Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No AdvcrtUcmctit * will be taken Ibr
tlu'Ko column * nflrr 12tO p. tu.
Terms Cnsb in mlviuioe.
Advertlfrmontii under thlfl liend 10 cents per
line ( or the nrnt insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
ticqucut Insertion , and II W n line per month.
No luhrrtlnutnvnt taken for less than 25 cents
thn first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
to the llnot they must rim consecutively nnd
must be paid in ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must bo handed In before iyi'.A o'clock p.
ni . nnd under no drcumHtnnnm will they bu
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvertlsliiK In thcso columns and httv-
Ing their nnswrrs addressed In enroot Tin : HKB
111 plenno nsk for n cherlc to ennblo them to Ret
their loiters. as nouo w 111 bo delivered except on
presentation of rbrck. All BIIBWITS to ndver-
tl omentH should bn enclosed In envelopes.
All advertise mentH In Uioso columns nro pnb-
Ilahid In both morning and evening editions of
TUB HKE , the circulation of which nginvgntes
inure than ) H(00 ( papers dally , and gl\ s the ad
vertisers the benn llt.-not only of the city circu
lation of Til K llpp , but nl o of Council Illulls ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
H * Ktenoqnipher nud
ypewrer eerencos given. 11..E. Kelley -
ley , Lime SprlugH , la. 6U6-12 *
WANTKD Situation as housekeeper by nn
American of 4" > , is strong , capable , nnd
Rood tempered country preferred ; . -also , for
woman of 23 , wtthboy of 2 ; good cook. Mrs.
Jin-ega. ai4' , { 8 llitn. W01 \
WANTED A position .saliwman In iv dry
goods or general store ; ten years' exper
ience. References furnished. Address Lock
llox 350 , Grand Inland , Neb. 595-7 *
SyANTED-Sltuntlon as book keeper or of
1T lice work of tiny kind , or salesman In store
f fcny kind. AddrvpgH CM , lleo. 591-5 *
WANTED Position on a dally or weakly
pnpor , liy A young num. well educated and
xperlenrcd innewxpaper work. No objection
to leaving the city , CO , llee , 688 7 *
WANTKD Position In store as clerk , experi
enced In general store , good references ;
address 11 72 , llee. MO ot
A FIRST class book-keeper , now with the
largest IIOUMJ of ItNklndln the city. desires
ft chanKe. Address II W , lleo. 625 U
T\rANTED-81tuatlon to run clovutor by a
TT youngmnn of II months' experience. Ad
dress II71 , Hoc ofllue. 499-5 *
SITUATION wanted Ily n young man of ev-
ernl } ears expelIt-nco lu a general store , n
nltuutlonas clerk In grocery or general
Btoro. Good references given. Not
out of employment , but would llko a
ctiungo Address 1 , . , cnro Pilot , lllnir Neb.
TXTANTED Hy Sept. 1st , position by com no
T T tent stenographer. Address for 3 duyK.1805
I'amnin. . 259 fi *
WANTKD A llrst clans dress peed haU'tminu.
nnquiro of .1. L. Urandels it tons , 13th nnd
Juckson Hix. UK- )
W ANTED Man nnd wife , 10 ; woinnii to
cook , man to drl\o team ; nmn nnd wile In
private family. S3j ; 20 shovellerx , lfl.75 , fiuiu
liaiuls , 4 bill boys. .Mrs. Uregii.SW P. Ifith.
000 fi
\v TANTKD-fi llrst-clnssbrood bakers. ( Jullrk's
1 bakery , 1)12 ) P street , Lincoln , Neb BJi 7j
pllOTOOHAPHIIH Wanted M nil of expo-
J rleiicu as ] > arlnor , or to work on commlsHloil.
No capital ircinlrccl. Address , giving i of cn-nce ,
Clms. Post , llullalo I'arK , ICnns. fiKI-0 *
WANTED at once Voting reglntoiwl diu -
glut to help In store until Jan 1st. * 6'J.
Moderate wagiw. L. S. llgenbaum , Gonevn ,
Nobr. 5W-C !
WANTED A peed pewlnirmnihlne Halosman
for country w oik E. H Daley. ( lrnc\n ,
Nobr. 507-10 *
\ vANTED A good boy to make himself gen
erally useful. Edholm & Akin. 5K ) 5
" \\MNTED-Sltuatlon by oxpeiloured lady
It Htenogiaplier ; city references. Mi's JI. S , ,
1IUO Dodgu ht. 681 101 :
"IXTANTED 1 want several llvo men with
T iioni * 10 to ) to hnndlc the best soiling
imteut ever Introduced. Itlsu tlino uud labor
ba\er for retail dealein and nn active , onurgollo
Anlesninu cnn clear ? 15 to JJO per day. It yon
V.'ft ill u profitable buslneHS and know a gond
JhlU'j v.honyou see it , call and Imestlgato this.
We sell no territory , but are selling our goods
us fust ns we can turn them out and will give
exclusive county rights tree to successful sales
men. Call at room 405 , Paxton block. WO 7
\VANTF.O-Good carpenters , J2st south of
V > Gumlngsst. Walnut Hill. 6786 *
JEW ELE H First Class Jeweler nnd watch
palrer , with tools. Must bu steady and ro-
Jliiblo \ \ 1th expcrlcnce its Fnlesmnn. Hefcieiifea
required. Address 1146 , Hee olllcc. Ml 5
WANTKD An active boy from 14 to 10 years
oltkgeto sweep , duat und take chnigo of
ptoruand run crraucls. B. G , Joyce , 123 N 15th ,
_ _ j j
WANTED A flrfct-class barber , Blnslojstoady
work to right man ; $8 we k nud board , c.
D. r.lvlngstono , Wust Point. Neb. [ i)7 ) 5
WANTED 1 good man. Antly Commercial
Employment ngency. N.V. . tor. Kith and
I'aninm bts. , 2nd lloor , Itoom 0. aui 5 *
ANTED General agents to handle
the now Electric Ink Erasing
Voncll. Greati'.st novelty ever pioaured.
JCrascs ink in t\\o seconds , no nbra-
llou of paper. 21)0 ) to 800 per cent prollt. Ono
pgent's halo amounted tolfKM In six days ; another -
other MI In two hours. Territory absolutely
flee. Salaiyto good men. Snmplo U5 cents.
For particulars address O. M. SolberR 4 Co. ,
manufacturers , La , Wls. yo3 tl * i
ONE tlrst class JiinrkOV nnd packer ; ono first
cliss polisher on shirt machine at Cascade
laundry , Council lllulTa. 41fj-r )
ANTKD-lilTo agents. Wrlto secretary
Huiralo Mutual Accident and Sick tlenelft
tmsoclatlon. Biiiralo , N. V. 600-10J
SA I.ESMEN making less than $4 a day call on
Bharpe. HOU ilpwrird at. to-dny. _ B'l ' or
WANTED A good vngchrpot weaver. Steady
cmplom nt the yonr round. Addrens
JN br ska Cnipet Mills , 7thnnd Osts , Lincoln ,
ffeb. in
"lATANTED A live , energetic young man with
TT u few bundled ilolhus to take a half Inter
est In and assume the business management of
n wholesale and retail bakervlnOinnlm ; busi
ness well established ; isnts low. Address for
.pnrtlcnlal s P. O. Hoi 4i8. 40 ! 5 *
T\TArTnD-YonnKinnn to nssTst In taking
TT mi oof school rooms for tuition. Vnleii-
tlno'8 Short-Hand .
: ) Agents to represent tisln every
city and town lu Nobriihiai nnd lawn. Per-
luanont Position. J. M. McClavo to Co. , loom M ,
IWrker lllfc , Omnha , Nob. WW 7
\\7 ANTED-Milkcr. 4115 Smmdars. 55
\\TANTED Good lifeInsurance solicitor ! )
T T with bank roforeuces nroiiuted by the
Union Lifts nt 401 Mcrclinnta National bank
building , Omnha. 20'J U
" \y ANTIUTwelve or fifteen millwrights and
T T carpenters nt once , to work on the H.
Ilockmnn flour mill nt O.tkdnlc , Nob. H. C.
blenker. 215J
"WANTED-Men for railroad work In Wash-
TT lugton toultoiy. Teamsters , pick and
shovel men , nx men and rocK men , big wages
uud long , steady Job. At Albright's I-ibor
Agency , lisp Fnrnnntjfa 123
" \ArANTKD-A iTVst-cl.iss experienced window
TT dicker. Inqulroat the lair. 588
Qt iLK'lTOJlS wanted , for n largo tnauufnctur-
> -jIng company ; references required. Address
llox 207. Omnha. Ui7 SJO
\\7 ANTED Knergetlo men nnd w omen every-
T where for a tjonteel money-making bust-
tictta. tfO weekly piotlt gtnlrautcod enslcr thuu
* (0 ( ihotithly otliL-nvltc. Experience absolutely
nuucccShniy. Pcrmnncnt position nnd esqlti-
lvo territory nabtircd. SJ inmplcs free. Wrltn
"or particular * . Address , with btninn. Mcriill
" " - " - - -
> ChlciiRo. 4ii7 IO
AGENTS WANTRD- n month nnd c\-
pmscs paid nny active person to Foil our
Roods. J 'n capital Trqillrcd. Salary paid
monthly , cxfientes Iniuhonco. 1'tlllpnrtlculnrs
free , standard Blherwnre company , liostou ,
Mnss. 8.13 Slip
OYb-Am. DHt. Tol. CO. ,
\\7ANTBD-T\vo good glilsT Mrs. Win. Prt'a
T T toil , ( Mi S. 2Ut iivu. 500-IW
"t\rAXTJD ! A good pill to do ceucrnl hoiifi
\\ork. Mte W. w. ttinghfiin , 812 .Sonlli
Wth Bt. 4fcl 6 *
TANTF.D-Iiady nrents forthe ladles' friend ,
lint kcr block , room 21. 20S B 2S-
_ _
OTEADV employment gIVcn iinmedlatsly tc
KJri'lalile | and cnerctitlc Udv canvassera re-
nldlni : In this or otlier towns. No capital neces
fcary. Goods sell the year rouna. Reference
reqiired. Address Western Agents Suppl )
Co. , SK llfth nve , CliieagOtlll. _ 47U b *
" ANTED Cook nnd 3 dining-room gltls foi
, T T .country town. dtulng-nKim girl for Hoar
'tier , Mj ctrf ( or family of u in rduntry. H ; s
family of a ( n city , f i ; 2 dlshwusherx. t\
ntnomu ; Inunnrygirlafor hotel ; kitchn
fCtub trlrls.nqd N ) k-lib for n < ; ni't l
worit. Mrs. UreeuaH BlMu , ole c *
TX7ANTED 3 scrub womfn , W per Treck. C
TT hours work per day , iU-s. Urega. BHH S.
ANTED Girl for general housework , n w
oor. Ifth and Lunvtnworth. 40
IMNTED-Good girl. W. E.cor. Pork ave.
T nnd Pacific.2nd door .from corner. 411
Ty ANTKD Nurse girl , 212 South OOtn at ,
Ml 7
W ANTED Girl for general housework , Ocr
man or Swcdo preferred. 2314 Douglas ,
\\T ANTr.D-Mldiilo need Indywlth good re f-
T t orenc ( IIH liouHekfH'per and take care of
two Illtlo children ; will keep grrl for hocoud
xunk ; good wages un J a good home. Apply at
207 S "ith. anT
\ \ T ANTI1D Good girl for genarnt house-
T workatri06bouUi Lltnat. ,
WANTii-Oood : girUfrtinllyoftwo. Apply
immediately ? ! ! ! Webster at. MO 5 *
\\rANTI50 Thoroughly competent cook and
T > lauudrois with roforencofl. Apply be
tween Hand 11 a. in. nt MrCord , llrady & Co. ,
corniT nth and Loavenworth at-s. 5.J4 7
rANTKD-Good girl lor housework. SI'JS
lOtll. BC'J
\A7"ANTED-Second girl. 172:1 : Daventiort.
T T IJi > 5 7t
WANTKD-Gltl forg nerul house work. 14W
_ 8 Mn Mt. None but good one.M (
girl for nawal
T > work. Good wages paid. Enqultc nt2fill
Bt. Murr'save. Iba
W 'ANTIU ) A tliorouehly competent girl for
. general housework ; references required.
< Apply Ht No. ! TO North i.'eUi and Indiana avo.
Mis. Slmeral. 30j
W ANTUD-Flrst class cook. 1718 Dodge.
U1S 0
TANTED-dlrl for general liousowork , 1.11
Capitol avo. 150
T\ rANTf5DDlnlngroom Kill and
V > cr. iriiN. ifctli st. 13o
WANTED A young lady room-mato. lief-
eiences required and glxen. Call after 7
m , at 1IU1 Chlcngo. UOT > M
" \j\7ANNKD-Pomo yount ; men who du lre
T T homo comforts at reasonable prices , to
'com ' and board , 211b Gincoxt , near Cable line.
4K5 5 *
WANTIH ) Men \\\o have been successful In
selling farm machinery , hewing ma-
htncs , etc. , etc. , to call , and woik for us. Ilig
! ay. Midland Miintiractuilng Co. Olllrp. L'nd
oor KoMtnbury'R tnctory , cor.8.ISIhnndMnrcy
its. , Unmliu , Neb. 457-'JJ
W AN'I ED Washing bv the day or house-
i loaning. Apply U18 S 19th. SCO 5
MENDING und dainlngof gentluiiicii's cloth
ing nnd clunnlns of stilts neatly ilouo at
.tOC.isnKt. . 421 M
WANTI3O Plctmo agents to eiid for pi Ice
list , riist-class inks and water colors tor
: ho trade nt bottom pikes. A. Wnagc , HIKlHlUth
it. , Omnhu. 4U7-OJ
WAN'tED-IIorses to board , lluckoye Sta
bles , Illth butween Hnrnoy and St. Mary's
\vo ; Hist clais accommodations ; best box stall *
u the city ; terms reasonable ; telephone , 841.
IHU h'Jtf
BNGAGEMIINl-B to do dro.ssijmkiug In Jam-
lllea HollLltod. Miss Sttudy , 2017 Leaven-
ivorth st. Mfi s 21 *
" \\rANTED-If.vou have nny landB. lots , or
Tt houses nnd los | to sell or exchange for
other propoity , cell on me orwilte. I c.m llnd
on a customer. C. C. Bpotswood. SOjJiS.
WANTED The public to mnkegooct Use ot
The Uco's mosjuae boxes throughout the
city. tOO
w ANTKU TaUlu bonuloisftt JW ) Douglas.
NIMIHASKA Etiiplovment olllce , No817 N.
10th nt. Mnlo and female help supplied.
" rlvate f.uullloH n specialty. lU-l-HJ
MALEorfcnmlo help furnlalied In or out of
city , prlvHto families u specialty. H H.
iVnndcll. lua N icth st. , ai lloor. 221
CANADIAN employment olllcp. Mrs. Hregn ,
IIH Si S 16th. HofuU'lice Omaha National bank
51U s7' !
WANTED-A room with board In prlv.ito
family by single gentleman , between Illth
and 21th , Dm onport and Hniuoy , not to csct'cd
. Addlosj II II. lleoolllto. 622 5 *
T\rAKl'EO I have 8 or 10 pnttlos who want
TT to i i nt 110 to $ ' 0 houses centrally located ,
iy Sept. 15th. Submit what you have. C. F.
IIiirrlbon.4IHS.JMli st. 'M >
POH HUNT Five room house , Leoveuworth
ht. and list. , J12. J. W. Ellur , room 7 , lion
> artk bulldliig , 6WJ
"I71OH HUNT Furnished , n ( l-roomed cottage ,
-t best louutlpu In city , near 2 street car lines ;
only 7 blocks from 1' . O. Address , C 7 , Hee olllce.
683 I )
FOll KENT 0-ioom housecity water , cistern ,
hall , closets nnd pantry. N. W. cor. Situ anil
Pierce. Apply IBID llonaiu. FredrlcVsen & Co.
POH HRNT 7-rooin tottnge , completely fur
nished , cheap , ! )0ii : Lcavenworth Bt. C77 e ?
.1'MIHRl : now homes 41egnutly fumUlml , nil
Xmodem Imp. Auply to O\\en McCatlioy. 212 ?
Haniey. .533 6-
ion HENT 10-rooni house on f0th ! itve. near
Pacific In ITnuscoiniilace. f.7J month ; will bo
nicely papered and repaired to .suit a good ten
ant ; nil molU'rn conveulenoes. F , K. Darling ,
1621 Farunm. E31 0
TTUHJ HE T A now dwelling house omvost
i ? ld of 25th. north of Fraiikllng St. , Parker
addition , consisting of nine rooms , modern 1m-
irpwJmentH , bath-room , hnnl nnd soft water.
A tenioom huusB cm the alley leur uf Mason ,
etween 10th and llth stn. , convenlunt to the
Union Pacific nnd II. & JI. depot * , with hard
nnd boftvnter In yard , mtrdern inipt'ovc'iui'iits ,
well mlaptod for n boat ding house.
Six new ly ftirnlBlird store rooms' , with cellars
uiuleineath , well lighted und heated. In the Llti-
ton blojlc , Illth nnd Mason sts. Inquho of .lohu
llamlln , illl South llth st. 41IML
F UENT-o-room liouse , 1124 N llth fit.
4fl2 U *
WOK HKNT-B-room cottage nt ltR ) B 20th. st.
JH 4IH per month ; 8 rooms in Basement at KSI7
S20tli.Wpcrmouth. E. F. Seiner , loom Ktlar- )
ker ilik. 4-7.
"IjlOH HENT 3 loom modern Imptoved
.L1 Al locality nt moderate price. Apply M.
lilguttor. UHI. rnriiam. _ | tfl _
FOH HENT 2-room house. Pierce , in-nr 2Jd.
! ' . K. Darling , l.Vil Farbam. _ 4bS 5
Foil HUNT-Houso.n rooms , fiunlshod or
Unfurnished , silltable tor bonrillng , rtr nicely -
ly HnnugL'd for two fiimlllcs , 9J3 Pnik nve.
4b7 l i-
_ _
_ _ _
TTiO'lt HEN'T Nlce"7 room house , 1 I'll N I7tli7t.
J ? liiiiiir2WS2Jth | ! st. _ KK _
111OH HUNT live room cottage , east front
-L1 810 s luth st. Inmilro room 14 , 303 n 10th st.
_ _ 4C8-OJ
JjOH HENT-Nlco 7-room , honso , 113
Jj nthst. Ininlro2l6S. ( isfhbt. 4 IS
T710H HENT I have about n dozen ho'u'ics '
-C ranging from thioo to thlttucn rooms that
cnn bo rented nt living prleea. If you vrnnt to
lent n house , rail nud see me. George J , Stems-
dorff , room B , opp. P. O. 3SU
IjlOH HENT-Cottnge , four largo rooms , 1013
Jj SouUl 25tlist. 318
nvlltKNT A One W-room brick house Ivlth
Jt : nil modern Improvements , tln lotation on
struct cur Hue. It. M , Genius , HUS Dotit'las at.
TiUMl IlKNT Newtno-Mory seven room house.
-L cellar , largo attic , clstein , well , coal house
and stable ; nil now nnd well fenoed , on Military
load In Cittoii ) Hill , W miles from postotllcp , nt
only tt per month. A. 1' . Tukey , S. W. cor. loth
and Douglas. ; nu
THOH ItCNT New live-room cottnce , 2)j blocks
J. ' oil Faritam car line Inquire , 314 S l-'th st.
HENT Two now 10-room houses , all
modem Improvements , Ibth aud Grace.
lllock nud n halt from cable line. HO per month ,
AppIyonpreinUosorr.H. McConiiull , Paxtou
block. _ Slt-fi
fT O'H HENT Ten-room new house , with gas
I ? wer , fttrnneo. ic. , ire. , by 32dnud
Hartley , ? lo pSr month Dexter L. Thomas , ut
NebrnsVa Savings bank , 18th and Farnam. 140
TWlt HF.NT 8-room house , bcwer. gasT hot
JL : nnd cold % rnter , bn th room , new nud com
plete , tlO per mouth , ready Sejtt. 1. Apply at
pn < y. C. F. llnrrlaon. 418 s. 15th at. 41 _
171OU HENT-or Sulo Now cotttipe. llcdtord
-V Place , on easy pajments. Kunulro > I. L ,
Itoeder. room 4X ( > Inxtonblo < ; t. 211
" 1710H HENT Neat 7-ioom bouse on Ihxvenport
Jst. . .near high school , rent $10 a month , llreu-
nan & Co , , Chamber ot Commerce. 191
HKNT I\t Tery low rates , residences of
10 tori rooms in now brick rowonCasa nnd
21th at . , on 2ltll street .car line. All modern
Improvements. Apply H. T. Clarke , IKIU and
Cuss or at L'uloa Trust C * . Mil
FOK HRNT Elegant 10-room inotlern lion ,
near High school , fV ) . G , E , Thpmpson ,
Sheely block , 15th and Howard. 701
TTOH HENT New f-room house on Cumlng
JO st , near Lowe n\e. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. BpotnwoodUU5'/iBlClh. 723
I/IOK HENT Cottage , fi rooms , very deslrnble.
JL1 \ ' > l ! 27th stn ucar Sewurd st. Inquire 1100
Capital nve. Ml
FOH lir.NT An elegant 7-room Hat. Inauiro
nt The Fair. NUI
TJ10H HENT Nent $20 cottage. Apply at oneo.
-L1 C. F. Harrison. 413 S. 15th at 727
TTIOH HF-NT-10 room modern house JM.OO. 0
XJ room ditto , I KM. 7 room ditto. $25 00. Other
houses , stores and offices. G. E. Thompson.
Shecley talk ; 15th and Howard sts. | VJn
T7VR HENT ( Vroom cottnpe centrally located.
U Jload & Jnmison. alt 8. loth. li.10
POR JIENT Six-room cottage , 1513 Harney
at. , taper mouth. Oil
POIl KENT When you Vf Ish to ren n house ,
ntoro or ollico oall on us. H. E. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 213
JtfuOOM nnd tlKvard cheap for two In prlvnto
family. CJISllurtst. COI 0
TJOOM orBtilt of rooms for rent. 1021 Far-
JLtnam at. 100
'IPOH JlKN13 furnished rooms tor house-
JL1 keeping to a man and wife without children.
Kent tukeii In board , aid N Uth st. 4C4 Ot
" \TEHY desirable front room , furnished , all
T modern conveniences. 2107 Douglas 5.T3
T31 OH KENT Fumlshod rooms , 1304 Paniam.
J ? r,2u 10
TJIOH UINT Nicely lurulBhedroonislfll7Cnss.
-D 6 J 6 *
TpUHNISHED room to let , 2105 Dcm hU4 ,
FOH HENT a nlco front rooms , 103.1 Hownrd ,
CI8U *
FOH HEXT A nicelv furulshed room , with
use of bath room. In n convenient location
to n rentlcuiun of good habits. Hofercnco re
quired , 61 South 20th st , conicr St. Mntys nve.
FOR RENT Furnished room with board , 1611
Douglas st. 370 9 *
FOR HUNT Furnished sleeping roomd , by
thoday week or month. 009 Hownrdst.
TT'OH HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms.stn-
JL1 glo or.insuite. No. 212J Webaterst. 471
TTIllONT room for gentlemen , near postofllce ,
JL1 nil modern conveniences , 32-J N 17th. 172 C"
1 JOO.MS nnd board. $1.50. Day board , 8.1.60 per
JLV weuk ; 1019 North KJd st. 455-5J
K HENT A largo pleasant front room ,
ot ) Chicago st. au
m HUNT A handsome room with nlcovo nt
23.10 tt. Mury's nve. 417
EOll HENT Newly furnished , clean rooms ,
till model n conveniences ; 1 block from P ,
O. 101.J-1D15 fnpitol no. . 424 8t
FOH HENT Furnished bed room with use
of pallor , $10.CO per month , 1511 California st.
FOH KENT Novly and nicely furnished
looms , viilli Hist elnsss table board. Also
board by da } or w cek If desired. 1721 Daveu
port. 3E'J 7 *
IJLEASANT furnished rooms , 1U03 Fnrnnm at ,
U58 s.2J ( !
rnilHEE furnished rooms , 013 S IBth.3ti7
3ti7 14
niOIl HENT Furnished roomsln Greunlg blk
JL' cor. lilth nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. H. .
Davis.'Millard hotel billiard room. 217
HENT Elegantly furnished rooms w 1th
boaul. InquitelGOJ Douglas. 03t
FrilNlSHED rooms , 113 S ZOth.
80T 8 81 *
fjlOll linNT Front room , large and nicely
JL1 furnlshod , located near the high scnool , in
the lilghost nnd coolest section of thts city ;
rnlilo line nnd horse cars pass the door. En-
qulro at 2223 Dodge near 24th a . fUO-
1 OOMS including board In the Young Wo-
XV men's homo 1510 Dodge at. References re
quired. 040
TVTICELV furnliihed rooms 81 per week or SJ.60
par month , 602 , 601 andSOti 8.18th st.
540 s 17 *
fil UHNIBHED rooms , 1810 Dodge.
"plURNISHED rooms torrent , 1701 Capitol n\-c.
TJOOM and board , 1812 Chicago st.
187 sOt
rOK HFNT Furnished room , modern con
veniences. A. Hospo , U13 Douglas. 174
DES1HAHLY furnished rooms , single and
double. Gentlemen preferred. IPCWCapUol
ave. 290
LAlfOK midsmnll room suitable torgentle
man , with or without board , 1812 Dodi'e.
FOH HENT To the light party. 8 rooms on
Paik ave. Hent taken In board. 31U-J Doug
las St. 6SO 8
rTMN ! line unfurnished rooms.slngle dr double ,
JL third lloor : also line ollico on second lloor ;
No. ] 02 Douglas. )8 ) Ut
TTNFUHNISHED-Suitablo for housekeeping :
UThree(3)ioomn. ( ) 10-JS North 21st st Jll 03
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1110't P. 7th st 1100
Throe < 3i room cottngiCMst nnd Paul st 1250
Three 01 rooms , 70U { Pacifist 11 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1122 North21st st 12 r.O
'I hree t3) ) looms , 1015 North20th st 1.1 M
Three O ) rooms , 707'i Pacific st 1100
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 117 South 19th st ' 1800
Apjly to Jmlgo Iteming Agency , Herald
building , B. W. corner of 15th and Hartley st.
EOH 11KNT A large unfurnhned front room
for bleeping or housekeeping. W.I Howard.
VEHY destinble unfiirnlHhed looms , single or
cu suite. Dr. Otterbourg , 10th and Hnrney
els. 461 Of
TClOH F.NT-On Cumlnp st. fetoreinnd living
JL' iipartments , also livery stable. Enquire of
Harris H. E. & ICo. . , Hoom 411.1st Nnt. bank.
, RENT A part otSOS. N Ittli st. 527 10
TT'OH HENT Nicely furnished ollico , ground
J.1 lloor , hnlf nfttUK Httli st , opposite Chamber
of Commerce M. A'Upton Company. UW
OFncESnnd basements for rent , couior 13th
andJntksonsts. Mrs. F. Lango. b04.
FOR RENT Storeroom , No. 214 S. llth it. Ap.
ply nt 1110 HowaidHt. 50
'IJU IrtOH RENT Two stores and tints , corner 28th
JU nnd Dodge * t" . 1'otter & Cobb40S8
TJfOlt KENT Store-room under Oihnha Hank-
J-1 Ing Co. , cor. nth nnd Hnrney. suitable for
money loaning or leal estate busiuesd. Paulson
& Co. , No. 1311 , loom fr , Fnrnnm st. tuS
fjlOK RENT Flno retail stoie room with
JJ large basement , taO per mouth. C. F. Harrison
risen , 418 S. ] 5th st , 483
riivt'oVholce store rooms in < he Her building ,
JL between Howard and Jackson sis. Apply
Rayiner \ Her store , BSi S IGth at. 4TJ sli
"IjlOH RENT Double store room , suitable for
JL1 clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
that class. AddrOss X 111 lleo olllce. 1IU
S TORE for rent , lilt Farnaiu street. Inquire
of Nnthau Sheltou , nt 1505 Farnam stieet
TTIOH RENT-Olllce suite J23 juoiUh , 2 Rlnglo
X' ofllces 115 each , all flouting l h st. , Hush-
man block , N. K. Cor. 10th ana Douglas. W. M ,
llushman. 1311 Lravenworth. 219
mWO stores , liJxW , juu comptotod , with Hats
J of xoveii rooms above , with water and gas ,
llrst-clnss finish , flth and Pncltlo sts , , low rent.
Apply to Eillnger llroa. , 912 B. 10th St. , Omaha.
. HSl
GKOllfiE J. BTEHNSDOIlFF , rOomO , dnji. 1 .
p. , will hereafter giro special nttc-ntion to
renting houses , stores nnd Hats. Ifyomvtint
your property rented without deiay nnd to lell-
uble tenants , do not fall to list the fcamo with
Wni. ; ihp
EOH quick rental nnd good tenants Hat ) otir
houses IMth 11. II , Wandoll , 4t N. Wth 8t ,
2nd lloor. | itji
ri E. THcJill'SON.Sheely blk , 13tn A : HonnnC
> J fa.13
\\f E give special attention to renting anil colT -
T T lectlug rents. Hat with Us. H. E. Cole , room
0. Continental block. Sol
TF YOU want your houses rented place them
J. with Deuawn & Co. , 13th. opposite po < toince.
2. " > 2
STHAYED-A gray mare about 5 years old ,
alivermanohnd tall. Reward via be paid
fqrheritftiun to IJolin Mfj , Co. , Wth and
Cl rk u.
1 QT On the 4tb in t. , black Spaniel pup
JUwltli giuiup tall , In the nelghluirhood of
Park nve. nnd Mn < on struetn ; tinner will bo re
warded by leaving him at * ffi Pnrk nve. 6ii2-7 *
St'PPOSED to hav bi fnlost7omahaTieva'- :
tor& Grain Co. WBIJ ( ) IOHSO receipt No. 4.11 ,
tinted Aug. BO. 1 * . for K W 2 1 bushels Max
w < > d. stored In its clevAtoTnt ; ConiKll Hlutls , In ,
All pen-ous are cautioned Against negotiating
Umaha Elevator 3 * Grain Co. 6 2 S *
TOST In street car Mrtmlay afternoon , silk
J umbrella ; suitable renard. Scott , 1417
llaruey st , 373 6 *
n 1 Ak E N From 20th and Caas sts , Tuesday
JL ulgtit , at about 9 o'clock , n dark bay hon < o
with now top buggy , red running gear. A suit-
nblo reward will be paid by leaving any Information
mation of tome at Neb. Savings linnk , luth and
J'arnamgts. W. A. L. ( llubon. 680 7 *
_ _
rPAKENUP Tw o red cows , mottled face. 9 or
JL 10 years old , ono has n teatx , at reunion
grounds last fall. J. T. Robinson. .602 u *
A YOUNG Jady who cnn give good roferenrea
.fx would like to correspond with some bachelor
or wldovtor : none but honorable men need
answer. Address Miss Hnttlo WooO > , Grand
Island. Neb. COI 6 *
TJ ORACE. when you Htop at 310 South 15th st.
jn see F. .1. McCarthy. lie offers some good
real estate bargains or trades in Omaha and
South Omaha. Holies. 371 II *
J\I AUV STRONG. M. D. , rooms 3 and 4 Jacobs
block , cor. Capitol ave. aud Ifith st.
JAMES Do not fall to meet meat the grent
Bait Lake City ( J20) ) Jot sale every day for
the next thirty days at 310 S , 15th jit. Mary.
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
call on -address George J. Sternadorff ,
room 8 , opposite P. O , _ 231
EHSONAlj If you hnvo a personal item , or
any communication , drop it In one ot The
Bee's message boxes. 101
FOH SALE Cheap , a No. 1 eaddlo horse suit
able for gentleman or lady.Address 0 1.
lice. 615 OT
71OH SALE All or partof furnlturn of n Hrst-
. cla'.s boarding house full of boarders. 11
55 , llee. 3 i 7'
FOH SALE A Snyder make open buggy ,
cheap for cash , or will trade for top buggy.
Geo. J. Stcrnsdortl , room 0 , opposite P. 0
"fiXllt SALE lllnck ware : perfectly gentle
J ? also phaeton , 1017 N. 2Jrd st. 851 Of
T7I IOH SALE Planing mill machinery. Call at
J ? HOt ! Davenport st. Omaha. 3E10
_ _
OHSALE-lcom car lots. Gilbert Uros.
JJ Council Dlulls. S40-J30
71OK SALE- All kinds of homo grown treas.
J sultablo for this climnto. C. O. Howard &
Co. , Omaha. 'Mi 628
span of horses , harness nnd wagon for sale
Lontho Installment plan or otherwise ; will
trade for leal estate or commercial paper , or
w 111 rent same to the right party. Sloniau. room
405 Paxton block DM )
Eon BALI ! A few cholco milk cows. C. V
Harrison , 418 S. 15th. 22h5
FOH SAMI Cheap tor cash , n good roadster
7-year-old and almost new Columbus top
buggy ami harness ; If you want , u line looking
rig It will pay you to Investigate. George J.
Stemsdorff , Hoom 0. opp. 1' . O. NU
GAS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a large as-
Bortment of the latest 'Ucslgn.s in gas tlxtures
which J will sell at cost. jM. ft. Free , successor
to J. C. Elliott , agent , 1J11H Farnmn st. 278
TlOIl SALE A new C neat llockaway carriage
-2 at Leo & Nichols' lively barn. Twenty-eighth
and Laavonworth. Telephone 810. 417
FTUtOTTlNG bredhorsefc : standard bred mares
JL In foal to fashionably bred stallions ; a few
cholco young mares aim geldings , broken to
harness und suitable fpV track or road , .lohn
W. Wntt , Mooreileld , Neb. 789 B7t
WE hnvo a party who will build n 1lno ware
house on splendid trnifkago and lease for
term of > onrs. WlllbuHdjto suit business ot
lessee. Apply to lllrkhausor& Itulmer , Uooui
, Ware building. ' ' 517 10
I HAVE n 0(1 ( ft lot on Farnam street between
2bth and 23th sts , a splendid location for u
livery barn , which I will ; ldoso client ) nnd build
to suit lessee If desired * George J. Stemsdoru" ,
Itooni 0 , opp. P.O. 3tO
rpHEbnnJo taught as an art by Geo.F. Gellen-
JL beck. 0i ) llarnoy st. IS !
A HE you a trader , a speculator , a merchant ,
or n monkey If the latter sit down on > our.
money and wait for It to glow , Knot go to 1110
P. 15th St. . nnd buy a Salt Lake City lot for WO
It w 111 make you hundreds. 20:1. :
FOLLOW the rush to Utah. E verybody Is
buying a Salt Lake City 130 town lot at 310
8'ir.thnt. Uo early for choice. 2W
GEOHGE J. Steinsdoi-lr , room 6 , opposite PO ,
has bomo vtry desirable lots invailotis parts
of thu city that can be leased on reasonably
terms , will build to suit lessee. HSO
PAHT1ES having real estate they wish to sell ,
or houses they wish to rent will llnd ready
customers by calling on Sloman , room 405 , Paxton -
ton block. U30
H OUSR for rent ; furniture for sale or trade.
1B15 Dodge. % 9
SEND your orders for fine family and gentle
men's washing and ironing to Wing Sing , 009
North 10th st. ; will call for olothea lu any part
of the city und make terms on application 6JOb20
W OMAN'S Exchange , 1C17 Fnrnam st. Lunrh
dally , supper Saturday nights. 940
A UCTION nnd Storage We are prepared to
xxrccelve consignments ot furniture and other
goods for Halo at auction at our large salesroom
No. 1121 Fnrnam st. Cnsh advances made. Wo
have alsothe best of storage facilities. Outside
sales attended. Omaha Auction fe Storage Co. ,
l ? > 8 Sli
OMB for Destitute Women and Children ,
" 718 Hurt at. 910
IF yon Bare anytnlng to trade call on or d-
oress George J. Sternsdorff. Itoom H , oppo
site postbfflce 107
G , E.ailOMPSON , Room 112 Sheely block.
STORAGE at low ratea in new building , 314
South 12th street. 2wi s 30
QTOHAOE Safe , dry Hnd clean nt low rates.
Hlddoll , 1112 Howard , 102s2d
A UCTION nnd Btornge Wo nro prepared to
itirecelvo consignments of furniture and other
goods for sale or btornge at our warehouse , 1121
Farnam st. Outside auction sales uttended.
Omaha Auction * Storage Co. ft" > 7 88
rilHACKAGE , stoiage. lowest rates. W. M
JL llushman , 1311 Leaveuworth. 254
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. DtarnosU
free. Female disease * a specialty , 119 N. Ittb
. . Rooms 2 & 3 Tel. 944. 835
BENSON iVOARMICHAKL furnish complete
und guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglaa county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
boots lu the city. No. 1 W Fartmm st. 209
TVriOfjANnOunrntiteo nud Trust Co. . 1503 i < ar-
J-TJLimm Complotu abstracts furnished , & titles
to real eatntu examined , fected & guaranteed.
WANTKO second hand. 6 or 0 ton ntock
nnd grain ncnle. Address llox 2 0 , Mal-
veru , la. ' nr. fa'q
" \T7ANTED-lhaveone party who wants to
TT buy house and lot.In Koiuitre place for
cash submit au offer If'yOu ' want to sell. C
P. llnrrivm , 418 S. lutlist.i. 1109
"IS/ANTED 1 have 3pirtUswhownnttobuj
TT house and lot \\ortun3I.OX ) to i5COO , ion
trnlly located , J500 to fU)03 ) cash , balance
monthly. Submit nn offer. C. * " . Hnrri
1.011.418 S , 15th at. f' ! > ,9
_ _
WANTED To ouy or trade fora good build
lug that can bo moved. Please call ou
or nddrosa George J , Stornsdorll , Worn C , opno-
sitep.o. an
TTTANTKD Housolloid furniture , etc. , Omn
\ \ 1m Auction Afatorago : Co. , 1121 Fnrnam at.
IF yon hare Improved business or lestdence
property that you wish to neil , call aud see
me. George J. bterusilortT , room 0 , opposite
poatoiMco. 31
CPEHCENTmoney tolojn casn on hand W
M. Harris , roomS ) , Frenlzcr block , opp. P. O
27'I '
' ( blliOOJ to loan on inside pronotty. Home
jDljwt moitgages for bale. Nathnii Shtltou
1505 Faninin . _ 7m
MON'EV to'loun in nny umoiint , either for
building or othenvlfie , at lowest rates o
interest nnd on short notice. D. V , Hholes , room
S1U , llr t Nftt'lbank , cor. 13th nnd Faruaui. 27 ;
HH. TREV ewn.COO to lan on cltr property
and Improved farm land. Frotizer block
Omahn .Financial Exchange , Itoom 13.
ll rker block , eouttiweat coruar of Kkr-
cam and 15th stn.
Mal.M n specialty of abort-time collateral and
real eauto loans.
Money always on band in sums ot 1100 and up
wards to any amouut , to loan on approred SB-
Becu'red notes bought , gold or txchanged.
Clear re l estate und cash to exchange for
good first or second mortgages. V
Ixjuns made upon land contracts , stocks ,
> ends , trust deeds. Urn or oecoud mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Finnnclal business of any kind transacted
> romptly. quietly nnd fairly. Itooin in , ilarltor
> lock Corbojt. Manager. _ 270
f OAKS on Omaha city property or Improved
I-J fanns at lowest rates. Central Loan nnd
Trust Co. , 1611 Farnamet. t l 1 !
ONKVIXj lionn Ily tne midersigneit ; who
has the only property organized loun agency
u Omaha. 1/omis or 110 to jlft ) made on turnl-
lire , pianos , orgnnsjiorses , waKons.maeliluery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly conlldentlal. ' Ixians so made that any
parlcau be paid atanr time , each payment re-
Uiclng the cost pro rata. Advnuoes made on
fine watch" * nnd diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they ate dealing with , as
many new concerns are dally coming Into exls-
nc . Should you need money call and see me.
V. K. Croft , Hoom 4. Withnell bulldlng,16tK nnd
laruey. SN
M ( W to loan on business property at an ex
$ tra low rate. For particulars see W. JI.
Harris , room SO , Frenzer block opp. P. O.
tJLOMAN , room 401. Pnxton building , loans
,3money on city property and -farms. Parties
wishing tobiilm will do well to see him. Slo-
man , room 4W > . Paxton bloofc. _ QUO
made on real estate and mortgages
IOANS . Lewis 8. Heed & Co. , 1631 Fnraam.
G OOD city nnd farm loans wanted by A. K ,
Wiley , 1610 Faruaui. _ 2 1
B UILDINU loans. Lluahan Ac Mahoney. .
$ ! ROOOOOU ' > loan at riper cent , Mnahan * Ma
Uoney. Hoom KM Pixxton block. _ H83
LOMAN. room 40 . Paxton building , will
make loans In any amount , for short or long
line. Short time collateral loans a specialty.
Loans made on real ostato. Commercial nnd
st mortgage pnpor bought nnd sold. All buslt
ness strictly contldentlal. Come and see mo.
Sloinan , room 4V ( > . Vnxton bloet. _ 190 *
'ONKV loanott at 0. F. Heed ft Co.'a Loan
_ office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
rorsonal property of all kinds , und all other
irtlcles or value without removal , 311 S. 13th.
All business strictly conlldentlal Io7
to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins , Jt. 203 Sheoly blfc. 15th and Howard. 283
M ONKV to loan. Long time. George J. Paul.
1000 Fnrnam st. 2 0
MONKY to loan. O , F. Davis Co. , real nstata
and loan agents. ] > 1 Fnruam st. SVl
' b ow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. 1) .
Jacobs , room 410 , First National bank bulMlasr ,
cor. lath and l-'arnnia 278
ONEY to leant largo nnd small suras nt low
. rates , for short time , on real estate or
chattel security ; second notes bought ; all Dnan-
Clal business strictly confidential. People's Fi
nancial Exchange , 0. llouscarenmanager ; room
6855 llarker block. 15th and Farnam. 507
, loan on Omaha city property nt
per oont. O. W. Day , se cor lir. bid. Sg )
MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Business strictly conndontlal. A. E. Greenwood
k Co. , K1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson.
Jl/rONEY / to loan onnorsus. turnttureanttotheV
-L'-Lpersonal property or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business conlldentlal. Oluco S. W. cor
ner 15th nnd Douglas sts. Entrance on 15th st.
The Fnlrbnnk Investment Co. 280
ONEY to oan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Sijulre , 12W Fnrnam St. , First National
bank building. 27J
K estate loans , lowest rates. Odell llros.
& Co. . 1112 8.16th st. 217
K1 , Champ land Ryan make loans
. on cltj property nt lowest rates , optional
jmyments , cash on hand , no delay. Mortgagee
bought. Room 0 , U. S. National bank.
237 s2fl
TTlASTEItN money cheap. City andicountry ,
Ji Olllce Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
room H. Hoard of Trade flan . W. P. Coates 203
CHATTEIjand collateral loans , M. E. Davis ,
111 S , 13th St. Room 27. 2T >
M ONEY to loan on Omaha nnd South Omaha
property. C. F. Harrison 4W B. 15th at. 200
, 0 per cont. Money to loan on .mpro-
$ ved farms or city property. James A. Wood
man , nt tne old nre Insurance oJttce of Murpny
& Lovctt , 220 S. Uth St. 2U7
FOR SALE or Rent Bakery , ice cream nnd
Jl1 lunch business on a good corner. Apply 2tou :
Cnmlng st. 570 7t
FOR SALE A flrst-ciaas grocery stock , cen
tral location , large and paying business.
Satisfactory reasons for desiring to sell Nnson ,
Room 19 , Chamber of Commerco. 587 9
$200.00 will buy n tlrst class restaurunt
Ing a cash business of 970 .per day )
party nick ; want to go away. Address O r , lice.
KSi 0 *
"IJ10R BALE The best located nnd best
X' equipped bakery in the city. Long lease.
Must be aold. Address C 3 , llee office. 500 8 *
FOR SALE Livery and boarding stables ,
best location In tne city ; seventy stalls ;
healthy , commodfoua nnd first class in nil res
pects. Ad-dress People's Financial Exchange ,
room 60Ilarker ! block. 609 6-
FOR SALE A good stock ot hardware nt lialf
price. Inquire at 13J9 South Uth Bt or of
Lee Clark , Andrceson Co. D03 8
POR BALE Abstract books of Omahn and
Douglas county. Tills is nn established ,
rapidly increasing , business , paying a
large Interest on the Investment. For uooka
and good w 111 of the business. Omaha real es
tate or secured paper with a fair cash payment
will be taken. George W.Ames , 1507 Fnrnam.
TjlOR SALE or trade A valuable Invention.
JU Will sell same cheap for cash , or will tmdo
for good real estate or real estate paper , reason
for selling , my tlino being occupied vilth other
matten. to give thla attention. The right party
cnn make money out of this. Investigate.
Sloman , room 403 Paxton block. 083
FOR 8ALE-Good will , fixtures and stock of
ono of the finest groceries west of Chicago ,
with ntindeot $70,000 per year. Nothing but
cash or llrst class unlncumboied real estate will
be considered. Address C 4 , llee oltlce. 524 13
DO you speculate ? Would you own n line lot ?
If go , do not fnll to go to 1110 S 15th Ht nnd
buy one ot those $20 Salt Luke City lots ; sale will
last ! ! 0 days ; come curly for choice. Clms. P.
Henjnmln nud Thomas Hlloy , solo agents. 423
FOR SALE Restaurant nnd bakery. Heat
chance you over saw. lluainesa booming ,
town booming. Good reasons. Address A. E.
Hnyden. Crete Neb. OC1 7 ;
W ANTED-Pnrtner with 8250. Can moke $100
per month. Call to-day on Andrewa ,
Hotel llarker. 502-5 *
FOR SALE Flrat class stationary , confec
tionery , tobacco , cigars nnd oyator parlor.
Address J. A. Sober , Wnhoo , Neb. 41)0 ) lit
FOH BALE Practice of established physic
ian. Practice neta J4.MW. Population of
town U.OUO. Address box 31W , Chadron Nob.
493 c *
i * .
TT10H SALE .Restaurant with confectionery ,
JL1 cignt-H nnd tobacco. Good location. Ad
dress 11 07 , Reo. VW 9 *
FOH SALE At Kearney. Neb. , the furniture
aud lease ot Grand Central hotel. The second
end best house In tin * city , nnd the best located ,
being oppoalte depots. Doing a i > ayiuft busl-
nei. Prlco { 1.500. Inquire T C. Ilralnard ,
JIIdvtny hotel , Kearney , Neb. 8U
TT10HSALE A v e'.l-eatabllahed wholesale nnd
JL' retail tobacco and cigar business , enjoylnjj
n good Jobbing trade In city nnd country ; bust-
nestl is located on ono of the principal business
streets in the city. Good reasons for selling.
For particulars mlilrbss X. 55. lice olllce , B'B
DRUG store. estniillshedCOsrs. thTsclty27W1
cash , rare bargain ; mldrena X BJ Uoe. 215-39 *
TTIOR SALH Or trade , for good productive
Jv property , ono of the best notels in Oiuann.
Address. X58 , Hee ollico. 171 a 8
\\TANTKD Partner to take charge of n busl-
> T ness. Small capital required. Call room 21 ,
llarker block. 379 7t
1011 SALn-Cllonp for cash , N. Y. Hotel nnd
Restaurant , 709 N. ICth Ht. ; good business ;
desirable location , reason for selllnt ; , have
other business to attend to. Cull on or address
E. A. Marsh , ! XH N. 1'lth ' st , Omnha. 531
"II < OR BALE or exchnng ? The stock ot n char-
X1 tered member Holding the choicest oil lands
Inltnttlesunko district , Wyoming. Addrefca H
07. lleaolllco. 708 21 *
T710R SALE Salt Lake lota fcW each , at 310 S.
Jj15th st. 43.-I
THOlt SALE At a bargain , n atock of general
JL ! merchandise In a llvo town. Address Lock
llox li , Noitll llena , Neb. Bl5aTO *
TjiATtTIES wishing to purchase real estate
Jor seeking imestmeuts of any
well to call ou tilomnn , room 405 Pa
ON account ot fdcknosa 1 will aell my hulf In-
tercat In a permanent paying odlco buslncs.
noQTequlrod. Address D 70 , lleo omco. 019 6 *
B AUIlKn shop for sale cheap , 412 8 1.1th st.
tel 6 *
Ti OH SAIiK The well-kuonn J v Coffee
J- house , best Daylng chop houue tn city : ul o ,
household furniture , Apply , U1S Douglns st.
t AIiK I.lvery stable , slock nnd llxturvs
comitlete , nil nearly now , rent rononable ,
centrally located. Addiess A 14 , lleo odlce.
474 H 1 ,
IJKAD our list of pmperty to exchange 1'our
-Hcholce lots In lloyd & Sharp's ndd. . South
Ouuiha , adjoining ttwllt'n linmen e pnoklng
house , inlcJimni ] , Incumbranrn duo In land S
years. &J.HX ) . Ikiully Is W.WOi owner wurns
good farm.
Twenty-four choice lots In Cottage PlHcotienr
the M. P. licit Line Ity. , In West Omaha , 'those
lots are clear nud uiu'ticumbeied. Prlco tl'.GOOj
will ti-ndo for good clear farm land.
To Kxoliango Nine nice lots In the original
South Omahn addition , six blocks ninth or DID
viaduct to bo built on l , street , and four blocks
from the junction of fonr great lines ot rail
road , the SI. P. , O. & N. W. , U. P. nnd 11. & M „
nil only two blocks from the llrnt depot on the
U. P. In South Omnhn. There Is no belter prop
erty lit the city to Improve- for rental purposes.
Theno lots are north r.t low cash valuation
f.i.noj. Onuer's equity Is about IJ.HOO. Will
trade for good farm Innd.
1 have n customer who w ants n large body of
clear wild land or a tlrst-class stock inrm , and
will nmku u nmn a UrHt-clasx deal for the same.
What have you to offer ? Gco. N. Hicks , liar-
Her block. 691 6
FOR KXtillANOU-Gholco Improved farm-
lands In NebraskaforOmahn residence prop
erty or stocks of clean mrclmmllso. Call or ad
dress W. A. Frye , It 1 , nw. cor. 16th & Fnrnntu ,
T710H 'JTIIAUK Three well-located houses nnd
JJ lots for good Nebraska land. Improved or
nnlmproved. Must be unencumbered. Address
U it * , cure Omaha liee , giving inscription and
price. 4700
mo ttXCHANOE-Kast front lot , 1 block off
J- paved St. , for cheap western land.
House lot In Kountzo plnco Tor farm.
Fine east front lot , 1 tnllo from court house ,
for horse and phaeton.
040 ncros of Franklin Co. , Nob. , land for house
and lot
Lot and store Imlldlng.clearof encumbrances ,
for good cheap w estern laud.
House nnd lot In good lown town , clear of In-
cnmbrnncoM , for house nud lot In Kouutzo
Hanscom place lot nnd J3.000 cash for house
and lot In Western part of city.
Ohns. it. Woolloy , 418 South IBth Bt. 481 13 _
I HAVE real nnd proi > erty of all
kinds for trade. Call and see mo. George J.
Sternsdorg. room 0 , opp. P. O. & 0
mo KXCHANOK-Lots for lands. Paul , 1809
JL Fnrnnm. aofl B
TX71IAT have you to offer for 1,3 0 acres of
T T Umber land ! n West Virginia , clear of In-
r.umbrnnci' , perfect tltlo. Qcorgo J. SternsdorH ,
Itoom 0 , oppoalte P. O. SHI
A HOTKli nud saloon centrally located to
trade for city property or farm land. Oeo.
J. iitenisdorir.rooiii fl , opposite P. O. gEO
ASTUli-llrlck for clear lots. C. 1' . Hairl-
son , 418 a. 15th at. ! M9
WHAT have yon to trade for HI acres or land
imlucumboieil In JunoniPcounty. Wls , ,
Dmllos from county seat. G. J.
0 , opp Podtodlco. 1C7
FOH KXCIIANOI2 Five room house and lot
A0xl7i > feet , on South lltli st. Nice home.
Want nn 80 aero farm. C. I ! . Moaglier. room 3 ,
over Raymond's Jewelry storo. KM-lSj
W ANTED Land for lots. Paul , loO'J Fnrnam.
GJ. STEnNSDOflFF , Room b , opposite P.
i O. , has some rholco farm land to trade
tor city property. Will assume light Incum-
brances. 231
WANTED A good horse , buggy nnd harness
in exchange for South Omaha lots. Georc *
J.Stcinttlorff. room 0. onp posioHlce. 230
MFHANKLTN formerly ott > 43 Pnxton Illdg.
will carry on hi ? trading at 1511 Farnam Bt.
lledlck's lllock at Paulson and Arneman's room
nnd will always have n good list ot property
to trade and exchange. . 21)3 )
made In estate aud personal
JL property. See exchange book. OO-OD. L.
and L. Co. 20j N. 10th st. )
IT HAT have you to trade for some north-
T western oil stock ? Address D 0 , lleo otilce.
WILL give you a seed traao ror an eight or
ten room notiso nnd lot. George J. Sterns-
dorff. Itoom 0 , opposite P. O 2J1
TjMGHTY < 80) ) acres of and adjoining ; Lake
Jlrf Munawa , Council. Bluffs , In. This tract
vrlll make 400 beautiful lots and Is free from
oncumorftuce. Whntnare > ou to offer ? George
J. Stemsdorff room o , opp P.O. 107
| jilR bALK or exciinngo 1 > nnu ot 4d4 ncies m
JU Ilarlan county. Nob. tl.Oin ) encumbrance.
Want smiill unencumbered farm In eastern No-
braaka. Dr. Hodgmnn , Ilurrblk. , Lincoln. COfl-Ht
I CAN oifer for sale for n short time. West-
lawn Park , consisting of the beautiful grove
and grounds on Pnrk street , just outside the
city limits , nnd nearly oppoalto Ruser.s hotel
and summer garden. In West Omaha.
This property has long been considered the
finest place in the west for kummor gnrden nnd
picnic grounds , nnd la now offered for sale for
the llrbt time.
The M. P. Ilelt Line Ity. rni.s through one cor
ner , the P. , E. ic M. V. H. R. line to the stock
ynrdsruns within throe blocks , andtuoPaik
Street Car Line Is within n short dbtnnco.
This property la only ten minutes ride by mil
from the business center of South Omnha iind
less than twenty minutes ride from the busi
ness center of Omnha.
There la no place nroilnd the city that can
compare with this property for n summer par-
den , and If propcrlyIiiindied can be made the
great report of Omnha , and n live enter
prising man can made a bushel of money out
of It.
Can oiler thla property at llgures that will
make it a bplondld bnrgnln If sold soon. For
prices nnd terms call uud see Geo. N. Hicks ,
Darker block , southwest cotner 15th and Far-
namstteets. Bill 6
BAHGAINS We have two extra bargains for
this week. One at J7.500 and the other nt
88,500. M. A. Upton Company. 679
T710H SALE Or exchange , S.OOO acres choice
JLell improved farming land in northern Ne
braska , in lots to suit purchasers. Address L ,
care M. Lyons. O'Nell. Neb. 493 ltf
"I710H SALE Elognnt house and lot in Wind-
Jt ? ser place , owner non-resident who wants to
put his money elsowhoio uud will sell right. 0.
F. Harrison , 418 S. 15tust. 309
GII/l'-EDGE bargains Parties wishing to
make good Investments in Omaha or South
Omaha property , to sell or trade n good farmer
or buy n good established business in nny line
In this city , cnll upon F. J. McCarthy. 310 8.16th.
477 W
T710R SALE Full lot and largo 2-story nous *
Jof 7 largo rooms , good well , collar , cistern in
the kltchon , good neighborhood , street cars ,
chinch , school nud fttore close by. All new and
complete , ? 2,8JO. Small rash payment , balance
monthly , .lust the place for n man of moderate
means nnd largo fninlly. Corno nnd see me
nboutlt. C. F. Harrison 418 S. 15th at. 832
TIWO blocks from cablollne. lot30x110 to nlley
Nlco 6-room cottage , Hinall barn , lot fenced ,
everything nice , $3,500 , one-fourth caali , bal
ance easy. M. A. Upton company. 143
BARGAIN Choice ten-aero tract near Holt
Line Ity. in West Omaha. Thla land Is in a
line state of cultlvatlonand especially desirable
for fruit and vegetable garden. This property
is ono of the boat iiivoltmonts In the market to
day. Mugulllcent view , splnndid location. It
can be subdivided Into llfty nice lots that will
sell Inside of live yonrs for 840J or J500 each 1 cnn
oiler the ton ncreo for the next ten days for
W.OOO. Tlioro Jg no eater or surer Investment
than well located acre property , nnd it will pay
you to investigate this. G.CO. N. Hick ? , room 40 ,
Darker block. 691 6
"JjlAllMS We have some of the flnestlmprovcd
Ju' farms in Missouri , Krnsas. Iowa nnd Ne
braska for sale , M. A. Upton Company. 6T9
/10UNC11 , HlulTs-The very choicest residence
vAdto In Council lllutfa , fronting three streets ,
tdx blocks from the postofllce , largo plat ot
ground , high elevation nnd magnltlcont view.
Cnn offer tula for a few rtiiya at a low prlco. Cun
bo bought only of us. M. A. Upton & Co.
1710H sale or trailo for good luaido real estate
J ? or good secured real estate paper KM acres
of land. Nolncumbranco. About 8 miles from
Duluth , Minn. , and nbout 4 miles from Superior
City. Wls. ; this will bear close investigation ;
reniBiubor Duluth and Superior nre the two
coming cities , It will pay to luvcsllgate this.
Sloman , room 403 Pnxton block , WO
SOUTH OMAHA Lot 14 , block 77 , S. E. corner
86tu nnd M streets , B-room house , $10,000 , H
Lot 11 , block 7 ? . B. E. corner 25th nnd H streets ,
$8.m ( ' / cnsli. Home on thla ronta $15.
If these corners were on N street they would
Fell for &iO,000 each. 31 will be n better street
tnan Nln a yonr from today. Each one of
these comers will make sevoa business lots. M.
A. Upton & Co. 003
T7UU BALE Houses of five nnd six rooms.
JL Your own tonna. pnul , 1(103 ( Farnam et. awl 9
NLY a few lotLloft in n. & it. park addition
to South Omaiia. What hare you to on > r ?
George J. HUrmdortf. Hoom 8 , opp.fp. 0. 231
HAVE a few choice lots InOrchard Hill loft
which I will sell cheap and onlonstlmu.
Bloman , room 405 Paxton block. AiW
IjlAItMINOtn eastern Nebraska pays nW.
JL' To those wanting to go ou a farm wecan
tell how to get good Uud with very little money.
The day that thu can be done will noon ba
pawed. Ji , a/Upton Company , 60Ji i
FOIt SALE -1 will sMl you n complete and
beautiful homo forty (4M ( ( minutes by street
car and 20 minute * hy Morse and buggy from
15th and Fnriiam for what you would nave to
pay for ri rnc.iut 10-fojt lot In Hanscom Place
or equally good addition ; my horse and car
riage are at your service to show you this prop
erty. Come In to morrow and DOO inn nbout 4U
C. I' . Harrison , 418 S. IHh at. 181
Bt'SlNKSS-Kith street , corner , 4 blocks from
FimiHin , for S ! tlinn It Is worth. ( Wxl.ta
oul'upltoLavi' , brtwteu IMh nud IHtlt , nt loS
than \alue. M , A 1'pton Company. 69
B 11 lots , A blocks N. E. of depot nt
B'Albright. . Pontti Omnhn , that wore rcscrvcrt
because of their slKhtly location , can be had If
taken this week at onc-liulf tlirlr actual value !
owner leaving cityM , A. Upton Company ,
ftOJ Salt IiiiSo City town lots will l > o sold nt Kb
'J each during tlin next thirty tlayflt $10 < msh ,
bnlance twr \ month , nt 31 ! ) S , 15th Bt , Don't
fnllp attend the sale. 203 .
IjHMl SAI < ff--Or exctiahtto.We have som"
JL ; good Omaha rcul estate nnd Nebraska
farniH , which we will sell or trade for
stock of olothiiis , furnishing go.ds , dry , goods ,
boots nndshoes , groceries or hardware. Srnloi-
Itijjer Itros. . 614 S. 10th St. Mjf )
fl KObnysn full lot itnd good 4-room crtttago
Pcasy terms and good loc-atlou. I ) . V. SholM ,
room fell ) , FlrtttNal'l bank , cor. 13th and Far-
nnm. , TM3
/10UNCIL TlLUFFS Wo hn\o some lots nt
Vtho east end of tlionow bridge that cnn bo
bought at n llpire that will tnuko purchaser
money. M. A. Upton Company. 579
"VTEHRASKA "farms W have omo good JOO
JL > aero farms up the Elkhnrn valley with 400
and SJVX ) long tlmn tnortg.igus against them
that from 1500 to fMX ) cash will buy the equities ,
Nowis tnotlmo to invest in Nebraska farm
lands , although selling cheap they me valuable
and more productive than eastern laud valued
at four in-live times our price. M , A , Upton Co
BKAimi'-llIj Il.tXWlenot t Druid Hill on
belt line , HJ lots near thU depot at a lUmro
that will mnku buVer handsome returns on In-
vestment. M. A. t'ptou Oonnmny. M7
TjlOll SAIjK NowH-room house , ail motloni
113 Improvements , near fornrr Woohvorth nnd
Virginia avenues , nauseam Plnco , tl.ROO. 0.
F. Harrison , 418 B. loth at. 4tB
G.l. TKHN8UOUKlr , roomn opposite. .
.office , will sell you n good 4-room houss
on 16th stieet , 2 blocki south ot car line , by pay
ing KOO casti. bnlnnoo monthly payments to
suit. This is n splendid opportunity for nny.
ono wanting n cheap home. Sal
FOH SALI H Dexter L. Thomas. t No
brnskn Savings Hank , lOUi and Farnsrai ;
30 perorntolt value.
lo full lots at grade 0 blocks from postofflco
block , South Oinulia , $500 trnch , terms to suit ;
who witnts llrst cholco ?
9 lots ou Famam street , east of Dundee Piaco ,
north or south fronts , (1.500 eacn nnd "loss.
5 nicest full lots in lledford Place.south fronts ,
cholco J70U , terms easy.
10 nicest comer lots nnd adjoining in Lincoln
Plncovery cheap nnd terms to suit.
5nna luncro timber tracts < 1 miles from Omaha
P.O. , $100 pcracie.
( ' aoio tracts by Florence , can't bo boat for
small fruit , $80 per ncro.
I ow n the above ns well ns lots in various ad
ditions , Including o lota on West Droadway ,
Council Illulls.
See mofoi n bargain.
Dexter L. 'I homiiH. nt Nebraska Savings Rank ,
lloaid of Trade building. KI8
IWI I.I , sell a limited number ot lots In South
Omaha's H.M. . park addition for the low
prlco of 810. HiMiuinilmr n warranty deed given
with each lot. This halo only continues tow
flays. Cnll quick tind got first choice. Slomnn ,
room 41B. Pnxton block. POO
FOH SALE or trade TO aero farm near
Omahn ; good improvements ; plenty of
rult ; terms lon.sonnblo. Real Lutnto Ex
change. 2002 N st. South Omaha. 418 la
B1OII SALE Houses ou lull lots from U800 to
{ " > , ( ( W. on mothly payniBiits. Now is your
Jmo to get a homo in uplendld locality. Coino
nn Invest Igae. F. K. Darling , 1521 Fnrnnm.
A boautlfulresldenco lotlnlsano
A : Selden's addition ; if you want a bargain
nvostlgato. Geoigo J. StcrnsdorlT , Room 0 ,
opp. P. O. nSl
MA. UPTON A : CO. . TOO South SKteentq
Htieut , opposite Uinmhir of Commerca
ivlliBoll for nmiott tlino the following :
llnslness Property
I'nrnani street , between 18th nnd KM , $350 ®
S70J ptr foot.
Capitol avenue , between 1'itli and 10th , $300
.icr loot.
Corner 10th and Jono-s , C8 ft. deep , $203 per
Corner 15th nnd .Tones , Crt ft. deep , 1100.08 per
Douglas street , between 10th nnd llth , J700
; ior foot.
Howmdbtroet , between Uth nud 15th$500 per
Howard street , between 15th and lGth$530 per
Ten line residences In Kountro place , from
f 0,500 to 110,500 each. Hehr In mind that Kountzo
place nnd Dundee plnco nro the only two exolu-
blvo residence places lu Omaha.
Veiy tlna rosldi'iico In Windsor place. Elegant
10-room house , uud cold watar , furnace ,
tlrst-class bam. lull eafjt front lot. A cholco
home J7.5M ) . Prlco Includes new carpets nnd
Full lot. n e corner of Farnam nnd 42d , house
thatcost $ l,5oa. nil forJ,500. it taken this woeli.
Go no further for n bargain.
Ono of the nicest homos In Hlmobangh place.
East front corner , two paved streets within a
block. This place cnn be bought now for less
than it Is worth. Investigate tills.
Wo have n to-foot front Jot In Shlrtii's
2nd add. , on Franklin Bt. east of flOth. 6-roOUi
house , collar , qlsteru , young trees , good sldu
walks , etc. , etc. , Worth more money.
_ RoMdonco Sites.
ixlT2 south and oasf front bn Fnrnam nnd
40th ( Spring ) stieetH , for $8,600 , ) j cash , bnlaucQ
] , 2 nnd 3 yours.
it2ttJ2 : on Hrlstol streetbotweeuSithand 30tli ,
"south 0th street Is now being graded to
Bprlng-Lako Park. We have some of the > verv
llnestcast tiont lots on the street , just south of
Cnstollnr , on grade , natural trees , 2.X ) tt deep ,
lor $ J,500 a piece.
Flue building lot. No 0. in block 1 , Denlse nd-
tiltlon. three blocks from cable linej an extra
bargain at $ . ! ,2.,0.
Very Easy Terms Lots 13 and 14 , block 2 , Kll-
by Place on 39th between Dodge aud Davon-
poit 11,700 each. If party.will build a , houbo to
cost not less than ? 1WO ( , will sell lot With only
J100 cnsh payment , balrtnce 1 , B and 0 years.
Fine residence site. 12Cxl50 , east front corner ,
between Loavouworth and Fnrnam , only two
blocks from paved street. Note the size nnd lo
cation of thla piece ot ground and then the low
price , $4,500. .
noautlftii east front lot In Arcade Place"oa
SOth street , just south of Leaven worth , for $1,800.
This is r 00 below actual value , nnd will belli
the market a short 'time only at the pi leu
Very Choice Residence Bite M feet east front
on 37th street , 150 feet south ot Farnmn. 87tu
ptreot Is being payed from Fnrnam to LoaVon.
worth. No location'hotter than tills forllua
residence. Price , H.60u.
Five blocks from paved streetone , block south
of Lenvcnworth , 03x13- ) , corner , lies boautlful.
Gradual slope from lots to Learenworth atreet.
$1,450 ; liW onfth. IB below bed rock for this. Not *
the mzo of Uiu lots and that It la n double cor
ner.Now here Is n bargain : Gxl4n on Pnrknve. .
between Mnson nndPitciaastB. , $2,100 , ndjolultiu
40 teet sold for 8123 per foot.
Don't miss thla : Lot -19 , Clnrke's add. , just
north of St. Mary's avo. , 01 feet tiont , wortU
W.40U. We will sell for n shoit I line for * j,60J.
13011111 Omaha Property.
Motor line will soon nioto theu properly In
north part ot South Omaha will doublutlpovc *
these prices :
Lots 7 , M ) , 10 block 08. 240 feet ouHeUevua
nve. by 150 foot deep to b 20-foot allay , Hajdlnliif-
KTOunds Of Spring Lake pnrk ; ' > , ! imi ; * J.'Ki (
cash ; a great bargain , aud can only be had
through us ,
Jx > t 12 block 11. (10x110. ( coritpl11.9)1. ) .
I > ts 11 and 12 block so , '
Lots B and 3 block 0 , cholco east fronts , COM i )
fcOOtl , & 990 each ,
LolO block 5 , 60x150. $ rTO. .
Lot 10 block 7 , 00x150. $750.
Those prices are oxi'eotlbuM ; no nthflr prop ,
erty as iood offered for nny siicluilioney.
Wo have some rholce liusliiosR propn-tyia
South Omnha that w ill make the buyer money
in the f uturo as it has iu thu pabt. Wo quote a
few bargalna :
Lot U block CO , $7,000 , H oash.
Lot 1 block 6'J , $3,001) ) , H cash.
Lota 1 and Z block ( M , . ' , , Oit ) . M cash
Tlieso uro all corners which the \ Induct on Tt
Btroet will innko very valuable
Iot 7 : block 88 , OOxlW , corner oil M and S4tu
streets , (3,000.
Jx > t8 , block83 , Improvements renting for 110 a
month $1.500. This property will inaVo SOIMO
man n little fortune lu the u-jxt ulghtcbu
100x150 on25th just norlh ot "M" Btrcet , op
poslte the lined hotel , witu good vottitce tlU.
(00. Thla willbawoltli SJJOufoot la a youC
flora to ( Iay.
See Those nargitins Double Corners.
Lots 5 and u , block 4 , South Omahn. ( J.IUO.
Jjots fi and 0 , block 1 J , South Omaha , * . , t o
Lots 7 and B , block 13 , South Omuhu , ( J/nKI.
Lots 7 and 8 , block 14 , South Omnha , tli .
Lota 1 and 2. block ' , t'oiith Omaha , ll.IKH ) .
lxta 11 and 12. block 20 , tiouth Omaha. iLSOO
Lots 1 nnd S. block 2 , South Omaha , 12' o.
Ixits 11 and 12. block JI. Soutli oniana , * . ' , 'J
Lots 11 und 12 , block 2:1. : South Omaha , $ i.5U" .
l/ts 5 and C , block21Hcmtli omalm , i
Lots 7 and 8 , block 21. South Omaha , (
I.ot.s 11 und 1 S. block 21. South Omaha. ' fc.'Xtt.
IxJto 5 and ll , block31 , South Omahn , (2,2 > Vl ,
Lots C and o , block'JI. South Om.iha , i2,200.
When you buy one of the * double comers you
got tinoo 50-foot lots. This mnkei 5U foot lota
ut from S XX ) tn t > Vi ) . All this in rholru r nlilfiro
property , and will double in value when Ilia
Btroot cars comiuenco runnlug ,
We have on 'our list the boit South Omaha
bunlneai nnd rosldonrtt propxity In the market :
M o can sell it at the lowest pi Ice obuiuabla.
Dundee Place
The wealthy men of Omaha have r.ot yet
erected their permanent homes ; when they do
the location Holectedlll ba in "Dundud I'lare.1
AVe can sell Kites in Dundee at the Kama pile *
and terms that the owners will oner. M , A , UD >
tou 4 Co. , tuitiphoua ttt. 1,11 ,