Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    . . .gfe c-Il. ;
Tlio Internal revenue collections ycs-
tordiiy amounted to $8,017.
* IJ. Welsomnn , the iniui who disturbed
the Jewish meeting in the El gutter
block , was lined $10 und costs.
John Wilbon , while ptirtinlly drunk ,
wandered into the house of u , respectable
colored mnn on North Seventeenth
Btrect. Judge Ucrkiv lectured him se
verely and imposed a line of &JO and
coats , which ho wns unable to pay , and
was carted to the county jail.
Kittle M. Ormsby , tno daughter of
James Ormsby , died at the residence of
her parents , 1110 South Twelfth street ,
yesterday. She will bo buried at. U
o'clock on Friday at St. Mary's ceme
tery from the residence of her parents.
Mr. Ormsby Is a switchman in the Union
Pacific yards.
C. E. iind L , . M. Morchousc , of LJroltcn
Bow. nro Piixton irucsts.
John A. Weaver nml A. C. Einstein , of
ljs ) Molncs , urc fit the Milliinl.
E. M. Unshor , uRcnt of Hoyt's "Tin Sol
dier , " is u guest of tlie Mllluril.
Willlnm 1'iUtcrson , of Central City , and
Thoiiins C. Uralnerd lire at the I'axton.
P. I. Foss and wife , of Crete , and M. II.
Thrift , ot licatrluc , were Omaha visitors
C. Waterman , of Crete , E. C. Cnrns , of
Steward , and H. H. Uoliinson , of Kltnball ,
were in the city yestordiiy.
Clianced tn Thirteenth Street.
The fair grounds cars lire now running on
South Thirteenth street instead of on Fif
teenth and Farnam as heretofore , thus re
ducing the time between ears on that
thoroughfare to live minutes.
Johnson' * Story.
C. A. Johnson , who was recently accused
In the board of public works of neglecting
Ills gniding of West Furnam street , says that
ho ; vas unable to work there because the
curb had not been put In place and that while
waiting for it ho moved his grader further
west. _
A Mcteor'n Flash.
A very brilliant meteor was seen to trav
erse the southern section of the heavens
nboutO o'clock Tuesitiy night It hud a blue
center surrounded by n disk of red and hud a
tall similar to the rocket. It resembled very
closely a large electric light Hying through
the air.
Dentil In tlin Howl.
Joe Draple , n man of about thirty-five , who
was placed in the city jail a week ago suffer
ing with delirium tremcns , and who was re-
movd to St. Joseph's hospital a couple of days
ago , died at the latter place Tuesday night.
Ills body Is at Drexel it Maul's awaiting the
order of friendsor relatives.
A Serious Injury.
J. H. Findlay , an old liquor man of Chicago
cage , now engaged In the house decorating
business , while temporarily assisting one of
his men in the St. Cloud restaurant , fell
from the scaffold and dislocated his ankle.
Ho Is a man about sixt.vty-llvo years of ago
ami is contincd to his room in Gruenig block.
A Season of Activity.
The gas company announces that the do
mnnd on them for now meters and gas ser
vice is greater at this time than over before ,
nnd shows an advance in the city , which is
quite gratifying. The same activity is no
ticed with i-cgard to the furnishing of resi
dences , all the houses engaged in that busi
ness being a way behind In thelrbusincss.
Murrny's Itotton Itookf rlcs.
Property owners on South Fourteenth
street have sent a petition to Chief Soavoy
praying for the removal of certain con
demned buildings belonging to Tom Murray ,
nnd situated between Jones ami the Jackson
streets. The petitioners state that houses
are occupied by disreputable women of the
lowest order , and that they are a menace to.
the peace and morality of the neighborhood.
He'll Run the Mowers.
Ever since the ordinance relative to street
labor to bo performed by prisoners in the
city Jail has gone into effect , Chief Soavoy
has been In receipt of letters and telephone
messages from parties living In various parts
of the city , asking for the service of the
scythes In cutting down weeds. The ohicf
wishes it understood that the mowers will bo
detailed , at his own discretion , to such
places where ho thinks work the most neces
sary. North Sixteenth cstrcot , ; is now
being trimmed as far north as the fair
Monthly Appropriation * * $145OOO.
The city council of Omaha have th
handling of big sums of money. Following
nro the footings of the monthly appropria
tion bill passed Thursday evening :
From district curb nnd gutter fund. ? 2,709.f > 3
From district paving fund 122,480.77
From special grading fund 930.44
From general fund 2,975.41
From police fund 8.1.75
From paving bond fund 15,
Grand total 1144,905.23
A Disreputable Youth.
A. Finnegan , n young man of twenty-five
years of , ngo , was brought before Judge
Bcrka yesterday afternoon charged with va
grancy. A more depraved specimen of hu-
tnnnlty could hardly bo found. Haggard ,
with the marks of vilest dissipation upon his
face , ho brazenly acknowledged that ho was
the lover of a fat and greasy nogress who is
the keeper of a disorderly house. The
woman claimed that ho was a waiter , n good
worker and constantly employed. She said ,
however , that she had given him various
sums of money from time to time. It was
proven that ho was a hanger-on of the house
nnd solicited business for it. His honor
"roasted" him severely and lined him $20ami
costs. Doing unable to pay this ho went to
the county jail.
Preparations for the Production ol
the Spectacle.
The public Is becoming moderately familiar
with the outline of" the spectacular display
which opens this week In Omaha , "The Slego
of Sobastopol. " No conception of the Im
mensity of the enterprise , however , can bo
obtained from n printed description. A re
porter visited the grounds yesterday ami
though still In comparatively ouibrlonlo
etugo and by daylight the scone was sutllc-
lontly Impressive to convince him that the
citizens and visitors of Omaha were soon to
have an opportunity of witnessing the
most macnlllccnt theatrical nnd spectacular
display ever produced In this country. The
spectator , from a comfortable seat , looks
over an artlllclal lake 2SO feet in length ,
with Its war ships and skiffs plying to and
fro. ISoyond this Is n sodded stage and the
earthworks sloping gradually to the city ,
with the frowning battlements of the Main-
koff , nn Imposing centre pleco , nnd the
Itedan to the left. Over the slopes back ol
the city , lies the broad expanse of the Ulack
sen , with the purple mountains In the dis
tance. When the spectacle is viewed by
the light of thirty or forty arc
lamps , with the gay uniforms of the
troops In the foreground and storming over
the heights , the ships , forts nnd intrench-
menu botching forth tholr shells and Humes ,
the sky flaming with fireworks , nnd the mas
sive walls of the Malakoff toppling nnd
crumbling before the cannonading , the effect
is more easily imagined than described.
The battle , of course , will be the great
feature , nnd a glance behind the scones into
the armories and nrscnals , magazines and
buildings whore workmen are preparing the
various descriptions of fireworks. Indi
cate what It will bo like , but there
re other special features worthy of
note. In the sports of the soldiers
while in cttmp the celebrated acrobats , the
Albion Bros , will be Introduced in their high
ladder acts , Miss Emma Thurston engages in
a mounted sword contest with Major Me-
Gulre , a noted rope walker escapes from the
Malakoff over tin invisible wire flud is shot ,
falling into ttuf water , jtho company's dy
name will light the grounds , nnd Sherman
avenue , which will nlso bo sprinkled. H. II.
rhenrlc , the manager , W. Newman , the su
perintendent of tire works , .Tno. Raymond.
the stage manager , Mr. Shonberg , the artist
nnd the other ofllclals nro all well-known
nrtists In their branches. Among the
special firework features this wrek will bo
the "Turkish Cross" In golden tire nnd silver
wholsj an original design , "Prosperity to
Omaha , " In a , frameof golden spray ; "Flight
of the Fiery Phusnlx , " n grand display
of aquatic novelties and nn infinite variety of
pyrotechnlcnl novelties.
WnyH and Mentis For Its
Proposed Mission ,
About twenty-Jive persons met yestordny
nftcrnoon at the office of Mr. M. L. Hoeder
in the Paxton block to discuss the proposition
for establishing n mission school In that part
of the city known as " Hell's Hnlf-Acro. "
Hev. T. C. Clendennlng presided , nnd J. W.
Nicholson ncted ns sccretnry.
Among the others present were Ucv. C.
W. Savidge , Judge Fawcctt , L. O. Jones. A.
C. Uoose , C. H. Savage , John Dale. Dr. Par
sons , Allan T. Hector , H. U. Hall , Uov. A. H.
D.IVIS , W. P. Stevens , Otto Lobcek , Mrs.
Clark , Airs. Oration , Mrs. E. A. Pierson ,
Hev. Mrs. Andrews.
The subject in hand was fully dlr.cusscd ,
nnd thosentiment wasaunltforthoestabllsh-
incut of the mission. The speakers were
nlso unanimously of the opinion that Hov.
Savldgo was the man for the work. There
was a disagreement , however , ns to whether
the mission had better be undenominational
or under the care of the Methodist church.
The ladies and one or two gentlemen favored
the former plan.
It was thought that the bishop could bo
persuaded to assign Hev. Savidgo to n Meth
odist enterprise , but if the mission bo unde
nominational the Scward street pastor will
have to resign from his conference. When
asked if ho would bo ready to take such n
step , Mr. Savidgo said ho had not yet consid
ered such a change.
The meeting resulted In the appointment of
the following committee , who nro to suggest
ways nml means , and report at an adjourned
meeting to bo hold at 2 o'clock Monday after
noon in the W. C. T. U. rooms on Dodge
street : L. O. Jones , Hev. Mrs. Andrews ,
Dr. Parsons , Allan T. Hector , Judge Fa-v-
cett , Mrs. Clark and John Dale.
Drink Mitlto , 25 centsa bottle.
Dichold Salon.
Call and see the largo stock of safes
and vault doors carried by Meaghor &
Wliitmore at 41 ! ) S. 15th street Omaha.
He Makes it Memorable With nil AH-
Riiult on His Wife.
The saloonkeeper and ex-convict ngain
forces himself into public notice , this time by
Taylor , nnd her father , James Taylor ,
assaulting his divorced wife , Jessie
Tuesday night , in company with another
fellow , George drove upto his wife's home and
called for Jessie. She was in bed at the time ,
but got up and dressed hastily , thinking that
somebody must have a very important mes
sage for her. As soon as she appeared at the
door , Gcorgo struck her a number of savage
blows and knocked her to the floor.
She screamed for help , and her father ,
who rushed to the scene , was
treated in u similar manner. Cries were
made for the police , but as soon as
Gcorgo saw the light helmets of the officers
coining ho Jumped into his buggy and drove
hastily away. It is learned that ho has been
subjecting Mr. Taylor and his daughter to a
number of Indignities of late , and has as
saulted both of them a time or two before.
They have put up vvith it rather than suffer
the publicity of a police court trial , bat now
they claim they are determined to briug
George to account at all hazards.
George was arrested at about 2 o'clock
yesterday on complaint of his wife.
The Proposed Ordinances Now lie-
fore the City Council.
The ordinance seeking to grant the horse
car company right of way across the Elev
enth street viaduct ( summarised in Tun ISr.n
sumo time ago ) , has been so amended that the
company must immediately construct and op
erate its line on Eleventh street south as far
ns Dorcas street. The time of running cars
shall be subject to the orders of the mayor
and council , and the rails must have wide
flanges suitable for wagons to travel therein.
The company must also protect the city f com
all claims or actions for damages resulting
from its use of the viaduct. The ordinance
will come up in the committee of the whole.
The council also has in hand an ordinance
granting the Union Pacific right of way
across Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth streets and
along the alley in blocks 105 and 196 to the
center of 1'JO.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Globe hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
Get Your Uallroad Tickets
and Secure your sleeping berths at
1302FarmunSt. ,
Union Pacific Ticket office ,
City Ticket agent.
Instruments Placed on Record Dur-
ItiK Yesterday.
L O Schwalenbcrg to 0 Scliwalenbrrg , lot
3 , blk 11 , Leavemvorth terrace , w d . t 800
It Stratbmnn und wife to I' Kuril , a / lot
0 , blk 70 , South Omaha , w d . 3,000
John Kuncell and wlfo to JV Formnnch ,
s K lot 4 , blk 77 , Soutn Omnha , w d . fl.GOO
J A Lenahan to J lilfey , w 120 ft of o 240 ft
of n 127K ft tax lot 11 , s o s wUMC-13 e ,
wil . . 8,000
G 1 Stebblns and wife to FV Conkllng.
lots , bile 15 , llanscom place , w d . 600
0 K Perkins , trustee , to O .V N 1' H It , part
lots 6 nnd 0 , blk 251 , Omaha , . 1
H S llrooks to D 0 Brooks et al , all prop
erty , will .
U E French und wife to II O Scrip , lots It
und 15 , blk" . Cum nil park , \v a . 1,600
LJ Itynn to II llenke , lot.H 4 , f , and fl , blk
: i , Wixkeley , w il . 2,100
M Kaspar to F Sevoik , s V lot 10 , blk U.
Impass'nadil.wd . 1,500
II I' Whltmoro und wife to J K Ilutler , lot
14. blk U , Albright's annex , w d . 250
William Symmonds und wlfo to H
Thompson and wife , lot 6 , blk "I , "
Shlnn's 2nd add , w d . 3,100
O 1 1 A : i : (5 Ilallou to N llcrnsteln , lot 4 ,
blk I , Otis' place. w il . 600
J A I.lnnlmn to N llernsteln , o 40 ft ot w
IbO ft nte 210 ft of n 127K ft , tax lot
1 1 , in sw 31-1(1-1.1 ( e , wd . 1
M I.eo and wlfo to 1) Farrell , lot 0 , Lois'
sub , llrookllnu , w d . 300
M J ( Jreerey and wlfo to 15 Newton , lot 0 ,
blK 10 , llnnscom place , wd . 0,000
WT Hoblnson to M Albriilge , lot 0 , blk
24 , Carthage , w d . 8,500
Seventeen transfers , aggregating . $ 37,253
The folio wing permits to build were is
sued yrsterdny :
Fred I'lnnow , dwelling , Fifteenth nnd
Valley streets . } 600
0 lintiiKger , dwelling. Seventeenth and
Masonntreets . 6,000
T 11 Tomb , brick store , 1218 Ilarney street 1,600
C 11 Ilickel A- Bonn , brick dwelling. Twen
ty-fourth nnd Spencer streets . 2,700
Latey & Ileusou , dwelling , Nineteenth and
Spruce streets . 1,500
John llagorty. two dwellings , Mason and
Twenty-fourth streets . 1,000
Detrlck UUeu , dwelling , Nineteenth and
1'aulbtieets . 2,100
Mary K Snow den , dwelling , Seventeenth
and Hugedon streets . 750
S 0 Shepurd. brick store nnd Hats , Six
teenth ami Ijeuvenworth streets . 10,569
K Anlscowr , brick store , Sixteenth and
I.eaveaworth btreets . 12,000
llobert Heesley , dwelling , Fowler nnd
Thirty-third utreet . 1,500
Mrs K A A , frame dwelling , Thirty-first
and Mason stn-ets . 030
Four minor permits , . ] 100
Hamilton tires , brick store , Tenth and
Capitol avenue . 0,119
Seventeen permits , aggregating . . . . H7.768
A solid vestibule train dally , with
dining car attached , viatho Burlington
route , leaves from their own depot ,
Omaha , ut 3:45 : p. in. , arriving at Chicago
cage 10 n. m. Tickets sold ana sleeping
car bertha reserved nt the city ofllco ,
1223 Farnam street. Telephone 1250.
Visitors to the city should .try the
Globehbtol , 1812 Douglas.
A Probably Dcndly IMIssllo Pound on
Houth Thirteenth Street.
This morning there was n bomb found in
the window of Frank Uartos" saloon , 1313
South Thirteenth street. It wns of brass ,
about two Inches in length. In one end was
nn iron hexagon bolt through the hole in
which the remnant of n fuse protruded. The
Interstices between the sides of the bolt nnd
the Interior circumference of Jho brass were
filled with a soft , greasy substance. The
other end of the article was soldered
at about ono-thlrd of an Inch
from the edge. The bomb weighed
about four ounces. It wns turned over to
Deputy Sheriff Hanuhaucr. The pallco
authorities were notified of the fact and nro
now Investigating the matter. There are
circumstances which lead to the belief that
the affair Is not a hoax , because certain people
ple In the neighborhood whoso affiliations nro
most questionable are being watched ,
It Takes Seven l > nyn and Two Dollars
n Day.
"What's that for } "
An Imiutsitlvo reporter asked the question
of u cable conductor and pointed to a card in
the bell punch bearing a number one and the
autograph of Superintendent Tucker.
" 1 can't tell you , " was the answer. ' 'If I
had asked the superintendent ho would prob
ably have told mo to go about my business. "
The figures corresponded with the number
of the punch us cast in its nietul. The re
porter. In a spirit of curiosity , asked the pur
pose of the row of four figures near the mid
dle of the punch.
'I tfon't dare tell. You'll have to ask the
superintendent. It took rno seven days and
J'J a day to learn it. The company hires men
to teach it to us , and 1 don't ' think they want
it given away not oven to reporters. "
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , und all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box bv mail ISO cents.
Edward Calkins Find * Death in the
Missouri River.
Edwnrd Cnlkins , n young unmarried man
ngcd about twenty-seven years , fell from the
Omaha and Council UlulTs bridge yester
day nnd wns drowned. The accident oc
curred nt H0 : : ! o'clock. Mr. Cnlkins was at
work on the second tier of girders of the
false work on the 4011-foot river span when
ho fell. S. I' . Mitchell , the superintendent ,
saw him falling and thinks that the
unfortunate man , while walking , lost his
balance. He never e.ime to the surface , and
dynamite cartridgesQ have been llred
to try to raise the body.
Mr. Calkins came from Hastings , Neb. ,
where his mother and a brother reside. Ho
has been working on the bridge since August
1 , and boarded at the Atlantic house.
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
homes for more tnan a quarter of a century. It
Is used by the United States Government. En
dorsed by the heads of the reat Universities as
the strongest , purest and most healthful. Or-
Price's Cream llakl IK Powder does not contain
ammonia , llmo or alum. Hold only in cans.
New York. Chicago. St. Louis.
S. W , Oor , Farnam and 15th Sts.
1'aitl in Capital $500,000
OEO. E. , President.
E. L. miuUO\YKH : \ , Vlro President.
F. IJ. JOHNSON , Cashier.
J. L.
Accounts of Hankers , Merchants and Individ
uul. received on the most favorable terms.
Mii ) < T\iti ) Pr.8TKiis In the house
during the summer
there mar bonodelav In prompt
ly rxllovlng sudden attacks of
EVERY Cholera .Morbus , Ciamp , Colic ,
and other 1 ilout p Uns resulting
from oviTlndulfHiico m Green
FAMILY I'rultsi , ttalo Vegetables , Iced
liInks , lee Cream , c. Tliesa
Plasters a'o ready f or Immediate
SHOULD USD ; they it-present the very best
quality of mustard , and never
fail to act promptly. Sold by
HAVE Druggists everywhere.
Kvi-ry intolllgent Physician
tries to impress upon patrons
A the importance ot keeping the
air ot the Hick room pure and un-
contaminated. This cimbudono
BOX by miming llviiKO.VAl'UTiioi.
PASTILI.KS , which will quickly
render th ulr pure , fresh and In
vigorating. Put up in neat tin
boxes , and bold by Druggists nt
2.5 cents , or sent post paid by
V & JOHNbON , N. V
honestly admit that they can't euro
KlieumatiMU and Neuralgia. Others
say they can butdon't. . Atli-lo-
tiho-ros says nothing but cures ,
That's the fcccret of its success.
Years of trial have proved it to bo
a tjuick , iafe , lure cure.
Concord , N.H. . H < pt. 3. 1887
Inmyownfaniil ) AthloiihonMwaBiLxeil
an a lint re Hort , the "xtr 1m luff differed
from rueiiinati < ni for yeans aud lutiuu
bivn trcitud for the Ofseafe br dlffrrfut
ru\uldani In thU Btate and tlasxaohn.
fetta without even temporary relief.
Upon lay recommendation tcoreK of IKIU.
rle hare iib l tht > remedy with the eima
roaulUclilnieaiorlt. O. \VILBON. .
. . . nil buque , Iowa. Jan. MhMH.
AthlophoroB ha completely rurcd me of
nfrvoui lira.Iacha . , and 1 f e l Uwnkrul for
all the good it ban done me.
Mm. LOUIIE OiiEnnr.
JCfScud 6 cents for the beautiful colored pic
ture. " Moorish Maiden. "
nigQbu given nnlrer
> al satisfaction In tbo
cure ol Gonorrhcca and
Oiect. I prescribe it nnd
feel sale In recommend-
In ; It to all sufferers.
Docstur , III.
PHICC , 01.00.
Irt < 6 ia I
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Go.
Th bcrt and surest Remedy for Cure of
oil dkeaaei eaoied by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Boweb.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
BlIIouB Complaints and Ualorla of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It la pUasunt to the taito , tones up the
system , restores and preaerreB health.
It U purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prove fceneflelal , both to old and young.
An Blood Purifier It U superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
B R.A. . O El
Best facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for sui
-easful treatment of every form of dUeait rcqUii
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; best hospital nccouimr
dations in the west.
WRITK FOR CIKCUT.ARS on Deformities an
flraces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of tin
Spine , . 'lies , Tumors , C ncer , Catarrh , Btor.chltis
Inhalation. Electricity , Taralysis , Epilepsy , Kid
ney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , SUiu nnd Blood , aud 1
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Speolal'.y.
BOOK ON DiaEACia or Woxtrt Fnxx.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic 1'oUon removed from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Petrous unable to visit us may b *
treated at home by correspondence. All commn
nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments
sent by mail or express , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or sender. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us 01
end history of your case , aud we .Till send in
ulaiu wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Im
latency , Sjpmlis. Gleet and Varicocele , will ,
( pestiou list , Address
Omaha ilriKcal and Surgical Inttltttte.a :
Cor. 13th ana Ooda SU. . . OMAHA. NEB.
Wo can give you Hie largest
stock and give the lowest prices
In the city-
ffoa. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Burlington Burlington
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska * '
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propar.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feavo Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive , in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Burlington Burlington
' 'B.B.8QJIR.
1888 THE GREAT 1888
Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive.
Most Complete and Best Arranged Fair Grounds in the West
The best accommodations for btook , which cun bo unloaded from cars nt the
grounds. Superior accommodations for agricultural exhibits. The best nnd
fastest track in the country. Competition open to the world. No entry fee ex
cept in racing purses.
Special Attraction Each Day.
GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pyrotebhnical Display every evening of th
SIEGE OP SEBASTOPOL. For premium lists , circulars and informa
tion , address
J. H. McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
Thr Grandest Triumph ot Electric Scionet
' Sci8nlificaly | Mude Bnd Practically Applied.
Centleiei'iBtlt B t gefeitllo1
_ _ . _ _ . . _ .
tlu nit I Can be applied - - mm mm m mm *
thouianrti oroth.ri
riortoa11oth nnmntiof elecMol.
UlCyCTIf1 RFI T np
i HOnNb 5 tLtUTHU MAantllW HtLI traroetrong or mild a the wearer may deed -
ilre ; produoei a continuous current i conrer. electricity through the body on the neirm. It curc < U > " >
by generating a contlnnou. current of eleofrlcltr ( JO or IB houn ot of M ) throughout the human
aliartn all Derronineet Immediately , and producing a new circulation of the ifte foroee-the blod.l -
p rfln7TlBor. itrength. enerrr and health , Srhen another treatmen half ailed. TnemeriU of thleeolen-
Ufle Belt are being recognliecT and donetl by thouiandi whom It bai cured. wholei&le druggliU ,
B9r-AnjT > enk nholeia
RUPTURE S ? . - -
Tuitl Up Cnnilal . $400,000
Surplus . 50,000
H.V. . YATES. President.
LEWIS H. KKKD , Vice President.
A , K. TOUZALIN. "nd Vlco President.
\V. U.S. lluoiiKS , Cashier.
W. V. MOIISK , JOHNS. ror.UNfi.
II. W. YATK * . IiF.wis S. HEKI > ,
Hanking Oflice
Corner 12th and 1'arnam Sts.
A General Hunting Uuslness Trau ncteO.
IT. J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Comer lUh and iJoiigUs 8t. Offloe
telephone , 165 ; lloaldence telephone , Ms.
Dit. a. C. W ST' Nr.nv AND HRAIW
HINT , a guaranteed tpeclQo for Hysteria , Dlzzl <
neia. Convulsions , Flto , Ncrvoua Neuralgia ,
Headache. Nervous Prostration , caused by The
use of Hloobol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental
Depression , Softening ot the Ilraln. resulting in
Insanity , and leading to inlserr , decay and
death. Premature Old Age , Ilarrenness , Loss of
Power in either ser. Involuntary Losses and
Bpennatorhcea c used by over-exertion ot the
brain , self-abut e or over-lndulgtnce. Each box
contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or
six boxes for 15.00 , sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt ot price.
To cure any cue. With each order received by
as for six boxes , accompanied with K.OO , we
will send the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the treatment does not
effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. F ,
GOODMAN. DniKlit , Sole Agent , 1110 Furuam
Street. Omaha. Nib-
Kemarlcable for powerful sympa.
thetle tone. Pliable action aiTdaS-
iblute durability. BU years1 record ,
the best guarantee ot the excel
lence of tneae Instrumental.
Your Left Liver
A Proprietary Medicine that needs but a trial
to prove Its worth.
Dr. . Calender's ' Left liver Bitters ,
The only Distilled Hitters In tlift United
States. The only outers recognized by the
United States internal revenue laws as a Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. of
Patent 14-9,573. Contains no fusil forelrn substance ordamag >
Ing drugs. A perfectly pure medicine , com
pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs and Old Peach ;
pleasant to thn taftte , quiet and .decisive in it *
effect. Cures Dyspepsia or YeltoV Jaundice In
five day * . Hcxulatea the Dowels. Invigorates
Inactive Liver. Curei Diseased Liver , Kevlvei
the Kldneji , Improve ! the Appetite Quickly ,
Itegulites the vrnole system. Now Life to the
nhole i/Etem.
Left Liver nittcn are § old In Omahn , Neb. , by the
fo lowlnx druKKlsls : Ulcliunlion Drill ! Co. , Spcrial
\Vholedile , lor the druu Intureat of hebraika. HD-
tB < ) . . W. J. Whlteliouse.T.V. . Spaf-
fard , SBIO 11. .Farnwortli. bchroUjrt 1'1'Wiuaor. '
. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,
lUA .11HX l > > IJIMUi riallK .1 "KK --.MM./
( ivorne llocder , lloyd's Pharmacy. ( ! . A. Mel-lier.
Howard Mejurs , Frank Dellone 4 Co. , wholualo
dealers In Clgan and iMtl l.lTor lllttera.
UUI , Prinl anl Copynih prolection .
cured. Good work , good reference * , moder.
atech'gi. Send for pamphlet. R , Q , DuBoll
itt. . 9l6FSt. , Waihfngton , D.C.
successfully unxi monthly by over 10,000
Jjulles. Are&J/f. Effectual anil J'leatant
> - > tl per box liy mall.oral ilrupclsts. Rraltd
/ ' r cuJar82ioiitaftbUraps. | ( Address
Tui EujitSA CumicAt. Co. , UutnoiT , ilicn.
For sale and by mall by Goodman
o , , Onutha , Kelt ,
Mlastlnp&lirk Hills I'as , 10:50 : a.m.1 4.rp. : .nk
JNorfolkPassenger. . . . ' 6:43 : p.m. ' 10:50 : a. .nk.m. .
Dally. ? 13xcept Sunday.
IliinnlnR between Council IlliilTs and Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth nnd Tweuty-tourth streets ,
and at thn Summit in Orauha.
Leave. Arrive.
A'No.14. . . . 4OOp.m.D : No. 2 7:00 : a. W.
II No. 2 :5) : p.m. A No. 1J..11:30 u. ui.
C No. d : < i/i / a , in. 0 5:45 : p , m.
A No. 4 0:40 : a.m. A No.3 0W : p. ra ,
C Des Molnes Accommodation.
C Dos Molnes Accommodation ,
A No.B UMOa. m. A No.3 8:15 : B.m.
A'No.8 4:00 : p.m , ANo. 7 HiWa.ia ,
A No.4 0:45 : p. m , ANo.6 6Wp.ia. : )
A No,2 U ; > a. IH..A No.i : 0:31 : a.m.
A No.4 U10 ; p. mJA No. I . . .6iai ) p.m ,
No. 2 l:40 ) : a. m.lNo. 1 7:00 a.m.
No.i 7Wp. ; : m.lNo. 3 0:50p.ra : >
B10UX CITY & PACU'10. 'i
A No. 10 7:06a.m.A : | No. ! ) 8:55a.m. :
A No. U 7OOp.m.A | No. 11 0Wp.m ; ,
A No.8 .'A ' No.7 IhMa.n
A No.4 9:41 : ft. U..A No.B 7:50 : a.m ,
A No. 6 . . . (1:60 ( : p. m. A No.3 8fO : p.m ,
A dally ; II dally except Bat. : 0 dally except
Bun , ; U except Mon. ; t fast mall : LlinlUd.
This remedy Is warranted to cure all cases 08
Dynpepsia , Flatulence , Acidity of the Btornacb ,
and Indigestion , no matter of how lon ctuncU
ing. Price Mo per box. For anl by nil drug *
ulsts. Manufactured by Uu&tave liuhn , Omaha.
Oand enenetlo ladr canrinern redding In Ibis
or other town * . No capital neceoarf , Uoeda
fell the leaf round. Reference required. Addreit
WKSTKitN AOE.NTB1 bUri'Lt CO.,23 > 'lUl ATt-
CUlcnjo , 1IL