Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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. : I
r 2 fl : . . . . OMAJ3A DAILY BEE TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 4. 1SSS. . . . H . : . °
It ; Opow3 under CIoud1osi Skiefi and
Favorable Auspices.
Pao ( it 1ntcrct nnd Importnnco
S ' * 0 1itti ' 1lor nnd IIaIbI-
tor-Where to 1rJJY
Tim Advnvicfl Guinrd.
Visitors to the fair began to nrrlvo 1
0 wagon flint train yesterday. 'J'luey were
S ' rnalnl.V , however , tioce ) who intend to re
; zuitlii forMoverul i1y uuitl who are iuitcrosteil
: i sorno of thu exhibits and ontertulptneuts
wikh ) arc to be fdund on the grounls. Thu
priticiliat StrCCt5 were 11110(1 wIth vehicles
conveying oxhIliLt to tim grounds and trails.
porting the visitors to the hotels V.1111 boardIng
The trains arriviui over the various roads
S . yesterday were vuI1 filled with the ad.
: vance guard , and from lirosent IndicatIons
by to.uulglit tim accoinluodatioliB of the city
and hostelries will be rather severely
S taxed. The bustle and crush on SIc- ,
teontli iitrcu ill specially noticeable , and v1l1
increase with cacti day. 4tlrot1y thu iiuun.
ber of carryaull men oui the streets Is grcataud
; they ivhll decorate uvery corner
! hi the heart of the city.
'J'lio 1nlr.
: pliceuilx.tiko , the Omaha fair has risen
from its ashes and this year ircscnt the finest
display ever knowut In its luistiry. 'rho In.
, flux of atheic has boon unlirocodontod auiul thu
. managers havO been astonished to find that ,
; desiuito their extensive preparations , their
estimate of the number of entries has fullen
S remarkably short. Tiloy set to work at oncu
to accommodate the patrons , and nit day
tlio i3OUiId of hammers vas heard and largt
forces of IIICII were engaged In getting thlngi4
In reitditiess.
At noon yesterday the fair cominiiiced itiid
a tariff of O cents was imposed upon every
liersoul entering the iu o
'I'ho now aniiliitheitter ; , svlicli Is the first
object of striking ixiteret on entering the
grounds , is larger thiaii the old uiio , lnirne(1
dowii last fall , having a seating capacity of
8,000. which is 5C0 more than its 1ucdccc-
S sor.
sor.Tho next O1)OCts to attract the eye Is
S the uiev floral hall , vhich is
decidedly dIfferent I i 010 that used
In forinor years. The latter , It vilI bo re-
; . inetnhjered , vns cruciform , lint the now
( mO , which stands on the siotno sit' arid coti-
talus twIce as ititicli sinico for au exiiibttcon-
. sists ot four hiitr&thlol buiidinis , eoiitiocted
.5 niidwny with a liih1 that runs through nil of
: thiciri.
'Ihin floral exhibit Is a dazzling
vision of loynliriess , Ilands of
ro4es , fuchias , gornuinins , gladiohii ,
foliage lauits anti oleanders of all tlio shiitdcs
of the rainbov are arriigod , Iii lavish Iro-
ftisOii , JIll varieties of cacti , vines , 11811113
iontl other tropical ilaiits nililear ut ititervals ,
w'hllo ll1tllgIlig.l1ulccts , withi their lrOOplIll !
'iiies , give a still richer variety to the beuti.
tics of the cncluuiting bower. 't'Iio scene remInds -
mInds orto 'trorigIy of Shiaw'to fiuinous botun.
lea ! dlciIlRy In St. Louis. 'I'wo entire sections -
tions of thu ibm ! hull arc devoted to this
Iloral oxhibit.
S jfl ( lie third department nPIInr the sub-
staiitful liroducts of farm , garden nod orS -
S eliarol arranged in teinitfng array. Lus-
ciotis apples of nit sics and hiiws , hinge
54 grapes . , tIm maniunothi aqtiasui niiol llleIOfl ,
1l ( % . IIOtlltOCS LITId corn , wheat , oats , nilllct ,
etc. , iippear III order telling at an auspicious
UeE1'IOII for the Nebraska farmer.
I Iii thio fourth and last section Is
1 thu department exhibiting hionio pro-
r ducts. Cakes , bread , jellies , etc. ,
oppear in niipctiziiig orilor ,
. iiiitl from npienranes the jlldi'cs
F of that departnieuit with liiwo no ousy tasi in
nvarohIng preiiiiutns.
The 3110115 burned dqwn some months ago
ltte ticeri replaced and built lucre cxteii.
alvely tlutmi before.
The stock exhibIt Is the finest over wit-
ncsed Iii Nebraslin. Tli display of horses
19 the largest over given hero , tiio1 there are
iuinhcrs Iii addition to the usual exhibit of
Ilrflught horses ; also fine sPcCimclis of bhIrcs ,
Coach horses anti Cleveland bays.
Thu cattle exhibit Is very lttrgo , all tlio
. VrOlflIflCfit breeds being represented. The
S aliods are four in number anti arc oil the
north side of the grounds. There Is an unusual -
usual large display of Iloisteins.
Just vcst of them arc the sheep and lie
polls , sic III itunibor , ItIId contain soitio
s1iletidltl sperilnelis. In addition to the Boric-
, hircs and Poland Cittuas there are a strik.
itig uutiibci of Chester Whites , Yorlcshires
nail Essex , orkers , 'i'hie number exhibited
J3 Over seven hiuiiilrcd murid is by far the borg-
cist ever kiiown at a Nobrasba faIr. 11. C.
3tniIof llcntriccniul , his sonII.A , Stallhiave
UaOh a hundred choice blooded hogs In the
Tlia poultry deaartrnent Is as large as ever
anu coiitaliis the usual exhibit of bull-
cochliis and other varieties of cliiekonsducks ,
gceso doves , etc.
All the deliartillents are vcll fihicti and the
toIres1oitient stands erected are nuolci-ous
enough to feed a Vast army daily.
The ihio artdisplay which Is now iieiuig lint
- in liroulises also to cc unusually hue. The
arious photographers of tIme city have mv.
ShOd their bet taste Oil the Sp2iCO allowed
them anti the result is most liloasilighi ni-tls.
tio. _ Oio the viu1Is are also hung iiuiiiorous
paInIngs and drluiiigs by Nebraska artists
, nnd the shill' displayed In their execution
8how a most ilellSIiIg and i-cmnarknblo dowel-
opmeiit5 of artistic talent. A mi-go lllIIltIIig
that has uli-eady excited consIdel'aio nttcn-
Ion is'bbOr Cuiiyon" painted by A. Al.
brect. There are 11150 a number of Blualler
: jdeces sbovIiig the very rarest s.tIll.
Othel- Parts of the hull are do-
% oted to a fiIIO display of rt .r
liulitul and other beautiful nehioveturnits of
thiO needle. The cciiti-ni lilatforril is devoted
. to the display of niusical insti-untuats aunt
ioving maclimes.
The lIlIscclIlu000us department. iticluides
overytlilng from an artistic dhplay of liutchiJi-
tools to a Cat-hot a4tEetCllCr. ' [ 'ho liSsOrtuflent
. 18 Uiitliiuttliy varied.
Near rJ'1111 ii ll'adlIunrtols Is aery liami-
Othe display of artificial stoito thuot attracts
4 consIderable attention on account of its tasty
und novel arrnngeiiaent.
i Thu disiiluiy of hiorho ilesh Is magnificent.
r ,1anies Schuly , of Yutaii , haius aloaio thiirt.v
blooded anImals Iii thafl exhibit. Amuoig , others
& - l'll1a ' have laro displays are 1rmaest hoff-
1 neIsteoof 1lkiiorn Vil1Iioiaa Burgess , of
, Crete K N. Sherrilh , of Pltun Creek ; 1' red
I IllIgedoli , of Papillion ; 1)avid Wllliuiiis , of
I lZcoiio ; Edward 'l'rinilcr Co. , of Atlantic ,
1 ia. ; Dr. . Noble , or Blair ; Ed Culver , Elijah
.Mien , Allen Thompson , C , P. 1rown , of
Omnaha ; Ed Pyle , of hluniboldt ; C. S Price ,
. I1accdoiiIa , In. ; L. 13'iisoii , Bedford , Ia. ;
G. .11. KeIth Bodlord , Tao. ; hlatileld item-so
Co. , hIattlcli , Ia , ; Pci-diem-on & ArubIaii hat-
) OrtIflg Co. , Frcmniit ; C. II.Vlnslilii , Fro-
nont'flhiain ; F'ielcler , Pnplhlioii ; lMc -
. Evoy , Elkhaorn. 'i'here are 2 horses en-
ThI1 8t'FEl ) RiNG.
Z&ospect I'or thieHest Meetitig Evot'
S Ilehut Iii Omnalizt.
But little attention was halt to sjieed ring
'sottracIoris yesterday. Thu arramigeutonts
ior the hxlilbits , and the erfectiiig of do-
I tails , occupIed the riiaungcuaent's Iliac
tolmost exclusively. Stilt time lovers of the
surf swIll be neither slighted nor miogleeted ,
I good two events voro arranged for their
rdllication , the tvo-'ear-o1d colt stabes , the
tossoclatlon adding lOO , anti a runnIng iaco ,
I ) ialt mile heats , all ages , for to pot-sc of 1 ® ,
170 to the winner , f.'O to second hot-so , and
$10 to too thli'd.
From the Indications observable on the
ovoui1o &iy It Is sate to say that tim races
vl1l be. by long odds , the finest. and best
ever witnessed in this part of the coniltry.
. trbe track , which Is said to bo , by olti horse.
.4- nen the equal of aity half mile track imi the
country , nail the very best vest of ChIcago.
,5 , in admIrable condition , It is not too hard.
, Iut of that olatio texture best calculated
S Yor speed , anti It goes without saylni that the
pleit few day8 viu1 witness some trials hero
that vIhL exceed In hoist of interest any over
recu upon the course.
, .s has coma to be the case wIth fairs. hi
11 parts of the country the lntcrcst In the
:1 :
Rpeed ring Is liaratnoOlit to all the other a -
tractions commibincd , amid whoa omin finds site
a listof imorses cntArcd as have been enrolled
111)00 the booki for this imessmoli , It may be
relied upon that the fair vihL hen sitCces ,
and that a multItude of peiplu swill ho hero
eacim daj tp ( mike hart In alit ! 100k upon the
sport ,
rae entries this fail hiv surpassed even
time most , sanguine expectations of the mIni-
ngemnent , nmiil iill told cmnbraro nearly one
hmunllred null thirty head of the best racing
stock of this and iithjolnlng atatc , and even
fromii us far as Ohio and Kentucicy.
There are many l'OtflIflCflt turfmcn all it
sthck.rnisers here , nimmi all are unanimous In
time verdict that. the attractions of the seeol ; ,
ring at leatst are going to be of au cxtraordl
na.y character ,
'rho jtulgrs scbctcd for ycterdny rero
ii'cro ltaor ClmaflIbers , of Omminhiai , and Ilemiry
l'i'y , of 'i orb , Net , hiomi. ( 'harles i1. Stiiitli ,
the veil known starter , of i'ariviIIe , Ill. ,
acted Iii this ciipacitvas lie vhll ailso through-
out. the races , which Is a guariitce the races
vIll iOniO , off liromPtlY on tinie.
It. should lie i-cnicriihcrcd thimot this
is an aocintittii trackf atmiot that. II1I
events wIll lie governed strictly by the rules
atiol regulations lalmi doivmi in thu Nationiui
code. All itifractions of these laws of thu
turf will be conmlignly dealt with , anil sccU
latot's can rest assured that all the o'eiits
vlll be coriduteti with the sania nIcety of du
tall and bettor mis anti-ks thioso of time mimost.
popular and liromnimient taco courses of the
country. .
Colt Stakes.
Time oni.v horses to show up for the 'o1t
tnkcs were Robbic P. , Countess , Leauney
Forrest anmi Floyd , with Countess at the
pole , Floyd piet'oritl , Lenmey Forrest third
amid HoiIiC 1' . fourth , 2iIr. Try and Mr.
F'ovler swore elccted as timners and \V. Ii.
L\lcC'ord SS'flt aililemi tO the judges. 'I'Ime
linmsui , got mm line start. on time fourth scorimi ,
with 1"loyd in time load. Rubble I' .
PUlled imp and l'om'ged ahead mt
the first quarter , and t'nmo
Wither the strimig at , time hirst hamilf ten k'ngthms
almond of Iloyd , with Countess third nmid For-
i'est laist. hiobMie P contimined hr Immereaso
his lead : oriml iTimied the race 1o' distuticimig
hIs thitco competitors. Timne-.3 : Mi ,
ltiiniiliig Itnem , .
In thraivIng for positioiis 1o11a got the
l)0ll , .1 ¶ 1dJ.C 1) iii hag Sco'oml ol , .1 uimo th I md anti
IteIl hitmck , Jr. , fourth , ' [ 'lacy got off at the
first s'ot'iimg , oitha Itohla Iii the si igIat load.
info was ijtiickly moiomlg.ide , however , amid it
vats neck anmi ime'k to tiao limiisli , .1 tmimo ivilm-
ii i rig bv _ a htetmil . wi I hi Itihi img tim i md tent I luo'k
ohktumit'ed , ' 1'ime-h ! ! ( .
iii the second heat .1 tine matimi itoIha got thifl
hiest of the stoat , antI ran tiuse iit1 iao4e to
time miunrtcrv1wr13 Ul'llmo ' ItIlmilell to time form'
mmmltI caimmo under time wmi'e a lmahf lengtlm the
best of .Iuiio , ivitim ltmlitig close oim tlmcit
heals. 'l'j tiie-i : i
'i'hao thud heat s'n' 'oii vit1motmt a ci i'UL'gle
by Hohia , .ltImio hmaVItmg i'mat Iterolf in the
sccoimti heat. . hiuling wat't sent to tile stimble
tmftvt the second imeat for imot tattimmg a heat.
sc , m .t it V.
. .
Roll-i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.btiiit , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iulimig.i : 8
EcU Buck , ji- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dis
¶ 1'imnc-5l' ' ( , i2.
'ro-iay's Itnee.
TnorrNl-2IS : 'tis i'tiisi flO ,
l3en D'Or , g. g. Captain 4b. . I'liiersoii ,
tt. Friimois , iCas , ; Aloxnmidt'r E , b. s. ,
P. Z1C1'V ( ) , ' , Ehkhmom'n ; ( boo. W. Cook , li' . s. ,
l'ct'a-v , loimmisoii , Colorado Sprimigs , Uot.
I-oimmmiro , 1) ) . g. I ! . \V. 1 irovmi , L"remiaoimt
( Joldemi S'ing , b. in. , it. Iooro , Ittialnp , Ito. ;
l'ete ( .nrdeti , bik. g. . F. N' . I'owlc'r , Ommmhait ;
j'.imn Boy , Ft-ank Lniit , Aberdc'emi , 1)ak.
( lo'rrness , hr. , in. U. 'I' . Icimeebs , Sioux
( jity , lat ,
1'A'lO-2 : i Cr. kS , it'mtr. O ( ) .
.1 udge 'ii , 1) . S. , .h I. Bollard , Ieo1muk ,
Ia. ; leL'tidi1cmm , P. g. , l'eirv .Iohitisoim , ( Jol-
orado Sjarings , Cot. ; St. .Iohmn , g. g , N.
lirosvn , ( ) inithtt , Nob. ; .fo&'ptt L , g. s
.1. It. MeSimamie , Omiiahto. Nob. : Sot Miller ,
9 , 5. , Lehiimitl & Nelson , Troy , ICtis. ; hIgh-
htntt Lnddie , ii. a , F . 11. Loonmis , l'iile-
stone , Mimi , ; C W L , 1)1k. g. , 0. C.
Lojiiii , Pilcstomie , ? .hlnti. ; hJuo-kholdcr , lit.
g. , H. l3ean , Emnporla , ican.
'rtaurrmurimioetvt.tnoi.n : roiT , ItO.
Sahanmu , b. s. , Onward b. ' Iamtiiin's Al-
moat , I. McAVo3' , Elkhorma Neb. ; 1)r.
1'dount , hr. I. . , l'nramnoummt 1li by Uiffoi'al's
Ahlcti , Frank Crume , Avoca , I ; ljtmion
11edium , hi. s. , hliil)1i3' ledittni by Cassius i.
Clay , A. ' 1' . 'l'urney & Sotis , Each Oak , lit. ;
Roth \VIng , 1) . S. , Red Wilicec by American
Clay , E. V. Moslier , York , Nob. ; LouIs P. ,
I , . It , , Chins. Cttllre.v sister to Mary Cobb , FL
l'ylc , hlommboidt , Nob. ; Lnly Graiit , b. mit. ,
Mossoilger Chilef , not given , C. It. Ci'eiih-
toii Omaha , Nob. ; Bethel , b. I' . , hientichtn'e
iy lhhttclt EnmlgciIt. . ' 1' . ICmiecbs , Sioux City ,
There will also be i-tinning mile niid re
peat , for nil ages , with n purse ol $ lO. ) Eu.
tries for this vii1 close to.milcht.
(1Oti ( 'iVenthmer Foi' ( lie Fall' .
The imimlicatlons to a country boy's ' eye arc
that the weutliei swill be clear for all time
'l'lmoso ituilcatiouis atio confirmed to a
grout cxtciit at the slgmiiil service 0111cc. 'l'hto
viuaml is Iii time south , nod thmo lilCtiiCttOl)5 fot-
the next twenty-four Imours tire for cleam' anti
vnrimmei weather with not time sligiitct soig-
gestion of o'.In.
i Ii tiflil 1100 IliOll IS.
Tiiursdaty wIll be 1)rummcr'a 1)113' ,
Friday viil be Druimmimier's iiiglmt at. Sebas-
'l'o-day vii1 be children's day. All the
scholars of the ILt1)iio ) scimoools vihi he nil-
iimittt'd fl-co of dm11-go 'I'Ielcets ' amity be pro-
t'ired , at route 7 , Uhmatmiier of Comiiuimeroo ,
Sixteenth and Farnain Streets.
The i'Ilssourl Pacific will ritmi a special
ti-niti to nccouiuiodato tImoe itomiig on tht
Ihelt Liuie to attend time siege of cbtsiopoi ;
this evti'iluig. 'I'hio traimi vi1t leave \\'est
Lttwit about 7 :15 : p. in. , stopping at mthi
stations aiid landIng timetit right at the
grotmumils. 'l'ho roturtu triim vItI ho iiitidtm itmi-
inedhotohy after tue close of time Iwi-forila-
alice. _ _ _
Shed 11 $ atiti l'itl leetiieit.
Time grounds are watched 1)3' a htromigoi'
force of ofliccrs thmami over before npimtirett
there. ' .l'hiey lut'o been amppolntett by
Simem-iff Cobuiii and Cimlef Scavoy. The dep-
imly Bmcm'kffs ) itto umuhem' time dirm'ctioit of Louis
Crtbe , amid are as follows : .1. II. laimaell ,
lav&i l"raiikiin , Dave Ft'ost , 1)ouglas ,
II. \ \ ' . ltoachi , 'l'hiommiasVelehm , .Toimti ( eriautn ,
.1. 1' . Sedgovieb , Uimarics . Edgerton , itx
Klcttc , a1itirOW Vmegins and .loimn Norberg.
'l'Iit rrgiilmit' I1OhiIitOm1 On duty will be
itiitlei' Sergmamttt Sigwart. and coitipriso
Oluicors ( lam-ic , Cartiey , flobbins , ( i-ayes ,
\Vitr&1 , hludsoit anti ieiiioacst.
These wIll ho assisted by twenty specittis
iintlor Oflicer Frecland.
'rm Ilcoolt olin Fair itiiil Schasi 01)01.
¶ l'hie Uiiion Pacifimruns , spot'itil traitas tinily
from 'l'entlt sttect lower ctossiaig at. U :2O : a.
In. and c'em3'1mout tiacreafteruntit 6:2i : ) p. iii. ,
Btoppmmig at the foot of Dsvenport street mtnd
at time Missouri Pacific depot. . leturnIng
Iea c faIr grouiias at ( I : .Q a. in. timid evcr
hiout- thereafter until OtO : p. iii. itoumid trit
fare t5 cemuts. Fmoi'c fiom Webster street and
return Th cents.
TraIns for SIege of Sebastopol leave Tenth
street depot untIl Saturday next. at 7:30 : p.
in. , nuitl return ititer tue jcrfet'iimnnce. Sebas-
toliol ti.ttius wIll only run to Locust street.
ltotmnti trip 25 cents.
'rite hair grountis horse etrs on 'riiirtecntht
street run to the grounds and to few bieIcs
t'rommi Sebastopol ,
'Frmuisfci's atre made at the termhmus of the
cable limac , 'J'wcutieth aimd Lalco streets
fez- both thu fair aimil Sobotstopoi.
I Imucks , carr1nos outtl ettt-i-yails may be
found at every corner in time business l)1Vt
of the cIty for both p1aee.
'l'lic l. & M. have rimmule sliccial rates to
residents of Nebresku , who wish to visIt time
Omaha Fair , mind iviil issue round trIp tickets
lot' ii sitiglo fare.
'iVethiiesdny Thaursdav , amid Friday nIghts
of thais week , hio Ii , & iii. s'iI1 ruit to spcchti
ttnla fromLincoln , leavIng that cIty at (1
p. in.muid reaching Oniaiaiu in time to vitness
tito Siege of Sebastopoi.
ittuitisoiitt.ttts ' [ ' 0-Night.
The Lyceum Theatre company , of Now
York , the strongest anti most evenly bat.
anced tncatrleat organization in the country ,
vroduccs tito beitutlitit anti entortalmilug
piece "TitoVifo , " t-nIgiit at floyd's.
At the Grand Opeo house , Rico's "Cor.
smok , " with elaborate scenery , a large comn
tauy including } 'ay Tomnpleton , 'will be produced -
duced In ainimgnlficent stylo.
Sebasiopol s'tlL be produced again to-nIght.
'Fiiere'viiI hO Plenty Of TOOth fOr Oniahaiis and
Visitor , 'rho sIicctcio Is ii umagnhticeut ope ,
timid Its Impresslwemiess huts now beeti hieraitleci
all over the state.
I'tibhlc OiiICcs.
The ofliclais in the comit.v building will en-
ticaror to see their share of the bIg hiuuul ) .
iifls at the faIr.
No dates have been stt1od for tIm closhi
of mtll the oflices , although some of time Ofl -
dais have namned a time and time ones who
have not svhll agree upon a day later.
Time oflico of thu register of deeds vIhl ho
ellen % 'etinesdny afternoon for the receiving
of Instrumiicmits , altimoughi time clerics swill be
nvay amid time vault will not be 01)00. The
oliieu ivill ho closed entIrely nil day Timurs-
tIny. it siiil be open tigain Friday iii tue
forenoon , but during the ufternooma time nr
raiiigeiiieuits ivlii be the same as on Wetimies.
day afternoon.
'l'hie titimer county oflIces vii1 iirobably
close cii 'i'hiursmiay.
'l'hme cIty oiilcinls viil receive theIr orders
from the council to-immorrow iiigimt.
'I'imo ohlIco of time clerk of thu district court.
vhli not be closed.
NOt C.
'rue busIest anti most patient man on the
grouimds is Asistaflt Secretary Gibbs who
loSsesses , the unusually rare gift of attemimilmig
to time ivamits of almost a dozen pcrsoiis at.
Timoro am-u Ith ) moro pig ieiis this year thiaii
last amid every Poll is cOmnforttoliiy filled ,
A herd of some thIrty .Iersoy cattle
brought Iii this afternoon by Grahaitni P.
llrowmie excited tituch attention and admlra-
tkimi ,
just. before noomi II. II. lhrIghit , who ovas
arranging his oxhmibit Iii time iniscchhmtneotis
ilopaI'tumlcnt , lost his imaumolsoano gold vatehm.
It ioo'ie in his pocket , imini lie thinks
thitit iiobably ho dropped it In the sawdust
miccIm1t'titthiy nmmd viiiiu away at ditnier soiiio
fellow viio saw it quietly shoved It In his
Abotit iiooii Toni Price , who was in charge
of one of Storz & her's ' beerwaaoais , miotiIle(1 (
a couiio of young iflli1 vhmo had mnountotl time
same to gut off. They did so reluctantly
mutt later inouumtod it imgaln. Price attempted
to again tirivo timoiu itwmty , viieim they as.
situiteti itltui , cutting him on time hmetail , face ,
nial under time i'am. Thmoy were mtttackcd l , '
the 11011cc , but unuio : tlaoim esito. l'rico iitti
sworia out. a is'att-raait for timuitarrest. .
Pim0e14 ( , i itiii uli4PIilOilt.
Base Bali Park-TwoimtIetli aitti Ohio
streets , reachacti by fair ground and cable
cars.Boyd's Opera Itomse-Northea.qt ; coiner
hi'nt'ntiun atiol Fiftoemithu.
Siege . of SebtistopolSixtccmmtht atid hiiii-
! mes. .
Etlen ? tuice - F'utam.ini nuati Eicvoiitii
streets ,
Hattie of Getysbmmig-St. Mum'.v's nvcnuc
nuitt Eighteenth.
Oramnd Oiiei'n IIoust-Nnrthim'nst corner Fif.
teenth street anti Capitol i1'ciiuo.
People's Tm'nt re-Iouglas street between
' .I'ialrtecnthi ntitl [ "ourteeaitit streets.
Itaihivity lein'ts.
hiurhhmigton & Missouri [ tlvor-Tenthi street
sotitii of Mason.
Chicago , lluriington & Quimacy-Stuno
Chicago , Minneapolis , St. Pattil & Omaha-
\Velister auid F'hlteeiatlm streets ,
Fromuni , Elichiormi & 'thisionrl Vahle.y-
Sammne IiItmce
Kansas City , St. , fOSoilt & CouncIl Bluffs
-'l'c'ntht street , south of Mnsrni ,
M is-mum-i Pmicihlc-\Vchstcr and Irifteentha
Union I'acihlc-Temithand Mason streets.
I'iilhic Iiailmllngi. ,
Iouglas County Court ltouse-Farnatn ,
coiuier StVeiltCi'IithL streets.
louhas Coutity , ittii..In rear of court
l'ostofiIco-Soiithtwet eoa'iter Fiftoemitim
ituiol lodge stm-et.
City huh and jailFoum-tconth amid Davenport.
streets ,
Oniahiti Public Lihrati'y , I'axtomi building ,
north-cast corner Sixteenth anti Farnama
( ) thieil'oimmts. .
Union I'aeiilc itcadiluai-tors , corner of
NI uth iiiiti 1"aruain ,
13. & M. headquarters , northa-wcst corner
Tenth and F'nt aiaimi.
Chicago , St. Paul , iIiniac81)oiiq tiiitl Omimuhia
itcatiqourtors , mioi'thcmtst corner 'I'iiitteeuatlt
and 1'arpam ,
hI'remnomit ' , Ellcliora iintl Mhsouri Vmiilcy
iieadquai'tors , same building.
lihissomiri PacifIc lieatdqtiartcrs , sanie phiace.
hleadiiuimrters , miupattmiimmtt of the llmitto ,
uiortii-east cornet'l'eiithu toad Farmiani.
Masonic bali , miertia-west cot-tier Capitol
nvemtuo anti SIxteenth streets.
Itanscomu l'nrk , Pttmk avenue , reneimoth by
Fnrnamn amid I'ark avenue atiti Eighteenthi
street. horsf cars.
¶ Iile ticiv lInt : olhice , in coum-so of erection ,
tiortinvest corner Farnaiii and Seventeenth
streets ,
lie BlIsFai-eoo-oIl to "lltidle hhass cmi
St am-ms eu II Is I I ummirivazil .lourney.
'J'l.lio , Sept. a.-Oencral htmorrison amid
Pai'tY ti-lived at 'l'oictlo , rotitci hattie froni
tiIthdhc Bass island , at : : Io this eveumhmig , on
the stcahmm yacht Sigma. 'l'hic till ) 0V01 from
Middle isiass 'as tlchighmtfui. t'iio s-eathci'
vas. mit-mii auiml pIesimiit aititi tue svttca.
snioothi. 'l'iau fcremaiuiimmg liners on the
Isimtnti ivOro occupied by General hi-risen iii
va1ilImmg through tim grove and along tue
beimehi , mts if miialIiig hmis fairewoll vIsit to spots
amid scenes thmtd. lmatoi bei-oino fanmiliar to iiiiii
dtitiimg thin i' . ° t vcoks ,
.At'J o'clock time parlv wet-orendy to doart ; ,
atitl time siipaui was given her I ito yawl htat of
the Sigumin to commw ashore.'lmcn the bout-
for tiopai'turo araived all the rcsimhoiits of timmtt
ImoitlCum of ilmt1dho iflis isianti , sonic lifty or
mmmore , canto tloovmi to tlaopiem' to see tue dis-
tiiagtiishtcti iaitiy enhhtlrk aimad bid tuiunm a Sn fe
OUi'ilC3. ( , t'umeati ' ; anti \lrs harrison shook
Iaatiitls nil arouiiti , and at 10 minutes itist t
tIme yawl juiled out out to tue chaminch teal
time Siguama dipped huer flag amid gave her guest
IL CiiliiiOli saihttte.'itiuin live liiimnitcs thai
beautiful yacht , ticeketi fiom stoat to stern
vat1t thai lags of all nations , was under head-
' amiil ( ieilei'fll llttrrison's
is'imy , vacation land
ht'.ittlCLihl3' cndetl.
'l'hmt' I)111L3' ) Wtiit ) limet mit the ivhmiurf by .Iualgti
.Toseilt Cuumuuings amid representatives of thio
local jiress. Carriages vcre iii waiting and
thin lirt.V quIetly drove to time resitienco of
lion. Cuimunhngs , whose guests they vihi be
Itita night. ( loiaoiat hhairrlsnn wIll start on
his i-eturn trip to Indi.'imaapoiis to-morro' at
10 :20 : , win ibm : ' \'abnsim , to Peru , huh , , then via
tim Lake Erie & \'csterii , arrlvimig at In-
dianapohis at 6:20 : to-morrow evening. 'E'iue
tr.nn on which time genoa-al lenves vih1 arrive
at Fort Wayne at 19:11) : ) , whmci-o It is expected
lie swIll onako a brief address.Vmibasb , lcd. ,
is remachmed at 3 o'clock mtnd Pci-u tot P : JO.
Ihohit ( Iont'aail timid \lrs. harrison are lookhuig
gcathy ttnpioveti aSs It result of their outing.
¶ Ilao general's face Is tamimmeti a little , glviiig
him a decidedly robust nppearancc , and he
says that lie hans becu bciioilttcd greatly by
the rest and outdoor exercise. At S :111) : ) this
evenIng tIm general and other members of
his hart3 took curt-lagos from time Cmnmlngs-
residemmee and wore driven to the residence
of Mr. mind Mrs. .lohn licerdamuk , whore 'o i-c-
tieItiOii WaS tendered thio distinguished. vis-
it Teitmiessee Ihoiler 1'xploshon ,
NASnVITLmi , Sept. 3-At 0:80 : thIs uimorning
lImo boiler of the Perry stove s'orbs , at Southa
Pittsbuig , exploded , lnstnimtiy killing Charles
'rml3'hor , sulomlutcmmdciit of the woi-ks ; M.
Donavon , foreman ; C. N. Carter , a leading
jeweler of time towilVihihamn ; l'iunibleo , of
WinchestOr , ! I'cnn ; William Watson , a
moulder. William Gross cud flock Scruggs
were both fatally wounded and will dIe.
had the explosIon tOken place a few minutes
iatot time loss of life would hare bei appall-
log. 'rho cause of time ncidcntls imot knois-n.
Children Cry for Pitchor's Castoria.
When lmaby was sick , we gave her CatOr [ &
When ihis was a Child , she cried for Csat.orta ,
When she bocino Miu , bo chuu to Castothi ,
% Vhenzheh&d ChiIdru , ahe gavmtbsm sIorL ,
And the Omithas Had an AwfUl Off
One Yostorcitty.
Teth lCeiimiedy Tuk a Geol ( Aitti amid
Thou FIred the Jiahl at
the ChIlc1tg ) Mon's Hats
-They lilt it.
Vestcrn Association RaTiiimiLf.
Following is the ofllclat stmuiuing of the
Western nssociatloii teams up to and iucluu-
lug yesterday's gaines :
Played Won Lost , Pr CL
Des MoInes..84 54 PU .6-42
St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 57 134 .6-it )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . t3 37 ,5S
hlamisasCity..7 4S 8 .S.
Milwaukee..ttT 45 r'i .48-I
Sioux . . . . . . . . . . IU .404 .
Chmicamro. . . . . . . . . . . . . h' ' $ 37 r ; .8cr ;
Davonhiort..s 27 & , , t
( hlegtgo 1.1 , Omnmthia fl.
The game of bail between the Oumintias anti
Ciiieagos ycstei-day afternoon was hardly
worthy of thu imaino.
'l'ctl iCcitlietly , whom time Proitlbitionlsts
discardei , liitehotl for the home tcanm , muid he
pitched 111cc a farmer. 'rite vIsitors only
touched lmhmii UI , for nineteen hits nnd four.
tet'it a'tmiis.
Evemy luau made ceo or inure hits.
Dilut to eondeaso : the friusco iii a miutshell.
iotiiiet1y liitchactl like a fmtnmier , Cutticic uta-
viretl like ii , iioemtiakcr , tutu time Omuitians s'ertt
Powerless vhaemi a decetit llny would have
Pulled thmciim out of tue hole.
It was outo of those "yellow" games that
cli ti cm b Is liable to PIIOY Umico in a wIt ile.
1-lowovor , there is no ( iceitsioli to exeuiiu or
offe a iti3tht I n g I ma exten Uttioa : 0 f t hue 0 tnmiiaas'
Pla13. At tluiies they rcsenmblcd a lot of out
VOiIiOfl hiangitag out a vaslihiig , ' [ 'hey itmulo :
hits enough toviii tivo or three gaimlos , but
thte.v d Id n't mum 111cc t hmcmii In thi e i-i gut time.
I ioivmiver , It imiiglit ho Bilmlhie ) justice to
say that It i-mntiii la.tvo beri uu iliflictilt mmmcl.-
tot' to ivimi imi the luico of time ilei'co hoimtbuortl-
Illeill. ilr. l'eummic'dy meet vithm. It was bill I
eiaelc ! bang ! frott : t hao open i am g iimiiin g to time
eiosc , auiti t ho hI at'k-iaos th gomitheimi cmi kept
team-i mm g mcli um ( I I hili bttsc's I him a to Ihock o f a C-
fi-Ighited sheep going through it hole Iii the
hltit here is time official scoro. Peruse It
tetitlerly amad extinct whmul. satlsfmtctiott you
can :
0\i imm.t.
ml. sit. i'o. A. it.
Burns , lf. . . . . . . . . . 4 1 2 1) ) 3 (1 ( (1 (
MeOarr. i-f. . . . . . . 4 (1 ( 0 ( I 8 0 (1 (
'l'oiueiiu , : il . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 0 1 2 o
\\'IlsQmm , (1 . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 1) ) 0 I ) 1
Aumuis , iii. . . . . . . . . . . 0 : i o 2 0 0
Couiioy , ss. . . . . . . . 5 0 3 Ii 1 3 0
Miiler , 21 , . . . . . . . 4 2 1 0 4 2 1
O'Comneil : , lb. . . . . 4 1) ) 0 1) ) 7 0 I )
ICcaimaemiy It. . . . . . . . 8 I ) 1 1 0 0 0
Totals . . . . . . . . . ; io r , 13 1 ti7 13 2
t 4m1. it. mt Slt I'O. A , E ,
hitniraitaum , ss. . . . . . 5 , 8 3 1 0 4 1
Sprague , i mutt r. ,5. -I 4 0 1 7 I )
nJurier : , in------------- I , 1
hli'iigle , 2h-----------0. i 2 (1 ( 9 3 ( I
lthmeinis , - - - - - - - - - I ) 1 0 0 0 (1 (
Nmmltnn , 30. . . . . . . . 5 1 2 0 1 0 I )
Iovyoi- - mind p. . . ! I 'b 0 1 1) 0 0 ( I
Dumgilale , C . . . . . . . . UI I P (1 ( 6 4 0
Scott , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 1 1 0 10 0 ( I
' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 14 ii ) -i ; 2i' 24 2
aTIima . . . . . I 1 1 0
( . 'iak'ago..2 0 2 0 3 1 1 5 0-lI
Rims cmarmmeil-.Onnahia 2 , ( Jhmhcngo 7. 'Jovo-
1)1150 Ii its-Muruaguc _ I I - .
) - ; onto rim ums-Spm-ague.
Double ) ilays-Ilnmiralmatmm , I bugle , Scott ;
Cooney , Miller , O'Connell ; Miller nuti OCoam-
much. ijoscs on balis-lCcuiuedy : , Sprague
1. Struck out-Kciiet1y : 3 , Sprague 0.
Passed balis-WIhioij 2 , Dugtlule.Vlltl
1. 'l'iriic9 :03 ,
hilteilt5-KCiitiedY ( - : iimiilirc-
Irs Molites , MIlwaukee 0.
Ir.s toims , In. , Sept. 3.-Spccinl ( 'l'cle-
grain to 'fmti lIrm i-Thme visitors putulin s-cry
irett3' game of ball to-day , though they ware
unable to mb nmmytialng with Hutchmlimson , get-
timig but one lilt.Vimmklenian iiitc-hicd vell ,
ttimd though iiiC freely siaowetl gm-emit skill ui
retl ring the shile when . the bases s'c re fuull.
'rime feature of the gmoumuu was thai hiacnomiezmitl :
cubit of Vitta 1)vko _ , rimnuming feat from
deep left field mtuid takIng a foul thy. Tite
Ics Moines..0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-4
Milwaukee-------0 1) ) 0 I ) ( I 0 (1 ( 0 0-0
Uttns eturncd-tos Tdoiries 9.
hmilri-htoihidaiy , Simafer. Struck out-By
hlutcitiusomi 8 , by Viuklenman 4 , Bases ott
ballsBy llmutchmiuisomi 2 , by W'lnkleinuia ii.
Passed ltillS-I ills 1. ' 1 into of game-i ; 0.
St. l'aiih 0 , SIoux City 8.
Sr. P.ow. , Sept. L-Specittl 'rouegruommi to
Tim Bm'.t : . 1-St. lttiul amid Sioux City
llut3eti a otto-sIded nnu ummimitccstiaigr
gaulle of bail at Athletic lar1 thmi
afternoon , 'J'hmmi 'kitorm. out batted the
hiomiio lonmit iiearl , % ' two to one , but while
tlmo luonue iihltYCrS iUlatthiltil their halts those of
thou visitmmrs were bttii scattered. The
biommio lltm3'Itm-M molso Put UI ) a fioulthoss hiritilmig
gtitmui. Time only feature worthy of note out-
sitle of I'ickett's work itt short was Suiced's
deliberate atteumpt to sIliko Reilly. Ito
si opped ill II Ii I mug aim ol kicked at hi liii but luck-
I ly m mu issed he ui. 'l'iie score
St.i'ntmI..4 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 (1-tI (
SiouxOit.v . . . . . . ( I 0 (1 ( 0 1 1 I ) 0 1- 3
13115(1 hmits-SL Pamul S , Sioux City 13. Et-
rors-St. Paul 0 , Sotmx City .4 liutUeries-
Jumryen mmmiii lirongimton , Sieblo muid Nicholas.
Uuaiplra-htngum. :
OThhflit GtI.
Yostertiny'sVimiiicms lii time Natiomini
1.m'mtt.tiim CoiilcsI ,
130STO , Sept. .3.-lhesult of morning
Ihoston . . . . . . . . . . ( I 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-li
W'ashiitigton . . . .0 1 0 (1 ( I ) 0 0 0 0- 1
Pitehaers-Radbourno amid lCeafc. I inso
lilts-lieston 0 , i'ashington (1. ( Er-nm-s-lbs.
toil \Vashiinoton 1 I. Umimpire-Vatlentitic ,
flestiht of afternoon lttmuic :
Boston..2 0 ii i 0 1) ) 0 1 3-7
Washington. . . . 0 (1 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0- 1
I'Itehmers-Ciarkson mmd'iiItney. . I hose
hIts-Boston 13 , Wnshlmgton : .9. Errors-lies.
ton \\'ashhngton 3. - ( Jmnpire-Vulentliic.
I s mI.tA1'OL)4 ) ) , SePt. 3-itesu1t of utmorning
CaIne :
Imudlaimutpolis . . . .1 0 0 1 0 (1 ( 3 0 05
Pittsburg..0 0 ( I I ) 1) ) ( I 0 1 0- 1
Piteliers-Shmrovo auiil. ( ] itlvimi. Ihase hilts
-IndianapolIs S. P.jtbhurg 6. Errors-
Iuadtuonapoils 3 , l'ittsburg 0. Umpiro-lan-
lois. ta
hlecuit of afternoon game :
hiidiniiapolls..8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 04
l'ittsbuirg . . . . 1 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 1 0 15
l'itehacrs-iIoaley and Morris. Base hits-
Indianapolis S. l'ittsbu rg I I . ] rrors-In-
dinmuimpolls 4 , P1ttsbu9 thnpiroIaumiels. .
Na''OmlK , Sel4k ,3.-Itesiult of to-
day's game.
IitlhiulohlhiIat..O 0 0 0 0 I ) 0 0 0 0 (10 (
P1tc11crs-hcofo ium.anders. . . liaso hilts-
Now 'torht B , I'hilhadljiitln ! 4. Errors-New
York 2 , Phulhadelpiuial.'Umplro-lCclly.
Ftmnmtricnfl Itscoelntlohi.
Bumooim. N , Sept. 3.-Result of immorning
gaumue :
hirooklymt . . . . . . .2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 i--I
St.Louls..0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-3
ilesult of tofternocil gumno :
Ilrooltlyii..0 (1 ( 0 0 0 0' 0 1 01
St.Louls . . . . . . .0 0 0 I ) 0 0 0 0 o-o
Cmr.vni..oi , , Sept. 3.-Result of to-
titi3"S gaimicu
Chevelitmul. . . .2 1 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 7-18
Louisville. . . .2 0 2 0 0 0 0 a o 2ir
IIALT1MOIIIt , Se1)t. 3.-Itcsult of to-day's
gaummo :
llaitluimoro..1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 14
Kuiisas City. . . .2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 07
I'mumatuELi-mmmA , Sept. 8.-flesult of today'a
AthletIcs . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 05
Cixicinimattl..0 0 0 U 0 0 2 0 02
? 4lssotii-I Vahle ) 10 , iitsfnynt1e' ( I.
Missouimi.LL1.Y , Iii. , S p. 3.-jSpcclal
[ ' ? ' .i
The Burlington takes the load.
It was in advance oF all lines in ( loVeloping Nebraska , '
It was in advance ofall lines in establishing dining-car
'service ' between Missouri river points and Chicago ,
It was in advance of all lines n giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast rnaU service. I
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha prop'r ,
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only Uno by whfch you can
leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver 'tho
Ovening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will load in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington ,
Ticket Office , 1223 Farriam Gtroet. Telephone 250.
, Depot on Tenth Street.
ir 'ji [ 1fE
'l'elegramn to Tn i ilac. 1-'l'iao iionme tenimi
imln3-cti their first game vithm tue Lafaycttes
.ef Omuanhia 'i'1103' mime a line , gentle-
miuanly : lot of young mimetu amid iihtt3 good
bihl. hiahdwium , their iiittamigcr : gave cmutirc
suittsfilct bum as ar tmnupime _ 'J'hao score :
1lissouii Valley .0 3 II 1) ) 1 1 0 0 (1-10 (
Lafatyottes.(1 ( 0 I ) 0 2 0 8 0 I- 6
Ibao hmits-hissouri Valley 7 , Lnfmiottes 4.
'Two base imlts-hlemron , Atustlia , liimmlis.
Struck olat--Ily 1iiit. 6. loiiie : 13. Ibatteries
- Missouri'atiio3' . iClimmu mmmi Dawney ; Lif- :
ii.Vettcs , E tug mtnd Ltmuciister. : Tiirme-1 ; i0.
TUItii' u'is'rs.
ProctJr ICUtit t 'tvhiili I lie F'mitmtrity
Stakes itt Shmeepshienii himty.
Nawouti , Sept. 3.-This was a red letter
mltiy for thin Amncrictn : tori' , the day impotu
vhmkii , at Simeepsiicad 1111 $ ' , the Km'mmtimcky
1i3e1' , I'roctor Knott , von the 0tu ) ( ) futurity
stakes , Forty-five thousand people vero
Ilmeselit , iimati never lioforo was so great a
throng wmthmin the gates of the Comucy Islaimmi
jockey club cotmrse. It vas a represemttuotive
New York erowd , amid its liemsonmici could
miot be ( IUIlicfltCil ) Iim nny other Aimiorican
centre. Boston , l'hallamlelphiui , himtltitmuorc atail
I'ittsburg wore itlso reprcscmmhod. It is cx-
imLcted thud. miot far from l,00Xl ( ) ( ) ( eiimouigeil
hmutmds timrotugimommt. the aftermmoon. The tratelc
was perfect , its wuis also hoe weathier. Stimut-
limaries :
' [ 'imree-fomirths of it immlhe-Ihitannic vomi ,
Sam harper , jr. , second , Laredo thIrd. 'rune
-I :1115. : .
Ow : and one-eight hi miles-Prank Ward
woim , hiorilehatise second , Lelit Islay third.
'I'iimie-l :50. :
One mind omo-qtmarter : mulhes-Egmomit won ,
Bat1o second , Lolax. third. 'l'Imauo-2 :04. :
Fmitimrity stakes , thmrec-.lunrters of a mIle-
Stmiu-tera : 'I'imo Llommess , 'l'hpstahY. ( ] aloi : , Eric ,
l'rhmmcess hiowhitig , l'roetor ICiuott , Auri-
001)111 , Senorlti , , LImbo , I"orest King , Smil-
Vator , Pbmiltuidor , Lady I'tuhshfer utmid Vii-
latro Maid. At the him-st attoanhit the buneht
Fet off withi Forest IcImig a triulo In front of
J'ipstatff , and Proctor ICmuott amid Aiirlconiui
thIrd anti fotmi'Lhm , uirni Village .1atIci . last. 'rite
two headers lmmimiaedhotoly bcgaui to sot time
lamee , mtmid 'ivcio only a head iii.irt iii. tIme first
fuulomtg Post , with l'moctoi Knott mouth Gnhei :
ruaimiiumg imcxt to the headers , niul Auiiicomnui
loft hehmind. 'I'hme posItions vcro miot varied
iuiiicii umutil time 11010(1 ( of time haoimw stmutc-im was
reached , mimi OlmIemi begatma to look like a
vinmur. : Auriconin wuis under time whmtp. At
the last sixteommthi host lbammacs gave l'roctor
Rmott sotno encour-ageimmemat , amid by a. galhuint
sulurt lie dashed to the fromit nuiml w'on iiy it
iueck Itt I :50j : , . Suilvntor was set'omitl vith a
length nuactuti of Onion , VIllage rilaitl being
Inst.One iii ilo-Niagnra woim , Pashma second ,
Kaleidoscope thmim-d , 'I'hne-l :41 : 25.
Timree-fomtitlms of a mmiiho-StrilIava3' won ,
\oiumutccr sacomid , 1)anielluo third , Tiimae-
1:111. :
- - -
lietl l"rolmm I lie l'rlck of a Pin.
LAeAsTici , P10 , , Septotmahor 3.-Spccla
Telegramut to 'l'imn lbmm.1Aimmong the 1.1100
jam-soils ssluo : ttteumded tim fummeral of tlao
Meniaoaiite Ilishioli hero last W'etimmosday was
llenrs' lot. Stehmmamu , s-hmo inarm'ied a gramiuml-
dmttugimter of thao bishop. Stciamiuitmi mioticed it
iuitnPlo On OiiO of his lingers vhiilo histemmlimg
to thai fumaermoi sertoomi muami Ito PichCi It with a
hut. Before tie funeral was over lao beiiimmo
so ill thimtt ho hind to be taken lmommae. Ills
lined uttul arm vero svollem : to tviec thmeit
natural si/o ii- _ the time lie reachmo,1 , home.
'i'hit , swelling spmentl over his entire body amid
hi 0 died thmlim itimi'ii hum g In great agoumy. 'Fiao
heeemtsod wu but timirty-timree yt'ats old , imut
lie lmmtti thmm ought his own efforts becomon thai
oos'mmer of seven of Laiucusthr coumity's lhmicst
fartais.Viihio aaimIritig thIs great irospot.
ity lan immoll also mumado imiumself molimoost. at ciats-.i-
cal scimolar imy deep mumiol mo.siduous study. I Ic
took itit activi ) part in politics and was Presi-
domt : of thme Conestoga ilomnocratic club. lie
vlIS looked upon its time future farmer kmmig
of Lancaster coummty.
Stc'mimipiil ii ' , iovrmmieiits.
At Loudoui-'rhuo : Mlchaigan fm-etc I laltlmore
maid time Ii-ilt-on front Nooo' York passeti time
Lizird. Tiac stcauimi'r Sehuiemlemi froni New
York for Aimusterdammu , arrived.
At hinumiburgThie'iuland frommi New
At Liverpool-The fitt'lOmOr : Egypt.
At New York-'I'hme F'urnessha from GIns-
gow.At l'lmilndehpbht-TimO ] britlslt Prince ( tom
At 1)over-MiiumstCr Maybachi from PhmIha.
dolphIn for tim-omen , mood \\'iikoummitiemi fiora
New m'oric for firemen. -
At lboston-'l'iae Maiec.i fuoum Antwerp.
At Southttunptoit--Tiie l"tmlda from New
Yoi-ic for [ Irommien.
At New York-Time Werra from firemen.
Nehimisirn l'oimtal Chmmitiecs.
\VASiIIOTOXSOiL ll.-Spccial [ 'l'eiegramn to
Tmmt ilr.c.-Timo ] nmt000 of time hiostofihec at Burr
Oak , Otoo county , Neb. , was changed to.
01113' , tO Burr , atid Jefiersomi. A Iiuchanarm up-
rnIotod postmaiasr , vice Abhail 11. Plyinp-
toil , resigmied.
Drink Malta Itlspicasant ,
- - SNot
Not 140 flail as ltepot-te&
ST. Louis , Sept. 2.-The fatal accident on
the Missouri l'acItle railroad near Hoonevillo ,
Mo. , last Saturday proves to have been not
toiiave been so baa a was first reported ,
three Instead of six lives having bceu lost ,
- '
- - ' - - L
First i'rothuetinii.r "Tue t'lfc" at
lh)3l'M. (
A story of love , with Its higluIs anti shimudows ,
its joys and i.orrosvs , its vratmgIes atiti Its
aeiauratiomms ; of loyal faith and stroimg ievo-
tmomi , OVUm ii I mig at last y it'toi-y nmitl ha aplti ness.
Such is limo l'ltY ' : of ' "rImeVif&rt ( houmestic
drama 1mm its iii-oi'em ciasmtihia'athomi-vlmlchm vies
I1i-esetated at l103IVS opera house last ovcmmlng
for tIme Jim-st thou ima Onttima. : htutrcI3 has there
uiccui sceti eta 1 be local stage a more plemasamig
amni Intcrcstumg : PluuY ; never one givemu vitha
uimot.o ii n isha and excel icmmco , mj tutu tics
for i'zhttelu thu New Yom'k Lyceuit : :
( 'Oimiletii. ' L'iijo3'14 ii muamm-itetl reimutatiomi. 'l'hmo
task of time critic is slnaithe vhaere no crith-
m-isimi i-i required. A hliiiY lUrC lit tmmotive and
iu : itu rd iai Its uiovelopmumunt cal Is only fo o
eoimirmmetmtlatiotm. Jo COumuil.11m3' of which every
macumber Is exactly llttod to time litirt liii-
iersonatod , Invites 01113' pi aliso. 'J'Imu iilmt.v of
, 'j'hi o Vm fu' ' opeims iautlii ely. Alt who lii 1 thin
50011 0 live i ma tim a till uI igimt-uol 1 suvo omm o , a
uvotmuumt ivhose heart. huts iecn bimghitctl by It
discarded love. In time midst of to Imaiip.y
event tiuitm micumiesis , Lucille Frrmimit , casts hiet
shiadow mocaoss time lives el Hubert ( irey tomid
lioicmt 'l'ruimmaui , amid duds her roveumgu in
them r schimtratioui. Johi it ltutl aemforml , igum o-
rant of I li-len's love for itumotiaer , iaiiikes 1mev
imls wife. Again Lucille , imoiimig still to vimi
butttk time lOVO of Robert , bmitmgs scm-i-ow to
two lives , assstetl thereto by an iimtriguiug
POiitjciiiim , Iluttthaeiv Culver , amid Huthaem-
ford's ' fnhtii In imhi wife mmii friend Is put to
time test. It Is viiudicmoted1 amid "Tue Wife"
ends as It begun , hmiihlaly. 'rue play is
constructed nttmrmurably with ucferoitce to time
altommmtt ; ion 80(1 I : mtertn imugl imig of the
scrlotli3 and hunmom'ous , aimd time stot'y
is developed vitio at shill that
mmmmaiutttlmis an unbroken itmtcrcst. 'i'huc
climaxes arc miumturnl anti imiupressive ' mind it I'm
a dud timerit of tIme work timat. 'It keeps
uvithilti time lilac of proiittbmhit3' . Excellent Iua
spirit mmd tone , mind of goomi literary qtamihity
"TimeVifo' ' fully ummerits time reputatiomi meal
success it has evor.vwiaero woii. When eveu'.y
inenibea' of it muuummorous cast observes iiraiso
it must mtppoar sotuicovlamot iimi'idaou to select
a fats' for shieciitl eoimmiimemmdmition , lut tlmis
commshloratlon ( seems jtmSti3' duo to A'ilr. IV. .1.
LcMo.viue , Mr. Charles Walcott Mr. Tier-
bert Keicoy , utud Nelson Wiietttcroh , ovimo i-c-
sllectivul3' ilersonatto Mutjor l'ut-
Ii liii ) , Silas Tm-u mean , .1 olin Iutii-
erfurd , and l'iluitthmow Culver , mind
to Miss Georgia Cnyvan , MIss
LouIse Dillon mititi I'ihiss Grace hlemimiersoim ,
respectively ims Ituiemi 'l'm-imauimaim , lcltty
Ivcs ; uui Lucille Fcrrant-tlao lmmt.
tot ut somumowimmat exmtctlng cimmur-
uoetCr. Notimimmg could be lIner thman time
lmrmmsqomo mmci imenity launior of l'ilr. Lu Alo.yne ,
amid imobothy iiceds to Lie told thamotVmtlcott is it
Ilamisiacd artist. lii mu ivorti , the ommtia-o commi-
PtmiY : i 0 C superior ammerit mtmmd i ircsuot : this
1)1113' ) In itvny thimmt leaves miotlmitmg to be do-
sired. 'Ulmo iihii.v was mtmostnttrtcthvel3' lint Ott
thin stmigo , nil thu mappohumtmmmcnts hieing rich
nmmd mmi i imihii'imato. ( 'ri ti OCiI ) iaouo 'iVitS not
II I icil , but I lie uud ic-macu vtts cmim'tl hahly mtilro. )
( 'iittlVC. A voi-t1 of 11-10150 is duo to time or-
cimestra whmicli , uimder its iuc'o' loader , shows
stealy irumpi-ovemmmeumt. 'i'imoso vhao ostacimi a
PlInY of storlimig utierit should miut ( mill to see
"l'hmcVifc. . "
'I'hie G mini's O'mihiig _
The sensomi of 'S.'S9 mtt time Granti Opera
Imouso wias opened last night wathm Rice's bur.
lesquo coumpamiy : In tiat ) "L'oisair. ' ' ' 1'im audI-
ommee hIlled time audutoriummit ammO the gallery
wits crowdeol. 'roe newly deeomntt'd thmcmtter
aipearot1 to : ttlvlmimtmige. 'fhme vuostimess of time
iiace of itist 3oai' Imums beema dest i-oy.'d by time
Cu tt I amg o Il' 0 1 tIme foyer from t Ito aaumml itom'iu tim ,
while tIme latter , by inemmima of time deciratmoums
referreti to in SmN IA I a iimi , hmmis lain , t'muris.
formned iimto a 'er3' clmcei' Iilltt'O of tttiriiimi. ,
mcmii , 'Vim a foycm is sti I I m a mon I tmcommm ilicte
state.Viit'mt omirpeted miami lmummg with lime.
tu i-es , it vi 11 ho ( cii miii mm mi agmeenhilo 1iiao me
which , itt atm unt'oatvomitaommal utmaummer , to
spemid time cmitr'aetos.
'l'he 'Corsair" of Byron luasiccta utilized in
the libretto of the spectacle of Inst night. It
lulls atiso bet'uu eltmttmgemi to titimopt it to boniTo.
I t is a 1 I vehy , imutusical , he ricsq no i iaotl um etlomi
I t I s I Il age I hhtettt iy mmmou mit eth , e'om' ' scetiti
hieing neoi. Soummo of time sets utro alimmost 1mm
oh t'icri iamhiiy i-bIt itmmtl elaborate , u'iuiie tito
cOstummmmiimg of thao clmitractem-s Is varied , costly ,
Itoh. itmiil elegant. 'i'Iio si a gmtm g Is it ito , thio
tiuinciimg grmtcofmil , time actIon utrtistle anti thmti
enemiuiiles sPeetnehes of imrihllaimcy anti hmemuity.
'I'la 1)1000 twill ii-o'mi 10 throuvimig : iotttoctlomt :
tim rtitmghi tim t , seasiitm out I I ii t'I fot' it.
Fitv i'emmm ilctomi nets uvit Ii I mt'm old t bite
nuiatmtloma miumil eau-mmcstmmtss. , ( it'orgo S hs'talglmt
treat es . 'iimm si ibm-ui ii e imughmter : mis I 1 1 rbami I mu ,
limit Mr. 'iiorrhs as Ytmsetf c'oluies iii for a very
imirgo share of tIme miplmmiiso. Shiss hotmie
Ihommttugmmi' is a pretty , mtiimmStitiCiiig vocalist
mm tud actress , amid nil em I ra bly smit ha [ los t I m o role
of Mniiora. Z'lr. George Fortcsiiuo mantle quite
ml lilt in ZiiIeiimn. :
' .l'hi (3 ! miti im iig'a' 0 f thi e cciii pany , a mann imamneti
I I ammisomi , mm ITt' roil t o vai I u om p hi is sim ouw for 'l'mmi :
i I mi : . I I 0 uvmms ml lasat Isthih 'lt It sommmo tIm I migs
amid uvii.hmed to ii i r ii I tmmsol f I a t hose colutuimus.
Ills ehlcm vas mlet'liimed. lie tiiomi stitIgestetI
tIm mit to pnraigrmmiht uvrit ten 1)3' ii iuui , crhthiizhiu -
lI lady in t lie cmmst , ho lubiislmed. , % lr. hlatrr -
soil's limammimsorlpt Is imow hold subject to hmic
orti em'I [ mocomipuutt' : does not mmeed i lmirmi
soim's i'mmlhimig. It. stmtmmi1 on its tmmmrits. 'l'hie
mimetiibcr iii qimestiomi tiocs not tlesCrvo his crit-
ielsimm For hint reason It hilts not been pub-
hishmetl atgmoimm st I mor.
Sir&a of' Selmsmoiiol.
'l'Imcre lure mio hlrcwot-ks hint I'nuii's , mmnd
Paliu's fireworlcs aure one of tiae fcmiturcs of
the Siege of Seiiastopoi. Only a feature
though , for there is time umutmieuuverhmig mI tIme
Ommmuima guards svhmo I it ga.vottui tom-rims go tlmroumgii
their 'ommipi heat oil ovohiutloms : ii'i thi I han piceis
iomi of a set of aiitoumiumtofls1 time hcmtutiful exercises
ercises of Ziimujom MeGomlrom's gnu . : orui'm ; tlm
imigla ladder mand grouimd fcat
of tIme imuarvellous Alhimoia Jirothmers
time stattlimig iicrfom'aiaumces : of time
woimderful Auublun , Nulmuir hlasniuu , on tIme
shaclc 'iro , minti time idetitiesqime grouilmmg of
tIme troops iii thin iiiigimt mmmmiforms of time En
gush , Fm-ouch , Italinmms amid lUmsiimts : ovea the
3101)08 ieaditmg up to time tity , under the three-
thou of AIr. .hohmii F. ifayimmoumol. 'i'lmem-o uo'ere
foua or blue tlmoimsamith peovlo in tIme emiclosmmre
itust mm tghmt vhmo si-era too mmmcli stun misimil to
apill mummi t imo imingmm Iilcemm mo o f I ii o sitectacle ,
mammd it is SlICe to smoy that lIaise 11,00i ) iieojtlu
Situ' somnotlihmig wimlmiht they otIl luovtmr forget. a
\Viaemi time hoimiiiamtb mount V tam rly opcms : , mtnd
utmit uI time roar of nm't I ilery mummol tIme crimolcl lii g
of Ilnuites tIme watli.sof the foithilcatiomis cruimm-
tIle tti1i3' , 11w SIlcetmItor 01111 hiiitdly lmmngmmie :
tiiuit lie is imokimmg eu to P1a13' munl not. ii rtmiiit3
'J'hmeim coumme time hiromovorics. 1'iery finiiatniimm.
slIti&-t & oil ) fromum time lmult , hiery seriieumts wrmgglo
t ii rotmghi time air , an ii ovei mill i , lmtys ami I mici's-
SiI nt $ iilit3' of mmmmttm v ha u oti slttrics. 'l'ime special
htyrotechmmmicmI femtura lust iiighit uvas tIme iom- ,
trait of V , A. l'amxloui , mtiid tIme special sot
htieCtl.s foa tiio x'emmmaimidcm of time uveek mire mis
follows :
'l'uosilay uveit iii . . . . . . . . . mu of Nelirasima
\Vedtmt'S(1n3' ( oveimimig. - I'ortrimit of ( low. 'l'hmatyer
'l'iitmtS&11t3' ovutiimig. . . Poi-Lrmoit of ( 1ev. ' 1'hmu.'c'r t
Frklmmy ovcmmlimg. . . . . . . . I'mmtrmtit of i ' . fl 11cr
Suturtitmy evelmiiig. . . . Poiit'uiit of F' . Colhlc'trcr
'i'imo 110mm i malts mire glvcmm Iii outhi tic el face
oh a groummd 80x4) ) .
'l'hi o N e iv iI ox I cmi mu I ) . , mit oemzu I at.
rss'muAs : , N. 1st. , Sept. 3.-lSltlichtal 'iele.
grami m to 'i'mm m : I I m : it. I -'i'ii O t t'rrmtomlal d etim o.
crntio t'otmveiitloii , iii t''miOii hmi-'ro to-dlm } _ me-
imommulimuted 4'ontlmotm3 Josephms fet ilclc'gmiti _ ' to
comgaest4. : A. strummg foehimig existed itu the
eotmvemmtlon mtgninst ibmvermiot E. (1. Itoss
lte'mtiititions Of cemmatiro were mmmii m hmuted
BCVimtih' , ' critielslmag time jii'oscmmt x'tUtlyc' ,
iitit it Is iimitiil3' I rohahalo tIm mat tim ow 'v I Ii be
presented mit time reassemimblimig at 7:111) : ) ocioek ,
i'haori the commimmuittee on rtisoiutloas lit to to-
i'.coideuitnlhy Shot.
Last night Officer Noeamnm , of South
omiaiid , nccidemmtaliy idiot a boy mmanaeii .lammmcs
Ceihios in the log. 'L'hc had ovuas aasIoeht him a
temitumid time officer was shootmmmg mtt a vicIous
dog ,
- - - I
W:01 ; : I
6 S Bb W.i./ ' . . , P1g.
- - -
. _ _
. . p
. . . _
-S- ! -s .PJIPi. ' l- ' * -