THE OMAHA DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOKNING. SEPTEMBER 5 , 1888. NUMBER 83 UNION LABOR CANDIDATES , ProcoocHnRB of the State Conven tion at HastinRB Yostorday. THE MILITARY ENCAMPMENT. General AVIicntnn AffHumcfl tlio Com mand nt Cninp Drooko The State Mllltla nt AVahoo Other NC\VN of Nclminkn Towns. The Union Labor Party , HASTINOI , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; lU.n.J The stale convention of the union labor patty met in thin city to-day. About two hundred nnd llfty delegate were present , and a great degree of interest was manifested throughout the proceedings , Allen Hoot of Douglas county was elected temporary chairman of the convcntlqti. S. D. Hunt of Red Willow county was made secretary , and the temporary were made the permanent officers of the convention. Speeches endorsing Attorney General Leeso were warmly applauded. A telegram was was read from Strcetor , the party's ' candid- nto for president , saying that the failure lo make railroad connection nt Crete prevented his presence. J. Dttrrows then reported the platform from the committee on resolutions. After rcanirmlng the principles of Iho na tional platform it declarei First , that the legislature should fix local maximum rates no higher than through rates ; that the policy of dlscilm- ination against the short haul nnrulyrcs our cities and impoverishes the farmers. The true economic policy should bo to make tlio country through which Iho roads pass , wealthy Instead of impoverished and to build up remote centers of trade. Second , It favors a revision of the tariff in the Interest of the producer nnd laborer ; de clares for free lumber , sugar , wool , woolen goods , sail , coal , iron and raw products upon which labor Is expended , and against the re moval of the tax on spirits. Third , declares against trusts and organ isations of capitalists to limit the production nnd control the supplies of the necessaries of life : against the employment by corporations of Iho armed private military force known as Plnkerton men as uncalled for and a gross subversion of the constitution. Fifth , condemns the action of the legisla ture in changing the length of its session from foity to sixty days. Sixth , demands an amendment to the alien hind law so us to absolutely prohibit nonresident ident aliens from owning land in Nebraska and limiting ownership in land to the amount the owner can uso. Seventh , demands the investment of the permanent school fund In registered bonds nnd improved real estate. Eighth , charges the Chicago , Durllngton & Quincy with unfair treatnientof its employes , ehaniclizes it as an avowed enemy of organ- bed labor , as subsidizing thu press and engi neering dynamite- conspirators , condemns the company for being unjust , arrogant and ty rannical and extends sympathy to tlio brother ? hood. Declares that the right to vote is inherent In citi/enship irrespective of sex. Several objections were entered against poilions of the platform. Each resolution was acted upon Hcperutcly and all adopted without mutoiial alteration. A resolution favoring submission was offered and a sub Btituto adopted , expressing it to be the sense of the convention that all constitutional questions of this character should bo sub mitted to the people. Contributions were nskcel to reimburse the eouimittco for ex penses already incurred. About S100 was raised In cash. The convention then pro cecitcd to the nomination of candidates. Tlio following were chosen : Dnvlil Duller , of Pawnee City , for governor : D. Potter , of Drown county , for liculcnanl governor ; Dr. II. S. Alloy , of Grand Island , for auditor ; D. C. Nash , of Phelps county , for treasurer ; I. Honthern , of DuiTule county , for secretary of state ; P. M. Knox of Custor county , for attorney general ; W F. Wright , of Nomaha county , for coinmis sionor of public lands and buildings : Mrs. M D. Wood , of Cass , for county nuporintendcni of Instruction. Electors nt largo , Allot Root of Omaha , J. F. Dlack of Red Willov county. Nearly all the candidates wen present and each was culled even , out for n speech. After the convcntloi adjourned the delegates of the eongressiona districts mot in ellllerent parts of the hall am made the following nominations : For con gloss , First districl , J W. Edgcrlon , of Soutl Uimihn ; Scsond district , R. II. Rohr , o Furnus ; Third district , I. O. Jones , of Nnne county. District electors : First , C. W Wheeler , of Auburn ; Second , L. H.Calhoun of Polk county ; Third , Orin Colby , of Wasli ington county. The Encampment ntVahoo. . WAHOO , Nob. , Sept. 4. [ Special to TH Dir. : . ] Tills , the fourth day of the encnmr merit of the Nebraska National guards i : Camp Sheridan , has boon very lino. The 01 cellent weather still continues and th guards show a decided Improvement ii their drill exercises. Tlio orders of ycstei day have been fully carried out and the fo : lowing orders Issued to-day for to-morrow : eir.NUUAi , 011111:11 : NO. 3. CAMP SiiKiiuiAN , Sept. a , 18SS. Passes t lion-commissioned oftlcers nnd men will hen nftcr bo limited to the following numbni during the encampment , per day : First regiment : 10 privates , ft non-couimli Bioncd ulllccrs , Second regiment : 12 privates , C non-con mlsrloncd olllcers. Tioop A , cavalry : 0 privates , 4 non-con missioned ofllcers. Dallory A , light artillery : 4 privates , non-commltisioiied ofliccrs. Tim Nebraska National guards are lit tli HCI vice of the state and are exempt from Jut duty r.ud poll tax , nnd lira paid for the services at the annual encampment , an your commander has no doubt of the willlii ) ness of the ofllccrs ncd men of the Fir : brigcda to jierform their whole duty an repay the commonwealth hy their pn llciency and progress in military affairs , Th can only bo accomplished by their present in camp and their attendance ut all drill : ceremonies mid parades. Dy order of 1 , . W. Coi.nv , Brigadier General Commanding , Fir : Drlgndc. [ Countersigned ] C. O. DVTES , Major and A. A. O. < ICMIIAL : oitnKii NO. 4. CAMISIIKIUPAN , N. N. O. , Sept. 3. Dy cl rection of the comiiiandcr-ln-chlof the nltci tlon of the olllcers and men of this commiii : is called to the use of intoxicating liquor nnd they nro admonished that absolute s bricty mid tcmi > criinco must DO maintain ! throughout the encampment. Any ofllcer or man appearing to bo undi the inllut'iico of Intoxicating liquors will 1 immediately called to account and rcportc to general headquarters for discipline. It is considered unmilitary and improper fi ofllcers or enlisted men to enter saloons uniform , nnd your commander truststhut tl members of this command will not bo guu of conduct that would tend to etclrnct fro the general respect and contldcnce In whli the National Guard should bo held by all r Biddable cltlrcns. Tlio attention of the command Is also calli to the care of property of the state in u durinjf encampment , and especially to tl tents. The blacking of arms In tents and the ta Ing of arms Into touts with bayonets fixed positively prohibited. Dy order of L. W. COLBV. Drip. Gen. Com. First Reg. C. O. DATES , Major and A. A. Q. , llio Onar o Failed to Stick. WIMIKII , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Special to Ti BEE. ] Quito an important perjury cnso w tried before the county judge to-day In whi Dr. L. E. Goodoll was defendant. The coi pfclnt wa * filed by ono Duldwln who hud hi previous trouble \vlth the doctor in regard trading some worthless northern sand land by which he obtained n drug stock valued at f2WX ) , besides valuable real estate in the town of Wilber. Goodcll having repudiated the trade nnd replovlned the stock. Daldwln , In order to make testimony and if possible have the case determined beforehand , filed the nflidavit for perjury on which the doctor was arrested , Hut on the hearing of the case the testimony of Baldwin's own wit nesses was against him and in favor of Goodell. Ho was discharged on preliminary examination. The Kearney Encampment. KCAKNCY , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Special to Tnn DEK. ] General Wheaten arrived yesterday morning nnd assumed command nt Camp Drpokc. Last night Mr. nnd Mrs. Juan Doyle gave an elegant reception at their residence to the olllcers and citizens In honor of General nnd Mrs. Wheaton. It was largely attended , the general being very popular , not only with the ofllcers , but with the Kearncyltcs as well. The three regimental bauds were in attend- nnco and gave most excellent music. Tonight - night there will be an invitation soiree at the luke pavillion. Tlio Itutlcr County Fnlr. DAVID CITV , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : DII : : . ] The Duller county fall opened hero to-day with but u small attend ance , but by to-morrow the exhibitors will hnvo everything In readiness and the at tendance will bo larger. To-morrow has has been set apart for the discussion ol democratic doctrines by the Hon. W. G , Hastings , democratic nominee for congress from the Second district. Others nro nine expected to address the people on the full grounds. A Successful ftcvivnl. GUEIHAM , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Special to Tin DKK.J Tlio camp meeting which bciran here August 15 , Just closed last night. Since the return of Dr. D , L. Paine to Lincoln , Kev , W. .1. Cnlfce , of York , has been conducting the evening meetings and has been wonder fully successful as a revivalist. Theic have been over u hundred conversions during Hie twenty days' meetings. The dedication ol tlio M. E. church will take place next Sun day , having been postponed from u formei announcement , Prohibitionists at Central City. OnNTUti. CITY , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Spccia Telegram to Tin : Uii : : . ] The Grand open house hero wan packed this evening will people to hear Chancellor Crelghton. The Falls City quaitcttc furnished the music am was greeted with great applause. The Pro hibition club is giving a series of lecture ! this week while the North Nebraska confer cnco is In session , atid several of Nebraska's best prohibition speakers are to bo here. Nominated lor the Legislature. Nouiinx. Neb. , Sept. 4. | Special to TUB Dm : . ] The representative convention foi the Fifty-second district , which met here nominated A. .1. Durnham , of Springviow for representative. C. II. Cornell , candidate for senator for the Fourteenth scmitorla district , was present and also received the endorsement of the convention. Gray's linl was packed full by persons listening t < speeches by Messrs. Cornell , Glllispio am Durnham. Rnylni ; Store Stock. ULYSSES , Neb. , Sept. 4. ( Special Telegratr o Tun DKC. ] A big stock deal was con iuminutcd by thrco Ulysses dealers ycster day. Messrs. .Too Palmer.-J.'ark Dobson Jr. : md Lon Kitchio purchased 000 head of feed rs from Decker's ranch 150 miles south o Denver. This mokes over n thousand feed rs bought by these gentlemen recently am ivill make this section boom in stock 'ccdlni his winter. Killed tiy the Cam. NOUTII PLATTK , Neb. , Sept. 4. fSpeoio Telegram to THE DUE. | Word was rcceivci icro to-night that the body of a man wa 'ouna at O'Fallon'B station , seventeen mile ivest of hero after the cast bound cxpres uul passed there to-night at 7:50. : Ho i thought to have been a tramp attempting t board No. ! 3. The coroner will hold an ir quest to-morrow. The County Scat of Chase. GIIANT , Neb. , Sept. 4.---Special [ Telegrat to Tun DEE. 1 The special election held Mor day , In Chase county , to change the locatipi of the comity seat , was not decisive. In portal , the present county seat , pitted ugatns Chase , Champion and Mnndcrson , was enl short forty votes in the raco. Cliase , fecoii Ing the smallest vote , will drop out. Th next ballot will take place in thirty days. The Snumlers County Fair. WAIIOO , Neb. , Sept. 4. [ Special to Tn Dnn.J The fair opened to-day with a ni very largo attendance , the day being most ! taken up wild the assigning of exhibits an the making of entries. OLD ENGLAND INTERFERED Salisbury Stirs Up the Officials c the Dominion. OTTAWA , Ont. , Sept. 4. The first meetir of the cabinet since President Clovolun laid his retaliatory message before congros was held yesterday afternoon. The Drills government cabled to SirJJohn MacDonah requesting him to furnish the full text of tl extent and character of the commercial r latlous which had existed bctwcc the United States and Cnniu since tlio confederation of the Drills North American provinces ; also a clur statement of tlio remonstrances which 1m been mudo by the United States again : Canada for alleged irregularities in uccon ing to United States cltuen-i their right conceded by the treaty , as well us a free o : plunntion as to the probable effect on the D < minion if tlio proposed retaliatory measure were carried out. This information was lal bcforo the cabinet yesterday. On the most reliable authority it Is Icarnc that in requesting this Informatic Salisbury enjoined the Dominion govcri ment to excrciso the utmost caution I every movement Just now , when nn irrcgi lur stop might strengthen the feeling of ho tility which lias been raised toward the D minion. Salisbury has spoken prctt plainly to Sir John , and the attitude ho h ; assumed has not been very cordially r ceivcd by the mcmberr of the governmen The members of the cabinet were by i means a unit in endorsing the rcmedii which Sir John proposed. It is stated th u serious rupture in the cabinet is not ii probable over the interference of the hon government. Stoiinishli ) Arrivals. At Dover The Leerdam , from New Yor for Rotterdam. * At London Passed the Lizard Tl steamer Moravia , from Now York , for Hat burg : the Michigan , from Baltimore , passi the Scllly Islands ; arrived , the the steam Ardunach , from Baltimore , for Lubeck ; tl Keislcr , from New York. At Glasgow The Stuto of Nevada , fro New York. At Grecnock The Davonla , from Nc York. At New York The Westernland. fro Antwerp. At Dostou The Ptetcr do Corinlck , frc Antwerp. At Liverpool The Kenans , from Nt York. A Very IJncl Secretary. CINCINNATI , Sept 4. It 1ms coirio to llg that- the secretary of the Duckworth Duihil association has been systematically cmbczll the money of the members. H is ttioug It will amount to $20,000 or morn. Seercta List has used the money in fust living and now in lading. After exposure bo apparent attempt to commit suicide. REBEL RANT FROM REAGAN , The Toxns Man Defends the South and Slavery. A SENSATION IN THE SENATE. IjahorStnstltlcltw Hiitolilns on the Sit uation In Iowa The DcmoeratH Working Hard Dut With No Prospect of Success. Iteagan Dcfenda Slavery. WASHINGTON DOIIEAU Tun OMAHA DEE .l 51 ! ) FOUKTMNTH STIllIUT , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 4. ) A most unusual , astounding and shameful scene was presented in the senate to-day. Senator Hcagun of Texas , who was Jeft Davis' secretary of the treasury and post master general , his bosom friend and coun seller , made n passionate and earnest de fense of slavery , the confederacy and seces sion. Mr. Hengan is the most prominent leader of the confederacy now living except Jeff Davis , and is probably better qualified than any other man to speak on the subject , He declared that the south did not rebel for the propagation of slavery , but for its pres ervation , that the south fought tc repel the interference of the north , hat the south preferred to die battling or its rights rather than live and permit the lorth to intermeddle with them. Ho dc 'larcd ' that George Washington , Hancock , relTerson and all the others who fought for ittr present independence and who framed he constitution , were responsible for slav ery , nnd that the way the federal govern- neiit should have proceeded to abolish slav ery was by the purchase of the negroes , Senator Hcagan lias become greatly oxer 'ised ' over the proddlngs of Senator Dlair ol few Hampshire , who said that if the south , vus a victim of slavery , as Senator Heagan : laimed , It was a willing and anxious victim. That the south did not simply contend for ho preservation of slavery ; it demanded n constitutional right to propagate it through- nit the north and the territories. Ho in- lanced tlio effort to do this in Kansas which c.sultcd in the difficulty of Ibol-.V . Ho re- iiinded Mr. Hengtw thut the democratic side f both the senate and house had , in cvcrj nslanco , brought about sectional debates n this congress and that such men as ho , ; { eugan , were continually Insulting the nortli by their sectional harangues. Heagan sprang 'o bis feet excitedly and said that ho never nsulted the north , that ho might have In- lulled the republican party , to which Mr. Jlair replied that if a party could bo n sec- ion the republican party was the north as ho north had organized that party to strike down the crime of slavery. TIIK SITUATION IN IOWA. Hon. E. H. Hutchins , who has for several years been the labor statistician of Iowa , has for several days been attracting considerable attention on the stump for the republican tarty in Pennsylvania nud New York. He : ias pone to Columbus , to attend the reunion , nud from there he will proceed to Iowa ami continue his political speeches. Mr. Hutch 'ns says it is scarcely possible , and whollj mprobable that the democrats car carry lovfn this year , although thcj nro making desperate efforts to lie so. Tlio democrats , lie says , are supplylnt the third party prohibitionists with funds nnd are doing it openly. For n St. Join meeting recently the democratic chairmai raised the money not only to pay the bal rent , but to pay the speaker. Mr. Hutchlni thinks the railroad light in Iowa on accounl of the legislature making the railroad com missioners elective will lese some votes t < the republicans and the anti-prohibition ra publicans will make some defections , but tin majority for Harrison nnd Morton will not bi less than twenty or twcnty-ilvo thousand. Hi says the republicans will also gain a eon gressman In the state , nnd that the pcopli there have become thoroughly disgusted will the cowardly policy of Cleveland in his syco phantic truckling with England. MISCCLI.VNCOU3. The comptroller of the currency to-day ap proved the Omaha National bank as rcscrvi for the First National bank of Hock Springs Wyo. ; also the Atlas National bank of Chicago cage as agent for the First National of Spencer cor , la. Colonel Thomas M. Vincent , assistant ad jutnut general , has been made chief aide t General Schoiiuld. Pcitur S. HEATH. Nebraska anil Iowa Pe.iiHlons. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegrar to THE Dic. : ] Pensions granted Nebraskans Original Invalid Byron P. X.uver , Atlar : Increase James L. Twiggs , Sargent ; Ilcnr Null , North Plattc ; Ulebnrd Woodlnni Durchard ; Jefferson D. Drown , Pardutn John II. Holdcn , Hay Springs ; Murray A : Miller , Ainsworth. Pensions for lowans : Increase Newto D. Kelley , Dedford ; Lorenzo D. Millei Doousboro ; John W. Aliens , Little Sioux Andrew Howe , Macksburgh ; Oscar Pcrrj Jackson Junction ; Daniel Lamphier , Ncv ton ; EH M. Sweet , Gilbert ; Josep Anton Durbcl , Dubuque ; George Hicl ardson , Kcota ; Daniel P. Loiif Norwnlk ; Ansel D. Parker , Akron JoliuDiller , Washington ; William R. Oakc Sabula ; John Ingrum , Center Junction Louis Pharo , Allison ; Henry Sailor , Lisbon William I1. Dlack , Springfield ; John V Randolph , Indiunola : Miles P. Sigwortl Anauiosa ; Henry C. Del/ , Rhodes ; Wllliai N. Drown , Montezuma ; Joseph Gougl Lenyvllio ; John Orr , Greenfield ; Jeremia Thomas , McPaul ; Benjamin E. Alloi Lurins ; Robert E. Meoke , Sherman ; Wil lam Dlack , Nuvlnvlllo. Original widow etc. Matilda Smith , former widow of Nicl olas Johnson , Dixon. Nebraska anil Iowa Patents. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. ] Special Tclcgrai to Tin : DEE. ] Patents were granted tl following Nebraska and Iowa inventors I day : W. V. Cecil , Omaha , brick setting ; < J. Clark. Kcokuk , la. , lire escape ; John i Hootcn and G. L. Wiard , Clifton , Neb. , wii fence building apparatus ; E. R. Lynch , Da cnport , la. , wheel cultivator ; Dryan O'Do : neil , Vull , la. , checkrow attachment for cot planters ; H. L. Pharris , Superior , Neb. , coi cultivator ; Charles Hosclins , Nebraska Cit Neb. , door catch ; J. W. Trew , Dubuque , It plow on harrow attachment. Army Matters. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. [ Special Tclcgra to Tim DEI : . ] Private Edward T. Mtllc company I , Eighth infantry , now with h company at Fort Robinson , Is transferred the hospital corps as n private. Private Moycr Murkowsky , company ( Seventh infantry , now with his company i Fort Laramie , Wyo. . is transferred to tl hospital corps us a private. Utah Indians Miiklnir Trouble. SALT LAKE CITV , Utah , Sept. 4. [ Spccl Toleginm to Tun DEC. ] The Utcs in Navajoes in the San Juan country are groi ing very insolent and setllers are daily feu an un outbreak. Many of the ranchers hn' ' moved their families into the settlement nnd if the Indians continue their pranks w appeal to Governor West for protcctlo Them Indians huvo lately Rur.o to the horn of ranchers and boldly helped themselves whatever they wanted. They -lso dcta travelers for hours , and in several have followed equestrians for miles , kecpii them constantly covered with rifles nud momentary dread of their lives. Three Laborers Killed. CUICAGO , Scp't. 4. The caat-bpunu Chica & Atlantic fast freight struck and Instant killed thrco laborers near the state line la ulcUt. A DOPUFUfj V1KW. Andrew Shitmim Wi-ltos Glowingly of Republican Prospects. CHICAGO , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram to THE DEI : . ] Andrew Shumun , editor of the Chicago Evening Journal , who has been in Now York state for some days past , and who is n close observer of politics , writes to his paper as follows : "Tho republican advocacy of saloon restriction nnd regulation by means of n strong high liccnso law is apparently drawing quite ns many temperance nnd law- nnd-ordcr people from the third party prohi bition ranks back to the republican party as the prohibitionists are seducing from it ns now converts , nnd at the same tlrao It is manifest everywhere that the efforts of the frco trade democrats to break down the bar riers of tariff protection now enjoyed by the producers nnd the wago-carncrs are driving many of the men who have heretofore voted with the demo crats to the republican standard. These facts , taken In connection with the unity ol the republican party and the evident deter mination of its orators , leaders and campaign managers to 'push things' with the utmost vigor nnd up to the very eve of the day ol tlio election , inspire us with the hope thai the Empire state will wheel grandly bucli into the republican line. And if she doca so , Harrison and Morton will bo the next presi dent nnd vice president of the United States Ono thing t must not forget to note befon closing this hasty letter : In Buffalo , of whiel G rover Cleveland was formerly mayor ; it Erie county , of which ho was formerly sheriff , and in almost every county nnd towt in western Now York , which largely aide * In electing him governor and president , then has been u very remarkable revulsion o : sentiment against him. The city of Duftnlo the county of Erie , and western and centra New Yoric will , it is safe to predict roll up n much larger rr.a'lority ngainsi Cleveland in lt-83 4han thuy , cither sepa rately or combined , contributed to his sue cess in times past This extraordinary changi of popular feeling in the city nnd the vicinlti of Cleveland's old homo and former popular ity n change fiom blind devotion to Intensi antagonism is very significant nnd will go i great way toward shaping the Until outcomi in the stale at large. It would bo somethini llkopoetic justice' if tlio vote nnd the inllu cnco of Duff nlo. which gave Mr. Clcvcinm his start in public lifo nnd which ho coldl : and ungratefully turned his back upon ni soon as ho became president , should nov 'return the compliment' of his ingratitude b ; furnishing Iho ammunition that shall blov him out of ofllco. The pcoplo of Buffalo am all Ibis region feel Mr. Cleveland's Biml keenly nnd ho will hear from them m No vcmber. " The Connecticut Democrats. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , Sept. 4. The demo cratie state convention was called to orde to-day by Chairman Dooley of the state ecu tral committee. Congressman Vance wac called to the chair ns temporary chairman and the usual committees were appointed The temporary organization was then madi permanent. In his address Chairman Vance arrnignei the republican party for not keeping it ; promise as regards the reduction of tin tariff. In closing ho said ; "Tho dcmocratli party has proved itself abundantly able ti govern. The people nro satlsllcd , nnd wil brush aside the party which has proved itscl to be a fnlso prophet , nnd has nltcmptcd ti appeal to prejudice rather than reason Under G rover Cleveland progress has beei made , and under him will it continue. " The platform adopted Indorses the prcsi dent In general and his tarjft message in par ticular ; congratulates tha democrats of th < house upon the passage o * the Mills bill , dc nouncing any duty upon raw material as i burden upon both manufacturer nnd eon Burner , and devotes nn entire plank to th evils of the duty on wool ; indorses the presi dent for "placing the commercial relations o the pcoplo of the United States and Cannd upon an equality ; " declares in favor of secret ballot and favors-a revision of the coi stilulion , and that state oQlccrs may b elected by n plurality voto. The name of Luxon D. Morris was pn Rented and a ballot resulted In his noiniui tion for governor. Senator Kirktmm of Nov ington was nominated for lieutenant govo : nor , Henry DIshop for secretary of state nn James G. Martin for treasurer. Ilarrifion at Fort Wayne. FT. WATNI : , Ind. , Sept. 4. The reguln train carrying General Harrison nnd part was twenty minutes late starting from Ti Icdo. Short stops were made nt Whit House , Liberty nnd Napoleon , where ho wr greeted by crowds at the stations. When 1 reached Delianco ho was greeted by uboi flvo hundred people. The stop was too brii for a speech. After making stops nt seven other small towns the train reached F Wayne. Fully fi.COO pcoplo were nt tlio depi to witness his arrival. His special car wi switched oft and General Harrison and h party alighted and were escorted to the pul lie square. Hero a largo crowd , numbcrir 0,000 persons , had assembled to greet the dl tinguishcd guest. As the general appoarc on the platform ho was pelted with a showc of boquets. When the noise nnd chcc : abated ho delivered an addtcss on the issui of the day , the audience frequently oxpres ing its keen appreciation by applause ai cheers. Tliurman Ijcavod For New York. COI.U.MIIUS , O. , Sept. 4. Judge Allen ( Tliurman , his son , Allen W. Thurman , h grandson , Allen G. Thurman , Jr. , Horin Wilkins nnd press representatives left t night for the cast to attend iho Now Yor and the Newark , N. J. , meetings of Thursdi and Saturday evenings , Tlio Vermont Elections. DUULINOTON , Vt. , Sept. 4. An unusual ] largo vole has already been 'polled in tli city. Reports from Um counlry towns pol to the largest vote ever cast In Iho state , ni that Dillingham and Woodbury probab have 'J5,000 majority. Colorado llepnhlloaiiH. DENVEII , Col. , September 4. At the repu lienn state convention held in this city to-di Hosca Townsend of Custer county was nor Inatcd for congress. The convention tin adjourned until to-morrow. Another Speech hy Dlnlne. FAIIMINOTOK , Mo. , Sept. 4. Hon. Jam G. Dlaino addressed nn audience horoto-dn speaking principally on tlio fisheries , tone ing briefly on the prohibition question at t close of his speech. THINKS JUDD-ICNKW OF IT. A Postal Employe , Comments on Fellow Appointee. CHICAGO , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram Tin : Dr.E.I A new turn was given to t postofllco scandal to-da by the peculiar coi mcnts of ono of President Cleveland's a pointccs upon the actions of another Clov laud appointee. ' 'There Is no question in mind , " said Superintendent of Malls W banks to-day , "that Postmaster Judd h guilty knowledge of the attempt of his It jiartncr , Mr. Eshcr , to levy tribute for | litical ends from the postofllco employe Mr. Eshcr was probably innocent of t matter , being to tnkin with the idea that had been chosen to collect this money that did not for a moment consider whether it w n moral or legal wromr. "Speaking of Eshcr , ' ' continued Mr. W banks , "it always struck mo as very strani tlmt ho should have been , when ho was student in Mr. Judd's ofllce , down in soul crn Illinois , buying np certitlcate.s of the J Louis ft Cairo narrow gauge rood , and i their evidence of indebtedness ut 25 cents the dollar , while Mr. Judd as attorney f the receiver was instrumental in redcemii these evidences of indebtedness nt their fi face value. Of course Mr. Judd was not cc nlzant of this and did not share In the profl but it struck me as a little singular , tha all ; and Mr. Wilbank * retired behind i ! ! { , and kuf ged ulmselt Mr. Toiler Addresses the Sormto on the Ohlnoso Question. SOME BASE SLANDERS REFUTED. MeCrenry Defend ) ) the Course of the President on the Fisheries r.d is Answered Dy V Mr. HUU Senate. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. In the scnnto to-day Mr. Coke called attention to the resolution dopted at the recent convention in Denver , k > lo. , in favor of a deep water harbor on the lorthwest coast of the gulf of Mexico. Ho also presented n memorial on the same sub- ect from the deep water harbor conimlttoo if the city of Galveston and asked that Ii bo trinted in the Record , So ordered. Mr , Cullom offered a resolution , which was idotitcd , calling on the secretary of war for nformation as to the channel of the. Detroit river and St. Cialr Hats whether Its waters iiro within the jurisdiction of the United Stales or Canada , etc. Mr. Cullom also inlro- ; luced a bill to declare trusts unlawful and It , vas referred to the committee on finance. At'i : ! . " > the scnalo resumed consideration of tha house bill to prohibit Chinese immigra tion , and was addrusscd by Mr. Teller in its support. Ho replied to the argument made yesterday by Mr , George , throwing the re sponsibility for the presence of the Chinese on the republican party. Ho disclaimed such csponslbility , and defended the course of Inrrlson in his votes in tlio senate on the null Chinese legislation , The republican can didate for the presidency had occupied tlio same position on the Chinese question as ho ( Teller ) had always occupied , nnd was as sound us tiny man in the world on the ques tion of pi oteclion to American labor , whether against the pauper labor of Europe or the pauper labor of China. Referring to the Mercy letter in the campaign of 1SSO us a forgery of tlio basest kind , ho said that it did not succeed , and that the attack upon the present republican candidate would not succeed , either. If the people had be lieved that letter bo genuine , Garflcld would not and ought not to have carried one state in the union. It was through forgery in 1SSO and through slander In lbS7 , that the democrats hoped to obtain power. Mr. Teller proceeded to compare the course of two parties on the Chinese question in California , the only slate where that question had crystali/cd into public opinion , and claimed that the republican party there had always been opposed to Chinese Immigration , while the democratic party had not been. Governor Stanford's ' message to the legislature in 1802 had been the first ofllcial declaration against it. At the close of Mr. Teller's speech the Chi nese bill went over , and after nn executive session the senate adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. In the house to-da.v Mr. Kelly offered u resoulution directing the special committee on the investigation ami construction of the new library building tc Inquire whether any 'member of the house : ias , by himself or In combination witli others , sought by persuasion , intimldntlor or corrupt or improper moans to influence J , L. Smlthmoyer , architect , in the selection , acceptance or approval of Inferior or im proper material to be used in the construntioi of the building. It was finally decided that n new commit tco should bo appointed , it being intimatcc that the member referred lo by Mr. Kclb was n member of the present committee. The morning hour having expired , Mr Townsbend of Illinois submitted the confer cnco report on the army appropriation bill An agreement had been reached on nil tin amendments except these relating to tlu establishment of a gun factory andihomanu facluro of ordnance. A further coufcrenci was ordered on these amendments. The bill was passed punishing by n fine o not more than f 1,000 nor imprisonment foi moro than thrco years of dealers or pretended tended dealers in counterfeit money or olhei fraudulent devices for using the Unite < Stales mails. The house then proceeded , as n specln order to a consideration of the rctaliatloi bill. bill.Mr. . McCrcary explained and defended tin bill , and controverted the statement that tin president had already sufficient authority ti act under the law of 1887. Ho believed tha article 2'J of the treaty died when the tlsheric articles of the treaty of 1871 died. The president idont had been criticised because ho had no rushed along a proclamation under the act o 18S7 , but history showed that General Gran had followed exactly the same line of policy The power granted to the president in th pending bill was no stronger than it ought t bo. It was time that Canadian wrongs shouli bo resented by the United Stales and sur piessed by great Britain. The bill should b passed promptly. The treatment of Amerl can fishermen by the Canadian nuthoritie was in violation of that comity , hospltallt ; and good feeling that the civilization of thi ago required between neighboring nations The bill under consideration was no wa : measure. It was n peace preserver. It wai a public announcement/ the people of tin United States nnd Great Uritain that th government of the United States proposed t maintain its dignity and protect the rights c cili/ens. The president would excrciso th power conllded to him intelligently an courageously. The president had a prope appreciation of the dignity and honor of thi great republic , nnd any power placed in hi hands would bo used for the protection r American dignity nnd American rights , i was by no means certain that ho would bo n quired to issue the proclamation authorize by Iho bill. Ho hoped and believed thu when the bill was enacted into n law th usual good judgment of the English an Canadian authorities would bo manifested and all difllcultles would bo arranged will out anything which would break up tli cordial relations which had existed for man years between Great Drituin nnd the Unite States. Dut let the result bo what it migh the president would bo supported by th people of the United Stales , without rcgar to party , and there would bo no division o sectional lines , but the men of the south nn the men of the north would stand shouldc to shoulder in u solid phalanx to dofcnd tli rights and honor of Americans , f Applauses , Mr. Hilt of Illinois , commented on th fact that the president's fisheries mcpsap had been received with pariisan npplausi nnd that ouo dcmocratli ; member hud d < clarod that it was n good campaign doci ment. Ho was not willing ( to accept tli proposillon , coming oven from n friend c the president , that the message was an elc tloneorlng device. The gcnllcman from Kct tucky ( McCreary ) connected the message o the fisheries with what was known t the frco trade message. It wi an apt combination. The treatment of on fishermen and the tendency toward fre trade hud gone hand In hand since the du of inauguration. [ Applause. ) Was thei any ouo who could forgot the indignant fee Ing in the United States in 18SO at the rccu rent scenes from week to wccH ot America ships tied up nnd of Inhumanity to America fisherman ? The whole story was ono < wrong and outrage unrcdrcsscd and insu unavenged. Congress had taken the matU up nnd passed the retaliation act. It stoo on the statute books still , nnd clghtec months had passed by and none of thopowei conferred by it had been exercised. The sy torn of outrages had been checked in pa largely by iho Influence of the passage c the retaliation bill. Then negotiations wci on and blossomed in the Dnyurd-Chuuibe lain treaty. In the senate it was subJecU to a bovcro debate and discussion and wi found wanting. The opinion of the counti rejected it Ion * before the vote the scnnto. The treaty was bargain. There was more of a bargain the was written down. Protocols were cent \ the senate , but the dally struggles of mlr with mind in adjusting all the questions wei not shown thorv. Sir Cliwlw Tuppsr lo U Canadian o flic lal journal had said , touching ho question of free trade : "Uayord told us and the American plcnipo- ontlarlcs told us that there was but ono way f obtaining what wo wish. You want rrcator freedom of commercial Intercourse. You want n relaxation In our tnrlft arrange- nont , etc. You will llnd , " continued Dnyard , "that the policy of this govern- nent , the policy of the president , the policy f the house of representatives , and the pot- cy of the great democratic party of the United States , will at once take an onward nnroh in the direction you propose and ac- omplish steadily that which you dcslro. " Sir Charles Tuppcr then added : "Thcso vcro not empty words. They were ho , utterances of distinguished states- neil who pointed to the avowed policy if the government of the United States. " Sir Charles Tuppcr then called attention to the position of Mills , and iays : "Tho Ink is barely dry on tlio treaty icforo , as representative of the government nnd chairman of the committee on ways and ncans , ho brings forward a measure to do vhati Why , to make frco the articles which Canada vends into the United States , and on vhlch last year f I.MIO.OOO of duty were paid. " Let mo add , said Mr. llltt , that ho not only ntroduccd the bill , but ho pressed it through ho house. Ho kept Daynrd's words to the ctter. The democrat lo party stood by its largiun with the Drltlsli plenipotentiary. Applause on the republican side. I Tlio gentleman from Texas ( Mills ) Is star ing in the provinces carrying on i great campaign , ami I observe eport of a remark by him that "while tlio opublicans may have taken the Drltlsli lion > y the tall , wo hnvo taken him by the snout. " . 'hat was after lie had crammed Iho British Ion's mouth wlthlMUUOO , ) aycar.a sheer gift. Republican applause ] Hilt declared that ur- Iclo 'J'Jof the treaty had not been abrogated ; hat the power the president asked for ho al- cndy possessed. Mr. Chapman of Michigan favored the illl. In regard to free trade with Canada , 10 stated that with the exception of Penn sylvania all the ulno ntatcs which were on , lie lakes wanted free trade ami commercial inion with Canada , and ono of the most able gentlemen on the other sldo ( Buttcrworth ) vas the high priest ami apostle of that doctrine. Alluding to the suggestion that wo years' notice should bo given to Eng- and of the proposed action us a matter of diplomatic courtesy , he gave utterance to ho following epigram , which was received vith applause mid laughter : "Tho nearer u nan approaches a diplomat in form , the icarcr ho is to a fool ; and the nearer ho approaches preaches ono in substance , the nearer ho is o a knave. " Ho did not want , ho said , to bo more polite to England than self-respect equlrcd. Her foot bad been on every weak icck. She hud pressed her interests by the brutality of force , or the meanness of diplo macy , as circumstances required. Every where she had been seltish and pitiless. She was a monster money changer in God's temple of earth. What lite honor of tlio country required ho would concede to her , uul not nn atom more. This bill was in the pathway of duty , and he would vote for it with a stout heart and a clean conscience. The scnnto then adjourned. SNUBS Tin : PUESS. Cleveland Shown No Courtesies to the NowHpapor Mi-n. WASIHXOTONSept. . 4. [ Special to Tun : Jnn. ] .loo Howard , in ono of his recent let- .crs , printed at several places throughout .ho country , made a statement to the effect that President G rover Cleveland had done nero for the newspaper fraternity than any of his predecessors in the white house. A statement so far from the truth is seldom soutout in connection with momboM ot the press located in Washington. It is not within the recollection of the oldest member of the corps of correspondents that an occu- > ant of the white house over carried his re sentment towards the press to such a degree us Mr. Cleveland. Instead of universal courtesy there have been constant snubs , and frequently open resentment shown to in dividuals at the executive mansion. So no- Lorious Is this that there uro fewer newspaper - paper correspondents who visit the white house for the purpose of calling on the presi dent than over before since Newspaper How became a feature of Washington itculf. The president never loses an opportunity for say ing unpleasant things against writers for the press , and only tlio other day expressed in forcible language his ill feeling towards the men. Of course , there nro exceptions , Ho has a few intimates to whom ho unbos ems himself , but there is none of that cor diality of feeling between the correspondents nnd the president that there has been in the past. President Arthur , for instance , had a knack of winning the friendship of oven hit political enemies in the corps by his univer sal courtesy nnd the good fellowship whlcl ho expressed towards them. And yet tin newspaper men of Washington could tcl some very unpleasant things about Grovel Cleveland if they chose to 'open up the bat teries. It may bo said to their credit that they suppress the truth about Mr. Cleve land's personal habits and past history too times as often as any ono of them ever does him a personal injury by misstating facts. Dut it is not towards the newspaper met alone ihnt the lack of tack is so evident ii the surroundings of the white house. That remarkable lady who presides ovortho house hold is usually regarded as ono of the mcs tasteful women In America ; yet on several occasions she. has demonstrated that sin has some of the shortcomings in socia matters of the most uneducated parvenu ir the swim. Some time ago mention was made of the fact that some ladies called on Mrs Cleveland and that their cards were ru turned to them when that lady sent her ex cuscs. Nobody over heard of cards havinj been returned beforoand that fact was taker as an Indication of n desire on the part o Mrs. Cleveland to place n personal sligh upon her callers , although it is probable slu had no such idea in view , us the ladies wen entire strangers to her. Dut tlio want o tact was there , and whether it was duo U the president , Mrs. Cleveland or to the scr vants with whom ho has surrounded himself is u question which inubt bo answered b ; others. In any event there are uround tin white house a set of luckics , who arc , to mi a vulgar expression , "too big for theii breeches. " Within the past six months have heard of a dozen cases where ludlc huvo called upon the president's wife , oftci by invitation , who have been compelled I open their own carriage door , and furthu than this to turn the great bron/o bundle ti the main door of the white house , itself , am to hunt around for the servant to whom ti deliver their cards , while that functional- sat in n cozy little retreat masticating to bacco or putllni ; at a cigar which is about thi only gratuity that thcso gentlemen receive. On ono occasion Ulchard Mnusliold , th actor whoso Impersonation of Dr. Jcckyl and Mr. Hyde won him rounds of applause was specially iuvited to call upon Mrs. Clove land. When he reached the white hous ho was compelled to llnd his own way in , ain when ho tlnnlly run up against u stray set vunt his wraps were tnucn from him am carelessly thrown down in feomo seclude nook in the East room. Ho eventual ) found Mrs. Cleveland in her rooms , and ai tcr spending a few minutes in pleasant cor , vcrsation with her , arose to take his leave and was somewhat astonished over the fac that "tho llrat lady of the laud" was coir polled to show him the floor herself , bocaus of the abbcnco of the servants who Ahoul have been there. Ho found his way throng the gloom of the main inner corridor to th East room , and was there compelled t search for his wraps himself. Tnls is only a trivial incident , it is truo.bu It never occurred in the white house before and it is certain that no such thing woud have happened in any of the legation build Ings or other houses where good breeding i always manifest. The fact Is that Grove Cleveland , president of tlm United State * has surrounded himself with a class of ser vants. ( or j > erhaps In this republic the , should bo called employes ) , who are as surl ; and as churlish an ho Is himself , and the wet oral public who are oven on the visiting lo of Mrs. Cleveland are compelled to put u wtthaarcut many annoyances , because i splto of nil thut has been said to the coi trary , there is ouch a rcmarkublo lack of tai In the boutehold of the executive mansion The kllnneoU republican conventio meet * at St. Paul to-day. NEWS FROM HAWKEYEDOM. Largo Crowds In Dally Attendance at the State Fair. THE EASTERN IOWA VETERANS , Weaver Denominated l-'or Congress A Waterloo Chinaman ApplicH l-'or M at u rail /.a lion Papers Hill- cldc at Supreme Pourt DeolslonH. Dns MOISTS , la. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telo- ; ratn to Tun liii : : . ] Tha supreme court filed ho following decisions hero to-day : T. Karldan VH. L. Guggorty ; appeal from iVapello. Alllrmcd. G. II. Waldln , appellant , vs. A. T. Smith ; appeal from the DCS Molnes district court. \nlrmed. M. M. Stoddard , appellant , vs. E. O. Howe otnl. ; appeal from the Dc.s Molnes district court. Affirmed. Knthcritic Ivavy vs. the Hawkcyo Insur ance , company ; appeal from the superior court ot Kcokuk. Alllrmod. Nicholas licit vs. C. W. Smith , appellant ; ippoal from the Ues Moiucs district court. Ullnnetl. Lewis Conley , Intcrvonor , appellant ; ap ical from the DCS Mollies district court. Anli-iiied. Louis Kihso et al. vs. the Council Dluffs Insurance company , appellant ; appeal from the DCS Moines district court. ! { oversell. State of Iowa vs. Harvey Merhloy el nl , , appellant ; appeal from the Appanooho dis trict court. Heversed. Hosetta He-Id , appellant , vs. John Held ; ap peal from the Ues Molnes district court. Afllrmcd. D. H. Sloaut , appellant , vs. Dos Molnes county etal. ; appeal from the Ues Molnea district court. Afllrmcd , D. F. Wortvs. . Merrill Dros. ct nl. , appel lants ; appeal from tlio Appanooso district court. Heversed. Wing Wants loQVotc.(33vH ( ) WATCIII.OO , la. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telo- grnm toTni : Di-.r . ] Fong Wing , n Chlucso laundrymaii , was before the district court yesterday afternoon in support of his appli cation to become a citi/.en , and Judge Llno- lian now has the matter under advisement. The general opinion among attorneys and court oniccrs is ttiat the application will bo refused on the ground of Ineligibllity to citi zenship. Tlio'Jones county calf caso" was this afternoon assigned lor trial on Tuesday of next week. Knilorsed tin ; Dus Moixus , la. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Dec. ] The ntaia commit tee of the union labor party , in session hero to-night , decided to cndorso the republican candidates for railroad commissioners. Their convention made no nominations for this ofllce. When the rest of the state ticket was named MI mo weeks ago tlio members ex pressed themselves as opposed to fusion with the democrats , and In favor of a straight union labor ticket on all other candidates ex cept railroad commihsioners. The Stale Fair. DKS MOIXKH , In. , Sept. 4. [ Special Tclo- 'gram ' to Tin ; Diu. : ] The state fair to-day drew an attendance of about 20,000 , with larger receipts than for the corresponding day last year. This was ojd soldiers' day , and several thousand veterans were admitted , free. The attendance is constantly increas ing nnd promises to be the largest of any fair heretofore. The weather continues beautiful. Weaver Ronomlnatoil. Dns Moixr.s , la. , Sept. 4. [ Special Tolo- pratn to TIIC Due. ] The democrats of the sixth congressional district met at Ottumwa to-day and renommatcd Congressman J. B. Weaver , the former grecnunokcr , who was elected by u fusion with the democrats tw6 and four years ago , Ho has already been nominated by the union labor party in that district. The Iowa Veterans. ' CLINTON. la. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Dim. ] The Eastern Iowa Veterans' association is holding a very successful re union here with a largo attendance of old sol diers. The olllcors of the association for next year urc : Hon. L. H. McCoy , of Clinton , general commander ; Colonel Henry Egbert , of Davenport , colonel. There will bo a grand parade and tluun battle lo-iiiorrow. Suicide at ( jnporto. CEDAH RAMP * , la. , Sept. 4. [ Special ToleJ gram to TIIU DKC. ] Miss Von Ploch , daughter of u farmer living near Laporto , Dlnck Hawk county , committed suicide- this morning by taking poison. She has always been ncripplonnd told her parents that she was tired of life. _ A Depot Burned. DES MOINBS , In. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE DEI : . ] A lire this aftcn.oon destroyed the Durllngton , Cedar Hapids < fc Northern depot at Shollsburg. Loss , $3,000. The First District Ilcpuhllcan ? . DUIIUXCITONSept. . 4 , The democratic congressional - gressional convention of the First Iowa dis trict nominated John J. Seerloy of Hurling- ton for congress to-day. FOUND AT I ; A ST. Affectionate Kennton of a Husband and a Kunaway Wil' . KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sept. 4.- [ Special Telegram gram to Tin : Due. ] About ten days ago Mrs. Mansfield , wife of W. C. Mansfield , a druggist of Weir City , Kan. , disappeared from home , taking with her $ l'MQ of her hus band's monoy. Ho know of no reason why she should leave him but loft no stone un turned to llnd her. A few days since ho re ceived information that she hud como to Kansas City , nnd last night ho arrived in search of her. With the assistance of Ofllcer Miller ho this morning discovered her living quietly under tier right numo In n lodging house at fill ! East Fifth street. The meeting between husband and wlfo was indeed affec tionate. She cried bitterly utul said she was sorry for what she had done , and did not know why she ran awuv. She has nearly all the money. Mr. and Mrs. Maiibllcld will re turn homo to-night. Chinamen CroNMlng the Dorder. OTTAWA , Ont. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram to THE Di.E.J During the past week 634 Chinamen arrived nt Vancouver , D. C. , from China. It Is evident that their ultimata des tination is the United States. An ofllcer ot the Dominion government. Just returned from Dritish Columbia , says there is a steady stream ol Chinamen floating uround tlmt province into Washington Territory. In this way during the piesent year , it is CHtlmatod tiie Chinese population of Dritmh Columbia bus been depleted to tlio extent of fi.OOO. The minister of cuBtoms , who is now on the Pa cific coast Investigating the Chinese question , has promised to look Into the matter for the United States authorities , r New Nebraska I'ost master. > WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram , . to TIIK DKK.J Willie Calkins was to-day appointed postmaster at Harold , Holt countyi Neb. , vlco Frank J. Smith , resigned. , Killed by u Cavc-ln. ST. JOIIXB , Vt. , Sept. 4. This morning as a gang of men were at work on a new high- wiy the embankment fell and thrco wera icJled and several others wound * * . >