Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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irtii-irn TTT -
oi'TieiJi NO. i'r
Delivered bv Tarrler in Anv 1'art of the City at
Twenty Cents I'er Week. .
TUiRiNFW ) OrrifF. No. 43.
NldllT KlIITOII , No. ) .
iM i x o 1 1 ainx T i ON * .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Finest line of dress goods over shown.
Fnll styles. A. Holler , incruluint tullor ,
"C'onHistonc.v , thou nrt tv jowol. " but
tliy sparkling IH unknown In tbo Coun
cil Ululls ollleo of the Omaha Hepub-
llciin ,
Tlio county board , while In session
this wcok. Hhould take steps to have the
court houto ground 8 ll.xeii up in a manner -
ner worthy of ho noble a strueturo.
A notitlon is being cireulated among
the Mulls citizens , asking the county
commissioners to locate a bridge over
Indian creek on Twelfth street , between
Uroadway and Avenue A. _
Marshal Gunnclla left last evening for
Kansas City , where .John Ford is under
arrest for forging the name of Ko'sie
Flshor and obtaining the hitter's trunk
under faltc pretences. The marshal
will return with the prisoner this even
John Huno & Co. , the leading dry
goods llrni in Council lllulfr , is having
a most favorable will for the celebrated
Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton , particu
larly the 'PAST blaci : . This cotton is
only on white spools. Ask for the
O. N. T.
To-night the subscribers to the Ch.iu-
Imiqun enterprise are to meet at the
board of trade rooms for their annual
meeting. This meeting is a very im
portant one. Ollioors are to bo elected ,
and decisions made as to the holding of
the llrbt assembly next year.
The Allcn-lli oolcs pri/.e light is set
for this week , and tickets have been
placed on sale at several sporting places
in the city. The match ib for ? > < ) a side
and the winner takes two-thirds of the
gate receipts. It is probable that the
light will take place on Iowa soil. Hoth
parties are in active training , and arc
each equally confident of success.
It is claimed that no saloon is allowed
to remain open alter 1 1 o'clock at night
unless a fine of WO per month is paid to
the city clerk. If this ib actually the
case , there arc a great many V > 0 bills
dropped into the treasury of which no
account is made. Receipts for thcbo WO
lines are very scarce , but the open mid
night saloons are very numerous.
Please lemovc the cloud , Mr. Mayor ,
and explain why is this thusly ?
The city council moots to-night. The
sewer bids , which have boon tabulated
by the engineer , will bo considered.
The contest is between Wickham and
Judge James. Wickham's bid is lowest
on pipes and .Tamos' bid lowest on bride.
On the aggregate Wickham is a little
lower. The council bus the disposition
to divide the contract , thus gaining the
lowest of each. Wicuham protests , and
insists on having all or none.
There ' was a large attendance at yes-
tordaj's ball game at Manawa Athletic
park , between the Printers and the
Council Hlulls club. The game was a
very uninteresting ono and remarkable
for its errors. The BlulTs team won by
a score of 17 to il. The Printer's bat
tery did line wo-k , but received no sup
port whatever fiom the field. Wretched
playing charaotcri/ed both sides , and
it was u relief when the exhibition
carne to an end.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , rit lowest rate of interest. Olllco
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
All kinds of fruit and tomatoes for
canning at Font-oil's.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
lo parties who will build at onco. Ad
dress or call on J. ft. Hico , No. 100 Main
street , Council Bluffs.
Mr. J. D. Warner of St. Louis Sun-
dayed in the Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Krank Hall left for Chicago
cage Saturday evening.
Miss Lillie Otis is visiting lior friend ,
Mibs Mary Hazard , tit her homo on First
Colonel AV. F. Sapp nnd lion. George
F. Wright returned Salurdav evening
from Deri Moincs.
Mrs. W. Gerald Nuson , daughter and
pen , have returned from an extended
visit at Wall lake.
Mra. C. B. Waite and FOII Charlie
have returned from Orchard Beach , N.
J. , whore they bpont a month.
I'rosh Meat Wanted.
Sealed proposals will bo received on
or before September 1 , 18SSnt the ofllco
of the Superintendent of the Town. Insti
tution for the Education of Deaf and
Dumb , Council Bluffs , loivn , for furnish
ing said institution fresh meat in such
quantities as may bo oi-doix-d , and at
such times as may be directed. The
bidder must htato in detail the hinds
nnd cuti of moat , as well as r/uantlty / ,
giving price of each. Also whether
with or without bone , and to word prop
osition as to bo
easily understood in
every particular , and the cost of meat [
arrived at. Bidder , at his option , can
olfer prices on Bologna Sausage , Link
Sausage , Sugar-Cured Ham , Bacon and
Lard. Bids t-hould bo endorsed , "Pro
posals for Meat. " and o10
. addressed to the
Hon. Board of Trustees of the Iowa In-
( dilution for the Education of the Deaf
nnd Dumb. The board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
Pi unco , 20 pounds $1.00 , at Fearon's.
l-'or Sale.
My entire stock of cook and heating
btovcs ; also a full line of furniture at
bottom rock prices" " . Goods sold on pay
ments. A. J. Maudul. ! J93 and a05 Broad
W < > ik ofllio Hint : Ilitttnns.
Folloxvlug is the report of the chief of
iiolico for the month of August , 1SSS :
Drunk .
DIuturbliiK the pence . 17
KlccpInK In stairway . 1
HccklcsH driving . 1
Vagrancy . . . 33
Ol ) ti uctlng slik-vallc . 1
Lost boy . 1
Larceny . . . If
Ansault with intent to kill . 1
'JhJCttteni ff to kill . 1f ,
Currying concealed weapons . 1
Obstructing street . , . 1I
Hooping L-ainblliig IIOUPO . 1
Obttructlnc railroad train . 0
Indecent exposure . . . 1
Disorderly house . . . . 5
Manipulating dog light . . . . . . 1o 1
Assault . o
Suspicion .
KttfiuliiK to pay Intuit fuio . I
Violating Ifcmiso ordinance . , . It t
Diecli'trglnK llrunruiH . , . , , 1
\i \ On the itrcct In maU-ottiru . , . . 1t
hick 1
tc run at largo 1I I
Total. ,
The Publio Schools Open To-Day
With a Pull Corps of Toachoro.
HH Kiiforcpincnt Hadly Mixed TIic
DoiihliiK of 1'rlMinern M stcrl-
oils HIinotltiK I'ulpU
1'olnts I'crflonal.
Krniljr For School.
The public schools of the city will
open this morning. The teachers wore
assigned to their respective grades Sat
urday morning at the olllco of the
superintendent. They will bo stationed
as follows for the ensuing year :
Eighth Grade Misses M. Mangum
and Al. Davenport.
.Sixth Grade Miss L. Bishop.
Fifth and Sixth Grades Misses C.
Mulqueon and A. Ainsworth.
Fifth Grade Miss Nellie Wickham.
Fourth Grade Misses A. Zermuohlin ,
J. Clausen and S. Pile.
Third and Second Grades Aliss L.
Second and First Grades Miss J.
Seventh Grade Albs Alary Sims.
Sixth and Seventh Grades Aliss Al.
E. Dale.
Sixth Grade Aliss E. AIcAIahon.
Fifth Grade Aliss Al. Tinloy.
Fourth Grade Aliss K. Ilattonhnuer.
Third Grade Alisses Al. Boll and E.
Second Grade Airs. I. F.Vare. .
First Grade Miss N. llardin.
I'iniif'i : srur.irr SCHOOL.
Sixth Grade Airs. Af. B. Curtis.
Fifth Grade AINs \Vi.-kham. .
Fourth Grade Aliss L. Young.
Third Grade Aliss V. Reynolds.
Second Grade Alisses L. Swan and
E. Stephan.
First Grade Aliss 1C. Ilolderand Airs.
Al. Tucker.
Sixth Grade Aliss Kate Blaxsim.
Fifth Grade Aliss G. Swcaringen.
Fourth Grade Aliss II. O'Neil.
Third Grade Aliss J. Sullivan.
Second Grade Aliss D. Grass.
First Grade Aliss C. Ilattenhauer.
Second Grade Miss Carrie GolT.
First Grade AIiss Sue Badollot.
iiiuiiTii STiiiiT : SCHOOL.
Fourth Grade-Miss W. White.
Third Grade MM M. Can-others.
Second Oradc Miss II. Davis.
First Grade Miss M. Million.
Fourth Grade Aliss 1C. Payne.
Third Grade Miss L. Crocker.
Second Grade Aliss .1. Shea.
First Grndo-AIiss E. Belati.
ii : imr srmiT : SCHOOL.
Fourth Grade Miss E. Barston.
Third Grade Miss S. Shields.
Second Grade Mrs. L. Graves.
First Grade Miss Ida Xipp.
Ttmi.VTii : : .vniuirr SCHOOL.
Third and Second Grades Aliss B.
Second and First Grades Miss E.
Fourth and Third Grades Miss Stella
Second and First Grades Miss Anna
Miss Kitty Buschell.
Miss M. Uoardman.
Marv Duncun.
Clara Southwell.
II. II. Prouty , principal ; Miss A.
Iluleman , Mibs E. Vining , AIus M.
Of Council BlufTt ) Lots At Auction.
I will offer for sale and sell without
reserve to the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots in Cochran's addition to
Council BlulTs.
Ono lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo sold with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
main ing lot at the same price. Tlio
ground on which the addition is laid is
Known as the old fair ground forty ,
north of the Union Paoillc depot , and
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 100 , or four to the aero.
Ten per cent of the purclmso money
cash in hand. The balance in nine
equal annual payments to bo evidenced
by notes bearing interest at 0 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
proj.orty purchasers will get warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
] will also soil on the same terms and
at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of these lots are situated
on Broadway.
The place of sale will bo on the
grounds \Vetlnesday , the 12lh of
Sr-ptombor , 18SS , and continue from day
to day till all is sold.
The lots and blocks w.lll bo numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on day of salo. Other particulars on
day of salo. A. COCHHAN.
Divine Sympathy.
At the Congregational church yesterday
day morning there was a communion
service. Tlio musio was furnished by a
nmloquartottoand Prof , do Normandio ,
presided again at the organ , after an
absence of several months. Ill-hoalth
necessitated a trip eastward , with resl
and recreation. By the way ho han
dled the kojsand pedals yesterday ii
appeared that ho has regained his ac
customed vigor and has lost none of his
skill. The sermon yesterday morning
by the pastor , llov. G. W. Crofts , was
on the subject , "Tho Sympathy o ,
Chri t. " He showed the necessity o
human sympathy. The con.mand had
been given to rejoice with these who do
rejoice , nnd weep with these who weop.
It was often dilllcult to rejoice with
these who do rejoice. It was not always
easy to be glad to see another moro to
highly prospered than ourselves , and to
rejoice at another's irood fortune or suc
cess. Yet congratulations were pleas
ant to those w'ho had thu won a victory.
Sweeter yet was the symiwthy of sorrow. a
None could extend this sympathy like
ono who had experienced like sorrow.
Humanity needed a divine , perfect , inexhaustible -
exhaustible source of sympathy. It had
it in Christ. Christ wafa the great sym
pathizer , because ho came upon the
same piano of humanity. He also wen )
through like human experiences , and
more than all he was deeply , personal ! }
interested in every ono of his children.
At the close of the Eormon there was is
the service of reception of new members
A Sickly Sunday Law.
There was a sound of revelry last Sat
urday night at Orisbach's platjo on Main
street , und soon after 12 o'clock a police
itl I was sounded and the "canity store'
was closed , M per the orders of the
mayor in tl.o matter of closing saloons
ou Sunday. This place is uo saloon
ind more , there hasbeen no claim mndo
hat liquors nro pold there at all. Ol
otirso the proprietor obeyed the oxecu-
Jvo order , but with the protest that
other places , puloons nnd g.inibllng
ilaccs.wero running in full blast and ho
ilono was ordered to close his doors ,
' 'urther investigation revealed the fact
.hat several saloons on Broadway wore
still operating. The front doors were
clobod , but the side doors wore
open , and hero entrance way
effected by c.ny who wanted a drink.
The wambling dons wore all open and
tinning their games , while in front
woto the pluggoi-H ready to capture any
inlucky fellow who had a dollar and
was too drunk to know it.
A .saloon keeper , whoso place has now
i permanent injunction against it , t-aid
o Tin : Bui : reporter : "This shows the
whole business. What is the reason the
iniyoidon't close the gambling houses ?
la makes us close up all right , and wo
{ cop orderly places , while at thcho
other ' places well , you know how it IH
'ust as well as I do. What about the
icoiihosy Why they are not being paid
it all , and the mayor iblVt enforcing the
aw. There iba nigger in the fence botno-
whorc. and I wish you would find out
A-hnt it is. Perhaps borne ol TIIK Bin :
eadorboan givcboine information upon
the btibjoyt. '
Kor Sale.
Ten acres in Council Bluffs , off the
east end of the Balmrd SO. Will make
7:2 : lots , bamo as the Omaha add. , which
t joins on thobouth. Ninth avo. drive
way lo U. ] ' . bridge passes through the
.ract. Title clear. One-third down ,
jalanco ono and twoycai-b. High t pur
cent. A. V.
Stone nnd glass fruit jars at Fearon's.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
oan ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
ind all other articles of value without
cmovnl. All business strictly con II-
lirutnl TrcntiiKMil of Prl-toncrH.
An article appeared in the Council
UlulTs department of the Republican
yosterdny morning denying the truth of
the article in Saturday morning's Bii : :
ogarding the exhibition of brutality of
the city jailor in the case of the two
young bootblacks. It says "tho write-up
> f the affair is clearly one of malovo-
cnce. . It was only a desperate oll'ort to
rente , a prejudice against a very clll-
ient and obliging ollicial. The highly
respected and well known citizens
liavon't shown up , and the entire thing
is a 'fake' of the rankest order. "
The fact of the matter is that there is
plenty of good authority for the article
in question. The two citizens referred
to are Messrs. .1. W. Squire and W. II.
White. Tlio
former gentleman was
seen yesterday , and ho not only upheld
tno article as it appeared in Tin : Bui : ,
but insisted that it was not strong
enough to set forth all of the disgusting
features of the jailor's heartless inhu
manity. The city marshal , under whoso
charge the city jail is kept , acknowl
edged that the treatment was wrong
nnd said that it would not have been al
lowed if ho had been present.
The Republican hoodwinker still
further . goes on to say that "if the para-
, ,
ijraper in question had only injured
into the circumstances of the case ,
there is a possibility that ho might not
have drawn the 'long bow' to the ex
tent ho did. "
1 in : BKB man talked with several
parlies regarding the matter , the jailor
among the number , and saw for himself
the half-drowned boys when the mayor
ordered them lot out of the cell into the
unlight. , The facts of the case wore
not overdrawn nor distorted in the
slightest degree , as the aforenamed
citizens , who were present , are ready to
testify. It was not claimed that the
boys did not need punishment , but it
was the brutal method employed , of
which complaint was made.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confldcntul. Ofllco 600 Broadway , cor
ner Alain street , up-stairs.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of vnluo , at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Alain , over American express.
Artists protcr the Hallott & Davis
piano , at C. B. Alusic Co. , 224 Broadway.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtelo.
A Slinollnir Scrape.
A party of half a do/.on of the city
sports wont out to Big lake Saturday
night for a grand blow-out nnd jam-
boreo. There was considerable tangle-
foot taken along , and toward morning
the hilarity was at full tide. About S
daylight yesterday morning they ro"t ]
turned to the city , and ono of the party
was a candidate for the services of a
doctor. His scalp was laid ojrtm for
four inches by a pistol bullet , and ho
was covered with blood. So many clif-
ferent stories of how it occurred were
told that it is impossible to toll which
is the correct one.
The one generally accepted is that
the victim , Bon Long , accidentally and
unintentionally got in range of Dan
Carrigg's revolver. Ono of the party
baid that Long fell overboard , and as
the ether wore trying to pull him into
the boat the gun was discharged with
the above result. It was lirst reported
that it was not an accident , and the
chief of police investigated the matter ,
lie found Long bound asleep in bed ,
with his head tied up , and the others
refused to toll anything about it , ex
cept that it was an accident. Just how
much of an accident it was will not
probably bo known until the interested
parties got ready to toll it.
Long was able to bo out last evening ,
nnd gave the following account of the
affair : The party went out lo the lake on
to fish. Some of them got to fooling
around in the boat , and Long was com
pelled to jump overboard to prevent up-
fcotting the boat. Shortly afterward
Carrigg decided to test his markman-
ship by seeing how clo&o ho could shoot
the heads of his companions and not
hit them. Ilo cut the rim oil Mitchell's
hat and then tried Long's. The lat
ter ' had his back to the
slicotor , and the llrst ho know
bullet ' ploughed along the top of his
head' . The hall passed directly through
the crown of his hat , tearing up the
seal ] ) . It was a very narrow escape.
Dr. Bellinger , who dressed the wound ,
says that if the ball had gone the six
teenth of an inch lower it would hnvo
entered thu skull and produced instant
death. Carrigg has always been vary .
careless with Ins gun , and it Is hopori
that this lesson \rill prove salutary. It
nn experience that no money would 1
tempt a man to go throughand Long is
very fortunate to bu able to still take
his'menls regularly.
Creamery butter at Fearon's.
Ho Prefers Nebraska.
After arresting Baujjhman Saturday
evening for the larceny of a chain from
Rcbiusoa Bros.1 jewelry store , Chief
MCI\S \ wont over tD'Omnhu to lliul the
other parties iinUi'iitoil. | ) Ho found his
ntui nml had hhri'n'n.ic' < tci1 , but the fel-
ow refused to come oack to thi sklo of
ho rlvor. Tins 9,11 foiled the chief that
10 had I'ight man nml ho requested his
detention. This nioj-nin Mr. IJoblnfon
vill cross the river to identify the
irisoner , and if ho proves to be the
Ight man , reqtilsltibn papers will bo
> cuurcd anil ho will bo brought over
So much time wu * ) consumed in per-
uetitig these arrangements that the
chief mi-soil the last dummy and was
! ompelled to walk home. Ho did not
ako kindly to the idea but It was the
jest ho could do , as no tennis could pot
icro s the bridge nt that Into hour. Ho
irrivcd homo about t > o'clock in the
norning. Ho hopes that the now motor
ino will bo completed before ho has to
cpeat the trip , as it is suid that the
, ' ios for the motor track are placed just
'ar enough apait to make walking easy ,
vhich is not the case with the Union
"acille ( lummy track.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
If yon have property for sale at a bar-
jain'list it with us an'd wo will advor-
.iso it free of charge. A. A. Clark &
Jo. , corner Broadway and Alain , over
American express.
Good dwellings and lots for sale on
nonthly payments by E. II. Sheafo &
Jo. , corner Bioadway and Main sts. , tip
Iho lllunv Will He Thorc.
Yesterday afternoon the traveling
nen of this cit.\ held a meeting at the
Ogden house pa-lors to consider the
natter of taking part in the trades
> arado in Omaha on Thursday next.
Mr. Dunn , representing Poregoy it
Moore , was elected chairman.
A committee of the Omaha associa
tion were present. Tlieso wore : M.
Itayley , R Hodman , Will Hoth and E.
Lyons. The formal invitation was ex
pended through this committee.
Messrs. Morse , Sherman and Corbaley
wore appointed a local committee to arrange -
range for a participation by the local
traveling men.
All those who desire to taleo part will
ntl their names to the committee , who
will report them to the Omaha commit
tee and have places assigned in the pa
rade. The regulation uniform , silk hat
mil white llannel shirt , will bo worn by
nil the "druinmois" who take part in
; he parade. The line will bo formed
jotween ! ) and 10 o'clock , and all par
ticipants are requested to bo on Hie
ground a quarter before 0 o'clock.
The "boys. ' ' hero are enthusiastic in
.ho matter and
they will doubtless see
-hat in this , the grandest demonstration
, ho west lias evorjia'5 , Council BlulTs is
'itly represented.
Coitl Proposals Uuntcd.
Sealed propo-als w'ill bo received on
or before September , 1 , 1888 , atthcollicc
of the superintendent of the Iowa insti-
.ution for the education of deaf and
lumb , Council Blutfsja. , for furnishing
said institution with , coal for the year ,
commencing September 1 , 18S8 , said
coal to be delivered in the bins of said
institution. Bidder * will give the price
on each grade of coal , together with
such recommendations or references as
to quality as they may elect ; a sample
carload of the to be furnished
mil a bond for the faithful carrying out
of the terms of the bids will be required
ivhon the award is made. Bids should
> o indorsed "proposals for coal" and ad
dressed to the Honorable Board of
.Trustees of the Iowa Institution for the
Education of the Deaf and Dumb. The
joard reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. HnxiiY W. ROTHKIIT.
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on
'arm and city property.
The City AVnIIct.
Following is the report of the city
auditor for the
month of August , 1888 :
Intersection paving $ 4.000.00
Marshal 1,37-1.411
Total $ .
Total amount drawn :
Improvement bond fund $ " > , S20.03
General finul < ! ,8il.-t3 :
Police fund 251.10
Total SS2/JO-J.01
Disbursed as follows :
Fire department $ 1,101.25
Police department T99.55
Streets und nllojs 1.45-I.22
Salaries city ofllcors G33.fl5
City engineer 879.31
Printing and supplies 470.35
Ga and street lights S94.45
Miscellaneous ' 140.05
Grading , intersections 4S'J. IS
City marshal's department 201.1)5 )
Inspectors 1)97.50 )
Condemnation . 450.00
Special ( curbing 4'JOO.OO
Special < grading 0,251 19
Special | paving 50,5')0.00 )
Intersecting grading 4S9.18
Intersecting paving 8,000.00
Library 370 30
Total $82,032.01
Piiro Mlllc Wanted.
Sealed j proposals.will bo received on
Ol before Sept. 1 , 1888 , at the ollico of
the superintendent o'f the Iowa institu
tion for the education of deaf and dumb ,
Council Blull's , In. , for furnishing the
said institution good , unadulterated ,
pure milk , in quantities as the institu
tion may require , ami at such times as of
may bo directed by the proper olllcors.
Albo lo furnish pure cream under re 3
quirements as above btatcd. Bids
should bo endorsed , "Proposals to fur
nish milk and cream , " and addressed to
the Hon. Board of Trustees of the Iowa
institution for the education of the deaf
and dumb. The * board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
A. A. Clark ft Co. , real estate brok
ers , have alibtof choice inside property
their books. Nothing but bargains
For bargains in real estate bee E. II.
Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
btreet , upstairs. - _
Pull line of BlrtJot music at Council
Bluffs Music Co.i2iU Broadway.
PBICB $15.
la equal to
any High
Tbe Killson Mimeograph , the best apparatus for
ruimlfoMlrU , uutocraplila and type writing work
3.000 copies can ba mkin ,
The Ezcelslor C ; . , Council Bluffs , la.
D , H , McDANELD & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow. Pelts , sia les
Wool and Furs. For
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
0 und ess Main StreetCouncil Bluffslow * .
St'tX lAIiadverMiplm-iils/suchns Lost , I'ouml ,
TO l.onii. I'or Sale , To Kent. Wants. Hoard-
lip , etc. , will tip Insertoti In nils ( oliunii nrfiio
o\\ rule nf TiV : CUNTS I'KH l.l.N 1 : for tup first
tisiTtloti mill rivu Cents Vet Uno for i-ncli sub-
seciie | t Insertion , l.i'.ue nihcrtlsrmctitN at
iiirnitlco. No. li I'cnrl Street , nenr Ilroatl\Miy ,
Conntll Illnirs town.
"ANTHl ) A IIm rlnsi barber. Xo other
T need npiily. Fritz lli'inlmrdl , I'liclllc
niQ barber slioii , Council Illuilx.a
CASH paid for ( 'oml , IIII > M ed farms liil'ott-
nwaitamle aim Harrison countlus. Applj to
Horace K\cretl , Council llluIIV , In.
TYTANTHD llanlwiiro. An iinprovcU fnrin
TI of KiO ucresi , H ) ncros under plow. HOIIM )
Hid feiut'8 In good order ; seed sprint ; wnler
in niiifh pnstnrp. Will trade for stock of hard
are. rnrivtrtlciilarsaililreii6J.ll. ritzgernlil ,
Sonpnrell , Council llluirs , In ,
" \ \ 7ANTI3IVonil turner nt tmeo. Ftraily
cinploj inont to uood imn .1. V. Cody ,
.231 Washington live , Council Illuux , In ,
FOU Hr.ST-Hoomsfor lljtht housekeeping.
? Olt HUNT A largo nuinlier of ( j.ioil dwell-
- Itijis Call mid examine list. I' . II. Sheafo
\ Co. , llrondttny nnd Main t , tip stairs.
p"olnt71i ( TrsT-elnss barber -
ber , Hln 'lo innti , Steady uinployinrnt
. AddiesH nt once , barber shop , rlist Na-
tlonal : bank building , West 1'olnt , Nub.
F mN'r : Xlrcly fnrnlshi > d , u miltn of
Jrooms also a Hlncle room , one block from
llrondway , 1-J ( llcnn live ,
FOIt HUNT rurnlshed rooms nt 117 fourth
street , Council UltilK In.
Foil HUNT-A new house with nlno roomn
and nil modern com utilonfes In best location
In thoclty. J'lefer tenant who will ifiittwoun-
turnlshed rooms. \ \ . y. Cooper , luO Main st.
Flt ( ) ItHN'T runilsliril room nnd alcove for
< > ntK'imin. 1 ' '
K InqnliiMit 1'JI 1'ointli street.
SA 1.13 My new ei ht-room cottage on
Sviomla > u. W C. .liimes.
OK SALi-Hnrbcr : slio ] ) at IV ) llrouilway ,
( ouni'll Illulls ; KOod tnuUi ; fiitlsructor }
reasons for sollliif ? ; ljuruln ( lor the right man.
"ITIOII ixrilANOI2-A : line , \voll iMsortodW.1100
J Htopk of "tatlouery , fancy Kood , Jo elrv ,
otr , In a thriving town for lusldcncu In Soutli
Omali.i. It. T. llryunt & Co. , t s llroiulnay ,
Council Illtills , la.
LOT for sale or trade for u tuatn. Inqtilro nt
lt-0' . Mh ht.
fToiJSlIS forTent. Joliuston \ Van I'ntten ,
I I : j I. Mrtlu st.
ALIJ-ncrohinall fiult Inrm very clioap. Just
outsldo city limits or111 ilivido Into ! 0
ncro tracts to suit uuichasur. H T llryaut AJo (
WANTI'D Stocks of mcrcliandbe to ox-
change for city property lu Council Illulls ,
: imaha. or v , estt'i n laud or chattels of any kind.
Wo make exchanging a specialty. H. T. liiyant
At Co. , CSS llioaduiiy.
The Choicest Ground For Residence
in the Western Part of the Oity.
IH now plated In Ileantlfnl , tarpolots. ;
About tc niiilnuti.s ililc on the motor to Douu- Strc'et , Omaha.
They Ho on a level but elevated strip of ground.
About.'JvOjaids fiomthe new motor line to
Less than 1'j miles from the Council Ulnira
Nearly lIce as large in size as most of the
ni'Vily platted lots ,
( looif jiulillc schools l > y.
The proposed Ilonlevard bounds It on the
TITUIS : Perfect.
AHhTHACT : 1'ilntcil AliMiact and War
ranty Deed with each Iot.
GHADi ; : i\ainlnotncbBl.otM : w 1threference
to the urade before bujlngaLot
The ordinary pi lc of a Lot In t.aved
on grade alone. If you buy ono of
Onse Lots.
To a good class of purchasers a limited num
ber of Lots will be hold for 1-10 doi\n ;
balance In monthly payments
J. J. Itrown IJldg. . 113 Pearl St. , Council lllutfs ,
Iov > a.
Ovorco.nlnc nil oppobltlon. 1111 the cemeteries
with newly made graves , leaving the once
happy homo with nothliiK but memen
toes of lovcil ones lost. Where
Is u&eil It Is universally found to bo
The value of a. BltiRlo bottle for use In amof c
thu nbovu mimed discuses Is really incalculable.
Mon v could not Induce those \Ui < > have thoi- a
ouclily tried It to lie without It. Tlio maiket Is
tull or ii-medlps fornbtmllar putnosu. ami all
have merit in homo case * , but \vlth them it Is a
Mubboin fact that these are in many places the
the countiy. Witii this medicine they uro
Ills medicine has now been used In this country
lias no equal on earth. Sold by druggists every
where. HARLE , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Agents. Council Illuffb , Iowa.
iMJsltlvo euro for Liver and ICIdnov troub
, all Blood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep
, and Sour Stomach , Is found iu
sale by local druggists and druggists
evorywheie. Pricetl per bottle , six for 5.
Addiess ult communications to
Council Bluffs , la.
Baird's for Fruits.
Assorted Baskets Put Up to Order.
N. I , TIDBBTTS , niul Save Money.
No 3l.i llromhuiy.
For your JLightCarriages
See Henry Van Brunt
Lnrpost Stock nnd Lowest Prices.
No. 12O Brondwny. Telephone No. 2O1.
-.Go to
J No. 2O Mnln Stroot.
SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway
Ilctt 1'ianoi mill Uiuani on M < itti > u
No , 4-06 BROADWAY ,
Ol'Jl LX'L'ltAUllDlNAUY LOW J'lllCtiS for S110J2S
It the CIUM of the llluh 7Vmi > n < iwci > / C"ini > illlim. (
x HOOT \ .vi/o/ : mom : . / : . / ; ADAMS A co ,
Xn - /fiom/iuty. / . Council lllitfl * , < < i i.
SCOF1ELD & CAV1N , No. 2OO Brondwny.
All Fruits In Tholr Sunson. Tel. 29O.
If 1'on Want Suit ! Ucposit or Chcup Loan , Call on
JntrrnatloiKtl Jtulldinii , Lountnul Investment Union
Jl. V. Jflll > a > .S'OuV , HOC
2O N. Main
MACHINE. Mdnaia-r
ao' ' THE GROCER , 744 B'dway
Wliilc nt I.AIiE MAMAWA Take llio
M. P. K.OHRER . For the Beach.
St. SSarys five. , 103 ftlain Street ,
A triumvirate of instruments which cannot bo excelled in tone , beauty of finish r
nnd general workmaiibhip.
Royal and Century Organs
Excel all others in blylo of case , beauty of finish and volume of tono.
All kinds of Musical In&truments , Russian Gut Strin s , Sheet Music and Musio
Dealers supplied at Chicago prices. Send for Catalogue.
Our Department of TOYS ami FANCY GOODS , wo are cloning
out at less than co > t. Dealers please make iiolo ol' this , ami cct
our goods clit'np.
CO. ,
SIZES FROM rspcclally
. 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC
POWER , Mills and Elevators. '
Specifications and estimate ! furnished for complete steam pKuti Ileculntloii. Durability
untecU. Can show letters from USOM where fuel Uconomy la equal with c'orllss M n-touiu
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
ij D l7l M DI M C Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Hans , Estimates ,
n DI nr\l IN DI INC. " " Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown ,
Building , Council Hltiffi , , Iowa.
r-iMl rni iOI/CT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
I IN LL Y bU ni\L" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
N CPU I ID V Justice ol the Peace. Ofllcc over American Express , No. 419
oUnUnZ.Broadway .
i Broadway , Council Bltill * . Iowa.
STONE Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed era
& SIMSAttorneys
Courts. Olllcc Rooms 7 and 8 , Sliugar ( Beno Blade'J '
Counci1 Bluffs , Iowa. J
UA7CM Dentist. Corner Mam Street and Kiist Avenue , Councf 1
Cp , nnZ.LIV" Blufls , Iowa.
To close out the romuinlng lots in Squiro's rulJltion to Council Blufffl , t
Boll the finest located lots In the city for $50 cash payment , iinrt loiiff
tlmo on buliinco , to persons who ilcsiro to secure homes , nna I will maUo lin
loans to these who dcsiro siiil in building houses. Cull nt once and sco
fit Mnsonlc Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
1014 UoueUi fit.i Omaha , Neb
ldftBr4tan ? Oouaell Hiafn , Una. UiUbUh 4