Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Lincoln Citizens Arrested for Wnst-
ing Suit Wixtor. |
It CIIHSCH Indignation Throughout
tlio Caiillnl City Ml m > url 1'nulUu
Slattern The M ' 1 ruskn
1U2U P STIIKKT , : \
LINCOLN. Sept. 5.
Tlio city witter has evidently boodooed
Acting MiiiorUlllingsloy. 'J lie M-qiicl of his
late older points that way , ut least , A short
time UK" ho Inspected the pressure at the
iiflleo of the walcr commissioner , und fountl
that \\illi the jmmiM 0lug ut Jiill speed a
l > re Mirc f over ton pounds could not bo-mis
tulncd. ThI-i ahinncd him nnd he forthwith
tanned nn order requiring the urrest of every
property owner who was jK > i milling a need
lehs wnsto ofnter. . It was swoop I tic. Jt
meant the high , thu low. the rich , the-poor.
The outer lu jmit xvus obeyed lust night.
"Warrants wore issued and served upon Ld
Koggon , Ilarwooil & Ames , McMm-tr.v &
l-'innory , Dr. Hauier , W. J. lle.vett and U. i : .
Montgomery. "Wliou tholaut became known
this morning a btuz of excitement went the
rounds. The idru that it was uilmlnnl to
wiisto the miserable kiilt water of this elty
nocniod absurd , Jlul thu gentlemen whu
were arrested answered the mil promptly ,
but owing to informalities in the warrant *
with two exceptions they were discharged.
Nothing daunted , however , new warrants
will be out before nightfitll und thu whole
iwrl.v will probably bo arrested. IJut there
is blood on the moon. They proporo to
lirurd the lion Ju his den ; they proiwso to
eee how much authority the water cumnils-
Bioucrs have in tliu premises. Jt is well
Itnown that thu water Is not lit for use , and
they d'jubt Its ubusu belli ; , ' possible. Defects
lu the plumbing liuvu gtowuoutof iho mis
erable quality of thu water furnished to the
city. Thu meters uttho pumping station have
uctuiUly beuome corroded by the salt in thu
There Is but ono phase oftho question
Unit looks with uny leniency upou Uio action
of the authorities. In tliu event of u big
lire the water supply would bo found
to be wholly incmciciit. IJut uftur all. what
docs u lire amount to compared with hu.ilth
and bodily vigor ! The question from this
standpoint Is discussed ull over the city.
Tlutt tlio water Jut nishcd to < quoneh thirst
nml to supply hoiiHtUtold needs Js wholly unlit
for use there in no ijucstlon of doubt. It un
dermines health. It breeds disease. And
the city is iisked to pay for tills. Every eill-
7cu of the city clones In tlio "spunk" of
Messrs. Uoggeu , VVoodward , Ames and all
othon who put their shoulders to the wheel ,
for the puipobo of determining whether of
4iot Die ulU/.oiiK of Lincoln potxtosg no right *
that the water department is bound to ro-
upcct. IH it possible to wusto an article unlit
for usof JR tliu proposition to bomottlcd.
1 amended articles Incorporat
ing the Missouri Vacillc railroad ooiniuuiy
huvo not been llled for lecordwith the
tnrv of state. It is tine , however , that linlloy
1' . Wagoner , general attorney Tor Uiu road ,
was in Lincoln yesterday , uud brought with
Jam n voluminous document which , when
copies lire made , will bo llled and then with
out doubt Iron clai1 articles will become u
matter of refold , and ull doubts will bo re
moved as to'thu legal ettutin of the company
ho'-furns the hws of .Nebr.ii.lui arn con
cerned. The at tielcs noon to bo Illcd dellno
the llmils of the toad in thu stutc , und do-
Hcribo the main trunk and continuous linos.
The main line oflho road 01 orates through
lUehavdson , Neiiiah.i , Olive , On s , Sarpy und
iDouglui to the r.tof . Oniulia und Uncontem
plated estcitslon wllltuko in iurth Douglas ,
Washington , Dodge , ( Jolfax , Cuunning.
Stnnton , AViiInc , Dixon , Cedar , Picico uud
anil Knox on lo the ncrlh boundary line of
the state.
LC - Tlirso .Urant-ues are also out-
lined. Tlio llrbt extends from Aubuin , No-
innhn county , \Veopmg Water , Cuss
county. The second extends Jroui Weeping
\Vater to Lincoln , and Ihe articles xleseribo
nn extension contemplated which will run
through west 'Lancaster , Howard , liutlor ,
Polk , Nance , Hootie.'Antcloue , Greelo.v , Val
ley , OarlieJdVheelcr , Holt , Xroup , iliown
mill Cherry to the western boundary of the
tnto. The third forms with the Auburn and
Weeping Water branch at Tulmage. anil
runs westward to Crete , uud from there will
tap Hastings und otherjionttu westward to
the west line of th" state.
COI.OIIAIIO iMmz7.iF.r.s. : :
As soon as requisition papers can bonc-
cured a young blood Bailing under tlio twin
flo plume of C. S. Grout , und Peter IVlcUoff
tvill to taken back to Webster , Colo. , to
answer to the charge of embezzlement. They
will stand a preliminary examination befoio
Judge Houston this ufteinoon , but there in
little doubt of the result of it. Deputy Wil-
duotu , who uj > t > relieuacd the sharpers here ,
ays there is uo doubt of his ability lo
jDtove their guilt. They doped D. W.
Y'ilson out ell 10.78 about three wcclcs ngo ,
luce when ho and Wllmoth have been on
tsXeir track and their cainurowas uoc.oin-
tll b/d this morning. They will piobubly
Jeiiru u trudo iu tlio Colorado pen.
11LK UNlVriHITV 01' KK1U1AS1U.
The fall term of the uulveraity of Nc-
ttruska will commence Thursday , Beutouibor
lit. Kxuinliuttions , however , for uiuniasioa
to the Latin school will commence on the
Tuesday before , at 0 o'clock in the morning.
The fall roster will doubtless show the
\isual increment of members. 'Ilia promise
for thu full and winter terms is very bright.
It is now thought that evcti with tliu addi
tion of the rooms of Grant memorial hall ,
which will soon be ready for occupancy , that
the accommodations of the old building will
etill bo iiuulutiuuto for the demands. Tills
promise peaks well for thu bchool but
uguiust tha accommodations provided ,
1)11. or.KTII't ) St'CCKSMOlt.
The recent resijmnUon mid departure of
Dr. Gcrth for his old home , Jpi soy City ,
leaves another place to bo llllcd by appotnt-
fcient. Govenior Tliu.var jb now .casting
about fern permanent state veterinarian. Ho
lias appointed Dr. Osborn , of Fremont , to
ct in a temporary capacity , but It is thought
4hat ho will become thopeimuneut appointee.
Altorncj" General Lectio returned 'from a
abort visit lo Wahoo this moniiup.
Ilov. George S. Alexander , editor of the
Syracuse Journal , passed through Lincoln
to-day en route to Central City.
Secretary Furnas will return from Oumlin
this evening , where ho spent the day in the
interests of the coming state fair.
Tlio needs of a vault huvo been felt at the
university for some time past. A largo num
ber of valuable documents Imvo accumulated
and there is uo place for them ; consequently
n vault in the basement has been ordered
built , aud it is under construction.
Noonan's saloon windows have been
painted with dirt , it Is highly probable that
investigation would nrovo 'that ' tlmyeomo
under the Jawforbiddiug iheobstruction of
aloon windows.
Prof. C. 13. IJIssoy , acting chancellor of
9io state university , will arrive homo from
Ais visit to Europe on the llth. Ho has
Bjicut his summer vacation in doing European
The Nebraska City malltla company passed
through the city yesterday afternoon idI
route home from Wahoo. The boys rc evi I-
dently tiralng of catnp life.
Vigor mitt Vitality
Are quickly givau to every twrt at Uio
body by Hood's Sursupuriltn. That
tlrod fcollnc : is entirely overcome. TJio
blood is puritlodoiiriched.UDd viitilbud ,
. u rjioa.huuUh.iiutUMl ; of diswiBe to
j orgun. toned nutl ,
trongtiicncd , the upputlto restored.
The Iddnoys and liver nix ) -roused nnd
invigorated. The braiu in ( nsfrashoq ,
, tie . .iniiid.omdo clew und ready ior
work. Try it.
Ilnw to Clrlml Coffee.
Soplombci1 TuWe Tnllc : , It may not
Lo go n orally .Jfjiown that Die decree of
HnoniMpr.voui-sone.s3 to which colTeo is
ground ; vlll , nintoriftlly iffeot the oluu1-
iiotor ot Uio liyuiil ; but U uny ono
doubU the truth of it he can oabily test
it Jpr bliuwjlt. I it JiiiujnuUo collco Uy
Ihe vbollloff princess nnd UBO pulverized
< otTee , r .by percolation Xwitli u French
pot ) ana pse it uoArecly fi-ound , .aud BCO
If ho docs not In tin former instance
prdduw u muddy decoction which U al
most impossible lo eleur. und In the livt-
lor u woitk , Jlut liquid not diuiTvIng tlio
IKUIIO ! ot beverage.
Coffee makot-8 hliould dlntlnclly hour
In | ( mind 1110 dilTcronco between tliu two
methods of mukiuir coffee mid grind
Ihoir cofTco lU'Cordlugly , or order it
from Iholr grocer , oilhcr ground
"coar o" or "pulverized. " They should
not dupond upou the grocery ulork to
remember Iholr usual method , but
fehould order it diBlinelly every time.
JUnny conscluullous dealers have been
blamed for furnishing iiiifiillsfuclory
oolleo when Iho n-al fiuilt Jny In HID
Jullurc of the purchaser lo uimorbluud
Iho above dllTurencc.
But It would be bettor for the coffee
to bo freshly ground aw wntileil.iuul this
i-uii be oabily dour lib family I'oiTee mills
lire now made which puhori/o the cof
fee perfectly uud
Jrnl ! > MtiJto for
American Schools.
Atnc-rionn Magay.iuo : I wish T could
6 y n Jew words of undiluted praise for
American bchoulh from u BUimary point
of view but muny vcaiN oMiorioiu-c on
school hoard1- compels mo tobolleve nml
wiy thit there uro few bolter , more ef
fective anil riold : menus of injuring a
child * f.rhtcm , phy.-ieul uud menial ,
than sternly adherence to our hours of
i-ehool within doorSjiuidof lousoua with
out. Kvory hiicceaaive yciieriition finds
lens and lobs prnuliual lcnowlul oamoiir
ouryountr pooil | , with n steadily do-
croiiHinij rate of increase of ttpccicB ,
until it is but a question of a few years
when there will bo no moro full-blood
American women to keep up the race.
Bruins and central nerves are overtaxed
systematically , and Uio few moments
pur dioin allowed for relaxation are em
ployed in reading novels or otherwise
wcakoniiiir jihyeical powers that are
already below par.
Few school rooms are constructed or
himishuil with regard to the health of
the lilllo ones who spend BO many of
Ihoir best hours Iheroin , and attempts
to bolter 8ueh u condition fail because
there is no money to bo made out of the
AVbut , then , are wo to do ? Tnko the
'lmucea , I presume , and Bond our chil
dren to do the boat they can , whore our
neighbors send thoire. There Booms
absolutely no remedy hhort of educat
ing the public , a slow and tedious task.
Meanwhile , 6eo to it that children do
not study out of school. Any lossou
that needs to be learned at homo is
worbo than useless ; it is positively hurt-
ful. Keep tliuui out of doors in all
wcalhurs ns much as possible nnd tee
that their food is plain and iiutritiouB.
Mothers Head.
The proprietors of SANTA ABIE
liavo authorized Goodman Drug Co. ,
to refund your money if , after giving
this California King of Cough Cures a
fair trial as directed , it fails to give sat
isfaction for the cure of Coughs , Croup ,
Whooping Cough nnd all throat and
Lung "troubles. Whnn the disease
iifTocls Uio head , und assumes the form
of Catarrh , .nothing IB bo effective as
preparations are without equals ua
household remedies. Bold at $1.00 a
package. Three for2.60.
Not Ijxnctly Adjacent.
Harper's Bazar : Tenderfoot ( from ciliyon of Kansas town )
Would you bo t > o kind , sah , as to inform
mo whuh ah could tind the pawkV"
"Tho what ? "
"Tho pawl : . " "
"Oh , thcr park. Waal , sir , jes clim
yer broncho an1 ride 'bout , forty-seven
miles duo north till ye strike thcr Big
Muddy , an' ye may Hn' some1 scrub crab
trees tliar. "
Ladies a word In your tar
Good looks are your gift most precious ,
For these are the silken toils
With which the girls inmcsh us.
So line teeth your .paramount charm
With So/jjdont guard from harm.
Considered us Soldiers.
Pittsbaj-g Chronicle : "I think base
ball nieui would bo useful in some kinds
of lighting , " remarked the judge.
'What kindV'askc'd the major.
"Inn pitched balllo , for instance. "
"That is so. Their batteries would beef
of some value , too , aud their ability to
make homo rune would come in welt on
a retreat. "
Oh , if ! only had her comploxion-
, Why , it is easily obtained. Use I'oz
"zoni's Counptoxion Powder.
A New t-'ad.
Soplembor Table Talk : Very popular _
is the'Oirectoiro coat. It is similar in
shape ton gentleman's drobs coat , is cut
off short in front and has two lengthy
"tails" reaching to the bottom of the
thusidrt behind. They nro made of
heavy silk materials , satin moire or
brocade In the shades of old gold , ruby
or torquoise blue. London fashionables
uro wearing what they call . ' 'dinner
coals. " They are most elaborate "con
fections" made of rich pompadour bro-
rudcb. The uoek opens like u coat ,
turning buck with rovers of dark velvet ,
dihclusing a many-seamed waist coat of
plain silk , a contrasting sluulo. The
sleeves are elbow length , finished with
a deep fall of old lace.
An Absolute Curo.
Is only put up in large two ounoo tin boxes ,
jiud is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chopped huuds , and all skin erup
tions. Will l positively euro all kinds of plies.
A1KNT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23
oontb | > r box by mail yo cents.
Merely Itc-lienrsinn.
' 'You boom fond of bathing , Mi&rMnn-
trose,1 , remarked ilerrill at Ocean
"Not in the least , " she replied with n
modest blush ; "but I'm obliged to ire on
the but-low ) ue eliigo this fall and tlio
manager told mo this was the best way
for n girl to got over _ her bashf tilneys
' about wearing tighls. "
JIad a bilious attack and ono of these
indescribable eaua of constant weari-
tioss. Took quiuiuo And other remedies
without relief. Took Dr. Jones' Ileil
Clover Tonic ; am strong ann well. Asa
Thomson , LojjnnOhio. Goodman Drug '
-Co. , uycnte , Omaha.
, A B d Pru'ipeot.
September Table Tulle : A distresaing
rumor that comes from across the seas is
to the ollcct tluit the feminine stocking
IB threatened. That there is a "craze" : )
for wearing high , doubloolcd boots ,
.minus hosiery. What a sad , fiu
'fortubUj prospect. Of course , H moans
oblivion to .our shnjwly half-shoes and
low-cutlipncr < i. , Lot -thsro ascend u
ahrlll-vnlceu soprano . galusl tlio Jn-
vnsion !
' The test ou earth" can truly bo saifl
of Crimp1 .Clyccrlno .Sulve < i speedy
euro for cuts , bruischscftlils , hnrna ores , ,
plica , totter und nlloUIn eruptions.Try
this wondorheftier. 'Jiconts. CiUAraii-
Xeud. Good man Drug Co , ,
DleboIU SalVtt.
Culljtnd see tUo lur o jitock of safon
nnd vault doors carrier ! by McagUer &
Whitmorp pt 41t ) S. 16tn street Otuaha.
OponltiB of the Aintiaomont Soaao n
at Three Tlieatora.
IlcvlrntUiu ns n IJtmlnpm The Fnltli
Cure and the Utility Dul lar
TlioDceoratlon l over
Wall Streot.
nt tlic Metropolis ,
NKW i'oitic. Sept. 4. [ Correnpond-
enceofTltn IJKK. ] Cool breezes from
oil the ofoaii have helped to render suc
cessful the opsning of three of the city
theaters this week. Tuesday evening
at Ihe Fifth Avenue was produced for
Iho first time Mrs. Mary Flake's "Philip
Home. " The authoress has boon bast
known as a clover , racy writer , an
original humorist , but Philip Homo
was not of that stylo. It was a very
serious drama , intensely Iheatrlo and
struuuou-t , with plenty of declamatory
material to delight its principal actors ,
and with , the vim of its writer purm.ea.t- .
ing it thoroughly. The venture was
for the sake of Mr. Ilaworth , a young
actor of exceptional promise , and there
was no reason for disappointment ,
although supported by two such actors
as Joseph Wheelock and Frederick
Tlio opening of the Fourteenth street
theater was also a miecoss with May
Wilkcs'coiup.iuy in "Gwynno's Oalh. "
Mts- > Wilkes is of that typo of women
that may bo called magnificent. Her
figure is that of an athlete , aud in
all her motions and the tones of her
voice she BIOWS ! the possession of un
usual strength. In duo time , if she con-
linues lo muko a careful study of
mothodH in her vocation , this strength
will servo her well.
Lovers of minstrelsy crowded the
Star theater on its reopening the bamo
night. To inaugurate tlio season at
this handsome new theater came the
Johtibon & Shivin minstrels , a body of
forty odd iwrformers , headed by two of
the most popular men in burnt cork.
They gave a couple of hour.s of diversion
thatwas continuously neat-never dull ,
and frequently novel.
The condition of the building trade
here is one of extreme dullness , and
within the labt six months building has
declined fully 60 per cent. Ono great
cause of this llutness of the market is
that Iho wirlc of building has boon
overdone mid has outstripped facilities
for travel. This is especially the case
witfi the now city on the west side of
Central Park , where unfinished walls
and unrcnted houses tell their own
tale. The houses there are entirely
different from old New York residences ,
aud u , Knickerbocker awakened from
his grave would need to have a special
introduction to the now styles of Eliza
bethan tind Queen Anne and Georgian
architecture displayed there in tower
and turret , balcony and reoobs , aud ail
borts of gables and flniuls that cannot
bo properly classed. When an under
ground , , railway traverses that section ,
and cross-town care are nro allowed to
run through the depressed cross roads
in Central Park , lhat section
will take a now start , and fashion
and wealth will throng it. But the
single elevated road on the west faido
has failed to keep up the necessities of
the situation it has brought about. Just
now Fifth avenue displays the most ac
tivity in building , and its middle sec
tion , above Iho Fiiith ivvenue hotel , is
being rapidly readjusted to the requiro-
jmenlAof buamohs. Our wealthiest citi
zens are endeavoring to save Mtiddison
avenue from the grusp of trade while
reluctantly yieldiug to the inroad on
Filth aveuuo. The Vunderbilts seem to
be the most disturbed by the onward
march of the storekeeper into the realm
of fashion , and they try to rebist it , but
will find their pahvoes surrounded by
trade before another decade has passed.
Fred Vanderbilt lias bought out the
building next the Union League club
and lately occupied by a picture dealer ,
but this will bo only a drop in the
bucket. The picture niiin will turn up
smiling elsewhere on the avenue und
will have enjoyed his proliitable specu
lation in aristocratic prejudices. The
.Asters uud Jay Gould do not seem lo
bolhor their heads on the subject ,
though both families reside in the
charmed region. The Asters like to
see houses rent and witness u demand
for bhops ; and an increase of population
means moro lambs for Gould's slaughter
Harrison , the "boy preacher" of
thirty-six summers , has gone to Mount
Tabor camp-meeting , on the Delaware
& Lackawaiina railroad , for a wrestle
with the powers of darkncbs , after n
fortnights bes-non at Sing Sing. At
the latter placebo said that lie had been
the means of blessing and saving 1,000
souls. But ho classes thorn queerly und
comprehensively us "reclaimed , " "sanc
tified , " "glorified , " "becking light , "
etc. In the same manner ho counted up
: i,000 souls saved here , but it would be
difficult to-day to lay one's finger on
: iK ( ) of them. However , it isull business.
Harriaun docs not enter on the work of
' having souls" until Sl-o a week 1ms
been guaranteed him , and the first
week's salary paid in advance. Ho is
business all thrnugh.and while ho counts
his pay accuracy , und suiters no one to
double up on him , I have heard him
double up the actual nunibjr of his
converts on an evening , and with the
utmost complacency. At tlio outbot I
made up my mind to study these Harri
son revival phenomena closely and with
out bias , ana I have been doing so for
six months , and , while not denying that
good may have been done in the meet
ings , I doubt the permanence of his
work and have lost tailh in the man.
But ho enjoys it , is prosperous , has a
good bank account , the women go-crazy
over him ; und what moro can ho do
Biro ? Ills Hues have truly fallen iu
pleasant place ,
Most of Iho clergymen who consort
withJIurrison , Revs. Uiidertaker.Mor-
ritt. McBride und others , nro also ar
dent believers in the iaith cure. They
do not take any medicine when sick and
unnoint the sick instead. But if any of
| their number die without the attend
ance of R physician , the certificate o.
death is signed by u female doctor , who
i U a believer in the faith euro , und who
I certiiles that she has atlondod them
| and they all pass through Brother Mor
riti's hands. I have seen ono of these
papers the eortillcuto of a lady who
died al R JV. Mr. Simpson's Faith Cure
Homo which corlitiod that the ladj
physician had attended the patient foe
several oontha. If lhu > were true Ihoro
was certainly no failh about it , but if
intended to evade law well , the less
saidtibout it the better. One thing J
have obser.ved the fuilli-curo men who
are pastors in this oitv want their sal
ary and on thu nail. Those f them who
own r.ousebiiio very particular as to
rout.Jtml noiio of thorn seem to btwo
any pecuniary faith save in ready cash
To an outsider it .1s vastly amusing , es
pecially when Uioso npof < tlonof faith
ICCUHO him of huvhig no failh. The
autsldor will have twice IIH murh faith
n our nvorajfo humanity ns Uio npostlo
All the cotidorviulvo olfl'mnks ' of
Wall street have built themselves ntw
lomes within the past five joars with
only .two oxceptions. One of UICHO is
Iho Bank of America , at the corner of
William street , whoso antique elruc-
uro of granllp , one story nigh , was
erected fifty-six years ago. Oliver
olcott. of : Connecticut , was the first
[ iresidunt of this , historic institution ,
uid ho resigned In order to lake olllco
is governor of that slate. A towering
: iino-story Htrneturo of granite , 7/5 / foot
jy HO , will take the place of Iho old
uuik building , and will well Illustrate
, ho successful career of this organiza-
, ion , which has weathered tiuvon y-
ix winters. The decoration fever lias
pread into the interior of our Wall
itreet banks , in Btrango contrast with
Mist conservative ideas , but it has
troken out jnoat conspicuously in our
tip-town hotels. The St. .liunefljs fol- .
"otting the example of Iho ITolTumn
louse , nnd replacing its woodwork
tvvth tiling of Italian and Tennessee
marble. The Oriental is decorating its
Mills and ceilings in a new high relief
if napar pulp , which can bo repainted ,
ml a beautiful marble Uvircase is
Iready laid. Of course , the traveler ,
'the guest , " as ho is called by courtesy ,
: inti to pay for these fixings ; but what la
the odds so long as ho hob money and
'ho public iidnuro.
Our own Chiuincy Dopew Is his busi
ness name is to liavo an ovation on
lis reliirn to this city , and liia admirers
l do Iho business in bang-up stylo.
. - oi-bups receptions are the uon.soln.tion
itakos for defeated candidate ) ) for the
residency this year , but at any rote
hey &ocm lo bo enjoyable to the vic-
No one in Saratoga's wondrous crowd
) f fashion , wealth and bounty is attract-
ng more admiring interest than Miss
Fnlia Morouini , the youngest daughter
) t the well known banker. Frequenters
if the opera last winter will recollect
; icr pure blonde beauty , her rounded
.vomanly . form and her opulent costumes.
3he is at the Unilod Slates hotel with
icr father ; md mother , and all three
ire living quite democratically , though
m elegant style. All eyes follow the
Imightor anil her han'dsomo , white
rt-luskorcd father , \yho is evidently
proud of her. Morosini is passionately
'ond of horseback riding , and it is an
3Vont in the frivilous life at Saratoga
0 see her start from the hotel.
How Intelligent Women Decide.
When the question has to bo met as to
what is the best course to adopt to secure
t sure , safe nnd agreeable remedy for
.hose organic disease * , which ufllict the
'cmolc ECX , there is but ono wise de
cision , viz. , a courao of self-treatment
ivith Dr. Piorco's Favorite Prescription :
t Is an unfailing specific for periodical
paius , misplacement' , internal inflama-
ion. and all functional disorders that
endcr the lives of so many women inis-
1 ruble and joyless. They who try It ,
: ) ralfae It. Of druggists ,
Yonkorfl Statesman : The old Jioime-
pathic theory is that "like cures like. "
But wo take nolico ttmt when a follow
ikos a girl n heap and she likes him
back there isn't much chance for a euro
'or ' either one. t
romilot-Rftml's Aeiil Phosphate
J'r the Tired Brain
over-exertion. Try it.
Mifs Vivacity Weighed Moro.
Judge : What a simple and modest
bathing suit MisbSpider always wears , "
remarked theminihtcr. "Yes"replied
Mi&s Vivacity , unconsciously , "you will
always find a girl modest at the seaside
when she weighs only eighty-five
pounds. "
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
liomei for morn tnan a qinirter of n century , it
IH u U by the United Stntes Oovornment. . I5n-
dorsad by fie hearts of the Krent Universities as
the stroiiRost. pin est nncl most healthful. J > r
Pi ice's Cream linking Powder does not contain
nmmonln. llmo or alum. Sold onlv In cnns.
, IMIIUI : IIAKINO I'ownint cx > .
Now York. Chicago. St. Louis
With Corns nml Bunions whenyou
can secure Immediate uud pur-
iniiuentrullpf , ut small expense ,
iniiu ' ' > ' iislugMKAK'R Uouv nnd HUN-
WHY lo-v lU.ASTMis , "which * ro eolil
1111 ' und rocuuunvuded
by every live
IniBKl t throughout the United
States nnd .
[ Ill Yllll I'1 ' ffveM nnd other slimmer
uu iwu
dlseasusUJsjidvlBablB to purify
the sick room dallv , and for this
o 11 r r r n purpose noUilUKexceU II YUKON-
Nllrrhn Ai'innor. I'ASTII.T.KS. Thebo
vim i uii pnfctuuwwlieu burned lu tlio sick
room ctiuso no perceptible In-
mrnv crease in Its tompcrature. but
tVtKT they Imimrt a fragrance that Is
' ' niareeublu , BtluiuUtliiK nnd re
freshing to the Blctbesides lieu-
n 1V trnllzlng'andellniiimtlup nil < 1U-
UA I UK'ieeble'odcira ' uid borUlyoxcro-
tloiiH , And reuUerlugthoair pure
und wlloluacmu.
{ l > on't forget IIKNSON'H
I'i\HTKit foruchua k
pain from Neuralgia nnd its
* compuuiou tlUuafio Hhwuuati&m is
excruciuUuiThousands / who could
be rjuickly cijred are nuttllesslv euf.
fering. Atli-lo-jiho-ros will do for
others what it uid for the following
parties :
WUU iMp t ImLO U .M 7.
'UvioKlrtwa ftfilkt4xl withjiautwxi * for
uaput funrrura , aiidtrjin lmo e n7.
uuo. bat in nla. 1 UiuJljr hoard of Alhlo-
iM. After Uldoa nna ImtUe I found it
Mid aft r takiim
u < a < iiiaa ( illf.lf > und
well. I think tlu modi-
Mt.n > rneUni..Deo 36.17.
- . - -isdAUUopboraiin our UndTjaiu.
una u to be the graAtect madluae lor n u-
' " ' ' ' ' *
- - - -
up h l'
fur Hip beautiful colored pic
ture.MoorUh Mtthlcn. "
' nuoocBSf ally used monthly by over 10,000
Arutia e.tytctuaiandfleafaut
WSl perbaxlrmfllLor tUrugKi W. Sealed
- furt icutan S pontAgn stArapn. .VUdress
TUG ? BEEA QUCUICAI. Co. , Dernocr , Uicn.
Fo , < aloatull > iJ > k 'l by Goodtttan
JJrug Co. , Ouiulia , Kelt ,
is a great
Blessins :
to the Woman ,
mistress or servant , who
L wants to keep things
clean. It washes clothes ,
dishes , glassware ; cleans
paint , varnish , carpets , oil
cloth , iloors , better than anything
r.knovvn , that is harmless to fabric or
It makes TI saving of clothes
and time that pays. Think of the guar
antee we give you of its merits. Fifteen
millions of packages are consumed annu
ally. Think of your clothes and hands
after a day of rubbing the dirt out on a
washboard. ( Pearline does away with that. ) Think of
the ease of washing clothes bytne modern labor-saving
method , which you will find on every package of Pearline.
. .Think of the perfect cleanliness insured by .the use of
Pearline and you'll surely become a friend to Pearline.
.Certainly .Pearline will be a true friend to you If you'll
let it. . Beware of the many imitations sold by means of
prizes or peddling. There is only one Pearline and that
is manufactured only by JAMES PVLE , New Ycwic. t
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Sclcnct
Gentlemen' ! Btlt Iltst ftftfltdt &nd P clic lly Applied.
Witt Klutric
loan ? pan of the f. - . WHEN ALL
wear It. It electrlOM Ike blood and cures
E i [ Onanonlneandiiftdby permlMlon. NOTK the following who have been
KUi-A. J.Joacl ! il. K. B. I'arkarand J.M. JU l tt. ullonlloordcr Trade ,
Ulilcioi JL , Or onimli . Budd I'oMe.tho ,
* KOiTi wlonBiproliant.StotkTaraii orroat horwtman : Col Council/
ot ins fain * cwang p. n. bcllui , M. D , Hannontown. Iowa ; Lemuel Milk , Kankakp , Ill i Judre i. K ,
Murr r. K p rTlll . Ill | V. J. . Abbott. HDt. ltTW t TWotk . Booth Ilenrt. Ind.t Robt. B. Munpion , Cnlo ffO
pott . ofilo . . . . t . u D. . McMlchktl. , . . M. , . D . , . Bufftio. . . . , N. r. " Tear Ixlt h 3 krrompll'hed what no other romodr hu >
. .
teadr nerrM andcomforUbloltepatUfbt. " Bobt. Ball , aJdnrman , 16O Eait ltiBtreot. , OTr Jork-
nd thouRandt of other * .
l > r ffemetftttoff A oonilnnon * carrentof Irtdtr ( t O or 1 noun out of M ) throuaUou
' jrlncr llii ! < TToainp lrom DaMlT , producing a now circulation of tha luo fonea the hiood , im-
parfliur Tlcor , itnnffth. enerir and liaalth , wb n all oUer traatmant > > aa latiad. Hl OMriKot UUi
ttooIielt r belnrtiooffnliKrandtadonadbrthouaandi whomllbat mired.
HKrillKNCM-Any bankeomm niialanner or wholatala boCMinCbtMflOl wliolHala
Ban Franelxio and Chloa tV8 nd t icpforltBpanIllnatraUd paranhUt. _
> XUVXW AaTenU > raiulVanal t artT. 1 1 Wal ATBM OUee re.
: NNYR * * & mi
CHicnctitRCHEwi6 i.ea.s trrBp ) MADISON sofmut.pATttr. tisHATURtoN cvrar BOX PIUS
N. 16th St. , Bet , Binney and JWirt.
Every Evening ,
Brilliant , Realistic and Startling.
Every KiyM a Special NiQM *
and Guns.
JiombardiiietU of Fort > by Allied
Gorgeous JPf/rotechnlcal Display
rhe whole making tlio Moat Interesting and bj
wlldorlng of Kxhlultions.
Popular Prices 50c and 75c.
and energetic lodr carmimcrs reeldlni ; In Ihls
or other tovni. No capital neeewarr. Uoodi
aoll thoyoar round. Uefcrencn required. Aildr u
o , 111.
fllfi CJ hMfjIven unlvcr
nal satisfaction In tlio
cure of Gonorrhoea and
elect. I prescribe Hand
f l safe In recommending
. ing It to nil sufferers.
u denial Co.
Innatl A.J.STOmt , M.P. ,
Ohio. Dooaiiir , III.
rmci : . 01.00.
Sold by Irucelts.
Yoor Left Liver
Al'tuyrletury MeiUcmt ) that uo i\a
to prove Its wortU.
Dr , Callender's ' Left Liifer Bitters. .
TCe only Distilled Jilt tors In the United
elates. The only Illttera racoenlzed i y the
Unltocl Statei Internal revenue lawn
as a Pro
prietary ' > ledlcln . Lawfully Patented. No..of
I'atuat 14-9,578. CouUJus uo ( uall olid , no
essential oils , 110 fore I en substance or duuiOK-
inp ; drugs. A perfectly pure -medicine , com
pounded from Pure Boot Jlvrua and Old Peach ;
pleaiant to the ta te. cjulet nd decisive in Hi
effect. Cures Djnpepla or Yellow Jaundice In
fl dayH. U uUtes the Dowels. Invleoratei
Juactlrc Liver , Cures luseased Xtror , Jlevlvci
the Kidney * . Improves tUe Appetite Quickly.
Kejrulntcstlio vfcolesystow. { few Life to tn *
irbvl .
* tjatfUi.
1/cft Uror Bitters are old In Oumlia , Neb l > y the
fo luwliiK Uruu ltU : lUoliardaon Urucc Cu > | >
\Vtiuk le. liir tlia dru interest uf .Nebnukn. llo-
, W J. WlilUbouie , \y.Bpaf <
anJfank jilioiie" ' , ; 'u4) .
dealers In Clgtri nd L ; t liver liltiert.
ME.NT , a guaranteed gpeclOc-for Hyirterln ,
Deal. .Convulsions , 4-lte , Nervoug Neurnlgln ,
UeadaOie. Nervous I'roatratlon. caused by the
UBO ot alcohol or tobacco. Wakffuln si , Mrntal
Depression , Softening of the Drain , resultltiB in
Insanity , nd leailine to misery , decay und
death. Premature Old Age , Darrenneas , Logs of
Power in either sex. Involuntary Jx > sse3 nnd
Spcrmatorhcea caused -by over-exertion of the
ln.NselMibuie or over-Indulgence. EMU box
contains one month's treatment. U.03 a box. or
Biz boxes for $5.00 , ent by mall .prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any cast. With each order received by
as for six boies. mccompanled with KM , w
will eend the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money if the treatment does not
effect a cure , 'Guarantee * isntted only by 0. f.
GOODMAN , DrucBlat , Bole Agent , 1110 1'urnatn Heb
S. .W , Cor , farnam and 15th Sts.
Paid in Capital $300,000
GT.O. E. IIAUKIMt. 1'ieslrtmit.
U. I * llliatllOUT.Ii , Vice President.
1' . 11. JOUNSON. Cushler.
llHiCTOUS ) : :
\\'M. Sir.vr.iis. CM AM. Mirz. :
Al.l.KKT. llt.CTOR. 1) . UUNM1\OII \ l.
.1. I , . Mll.KS.
Acpnunf at n.itikorH , Miruhnnts nnrt Individ
' ' ' on tliu most I.ivoiablo Uinus.
Paid Up Capital . $ -100,01)0 )
Surpliis . 50,000
H. W. YATES. President
LEW is S. HKI.I ) , Vko President.
jU. . TuunAiiiN. Sud Vice President.
W. M.S. Hunncs , Cashier
11. VV. VATKN Ltwis S. UKUD ,
Banking Olllcu-
Corner J2thAud KarnamSta.
A General Iliinkuig llnalness Transacted.
For circulars address JI. llooTir. CJilcaiso , 111 ,
Bettie'S tuart
Will coniuicme UiVNt > onr SuiitoniLer l.'tli , livit. Ad
VantURiii uinilrpani'il. llnmo couilurts : .cnrefn
trnluliitf. Applr to AlcKcclluukd , IVlnclpal
Morgan Park Military Academy
Tlio llebt Hoys' IloanlliiK fichuol In-tlio
fUxteenlli year t > PKltisficiit. iBtlt. fiomllor cuta-
lOBUe to CAIT. HO. N. ICHIK-l'ALCori1 , hiii > t/t
UOIIGAK 1'AHK , COOK CO. , ll.L. /
r udlt rUln arCblo ( ! o.floardlnpWB )
UM < xil for ( llrls and \ounB ladles. Fur
otalomiB addrc s < . 'I'llA VJJK. J.L. I ) . .
ilotgau i > iirklir.uni7Uadb nbw atCUI k(0 , III.
03 ? . JOHN'S JlliultAltYSUIlCJOU
Civil KnglniMJrlUK. ( IUS IOM. HiiKluvvK.
HT. , _ ItKV.r. . . . 1).11UNTINUTON , Priaiidcnt.
ygitiim ; , tiupel'iutuiulfUt.
. _ u 1IU l ieJ I'n-
ue Decline and Fuu tlon > | d ; > or.
S l tTr iU iwtftwiia > ppllf tk > n.
Who In WKAK , HERVOV.1 , I r.niMTA
Ten.wliolnht ) r < l > .nilJUrV > RAH 'E
bMTRiriKI > wa7hl VIUOAof IIOI T.
HINI * and MANnooi > , rniuliv ( zlu > uitllii |
drain * UK | > n the FOUWTAINlT of LtrE ,
> IIKAI > A411K , nATKACHE , Draatlfu !
Drcxms , WBAKNEKN of Mtmorr , nAAKt
rui.NKsn ID uot'iETY , 1'iMi'i.r.s upoa
Ilia FA . Ana U the BFfGtrrn Ipadlng to
KARI.Y UKC.VTnnd p rh r > ONKUM | > .
VION or INHANITY. fhoultl ooiiiultjit our ;
the ! : i.KIIUATr.I > I > r. Clnrk * . R tal > U < tii > j
IMI. lit Ulark * hM madi NEKVOi : UE-
nil.ITT , Oil HOMO and all Dlicuc * of
Ihe UKIVITO HKIKAnT Onrtii a illi
ffimlr , U jnatre * Xi > ilinrrcnco WHAT yoU
i .7 tAken \VIIO lion railed to cure you.
liar to thvlr > ex can coiuult with tti annirnnce
of peedy rwUtf and euro. 8ond 2 cenU pottaga
tut mki on yonr dlsiates.
CrtHrnd 4 cent * paitnRO fnr r lobr t d
Work * on I'liroiilr , Nwrvuun aud I > II *
cate JluaMii. ConiultaUon , jHinonulIy or by
Jt r , fr > . Contiiltthe - ild Hn ( or.
bntixouiln curort. OtQr mnd i > < u < lor *
prJvuta. . jThnnruutemplatlDg Marrltg *
vend far I > r. C'lnrite'a ctlebralcd sulae
ftlMlo and Frtnnlp. < rh Itc. , both 2uc.
Utampt ) . Ilefnre conflrllnc your cote , rxniiuU
Br. CIAHKK. ! A frlxndly Uttrr or rail mnj
wve future tuflerlnriuid ahatnc , and add aolaen
yean to life.Bonk I.lf > ' ( Secret ) F.r.
r ri , " DOC. ( itampj ) . llcdlclue and wrlllntn
icut .evarywlicro , < < > puie .from . zpo arr.
Houn , 8 to B : Hundcjii , 9 to 12. A (111 rest ,
F. D. OLABKE , M. D.
l e So , Clark Stv CUICAQO.-n.L.
Itn main linou nnd bronchp * iocluile CUIOAaO ,
and acoroa of Intcnnecllnte cltlce. Choice of
routaa to end from the Fnciflo Coast AH trans
fer * in Union depots. 3eit trains of Fine Day
Coochea. elegant Dining Dora , mauniaceui.Pull-
turn Folaco BUopere , and ( between Chlcaco. Ot ,
Jcpscph. Atchleon nnd Kansas City ) Reclining
Chair Can , .Oeaia Tree , to balden of tbiauf n
Chicago , Kansas. & Nebraska tt'y
" Great Rook Island Routs. "
Extends West and Soutlnvost from XansaClty
"vmj. TOPEKA. MEnnraroH. WIUUITA.
UTJTCHrNBON , CAIiDWEIX , and alt points In
and beyond. Entire passenger eaulnment of ths
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All fafity ap >
pllanaes aud modern improvements.
The Famous Albert Lea 'Route
3s the favorite between Chicago , Bock Islmnd ,
Atehlson , Eooas City and MlnnsnpoUs xaA Bt ,
ftaiL Its Watortown branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Bouthwostern Minnesota , and
Kut Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Lake ,
loux FaUs and mimy ether owns * cities.
The Short Xlno via tleneoa andltnrtVahee offers
superior Tacllltloa to tmTel to and Xromlndlan *
apolls. Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets. Maps , Fclders. or desired tnfDrma-
tton , apply at any OouixinTloketOfflc * or address
Qrnl Uanagcr. Genl Tkt. ft Pass. Agt >
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul ti'y ' ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Jilua * to
- = = TH'E ' EAST = = -
CbJiujgo , AKD JHiUraukce ,
SU Paul , MUiiKJUioli Cedar Eplds ,
Rock Island , J rroport , Uookford ,
Clinton , JhJjiuiue , .Davenport ,
Elgin , jHiidison , JncsrlUc ,
Belult , Winoutt , IA Cnxse ,
Aud nil other 'Important u > olnti Eatt , torthe | t ana
J'orthrouvli ilokotii call onJ.ho ticket K nt at 1X\
Faruiua ilretit , la llarkor Jilock , or at Union t'aclOs
I'ullman Sleepern nod the tlacH JilolDC Carelo ths
world ore run on the runln Hue of the Obleago , MU
waukoe Jf tit. i'aul UHHWHT. and ererr attvatlon u
paid to naiienKcn lir suurtooui eiaplo os of lal
( xmipanr.
K. All LLEIl , General Wn gor. - -
J. I' . TUCKCH. ArdstBiit ( Jencrnl Manager.
A. V. 11. UAltl'K.NTJiU , General J aasncar anil
UbO. rf CUBAFFOUD , AuliUnt
and 'ticket Anent.
J.T. CJJUIK. Uenera
( be Ssndsn Clecs , ic Co. 169 LaSsllc l.Chioaa
Council iulfs
Cliicap ,
TUo only roa-1 to take lor IHs Molrics. AUrnhultotra
CularUtpldf , ' 'llntuii. I' on. Cliluii < > , > lilwa
and nil points Kj-t f i the | im > plo -Nctru.lku
riidn , ' . uui , Jdttiu , i'evaU.i. Uracun. V h.
InKtoniuid I'uiUoinln. it iiiljra ui > crjur uurwiliMei
notiio lblo liy iniy otliur lliu > .
Ainoiua low of ilm mimoroin polnti of auprrlurltr
fnjojed br the liatruru uf tbU road t'C'lwoun Ornalm
nml I'liliuL'o. nro Hi IUii-o tralnt n dnjr of HAY
COACH 158. wtiiuli ro tlio Untiit Iliat liuin in url nml
Intfunultr can cr.uUj , lu rAI.ACKMI.UKriNUCAIt" ,
tliH tMiinl | uf urlileli iiuiitint l > luiiml ol wliotu. At
( kninUI Illultn. the Iralni ff ( Ui- Union I'uolllu Hall
way cuniu-ct In iinliin > l pot with tUo < n of ilioCnl-
ciwoAc&ortliwoittirii Jtr. , lu Culo.u-'n tl > u train * of
ilili Una nialtu rlo.o cunacritlan ulth Ihow of all
utlirr JCaiornJl < j .
ror Detioll , t'dliiuibiii , Indlunniiolls , ( Uuclnoatl ,
NUsaru rnlls , ililffHlii. rulibiitv , Torimlo , JUuutrtiiii 1
llottun Jsoirurt. . 1'lillnalliihla , lUltimiire , * V jilr-
liltloa , uuil will IH.IIUS In thul.u t. A kfurUkoMTU 4
" ' *
If you nlsli Iho l * > - > t ncuniiuii < utluii. All ticket
* ii nli- .
ii. mitiiiiiT , K. r.
U iCl KMKIX. ' - 't . A .ut.
IU _
VT. K BAHCOCK. Ocn'l Miwtoru AB nt ,
I ) . K. KI.MIIAI.Iv.'i'ietil/Uont.
tl. P. WKal' , Oilf I'ju eu orjlgout.
1101 i'ciuittubtruct.uuialia. Jicb. -a
jKernarVfttle tar nowertill srm
Utetlc tonti.'pBSyel'uef } oiTqu < i
aomtc u iira ml [ frt U y ei\r '
the beat tmnrantef of the cical-
Imce-ot tuoae I
If. J. ,
Surgeon and Physician.
Office N..VIUura r Krh u > i Ujuijhvi St. OCUct
telephone , iii ; U JvU ) uc Vt'.epU u .