- - k' - . . _ _ - - - - - - - - - . L - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - - 1-- ' - - - - , - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ' - - " 1 ' -r" ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' F . 11 - _ . Thhi OMAUA DAilY BEE. FRIDAY AUGUST 31. 1888. - - liAY ) AT N1iIIci1ii Laying oftlio Corner Stone of Lin- cOln'8 Now tYnlvorulty. MANY VISITORS FROM ABROAD : TIii un Ihi Ing P1111(1 1t1CreaIe(1 0 Coin. Lortable I'ropnrtlonq..TIio Francc CIteIanL1 Cluli-trinocvntlo ; Central Cuniznlttee. L1COW I3t1tr.AU or TflP OAn 13 , lU2tJ 1' ST8iT , LrncoiN , Auust ; 30. At 8 o'ctoclc thl4 ! morning the iitato tnIs noRiiry corivcntthu of the C1ritIan church Wus cAfled to order at St. l'nul's M. E. chiirci1 ) nntl nftcr t brief iittlng ajourneI ( to Bctliaiiy IIcIghti , tile ilto of the new unl veisity. to partfciprLto In the cxereIei of ] ainc thu corner stone , picnicking nii ether . plcasUre , The ihty has been a rncmorahlo 0110 III the history of the church In t1iI city r nnd itath. It. Ii been nnxiowily nnticiiated for imma rcek ) anti liroycil IL full Iriiltiot , of thu highct hopcs Oii the niornhiig'ii ucljourninont Private nod iuIilic convcynccs vcro In uctivo demand by a largo number of PCOP1O who were noxious to reach the groundM ut nil early hour , but jrlor arrangeiiicntn had beeii so thoroughly ninTh that waiting was , icarcely realized. The IC. of P. band paraded the Principal streets of the city between 0 and 10 o'clock , and 'ust ' after the latter hour the principal Procession loft for the unIversity grounds front the corner of 1Ioventhi mid 0 streets , and from 11 o'cloclc to the luncheon hour the time was employed in singing and various social ways. ' 'Ilio iubhie sale of lots followed and Prove(1 ( quite a hICiJ ) to the building fund. Lots sold for a fair price , glviug evidence that. the Christian icoh)1o ) have conildezice In the greatest. enterprise they have undertaken iii the state. At 8 o'clock the box containing the copy of records , lucluditig tim city papers and Tiia Jinx , voro ready for the receptacle and the cxocIse of laying the corner atone com zuonced. Thu music vaa under the ( hirection of Davis Errctt , of Omaha , and was flue. The sonic cnn he said of all the oxereuses of the day. Elder 11. J. ltadford , associate editor of the Christian Stondard of China. nat ! , 0. , but a resident of Eureica , Ill. , was tluo lirliucihual RhCflhCr. liEu ; style is clear , happy mid conviucing , and he ranks nniong the ircnt christian orators of the conntry. flr. I ? . M. lChrkhnm , editor of the Oracle , of Des Moines In. , Elder T. \Vhhlianisoui'of Nebraska ity , State Evangelist lharrow and Elder Johnson , l'ornwrly pastor of the church In this city , also talked briefly. 'rho exercIses throughout were iuteresting anti inupressivo. Til S FILANCrM ctEvSt.tNn CLIJO. This club of winsouuio young ladles nuai hors over thirty members , all of whom cvInxu deep interest in the success of democracy and the return of the first Ltdy of the union to the white house. A1ut half of tim club attended thth state convention yesterday. 'rho move was an inuuovatloit upon the usual , and was partlcluurb' noticeable In view of the fact that democracy has openly disapproved of women In vohitlcs. Hut hard hearts re looted in thIs event and the ladies wore treated with chivalric courtesy , but their counsels were hot noticeably sought , and their faces beamed with intelligence upon all questions iprung during the deliberations of the convention. Thu members of the club lucre were also present at th u meetIng of the state league at l3ohaoon'a balL last night. It , waJi a goodly lortlon of the intelligence at- tending. 'rho bachelor democrats of Lin. coin voro also there. Some of them are now rather inclined toward universal suf- frago. Miss Ella Curtis is captain of the club and MIss Amelia Forbes marshal. They wore accompanied by the MIsses Della Robinson , Carnlo Brinker , Carrie Cowen , Addle J3rickor , 1(15 ICahuhl , Emma Stewart , Lena Piasecke , Title Groizor , Rena Gordon , Della Piaseoko , Blanche Ryan and Amy l3rlckcr. - iiItMOClACT'S CINTUAt. COMMiTTEE. The democratic stnUu central committee- elect met at room 4 of the Windsor hotel this morning at 8:30 : to organize itiud arrang-o for Che campaign. But lIttle business. however , 'was transacteul. lion. Jobu A. McSliano was elcctcd chairman and C. E. Montgomery see- rotary. Authority was gIven the chairman to select an executive committee of five to report on call , and lie was so notified by letter. A few other mInor matters were decided - cidod uvon and the commIttee adjourned without date , but subject to the orders f either the chaIrman or secretary. It is tatcd that an early mootinir will ho held and day and date wIll bo decided UpOfl as 8000 as a conforciuco with Chairman Mo- Shinto can be lucid. This moothn was the last of the worc attendIng the democratic tnte conventIon. OA1IEI.C8S CONTRACTORS. Jack ICadon commenced suit against the city of Lincoln yesterday afternoon in the county court for Ho alleges damage for a flooded collar during some of the late rains , in that sum , due to the condition in vbIch the contractor left the grade fronting his IIaco of business and cellar. Ho etu4es that the surface was loft so that water svould naturally run into his collar ; that it did so , and his collar was greatly damaged thereby , nndtliat the city is responsible to him for the damage done. Ho vras for udgmont for equitable damages and costs of suit. The suit viiL be contested to the bitter intL . . Iui'OEME cOURT RECORDS. The following cases wore filed to-day by Peputy ClorkWhieolcr in the supreme court. Albert E. Touznlln vs City of Ounusbu ; ap- peat from Douglas couuty. William Nollkamper v Wyatt & AilIng- ton ; error front halt county. Ti. F. I2oberth vi U. L. Snow ; error from lIolt county. 'horace A. Greenwood v Thomas D. Cob. boy ; error from Ongo county. Isaac and Simon Oberfelder vaJulla Damn Ct nI ; error from Douglas county. NE NOTAIIIRS I'tiIui.IC. The following Nebraskans were commis. Ioned notaries nublio to-day by Governor Thiaycr : Oliver P. Davis Lincoln , Lancas. tor county ; C. A. Mann , drd , Valley county ; Sauuues N. Clark , Cheney , Lancaster county. CITY NEWS AND NOTES. Tkomo is a broken stitch somewhere In the prograromo for the hunmediato erection of stock yards at Newport , notwithstanding the recent orders of the general manager of the Elkhomn. The superintendent Insists that the village has a shuto there that answers present uicods. If the yards are built at once It will be under protest. The last of tho'democmatio delegations do- Vatted hence in ieaco this morning. But the broad smile on the face of tim average Bourbon indicate thnt..tho.action of the con- yention gives univorsul satisfaction. An order has boon issued by the city coun- cit that the new wells shall be coupled to the flouts without needless delay. The author- ltuos are bound to have good water for the state fair. The Lincoln street railway company opened Its now line of mead on Cherry street this morning. This gives the city very fair street mahltyny facilities. Willie hell , daughter of George hull , of Ilensuuitduuie , who died last uuight , was bar- led at U o'clock this aftornoon. "The World Moves , " faIntainet1 Galileo , vhon his tormentors rocked him for advocating the true system of Copernicus. Certain follies bold out , however - ever , against the illumination of ihiscovery and cxper2ence. There are hosts of people 'who , because they have adopted certain prin. ciples , continue to swallow them to their dyingdsy in defIance of tim laws of common settee. Mercury , dmaatio purgatives , super- potent narcotics and sodatuves , though they have given ground before the irresistible wogross of Ilostettor's Stomach flitters , a iiatuonnl , luninless remedy for disorders of the liver , tbo itomach and the bowels. still continue to make ambulating apothecaries' shops of many stomachs. The symptoms of liver trouble are easily remediable without any abdominal disturbaaco with this bonoll. coat altemutivo. So also are constipation , sick headache , heartburn and an Inability to digest. satisfactorily. It cures fever and tigue , rheumatism and kidney trouble. -S JIUNN1NG AND G1U0G. They Cialut to hail Front Omaha , But Who ro They , . inquiry was yesterdaymade by Due roper- - tori to discover who nra the Dunning and Gregg , mentioned in a Bsa telegram from CM ma halflng from Omaha. 1'here is no 41John L . f . . , , - _ - Dunnin "o be found in the directory , end In neither of tiur niereanUlo agencies uior nunouig the coal men and capitalists could any Information be secured coacrnlng the Omaha Coal Mining company. The flume of " \v. Gregg" could net bo found either In the directory or in the business centres. 'rite fact of Omaha's establishing an English and Macrican syndicate ( limited ) in Chicago , vnM considered by most of the leading capl- talists an unusual and highly Improbable no- thertnking. At all events , they know tuothuing of the schetno and less , if that were possible. oftito Iwomotors , alit ! wore , in fact , disposed to look upon the whole mntter as a fraud. This impression was atrengthcndd by the suspicious manner In which the episode wes brought to a close. For delicocy , for purity , and for Improvement - provement of the complexion notluin g equals L'ozzoul's I'owdcr. IAMAGZ BY A MoiVrCAGE. An Interesting. Stilt to be Ilearti in flue ilistrict Court. Nissan , Alvord & Co. have sued the Rector Wiltielmy company forI,00 thamuues for the filing of a chattel inortgnge for $300 lucId against the plaintiffs. The defendants were givoui a chattel mortgage on hardware stock of the first firm to secure the PaYuutolit of four pronuissory notes. According to the terms of the mortgage , the pa > cr was uiot to be Ihlod for record uuuless there was ii default taken in one of the uuotes. 'rIte iulaiuitifrs claim that by the filing of the mortgage raid takitig pus- session of their stock they have been data- egud in the stun claimed by them. 'J'iio case of MutsonCauipbeht & Co. against Sehulntiic nod Sol l'rinco of thuVlndsor Ito. tel , line beoti appealed front thu county to the district court. Judgment lout boon entered against thin defendants for $411. About a ituontli ago liruno Strathinan sold his saloon at Jackson and Ninth streets to ! biultthtOas and Peter Bartel and took their notes for $ l0J. The bill of stile was Iliad yeitorday , and almost siiuuultaneously-Struth- uuuuuin bogart a suit to roplovin his goods , lie alleging that the first note had not been Paid.Robert Robert Major lies sued Eli and Edward r. Brown for $1,000 diunages. In November last Najor bought of the dofeittlants a grocery - cory store on South Thirteenth street , autid tbti Browns agreed not to outRage in the business south of Faroani street. Iii April , however. the defendants again opened a grocery - cory near their old stand. County Court. A judgment has been entered and an cx- ccutIon made out in favor of KohutuVelis agdinst Maurice I4oyers & Co. , for $750 for Ilvo luroinissory notes nod sonic bank ute- counts claimed by the plaintilt from the de- fendant. Duane C. Ioano has sued I'atrick J. Creo- den for 200 , the commission the defendant contracted to pay the plaintiff for selling a lot. 'rho ProPertY vas sold to H. F. Robinson - son for 4I,0OO utearly a year ago , and the runt estate broker has been whuistijuig for his fee over since. It you need a pcrfect tonic or blood puriller , take Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of the stouuiachukidiicya 80(1 liver. Can be taken by the most delicate. I'nico 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Visitors to the city should try the Globe hotel , 1312 Douglas. TIlE ItEALTY MAfllC1T. Iuistrunuonts l'lneed on Iteoortl fur- ing Yesterday. Charles Corbett and Wits to .1 V Bedford , lot a. bik 10. lledford place. q c ii. . . . . . . . I 1 Wihitanu Gibson anti wife to U K Gibson , und of ii too rt of e 4 lot 11 , blk 2 , flush . % o1by add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I F Drexel altOlf to M 1)onnelly , v lot 2. bIk2. 1)roxePs sub w (1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 V Murphy to it P Ilen'Irickaon. ' lot I , blk C. Armstrong's 2aul add , q c .1. . . . . . . . . . 1 Sauimiers .i lhlmohaugh to VIhhiam4 & 1'erkIn , lot. 2 biL "iI's , Saunder.s & Iluunebaugh's add. w ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 William Coburn to 'V .7 Paul. lots 1 : ; , hI , 15 and 1(1 ( , bik 8 , McComniick's End add , wU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William .1 Paul to F .1 MvKenuia , Iota 10 14. 15 and 1(1. ( bik 5 , IdcCornuiek's 2nd altl.Wl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Union Stock Yards Co to hthvard Mix. lot I. bik 4 , Second 0(1(1 , South Omahn , w d 700 T l'roctor to A Eal. 3.15 of 1,0IJ acres nw corner of no 3-14-13 o , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 AEkitoTProctorOacresnw . corner of nea-14-lJewd. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.200 0 11 It & 'r4.o to S F Smith , lot 1 , blk 4 Saunders & Ilintebaugh's Walnut iuiil autO , w 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 ii B Uassntann tund liuslauid to 1' 11 3Iihls. psuugli iot5l , llurr ( > ak-w U . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 U 11 MarIe to v. ' s l'achlock et al , lots 14 , U atid 1) ) blk 5. B V Smith's aiPi , w d . . . . . Sot1nuaiaLandCotoTU Gibson . , lots 1 and 2 , tilk liz , to Omeha , w d. . . . . . . . . . 1,200 II A Zamp to I. I , Johnson , lots 4 and 3 , bl 8 West Sith- add No. 3 ' w 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 hi t hood and wife to 3' J McCatfemty , lot 23. 1)1k lb. Aibright's annex , w d. . . . . . . . 150 Ii A Colilus 05 at to BaIlout ilros a J ft of w Ito ft lOt 28 , Millard & Cos ada , w 0. . . . 3,000 Was Coburn to P M Croft , trustee. a . 4 of ni4otno ofav3.B43ee d. . . . . . . . . 4,000 'lYm Cobura to F M Croft , trustee , 5 41-100 acreaswotuiw3-1543e H d. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,030 A B Kiltie and wife to I 1oyln 44 ft lot 5 , hlk "fl'Ounnlia.q c d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 H EtsaTe nuiui wife to it F William ot at , lot 13Risl&s uuub.w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C82 DJetter itutul vlfo to .1 J Gormansi lot 1 , bik 10 , iettor's nthdwd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 11 Cunnlughanu slut wifi to T W Black. burn , lot I. bik 13. Carthuuge.w d. . . . . . . . . 523 0 It B & T Co to J Dallylot I bik 2. Siuin- ders & llimetaugh'e ad , * alnut 11111 , wt1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3C2 0 it ii & ' 2 Co to J 1) inhIyhot ° blk2Saun. 451 5 & iliniebaughs ad , alnut 11111 , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 B fiJaynes and htisbsnC toJas flaily , lot 24blkJ , NorthOmahuwd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO Twenty.slx transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 34,057 Building l'ermitq. 'rho following permits to build wore ta- sued yesterday : 0 F Jaynes , cottage , Ogden , near Six. teentli street , Nprth Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 750 C i Jaynes , cottage. Ogden , near sbc. teentli street , North Outualia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 TI C SmIth , cottage. Elk anti Eureka streets i,6t0 Jolutu 'I'ennery , duelling , Canueroul , near Twenty.ilftb street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.800 T 0 liedentlabi , dwohiingi'opplcton park 2,000 It ti1'eteron , cottage , liarker and Mill- . tarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) Ii ¶ 1' flark , two atables , Cuous , near 'rwen- ty.Fift.h streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 Seven permits , aggregating. . . . . . . . . . 8 8,100 You can find cool , wail fureishud room&at the Globe hotel , host located house III Omaha. BRICKS AU DEAR , it Trunk Full Cost Berth , Young $40. Bortio Young , a niodest and liretty but lively young siren , vlio line boon boarding with Fmanklo Clilton on Ninth street , was UI ) before Judge Burke yesterday charged with obtaining money under false iretenses. She left Cllfton'son Saturday last , and go. lag over to Lithe Maim's , snottier landlady on the same street , informed her ebe wanted to board with her , She said her trunk was at Clifton's , and was being lucid for $ :3l.S0 : back board. Lhllio snid she would pay off the indebtedness and get her trunk. 'This she did , but that same afternoon Bottle left Mann's and did not ro. turn. Miss Mann opened Young's trunk , and found in it Instead of the gaudy wardrobe a fine assortment of brick.bats boor bottles and oyster cans , neatly wruppeti UI ) in old newspapers and rags. This in- caused Miss Mann very highly and she had hurtle arrested. SIte was' tried , and despite the fact that she lurid quite an array of legal talent to ( lofend her , she was found guilty and fined $40 anti costs. Those who take Dr. Jones' lIed Clover Tonic never have dyspepsia , costive- floss , bad breath , utica , pimples , a uo itud malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , headache or kidney troubles. Price 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. McStiane's Noininat Ion. The nomination of John A. MeShane for governor of the state was no surprise to the local democratic politicians. "Ho is the host man we have , and we're going to Put him through , " said one leading wire-puller of the Third ward. "The temperance plank in the republican platform will help us out , but his record is a good one , end be's bound to win. I don't think much of tlu rest of the ticket , though , " said another of McShano's ardent admirers , " 1 think they have put up their strongest - . - - - , ttk 24 men1t' said a lending republican , "hut that , won t make city difference , as they can't overcome our 25.000 majority. I'll be sorry to seejotin go back to private lIfe , but the1o is nothing else for him. The Union Labor party wili hurt him , and hurt hIm badly , They talk of placing Van Wyck in nomlan- tion anti if they do It srihl take away a lot of omocmatio workiugmen's votes , " 'rho last speaker was a utiounber of the labor party and strongly favors the advancement of Mr. ati Wyck , _ , ---i t11L : i CEA1 its superIor oxu'eiIene proven In nuihiion , of huonuos . [ or tutors (1(511 ( 1 % uuiartsr Of a century , It . I. , ! ( , by the IJnited $ tatei Gove uumon len. ulorsel by tb , , hua.l.s of tutu grest tJnivesttioi , a titti , utrotuCet puiO'st avid uulest honhthuful. i'm Pric&s Cream Ilakinv I'oviIer u1oe' not contain niumonia. , llm or null , , . Sohil only In cans. . 1itICF hi1I-ClN ( I'OViEit CO. . New lurk. CIuIengo. St. LOuis , Who Is VEAK , ? JEIIVeVH , DEHJJTA. 1EwboInhisyOI.LYhnd JUNOJIANtZ b..TR1rLEzaway his VItftJt of 1191)1 , 1NDand MANHOOD.caustng exhausting drains upon the WOUNTA1N of L1E flI.DACflE ' HAEIKACI4E , DreadfUl Vrsni. WE4D'NE1 * Of Mc.ninry , 1tAfU. WULNPS in OVI1T1 1'IIISPLES upon the FACE , and all the EIFECT * lendIi , to 1A1tLY DEC.tY md pcrhcpi COiAUM' . UN or INPSAP1ITY should consult at once the CKLHRLTED b. cisrite , Estuibiiabd ) u.l. lt. Clark. iss made NERVOUS i)1i. flILITY. CUPZONIU and all Illseuea of Ibo UZNITO 111iIJAIIY Organs a Life 5nd. It m&ku NO diflerenco WHAT you tiers tk.n or WUO ha. failed to cure yOi. -YALE su flerIug ftum diseases peru. his : to thelr.sz can conauhl with the usuratice D ( speedy relief and cure. Sena 2 cents postage tbr works on your diseases. Elr i3en 4 cents postage fUr Celebrated STorks _ on Chronic , Nervous and Deli. s bIiesjei. Consultation , personsty ! or by stter , frep. Consult the Oitl Dswtor. Whorieaudg eur.l. OlUsueC ftfld parlors prh'nto.mose contemplattug ) tarriago MqI for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide uuie and Femftlc oath IOn. , both 74c , tstamps ) . BoOn-s cen5In your cne. consult Dr. ( LARKE. / . friendly letter or call may sire future sutterlngutnd sbaunc , and add golden year. to life , * -Book ' tile's ( Secret ) Er. Tome , " ICC. ( itatnp ) . Medicine said writlngg Mat everywhere. secure from exposuic. hours. S to 8 : Sundays. 9 to 12. Address , ' . D. 0LLE M. D. iae e. Olark 1&hJQAaO. nt. . EXHAUSTED VITALITY ? TIIIE SCiENcE OF LIFE , the . . . .1. great Malical Work of the stga on Itanhood , Nrrous net 1'j Piiysicai Dcblllty , Premature ' 1lt1 Decline , Errors of Youth , on ) ji\ thotntoidndserrsconsequstit 4 _ # thereon , tao pages Sy , i prescriptions for all dseaes. ! ' Cloth , fuli gilt , only 1.0O , I , nU , eaiee. 1l1ustratt a sample free to oil young and middle aged men Send now. The 001,1 and Jewelled Medal awarded to the nailer ) iythe its. iloinl itedical Association. Address r. o. b 2g9. flotton , Bam. , or Dr. W. 11. 1'AfliTt. grad uatL' of ilarTard Medical College , yoses' prsctice in B05t4)fl. Who may ho consntte.1 ooutOdeutlitil7 utpre1a1typIseesaot isu. OZicaito. iiitcactuet. Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? READ THI3 IF IT IS LioprLotary Med1cnu that need. . but a trial to prove 11.5 worth. ( % _ * 4 , - - - . - . . - - 1 - , < - _ . > , . - ' Dr1 Callendor's ' loll 1ier llhIlors1 The Only Iistllled flitters in the Untttd States. The only hitters recognized by the halted States internal revenue iaws sit a Proprietary - prietary Medicine. Lawfuulli' l'atmntod. No , of Patent 1 q.c,573. Contains no fusli oils , no essentint oils. no foreign subsiauucA or ditinag- tng drugs. A perecsiy pure medicine , coot- pounded from Pure Root Berbe and Old Peach : pheasant to the taste , quiet and decisive in its affect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In eve days. Iicguiateu , the flowebu. Inylcorates mactire Liver Cures Iflsossel Liver , iteylvei the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly , Regulates the Wnolo system. New Life to the whole system. Left lJyer Mitten are sold in Ojeatis , Nob. , b the fo towing tIrI5gtsLs ; ittculzsr.iMm Irug Co. , 81.uOaI Wholesale , tar the drug inturesi Of Nebrsska. its. tetlor , , as 1tiIows : , Co. . ' ' . J , Vhttolouse'l' , . , ' . . ( ( ) ( ) ( III5tI Irug 1' % , V i4tnut. farti. tutu II. t'arnsworth , Sebroins t'Iisriiiacy , xci . , , , & Co.Johr * ( Its 114i , M. l'err J. A. iuiir ( .0. , SY. J. lltighos , .ioiuu it. Conto , L. .1. iitce 'bi. J. Powell , F. II. tientscb , 31)110 F. lluflsky , .Mnrr.-tt's i'hiisrmucy.Jnines toyth ii. C. iteil lir.J.J. itayPlo , C. M. Cr.sty l'S. Clitudiur , tiatin i'8urniutcy , ( iou' . Her 1)sy'e J.O. KtugJ , % v. Cuerk" . J. lt.Sdnkht , , , 5ta Iiolt , 1. 8. (2rtstunson W. K. Lsinborsoui , 11. i. Cur. Mac Conrail. i'rnnk . Fg ) ( , It. hitteintieso , , , ( leorite Itoeder , Ibid's l'IIsrunsc7 , V. A. MtIcIer. , iiowsrt Steyers , } 'rsik ieiIoo t Co. , wtiuiualo doators in Cigtz and li ! ( Liver Hitters. Morgan Park Military Academy. 'roe Best itoys' Iloartliug School 1lse West. Sttteenth year begia'tB&pt. 19th. Send for cats. hague to CAPT. Eli. N. K71U ( TALCO'I'I' , Ilupt. , M0uOAK PARK. COOK Cu ) . , ILL. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FREEHOLD , NEW JERSEY. 45th year. For catalogues send to 11EV. A , II C1IAMBF7ItS , A. N. , Principal , HICAQO Fi ! COLLEG O Uorgnnl'gsrlenearChlcaoh. ( Hoarding School for Cliii and Young lAdles. EOr cataloje addrossU. 'i'ilAYlClL.Lt. . I ) . , Uorgan t'srL Ul.ur-31 Madthoa bUec CNcago , lit. . D II. Qt I I e StituNQriaLn. Jt.L. . ueiiIe aar iflSiIitliO ioa Yonsa fAnIr.a vIIl commence ita 21st year September 12th , 1888. AU Yantaitel unsurpassed. flome cotnforW carefuu tralulug. A1'pIy to Mrs. itt. McKSS 110)153 , L'IiiiciputI fF1111 PHRKSKILL MIIdTARY ACADgIlY- -I. I'eekskthi.on-Iludson , N. Y. Scud for eata- logue. JItO , ii. TILD1tN , M.D , , M. % , PrincipaL ( ' 1 LUWLOCK iNSTITUTE , 1 South ' 1ltiaiustown , flerkshire county , Mass. A private school for hoyt. 1reparo for college. eclentHloschool or business. l4srtysov. euth year begins Thursday September l3tn , For catalogue address ( ) EO. P. luiIL1S , l'rincipal. 1'ENNTUOAL WAPERN are miccefuUy used monthly by over iQt0 r Ladles. ItrnSafc Eff ectual and I'Ieasant SI perbo bymallor at druggists. &aled 4irtkulara U postage stamps. Address Toi' Eunz Cunitc&a Co. , Drmaorr , Mica. -.For sale aid by nitsu by Goodwus m uy Co , 'Om&Ia , NeZ , . . . - ---r- -r- - . - - - , - ' - _ - _ - - -THe- OIIICAGO. SHORT LINE Or vn Chicago , MIIwaueo } & SL Paul R'y. ' _ The Best flouto tiont Omaha antI Council IllufTs to THE EAST - - = = = - vwo 'rit.urts 1)Ah1.Y fliTwREit OMAhA AND ooUNCii iu1.Un's Chiengo , -.INI- Milwaukee , St. I'itiil , Mltiiut-apolis , ( 'etlar Ituphls , hock Island " , l"rceport , Iiockford , Clinton , Iubuque ) , Paelil80rt , Elgin , Matlison , JaacsiIle , hieloit , Wlnuiin , La Grosse , And nil other lmport'tat points East. Northeast .uud . Soithosst. . For throuith tIci' call nt the Ucket agent at lOl h"trunu , Street. in itatket tOOck , Or at Unto. , I'aclae liepol. lulInafl Sleepers nd tic. Sep51 iicinz Csr in lb wont ture run on tie Lucia hue of the ( .blengo , Ml wRukto di. Paul ltatity , and every ftttuattn tq pild to ; 'asseuiger. by VuutteOuI etoploycs Cf c'ont'sny , iL.iil.l.Kht Iient'rsl ihaneger. .1. i'uctItt A..iIsnt ( kneril Manager. A. ' / . it. . CAihi'Ni'Eit , ( leneral 1aainger sad I ' 1ThkFI'Olt1) , Asshtanl General Ps.isu'az end 'fickot ASint. .1 , T. CJ.AILK. u.nar'd Suulnten'cnt. THE CHICAGO AND i RAILWAY. Omh9 Council tmi The only rot I to take for flcs iine , Marehielto , , , Ct'iur Ii. I itls , 1' I Intl ) , iseui , Cii Ia I , . M t it' ! ac , * 1111 II points tqt. : 'L'C ibo . , , , of ' .eir.ut.s.o ti , . riti , V you a , Utt'u uIti' , No a'u , , , Otg'r , an ui. In .toI , art ta I fir iii i t itcort , at tutor nh vito tedru nu uo'Mbio "hi oI'ier line. Ama i few it uh , , , a heron pot ott , of upcrIorIty ( 'fljOyUti bf tic ! IsOon , of ttiu Foal biWoii Out.h't . I 0 ii I 1i I ) ar , IL , - 'I ' r ' 4 tn ii 0 day of iA V CtIACiiht4. wlch , sri' lie inr.t that in art anti ige.uiitty n.m crolte. itu i't1.ti2iKKt'iN I ( JARs , thu cqnui or which c u lot b. fiu , I .eewitrn. At. ( , ItIIl ii uuI.ir , tue Ic liii of thu Utiiii i'ar-iut' flail. nTtr C.flteet. In , ' , , iapot yUii tliot , of the Cut- engo NorthiwtuI"rn , 1(7. lii Ctteto ( ho t'nhi. iii ella lina Oak. , ciu connetIoa yiCi thono of sit other It-intern ute , ; . i-'or i ) oLrit. Cituiibui. mi lanapoits , Cincinnati i'tuar.t ' is ! , . .iifl'a 0. I'tsburt , ' 1 ( int. .iotc.nti n'oI , , New ir , , , iii& Itluttu , iiiJtiuorv , , S'at. IlhUuii , tuid shi iiiti , I , ) the 1ist. As hortlouut.i via tile "NORTH-WESTERN" if 3 oi ) Vinli thu , scconzoczttn. All ticket Rants sell . tiek't , % via thu lie. , ii. iiuuIti.i-i , a. P. VII.oit , ( ien'i Slsnnget. fleni ? ts'r Agent. IuuiCAaO. : I i.r.s. % v. N ItAUCCi ( , ( li'I % sutnr , Anti , I ) . II. Kl.'uiJti.IA ' 1'leret Afent , (1. F. % yi,4'i' , u.ty i'.u 1zr Agent. 1101 1 ' anItauui bteot , Omaha , Nob. -tr - .rplNstt.CS TansIll's ' Pnnch Cigars _ _ ' . : shipped during thin past . . kits . tro earu , witHout. it ( irma. - 1 ttizr.hui ( uuretnpiov. No other sT hiOutS4SjflQjCWou'idcU troth. - , t" It ftutiyinako such a .iiowing. ' fleschLiLouly . WlOd ; ± ' ) .s , . _ SQD BY LtACIaC ORUOCISTS. R.W.TANSILLC0..S5StOtO.S.ChICagO % , : - - . . . - . ' _ - - - - ' - - . Continental : Clothing House SomiNA1va ! Stock Taking Sale. . - NOTICE. 's o hinvo cotnpleted our otni.ntunuutl stock Inking Attil have decided to devote the balniuco of this month to the clostiig out. of all broken hold , iii onehi of the donuttnlontR. ; All the lots roinalnhiig unsold Sept. 1st. will ho taken front otit' Uuiilo to make Coon ) fur fall gootis. Vb'C iuutintioit it few lute OIIerCl itt thiitt suilo whithlt tire the bostvnltios ever offered by the "Con- tinciut.al , " Lot No , 1- MEN'S ' RIVERSIDE WORSTED SUITS. PRICE , $12.00. $ Sto1c No. 4O1S .10th ) auii 4050-250 Iinpoi'todVluipcord Hulls , inuido in a four-button outiivny style only , in regular Bibs 35 to 42. These suits % vetn niado in out' owit inutehthiio iootit during the hiut (10 ( days , anti the cut and make of tiuom is as cot'- rec't for di'ct pu1'oscs Os it is Possible to have thoin7 and as the Pi'OSOtlt iuioiith Is the 1:100th ) of all thu vcnr vhioiu PC0ilO are thtituicung about dress stilts , we claim that tiib lotof Worstoti Suits Is AIISOI4U'I'FlLV TIIFI MOST II'SItA13LE vhichi it has over l'eeii our ) i'i\'i10g0 to olTot' to the hiulilie. 'l'his guu'niehut wits inudo up to soil in our stock for $ iS.0O , but its one of the load , . luujJ bargains hi our Mcii's Iepiu'tiiuout foi' this stile , it is ollorod at. the t'idiculotusly low price of $12.Vfl UNIIESITA- 'I'INULI' CLAIM TflAT TI1I AVBUtGI 1li'T4'tIL PRICE OP TillS SUIT IS No' ! ' LEES ThAN $18.09. Lot No. 2- Men's Blue Assabet Suit. Price . , $10.00. \\'o have left In thitt lot about 85 Mutt's Frock Suit.s , full Indigo , made from the celebrated As8abot Mum Flannel. o bttei' goodtu in tim luni'I3et. GtiiLrahIteOl full Indigo , elegantly inritlo and trinuned , at the extremely low pi'ice of $10.00 Our price all thui.ou'rlu ' the nonsoit baa beet : $15.00. If the buyer aloes not find the suit to be worth $15.00 , it. inity be roturnel ttuil iiioiuiy i cfuuiuc. RCuulUuiuiCL' the lurico $10.00 in F'i'oclc Suits. Sizes 83 to 4-1. Lot No. 8- Men's Blue Pantaloons. Price . , $2.50. \Ve find a sut'plus In out' Moti's Blue Flanuiol Pt.uitttloons stock , and olfer nt the sutlo 150 pairs of Moti's Indigo Dma Pnntnluons at t2.6i ( I)0' Pair. the nut't'liasur of ever pair in this lot , makes a saving of itt toast $1,511 on ovo'y pair par. chit8ol. Sizes Ui ) to ' 12 waist. Lot No. i- Boys' Long Pants Suits. Price , $6.00. \Ve have 'otuolitlated four lots of Boys' Strictly All Wool Casshnoro Suits. Coat , pants and vest , for boys from 10 to 14 'enrs. 'rho lowemt price of any stilt in I his lot hitt.s beet : $3.00 and some have sold as high as $10.00. W'o inane $0.00 as the pi.ico for any suit in these fotit' 10t8.Ve gutu'antou every stilt in this lot to be just as represented and every suit tiot antis- utetory :11113' be rctttniued anti the nwuey cheerfully refunded , Boys' Short Pant Suits. Price , $2.50. One of the u'huoaiuuiat lots of Children's Sulta over offered by the Coutineurtat is a lot embracing four 8tylos : Fanoy Catainici.u Suits , iii sizes 4 to 1-1 , short patits , : tt the oxtmaordiuunry low pi1co of $2.50. CusToM DEPARTMENT. \ \ ' ( ) vIshi to inform our patrouts that liuvoicca of 11tll and \ VlnterVoolons have boon received and by Sopt. let our stock in this ( lepncttnehlt will be cotupletu ) and vill ho the largest variety of foreign and domestic woolens shown by any merchant tailoring establishment In the west. MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS. 'J'hotisatuuls till through : the svest have takeit advantage of our methods In this department and nave found It entirely Sflti8fui4Jtoi'y. All goods sent C. 0. D. with privilege of examination. "No pity return charges for all amounts over $10.00 and all charges upon goods that are not satisfactory. OMAHA Freelind , Loomis & Co. NEWYORK DES MOINES Proprietore Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. . . I--- - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - ' _ . .u - _ ' ----rww r- S , 4'-- - - ftgJ _ _ _ P . _ - . t- .t ' ' .t . , , ---i . I - - . _ - -0MATLA - MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ' INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. C/tUTION-Deieiniug , raons , taking advantage or our reputation - tion arc coii'urniutly starting bogus Medical Establishiuienis to deceive , etraiteors vtsittiig the city. These , rotondere usually disappear In s lew woeki. Hcwnrooi 511am 05' their runners or egoists. 'rho Omah * Medical afl(1IIrgICalilBtItUtOiiIthOOflly eatablahod Medical insatiate Iii Osnahi' , Dr. MoMonisiny , L'roprloter. Vluitts you iuiako up your znhisd. to vi'dt u make a memorandum of our exaot attdu'ess , and thus ave trouble , delay or mIstakes. . .3 FORTHETREATMENTOF ALL 0111101110 and SllrgicaI Diseases , aud Disease of the Eye and Ear < - DR. J11 W in Charge. ' ( i. ) TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICEI ' A'hIslcLI 1) ) a Nmnber 01' COIiiiiCICiht , Skillful tlflt ENISCIIOHcCI1 PIlyBielilnI and Surgoone. .4 l'arlicular Attention paid to Detorniitles , llseasos ) of Yvmen , DIseass ot the Urlnsrr and Sexual Organs , 15i'Ivath Diseases , , ' , ' Diseases of tie Ncrois : System , I1hh1 ; : tiiti Thir.tt : Iistau's ) , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or kits , Plies , m . Cuiiicrr. , ruiiior _ , , Etc. 4 More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treate'J ; more cures effected ; more mod- 1 era Improved instruments , apparatus and appliances thaut can he found in all othet infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west combined , I.argcst and most complete Medical Institute or Iiosrdtai in the vest. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ventilated - ' - tilated rooruts for patients , three kiIled phvsickuiss always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner , ' We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , . ' - Supporters , E1cctt'eal Batteries , utiud can stlply lllYsieiutns ruid patients any apl1aiico , i'tnnudy or instrument known , Call anti consult os , or write fotirculai's upon all subjects , with list of quustioiimi for lationts to answer. 'l'housands treated successfully by correspondence. We hiavo superior advantages nod fitotlitics for trotlng diseases , performing tutit'giciti operations and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputn.tioii , should make the Onuaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice. The Omuilia Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific pi'incipios , andpation ts reolove bore ovary advantage that art , skill , sejeuico and human ingoiiuity Can iring to bear on their cases. Their comfort anti convenience wilt always bo taken into conBidoration. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you 'viIi fInd these statements of our psitioa , location and faollttics are not overdrawn in any pau'ticuinr , but are plain unvarnished facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All blood diseases succotsfully treated , Syphilitic poison i'einoved Ironi the system without mercury. Now restorative treatment for loss of Vital l'owor. Persons unable to visit us , may ho treated at Irnuno by cori'ospouduuueo. All corrospotidonco conlidontial. Medicines or instruments sent. by mail or oxprosu , securely packed , ' On Iliarks to Indicatecontents or sunder. One lorsouuItl interview preferred. Call anti consult us or sand history or your case , ant we will send in plaiti wrapper , our . BOOK TO MEN FREE. Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency. Syplihis , Gleot and Vutricocolo , with question list. . - it1 } RCtt4911 for YrItiug it Hunk Upon Private , Special itud Nervous Jlsextses. . I have for ninny years made a specialty of distiutes of tluo urinary aiuii sexual oraius , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , conequout1y I recolvo an llnmonse number of letters from juhtysiciaris and nilhicteil pcrsons , asking my opinion and advice upon Individual cases. j'or the benefit ofauch pOisons , I havowrit It ten it book glving&geuornl description of the most common diseases anti conditions , my treatment , success , advicooto. After reittling It , lel'ohiS WillhuutVO a clearer idea of their coiiUtion and can write mo more intelligently and to the Point. It will thuot'ef t'o be seen that our object in writing these ptgcs is not to furnish reading matter to ii , class o porson.s who road out of more idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from thacasea , ot' the ehToct of ( lisoasOdOr nbusis , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day nasss but we receive inutny citliso : ' letters from persons suitering fruit : this class of diseases , or their : saqual. Many of tijeiti RiO iglioraiitf the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked thuoi r eonstitutIonuuthui'owii a cloud over their bright und in shorten tog their days , SURGERY. . Surgical operat'QruS ' for the cure of I tare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cr0 se eyes ) Varicoceic , Inverted Nails , 'Wens and Deformities of the human Bodies pertqrlncd in the most scientific manner. We treat Chrn Disease oftlie Lungs , heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Ncves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Scrofula , Brights Disease. TutpeWorm : , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dysponsia or Gattritis , Baldness , Eczema , etc. - 1 = S = .A.SES O' WO' , T.A.T Carefully , skillfully and sientificahly by the latestand most approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK ON IISEASES OFVOME , FREE , Dr McMennmyhas for years devoted a large portion of his ttme to the study and treatment of this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fuliy supplied with every in. - strunuent , apphIanc nd remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. , I' wt.1' = .4 We claim superiority over anyoculist or aurist in the west , andthie thousands whom we have cured , alter others have failed , substantiate our claims , To those afflicted with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get a accintific opinion , then viult whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to us for treatment and cure , . Our bookdescrihing the Eye and Ear arid their diseases , in pisin language with : numerous illustrations , are written for the benelit of patients and physicians wise write us in ° 1 ' gard to cases ; by readings them carefully phpsician and patient will have a clear understanding and can discribe cases to us more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOO K ON DISEASES - EASES OF'VIIE EYE AND EAR FIEE. Address all letters to I QMA.ELA. : : : ME3DIC..AL . .AND SIRICL I1BTITTJTE , - Or , DR. 3. W. McMENAMY , N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - , . _ Lz , _ . _ _ _ _ _ ) U.nte'.lIf.strf41ag.eui. I.it. Tr.s&combtasd. tIearanta th cci , C. . iii i. wod4gsn.ratLe seontiavoss .XL.clrfo it Magsiu sureiL boi.nL * . Pewuful. DaraiSsa Comfort. h , . . AviS I 1 i. NOIJIL YUTO1. . I * U.U LYE. . ClIdA U . - - - . ' t- - - - - josirAri ; LLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD .UNDAL J'4RIS XPOSTIJN 1878. No. . 303-404-170-604. TE MOST PPECT OF PE1 e)22.1 JUPIICIOIIS AD PERSITE I'I I - ; - - . _ Adycrtieiwj has always p"ovci I w : bUOOitSstUi. Before plao1agan w Newspaper Advertising const LORD&THOMAS , ' ar . ADTKETiIilu O&sTs , I - U l 0 iu4.isk 54t CHICACO. I PEERLESS DYES TH UET I udbyiirugjgts. ' ' - F'- - - . - - - . TthfflhssIvonUnlycu' 0.1.11. .al ististscton in thu i TO I OATS. curs OS Oonorrhcra and aatset..4 s.i ( a sass. 5IisisD. GleeS. I prescribe it and lest isle in recommend. urs I , suCbaa1siICt. lag It to all ufloreru , incinn&i .J.hTONIM.D. , Otlo. Decatur , lii. PUlCI1,01.Q TrJs hall by Dregglali , . ,