Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1888, Image 1

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The Old Roman Taken Suddenly 111
In Now York.
Aiil In Curried Fainting From the
Htn n nt MndlHun Square Gar
den niul Mcdlunl Assist
ance Siuniiioncd.
Ttiurninn Taken Kuddonly III.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 0. MadisonS'luarc Gar
den covered n mighty swarm of people to
night upon the occasion of the democratic re
ception to Allen Q. Thurnlun , nnd when Its
holding capacity wus exhausted It served ns
n center to iniiny thousands who were ad
dressed by speakers upon stand * at each cor
ner of the building. The Interior of the tear
dun WHS profusely decorated with the Amer
ican colors. The platform for the speakers
projected seventy-five feet from the northern
wall , nnd was festooned with . ( Ings. Above
it hung a largo Hag and with It the portrait
of Washington , with | > ortraits of Cleveland
nnd Thurman on cither sido. Back of the
platform were seats for more than five him
died prominent democrats of this und other
states. Directly opposite the speaker's plat
form was another platform , nlao profusely
draped with Hags , on which was stationed
Coppa's Seventh Hegimcnt band and the
Cleveland and Thurman singing society.
At 6 o'clock the doors weru besieged with
cfigcr nnpliennts for admission. At 7 o'clock
a single door was opened on llio Fourth nvc-
nuc sldo lor the general public , ai.d nno her
on the Madison avenue side for holdois of
tickuUi. Through each poured steadily an
unceasing stream of people with the ioar of
a mountain torrent. The ticket holders
rushed for fiont scats and the reserved en
closure1 , while the others clambered over
the railing aul mounted tiers ot heats like u
besieging army storming u fortress. In a
few mluutcn every seat in the not them gal
leries was ( ll'ed. ' Then the crowds surged
into the main Coir and every minute saw
them packed closer and closer to the stout
rail n. ? of the reserved enclosure , and every
tninuto saw the remaining feet lor standing
room growing lens. Hundreds poured in nnd
squeezed room f jr themselves until the walls
of the building held their estimated capacity
of f-,000 persons.
At 8 o'clock Calvin S. Brice , chairman of
the national campaign committee , called the
meeting to order and presented the Hon. Kos-
wcll 1' . Flower , who nmilo n speech , touch
ing mainly upon the treasury surplus. Flower
referred to Judge Thurman as "Hurt ripe
scholar , that able and upright judge , that
leader of the senate und that incorruptible
statesman , " While- Flower was still speak
ing the crowd near the Madison square en
trance begun to cheer , drowning the voice of
the speaker as they announced the comingof
Thurman. As ho made his way to the plat
form the cheers worn redoubled , bandanas
weru waved and the band struck up "Hail to
the Chief. " At the same time there readied
the platform Governor 1) . 13. Hill , who took
a seat beside Mayor Hewitt , Congressman
McMillan , Patrick A. Collins and ex-Gover
nor Leon Abbott of Now Jersey. A erecting
In the form of a resolution was then read and
Flower , who had not attempted to Hnisli
his speech , at once introduced Thurman , say
ing : "Follow citi/cns : I have the honor to
introduce the old Koinun , Allen G. Thurman. "
As Thurman stepped forward to the speak
er's stand and stood erect , wiping the perspi
ration from his face with the famed ban
dana , the wildest excitement followed.
Everyone having u seat stood upon it. Ban
danas and flaps weru waived and the crowd
cheered and cheered again , drowning into
mufllcd sounds the strains of the band. The
cheering continued for fully Jive minutes ,
and then , In n voice so feeble that only those
within u few feet of him could tell , except by
the motion of his lips , that ho was speaking ,
ho said :
"Mr. Chairman , ladies nnd gentlemen : It
has been said by the republican papers since
I was nominated for the vice presidency that
Allen G. Thurman is an old , frail ,
decrepit , and broken down man. J
do not know that I should reply tc
tills , although I well know that 1 nni
in no condition to-night to speak to an immense
menso audicnco such as tins. However , 1
want to speak , and in spite of illness I an
almost Induced to make the attempt. I bcj.
leave , however , to withdraw , nnd thank you
for your kind reception. "
A hush fell upon the assemblage , as nl
saw that the hero of the oven'tng was trying
to speak to them but was unable to do so
Colonel Urico and Mr. Flower stepped for
ward and each taking Thurman by the arm
assisted him back from the speaker's stand
Ho was almost fainting , and for a few min
lUos was too sick too bo moved from tin
building. When ho had recovered sufficiently
Judge Thurman was taken In u carriage di
red to the ladies' entrance of the Fiftl 1
Avenue hotel , accompanied by Messrs. Brie <
and Burnum and his son , Allen W. Thurman
The Judge was conducted to his room nm
Was attended by Dr. Goldthwaite , the hole
Physician. The latter applied remedies , nm
Inter it was said that the distinguished paticu
would bo all right In an hour o
to. Dr. GoUUUwaito said that tin
Judge had been attacked with cholcn
morbus at ! t o'clock in the afternoon , and hi
had advised his patient to not exert himscl
by attending the meeting. Judge Thurmai
Insisted upon going to Madison Square Gar
den , notwithstanding the advice of the phy
Mr. Harnum came out of Thurman's apart
incuts in a little while and announced thn
Thurmnn would bo all right in a couple o
hours. In thasick room remained Mr. Bricc
Allen W. Thurmnn , his son , Allen G. Thur
man , Jr. , nnd the physician.
Meanwhile , in Madison Square Garden , th
throng called for Governor Hill. Ho wa
presented and at once referred to Judgi
Thurman's sudden illness , saying that it wa
an illness which hud como upon him an hou
before. The governor said that he took gran
pleasure in announcing that the illness wa
not serious , and that Judge Thurman wonl
bo able to proceed with the work laid out fo
him in the campaign.
Governor Hill then wont on and made
lengthy speech , and ho was followed by Go\
crnor Green of Now Jersey , who devote
himself ilrst to a tribute to Thurmnn an
next to a discussion of the tariff. Senate
BInckbunt of Kentucky next t.poko. Hot
Patrick A. Collins of Uostou and Hou. Joh
McSwccny of Ohio followed , provokin
much laughter. Local spc.ikcis closed th
Allen W. Thurman sent this dispatch t
his mother late to-night :
Mrs. Allen G. Thurmiin , Columbus , O. 1
you see any report in iho morning papc
about father being sick , don't bo at n
alarmed. It is simply an old fashioned en :
of cholera murbus , und ho is all right now.
Mcrrlnm C5otn the Nomination.
ST. I'n'L , Sept. 0. M. 13. Morrlam wr
nominated by the republican statoconvcutlc
on the sixth ballot late his afternoon , r
cclving 270 of the 444 votes cast , Shaffer go
tine TJ and McGill 101. Upon being cscorU
into the convention , Mr. Mcrriani cxprcssc
his gratitude for the honor In a brief bpeocl
The rest of the ticket was then quietly cor
plctcd by renomlnation of the present incut
bents , in follows ; For lieutenant governo
A. F. Hlco ; secretary of state , Hans Mi1
ecu ; state treasurer , Joseph Boblcttcr ; :
torney , Moses K. Clapp.
The Colorado Itcpiihllcaiifl.
DENVEII , Sept. 0. The republican sta
convention assembled at 10 o'clock tills mor
Ing and nominated W. II. Hrlsb.ino , of Luk
Rtuto treasurer on the third ballot , ui
| Captain John Hlco , of Pueblo , secretary
state by acclamation.
[ AniMlnit Fur Governor.
I CoxcouHt Sept. 0. After the platform h
I been read and adopted a ballot was take
f -which resulted In the nomination el Chuil
I A. Auwuou for governor.
IiitcreMlni : Correspondence Between
Pnwclurly und the Kx-Sccretary.
PiiiMhEM-iiiA , Sept. 0. This week the
Journal of United Labor contains an article
two columns and a half In length , contrlb
utcu by General Master Workman Pow-
dcrly , and containing the correspondence
that pasted between him nnd Charles II.
Litchmnn upon resigning the gcner.U secre
taryship of the order. First Is given Litch-
man's letter of resignation , which has
already , been published. Powdcrly's reply
opens with an acceptance of the resignation ,
and then ho adds :
"While I will not question your motives In
taking this step , you will , I trust , pardon
mo if I say that I fail to sue how organized
labor can be bcnellttcd by having
Its ofllrcrs cast aside the obligations
nnd duties which their constituents
imposed upon them , for the purpose of "tak
ing sides in a political campaign. It is true
that groans and sighs are flaming up fioiu
the mouths of political leaders for the wrongs
of the working men. Many of those who
groan the loudest at this time may Justly bo
classed among those who are the very worst
oppressors in the land. The tears they shed
will never Increase * In volume to such an ex
tent as to wipe away the grievous wrongs
their past actions or failure to act have im
posed upon the man who bends under pover
ty's load. The question at Issue , the tariff ,
will not be settled when the votes are counted
in November. The election of a president
will not make changes unless the
people of all the land make Judi
cious selections of such members of
the national legislature as will carry
out their wishes when congress assembles.
Already foity-one nominated candidates , re
gardless of party , have signed written
pledges to work for measures of reform nt
the request of members of the Knights of
Labor. If this plan of our order is faith
fully carried out it will result In more good
than any other. "
Litchman winds up the correspondence.
Ho says :
"I hold It more honorable to lay down offi
cial duties that would hamper private action
than to retain such a position andatthcsamo
time bo engaged in scheming in
secret with patty agents whom it
is necessary ostensibly to publicly denounce.
I heartily bclluvu that , bad as you may thinker
or say the republican party is , the democratic
party is infinitely worse by reason of its nd
vocacy of free trade , and 1 further believe
that 1 should be false to my duty to the
people engaged in the industries of my state ,
if 1 do not do all in my power to defeat the
political combinations that would , if success
ful , still fuather lower their standard of
wages , nnd consequently their standard of
living. "
lint IH Prevailed Upon to Reconsider
Ills Decision.
CHKAOO , Sept. ( i. George K. Blnnchard
to-day tendered his resignation as chairman
of the Central Trafllc association. He an
nounced his decision nt a special meeting
called for that purpose , giving as his reason
that he has been unsuccessful in his efforts to
maintain harmony nnd enforce the rules ,
owing to the independent course pursued of
late by bomo of the roads. The announce
ment was received with regret , and the
managers at once appointed a committee to
confer with Blauchard , and , if possible , to in
duce him to change his mind. After consul
tation with the committee Hlnnchnrd con
sented to defer final action until January 1 ,
on condition that ho bo allowed absence
from October 1 until such time as ho will be
able to complete the engagements ho had
made In anticipation of his withdrawal from
the chairmanship , A committee of eight has
been appointed to revise the organization ol
the traffic association , with a view of i educ
ing the office expenses and bringing outside
lines into the organization.
Surgeon General Hamilton on the
Condition of Camp Perry.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 0. Surgeon Genera
Hamilton returned to Washington last nigh
from a visit to Florida and Georgia. In speak
iug of Ills visit to an Associated Press report
er , ho said : "I am satisfied , after persona
inspection , that the stories published regard
ing the condition of Camp Perry are grosi
exaggerations , based on a desire to breoV
down the regulations requiring ten day's do
tentior. If there tire many improper chnrac
tcrs at the camp it is certainly not the faul
of the government. I told the authorities a
Jacksonville that if they sent disreputabli
people to the camp they could not criticize u
lor their presence. It seems that while m ;
course 1ms been very unsatisfactory to tin
people of Jacksonville , it has been entire ! ;
satisfactory to everybody else. "
"Wisconsin Democrats Assemble.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Sept. 5. At the after
noon session of the democratic slut
convention James Morgan , of Milwaukee
keo , was nominated for governor 01
the first ballot , receiving the solid vote o
eight congressional districts. Other nomina
tions were made by acclamation as follows
Lieutenant governor , Andrew Kull , of Wai
worth : secretary of state , A. C. Carson , o
Eau Claire ; state treasurer , Theodora Kers
ten , of Calumet ; railroad commissioner
Herman Nnbor , of Shawnce ; Insurance com
missioncr , E. M. Evans , of Sauk ; nttorne ;
general , Timothy E. Hyan , of Waukesha
superintendent of public instruction , Ame
of Green Luke. Uyan is also on th
labor ticket , but his nomination is only ni
Denver Mail 15olil > ci'le.s.
Nr.iv YOIIK , Sept. C. An afternoon pape
says that it can bo set down ns a positive fac
that a thief or a gang of thieves has bee
stealing systematically from the Unite
States mulls between this city and the wes
during the last three months. Never in th
history of the postofllco department have s
many valuable money packages and letter
been stolen as during the last few wceki
Otllccrs of the postofllco department hav
been very reticent about making known th
loss. Whenever It has leaked out that
largo package wus lost those In charge o
the postofllco have souirht to keep inform ;
tion froin the public. The losses will auioun
to thousands of dollars.
A Serious Mine ) Fire.
HAZI.EION , Pa. , Sept. 0. A serious miti
Uro Is lu progress five miles north of th :
place , at the Lattituoro colliery , operated I
the Pardco Brothers. A portion of the worl
ings known as the counter t > huto , on the 11
sldo of n slope which has been abandoned ft
years , wus Ignited yesterJay. It was in
possible to got close to the lire. It was d <
cided to-day to adopt the plan of drowniii
out the mine , und to this end u stream i
water was turned Into the workings. Shoul
this bo successful the lire will not spread i
other adjoining workings of this sectio
which are all connected and honeycomb tl
entire district. It is impossible to get with
half a mile of thu fire , and water runnii
from the fire ut that distance is at the bol
ing point. The colliery gave employment I
3oO men and boys , all of whom uro now idl
Great Flood4 In Georgia.
ATIANTA , Ga. , Sept. 0. The heavy rain
which have fallen throughout Georgia fi
the past week have douo great damage
the cotton crop. Uivcrs have overflow *
their banks nnd done great damage , but
far us kuown no live * wcro lost. The ra
roads have sufTcrcu mare or less from was
0 Hovey's Welcome Home.
iNniANAi-ous , Sept , 6. The republicans
Indianapolis hold n great out-door demonstt
tlon to-night , the immediate occasion bcii
n ( I the return of General Alvln P. Hovpy. tl
cs I republican candidate for governor , and tl
I inauguration of the gubernatorial cauipalg
Scott's Bogus Pretensions are Ex
posed In the House.
Nebraska nnd lown Postal Matters
ItcprcKcnlatlvcMorrcIl Spcaku His
Mind on Delayed Appropriation
Bills AVInn Kroin Currants.
Scott's Hypocrisy.
WASHINGTON BniEtt 'i ' THE O.M\m i BEE , 1
Bill Fouurr.i ; STIIBKT , >
WASHINOTON. D. C. , Sept. 0 , )
Postmaster General Dickinson resumed
his duties on the floor of the house this after
noon and continued to coach members who
are the recognized mouth-pieces of the ad
ministration. Ho came in Just after Mr.
Brumm of Pennsylvania got through flay
ing William 1 > . Scott of the same state.
Brumm proved by affidavits and the state
ments of reputable men that Scott , who Is
the mouth-picco of the administration , nnd
who , in the name of labor nnd virtue , rushed
through the house on Monday the anti-
Chinese bill , for the purpose of catching the
laboring men of the country , Is
a largo patron of labor contractors , and
employs constantly hundreds of Italians
and Hungarians who wcro brought hereunder
under contract , that he has employed special
police and detectives for the purpose of
breaking up organized labor , and requires all
men entering his employ to sign a contract to
the effect that they will belong to no labor
organization. He proved that Scott ran what
is known ns "pluck mo" stores , which furnish
goods at high prices to laborers who are paid
low wages , and that ho has ejected largo
numbcis of laborers from his houses when
they wcro unable to pay their rent. Mr.
Hrumm also proved that Mr. Scott was the
proprietor of a "rat" newspaper ofllco. This
is the kind of n man put forth by the admin
istration to convince the laboring men of the
country that President Cleveland and his
friends nro the friends of the laboring men.
The postmaster general has Issued the
following order to the superintendent of thu
railway mail service relating to mail
facilities over the Union Pacific railway , a
distance of Ioi7 ; miles , to take effect im
mediately : "Discontinue the use of ono line
of railway postofllco cars between Union
transfer , In. , ( new ollico ) to North Phitte ,
Neb. , being a decrease of 2'J3 miles. Author
jzo the extension of ono line of railway post
ofllco cars between Nortli Platte and Chcy-
cnne , 235 miles , leaving date of commence'
ment to bo stated in a future order. "
Special mall service has been asked dis
continued between Sand Creek , Neb. , auil
Cedar UlufTs , after September 15 , and te
Highbricr , Dccutur county , In. , after Scp
tomber 10. The postofllco nt the lattei
place is discontinued.
Winston S. Bell was to-tiny appointed post
master at Wilsonvillc , Furnas county , Neb.
vice William W. Whiting , removed.
Colonel Guy V. Henry , en route to the
Fort Niagara competitive shoot , is in the
city for a few days visiting army friends
He was at the war department to-day une
also called upon the president to speak i
word for the promotion of Captain Bourke o :
the Third cavalry , who lor many years wa !
in active Indian service with Colonel Henry
Representative Morrell , who is ono of tin
oldest and most sagacious republicans in tin
house was talking recently of the delay In tin
appropriation bills and the trouble to tin
country nt largo some old practises in tin
house bring upon the people. Ho said.
"I am in favor of a resolution beini
adopted at the beginning of every congrcb' '
which will require the committees having up
proprlation bills to report them all withii
sixty days after congress meets , nnd whlel
will require the house to take the initially
action by not later than the middle of April
Thls-will give the senate ample opportunity
to act on nil of the bills by the middle o
May , so that the conference committees
nil get done ; with their work before the mid
die of Juno. This will insure the completioi
cauipalg'i the end of the fisca
year , Juno liflth , and it will obviate the nc
ccsslty of passing Joint resolutions continu
ing existing appropriations over periods i
which there are emergencies caused by failure
uro to pass new appropriation bills.
"Tho failure to pass appropriation bill
within the time when appropriations are run
ning is the least of all the trouble. There i
viciousncss nnd almost a cnmo in lioklin ;
back for the purpose of controlling legtshi
tion , and thcro is no doubt in my mind thu
bills are regularly held back with n view t
controlling legislation. You see , appropriti
tlon bills nro privileged matters , and the ,
can bo called up ut any time nnd made t
take off the floor bills which the dominan
party may want to defeat. I ntn nwaro tha
the departments are sometimes at fault in nc
furnishing their estimate In time to secur
an early passage of the appropriation bills
but congress has power to teach the heads c
departments some business sense ns well a
some general principles , nnd I think it is big
time congress should do fao. If the nox
house is republican , and I confidently cxpec
it to be. I will guarantee that there wi
bo no bills of any kind held back fo
the purpose of controlling legislatior
The republicans go upon the principle that i
is cowardly to defeat or pass measures b ;
indirection. They are wlllingto meet an h
sue fairly. I think the monitors Hhould b
hold personally roiponslblo for this worl
Now they shift their responsibility to com
mittccs and to parties. If every mcinbc
was made personally responsible for the fal
uro of a gcoJ bill or the passage of a bad on <
ho would bo moro careful , moro cousclur
tious , and the result would bo a healthk
state of affairs in congress. "
The farmers and fruit growers on the Pi
cltlo slope and certain sections of the sout
i and in north Ohio are agitating quietly b
correspondence the subject of currant wine :
They believe that the grade of currant
grown in sections of Franco , Italy and Greet
from which wines are made can be us casil
produced in portions of the United States. .
very flno aromatic alcohol is made from cu :
rants. The currant Is a moro reliable cro
the world over than grapes , while the nlcohi
for the manufacture of spirits und light wit
is greater in proportion to the bulk than I
grapes. Immense quantities of Turklsl
Spanish nnd Grecian currants nro shippc
every year into Franco for wino purpose :
It will bu found quite n simple proeei
to produce wino from dried currants , us it
simple and suro. Consul Hancock writes i
the department of state from Patras , Grccc
on this suojcct as follows :
"Tho fruit is emptied out of the barrels i
sacks in wtnch it arrives into largo woode
tubs , of a capacity of several tons , and twii
or thrice , according to the quality ar
strength of wino it is intended to produa
the amount of water is added. During col
weather it is necessary to artificially hci
the water to an average summer temper ;
turc , otherwise the foruientatiou would bo t <
long delayed , but under ordinary clrcur
stances the fermentation has taken place ar
the liquid Is ready to bo strained In n perk
of eight to ten days. When this lust opor
tlon has taken place the liquid Is ready fi
immediate use and can in no way bo dlstl
guishcd from ordinary light white wines ;
IB of u light ruby color , and possesses
strength , according to the amount of wat
that has been added , of from nine to till
teen degrees. Wholesale dealers usually E (
it at so much per degree of alcoholic strcngt
It is nlso employed for the manufacture
superior brands of wine , and this Is done 1
the admixture of strong und colored Spa
ish , Italian nnd Dalmatian wines , and 1
various other processes well known
Franco. This should not , however , cau
any prejudice against similar wines , for tin
contain nothing deleterious or In ui
way injurious to the consumer , for t
currant in its original state U sii
ply a small stouoless grope , wh :
produce an excellent , strong , fruity-flavored
wino ; the French , therefore , In adding water
to the dried fruit are merely replacing what
has been drawn out of It by thu action of the
sun In the process of drying. Considering
how much spurious- wino Is put on the mar
ket nowadays , I think ono bus reason to con
gratulate. himself If ho can bo perfectly cer
tain he Is drinking nothing worse than the
liquid produced by the admixture of currants
with water. Currants nro likewise con
sumed to a great extent during the vintage
by farmers and proprietors of vineyards in
France , who produce ordinary ; qualities of
wine und who , owing to the remunerative
prices paid for their wines' ' , nro anxious to In
crease their product as much ns possible.
Experience has shown them that if currants
with the usual proirartlon of water , nro
mixed during the vintage with the fresh
grapes and allowed to ferment together , the
blending is much superior to that obtained by
mixing u currant wine to a natural
wine , nnd the liquid obtained has
all and every attribute , of pure , natural
wine. The most careful chemical
analyses have declared this , und It is , there
fore , not to be wondered at if many wine
growers in Franco avail themselves of this
to make up , in n small way , for the enormous
deficit caused by the ravages of the phyllox
era , which , If I am not mistaken , 1ms re
duced the total French wino production from
an average of about sixty million hectoliters
of wine to about thirty million annually. I
mav add that the forty to llfty thousand tons
of currants annually imported Into France ,
when turned Into wine , represent only
Ift.UK ) hectoliters , so thorp is plenty of room
for the further developeincnt of this trade. "
Senator Manderson is In the east.
Surgeon Paul Hrown , U. S. A. , has boon
relieved from duty at Fort Niagara , New
York , and ordered to Fort Sidney.
Pcnitv S. HIUTB.
American Cotton Seed OH Supplant
ing the Foreign Production.
WisiiiNtiTox , Sept. 0. fSpeclal to Tin ;
Hen. ] According to a report Just received
nt the department of state from Consul
Frank II. Mason , located nt Marseilles ,
France , It Is almost an Impossibility to pro
euro in the American markets pure olive oil ,
owing to the decrease lu the area In France
nnd Italy , where olive trees flourish , ami
the great increase in the numerous insects
nnd diseases , which in addition to the uii'
favorable phases of weather , yearly render
the ollvo crop moro or less unecrtain.and the
discovery that American cotton seed oil car
bo used in the manufacture of ollvo oil
by the cunning French nnd Italian !
who produce less than 15 per cent ol
the quantity of ollvo oil which the market
demands. Last year there were over twc
million gallons of cotton seed oil exported
from the United States to Marseilles alone ,
and moro than hnlf of this vast quantity was
used for adulterating ollvo oil , n largo parl
of which was ro-cxported to the United
States through a duty of yo per cent. The
French arc very inconsistent , however , In
their dealings. It , was only a few weeks age
that l.dOO tierces of American lard were
stopped at the wharf m Marseilles and the
consignees subjected to a costly process.
which is not yet terminated , because the lard
was found upon analysis by the custom of
fleers to contain 10 per cent of cotton-seed oil
It is thus shown that while Franco prac
tically excludes from l er ports Amcriciir
lard with only 10 per cent of cotton-seed oil
about half of the allege ! ! olive oil produced it
sections of France is shipped to the Unitct
States without any restriction , and it con
tains S3 per cent of cotton-seed oil. Then
should undoubtedly bo something done to re' '
tallato upon discriminations against Amen
can products of this character.
Consul Mason gives the following Inter
pstlng observations relative to the process bj
which adulterations of ollvo oil are detected
"Tho rani : , low-priced ollvo oils from south
ern Italy ( U.tri ) , Algeria and Tunis , have
been brought here in vast quantities , dilutei
with cotton or sesame , and been consumcc
nnd exported wholesale In place of the tine
delicate , high-grade oils of the Van am1
Houchas du Unonc , which have thus beet
nearly elbowed out of the market. This hiu
so reduced the value of ollvo oil in southori
France that the government has set itsel
seriously to the task of providing a remedy
The first step was to discover some methoi
of detecting such ndulterations which shouh
be not only exact in its results , but sufficient
ly simple to bo practicable for farmers , deal
ers and ordinary consumers. It was stated
in n report which was made from tins con
sulate in February , 18S3 , that no such pro
cess was then known. As late a :
the 17th of Mav last n meeting ol
the Scientific nnd Industrial society of Mar
scdlcs was addressed by Mr. Ernest Milllan
nn accomplished analytical chemist , win
reviewed elaborately all of the known pro
cesses , and admitted that none of them wen
sufficiently delicate and exact to detect ai
adulteration of loss than ten per cent. Th' '
'Cailletet1 process , which consists in treat
ing the oil with a mixture of sulphuric am
nitric acids , has been hitherto generally em
ployed , but this was declared by Mr. Milllui
untrustworthy unless the degree of ndultera
tion exceeded twenty per cent.
"Tho 'Uechi' process , now used by tin
Italian government , will detect nn udmixtur
of fifteen per cent of cotton-seed oil , prc
vided the sample analyzed contains no glycei
ine , formic acid , or frco salty acids , any us
of which , oven in mlnuto quantity , is sull
cicnt to mask the chemical reaction upo
which the process of Signer Hcchi depends.
Nebraska nnd Io\va Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 0. [ Special Tclcgrat
to THR HEI : . ] Pensions granted Ncbraskuna
Increase ( Navy ) John Gorman , Omabn
Daniel Fuller , Tekamah ; Tilltnan G. Woos
tor , Nebraska City ; John Dibble , Stewart
Joseph H. Adams , Glboon ; Chauncoy A
Evans , Stnnton : Henry C. Wells , Uurlit
game ; Arthur W. Squros ; , Hrokcn Bow
George L > . Hurbank , Guido Hock. Uelssuo-
( Navy ) Cyrus D. Adams , Grafton.
Pensions for lownns : Increase Samm
Downing , Lennox : Peter Fahn , Panamn
Henry W. Zecntz , New Market ; Robert C
Grigg , Murray ; William L. Heckwlth , Pro :
cott : Hrazillai Marlon , Calliope ; ( navy ,
Francm S. Phipps , Cedar Kapids ; Josep
Conway , Ottumwa ; Hiram Hanes , Vllllscn
Wallace IJea , Hangor. Keissuo Gunru
Miller , Charfes City ; James Anthony Glei
wood. Itoissuo nnd increase William I
Locke , Independence.
Surgeon General Hamilton Talks.
WASHINGTON , Scpt. 0. Surgeon Gonon
Hamilton returned to 'Washington last nigl
from a visit to Florida and Georgia. 1
speaking of his visit to an Associated Pros
reporter ho said : "I am satisfied , after pe
sonal inspection that that the stories pul
llshcd concerning the condition (
Camp Perry uro gross cxaggoratioi
based on n dcslro to brpak down the rcguh
tlons requiring ten days1' detention. If ther
are any Improper characters at the camp It
certainly not the fault of the government.
told the authorities at Jacksonville that
they sent disreputable people to the cam
they could not eriticUo us for their presenci
It seems that while my course has been vei
unsatisfactory to the people of Jacksonvlll
it has been entirely satisfactory to over ,
body else. " _
Washington Hrovitlcs.
The forthcoming report of the postraasU
general well shows that the number of pre
idcntial postofliees In force July 1 , 18SS , wi
U,50i , nn increase during the year of ICO. Tl
total amount of salaries paid to president !
postmasters was $4,2G2,61K ) , nn Increase undi
the act of March 8 , 1833 , of ! 2,500 , or 8 pi
cent. The total gros1 } receipts from pros
dontinl postotllccb for the year wcro
S , an increase of $3,823biO : , or 0 per cent.
Surgeon Hamilton was summoned to tl
white house yesterday afternoon for n co :
ferencowitli the picsldcnt and Sccrctai
Fairchild in regard to the measures taken i
aid the yellow fever iJuffcrcrs in Florida , ar
to prevent the spread of the epidemic. I
made u statement of what had been done
far , nnd explained his action in dctalnli
refugees from Jacksonville nt Camp Pen
as essential to the safety of the surroundii
country. The president expressed gre
sympathy for the people of Florida , nnd I
strutted the surgeon general to do all that
possible for their relief , keeping In view ,
the same time , the safety of the others.
Second Day's Session of the Central
Oity Conference.
The Contractor Wants Moro Money
Tlmn tlic Commissioners nro AVIII-
IHK t ° Give Scnntors * Nomin
ated Otliur State Nows.
The North Nebraska , M. E. Conference.
CRXTIIAI , CITV , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Special
Telegram to Tim Hct : . ] This was the second
end day of the Methodist mutual conference ,
At rail call this morning the names of absen
tees on yesterday answered till the total
numbered nearly seventy. To n looker-on
at present it seems marvelous that one-fourth
of the state should provide fields of labor for
as many ministers as the whole of Nebraska
furnished fourteen years ago. Saturday , nt
10 o'clock a. in. , was fixed as the time for
considering the educational matters of the
conference , nnd Dr. Lemon was added to the
committee on education ns a incinbcr-nt large.
The regular order of business for Saturday
at 'J o'clock is the consideration of the ques
tion of a state camp ground where yearly all
the Methodists of the state may congregate
in n grove ami sleep In cottages and tents.
A very line debate was provoked by the
offering of u resolution in regard to asking
for the appointment of a committee to in
quire into nnd report upon the subject of the
episcopal residence. There seems to have
been some bargaining with Lincoln on the
score of the location of the bishop's home ,
and some of the preachers think it was not
authorized. It will all come to the surface
on Saturday , most likely. Hishop Newman
expects to be on our soil early in October ,
and all the questions pertaining to his homo
must bo settled at an early date. The pre
siding ciders load written reports of their
districts four in number. Dr. Manlleld's
was remarkable for its pointed good
sense , and Hev. A. Hodget's made an
impression because of allusions to the
destructive effects of the blizard last Jan
uary In the western part of the Elkhorn Val
ley district , where all the horses and cattle
of some of farmers perished , nnd on account
of which the pecuniary support of ttio
preachers was very meager. Hut none of
them forsook their posts. I'lio character of
a largo number of preachers was passed
upon. Kcports wcitmadoof the examina
tion of n number of young preachcis , some
of whom will bo loft without uppoinmonts
that they may attend ono of our literary or
theological schools.
The Contractor Wants More.
YOIIK , Neb. , Sept 0. [ Special to TUB
Unn ] The court house has been completed.
The building commitlco submitted a report
to the county board of supervisors at its ses
sion yesterday in favor of paying to the coij-
tractor , D. H. Howard , of Lincoln , $51,000
which is something In excess of the contract
price. The board adopted the report nnd
tendered the contractor the amount In accor
dance to the recommendations. This offer
was promptly refused by the contractor who
wanted f. > 7,000. Ho claims the building has
cost him $03,000 or more , and that ho is en
titled to full pay. Ho will sue for ffio.OOO in
the November term of court. The architect.
O. II. Placy submitted n report to the board
against the acceptance of the building.
Senator Ijlndsny Rciioininntcd.
McCcoit , Ntb. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK UEC. ] The republicans of the
Twenty-ninth senatorial district assembled
in convention nt the opera house this eve'
ning for the purpose of completing the state
ticket by making a nomination for the sen
ate. Charles Brewer , ot McCook , was
chosen chairman and V. B. Harcourt , of
Trenton , as secretary , and the names of J. P.
Lindsay nnd John C. Gamble were placed
before the convention. The vote was iili for
Lindsay and 17 for Gamble. The nomination
of Lindsay was then made unanimous. The
senator formally accepted the nomination in
u few well chosen words and iho convention
adjourned. _
Chasing the Horse Thieves.
LAMAH , Colo. , Sept. 0. Word comes from
Vttns , fifty miles south , that seven horses
wcro stolen from that vicinity Tuesdaj
night. The loss was not discovered untl
j csterday morning , when a pobso was organ
izcd to go into the neutral strip after the
thieves. The party is armed with Win
chcstors and each man is well mounted
They will visit Squaw canon , where the out
laws are fortified in an old stone house. A
desperate conflict may bo looked for , as the
men who compose the posse nro determined
fellows and good shots.
Addressed By General Van Wyok.
PAWNEE CITY , Neb , , Sept. 0. ] Specin'
Telegram to Tun HUE. ] Hon. C. H. Vai
Wyck addressed a largo audicnco nt i
picnic given by Pomona grange of thl
county throe miles west of town this after
noon. Ho spoke over nn hour on question !
of direct interest to the farmers. Stati
Master O. E. Hall was present and nsslsted
also Deputy Grand Master S. U. Hoot of In
dlanoln , who gave u short speech explaining
the purposes and present condition of tin
ThoHutler County Fair.
DAVID CITV , Nob. , Sept. ( ) . [ Special Tele
crnm to Tin : Hr.E. ] The third day of th
Butler county fair brought together n larg
crowd. The exhibition of the products o
the county are not as good this year as 1
former years , which is duo to the early dat
of the fair. Some racing was done , but th
chief attraction was tho. speech of Judge Mn
sou , which on account of the wind and dus
was short , nnd was completed in Nowotony'
hall in the city this evening. The Judge i
nn nblu exponent of republican principle
and bus done Justice to the republican cause
Clear Makers Ijnokrd Out.
FALLS CITV , Neb , , Sept. ft. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Hue. ] The union deal-maker
employed in Beaulcus' cigar factory. No. 8 !
were locked out on Monday , their places b (
ing filled by scabs from Davenport , In. ]
has caused a great deal of excitement nmon
the union men of this city , as it is the firs
trouble of the kind that lias ever occurrc
hero. The locked out men uro quiet.
FALLS CITV , Neb. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Miss Annie Heaves , th
accomplished daughter of Hon. Ishnt
IJcaves , was married this morning to Mr. 1
J. Gist , of this city. The contracting purtlr
are favorably known through the stale. Th
couple left for Chicago and Now York o
a bridal tour. _
Nominated For Senator.
VAI.CSTI.NE , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Special't
THE UIK. : ] 9. II. Cornell was nominated fc
state senator in the republican scnatori :
convention nt Uushvillo. Mr. Cornell Is
prominent business man here , being tl
president of the Valentino bank , and ah
chairman of the county ccntrul committee.
Falrbury Taken the Gup.
WAHOO , Neb. Sept.0. . [ Special Telegrai
to TUB HUE. ] Company D of Falrbury we
awarded the governor's cup in the compel
live drill at this place to-day.
Died oT Coiibiiiniitlon.
SIDNEY , Neb , , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegra
to THE BEB. ] Mrs. Lavin , wife of Kdwai
Lavin , a prominent grocer here , died at
o'clock this cvonlng of consumption. I
formerly lived in Hebron , Tbaycr county.
WASIIINOTOX , Sept. o.-In the sennto to
day among the bills reported from commit
tees nnd placed on the calendar , was the sen-
nto bill , appropriating $750OCO for n postoftlco
building nt St. Paul , Minn.
Mr. Hoar offered a resolution calling the
attention of the president respectfully to the
resolution of the siMiato of August 2 ? , re
questing him to communicate to the senate
copies of all eotniminlcntloiis addressed by
his direction to the government of Great
Britain remonstrating against the unfair
treatment of American citizens , nnd request
ing him to furnish such information ns soon
ns possible , that it may bo considered in nct-
Ing on pending legislation.
The Chinese bill was called up and Mr.
Sherman said that ho hud Information now
from nn undoubted source ( not from the
president or secretary of state ) that the
probability was that the Chinese government
had not refused to ratify the treaty. Ho was
Informed that the Chinese legation had no
Information on the subject , nnd that the
president Imd none. When the bill cnmo
from the house ho had assumed , as a matter
of course , that the house had passed It on
Information that came from the executive.
Tlio senate had no information about it. The
senate only knew that the house of represen
tatives has suddenly suspended its business
in order to pass tins bill on motion of the
get.tleman who was supposed to bo In favor
with the executive. Without such in
formation the senators should not rush
wildly , like a flock of frightened partridges ,
into Iho passage of the bill. If it should
turn out that the Chinese government had
not rejected the treaty , the hasty passage of
of the bill would bo unbecoming to the
American senate. Ho thought that the sen
ate was bound , by common courtesy duo be
tween nations as between individuals , to
await the action of the Chinese government
on this subject. Ho asked , by unanimous
consent , that the bill might informally bo
laid aside.
Mr. Stewart objected.
Mr. Platt said that he should vote for the
lull , but under protest. He did not like the
way it came before congress. Why should
there bo hot haste to override the act now
awaiting the president's signature ami to
ass the bill which , under the circumstances ,
mild bo n direct insult to n nation with
'Inch ' the United States desired to continue
ll friendly commercial relations. Was it a
oto catching performance ! Had it como to
his , that high public olllccs had been prosti-
uted for democratic electioneering purposes I
f not , what other reason existed for thrust-
ug the bill on the uttcntion of congress In
.neb . nn untimely way. If n vote was forced
pen the senate now ho would vote for the
illl , because he was not going to act on the
.ssumption Unit the pending bill was nn
ilectionecrlng dodge.
Mr. Morgan questioned the sincerity of the
'acilic slope senators as to the exclusion of
This statement was challenged by Mr.
Iltchell , who said , somewhat excitedly , that
hero was not one word of truth in it , from
icginning to end
Mr. Morgan repeated that the plutocracy of
.ho I'acllio slope was in favor of retaining
"lilncso laborers.
Mr. Mitchell remarked that the question
itid been submitted to a vote of the people of
California a few years ago , and ho asked
iVhether the senator from Alaoatna would
mvo the candor and honesty to state to the
icnate the result of the vote.
Mr. Morgan retorted in an indignant man
ner that the word "honesty" was a word
ivhich the senator frou Oregon ought not to
.iso with so much flippancy. On the point of
loncsty ho ( Morgan ) had as good a record as
, bo senator from Oiegon.
Mr. Mitchell explained that ho meant po-
.Itical honesty.
Mr. Morgan A politically dishonest man
cannot bo trusted with my pocketbook. I do
not make such a distinction , and never have
undo it.
Mr. Mitchell Tito senator may make his
own application.
The debate bcinu closed , the senate pro
ceeded to vote on the passage of the bill.
The vote was uuanimous yeasiiT , nays none.
Thcro being no quorum voting , thcro was a
call of the senate , when thirty-tune senators ,
exactly a quorum , answered.
Mr. Hoar said that he had been present
when the vote was taken yesterday and to
day , but had refrained from voting for rea
sons stated by the senator from Ohio , Sher
man. Mr. Sherman had also withheld his
i-ote on both occasions. It was agreed l > i
unanimous consent that a vote would be
taken to-morrow at 1 o'clock , and then the
senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Sept. I ) . After a sharp per
sonal colloquy between Scott nnd Hrumm ,
both of Pennsylvania , the house passed the
noniing Hour in the consideration of the bll
to increase the efficiency of the medical di
vision of the pension olllce.
Pending disciibsion , the house rcsumei"
consideration of the retaliation bill. Mr
McCrcary of Kentucky gave notice that hi
would call the previous question on the bll
to-morrow at 4 o'clock.
Mr. Scott then resumed the floor nnd con
tinucd his speech in support of the bill. A
the conclusion of Mr. Scott's speech tin
house adjourned.
A Kiinnuk Who Would
OTTAWA , Out. , Sopt. 0. The departmcn
of the militia is greatly incensed over tin
action of Lieutenant Douglass , of the Twen
ty-fourth light Infantry , in writing a lettei
to a Toronto newspaper , over his own name
and rank , as an ofilccr of the militia of Can
ada , dwelling upon the possibility of wat
with the United States , and suggesting tha
Canada's prime move would bo to tnko Do
troit. Ho has been asked for an exnlana
tlon , and it Is believed ho will bo asked ti
_ _
Bloody Work of n Maniac.
JsiiMNAPOLis Sept. li. Near Columbus
Ind. , last night , James Ford , n farmer , whil
suffering from delirium , caused by fever
sprang from his bed and made an attacl
upon his wife nnd two children. Ho seized
chair and knocked down the youngest child
n bubo , killing it , and fatally injuring hi
wife nnd ten-year-old son. It require *
eight men to manacle the delirious man.
Bloody Ai'lctiiKas Election Affray.
FOHUEST CITV , Ark. , Sept. 0. During
bloody affray at Mllbrookon election day , on
white man was fatally und six others slight ! ,
wounilcd. It Is claimed that the negroes at
tempted to steal the ballot box , but llmlin
the whites on guard fired u volley and fled
The lire was returned by the whites , bu
without cllcct.
Killed by a Boiler Kxnloslon.
SEYMOUH , Ind. , Sopt. 0. By the explosioi
of a steam thresher William A. Bennett wa
instantly killed und two other men were tei
ribly crushed und scalded and will die. Flv
other employes were bruised nnd scaldei
but none seriously. The boiler was old nn
worn out.
Can't I3ven Manufacture Cider.
MINNEAPOLIS , Sept , 0. The Journal" "
Waterloo special says Judge Noy , under th
Iowa prohibitory law , decided that a ma
cannot lawfully inanufncturo cider for use i
his own family , and Instructs the grand Jur
to indict if they find such a thint ; bus bee
TO.XHH Fever In St. l < onlq.
ST. Lorn , Sept. 0. Texas fever has mail
Its appearance among thr cattle In the wes
cm suburbs of this city , und is killing off ln !
miIdi cows beloiiglnglng to dairymen an
suburban residents. It is asserted that tl
disease was brought thcro by several lion
of Texas cuttle driven from the North S
Louis stock yards to the slaughter bouses.
An Appeal for Aid ,
; \ YORK , Sept. 0. Mayor Hewitt issue
in appeal to the public to-duy for aid for tl
ellow fever sufferers at Jacksonville , Fla.
Rooult of the Torrlblo Railroad Ao
ciclout Notxr Paris.
PnsspiiRern Tell the Story of the IIor
roi-H of the Wreck But Few
AnicrlcntiH Aboard nnd
None Killed.
Thrown In a Hcnn.
IfSSbu Jiiincx ( Junton Itcnnet. ]
Sept , 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Btr..l : A trrrlblo
railway accident occurred ut half past two
yesterday morning on the Purls , Lyons fa
Mediterranean line , between Miiluln and
Velars stir Oucho , near the viaduct of LaCombe -
Combe Foucheres. The down express No.
11 , from Paris to Dijon und Lyons , which
started at 0:20 : at night and was duo at Di
on nt 'Jir : > n , in. , ran off the lino. Some of
the cars wcro thrown In a heap. Before
news of , the mishap could bo sent to Dijon
the up fast train had left that station nt'Jll : ,
and rushing nlong at high speed , run into
the wreck In pitch darkness. The collision
was terrific. Both engines wcro smashed to
When the casualties cnmo to bo counted
eighteen of the passengers wore found deader
or dying , and forty were dreadfully
No Americans , happily , were among the vio-
tlms.but there were several Knglish , namely :
Miss Marcell , Mr. Howdcn , an Knglish stu
dent , and Mr. Barungall. Captain Mariott
was dangerously wounded. The other vic
tims so far identified are French or Swiss.
As soon as news of thu collision had spread
over the boulevards and foreign quarters , the
Herald ollico was bcsuigo.l with inquiries
from the friends of the pisjengors. On
early receipt of the sad tidings tiio Herald
had telegraphed to Dijon for the nowj. In
timations spcc.lily cuno to haul that the
passengers from Paris wore about savon.
I met the train nt Lvons. An English
gentleman , traveling by easy stages from n
holiday trip in Italy , said : "I was half
asleep after a long Journey when 1 was
aroused by n violent shock. On alighting I
found myself in the middle of n ghastly
scene. There was not a light anywhere.
Before I knew anything I was out and help
ing to pull the injured people from the debris
of wrecked cars , twisted n\lus , broken glass
and panels. Ono hideous sceuo followed an
other. When day began to dawn wo sur
vivors realized the extent of the catas
trophe. "
William L. Guest , of Philadelphia , said :
i never had such an experience. How I got
iut of that I can't toll you. "
Said another passenger : "I remember
shock und hearing horrible groans.
Then I fainted. A lady had her
hild nnd husband killed besides
orbut herself escaped uninjured. In
rcnzicd despair she rushed to the nearest
.olegr.iph office to wire her friends , but with
rue official stolidity the man in charge ro
used to accept any message until 7 o'clock.
Another lady , on trying to get out ofher car ,
hricked with fright as she stepped on tha
mangled body of a gentleman with whom , a
'ow minutes before , she had been playfully
relating her holiday experiences. "
Most of the victims wore taken back to
Dijon. All the passengers who were well
enough came on to Paris.
The London 1'fniern Devote Space to "I
Kclllucront HnoccliCH. $
lCo/rfo/il ) | / 1SSS ttu JcmiCD Uonlon Hcnnctt.l 1
LONIION , Sept. 7. [ New York Horalel
liable Special fo Tin : BEE. ] All the morn- <
ng papers dcvoto attention to the bniiquob
of the cutlers at Sheffield where the Duke of
Rutland and Sir Charles Tuppcr made bellig
erent speeches on the fisheries. The duka
us a cabinet minister referred pointedly to
the president's message as "a bluster o $
words. " The Morning Post , in an editorial
on the speech , says that the Duke pf Hut-
land is the first minister who has spoken since )
ttio unexpected mcssajjo was bent to con
gress by President Cleveland. Assuming
that his words reflect the spirit of the cabi
net generally wo have them as an excellent ;
augury for the future adjustment of the dis
pute. "England nnd Canada united in n Just
cause , " says the duke , "can stand n gooel a
deal moro bluster than that which has Justi
been addressed to them From all the evi
dence it will be seen that President Cleve
land ban failed to upset the Judicial attitude
either of iho Imperial or the Canadian gov
ernment , und wo may hope that in a view ofi
this attitude and with the strong rnorai
pressure which the American nation gener 1
ally Is certainly to bring to bear on their '
lulers , President Cleveland and his advisora
will adopt nn attitude moro conformable to
the ubngcs of pacific diplomacy. "
The Standard , in an editorial on the sub
ject , bays : "For the subsequent change of
tactics on the part of President Cleveland or
for the unfortunate vote ot the senate tha
colonists nro not responsible. Although anx
ious to keep on good terms with the United
States they cannot make hhlpwreck of their
own interests and those of their posterity to
oblige American party politicians. "
The Dally News , commenting coat."I
obsocvus in reference to what he called tha
late extraordinary message of the president :
"Sir Charles Tuppcr drew u distinction which
ought to bo borne In mind. When the com
missioners begun their labors at Washington
they found all the United States , without
distinction of person or party.agaiust Canada
The opinion wus universally hold that *
Canada was enforcing a harsh interpretation
of the treaty of I'sls ' had , nnd Incurred , tha
Just hostility of every American. To-day the
only enemy of Canada is the sonata and tha
hcnato is preoccupied in the electoral contest -
test of the republican party. Sir Charles
Tuppcr has chosen to forget that the prcsW
dent is hardly to bo counted nniong the con *
verts of whom ho boasts much. "
The sharp talk of the American press 'l
being cabled hero and excites much gossip la
political und mercantile circles. All th
English side show how senseless was the
Bhiino cry , "The British people uro solid for
Cleveland. "
The London Stock Kxclmnjje.
ICoiiurfH'it ' 1S&S lu Jainta Gonhm Ileunett. ]
LONDON , Sopt. C. [ New Yorlt HornH
Cubic Spoclul to THE BEK.I The absence
of the Hebrew clement for their new yeaa
festivities depressed the market. Amerlcauii
opened erratic and , excepting one or tw
leading stocks , prices dwindled , arbitrage
houses doing nothing in the morning , bu | , $
after the Wall street opening largo solll0L [
orders from the other side dragged overjM
thing down. Hooin traders offered sto M '
freely , although theio was little bona JIM
selling. Louisville suffered ou the fve
spiuud , whllbt Kne was firm. ThoMUwuukrd
dividend was dlscubsed freely. Mexican-
were dov.'u on speculative sales. The
i-ato wuj unchuugod at 3 per coat.