Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Andrew IToglim'dicil at St. Joseph's
hospital ycHtcrdiiy afternoon lit the njo
of forty-five , llo-vriis u Swede , n In-
l > oror , mid had no relatives or friends
in tlio city.
Jlurloy Dennis died yesterday inorn-
inp at the ago of twenty-Blx. The fun
eral will be held from the family resi
dence , 1817 Webster btrcet , at 0 o'clocic
to-morrow morning.
Henry OUon died of consumption at
St. Joseph's hosnital yesterday morn-
Ing. Ho came from Iowa and has no
friends here. Ho was a Norwegian and
had a wlfo in the old country. De
ceased was forty-eight years old.
Prod Scsson and Joe Mills , two boot-
bhicku , stole some clothing on Saturday
night from the store of L. Ginsberg , "
1020 Douglas street. They ropbhodovor
Sunday In thu police station and will
tell their story to Judge Berka to-day.
Two wleldcrs of the blacking brush ,
Dan Miller , a colored lad , and Charles
Sexauur , were arrested.yesterday in tlto
alloy between Dodge street and Capitol
avenue and Twelfth and Thirteenth
street" . They were deep in a game of
"craps" when the olllcer swooped down
upon them , and bore them and their
"kits" to the station.
I'crHoiial I'arajiraplis.
J. E. Uoogc. of Sioux City , is nt tlio Pax-
Mrs , Dr. Summers 1ms returned from the
Mr. niid Mrs. W. W. Derllii , of Fremont ,
nro Millard quests.
K. II. Mnnpin , of Aslilmid , nnil .1. A. Kosi ,
of Wiilioo , nro t tlio Windsor.
W. F. Srott , of Orhnd Island , and Henry
Key , of York , arc 1'iixton guests.
KranU Wilson , of Sioux City , mid H. T.
JOMUH , of Sewnnl , uro nt tlio Milliircl.
F. It. Kllsworth , of West Point , mid W. W.
Koot , of Crete , were in the city yesterday.
Homo Again.
Ex-Governor Snundcrs is still n very sick
mnn , but liu was able to ho brought homo
nnil arrived hist nlpht in the B. ft M. sleeper
W. Tlio car was switched on tlio Missouri
Pacillo to the point nearest the governor's
rcBiilcnco in order to shorten his carrla u
ride us much ns possible.
Slioulni ; O1T tlio Fire I/ulllc ; .
Chief Galilean , having hcen pranted per
mission to exhibit the llro department dur
ing fair week , is making preparations for
Wednesday night on Davenport street be
tween Seventeenth and Tenth. Eight
companies will take part and tliero will be
bomo great racing between the teams.
KoiiKlit Over n Woman.
C. M. Smith and .lames Hinkle , a couple of
plasterers , got into an altercation yesterday
over a woman. The "scrap" occurred on
Eleventh street near Capitol avenue. The
woman at pno tlmo lived with Smltli , and
later on with Hiuklu , using the name of
each. She is now a prostitute. Smith had
one of his o.ves draped in black before the
olllcer captured them ,
A How in Dime Alloy.
Joe L.IIVCO , an Ittilinn , lives in Dago Alley ,
and claims to bo a blind man. Last night a
colored man by the name of ( Jrccn , who
works at Soutli Omaha and lives on Jones
street , passed through the alloy on his way
home. Lnveo rushed out and grabbed him
by the coat collar , and two of his friends
rushed to his assistance. Their intention
wtn supposed to have been lobbery. Green
fouglit them valiantly , and the row attracted
tlio attention of Olllcor McCarthy , who ar
rested Luvco. The others escaped.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Globe hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
Wanted In the IJIitfTs.
Henry Watts , alias Winston , is a very
smooth crook , Ho Mole u goU watch chain ,
vnluutl nt 40' ' ) , in Council Bluffs on Saturday.
Ho nnil Ills pal started for Omaha on tlio
dummy immediately afterwards. At the
depot the Council Bluffs police arrested tlio
pal hut somehow missed Watts. At the end
of the bridge Mr. Watts Jumped the train but
was captured by an Omaha olllcer. Ho re
fused to return to lown without u reiinisi-
sitlon , which will be issued and Mr. Watts
taltcn over the river. The ofllenso is grand
Klre nt the Union Cltil ) .
An alarm of llro was turned In from the
corner of Fifteenth ana Fnrnain streets nt
about 11 o'clock lust night. The damage
was insignificant , but the possibilities at one
tlmo wcro serious. The range in the kitchen
of the Union club sot flro to a pile of rags in
the corner behind It and Humes burst ins
through the rear windows of tlio huilding at
tracted a crowd , The llro department soon
extinguished the flames. The llro ivportoi
dashed away and returned with William
Pnxton , the E.OII of thu owner of the build-
in ; ? . Mr. 1'axton stated that the damage to
the building was Immaterial , and that tlio
llro wiib caused through curelccsncbs.
If you ncfd n perfect tonic or Mood
purifier , take Dr. Jones' 15od Clovci
Tonic. It spuoilHy cures till troubles ol
the Htonmehkidneys ttud Hvor. Can bo
liikcn by the moat delicate. Price 50
tents. Goodman Drug Co.
Ho WIH Cut \VectIs.
Joe Ilynii , alias "Oscar Wilde , " a noted
confidence operator and all-around crook ,
gracing the city Jail with his presence ouco
more. Judge Berka released film only i
short tlmo ago on n S..OJ bond to appear nl
tlio next term of the district court. "Oscar'
went over to Council Bluffs , nnd whcp
standing In n saloon u frcueutor ] of the
place handed him a f.'O uill to got , changed.
Ho went to get the change , but lost his w.ij
nnd wnnaercd back to Omaha , lloas
going to stay in Omaha and "work" the fair ,
but was arrested yesterduv on the charge o
vagrancy. His case is bomowhat compli
cated. llo cannot uo run out of town on ac
count of his bond , ho is wanted In Counci
muffs for the amusement ho had with the
f > 0 bill , and ho is not wanted in Omaha. Ho
will prob.tbly cut weeds.
1'Yco toH. .
The beruitiful picture , "Will They
' Consent ? " is a large magnificent engraving -
graving , printed upon a bheot 19 inches
wide by " 4 inches long. It is an exact
copy of an original painting by Kwtill ,
which was Fold for $5,000.
This elegant picture reprcscnt-i n young
lady standing m n beautiful room , surround
ed by all that is luxurious , near a half-
open door , while the young man , her ! ovcrU
seen in tin adjoining room asking the consent
of her naronts for their daughter in marriage. .
Tlio fine interior decorations , together , with
the graceful position of the beautiful girl is
in keeping with the sentiment of the picture.
It must bo seen to bo appreciated.
This valuable picture is fitting to adorn the
wall of any ladles' parlor , and in order to
oiler an extraordinary inducement to intro
duce our Wax Starch , this costly picture will
bo given away , free to every person puivhas-
Jacr n small box of Wax Starch.
This starch is something entirely new , nnd
Is without n doubt the greatest starch inven
tion of the nineteenth century , ( tit least every
body says so that havoused it ) . It supersedes
everything heretofore used or known to
science in the laundry art , Unllko anvothcr
starch , as It is coated with pure whlto
wax nnd chemically prepared upon scientlflo
principles by un export in the laundry pro
fession who has had years of practical exper
ience In fancy laundrylnif. It is the lirstund
only starch In the world that makes It-oums }
easy and ro3tores old summer dresses to their
natural whiteness , and imparts to linca n
beautiful nnd lasting 'IISD. ' !
Plciiso remember that vto present you re
ceive with each box of 4X Starch , has
never been sold nt retail &r less than ono
dollar. Tilts great offer IsTnly good for six
weeks , utter which the nrofont will bo omit-
loci and the starch sold at the usual price.
Try it and bo convinced of thowbolo truth.
Ark your grocer for Wax Smirch nnd ob-
talu this beautiful and costly pUture freo.
tftfkuit , :
Ilbv. SnvlilKo'B Ijnst Tnlknt tlie'ftaw-
nnl Street Church ,
Hcv. C. W. Savidgo , pastor of the Scwnrd
street Methodist church preached his fare
well sermon yesterday before a largo congre
He took his text from Acts ! M'B. : "And
now brethren , I commend you to God and
to the word of His grace , which is able to
build iou up , and to give you an Inheritance
among all them which are snnctitlcd. "
In this twelfth chapter of Acts , from the
seventeenth verso to the thirty-eighth In
clusive , is Paul's memorable ad ill ess at Mile-
tos to the iCpheslmi ciders.
The great apostle was on one of his mis
sionary Journeys , and Hading that the ship
in which he sailed would bo detained at Mile-
tos for a few days , ho sent over to Ephesus ,
his old church , for the ciders to come to him ,
which they gladly aid. Paul gives them
some words of farewell at the close of n
three year's pastorate.
In this address Paul takes a rotrospert of
hisephesian ministry. Ho says : " 1 have
gone among you preaching the kingdom of
God. 1 have taught you pul'illely , testifying
to the Jews , and also to the Greeks , ro-
pcntenco toward God , and faith toward our
Lord Jesus Christ. " And In summing up
the great design of his ministry , ho says it
was to testify to the gospel of the grace of
God. And the presentation of these great
truths had boon accompanied by the "dem
onstration of the spirit uml power. "
This address shows some of the qualities
which enteied into his ministry. His minis
try was noted for its Industry. Paul did not
cat the bread of Idleness , for ho says : "lly
the space of thico years I ceased not to warn
every ono night and day with tears. " Tlio
spur to this great activity was his love for
men and his fear that they might go down
to eternal death. How seldom wo see such a
minister. Chry.sostom or Bernard or Caivia
can not bo compared to him. Paul was like
the great master , who said : "I must work
ttio works of him that sent mo while it is day.
The night comcth when no man can work. "
His ministry was also full of tenderness.
For lie says ho served the Lord among them
with many tears. This great preacher had a
heart. Ho had n compassion for those who
were out of the way.
His ministry was very unselfish for ho
said , " 1 seek not yours but you. I have
ovetcd no man's silver or gold or raiment.'A
Ic cared for "property in souls. "
His ministry was full of heroism. Luke
ells us of an ICphnsian riot through which
inul passed. After the manner of men ho
'ought with beasts at Kphcsus. Nor did ho
linn to declare the whole counsel of God.
Standing , as we do to-day , at the cloio of
; v \cars'pastorate in this church , we
cannot help but take a hasty look at the
last. 1 wish I could say that in these past
hrco years I had shown even a shadow of
lioso nualitlf-s I have mentioned in the great
.trencher at Ephesus. Tills I cannot do. I
shall bo content if God shall say : "He hath
.lone what ho could. "
You remember how I came to you and how
was welcomed. There have b ° oii some
illscouragcinciits and hindrances all the way
: ilong. Every work on earth , I suppose , must
jo in some HUIIHU u failure1. We do not com-
.ilotc. things hero. Hut wo have our
successes as well as failures.
God been very good to me personally ,
cumo to you a man in years but ,1 timid boy
it heart. Hut God has helped me grow back-
: > onu in the Seward street church. 1
lave heard the words of praise mid
; ho hiss of hate without being lifted up by
the ono and without fear of the other. God
ms also given mo home and loved ones since
i cameto labor among you. for which I do
iot cease to thank him. 1 hope a man limy
succeed mo whose heart and sympathies have
icen developed and purilicd by the sacred
nlluenco of homo and dear ones.
I want to return thanks to God for this
'net. Ho has permitted mo to keep my old
friends and to make many new ones , not only
in my own church but within the pale of
other communions , and in the world around
ne. I can say with Wesley : "I desire to
lave a league offensive and defensive with
every soldier of Christ. "
Again tlio Lord has given me a clearer In-
ight into his truth and a richer and deeper
uhristmn experience since I came to work
with you , and this morning I claim Christ ns
: ny uttermost savior. God has helped mo to
jot the word before Uio people. It Is God
ivho has helped mo to know something of the
ninger in the hearts about me. And he has
sent great crowds to this church. And then
our Father has put It into the hearts of our
city editors to reproach the word to vast con
gregations. Wo humbly thank God for all
this. Oh , for clearer views of
God and liw truth , that wo may
" : iclp struggling hearts around us.
Again God has been gracious to you us n
church. You numbered three years ago 10J
members and the church was not half the
si/o of this present building. To-day you
number 100 strong , and you have the largest
congregation of English speaking people in
our city. And your influence as a church has
cone out tluough this and other statcs. At
this altar bcores of sinners have been con
verted and numbers of believers have been
s.itislicd. And as you well know in the past
few weeks a flame of revival has broken out
wniih is most unusual but ulcssed. Our
llnancinl success this year has not been by
tiny means whnt wo hoped , but God and good
men know the causes for this. Hut the finan
cial affairs of this church will bo well taken
care of by those who nro to follow us.
Looking again into ono text the npostlo
takes a glance into the future. Ho says , "I
go bound in the spirit Into Jerusalem , not
knowing the things that shall befall inc
there. " Bonus and nfllietlons awaited him
everywhere. But none of these things
moved him. Ho was almost a year reaching
Humo. And for two years he was a prisoner
m the imperial city.
Very little of our own future can bo seen.
God only gives us n moment at a time. You
do not know who-your pastor will bo. Nor
do I know whether my work is done in this
city , or whether many years of labor are yet
before mo here. God grant wo may have
Paul's faith and his bravery as wo look into
the beyond. Let us forever lay asldo our
distrust and our fear. Ho ashamed of
nothing but sin , and fear no ono but God.
In closing tins address Paul urges the eld
ers of the Ephosian church to take heed to
themselves and to the Hock over which the
Holy Ghost had made them overseers.
So I counsel you to-day. See well to your
own soul life. Know lor yourselves you
belong to God. And ask God to give j ou the
touch of clc.uiinp. Then watch over the
Hock , warn thosowho are out of the way ,
support the we.ik , and God will give jou a
great reward. *
1 would say especially to those who have
started for heaven during my pastor
ate : Bo true to God. Wherever I go I shall
pray for you. And I expect to meet you in
In a few days your new pastor will stand
here. Give him n warm welcome. Do not
wait for him to find you. Go find him out
and give him your hand ami tell him your
name. If his sermons are too dry or too long ;
if he is too slow , or too dull , or too stylish
or too plain , or tuo awkward to do mucli
good , pray for him. That is the euro for poor
preaching1. If the Seward street church Is
what it ought to be , it can make good preach
ers , Ask God to make your pastor a holy
man , tender in conscience , gcntlo ns n dove ,
and bold ns n lion. If ho never had n Pcuto
cost himself , go to the Lord and have one
sent down on him at onco. Don't pray at him
but pray for him.
This church has had a marvelous history
It will have a glorious future. May God bless
you all. May the Holy Ghost take up Ills
abode in your hearts and in this house. Anil
may wo all moot in heaven when our life
work is over is my prayer. Amen.
Oct Yourllnllroad Ticket ?
and secure your sleeping berths at
1U02 Farnam St. ,
Union Pacillo Ticket office ,
City Ticket agent.
DUhoiiCHt Hell HOJ-H.
Samuel Bui-clotto lost n diamond pin at the
Paxtou Friday , nnd suspicion foil on two bellboys
boys , John Sawyers and Hen Slmlon. One
was caught that night prowling where ho
ought not to have been , nnd was promptly
discharged. The othur quit the next day.
Sawyers was arrested Saturday afternoon
mid Simlou Sunday jnornlug. The pin was
a present to Burdctto and ho doesn't- know
its value. The boys were offered i'M for it
by a pawnbroker. The stone was .recovered.
The hotel managers propose znnking aa example -
ample or ; IIQ bell \ioja \ ,
in IlunillnrMi For Omnli.Vs
Annual Fair.
Twelve o'clock , noon , to-day will see the
gates closed ngainst deadhead ? , and the
Omaha Fair startM in n business-like way
and for business. Yesterday presented a
lively scene , and visitors had n chance to In
spect any of the trotting horses entered for
the races , the exhibits offered by ambitious
competitors , the mysteries of circus lemon
ade nnd railroad sandwiches or half n dozen
small , colored Jockeys shooting craps. There
was no admission fee , nnd the grounds were
extensively patronized. At the Sherman
nvcnuo entrance , the ofllco of the sec
retary was in n rushing condition ,
and Assistant Secretary Glbbs
said that so far ho had received upwards of
three thousand entries from exhibitors ,
which included everything Irom n string of
buttons to a trotting horse or a windmill.
He also stated that the buildings destroyed
last full by flro had been replaced , and that
there was a new floral hall , amphitheatre ,
pool room , power hall , hog and sheep pen ,
cattle barn and horse stalls. The demand
for stalls for cattle and horses so far ex
ceeded the number furnished that a gang of
carpenters were put to work upon nn all-
night Job last night , and this morning will
Hnd that every accommodation has been pro
vided for man or beast.
Aside from the general exhibits the at
tractions to-day will bo the races nt"o'clock ,
when the following two-year-olds will bo
trotted fora $1110 purse : Hobble , owned bv
Ed Pyle , of Humboldt , Neb. : Kilty , by C.
H. Creiirhton , Omaha , Neb. ; Countess , by
Frank Cram , Avocn , In. : Manneta , by A. T.
Turner , Hcd Oak , la ; Loamy For
rest , by H. W , Oilman , Omaha , and
Floyd , U. T. ICncpbs , Slouf City. In.
Tlmo will bo called at 2 o'clock , and at 3
o'clock the competitors in the chariot races
will make a start. To-morrow morning the
Judges seleeted to decide on the merits of the
various exhibits will start out on their tour
of inspection , and they will be kept busy
from then until the end of the week , when a
fair pronoilion of the three thousand exhib
itors will go home , satislied that in Omaha
at least n man is Judged by what ho can do
or show , nnd not by who ho is.
For delicacy , for purity , and for im
provement of the complexion nothing
equals Po//oni's Powder.
The Strikers IMamiing to Cut Down
In answer to the query , "Anything now ? "
yesterday , Tun Bir. : reporter's engineer
friend responded :
"Well , not exactly. I suppose you know
the brotherhood men are talking of a now
plan to boycott the 'Q. ' Instead of refusing
to handle its cars , the scheme is to cut down
the 'QV freight earnings. "
"How ! "
"Well , the plan is to let Iho merchants of a
town wherever there is another road under
stand that they wont get the trade of tlio
railroad men If 'hoy ship their freight over
the 'Q. ' The boys report that it has been
tried at ( Irnnd Island , and the merchants are
standing by 'em. The way to reach the road
Is through its pocket , I tell you. "
"How long * "
"Oil. it's been talked of for two weeks. It
came up at the close of the meeting of Union
1'ncillc men last night , you know. It was
talked over informally after Noashum's ad
dress , and the boys all seemed to favor tlio
idea nt least all these who spoke did. Of
course they couldn't take any action there ,
because It was Just a promiscuous like meet
ing of engineers , firemen , switchmen nnd
shopmen. But the boys agreed to take up
the matter in their unions. I think all of
them will meet this week. Of com so the
boys'll keep quiet if they decide to picket.
But they'd have means of knowing what
merchants patronized tlio 'Q' and what done.
"Ncasham's address.I
"Oil , ho is a Knight of Labor
man , and has a scheme for or
ganizing all the railroad men's
unions into a federation , as ho calls it. The
idea is that till the railroad boys should stand
together Ncnshain says the companies are
trying to break our power by gettintr the
unions out witli ono another. Ho claims to
bo ono of a great many organizers at work
all over tlio country , nnd ho thinks a national
meeting will bo held in October , probably at
St. Louis. 1'erhapu the unions will take up
the scheme.
"StiyI I notice I'm : BIB : puts tlio attend
ance at last night's meeting at ISO. Alter
the reporters were turned out two more delo-
gallons came in nnd there were four or five
hundred 100 anyway. "
Tlio I'olioo Hound ing Up
I-'air Visitors.
The city is full of "cvooka" who have como
to town to "work" the fair. Last night Iho
police ran in E. B. Smith , better known ns
' I'okcr Smitb , " a well known gambler and
'onlWcnco ' man. Smith formerly made lots
of trouble for the Omaha polico. Ho is known
from New Orleans to Denver as a sharp card
nan. Ho used at ono time to travel with
'Canada Bill , " the well known confidence
Charles McDonald , who has served twenty
sentences in the county Jail for various of
fenses , was jailed yesterday. McDonald la
known to bo nn all-around crook and high
way robber. tHe has not been soon in Omaha
since last spring , nut ! is supposed to bo hereto
to "see" the fair.
D. CJoyser is in the "tank" charged with
licing a vagrant ami suspicious character.
Ho was atone tnno n bartender at the Diamond
mend saloon , but was discharged six months
ago. Since then ho has been a
loafer. Ho is said to be a "pool room fiend. "
Last night the police picked him up on the
corner of Douglas and Twelfth streets nnd
ran him in on general principles.
Since Saturday morning the police have
made sovciity-llvo arrests. A largo number
of those have been for fighting and plain
drunkenness , but many of the prisoneis nro
well known "crooks , " who nro hero to plv
thuir nefarious trade among the visitors to
the fair. They are holntr housed ns fast ns
detected , and it , is Imped that much harm
will bo averted thereby.
A rii-o in the California Woods.
Nineteenth Century : You arc in the
redwoods and the hour in about 10
o'clock ut night. The heat has been in-
totibo all day nnd the air has boon full
of smoko. The forest is on lire , either
on your own plaeo or on that of ono of
your neighbors ; for every ono turns out
to fight the common enemy , and your
house or his , or both , may by threat
ened. All tlay your moil have been
busy with axe and shovel making a trail
through the woods or clearing out an
old one. A trail for this purpose b
merely a narrow pathway through the
woods , from which the brush is cut and
the fallen leaves cleared away , so that
fire will not bo able to run across it.
Iho trail had been cut in a scmlcirclo
round the fire , but at fcomo considerable
distance from it. Now you proceed to
klndlo the brush all along the edge of
the trail on the side toward the burning
Already you hear in the distance the
roar of the llro as it advances , the
crackling and crashing of the branches
ab they fall from some rotten troo. the
crackling , hissing and rushing of the
Humes as they leap up some bank thiclc-
ly covered with brush , and every mo
ment it is drawing nearer and nearer ,
sometimes with leaps and bounds whcro
it finds plenty to prey upon , sometimes
creeping slowly along the ground by
means of the fallen leaves with which
the forest is carpeted. Meanwhile the
fires which you have lighted , so small
at first , are growing aa they advance ,
and will soon rival the fire they were
made to combat. On they go , seizing
everything they moot on their way.
Fallen trees , piles of slabs , branches
anrt tree tops left by the woodman , with
great masses of bruoh and bramble , pro
vide food enough. On it goes , for your
dllVeront fires have now joined , and
ono givat wall of llamo goes racing for
ward , leaves behind it piles of burning
timber , while hero and there some un
sound takes llro and stands out
a hugo flaming torch , burning elton for
aiUr tUe rest Ql tlw fire bad : n
iway or left only a few Miiolderliip logs
lehfiul. The foroet , which few nip-
ncnts before was sunk in the deepest
gloom , Is now lighted u to its inmost
eccso9 by a dcojii lurid glow , making
ho great trees look wiurd and ghastly
s It plays on their hugo trunks and
miMilvo limbs. The nolwo becomes tcr-
illlc ; the roaring , cracking crackling ,
groaning and hissing increases as the
wo llres approach each other. Nearer
ml nearer they come , two great waves
f llatnc , licking up cvorythinr as they
MIPS ; nearer still and nearer thenwith
i roar like hinder , at ono bound they
eap the Intervening space , hurl them-
hoinselvcti into each other's arms and ,
olliding twisting and wheeling in 0110
vild embrace , send treat tongues of ( Ire
ihooting high into the heavens , llght-
ng up the most distant mountain tops
vlth a bright rod glow.
All danger is now past , only cnro Is
till required. Tlio men gather from
heir dilloront parts along the line a
agged , smoky , grimy looking crew you
.hinlc thorn , and are probably a good
oal surprised when you got homo the
ext morning toiindthat the raggedest ,
Timiust , smokiest of the lot was your-
olf. A hugo demijohn is now produced ,
nd California ! ! though it'be , without
jvon the usual addition of the French
ibol , no wine ever tasted as well ns
hat wine does after the heat and toil of
ho light.
Nothing much now remains to bo
one. Most of the men go home to bed ,
few only remaining to patrol the trail
nd watch that the lire does not break
tit bevond it. There are dangerous
pots on every trail , where for instance ,
'real inns-sea of fallen timber keep
mouldering on , occasionally blazing up
ind throwing out sparks for some days ,
n * a standing tree having caught lire ,
nay threaten to fall across and klndlo
ho dry brush boyond.
Us super'or ' exi-cllenro proven In millions ot
lomos lor moio tnan u quarter of a century. It
s Hied by the T'liltt-d Stntes ( lovprnmunt. Kn-
lors-eil liy the bends of tlio Brent rnlversltlo < us
ht > strotiKuU , pur " ) t nnd must healthful. Ir )
rice's Cream linking 1'owilor does not contain
ammonia , llmo or alum. Snld only In cans.
ritici : IIAKINC I'ownmt co.
Mew York , Chicago. St. I.ouls.
Monday at 4 P. M. , Tuesday , Wednesday
and Thuisilay at 11 A. M.
7riday at 11 A. M. , Saturday. Sunday and
Monday at 3-Ab.
vnuwg am
General Agents for
ami other llrst-clasi I'Innoa.
l.otik at 1'OLLOWIXU ItAltUAIXb L'OU
. .nmen Mnntlilu
ISteimvay Square , cost tOXJ
1 Knabo Siiuaie , cost iCOU.for
SJ5' ' ) . IS/IO 15.OT
1 Decker llros. Sinitirc , coat
WVJforSOJ . 20.00 10.00
Ihnmtrrfuu Square , cojt
SI'Jii ' , lor1. * ) . 10.00 5.00
I Newton & Co. Square , cost
JIUO , tor'110 . 15.00 B.O'J
1 Marshall \ \Vendel Uprliiht
Pluuo.costnowMUJ.foHl'Hl 'JO.OO 10.00
1 Ilnllut X Davis Unrlght
us good H3 new , cost i.j < JO ,
1'or ' " a.J.00 15.0J
1 Hallot i ; DnvlsSquaiu , coat
novvWJO , ljr $ i M 20.00 10.0J
liuonlngurfi Octavo Or nn ,
cost new 473 , for only 10.0J fi.OO
1 fhonlngcr Orgun. u ea ono
year , cost nuwSlJj.for HM . 10.OT C.OJ
\Iason .t llninlln Orgun
tloullo Ijiink , cos.t new i JO ,
Jor5B.-i 10.09 fl.O )
filing this nil. vlth you to avoid nilitnkc-j.
Corner SlMucnth anil Fai-iiain StH.
DII. U. 0. WEST'S Nenvr ; AND TlruiN
HF..NT , a gimranteed snc.clllo for Hjsteria ,
ness. Convulsions , i It. , Ner\ous Neuralgia ,
Ueadnctie , Nnrvous I'lr trntiun caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakofulness. Mental
Depression , Koftonlnu of the JhfUn. resulting In
Iimmty , and leailluu to jnisorv. decny uml
death , Premature Ola ARC , Uairemiess. Loss of
I'ower In cither avx. Involuntary Losses anil
ppermatorhira caused by over-exertion ( if the
brain , self-abuse or over-Indulcenco. rcoh bet
contains one month's treatment. 81.00 n box. or
uix bores f or $3,00 , sent by mull prepaid on re
ceipt of pi Ice.
To cure any ca . With each order racelved by
as for frlx boxes , accompanied vrlta 15.00 , we
v 111 tend the purchaBrr our written aruaranteo
to rotund th money If the treatment docs not
effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by 0. P.
( JOODilAN.Dru&ctst , Sola As nt , 1110 1'arnam
Mro t Otnann. N'oti
_ _
I lie largent , f tcst and tlnt-bt In tbo world
I'nsscn jer aocumuodutlons unuxcellcd.
\e\v Vark lo ( lliikuitivvlul.uuilnnilrpfn
EK l.t Hcnt. Fth I Hr.voNiA . Sept ? tn
l.riuiirn . soot. IMh ICIUCAIUIA . IM.MII
AMMIiilllA. . . . fcept. 2'ill Ktll.VLiblA , . . . .Oct UtU
Ttio Culetirntud I lj\Tgv l nnd tlni-it I'm- 1 t-cpt. I > th
Sieninihlp tcnevr Menmcr In OiT. ! > nl
C1TV OK IIOMK I IhtlVYoill , I IXT. Sl t
Saloon p3KSco to OlniKOw. Dcrry , Urerpool.llulfait
urtjueiuslunn , KXIauil uptvurdu IKT ( ilnnjow Moiiiu-
cr , MJ mid upwardi furclly ot Homo , l-vcoml-chus
( .41. lluturn tULult in iuJuc.0'1 ' ratu made available
Jor cither niule. oiTi rlns 'n uri | > iil ts tbe | ul > ilrnj
of seclnt , ' the .Nortuand Soutli of Ire and. the Illmm
Meneyand plcturt'i'inol'l/ile. Hte-ruao * u. Ani lior
l.lno drnflh payable fioo or cliurvo , m > ld tit | .i i' t
lines , horbookuf tours , tickers or further Inloruiu-
lion apply to
HCHDEBSOS BEOS. , 73 La Sails St. . Chlwso
Or to any ot our local aieuts.
Clothing House
I i
New Goods will be Shown in the Following Departments
Boy's and Children's ' Clothing Dept
Furnishing Goods Department ,
. , , Proprietors . ;
Cor. 15th and DougloS Streets Omaha Nebraska.
We can ( live ijon the lai't/
[ stock and aivo tlic lowest
in tlto city.
Al'j'oprlutno Mt i < iui tiiat neei'j but a trial
to prove Haurth. .
Dr , Calender's ' Led Liver Bitters ,
The only Distilled Hitters In the United
States. The only Hitters tecoKiilzud by the
t'nlteil State-i Intcinal rovcmio laws us ixl'ro-
nrictnry Meillclne. Luwtullv rntrntod. No. of
I'atent 14O.673. Contains no fuall
essential oils , no foreign suusiaticn or dniunp ; .
Ins draws. A perfectly nuro meillclne , com
pounded from Pure Hoot llerhs nnd Old IVach ;
pleasant to the taste , quiet and decisive In lit
effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow .Jaundice In
five days. Itcculateb the Ilowcls. Invlcoratos
Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Liver , Itovlves
the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly.
ItefTtilatcs the vrnolo bystem. New Life to the
Left Uvcr Hitters lire sold In Oraahn , Neb by tlio
fo.lowlnu < ! riiKiii tJ IticaarJson Krujt Co. , t-ioflal |
\Violc'5iilo ) , lor tuodriu liuerunt of KcLruaka. Uo-
Co. , W. .1. Wiatoliouso , T. W fivat
. .
Cox , .Max C < nmil. rnink W. 1-uK.f , It. llaniiuision ,
f.oirr.-o ( jtoMlcr. | ! " > il 1'h , rmacy. ( J. A.Moklior. .
Ilowanl .Mt > er i , rnink . lo\lono ) \ , i. * Co. , wholesale
dealers In O and lxiltUerllllt r ,
This remedy Hxsarrnnted to cure nil cases of
Dyspcpalti , Hntulenre. Acidity of the Stomuch ,
nnaimligtstton , no matter'of how long Btaml-
inc. ITlco 60c per box. For sain by all UniK-
I'lsts. Jluuula urea by Qtutav.e Hahn , Omaha ,
Under the Direction ofthe Religious of the Sncrccl Heart.
Opens Wednesday , September 5th , 1883
Opens Monday , Sopl. oil.
THUMP Hoard , Washing , Tuition In Knsllsh
mid I'lench , liistiiiinental Mu.tlc and tlio of.
Hooks , iicrfeobMonof llvumuntlid , TIIIt.MS According to Grades of Ktmlles.
Painting , Drawing , Shorthand , Herman , Italian , Vocal Music , Harp , Violin , etc. , are oxtru
Difference , of rellclpn Is no obstacle to the ailin < islon of young ladles. Tor further Infonna-
lion apply to MAOA.MK M. J.DUNN U , Suiiorloresa of Hoarding Acadamy , 1'ark I'lme ,
Omaha. Nobr.iska.
MAUA.MK U 1)U ) MONT , Superioress of Day Academy , St. Mary's Ave , Om.ilui , Neb ,
Certified Checks , Pnyablo al Sight on
Pugcl Sound National Bank Given as
Security ( or Money Invested.
TollioiodcMrotucflmylnK property on time , no
oner the follmvJnK' Wo ulll iillow Irom 3 immtlio
to fi ycari tlmo , ncconlliiK to tlio liiiul > on bt'lects
Wo tliaivo neither premium nor Intonst mi llmo.
im ) mom ? , inul will nlvo ymi n wnrrnntr dui-il Wo
liuvo loti lit J.V ) nnil W < uullliln n niillii
ot two ami a lialf inllc < of tlio poBtolllre. W
qulro only HI per cent , ns 1111 lumiPH money and no
v.111 KivccortiMed chock fur tlio lull nmount of ( nrli
nmlevery tml i.Ti'iciit payment 'lineliocklpilnuvn
by tlio 1'iiscet Houml Nuilomil Imnk nnil Is nmilupiiv
Hblo nt slt-lit ana you can ( Irinr your money nt nny
tlmo tlioiiph by sciilolnt : you [ orfult jour nulitu to
piirrluiiolunil. .Miko : your Income , nn miitlcr h.iw
hiiiHll.ourn siimollilnc. Trnn'coiitinentiiliiiilrniula
inolioiullng Tor Scuttle , uml miunilnrlurltinUtlour-
Milne ( ioncml commerce H In n Mate of Milirfm *
[ ml UrourooMoii. Tlio .liilly impcio nr III lei ! witli
accounts of now enterprise1' . Culilo ntrHimil Imrpo
ciirMclrclort'-Hltlp. ' Aililrca * COOK .V MOOltII ,
Who Imvo the I AlK.Kr-T 1'ltOI'KHTY J.lbT lu
OUJ' rent fioin All
adju tinifliall In d fit < r. fut tptu
Itpt'f tonll ) ' a un/ not thnliuilj.wl.i o
' t'lp.nrooocn ' hock
xiv * v
ftteo.i the Intuatlnaa Just op n per-
Jlooa With the flriROr. * iililliilit iiriwuro
eon lleroi f li. Id wcuu-ly < i iy i.ii.t n e' ' " . ' ' ' . ' " . . " " ' 'ill '
f urocertuln. It Iscai-v iliiriitili'fii lihifip Hint ny nmll
ClrcuUMtrcc. itt-iltioi iiitsi tu.Ul e .l *
ir. j.
Surgeon anil Physician ,
Office N.NCuii. . "i HIII "i I 1) ii-l ; nrft. OiIiC9
telejihouu , Wj,1 lUilitunto tulephonCi M.
The only rnal In tiVofnr lira Mnmos , .M r lialtn rii
Cedar llapd ! < , Clinton. Dlxon , Clilui-o , Mllviaukcu ,
and all point * ia : t. Ti tlio pfiiple of Nclira kHCuli > -
rmliiyuinlnu , Utah , Idaho , S'oui'l.i. ' Orcuiin. Wasli-
InElon and CalKornla , U oili'rs nucurior a'lviuauji'S
noi ro lUlu by uny otliur line.
Atnong n low of ( ho nunicr > u' polntxif Ktipcriorlty
fnlijyxd by the patnnii < > t tint road UctiTccn Omulm
and < lilrnuu. nro Its tlircu train ) a day nt 1IAV
CACIIlJ. ( : which are llm linen III U liuniun art and
liiiVnulty can create. In I'AI.ACBM.KKHN. . , CAliH.
thui'iiunl of whlih Cinnot ha ioiiiicl cl owhere. At
Countll lllult , the Iralnt nl thu I'nlon I'atlilo Hall
way connect In union doHit | with thoxi of thu Chi-
( iitio.V Noilhwe tern lly. In Chlcniio Ihu trains of
this line luiiku tlujj connection with those of nil
otliorl. astern llnoa. .
I or Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
Nlavnrn I alls nulia'n. I'litaburw , 'liiriiiito. .Montrcul
llotton , No * Vork. I'hlla IHphl.i , lUllliiior. . , Wa h-
Inirton , and all points In the Kant , Ask lor llukcts via
" 10
If you with Itio best lucoiuiuocatlon. All ticket
„ , „ I00i ILK
W. IIAI-C - IC. 0 , ; i . , } A ent. ( >
a. F. WKST , ( ; ity l'as < cnzer Aifcnt ,
1101 raruam Btrcet , OuaUw ,
Ita tun In llnei and lirnnchei CHICAGO ,
ENivonxit , Axoinaoir. CEDAJI HAI-IDS.
and ucorcB of Intermediate cltlcu. Clioico ot
routca to and from the FaclQc Conct. All trans
fers in Union dope's. Fnet trains of Vina Dr > 7
Conches , elegant Dining Cam , tmBnlflccn. Pull *
man X'alaco Ulccpcni , ami ( between Chicago , ot.
Joeorh , Atcul3ou ami Kaceaa City ) Kccllnln. ?
Chair Cnro , Cruta Tree , to holders of UirougU
Urct-clncj Uckuta.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Grent Rock lolnncl Route. "
I2xtonda Wcat and Douthwost from Kansas City
anil BU Joecph to KKLHON. HOllTOJr. . UULUi-
UUTCinNBOff. CAUWEIX. ana ad paints In
and beyond. Entlra pasHcnfjercrimiimont of th *
culGurntoil Pullman luaoufiicturo. AU uuftity UI
rHiuccs uncl mocluru Jmprovcmcnta.
The Famous Albert l.on Route
la the fftvoil'c between Chicago , Jtc-jk Iclr.nJ ,
A'culeon , Itrnj.ia City nnd Hlano-l- and St.
1'aiU. Ita AVntcrtown binnch travoreia the vrcut
of Northoni Town , Ocuthwoutcru Zllnnecoto , and
I'.uut Central Dakatii to "Wntortov.TJ , Gplrlt Ialo ,
Dions 1'allij anil many otlici towns nnd cities.
The Ohoi t I.lao vlcv t'untcn and Kankakoa offora
tijicrlor fdclhtiea to travel to und tram InJtlau *
niiolU , Cincinnati nnil irthrr Southern polnt.i.
1'orTUkots , Mnim.VUd.jrs , ordoslrcit Informa-
tlou , apiily at any Couinu Ticket OlUco or nddrelU JOHN , .A. HOLnnooK ,
Qtu'l Xuminar. Oen'l Tkt , C 1'tUIJ. Ajt.
Chicago , Milwaukee St , Paul R'y ' ,
The licht Itouto from Oiiiiiliu and Couucll
Chicago , AND Mlliranlico ,
St. Paul , Mlniiti : ( > ells , Cedar IlanldS ,
Itock Island , l-'rcpport , Itochford ,
Clinton , DuliiKjup , llitTcuport ,
Miidlson , Juncsillle ,
licloll , Vi'lnuuu , I i Crosse ,
And all other Important point * i : t
Boutboait ,
Tor thronsli llcleti c ll n.i the ticket f ent at I Ml
Knrnaui > tr it , lu lluUer lliort , or at Union I'acldo
ifflman hlecpcrt and ihe flneit Dlplnz Can In th
orld uru run on the mam Iio of ( Ue Cb "rffvAJU
aulicu A til. raul ll llv. r. and every AttouUOUlj
paid la ( < ien er > cl U4
toullft.KU. ! ( Icncral M n g < ! r.
J.K.1HCKKU , Anl tniilO b ralMaiiairir.
A , V. 11. CAliVje TKll , Ounerul i' > nf r ana
OKOtl ! 'll&AFFOlUJ , Alll tant