Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    fTT JM p B
Delivered by Tnrrler In Any Part of the City nt
Twenty Cents 1'er Week.
IlL'FlNKf" ) OCI'ICK , No. il ,
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Finest line of drt'88 fjoods over shown.
Fnll Btylcs. A. Hciter , mercliunt tailor ,
310 Broad way.
County Treasurer Plmner him ftp-
pointed Conttahlefl Fox and Wesley
deputies for the collection of delinquent
Fourteen young farmer lads and
lasBGH on horseback parsed through the
city Tuesday evening en route to Lake
There will bo an entertainment nt
the residence of Mrs. Barnard , 7Uo
Mynstor street , to-morrow ovonlng for
the benefit of the Christian home.
Special meeting of the hoard of trade
this evening lit K o'clock sharp. Every
member is urged to he present , as mat
ters of importance must ho considered.
The fcociiil given by the Acme club at
the Koyal Arcanum parlors Tuesday
evening was a grand SUCCCSH in all re
spects. The attendance was large and
tno evening passed most cnjoyubly.
The party at the residence of Mrs.
Marshal Key , on Seventh street , last
evening was a brilliant affair. The oc
casion was the debut in society of the
hostess' charming daughter , Miss Mary.
Several nnonyinous communications
for publication have been received at
this ollieo , but it will he impossible to
take any notice of any matter un
less the full name of the author is ap
Mr. M. Gallagher and Miss Eva Gray
wro : married by Hev. U. P. Mc-Me-
nomy , Tuesday afternoon. A ball in
honor of the , event was gi-cn in the
spacious halls of St. Joseph's academy
in the evening.
The sewer opening at the corner of
Eighth street and First avenue emits n ,
deadly smell. One would think that
the alderman who parses there every
evening would take steps to have the ,
nuisance abated.
The Initial Paint market narrowly
escaped being consumed Tuohday night.
A timely discovery of the llames , by px-
Chief Toinploton , who promptly applied
a few pails of water , was all that averted
n serious conllugration.
The United Brethren in Christ so
ciety , of Avoca. have Hied articles of
incorporation with the county recorder.
The incornorutors are S. II. , 'G. W. and
Amos Poland , Joseph Mapes , A. A.
Randall and Cyrus True.
The saloon raiders were abroad in the
land yesterday afternoon. Henry
Hoist's plnco was visited , but the
searchers found nothing with which to
satisfy their thirst. Some of the liquor
seized a few days ago at the bottling
works of Soivors < fc Boyscn was ordered
returned , as Justice Schuiv- declared
the soixuro illegal.
Deputy United States Marshal Dun
can arrived in the city with one Homoo
Smith , of Creston. charged with violating
lating the internal revenue law by toll
ing whisky without a license. Ho was
examined before Commissioner Hunter
and bound over to the next term of the
United States court in the bum of $1100 ,
which ho furnished and was released.
The printers have concluded that
they can play as good ball as anybody ,
and will uicklo the Council Bluffs "pro
fessionals , " otherwise "Rudio's dead
game kickers , " on the Mnnawa diamond
mend next Sunday afternoon at 8:80 :
o'clock. Bets of ton to one in favor of
the pr intern go begging , as no one
cares to waste money on the "little
fellers. "
Marriage licenses were issued yester
day to Charles McKown and Martha
Gilmore , of this county ; Arthur New
man and Cornelia Mnuk , of this county ;
and Martin Dailoy and Ellen M. Sulli
van , of this city. As Ellen was not of
sufficiently advanced ago to satisfy the
requirements of the law , her father was
called upon to give his sanction to the
wcddin g of his lifteon-ycar-old daughter.
The Iowa state branch of the Wom
an's Board of Foreign Missions of the
Congregational church , has chosen
Council BlulTs as its place of meeting
October 10 and 11. Many of the most
intelligent ladies of the state are en
gaged in this work , and doubtless the
eossion of the board will bo full of in
terest and profit to Christian people of
nil denominations. The meeting will be
open to all , both ladies and gentlemen.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wageck has filed an
information against Mary Allen , charg
ing her with assault and battorv. The
former trespassed on the hitter's dooryard -
yard , and the resentment d\io to the of
fense was expressed in a blow over the
head with a piece of board. The case
has not boon set for trial as yet , owing
to the illness of Mrs. Allen's child. All
of the parties live in the southern part
of the city , near Strrtul's brii'kyurd.
M. J. Mueller has received a private
letter from his son , Charles , who is in
Chicago. Ho says that "last Saturday
I wont out to Chultonhnm iioach to
hoar Thurmnn speak. The meeting was
hold in a largo hall , around three sides
of whk h ran a bar. About all I could
hoar was : 'Fine beers hero.1 'Wlmt'll
you take.1 The enthusiasm was intense
and the applause uproarious , and the
more beers drank the more it became
BO. "
The fast mail coming west on the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Quincy Tuesday
afternoon , just after leaving Creston ,
struck a couple of cows , actually smash
ing them into mince meat. The loco
motive , on its arrival at the transfer ,
looked as though it had run through a
slaughter house , and .tho entire engine
being covered with blood and the re
mains of a cow , and ovou the engineer's
face was bespattered with the blood of
the chopped up bovine.
PT Benson & Shepherd have ono lot on
Avenue B.diroctly north of water works ,
at a bargain. Call to-day if you want a
Miss Cecilia Mulquoon has returned
from a month's visit with friends in
Auburn and Nebraska City.
Miss Roberta Ilattonhnuor returned
homoyestoroay morning nftora month's
visit with friends in Highmoro and
Castlowood. Dak.
Misses Mattlo and Huttio Jossolyn , ol
First avenue , loft yesterday morning
for a two weeks1 trip to Salt Lake City
and vicinity.
James McNaughton jr. , 'has returned
from a week's visit with his uncle near
Audubon. lie reports having had n
splendid time hunting and fishing , al
though rainv weather interfered some
what , and will resume his place on one
of THKBEB carrier routes with renew od
Captain A. J. Dyer , of the city police
force , loft last evening for a week's ' res1
and recreation at Ewlng , Nob. The
etrain of continuous night duty is ven
ecvoro , nnd this ofllcient officer's hoaltl
is giving out. It is hoped that a vnca
tlon in camp on Nebraska , prairies nil
' mtoro his -woni-out strength.
Courts nnd Criminals Chlofly Occu
pied Attention Yesterday.
The District Court The Organ Con
cert ItciirolioiiHlble Snooting
Homo AVIio Are In Court Others
Who Ought Xo Uc.
The District Court Convenes.
The August term of the district court
is now opened , : tnd has fairly started in
on the long list of cases to be ground
out before the opening of the Novem
ber term. Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock was the time set tor opening the
term , but Judge Loofbourow was not on
hand , and the matter was postponed
until yesterday morning. At that time
court was opened in the usual form , but
his honor being still absent , an ad
journment was taken until 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. At that hour the
court took his seat , and in u very few
minutes the routine work of the lirst
day of the term was in full blast.
There nro now twenty-eight prisoners
in the county jail , tiwalting the action
of this body , besides a large number
who are out on bail , and several origi
nal informations will also be brought to
the attention of the grand jury. The
calendar was gone through , and eve v-
thlng put in smooth running oroer.
The remainder of this week will bo devoted -
voted to the hearing of equity causes.
Next Monday the petit jury will bo
called. There arc (170 ( cases on the
docket 82 criminal , 2 < tl equity , and
347 law causes. Trial notices have boon
served in sixty-three equity and ninety
law causes.
The court empanelled the grand jury ,
but a legal question then came up that
stopped all operations in that direction.
At the last session of the legislature an
act was passed allowing the east end of
the county to hold grand jury sessions ,
in connection with the term of the dis-
U'iet court at that place. Among the
members of the present grand jury are
several from the eastern part of the
county , and a question of their eligibil
ity now comes up. If they are to have
a grand jury at Avoca , it'is argued that
they have no place on a jury in Council
BlulTs. The court took the matter under
advisement , and will pass upon it to-day.
In the meantime the men .summoned to
servo arc en joying a vacation.
Fresh Blent Wanted.
Sealed proposals will bo received on
or before September 1,1K88 , at the office
of the Superintendent of the Iowa In
stitution lor the Education of Deaf and
Dumbj Council BlulTs , Iowa , for furnish
ing said institution fresh meat in such
quantities as may bo ordered , and at
s'ucli times us may bo directed. The
bidder must state in detail the kinds
and cuts of meat , ns well as uuantity ,
giving price of each. Also whether
with or without bono , and so word prop
osition ns to bo easily understood in
every particular , and the cost of meat
arrived at. Bidder , at his option , can
oiler prices on Bologna Sausage , Link
Sausage , Sugar Cured Ham , Bacon and
Lard. Bids should bo endorsed , "pro
posals for meat , " and addressed to the
lion. Board-of Trustees of the Iowa In
stitution for the Education of the Deaf
and Dumb. The board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
For bargains in real estate BOO E. II.
Shcafe & Co. , Broadway and Main
street , upstairs.
Artists proler the Hallott & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co.,224 Broadway.
A Drunkoii Shooter.
As Mr. A. Louie was returning from
Lake Man awn Tuesday evening ho was
met by three men in a wagon near the
bridge , about half way between the
lake and the city. Two of the party ap
peared to bo sober , hut the third fellow
was evidently raving drunk. As Mr.
Louie passed the wagon this third party
gave vent to a volley of obscene lan
guage. Mr. Louie paid no attention to
the insult , but kept on his way. The
trio had boon left in the roar not more
than fifty yards , when the drunken man
alighted from the wagon nnd , drawing
a revolver , fired two shots at Mr. Louie ,
the first ono passing uncomfortably
close to his head. Mr. Louie whipped
up his horse and soon got away from the
roughs. He saw a pool of blood in the
road a little further on , and looking
around to ascertain the cause , ho dis
covered a bull lying at the side of the
road writhing in the agonies of death
from a bullet wound. Mr. Louie told
the authorities of the occurrence as
soon as ho arrived in the city.
Benson & Shepherd have ono solid
block of lots in Bryant & Clark's addi
tion , fronting on First avenue and Second
end avenue. Tills is the first block of
lots west of Strectsvillo and they offer it
for sale at a bargain.
Coal I'rt > i > onuls Wanted.
Settled proposals will bo received on
or before September 1 , 1888 , at the office
of the superintendent of the Iowa insti
tution for the education of deaf and
dumb , Council BlulTs. la. , for furnishing
said institution with coal for the year ,
commencing September 1 , 1888 , said
coal to bo delivered in the bins of said
institution. Bidders will give the price
on each grade of coal , together with
such recommendations or references as
to quality as they may elect ; n sample
car load of the coal to bo furnished and
a bond for the faithful carrying out of
the terms of the bid will be required
when the award is mndo. Bids should
bo indorsed "proposals for coal" and ad
dressed to the Honorable Board of Trus
tees of the Iowa Institution for the Edu
cation of the Deaf and Dumb. The board
reserves the right to reject uny or all
bids. nuKUY W. ROTHKUT ,
_ Superintend-out.
In Police Court.
Business was lively in police circles
Tuesday night , nnd was correspondingly
good in police court yesterday morning.
The first to appear was John Leahy , a
well known figure in court and for many
years ono of the most ardent dovoteosof
Bacchus to bo found in the city. Ho
forked over 87.CO without a whimper.
J. J. Owens was bled for a similar
The case of the pugilistic sirens called
forth some very tall swearing.
There were throe of thorn Dollio
Bradley , Huttio Anderson and May Mil
ler. It was two to ono against Dollio ,
and she got the worst of it. She was
fined $9.60 , and the others were dis
The case of J. F. Babcock , a fugitive
from Omaha justice , was quickly dis
posed of , and \\nssentacrossthorlvor
in charge of an officer who came after
Four yaga were given thirty days
each , nnd allowed two hours in which to
1 I arrange their outside business.
1 . ' Chris . Anderson was charged witt
neglecting to keep his Block confined
upon his promises , nnd after promising
to do better In the future , was released
upon payment of costs ,
Minnie Rcdfiuld was up fordisturblng
the peace and as she had enjoyed a gen
uine three-ply , nll-wool-and-a-ynrd-wido
jamboree , the court ntsessed her $10,65.
ou BAT'S A Ma
or Council MltifTrf LotH at Auo'ltn.
I will offer for sale and sell without
reserve to the highest bidder one-half
of nil the lots in Cochran's addition to
Council Bluffs.
Ono lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo sold with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
maining lot at the same price. The
ground on which the addition is laid is
known as the old fair ground forty ,
north of the Union Pacific depot , and
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 100 , or four to the aero.
Ten per cent of the purchase money
cash in hand. The balance in nine
equal annual payments to be evidenced
by notes bearing interest at f > per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
property purchasers will got warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
I will also soil on the same terms and
at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of these lots are situated
on Broadway.
DAY or SAWJ sii"n.Miiiii : : : 12.
The place of sale will bo on the
grounds on Wednesday , the 12th of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is sold.
The lots and blocks will bo numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on day of sale. Other particulars on
day of sale. A. CoomtAN.
Preparations nro bclnn ituulo for the open-
ng or the extension of Uuk street northward
rom HroiuUvuy , over the hill east of tlio
Iclso property. The sticct 1ms been sur-
eyed , unil n pile diivor is now on the ground
'or the purpose of driving a foundation for n
jridga over Indian creek.
E. H. Shcafe < fc Co. . make long or ,
ihort time loans on real estate , in sums"
o suit , nt lowest rate of interest. Office
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Now blue grass and timothy at"FcTii
[ Oil's.
Lots in Omaha addition are changing
lands nt advanced prices every day.
Benson < fe Shepherd have a few lots on
Vifth avenue ( on the motor line ) that
hey oiler now. Don't wait unless you
lave no desire to make money.
How III ; ; Money In Aliiilo
Money safely invested is the greatest
'money maker" in the world. Through
thfs process , investing the money of de
positors , banking institutions become
Iveulthy , while the ' 'depositor" gets
ittlo return from his money. Is there
not some wnv by which these legitimate
earnings can come back to the "de
positor. " where they properly belong ?
Wo answer , there is. The National
Building , Loan and Protective union ,
of Minneapolis , Minn. , has solved the
H'oblom and devised the best scheme of
'banking" known to the world. Here
s the plan :
A person subscribes for from ono to
ono hundred shares of stock. Tlieso
shares are $100 each and mature in GO
nonths. Ho pays as follows :
Membeiship fee $ > ,00
Monthly payment , COo per mouth (00 (
months ) 30.00
Quarterly payment , lioo per quarter ( 'M
quarters ) 5.00
Total $411.00
Thus at the end of live years ( CO
months ) the certificate of shares having
matured , is worth $100 , showing a hand
some profit of $57.00 on every share ho
takes. Don't say this earning is im
possible , for it is being demonstrated
every day of the year.
Now , suppose a subscriber wishes to
secure ft loan of $1,000. Ho subscribes
"or thirteen shares of stock nnd must bo
a member at least six months prior to
making the loan. Ho pays as follows :
In fifty-four months , quarterly in
stallments $ 871.20
Add eighteen quarterlies uty.li5 each C8.50
Attorney fees 10.00
Advanced payments durinK first six
months 70.80
Total $1,019.00
His thirteen shares are now worth
their face value , $1,800 , which leaves
him a not profit of $281. All will agree
that this is a better return on money
than can bo secured by any other plan.
The character of its investments makes
it absolutely safe.
Although this organization is less
than three years old , its shareholders
are numbered in nearly every state in
the union. There are now several in
this city. Among thorn nro Thomas
Officer , James R. Rico , Harry McGee ,
Taylor Woolsoy and others , whether
you wish to either deposit or secure a
loan , you should investigate this plan
fully. Johnston & Van Patten , 8:5 : Main
street , will furnish you all necessary in
Go to the social entertainment at 725
Mynstor street , Augii'-t 31 , for the bou-
oilt of the Christian Homo.
A social ontortainmoi.t will bo given
at the residence of Mrs. A. Barnard ,
August ! ! 1 , for the benefit of the Chris
tian Homo.
For Snlo Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at onco. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 100 Main
street , Council BlulTs.
of the grand opening organ concert to
bo given this evening at St Francis
Xavior's church.
1. Organ offertolro to St. Ceclia No. 2. . .
. Uatisto
\V. J. Gnitian.
2. Anthem , "Blessed bo the God and
Father , " . Wesley
Catholic and Kplsconnl Church Choirs.
3. Organ , "Fantasia , " in A minor. . Teinmcua
W. C. Marshall.
4. Solo , "Avo Maria , " . Lulgl Luzzi
Mrs. Funiiio Kellogg Hachort.
5. Solo , "Judith , " . Concave
1. M. Treynor.
0. Organ , Familiar Air Varied . I3uck
W. J. Gratiun.
7. Solo , "Avo Maria , " . St. Clair
Mrs. M. J. O'Neill.
8. Duett . Select ed
Mrs. Hachort and Mr. Treynor.
" dlMinuotto".Gullmant
J "Tempo
o . /-i-.o
v. organ t'GttVottOMfroraMignon ( ) Thonma
W. C. Marshall.
10. Anthem , "Give Ear , O Yo Heavens , "
. Armefl
Catholic and Episcopal Church Choirs.
Priori . Guilmant
11 nrmm
11. organ j OJTcrlolro , n D minorf..ii3atistc
W. J. Gratian.
N.B. There will bo no encores.
The children of the Christian Home
will take purlin an entertainment giron
at the rotidonce of Mrs. A. Barnard , No ,
725 Mynstor street , August 31 , at 8 p. m ,
Cheap lots on Broadway for sale ,
Johnston & Van Patton , 33 Main st.
An Appreciated Gift.
Just before it was time for the curtair
to rise for tha-first act last evening
Manager Dohany was called from the
box office to the stage , as it was roportci
that the stage hands wpro on a strike ,
On arriving there ho asked the cause o
the trouble , when a paper was crowdcc
pto his hand with the statement that
ts contents would explain all. He tried
o read it , but as ho had
rokcn his glasses only the
ay before , he wan unable to peruse it.
n order to raise the cloud from his
roublod mind , the boys then passed
lira a handsome pair of heavy gold
jowed eye glasses , with chain and hook ,
'ho recipient was so overcome that ho
ould scarcely voitfd his thanks. The
glasses are very valuable and justly np-
ircciatcd , They nro a token of esti-otn
, nd regard from the scene shifters , enr-
lontors , and stage helpers. The owner
venrs thorn with much dignity.
Got your lawn grass seed at Fcaron's.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
If you have property for sale at a bar-
jaln list it with us nnd wo will advor-
, iso It free of charge. A. A. Clark fc
Co. , corner IJroadway and Main , over
Vmorican express.
A. A. Clark fc Co. , real estate brok-
rs , have a list of choice inside property
m their books. Nothing but bargains
A largo number of bottom lots at a
mrgain. Johnston & Van Patton , JtJJ
Travelers ! Stop at the JJoohtole.
A healthy lot of vngs were rounded
ip last evening in the railroad yards in
ho southern part of the city. They
lore landed in the cooler , where they
Have a concert of an hour's duration
that would have boon a credit to many
of the so-called first class companies
, hat are billed in this city. An inves-
, igation disclosed the fact the company
was in reality the lonesome remains of
a prosperous minstrel company of a few
uonths ago.
Pure Milk Wanted.
Scaled proposals will bo received on
or before Sept. 1 , 1888 , at the office of
, he superintendent of the Iowa inslitu-
, ion for the education of deaf and dumb ,
Council Blutls , In. , for furni hintr the
said institution good , unndullorati'd.
niro milk , in quantities as the institu
tion may require , and at such times as
may bo directed by the proper officers.
Also to furnish pure cream under re
quirements as above stated. Bids
should bo endorsed. "Proposals to fur
nish milk and cream , " and addressed to
: ho Hon. Board of Trustees of the Iowa
institution for the education of the deaf
uid dumb. The board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
IlKNKY W. RoTlinilT ,
Spices ready mixed for pickling at
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Johnston & Van Patten , 'M Main st.
The Jnrhcnu Comedy company hold
the boards at Dohany's last evening ,
and presented "Starlight" to a fairly
npproeiatiuo nudlujico. The singing
: is u whole was ratlfor below the stnnd-
: ird , although several numbers wore
finely rendered and won hearty encores.
The company is above the nvoVngo. and
Miss Jnrhcnu is really a charming little
actress. It , is prob'ablo that on thn occa
sion of her next visit she will bo wel
comed by a crowded house.
A. A. Clark ft , Co : negotiate loans on
farm and city property.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Butter , gilt-edged , at Fearon's.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidontal. Oilico 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
There will bo a mooting of the repub
lican club at headquarters this evening ,
and all members are requested to bo
present. To-morrow e von Ing the Tip-
pecanoo club will have a mooting at the
same place for the transaction of im
portant business.
Good dwellings and lots for sale on
monthly payments by E. II. Sheafo &
Co. , corner Broadway and Main sts. , up
Money loaned on furniture pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of vnluo , at low rates of interest. No
iblicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , office cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Now stock of canned goods just in nt
Mrs. Charles Bicrwirth is seriously
ill at her home , 404 East Broadway.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
Full line of sheet music at Council
BlulTs Music Co. , 2:24 : Broadway.
Fresh eggs at Fearon's.
All Saints' Guiid"wlll hold a sociable
this week , Friday evening , at the resi
dence of Mrs. Key , on Seventh street.
A good time guaranteed to all who at
It Has Ilcen Discovered nt Ijast AVitli
Considerable Certainty.
Pall Mall Gazette : "Wo nave gen
erally an announcement to make , but
not often of so much importance as that
of this day. It is the discovery of the
pool of Bethosda. " So writes Mr. Waiter -
tor Bosunt , in the Quarterly Statement ,
issued by the Palestine Exploration
Fund. lie is jubilant , as all Palestine
enthusiasts are Jikoly to bo , that a
vexed question in regard to a site is ap
parently sottlcd forovcr.
Bethesda is mentioned only * by the
evangelist. In the fifth chapter of Ilis
gospel John says : "Now there is at
Jerusalem by the sheep market [ or
gate ] a pool which is called in the He
brew tongue , having five porches. " The
word translated "pool" in the author
ized version is given by some authori
ties as "swimming oath , " and the
phrase "pool by the sheep market" ie
possibly bettor rendered "shcop pool. "
Euscbius explains the occasional red
color of the water of this "sheep
pool" as being a trace ol
the carcasses of sheep washed
in it before sacrifice ; hence the name.
There were , according to the evangel
ist , five porches , or porticoes around
the pool. These , Dr. Goikie thinks ,
charity built for the accommodation of
sufferers. It scorns to us , however ,
equally probable that they formed part
of the original scheme for the bath.
Five porticoes would boom to imply a
pentagonal structure , but this is by no
means essential. A rectangular pool ,
with a portico on every side , divided by
ono across the middle , would answer
the description. "Bothesda" ( a Hebrew -
brow name which was very probably in
vented by John ) may menu either
"house of morcy" or "tho place of the
pouring forth" of water.
At the northeast of modern Jeru
salem , close to St. Stephen's Gate
stands the church of St. Anno. At th <
time of the Crimean war it was a ruined
nosquo , but when the French came
nto possession of it they restored the
church and handed it over to the Al
gerian monks. It is near the church of
it. Anne , and in connection with oxen-
( ( lions made around it , it was that the
cul pool of Bethesda has re
cently been discovered by Ilerr
Conrad Schlck. There is a
courtyard to the northwest of the
church , which loads through a newly
opened passage into another courtyard
some fifty foot square. At the north of
his latter court yard there was at onetime
time a small church. Beneath the floor
of this some time church are vaults , and
, hrough the floor of those vaults a cls-
crn is reached , cut into the rock n
lopth of thirty foot. The cistern is a
> ortton of the original Pool of Bothesda.
There is still water in it , but it is diffi
cult to say whence it comes. This , in
jrlof , is Ilerr Schick's report of April 6.
Since then further excavations have
jecn mndo , nnd ho has prosecuted more
extended inquiries. A twin pool has
jcon discovered. Further examination
will bring more details to light ; but it
may bo now fairly assumed that the two
lools , tanks , or cisterns thus discovered
eall.y constitute the Pool of Bothesdn ,
"having five porches , " where Christ
healed n paralytic of eight and thirty
years' standing.
DlninoiulH In the Wnsli.
Philadelphia Press : "Have you the
tiundle I sent hoio this morning ? " a
ood-looking young woman asked as she
rushed into Cox's laundry atThirtconth
ind Oxford streets last Friday morning.
She was greatly excited and almost
breathless. The young woman was
Mrs. II. Reed , who explained that she
had sent $1,000 worth of diamonds to
the laundry in n bundle of soiled
clothes. Mrs. Cox told her that the
driver , Charles Roberts , had not yet returned -
turned to the office. The excited young
\\oinun became palo as slio received
this information , and could scarcely
restrain hersolf. She paced the Horn *
for an hour and a half , anxiously wait
ing to secure her bundle again.
The driver finally arrived , and ns
each bundle came from the wagon her
eyes glistened. She quickly tore open
the bundle marked with her name , and
n an old felt hat were sparkling diamond
mend studs , diamond breastpins , nnd
diamond earrings and finger ringn ,
which she afterward said were worth
$1,000. The laundry girls stood as if
transfixed , with open mouths nud hun
gry eyes as the diamonds wore display
ed. Mrs. Reed said that she was from
Now York , and had hidden the hat
with the diamonds in her soiled clothes
for safety. She wont away with her
face beaming.
A Itnsli Prediction Fulfilled.
Scribner's Magazine : When the
roads forming the line between Phila
delphia and Hnrrisburg Pennsylvania ,
were chartered in 1833 , and town meet
ings wore hold to discuss their practi
cability , the Hon. Simon Cameron ,
while making a speech in advocacy of
the measure , was so far carried away
by his enthusiasm as to make the rash
prediction that there wore persons
within the sound of his voice who would
live to sco a passenger take his break
fast in Hnrribburg and his supner in
Philadelphia on the same nay. A friend
of his on the platform said to him after
ho had finished , "That's all very well ,
Simon , to toll the boys , but you and I such infernal fools as to believe
it. " They have both lived to travel the
distance in a little over two hours.
In another column of thisissuo will bo
found an entirely new and novel speci
men of attractive advertising. It is ono
of the neatest cvor placed in our paper
nnd wo think our readers will be well
repaid for examining the SUITO.SKO
display letters in the advertisement of
Prickly Ash Bitters.
Out or the Fr.vlnji-Pnn.
Texas Sittings : A Now York man
visited the family of a relative in the
country , whore ho was not a welcome
guest by any means. After the visitor
had spent a couple of weeks , his much-
disgusted host said ono morning nt the
breakfast table :
"Dear cousin , don't you think your
family will miss you painfully ? You
ought not to leave thorn alone so much. "
"By Jove , that's so , " exclaimed the
Now Yorker ; "I'll telegraph them to
come right on bore. "
Use Ilorflford's Acid Phosphate.
Du. C. U. DAKK , Belleville , 111. , says : "I
have found it , and It alone , to bo capable of
producing a sweet and natural sleep in cases
of insomnia from overwork of the brain ,
which BO often occurs in active professional
and business men. "
Prefer Tlislrs Fried.
Citizen to merchant How is it you
to bo nourishing so well of late ?
Last time mo met you complained bit
terly of hard times.
Merchant True , my friend , but soon
afterwards n conflagration visited our
store and so injured the stock tlfnt wo
wore able to realize largo and quick
profits by working them oil on the pub
lic at a great "lire sale. "
Drink Mai to it is pleasant.
Sl'KCIAI advertisements , such us host , round ,
To Loan , 1'or Sale , To Kent.Viints , Hoard
ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In tills column at tlio
low rate of THN CKN'TS I'KH UNK for the nm
liiamlon and 1'jvo Cents 1'er Muo for each bub-
sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements at
our office. No. 12 Pearl Street , near llrouel\vay ,
Council Hinds Iowa.
HUNT A new liotiso with nine rooms
and all modern conveniences In best location
11 the city. 1'rcfer tenant v > ho w 111 rent two im-
inrnlshea rooms.V. . 8. Cooper , 130 Main t > t.
T71O11 HKNT rnrnlshed room and alcove for
K gentleman. Inquire at 124 1'ourth htreet.
IT OU SAI.K My now eltiht-room cottage on
-I ? Second ave. \ \ " 0. James.
THOU SAM ? -Harbor hliop at 110 Hroadway ,
I ? Council mulls ; wood trade ; satisfactory
reasons for belling ; bargain for the right man.
TJ1OH KXrilANQK A fine , well assorted W.OOO
JJ stock of stationery , fancy good" , Jewelry ,
etc.In a thrh lug town for lesldence in South
Omaha. H. T. llryant & Co. , KS Uroadway ,
Council illuffa , la.
or trade for a team. Inquire at
lKVi hth St.
for rent. Johnston ic Van J'atten ,
"X SO-acre small fruit farm very cheap. Just
J\ . outside city limits , or will divide Into ! 0
acre tracts to suit purchaser. It T Hryant & Co
TjTOirSAI.K The best small fruit unil vegeta-
J ? ble farm in I'ottawattamle county , two
miles from Council Itluffs poatolnce , at u price
that will sell it , on remarkably easy terms.
Title perfect ana pi operty in rood condition.
Possession given at any time. Good reason for
selllnR. It , T. Hryant A ; Co. , CK Hroadway ,
Council Uluffs , la. _
- of merchandise to ex-
WANTKD-Stocks property in Council Hlutrs ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
We make exchanging a specialty. 11.T. llryant
&Co. , ( C8 Hroadway.
15X4 DouBlai St. , Omaha , Neb.
NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , August 27.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Gentlemen :
Samples and prices received. All satis
factory. Send as per first order. How
can you sell first-class goods so low ?
Other dealers ask more for an inferior
quality. . Your patterns are immense.
All who have seen them fall in love with
them. Other orders will follow from
here at an early date. Yours Truly ,
B. T. N.
CO- ,
25 TO 300
POWER , and Elevators ,
steam plants. IleBUlatlon. Durability Guar-
Speculations anil estimates furnished for complete .
. H equnt with Coillss Non-CoudenilUB.
nutccd. fun show letters from users w Hero fuel Economy
Send ( or Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To clobo out the remaining lots in Squiro'H addition to Council niulTfl . , I
will boll the ilnofat located lots in the city for tjif ) ouwh payment , and. lonB
. , I wl1 make liberal
tlmo on balance , to persons who to soeuro Jiml
eral loans to those who desire aid in building houses. Call at once and sou
mo at Mabonlo Temple , Council BlulTH , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
D , H , McDANELO & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
(20 and KS Main Street.Council lllurfsIowx
PRICE $15.
Is equal to
any High
TheEdlton Mlmeorrapb , tbe belt apparatus for
manifolding , autograpblo and tjpe wntlng work.
3.UJU coplei can be taken.
The IxcoUlor C ; . , Council Bluls , la.
CCCDroadway Council Uluffs , Iowa. U
.Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational institution , tumUli-
uil with all modern Improvement * for boarding
and day Hcliool , The academic year consists o
two session * , beginning cm the firitt Monday l&
September and tcbruury , rebpectfully ,
Tunns Hoard and tuition pt < r soaslon. (75 ,
For further particulars address HUter Supeilor ,
6t. Francla Academy , Council Uluda , U.