THE OMAHA DAILY BEfi : SJ . SEPTEMBER 1 , 188a THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFK1CH , NO. liJ 1'IUKIJ STKHI3T Delivered \ > y farrier InAnrl'nrtof the City at Twmty Cents Ver Week. II.V. . TIL10N . . . MANAQEK. IltlfllNPHM Ol KICK , NO. < ' ) . NtdllT DDITOII , NO. U ) . Mixoit ainxi'ioN. N. Y. Plumbing company. The regular meeting of the county board of supervisors will bo licld next week. Flvo nnw dwelling houses nre being erected on llroiidwuy between Twonty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets. Finest line of dress { joods over bhown. Fall fltyles. A. Rcitor , mcrclinnt tnilor , 810 IJrbadwny. Alexander Elliott , of Silver City , and Ml-u Antm Derby , of Clurk county , were umrried at the onicc.of 'Squiro Ulggs Tuursdny oven- Ing. Ing.The funeral of the three-year-old daughter of Mrs. Kelslcr will take pluco at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the residence , BO'S South Eighth street. Colonel I ) . U. Datley went to Oinalm yes terday morning to nrrnnpo for accommoda tions for his colts durinit the fair , which is to begin next week. A pantaloons and overall factory , employ ing from 160 to 00 among the several Industries that are now looking toward Coun cil llluftB for a location. A concert and dance will bo given at Hock's garden this evening. Good order will bo preserved , and all who attend wo promised n peed , social time. Dr. Leyhert denies that the regatta was given up becauseof the occurrence ot the Omaha fnir at the hame time. The real rea son was because an amount of money BUI- flcicnt for the purpose was not subscribed by the citizens. T-ast evening , at the residence of Mrs. Kslev , No. 1W7 Lower Hroadwny , George Gerspachcr , of Grand Island , Neb. , and Lily Ivera of this city , were united In the bonds of wedlock. Tlu-y will make their homo in Grand Island. The addition to the Presbyterian church is nearly completed. It is quite large and will bo used especially for services during the ex treme cold weather when the heating of the main building would bo very expensive. It will also be used for Sunday school purposes. The printers' ulno and the Council Uluffs league club cross bats to-morrow afternoon at Athletic park. Ualn-lh-thc-Faco has or dered Spotted Tail to summons the tribe to n council , at which every w.u-rior will ho in formed that , ho must play "heap much ball" or suffer the loss of his scalp once nioro. The stage employes at Dohuny'a are en titled to the entire credit for the beautiful token of esteem presented to the manager last Wednesday night. The ushers nro laying for Mr. Dohany now , and expect to bestow on him u token of esteem that will cause the btngo hands to turn green with envy. The Veteran Tippecanoo club hold a meetIng - Ing last evening at headquarters. There was a largo attendance , and several Interesting speeches were received witli great enthu siasm. The old campaigners of Ib40 are as full of Hfo and vim as over , and uro "red hot" in the support of Harrison and Morton , itthn Beno & Co. , the lending dry coeds firm in Council Bluffs , is huvint ; a most fiivorublo cull for the celebrated Clark's ' O. N. T. Spool Cotton , particu larly tbe FAST blaclt. This cotton is only on white spools. Ask for the O. N. T. There will bo n committee of Omaha trav eling men at the Ogden house at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon to meet und confer with the Council muffs traveling men to make ar rangements for their participation in the pa rade and festivities to take place Scptcinbet 0 , drummers' day. A cordial invitation is extended to all Council Bluffs traveling men to bo present nt this meeting. The citizens of Oakland had the pleasure , on Thursday evening hist , of listening to an address by Huv. G. w. Crofts entitled "Character and Influence. " The audience was a largo ono , and thuhighestcompllmcnts nro paid the reverend gentlemen by those who heard htm. The people of Council Uluffs should bo given the same opportunity at such a time as the speaker might elect. Thursday evening , while climbing down from a desk In the Congregational church , E , C. Smith's little son pulled the piece of furn iture upon him , Us whole weight crushlns him to the floor. The little ono sustained several severe bruises , and for a thno it was feared that he would not recover , but aftei two hours' work ho was resting comfortably , nnd Is now on the high road to recovery. Secretary Myers , of the Young Men's He- publican club , requests that any parties having - ing pictures or other relics of the campaign of 184U , which they will loan to the club lei use In decorating the club rooms , leave them at the headquarters or drop a note to hhr and they will bo called for. The bestol care will bo taken of any relics left in hit cjiorgc. Carl Schorls , a howling drunk , was run ir last evening. Ho had f00 ! In cash , a line gold watch and chain and a bottle of whiskj on bis person when searched at the station Ho pave up everything but the whisky with out a murmur , but made a desperate llghl for the loaded bottle , and his heart came near brcnklne when It was finally wrcstei from him. With it all the Joys of life departed parted , and his sobs wcro heartrending u : the heavy Iron door shut him away from hi : dearest treasure. The First Baptist church of this city , atit : meeting Wednesday night , decided to send i delegation to Omaha Sunday afternoon , Sep tembor" , to participate in the recognitioi services which nro to occur there over tin advent of a now Baptist society. This nowl ; organized church is situated in North Oumhn Quito n number of Baptists of this city wil L paobably attend the services. No reguln services will bo held In the Council Bluff ) church In the evening excepting the usuu young folks' meeting. Sheriff O'Neil yesterday received thrc now boarders who were considerately sc cured for him by Judge Aylcsworth. S. H Dennis was billed for thirty days to let th Whisky ooze out of him. Thomas Walker i to remain until the grand Jury can look Int his case. Ho Is charged with beating hi wife and could not secure $11)0 ) bonds. l1' Hillcrnmn Is charged with larceny and wil refresh himself ut the county's expcnso untl ho can command the attention of the grun Jury. Hoiouldnot find $500 to pay for th If privilege of boarding himself. Tommy Brooks , the light weight pugilist has accepted Charles Allen's challenge t light to u llulsh for * 100 , Marquis of Queens bury rules to govern. Two ounce gloves wl bo used and the light will occur In u slxtoo foot ring. It will como oft sometlmo with ! two weeks. Both men have gene Into tralr ing , and cs there Is considerable bad bloo between them the tight will no doubt bo red hot ono. The names of the backers hav not yet beer , made good. Allen indulged In r little spree Thursday night in anticipation c the coming event. Ho hopes to whip Brook In the llrst or second round , but If ho keep on at the present rate ho will bo knocked on by booze before thy tiino for the mill arrive : lirooks Is In line condition , ana will make game tight * Fresh Meat AVanletl. Senlod proposals will bo received o or before September 1,1888 , at the olllc of the Superintendent of the Iowa In Btitution lor the Education of Deaf an Dumb. Council Bluffs , Iowa , for furnisl : ing snid institution fresh meat in sue quantities as may bo ordered , and n sucb times us may bo directed. Th bidder must Btnto in detail the kind and cuts of meat , us well as quantity 'vine price'of eaeh. Also whotho with or without bono , und BO word proi osition as to bo easily understood i every particular , and the cost of men arrived ut. Bidder , at his option , ca offer prices on Bologna Sausage , Lin Sausage , Sugar Cured Ham , Bacon an Lard. Bids should bo endorsed , "pn wosals for moat , " and addressed to th lion. Board of Trustees of the Iowa Tr Btitution for the Education of the Den and Dumb. The board reserves th right to reject any or all bids. HKNUY W. HOTHKUT. Superintendent. For bargains in real estate see . E Bljoufe & Co. , Broadway ftttd Mai tr t < upstairs. The Saloon Mon Must Put Up or Shut Up. SHALL MANAWA BE IMPROVED. District Court News Our i'lucky Mayor Interferes to Save Hey 1'rls * oners From Torture Person als General News. The City .lullor'H firutnllty. Two well known nnd highly respectable residents of this city were transacting busi ness at the city bulldingycstcrday afternoon , when they wcro startled by a number of screams coming from the police station. They Immediately rushed over there nnd found the jailor amusing himself by turning the hose on u couple of little boys who wcro confined In the "steel roll. " They were half drowned , and begged pltcously for mercy. The kind-hearted gentlemen fairly over flowed with Indignation , and ordered the burly brute to desist Immediately. Ho promptly told them to go to h , as ho knew what his business was. They Insisted , however , and he stopped the cruel treatment. The boys were dripping wet , nnd removed their clothes to wring them and try to get dry. Although the outer atmosphere was very warm , It was decidedly chilly in the dungeon-like hole whcro tno lads wcro confined , as no sunbeams pene trated the place. The stone floor was run ning with water , and the cold Iron shelves that servo for beds were fairly afloat. The boys stood in ono corner of the the miserable place stark naked , shivering nnd trcmullng with cold. Finding that they could get no satisfaction from the jailor , the gentlemen started out to hunt up the mayor. That oftlcial was found on Broadway In conversation with Tin : Br.E reporter , nnd the case was laid before him. Ho Immediately started for police head quarters to Investigate the case , The jailor said that the hoys were unruly , and were "blackiruai ding" every on who passed the jail. The marshal remonstrated with them at noon , and finally took them from the corridor rider and locked them up in a coll. They then pounded and kicked the door , nnd continued to make a terrible racket until ho had wet them down to keep them quiet. The hoys said that tho.v were not making any trouble after being locked up , but merely wanted n drink of water , but wcro told that it was against the court's or ders for them to hayo any water for twenty- four hours. The Jailer says ho was busy , and told them that ho could not give them any then. The youngsters wcro undoubt edly too boisterous , but the jailer had no au thority to turn the lioso on them. His ex cuse that ho "didn't ' have time" to get them a drink when ho went to the door to toll them to keep still is altogether too thin. If the jailor had overcome his remarkable laziness for a few moments It would not have Injured him seriously. The hose is used on the prisoners altogether too freely. A "duck- Ing" is not the same thing to a man outside in the sun that It is to ono in the cage , where ho is compelled to shiver for hours before ho gets dry. If the conduct of the prisoner meets with the disapproval of the jailor , a btrcuui of cold water Is turned on him for 11 vo minutes. This is obviously wrong , and measures should bo adopted to prevent Its repetition. The mayor ordered the two boys taken out of the cell nnd allowed to dry their clothes In the sun. The Jailor was also censured for his brutality and advised not to repent the experiment. The city jail is always in charge of the marshal or his deputies , and ho Is re sponsible for all such actions. Although the jail Is outside of the direct authority of the mayor , that ofllclal is to bo commended for his promptness in investigating the matter and making himself felt as the city's chief executive. Now blue grass and timothy at Pearon's. _ _ Coal Proposal * ! AV tinted. Scaled proposals will bo received on or before September 1 , 1888 , at the office of the superintendent of the Iowa insti tution for the education of deaf and dumb , Council Bluffs , In. , for furnishing said institution with coal for the year , commencing September 1 , 1888 , said coal to bo delivered in the bins of said institution. Bidders will give the price on each grade of coal , together with such recommendations or references as to quality as they may elect ; a sample car load of the coal to bo furnished and a bond for the faithful carrying out of the terms of the bid will bo required when the award is mado. Bids should bo indorsed "proposals for coal" and ad dressed to the Honorable Board of Trus tees of the Iowa Institution for the Edu cation of the Deaf and Dumb. The board reserves the right to reject uny or all bids. HENUY W. ROTIIKUT , Suporintend-ent. Haloon Men Must Pay. Since his return from Missouri , Mayoi Hohrer Is greatly refreshed , nnd proposes tc wade Into the saloon war with both feet , The saloon men have successfully evaded the payment of ono month's line , and expect tc do the same with the next one , but the mayoi will not have it so. The saloomsts went tc sleep about a month ago , und slumborcc peacefully until after their lines wcro duo The mayor was absent , and the city marshal whoso duty it was to see to the collection 01 the lines , did not possess the necessary nerve to enforce their payment. In fact , this cxcm plary (1) ( ) ofllclal maintains that the salooi men should not bo required to pav a line , ai the temperance folks "make it hot cnoucl for them. " In various ways ho wiggles one twists to avoid the necessity of collecting tin lines , and now the mayor Is compelled to adi this work to the already onerous duties o the chief of police. But this capable ofllcor whoso work keeps him busy from sixteen t < twenty hours n day , will attend to tlio matte : faithfully , and if tno ( flics are not paid tin saloons will bo closed "too quick. " Soma of the saloon men nro beginning t < realize what is coming , nnd nro paying theli lines to escape the Impending trouble. It i : Immaterial to the chief of police whether o : not ho Is summoned ns n witness before tin district court to testify In a liquor case , hu the marshal could not stand the "bluff" tha was made , and the serving of ono subpoem was all that was necessary to effectuull' ' squelch all of his usefulness , so far us col looting liquor fines Is concerned. E. II. Shoafe loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlldcntal. Ollico 600 Broadway , corner nor Main street , up-stairs. * Money loaned on furniture , pianos diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value , at low rates of interest. N < publicity ; fair and honorable dealing A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broad wa ; and Main , over American express. If Not Dead , Tlioy Are Slceplnc. There seems to be a general mlsundct standing among the parties interested a Like MnnawA regarding the proposed Irc provomcnts at that place. Each one seem to think that everyone else Is wultlngforhk to go ahead and do It all at bis n\vn expense and this Is why nothing Is being done. W.hc talked .with Individually , these parties cvinc a willingness to do their part In tho"mattoi and there seems to bo no good reason Wh the work can not be carried out as planne some lime ago. The committee appointed t look after the matter Is doing nothing aboi it at present , and llko the Immortal Mteni ber , seems to be waiting tor something t turn UP- . , , . . t This committee would do very well , bt each member seems to be afraid that ho wl do a little more than some of the other Each ono regards himself as the great cci trul hinge upon which the whole maty honps , and seems to be afraid , to move h/C should drop tUe wrong way and tbrovirupo ilm the cntird rc'MKJnsiblllty. What Is icctlcil Is Unit these parties should all coiijo ; o i perfectundcrstnndlng of the situation ind the requirements In the case , nnd satis factory means can then bo devised for per fecting the details for n change. Those financially Interested lit the lake nro i > cr- foctly willing to glvo liberally toward mak ing necessary Improvements , and the work can bo accomplished without outside nsslstnnca If gene nbout In the proper man ner. Benefit days , merchants' subscription papci.s , etc. , will not secure tliu money , ns iho ntnount must bo raised by those directly Interested. Odcll Bros. & Co. have offered to glvo f. > ( H ) to the lake improvement fund ns soon as 52,000 Is raised. Manager Heed of the motor line Is ulso willing to do his part In the matter , nnd says ho will give whatever hhall be deemed his share by fair Judges. It Is % ery possible that this gentleman has been previously misunderstood , for ho has cer tainly made several generous offers within the past week. When approached In regard to children's day at Manawn , ho promptly offered to carry all of the children both ways nnd would not charge them n cent. When asked for a subscription to the regatta fund , ho otTrrcd to give -10 per cent of the gross earnings of his line for the two days of the regatta. The children's day plan will bo carried out , but the regatta scheme has fallen through , nnd Is as "dead as a door nnil. " It seems that the committee In charge of the latter project became discouraged very easily , as Mr. Hood's ' subscription would amount to fJKKl at the very least calculation , and the re quired amount was only twice that sum. There nro yet several days to elapse before the return of the Mississippi Valley Howlng association from Salt Lake , nnd Tun Bui : voices the sentiments of many citUcns when It ndvlsci the regatta committee to rct.ew its work. All of the Interests of Manawn will glvo liberally to the fund , as the expenditure will bring Immcdlatu returns with n largo in crease. The steamboat men have agreed to put Iho price ol round trip tickets ncross the lake on those days down to 10 cents , n is not expected that the hotel would subscribe u great deal , ns it is not in n condition to dose so , although It could glvo n percentage of its receipts. It Is understood that the hotels of the city have oflcred to entertain the racing crews free of expense , in view of the largo ntlcmlanca from outside that the regatta would draw to the city. In view of these facts It seems that the committee has given up altogether too soon , nnd has shown a la mentable lack of perseverance. It is not yet too late to push the affair throuch to u suc cessful Issue , nnd Tliu Hr.c hopes to see it done. Although the Improvement scheme is not dead , still it is soundly sleeping , nnd it is time that it was awakened. An experienced engineer has gone over the ground and states that the work can bo done for 2,500. As be fore stated the last $500 of tills amount is al ready raised. The motor line promises lib eral assistance , ns nlso do the steamers nnd other Mnnawn interests. Aside from thcso , there nro several parties heavily interested in real estate in the southern part of the city , who cannot afford to let the lake disappear , and the motor line become n thing of the past. With all of these yet to hoar certainly seems that there should bo no diffi culty in securing tno necessary amount. Ho , for the Picnic. Everyone who wishes to on joy a grand picnic should buy a Broadway lot of Johnston & Van Patten , iJ ! ! Main street. Pure Milk Wanted. Sealed proposals will bo received on or before Sept. 1 , 1888 , at the pllice of the superintendent of the Iowa institu tion for the education of deaf and dumb , Council Bluffs , la. , for furnihhing the said institution good , unadulterated , pure milk , in quantities as the institu tion may require , and at nueh times as may bo directed by the proper olHcorB. Also to furnish pure cream under re quirements as above stated. Bids should bo endorsed , "Proposals to fur nish milk and cream , " and addressed to the Hon. Board of Trustees of the Iowa institution for the education of the deaf and dumb. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. HKNUY W. ROTIIKUT , Superintendent. Ground Through I lie Mill. The following cases were disjxjsed of in policecourt yesterday morning : Frank Gladwlu , Dell Shadclcr and J. W. Brewer , charged with disturbing the peace on Broadway , had their cases continued. Thomas Clark , William Jenkins. M. Kelloj and James Clark , vagrants , were discharged , William Payne , who was charged with larceny of goods from the Pacific house , was relcasoJ. William Prolstlo , charged wllhbeingdrunk and disturbing the peace , had his case con tinued. F. Hanson was fined ? 7.0 ( ! for assault. Charles Allen deposited $7.60 with the clerk to offset a booze whirl. A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok ers , have a list of choice inside property on their books. Nothing but bargains offered. Artists prolor the Hallott & Davis piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtclc. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. If you have property for sale at a bar gain list it with us and wo will adver tise it free of charge. A. A. Clark & Co. , corner Broadway and Main , over American express. The Taxes For tlie Yonr. The city council met last evening in spccin session. Present , the mayor and u ful board of aldermen. The following petition ! wcro referred : To grade Statesman street and Eighth avenue between Fourteenth um Twenty-third streets. The tabulation of Buwor bids by the citj engineer was reported nnd after reading was sent back to the engineer for putting In more complete form. A resolution to 1111 the following streets tc grade was adoplcd : Washington uvonui from Main street to Sixth street ; Mill street from Scott to Eighth ; Sixth from Washing ton avenue to Avenue G ; Little Curtis fron Washington avenue to Avenue G ; Avenue D from Sixth to Eighth ; Avenue K fron Sixth to Eighth ; Avenue F from Sixth U Eighth ; Avenue G from Sixth to Eighth Williams fatreet from Mill street to Avcnut D ; the alloy In block 1C , Curtis & Hamsoy'i addition ; Avenue G from Sixth to Klghtl street. The fo llowing resolution was adopted 01 call of ayes und nays ; Resolved that The following bo nnd the same is hereby made the tax for the year 178S , to wit : City levy proper. Mills To general fund for municipal purposes. . 1 ( For extinguishment of regular bonded dent and Interest. . . . . ! For extinguishment of intersection pav ing and grading bonds and Interest ! For extinguishment of intersection sewer bonds und interest For grading extinguishment of the funded debt ' . For judgment fund II Fer general city bridge fund < Total 3i Special levy voted by the people : For police library fund ' . For public park fund ! For water tax fund I For Broadway bridge fund , < For sewer funddistrict No.2 ' . For road fund on agricultural lands in city limits. . . . I Total 2 and that the clerk bo and Is hereby instructci to certify the same to the county auditor 01 or before the llrst day of September , 1SS3. An ( ordinance establishing the grade o Franklin avenue , between Pierce and Pee rla streets was read and laid over , under tin rules. The city engineer was Instructed to drnv up a resolution changing the grade of Firs street , according to the profile. Alderman Weaver of the finance commltte reported that two rooms had been routed ii the Brown building for the use of tl < e cit ; engineer. Said rooms to bo occupied Sei tembcr 1. The report was adopted , six ayes Get your lawn grass seed at Fearon's i Good dwellings and lots for sale 01 monthly payments by E. H. Sheufo i Co. , corner Broadway and Main sts. , u stairs. The DlrtiHct Court. There was but liltlo business of interest transacted in the dUtrlct court yesterday , rho greater part Of the'day ' was taken up In icrtrlng the equity o.iso of Israel Gluck vs. J. Dolditeln. J. J. Jjtewnrt appeared for the ilalntlff. The next cusn was that of .T. K. Itico ct nl. vs. Hnrlo , Unas & Co. Majno & iIii7cUon appeared for the plaintiff , nnd Wright , Baldwin ft Huldano for the de fendants. ' ' K. II. Shcafo ite Co. , mnko long or short time loans on rani estate , in sums Lo suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllco U road way and Main , street , upstairs. A. A. Clark f Co. negotiate loans on [ arm and city property. J. G. Tlpton has bargains In real estate. Pull line of shoot mubio at Council Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway. Spices ready mixed for pickling at Fcaron's. _ _ Personal ' ' ' . l'nrnK 'i P'is. II. L. Shepherd left the city last evening on u short business trip. Alderman Bellinger arrived homo from his custom trip yesterday morning. Miss Knto Blaxslm returned yesterday from an extended visit to friends and rela tives at Elmtra , N. V. Miss Clar.i Meyers has returned from a de lightful visit with relatives in Detroit , Toledo - ledo , and Lafayette , O. County Clerk J. ,1. Shea and I. N. Fllckln- ger , e.sq. , returned yesterday from an ex tended outing nt Spirit Lake. Mrs , Mary Casey Is erecting n handsome two-story frame house ut the corner of Seventh avenue and Twenty-first street. Miss Aliro Christie and sister left Thurs day evening for Chicago , nftcr u pleasant visit with tlir : liimily of Prof. D. W. McDer- m id. id.II. II. U. Pei singer of the Mail nnd Times , of DCS Molncs , passed through the city yester day enroute homo from a pleasure trip to the Hocklcs. Mr. H. Xovcly , secretary of the board of trade ot this city , was appointed assistant secretary of the int'ur-stato deep water con vention at Denver. Mrs. F. Lyon nnd Mrs. L. B. Crofts , no- cotnpanied by her grand daughter , MissMny , left for Des Molncs Thursday over tliu Hock Island to attend the .state fair , Mr. F. H. Davis , ot Missouri Valley , was in the city yesterday , lie is in the land and loan business , und uame down to investigate the steady upward tendency in the price of real estate. _ GltK.vr SAM3 Of Council HluflH liotw At Auction. I will offer for sale and sell without reserve to the highest bidder one-half of all the lots in Cochran's addition to Council Bluffs. Ono lot of every other pair through out the whole addition will bo poid with the privilege to the purchaser of the re maining lot at the same price. The ground on which the addition is laid is known as the old _ fair ground forty , north of the Union TPnciflo depot , and fcotith of Broadway. The number of lots are 100 , or four'lo the acre. TKIIMH. Ton per cent of the purcha&o money cash in hand. Tlfo balunuo in nine equal annual payments to bo evidenced , by notes bearing interest at fi per cent per annum , securpd by mortgage. The property purchasers will got warrantee deeds , title perfect. I will also soil on the same terms and at the tame sale 100 lots in Central biib- divib'on and Street's addi tion on grounds joining on the north. Some of those lots are situated on Broadway. DAY OF BALK SIH'THSIllKU 12. The place of sale will bo on the grounds on Wednesday , the 12th of September , 1888 , nnd continue from day to day till all is Hold. The lots and blocks will bo numbered on stakes and maps furnished bidders on day of salo. Other particulars on day of bale. A. CociiKAX. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly conli- dential. Weather Indications. For western Iowa and eastern Nebraska an ex tremely cold day for those who do not buy Broadway lots of Johnston & Van Put ton. Concert To-Nlglit. Concert and dance will bo given this evening at Bock's garden. Everybody invited. Good order will bo preserved and a good time is assured. OMARA NEWS. NEGLIUKNT SUllSGIIiUUS. They Cnuso Delay in tlic V. M. O. A. "Wo commenced work two years ago , and if our subscribers would only pay up , our new building would bo completed and fur nished in less than two months , " snid n Y M. C. A. official to a BKK reporter. "But they uio no doubt doing the best they can , nnd we keep spending the money us fast as it comes in. Wo don't want to get into debt over it. By the time wo move into it , it will lulvo cost $110,000 for the building nnd ground , and & 10HK ( ) for the furniture and gymnasium equipment the latter costing $ , ' ,000. The ground floor will bo rented , nnd will prob ably bring In an income of 10,000 per annum , and then wo will mnko n push to run the membership up to 1,003 which will mnko us float financially easy. " The reporter looked over the ulto of the proposed attraction for members , und found that the second lloor is devoted to the recep tion room , library , small lecture roomofllces nnd directors' parlor. The third floor will contain the largo lecture nnd committee rooms , the gymnasium and baths. The fourth lloor will bo given over to the different classes. Just now , and since the association nnd to vacate their rooms on Dodge street , they hnvo taken u two months1 vacation , but a meeting of directors will bo held In a few days , and us far as passible , the work of tie association will bo resumed. You can find cool , well furnished rooms at the Globoiholol , best located house in Omaha. UOAOS TO SOUTH OMAHA. How They nro lleltiu Graded by the Coiutntssloiiors. The county commissioners have been look ing after the grades of some of the roads In the southern part of the city during this sum mer und at present a'lHrgo amount of cutting nnd filling Is going on. Twentieth street is being graded south from the end of the city grade to its Intersec tion with N street nnd Missouri avenuo. This Is being done to glvo tha people resid ing cast of South Oinaha an opportunity to reach South Omaha by Missouri avenue - nuo and K street , a distance of one or two miles rather than bo compelled to como up Thirteenth street to Vinton street and then down by the old road. The country through which these streets had to bo cut consisted of drains and banks so steep that some fills from fifty to seventy- live feet are being made and some deep cuts also have to bo mado. It Is estimated that 50,000 cubic yards of earth will have to be moved to make the county's part of the drive way. Thp remaining portion of the Twen > tleth street grade Is being made by the cjtj and the South Omaha land syndicate. The expense of the street to the county will bo about f3,500. ' Holt County Delegates at the Yards , The delegates to the democratic state con < vcntlon from O'Neill , Holt county , on the ! ] wty back from Lincoln , stopped in South Om ilm nnd viewed the womlrs of the Magic City. Vmong the number were Postmaster Frank nmpbcll.O. F. Brlglln , County Treasurer J , > Icmis , Frank Tohlll nnd Oils McDonough. Vfter spending n day of delight and meeting itnong friends hero they proceeded homo nirprhod at the marvelous growth of South ) iuakn. Oct Yniirllnllrnnd Tickets NORTH , SOUTH.EAST EAST and WEST , nnd secure your sleeping berths ut ia02FariiamSt. , Union Pacific Ticket ofllco , IIAUHY P. DKUKti , . City Ticket agent. Drink Malto it is pleasant. THE UKAIjTY MAUKGT. InstriinicntH Placed on Hccoril Dur ing Yesterday. 3 Horncr to M llorncr ct nl , nil property , will . t . b II HiivlsntHl wife to J I1 Svunson ct. nl , lotsNI iinil 7 , Fairmont place , wcl . t 1SX ) 3 llnnscn Hiiillfo to tliu American Waterworks Co , lots 1 , " ixnil 4 , blk 77 ; lots 1 , I' . : i. 4. r > . ( ! , T nnd f , blk 78 ; lots 1 , fi and f. blk 711. rlorence , w d . 3,000 M Johnson to C K Maynurd , lots l'i and 1(1 ( , blk 112 , So Omaha , w d . 4.WO II Hucsst'nbach to A J Hotion , part lots 19 nn < l ! W , Tcrraco add , w d . 3WO \ J liolxm nnd wife to H Sue senlmch , part lots lU und 'M , Terrace nild , w d. . . . 3,8T > 0 ? o Omnlm Land Co to M T Scliroeder . , lot 12. blk (6. ( SoOmiilm. w d . . 350 Ininus II Thompson to public , Cherry hill pint . M KUnrdlniT to A H ( Ilailxtone , xlK ! rt next u lot 1 , blk 4 , Kountzo'd 3d add , < 1 c d . 300 I t ) and w Ifo to V W Leo , lot B , blk 1 , Dunlso'a add. < rcd . 1 I' W ! . ( and wife to A J Hunt , lot 0 , blk 1 , Dcnl-o's add , \v d . 2,100 II Miinulgnn und \\lla to I ) H Scavor , lots 0 and 7 , K V Smith's add w A . ] ,8CO I ) 11 Sciivor to II I limnlgun , lot 6 nnd T , blk Hi. i : V Smith's add , \v d . 20 It 11 I'ortcr to J K 1'ortcr , two ncros deeded to mo by city of Omnlm In IMP , d . . . . . . . . 10,000 K8 llradlcy nnd vlfutoTJ Moss , lot 27 , Illmt'linui'h place , w A . 3.COO ,1 , M Klnrnld and wlfu to T J Jlo s , lot V , llk II. Patrick's mid , w d . 3.WW ) It Kvmis iituhvlfo to I. M 1'nj no et ul , lots 1 nnd 2 , blka , I.a Vein pluce , w A . 3,000 Seventeen transfers aggn gating . -J Ki. < ji : iiK I'crnuts. The following permits to build wcro is sued yesterday : H A Itveney , dwelling. Thirty-first am1. U streets South Omnlm . COO I'eter Swunson , store nud flat. Twenty- Mivautii avenue nnd llnrdettu street . 1,500 Mrt > , I C Arnold , cottage. Twenty-font til nnd Miihoi : streets . 800 Arthur llothory , sUlile , Orchard , between Tlurt.v-hoveuth ami Thirty-eighth streets . BOO Mis K Cliiiissun , cottage , Twentieth near NMchcilns streets . 1,000 Three minor permits . 7UO permits , aggregating . $ 5 , ! 0 SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. ' . advertisements , such ns Lost , Found , Sl'IXMAl. To Loan. For S ilo. To Kent , \Vnnta , Hoard ing , etc. , will hu Inserted In this column at Iliu low iatu of TUN CUNTS I'KIl I.IN'K for the first Insertion and Kivo Cents 1'er I.lne for ench f > uli- s ( | uent Insertion , l.euve advertlsi-menttt nt our ntllro , Nu. 12 1'eurl Street , near Hioadway , Council lllull.s Iowa. WANTS. WANTKD Hardware. An Improved farm of I no lines wi ucreH under plow. House ami fumes In good order ; good spring water through pasture. Will trade for stock of hard- wnro. Fitzgerald , Nonpareil , Council Itluirs , In. Woid turner nt once. Steady WANTJJP employment to good man. .1. F. Cody , 11 WuHhli.gloniuu. , Council ItlullH , la. Foil Itr.NT Itooms for light housekeeping ravith Bt. _ T71OK KENT A Inrgo number of groil dwell -L ? lims. ( all nnd uxumlnu list. I. . II. Shout fe Co. , Iliondwuy nud Main ht. , up stairs. W"ANTKi ) For"\Vest"poTntrn ilrst-clnss bir ber , single man , Ftendy employment given. Adiliess nt once , barber shop , Flrbt Nn tlomil bank building , West Point , Nub. FOIt HKNTNleeljfnrnl hert , a MUte ol rooms , nlso n slnglo room , ono block from llroodwuy , 12J Uleuu ave. Oil KENT Furnished rooms at 117 Fourtl F street , Council lllullrt. la. FFoil Foil HUNT A new house with nine rooim nnd nil modern conveniences In best location n the city. 1'rcfer tenant who will rent two un tnrnlshcd rooms.V. . S. Cooper , 130 Main st. T7HJH IlKNT Furnished room nnd alcove foi .1 ? gentleman. Inquire at 1 4 Fourth street , FOU SAIE My new plRht-room cottage ot Second live. W 0. Jiitncs. FOH SALK llnrber bhop nt 150 Ilroadway , Council ! tlults ; Rood trade ; satisfactorj reasons tor selling ; bargain for the right man OH KXCHANOR-A tlno. well assorfed"M,00 ( stock of stationery , funcy ROOdH , Jewelry , etc. , in a thriving town for residence in Boutt : Unialia. It. T. Bryant & Co. , C23 Ilroadway , Council lllufTa , la. LOT for sale or trade for u team. Inquire ai IbO ) Sth st. OU8KS for ront. Johnston ii Vun Patten H 3 } Main St. A i.0-acro small fruit farm very cheap. Jus1 J\ . outside city limits , or will divide into U aero tracts to suit purchaser , H T llryunt & Cc BAMS The host flm.ill fruit und 1 bio farm In I'ottawattamle county , two miles from Council Itlulfs postoIUce , at u price that will Bell It , on remarkably easy terms , Tltlu perfect anil property In peed condition , 1'ossesslongiven at any tlnv > . Good reason foi Fclllnjr. It. 'l. liryaut if Co. , 023 Uroadway , Council Illuira. la. TSMNTKO-Stocks of merchandise to P * > T chaiiEo for city property In Council lllnlls , Omaha , or western land or chattels of imy kind Wo make unchanging a specialty. K. T. llryunl & Co. , (228 Uroadway. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. tOOUroadway Council Illutft ) , Iowa. KatablUhed 1W7 0. H. McOANELD & CO. , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 20 and K2 Main Street.Council 1 THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER , PRICE $15. Is equal to any High Priced Machine. TboKdlton Mimeograph , the belt apparatui foi manifolding , autographic " < 1 * 7P8 writing work , 8,000 copies can be taken. The Excelsior Cc , , Council Bluffs , la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DoiiKloH St. , Oinnlia , Neb SN YDER & SNYDEH M. B. SNYDBB , A. M. , D. , Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDBR , SPECIALIST : Diseases of Women ttnd Children. 307 Broadway , Council muffs. ITS ALWAYS SO ! NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , August 27.-- Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Gentlemen : Samples and prices received. All satis factory. Send as per first order. How can you sell first-class goods so low ? Other dealers ask more for an inferior quality. . Your patterns are immense. All who have seen them fall in love with , them. Other orders will follow from here at an early date. Yours Truly , B. T. N. YouMUST KEEP COOL i 4 so a-o TO Baird's for Fruits , Assorted Baskets Put Up to Order. For GROCERIES & FRESH FRUITS Go To 9 N. I. TIBBETTS , and Save Monoy. No. 3ir > For yourLightCarriages BUOaiES , CARTS and OTHER VEHICLES , See Henry Van Brunt Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. 3 CITY MEAT MARKET ! ill No. 12O Brondwnv. Telephone No. 2O1. PROMPT" DELIVERY , For CHEAP RATES TO ALL POINTS to No. 2O Main Street. SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway Full Line of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Ilcst JVdiios am ! Organs on Monthly I'liymtnlt. ALLEN'S RESTAURANT FIllST-CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. No , 406 BROADWAY. OUlt EXTHAOlWlNAltY LOW PRICES for SHOES' Is the Cawic o/ the JItgh Temjxratureof GnmprtHfnn. BOSTON liOOT & SHOE STORE. E. E. ADAMS & CO. , No. 417 lit midway. Council Ulufft , luwa. Successor to SCOFIELD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Broadway. Buy Your GROCERIES of DUBLIN BROTHERS , 533 B'way All Fruits In Their Season. Tol. 20O. / / Fou , Want Safe Hepoult or Cheap Loan , Call on International Jlulldlnu , Loan and Investment Union If. V. KIDD C SON , 60i Broadway. 'BuyA ' WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Manager. W. H. KNEPHER , THE GROCER , 744 B'dway Wlillc ut 1MKB IWt.VtWA Take Ilio M. P. ROHRER For tlie Beach. A VINE DOL'ULE ItKUKKD STEAM Kit. INCOKPOIIATED 1878 1842 CO- , MASSILLON , OHIO , MAKUPACTOKEIIS. Especially Adapted tat SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 i LIGHTING , HORSE HORSEPOWER ' POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC - : CUT-OFP ENGINES * . ' , . Durability Ouar Specifications and estimates furnished for complete stnam plants. . ltej'ulatlon. antccd. Can show letters fromusers where fuel Economy Is with Corliss Non-Condensing i , COUNCIL iii-urrs , IOWA. \ Send tor Catalogue. E. C. HARRIS. Manager/ A HOME FOR S50 CASH IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. oloso out the romainlng lots in Squire's addition to Council BlulTa , I To for $50 cabh payment nnd long llncst located lutb in the city will Mil the who doslro to woure l.omes . ami I will niako liberal - biVlanco , to U no on poraonB . Call at and oral loans to these who desire aid in building houses. once sea mo at Masonic Temple , Council DlulVa , Iowa. C. J. COLBY , SoleAgent. . . . . _ . - , " . _ _ - u _ j. - rr = -r i DR. C. B. J U DD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O8 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or Biliary. l , AND TUAVIXIX AQK.VI'B OX CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 33Q BHOADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26H