II THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATCTKDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1888 : DREW THE LINES CLOSELY , An Interesting Session of tbo State Missionary Convention. A SPLITON THE WHISKY QUESTION BcTornI ofthc Mcnil > crn Strongly Ob ject lo lining Committed to itio Support of t Ito I'rotilltUlcm CnmlldatcB. LINCOLN BfiicAn orTup. OMAHA Br.n , ) WZ ) I' SlIlKF.T , [ LINCOLN , August 31. ) Tlio mot Intorostltif ? session of the Htnto missionary convention of the Christian church , which closes this evening , took pluco to-day. During the tlmo allotted fop the re port of the comlttcos Stnto Evangelist Har row Introduced a resolution declaring in favor of temperance and sobriety and de ploring the evils of the whisky trufllc. The resolution was generally esteemed timely nnd thcru was an evident spirit for 1U UiianlmnuH adoption. Hut It tvns not brond end ( weeping enough to milt some of the ladies tuid third party members of the con vention , nctl Mrs. George E. lilgelow , wife of the prohibition candidate for governor , modrstly nroso nnd fttutod that the ladies of the church had not bven treated fairly iu the disposition of thu committees , and asked tlio privilege of introducing An amendment to the resolution , declaring it to be the scnte of the cauvcntion that morality , toiypenmco and sobriety uro not only fa- vorfctl , but that tno whisky tariff can only bo suppressed by and through the prohibition party , and that the convention ntiiuds com mitted to It. This proved a mlto too much nnd matters grow iutercHllngat once. There were true blue republicans present nnd a democrat or two as well , and the ghost re fused to down without a straggle , Equal to the emergency , KIder T. .1. U'llIUiL'son , of Nebraska City , moved the substitution of the sixteenth verse o ( the llrst chapter of Ko- mnns as an amendment to the amendment , end the discussion became general. Elder W. T. Maupin , of Hustings , iuru.vcd liuuseU against Mrs. Higcluw and opjKHcd her amendment on the broad ground that politics or political questions ought not to bo wedged into the deliberations and procedure of re ligious conventions , and cited the fact that in the general convention of the church , at which Elder Isaac Krrelt , one of the foremost , if not thu ablest man of the church , presided , a sim ilar resolution had promptly been ruled oat of order. This statement greatly relieved Chairman Hriscou , who was in a rather warm position , lint the buttlo did not cease. Kov. A. D. Finch also upoho agulnst the amendment , lint the earnest voice of the tempters , MM. Ulgelow mid Miss Mlnnlo Shell , uidcd by Kovs. Johnson and Van Clove , won the hour , and on putting the resolution elution In the order amended won the battle , but against a vigorous minority , who died kicking. Hut a majority of the ministers present voted the question out of the conven tion. The vote , of the ladies did the work. Editor Wolfenberger was there to cheer them with his magnetic presence. Last evening A. McClain , of Cincinnati. O. , delivered on address on "Missions. " Elder Williamson preached the morning ser mon. Tlio session closed with mi address by \V. P. Ayle&worth , president of Fnlrfleld college - lego , on "Tho Life of Alexander Campbell. " IlKPCDIATKit HHII HOND3. School district No. 0 of Sherman county Is seemingly trying to shako the payment of her bonds , negotiated to the Chemical Na tional bank of New York on thu 1st of July , 1874. At tbo annual meeting of the school district the April before tlio vote was cost authorizing the issue of bonds to the amount of $4,000 for the purpose of building a new school DOUJO. The issue was made , properly signed and entered for record with the county clerk of Sherman county , and the bonds were bought by the Chemical National bank. The inter cat was promptly paid each year until the semi-annual Interest dues of 1879 were demanded , when payment of cither interest or principal were denied. The bonds were all properly signed. E. S. Atkinson , county clerk , had attested this correctness witli his signature and seal. Upon this records of gen uineness the bank stated purchased the bonds for a valuable consideration , and be fore they became duo. The county clerk , 'county commissioners and county treasurer have been repeatedly notified of the repeated rofusali of payment , ana have been asked to levy a tax to liquidate the debt , but upon technical grounds have repeatedly refused to do so , unknown to the rolntor , stating that the only remedy is the supreme court of thu state ; hence the action of the state of Ne braska ex rol. The Chemical Na tional bank of Now York. City vs School District No. 0 ot Shcr man county et al , is brought in the upronio court of the state for a writ of man damus to compel the district board of said district to make a report to the county clerk und board of county commissioners of the amount of the indebtedness of said district on the bonds and the amount of taxes necessary to levy in order to meet and pay the debt. If this should bo deemed burdensome to provide for the payment of one-third , or such portion as is possible and annually thereafter in au equal apportionment. BlltnS FOU TUB I'ENITRXTIAUT. Hcddy , as ho Is known in Lincoln , is a hard pill. Ho played a game at evil doing yester day that failed to work. Ho now languishes in juil in couscaucuce. J. W. Asher , on his way from Culbcvtson to Alton , 111. , alighted from the ilyor yesterday morning to visit a young man who is m the county jail on the charge of murder. The parents of the unfor tunate young man bad asked this favor of him. On his return to the depot saloon ho was asked to join a couple of toughs in a game of poker. He consented. Ho played u few hands and discovered thut ho was being itccccd , and asked to be released from the game , stating that ho was a novice at it and promised to set up the drinks. "AU right , " Bald his associates , and the drinks were or dered. llut.no sooner had Asher swallowed his portion than sickness seized him and ho risked to Ho down. Ho was shown to a room. Ho wua soon iu deep slumber. His money und "lay-over" ticket was appropriated , nnd on awakening ho discovered his predica ment. Ho raised u racket , was placed under arrest by OHU-ers Mitchell and Pound nnd waa committed to the city Jail for the night. Tills morning his case was so thor , oughly established that ho was released , and t Suporiiitenidout Culvert , of the Burlington , furnished him transportation , anu he went on his way rejoicing. Noddy was arrested and In default of bail was committed to the county Jail. Grunt La llhmch will keep him company. f It is thought that these two men relieved Aslier of his railroad ticket and money. Ucddy is Dcliovod to bo an all-around crook. CITVSnwt AXTl NOTES. General Lecse returned last evening from Isorfolk , whbro ho spent n day or two with the Grand Army reunion boys. The business men of Mlndcn tiled a protest with the state board of transportation to-day against the enforcement of the order reduc ing freight tariffs. General Van \Vvek _ passed through tha city last evening en route for Hlldrotn , Franklin county , whore , to-day , he addresses a farmers' picnic. The general expressed the opinion that the campaign will bo more than ordinarily interesting this year. Tlio Sixth ward republicans have arranged for n grand rally Saturday evening. After the parades , In which the Lincoln flambeau club will participate , the crowd will congre gate at Erb' hall , whore the mooting- will be addressed by Hon. J. L. loty and Hon. W. H. Woodward. Tlio sale ot lots at the university campus yesterday aggregated $3,315. While the sale was not as largo as was anticipated , tha Christian people are very well satisfied. A ' peed Impression was made and confidence in the enterprise was greatly strengthened. The site Is certainly one of the moat beauti ful in all the surrounding country. Dr. McGrow. of Auburn , was In Lincoln to-day In cookultatlon with Judge H ready , ol Iteatrice. to-day. The gentlemen were hcr < on legal business. Don't disgust everybody by bawk up , blowing nnd spitting , butuso Dr. Sage's Cuturru Remedy and bo cured. ClenriiiRtkc Streets. The hoard of public works and council art making every effort to got the streets in pro srntablu slajxi for the fair week. They can not force property owners to suspend wort on the permanent sidewalks , but the major ] Ity of contractors have promised to clean up. All paved streets not covered by the sweep- In contract will bo gone over at least once by tbo city. The following streets have not heretofore made the rcqualntnnco of the ( weepers , but for this occasion Fanning & Slnvln will go over them once at a cost of VK ) : Sixteenth street- south to Vmton , St. Ma ry's avenue , Twentieth street. Farnam from 1 hlrtleth west , Turnings from Thirtieth west , Cass , CtilciiKO , Davenport , California , from Sixteenth street west , Twenty-sixth street , Twoity-llfth avenue and Sovcuth street Sixteenth , Tenth , Douglas nnd Farnam will bo swept twice during the week Instead of once as ordinarily. The board lias been lifter Dr. Mercer for the p st two weeks to induce him to close up the gaps in his "rust streaks" nnd pave ba- tween the tracks , but ho heeds them le-w than the murmuring of soft summer brecTCs. FOIl ShUtS l'IjKSSM3S3 UPC HnrHriird'rt Aclil Phosphate. D . C. K. mm : . Hcllorillc , 111. , says : "I have found It , and it alone , to bo capable of producing a sweet and natural alocp in cases of insomnia from overwork of the brain. which so often occurs la active professional nnd business men. " Pnvcmcnt * . A great deal of activity In the laying of paveiiirnts is being displayed Just now , up wards of 3,000 yards , It Is estimated , being laid dally. Leavenworth street will require about two weeks mote , when It will furnish a line drive of easy grades from the river to Thirty-seventh street. The cedar block pav ing of Twentieth is completed from Uodgoto Caas , and by Saturday night the four-track portion from C.iss to dialing \vill be linished. The material Is all on tno ground for the southern portion from Pierce to Center , aud work will bo rapidly prosecuted as soon as the waiter and gus companies are out of the way , which will be in a day or two. West Cuming street is being prepared for a. further extension of the cedar blocks , and Popplcton avenue is tinUhcd , Food makes Blood nnil Blood makoa Beauty. Improper digestion of food necessarily produces bad blood , result ing in n feeling of fullness in the stomach ach , acidity , heartburn , sickheadacbo , and other dyspeptic symptoms ; A closely confined life eau > c * indigestion , consti pation , biliousness and loss of appetite. To rotnove these troubles there is no remedy equal to Prickly Ash Bitters. It IIIIH been tried and proven to bo a specific. DAY. It Promises to no One of tlio Most In teresting * Scon In Oinulin. The success of the panada of commercial travelers on "Drummer's Day' ! is finally as sured. The original anticipation was for about 150 drummers nnd a proportionate num ber of floats. So far , ! ! 5U travellers have sent In applications for the regulation silk hat , nnd , as many are already provided , tlio man agement are warranted in their anticipation of COO uniformed men in line. A Lincoln contingent comes with its own band nnd ap plications for i > ositons ! are coming in from all parts of the country. The committee has been forced to put a limit to the number of wagons in lino. Two hun dred and fifty have been , allotted places , which will include some beautiful displays and will be confined exclusively to the Jobbing und manufacturing houses. South Oinnhn will be represented by floats from all the packing nnd com mission houses and u troop of cow boys mounted on bronchos. Tlio Richardson Drug company will appear with one of the floats used in the procession of the Veiled Prophets at St. Louis , nnd the Continental Clothing company are bringing from IJoston a consignment of old continental uniforms cocked hats , blue coats , shoo buckles and all with which they will uni form a procession which will bo one of the most picturesque features of tLo day. A number of other houses are getting up elab orate floats. In all there will be a proces sion covering forty blocks , and attended by six bands. Drink Malto , 25 contsabottlo. Union Pad lie Locomotives. Thirty now locomotives will reach the Union Pacific yards during the next thirty days. Two of them will arrive to-day , nnd the remaining twenty-eight immediately after. Twenty of them will DO the ordinary eight-wheel standard , and ten of them switch engines. If you need a perfect tonic or blood purilier , take Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles ol the stomachjddneys and. liver. Can betaken taken by the most delicato. Price 60 coots. Goodman Drug Co. A Bank Sold. Colonel Henry has told out his Bank of Omaha , on tlio corner of Thirteenth nnd Jones and been succeeded by Frank Wasser- man , A. B. Powell , und August Bcnzou. Those who take Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic never huvo dyspepsia , costivo- ncss , bad broatn. piles , pimples , nguo and malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , hcadacho or kidney troubles. Price 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Jack Kiltctt. Young Jack Killott , who spent last winter in this city , fought a finish fight with Jack Murphy , at Rutherford , Now Jersey , lasi Tuesday , nnd knocked him out in the third round. The light was for a purse of $200 , and young Killott showed himself to bo more than an ordinary good muu. For delicacy , for purity , nnd for im provement of the conjploxion nothing equals Poz/.oni's Powder. A Nnbrnsknn In Mnlne. M. V. Gannon , a member of the Douglai county bar , Is making a campaign tour through Maine. Ho was billed to speak in Lewiston last Monday night. The Courier o : that city , in speaking of Mr. Gannon , style : him as tbo roost eloquent Irish orator in tin United States. It is claimed ho is having a triumphal tour through the state. DON'T SCOLD n man for groaning when he has Itheuraatiam or Neuralgia. The pain Li limply awful. No torture in the undent times was were painful than these twin diseases. Hut oughtn't a man to bo blamed if , having lUicu- mnti-un or Neuralgia , he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros , when it has cured thousands who have suffered in the same vrity T It has cured hundreds ufter physicians hate pronounced them incurable. "Too ell ! of BT phrtlclina ooald not eafnmaal ItheamatiBiuwhlcti had Mttled la tb hip * , cvck and thoulilvn. 80 IntenM latbanilnthat ! MP w ilmoat impoi- eibla. The nr t doMt ot Athlonhoroa cave M rwiaf. and th ibird eoahteu BM to ble p fo/four and a half hour * without waking. KwUaued Iu us * , and am now wall. * * HEY. M. 1L. TKOYKK. Now Albaaj. Ind , * aTS nd 8 rcuta for tlie beautiful colored pic ture , " iloortih Maiden. " THEMTHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall SI. H.Y. Vou can stop that scratching and frvttlng byusInpSKAiiuuy's HVDiioMAriiTiiOL riOAt * for Tet inn i v/nil ter , Ecreino. npworm. Urouud WILL YOU ota' ' EXCHANGE * , ' < yon wish to prevent conta orv " * ! > " UUoasta summer rnn leitncr amone your family or MIK > : our 'lomMtlo ' animals. ) burn BBAUtinv's SUI.I-HUU cusni-ES freely In yonr Clo < et , Cellars , KlU.hens , uutbouaea. Chicken , j , BuWeSi , , oe ilin inV 0 1 I\- * Absolutely no dang r ANU JUT i ot nr .Thes candMarenaidj- ! auU always ready forlwmcdlati u e. . aclies i uulna. ta rm > ' MtLt , Tr.nt , Juno SO , 19-Tue Bwlfl Bpoclllo CompAiir , Atlanta , On. Ocn- tlemen : Ono of my children wns troubled ulth rhminutl'r.i anil belli for about two year * . Wo travo her Tarlom kinds ot mull ein * , but without nroftt.nnd lii-ftn to UnpiUr of curing her at an. 1 wa Jr uaiiltotry ( ! your UnrtlO Spocino. After h h > U uioil rarrrol botllrt tha ilUciu * * all ( il.'ni-ppnnxl , anil tl > 9 li nmr a half , h'nrtr filicl -nltlijr Klrl tvrrlre jrnn oU. Amxlier rhlM linl jmtbrcnmoimicteil In the nann rrnjr , and I * mtMlnfftheH.3. S. and nntlrlpnto prompt oil jiertn.vi ut cure. N. 0. WAOUO.MSU. RICH HILL , Mo , July 7 , 1W The Snlft Bpoclllo Co , Allftnln , ( m. Oenllfiiirn ! Our lltllo Klrl when but tlireo wceluolii lirokij rut with tcrtmn. Wo ttlod tli pr crlUiun from iHTernl K < x t ilcutnn , tut without any dpcclut bcnfilt. Wa trlnl 8. B. 9 . nnil by the llmnoeebntilo YIIU K * " > nr n il hcKiui tit lieal , nnil by the tlum ! : hwl Kkna nix I'Otttel inn w.iBcnmiilcti'ly nirot. ? < > w h lia n full ami hrit huail of kutr n ni'ni't. ' hearty chUil. 1 In I It but my itulr t ui.ikj tMiitatcnK-nf. HiMpwtfully , H. T. SMOUC. OliTTOtnoni. T.K11. Juuo J * . W < - Th BwlftSiieertrti.'rix. Atlanta , -Urtitlonim : : In lH > i f rontrmtt l blnrM iwlM.n , nnil at PII > fcOUghtapltyiKMaii , nlui trrittMl m lor * urif MKmUn. Hy hit r.4rtc I wcut toCT.it > Urclnrct ( .p-lnnn. Kv. , wliorn hH cwinu ot trouncnt wa ciiefully obsrnotl. I rerov- rreil , m I thought , but thu nott irrlni ; plm- rle began to opp-nr oti roy Mi'e ni 1 boily. Tlivse frradnally lnrrra - < t to rorn nml run ning ulciTK. I oai ulvtu l In try 8. S. S. . anil l.imii'illnti lynftortnMn t It I coniruoiu-ml to Improrc. sluuly at II. st , but mori > rxpUlly ofti-rwnnli , ami KOIIII uotblntt rrnialueil to tell nf my tnmblv. Hy hlooil I now thor. cunhly rlennseil , ami my "Jitetn trtotrtim taint , nnil I ouo- ray pcpvat cf > n < 1lttnn a perffCt our to > < wr m iUflne. Ichc irully giro this statement that othor.l ho liu t Ifforeil as I havr may n-ip tlm sivnr Iwnollt. HAHDT M , BuftT , ! it Weft .Ninth St. ' HOMBB , Li. , May SS , lS3-The Swift Spcclflo Co , AtUinta , O.v G ntlfnifii : About two yonni nzo my Ri-nrrnl hrnlth cave war en tirely. 1 was no Ueblllt tetl Ihnt I alraoit despaired ot e pr frellnit vrull eala. All thai the pliy < lclana ilono for ra broutrhtro permanent rclloC. IrlrniU ItuiUttil thit 1 ( boulil give 8. 8. 8. ft fair trial , although X thought It would bu throwing away money. After taking a thorough oonrs * . my hvntlli Anil streniaU rvturnml , ami 1 iiiuit nav that B. 8. a. iO.me curwi me , iu I dUcariUa all other * whlln uilnn It. A a tonlo 1 can inoit heartily r LM > miii nil It [ for general Cphlllty , R certainly i > a ipralllc.V. . F. nmcats , J. r. HOMKII. Li. I know iTr. W. P. VtUitet , and nil ; cay that his utttrmont U rorrect. Jotani SitELTOK. Druyelit. Tmtlso on Dlool ami Skin Discuses niilloj free. Tun Swiirr SI-H.IKIU Co. , Drawer & Atlanta , da. u NPBEOBDENTBD ATTRACTION OVlill A MlTjUON' DlbTKIUUTEO Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated by the Ipfflsluturo In IMS , forIM licnttonol ami Charitable punxHei. und Its frnn : hlsu nuulftu jmtt or the present State Constitu tion. Iu 187fl , by an overwhelming popular vote. ItsOKANDKX'rilAltllNAHYlltAWINOS. ( take plaro Seml-Aniiually , ( Juno anil DocHtnbiiri uKi in a BAKU siNor.i ; NUMIIKII DUAW. XCS take pluceoneachottlieotliertenmonths .u the year , anil are all tlrawn In public , at the iVcatlemv of Music , Now Orleans , la. Wo ilo hereby cortlty that wo miporvlso the .arrangements lor till tlm Monthly iintl Soiul-An- iiual lU'awliiKX of Th I.ouWaua Statfi Lottery Comuauy , nnil Iu peru luim-iiw ami control the Jlrawinst tht'iusolvfs , uuil that the s ino uro conilurteil with honesty , talracss , aaitlu eood faltU toward nil partliw. mid we authorize the company to uao this certlHcjte. with fac- .tnilles of our sltfuaturoa attached , In Its advoi- Iseiuonts. " COMMISSIONKItS. We the undersigned Hanks nnd Hankers will : > nynll Prizes dr.iwn in The Ijoutsiiinii St.itu Lotteries which way be presented at our coun > 11. ji. WATiMShRV , Vre-t. Txjimlaiia Nat. Ilk. 1'IEKKH I ANAUX , I'r s. Ktate Xafl Ilk. A. HALDWIN , J'res. New Orleans Nafl Ilk. CAHL KOHN. I'rei. Union Natlonnl Hnnk. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , In tlio Academy of Music , Now Orleans - leans TucbUny , Sopt. 11 , 1K88. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tisfcets at Twenty Dlarj ! each. Halves $10 ; Quariers $5 ; Teatta $2 ; Twen leths $1. J.IST OIT PIHXK3. . 1 PEIZR OF KWO.IIOO is . $ ? ki.T ( 1 VKI/.r. or VOM is . joi > , < mo i rur/.B OK 60,0'jo is . OOIKV > IFltl/KOV i\WW Is . axilfl aPltlVUiSOP 10.000 are . a,0W ) ( 5P1UVOESOK 6H ( re . 2TiliOr 25 PU17.KSOP J.OOU are . SV.OIX IM PK12KS OV & 0ard . 50.0K n vnizhsop : x ) are HW PIUSES OP aw re AITI'.OXIMATION . 100 Prizes ot $3W are . W > , < ] IOU do : > ) are . : ] 0,0 < O 100 do 200 ore . ) , IK . ' TF.lt.MIMAL I'HIZES. 099 do liU are . 99.BJ : VJO do KX ) are . 'A ! * ( a.131 Prizes , amounting to . UlU.MaiJ NOTK. Tickets ilrawlng Cupltnl I'rlios nronuteiv titltxl to termlnnl t'n/o' . Ui KoH CLUM HATi'S , or nnr further Information desired , write legibly to tinuimernlitned , clearly stut- Itut yotirntsldence , with Wtuto. Oonnty , Mrect ml Nutubor. Mora rapid return moll dpllvvrr will lie u mreil br Tour encloclnx ua vnrelope bearing your Seed l-OSTAI * NOTES , Krpross Money Onlors. of New Vuik KxchanKu Iu oMlimry Icttur , Curroucy by EJIHUSS ( at ouropen o ) udaresneil ' or il. A. 1MUPIII.V. WMblugton , D.C. Address RegistereTLetters to N1\V OULEANS NATlONAf. HANK. Nu > r Urleium , I Thiittho p - cml. < lk aiiri' url ami Kur- ly , wlioure In ulmruo of the Umntn.M. U aiiunrnnlee of Absolute lalrnpsn nnd IntreKrlty , that tnu ctiuncuj lire all oiiial | , nnd that no one can poanblr divine wbatliunilicr wlllilmw nirlie. | "UKMKMIIKH , also , ( hut llui paymunt of Prlze lt OUAKA.NTKi : ! ) 11V kollll NATIONAL HANKS of New Orleajis , ami the Ttckc'ti uro > Un d by the 1'roil- dcnt of an institution , wh o clurtero I rlulits tire rucounlieit In tlm hlitutiit Cuurta ; therefore , betrur * of nui tmltutluni or Hnonrmoua cliomo. < . " GOLD MEDAL , PAEIS , 1878. BAKER'S i Warranted nfmottitely pure Cocoti , from which the ezceu ot OU has been removed IthatMrta limit the itrtxglh of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and li thcrcf ere far more economi cal , totting ku Man one cent a cup. It Is dillclous , nourishing , strengthening , easily digested , and admirably adapted for Invalids as well ai for p r ona In health. Sold br Cri > or yrerjuhere. W. BARER & CO , DorcliGSlcr , lass , GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. Epps's Cocoa BREAKFAST. "IlT a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which Korurn the operations of ilUestlon und nu trition. aoU bj a careful appllratlon of the nne prop erties ot well-selected Uocua , Mr. Kppi hai provided our breakfast tahles Kiln u dcUcattly tlarored bever age wiucli mar save us many heavy doctors1 hills , u Is by tha Judicious use of surh artlckunt diet that a constitution mar be gradually built up until strong enoii li to resist ererr tendency to disease. Hun dreds of subtle maladies are noiitlng around us readr to attack uheterer them U a weak point. We roar escaix ) many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood aud auroperlr nourished ished fnime.-CltIl Bervlce Uazuttv. Made rlmplr with bolllne water or milk. Bold only In bull iwund tint by Grocers , labeled thus : JAMES EPPS & CO , , IIESS3.tlllillSI.SSt ? OTEDY EMPLOYMENT 0VS m\ and enerteiio lady canvasser * resldlnH In this .or other towns. No capital necessary. Goods eell the rear round. Keference requlreit. Address WIMTUljN AUKNTS1 bUl'l'liY CO..W3 lllth Are. , DRINK MALTO VERY FIN Cl U IT B ! ! And such an one as will be duly appreciated by the general public , is to be inaugurated. It is almost unnecessary for us to go into details with regard to the quality , etc. , of 9ur stock as it is conceded by everybody that it is unapproachable by any ready-made clothing in the country. Our last consignment consisted of an assortment of the Finest Tailor-Made Clothing Any mortal man could behold , and we will quote prices on these and all other goods for this occasion , that will induce the most inveterate bargain seekerto purchase. $ 8.00 buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20. 1O.OO buys a One Button Sack Suit which was madeto order for $22. 11.OO buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28. 14.0O buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to orderfor $3O. 17.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O. 21.OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $5O. 22.OO buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , Sack or Frock , which was made to order for $6O. 25.OO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp , ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $ ob. $15.00 Buys a Cassimere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $37 $13.00 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45. $22.OO Buys a Corkscrew Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $5O. $95.OO Buys a KTobby Fin Check , light color , which was made to order for $60. JB3O.OO Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O. $35.0O Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $80. vercoats , Beauties , from $8 Up , A A'oM y and Complete line of Pantaloons from $2.75 to flO. All alterations to improve a flt done free of cHarye. Parlors , 1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119 1 Three Doors East of I2th Street. Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IP IT IS. APiuprletury Meilluuu tlmt uceda butaUla ] to prove IU worth. Dr , Calbder's ' Left liver Bitters , Tno only Dlstllle.1 Hitters In the United States. The only Hitters recoipjizea by tli United States Internal revenue laws as ft Pro prietary Meilloliie. Lawfully Patented. No. ot Patent I4-O.573. Contains no fusil olls.no essential oils , no forelirn substance or ilnmag * Ine UruKS. A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from Pure Uoot llerbs and Olil Peach ; pleainntto tlm taste , quiet und decisive In Iti effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In Ova days. Hvgulatcs the Uowels. Invlcoratos Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Liver , Hevtves the Kidneys , improrei the Appetite Quickly , negnlates the wuole system. New Life to tha whola ijstbm. Left Uicr lUtten uro olil In Omaliu , N'eb. , by the fo lowing itruioilBta : Klctmrilanu tirais Co. , Special Whok-iale , tor tlio Uruti Iniercst of Nebra > ka. llu- t.illorii us followii : ( iootlman DriiKOo.V. . J. Wliltclioasc , T. W.Bpaf- fanl , hiiui II. Furnsworth , brliroterii lUmrniacy , K\ihn& CoJohn lllnUi < li , .M. I'urr , J. A. KulliT .t < o. , W.J. llunUtM. John H. Conlo , ( ! . .1. Krlcu , M.J. Powell , F. II. ( iont < cli , John F. liuflsky , Morrvll'i l'hiirm cy , James l-'otHTth , II. C. Hull , Dr.J. J. 8 Tlllo , C. M.C'rluar. K. Chumjler , llitlms I'tmrnmey , ( iur- ney& UayX J.O. Khiir.J.V. . Cinrkn , J. 11.Schmidt , Max ISecht.J. H.Chrl > ten < on , W. K.Lambcnon , 11.8. Cux , Max Conrad. 1'ruiik W. Vfxa , It. ltnnmu Hon , ( ivorutf Uoi'dor , ll > > ilti Phiirmacy. C. A. Melchor. llownnl Mcyeni. frunk IKllone A Co. , wholesale dealen In Cisara and l.elt Liver Ultiera. JOSEPH EILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLO MEDAL. PARIS EXPOSITION JST3. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PEEPECT OP THE CHICAGO AND MORTH- WESTERN W ' RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Thaonly road to take for IX ) Molnes , Marsnallown Cedar Uaplds.ritnton. Ulion , Chltavo , Milwaukee , and all i polnlt Kast. 'ft thu ponpla of Nebraika.Uolo- nulo , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Mavada , Oregon. Wash- loiston and California , It otfura superior adrantagei not po slble by any other line. AoionK a few of the numerous points of superiority enjoyed by tbo patrons nf thli road between Omaha and Chicago , are Its three trains a. day of HAY COACUKS , which are tbe tlni-st tbat human art and Ingenuity can create. Itsl'ALACKSI.KKl'lNl the equal of wbloh cannot be found elsewhere. At Council lllntrs , the trains of the Union I'm-lilo Hall way connect la union depot with those of the CHI * eaicoJtNoriUwestiirn Hy. In Culcagn the.tralna of this line make close connection with those of ali other Kastern linen. th "NORTH-WESTERN" tt yon wish tbe best accommodation. All ticket sL-rnts srtll tickets rla this lln . u. uutaiirr , KP.viu so.v. ( ien'l Uanarer. Uen'l lm > 'r AKent. W. N BAnCOCK. ea"velJielriVAiffnt , U.K.KIMUA1.U Ticket Ateal , , , . , > ° - KWsthT , JlkiVisearer Ajent 1101 DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph o ! Electric Schnct lest SttatUiA Scl0ntinca"y Mud > and Pr"cllcaly ! Applied. _ DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICIKES. WHEN ALL ELSE FA9LS. . .bo har bwn Board of Trad , _ _ inuLniCoLUonnelli . . . , J Q IU.1 Judiro i. fl. w'HaperVflTe''lil.'i lVlZAbbo > t.aopt.cltyV lerw'b > k.Bo"iithlJ n , rttd."Kobt.Il.Bkmiaoi , Chlcftito oboi L. D. McMlehasl. M. ! > . . Bnffauo. N. T. ' Your belt baa accompltefcod what no other remedy bur sUadr BtrvM andcomfortablaslxpatnifht. " Eobu Hall , alderman , 16O cast MMBtreefcHewTorlt- ' ' " " Dfe HORNE'S ELECTRO MABNETIC BtlLT Isnperiartoallotben-eniTentiofeleetrlcl trs strengof numaslh. . . . . ! yd rarflnir rliror. atnncth. emrpr and boaJtn , wne an oiner iroatmeni ai lauw. iuo m nw u . bOoniiltarab lnsrn > omlsedaBdiiidors d > rtaoasandswhemltbai ar d. _ , . . . . . . v M.i. , Hrt. KF.rEHE.XCEJ Any bank , commercial f encf or wbolsiaU nodse la Chloigoi . wholesale Oniffglsts Ban FrancUoo and Obloniro. | sr8ond > wipfbrlltpa allhistrated pamphltt. 33XL. * W. r. SEOJEUVXBV Inventor aniTKanufaeturer , 1 1 W b sh Avenue ) Chlcag * . RUPTURE < 5SffS ? DR. HOIWE'S ELECTBO-MflBNETIC BELT-TiiUSS KINGSFORD'S QSWEGQ STARCH ! "Pure , " Silver Gloss * & Corn * Starch , FOR T E LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. THE VERY PERFECTION OF QUALITY. , 1888 THE GREAT 1888 OMAHA FAIR AD EXPOSITION Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive. Most Complete and Best Arranged Fair Grounds in the West The best uccotnniodiiUoiis for a took , which can bo unloaded from cars at the grounds. Superior accommodations for ugrlcultural exhibits. The boat and fasteat.track in the country. Competition open to the worlU. No entry fee except - copt in rncitiR1 pursos. Special Attraction Each Day. GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pvrotobhnical Display every evening of th SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL. For prorniuui lists , clrcularaiiud informa tion , ad dross J. H. McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska , 'STRUMENTS ' Oonctdtd bj tb sT tat ar. tlU to be nnaqaued an either lUnUsplw * , Factory foaoded t Q48 at Itincliwtor. Knglond. CaUlnraa Int. LYtN a UULY , Cllctgi , till Agti. fir til U.I. Biff O has el ven nnl vet. Ml tatlafactlon In tbe cure of Gonorrhoea and Oleet. I pteurlboHand feel Bate In rtcouimsnd- In * It to all sufferers. i.J.STOXEB , M.D. , Dooalur , III. PBIOE , 01.00. Bold by T. E. GILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Itouiu 63 Tradera' nulldlui CHICAGO. aUTenncts-Uetropomsn National Bank , U. 0. I > un A Co. The IJrsds trio t C * DREXEL & MAUL , ( Succoasora to John U. Jncobe. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old Btuiul. 14J7 Farnam St. Orderaby telegraph hollcltwl und promptly attended. HAIR BALSAM Cleaiuwt and UAuUflca tha hair. ProiHotoiikiuiurUnt Krontb. Never Falls to Rstlore Orey I H lr to M. Yenlhful Color. ' J Cures aealndlscascaanduau-falling FLORESTON COLOGNE. Kwl irragrant and Loallng of ferfunics. Kc. ) ruccnufully used monthly by orer laouo lMUm. Are Safe , tyectualauil 1'leaiant ? , ' Pf f * * * by n 1 | . < > ' drueKlrt * . Sealed -AirffcuJorjapoetacnBtamp * . Addrns UB KoiiSKA CBEIIICAI , Co. , Domorr , Mioo. JPiw Bale and by mall by ( looiltnan Drug Co. , Omaha , WET A IADV18B FRKK. HOW TO AOT. f JK * ' \ UtlVtawaUUaul M Illli > < > ali' | I > o'iM ' ! ui il rs rWirflA < litMBKh iMicira. ls MTr e < lieas lli ssiaasli il in. HAM1M W * % ) * . Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Cured bj AdiuIulsterlnKDr. Hahic * ' Goldcm Spcclflc. It can be glren In a onp of coffee or tea wltfv- out tbe KHowleUKu ot the person taking it ; abjo * lutoly liarmlesB , und will uHoct a permanent and peeay cure , whether tbe jintlunt is a moderata drinker or an nlcohollo wreci. Thousand * ol drunkard ! bare been made temperate mun who hava takou Golden Bnecldoln tbeircoltoe with out their knowledge and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. It never falH. Tbe system once Impregnated With the Bpei'lQe , it becomes un utter Imposalblllty for tbe liquor appetite to oxlat. Fur ftnle by Knhn & Co. , 15th and Douglas u. , ana istb and Omaha. Nul ) . | A. 1) . Foster & Urdu Touncll Blulta. loa. . ( NACOUAINTEO WITH THE OCOORAPHT Ol > 1M COUNTS * Will CBTAIM MUCH ItlPORMATIOM FROM * ( TUOY OF THUMO > OF TMI 1 CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC RI Its main line * and branches Incluclo CHICAOO. PEORIA. MOLnrE. HOCK ISLAND. DAVEN PORT. DEB MOIKZS , COUNCIL ULUTFSi MTJB- CATINE. KANSAB 01X7 , BT. JOBBPB. LEAV- EMWORTH. AIOHlaON , OEDAIt KAf IDS , WATERLOO , JONlffiATOLIB. ud BT PAUL , end Bcoroo of Intenacdlate cltlu. Cholca ot routes to and from the Pacific Ooeit , AH trans fer * in Union depo s. Vast trains of Tin * Cay Coachea , elegant Ptnlnj Cars , magalflcani Pull' "I nun Palace Blaepen , and ( between Chioaco. BU Joseph. Atchlson and XanM * City ) -Mpt"a Choir Cars. SaaU Stea. to holder * of through first-clogs tickets. Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y "Great Rook Island Route. " Xztends Waat and Southwest from KanssjtOttr and Bt. Joseph to NELSON. HORTON. . B LLB- VnJJ. TOPggA. HEBDiaiON. WICHITA , EUXcnnBOif , CALDWTXL , mnj au points ta KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond. Entire pasacniter oqulpnent of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. AU saftty sir pllances and modern improvements. The Famous Albert Lea Route Is the favorite between Chicago. Bock Island , Atchlion. Kaniaa City and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Its Watertown branch traverses the great "WHEAT AND DAIRY BILT" of Northern Iowa , South w ot rn Minnesots , and East Central Dakota to WaUrtorra , Gpirlt lake. EUoux PaUa and many other towns and cities. Tbo Short Line via Uenoca and KankaJue offers uperlof facilities to travel to and front Indian * polls , Cincinnati and other Southern points. i'or Ticket * . Kapa , Ti'lders. or detlrail Informa tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket OSlco or address : a C. ST. JOHN , K.A. HOLBROOK , TUBer or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The Dost Uouto from Oraaka and Council to THE TWO TUAINS DAILY I1HTWKKH OUAIIA AXM COUNCIL Chicago , AMD Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Rapid * , Hock Island } Freeport , Rockferd , CHutoa , DubuquCf Diueoport. ' Madison , Janmllle , ' UcJolt , Wluoaa * La Croue , And ail other Important points Kuit , Kortlisstl ul Bvutkeitt. For tbrougti ticket ! call OQ the ticket aientatUOt Karnant itrvot. In Barker liloci , or al Unlou I'ados . . . , UBO. / UATITUBD , AMlsUnt d Ticket A nt.