Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1888, Image 1

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' .
- > 11i-n'- ' .I
John McShnno Expresses n Willing-
to Bo Sacrlflccd.
llo Thinks There IH Konio Chance For
the DpiiiournlH In Nohrnska
of Ilia Military
Detail 15111.
ItitnulH to AfGtpt.
WAHIIINCITON , D. C. , Kept. a. )
Hcprcscntntlvc McShano returned to the
city from Maine this morning and was in his
Beat in the house this afternoon. Ho was
cordially received by his colleagues and con
gratulated upon his nomination for the gov-
ernslup in Nebraska. *
"Will you accept ! " was asked.
"Yes , " ho replied , "that is the only course
loll me. "
"When will you Issue your letter of accep
tance ! "
" 1 cannot say. I Intend going to Omaha
next week , and then I shall take formal ac
tion. Heally , I have thought very little of
politics in Nebraska or anywhere else during
the pant six weeks. 1 did not anticipate the
nomination and did not know It was ten
dered to mo till the day following the ad
journment of the contention. I do not know
the situation nt home. I've not been
in the state since the 1st of
May and till 1 get thorn , the
only thing 1 know Is that I will accept the
nomination and make the best race , ! can for
the governorship. I am not one who has no
> hope for democratic success in Nebraska this
fall. "
' "Will the issues In Nebraska bo mostly
Htutu or national' ! "
"Largely state Issues. "
Mr , McShano is looking better than ho has
fo- several months. Ho intends to remain in
the state but a few days , In all probability ,
when ho goes homo next week , although he
will make the rounds of the state before the
election in November.
The house this afternoon took up nnd
passed , under a suspension of the rules and
over the opposition of Mr. Hlount of Georgia ,
the Mumlerson bill to increase the detail ol
iirmy and navy officers to state
colleges and universities for instructions !
in military tactics. The bill is the
ono which has resulted from agitations of
the subject started first by the governor ol
Minnesota and the regents of the state uni
versity in their efforts to secure a military
instructor detailed from the army to remain
constantly nt the university instead of alter
nating every four years with the university
of Nebraska. The provisions of the bill
have been already published in Tun llci : . It
increases the detail of army officers from 11
maximum of forty to sixty and provides that
the olllcers may bo detailed from the navy tic
well us from the army. The most important
amendment made by the house to the senate
bill provides that nothing in the act shall be
construed to prevent the detail of officer ?
of the engineer corps of the
navy us professors In scientific schools
or colleges as now provided by act of con
press approved February ' . ' ( , ISTlt. and au
thorises the secretary of war to issue ordi
nance and ordinance stores belonging to the
government , on terms and conditions hereinbefore
before provided , to any college or university
to which a retired ofilccr of the army may
bo assigned as provided by section 12IKI of the
revised statues. This last provision is to se
cure to colleges which have not heretofore
had a military instructor , the arms and up-
purtenances necessary for their instruction
in military tactics.
A strong argument Is found for the repub
lican proposition to assist in the establish
ment of American steamships to South anil
Central America In the hist consular report ol
Alexander H. Webb , United States consul al
Manilla , Philippine Islands. The consul
makes no reference to federal assistance foi
the establishment of Amerie-an stcamshii
lines to enable our manufacturers to compete
for the South and Central American markets
but there uro many paragraphs in. hit
lengthy mid intelligent report which nrgtu
to this point. Ho indicates u
Jargo number of articles which are
preferred In the Islands nnd which are
sought for. but the market 1st very limited ,
owing to the fact that wo huvo no dirocl
communication with that country and out
poods are sent so fur around that the freight
tariffs increase the price beyond those
charged for similar articles by the manufac
turers in other countries. Hoports of this
character are being received almost dally al
thu department of state , showing that if the
republican proposition to appropriate onli
fW,000 ) for the establishment of American
lines of steamships to the south our manu
facturers would bo given very important anil
now markets. One paragraph from Consul
Webb's report will give a good idea of the
general character of his observations.
"It may bo proper to call attention to the
fact that nearly , if not quite all , the machln
cry and agricultural Implements In use It
thcso Islands are of Gorman or English man
tifacturo , us the American and Spanisl
prices for such articles are considered execs
filvo. No American manufacturer can hopi
to compete with the English or Germans ii
this tiart of the world until the cost of pro
ductlon and export is so reduced as to enabl
him to offer his goods at lower prices. I llni
that American goods nro preferred hero ti
those of any other country , as they are con
Mdered better in every respect , but no
enough so to warrant the payment of th
prices asked. It is considered very probabl
that within n short tlmo there will bo a greii
market hero for agricultural Implements un <
other machinery , ns two railroads have bcci
projected and there ore other indications o
material progress and enlightenment , an
American manufacturers can gather u larg
hhareof the harvest if It Is possible for thei
to make their prices somewhere near thos
of their English and German competitors. '
The Fiftieth congress will go do\vn with
good deal of history In the line of the oftlel :
reports of that body. There will probabl
bo moro stenographic- worn done In this con
press than in any for many years , if , Indece
there over has been it congress with so muc
short bund rejwrting. Nearly nil of the re
porters in the house have been made sick b
their work , nnd one of them has been worke
to death , Ho died about four or five month
ngo and was ono of the most valuable stcnc
Itrnphlo reporters In the country. Durln
the past thrco months there hns been froi :
ono to three new short hand men on th
lloor of the liouso taking the regular proceci !
Ings nil the tlmo. Mr. Kehoo , private secre
tary to Speaker Carlisle , Is now In trulnlni
to take ono of the places which overwork o
cleuth has created. Atouo tlmo during th
lieatof the summer there were thrco nc\
men on the finer and six or eight stenograph
crs were employed In the Investigations be
lug conducted by committees. Members It
sist ii'ion having long sessions and doing n
unlimited amount of talking. They think e
the work they devolve upon the men wh
work wlh : the mysterious characters In taV
Ing flown verbatim what Is said. Sometime
these reporters coutlnue their labors fc
hours at the. end of u session which runs fu
Into the night.
In the senuts the official reporting Is don
liy contract n . so much n year , and the Ion
nnd heavy sessions involve extraonlinnr
duties and exrenso to Mr. Murphy , who I
the chief reporter , The official stcnofniphcr
In the hnisc net f.l.OOO u year each , whcthe
the session is long or short. The stein
grabbers have been praying that ronprci
would arrange to luke a vacation of n fe
days In order to glvo them u rest. \ \ hi :
senators and representatives pair uuA gv o ;
ut the city to Utti seashore nnd elsewscre f
frcih air and rccre Ulon , these rc-wjrtcrs ui
compelled to remain at their posts , as It Is ex
tremely difficult , almost impossible , to got
substitutes. The highest reporting In the art
of stenographic reporting Is required In this
work , and although a man may bo very
superior In all other kinds of stion-linnd
work , he mnv not be capable of Inking the
run on the floor of cither house. It requires
long training , nnd the death or disability of
an official reporter is almost a public cal
amity. Unless there Is n breathing spell
given this corps , numbering in both houses
about twenty-llvo men , there will almost bo
n stop put to the business for n while , ns
many of them are nearly worn out.
President Cleveland in his tariff message
to congress said that the Import duty Is al
ways added to the cost of the homo produc
tion when an article Is produced. This ab
surd statement has been repeatedly shown
to bo false , nnd another instance of its fal
sity , and ndsurdity has Just been brought to
' .ho attention of your correspondent.
In IHJ > . ' | there was scarcely a pound of soda
ish made in this country , There had been
lomo few tons of it produced by n concern
n Michigan a few years before , but the
company was unable to compete with the
"orclgn manufacturers , and their concern
'ailed. In ISS'J the * Sulvny Process company
ivas organized in Syracuse , N. Y. , but its
products were placed upon the market till
1SS4. At that time the price of soda nsh
iVas 10 per ton. The average production of
.ho Syracuse was , during the first year ,
, hlrty tons per day. The import duty
s one-qUartcr of n emit ta pound or
. " > per short ton. If Mr. Cleve
and's statement was correct the
ineo of soda ash in this country would bo
the price in Europe plus the tariff , or $50 per
ton , exclusive of freight and other charges.
Yet since this concern started up soda ash
sells at from ? 2J to . * 'JI per ton , or a reduction
of upwards of 60 per cent in four years ,
brought about by the beneficial influence of
the protective tariff. The Mills bill docs not
disturb the tarilT on this article , but it docs
educe the rate on caustic soda one-half a
rnt a pound. Caustic soda is manufactured
by tills same concern , as is also salenitus.
On the latter vho present duty is 1J cents
per pound , and the Mills bill cuts it oft f > 0 per
cunt. The workmen in the factories of the
Solvuy company receive 7. i per cent moro in
wages than do the workmen In similar Insti
tutions in Knglnnd , and 100 pur cent moro
than those employed in similar works in
France and ( jcrimmy. The principal raw
materials used In the manufacture of caustic
soda , soda ash and salcratus uro coal , lime
stone and salt , and from the tlrno cacti of
these elements enter the factory to the
time * when each Is turned out as the finished
pioduct from the Syracuse works , 11,1 per
cent of the cost may bo embraced under the
head of labor.
The industry at present thrives and em
ploys nearly a thousand men , and so long as
the tariff is maintained it will continue to
prosper ; but there can bo no doubt that if
the Mills bill should become a law , and the
proposed reduction of 50 per cent on
the duty on caustic and saioratus soda
should go into effect , it will make
it necessary for the Solvay company to dis
continue entirely the manufacture of the'so
products , and confine themselves solely to
the production of soda ash. If there is any
good reason why the monopoly in the manu
facture of these two chemicals should bo re
turned to England , then the Mills bill , as
far as it affects them , is an admirable legis
lative enactment ; otherwise , it will prove
disastrous in the extreme , oven though it
may not result in the discharge of more than
fifty or one hundred workmen.
A sTour or ( inoiuin LAW.
A day or two ago the New York papers
contained a story of the munificence of
Georges Law of New York , a well-known
man-about-town with a very comfortable in
come , who is said to have expended nearly
25,100 in making presents to a number of
his personal friends at Seratogu. Tills para
graph calls to mind n story which was once
told of George law a year or two ago of a
similar character. A gentleman who was on in
timate terms with him years ago says that on
ono occasion he rode up the Hudson on nn *
Albany oo.xt with Gcorgo Law , Commodore
Vanderbilt , and a third party whoso name I
have now forgotten , and a game of poker
was suggested , and my informant , knowing
that the stakes were goiug to be quite large ,
did not go in ; but George Law and Vundor-
bilt did with the other ono. Just as they
started George Law whispered to my
friend :
! 1If I seem to bo' playing a reckless game
to-night don't you say u word. "
Ho promised that ho would keep his feel
ings to himself and watch the game. They
sat up nearly all night , and before they arose
from their chairs Law had dropped f l. > ,000
to Comtnodoro Vandorbllt. They parted at
Albany in the morning , but about a wcok
afterwards Law was encountered on Wall
street , when he said :
"I reckon you think I played a mighty
reckless game with the commodore the other
niirht , but I have just this morning sold him
my line of steamers , r.nd I have cleared
tll'5,000 ' by the sale. "
W. W. Colton. of Omaha , is here.
Captain William II. Clapp , Sixteenth In
fantry , on leave of absence in this city , will
report by letter to the superintendent of the
recruiting service , Now York City , Septem
ber 15 , to conduct the first detachment of re
cruits that may be sent to the Department of
the Platte in that state * . On the completion
of this duty ho will join his company.
Nebraska nnd Iowa I'cniions.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : UIK. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans :
Original invalid Hcnjamin F. Lambert ,
Hock Uluffs. Increase 1C. Francis Lum ,
Guido Hock ; Silas Ciuon , Juniata ; .Inhn M.
White , Cedar Hapids. Mexican survivors-
Thomas A. Hoynolds , Nchawka. Original
invalid Henry Wright , Carlo. Increase
Hiram Douglas , Hardy ; Gabo C. Hunncll ,
Kearney John McCoy , Superior ; Ira Ames ,
Fairmont ; Arthur W. Wilson , Hclvidero ;
William G. Grant , Fr.inUlin ; S. Adiunbax ,
Lincoln. Original widows , etc. ( special net )
Elizabe-th Smith , mother of George Harbiiugb ,
Sidney ; minors of Henry A. Uruno , Chap
man : S.irah , mother of John Sheldon , jr. ,
Odoll. McxiiMii survivors , reissue William
Knowlton , Lincoln.
Pensions for lowuns : Restoration ( spe
cial ii't ' , old war ) George Lomaster ( do-
ccase-d ) , Iconium. Increase Andrew F.
Henderson. Seymour ; . lolm Fre.vur. Fayctto ;
George Hell , Danville ; Joscpti'lVumor , Dav
enport ; Joseph S. Jones , Hickord ; Junies II.
Ham , Callender ; Andrew J. Egbert , Melrose -
rose ; Alvin Griswold , Mount Ayr ; John Me-
Cuuliff , Hrlstow ; Edward Doicy , Walnut ;
John W. Hendrick , Cedar Hapids ; William
L. Kimmock , Hloomllcld ; John S , Hurd ,
Hampton ; Amos Dowatcr , Elklmrt ; Henry
II. Williams , Ottumwa ; Lewis Akin ,
Clarluda ; Daniel A. McMartin , Castalin ,
Orignal invalid G. W. Mann , Creston. In
crease Albert S. Emerson , liurr Oak ; Wil
liam Hoberts , Harvard ; Gcorgo W. Gardner ,
Mount Ayr ; Joseph CarhotT , Houghton ;
Fred D. Dunbar , Scranton ; A.G. ICberhimU ,
Toledo ; Wilholm Trlcble , Tamu City ; Abel
P. Griffith , Millorsburg ; Jasper N. Ho'jcrt
son , Marcus ; James Sickle ? , Vernon ;
Thomas Hcln , Dubuque ; 1 bourns A. Me-
Council , Lenox ; ' Sylvanus Urinton , Sllvct
City ; William H. Stout. Newell ; Thomas
Green , West Union ; Gcorgo W. Miller ,
Grininsville. Heissuo Sidney C. Putnam
Halm for llin Wounded AITcctlons ,
MiNNCAi-oi.iB , Sept. 3. [ Spccial' Tele
gram to TUB BKE.--Tlio usual order o ;
things Is rather reversed In the suit thai
was begun to-duy by Harry McNIver
against Ida G. Huhko. lua , wlio I" now tin
wlfo of Albert H. Huhrto , was nt one Hint
the widow of David Lyko. It was thsntha
Hurry MeNIvcn v'Cf-od r.-.d apparently wet
ior. It was in is&S tart the fickle Mrs
llu'.iko promised ton \ nlre , but A'iril ' . ' 1
IS'jJ ' , she I'.iurk'd Kuhlw. MeNIvcn 'iwomt
to have * g : loved for three \rarn over thn
cruelty and now t'llnhs It wl" take $10,000 tr
patch up tli'j bi-ftich ii ; his affections.
i Stlllln
' WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. The stats depart
t " niciit UstdluUlcIMiy lyuorantcf the rnporlc > oi thu Chinese government to rUlfj
the trtity.
It Culminates in n Sensational
Scone in Court.
She Charges .Justice Field With Hav
ing Huon Itrlbcd , and Her HUH-
band Aw sou It si a United
StntcH Marshal.
A California Sensation.
S\N FiiANcisto , Sept , y. The celebrated
Sharon divorce case , which has been
very prolific In the matter of sensations , cul
minated to-day in u scene which will cost
Sarah Althea Sharon , now Mrs. David S.
Terry , thirty days in jail , and her husband ,
Judge Terry , u six months' sentence. Cohen ,
executor of the late Senator Sharon's estate ,
recently applied to the circuit court for a bill
of revision. Mrs. Terry entered a demurrer ,
which the court overruled. The decision ,
which was very lengthy , was read by Asso
ciate Justice Field of the United States supreme
premo court , and was concurred in by
Judge Sawjer of the circuit court and
Judge Sabin of the district court. A largo
crowd , among which wore about
two hundred lawyers , filled the court rooms.
Judge David S. Toiry , who has been chief
counsel for his wife du-ng ! the entire litiga
tion , sat bcsido her to-day , and both paid
close attention to the reading of the decision.
Mrs. Terry appeared very nervous at the out
set , and ns the reading progressed her agita
tion increased. Finally , when Justice Field
was about half through reading , Mrs. Terry
jumped to her feet and asked the judge if ho
was going to order her to give
up her marriage contract. The
judge quietly told her to sit down.
Mrs. Terr. , 's ' face turned white with passion ,
and she cried :
"Justice Field , wo hear that you have been
bought. Wo would like to know if that is so
and what figure you hold yourself at. It
seems that no person can get justice in this
court unless ho has n sack. "
Judge Field turned to Marshal Franks , and
said : "Marshal , remove that woman from
this court room. " The marshal advanced
toward Mrs. Terry , but she took no notice of
him but broke out with oaths and vulgar
language. Franks grasped her arm , and in
an instant Judge Terry arose and exclaimed
that no living man should touch his wife.
With this ho dealt Franks a terrible blow on
the neck with his list , which sent the mar
shal rolling across the lloor. Franks re
gained himself , and witti several deputies
and bystanders rushed upon Terry and
quickly removed him. Mrs. Terry was also
taken from the room and locked in the mar
shal's office. A deputy was placed at the
door , when Terry advanced upon htm and
demanded admission , which the deputy re-
fuseil. Terry put his baud in his pocket and
drew forth n dangerous looking dirk with a
blade eight inches long , and with a curse
held it above his head and declared that ho
would slab any man who dared
to keep him awuy. Several per
sons at once jumped on him and tried
to take the knife away. A desperate strug
gle followed. Allthomen fell to the floor , and
the knife was finally taken from Terry with
out any ono being injured. Terry was then
locked up in the room.
His wife's satchel , which dropped in the
court room during the excitement , was found
to contain an Knglish bull dog revolver , with
all six chambers loaded. Marshal Franks
status that she was trying to open the satchel
just before she was put out of the court room.
Marshal Franks entered the room
where the two were confined , and Mrs. Terry
at once made n violent attack upon him
and beat him about the face and head. She
was soon quieted , however , and a strong
guard placed in the room.
The wildest excitement had prevailed in
the court room and corridors during the dis
turbance , but as soon as quiet was restored
Jiuigo Field resumed the reading of the de
cision. When ho had concluded the court
took a recess and the judges retired to their
chambers. Two hours later they ngaln ap
peared In the court room and amr .ticed the
penalty they had to Inflict upon
Judge Terry and his wife. Neither
of the parties was allowed in
court while the sentence was pronounced.
Judge Field ordered that Judge Terry be im
prisoned in the county jail at Alamcda for
six months , and that Mrs. Terry bo impris
oned thirty days. No alternative in the way
of a line was allowed , and the prisoner * were
taken to jail this afternoon. David S. Terry
was formerly judge of the supreme court of
this state , and while holding that position
in 1S5 ( became involved in a quarrel with
David C. Hroderick , who was United States
senator from California. A duel followed
and Hroderick was killed.
The Honso J'nsses n Hill to Prevent
Itcturii on Certificates.
'WASHINGTON , Sept. 3 , The house to-dny
passed the bill supplementary to the act to
execute certain treaty stipulations relating to
the Chinese , approved May 0 , lbS2.
Section 1 provides that trom and after ttic
passage of this act it shall bo unlawful for
any Chinese laborer who shall at any
time heretofore have been , 01
who may now or hereafter bo , resident with
in the United States , and who shall have de
parted or shall depart therefrom ; and shall
not have returned before the passing of thia
act , to return to the United States.
Section 2 provides that no certificates ol
Identity , provided for in the fourth ami fifth
sections of the act to which this
is supplemental , shall hereafter
bo issued , and every certificate
heretofore isssucd in pursuance thereof is
hereby declared void and of no effect , mid
Chine-so labor claiming admission by virtue
thereof shall not be permitted to enter thu
United States.
Section ii provides that all duties prescribed
ami liabilities , penalties and forfeitures pro
scribed by the second , tenth , eleventh and
twelfth sections of the nut to which this is
supplemental , are hereby extended and made
applicable to the provisions of this net.
Section provides that all siuili part or
parts of the act to which this is supplemental
as aio inconsistent herewith are herouy re
Mr. Morrow of California said the bill
was directed to the revocation of the Issuance
of certificates of Identification. It provided
for the icpcal of that provision of the net ol
May 0 , Ihs'i , which provided for certificates
of identity.
Mn.or | KIMUI Under Arrest.
HAUiiiBiifito , Pa. , Sept. ! ) . [ Special Trio
gram to Tin ; Uie. : ] Major Marcus A ,
Hcno , who , until recently , was a noted In
dian-llghtcr of tha United Stp.tcs army , was
arrested hero yesterday evening .on the
charge of non-maintenance , preferred by hi ;
wife , Isabella II. Heno , who lives In this city
Major Hcno , whoso compact figure and som
bro face uro familiar In this city , wr.s on UK
plains with General Cuslor at the time of UK
massacre , ft lias been charged th.xt Heno
through cowardlco or Inck of discretion , du'
not bring Custor the ni.t he needed , and wa
out of harm's way when the Indians sur
rounded Ouster's command. Keno has beet
out of the army nearly over since. A fov
months ago he had an interview published ir
n Now York paper. Ho assailed the conduc
of Custcr and bullttled that officer's courage
As a result the newspapers nil over the coun
trydcnouuccd him. Dcspito nil thcso mat
tori ho is ( iCnla ! socially , nnd mr.kes frlcndi
easily. Ho had coino up from lialtimon
when arrested yesterday , and U now nndui
ball for tils , appearance at court.
Kiot Over Worn Money.
CITY OF MEXICO , Sept. a. A dispatch froir
Oaxka says the uurchanti there refused t <
receive nior.ay which had been worn by use
nnd this provoked a riot , which was quollci
by the milltaijr. The government has or
dcrcd ( be banks to redeem woru coin ,
Monster Celehratlon In. Several of
the Principal Cities.
CLCVCIAND , O. , Sept , 3. An Immense
> lood-red flag was carried through the lead-
ng streets of Cleveland to-day , nnd behind It
marched n score of anarchists. To-night the
lag was bedraggled and five of the men who
followed It are in the lock-up. This was labor
lay , and 1'JOO men formed In line nnd with
nuslo nnd waving emblems paraded the
lown-town thoroughfares nnd then withdrew
o a garden In thesuburbs. Anarchists were
n the procession , and , declaring themselves
.o bo carpenters , they were permitted to ro-
nln the place they had quietly slipped Into.
At the garden they unfurled their flair
nnd refused to acknowledge the stars and
stripes. The committee ) in chnrgo induced
them llnally to put their flag away. When
; he committee turned their backs , however ,
the anarchists seized their emblem of blood
nnd waved it aloft triumphantly. Inimedi-
itely they were attacked by hundreds of
lonest working men whoso indignation was
jeyond e-ontrol. The Hag was trampled un
der foot and ono anarchist after another
went to the ground in the fight that contin
ued for at least ten minutes. All the anarch
ists but live escaped from the three detec
tives who were present , I ' , those who getaway
away were bleeding nnd lame , nnd will
liardly appear in public for some time to
101110. The mimes of those arrested nro :
Hen Hill , carpenter ; Emil Schilling , ma-
3hlnlstnnd : Godfrey OstermeycrCharlesLu-
elin , and Gustav Buetncr , carpenters.
They were locked up ntid charged with riot.
At Chicago.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 3. Labor Is having n
double observance in this city. This morn
ing the United Ordcrf of Bricklayers and
Stone Masons paraded on the west side ,
under the auspices of the ICnights of Labor
and laid the comer-stbno of their new hall
at the corner of Pcoria and Monroe streets.
The procession was reviewed by Congress
men Mason and Lawler. The participants
afterward loft the city by train for a plcme
at Central Grove. Thu trades unions of the
city indulged in n parade through the streets
of thu south division , and subsequently
marched to Ogden's grove , where a picnic is
in progress.
> Among the matters carried were : "America
has laborers enough to do her own work ; "
"No more Chinamen or contract hiboiers ; "
"Strictly opposed to tenement housesCliincso
and prison made cigars1' ; "Carpenters will
never vote for any candidate who was
nominated In a scab building. " This ap
peared to refer to the building in which the
republican national convention was held , as
it was erected by non-union laborers ,
At Peorln.
PF.OIUA , Sept. 3. Labor day was cele
brated hero to-day in great style. The city
is thronged with several thousand strangers.
Nearly all the factories have closed. Husi-
ncss houses are profusely decorated. This
morning there was n monster parade. Every
labor organization was represented. There
were live bands of music , and nearly every
merchant , or manufacturer had his tmsiness
represented. The narndo was three miles
long. This afternoon there was a picnic ,
with prominent speakers present.
At Now York.
Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 3. Labor day was ap
propriately observed hero to-day , as well as
the principal cities of the state. tHusincss
was practically suspended , and the courts
and municipal departments , pxclmnires nnd
banks were all closed. The custom liouso
was open for an hour , for the entry and
clearance of vessels. The feature of the day
was the labor parade. There were also
games of all kinds , yaoht nnd boat racing
and festivals in many of the city parks.
At. Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 3. Labor day was cele
brated hero by giving a holiday to employes
in almost all the largo manufactories and in
a great labor parade in tire afternoon , in
which the various labor organizations were
fully represented. After the parade speeches
were made in English and Gorman on the
streets near where the procession disbanded.
There was no closing of public olllces nor
other business houses.
At Quiiicr.
QBINOV , Sept. 3. Labor day Is being gen
erally observed in this city. Incoming trains
and packets brought crowds of visitors , and
nn imposlnp procession of various unions ,
accompanied by bands of music , was wit
nessed in the forenoon. This afternoon there
was a public speaking at Highland park ,
and the festivities closed with a grand ball
At St. Louis
ST. Louis , Sept. 3. Labor day was ob
served hero by the various labor organiza
tions of the city , which were largely repre
sented In the street parade. No flags , ban
ners or mottoes of any objectionable char
acter were carried. After the parade there
was a bit : demonstration and speaking at
Concordia park.
At Imliiuiu : > olls.
INPUXAVOMR , Sept. 3. The labor organi
zations of the city united in a street parade
and then proceeded to the exposition grounds ,
whore the day was spent in listening to ad
dresses and watching'aUilctlo games , etc.
A Mania KOI * Stealing Women's Shoes
BitAzu , , Ind. , Scpt3. [ Special Telegram
toTiie BIL. ] Juhnhcingman , aged about
sixty ycais , was found dead at his gate this
morning , having evidently dropped dead of a
brain disorder. He was an eccentric char
acter. Ho had on uncontrollable mania for
stealing women's shoes , though neve1 ac
cused of stealing anything else. A few years
ngo he was arrested nnd forty or fifty pairs
of women's shoes and slippers recovered.
He had buried them on the commons
the blast furnace. Ho was sent to the pen
itentiary n short time for this offense. His
wife get a divorce during his term in prison
nnd ho bus over since lived alone. To-day
over sixty pairs of women's shoes nnd slip
pers were found In his hut. Ho was a vet
eran of the Mexican and civil wars and will
be buried with military honors.
Killed hy Indiana Assassins.
YINCKNNKS , Ind. , Sept. 3. ( Special Tele
gram to Tnu HEE.I John Hrany , a wealthy
farmer living seven miles north of Mont
gomery , in Davlcs county , while playing a
social game of cardp with his neighbor ,
named Carpenter , In his own homo , was shot
and Instantly killed last night by some un
known assassin or assassins. Carpenter was
also shot , the bullut knocking out his front
teeth and coming out below the ear. He is
thought to bo in a ( lying condition. The
shots were fired through an open window ,
and whoever did it made good an escape.
No motive is known for the crime , unless It
Is a white cap outrage. A lynching Is almost
certain should the perpetrators bo discovered.
Kill tor Storey's Estate Settled.
CUICAOO , Sept 3. In the estate of William
F. Storey , late proprietor of the Chicago
Times , Judge. Knickerbocker this morning
approved the inventory and appraisement of
Mrs. Eureka C. Storey , tbo widow , who ap
peared and presented to the court her written
waiver of award to her , and as there uro no
children entitled to share in the award , the
widow's waiver was allowed and filed for
record. This is the final net iutho suttlement
of the Storey estate.
A Victory for the Celestial.
LONDON , September 3. Despatches from
Melbourne , Australia , announce that In a
test action In the supreme court a Chinese
emigrant sued the government -for damages
for prohibiting him from landing. The ma
jority of the judges decided in favor , of ; Uo
plaintiff. The chief justice dissented.
A Dodge County Womnn Bndly
Bitten By a Mnd Dog.
of the Gatherings at
\Vahoo and Kearney The Guide
Hock Horror Story Donlod
Other State Happening.- * .
The Wiihon Knunmiimcnt.
WAIIOO , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special to Tin :
i3iu. : ] Tills is the third day of the encamp
ment of the Nebraska national guards. All
.he companies are now in camp , making over
twelve hundred men. The orders of yester
day have been carried out , and Governor
J'hayer has issued the following orders for
the government of the camp :
LINCOLN , Sept. 8. lisS. Circular No. 1.
General L. W. Colby. Hrigadior General ,
Commanding Hrlgadc of N. N. G. , Camp
Sheridan , Wahoo , Neb. Dear Sir : As you
are now engaged In the annual encampment ,
I trust you will see that the strictest military
discipline is observed in every respect. The
encampment is for the mirposeof military In
struction , and It Is a school of discipline , as
you tire well aware : and I trust it will prove
to bo a great benefit to officers nnd soldiers.
At last year's encampment it occasionally
happened that an oflicer or soldier made it-
plication direct to the commandcr-ln-chlcf for
this thing and that. You will please require
every application to come through the differ
ent military headquarters in their order.
1 also desire that you will call the attention
of all in your command to this subject , viz. :
There must be absolute * sobriety and temper
ance maintained by nil throughout the en
campment. If any officer or soldier should
appear at any time to bo under the influence
of spirituous liquors you will immediately
call him to account and report him to thcso
Mr. P. A. Gatohell , of Lincoln , has been
placed in clmrgo of the state tents. It has
been made his duty to attcndto putting them
up and striking them when the encampim-nt
is over , and also to Inspect the tents daily
and see that they are not injured. This
order has become absolutely necessary in
order to protect the tents against
injury. You will please prohibit positively
the stacuing of arms in tents or the taking of
muskets with bayonets fixed into the tents.
It must bo bo unfixed before taking into
tents. Last year some of the tents were
badly cut with the bayonets.
Tno commandor-in-chief regards it as
wholly unmilltary , unsoldier-llko and Im
proper for oflicors or soldiers to visit saloons
in uniform and trusts that they will heed
this admonition. JOHN M. TIIAVBII ,
Attest : A. V. COM : , Adjutant General.
There will bo guard mounting at S a. in. ,
company drill at 10 a. in. , tno inspection of
companies at * . ' p. m. , Itattalion , troop nnd
battery drill at 3 p. m. , brigade dress parade
at , "j :3U : p. in.
The Kncainiimont at Kearney.
KUAHNI-.V , Nob. 3. [ Special to THE Hic. ]
That portion of Kearney occupied by the
regulars In summer encampment , has been
designated in Order No. 1. as Camp John
H. Hrooks , in honor of the commanding of
ficer of the department , General Hrooks.
The camp is located south of the Union Pa
cific tracks , on the wcsteldo of the city , run
ning ne > rth nnd south. The officers' tents
are In line about eight hundred feet cast of
the tail rnco of the Kearney canal , nnd about
six hundred feet further cast the tents of the
men arc planted. The north end of the ca
nal is occupied by the Second Infantry , com
manded by Colonel Fletcher ; the center by
the Seventeenth infantry , under command of
General Henry H. Misenor , nnd the south
portion by the Twenty-first infantry. General
Henry A. Morrow commanding. The latter
is also commanding officer of the camp until
the arrival of General Wheaton , who
has been detained by olllolal duties
elsewhere. Each regiment is accompanied
by an excellent baud and the rivalry between
them makes every regimental parade almost
a musical contest. Last evonini ; after a parade -
ado which was witnessed by several thou
sand , the band of the Twenty-first regiment
played several choice selections , nnd immedi
ately following the officers of the Second , ac
companied by their band , made a call upon
General Morrow at the headquarters. The
playing of the band was very line and hold
the crowd of visitors on the ground till S
o'clock. Until further order guard mount will
take place every morning at S o'clock , after
which there will bo company drill. At ( i
o'clock each evening regimental parade will
take place.
Killed Ry a Horso'H Kick.
Guini : HOCK , Nob. , September 3. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Hii.J : A man named Pat-
rich Cummcford was found dead this morn
ing north of Guide Uocic. IIo was killed by
a kick from ono of his horses. Ho was a
man forty or forty-five years of age , and a
bachelor living alone on a rented farm. Sun
day he visited ono of his neighbors and re
turned homo in the evening to look after his
stock. He was taking his horses from the
picket rope to lead them to water and ono of
them , u vicious animal , kicked him on thu
back of the head , apparently killing him in
stantly as there are no Indications that ho
moved after ho fell. The verdict of the cor
oner's jury was in accordance with these
Drowned in nVoll
Rnn CLOUD , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special to
Tun Hnn. ] A young man by the name of
Charles Titus , about eighteen years of ago ,
attempted to descend into a well by a rope.
After getting down ten feet below the sur
face of the ground ho struck damp , and fell
into the water , and was drowned before ho
could bo helped out. After remaining in the
water about an hour the body was fished out.
The doctors worked long and faithfully to
recuscltato him , hut without avail. The aged
parents nro nearly crazy with grief.
Trcnton'H Hurvcflt Homo.
THENTON , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special to Tin :
Hnu. ] The harvest homo picnic here Sat
urday was a grand success. In connection
with it there was a trades display , which
was very creditable to the citizens , nil of the
diffcicnt trades of the town being repre
sented. There was also horse and foot rac
ing. The Stratum band furnished music.
which was excellent. There were fully 1,000
strangers In to'A'n , The affair wound up
with a ball In the evening , which was largely
attended and enjoyed Immensely.
Hit t en ny a Mad
NOUTII HIND , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tel
egram to Tim licii.j Mr. Wlckhorso , n
farmer living five miles northeast of this
place , hod noticed for several days that his
two dogs were acting strangely. His
neighbors advised him to kill them. Finally
ho killed ono and tied the other to a tree ,
where it was kept for a day or two. Yester
day evening It became raving mad , getting
loose and running around the yard , springing
onto Mrs. Wlckhorse , tearing her shoulder
and arm nnd ono of her lower limbs in a
horrible manner. Dr. Doan was called , who
attended to her wounds and pronounced her
in n serious condition. The dog was killed
by ono of her sons.
The Snunders County Fair.
WAIIOO , Neb. , Sept. 8. ( Special to TUB
HEE. ] The Saundcrs county agricultural
fair opens to-morrow. The purses for the
various speed contests liavo been doubled
this year. The number ol entries In all lines
is exceptionally largo.
Sanhders County Labor Party.
WAHOO , Nob. , Sept. 3. [ Special to Tnu
BEE. ] The union labor party of Saundera
county met In mass convention Saturday and
effected an organization , appointed a central
committee and selected eleven delegates to
the state convention. Many of the farmers
ire taking hold of the labor movement , nnd
If they decide to run a county ticket will poll
i peed many votes.
A Union IjnhoiConvention. .
Out ) , Neb. , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Hr.E.l The Valley county convention
of the union labor party met hero to-day.
The nomination of n county ticket was re
ferred to n committee of ten to report when
llicy consider It expedient. The delegates to
the state convention nro : I ) . N. McCoro , 1) .
McCall , F. M. Obcrt , O. D. Combs , Thomp
son Hlsscle.
No Truth In the Reported
Grim : HOCK , Neb. , Sept. ! -Special [ Tele
gram to THE Hii.J : : Tin : lii : : correspondent
ins made a thorough investigation of the
story telegraphed from hero about the lynch-
ng of n man named Hakor and tlmls no
Foundation whatever for it. It is believed to
.10 a revival of n similar story which was set
illoat In Iowa a few years ago.
The I'Mi-Ht Train.
CIIKIOIITON , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : Hiil. : : The first regular train
went through from Norfolk to Verdlgro to-
dny over the New Elkhorn extension. An
excursion party from the towns on the route
undo It a red letter day for 'erdlgro. Trains
will run regularly after this dale.
Dixtrlut Court at lump City.
Lori- CITY , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special Telc-
; ram to Tin : Uuc.j The district court sets
icro to-morrow. Several very Important
cases are on the docket , the most important
> f which is the case of Furbush vs the Har-
er estate , which involves some f 30,000 worth
of town lots in Loup City.
Condition ol' Growlnt ; Grain In the
Hod Uivor Valley.
CuirAOO , Sept. 3. The following will ap-
tear in the Farmers' Koview September ft :
Heports relative to the condition of the
wheat crop In the lied Hivor valley have
jeen so conllicting that in order to arrive at
some true idea of the situation , wo liavo
nude special Inquiries from reliable' persons.
Our advices enable us to state that Polk
county , Minn. , will have a better grade of
wheat and more of it than Marshall county.
I'ho crop may yield fourteen husholi per
acre. Frost has done more damage in
Marshall county and the grade of wheat
there will bo poor , generally speaking. There
are some exceptions , for frost seems to have
touched In streaks , so that while there are
fields that have filled tolerably well , there
are others not far distant where the heads
are not hall so we'll filled , and will yield u
shrivelled sample of grain. It socms proba
ble that an average of ten bushels per aero
will bo about all that Marshall county will
yield. We have it on reliable authority that
Kittsou county is worse hurt than Marshall
county , and there are fields there which will
not bo harvested.
On the Dakota side of the Hod river val
ley ( that is , in northeast D.ikota , ) the situa
tion is reported as being worse than in thu
Minnesota counties mentioned in the forego
ing. There are conflicting opinions ns to
whether the damage to wheat Is duo to frost
or has been caused by blighting , consequent
upon excessive heat and dews. The majority
hold that frost has done till the damage.
Frost on August 17 formed ice ns thick as
window glass on the water In Polk county ,
Minn. On or about the iMtli another severe
frost was experienced. Although these
frosts did not apparently hurt the straw and
chaff of the wheat , yet they must have hurt
the plant at that portion which joins the
kernel to the stem. This Is corroborated by
the fact that all the nutrition of the kernel
is destroyed. On some fields of fall wheat
the straw was very long nnd heavy , nnd hero
it was that rust did Its deadly work. Ono of
our correspondents states that a field owned
by him promised to yield thirty bushels per
acre , but on account of rust will not now
yield more than ten bushels per acre , of very
poor wheat.
The oat crop In the valley generally gave
promise of heavy returns , but rust has
prevented proper tilling , and the grain
threshed does not "fill the bushel well. "
Harlcy is n good crop and has not bocn in
jured so far as wo have been nblo to learn.
Dalrymplo apparently has good reasons for
advislntf farmers to hold on to their wheat In
expectation of higher prices later on.
A Cowhoy CorroboratPH the FirHt Re
port , Hut Others Arc Skeptical.
LAM tit , Colo. , Sept. 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : 15ii.l : The reports published re-
gardhig the wholesale slaughter of horse
thieves m "No Man's Land" have just been
received hero. The general opinion is that it
is a sensational item to faciliato the annex
ation of the "neutral strip" to Kansas. On
Thursday last a horscthiel was found in the
strip , and as Ward , a deputy sheriff had gene
after him and had his horsu shot from
under him , ho is credited with putting
one thlof out of the way. He brought back
six head of horses , nnd some saddles and
blankets. A posse is now out after a gang
headed by Hilly Qornelous , alias "Hilly the
If Id , " and it Is probable the thieves will die
in Squaw canon , their rendezvous , as the
pos u is well armed.
LATIH : A Panhandle cowboy Just in par
tially corroborates the account of the shoot
ing imil adds that besides the seventeen
thieves , three settlers were killed and five )
wounded. His statement , however , Is
doubted by ninny.
A Hloody Factional ICow in Monroe
County , Arkansas.
RT. Louis , Sept. 3. Aspccial from Helena ,
Ark. , says that the Monroe county campaign
dominated in n bloody tragedy Saturday
afternoon. The people's candidates % vcro to
speak and n great crowd had gathered.
William Wall ( white ) , of Holly Grove , at-
tomnU'd to strike a man named Dillard.whcn
thu latter shot Wall , who foil or. his knees ,
pulling lilt revolver and shot Dillard twice ,
after which ho fell back dead. The mob
rushed In on Dillard , but his friends sur
rounded him nnd with kniw.s nnd pistols de
clared thor ! Intention to defend him. Sheriff
Houinson iittemptod to arrest Dillard but
was shot by him in the thigh. The mob fell
upon Dillard and beat bun terribly , but
failed to kill him. A stray bullet killed n
negro spectator. TJillard was finally spirited
away with the mob still after him ,
Unco War In IlltnoK
Pr. I.ofis. Sept. 3. [ Special Telegram to
Tnu DUB. ] There Is a bitter race war going
on nt Kust Carondolut , 111. , just opposite
South St. Louis , which threatens to termi
nate seriously to-morrow when an election for
school directors will bo lie'ld. The whites
control the fchools , and have appointed
Juines Stewart , a negro , to teach the school
set apart for colored children , The ncgrooa
object to Stoivnrt , and if they fall to elect a
majority of the board to-morrow threaten to
eject htewnrt from the school by forco.
There have been aeveral encounters growing
out of the trouble , and ono negro was shot
and Korlously wounded. Last night nn at
tempt was made by thn negroes to assassin
ate Judu'o Shi'.rnian , who has ruled against
tlif.-m In several cases ,
No Truth In ihu Humor.
Diixvur.i September 3. There Is positively
no truth tn the published report that 100
whites Uuvo been massacred by the Indians ,
There wat n flfht between a band oi south
ern Utoa and a bund of Plutes In Paradox
Valley sovcnd days ago , in which several In-
dulns were reported to have been killed ,
Particulars o ( > be lifiljt kayo not yet been re
ceived ,
Efforts to Enforce the Olnrko Lm-J
Moot With Dismal Failure.
How the Thirsty \\Vro All Madi )
Happy on a Urccnt. Circus
Hay Other llawkcyo
Iowa Prohlhs Disconsolate.
WATKIILOO , In. , Sept , n. [ Special Tolo-
cram to Tar. Hii.l : Thu original package !
construction placed on the last Iowa llquoV *
aw Is causing the friends of the law consld *
crablo grief. A Chicago Importing company ,
which has nil agent at Murshnlltown ,
shipped a car load of beer and iiOO hundred
juarts of whisky into that place u day or two
igo , to bo sold on the day when Harnum's
circus was to show there. The whisky
nine in in quart bottle-M , each bottle * secured
n a strong wood box , stamped outside , ami
sold for ? ' . ! a package * . No one was allowed
o open the box in the room where it was
told. It is estimated that at least ono
itindrcd bottles were sold on circus day. In
he latter part of the afternoon the agent
voluntarily closed to avoid a charge of keep-
ng a nuisance. The beer cnmo in u car with
my , so that it was sold In the original pack-
igo without any box. Nearly all the car
load was sold Saturday.
Corn IH All Ulght.
Sioi-x CITY , la. , Kept. 3 , ( Special to Tnu
IBm.1 ] Anxlctyuboul the corn crop in north
western Iowa and southeastern Dakota Is rnp-
dly disappearing by reason of the hot , dry
weather. Heports from fifteen counties In
this region show that during the past two
wocks corn has raced toward maturity. On
ho higher grounds and uplands it has so far
l-rogrcs'.ed that It could now endure light
> osts. The * ears arc numerous and heavy
some of them enormous and already well
glazed. On thelowlying bottom lands it
will take ten or twelve * days to advance corn
so that it can stand even light frost. This Is
borauso continued wet weather in the spring
delayed phintlne thrco weeks beyond the
usual time. All the reports from the farms
along the valleys of the Maple , Little Sioux ,
l-'loyd , Hlir Sionx , and Vonnillion rivers
.he * choicest corn districts of the northwest
uro most encouraging , and show that the
vit-ld , unless severe frosts shortly ensue ,
will bo ono of the most bounteous ever gath
An Old HoldiiM-HnlcldoH.
Drnrtji-n , lit. , Sept. 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tun llin. : ] Albert Looper , a one-armed
veteran of the Sixth Io\vai-avalrycoinmittcd
suicide last night by taking strychnine.
After swallowing the drug ho attempted to
write out his sensations while dying , but the
jut the action of the drug was too rapid , set
thai he wrote only Incoherent sentences. Ho
was tin iniimto of the soldier's homo at Mar-
sliulltowii , and was hero on a furlough tosoo
his children , who reside In tills city. His
xcuso for tlio act was that ho was tired of
Ifo. Before coming to this country ho was
u line officer in the German army , nnd was
highly educated.
The Thirteenth llonnlnn.
MOINI : . , In. , Sept. II. [ Special to Tim
HKU. ) The association of survivors of thu
First battalion , Thirteenth regiment , United
States infantry , closed a successful reunion ,
hen * to-night. Nine stales were represented
In the persons present , thorc being thrco
from Nebraska and two from Illinois. The
secretary of state welcomed the association
in the absence of the governor , and they hud
ii variety of exercises and entertainments.
Tliis Is the fourth annual reunion of the asso
_ _ _
A nif { Corn Crop AHKurcd.
WATBKLOO , la. , Sept. A. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hcn.J Throughout north ccn- 'tjjj
trnl Iowa perfect corn weather Is nnd for two
weeks has been prevalent. Hot days ami
cool nights , coupled with an absence of rain ,
1ms forced the maturing process ns the hot ,
wet weather of the early summer forced
growth. Ten days moro without frost will
insure the largest corn crop ever grown In
north central Iowa , a district that lias been
In every way favored nil the present season ,
Mn nn City Infected With Thieves.
MASON- CITY , In. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tnu Hir. : . ] A great deal of thieving
is going on In this section. During the past
few elays twenty head of cattle were stolen
from parties at Norlhwood. The express
olllco at Plymouth was burglarised. Several
houses In this city have been ransacked and
complaints of pilfering from Manly ara
numerous. It is generally believed that it is
an organize ; ! gantr Is doing tliu jvorlc.
Th < > State Kail * .
Dr.s MOISTS , la. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hni ! . ] The state fulr is now
fairly under way , with a fair attendance and
fine exhibits. The receipts BO for are $3ODO
moro than for the coi responding tlmo over
before. The races are only fair , no very
speedy horses being entered , but the exhib
its of stock are very large and valuable * . To
marrow is old soldiers' day , when all old sol
diers arc to bo admitted free.
The Slon.v City JohhorH.
Stot'X CITY , In. , Sept. 3. ( Spcial Telegram
to Tin : Uun. ] The transportation committed
of the Sioux City rflobbora' and Manufac
turers' association met to day. Preliminary
steps were taken for bringing the case ol
Sioux City before the inter state commission.
This Is the result of the refusal of the railroad -
road companies to correct the gross discrim
ination * ] in favor of St. P.iul and Minneap
Day at CrcMton.
CiuSYi\ : . , Sept. 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tin * lir.n.1 Labor day was observed la
Cre.ston by n parade , participated In by all
local labor unions , headed by the brother
hoods of striking engineers and switchmen.
About six hundred were In linn , Kx-Scnatoi ;
Van Wyek of Nebraska and others mada
speeches at South Park. Van Wyek was roi
ceivcd with great enthusiasm.
Want Prnioorntli * Kndorsoincnt.
ATLANTIC , In. , Sept. n. ( Special Telegram
to Tnu Hii.J : : A petition Is being circulated
among the democrat * hero asking that J. U.
Sovereign , the union labor nominee , bo ea
dorscd by the democratic convention which
meets on Wednesday in Council Hltiffs. Sov
ereign made u Hpccc'.i hero on Saturday ntifht
aimed especially to catch Urn democratic- sup
port last year. There was a majority of U1
against the republicans In the district. '
A Convention Postponed.
iNDni'K.MicNf B , la. , Sept ? ) , [ Special Tolo
pram to Tim Uii.l-Tho - con
gressional convention for this ( the third )
district , which was to have been held to-day ,
was i-ostponed till Thursday , September 0.
PI re at Hlor.x City.
SIOL-X CITY , la. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tcld-
gram toTirn Hui : . ] An Incc-ndlury lire this
morning caused dumugo to the amount of
$ 1,01)0 ) to the boot and shoe sturo of F. M&
They Ohjcc-t 10 iho
Dim.iv , Sept. 3. The Pjirncllite incmbcra
at parliament have refused to have any
further connection with the Cork branch of
thu NutlonfU league on tlie ground that tUa
Fcnuu clement In it controls Us actions ,