" > r < flST J Tfnmt , . . - * - \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 7. 1888. Wheat Opona Rather Weak But Recovers Later On. CORN RULES FAIRLY ACTIVE. Quiet Hut Steady I'roviMloiiM Irregular - regular niitl Inclined to UnnrlHli * iic'HH Moderate Trading I" Cuttle HOKH Ilrlnk. CHICAGO pjionucn SIAIIKKT. CIIICAOO , Sept. 0. | Special Telegram to TUB UIP. : ] The wheat tnurkct opened weak this morning at about yesterday's closing range , October bclntr quoted at 02'/c and De cember nt MJ e. December worked down to ( ji..i : ' @ 9ic : and May to SiTjtfe. The market was stubborn , however , and comparatively ittlo wheat came out on the decline ; so little , In fact , that the shorts became alarmed und turned prices tip in tholr eagerness to cover. The market advanced strongly a full cent , October going to ( .i8'o | und May lo USX"At the advance there were "oceans of wheat" for sale , and thu most of It long wheat , too , judging from the character of the people who were offering the property. The result was the rapid loss of the ground that was gained early and therefore up to within half an hour of the close of the lust session the tone was rather weak. The early advance was assisted by reports put In circulation by reliable parties that the crop in Manitoba had been damuired sritrgifil per cent by lute frosts , and later In the day Minneapolis par ties added a mansard roof to this news by wiring that the Manitoba crop would be r.OCOHjO , ( bushels instead of the 15,1)00,000 ) bushels that was expected. It was also re ported that the secretary ol the board of agriculture of Uakota had issued a supp mental bulletin to the elTcot that , the wheat crop south of the Northern Pacific road w turning out big. This was one of the things that mudo the break in the middle of thu day easy. There was some selling also on advices from Minneapolis that receipts at that point were grading No. 1 and proving to bo of unexpectedly superior quality. A telegram of Inquiry to that point elicited the following reply' : "Nearly all our receipts are now and three-quarters grading No. 2 north ern or butter , but all coining from the best beetion. " The market wus found to be in a state to bo easily influenced by news of any kind , both bullish and bearish , and there were roorbacks in abundance started on thu rounds. None , however , were of sufllcient Importance to affect values without the ne ccssity of making drafts on the imagination. Conservative advices from the northwest tend to modify ' , ho estimates of the radical bulls as to the extent of the crop damage in that section. There will bo considerable spring wheat raised that will make flour , and fears of u fnrfllno or universal ruin may be abandoned with safety. In the language ol "Hyo" Haxter , It will bo possible at any tlmo to find a "split car for the mill. " The last thirty minutes of the principal session witnessed another lightning change. At 12 o'clock the market was "weak and going lower. " At 12tO ; ; it braced up , and a quarter of an hour afterwards it was strong. No signs of weakness were visible anywhere along the lino. Previous bear news and the general pounding to which the market hud been subjected went for nought. The 1 o'clock range marked nearly lo im provement over yesterday's last prices , and about the best prices of the day wcro obtain able. able.Corn Corn was moderately active to-day and stronger , closing with October about % o bet ter than it closed last night , with Novembei unchanged and May about J o bolter. Trad ing was rather narrow , but the demand was fair , and with little offered , und cables quoting some advance , the feeling was firm. While first sales were at the closing lignrcs of last night , the market was steadily ad vanced % \z on October and November und 'HC ' on May , weakened some , but closed steady. The weather did not scorn to bo much of u factor , und the course of wheat did not huvo much Influence. There was Homo weakening from the highest point , but the decline wus not important or significant. Outs were quiet all day , with trading con- lined principally to local operators , piijcs ruling nearly steady though fairly firm on all futures. Estimates and current receipts were both rather moderate , und offerings wcro mostly by sample. Asldo from May , which sold at 2S @ 'JS e , little demand appeared , with September selling up ' c and intcrmo- tliate months practically unchanged. A few car Jota offered to go to store went ut 2l u for No. 2 , or yesterday's outside price. In the provision triulo the movement was a little irregular while near deliveries wcro bcarishly Inclined nnd materially lower. Fu tures extending into the coming winter sea son ruled strong and showed but little chango. Year lard and January pork oven closed at t o'clock 2 0 higher than lust nights' final prices , Lard for January was unchanged , und short ribs for the sumo month only 2J o lower. For Scptcmner and October pork Buffered n dcoinc of 20c , lard of Do and short ribs of 7J o. AVTintNoox BKFSIOX The wheat market was nervous , excitedstrong and higher. Lust cables were easier , but closings wcro nt tlio top prices for the day : September , 9U''d'c ' ; October , SOXfc ; November , IM'iic. Corn , active nnd strong , closing tvjjiii higher than at 1 o'clock ; September , IfiJ.j'c , Oc tober , 4r o ; November , 43c. Oats wcro in i light request and steady ; September , 24J c ; October , 24'.fo. ' Pork steady , und for year nnd January a c higher than at 1 o'clock ; September , SU.10 ; October , J14.10. Lard , unchanged , steady and quiet ; September , f'.l.SO ' ; October , * O.SO ; November , fS.HO. Short ribs ruled quiet , with a few trades at the close at unchanged prices ; September , e3.42 , < a'o ; October , ? 3.42 { c. CII1OAUO ItlVK Sl'OCIl. CHICAGO , Sept. 0. ( Special Telegram to TUB Huu.l UATTLK Trade was fair and prices steady as compared with yesterday. Homo salesmen that hud good natives were of the opinion that such wore making a shade more money than yesterdaj , but there were only u few loads of such , and in reality onlj few were wanted. Hence such sales cul I" figure in the general market. When natives look high to shippers , they full bad en Toxuns nnd rangers , especially if the hitter tor arc any way good. This they did to day some of them buying entire train loads o Toxuns and selecting the best rangers for their eastern trade. Range lo nnd Texans sold about the same a IS for u day or two past. There IS a largo increase In the supply of cnmtnor Btuff , including old cows , bulls , nnd rougl [ stock generally , and sulcs show substantial ! l.v : lower prices , especially on canning stock nm rough old cows. All descriptions of butchers Mock bold a shade off. Hoof calves are 25 @ 50o lower than last week. There was a littli more life in the stocker and feeder trade yet business in that line is slow and unsatis factory. Country dealers are afraid of tin Texas fever , und are holding off for u kllllui frost. The receipts included 0,000 Texan and westerns ; choice beeves , $15.00 0.23 medium to good steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , K. & ( StVOO ; 1200 to 1330 Ibs , fl.2r > ( S5.5 ; V'50 ' t I'-X'Olbx , W.W4.CO ) ; Mockers nnd feeders | 3.00 < SlUIi ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , lowet JJI.M ) ( (3.0l ( ) ; bulk , 42.11X32.40. Texas cattl nro fKjjlOo lower ; ulcers , O.V ) to 10M ) IPs , fcJ.O fif3,4f. ; 7.W to WO Ibs , $ -J.75@i.2 : > ; 000 to 70 Ibs , 43.50 .00 ; cows , tl.75t < i2.40 ; wester rangers , natives and half breeds.-fli.SOQS.SC cows , SJ.WQa.'JS. Hoes Trade was active und prices stead as compared with yesterday toward the clos < especially In the northwestern division. Lat sales showed a slight decline , yet the grcu ; bulk sold at steady prices , licst heavy sol nt W.BO0.03 , und the best mixed at f0.20 ( 0.40 , with common mixed at K.VOiUiUO ; llgl ; sorts , ? o.0@0.tiO. ! rtNANCI.YI ; . NKW YOUK , Sept. 0. [ Sicclal | Telegrn : to Tim Ur.E.l STOCKS This was a , da when SU Paul cut considerable of a ilgui in the market , the first tluto of late whc that stock was especially prominent. Afti uu active opening at Irregular prices as cot pared with last ulflht's close , though main iHO&Jl j&jto&tZte l M n little jlifTcrent Rome small losses worb sus tained In early dealings. There was a good uenl of strength In the Vlllard nud Lncka- wanna , nnd some other coalershlsd braced up the market BO that the list soon regained Its former tone. It continued Irregular nnd unsettled , however , with small fluctuations nnd a moderate volume of business early In the day. The grangers were the weak feat ures , especially St. Paul. Heports of frost In the northwest hud u chilling effect nnd also anxiety as to the probable action of the directors regarding the next dividend. Ar mour was quoted as saying it would be paid "If earned , " but there was n belief on the part of some that It had not been earned. Humors of n alffcrcnco In tile board of direc tors were also In circulation. Stock dropped oft its fractions merrily. C tun much was down town acaln nnd it was thought he wns helping the downturn , and with room traders bearish , und some realizing sains , the general list fell away gradually , until ut noon prices were n little below the opening. There was a general drop as the closing hour drew near , though ns a rule the losses were not large , averaging ) -/&X , / ( points as compared wlth , the opening. Grangers , however , leading In the weakness , suffered a greater decline , St. Paul closing IJf lower , Kock Island ? f , Omaha preferred J < , and Northwestern v'rf ' lower , while Burlington rested l1 below last night's close. Oregon railway showed the most strength , selling at one time ut an advance of IJf points and closing % hlglu'f. Lackawanfm sold up to 145 uud closed 1 point below that figure. Ts Government bonds were quiet but steady. Thu closing quotations of the stocks were as follows : II. S. < H regular. . . . 127 ? Northern I'aclfle. . . 29'i ' P. S. ) .s coupons _ lUHJjl dnprpferred . l U t' . S.4Ji rvKiilnr. . .1X ( ! , C. A N. W . lir , U. M.4iscotipons..lM1i' ! ( ' do preferred . 145 J'aolllc Os of ' ' .I. . . 120 | N. V. Central . ! ( ? { Central 1'ixelllo. . . . : il { P. , 1) . .V H. Chlcugo & Alton..liti Itocklshmd lll'i ChlciiKo.llurUngton C. . M.iVHt. 1' 7Hi & Qiilnry 113U do preferred. . . .lll' < n. . i , . &w ni : ? , St. I'ntllfe Omaha. . Wj Illinois Central..11 ! ) do preferred HIU I. , II. i , W 1H > 4 Union Pacific fil'i ' Kansas cVTexas. . . 1H4 ! W. . St. I , . .V I' U l.iike. Shorn . . . U7 ? do iiruferred. . . . " 7" ; Michigan Central. Western Union HI1 * MlNfcourll'uciHc . . . K. ' , MONEY ox CAU. Easy at ljrft'-.1 ( < pcrccnt ; last loan \yt \ per cent ; closed ottered at 1J per cent. PitiME MnucAjjTiU ! PAVEU IJs'QGJf per cent. S'riiiu.ixa Exciuxon Dull but steady ut ISIJi for sixty-day bills , "t % for demand. rnoiuci3. CIIICAOO , Sept. (5. ( Wheat Firm ; cash , Pi'Hc : ' ; October , < JIc ! ; November , ! it : ? < e. Corn Kasy ; cash , 45u ; October , 45'ifc ; Novombur , 4lc. ! Oats-Steady ; cash , 21 , ' o ; October , 241-Gc ; November , 24c. Uye 54 c. Hurley Nominal. , I'rimo Timothy $1.00. Flax $1.23. Whisky -1.20. Pork Kasy ; easy ; cash and October , $14.10 ; January , S1K.SO. Lard Firm ; cash and October , I9.SO ; November , $8.1)0. ) Flour Steady and firm and unchanged ; patents. $ .li.2r > @ 5.40 ; bakers' , * 3.'JU ( 54.10. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , i .tWXW7.75 ; short clear , ! UH9.25 ) ; short ribs , fs.45. Huttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 17 ( o,2'J. dairy , ii : ; < f < V lSe. Chceso Unchanged ; full cream flats nnd Cheddars , SJ4$8 ( } o ; Voung Americas Eggs-Unchanged at 15Vjfle. ? : Hides Unchanged ; heavy green Baited. > tf ; light green salted , 0gcc ( ; salted bull , 5o ; green Failed calf , 0 > tf@ c ; dry flint , % © ; , lry calf , 7Se ( ; branded hides Ifi per cent off ; deacons , iiO@2oc each ; dry salted , 10ino. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid , No. 2 , 4)4 ) e , and cake , .r o per lb. 2:30 : close Wheat Stronger ; cash. October , VAyto\ \ November , l'4 ' ! c. Corn Firm ; cash , 45J4'e ; October , 45c ; November , 4HC. ! ! Oats Unchanged ; cash , 24)t'c ) ; October , 21 3-llic ; November , 2-IJtfc. Pork Unchanged ; cash nnd October , * 14.:0. : : Lard Steady ; cash , & 9. 2tf ; October , SO.tO. Kecoipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 15,000 l2OiH ) Wheat bu 105.000 7ll,0M ( Corn , bu 375,000 102,000 Oats , bu 285,000 100,000 Kye , bu Harley , bu . . . . Now Vork , Sept. O. Wheat Receipts , 21,000 ; exports , 1,8.10 ; spot strong and } tf < 5 > le higher ; quiet ; No. 2 red , $1.00 ( lU.OiHin elevator ; } 1.00 > tf@l.l X allout ; S1.0l4i5l.oi ! ( : % f. o. b. ; ungraded red , 80 ® SJJi'o ; options opened weak , declined @ ? go ; plosed strong but , active at } f@l } < a higher ; No. 2 red , October , closing nt SI.Olx. Corn Kcccipts , 04,000 ; exports , 21,000 ; spot strong und.itfe higher and active chielly for exports ; options more active and firm ut ? 4vKu ! on cold weather reports ; October closing ut 54-/c. $ Oats Receipts , ISfi.OiK ) ; exports. 500 ; spot active und firm ; mixed western , 20@'JJc ; white western , ! )0 ) ( < ? 49c. Coffee Options active , firm nnd higher , closed barelv steady ; sales , 15:1,000 : bags , in cluding September , ? 12.40@12.SO ; October , $ U.Cr > 12.25 ; November , ( ll.20@ll.lu ; spot Hio fairly active nnd fair ; cargoes , $15.25 , ' . Petroleum Steady und fair inquiry ; United closed ut ! tic. Eggs About steady and quiet ; western , 17 > $ ( uHUUe. Pork Stronger and quiet ; oldmess , ? 14.50 ; new mess , $15.r 0 ( ! l5.70. Lard Spot easier und quiet ; western , $10.15. IJultcr Firm ; line creamery nnd western dairy , 12 ( 150 : western creamery , 14JT2lc. ( ; Cheese Quiet und less firm ; western , ' MlniicnjnllH , Sept. 0. Wheat Ilocolpls , 220 cars , 5T shipped out.- Holders were ask ing yesterday prices for good wheat , lluy- ei s refused to pay former prices in the face of declining outside markets and sales were slow until concessions were offered. No. 1 hard , in store , September , 9(5J/c ( ; Octo . ber , 00)40 ; No. 1 northern , Soptemucr , 04c ; October , l'4e ' ; No. 2 Northern , September , tile ; October , Olc. Milwaukee , Sept. . Wheat Firm ; cash , 'J0i'\ \ October , yojfo ; November , Corn Steady ; No. H , 411tfc. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 2l@27o. Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 5otfc. ) Hurley Firm : No. 2 , liCtfc. ProvisionsWeaker. . , Cincinnati , Sept. 0. Wheat Steady and firm ; No. 2 red , 'joe. ( Corn Strong and easy ; No. 2 mixed , 49c. s Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 23J @ 2tJc. 2tJc.WhiskyFirm at 11.14. Kaunas City , Sept. O. Wheat Steady No. 2 red , rash , 79a bid ; October , SOJtfu bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 3 & ° Wd h year , 2'Je bid. Oats No. 2 , cash , 20o bid ; October , 20o ' St. IjoulH. Sept O. Wheat Higher ; cash s' WXm'.ttJfc ; October , USc. Corn Higher ; cash , 41 @ 42c ; October lop 4l. Jc. , Oats Easier ; cash , 24o ; October 24c. . s10 Hycr-Firm ; Ktyfu. 10 Pork Quiet ; 14.50J15.00. ( ! IB Whisky Steady ; * 1.14. ; Huttcr Quiet ; creamery , 18@20c ; dairy 50 to < , ItlVE STOOIt. lo ept. .Drovdrs' Jour 00 hal reports as follows : 00 Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; market linn fo ru good , common weaker ; beeves. J l.00a0.25 ; steers , KJ.503G.OO ; stackers and feeders fly $2.0tXO3.15 ; ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , fl.5 0 < 33.0J ! Texas entile , tl.7Ee3.45 ; wcsteri LtO , rungors , $3.75(35.00. ( at Hogs Receipts. 10.000 ; market opcnci ild strong , closing 4@IOo lower ; mixed , t5.'JOi ( ildm 0.40 ; heavy. $ t.OOC ) JO. 5 ; light , | 3.70 ( < i0.30 ht skips , I.75@5.73. Shoup- 5@10o ' orns , i' W.Wg5.75. ( National Stock Yards , East It. LotilH , Sept. 0 , Cattle Receipts , C.OOC ) ay Bhipmcuts , 2,000 ; market strong : cholc ire heavy native steers , t5.l5ij5.90 ; fair to goo icn natlvo steers , $4.50yi5.25 ; butchers' steen medium to choice , f3.40-l.60 ; Rtockcrs an feeders , fair to good , $2.a5M8.tlO ; rangon corn-fod , K1.50Q4.40 ; grass-fed , t2.2003.00. iloga Receijits , a.OOO ; Ulvment , 20C choice heavy nnd butchers' selections , $ ( U0 Cul.t5j ( ; packing , niuiliuni to prime , f- ( ! - ' @ 0.50 : light grades , ordinary to best , Jd.Jj ( . ( (5.40. ( KitiiRtiH City. Kept. 0. Cattle Re- celpts , 5.000 ; shipments. 4Ov.O ; good to choice corn-fed. $5.00(1(5.50 ( ( ! common to medium , $ . ' 1.2iGl > ,15 ; stockers and feeders , fl.t5tW.M ) ( ; grass rungo steers , fl.SOdja.dO ; Hovs-Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments. good to choice , { 0.3'i ( 0.42 > tf ; common to medium , $5.30VJi.S5 ! ; skips and pigs , 5,00. O.MAIIA ijlVB STOOii. . Cut tic. Thursday , Sept. 0 , 1SSS. The nttrnctlons of the fair and races took everyone away from the yards who could pet away , and the market had a decided hol iday appearance. However , quite a few caU tie changed hands. The dressed beef oper ators paid $4.00 for a bunch of hay-fed Idaho rangers. The market us a whole was about steady. II OCR. The quality of the hops was not very good nnd there wcro no prime heavy loads. There was a good shipping demand for heavy hogs , which sold strong at yesterday morning's prices. Common rouch and light mixed hops wcro slow nt the decline of yesterday's lute market. The trains wcro rather slow In coming In and the mm ket was prolonged until midday before they were all sold. Nlieep. The receipts were heavy , but the market was slow. Itocclpn. Cattle 720 HORS 3,3KI ( Sheep 2,400 , Prevailing Prices. Thcfollowini ; is n table-of prices pid ! In this marKct for the grades of stock men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . : i.23 (35.50 ( Prime steer * . 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.50 fai.i5 ; Native feeders ! l.25 ( VM.40 Western feeders 2.75 tjtU.W Range steers , com'on to choice 3.00 @I.OO Common to good cows 1.40 ( ir2.00 Choice to fancy cows 2.2.1 rS3.00 Corn-fed cows 3.0i ) @ 3.40 Common to choice bulls 1.25 ( ( C2.00 Falrtoohoicolighthogs O.HO ( ttO.IO Fair to choice hcavv hops O..O 0.J7 : > tf Fair to choice mixed hops 0.00 ftjO.CO ItcpretKUitiuivo Saloi. OATTLU. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow , native SCO t-.03 27 cows 701 2.10 10 stockers , natives ICO 2.80 lOcows , natives 1,137 2.30 Ocows , natives 1,125 2.8J 40 cows , natives 1,13" 2.45 14 stockers. natives i2) 2.50 8 steers , natives 7U ( 2.50 1-5 feeders , natives M5 2.W5 80 feeders , natives U98 3.0.1 8 < J feeders , natives ( KG 8.12tf 10 feeders , natives 1OSO 8.23 12 feeders , natives 1,0(17 ( 82.1 20 feeders , natives 1,124 3.33 70 yearlings , natives 753 3.40 HAY 1T1 > ItANOEHS Owner. No. Av. Pr. Jacob West 2'2 steers..1,300 64.00 HOGS. No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 04 2-'i > SO $ .1.9.1 03..249 100 $ l.15 ! r..l..2Ji5 240 0.00 70..224 tO 0.15 70..2:11 : 210 0.00 ( HI..245 bO 0.15 OS..223 I''O 0.00 CO..231 120 0.15 00..230 100 0.00 OS.41 SO 015 6(5..230 ( 100 0.0.1 OS..210 40 0.15 01..223 SO ( My. 00..207 120 0.15 71..2:5(1 : ( 240 0.10 51..251 120 O.l.Jtf 07. . . 241 2 > H ) 0.10 57..17 100 0.20 OS..2 : 40 0.10 77..240 800 0.20 01..2- ! ' . ) SO 0.10 7-.2.TJ KM ) O..M 0'i..24 ! ) 20J 0.10 13' . . . .S53 120 0.25 SI..234 200 0.10 03..21)3 ) ItJO 0. 5 52..271 120 0.12'tf 70..209 240 0.27V 75..2C.3 2 > 0 0.12K 57..29U 40 0.27 5S 2.15 . 100 0.15 03..275 2-0 080 00..230 100 0.15 73 . . .231 40 O.iiO Packer * , ' Purchases. Showing the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers on the market to-day : Omaha Packing Co 707 Arinour-Cudnhy Packing Co 445 J. P. Squires & Co 1213 Highest niul Lowest. The following are the highest and lowest prices paid for mixed nnd heavy loads of hogs on this market during the past few days , and for the corresponding period In 1687 and 1880 ; -J AiiE'ii't li-8J. ! | AtimistlBST. I August IgfO. 21 6 ( HI did \ " / > 4 ! K.I < 2.ri 2U 4 K w ; r > c ID an ; tu r > oo av > 23 4 4.1 CM 73 8iintliiy. _ 5 IK ) JM 4 ) 4 70 4 ' .10 ftf , 15 4 : l 1 60 c id < & ( < iw Sunday. 4 'M < 0. { W ( ! oo < 3n . 't r > oa ® - > ih Sunday. iho o 4 35 C14 05 U7'4 5 4 45 ( it I r.5 Sept. 18S7. Sept. I8M1. 0 W G.O " 5 4 WJ © 5 10 4 40 i4 62 ! Suniiav. 4 S5 ® 6 4 3'J ' 4 fo ti ( ir , fW Si B 00 < aA 2.5 4 30 ® 4 70 u in utn liTii Sumliiy. 4 45 4 57 ! 0 ! H ) ( ltd U7'/ } 5 IU ( dJi 25 Sunday. Ijlve Stock Notes. Hnavy hogs strong. Look out for light hogs. Light hogs weak and lower. Mr. Cross , of Avocu , In. , was in with cat- tlo. tlo.O. O. A. Klmmcl , Unadilla , sold hogs ut ? ( i.HO. \V. P. Uankin , Tarkio , Mo. ; was a visitor at the yards. A. W. licnhm , of Cortlnnd , came in with a load of cows. M. U. Payne , of Payne , la. , was la looking over the market. John Hustle brought in n choice load of corn-fed natives. Carter & Patterson , Uecmer , marketed a load of hogs ot $0.30. Jacob \Vcst , Chesterfield , Idaho , came in with 200 head of cattle. C. W. Lumm , Henderson , la. , was among the visitors nt the yards. M. KoIlniT , Madison , la , , sold a load of hogs at 40.32 } , the top price. Oeorgo Stees and Mr. Clark , Woodbine , la. , wore in looking over the yards. C. "A' . McCoy , of the firm of McCoy Hros. , has returned Irom a trip to the Liluck Hills. John McCowcn , .1. M. Davis and A. C. Huschcr , Concordia , Kan. , were all in yes terday and sold feeders. There has been a loss in receipts of hogs at Kansas City thus far this year , as com pared with the same tlmo last year , of 25'J,074. TIIADL ? CONDITIONS. The financial and commercial status Is un changed. Husincss was In nboyunco ycstcr- day , while the freedom of the city was con ferred on the traveling representatives of Omaha's mercantile Interests nnd their guests , the merchants from farand near , nnd , right well wcro the courtesies ex , tended. The procession of repre sentatives of Omaha's commercial Interests was pronounced by competent Judges to bo fully equal toany similar display made by Chicago merchants , nnd was n credit to the city in every way , both in uniqueness of design , in special Instances too numerous to notu in this column , and as u harmonious whole. The full trade has been auspiciously opened , nnd our jobbers will bo very misy from now on. The mag nificent weather prevailing for the past three weeks has been appreciated more In the country than in the city , perhaps , nnd the results mean u grand crop and an easy ur money market throughout the state and ter ritory tributary to the city , with large salce ; of merchandise and quick collections. A 50 9J number of failures have been noted In the rn country recently , but they were of firms which have been shaky for some Unit and ns a whole the country is believed to be in very good shape financially. ol There are no special changes to note In prices. Sugars uro very linn ut the recent id advance , ana there seems to be no doubt ol it- the ability and disposition of the confeder ated refiners to put them higher. Coffee is moving Moivly and the largo crop of Urazl bears prices of Klo , and n consldorablt . further decline Is thought probable. Teas ; arc steady und firm , and lower prices are noi ce looked for. The fish trade Is small , prices od being almost prohibitory as compared will rs.nd other food products for the masses. Product nd is In liberal supply from local points uiu , prices uro unchanged , though there Is i strong demand for the liner grades of buttci ) ; and an advance Is expected. 'Produce , KrnjtH , Htq. ItCTTEit Fancy , solid-packed rrc 'Jlc ; choice country , 1'Ji" ' I7cj common grades. UH > tl3c. | D Koos Strictly fresh , l.ViMilecnndled. OHAXOKS Messina * , Ki.tHKg.U ( ) ) per box ; Hodl , $ H.tKi.t . .2.- per box. , CAMFOuxuGu.U'r. ? 1.2. > gtl.50 per case. Sot'TiiciiN GIIAIT.S ICfjWj.'o per 10-lb brisket. PEVCHCS California , ( UX > rtl.0 per box ; Missouri , 5icij1.00 ; ( per f bu. UAXANAS Common , t I.WK22.25 per bunch : choice , * 2. < W < J3.,0. LEMO.NH f I.OOM'i.fiO per . -.imo. CANTni.oiT.s 40t75c per dozen. Pl.t'MS M7fiu ) ( . per bu. Hui'Ki.uiiKituir.s gt.So per drawer. POTATOF.S I0 < 20ic ( per bushel , SKKT POTATOES In3o per lb. PotiLTitr Ho dro sed fowl In the market ; live chickens. J3.f > 0@3.75 per doz. ; spring chicken * , ? 2.M3.00. TOMATOES 75r < Uf 1.25 per bu. WATiiKMr.UJSs S3.00@13.K ( ) per 100. PP.AHS California , $3.00(33.50 ( per bu box ; Southern , 7i1 per Jtf bu. CKI.KHY 2oa30o nor dozen. E o PLANT jl.OOOU.25 per dozen. " ! } < c t > cr lb. $2.003.0 ( ( ) per bbl. 'i't.KS 50o per box. Cl mill-Michigan. $4.50@0.50 ucr bbl 33 gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl. POP COIIN Hlco , 3 ® to ; common , 2@3c. CAHKOTX SOcper bushol. UKAXS Choice eastern handplckod navies. f'J.iOvju'J.iO per bushel ; western hand picked navies , $2.(15tf2.75 ( ( ; mediums , $2.00 2.15. Lima beans 5c per pound. II A v f. o , b. cars , No. 1 upland , $0.00 ; No. 2 upland , $5.00. HIIAN $10.00. Cnori'ED Fcnn $17.00 per ton. VIXKHAU Cider , 8&815c per ( jal. Wlilto wine , ! ) ( > f > li5c per gal. GI-OCITH last. Revised prices are as follows : U.voaiNO Stark A. seamless , 22c ; Amos- kcag , seamless. I7'tc ' : Lewiston A , seamless , I'.ic ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to5bu , Il@l4e ; gur.nles , single , 13c ; gun nies , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines Flax , 3Sc ; extra sail , 2021c sail 13 , lUQ-'Oc ; cotton. 21c ; Jute , lOc. COITCKS Mocha , 2. > @ 20c ; Hlq , good , 105 ? 17c ; Mandaliling , WfTfA-ic ; roasting Uio , llo ? Uic ; O. G. Java , 2l@2iic ; Java , interior , 2'Qi ) 25c : Hio , fancy , lGu ( > l ! > e ; Santos and Mara- caibo , 17l'Jc : Avbuoklcs. IbJic. SUOAU Granulated , So ; conf. A , 7nCc ; white extra C , 7''jc ; extra C , 7 , ' c ; yellow C. ( l c ; powdered , Sjfc ; cubes , 8 > jc. HONCT 12QC13c for one pound frames ; strained honey , 0@Sc per pound. UKLWA.X Choice yellow , 20@22 } c ; dark colored , Uljil4c. CiiKnsc Young America , full cream. ? . ' @ } . ( ; full cream cht-ddars , 9@9j c ; full cream flats , ! ) ffi9'4 ; good to choice skimmed Cheddars , Cftcllts ; skimmed flats , 5C . "jVJc. Piciti.nj Medium , in bbls.5j ; do in half bbls.S-'UX ) ; small , In bbls , JI5f > 0 ; do in half bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.0. ) ; do In half bbls , $4.50. TOBACCO Plug , 2fiiT03o ( ; smoking , lG@90c. JOLLIES $1.25 per 80-lb pail. SAI.T * l. : ) ( < n.if : > per bbl. ROPB 7-1(5. ( 1010' ' < ; c. MAPLB SUOAII jsricits , ll ( < J12o per lb ; penny cakes , 12i l3c per lb ; pure inaplo syrup , $1.00 per gal _ TH Gun. , towder ) , choice to fancy , 40 ( < i.t > 5c ; Japan , com mon to medium , 15 ( < $2 [ < Japan , choice to fancy , 80(3450 ( : Oolong , common to good , 2. ) ® 83c ; Oolong , choice to fancv , 50@ 0c ; Imper ial , common to medium , 2o@5c ! ; Imperial , peed to fancy , 40 ( 50c. NUTS Almonrts , I5@17c ; filberts , Krazll , 'JCcrU'o ! walnuts , lie ; pecans , 10@llc ; peanuts , 5ti ( u. CKACKCIIS 5@10cperlb ; ussorted cakes , 7 @ 2C ) per lb , ns per list Powpr.ii AND SHOT Shot. $1.20 ; bucushot , $1.45 ; jjowdcr , keps , $3.00 ; half kega , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; fuses. 100 ft , 2rt075e RKKIXKII LAUD Tierce , 9J&c : 40-lb square cans , ii'to ' ; 50-lb round , 9 > i'c ; 20-lb rounil , U'.i ! : 10-lu palls , 0c ; Mb pails , yfcc ; 3-lb pails , 9J c. IJKOVISIOXS Hams , 12J @l'5fc : breakfast bacon , lOJ Q llc ; bacon bides , 10i10fc ( } ; dry salt. X9J4C ; shoulders , 'Jo ; dried beef , DHIRD tnutTs Figs , m boxes , per ib , 13@ ICc ; dates , in boxes , 5 > $ @ 7c ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box , ? 3.603.75 ; Malaga loose raisins , $2.30fi2.50 ; now Valen cia raisins , per lb , " ( Tttle ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , per box. SI. 75. California London layer raisins , per box , $2.35(312 ( 50 ; pitted cherries , per lb , 20 21e ; California pitted plums , per lb , 12@13c ; dried blackberries , per lb , SKS o ; driccf raspberries , per lb , 4 ( < 22oc : evaporated ap pies , 8 > < ; ( (414c ; California sun dried peaches. 13c ; California unuared evaporated peaches , 15@lSo ; evaporated California apricots , lOc ; Zan tee currants , GJ @ 7c ; Turk ish irunes ) , 4 ( R4J c ; citron , 23Jo24o ( ; orange peel , 15o ; lemon jjeel , lOc. Fisu. Holland Herring , 85c@90c. per keg , White Fish , X bbls. , No. 1 , $0.00. Family" $3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , $550 ; Mackerel , H' hbls. Bloater Mess , $18.00 , Hloater , $10.50 , No. I Shore , $13.50. Large Family. $10.50 ; Labra dor Herring , $4,50 ; Columbia Ulver Salmon , $17.00 per bbl. CODFISH Per lb , whole. 6c ; bricks and strips , 7@Sc. CAXuv Mixcd , 8 ( 13c ; stick , rock candy , 10 @l3c ; fancy candy Dry Goods. COTTOX Fi.ANSni.s 10 per cent dls. ; LL , 5Kc : CC , CJ/c ; SS , % Nameless \ , 5c ; RX , 18c ; R , 20c ; No. 10 , 8) ) c ; No. 40 , No. 0.12Kc ; No. 80 , lHJic ; No.30 , colored , tic ; No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12l < c ; Hristol , 1'JKo ; Union Pacific , 17c CAKPET WAUP lllb White , 19c ; colored , 22cH.TTS Standard , Sc ; Gem lOc ; Beauty , 12i c ; Uoone , 14c ; U , cased , $0.5o. PiiiXTd Solid colors Atlantic , Cc ; Slater 5 } < fc ; Ucrlin oil , OX i Garner oil , fi@7r. COUSET JKANS Androscogcln , 7 } < c ; Kear- sargo , 7Jfc ; Rockport , 6a\ \ Conestoga , 0) < jC , TICKS York , 0 in. , 12Xe ; York , 82 in. . 13fc ; Swift River. Sc ; Thorndiko OO , 8 } < o ; Tliorndiko EF , 8J < fo ; Thorndiko 120 , ! ) ) o ; Thorndiko XX , I5c ; Cordis No. 5 , 9 > c ; Cordis No. 4. lie. DENIMS-Amoskciig , noz , lfi ) < fe ; Everett , 7 oz , lHWc ; York , 7 oz , lUJtfc ; Hiiymakor , S c ; Jaffrey XX , ll.W i Jaffrcy XXX , i-Mo ; Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek Hll lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc. KEXTUCKV JEVXS. Memorial , 15c ; Dakota 18c ; Durham , 27 > e ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning , ington , 22j o ; Cottswold , 27K CHASII. Stevens' U , Oc ; Stevens' H bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A. 714" ; Stevens A' , . . MiscELi.AXUoi's. Taoio on ciotn , $2.50 ; plain Holland , 9ie ; Dado Holland , 12Kc. Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7K"i "t- lantlc II , 4-1 , 7/o ! : Atlantic D , 4-1 , OXc ; At lantic P , 4-4 , ( ic ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Grown XXX , 4-4 , OJfc ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Go ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Law- rcncoLL , 4-4 , Co ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Koi Pepperell K , 4-4. 7c ; Pepperoll O , 4-4 , 0fe ; PejiperoU. 8-4 , 18Ko ; Pejjjjcroll , 9-4 , 21e ; Pen- pcreir , 10-4 , 33o ; UticaC , 4-4.4fc ; Wachusett , 4-4 , 7J o ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 7e , Aurora B , 4-4 , ' "Ijiici- West Point ! 7J in , 8 or , lOWc ; West Point 29 in. 10 oz , 13c ; AVest Point 29 in , 12 oz , 15o ; West P6int 40 in , 11 oz , 115c. FLAXXII.S : Hed , C , 24 in. 15K ; E , 24 In , 21o : G G , 24 In , ISc ; II A F , , I o ; J U F , tf , 27Kc. PUIXTS Pink and Hobos Richmond , Allen , Go ; Uiveruomt. 5c ; Steel Uiver , Uichmond , G cPacilie. ; PUIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 55/c ; Uumnpo , 4lfe ; Lodl5)4'c ) ; Allen , ( to ; Hich- mend , Gc ; Windsor , OWc ; Eddystoue , O c ; Paciilo , OXc. BI.IIACHKD SHEETIXO Berkeley carabrio No. IX ) , 9J < 0 ! Bcst Yet , 4-4. fljfc ; butter cloth OO , 4j o ; Cabo' , 7Km Farwcll half bleached 8kc ; Fruit of Loom , OJ/o : Greene G , Go ; Hope , 7i King Philip cam bric , lie ; Lonsihilo cambric , lljfj ; Lonsdnlo. 9o ; Now York mills , lOJ c ; Pepperoll , 42-ln , lie ; Pepperell , 4t5-in , I2c ; Pepporell , (5-4 ( , Kic ; Pepperell. 8-4 , 21c ; Pep- IJerell , 9-4 , 23o ; Popporcll. 10-4 , 2oo ; Canton 4-4 , 8tfc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wnmsutta , lie ; Val ley. Be. FI.AXXELS. Plaid -Raftsmen,20c ; Oosncn , 32 > < o ; Clour Lake , 3'Jc ; Iron Mountain , FiAXxii.H-Whlte-a H.No. 2,54' , 23 } < c : a H , No. 1 , ? f , 25Hc : U H. No. 2 , / / , 22Kc ; U H. No. 1 , V , 30e ; Quecheb , No. 1. 5f , 42c. UINOIIAM PlunKcttcnecks , 7 > fc ; WUltten' ton. TKc ; York , 7Ke ; Nonnandl arcss , 8) ) < c : Calcutta dress , skoj Whittcnton dress , 8Hc ; Hen f row dress , CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5 c ; Woods , Otfc ; Standard , 6 0 ; Peacock , SJic PKIXTS I MI i oo ULUB Arnold , OWc ; Ainor lean , Ofc : Gloucester , 0 > fo : Arnold C loni cloth , 0 ; Arnold B long cloth , 10J $ ; Arnolc Gold Seal , lOJf : Stlefel A , 12 ; Windsor Goh Ticket , 10K. SniBTiNo Checks , Caledonia X , 0 > o ; Cal edoniaXX , lO c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , tfc. Iiiniilier. First and second clc.tr , V - In. $17 First and second clear , llica/t't In . 49 Third clea- l 4 ll'j ' in. . . . . . . . . . 43 ( KK < (40 A select , 1 ' 4 M I ' j In . , . 37 ( VftjW Bselect , UK-Uk i . ilo 00yf37 A stock board12UG ( feet , 12 In . 4G B stock boards , 12jIG ( feet , 12 in. . . , , . . Vi C stock boards , 12 ( III fevt. V2 ' , n . 0 L ) stock boards , 12r5 ; feel , 12 lu . 23 < Flopri" ' , first common , Gin . 34 Flooring , second common , 0 in . 32 Select fencing flooring . 17 Siding , first nnd second clear , 14M1G U.2Ti Siding , first common , 1G feel . 22 Siding , second common . Ill Common boards . 12 No. 2 boards , nil lengths . 12 Fencing No 1 , 12@20 feet . 1(5 ( Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and IS feet . 15 Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14'iilO feet. . . . Ill Timber , 4x4 , 8xS , 126 ? 10 feet . 17 Pickets , first rough , good . 20 Pickets , fancy head and dresscdselcctcd,25 Shingles , choice A to extra A . 3 G0@2 Shingles , standard . 2 Shingles , No. 1 . 1 10@1 Lath , dry . 2 Posts , each . 10 ® Metiiln niutr Tinners' Stock. Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin plate. roofing , I C , 14x20 , $5.15 ; sheet zinc , M.50JS 0.75s pig lead , $4.30 : bar lead. $1.55 ; largo pig block tin , 2Sc ; small pig block tin , 27c ; bar tin , 2-e ; solder , 14M17c : eopncr bottoms , 3lc ; sheathing copper , tinned , 2Uc ; planishing cop per , tinned. SScs load pipe , (1'fc. ( sheet lead 7c ; sheet Iron. N S Is to 24 $3.20 : Kussuiiron. 13c ; Am Kussia planished , A , 10'ic ; Am Huisla planished , B , tlkfo ; painted barb wire , $3.23 ; galvanized barb wire. fl.OJ ; stool nails , $2.2) ) ( [ 12.30 ; steel wire nails , $2.lOiJ2.70 ! ; Iron Ji'XK Machine castings , $12.00@13.00 ; stove plates , $7.00S.OO ! ; wrought lronS.006S , 10.X ( ) ; bones , dry , W.OO : steel , $5.00 per ton ; copper. fS.dOSiO.OO ; brass , $4.0061'.lH ' ) ; zinc , $2.l)03.0 ( ) ) ( ; solid lead , $2.0@3.00 ( ! ; tea lead , $2.00C'i2.50 ; rubber , $2.50(3.3.00 ( ; mixed rags , $1.10(31.15 ( pcrcwt. _ Drugs and CliciulunN. JIiscui.i.Axious Sulph. acid , lj < c ; citric aciii , GOc ; tartaric , 50c : bal. copavla , GSc ; borax , lOe ; cliloroform , 47o ; glycerine , 2c ! ! ; gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 2c ( ) ; gum opium , $2.bS ; sulph. morphia , $2.50 ; bromide potassium , 42c. OILS Carbon , 150 ° UJfc ; headlight. 175o 13 > c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12 ! < Jc ; West Virginia summer , lie ; 7.ero , 17c ; No. 1 uolden ma chine , ISc ; extra W. S. lard , < ! 4c ; No. I lard , 42c ; turpentine , 44c ; linseed raw , 50c ; boiled , Me. Qi'ixiXK P. & W. , per oz , 53c ; Gorman , per oz , 42c. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA ITNION'1'AOIKIU. Jionvo Arrive Depot 10th and Murcystn , Dm aha. Omaha. Lincoln , Beatrice. North 1'latte nnd Alum DOD : a.m. . . "Overland Flyer" limited TJ : ) p in. * 3UOi.m. : llncolnllentrtco& Grand Island Express , t5:00p.m. : :1'JTOp.m. : : Mall find Express 'U.OOp.m. 7:50 H.tu. 'Dully ? lally except Sunday. HUUI.INOTON UOUTb. Leave Arrive Depot 10th und Mason hts. Omaha. Omaha. Clilonpo l-'nht Kxpress. . . . 3t.r : > p.m. 7:1 : * ] a.in Culcugo Mnll . M-M1 a.m. 7:41 a.in Chicago LociU . G:25 : p.m. 8:15 : p.m California Mull . b:4.1 : a.m. C:00p.m : Colorado Jlall . 8UUp.m. : . :40 : u.m Kansas City Kxpress . UUt ) a.ill. . 7K : ( ) a.m _ 8 .0 p.in 7:0.1 : iJ.ni c , M 11,7 & ST. Leave Arrive Depot 10th ttiulMurey sts. Omaha. Omahn. No. a. llir : > a m , No. 4. . 7:00 : p.m No. 1. . 7:33 : a.m. No. 3. . 7Hip.in : , C. . ST. I' . , M.&o. Lenvo Arrive Depot 15th and Webster st Omiiha. Omaha. Sioux City 10JO : 0,111 llancroft Kxpress. 5 : . ( ) p m 1UuOn.m. : St. I'uul Limited. 6:45 : p.m _ 'Except Sunday. MISSOURI I'ACiriC. Leave Arrive Depotllith ( imt Webster st Omaha. Omaha. Day Kxpress 10:20 : a.in 0:30 : a.m. Express. . . . 5:3.1 : p.m. K. . K. A ; M. V. It. II. I Leave Arrive Depot inth nnd Webster st | Omnlm. Omnhn. MInstlnRS& Ill'k Hills 1'ns 7:15 : a.m. fl:2Jp.jn , Norfolk t'ndsenger. I 6:10 : p.m. 10:30 : a.m , _ Miilly. _ 3xcept Sunday. 8UOUKKAN TUA1XS. Hunnlng between Council Illuffs and Albright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , and nt thn Summit in Omaha. Westward. BroadI'rnns - Omaha . South Al- wuy. fer. Depot. Omaha Bright. A. M" ! A.M. A. M. A.M. A. M A. M. li:45 : 6:51 : 6:00 : 6:0. : ' 6:10 : 0:1 : 0:30 : 6:37 : 6:50 : 0fi5 : 6:51 : 7:02 : 7:15 : 7:22 : 7:35 : 7:40 : 7:45 : 7:62 : H:0"i : 8:12 : 825 ; HIO : ; 8:46 : Mti 0lfi : : I2 : : O.TO : 0:46 : 9r,2 : , 10:0.- : ) 10:12 : 10:23 : 10:30 : 10:45 : iora : 11:0.- : ) 11:12 : 11:25 : 11:3 : 11:45 : 11:52 : P. M. P. M. P.M. P.M. I' . M. P. M. ia : i 12:12 : 12:2.1 : ] 2 : ; ! 2:15 : 12r : > : 1KS 1:12 : 1:21 : 1:3C : 11:4.1 : 1:52 : r:05 : 2:12 : 2:23 : 2IK : iW : 3:12 : 3:23 : 3:3 : 3:52 : 4r : ( ! 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:3C : 4:4.r. : 4W : fi id' ) 5:12 : 6:25 : 6:3C : 5:45 : 6fi2 : Ca : * > 0:12 : 0:23 : 0IC : ! u:4.i : . r : K 7li : : > 7:12 : 7:2. : " 7:1 : * : 7:4. : . : ( ) ' ) S:12 : 8:2. : * 8i : : ( : 8:45 : t:0. ) : ) 8:12 : 8:33 : 8:3C : 0:45 : U:52 : 10a-i : 10:12 : 10:23 : . 11:051 10:43 : or. . : f 11:31) : ) 11:45 11:50 : llv. ll:3o : Al South ) mnha Trans- llroacl bright. Oinuhn. Shceley depot. fer. way , fer..M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. .M. AM. 6:4.1 : 6:57 : 0U' : olD : 6:1.1 : 6:23 : 0:30 : 0:4 : ( ! :5C : 7:00 : 7:03 : 7:15 : 7:20 : 7:3' : 71 : 7:51) : 7M : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:27 : Kii : 8:50 : 8:55 : 11:07 : 8:15 : 0:2 : : 8 : ; ! . ' (1:60 : 0:5.1 : 10:07 : 10:15 : 10:2' : 10:60 : 10:31 : 11:07 : 11:1.1 : 11:2- : 11:50 : llf : 1' . M. P. M . M. I' . M. P. M. I' . M. 12:07 : 12:13 : 12:2' : 12:30 : 12:55 : 1:07 : 1:15 : 1:3' : I-hi 1:60 : 1:65 : XMI7 2:15 : 2'- . aB : : 2W : 2:55 : 3:07 : 3lii : 2'3:2 : 3:5' : ' ) 3.V : , 4:07 : 4:13 : iii 4:50 : 4:55 : 5:07 : 6:13 : 5:27 : r > : ! L- > 6:50 : 6:63 : 0:07 : 0:15 : 11:27 : iir : : > fi:30 : 6:53 : 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:27 7B : : ; 7:60 : 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:11 : 8:2- : : : ri 8:50 : 8:51 : 8:07 : 0:13 : 8:27 : 11:50 : 0:55 : 10:07 : 10:16 : 10:2" : inlir ! 10:10 : 111 :3T : 11:07. : 11:4 : 11:6 : * 11:6 : ! ) lv 11:33 : 12l'am : COU.VCILi C1IICAQO , HOCIC ISLAND i : PACIFIC. Leave. Arrive. ANo.l4 4nup. : m. D No. 2 7:00 : n. m. 11 No. 8 fl:5J : p.m , A No. 13..11:30 : n , in. O No. 0 OjOSa.m.O No.fi 5:46 : p. m. A No. 4 8:40n.m.A : No.3 6:60 : p. in. C Des Molnes Accommodation. C Des Mollies Accommodation. KANSAS CITV. S.JOUJc COUNCIL IJLUr'KS. A No.3 0:23 : a. m.A | No.3 0:3 : * n.m. A No. 4 8:10 : p. in. A No. i 6:30 : p.m. CHICAGO As NOHTHWK8TEHN. C. Ex. No. 2.8:10 : n. m..O. Ex. No. 1.7:00 : p. m. Vt'stlb'd No. 4.0:0(1 : ( p. m. Vchtlb'dNo.3.7IO : n. in. Atl'c Ex.No. 0.8:40 : a. m.il'nc. Ex. No.5.0:45p. m. Dally except Sunday. CIIICAOO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL. No. 8 8:40 : a. m.lNo. 1 7Ka. : ) m. No. 1 7:30 : p. m.lNo. 3 0:60 : p.m. 8IOIJX CITY & PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05a. : m.lA No.8 R:5.1n.tn. : A No.12 7lOp.m.A : | No. 11..0:00p.m. : OMAHA A : BT. LOUIS. A rJo.8 . . . : ) :40 : p. m.iA No.7 11:35a.m. CIIICAOO , HUHLINOTON & QUINCY. A No.4 0:40o.m.A : No. 6 T.'JO a.m. A No.6 0:50 : p. in. A No , 3 ( l,0 : p.m. A dally ; n dully except Sat. : C dally except Sun , ; D except Mon. : t fast mall : Limited. PEERLESS DYES AE THE BEST Hol.lt IIV UHUdUIS'lS. i' . IU fAI.UIR. K. P , IIICnMAX. J.D. IJI.A.NCItAllll PALMER. R1CHMAN & CO. . Liye Stock Commission Merchants. OtBco lloom 21 , Onpoilln Kiclmnno llulldlny , Union block Yunli , Houtb Uukliu , Neb. SORIMER.WESTERFIELD& MALEY Live Stock Coininission , Room 15 , Excbanae llulldlng , Union Stock Yardt , boulli Uiuaba , Nub. ALEXANDER i : FITCH. Commision Dealers in Liye Sock , OppmllM Kxclmnpo Ilullillnii , Uulon Elock Yarilt , HoulU Ulfl bBNeb. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. . Of Omaha , Limitei _ CHURC'.JlUL PARKER , nfialerjuAgrlcnHnrallmplcincnls , Wagons , Cnrrbyo unit lliunlr - .1" io Flrrrl.bctvccDVthaud 10tli,0iniilia , Nohriukii. LfNfNOER A METeALF CO. . Airicultiirallmiileincnts.Wagons.Carria . . Itupglrs.Ktc. Wholoiale. Omahn , Nbni li . PAR LIN , ORE NDOnF fTM A R T iTTT" In , AiTicnltnral implements , Wagons & Buggies nn , . W6 nil IW Jonci Street , Omnhn. _ pTp7"M A sr sTc o7 Mannfactnrcrs of Bnckeyc Drills , Seeders , Culllrnlnra , ll y nnXcu.CUler Mills tul I.tihnn l"ul' vcrliiTB. Cur. Ulh niul Xlcbul tyln'0ln. WFNONA IMPLEM"ENT co. . Whole * nip - . Agriciilturailmnleiiients.Wagoiis&BnEgies . _ CoriHT lllli nml Mrliolin Strccl . _ OMAHA 1IIIAXCH. J. F. SEIBERL1NG A : CO. , Akron , Ulilo. Harvesting Machinery aiii Binder Twine , W. K. MraJMan cr. 12M LcnTenwotlhtt. OmiOis. MOLINE.MILDURN&STODDARDCo Munufni'tiin-rsAndJobbi-n In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. Ptli nn I 1'nclllo ( itreeto , Omntin , Ni-b. Artists' Mntorlas. [ " A HOSPE , Jr.7 Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 t > ou ! a Kin-el. Omabii , Ncbrnska. Booksellers and Statlonors. H. M. & . S. W. JONES , Succesoorsto A. T. Kt-nyon .V Co. , Wholr lo & Itetall Booksellers and Stationers , Kino WeJillnB Slnllonerr. ( "oinincrdi l Stittloncrr IS'.n : IJoiik'las titrvut. Unmhii , Nnb. Boots nnd Shoos. KIRKENDALU. JONES & CO. , ( Succcs or lo llCBil , Jones & Co. ) WMesale Mannfacturers of Boots and Shoes Aiiontsfor lloston ItubDcr Shoo Co. IIW , HOiitlloe W. V. MORSE .V CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101.1103-1105 Douiln * St.Omnlm Manufactory. Sum mer M IkBiun. , Splcoa , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE CO-r" Omnlm Coffee ncl Spice MIIU. Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , FUvorlnR ItrtracU , Laundry Illue. Inkr , Ktc. 1414- 14l llKrn y Clrcct. OmahH. NetirK > n. Crockery Agent for the Manufacturer * and Importeis of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Clnmneys , Ktc. Office. .117 8. IStU BU , Omaha. Nubraaka. PERKINS. CATCH &LAUMAN. Imoorters and Jobber * of Crcciery , Glassware , Lames , Silverware Etc. l.'iH KHrnnni St. , Now Paxton Bulltllnu. Commlsolon and Store go. R1DDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , Speclnitlrniitr. . 7' r . ri-rpio i > o.ry | ( , ( iR IlliHovrard Street. Omabi , , CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , 6icccsfor : to McShano A fcliroedcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , OmaUa , Ncbmika. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholesale Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North ICth Street , Omnhn , .Vrb. _ Cool , Coke ' " O'MAHA coA L7"coKE & \iEc. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 3011 South 13th Street , Oronhft , Nehraikn. J. J. JOHNSON & Mannfactnrers of Lime , ranP.0a1nitelU ! < cremo e.1feV7i : St. , Umntm , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coi& 214 Soukh 13tb Pt. . Omaha. Keb. Dry Cooda nno Notions. wTETsivriTH i c 6 .r Dry Goods , Fnrnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 anil HOI Douglai , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' KurnlihliiR Onn.li. . Corner llth nnd IlaJney bt > . , Oumlia , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Bealers in Furniture , Furnatu Street. Omaha. Nebrnakq. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omulm , Nebraska. 'At CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TOG , 707,703 and 711 S. 10th St. , Otnahtt , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , J Ih and Lenrenwortli Btrcctn , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY ( JO. Wboloalo MunufacturtTs of Salery& Jobbers of Sadfllery Hardware And Leather. 110.1 , lll'i nn I Ulrt Hnrney St. , Oamhn , JHoavy Hardwnro. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Harilware , Iron and steel , Hprtnci. Wauon Stork , Ilnrdwaru , I.umbtr , Ktc. 12W anil 1211 llarney Struct , Omaha , HIMEBAUGH A TAYLOR. Bnilte1 Hardware and Scale Repair Sbop. Mechanic1 Tools anit IluITnlo Hcalpi. lioo Douglui Htreet , Omahi , Nekranka. RECTOR. W1LHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lit ) and UnrnerSti. , Omaha. Neb. Wcitern Agcnti for Auitln Powder Co. , Jefferson KteelNalli. Fairbanks Standard Ucalcs. LEE , CLARKE. ANDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals. Sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Ilowu Scales , Mliiinll'owder and I.yinnn llurbcd wire , Oiur.hu , NclirasVn. Hats , Caps , Etts. W. lT."pARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 11U7 Barney Etioat , Omaha , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali IStj Street and Union I'nclflo Track , Omaha. LOUIS * BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sast ) , lc. Taidi-Corniir Tth and IMiwlMi Coioc Lutnbnr C. N. DIET2 , Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlicr , 13th mid California Slrci-tn , Omaha. NabrMkn. t w. OKAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Cornff fthand PouglanSU..Oniah T7W. "HARVEY LUMBER COT To Dealers Only , Office. 1401 Fnrimm Street , Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc , Imported unit American Portland Cement. BUM Axenlfor Mllwauken ItydraullcCeuient ted ( Jultu-r WMto l.lmo. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood Carpeti anil I'/vrquct flooring , tth and IJougtal Millinery nnd NotlonsT ' { . OBERFELDEfTTccT. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions > . tin nd 217 Smith Illh StrpM. . Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. ' , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'nnts , Shirts , Klo. IllUnnil 1101 l > ounla * Htrcet , Ornnlin. .Ni'li. Noti'ona. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4tfl umUurirUutu lOthHl. , Omnlia. Olio. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Oruase , Etc. , Omaha. A. II. lllthop , Manage * VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , HQTi Harncy Street , Omaha. Office Fixtures. Tltt Si.MMONIS ) MANUr-'ArTUlilNO CO. MnMutiiUure.'s of BauK , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mnntlf , Ptdi'lioanlsoo \ Cnse * . Druu Klxturos.Wall Ca csPnitltlnnii. llalllnin , Counters , Hoeriind Wlna Cooli'ri" , Mlrrorc .ete. Knctiiry anf omci * , ITM nnd 1TS | South Mill Sl.Omnhu. Telephone 1124. .t Paints and oils. CUMMINGS & NEILSON , Wholesale Denier * in Paints , Oils , Window Gla < s , Etc , Ills Fnnmm Street. OmahaNob. Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CC. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice ttoek of Printing. Wrnpplne nnd Writing Fufat- Special attention Riven to car load orders. Boxes. japer _ _ JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Koi. 1317 nnd 131'J Douglas St. , Ouinba , Nob. Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 911 and 1113 Jones Strei-t Omaha. Storage , Forwarding & Comml lon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS * CO. , n ? 0fIS ? MSlS ? nttVttt 11 'usalu unrt retail , I'M 1/lOand Ul'i liard mreut , V Omaha. Tclophonc No. 700. * Browora * STORZ4ILER , , , Lager Beer Brewers , 1KI North Klgthtcentu Street , Ouiiiha , Neb. EAGLE COR'NICE WORKS , ' Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Jobn Kpcneter , Prnprlctur. VM Dod o iind 103 und lOf North 10th streut , Oiunha. Prhitora' Materials. " ' ' "WESTERN NEWSPAPE'R'UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In Type. l'rn si-s and Printers'Suppllei. 601 South nth Street. Omahn. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods W Clothlnu and heather llrltliiR. 100J Furiiam Btmtt. _ S.33hjJJoo , a , Etc. " IVL A"DISBROV. . ' t CO. , wbolcmlo MnnuC'.cturvrs ot Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Brunch office , 12th and liurd Klroett , Omaha , Nub , j BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Vutdtni .Stnlr Work und Interior llnnl Wool Fiji u. N. K. Curlier Mh mid l.i'urcnmiM'lli Streets , Ouiatm , ijeu. " Steam Flttlnga , Pumps , Etc A. L. STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , "CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , " Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam tnj Wfttor Bunpllei. rioadquarteri for Mast. > oost k CO'M itoiuls. nil rarniim HI. , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE K PUMP CO. , ' Steam and Water Supplies , flalllday Wind Mill * . ( lllnndlWrarnnm fit. , Omaha. _ qF. lion , Acting .Managor. _ " " BROWNELL ft CO Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet Iron Work StPam I'limin , Him MlKs. 1J13-121J l.eavcimorth tliei-t , Oumha. I Iron Works. f : STEAM BOILER WORKS. 1 Carter ft con , Prop's. Xnnufiictiirorn of nil klndi Steam Boilers , Tanto and Sheet Iron Wort i Works South aitu and II. A. M. Cromlng. PAXTON k VIKUUNO IRON WO11K8. f Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort Knulnos , lira" Work , Uonoral Foundry , Mnolilno nn4 lllacksniltU Work , onu o und Wniks , U. P. Mr * BDd litb Mrci't , Ounihu , OlWATHTrwn E & IROTrTWORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk Halls , Window ( jiiards. Klowi-r Htiuuls , Wlra tUus , Ktc. It ! North ICth Street , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'fra ' of Hra&Bnrglar Proof Safes faults , Jail Work , Iron and Wlro Kenclnit. Signs , Kto. I ) . Andivcn , I'rou'r. Cur. lull and Jackiion cti. CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railing Guards and Kcrccni , for banks , omccs.iloras. reil'lencoi.eto. improved Awnlnun , Ixjckumllli Jlai-hlucrr ana llUctumliti VVorka. till ymith lull HU MEACHER & WHITMORB- Fire and Bn ralar Proof SaTesJiis Lite nu