Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No Advertisement * will bo taken Tor
these columns niter lUiilO | > . in.
Term * Cash Iti mlvnnoc.
Advertisements under this licail 10 cents per
line for the II rot Insertion , T ccntH fur each sub-
Kcquint Insertion , nml II. H ) a line per month.
No advertisement tnVen for less than IT , cents
tlin first Insnrtlon. Seven words u 111 bn counted
to tlio line ; they must run coiifccntlvcly nnd
must bi ) paid In ADVANCE. All ndvortlso-
iiientMiuist bo handed In bofora 12n : ; o'clock p.
in. i iiiiil uuilur no eliciiinntuiicts will they bo
tnken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artles advertising In these ( alumni nnd hnv-
Ing their answers addressed in cnroof TIIKHKP.
Mill plense nek for check to enable them to net
tliflr letters , AH nonu will be delivered except on
presentation of check. All nniiwers to ndver-
ilKoinenlH should bu unclosed In envelopes.
AH mUrrtlsemeiits In these column * nro ptib-
Ilslied In both morning and evening editions of
TUB Hr.r , the circulation of which , aggregates
inoro tlmli IH.COO pnpcrii dnllv , find glvos tlio ad
vertisers the bone lit , not only of the city circu
lation of Tut : HKK , but nlMi of Council I Hull's ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for those columns will bq taken
on tha nbiivo conditions , nt the following bnil-
IIPKK housi-H , who are nuthorlzcd nRuntft forTiiK
HKB Kpeclal notice * , und will iiuoto the
rates ns can bu had at the main ofllce.
rUannaclst , SW Soutli Tcntl
. " 1HASIJ & r.DDY , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
v > ' b'oiith luth Street.
, I'lmrmnclst , 2115 Cum-
J. MtHTKCS , I'liannuclst , G21 North IGth
GKO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 180'J Bt. Mary's
WANTED Position by experienced dry
goods Halciimim ; good leferciiees. Ad-
rtregS ( 10 , lice. MB Ut
\\rANTIJI ) Position as stcnnitraphor nnd
T typewriter Hufurunces given. II. I ! . Kel-
oy , Llmo Springs , la. 008-12 *
Situation as liousnkeeper by nil
American of 45 , is htroup , capable , nnd
good tempered country preferred ; also , for
vomnnof 25 , with boy of " ; good cook. Mrs.
llrregn. ilU'j ' 8 liitli. GOii ( W
" \\rANTl5D A position ns snlesman In n dry
goods or general htoro ; ten yeur.V exper
ience. Hefcrenoes furnished. Address Lock
Hex itlfl , Ornnd Ibland , Neb. 5115-7 *
WANTED Position oil n dally or weekly
paper , by n young man , well educated und
cxpeiienctd 111 newspaper woric. No objection
to lea\ lug the city , Ull , lice , 6887'
\\rANTED Position ill store ns clerk , expert
T ? enced In general store , good lefprenccs ;
nddress H 72 , llee. fill ) ( It
A FIRST clans bonk-keeper , now with the
largest hniiM ) of Its kind in the cltv , doalres
n ihnnue. Addiews H GO , llee. 625 lit
SITI'ATION wimtudHy a young man of m > v.
oral years experience in u genernl btoro. a
hlttiutlonns clcik In grocery or general
store. Coed references given. Not
out of employment , but would like n
Uiunge. Addiess L. , care Pilot , Hlalr Neb.
4 4 U >
First-cliis * . gentleman stenographer -
pher for out of city. Valentino's Short
hand Institute. C20 H
WANTED A tlrst clnss dress good salesman.
Unquire of J. L. llrnndels > V Sous , 13th nud
Oucksun hts. UIO-
\ \ 'ANTED Man nud wife , 40 ; woman to
i took , man to drive team ; man nnd wife in
) irl\ate tnmlly , S3' ) : 20 shovellers , 81.75 , farm
Imnds : , 4 bill boys. Mrs. ilrc a , : ill4 ! IMu.
< m r. *
"lirANTLIl I ! Ilrst-rtaesbread bakers , ( lullck'd
T T bakery , Wl'J ! jtivet. Iilucolu , Nub. UU5 7J
IMIOTOtlKAI'llEU Wanted Mun of expo
rlenci ; as partner , or tu work on commission ,
ho capital lequlml. Address , giving reference ,
Chas I'ost , llutralo I'urK , Kalis. iiVJ-fl *
"VITANTKD nt once Voting registered drug-
TT ijtlijt to help In Morn until .Ian. 1st. 'M.
Model ate wages. L. S. I'lgenbaum , Geneva ,
l\obr. 6 ! > 8- ( . *
T\7 ANTED A good ecwluimachine Salesman
TT lor country work. E. II , Daley , Oi-uovn
Kebr. f.97-10 *
" \\T ANTED- Situation by experienced lady
stenographer ; city references. MlssM.S ,
1U10 DodL'O at. 681 10f
\VANTED 1 want several live men will
> from IW to VJ to handle the best sollliih
patent aver Introduced. It Is a time and labor
tnuir for retail dealers nnd an active , energetic
pnlt-Hinan can clear HIS to tM per day. If yet
ivant a prolltablH buslnoxs und kno\v n gaoi
t hint ; when you see It. enll and invostlgnto this
\Vo sell no territory , but nro selling our goods
ns fnst ns we cnu turn them out nnd will gtvo
exclusive county rights fico to successful sales-
> nen , Call nt room 4U3,1'axton block. SHI 7
\ \TANT1M ) Oenerul ngents to linndlo
T i the new IJlectrJo Ink Erasing
pencil. Onntest novelty over pioduced.
iiiiae3 : Ink in two seconds , no nbr.i-
lion of pnper. 2UOtort)0 ) per rent prollt. Ono
ngent'H sale amounted toWL'Oln 1\ days ; mi-
othert-Wtu two horns. Territory absolutely
Free , Salary to good men. tiamplo 35 cents.
For pnitlc'iilnrs address O. M. SollieiB It Co. ,
manufacturers , La Crosse , \Vls. U3 o1
V"\ IrANTKD Live ngonts. Write secretary
T > Huiralo Mutual Accident and Sltk Ilenent
nssoclntlon , Hullnlo , N. V. D'JD-IUJ '
" \\7ANTED A good rag carpet weaver. Steady
T T t'liiployment the year round. Address
Nebraska Carpet Mills , 7tli nnd O ( its , Lincoln ,
Keb. I'd
\\rANTKD Agents to represent us In every
TT city ami town In NebrasKa and Jown. 1'er-
inanent 1'osltlon. J. M. McCJuvo & Co. , room GO ,
Jtaikfilllk , Onmhs , Neb.fti3 7 *
* \V ANTEDtllktr. . 4115 Snunders , K3
> ( itiod life insurance solicitors
\\lth bank lefereiices nro wanted by the
T'nlon l.lfo ut m Merchants National bank
IjulldliiK. Omaha. X'ti I !
\ J A N T K tt Twelve or nttetMl millwrights and
rnrpenters nt onro , to work ou the H.
llocknmn ilonr mill at Oakdule , Neb. U. C.
blenknr. UJBj
\\rANTKU-Mc-nrorrallrond work In Wash-
T InKton ten-ltory. Teniuatoni , Dick nnd
shovel men , nx men and rook men , big wnsea
uud loiiK , bttudv ] ob. At AlbngUfa Labor
Ageney. 11 JO I'm uam tt. lai
\\rANTKD-A llri-t-i la .s experienced window
T dresser , liuiulro at the Fair. 683
SOLICITOUS wanted lor a large manufactur
ing company : rcfoicncea required. Address
1 . . .
> AV ilit * I ! Im Lj7 Slf )
\\7 AS'l'lIIl ' Km I'Krtlc nifn nnd voiuen every-
T' \ > lieri' for n genteel tnoney-maklni ; bual-
nrsH. iui wrtkly piotlt Kiiaranteed easier than
| i' < 0 monthly utliei\vlbe. Kxpprlenco iib.solutoly
tinneiessnry. I'eimnncnt position and exclu-
hive teirltory nstmied t'i HiimpU-s free. Wilto
lor pnitlcnlai * . Address , \\lth btamp. Merrill
Mf'KCo. ,11 Co , Clilrncii. 4'J7 slO'
m\TS : WAN'nil-J7'i n month nnd ox-
punscs paid Miy active person to bell onr
Roods. No rapltnl rrqnlied. Salary paid
monthly , oxpeiibfHlnmUante. Kullnartlciilnrs
five , btuudaid Hlhei\\uic coiiipuuy , llostuu ,
Mnca. M SUp
BOVAiu. . lllit. Tel. Co. , J MDoURlns. Ull
"V\rANTHI-Iady btenogrnpher. Address , C.
U , lice. ' CI ! B
_ _
\\TANTKU Stroup competent woninn for
i cook nnd laundress , for lamllyof two nt
Anio btatton , nity miles est of Omnhnon the
IT , 1 * . Can Hike voiiian undilllld. Address H ,
M. . Mien , Ames , Neb. , or apply at KWU Miami
st , , Omaha , fiomlOto r.'on I'lidaynnd Satur
day. K.5 0
\\'AN'l'ii-Ulil : Kcnerafhouso
\ - for vork. 1WO
* 1 a rn am st , < c.'tl
"IV AXTKH fllrl for enenil lionsenori : , Ui-r
mnn or Swede preferred , "ill Douglas.
Kit 7 *
* \yrAN'rrI ) A gofirt Klrl to dojjunernl lioiue
> work. Mib.V. . W. lllnghani , tflJ : Konth
JGtllbt. 4bl U
\\7"ANTK1 > A ( rood girl for coucral' housework -
work , ( iood wnci'ajir.lJ. lliuiulre ntWll
St. Mai-y'nave. lfS
_ _ _ _
S'l'iAI : > \ cniplojmfilt elven UnmedlHtely to
rellablo and < -nertettr lady cauvassein re-
PldliiL' in this or other Umn * . Nocapltnl necea-
t-arv. Ooods pell the year round. Hcfcrenrc
n-qnlrwl. AddreoHniitcrn Agftts Kupnly
Co. , : ! Fifth ave. , Chicago , 111. 47(1 ( b *
Gilt \Vantcd-10to aTBlrirwantrd dally
for private families , dining roeinn , Iniin-
tlrlen , cooks , etc ; come and fcee. KUN. luth.
glrU foi
country town. dlntiiK-room girl for ivrnr
ioy , W ; Klrf forfumlly ot s m country , M : a
Klrl for family of ) ! In city. K ; S ilUbuiuiifK. IT ,
loom at home : laundry girls for liott-1 ; kllcii.'ii
clrln. scrub clrl * , nnd M plrls for general
ilri. ltmai'UiaiitlJ ; ) , . w o *
WANTIin 1 Rcrnb women , Id per wc'ek. S
, hours work per day. Mrs. llreRa. nil'i 8.
luth. d.ic 15 *
_ _ _ _ _
ANTKD-U'dy a enl for the ladles' friend.
llarkcr block , room 31. VOO 8 %
Jmrl for general hpusework. 181T
\ \ AN'PIJI A middle. HRIM ! woman to keep
* ' house for man wltha children , Mrs. A. 1 > .
Wood , lis 8 Kth st , 013 7 ?
\VANTr.D A Oood Klrl for genornl lioil- .
T > work. Apply nt 1.WJ Capitol nve. Bill 8 *
WANTKU ( lood Rlrlfor general hounowork.
Apply nt pure lit fil I 8 LVd St. 01S7
\\rANTii-llrl : for genornl housework , n w
T T cor. mil mid Lcnvenwortli. 4HU
WANTUI-ciood plrT. N. K.ror. 1'ark avo.
nnd 1'aclflc. "nd door from corner , id
WANTKD Nurse girl , ' . ' 12 South 30th stT "
? cd ln.V ' with good references -
erences ns housekeeper nnd tnko cnre of
two little children ; will keen girl for second
ki Kood wnges nnd u good home. Apply nt
ANTKD-dood girl for general house
work nt CM south 13tn St. , upstairs. MS
\\TANTKD Thoroughly competent cook nnd
TT lavindress with references. Apply be
tween 0 nnd 11 a. in. nt McCord , llrady * Co. ,
corner I'Jth and Loavonwortlt nt . 5-'H 7
WANTUD-aood girl lor housework. 819 S
18th. TO
WANTKD-Sccond girl. "ITS ) Dnventmrt.
\\7ANTni-TwoBOodglrh. ) Mrs. Win. IT
T > ton , ua S. LMst uvi . C'Jrt-flt
WANTKD A thoroughly competent girl for
general housework : references required.
Apply nt No. UTO North 28th and Indiana nve.
Mrs. Slmerul. \m \
J-First class cook. 1718 Dodge.
U18 0
WANTI'.D ( llrl for genernl housework , bit
Cnpltolnve 15 ! _
WA'NTRI ) ITnlrTg7oom girl hnd dlshwnsTT-
er. ItaN.lCUibt. 135
WANNUD Some yomig men who destro
home comforts nt reasonable prices to
room nud board , 2118 ( Jrace ft , near fable line.
183 7 *
WANT13D Men who have been successful In
Hulling faun machinery , .Kn\\lng ma
chines , ete. , etc. . to call , nnd work for us. lllg
pay. Midland MnmifacturiiiK Co. Olllcn. 2nd
lloor llosenbery's factory , cor. 6. ISIhnndMnrcy
Bt . , Omaha , Neb. 4r,7J
MKNDIMI and dnrnlni ; of gentlemen's cloth-
Ing nnd eleanlni ; of suits neatly done nt
710 Cast st. 421W
W A NTKD Horses to board , lluckeyo Sta
bles , llHh between Hartley .ind St. Mary's
ivo ; llrst vla s nccommodatujiis ; best box stalls
ntbo city ; terms reasonable ; tulephonu , B41.
T NOAfJlIMIJNTS to do dressmaking In fam-
Jellies solicited. Mlsa Sturdy , 2U17 heaven-
vortb st. IU3H21 *
WANTED If you have any lands , lots , or
bouses nnd lots to sell or exchange for
ither property , call on me or write. I can find
ou a customer. C. C. Hpotswood , SOJ JS. lotn.
" \\7ANTK1) Thepubllo to make good use of
T T The Dee's message boxes throughout the
rity. 100
If ANTED TabioTioardora at 1 W Douglas.
V 475
NEHRASICA F.mployment olllce , No. 317 N.
lUth ht. Male ami female help supplied ,
" rlvate families n specialty. I33-HJ
MALE or female help furiilshed in or out of
city , prlvntt ) families a specialty. II. 11.
tVnmloll. 1US N lUth St. , 2d llooi- . SSI
QANADIAN employment olllce. Mrs. Hregn ,
Ulii S llth. Refereuco Omaha National bank
510 s7 *
WANTED 1 have H or 10 parties who want
to rent $10 to $ " 0 houses centrally located ,
iy Sept. 15th. Submit what you have. C. F.
4188. IMhbt. SOS )
house , KJ 8 31st , bo-
t\Mten I.e.wenworth and Mason. 014 111 :
FoifltF-NT-FlaTof 0 roouis7 S W corTlOth
and Louvcnworth. Oil 11 *
RENT A fi-room houso. Rent moderate
to n permanent tenant. 2bOO Franklin st.
Enquire , first house north. 02,1 7t
FOR RENT Flvo room house , Leavcnworth
st. nud 41st. . J12. J. W. Eller , room 7 , Iron
bank building , 593
FOR RENT Furnished , a ( l-roomed cottage ,
best locution In city , near 2 street car lines ;
only 7 blocks from P. O. Address , 0 7 , Hcu ollice.
' 6S5 0
FOR HUNT 7-rooni cottnge , completely fur
nished , cheap , ; 101. ) Leavenworth st , 677 Gt
" "HHF.E newjhouies elegantly finished , nil
- modern Imp. Aliply to Ovvou McCaifrey , 212J
IJarney. .538 b *
FOR RENT 10-room liouso ou 30th ave. near
Pacific In Ilanscom place , ? 50 month ; will bo
nicely papered and repaired to suit a good ten-
nut ; all modern conveniences. F , 1C. Darling ,
'I I'amnm. 630 0
[ J1OR RENT A new dwelling house on west
L' Hide o' 25th. north of Frankllng st. , Parker
nddltlo" consisting of nine rooms , modern Im-
provoir.onts , bath room , hard nnd soft wator.
A ten-rooru house ou the alloy rear ot Mnsou ,
between 10th nud llth sts. , convenient to the
Union Pacific and H. & M. depots , with hnrd
nnd soft water In rani , modern improvements ,
well adapted for a boarding house.
Six newly furnished store rooms , with cellars
underneath , well lighted and heatod. in the Liu-
ton block , 13th and Muson sta. Inqulro ot John
Hnmlln , UH South llth st. 410-11
PnR KENT 5-rooin house , 1121 N l h st.
402 I ) *
FOR RENT a room modern Improved house
Al locality nt moderate prico. Apply M.
Elgntter , 10)1 ) , Fnrnam. 400
171OH RENT House , 13 rooms , furnished or
J unfurnished , suitnblo for boarding , or nice
ly arranged for two families , IKK Park nve ,
4bi Ui *
FO if RENT -Nice 7 room house , 1131 N"l7th st.
Inqulro 21 SJ3th st. 43J
T7UR RENT Five room r < ittapi > . enst front
JL1 MO s 19th st. Inquire room 14 , 303 n 10th ht.
FOR RENT Nlco 7-room house , 1131 North
17thSt. Inquire 210 S. 13th St. 4'J2
171OR HENT-I have about a dozen houses
JL ? ranging from three to thirteen rooms that
can bo routed at living prices. If you want to
rent n benne , cnll nud neu mo , George J , Sterns
dorir , room 0 , opp. P. O. 380
OR HENT Cottng * . four largo rooms , 1015
Sout h 25th st. 3 343
EOR RENT New two-story seven room house ,
cellar , largo nttlc. cistern , \\eU , coul house
and t-table ; nil now nnd well fenced , on Military
road in Clifton Hill , 2'J miles from postollice , ut
only Fi'i par mouth. A. P. Tukoy , S. W. cor. 15th
aim Douglas. 370
TT10R RENT New live-room cottage , 2'4 ' blocks
-L1 oil Farnam car lino. Inqulie , 314 S 12th st.
2 7
"ITIOR RUNT Ten-room now house , with gas.
X'water , bower , funmco , &c. , ie. , by KM und
Hartley , if III per month. Dexter L. Thomas , at
Nebraska havings bank , 10th and Farnum , 140
" 17V ) II RENT 8-room house , sewer , g s , hot
JL1 und cold water , bath room , new tuul rom-
Ulete , $40 per month , ready Sept. 1. Apply at
oiicp. 0 F. Harrison. 113 a. 15th st. 483
TJIOH HKNT-or Sale New cottage , lledfonl
4J I'lacc , on easy piymeats. Enquire .M. [ , ,
Jtoeder , ioom4 < O ruxlonblnoic. 215
" 17IOU KENT Neat : 7-room house on Da\onport
JL' st.near high school , rent iVi a month , llren-
nan i : Co. , CUumbor ot Coinuiareu. 1M
YjlOlt HUNT rottagf. ! > rooms , very dtfslr.iblo.
JU D-12 arth tt. , near Seward st. Inimlro NIK )
< npttal ave. tttl
TT'OH HENT--An elegant 7-room flat. Inquire
X1 nt The Fair. tin
17UW HKNT- Neat 120 cottage. Apply nt on"e.
-I-1 C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 727
OR RENT-10 room modern house 3.00. 0
room ditto , Wi.oo. 7 room ditto. F-TI.OI ) . Other
ouses , stores and olllccH. (1. E. Thompson.
Shevloy blk. _ iMIi nndjlowarit nts. : M9
RIINT fri-oom cott : go centrally located.
, au8 , 13th.
TIOH RENT Six-room collage. 1513 Harney
U r month. 351
li'OR REST Xew 8-ioom hoiTs"e i i f'umlnl
Jst , I/owe . Terms .
- near / live. r uonnble. Ap.
lily quick frpotswood. 30jlj S IPth. 723
WOK RENT At very lomtei re'sJaencM"ol
-L iota UroomiF In now brick niwonCass and
-'MhttM. . on 21th fclrret c r Hun. All modern
Improvements. Apply II. T , Clarice. SStn and
Cass tr at Union Trust Co. sra
TT10R RKNT-Elocnnt 10-room modern lioue ,
JL1 near Hlith school. ta. (1. Ii Tlionipson ,
Sheoly block , 15th and Howard. ' ° _
TJXR RENT-When you wish to rnnt n hotisn ,
JU store or ofllco call on us. H. E. Cute , room
C. Contlnnntal block. - ' ' '
"hlOR RENT-Rooms wfth family , table board
JL1 1709 Dodge st. ( ill ) 121
THllONT rooms , single or en suite. 171 V
JU t J I
" 1OOM niuUbonrd cheap for two In private
.U family. 2218 Hurt st. fil tl
77 OOM or suit of rooms for ront. 1 24 Far-
Jlinnm st. COO
VERY desirable front room , furnished , all
modern conveniences. 2107 Douglas 5. J
T710R RENT-nirnlshcd roolin , 1204 Farnam.
1J1URNISHEI ) room to let , 2103 DouiMiu.
JL * *
3G7 10
TJIOR RENT-3 nice front rooms , 1023 Howard.
FOR RENT A nlcelv furnished room , with
use of bath room. In n convenient location
to a I'entlcmnn of good habits. Reference required -
quired , 618 South 20th st , corner St. Marys avo.
FOR RENT-Furnlshed room with board , 1011
Douglas st. 1)70 ) 0 *
OR HENT Furnished sleeping rooms , by
the day week , or mouth. B09 Howard st.
RENT Two nicely furnished rooms.sln-
- glo or insulte. No. 2123 Webster st. 471
pHONT loom for gentlemen , near postodlco.
' all modern conveniences , sa N 17th. 172 b
"ITUUt HUNT A largo pleasant front room ,
J ? 1TU6 Chicago st. U
T71OK HUNT A hnndsomo room with alcovn nt
-IJ 2W1) ) St. Mary's avo. 417
T7\OH \ UKNT Newly furnished , clean room * *
* - all modern conveniences ; l block from I' ,
O. 1013-1U15 Capitol ave. Kl 8t
FOR HKNT Newly nnd nicely furnished
rooms , with llrst classs table board. Also
lionrd by day or week ir desired , 17 1 Daveu
port. IM ) 4-
E > LEASANT furnished rooms , 1WJ ) rnrnntrlt.
_ _ _ _ _ _
nilllUIi furnished rooms , C13 S 15th.
L 307 H
T\OK \ HENT Furnished rooms In Grounlg Dl
- cor. Kith and Dodee sts. Inquire ot Oeo. It
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. " 17
POH HENT-r.Iostantly furnished rooms with
board. Inqulro IfiOil longlas. ISl !
lUU rooms , 111) ) S 2Uth.
eaj s st * 'i
ClOH UKNT Front room , largo nnd nicely
J-1 furnished , located near tUo nigh school. In
thn nnd coolest section of the city ;
cable line and horao cars pass the door. Un-
: mlro at ' " - ' > Dodge near -kli si. fcUO-
KOOMS IncludlnR board In the Young Wo
men's home lulO Uodgo st. Heferuncos re
quired. I110
"VTICKIjY furnlslied rooms $1 per week or $3.50
-L > per mouth , OUJ , UUi nud50ii S. 18th st.
54'J ' S 17 *
TJ1UHN1SIIED rooms , 1510 Dodge.
T71URN1SIIUD rooms for rent , 1701 Capitol ave
J-1 ail B
T > OOM , nnd board , 1812 Chicago st.
187 sot
FOR HUNT Furnished room , modern con
veniences. A. llospe , 1513 Douglas. 174
DUSIUAHIA" furnished rooms , single nud
double. Ueutlumeu preferred. 1UW Capitol
ave. SH )
A ltd K nnd small room suitable for gentle-
i man. w 1th or without board , 1812 Dodre.
FOH HKNT-n or 4 unfurnished rooms nt 528
K "tth st at moderate price , or will rent same
tarnished. 012
FOH HUNT To the right party , 8 rooms on
1'ark ave. Kent taken m board. UU-i Doug
las fct. ( ISO 8
fTM'.N flno unfurnished rooms.slngle or double ,
JL tlilrdlloor ; also lluu olllce on sucond Hour ;
No. 1302 Douglas. 3IW Ot
TTNFUHNI8HKl-8uttnbleforhousekcepln ? :
U Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1023 NorthSlst st ill OJ
Throe (3) ( ) rooms. lltOW S.7 hst 11 OU
Three (3) ( ) room cotta o.21st nnd 1'aut st 12 50
Throe fJ ) rooms. 70U ; Pacltlcst , 11 oo
Uhrce ) rooms. 1122 North21st st 12 to
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1015 North 20th st 13 W
'J Uree CD rooms , 707V4 1'ucltlo st 11 00
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 417 South 10th st ' 18 00
Apply to Judge Hentlntr Apency , Herald
building , a W. corner of 15th and Harneyst.
VERY desirable unfurnished rooms , single or
en suite. Jr. Otterbourg. 10th and llarney
sts. 468 UT
IJMHt KENT Splendid building suitable for
1 drugstore , well located. 111 Hastings , Ne
braska. Address , Gazette-Journal , Co. , Hast
ings , Nebraska , KH 10
71011 HENT On Cuming st. store and living
- apartments , nlso livery stable. F.nnulro of
HniTls 11. K. & I/.Co. , Itooni 411,1st Nnt. bank.
HUNT A part of SOS N 10th 6t. 527 10
FOH RUNT Nicely furnished office , ground
tloor , half ofSOOfa'lKth st. opposlto Chamber
of Commerce , M. A' Upton Company. WJ
OFF ] and basements for rent , corner 13th
ana : Jackson sts. Jlrs. F. Ijingo. bOi.
FOR HKNT-Storrroom. No. 214 S. llth st. Ap
ply at 1110 Howard st. S30
TflOH HKNT Two stores and flats , corner 28th
-I ? and Dodge sts. Potter i Cobb40JU
171011 KENT Store-room under Omaha Hank-
-L1 Ing Co. , cor. 15th nnd Harney. suitable for
money loaning or real estate business. I'aulson
&Co. , No. 1511 , room H , Farnnmst. Ua'i
TjlUK HENT-Ftno retail store room with
JL large basement , J"JO pur month. C. 1' . Harrison
risen , 41S S. 15th st , 483
rilWO choice store rooms In the Her building ,
i between Howard nnd Jackson tits. Apply
Haymer & Her More , 624 B liith st. 473 si' )
FOR RENT Double store room , suitable for
clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
tlrst class. Address X 01 IK-o olllce. J'.O '
STORE for rent , llli Fnrnam street , liuuilro
ot Nathau Sheltou , at 1505 I'aruam street
T71OH HUNT-Onice suite J25 month. 2 single
-J- cilices 115 each , all fronting llHh st. , Ilusn-
man block , N. K. Cor. 16th nna Douglas.V. . M.
Bushman , 1311 l.cavenworth. 21'J
rp\VO stores , 22x.)0 , just completed , with Hats
JL of seven rooms above , wltn water and gas ,
llrst-vlnss llnlsU , Cth and Paclllo Hts. , low rent.
Apply to Ullinger Ilros. , 012 s. 10th st. , Omaha.
GUOHRK .1. STUHNSDORFF. room 0 , opp. I1.
< ) . , \\lll hereof tor give special attention to
renting houses , stores nud lints. If you want
your property rented without delay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall to list the same with
him. ; H )
FOR quick rental nnd coed tenants list your
houses with II. II , Wnndell , 4W N. 10th bt ,
2nd lloor , U21
K. THOMl'SON.Sheoly blk , 15tli A : Howard.
T\7U give special attention to renting and col-
> > lectlng rents , Hat w Ith us. II. U. Colu. room
C. Continental block. 251
IF YOU want your House * rented place them
with Ueuuwa it Co. , 15Ui. opposite po.stolllco ,
LOST At llarnum'5 show , a Indies' go M
lllein watch with Miort chain. niono fani
"SI. li.V. . " Liberal reward- for rotuin to C ,
\Vnlwortli , t. w. cor , 15th and Douglas , up
etalw. KtPTt
LOST Ladies' gold watch , engraved wlthhei
nume. hinder will be rewarded by leaving
ltnt4IHS. 15th. ( ill 7
STKAYI5U A Rvay mare about 5 years old
sllvur ninnu uud tall. Reward will 1 > pali
fnrtierioturn to Helm Slfg. Co. , ICth ant
t'Urk sts. "
I OST-On the 4th lint. , black Spaniel pur
-J"lth stump tail. In the neighborhood 01
1'aik ave. ami Mason strwt.s ; Under will be r
arUpil by leuvlni ; him at ! UI Park nve. taw
rilAKEN I'roniSJth nnd Cnss &ta. Tucsdaj
.1. night , nt about ! ) o'llock. n ilnrk bay hoi > i
with new top buggy , rwt running cervr. A suit
ublerewuid will bo paid by leaving any Infer
matlmi of tome at Neb. Savings Hank , lothaui
1 anmm sts.v. . A. li. ( llbbon. tiM - , *
EN -TueKday"nlBUt on CnHTus stTi
' t > ay horje. about II > cur.f old. J.saao Jack
BOO , C sslussi.cor2Ut. till t > *
I'l' Iron urnv. pony , branded letter
L H on lertshouldor.Vr'on ' right shoulder. H
on right hip. Owner ran ha vo same "by paying
damngex. 1 * . R. MarFlorence. . Neb. cU C'
rpAKKN I'l' Two re\l \ COWB , mottled face. 0 or
JL 10 yearn old , onu has 3 teats , at reunion
grounds last fall. J , T , Robinson. GQ2 0 *
HORACU , w hen you.Htop nt 310 Soutli 15th st.
see F. J. McCarthy , no oirer.i dome good
real ojtato bn'rgalns or trades In Omaha and
South Omaha. Hollos. 371
ARY STRONO , M. f > . < rooms a and 4 Jacobs
block , cor. Capitol avo. nud 15th st.
IF you want to buy , 'sell , rent or excnange
call on or address ! tieorgo J , Sternsdortf ,
room o , opposlto P , O. 2:11 :
PKRSONAli Ifyouhavou personal item , or
any communication , drop It In one of The
lice's message boxes. 100
FOR BALK Cheap , n No. 1 saddle suit
able for gontlotuau or lady. Address 0 1.
lleo. CIS 6 ;
FOR SAM ! All or part of furnlturoofa first-
class boarding house full of boarders. U
63 , Heo. 3C3 7 *
FOH SALE A Snyder make open buggy ,
cheap for cash , or will trade for top buggy.
Oeo. J. Sternsdorir , room tl , opposlto 1' . O.
T710H SALE Hlack mares perfectly gentle
JP also phaeton. 1017 N. 23rd st. i3M tit
T710U HALE Planing mill machinery. Call at
X ? 1408 Davenport st. ' Omaha. BIO
L-Ice In car lota. Gilbert Hros.
Council UliilTs. 340-WD
FOR SALE All kinds of home grown troea ,
biiltnblefor this climnto. 0. O. Howard i
Co. , Omaha. 208 H28
A span of horses , harness nnd wagon for sale
nlXon the' installment plan or otherwise : will
trade for real estate or commercial paper , or
will rent same to the right party. Sloman. room
405 Paxton block 1139
FOR BALE-A few choice milk cows. C. V.
Harrison , 418 S. 15th. IC.M5
FOR SALU Cheap for cash , n good roadster
7-year-old nnd almost new Columbus top
buggy nr.d harness ; if you want n line looking
rig it will pay you to Investigate. George J.
Sternsdorff , Room 0. opp. P. O. b6J
GAS fixtures for Kale cheap. Have a largo as
sortment of the latest designs in gas fixtures
which 1 will sell at cost. M. U. Free , successor
to J. C. Ulllott , agent , I'.llM Farmun st. 278
T71OR SALE A now 0 seat Hockaway carriage
JD nt Leo & Nichols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth
amlLeavouworth. Tolopliono 810. 417
rpllOTTINU bred honws : standard bred mnres
JLin foal to fashionably bred stallions ; u few
choice young mares nnd geldlngx , broken to
harness and suitable lor track or road. John
W. Wntt. Jloorollelil , Neb. 78 ! ) S7t
WU have n party who will build a line waro-
hoiibo on splendid trackage and leasa for
term of years. Will build to suit business ot
leshec. Applv to Ulrkhauser It Hulmnr. Room
18 , Ware building. 517 10
IHAVU a (18 ( ft lot on Fnrnain street between
2Sth nud 2Uth fts , a splendid location for u
livery b.irn , wiilch 1 will lease cooap and build
to suit lessee if desired. George J. StenibdorfT ,
Room , opu. P.O. 3H )
THE banjo taught as an art by.Geo.F. Gcllen-
beck. yxM
T71OLLOVV the rush toUtah. . 3K verybody Is
-I ? buying n Salt Laka City 130 il'wn lot nt 310
S15th at. Po early foTc iolce. ft _ 2J3
EOHOE J. Sternsdorir , room ijLpposlte I1 0 ,
lias bonie very dedlrablolots iifVurious parts
of the city that can be leased oil reasonable
terms. Will build to stUt lessee. iKO
"PARTIES having real estate tluvl wish to sell ,
Jor houses they wlsh'to ' rent \g # lind ready
customers by calling on Sloman , roVi.n 405 , Paxton -
ton block. OOP
OUS1I for rent ; furniture for saW or trade.
1B15 Dodge. r SB QUO
_ _
END your orders for fine familKnd gentle
men's washing and Ironing to Wlw Sing , COO
North ICth St. ; will cnll for clothesti nnX Part
of the city nnd make terms on apinlLylon.KOs20
WOMAN'S Uxchnngp , 1517 ParnaVWt. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. ot. P4U
UOl'lON and Storage W are i-Apared to
receive conslgnuienti ot rurnlturf nd other
goods for salu at auction at our largA Slesroom
No. 1121 Farnamst. Cash advances made. We
have also the best of storage facilities. Outside
bales attended. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. .
058 86
H OMR for Destitute Women and Children ,
2718 Hurt st. U40
IF you nare anytnlng to trade call qnor ad
dress George J. Btorusdorff. Rooofa , oppo-
Bltepostofllco. 167
G.E.THOMPSON , Room 113 Bhoely block.
s : In new building , 314
South 12th street. 200 B SO
CJTOHAGE Snfe , dry nnd clean at low rates.
ORIddell fc Rlddoll. 1112 Howard , IffisTJ
A UCTION and Storage We nro prepared to
xxrecelve consignments of furniture and other
goods for sale or storage at our wniehouse , lU'l
Farnam st. Outside auction sales attended.
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. tOTBO
rfvRACKAGE. storage , lowest rates. W. M
X Hushuinn , 1311 Leaveuworth. 251
HORTHAND and Typewriting Valentine's
Shorthand und Typewriting Institute. Larg
est and best equipped in tha west. Graduates
all occupy good paying situation. Day and
evening sessions. Students can enter ut any
time. Send for circular. Now Paxton building ,
Omaha. C32 O 0
R. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med.
leal , business and test medium. DlajrnosU
tree. Female diseases a specialty , lit H. 10th
It. . Rooms 2 & 3 Tel. 944. 255
BENSON JK CARMICHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title ito any
real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
Bhort notice. The most complete set of abstract
boots in the city. No. 1509 Furnam st. 2U9
TtflDLANV ) Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505 rnr- Complete nbstracts furnished , & titles
to leal estate examinedporfectod & guaranteed.
A second hand. 0 or fl ton stock
nnd grnln scale. Address llox 2 , Mnl-
vern. In. U72 0rj
" \\fANTRD-lhnveone party who wants to
T > buy hotisa nnd lot m Kountzeplnco for
rash Submit nn offer If you want to soil. U.
F. 11 arrl.on , 418 8. 13th st , WJ
T\7" ANTED I have ! l parti es who want to buy
house mid lot worth * 1.000 to } flXX , ( ) , cen
trally locnted. * oOO to Jl.nuU casli , balance
monthly. Submit nn oiler. C. ! ' . Ilnrrl-
son , 418 3. 15th bt. 4JM
WANTED To buy orracle for a good build-
Ing that can be moved. Please call on
or address Ueorgo J. Sternsdorff , room 6 , oppo-
fclte I' . O. 2il )
1WANTKD Household furniture , etc. , Omn-
TT ha Auction i Storage Co. , 1121 rurnam st.
2uti s l
IF you nave Improved ! business or residence
property that you wish to sell , call and sea
me. Ueorge J. Bternadortr , room 8 , cppoilte
postoince. f iai
_ _
WK HAVE some pril'ato funds to loan on
Improved city property or to Invest In
choice short time notes. . Champ AHyan , room
li , U. B. Nat. Hank. . ' " . , KM 10
M ONUV : loaned ntO. 4 > . Heed & Co.'s LO.IU
olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal Property ot all kinds , und all other
articles of value without removal , 31'.i 8.13th ,
All business strictly conlldoiitlnl 187
LOANS on Omaha city property or Improved
farms ut lowest rates. Central Loan and
Trust Co. , loll Farnnm st. 3)1 ) U
MONE'YTo Loan Hy the undersigned , whc
his the only property organized loan ugencj
in Omalia. Loans of JIU to iloj made on rural
ttire , plu os , org.ins.hor.ios , wagons.macntnery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All buslnes :
strictly conlidentlaL Loans o made that RIIJ
part oan lie jinld at nv time , each payment ro
duclng the cost pro rats. Advances made 01
ilnn watches and diamonds. 1'ersons nuouli
carefully consider who they ate dealing with , ai
many new concerns are dally coming into cxls
tence. Should you need monHV cnll and
W. it. troft , Hoorn 4. Withuell bulldlng.l&th am
Haruey. "
Hit. Hir.Y - ? * , ( ) to lonn on city property
and Unproved farm land. FrenZer block
_ t _ _ .sTii
flMIK Omaha 1'lnancml Kxchange . Hoom 11 ,
JHarker block , rotithwost corner of Far-
nam and IMh sts.
Makes u specialty of iliort-tluio collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums ot 1100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved so-
Secured notes bought , sold or eichanned.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good llrst or second mortgages. .
Loans made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deed" , llrst or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tap * .
Financial business of nny kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Koom W. I'1 '
block Corlwlt. Manager. _ 2.0
Gl'r.UOKNTmoney toloan-cnsn on Hand W.
M. Harris , room 20. Frontier block , opp. P. O.
M COO to lonn ou business property at nn ex
$ tra low rate. For particulars sen \ \ . M.
Harris , room 20 , Freuzer block opp. I' . O.
I.OMAN , room 401'axton building , loans
S money on city property nnd fnrms. 1'nrtles
wishing to build w ill do well to see him , Slo-
man , room 4W > . 1'nxton block , MO
r b"XNa made on real estate nnd mortgages
L bought. Lew is 8. Heed * Co. , 1KI Fiirnam.
OOl ) city and fartn loans wanted by A. K ,
G Hlley , J519 Furnuui. * _ ' ! 1.
B UILDINQ loans. Lluahan At ilahouoy.uil
: H , OCUto loan at 6 per cent. Unanau < 6 Ma
$ honor , lloom MM 1'axton block. 133
SLOMAN , raDm 40T. , I'axton ImUdlng , will
make loans In any amount , for short or lon ( {
time. Short time collateral loans ft specialty.
Loans made on real estate. Commercial and
1st mortuaRO-p ipor boualit and sold. All busi
ness strictly confidential. Como nnd see mo.
Bloman , room 40. % 1-axtou blocif. WO.
to loan on rurniturc , horacs. wagous ,
MONKV , . on any approved security. J. Allob -
bins , H. 1XM Bhecly bit , luth nnd Howard. 2H3
M ONEYtoloan. Loutt time. Georg * J. Paul.
1B09 Varnam st. SUO
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , ItOtt Farnam st. aul
' b ow money on furniture , horsej.
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. II.
Jacobs , room 41D , l-'irst National bank bill dlmr ,
cor. 13tn and Fnrnara i8
ONEV to loan ; large nud small stima at low-
rates , for short time , on real estate or
chattel security : nocond notes bought ; all finan
cial bu luess strictly conlhlcntlal. People's H-
nanclal Kxchance , O. HoiihcarcumanaEur ; room
DOJ5 Harker block , 15th nnd Fnrnam. 507
, to loan on Omaha city property at
$ per cent. 0. W. Day. se cor Ex. bid. 2S1
to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
MONEY removal or on collateral f-ecurity.
Business strictly confidential. A. E. Greeuwood
* Co. , H 1 , Cunningham block , cor U i Jackson.
MONEY to loan ounorses , turnlturo and other
personal propertv or collaterul. Rates mod
erate ; business confidential. Olllce S. W. cor
ner 15th and Douglas sts. Entrance on 15th at.
The Fnirbank Investment Co. 2 0
M7)NUYto ) onu ; cash on Hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , 12la Faruaui bt. , First National
bank building. 2711
E EAL cstnto loans , lowest rates. Odoll Hros.
& Co. . 312 S. 10th St. -'i7
K1MHALL , Champ land Rjan make loans
on city property at lowest rates , optional
payments , cn h on hand , no delay. Mortgages
bought. Room 0 , U. S. National bank.
JvOi 8 * "l
EASTERN money cheap. City nnd country ,
Olllco FlillaUolphtn Mortgnirn and rn-ust Co. ,
rooitf.l ) . Hoard ot Trade Oeo. W. P. Coate.s 2it2
/ < llA'lTEirand"collateral loans , M. E. Davis ,
'Ulll S. J3th st. Room 27. 2M
MONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
property. C. F. Harrison 41 * H. 15th st. 2UC
, 0 per cout. Money to loan on rapro-
$500,000 or c4ty property. James A. Wood
man , at the old itfeMnsuranco olllce ot Murphy
& Lovett , 220 S. 13th st. 297
FOR SALE-My half interest In nn estab
lished lire insurance agency. JJOO required.
Address 0 11. Heo. IJ3B-8'
FOR SALE chenp Restaurant doing n flno
business ou 4U Noith 10th , No cash ro-
( mired to right parties. Possession given any
timo. Must bo sold Immediately. OJ7-7J
1\ TEAT market for Halo. Ono of the boss pay-
nL'1. IngHtauds In the city. Very low rent.
Address 1811 St. Mary's nvo. 627 11 *
A RARE business chance Wanted a partner
with money or security , ( a debtor pre
ferred ) to wholesale n 11 no of exclusive drugglhts'
goods. SI.OOJ Worth now manufactured nnd
ready for sale. Protlts. $100 per day. Address
fully with reference , W. It. V. , 1400 Farnam st.
T71OR SALE or Hoht Hakery , Ice cream and
J.1 lunch business on n good corner. Apply 2309
Cuming st. 570 7t
T71OR SALE A flrbt-ciass grocery stock , conJ -
Jtral location , large and paying buslnuss.
Satisfactory reasoiu for desiring to sell Nnsou ,
Room 10. Chamber ot Commerce. 587
. will buy n llrst class restaurant doIng -
Ing a cash business of $7U per day ;
party Kick ; want to go away. Address C Mice.
TJ1OR BALE The best located nnd best
-t ? equipped bakery in the city. Lung lease.
Must be sold. Address C 3 , llee olllco. 508 8 *
POU SALU Livery and boarding stables ,
best location in the city ; seventy stalls ;
healthy , commodious nnd first class in all res
pects. Ad-dress Peopla's Financial Exchange ,
room 50iDarker ; block. WJU U *
FOR BALB A good htock of hardware nt half
price. Inqulro nt I33a .South 13th st or of
Lee Clark , Andreesen Co. 505 8
T71OR SALE Abstract books of Omaha and
.L1 Douglas county. This is an established ,
rapidly Increasing , business , paying a
Utrgo Interest on the investment. For books
and good will of the business. Omaha real es
tate or secured paper with a fair cash payment
will be taken. George W. Ames , 1507 Farnam.
- _ EL _
lypR BALE or trade A valuable invention.
Jt will sell name cheap for cash , or will trade
for-good real estate or real estate paper , reason
for Helling , my time being occupied with other
Verf to give this attention. The right party
can make money out of this. Investigate.
BlonuAroom : 405 Paxton block. _ U88
FOR 8ALE--Good will , fixtures and htock of
one of the finest , groceries w est of Chicago.
with a trade ot J70.000 per year. Nothing but
cash or first class unlncumbored real estate will
be considered. Address C 4 , ' Hee olllce. 624 13
FOR SALE-r-Restaurmit and bakery. Rest
clinnce y6Uever saw. llualness booming ,
town booming. Good reasons. Address A. K.
Hayden , Crete Neb. ' ! W1 7t
171OR BALli First class stationary , confuc-
JL' tlonery , tobacco , cigars nnd oyater parlor.
Address .7. A. Sober. Wahoo , Nob. 4UO lit
FOR BALE Restaurant with confectionery ,
cigars and tobacco. Good location. Ad-
dreis U 67 , lice. 458 0 >
EOR BALE At Kearney. Neb. , the furniture
and Iciue ot Grand Central hotel. The second
end best house in the city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. Price * 11,500. Inqulro T 0. llramard ,
Midway hotel , Kearney , Neb. 274
" 17IORBALE A wcil-cstabllshcd wholcsalo and
JL1 retail tobacco and cigar business , eujovlng
a good JobblLtr trade In city nnd country ; bust-
nosol is located orrone of the principal buslimss
streets in the city. Good reasons for Belling.
1'or particular , ! address X 55 , Heo olllce , 512
HUG store , estaollshed 30 yrs , thiscity.K.tXX )
casli , rare bargain ; address X 63 lleo. 215-b9 *
ilOH SALE Or trade , for good productive
Address. Xu , Hee olllce. 171 a 3
\\7ANTED Partner to taVo charge of a busl-
ness. Small capital rennlrod. Cnll room 21 ,
Harker block. U73 7 *
IJIOH 8AI.H Cheap for cash , N. Y. Hotel nnd
JL1 Itestaurant , 7VJ H. Kith Bt. : good business ;
desirable location ; reason for selling , have
other business to attend to. Cull on or address
K. A. Marsh , ; WK. mil st. Omaha. Ml
BAI 15 Tlio of chartered
FOH < or exchungf stock a
tered member holding the choicest nil lands
Inltattle-iiiako district , Wyoming. Address 11
(17 ( , lice olllco. 7CS21 *
TQH SAU-S.iltLaktilotstJUeach : , nt UIO 8.
.13 16th Bt. : i
"J710K SALK At ftbnrgtln. a stock of general
JJ inerohandlsi ) In a live town. Address Lock
llox 11 , North llend. Neb. mEn'M *
'pAln'ir.S wlshl.iK to purchane real estate
J. or becking Invettmentu of liny kind will do
well to call on fcloniau , room 4U raxton block.
B AItllUU shop for sale chenp , 412 S 13th st ,
FOH SALE Mvery otablo. Block and nxtnree
complete , all nearly now , itint reasonable
ceutralfy located. Address A 14. Dee olllc .
47 * 1IW
dr < ; 33V. . A. 1'rye , H 1 , n\r. cor ,
T7WII TnADK-i-Threo well-located hduses and
JlU lots tot good Nebraska land. Improved or
unimproved. Must be unencumbered. Address
H 6S. care Omaha Dee , giving dlscriptlon and
price. 470 U
KXCIIANOK-Flve room house nnd lot
POH 175 frrt , on South IMh st. Nlco home.
Want an N ) acre farm. C. E. MoAgher. room 2 ,
over Hnymoud'a Jewelry store , HJO-12J
mo KXCIlAKUU-Enst front lot , 1 block oII
JL paved st. , for cheap n e.stern land ,
HoiihO lot tu Kotintze place for farm ,
I'lno enst front lot , 1 mlle from court house ,
for horse nnd phaeton.
040 acres of Franklin Co. , Neb. , land for house
and lot.
Lot nnd store butldlng.claarof encumbrances ,
for good cheap western land.
House nnd lot In good Iowa town , clear of In *
cumbrances , for house nnd lot In Kountzo
llnii'com plnco lot nnd $3,000 cash for house
nnd lot In western pnrt of city.
Chns. H. Woolley , 418 South 15th st. 484 18
I II AVE real nud per.soi.iil property of nil
kinds for trnde. Cnll nnd see me. Ueorgo J ,
Sternsdorff , room 0 , oppLl' . O. IN )
rpo EXCHANGE-Luta for lands. 1'aul , IBJll
JL Farnatn. 3iM U
ITHAT have you to offer for 1-SO acres of
T T timber landl n West Virginia , clear of In-
cumbrance , perfect title. UoorgaJ , Sternsdorlf ,
Koom 0 , oppoalte I' . O. 2ill
AHOTKli and saloon centrally located to
tl ado for city property or farm laud. ( Ice ,
J , 0. opposite 1' . O. Stfl
\\7ANTED-Hrlck for clear lots. C. F. Harrl-
T > son , 418 S. 15th st. ! 109
have you to trade for FO acres ot lana
unlucumborcd In .lunean county , Wis , ,
n miles from county feat. U , J.
6 , opp I'oatolllce. 167
W ANTKl ) Laud for lots. Vaul/lGOO f uraam.
3Hi U
GJ.STKRNSIXRKP , Room o-opposlt P.
O. , has noin choice farm land to trade
for city propurty , Will ussumo light iucutn-
branccs. ll
WANTKD-A good horse , buggy nud harness
In exchange for South Omaha lots. Georct *
J.Stciusdorrr. room 0. opp postolllce. * )
M FRANKLIN formerly of Mil Pnxton Illdg.
will carry on hit trading nt 1511 Farnnmst.
Redlck's Hlock at Paulson and Arnemau'H room
und will nlu ays have a good list of property
to trade and exchange. 'Mi
rpHADUS made In real estate and personal
Jproperty. . See exchange book. OO-OD. U
and L. Co. 203 N. 10th at. aw
irHAT have you to trade for some north *
T western oil stock ? Address H 0 , Heo ollico.
V\71 LL give you ft ssood truae tor an ejalit or
T > ten room House nud lot. George J. sterns-
dorff. Room 0 , opposlto P. O. 231
EIGHTY ( SO ) ncres of nud ndjolnlng Lake
Mutiawa , ( 'ouneil , Hluffs , la. This tract
will make 40U beautiful lots and is free from
encumbrance. What liaveouto offer ? George
J. SterusdorlY room o , opp I' . O. 1U7
"I71OH SALE or exc iiaugo Farm ot 131 ncres In
JJ Hailau county. Neb. } l,0l ) micumbrauco.
Want small unencumbered farm In eastern No-
braska. Dr. Hodgmnn , Hurrblk. , Lincoln. U0-St ! )
BA ItGAlNS Wo haVn t o extra bargains for
this week. One at $7,51 and the other at
S600. M. A. Upton Company. 67'J
FOR SALE Or exchange , 3,000 ncres choice
well Improved farming laud in noithern Ne
braska , In lots to Mill purchasers. Address L ,
are M. Lyons , U'Ncll. Neb. 4'J.I Hi *
ITIOR SALE Rlogant house and lot 111 Wind-
V ser place , owner non-reslileut who wants to
nit his luonoy elsewhere und will sell right. C.
' . Han-lnoii , 418 S. 15th fat. SOU
rilLT-EDGE bargains-Parties wishing to
OTmako good InvostmtMita ill Omaha or South
Omalu property , to sail or trade n good farmer
or buy a good established business In ntiy line
u this city , call upou F. J. McCarthy , 3)0 ) S. 15th.
477 W
FOR SALE Full lot nnd largo 2-story house
of 7 large rooms , good well , collar , cistern In
ho kitchen , good neighborhood , street car * ,
church , school and store close by. All now and
complete , $ JOJO , Small cash payment , balance
noiithly. .lust the place lor a man of modornto
uenns and largo family. Como nud see mo
about U. O. F. Harrison 418 S. 15th nt. ! > 12
rpwo blocks from cnnl8liuo.lot30xllto ! ) alley
JL Nlco fi-room cottage , small barn , lot fenced ,
everything nice , if2.5UO , one-fourth cash , bal-
inceeasy. M. A. Upton company. 113
FARMS Wo have some of the finest Improved
farms in Missouri , ICrnsas , lo\vn and No-
jrnskn for sale , M. A. Upton Company. 570
riOUNCIJi Biufffl The very choicest residence
Vsito In Council llluirs , fronting three streets ,
six blocks from the postolllco , largo plat of
ground , high elevation nnd magnificent view.
Jan ofler tills tor u few daya at u low price. Can
be bought only of us. M. A. Upton > v Co.
I710R sale or trade for good iiialJo real estate
JJ or good secured real e&t.ito paper 620 ncres
of land , Nolncumbrnnco. About 8 miles from
> uluth , Minn. , and about 4 miles from Superior
City , Wls. ; this will bear close investigation ;
remember Duluth nnd Superior nre the two
coming cities. It will pay to investigate this ,
jlomnii , room 405 Paxton block. 090
S' OUTHOMAHA-Lot 14 , block 77. S. E. corner
20th and M streets , 6 room house , S10.000 , a
Lot 14 , block 7S. S. E. corner 25th and M streets ,
$8.00J , ' { cash. House on this rents * 15.
If thesocorners weioon N htreet they would
sell for SJO.OIK ) each. M will bo n better street
: nnn N In n year from to-day. Each ono of
thehe corners will make seven business lots. JL
A. Upton k Co. W2
T71OR SALE Houses of ilvo nnd six rooms.
JL ; Your own terms. Paul , 1009 Farn.uu st. 3W ) B
ONLY a few lots left in II. & M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have vou to offer ?
George J. BUrnsdorff. Room 6 , opp.V. O. -II
IIAVE n few holce lots in Orchn'rd Hill lefT
which I will sell chenp nnd on Ions time ,
Slomanrooin405 Paxton block. ifJO
T71OR SALE Hy Dexter L. Thomas , at Ne"
JJ braska Savlnps Hank , ICth und Farnam ;
80 per cent on value.
Ill full lots at grade 0 blocks.from poatolllce
block , South Omaliu , MOO each , terms to suit ;
who w nuts first choice ?
0 lota on Farnam street , east of Dundee Place ,
north or south fronts , $1,500 cacti and less.
5 nicest full louin Hcdford Plncu.south fronts ,
choice I7UO , terms easy.
10 nicest corner lots and adjoining In Lincoln
Placevery cheap midterms to suit.
5 ana 10 aero timber tracts 0 miles from Omaha
P.O. , * lim per acre.
r > acre trnets by Florence , can't bo beat for
Email fruit , ( CO per acre.
1 own tlio above as well ns lots in various ail-
dltlons. .Including ( J lota on West Uroad > vay ,
Council illuirs.
See mo for a bargain.
Doxtcr L. 'lliomns , nt Nebraska Savings Hank ,
Hoard of Trade building. i)2d )
I WILL soil a limited number ot lots In South
Omaha's H. A : 31. park addition for the low
price of J10. Remember ft warranty deed given
with each lot. This sale only continues u few
days. Call quick and got llrst choice , tiloman ,
room 40.1. Paxton block. DUO
FOR SALE or tiado H ) ncro farm near
Omaha ; good Improvements ; plenty of
fmit ; terms leasonublo. Real Estate Ex-
change.JAM2 N st. South Omaha. 448 15
ijiuit SALE-Houscs on lull lots from JSOO to
J. W , ( > 00 , on mothly payments. Now Is your
tlniH to got u homo in splendid locality. Louie
an invcstlgao. lf. K. Darling , 15211'aruaru.
FORSALU A beautiful residence lot In Isaac
& yi-Ulcn's addition ; it you want a bargain
invostlg.ito. Gcorgo J. Slurusdorfl. Room 0 ,
opp. P. O. 681
BIO Tiling 11 lota. 5 blocks N. E. of depot ut
Albright. South Omaha , that were reserved
bocatuo of their sightly location , can be had if
taken this week at one-half their actual value ;
owner leaving cityM. . A. Upton Company.
'ijlOH SA LE ' lr xcnange. We n.ive some
Jgood Omnlm rnnl estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or traae for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots andHhoe.s , groceries or hardware. Bchleg.
liigcr Hro BU B.jOthst. | K)2 ) _
ajHObuys u full lot and good 4-room cottage
Peasy terms and good location. D. V.Sholus ,
100111210 , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13tb and Far-
nam. SOO
GOL'.NCIL HLUFFSVo have homo lots at
the east end of tun new bildgo that can be
bought at a flguro that will make purchaser
money. M. A. Upton Company. 67U
"VTUnilASIvA farms Wo have some wood lt
J- > aero farms up the Elkhorn valley with * 103
nud J.VX ) long time mortgaifei Bgalunt them
that from $50U to St-WcasU will buy the equities ,
Nowls tlio time to InvBstJn Nebraska larm
lands , although solliug cheap they are valuable
and morn productive than eastern land valued
at four or live Units our pi Ice. M. A. Upton Co
EAUT1FUL 11,000 depot at Druid 11 III"on
belt line , iH lots near tuts depot nt a figure
that will make buyer h.indsoine returns ou in-
vestment. M. A. I'pton Company. HO"
TTIOR SALE Newb-ionm nouse , all modern
-L1 Improvementi , near coraur Woohvorth and
Virginia avenues , Hnnscom riiic * . Il.tXX ) . U.
F. Harrison. 4188. 16th st. 483
GJ.STlCRNSDOrtFF , rooms opposite post-
otllco , will sell you a coed 4-room lions *
on Wh street. S blocki goiith of car line , by pay.
lug 1200 casn. balance monthly payments to
eult. This Is a splendid opportunity for any.
on * wanting a cheap hem . 231
FARMING In eastern N br k pays now ,
To those wantlnz to go on a farm we cau
tell how to git ( rood land with vary-little money
11i day that tnu ecu u done wilt. loon w
M. A.Uvtoaoa ] ftU/i M7
> o i iBii4"n" ' * " 'i1 o ' rou % core tplou VBtS Mil
raS mlnSViS SSfe frorf
15th and Farnam for what fOU would hare to
pay for n vacant 10-f oot lot in Hr.nscom PUe *
or equally good addition : my horse and car
riage are at your service to show' yim this prop
erty. Come In to-morrow and see mo nboat It ,
C. K Harrison , 418 SMSthjit. _ 18 * _
i5T'sTNriTS"-Tii'trstroet ) , rumor , 4 "Siocis from
JDrarmun , for $ IOSH than it Is worth. MxIM
on Capitol avo. betwrt'ti 15th nud 10t nt less
than value. M. A. t7pton Company. 678
Notice to Coal
Pealed proposals will bo received nt the oBce
of tlio County Clerk up to 0 o'clock n. m.foptom
ber 8th , 1NV. ! for soft coal to lut furnished Doug
las County fet winter of 1 < * J-W , us tollowst
For 1'oor rnrni , ISOtoni more or les to b de
livered on sldo truck near 1'oor Kami.
Tor city poor , ixw tons inoro or less < to be d -
llvorod In lots of Vi and U tons.
rertlllcd check of M > to accompany oaen bid.
The board reserves the right to ncc pt any or
rofusonllbldH. M. I ) . HOCIIH ,
n-l-d-U County Clerk.
Notice ,
To Plumbers and Steam Heaters nnd Manufao
tm era of Klectrlcal Apparatus.
Sealed proposals will bo reed veil nt the ofllO
of County clerk Douglas County. Nebraska ,
until n. in. , Saturday , September MM liffif , for
Steam Heating. I'mmblug.nnd etc. , for the new
County Hospital Hiilldlim. Plans And apoalflca-
tlons can bo so n at ofllce ot County Olerlc.
Cerlinod chock of $ .V)0 ) to accompany ach tola.
The board reserves the right to inject any and
nil bids.
M. 1 > . Hocus , Countjr CUrk.
a. 23111&tOB.8. _ _ . .
Notlco to Contractors.
CH5AI.KI ) bids will bo rocelvml at the ofllco of
D the Secretary of the Hoard of Education ot
tint School District of Crete , Nob. , until Kept.
lith ; , 18-1 * . nt 8 p. in. , for the erection or the
Crotq High ( School , In accordance with plans ana
speonieations to bo seen nt the Klrst Natloiml
HankCrete , Neb , or at the office of Fowler *
Ilelndorir. ntehltecH , IMtt Fariiam street ,
Omaha. Said bids should cover brick work ,
cut stone. plastering , galvanized Iron , and tin
work , sUtlng. mill work , carpenteiliu' , paint
ing , and all other work demanded , a\copt Htenm
heating , nml the furnishing of all tlui materials
required for the entire completion of the build
ing. A certified chock must accompany each
bid. The board reserves the right to reject any
nnd all bids. \
"ilVo'niop of the Hoard of l > Illticntlr
nCd3t \V. T. llUUMANAN , Secretary.
Notion to Contraotoi'fl.
Sealed proposals will bo received nt the office
of comity clcik until Un. in. , September 8,1888 ,
for removing 2XX ( ) yards of earth , more or loss ,
nt , Intersection ot roud running through center
of sec. XMfM.'l mid the Frnmont. Klkhoru &
Missouri Valley railway company. The board
reserves the right to reject uny and nil bids.
8 fi-dlt-m&o M. 1) . HOCIlVi , County Clerk.
TIEI > , wholiihl8FOII.Y .iidIGNOBAN ig
has TRIt'IKI > awny hit VIGOR of I1OUT.
rsiNl > nndMtMIOOl > . causing exhnuittag
drains upon the FOUNTAIN * of LIlfB |
HKAl > A < TilIE. DAOKAOtlE , Dreadful
Ur ms. 1VEAKNENN of Memory , IIAHH * .
the FACE , and nil the EFfECTH letdlncto
EARLY HKCA Y nnd ptrhtpi ( JONNVMP *
1T.ON nrlNNANlt'Y. ihonldconiultatonca
the CKI.KUllATr.I > Dr. Clarke , Eitabllahcd
1 1. Er. Clarka hu made NEKVOUII BE-
DII.ITY. CHUONK ) and all DlieaiM qf
6'tiily. It make KO dlllorencu WHAT you
( Te taken or V/IIO hr.i failed to cure you. r <
liar to their sex can consult with the anuranee ]
t > t tpeedr relief and cure. Send 2 cenU poitag *
for worke on your dlstaio. <
O -dend 4 cants pcutngo for Celebrittea
Werkn on Chronic , NervoitH and D ll >
cote bleeaiei. Coneultotlon , pononallr or b ?
k > tter , fro > . Consult the old Doctor.
Vbop.antiils curral. Offlcmand pnrlqr *
priviite. Ad-lhoae contumplntlng MarrllKa
wnii for Or. C'lnrko'c celebrated guluo
Main and Feinulp. each 15c. , both 26e.
( temns ) . Hcfnio confliiliiK your caie , coniulti
br. CI.AUMK. A friendly letter or call nay
lavofuturo suBcrlngnnd slinmo , and add pomaul
years to life. * 3 Book " I.lf 'M ( Secret ) Kr.
rnra , " & 0o. ( starapn ) . M dtrlne and wmlnrf
eeul everywhfre , eecuro from xpovtlr * .
Iloure. 8to8 : Hundavs , a to2. Addroii , :
F. D. OLAHKB , M. D.
toe so. oiarte as.caioAOO. . ltt i
Its mala lines and branches Include CHKJAOOi
and ecoreo of lutcrmeOlat * cltlei. Cbolo * oi
reutoe to end from th Paclflo Oaast , All trans *
ftra in Union depotB. Fait train * of Flao Da7
Ooachec , elegant Dining Can , tnajnlflcent Pull
man Palace Bleopera. and ( between Cilcngo. at.
Joaoph. Atchlsoa and Zanraa City ) Heollnlns
Oiulr Car * . 8 aU Vr e , to balden of tlirougll
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
41 Great Itook Uland Kout . "
Zztendi'WMt and BouUiwcrt tnm KanmOlt
OQdBt. Joupb to NKL8ON. HOBTON. . BELLE.
HUTCHINBON , CAIJJWSIIX. and all point * la
and beyond. Entire pataeitgn qulpmeat of the
celebrated Pullman taanufactur * . All iafty ap *
pUimces and modern Improvement * , i
The Famous Albert Lea Route
IB tie favorite between Chicago. Bock Xtland ,
Atchleon. Eansa * City and Mloneapolla and nt.
Paul. Ite Watertown branch traveraea the great
of Northern Iowa , BouthwerUm Illnneiota. end
Boat Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Luke ,
Bloux Fall ! and many other towns and cltlei.
The Bhort Una via Seneca and Kankakee offer *
fuporior facllltlei to travel to and from Indian *
poll * . Cincinnati and other Southern polnta.
Tor T ikeU. Mapi , rc-ldnre. or dcilred Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Ofllco or addreel
Gcn'l Manoecr. Oen'l Tfct. & Paso. AzU
Bettie Stuart Institute
Will commence ItsJUt your * jptoiul)8r KlU , 18v > . Ad
Tantnces unsurpassed , llomn cninfurlfi : curefii
training. Applr to Mr § . M. ilcKri ! llu.MtJ , 1'rlnclpat
Morgan Park Military Academy
Tlio llest Hoys' Boarding School In the West.
Sixteenth year 1gins Sept. ittth. Send for cata
logue to CAIT. Ul > . N. KIKIC TAI.COTT , Supt. ,
MOIIOAN 1'AHK , COOK CO. , ll.l. .
. orimnl' rkne&r ( < 'hcaro ! ) . Ilosrttlngl
B School for Olrll ( inil Vounu Lnillri. For I
rcatilOKtt addrnisU.'VllAVKIt. LI. . II.1
Jlorgaa 1'ark , 111. , orU Undlaou btrcet , cuoigo , III.
reeksklll-on-IItidson , N. V. Henil forcala-
ioguo. JNO. M.'iULUKN.M.D. . M.A. , 1'rinilpal.
South Wllllamstown , Ilcrkshlre connty ,
Mnss. Aprivate pchool for boyn. 1'repaiefor
college , btlentlUc gchoul or biuinuh . Korty-hev.
cnth year begins Thursday , Sej'tomber 13tli.
For catalogue adclredu ( J UO. 1' . M I I.I.S ,
rr.NNVnoVAI , WAPEnS are
. suocossf ully un-il monthly by ovnr 1(1,000
Ladlcs. AteSafe , J''fftc'.ualaniU'ltaeunt
$1 per box by ino1lnr nt druggists. Swled
-ParticulanS pOBlsyu etamiH. Addrras
.For sale and by mall by fool > nat\ \
Co. , Oiitdliii ,
0 and energetic ludr rauTiiiera reimiiiK In llil
or other lowni. Nucai > llul noconjritnut ; \
ell thu Tuar round , lie fet KITH rfiulriid , Artclrrdt
WESTRHN AOKKTu1 tlUI'l'LY CO. , M t'llltt AT * . ,
CUIcauo , III.
.No * . 3OS-4O4-l70-f04.
MOST rx&rxor or