Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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A Bearish Sontlmont Apponrs In the
Whont Pit.
Ontn Dull IliitStcndy Few Intcrcstlnc
Features lit I'rovlslotiH "Moderate
Trading In Cnttlo nnd HOJJS
Ocncrnl Quotations.
CHICAGO , Sept. 5. | Special Telegram to
TUB HIM : . ] The wheat market wus not par
ticularly Interesting to-day. It sold oft rather
abruptly near the opening , but revived Inter
nnd fluctuations were with a J c limitation
thereafter until the close of the long session ,
December continues to bo the great trading
month. It opened atOl c , 8 ° 'd ' down to Mc ,
climbed to tti c , nnd during nine-tenths of
the Bcsnluii fluctuated nervously between 0-JJ c
nnd D5c. This ground was traveled over pos
sibly a dozen times during the session. The
temper of The speculative crowd was bearish
nnd wonderment that the market did not
' break was the prevailing sentiment. The
great strength of thu situation hus thus far
Interposed a bar itgalnst n decline. New
York , nnd in fact nil American markets , ex
cept St. Louis , seemed to bo looking for a ro-
nctlon toward n lower range , and
the speculative fraternity is "loaded"
for it. Closings ai'o fractionally lower than
yesterday , nnd on the whole the bears feel
thnt they have pained n point. The feeling
during the last half hour was rather easier.
The corn market was fairly actlvo and gen
erally firm , nnd ut the close at 1 o'clock Octo
ber was about % c higher than it closed yes
terday and seller May unchanged. The
market developed no bpecial feature nnd was
n rather narrow one , with business largely of
n local scalping character. The fluctuations
of the session were within a range of about
? c , and the close was at nearly the highest
point. October oold early at 41 % ® ll c , but
eased off to 44J c under some very free selling ,
but this was followed by liberal buying ,
under which there was n moderate reaction.
The price touched -J4Kc , weakened u trifle
nnd closed about steady.
There is no appreciable improvement In
the quality of with current arrivals
averaging only about 20 per cent
of contract grade. Speculative Inter
est is very tnmo however , and to-day's
market wus dull and nearly steady.
October ruled about J c lower early , with
fair inquiry for May. While few sellers ap
peared , cash lots sold fn'rly ' well , ruling fully
steady to * c higher at 2-lfe24' o for No. 2 in
In the provision trade there were no
sensational developments. In the January
product , which is attracting daily increased
speculative attention , there was doubtless
more strength , but in near deliveries the
tendency rather favored the bear side.
Bused on lost night's closing , pork nnd lard ,
nt 1 o'clock , showed n decline of 'Ji/c for
September and October , while short'ribs for
the same months were 5c lower. November
lard was advanced tJfc. ! In year and Janu
ary pork the day's resting prices were nt an
Improvement of lOc , in year nnd Januarv
li\rd of 3 > < 26c nnd in January short ribs
of 2 e.
ket sold off sharply , on general realiz
ing and the growth of n sentiment
that values must react. Closing : September
0. > Xc , October 02Jfc , November 02c. Corn
was quiet and weak , October closing about
KC lower than at 1 o'clock ; September44 < c ,
October -HJ e , November -Ufa : . Oats were
quiet nnd easier ; September 24' < c , October
24 e , November 2t' < fc. Pork ruled and
closed r > @ 7 , ; c lower than 1 o'clock prices ;
September S14.30 , October J14.30. Lard
steady nnd unchanged with moderate trad
ing : September ? 9.3 } < f , October S.S2V ! ) .
November * 8UO. Short ribs were quiet
and 2) c lower than at 1 o'clock ; September
W.50 , October $8.60.
CHICAGO , Sept. 5. IBpccIal Telegram to
THE DEB. I CATTLE Business was moder
ately active , with little or no change in
values as compared with the past few days.
Prime natives continue scarce , and fair to
good arc not at all plentiful. There were a
few lots of prime range steers among the
arrivals , and such sold up to full former
prices. Texans underwent little or no change ,
native butchers' stock selling fairly wall.
There was no business of note In stockcrs and
feeders. What Is needed in this trade Is thrco
or four killing frosts before a revival can bo
expected. Veal calves are in good demand
nnd 25c lower thnn last week ; choice beeves ,
W.10@0.25 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to
1500 Ibs. . > .00oj7.50 ( ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. , S1.50 ®
6.25 ; 050 to 120J Ibs. , $3.83 ; stockers and feeders - <
ers , $2.15 < < ? ! 1.2f > ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.45
( JJ8.20 ; bulk , $ .2.20@2.GO.
Hoas Business was fairly active and
prices the same us for a day or two past.
Heat assorted heavy , including prime butcher
weights nnd Philndclphias. agnin sold at
$0.50@G.CO ; good to choice mixed , i < ) .20@C.40 ,
nnd common mixed $0.00(3.0.15. ( Light sorts
nro not wanted nt present. The Anglo-
American Packing company wns ull along
the only packing linn that made a specialty
in light hogs , nnd now that linn Las closed
down for an Indollnito period , leaving only
nn uncertain demand from shippers. Country
shippers should hold their light hogs back
until tlio demand improves. Quotations to
day were about $0.25@ii5 ! ! for closely as
sorted averages of 1CO@ 1UO Ibs.
New YOUK , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tins UEI.I STOCKS There wns a mod'
crate business In stocks nt the opening to
day , which was steady to strong , prices gen
erally showing nn advance as compared wltli
yesterday's ' close of H@.V - ' . For the llrsl
time in several days the Lackawanna crowd
' was not predominant , Krlo nnd Heading
being the favorites , with Missouri Pacific ,
Oregon Transcontinental , Union Pacific
Western Union , St. Paul and Now England
following. Prices moved up steadily it ;
those stocks , the advunco during the flrst
hour being K ( < | 5i of a point. London houses
were prominent buyers of Erie , but aside
from this the Urltons did little either way ,
Chicago bought moderately , and early In the
day there was a fair speculative demand
.At noon the market was quiet and linn am :
( prices were usually not for from the open
] Ing. After 11 o'clock there were some reallz
Ing sales , while n few timid bulls drew It
their horns and got out of the deal and val
ucs sagged off somewhat , subsequently
however , flrmlug up , The market was dul
but steady most of the afternoon. Mlssour
Pacific hold strong all day , closing about :
point higher than tlio opening , while Ohlc
and Mississippi gained about us much , cro ]
prospects helping the latter road. Thcsi
two MOCKS showed the greatest net gain fo :
the day , the rest of the list closing ut abou
first figures with the exception of Erla am
Erie seconds , Jersey Central , Reading
Western Union , Pacific Mall and Unloi
Puelllc , which gained K < 3 ? of a point.
UOVKUXMCXTS Government bonds wen
dull but steady.
Tlio closing quotations of the stocks wcr
as follows ;
, . . .
LnkoHhore WM do preferred. . . U7 !
Michigan Central. . bdVl Western Union.84) )
Missouri Pacific . . . WJJI
MOXET OK CAM < Easy at SQ2K per cent
last loan 3 per cent ; closed offered at IX pe
STEIIUSCI ExaiHNor. Dull but steady at
4S4Jf for sixty-day bills , 4 8 for demand.
I' H O I ) U OHM All K BTS.
CHICAOO , Sept. 5. Wheat Ea y ; casli ,
03Kc ; October , 033 ; November , WU < c.
Corn Steady ; cash 44 13-10c ; October ,
44Ji'ci.November , 4. ' ) , ' .
Oats Firm : cash , -Hfc\ \ October , 24 , ' c ;
November , 24 } c
Hyo 63Wc.
Harley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $ l.0.
Flax $1.25.
Pork Busy ; cash und October , $14:33 : ;
January , $ H.S5.
Lard Easy ; cash and October ,
November. 8.8 %
Flour Unchanged ; patents , $5.25@5.40 ;
bakers' , $3.00 © 1.10.
Wry Salt Meats-Shoulders , $7.G2K@7.75 ;
short clear , $ < i.00@9.25 ; short ribs , $8.50.
Hutter Firm ; creamery , "
dairy , W ltic.
Cheese Firmer ; full cream flats and died-
dars , 8 (3S ( c ; young Americas , 8)@SJo. {
Eggs Firm nt 15JiVlGc. (
Hides Unchanged ; heavy preen salted ,
Oo'X ; light green suited , ( Kglljfe ; salted
bull , 6c ; grecu pulled calf , CX@7c ; dry
flint , 7 @Sc ; dry calf , 73e ; branded hides
15 per cent off ; deacons , 20@25c eacli ; dry
salted , 10$15c. (
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid , 45c ;
No. 2 , 4J c , and cake , 5u per 1U.
2:30 : close Wliuat Lower ; cash , 02j
October , ftJJjo ; November , OiJ < c.
Corn' Easy ; cash , 44 11-lCc ; October ,
November , 41U : .
Oats Steady ; cash , 24'jc ; October , SI
3-1 lie ; November , 24 > c.
Pork Easy ; cash and October , $14.30.
Lard Steady ; cash and October , $ 'J.S2J4.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17,000 14,000
Wheat bu OO.OUO 82,000
Corn , bu 375,000 451,000
Oats , bu 243,000 ECr.OOO
{ ye , bu . . . .
lurlcy , bu . . . .
New Vork , Sept. 5. Wheat Receipts ,
Of,000 ; exports , 8,000 ; spot Irregular and K
tc lower ; exporters quiet ; No. 2 red , $1,00
n elevator ; $ t.01'.f ntloat ; J1.01@1.02 f. o.
i. ; ungraded rcdbO@J1.0l ; options gcncr-
lly depressed , closinjj Vt , ( < i\Xc \ lower , clos-
ng ut lowest ; No. 2 red , October , closing at
Corn Receipts , 121,000 ; exports , 08,000 ;
pot fairly active , chiefly export , closing firm ;
\o. 2 , Mafr < f54u in elevator , 53 > 4@:4K
illoat ; ungraded mixed , 5'J'4@5P c ; options
< c liighcr and fairly active , closing llrm ; No.
, October , closing at fi.'ij c.
Oats Receipts , 123,000 ; exports , 2,000 ; spot
.ctivoand KTgU c higher , closing firm ; mixed
veslorn , 25 ( < i.Gc ; ! ! white western , ! iOr4Gc. (
CofTco Options opened llrm and uctivo
rading , closed steady ; sales , 103,000 bags , In
cluding September , S12.10 ( 12.20 ; October ,
11.400411.60 ; November , $10.05 ; spot Hio more
ictivo and strong ; fuir cargoes , $14.88 ,
Petroleum Fair ; United closed at'
Eggs Easy and quiet ; western , ' "
Pork Firm but dull.
Lard Opened firm and closed easy and
juiet , closing nt$10.15@10.20.
Hutter Firm and In good demand ; west-
rn dairy , 12@15c ; western creamery ,
Cheese Strong and in moderate demand ;
vestern , 7 ( SSc.
linnrnpollfl , Sept. 5. Wheat Receipts ,
00 cars. Sellers were aiming at yesterday's
"gures for milling wheat , but found it dif-
cult to dispose of wheat tit the sumo prices.
Vo. 1 hard , in store , September , DOlfc ; Octo-
jcr , OOifc ; No. 1 northern , September , Olc ;
October , D4c.
Milwaukee , Sept , 5. Wheat Weaker ;
ash and October , 8'c ; November , OO c.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , 44c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 2Sc.
Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 65)4"c. )
Hurley Quiet ; No. 2 , CCc.
Provisions Unchanged.
Cincinnati. Sept. 5. Wheat Firm ; No.
red , 90c.
Corn Strong und higher ; No , 2 mixed , 45c.
Oats Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 25@2Gc.
Whisky Steady nt $1.14.
Kaunas City. Sept. 5. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 redcash , 79 c bid ; October. 81c bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 30c bid ; year.
20c bid.
Oats No.2 , cash,20 c bid ; October , 21 } c.
St. LinulM. Sept 5. Wheat Steady ; cash ,
> Xc : October , l'5 ' } c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 41J c ; October ,
Oats Not quoted.
Rye Firm ; 53@5lc.
Pork Steady ; $15.12K-
Lard Higher ; * 9.50@'J.57K. '
Whisky $1.14.
Butter Steady ; creameay , 20@21c.
Ctiicngo. Sept. 5. The Drovers' Jour
nal renorts us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,500 ; market steady ;
Moves. $3.25@G.2V stockers , and feeders ,
$2.10@3.20 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.45 ®
i.20 ; Texas cattle , * 2.00 ( < f4.40.
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; mixed , $5 05gt0.40 ;
heavy , $0.05@0.65 ; liglit , $ . ) .SO@0.35.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 1,500 ;
market steady ; natives , K1.10@4.i5 : ; west
erns , $2.75@3.00 ; Toxuns , $2.753,00 ; lambs ,
National Stock Yards , East St.
IjoulH , Sept. 5. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ;
shipments , 2,000 ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers , ? 5.10@5.80 ; fnlr to good
nutlvo steers , $4.50 ( 5.25 ; butchers' steers ,
medium to choice , $ U.40 ( ( 1 50 ; stockers nnd
feeders , fair to peed , $2,30ft8.50 ; rangers ,
corn-fed , M.50@4,40 ; crass-fci } , 2.2U@3.00.
Hogs Receipts. 2.000 ; shipments , none ;
market strong : choice heavy und butchers'
selections , fO.COJEO.'O ; packing , medium to
prime , $ t.80@.50 ! ( : light grades , ordinary to
best , ? ( ) .20 ( < 10.40.
KansiiH City , Sept. 5. Cattle Re
ceipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 450 ; market steady ;
good to choice corn-fed , 5.00@5.50 : common
to medium , $3.25@l.75 ; stockers and feeders ,
f l.GOQO.OO ; feeding steers , $ J.3r3.05 ; grass
range steers , $1 S0i < ri.20 ; ; cows , ? 1.25@2.70.
Hops Receipts , 4,400 ; shipments. 700 ;
market llrm and Co higher ; good to choice ,
? OWXgtl.40 ; common to medium , 55.30Q0.20 ;
skips und pigs , $4.00(25.20. (
Cat tic.
Wednesday , Sept. 5 , 1858.
The cattle trade to-day was limited for'thn '
most part to the sulo of cows and feeders ,
which formed the bulk of the receipts. There
wus considerable inquiry for feeders , which
sold mostly ut n range of $2.0 @ 'J.30. Mfho
supply of butchers' stock was lair und sev
eral loads changed hands besides a good
many odds and ends. Good butchers' stock
is strong but common and old cows are slow
sale. Hecf cuttle were scarce and aside from
a fuw natives there were very few cattle
good enough for the dressed beef operators.
The market opened strong on good heavy
hops with a good shipping as well us local de
mand. Coarse rough hogs were Blow and
weak and it was hard work to get steady
prices. The early receipts were all sold out
before 10 o'clock , but about midday another
train arrived after a good many buyers had
filled their orders. As a result tliu late arri
vals sold at CtcfilOo lower than the opening
market. . _
Sheep ,
There were only two loads hero and they
sold on the market.
Cattle 1,350
Hogs 4,000
Sheep 400
Prevailing Prices.
Thofollowlng is a table of prices paid in
this niaruot for the grade * of stock men
Primostoera. 1300to 1500Ibs.$5.23 (35,50 (
PnmOBtoora , 1100to 1300 Ibs. , 4.50 (35.85
Native feeders 8.25 (3 ( > 3.60
Western feeders 2,75 (43.40
Uango steers , corn'ou to choice 3.00 @ 4.10
Common to good cows 1.40 ( OJ2.00
Choice to fancy cows 'J.25 (23.00 (
Corn-fed cows 3.00 ( $3.40
Common to choice bulls. . . . . . . . 1.25 aW.OO
Fairtocnoioeiighthogs O.CO ( S0.15
Fair to choice heavy hops C.25 ( gG.87 }
Fuirtocnolce mixed hogs 0.10 ( gti.25
KeprcHmuuuvo S.iloj.
No. Av. Pr.
4Jcow8 and hcifsrs 755 Il.tO
4 cows 817 1.60
2 cows 1,010 1.7G
1 cow 1,050 1.75
Scows 1,010 1.75
80 cows , natives. . . , , . . " „ , , . UsA 2,00
4icow . f.OW 3.00
14 cows , nntivcs . H75 2.10
2cow ( ) nntives , . 1,045 V.10
17cowsr . I . " 32 2.15
Scows , westerns. . . , . 1 , ' . ' 5 2.25
2 stags. . 1,835 2.25
48stockcrs . 033 2.25
1 steer . &TO 2.RO
lilstockcts . 1K > 1 S.W !
83 cows . IW > 2.30
8 cows . 1,030 2.40
Icow . 1.05Q 2.i
1 cow . lO 2.10
? COV'S . . . , , . . , , . .i . &S7 2.CO
steers , westerns , tailings. .1,031 2.50
12 feeders , westerns . 1,205 2.00
2tfeedcrs ) . 818 2.75
4 calves . 405 2.110
10 fccdora , nntivcs . tC 2.1 > 0
bOstockers . MO 3.00
3 steers , westerns. . . . . . 1,117 3.00
51 feeders . . Van 3.00
22 feeders . 1,034 3.00
49 feeders , westerns . UiM 3.05
4stockers . 1.005 : i.5
10 feeders , natives . 1,150 3.25
02 steers , wcMetns . 1,117 U.25
113feeilcrs . 093 3.25
21 feeders . 1,101 3.30
15 feeders. . . U75 3.30
17 stocker , ICnn. natives . 1,170 3.50
21 steers . 1,231) 4.80
41 steers , corn fed . 1,273 4.UO
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
H. Erwin . 19 cows. . . . SOO $2.00
H. Erwin . 11 cows. . . . ( ISO 2.00
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
03. . . . 209 2005.90 Til. . . . 230 210 $0.17J f
li'J..2ji : 200 5.90 CO. . . . 2 19 > 0 O.CO
71. . , . 107 200 5.05 64. . . . 201 82J 0.20
( ! ! ) . . . . VOU 80 (1.00 ( rS..21 ( ! 2SO 0.20
Mi. . . . 241 32J 0.00 OT..254 40 0.2J
OS. . . .220 120 0.02'OS. . . . .250 120 O.CO
( J7..235 2SO 0.05 Of. . . . 254 100 0.20
75. . . .202 KiO O.C5 OS. . . .259 1(10 ( 0.20
0) ) . . . 19S 120 0.05 02. . . . 210 KiO 0.20
70. . . . 227 00 0.05 47..27t 240 020
01. . . .183 20 0.05 72. . . .243 S80 0.22)4 )
02. . . . 202 2M ) 0.10 74. . . .178 M ) 0.22'
( H..245 240 0.10 59. . . .237 120 0.22JJ
71. . . .210 60 0.10 70. . . .2 , " ) ICO 0.22"
77. . . . 202 120 0.10 54. . . . 259 0.25
f4..25'J 100 0.10 02. . . .279 240 0.25
58. . . . 231 100 ( i.12'4 07. . . . 274 2 > 10 025
09. . . .23) SO 0.15 02. . . .258 400 0.23
08. . . .217 120 0.15 07. . . .259 1'iO 0.25
OI..20J 240 0.15 05. . . .247 80 0.25
05 . 2)8 ) 2M ) 0.15 CO. . . . 202 120 0.25
C.5..2-JI ICO 0.15 09. . . . 20-1 120 0.25
07. . . . 2 (5 ( 2SO 0.15 55 . . .209 120 0.25
03. . . . ' . ' 53 100 0.15 09. . . . 203 120 0.25
75..2')7 120 0.15 74. . . .241 ICO 0.25
03. . . .2)3 ) 200 017J4 51. . .272 120 0.25
74. . . . 241 100 0.17K 47. . . . 297 80 0.30
73. . . .237 80 ( ) .lij 01 . . .291 320 030
60. . . . 251 120 0.17' < j 107. . . . 297 160 0.35
03. . . . 2 19 IGO 0.17K C5..2SO 40 0.37
No. Av Pr ,
4C6 westerns . 120 3. 5
nnd Lowest.
The following are the highest nnd lowest
prices paid for mixed und heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past few days , and
fortho corresponding period in 1887 nnd 1880.
| August lbi8. ! | Auguat IbtlT. | August 1H80.
Live Stock Notes.
J. A. Gorton , Dcwitt , was in with cattlo.
H. Meisncr carne in with a car of hogs f i om
The banks at the yards will close tomorrow
row at 11:30. :
L. K. Uonsloy , Dcnnison , came in to look
over the market.
L. A. Combos , Ewing , was hero and mar
keted a loud of hogs.
E. Pcttoys of Shelby was among the ship
pers who were in with hogs.
Malvcrn , la. , was represented by J. M.
Strahn , who came in with cattle.
II. B. Gammol , a frequent shipper of Her
man , was in looking over the market.
J. Cummins , Tulmagc , was at tlio jards
with a load of hogs , which sold on the mar
Among the visitors at the yards were J ,
Ginllup , James Hull and Mr. Milligan of Dun-
up , la.
E. M. Gibson , of the Brush Lake Cattle
company , was hero with twenty seven cars
of cattlo.
Underwood. In. , was represented at the
yards by A. Klopping & Sons , Frank Childs
nnd Mr. Phillips.
The attractions in Omaha this week are
bringing in a great many stockmen , who take
the occasion to visit the stock yards.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc. .
BUTTER Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 18
@ 21c : choice country , 10@l7c ; common
grades , 10@13c.
Eoas Strictly fresh , 15@lficcnndled.
ORANOES Messinas , $ o.CO@0.00 per box ;
Rodi , * tt.00@0.25 ixr box.
CALIFOIINIA GUAVES Sl.Sfifi t.SO per case.
SOUTHEHN G HAVES 1C@000 per 10-lb
PEACHES California , $1.00@1.50 per box ;
Missouri , 50c@H.OO per K bu.
BANANAS Common , $1.50@3.25 per bunch ;
choice , 2.50(33.50. (
LEMONS $4.00@5.50 per case.
CANTEI.OPES 10@75u per dozen.
PLUMS 50@75o per bu.
HUCKI.EUKIIIIIES $1.2o per drawer.
POTATOES 10@GOo per bushel.
SWEET POTATOES lif5o ( per Ib.
POULTKT ! No dressed fowl in the market ;
live chickens , f3.50@rj.75 per doz. ; spring
chickens , * 2.25@i.OO. ;
TOMATOES 7.1.25 per bu.
WATEIIMULOSS J3.00@12.00 per 100.
PKAUS California , ? U.OO@U,50 per bu box ;
Southern , 75 per % bu.
CELEIIY ! 25@80o ucr dozen.
Eoo PLANT $1.001.2o ( per dozen.
ONIONS l } e per lu.
AWLKS * 2.00g3.00 ( per bbl.
CiuiiAi'i'i.Es 50c per box.
CIIIEU Michigan , & 4.50@0.50 per bbl 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Poi > Coux Hicc , a@ic ; common , 2@3c.
CAKIIOTS SOcper bushel.
BEANS Choice eastern handpicked navies.
. iOig'J.SO per busliel ; western hanO picked
navies , $2.i5@2.75 ( ; mealums , $3.00@2.15.
Lima beans 5c per pound.
HAY f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , fO.OO ; No.
2 upland , $5.00.
Unix 810.00.
Ciioi'i'Ei ) FEED $17.00 per ton.
Vixcovu Cider , 8@15o per gal. White
wine , 0@lOo per gal.
Grocurs List.
Revised prices are as follows :
BAnniNa Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Araos-
kcag , seamless. 17 ! < jo ; Lowlston A , seamless ,
19c ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4
toSbu , ll@Uc ; guunlcs , single , 13o ; gun
nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines-
Flax , ! Wc ; extra sail , 20@21o sail B , 10@20c ;
cotton. 21o ; lute. lOc.
COFFEES flloclin , 25@20o ; Rio , good , IOC ?
17o ; Mandahllng , 2G@'is > c ; roasting Illo , 14r ( $
l o ; O. G. Java , lM@2i5c ; Java , interior , 22 < < J
25c : Uio , fancy , IG lPo ; Santos and Mara-
caibo. 17@10o : Avbuckles. IS c.
SUOAU Granulated , So ; conf. A , 7e ;
white extra C , 7' < c ; extra C , 7fc ; yellow
C. GJ/c ; powdered , 8Jfo ; cubes , 8c.
HOXET 12@lSc for one pound frames ;
strained honoy. G@Sc per pound.
BEESWAX Choice yellow , 20@22J < c ; dark
colored , lajZiHc.
CHEESE Young America , full cream ,
0f@10 > fc ; full cream Cheddars , Of9Kc ; full
cream Hats , 9@9 ; good to choice skimmed
Cheddars , tXSOJf : skimmed flats , 6@5 } < fc.
PICKLED Medium , m bbls.W.Sj ; do in hall
bbls , $3.00 ; small , in bbls , $050 : uo In half
bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , in bbls$3.0fl ; do in half
bbls. W.50.
Tonicfio Plug , 20S05c ; smoking , 10@90c.
JELLIES $1.25 per ; iO-lb pail.
SALT $ l.SO@l.i6pcr : bbl.
HOPE 7-10. WglO c.
MAI-LB SUOAU Uricks , lK"12o per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12 ( < 13a per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , f 1.00 per pal.
TEAS loung Hyson , common to fair , 18(11 (
" > o ; Young Hyson , peed to fancy , 80 ; < ? 55c ;
Gunpowder , common to peed , 22u".J5c ( ; Gun
powder , choice toJaney.-llKgrt.'ic ; Japan , com
mon to medium , ISGftti Japan , choice to
fancy , 80@45o : Oolong , common to good , 25 ®
! l5e ; Oolong , choice to funcv , 60@70c ; Imper
ial , common to medium , 25@35o ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 50c.
NUTS Almonds , lB@17o ; tilborts , ll@12c ;
Brazil , WtfK'o ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lOQUc
peanuts , & @ > : c ,
GBACKEHS 5@10o per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
, us pur list ,
. , . . . , ANK SHOT Shott $1.20 ; bucKshot ,
$145 ; powder , kcir . , W.MO ; InUf keg < ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50iblastlngkegs , $2.15 ;
fuses. 100 ft , 27't" > o , ,
llKFixnn nun Tierce. fcS'e ! 40-1 b square
cans , Ukc : 50-lb rouml/HUc , ; 20-lb round ,
O'vc ' : 10-lb pails , O&o ; ,5-lb palls , tt' sa-lb '
palls 9tj * . , .
, i t , i I
PROVISIONS Hams , lajfoaw/cj / breakfast
bacon.tole \ \ bacon sides , 1010t4 ' ( ) : dry I
S. l > l , vl4Cj shoulders , Uc ; dried beef ,
DHIED J'nuns Figs , \n \ boxes , per Ib , 13 ®
lOc ; dates , in boxes , 5 > il ( 7c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , * .1.50rf8.75 ( ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2.300 ? 2.50 ; now Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , 7X ( [ ? * e ; Call-
fornui 4ooso muscatels , per box. $1.75.
California London layer rulsms. per box ,
$2.35(22.50 ( ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 20 ( 21e ;
California pitted plums , per Ib. 12di " 18o ;
dried blackberries , per Ib , SK ® ! "dried i
rnspberries , per Ib , 4iti. ( > o : evaporutcd up- '
pies , 8 > ( e$14c ; California sun dried peaches.
13c ; California unbared evaporated
peaches , 15@lSc ; evaporated California
apricots , lllc : Zunteocurrants , f K ( < 7c ; Turk
ish prunes , 414"T4 ( 'c ; citron. 22 ( < < j2Icj orange
peel , 15c ; lemon peel , IGc.
FISH. Holland Herring , S. " > cjHOc. ( ) per keg.
White Fish , M bbls. , No. 1 , $0.00. Family"
$3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , $350 : Mackerel , U bbls.
Hloater Mess , $18.00. Uloatcr , $10.50 , No. 1
Shore , $18.50. Largo Family , $10.50 ; Labra
dor Herring , $4.50 ; Columbia River Salmon ,
$17.00 per bbl.
Connsn Per Ib , whole. Co ; bricks and
strips , 7@Sc.
CANDV Mixed , 8 ( < ? 18c ; stick , 82.
rock candy , 10J4@13cjJiincy candy.
lirv Ciiooils.
COTTON Fi.vNNni.s 10 per cent tils. ; LL ,
f yc ; CO , ( > ) { eSS \ , 7 ; ' c ; Nameless , 5c ;
RX , 18c ; R , 20c ; No. 10 , 8)ifc ; No. 40 , lOJ c ;
o. (50,12 ( > c ; No. 80 , l-Wo ; No. ; ! 0 , colored. Uo ;
S'o. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70. colored , 12Uo ;
Bristol , 12 ! c ; Union Pnclflc , 17o
CAHI-ET WAIII- Bib White , lOc ; colored ,
22cBATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem lOc ; Beauty ,
12 c ; Boonc , He ; B , cased , * ti.5ur
I'ltiNTs Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
Berlin oil , OKe ; Garner oil , ( ) ® 7r.
c ; Swift River. So ; Thorndlko OO ,
riiorndiko EF , 8'xfc ; Thorndlko 120 ,
Thorndlko XX , 15c : Cordls No. 5 ,
Cordis No. 4. lie.
Beaver Creek A A , 12c ; Heaver Creek H13
lie ; Heaver Crcuk CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY JEAN'S. Memorial , 15c ( Dakota
18c ; Wurham , 27Kc ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning ,
i'ngton , 22X" ! CottswoUl , 27J c.
CiiAsii. Stevens' H , Gc ; Slovens' B
bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A. 7Jic ; Stevens A'
blenched , 8 > c ; Slovens' P. 8 0 ; Stevens'
P , bleached , Ui e ; Stevens' N , OJ c ; Stevens'
N , bleached. 10 > c ; Stevens. SRt , 12 } < c
MisuKM.ANKOL'8. Table ou clotp , * 2.53 ;
plain Holland , O o ; Dado IIolland.12Kc.
Urown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ku ; At
lantic H , 4-4 , 7 , c ; Atlantic W , 44. 0o ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Gc ; Aurora LL , 44 , Gc ; Aurora
C , 44 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O c : Hooslcr
LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Indian Head , 44 , 1 o\ \ Law
rence LL , 4-4. fie ; Old Dominion. 4-4 , 5J < jo ;
Pepperell R , 44 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 44 , G c ;
Pepporell. 84 , IB a ; Pepperell , 04,21c ; Pep
perell , 104,23c ; UticaC , i-J,4Jfc ; WnchtiBott ,
44 , 71 0 ; Aurora R , 44 , 7c , Aurora B , 4-4 ,
liCK ) West Point TO in , 8 on , 10 } c ;
AVest Point 29 in. 10 oz , 13c ; West Point
29 In , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , IGc.
FLANNELS Red , C , 24 in , 15 > < ; E , 24 in ,
2Ic : G G , 24 in , 18c ; H A F , , 2oc ; J U F , ,
PuiSTS Pink and Robes Richmond , GJ o ;
Allen , Gc ; Rlverpomt. 5c ; Steel Hlver , G ) c ;
Richmond , 0 cPacillc ; , 0 } c.
PUINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5 } c ;
Ramapo , 4Jfc ; Lodi , 5J c ; Allen , Gc ; Richmond
mend , Gc ; Windsor , OJ c ; Eddystone , GJ c ;
Pacific , OXc.
Bt.KACHEi ) SitEnTiNO Berkeley cambric
No. GO , 9 > < c ; Best Yet , 44 , 0c ; butter cloth
OO , 4J c ; Cabo , 7) ) c'Farwoll ; ' half bleached
" , Tiu. Fruit of Loom , 9.5/0 : Greene
G , Gc ; Hope , 7 % ; King Philip cam
bric , lie ? Lonsdale cambric , HJi'o ;
Lonsdalo. Oc ; Now York mills , 10rfc ;
Pepperell , 42-in , He ; Pepperell , 40-in , 12o ;
Popporell , G4 , IGo ; Pepporoll , 8-4 , 21c ; Pop-
perell , 94 , 23c ; Pciiperell. 104 , 25c ; Canton
44 , SJfc ; Triumph , Gu ; Wnmsutta , He ; Val
ley. 5c.
FLANNELS. Plaid Uaftsmen.aoc ; Gosnen ,
" ' ; Clear Lake , SJJ o ; Iron Mountain ,
GINOIIAM Plunuettcnecks , 7) c ; Whtttcu-
ton , TMo ; York , Normandl \ arnss ,
c : Calcutta dress. 8 } c ; Whittcnton dress ,
) 0 ; Renfrew dress ; 8&12 > a'c.
CAMIIIUCS Slater , Skfc : Woods ,
Standard , 5 c ; Peacock , 5 > ic.
PUINTS INDIOO BLUB Arnold , G c ; Amer
ican , GJi'c ; Gloucester , Gc : Arnold C long
cloth , 0 : Arnold B long cloth , 10 > ; Arnold
Gold Seal. 10J : Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10K.
SniRTiNQ Checks , Caledonia X , Q o ; Cal
edonia XX. lOKo ; Economy , 9o ; Otis , 9c.
Iminber. '
First and second clear , )4@3 in. $47 00@49 00
First and second clear , li&il/4
in . 49 00@51 CO
Third clcaliffiilH . M 00i40 ( 00
A select , 1$1J4 in . 37 00 < & 39 00
B select , \X@\X \ in . 3 00g37 ( 00
A stock boards , 12@10 teot , 12 in . 40.00
B stock boards , 12010 feet , 13 in . 41 00
C stock boards , 12itlO ( feet , 12 in . 30 00
D stock boards , 12@1G feet , 12 in . 23 00
Flooring , first common , 0 in. . . . 84 00
Flooring , second common , 0 in . 32 00
Select fencing flooring . 17 00
Siding , first and second clear , 14@lfi ft.25 00
Siding , flrst common , 10 feet . 22 00
Siding , second common . 19 ( JO
Common boards . 12 50
No. 3 boards , all lengths . 12 50
Fencing No 1 , 12 ( 20fcet . 10 50
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 1 1 and 18 feet . 15 50
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14 ( < ? 10 feet. . . .10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12(7 ( ? 10 feet . 17 00
Pinkt-ts , flrst rough , good . 20 00
Pickets , fancy head and drcbsedselected.25 , 00
Shingles , choice A to extra A . 2 ( iO@2 80
Shingles , standard . 2 50
Shingles. No. 1 . 1 10@l 15
Lath , dry . 240
Posts , each . 10@ 20
Metals anil Tinners' Stock.
Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , fO.75 ; tin plate ,
roofing , 1C , 11x20 , $5.15 ; sheet zinc. $ H.50@
0.75 : pig lead , $4.30 ; bur lead. $1.55 ; largo pig
block tin , 2So ; small pig block tin , 27o ; bar
tin , 2o ; solder , 14@17c ; copper bottoms , 31e ;
sheathing copper , tinned , 2'Jc ' ; planlstnng cop
per , tinned , 35e : lead pipe. 0 > .jO : sheet lead 7e ;
sheet-iron , N S IS to 24 $3.20 : Russia iron , 13o ;
Am Russia planished , A , lOMo : Am Russia
planished , B , 9ifc ; painted barb wire , $ .25 ;
galvanized barb wire , $1.03 ; steel nails , $2,20
(22.80 ( ; steel wire nails , S2.GOffi2.70 ; iron
nails , 2.10@2. 15.
JUNK Machine castings , $12.00@13.00 ;
stove plates , $7.0008.00 ; wrought ironS3,00@
10.00 j bones , dry , $3.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ;
copper. S3.005t.0.00 ; brass , $4.00@S.OO ; zinc ,
$2.OG13.00j ( ) solid lead , ' $2.00@3.00 ; tea lead ,
$2.00@2.50 ; rubber , ) .50(33,00 ( ; mixed rags ,
S1.10@U5 porcwt.
Hemlock solo , 18 ( < J7c per Ib ; oak solo , S0@
33e per Ib ; oak harness , 28@30c per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , 33p per 15 ; oak nnd hem
lock upper , 20@22o per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOSOOo per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1. 00cii$1.00 ( per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf.skln , extra , 1.00 ( < J1.10
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , G0@70c per
Ib ; oak kip skin , No.,1 , , 70 SOc j)0r ) ft ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extrn , feOfg'JOo ' per Ib. French
calf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
$1.15@1.75 per Ib ; French kip skins , do , 80c@
$1.10 per Ib. Cordovan , russett , 18o ; satin
finish. 20o per foot ; welt leather , $3.50@4.50
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20VJOo ( !
per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 23@ oopcr
foot ; glove calf skins , 20@30c per foot ;
Douglas kid , 80@10c per loot ; kangaroo
skins , 40T5SOo ( per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , 58.00@10.00 per dozen ; linings ,
$5.00@9.X ( ) per dozen ; apron skins , JiO.OO ®
13.00 per dozen.
_ _ _
Drugs nnd Chemicals.
MISCELLANEOUS Sulph. acid , le ; citric
aclu , ( Ko ; tartarlc , 50o ; bill , copavia , OSc ;
borax , lOc : chloroform , 47o ; glycerine , 23o ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 2Vo ;
gum opium , $2.85 ; sulph. morphia , * 3.50 ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
Hummer , lie ; zero , i < o ; nu. i goiuun mu-
chmo , 18o ; extra W. S. lard , Glo ; 'No. I lard ,
42c ; turpentine , 44c ; linseed raw , 50c ; boiled ,
* ili .
QUININE P. & W. , per oz , 55o ; Gorman ,
per oz , 4'Jc.
Coal and Lime.
Lauis 85Q90o ; Portland cement ,
mcstic cement , $1.85 ; piaster ,
hnlr , 33.W5i3. (
COAU Anthracite , rnnpc , nnd nut. f 10/0 ;
Inrpo cetj , ! 0.,6 ; Hock Spring , $7.00 , Su
I'crior , W.ooj lown l.WJo,60 < : stcum coal ,
MlastlntjH&M'k Hills 1'as 7:15 : a.m. fli'Jip m.
fNprfolk 1'asaciiBer. ' flU : p.m. 10:30 a.m.
Ially. * Kxcept Sunday.
Hunnlng between Council fllulTs and Albright.
[ n addition to the stations mentioned , tnuni
stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at thn Summit In Omaha.
I < enve. Arrive.
ANo.l4 4:00p. m.D No.3 7:00 : a. m.
11 No. 3 fiB' : ) p. m. ANo. 13..11:30 : a. m.
C No. 0 fl:06a.m.O : , No.5 5:45 : p. m.
A No. 4 0:40 a. m.A No.3 fl0 p. m.
C Dca Molnes Accommodation.
" C Des Molnes Accommodation.
A No.2 9:2j : n. in.iA No.U ( l:3i : a.m.
A No.4 :10 p. m.lA No. T BJO : p.m.
C. Ex. No. 8.8:10 : a. m. * O. Ex. No. 1..7:00 p. m.
Vcstlb'd No. 4.0:00 : p. in. Vestlb'dNo.3.7io : a. m.
Atl'c Ex.No. 0.0:40 : a. m. Pac. Ex. No.G.O:45p. : in.
'Dally except Sunday.
No.3 0:40 : a. m.lNo. 1 7:00 : a.m.
No. t 7:30p. m.lNo.3 8:00p.m. :
A No.10 7:0 : , " > a. mA | No.O 8:55 a.m.
A No.13 7OOp.m.A | No. 11 :
A No.8. . . .3:40p.m.A : | No.7 ll:3 : > a.m.
A No.4 0:40 : a. m.'A ' No.5 7ro a.m.
A No.O 0AO : p. m. A No.3 : f,0 p.m.
Adttlly ; II dully except Sat. : C dally except
Sun. ; D except Mon. : t fast mall : * Llmltod.
To Plumbers nnd Steam Heaters and Manufac
turers of Electrical Apparatus.
Sealed proposals will bo received at the odlo
of County Cleric Douglas County , Nebraska ,
until 0 u. in. , Saturday. September 8th 1888 , for
Steam Heating , Plumbing , and etc. , for tlio new
County Hospital Ilulldlug. Plans and specifica
tions CIHI be fcocu at olllco of County Clerk.
Certllled chock of $ WJ to accompany each bid.
The board reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
M. D. KOCIIE , County Clerk.
a. 23-m Si e-to s. 8.
Notice to Contractors.
" KALED bids will be received at the olilce of
the Secretary oj the llounl of Education of
the School District of Crete , Nob. , until Sept.
13th , 1S-S , nt H p. in. , for the erection of the
Crete HlKh School , In accordance with plans and
specifications to bo seen at the First National
Hank , Crete , Nob. , or at the olllco of Fowler * :
liulndorlT. aicliltects , KiU'i Fnrniim street ,
Omuha. Said blda should cover brick work ,
cut stone , plastering , salvanlzod Irou , and tin
work , sitting , mill work , carpentoriuir , pulnt-
lug. und all other v ork demanded , except steam
heatliiK. and the furnishing of all the materials
required for the entire completion of the build
ing. A certified check must accompany each
bid. The board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
lly order of the Tloard of Education.
b'idSt W. T. HUCHANAN , Secretary.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will bo received at the olilce
of county clerk until 0 a. m. , September f. Itsa ,
for removing 2,000 yards of earth , more or less ,
nt Intersection ot road running through center
of sec. ! Ml-ii ( : and the Fremont , Klkhorn te
Missouri Valley railway company. The board
leserves the right to reject any nnd all bids.
S G-tUt-m&e SI. D. HOCHE County Clerk.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
> llu l od Jlucrcnt ( rom all
othen. If cnp nbape , with B lf-
i adjuntlng Ball In centr. d pt
thebaliinuiocup preaees bock
the Tntestlnea lust o a per-
oadoea thoi linger. . WIthllKRj pr < ur
yvlth urelr off and night , and a radical
cure certain. IttieMT. tltirabloanrt rlii p. Bent by mall
Srcuilaril iOUUSTOS TUUSui.CaUH iW.
Liyo Stoci Coiniission Merchants ,
Live Stoci Cominission ,
Itoom 15 , Eicbanuo llulldlnit , Union Stock Yards ,
_ bouth Omaha. Neb.
_ _
Commision Dealers in Live Sod
Dcom 23 , Oppo ltn Kxchaiiire Iliilldlng , Unlou Block
Vanli. South Uiaaha.KeC.
Of Omaha , Limitei
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
tliiiriiU > . J ii ) Mrctt , fcetwocufch and
UrthiOuiatia , N Sn kn. _
AgricultnranmplemeiitsWagonsCarriagos , ,
\Vliolc l . Omaha. Kcbtmlia.
" "
Wholenalu llenlem In ,
Agricultural implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml , ' .03 , f06 ami COT Jonct Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST& CO. ,
Manufactnrcrs of Bncicye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , I'ay Hakes. Cliter Mill" nnd I.ubnn l"ul-
vertieri. Cor , 14th niul Nicholas ytreeta.
Wholesale .
Agriciilturai Implements , Wagons SBnggies
romrrHth in < \ Nlrholii atrcet .
Akron , Ol\lo.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. 15. Mea.t.Maniuer. 15131-caTijnwortti't. Omaha.
JlnmifiK'tim'rsamlJobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. ftb nnJ I'uslllo streets , Onmhn.Neb.
Artists' Nl otorltil ? _ .
"A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Douulas Street , Omaha , Nobrnska.
Q o o k s o Mon n " ii S t aUorror8 _
H. M , St S.\V. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kenyon , V Co. , Wholesale A Hctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Klnc Wedilliii Stationery , Commercial Stationery
litt Douglas fcjtrcut. Onmlm , .Sub.
Boots and Shoos.
( Successors to llecil , Jones A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for Iloslon Uubhcr Shcte Co. 1102,1101 * HOC
Hartley St. , Omaha. Nulirauka.
W. V. MORS E Jc CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , HOMlOj Uouula * St.Omiiha ManufactorjSum
mer St. . llcston.
Coffpos " , Splooa , ' Ec. _ _ _ _
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
HaYorlng Rxtrncti , Laundry llluo. Inks , Ktc. UK-
1410 llarnay Ptrcott Omaha. Nebraska.
Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Offl eg. 317 B. 13th St. , Oumba. Nebraska.
IruDortcrs and Jobbers of
CrccXerj , Glassware , Lamis , Silverware
Ktc. 1514 Kiirnum St. , Now I'nUon liulldlng.
Commission and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
SpocluKIcHntler. . Vttrrhi'fo , Poultry , Game ,
1112Hovrara Strent. Omaha ,
HucccaBors to McSbano & BchrocUer. )
Proflnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Corrc'pondenco nollclteil. 1014 North ICth
Street , ( Jmiiha , Neb.
CoaliJCokoj nd Litno.
' '
Jolite of Harfl and Soft Coal ,
300 South 13th Street , Omalm , Nebraska.
J. J. JOHNSON & | CO. ,
Manufactnrers of Lime ,
And shippers of Coal. Coalt , Cement , I'Uster , Liu
Drain Tile , and Sewer 1'jpe. OBIce. 218 , S. 13th
St. , Ooiahii , Neb. Telephone UL
Shippers of Coal anil Cots ,
31 ( South 13th Ht. . Omaha. Neb.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1103 and 1101 DouRlai. Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers andJolersinDryGoods.Notions .
Cents' Furnishing noarts. Corner llth and llaJne ;
btB.Oonib , Nebrnsktt ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnarn Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
OmuUa. Nebraska.
_ Croo ro8.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
703,707,703 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers- ,
1 In and Lcavunworth Streets. Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Moors of Siddlery Hardware
And Leather. HOJ , lft' ) nnd 1W7 llmncy St. , Omnho ,
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Ptoek , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. 1WC
aucl Ull Haniey Street , Omaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools anil nntralo Scales. 1406 Uouglui
Brroct , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
fth and rtarnoy Bts. , Omaha , Neb. Western Acenti
tor Austin Powder ( ' < > . , Jefferson Meol Nalla ,
Fairbanks Standard Scales.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Tlowe Scales ,
Miami rowdernudl.yuiun llurbcd wire ,
Oinuhn , Mebraoka.
Hats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 llarnor Btrott , Oinaba. Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
13U Flrect and Union Pad DC Track , Ooiaha.
Dealer in Luinher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
IKwn , Ktc. Yards-Corner 7lb and Douulsj : Cornel
tHU aail Uoiula *
_ _ , Lumber
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
lath and California Streets , Omaha , Ncbrivii * .
f MC.U W. UKAY ,
Luuilicr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cornerf4h and t > oiiiilmEl . .Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Office , llffl Ksrnnm Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported anil American Portland Cement.
Ak-enl fur Milwaukee llTilraulle Oeuient and
Qutncy White J.lme. _ _
Dealer iu Hardwood Lumlier ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. Mb. and TXmflsl
Mlltlnorynnd I
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
W. ? in ni15IJf > niith llth wtropt
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcnns Pnnti , SMiU , Kto. llirlnnd 1104 Douglas Street ,
Uinnhn. ! < t < ti.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 anil 40iSuitlilOtiSt.OmMii ! .
Wliolsale Refineil anil Lubricating Oils ,
Asia Clruaip , Ktc. , Omaha. A. H. lllnhop , Mnnnggn
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
11U5 llaruuy Street , Omnhn.
Offlco Fixtures.
Maniifnrt iro.'s of
Bans , Office anil Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles * . Pl.leboar.K . Tlook CHDOO , Prut ; KlxturcvWall
Ca p , PiutUliins , llKlllimnlCouiiti > rii , llocranuWInq
Cooler' . Mlrror , etc. 1'iiciory niu' olilce , 17JO und 171
houth UlU at. , Omnliu , Tolcpliono 1U4.
\Vholevilo Dcnlors In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Farnam Street. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice stock of I'rlntlnit , Wrapping and Wrltlnf
I's er. tipvclal attention elvun to car load orders.
_ PapoMjoxos. _ _ .
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Kos. 1317 nnd 131 ! ) Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 linil 013 Jouos Htrui't Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding A Commlaalon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch huuso of tlio llemiey DiiKKyCo. HuiiKleaat
wUulcnalo und retail , ) . 8 IJIOnnd ills liarU Blrect ,
Omahu. Tulephoiie No. 700.
Brewers *
Lager Beer Brewers.
1521 North Klgtntoentb Street , Omnha , fcb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Cpenctcr , Proprietor. ! fJO Doilee and 103 and 1M (
North lUth atroet , Omaha.
_ P 'rlttors' ' M a tori a I s
' '
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Pvalers .n .
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnhher Goods
311 Clothing and Leather Pelting. 1003 Faniain BtrecU
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV f. CO. .
\Vbolosalo Manu" icturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulding
Tlmnch Offlce. litli anil liard Streets , Omnha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds .
\ -iilillnas , Stulr Work nnd Interior Haiti Wool Mn"
N.U. Corner tuli unit Ix'uycuwortli titrcets ,
Omaha , '
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Puinns , Pine , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hallway Wlrnl Mllli. dm anil WO Fnmam St. , Omaha
ti. K Itois , Acting Manager.
Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bheetlron e m J-ump. . Raw MIK , .
Iron Works.
"Outer ft Eon , Prop's. Manufacturers of all klndi
Steam Boilers , Tanto and Sheet Iron Worlt
Works South Wth and II. b M. Crossing. ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
Gnxliiei , nraM Work , General Foundry. UaahlnoauA
Ulucksroltb Work , unite anil Worka , U. 1 * . lly.
and 17lb Street , Omaha.
oM AlFiA wmE tc iR rTWORK'S ; j
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Ueik llall > , Window OunrJi. Flower Htnnrti. Wlr
Htunt.Ktc. la Nurlli Ktli StreetOmtlia. ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
FaulU , Jail Work , iron and Wlrn Fencing , Hlgni , Etc.
U.AniU en , i'roc'r. Cor. lllh and Jackiou Bts.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Screens , forbanki , cnies lqres , retldencei , otci
ImproTvd Awninii' . Iflcksnillli filachlnrrj nnd
Ulucluuillh Woiki. Ill ; boulh lull HI. ,
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTirne , Lofts !
Oeucr l AgcnU lor Illebold Hutu & llock Compnai' * '
, lVH.lilUbl.