IIIE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR ItWlllBotho FinoBt Exhibition of the Kind Ever Hold. NEW AND NOVEL ATTRACTIONS. Bjienlal Effort * to Ho Miulo to Cnll Attention to the Probabilities of the "Undeveloped West. " , N DUIIEAU oi'THt OMAHA BEB , 1029 1 HTIIEST , LINCOLN , Sept. 4. Btato fnlr BUCCCSSCI will bo crowned this year by Nebraska. It Is now reasonably cer tain that the greatest fair ever bold In tlio tate Is at hand. Secretary Furnai and his largo corps of able assistants hnvo no doubt of this fact. They nro working day nnd night to provide ways and means to properly care for the attractions that will bo put on exhibition. More extensive nrrnngcmnnts nro demanded than ever before , nnd every energy Is bending to provide them. Six large ( iiiartermnsters1 tents have been or dered from Chicago , and Governor Tlmyer bns promised three that belong to the state , all of which will be crowded with Ne braska wonders , so nrrangod as to display their attractions to the best posslbload vantage. Skillful bands steer the ship , and nothing is neglected that prom ises to Bcore a single point. Agricultural products will bo on exhibition from over forty counties In the state. In this line , especially , the "undeveloped west" will be represented , nnd such nn exhibition is promised and assured us has never be.foro ueeu seen In any state of the union. Fifty-six car loads of products nro already on the ground. This alone Is without a parallel. At V o'clock the records showed over three hun dred entries for the day. The state Industrial school will rnnkc n special exhibit. Superintendent Mnllnlieu will attend with thirty urchins , charges of the state , nnd their handiwork will add u new feature to the great exhibition. Superintend ent Chose , of the United States indus trial school , will also olTor at tractions , prepared nnd made by Indian bands , nnd their productions will compete for some of tliu prizes unil awards offered , nnd not without prob.tblo success before the close of the great fair. Delegates uro In DCS Monies and Omaha to-day for live stock and speed exhibition , und word came from Messrs. Kent nnd Grlnnoll tnat their trip would not prove a vain one. Hy the way , Dus Alulncs Is already repre sented. In the textile f.ibrle department 1'JS cntres have boon made. Others are as sured. Kansas and Colorado will exhibit in the special departments , and will try com petition with Nebraska for some of the honors nud awards. Four counties of those states will exhibit agri cultural products , and others Will bo represented by live stock nnd in the speeding. Such general Interest bus nuvcr before been taken In any fair held in the state. The management has been forced to build now stalls for horses that will bo on exhibition. All the pens prepared for hogs have been tulicn. Hut the promise for sheep exhibits Is not so great this year ns last. The cattle display will bo greater. Indeed , the Biimo thing can bo said of every other live i.toek department. There will bo no dearth in the attractions offered. The display of thoroughbred stock will be especially line and gratifying. Great effort lias been made to have the stuto do herself Justice in this rcgatd. The best herds of cut- tlo of the state will bo represented. Kansn.1 will also exhibit some of her best strains of Polled Animus blood. Uut nothing In this llnu has boon neglected and some arrivals are already noted. To-morrow will bo a busy day ut thu lair grounds. It will bo a busy time from now until thu finish. Tlio Guarantee Investment comp.iny , of Atchison , Knn. , has olTcrcd a special pro- premium of $100 for tbo best exhibit of agri cultural products raised between the 10'Jth ' nnd the KUd meridians. Perkins county has erected n Bed housn on the grounds that will bo-in line with the general ccccntiicltics of that county. Hut It is said tlmt the display will be up to a high standard. The agricultural machinery exhibits will bo unusually large. Some of the tent accommodations will hnvo to bo used to provide them with required quarters. Uut as with this , so it will bo In most nil other respects , and it is no idle statement to say that Nebraska Is on the cvo of the grandest public exhibition she has over given. THi : KATE KOItCnULB. Notwithstanding the remonstrance re cently tiled from Grand Island against the action of the state board of transportation in reducing freight rates , a largo majority of the citizens nud business men of that city lionrtily endorse- the action of the state board. The remonstrances that liuvo been filed agnlnst the re duction ' prove. to bo misleading In nlmost every Instance. They represent the favored class and voice their sentiments ulono. The following paper received and lllcd by Clerk Waring to-day goes a long way toward proving this fact : GIIANII ISLAND , Nob. , August 111. 18SS. To the Honorable State Hoard of Transporta tion : We , tbo undersigned citizens of Grand Island , respectfully state : First Wo believe that you have innila n thorough Investigation in regard to what the not earnings of the railroads nro In the stato. Second \Vo bcliovo that you were honest when you said by your action that the freight rates were too high nnd tlio railroads were taking more money Irom tbo people than they ought to ; nnd when you ordurod n re duction of about 15 per cent on the local rates you did It because you Unow that it was right und Just between man and man , Third \Vo do not bcliovo that you were dishonest when you ordered the reduction of freight rates , and that you wanted to , or would do anything , under any circumstances whatever , that would cripple , injure or ro- tnrd the railroad industry of this state. Fourth Uut , sirs , wo do believe that yon ordered the reduction of freight rates In the Intelest of nil the people of this state ; you did it In the Interest of our manufacturers ; you did It In the interest of our Jobbers ; you did It in thu interest of our farmers ; you did it to protect the people of the state against railroad extortion and greed ; therefore , we , the undersigned , do heartily endorse your action nnd the prayer of your petitioners Is that you may have the courage to stand by what you know is Just and right. Tlio forogoinc paper was signed by sixty of Grand Island's businessmen , representatives of every class of business transacted In that city , am ) It tears the rwnonstraneo Hied from that place Into shreds. There Is nothing loft of It. WOMiX : JX 11USIXKHS IIA11XKSS , Than Nebraska no state In the union lias creator reason to bo proud of her woman. They bob up serenely from every quarter of the stuto ; they have entered thourcna of pro fessional Ufa Hide by side with exacting man. They have drmonstrutcd their ability to got thcro. Not natislled with standing still , they again make n move on the checker board of life , and four of Hartley's fair daughters will operate a live mercantile ngenuy in Hod Willow county. They pro- peso to buy and sell real estate and tran sact a general auxiliary business , and for this purpose have formed a Joint stcok com- ' Hartley , wheio they have established - lished their principal place of buainrsg , au thorizing a capital stock of $ 15,000 , of which ? 7,5'JO was t.ald In hand May 1 , 1SS8 , and from that duto business continuance w.w or dered for n period of twenty long , weari years. H Is presumed that offers of innr- rmgo nro eschewed unless , perchance , the llcgo lord and master shall give u good bond that will rock the iTiidlo nnd attend to all of the duties of this life. . The Hartley Mercantile company filed nr tlclcs of Incorporation with the secretary o ntuto to-day. This is the onlyconipnny opcr utea by ladles alone , doing business In the Btato , having records at the state house. The jiu'orporntors are : Ursela Hartley , Churitj Alloy , Else Alloy and -A. Wiley. WILL AXHWKH rou ma ciiiMns. Sheriff Moss of Laredu , Kan. , was in the city yesterday on the lookout for A. A. Patterson torson , n young man wanted at Lureda fo divers forgeries , Patterson was hero fo boino time , but having got wind of the foe that officers of the law were on his track h "lit out" for other parts , but was cnpturoi last evening at Seward by Sheriff Smile } of that place , whence Moss went to-day to take him to the ceuo of hU crimes Patterson was evidently 'a cold bloode < villulu. It U reported thut two or three weeks prior to 1U skipping from Lnrcda ho narried n young and innocent girl , a daugh- cr of ono of the most highly ruspecttxl film- lies of the place , nnd loft her Inthccntanclo- nents of his cusscdncss. The young wife's mrents nnd friends loft no stone unturned o effect his capture , and the criminal's np- irehnnslon nnd nrrest is largely due to their fforls. It is said that his forgeries will Bgrcirato about $ luui ) , and that several lurtles were systematically \vorked forsmall mounts , CITV : : r.\vs AJ.M SOTKS. Hon. A. H. Gr.ihum , of Wlsnor , was In jlncoln to-day on a business visit. Ho ex- iresses the utmost confidence In the election f both the state nnd national ticket. C. .1. ICnsIgn and wife , of Pleasant Dale , mrled their twin baby girls to-day ut 3 'clock. They died yesterday afternoon , 'ho little girls , Alice and Ruthwere U years , months nnd 10 days old. Samuel P. Putnam , the eloquent champion of " 1rco thought , " will address the citizens r i/l coln .Sunday , September Oth , nt Ho- inumn's im'J , Uuth lalheuflcrnouu and even- ng. Humor has it that the Salvation nnro' will term the city during the fair. The advnncc -iiard will reach hero Thursduv and more Vlll follow as soon ns arrangements can bo undo for them. Thu ccmiinu army nro com- ng and they will handle the pure goods , all vool and n yard wide. Governor Tliayer announces that nil trains via stop at Wnhoo , both ways , during thu ntire time of thotnillthi encampment ut thut ilace. All wishing to visit the encampment an govern themselves accordingly. The IJItlni ; Tongue. Slander attack * us from behind. The blto s rarely felt unless it Is malignant nml pcr- istent. Disease , too , often steals upon us hrough u vital channel. Thu air wo breathe ITccts the lungs If it bo malarious it enters ho blood , if a change too quickly in the tern- lerattire It produces disease of the throat , sto. Whether Hosteller's Stomach Hitters s taken to prevent or to remedy the various onus of disease produced by miasma , such is intermittent fever , dumb ague , ague cake rhlllious remittent , It Is and over has proved to bo an effective and thorough remedy ono vliich does nut only ameliorate the symp- omsoftlio maladies of this type , but eradi cates llieir cause. Dyspepsia , liver com- ilnint , rheumatism , bladder and kidney roubles are nmong the humanity allictlng roubles which it promptly relieves nnd ul- Imately removes. Klnli for Norili Nebraska. The special car of the United States fish : pminsson ! ! arrived over the Chicago and Northwestern road nnd will nt once ho sent out over the Fremont , Klkhorn and Missouri /alloy to stock the sti earns in that section , t was in charge of Agent Donnegan , who reports his finney charges as being in ex cellent shape after their trip overland. Do you suitor n-oin scrofula , salt heum , or ollioi- humors ? Tuko Hood's Siirtmpurllhi , the prosit blood jmriliof. 00 doses ono dollar. Kvmlinir the haw. Slnco Chief Seavey has so rigidly enforced the law , culling upon nil saloonkeepers to close tlmir places of business at midnight , there have been numerous attempts made to evade ft. Many unlicensed dealOrs liuvo en deavored to profit by it , and iinong the principal offenders were lie all night rcstnurjiit-kecpers. Dotuctlvu Onnshy was detailed to work the matter up , ind this morning ho had M. Maker , \V. Hr.idy , C. A. Hughes and J. Price , behind , ho bars. The two former run the Palace on Japitol avenue , und the two latter , the Heo restaurant on Dodge street , near * Twelfth. As soon us ludgo Berlin gets through with them they will bo lurned over to the United States court , where the penalty is u heavy one. Sl'ither and Hrudv were released on SJOO xmds to appear Wednesday morning , but Hughes und Price nro still in limbo. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION U Oviu A MILLIONDISTUIUUTKD Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated by the icslslatnio In 1SW , forlM- ncatlonul and Charitable purposes , and Its frnn- clilsc made n part of the present Stnte Constitu tion. In Ih7t ! , Dy nn overwhelming popular vote. ItHdHANDr.XTIlAOItlHNAKV DltAWINOS , take place Scinl-Ainitially , ( June and Dt-oomhcr ) nnd Us ( litAND SINH\\1 \ M'.Mlinit 1)IIA\V- 1NIS take phiconn each of theothnrten months In the year , and nro nil drawn In public , nt the Academy of Music , New Orleans , l.a. ' \Ve do hereby certify that we supervise the nrrnnKemeutslor nil the Monthly nnd Scml-An- mini Drawings of The Louisiana btato Ixitteiy Comtmny. and in person manage * nml control the Drawing themselves , nnd that the s.tine nre conducted with honesty , fairness , und In od faith toward nil parties , and wo authorize the company to UBO this certificate , with rue- similes of our signatures nttachod , In Its mlvei- < lbement.s. " COMMISSIONIUtS. Wo thn undersigned Hanks and Hankers will my all Prizai drawn in The Louisiana Stuto Lotteries which may bo presented at our conn- It. M. WALMSliBV. 1'rci. Louisiana Nat. Hit. I'lIHllti : LANAUX , I'res. State Nnfl Ilk. A. IIALDWIN , I'res. NewOileuns Nat'l Ilk. UAIIL KO1IN. 1'res. Union Natlon.tl Hunk. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , In tin Acntlciny of Music , Now Orleans - leans , Tiu-s < lny , Sept. 11 , 18SH. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Tvronty Dollars each. Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twcn- ieths $1. LIST Oe PHI7KS. 1 V1U7.K OK . U * 200OX ) 1 l'lll/.K OK lOO.UX ) Is 100 , ( A ) i 1'itr/K OK r.n.ojo u . i f'Kiy.K OK a > .ww is : ru0 S I'ltl'/.US OK 10,00,1 nre ISt.ODJ fi Pltl/.KSOK 6,000 nre s.\vU 25 I'Kl/.KHOF J.OUU nre -AOOO lOOVm/IWOK MO are M.OOO ix iMiixrsor BOJ are CU.UM tXW I'Kf/KS OK W aie llW.WX ) Al'l-nOXIMATlON ntlZKS. HX ) Prize * of tf'X ) nro 100 do IWJ are 100 do M nro iW.UOO TT.IIMINAI. I'ltlZIIS. W do 1UI are IWJ do 100 are 9,111 Prizes , amounting tn . I1,05ISOO NOTE. Tlckcti drawing Capital 1'iUcs nro not on- lilleil tu trrmlual Prlrt . fiTKoii CLUII HATES , or MIT further Information ilttvlroil , wrltu Irulliljr tntliuiindor lune < lcle.irlr nut- Inn jruurrontdcncc , wlili btuto , Conntjr , Mroot un'l Number. More rapid return mall delivervtlll be n-- nuri'il br Tour cnclo lnic uu envelope buxrlui ! ) 'uur full niUiroft * . Honrt 1MSTAL NOTKS , Express Mcmor Onion , of Nuw York KxcUansu In onllnurx Julter , Currono/ & / flxpteftn ( at our ( expense ) uddrc nud M' ' or M. A.IurJl'lllN. \Vmbluston , 1).C. Address RegistereTletters to NK\y OUU5AN9 NATIONAL HANK , New Orkaut , IA , 17T7TVn7lTVTliT71) Thsttha presence of Gen- IVll/llll'vlU Ol'jlV eruU Ueauri-K < tnl > nd I'.ivr- ly , who r In i-linrju of tli Orawlnu > . U iiuaruutiio n ( absolute fairness and Intrvurlljr , tbui IbucUnnci'i nro nil equal , anil tual no ono can posilulr dUtno lint number will draw npriie. 'HKMKMIiliR.ulso. tlutltho payment of I'rlipsls KUAItANTKKI ) IIV KUDU NATIONAL HANKS of Naw Ui leans , and the Tlcki-U are signed by tbo 1'rol- dmil of an Institution , whose chartered rights uiu rucoiiultctl In tliu liluhost ( Jourtsi tlierefum , Luwuro of am Imitations or nnonrmons tchomet. " GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , W8. BAKER'S WarrautflJ VoeoH , from which th * excess of Oil has bc n rimovwi. HhsslAr timti iht itrmgth of COCOA mlied Ilh SUrch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and Is thorsforo fat moro aconorcl- cal , ccitiny leu MJII on rent a tup. It Is dtUclous , nourUhln ; , Admirably luliptcd for ln > lUs u well ss for personsjn hralth. Sold bjr Grocers crtrjnlatre , BAKER & CO , DorcWr , Mass , Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical ! Diamond Dyes excel nil others in Strength , Purity , and Fastness. None other are just as good. Ilcwarc of imitations , because they are made of chenp nnd infciior materials and KIVC i > oor , weak , crocky colors. To be sure of success use only Ihe DIAMOND DVES for coloring Da-sses , Stockings , Yams , Carpets , Feathers , Ribbons , &c. , &c. We warrant them to color more goods , package for package , than any other dyes ever made , and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the DIAMOND , and take no other. Send postal for Uye liook , Sample CarJ , dirccllons lor colorm ? Photos. , maUng the finest Ink or lilulng { io cents a quart ) , etc. Sold ly Ijruggists. Address WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Burlington , Vt. DIAMOND tMorBiinl'iirkinenrChlcuifn ) . Hoarding ja' ! * rli nl for UlrlK ntul Vniinir l/idlos. Vdi'tji 'cntiiloir'ifliiddroMf ; 'IM/VHIl Mi. I ) , ts" E-in Turk. 111. , or > ,7 Madison birutt , ciUcaiio , 111. Who is WEAK , IVERVOUK. I > tUIMTA : < TJKl > .wholnhisJKOIIYt.ml I N ZtA.'r ; ban TUtEFi.Klt nway lila VUiOR of ti'l > Y , rtrnltn upon the t'UlINTAIXH of i , KKAltAT.KK , HAOKAi'IIK , Dreadful Drr&mc. WE&B(9T S < t of Mcmnry , UJ.tKS- rUI.NKSSIu HOCIETY. IMSHI'I.r the FA ! K. and all the. KPFiXiTH EAKI.Y KCAY nrt perhsps VO Vf. tl or INNANIt Y. should consult nt once Ihe ELEIIKA.TF.n Dr. Clarke , Ertabllihrc ! 1 )1. Hr Clsrke hit made NEHVOt'N ! > : BIMTY. I'llKOXK ! and till Diseases of Uio flENITO I7KI.VAUY Orp n > A Life Hind jr. It mAir.es r * Jiflerenco WHAT you inre taken or WHO has failed to cure voii. pFEM AIiKM sullorlng from disease * pccU' liar to their rex cen consult with the nsturanco f tpeedy relief and cure. 8c.no 2 cents poitnso tor works on your diseases. * S ! lend 4 cents postage for Cclcirntr < l workn on Chronic , K T\OIII nnd lloll > r4 ti ) Discuses. Consultation , perkonal'y or by utter , frrr. Consult the olil l > rtor. Vlionmmdn cnri > < l. OB rrnand itnrlom prJvtMo. * lrThw cotituinplatint ; Morriara oann for l > r. Clarkc'B cc'tobrntcd cnldo Male and Female , cucli 15c. , both ' . ! 5c. tstamrn ) . Hpfoie connOinc your cusc. consult r. ( L'LAKKK. A friendly letter or cnll miiy we future suflerlngnnd slmnie , nnd odd roldcn j-cars to life.Book " J.lf - ' ( Secret ) i > - joruCOe. . ( sUimpj , ) . Bledlrine and wrllliiKS sent cveryTThare , jecnra from < * x ] > ut > iirc. nourc , 8 to R : Sundays , 'i to 12. Address , , S1. D. CLARKE , M. D. 86 so. oinrb as. . < SIIOAGO , ILL. IS OUT OF ORDER ? READ THIS IF IT IS. Al'i'opnotary ILU.UIHO time ncmVi but u trial to prove ltd worth. Callender's ' Left Livef Gitieis , Tne only nistllled Hitters IQ the Unltod Btntes. Tlie only Hitters recopilzcd by the United Stntei Internal rovontto laws as u Proprietary - prietary Medicine , linwfully Patented. No. of Patent 14-R.573. Contains no fusil olli.no essential oils , no forelKii Etilistniicn oriluinas- Ing ilrucB , A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs nnd Old Peach : plonsant to tlio taste , quiet nnd dwiilvo In Its etfeet. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow .Inundlce In five days. Itrgiilateb the IIowelH , Invlcorntes Inactive Uver. Cures Illserise'l ' Ltver , lltivivos the ICidnej-B , Improves the Appetite Quickly , Itesulutei the wnolo system. New Life to the whole system. I.oK I.lvcr llittcra nro soM In Omuliii , Nnlin bjr the Jo lowing UruKKlstji Itlclinnlson I'rin : Co. , tfporlal \\lioltsiile , lor thortriiK interest of Nebraska. UB- tiillerii its Uillows ( inoilmiMi DrntiCo.V. . J AVIiltehoine , T.V . Spaf- tnnl , MIIU 11. V'arnt orlliclirotcr Phuriimcy , KiilinA : Co , John ( ilmlKli , M. 1'arr , J. A. Vnllor it I'd.V.J. . litulK" ! , .lohn It. Conte , ( ! . .1. Frlre. M..I. I'nvvbll , t' . 11. ( iontucli , John R llullsky , .Murri-U'a I'liLirmucjrJames KomrtU , 11. C. Hell , Dr.J. J. Siivllle , C. .M. t'nsscy , K Clnuiiiler , llnlm's Phnnnucy , Uur- A IMyV. J.C. Kluic.J.V C.iirkc. J U , Schmidt , nnil Lett Liver Ulttura. Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the Pugct Sound National Bank Given as Security lor Money Invested. TotliusedolrouicflmrUiK property on time , wo oner tliu tollimliin : Wo will allow irora 3 monthu to 5 ( cars time , nci'ordlnK to tlio land you selects ive cliuMc neither iiremlum nor Interest on time. lurmtMits , anil will KVH ! you a warranty deed.Vu have lot tit UU nml t-J5 ( bat uro within B mdlu ol tire ami a half miles of the postoillcc , w quire only 10 per cent , as an carnont money and wo will Klrc certified chock forthe full amount of each ndefrrj lubJdquonj payment. TlioclieckUdruwn br tUo I u et Sound National bank aiicllsruuilopay. abl at ljlitanilyoiicaii draw your money at any tlmethoiik-hbysoclolnif you forfeit yourrlclitsto purclia oland. XlaUo your Income , no matter how smull.rtrn somsthlnir. Transctintlnentulrallroads iiieUrsdlnif for Seattle , and uisiiulaelurlnulitlour- I'UIn , ' . Uoneral rmimierce Isln a ttateof sulntan- lal pre re lon. The dally papeii are lilled with account * of nn < r viilarprlsea. Tallin earn and hnrnu car > circle bvattlo. AdilrvM COOK A . Htio tare the LAUdKbT I'UOl'KllTV l.IbT la SEATTLE. W. T. PEERLESS DYES Are the I1F.ST. OTEflDY EMPLOYMENT ' ; . . . „ „ . . , ij nml ptiercoilo ladr caimmers ruflldinx In thu or other tovrn * . .Vocnpltnt necessary. CIioils r.vL"'I T"1-r"1"11' Holnre rnrpqiilrpil. Aililri-ss n 'iil.A(1UNTS ' ( > ai"'IM'Y co' " rm" A' - FALL At tlio beginning o tlio Autumn Scnson wo oiler our greetings to our friends nml customers with the nlensiug conviction , tlmt Ilicy will give nromly nttrntion nnd kind reception to our oiTuritig. Our patrons know Unit our ndvertisemonts nro nl\vays \ well worth reading , in fact that it pays to road them carefully.Yo never advertise or promise impossibilities. We don't. Iry to humbug people as is done in many clothing advertisements ; we appeal only to sound judgment and rai'on. Wo adhere in our advertisement strictly to the truth , and whenever wo do announce some special bargain the people are always sure that it is something extraordinary , and no every day affair. We nre now ready for the new season with n new stock. We have made every effort to the selection of n stock , which , in all respect should have no superior ; not oven nn equal in this part of the country and wo think that in this we have succeeded. When we say tlmt it is without exception the largest display of goods for Men's wear , ever exhibited in any one establishment oulsido of New York or Philadelphia , we mean exactly what we say. Our trade is constantly increasing and we have prepared this fall for a larger increase than ever. Though wo have only recently added considerable simcc , we hnvo again not room enough to display this sea sons stojk properly. Every table on our three immense lloors is fairly groaning under its weight of goods. The clothing for all ages which now lies upon our counters is the best proof of the well directed efforts wo have made to win and deserve your patronage. And not only in clothing do we make such adisplayovery department of our large establishment is equally well stocked. Our Hat Department contains more hats than any two of the largest exclusive Hat stores together. Our Underwear , Hosiery , Glove and every other department is crowded with new goods. About prices wo only have this much to say. COMI : AXD SKI : now ouu noons AUE MAUKED. Old cus tomers need not be told how much they can save by trading with us. Of it. GOODS AUK MAUKKD THIS SEASON : WITH THIS OUK.VT 01UECT IX VIi\V : 0V KiVr.AI.VIXU AIh OUU OM ) CUSTOMKUS , AND QAIXIXU KOH US MANY TlIOUSAXb NKW ONK3. STRICTLY OWE PRICE. Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. THEN GIVE US A CALL. You have visited Omaha for the express purpose of attending the fair , and you will probably take in the city and view the wonderful sights. The next most important thing for you to do Is to visit that great institution called the MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. where you can purchase a merchant tailor made suit of clothes for half its original price. We have ten agents throughout the country , Who buy for us all the misfits and uncalled for * garments left on the tailors'hands , for a very nominal figure ; thereby enabling us to sell them at half their ordered prices. Whether you nre in need of any clothing or not it will interest you to pay a visit and investigate this wonderful TESIM LE OIF1 ECOD TO XC" - . Our Motto : First Class Workmanship , Good Quality and Extraordinary Value. The appended pries list will give you an idea of the principle upon which we do business , Spring Suits , Correct Styles , Elegantly Made and Trimmed „ . , . . . . Siutntur S'tde Suit , which w u ina'lo to order for , J1.3O lniu.ui One liulton Sack Suit which man made to order for $22. J" . 'S ona Strtilijlit-cat Sad ; Suit , which w is made to order for $ 4S. Ki.no / > HJ/S a ildllrtniil finch finlt. which wn made to order for $ . 'W. 20.no but/it a I < 'aur Hnltnn Cutaway Stilt , which wits made tit order for $4O. H-4.no in/H a Onr Jin ( on Cit'airau Suit , which wtn tnnde to or tier for $ fiO. V.5Wfcjf/y jrt nttiiiioo.t.nrti Cheviot , Sack or Frank , which WIIH marie tit order for i , ' { ( > .OH bni/fi a Crepe ll'omled , ( Imp. ) 4-ISutton Cutatuui/ , which wits made to order for $6 > > . ) R ! ir Finish an j , JJ.fiO buns n Cam ! mere Vrlncs Albert Suit itrfilr.h w fs made lo order for $37. Ifi.UO IHII/S a Cher lot Prtncc Albert Suit which wrm mndn io order for ' -/7. 23.QO Inij/s a Coi-Jm-nw J'rince Albert Snit which was inttdr to order for $ SO , fi. f.OO btiit * < t * < bbtI'ln Chech : lii/ht color , which tuns made t > ornerfor $60. itn.OO hiiyi ail Intporte'l Woratc I , < atlti linr.d , wlilch inrt-i inatla tn order for $7O. Uff.no Iniya a Clty ll'ornlcd , sills line I , which wan m < i l"tt order for $ SO. A Nobby and Complete lh\e of Pantdloons $2.7 > toIO. All alterations to Improve a flt done free of chnrurf 1119 EARN AM STREET. 1119 Three Doors Eastofi2th Street. Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY Comprises LAKH KOHKSTCOLLKUE. KElUlVCpiiLE FOK-LADIES. . KMV. HUSH MRUlUAtUOM.BOK. UOI.LKU1I OK DKNTAL HUltaEHV. and I'OST OltAnUATE COUU8ES. For Catnlomiu address , 1'rent. W < OyltOllriltTS. I.ako Forest , 111. PON COLLEGE OF LAW , For circulars address II. UOOTII , Chicago , 111. Bettie Stuart InstltolB Ka,1 ! , , \V1II couiuiunce U 2l t yeurSupteinbcr 12th , 1WS. Ail vantages uuiuruaisi'J. Homo comforts : curefu tralntiiL' . A | > plr to Mrs. M. McKrr HOMES , Principal HKVLOCIf INSTITIJTI3. South \VllIlamstowti , Ilerkslilre county , Mas * . Aprlvate cehool for boys. Prepare for college. KcieiUIUo aeliool or business. Korty-sev- eutli year begins Thursday. September ! 3tU. For catalogue address ( lliO. V. MII.I.8. J 1'rlnolpal. Morgan Park Military Academy Tas Heat Hoys' Hoarding School In the West. Sixteenth year tipgliiH Bent. 10th. H nd for cata logue to CAIT. ED. N. KlHK. TALCOTi' , Supt. , MOKQAH 1'AUK , COOK CO. , J&1. , rpHE PEBKSKILL MILITAnV ACADEMy reeksklli.on.Hud ou , N , V , Bend tor Cata logue. JtiO. M rnn or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' , Tbo Ilcst Route from Omalia and Council niuffo to TWO TUAIN8 DAILY BBTWEEK OUAITA AMD COUNCIL ULUKHJ Clilcngo , AND Mllwankoe , St. Paul , Mlnin polls , Cedar Rapids , Itock Island , Frocport , llockford , Clinton , Diibmruc , Davenport , Madison , Janestille , licloit , La Crosse , And all othsr Important points East , Northeast and Southeast. l"or through tickets on tbi ticket agent at 1U1 farnam street , la arker Ulock , or at Union I'ACldo IVillaiaD Slcapers and tb * finest Dining Cars In tbi worlil aru.run uri the.DHln . lluu of the ClilcRKa.-W.ir wauk a A Nt. lvaui"ili"irwa7 . "anJ emi'ttiiucToriTi patd to passiDguri br cuun OU | tffiplon.Yc.JUj .G Dt > l Manager. Lh AnTitant Uuncral Hanasir. UrKMTKU , Genera I lassngir and tin1 tab SACRED HEART ACADEMIES , Under the Direction of the Religious of the Sacred Heart. BOARDING SCHOOL SELECT Day SCHOOL - PARK PRACE OMAHA. , ST. ' MARY'S AVE. , OMAHA , Opens Wodnesdiiy , Soplombor 6th , 1888 Opens Monday , Sept. ad. TKHMS-Hoarrt. Waslilni , ' . 'I'uitlou In EnglUh nud French , liiatruirientul Mualo and use of Uooks , per seeBlon of live rnontlm , il'At.W , THHMS-Acconllngto Grades of Similes. 1'alntlne , Drawing , Shorthand , Oermrin , Italian. Vocal Music , Harp , Violin , etc. . nre extra cli&FLrvrt ' niderence of rellKlon i no obstacle to the udnilfes'lon of yount' latlles. J'or further Informa- oSJahu'olfaHk ' ' KI Bulwrlor01"1 of "owilliiR Acadamy , 1'urk I'lttce. MADAME L. liU 'MONT , Buperloress of Day Academy , Bt. Mary's Avo. , Omaha , Neb. SteekPiano jtCPyAabla for pqwprfill irmp > . th'elle tone , yllabie netlon and ub- iolute Uurablllty. 9J years' record. th best guarantee of th rce > . jence of tne Instrument ! ! . WOODBRID6E6ROS , ItlfOhiuielvenuniToc sal eatlslactlon In the cure of Qonorrhaa And Olct't. IprcscrlUoltcna feel safe In recommend ing It to all sufferers. A. J. STONUB , If .D. , Daeaiur. Ill , riucn , 01.00. Tr 4 Bold . by DruteUts. Pg ' , Pnnl aod C PT rukt protctlioa tZ cured. Good work , good reference * . mn1 > . ath'gs. _ SciMlforrasiBhUt. R , B ; k L H 8 f M , WiukC M * , 5 ,