , Ouiaha , Neb. Telephone 81L
Shippers of Coal and CoHs ,
21 ! South 13th Pt. . Omaha. Neb.
JOry Goods Notions-
' ' " "
'M. E SM'ITH i"cb".r
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooiIsNotioni ,
Gents' Furnishing Roods. Corner llth and Hwnej
tits. , Omaba. NebrubLa.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnain Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
703,707,70S and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I lh and Leavenwoftli Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Jliinufflcturcrj of
Saddlery & Jfoers of Saddlery Hardwan
And Leather. UOJ , 10. ' > and 1177 llarney St. , Omaha
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnji , Wation Stork , llnrdwaro , I.umbor , Klo. IV
mid 1211 llnrnuy Mreet.Uinulia.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Slioi
Mechanic ! ' Tools and Iluffalo Kcalct. 1105 Uouiili
btrc t , Uaiubn. Nebm Xa.
Wholesale Hardware ,
imBbn , Neb. \ \ > item Acen
. . . . . i , Oo. , Jerrenon Steel Nails ,
ralrbanki HUncltnl Hculri.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate
MetalH. Phcct Iron. tc. Aficnls for llow Scalei
Miami Powder aud I.ynmn limbed Ire ,
- NobrasVu.
. , _ .
w. L. PA'RROTTE & cb. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 lUrnej bUoat , Omaha , Neb.
" " " "
OMAHATLurvTBER c"b" . ,
All KMs of Bnildinor Material at Wliolcsal
18U Street and Totem I'acino Track , OmtUn ,
Dealer in Luintier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DoorsKW. Tirus-Coruer 7th and
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber ,
Ulhand California StreetOnmlm , Nobr k .
Luiuher Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
erMh and Douglas } I".OmnhR.
To Dealers Only ,
iSl Karnam plrcel , Omaha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American ' ortlainl Cempnt. Stall
Agent for Mlliraukpo lljilrnnllc Cement aud
( julncj While l.lmu ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets ruul 1'nniuot Kloorlnu , Oth and Douglat
Mllllnory nnd Notloruf. _ _ _
' " " "
'l. OBERFELDER"'v-"c67 ' ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
W. 1M nud 515 Fnnth Hill Slrpfft
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pauls , bMrts , 1 to. ItOI.tnd 1134 Douijlui Street ,
Omnhn. .Ni'l ) .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
( ( ] nnd < : r.K < nth 10th St. , Omaha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Urc-aso , Ktc. , Omaha. A. 11. lllrhop , Manafer.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
11(0 ( Harnor Street , Omahn.
Office Fixtures.
Munufuct'.iro.'s of
BanK , Office and Saloon Fixtures , ,
Mantlf . Shipboards Hook C sps , Drue Klxtnrei.Wall
' w < , rartitlons , ItnlllnKS.Countcrn. lleernnd Wlna
CodliTMlrrurs.olp. . Factory mil' ulllcp , ITM KUd lia
bouth Uth Sl.Omiih.i. Tolepliono lilt.
wrNQs &
Wholesale Dcnlcr1 * In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
1IH Fnrnnni Stroct. Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr nice stock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing
l'urer. Hpcclal attontlcn Ktren lo car load orders.
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
NOJ. 1117 nnd 131 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garfleii Seeds'
Miami'13 ' Jones Mr t Umalia.
Storage , Forwarding & , Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch hoiiso of tlio Hcmmy linear Co. Huk'ulcn al
wholesale anil retail , l.KH UlOnnii 1.112 liiwil Uiruet.
Ornnha. Telephone No.'M.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IMl North ElgtlitcontU Street , OmnhA , fob.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpcnetcr , Proprietor. IOJ Doilco and lOUand 101
North luth atroet , Omaha.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
JRub bo rc _ o o d s
Mannfactnrers and Dealers in Rubber Gooils
III Clothing und Leather lleHlnu. ICCd Fnriinm BtretU
, Doora ,
M. A DISBROV1CO. . . " '
Wliolcfalo Mdiiurcturors of ,
Sasli Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
Urnncli Office , mli un J Izunl Strueta. Omalm. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
r.ulllnp8 , Stnlr Work nnd Interior llnnl Woo.l . Flii
iu. N. 1C. Corner Mli unJ IxinvuiiwortU btrccti ,
Uinahu , * > ' u.
Pumps , Pipes and Eiipes ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings
Steam and Water Sopplics ,
UallUnr Wlml Milla. 013 an.l . 931 Fnrnam St. , Omah .
U.I .Hots , Acting Manngur ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Bhectlron XVork
Carter h son , Prop t. Manufacturers of ull kinds
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sliest Iron f ori
Workt South Mill nn.l 11. A , M.
Wronglit and Cast Iron Building Wort
Kniflnoi , llruii WorkGeneral Koundry , Muolila a
lllucktmltli Work , umcu and Works , U. 1' . Ujr.
anil J7lti btruot , Om U " . _ _ _ _ _
Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railing
Iletk Italia , Wlmlnir ( Jmnls , Flower BUnd , Vflr
bltina. lite , m North Kth aueet,0m h .
Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safes
faults , Jail Work , Irrm ami Wlro Fenclne , Hlgni. Kt .
O. Anaroen , I'rop'r. Cor , lllh anil JaOUon UU.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
anil Scrccni. ( or banks , nfnret.ttorci. roMilencet , to.
ovf (1 AwnlDr' . Ixjckarnliu Mucblncr/
IllaottmUli Woik . 4UlbuutU Uth Ht.
Fire and Burglar Proof Salesjiie Ucb
G B UlAEeuU for IMtbold 8fi f 'i' " " "Mti'lrt *