THE OMAHA DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER G. 1888. NUMBEK 84 TALKING OF ADJOURNMENT , A Resolution By Mr. Oatos Is Ro- colvcd With Applause. PREPARING ANOTHER SCREED. Cleveland to Tnkc a Hand In the Dls- ciiHHlou For llln Own Purposes New York ( Solid For the Ilcimhllcnns. Slay Adjourn This Month. WASIIINOTOX HirnntUTiii : OMMIA. BEE , ) 5ii : FOURTEENTH STIIKET , V WASHINGTON , D. C. , Icpt. 5. ) Thu introduction in the house to-day by Mr. Dates of Alabama of a Joint resolution to adjourn congress on Thursday , the 20th inst. , was roundly applauded and has created enough talk in both branches of congress to warrant one in making the prediction that congress will adjourn with in the next four or five weeks. Thcro is no doubt whatever that the democrats In the senate do not intend to permit the republicans to pass n tariff bll before- the November elections. They fear the result In the house. They are afraid that If the senate should send bill to the house before November that the republicans there would force Immediate action on the measure , without reference to the committee on ways nnd means. It is known that there are a largo number of dcm ocrats in the house who will vote for the bill which may bo reported to the senate ncx week. Of course if the republicans in the senate should pass u bill that tlio democrats in the house would have to support it would ficoro n big success for the republicans. Tills the democrats Intend to prevent. IIEAKV WITH AXOTIIEIl MESSAOE. There arc republicans who look upon the advances toward adjournment made by Mr. Oates as a trap sot by the administration. They believe the president wants the house to iidopt this resolution nnd send it to the senate , where it will not bo considered for Bomo days , so that the president can have an opportunity of adjourning and carding the public again , claiming that thu republicans , for political purposes , nro refusing to take action In needed legislation. The second clniMO of the third section of the constitution gives the president the power to do this. The constitution provides that the president may , on extraordinary occasions , convene both houses or either of them , and in case of dlsagrt'etnont between them with respect to the time of adjournment ho may adjourn them at such times as ho may think uropcr. A democratic senator intimated the other day that if congress did not adjourn pretty HOOII the president would adjourn it , aniTif the president does take action to ad journ congress lie will spring another sensa tional message. NEW VOllK SOLIDLY ItEPUm.ICAN. KcprcscntatlvoUorsey has Just returned from Now York. He spent an hour yesterday at the headquarters the republican national committee , and had a long conversation with Chairman Quay. He said to-night that there was no doubt that the republicans would carry New York by an unusual majority. "Tho Henry George crowd and the mug wumps , " said he , "nro going to support Cleveland almost solidly. These men are opposeit to Hill , and the Hill followers intend to retaliate by knifing Cleveland. The fight between Hill and the Cleveland forces is alone enough to glvo the republican ticket success and wo arc winning thousands of x'oters almost daily on the tariff question. The mechanics and laborers are thoroughly aroused on the tariff issue while the business men are thoroughly disgusted with the president's vacillating foreign pol icy. Tlio announcement that there wcro 1,300 street car men who had resolved to vote for Harrison and Morton is true and is only ono of the many Instances of organiza tion for the republican ticket. "QUITE KNOI.ISH TOU KNOW. " Postmaster General Dickinson inaugurated the English parliament practice this after noon by appearing in the house to conch members who wcro to spcnit in support of the administration. Dickinson sat with Chairman JJclmout of the committee on for eign affairs during Mr. Phelps' scathing speech on the retaliatory act and crammed Bclmont with administration ideas and put words into the chairman's mouth as he spoke. It was an unprecedented action and created surprise on every hand. "NO LIKELIHOOD OP ADJOUIIXMBXT. Senator Paddock said to-night that the Oates adjournment resolution introduced in the house to-day bore no significance what ever. That the republicans would not vote for It and that thcro was no prospect that tbo session would bo adjourned many days be fore election. He thinks congress will Imply take n recess for a week or two at elec tion time and the session will bo continuous. PACKING INTEUKSTS. A Continued Increase From I-mst Year's Output The Crop * . CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 5. [ Special TclO' gram to Tun BEE. ] The Price Current to morrow will say : The total packing In the west tbo past week is 100,000 hogs against 135,000 last year , and todato3'J25,000 , againsl 4,240,000 a year ago. The quality of hogs 1 : generally fair for this time of year. Thi visible supply of lard , for September 1 , em bracing thu stocks at Chicago , New York Europe and nlloat , aggregate 37,000 tiorcci less than a month ago , 98,000 less than a yea : ngo and 110,1)00 ) loss than the average for tin same dnto for six years previous to 1888 The distribution of moats during the wcel was fairly good , stocks continuing to dim in Ish at western centers. The past week has not been all that couli be desired in hastening the maturity of con in the west , although fair progress has bcci made In this respect. Thu general situatioi is unimpaired for the largest crop yet pro duced. A good deal of the crop would b seriously Injured by hard frosts within tci dnys or two weeks. Another 1'ostiil Hobbcry. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 5. An afternoon papoi says thcro has been another mall robbery be twcen this city nnd Chicago. Very few fact nro known about It , and , as usual , tfio ) > est office ofllelols in this city say they nro ignoi ant about the details. Friday aftornoo Blake Brothers & Co. mailed to their agent in Chicago three notes for t-5,000 each. The , wcro sent In the ordinary way and not rcgia tci-cd. As the letters did not roach their dcs tlnation the firm advertised the loss , so thu the notes could not be negotiated. Iowa I'oaliuasters Appoir ted. WASHINGTON , Sept. 5. [ Special Tcl < gram to THE BEE. ] The following low postmasters were appointed to-day : Otto I Wcstphal , Balluff , Scott county , vice Job C. BallufT , resigned ; Homer S. DoWltt , Ga , : port , Marlon county , vice Joseph T. Ilarvoj resigned ; William A. Prince , Harvuri a Wayne county , vlco Lizzie M. Thomas , r ' < signed | August Marr , Potter , Tama count ; vlco Bert L. Allen , resigned. The Spread of the Fever. WASHINGTON , Sept. D. A telegram he been received at the marine hospital burco from Tampa , Fla. , which says there hav been seven now cases reported there wlthl the past two days. Dr. Murray reports b , telegraph that ho has arrived at Tampa , an that thcro Js ono isolated case at Manllc ' and another at Palmetto , and that tbo othc river villages are healthy. Despondency and Death. \YJSONA , Minn , , Sept. 5. Benjamin I Simpson , city engineer , suicided about o'clock this morning by Jumping Into th river. Despondency over- business troubli ) vas the cause. HKUMN OOSS1I' . Prince Blmnnruk and the Children The Kmpcror's Movements. ICoj > i/roM ( IteSljuJamtt GonlnH llrnntt. ] HEIIMN , [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. ! Prince Bismarck is very well at present and takes much cxer- ciso In the open air , He often speaks with great affability to thu people whom he meets. On Saturday he aikcd the hoys of a Ham burg school who met him in the grounds nt Fredcrlchsruhc whether they had a holiday. On receiving n reply that all the Hamburg schools wcro shut on Sedan day , he re marked , with n kind smile , "Sedan day , this is the fourth school i hnvo met to-day. Yes , Sedan day is n fine holiday , children. You can often happily celebrate Sedan. " The Empress Frederick , I am informed , purposes leaving Potsdam for Kngland In about u fortiilcht from thu present time. After a stay of a wcolt or two with the queen she will return to Merlin whence she will afterwards proceed homo , The Greek crown prince who went yester day with the emperor to attend the review nt Guterbopk returned to Berlin to-day. The few weeks which have to elapse before his return to Athens the prince will spend chiefly in Potsdam and Berlin in the im- medialo neighborhood of his fi.meeo the Princess Sophie. Ho has to be back at Athens on the 2.'lh of October , the twenty- fifth anniversary of his father's accession to the throne of Giccce. With regard to the date of tliovcdding , nothing at present is settled nor is it known whether the Princes ? Sophie will be received Into the Greek church , though this is considered probable. It is quite true that Kmpcror Frederick bc- fore ho died expressed himself as desirous of seeing this union between his daughter and the heir apparent to the Greek throne. A review of thu third army corps will next Monday bo held by the emperor on Temolhof common. On Monday evening ho will leave for Wilhclmshoho und on the next day re view the troops thcro and also Inspect the ironclads. On Tuesday afternoon the empe ror will bo present at a grand dinner nt Wilhelmshohe and on Wednesday return to Berlin In order to welcome the Austrian archduke , Field Marshall Albrccht , who will tfien arrive. The Kussian Grand Duke Nichols will arrive at Berlin about the same date. Tlio emperor will shortly Join the empress and the imperial children in Silesia , where he will hns'o some shooting with his brother in-law and probably remain for the celebra tion of the birthday of the empress on the 2 > def October. Ontiie2othof Octobcritishls intention to be present at the celebration of the 700th anniversary of tlio building of the cathedral of Stcndal , which is famous for its beautiful brick ornaments and painted win dows. Prince Bismarck , whoso ancestors were Stcndalcrs , will also bo there. A Corner in Corn. Cl [ " "p/rf/'it ] ( / ' 'WS lll > Jatnc GuntnnJciuiffM VIENNA , Sept. 3. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TIIC BEG. ! The big boom in maize has just reached n crisis which has so far turned out In favor of the syndicate or ring of jf title and merch ants who have launched the speculation. These who have been short In this commodity have bad to pay a heavy penalty. The syndi cate , on the other hand , has found itself under the necessity of storing up n million and a half of metrical centners of maize in towns in the empire at considerable cost. A part of these stores Is shortly to be shipped to England. Meanwhile the syndicate has been Increased by several wealthy English members , and speculation is now to be con tinued in England , and probably transferred thence to America. DEMOCRATIC ASSESSMENTS. Secretary Mlze of the Illinois Cen tral Committee Interviewed. CHICAGO , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to THE Bni : . ] It Is reported on good authority that $40,000 has been raised by democratic office holders and politicians in Illinois , this summer , and that most of the money has boon sent on to New York. When questioned concerning the truth of this report Secretary Mizc of the democratic state central commit tee said : "I am free to say that I nm strongly of the opinion that any money raised within the state should be spent in Illinois , and though I have not talked with him about it , I pre sume Chairman Campbell would bo of the same opinion. What Mr. Phelps' Instructions from the national committee arc , or what his views may be , I am not aware , however , foi S have not had any communication with hhr on that subject , and I do not know that Mr. Campbell has had cither. So far as I air award thcro is no truth in the story at all and so far as the assertion that $40,000 , 01 anything like it , has been raised In this state if you look into it I am sure you will find somebody has been talking wildly for the sake of hearing themselves talk. " "It is said that the federal building in this city alone has contributed $10GOO ; that tin Internal revenue department raised $3,000 that Collector Sceuerpcr contnbuted person ally $1,500 and Collector Stone $300 , and thai tlio assessment on the employes in the vari , oils departments nnd on the distillers ant 11 brewers was sufficient to bring the total sun n up to the amount nuincd. " nn "This office is not raising any money it n that \Vo have not made way.Vo u single as D10 scssmcnt on any federal officeholder , and i 10n any have been made wo do not know it here n Any money this office has raised has been bj way of assessment on the congrcssiona districts in the state. Each congrcssiona district has been assessed so much and in making assessments and solicitiuf subscriptions this office knows no differcnci between an officeholder nnd any other dcm ocrat in the stato. What Mr. Phelps ma have done in. raising money by assessmcn on the employes of the government buildlni I do not know , but I nm inclined to thin ) that tiling has been very much exaggerated too. 1 see that Mr. Judd is denying nl knowledge of it. But if anything has _ bcei done in that way it lins been done by Mt Phelps without any connection with this ol flee , und I amfsatlsflcd the amount is vor , much overestimated. " o- Indians Kapidly Slciiing. oa ST. PACL , Sept. 5. A special from Crov aI. Creek agency says a council was held Mon I.m day night and several moro signatures wer ,9- obtained. The commissioners left for Lowe ,9a Brulo yesterday. A paper will bo loft a ! Crow Creek to receive all the signatures o 'C- these who wish to sign. Nearly ahundrei and fifty friends of the bill are now actlvcl ; at work among their relations anil friend who nro still holding out and the complot success of the commissioners there is assured as There is also every reason to bollevo th commissiouers will meet with success c Lower Brule. _ laid O'ho "Q.'a" Kinnnclnl Condition. CHICAGO , Sept. 6. The financial statctner id pf tbo Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy for th L'O month of July , as compared with the corn er spending period of 16S7 , is as follows : Gross earnings , $ lS&,500 , n decrease o $304,800 ; expenses , $1,010,103 , an increase c B. $312,875 ; net earnings , $353,307 , a decrease c B.o $017,100. For the seven months ending Jul 31 the gross earnings were $11,839,40(5 ( , a d < 10es crease of $3,001,441 ; expenses , $10,102,721 es an increase of $1,714,274 ; nr.t earning ! 1 $ . < MO,737 , a decrease of $5,318,715. DROPPED DEAD IN HIS CAR , Startling Episode on the Capital City Street Railway. HEAVY FAILURES AT HAIGLER. A Bank nnd n General Store Close Their Doors A I'lattsinoiith Ainu Accidentally Shot Hurt In a Ilunnwny. North Nchraslcn JH. E. Conference. CENTIIAI , Cirr , Neb. , Sept. 5. | Special to TUB BEE. ] The North Nebraska conference met at Central City Wednes day morning , ScptcmoorC , to hold Its ssvcnth session since its organization. Bishop C. D. Foss , D. U. , was In the chair promptly at 1) ) o'clock , and after reading the ono hun dredth psalm and the second chapter of Jl Timothy , and after announcing the hymn beginning , And are we yet alive , And sec each other's face , ho called on Dr. T. B. Lemon to lead in prayer , and them himself followed in address- in the throne of grace very fervently. The presiding elders were Invited forward to assist the bishop in administering the sac rauient of [ the Lord's supper ; at the close of which service , the bishop , in a very felicitous way , addressed the conference , saying : "Eight years ago I left my homo In Vermont to go a thousand miles to meet an nnnua conference in Southern Illinois , composed wholly of strangers to me. I was On my first Episcopal tour. The faces I would meet wcro strange nnd In the work I had had no cxpcr lenee. On the way , during waking hour ? , the thought kept In my mind , 1 am going to meet strangers. I opened the session very much as I have here tills morning , and by the time wo hnd sung and prayed together , the thought of being among strangers all vanished , and I felt I was among brethren. I was not born of n mil lionaire nor of a king , but am the son of a straightforward , steady-going 'Methodist preacher. I conceive myself as having been well born.My father broke down in the itineracy at the ago of forty , and took his family to a rocky farm In the same state in which ho had traveled. The farm was com posed of thirty-two acios , and was divided into fourteen fields. I never thought of get- tine rich , but four of us wrought on the farm , plowing , picking stones and gathering the harvest busily as if wo wcro tilling n great Nebraska ranchtho while under the pa ternal roof receiving the culture of our souls essential to making Rood men. Thus I was unconsciously training for the work of a Methodist preacher , which work I entered upon at the anc of nineteen , and never had any regret at the choice of work since that time. " D. C. Wlnshlp , former secretary , by re quest of the bishop , called the roll , after which ho was chosen secretary for the pres ent session and was allowed to choose his own assistants. It was agreed that the hour for meeting should bo fixed nt 9 a. m. and for adjournment nt 12 m. The dividend from the book concern to this conference was reported t by the bishop as $17. ) and of the chartered fund 20. A resolution was offered by Dr. Max Held asking that the bishop transfer Uev. Dr. T. B. Lemon from the Nebraska to the North Nebraska conference , as his homo nnd relatives are nt Omaha. Acommittee of two from each district was appointed to consider and report upon a slto for a conference camp ground. It was decided that the printed journal of the annual conference shall bo ac cepted as the valid record and that hence all resolutions and reports must bo written in ink and be duplicated. The Saiinders County Fair. WAHOO , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The second day of the fair has been a decided success. Tlio weather has been all that could be desired and the attendance has been good. The displays of all kinds are the best ever known in the history of the county. Governor Thayer and staff were conducted from Camp Shcrklan through the streets to the fair grounds by the First regiment of the National guards and the governor delivered to nn immense throng the annual address for the agricultural society. To-day's races at the fair were witnessed by 5,000 people. In the county trot , purse $100 , Catherine won first money , Frank second , Billy B third. Time : 3:10 : , :10 : , 3:09 : > . ' . In the 2:27 : trot , purse S175 , Billy Ford won first money , Elwood second. General Lee third. Timo-2 : ! , 2:3' : , 2:27K- : In the half inilo running race , purse $100 , Bay Billy won first money , Gray Fox second , Billy P third. Time :53 : , :52. : To-morrow's races promise to bo even bet ter than to-day's. Fell Forward Dead. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegran- to THE BKE. ] L. Shaw , a street car drivei i about forty years of age , dropped dead in his car at S:30 : o'clock to-night. Ho seemed ir his usual health and good spirits during the evening. Ho switched his car on FouVteentl street near A and was Joined by two brothci drivers whom ho Jocularly proposed to put of the car unless they put up fares , and in dulgcd in a friendly wrestle with ono o ; them. The violent exercise started his nosi to bleeding and a moment after ho fell for ward on his face , dead. Two physicians wlu wcro called said that death was duo to dis ease of the heart. Accidentally Shot. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Specia Telegram to THE BEE. ] Charley Simmons who runs a shooting gallery on Main street between Fourth nnd Fifth , was shot to-nigh by a stonecutter named Koss. Ross wa holding the gun in his hands when Simmons who did not know it was loaded , asked hiir to break the gun so ho could clean it , nt thi same time taking the muzzle In his hands When Koss broke the cun , it was discharge ! and the ball entered Simmons' body bclov thu knee , and ranging upwards , lodged nca : the kidneys. The patient was removed I the Kiddle house where ho now lies wit ] very small chance for llfo. The Kiicaiiipiiiciit at AVahoo. AVAiioo , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telcgrati to THE BUB. ] To-day , the 5th , the encamp mcnt of tht Nebraska National guards ha been a continuation of the fine weather , an the interest in the drill and maneuvering o the guards increases daily. In the gran midnight attack on Camp Sheridan last nigh Company D , the crack company of the Second end regiment from Falrbury , carried off th honors of the camp in being the first to n port for duty on the battlefield , and wer complimented for their promptness an efficiency by Brigadier General Colby i person on the field. Brown Jones. SEW * ! > , Nob. , Sept. 5. [ Special to Tn BEE. ] Miss Anna B. Jones , daughter o Claudius Jones thu banker , was quietly mar rlcd this morning at the residence of he parents to Mr. W. B. C. Brown , n young ai torney of Kansas City , Mo. Miss Jones ha been for a number of years attending th convent of the Sacred Heart at Omaha. The it departed for the cast on an extended bridi 10 tour. The State Normal School. PEHU , Neb. , Sept. 6. [ Special to Tim BEE , The state normal school opened to-da with a list of more than two hundred sti dents , there being admitted only these c legal age , which Is fourteen. The kindei garten department will uoj bo opened unt more teachers arc employed. Miss Smith of Omaha , who graduated t the normal last year will fill the position va cated by Miss Strock. Everything bids fair for a very prosperous year for the normal. Arrested fur Horse Stealing. SKWAUP , Neb. , Sept G. [ Special to Tnn lint : . ] A young man named Cobb was ar rested at Utlca and lodged In Jail hero for the thcst of Whltnnh's team , which ho tool ? to Holt county and traded for a span of ponies. IIo returned with them to Utlca. Wbltnnh recovered his property. Captured With the Horse * . ALLIANCI : , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tun UKK. ] A. Preston , from whoso livery stable a horse was hired and not re turned , on the 27th lilt. , captured the thief , who gives the name of Wllcox , near Fort Laramie.Wyo. , nnd brought- him to this place this evening. IIo had stolen another horse northwest of hero nnd when captured had both animals In his possession. Ho waived examination and was committed. Thrown from a COLUMIIUS , Nob. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUG Bnn.J Mrs. C H. Davis met with n serious accident this afternoon whllo riding in n buggy up Eleventh street. The horse became frightened at a load of hay , overturning the biitrgy and throwing her violently lently to the ground. She sustained serous Injuries. _ , Failed for ) iU6OOO. BBSKLKMAN , Neb. , Sept. C [ Special Tele- cram to Tin : Uni : . ] M. M.'Chasa ' & Son of Halglcr closed their doors 'on the 8d. They hnd an extensive general merchandise stock. It Is believed that they will not bo able to pay over 2.1 cents on the dollar. Their liabil ities are ? 20,000. A Bank Clowes Its Doors. BKNKLKMAN , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tel egram to Tun BEI : . ] The citizens of Halg- lor were greatly surprised on yesterday to find tlio doors of the Bank of Halglcr closed and a placard displayed stating that no bills would be paid nt present. The assets and liabilities nro unknown. llofiisod to Vcito the Bonds. GHANU ISLAND , Nob. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hue. ] An election was held in this city to-day for' tho-purpose of voting bonds for sewerage ; , but the propo sition'was lost by a vote of 47 to 119. : Nominated For Statp Senator. BIIOKKX Bow , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : I3ni.J Iho Fifteenth district democratic convention to-dav nomi nated J. Woods Smith , of Callawny , for the senate. WAS EVIDENTLYCUAV. Strange Suicide of n AVinonn Mil * llonnlrc's Son. WINONA , Minn. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Ben. ] The citizens of this place were terribly shocked at 10:30 : this morning at the news of the suicide of Ben V. Simpson , a son of V. Simpson , the well known millionaire. Ho was driven to the Burlington transfer by NIo Schulthols for the purpose of doing some engineering work. Ho Jumped from tholcarrlago , ran to the bank of the river and Jumped into the water , which was too shallow. Ho waded out to deeper water , throw himself under the current and was drowned. Efforts were made to revive him when his body was re covered , but they failed. Ho 'was the city engineer and had beep-accused of advancing money on a certain contract , a thin ? ho had not done. This broke him up and ho left homo this morning , bid the folks pood-byo and kissed his sister and wifaund children , and said : "You will never see mo again. " When asked why , ho salds "I don't know. I I'ccl kind of blue this morning. " The folks thought nothing moro of it until no was brought home dead. Ho had a happy homo and family , but his associates hero , of whom ho bad many , say ho had acted strange for several days. Many members of his family are away , but they have been telegraphed for. FREIGHT TRAINS COLLIDE. A Serious Wreck On the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs. ST. Josnrn , Mo. , Sept. 5. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEC. ] The worst wreck that has ever occurred on the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road was the result of a collision between freight trains Nos. 25 and 20 at b o'clock this morning , about six miles south of this city. The westbound train was about half an hour late , and the engineer of the eastbound train was attemptIng - Ing to make n station two [ miles this sldo. Both trains wore running at a rapid rate of speed , and the crews from both trains jumped in time to save their lives. Every car on both trains was derailed , and both en gines were completely destroyed. The wreck piled forty feet high , three and four cars mounting on top of each other. The trains wore both loaded with merchandise and nearly the entire cargo is a total loss , The damage to engines , cars and freight will bo in tbo neighborhood of { 100,000. A NEW DEAlTl 'FECTED. Reorganization of the Western Htnto Passenger Association. CHICAGO , Sept. 5. The reorganization ol the Western States Passpnger assoclatioi was completed to-day at the meeting of gen cral managers of the lines embraced in tin territory west , southwest nnd northwest o Chicago. The differences between the Chicago cage & Alton and Wabash having been satis factorily adjusted , the new agreement wai unanimously adopted. It Is to go into cffec September 15 and to remain in effect unti dissolved by a majority vote of the exccutivi committee. The agreement provides tha any member of the association may withdrav fifteen ' notice , but that upon giving i fcwi * days' iivim ; LJUV IMUU u\ such notice shall bo given prior to January 1 n' 1SSU. The southwestern lines , including thi Wabash , adopted a supplementary agn eemen o and organized under the name of the South 3. western Passenger association. It is to b < 3.IV governed by the rules of the Western States IV Passenger association where they do nol ire conflict with the Central Trafllc association irU of which the \Yabush Is a member. THE YELLOW FEVEK. An Appeal to the Country for Finan cial Assistance. JACKSONVILLE , Fla , , Sept. S. It was dc elded this morning by tbo executive commit tee of the Citizens' association , in confcrenc with tlio board of health and acting mayor to issue an appeal to the citizens of th United States for financial aid for the benefi of the yellow fever sufferers. Contribution ! may bo forwarded to James M. Schumacher president of the First National bank an < chairman of the finance committee ; > ea Mitchell , president of the board of heah n D. T. Gerov. acting mayor , or P. McQuuid acting president of the Citizens' Auxiliar ; association. Official bulletin for the twenty-four hour ended at 0 o'clock : New cases , 5 ; deaths , fi total number of cases to date , 38 * ; totu number of deaths to date , 42. A Mormon Apostle Arrested. SALT LAKE , Utah , Sept. 5. [ Special Tele gram to TIIE BEE. ] At a late hour last nigh Apostle Moses Thatcher was arrested a Logan , Utah , for unlawful cohabitation. H is ono of the twelve apostles of the Morrao church and has two wives. IIo has uvoldei the officers for several years , having speii the greater part of his time In Mexico. H was quite wealth , yt The Florida Cyclone. WAbiiiNOTON , Sept. 5. The cyclone re ported south of Florida yesterday has ap parently moved into t.ho east gulf and is ecu tral southwest of Key West. TIIE WISCONSIN CAMPAIGN , It Is Opened at Milwaukee By Soo- rotary Vllas. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SCORED. A Denunciation of Its Ohcct8 | and Methods Thnrtnaii'd Eastern Trip State Conventions and Other Politics. Vila * * Opens the Campaign. MILWAUKEE , Sept. 5. Colonel William F. Vilns , secretary of the interior , opened the democratic campaign in Wisconsin to-night with n speech at the West Sldo turner hall. The Juncau , Jefferson and Jackson clubs , representing the democratic organizations of three divisions of the city , escorted him to the hall , where there was an audience of about 1,500 persons. Members of the ladles' democratic club occupied scats on the stage , as did leading democrats from various parts of the state in attendance upon the demo cratic state convention. After referring to the duty of voters and challenging criticism of President Clove- land's ' administration , ho said : "I invlto you to contrast tlio conditions , principles and professions of the opposing parties In this contest and the promise of the future afforded by them respectively. What Is the republi can party of to-day , and wherein is It better or more worthy of confidence ) than it was in 1884 ? It was in the beginning moro of a pop ular uprising than a political party. It found its origin and quickening power in tlio high appeal for Justice and tenderness for human brethren In oppression , nnd In the honest zeal of deep conviction its following was well uigh fanatical. It was a crusade against u great national sin , and It fell upon a time ap pointed of heaven for the purification of the republic by fire. So it rose to rapid power like n whirlwind , and like n whirlwind It swept its course of destructive , though wholesome , violence. Within a occado the evil which had engendered its being was moro than destroyed. It was devastated as by dynamite , and the land was strewn with n mighty wreck , where , in fantastic chaos , lay states , constitutions und people nnnd the wideflung liavoo of war. That was the logical period of the party's existence. It stood upon or possessed no doctrine of gov ernment , no principles for the guidance of the institutions of freedom in the repose of peace. It was not national , but sectional ; a jmrty for civil war , not for national frater nity. But the heart of a victorious people was in its grasp , and the rage of war was long unspent. The party retained unslack- ened control of legislation und taxation with all their possibilities of fraudulent gain. It was an opportunity of opportunities for the political freebooter , nnd never for one moment did they suspend their efforts , nor ever spare the exhausted people. Upon ono pretext or another , from almost the earliest grasp of republican dominion , corruption began its work , and schemes for the dishon est enrichment of n few to pro- vail. It was in ISO'J that , pursuing the sentiment that national defense required a transcontinental highway , the Pacific rail road legislation was begun , and in ISbU that , with unrelenting ingenuity , it was so amended to diabolical perfection that the government really built roads and gave them , with land enough for an empire , to the suc cessful conspirators. Then , also , with n greed that heightened with cacli now glut tony , every revenue measure was prevented and distorted by ingenious touches , imper ceptible to any but the practiced eye , by which a privutcLtributo was extorted from the people five times greater than the tax that went to the treasury. Then it was that the monstrous vampire hidden in the tariff , which seductively fans with wings of protec tion the laborer whoso heart's blood it sucks , was begotten in sin to rob the toiling pro ducers in the fields and forests of wealth they create. And when the war had ceased a great nation , with its coffers unlocked and its resources exposed , lay before the spoiler. Then followed such a seizure of national wealth by various devices so rapacious , so gigantic , so ingen ious in methods , as 1ms never been exhibited in history. Nothing is comparable to it but India under Warren Hastings. Other nations have been despoiled by conquerors , In the open force of unlicensed conquest ; this people ple was robbed by the devilish manipulation of its own legislation and the emergencies of an administration in the hands of its sup posed friends. " The secretary then referred to corruption in public contracts , touching upon the part nership of Grant and Ward , to the custom house scandals , undervaluations on imports , navy Jobs and star route contracts , and de clared that these and other things of a line character had driven the best men in the re publican party out of it , instancing Sumncr , Chase , Groeley , Trumbull and Beccbcr. These , ho declared , had gene into the demo cratic party , and their places had been taken by those whom the democratic party could best afford to lose. Ho declared that the only policy of the only branch of government remaining to the republican par ty slnco 18S4 the senate was compassed in j two words , obstruction and misrepresenta tion as to everything for the general good , and instanced the tardy confirmation of Chief Justice Fuller , the rejection of the fisheries treaty and the delay in passing the retaliation bill asked for by President Clove- land. This proK | > sftd legislation , he declared , was calculated to inflict the heaviest damage r on Canada .with the least hurt to this coun try. The interests of northern New England , ho asserted , wcro not to bo compared witli those of the great west ; besides , the trouble was all on Now England's behalf. The republican publican party , ho continued , has bccomo o bourbon party. Turning to the democratic party , tht speaker said that the challenge in the na tional dcmocratio platform of scrutiny into ' the results of the democratic administration was u safe one , and he continue J as follows "If you turn to the departments of state you will find that everywhere national dig nity has been maintained , national right : carefully and firmly protected , and the re public at peace and good will with all tlu powers of the earth , save only as republican obstruction leaves us at needless hostility with our northern neighbor. If you take the treasury , its guardianship of our finan cial interests commends respect on everj hand. You recall the disturbed financial re lations of 1SS4 nnd the early part of ISbS , am the painful apprehension of impending dis aster under which the lamented Manning be gan his wise career of the department ; hov apprehension gradually changed to conli denco ; how then shrinking business put 01 a bold nnd enterprising face ; how , through out every part of this land , oui affairs have prospered. I spoke a fov minutes since of the former practlc < of undervaluation of goods of favored im porters who made n 'proper deduction fo political expenses , ' as a euphemistic senate : has recently put it. Note tlicso figures nm sco if thcro bo any significance in them. Tin fiscal year ending Juno 80 , 18S5 , which em braced the campaign of lbS4 , yielded a cun torn revenue of but 181.000,000 , $14,000,00 less than the proviou car , while during thi first year of this administration they yioldci $193,000.000 , during the second year $217,000 , 000 , and during the third year $220,000,00(1 Is there no significance of political method in the sudden drop of $14,000,000 In the vulu of imports during the campaign year , end th prompt restoration in the following ! LooU also , ut the Internal rovenua for a moment The collections for the fiscal year of 1885 the last republican year , wcro $112,000,000 for 1880 , Clcvolimd's first year , $117,000,000 1637. $119,000,000 ; 18S8 , $2'J5,0001OtO. In Wl these departments the cost of collection ha largely decreased under the present adiniuls tratlon. " Tha secretary then compared the naval ad ministrations under the two parties , the res toratlon of lands to the public domain , am the removal of cattle men from Okluhc ma. He maintained that tbo administrate hatl treated the pension question llberalli saying : "Much has been said ol private pen sion bills and much effort to maintain th theory of ill-will to soldiers on the pros dent's part b'ccauso of bis vetoes. Yet a ! ready moro such bills have pabscd Into er acted laws under him than during the ai - ministrations of both Arthur and Hayes , nnd by the end of his first term the number will bo larger than during the administrations of Grant , Hayes and Arthur all together. " Another thing to the credit of the ndmlnls- tratlon was the "second emancipation" of the colored man , his emancipation from fear of the democratic party , and the "restored do minion of peace and fraternity in the land. " The speaker then took up the tariff ques tion and dwelt upon it at great length , ty show the dangers and injustice of u high protective tariff , and the advantages which which would accrue from n reduction In the Import charges In the way of enlarged tr.ulo nnd decreased co-it of living. Argument was made mainly from n farmer's standpoint. In closing he paid a tribute to tlio personal character of General Harrison , and eloquent ly suniumrlml the traits or character for which President Cleveland Is conspicuous and concluded as follows : "The movement of tl.o nation will not bo turned backward to humiliation and gloom. The sun and stars do not sit moro securely in their orbits , icposlng on tlio power of unfailing law , than the republic will go on , bearing our race to a higher development and a greater glory nnd happiness. This Is the faith of the democ racy , the trust of ficomen tit for liberty. But It is not mere abstraction , or political rhap sody. It is the inspiration of renewed effort to do our part In our day and generation , and the promise of our assured success. It means to-day , nnd in tills canvass , popular approbation and continuance of the people's trust to true democratic government , and that true man of the people who heads It , Glover Cleveland. " Harrison at Home. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 5T General Harrison resumed his labors to-day after his vacation , expressing himself to his friends as feeling refreshed and invigorated by his trip to Mid dle Bass. The day was quietly spent. In tlio morning the general gave attention to his correspondence , which lias not been allowed to accumulate to any extent during Ills ab sence , us his law partner , William II. Mlllor , who for some tlmo has been acting as tlio's secretary , remained at homo and attended to the large dally eorrespondonca During the day quite a number of personal friends called on the General and Mrs. Harrison risen to say n word of welcome. This evening the general wont out for one of his custom- arv long walks. Among the telegrams received by General Harrison to-day was the following : BI'HMNGIO.V ' , Vt. , Sept. 5. To General Ben Harrison : Vermont endorses her choice nt Chirago by giving Dillinghnin a larger majority than wo have over before given to any republican governor. CIKKOM , S. PAGE , Chairman State Committee. During General Harrison's absence Chair man Huston , of tlio republican state com mittee , received a largo number of applicants from political clubs in Indiana , Ohio , Illi nois , Michigan , and several from Pennsyl vania and Now York , asking that dates ho fixed for their reception by General Harrison. Chairman Huston had a conference with General Harrison to-nlghtrimd it is probable that replies to tlicso applicants will bo sent out within the next day or two. Another Talk hy Thiirmnn. IlAiniisntmo , Pa. , Sept. 5. Thurman at tempted to slip through to New York without letting the outside world know that his car was attached to the "Pennsylvania special , " but at Altoona word was received that a re ception would bo tendered at Harrisburg. Judge Thurman passed a pleasant night. The through train was behind time und ran fast , making thirty miles in twenty-seven minutes at ono time. At the depot between 2,000 nnd 3,000 people welcomed Thurman with cheers. On being Introduced , Judge Thurman spoke substan tially as follows : "I thank you sincerely for this warm and generous welcome. But I cannot make a speech worthy of your attention before - fore the train starts , but I cannot decline to say something since you have turned out to welcome me. Wo are In the midst of a presidential campaign and wo have before us , as u candidate for presi dent , a man who , after three years and a half , in my judgment , has discharged the duties of the office with singu lar ability nnd patriotism. No fair minded man can say Cleveland has not made n good president. I can say no moro than to thank you , and hope you will turn out at the election nnd vote the right ticket. " The crowd cheered heartily , and as many as could do so crowded about the train and shook handswith the judge before ho loft. Thurman went through Lancaster at 11:80. : The train stopped fifteen minutes , durlnir which Thurainn made a short speech , but did not touch national issues for want of tlmo. At Coalcsvillo several hundred people gave hearty cheers as the Thurman train stopped for a few minutes. The train readied Phila delphlaat 1:20 : , where it. was greeted by a largo crowd. Judge Thurman answered their cheers in a brief speech. NEW Yonic. Sept. B. At Trenton the train made a short stop and the judco was called for by the crowd. ilo was on hand and held a moment's pleasant conversation with the crowd , his pointed responses calling forth hearty cheers. At Newark , where Judge Thurman will bo given a reception on Saturday night , a number of enthusiastic citizens crowded up about the car to get sight of 'tho Judge , whom they greeted heartily. As the train came nearer the city further evidences of welcome were seen , nnd nt Jersey City a crowd of 2,000 or 8,000 blocked the way and cheered almost continu ally as the Judge and his party , under escort of the reception committee , marched out to carriages in which they wcro taken across the river and to the Fifth avenue hotel , where the judge will stay while in the city. Massachusetts Democrats. iNapiELi ) , Mass. , Sept. S. The platform - form adopted by the democratic state con vention to-day commends the administration of President Cleveland , endorses his rcnom- matlon and the nomination of Judge Thur man for vice president ; demands u reduc tion of the present war tariff to such n point as will leave in the pockets of the people over one hundred million dollars that is now loclccd up in the treasury vaults at Washing ton ; approves the provisions of the Mills bill ; denounces the proposed abolition of internal revenue on liquors and tobacco by the re publican party ; demands such legislation by congress as will curb the power and arrest the growth of trusts ; approves the recent re taliatory message sent to congress by Presi dent Cleveland ; sends greeting to Gladstone , Purnoll nnd their co-wykcrs in the cause ol Irish homo rule , and recommends the enact ment by congress of moro stringent measure ! for the better protection of the wage earn ers of the United States against foreign con tract labor. The platform closes as follows : "We demand mand now , as always , the most liberal treat mcnt of living union soldiers und the wldowi of these who are dead , and promise our sup port to all well considered laws for the pro motion of temperance , and our hostility U any legislation that violates the cardlna democratic doctrine of personal liberty. " The convention was called to order at 11:2 : ! by P. A. Collins , of the state committee. A permanent organization was effected wltt John J. Donovan , of Lowell , as president W. E. Russell , of Cambridgo.Vas nominated by acclamation for governor. After u recess the ticket was completed ai ollows : Lieutenant governor. John W. Cor coran ; secretary of state , William N. Os good ; treasurer and rocclvor general , Henr C. Thatcher : attorney general , Samuel O Lamb ; auditor , William A. Williams. Colorado HepnhlloanSr DENVEK , Col. , Sept. 5. The republicat stnto convention was called to order at 10:8' : ' this morning. Four ballots wcro taken fo governor wfthout a choice. A rccsss wa taken until 3 o'clock. The convention reassembled nt 2:30am : proceeded to the fifth ballot for govcrnot which resulted in the unanimous selection o J. A , Cooper , of Denver. For lieutenun governor William G. Smltb , of Golden , wu [ chosen. Adjourned to Oft. in. to-morrow. MURDERED BY THEIR GUIDE , Two Wealthy Sportsman Killed on n Hunting Trip. ONE BRAINED , THE OTHER SHOT. The Assassin Leaves Their IJodlos on an.Unlnhahlled Plain and Flies the Country With Ilia Itloody I'lnnder. t Cninpnnlons In Ijll'o and Dnnth. PitiLuiF.i.ritiA , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bcn.j Information has been received hero of the murder near Hock Springs , Wyo , , of S. Morris Wain , of this city , nnd Charles Livingstone Strong , of New York. Both wcro wealthy young men nnd fast friends. It had been tliolr habit for several years to go out during the summer months to the far west on hunting tilps. Tlio bodies wcro found by u party of hunters on the plums within ten miles of Hock Springs about live days ago. None of the circumstances con nected with the death of the two young men are known beyond t'io fact that they are sup posed to have been innrderea by their guldo. Tlio bodies were stripped of money and valu ables of every Hind and the Impression prevails - vails that they wore murdered while asleep. Tlio first Intimation of tlio fatoof thoyoung men was received hero yesterday in an ofll- cial communication to Mr. Wain's mother from the district attorney of Swcctwatcr county , AVyoming , briefly relating the cir cumstances of tlio finding of the two bodies. Jacob Wain , brother of the murdered man , has left here for Hock Springs to identify tlio remains. A letter was received to-day by the relatives of S. Morris Wai nfrom a Frenchman. The name of the writer is withheld. The loiter says : "On the 10th of July a party of three men crossed the North Platte river at my placo. In conversation with ono of them I was told they were bound for Big Born basin , near the Montana lino. About seven dajs afterwards tliey returned lo my place , crossed the river , went on east about ton , miles from my ranch and camped at a place called The Painted Hoelc , and on the night of the 21th of July one of the men killed the other two. Bo spilled ono man's tiralns out with an axe anil the other was shot In the head , having the whole top of his head blown off. The murderer put the bodies in the sagebrush brush and took the wagon , mules nnd two riding horses and left the country. On the thirteenth of August ono of the bodies was discovered nnd on tlio 20th of Aitgiiht the other. Botli bodies a were nearly naked , having on only the tin- ' | derclothlng. The mimlcntr loft no trace whatever by which ho could bo identified. In another camp , about fifteen miles north of where the murder occurred , 1 found a letter all torn to pieces , and I put it together ami tried to get a trace or clue , The letter , as near as I could make out , was dated Juno 28 , and the envelope was addressed to S. Morris Wain , Jr. , Hock Creek , W. T. It appears , as near as I can make out , that the men trav eled from Texas tin otigh Colorado and Wy oming territory to the scene of tlio murder. The county has offered $51)0 ) reward for the murderer. " Mr. Wain was n member of the bar of this county , but devoted much of ills time to travel nnd adventure , the wild portions ol tlio western country having great attractions for him. Bo was a member of tbo Hose Tree Fox hunting club , the City Troop and Gcrumntown cricket club. Mr. Wain's rel atives say his companion was Barry Strong , not Charles Livingstone Strong. Bis par ents are said to bo wealthy , and live up tha Budson river. The two had been on a hunt ing expedition on the plains before. FIFTIETH CONGUESS. Semite. WASHINOTON , Sept. 5. The senate pro ceeded to a consideration of the resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Chandler In ro- latlon to the recent election In Louisiana , and was addressed by Mr. Pasco , who said that ! the miscellaneous and undigested matter collected by Mr. Chandler and laid before tha senate did moro credit to that senator's in dustry than it aid to his intellect. Whllo the senior senator from NowBampshiro was anx ious to provide education for the senate , thq Junior senator strove to revive bitterness and ill will , and to create fresh antagonism between - , * , tween the two races in the south , who wcro \ for the most part living together in peaceful relations. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Pasco's speech the Chinese restriction bill was taken up and Mr. George addressed the senate. Bo de clared that the republican party was respon sible for the Introduction of the Chinese into this country by the passage of the act of 1802 , which was aimed merely at the "coollo trade , " uud not at voluntary immigrants , Mr. Mitchell questioned the correctness of Mr. George's construction of the act of 1803 , that it was restrictive only of the coolie trade , and claimed that thu object of law waa < to prevent the introduction of coolies into J the United States. . Mr. George quoted largely from speeches of distinguished republicans in defense of the admission und naturalization of China men , and said : "There Is the record whicU , your party has m.ulo. It stands for Itseli and cannot be answered before the American people by tlio charge that the senator who brings it before them has been a slave holder. " A vote was then taken and was unanimous yeas 82 , nays none but as thora was no quorum present , and no probability of getting ono In good time , the senate ad journed , leaving the Chiueso bill undisposed of. HOIIRO. WASHINGTON , Sept. 5. The house resumed consideration of the retaliation bill and was addressed by Mr. Phelps , of New Jersey. Mr. Phelps conceded tliu president tlio addi-f tlonal power ho asltcd for , but regretted that thcro was no moro likelihood that ho would use his power than that ho would use the power given him eighteen months ago. Bo charged the president with heaping favors on Canadian shippers by land ana sea la order that they might compete with thclv American rivals. f On mellon of Mr. Sayers , of Texas , tha senate amendments to the fortification bill 3 wcro non-concurred In , ana a conferencu ordered. A concurrent resolution providing for the final adjournment of congress on the 20th , lust. , was referred to the committee ou ways * and means. The committee on appropriations reportect a bill appropriating two hundred thousand ) ' dollars to suppress Infection in the interstate ! commerce of the United States. Kofcrrod to ? i the committee of the whole. i Bill providing for the exchange of worn OM mutilated subsidiary coin at coinage value , for new and unworn coin was passed. I Mr. Outhwalto , of Ohio , unsuccessfully endeavored to secure action on the Coliunbu * exposition bill , and the house resumed coa sidcrution of the retaliation bill. Pending tbo conclusion of Mr. Scotf s re i marks on the retaliation measure , the bouse/ adjourned. The Vermont Election. BUJILINOTO.V , Vt. , Sept. 5. The figures o 130 towns from which , returns have been ro- cnived give the republican majority us aboutf i 10,000. The remaining towns will probably 0 make the majority in the state 37,000. r Ono hundred and thirty-six towns elected 3 125 republican und eleven democratic staid representatives , d Troubles. it NEW YOIIK , Sept. 5. Jumcs H. Benuott/ it retail coffee and tea dealer , to-day filed < < 13 general assignment , giving preferences 6t > j