? n . . I ' 'THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGUST SO.18881 fpup .onrrtli TUTP iiinvpTo THE SPECULATIVE MARiEIS , Wheat Norvoua rind Excite fl With Few Prlco Changes. THE BULLS GROWING PEARISH. Corn Quiet Hut Knlrly Strong Onts Itule I ull I'rovlHlons Hotuctvhnt Jllglier Hut Unsettled Cnttlo Ijowcr HOJJH Brink CHICAGO IMIODUCI3 MAIIKRT. CIIICAOO , August ii9. ( Special Telegram to THE BEK.I The wheat market Is too ner vous and excited to bo strictly healthy. It Is subject to violent fluctuations , quotations chasing each other up and down the scale hysterically and with lightning speed. The Inarkct Is exceedingly freaky. Fluctuations today were within a range of about 2c and both extremes wcro approached closely sev eral times In the course of the tiny. Closing prices don't Indicate u very Important change on the day , being only about ytc lower than yesterday , Singular to relate , the great ma jority of recognized bulls were talking bearIshly - Ishly to-day. They confessed having sold out their wheat and many of them have gone the other way for a return , believing that after n 15c advance there must bo good reaction. To hear the talk ono would think that about all the long wheat had been sold out Beyond nny question considerable lines of wheat bought here , in Duluth , St. Louis , Toledo , New York and elsewhere for foreign account have been sold out , people for whom the buslnrss was done expecting to bo able to re place the grain nt better figures. With such enormous rcaliring for domestic and foreign account , it strikes many as being very strange why values do not break back. It Is this break that the bull army Is looking for. They ift-o thu only ones who have the nerve to sell short now. The chronic bears wcro so se verely punished on the up-turn that they ara doing very little now. They are stttlngsoro- pawed on the outer edge of speculation wait ing for the drift to develop their way before taking now risks. Speculative .trade is cen tering largely in December wheat now. Sep tember and December are keeping close together , quotations not vary ing more than ) c at nny time during the scssin and prices usually being only 1-1(1 ( apart. Ono of the most savugo drives at the market occurred about 12 o'clock when December was driven down from lUJfo to ( . )2o ) In a few minutes. It re covered partially but the tone of the marxct was rather less linn thereafter and last prices wcro U2X ° f ° r September , mi * liJ fc for De cember. The corn market was quiet and rather nar row but generally strong , closing with scllci September and October about J e higher than It closed last Highland May about unchanged Opening sales were lower ut about J c de cline from last night's close , duo chiefly to n weak feeling and lower prices in wheat , bill there was apparently little for sale and plenty of buyers , with several strong operator ! taking It freely , and as thu wheat galnei Btrcngth corn also improved and gradually gained lo from thu opening , but % c of this was lost and the closing was steady nt about 45 } < o for September and October , and 40'io for May. Oats wore dull. ' Receipts wcro fairly lib eral , although there was no improvemcn In the inspection , with barely 18 per cent passing in contract grade. In sympathy witli wheat there was a small fractional advance , though with few outside trading orders. Speculative transactions were light. The estimated receipts for to-morrow are the Bmallcst of the week. Moderate inquiry ex isted for regular No. 2 oats , which sold up about * o to 21 @ 25c , with cash trading chletly by sample. In provisions the feeling was somewhat un settled. The day's prices generally averaged higher than yesterday , but In near deliveries of short rlls and pork u severe break oc curred during thu last half of the session. Lard , which was supported by English houses , was much stronger throughout than Its companion articles , and for September and October closed at an advance of 7X@10o. September and October futures of pork de clined ftO(332 ( } o from the moraine's figures , and at the close showed a not decline of 17 } @ 20c. Short ribs for September closed 2 > ic and for October 7 } c lower than yesterday. CHICAGO ijIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , August 29. [ Special Telegram to TDK BBE. 1 CATTLE Business was some what interfered with on account of a lack of cars to take the shipping cattle to eastern markets. Rates to [ eastern markets are so low that the railroads are offering nny kind of excuse for not taking cattlo. The excuse put forth now is that there is n scarcity of cars , yet every man Interested In the matter declares there Is no foundation for this ox cuso. That , In plain words , the railroad rep resentatives are not stating the truth when they say they are short of cars at this season of thu year. In a general way values wcro lower on the ordinary run of natlvo fat cattle tlo , yet a few loads of the best may hnvo sold ns high as yesterday. Yet with the weak ness of to-day prices arc higher than last week. Texans were pouring in all the morning , and It was estimated that there were fully 225 cars , or say 4,500 In the run this morning. There were also 110 cars of west erns In sight , both making at least half the receipts of the day. The rangers were fall- to good and wo note sales of Dakota * at JJ.O. " ) @ 5.40 , yet common and low grade rangers were not making as much money as yester day. A few lots of prime Texuns sold equally ns well as yesterday , but the low grades , eul- llngs and tall ends of lower common natives , old cows and thin bulls were slow and the turn rather down ward. The stockcrs and feeders trade remains dull and unsatisfactory. Veal calves came in in largo numbers and nru as low as any time this year. The receipts in cluded 7,000 Tcxans and western cattle Choice medium to good steers , li : > 0 to lr > OC Ibs , $5.\0it5.1IH \ ; 1,2.10 to 1,350 Ibs. $ l.50@5.40 P50 to 1,21X1 Ibs , $4.tlOi4.0 ( < ) ; stockers and feed crs , $2.00 ( < T3.1 ( ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , gl.s : W3.20 ; bulk $2.20(3.2.45 ( ; steers. MO to 1,051 Its , $3.00(33.75 ( ; 7f > ( ) to WX ) Ibs , $2.00(33.25 ( ; ( X)0to700 ) lbs$2.5U@3.00 ; cows , $1.75 ( < $2.50 ; natives ami half breeds , $ ' 1.50@5.05. Hens Business was active and prices rather stronger than otherwise ; some sales men claiming nn advance of u good Go on the ordinary run of mixed and good packing sorts , yet in a general way there was little 01 jio change. Best heavy sold nt $11.45(30.50 ( nn occasional lot of Philadelphia's niakinj $0.55(0.0.00. ( Mixed and packing sorts soli largely at f0.1fi@0.15 ! for fair to good , $5.VO ( 6.05 for common and $0.40 ( < i0.50 for best us sorted light ; mixed light $0.00S0.25. ( LIVK STOCK. Chlongo. August 29. The Drovers' Jour cal rcDOrtn as follows : Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; market slow ant 10o lower ; beeves , $ fl.00@0.40 ; steers , $4.00 ( ? 6.W1 ; stockers and feeder * . $2.003.10 ( ! ; cows bulls and mixed , $1.25(3.3.10 ( ; Texas cuttlo $1.75(33.75 ( ; western rangers , $3.5003.05. Hogg Receipts , 10.000 ; market Iks higher mixed , $ il.0000.50 ; butchers' and heavy $5.1)5(30.00 ) ( ; light , $5.9500.50 ; skips , $4.00a 0.00. Sheep Receipts , 7.000 ; market slow am 60 lower ; natives , $3.MXi$4.50 ; western nhorn $3.V0 ! 3.h5 ; Texans , shorn , $3.003.SO ; lambs KUMIIHH City , August 29. Cattle Re cclpU , 0.000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; active bu weak and 5@lOo lower ; good to cholco corn fed , $5.0005.50 : common to medium , $3.25 ( ( 4.75 ; stockers and feeders , $1,00(33.05 ( : gras range steers , $1.8003.20 ; cows , * 1.25@'J.SO. Hogs Receipts , 0,400 ; shipments , 1,300 weak and 5@ > 10o lower ; good to choice $0.1500.25 ; common to medium , $5.25(20.10 ( skips and pigs , $4.0005.00. Nntlaunl Block YnrtlH. East HI t IxnilB , August 3'J. Cattle Receipts , 2bOO shipments , 2,000 ; market steady ; choice no tlvo steers , $5.1005.70 ; fair to good , $4.60 < ( 6.20 ; butchers steers , medium to choice , $3.4 (34.50 ; stockcrs and feeders , fair to gooi $2.40(33.00 ( : rangers , corn-fed , $ J.OO@4.4J ( grans-fed. $ aS5@3.iW. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 ; shipments 200 ; mai kfit strong ; choice heavy and butchc elections , fd.MfiWVfiO ; packing , medium , to irlme , $ fl. f@il.50 : light grades , onlinary to ) est , Nntv YORK , August29. [ SpecialTelegram oTnr. BEB.1 STOCKS Stocks were active his morning for n half hour after the open- ng , when trade fell off somewhat. First > rlccs were generally firm , though somewhat rrcgular. The animation , as for two or hrco days past , was confined argely to L.acka\vanna , Reading , New England , St. Paul and Lake Shore , and lluctuations were generally rather narrow. Lackawannn de clined nearly one point during the forenoon , after which there was a reaction. Lake Shore was strong on good buying In which Holllns Si Co , were prominent. Bull point ers were sent out on various securities , but there was not much of a movement In any thing but the few mentioned during the whole forenoon. There was Increased busi ness In Lackawanna In the afternoon , and it sold up to 144 during the day , but broke from that point and closed la per cent lower. Active stocks closed at about the lowest of the day , realizing salcs.brcnklng the market. The decline ranged from } teX \ points. UoviiiiXMKXTS Government bonds were dull but steady. The closing quotations of the stocks wcro as follows : U.S. 4s regular. . . .12Si ! Northern Pacific. . . 2CS ! U. S. 4s coupons. . . . 128 ! ' , doprefcrred MI'i If. H.45sregulnr. ! . IWl.'i C. * N. W _ 114'/ U. 8. 4isconpous..l07i ! | do preferred , . . , .144'/i ' 1'aclllc ( is of . - , . liU 'N. ' V. Central . 1WU ( Central . I'arlflc. . . . J144 I' . , I ) . Ac V. Chicago & Alton. .l.'U Hock Island . . . . ChlragnJIurllnKton C. . M. A St. P 72i A qulney . 114U do pre f erred 111 ! i . . . . . . . . . St. Paul & Oniahir. . < OU Illinois Central. . .11H do preferred IDS3 * I. , II.&W . 15 Union Pacific B ) 4 Kansas A ; Texas . . i : > W. . St. I , . .V I > 14'i Lake Shore . H7U do preferred. . . . 274 ! Michigan Central. . KV/ Western Union r2S5 Moxr.v ox CAM , Easy at I } ( a2 per cent , closed offered at 1J per cent. PHIME MKIICANTILE PAIT.H I ? < ( SO ) per cent. STKIIUXO E.XCIIAXOI : Dull but steady at $1.84 for sixty day bills ; $4.b7J < lor demand. PltOUUCiS tAKICUTS. CIMCAOO , August 20. Wheat Weak mid lower ; cash , U2e ( ; September , 9J' c ; Octo ber , Uljfe. Corn Easy ; cash 45c ; September and October , 45 e. Oats Steady ; cash,25c ; September , 24 c ; October , 24 < c. Rye 50 > jc. Barley Nominal. Prime Timothy 51.75. Flux $1.24. * Whisky $1.20. Pork Lower ; cash and September $14.20 ; October , $14.25. Lard Firm ; cash , September and Octo bcr. $ 'J.5JK. Flour Quiet but firm ; good bakers' held at $3.110014.00 ; patents , $5. < ) l@5. : . Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $7.507.75 ; short clear , $9.0009.25 ; short ribs , $8.40 ® Butter Quiet ; creamery , 14@20c ; dairy , 13 < ai7c. Cheese Firm : full cream cheddars , SS ( ! flats , 8Ji@3 > < fc ; young Americas , c. Eggs Firm ; fresh , 15@10c. Hides Firmer and prices have advanced ) c ; heavy green salted , Oc } ; light green salted , G@OJ e ; salted bull , 5e ; green palled calf , OK@7c ; dry flint , 7rSc ; dry calf , 708o ; branded hides Ifi per cent off ; deacons , 20 ( < ? 2ip e.ich ; dry salted , 10@15c. Tallow Firm ; No. 1. solid packed , 4'c , ; No. 2 , 3 > c , and cake , 3X04c per lu. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 34,000 7.000 Wheat bu . 130.000 77,000 Corn , bu . 50 1,000 170,000 Oats , bu . 35(1,000 ( 1)3,000 ) Rye. bu . . . . . Barley , bu . . . . . Now York , August 20. Wheat Rcceltits. 115,700 ; exports , 125,700 ; spot very quiet , closing higher ; No. 1 red , $1.00 in elevator , $1.01gl.01 ( > tf afloat , $1.02@1.03 | < J f. o. b. ; un graded red , 8fec@$1.03Ji ; options less active , opened % @ % c lower , fell c , advanced I' OJ ly c , closing steady ; No. 2 red , September , closing at $1.00. Corn Receipts , 44,000 ; exports , 40,000 ; spot moderately active early and K ° higher , closing easier with the advance about lost ; ungraded mixed , 58@545Co ; No. 2 afloat , 53X053 c ; options fairly active , opening 'iOi'-j'o higher , advanced ? B@C , closing easy ; No. 2 September closing ut53.c. Oats Receipts , 113,000 ; exports , 8,000 ; spot moderately active , and M@'KC ' higher , closing eusicr , with the advance lost ; mixed western , 20 > < f@40c ; white western , 35@43c. Coffee Options opened barely steady with light business , closing steady ; sales , 27,000 bags ; August , $11.15011.25 ; September , $10.95011.05 ; October , $10.30010.35 ; spot Rio steady and quiet ; fair cargoes , $14.50. Petroleum Firm and in good Demand ; United closed at 2c. \ Eggs Firm and In fair demand ; western , Pork Firm and quiet. Lard Spot strong but quiet ; western steam , $9.80. Butter Fine strong and In good demand ; western dairy , 12@15c ! creamery , 14B21c. ( Cheese Strong and moderately active ; western , St. Loulrt. August 29. Wheat Lower cash , 94c : September , 93 } < fc. Corn Steady ; cash,41c ; September , 41' c Oats Firm ; cash , COJle ; September , 24e. Pork Firm at $15.00. Lard Nominnlly llrm nt $9.25. Whisky Steady at $1.14. Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 18@20c dairy , 14@10o. Milwaukee , August 29. Wheat Easy cash , b8ifo ; September , 88c ; October , 8bjc ! Corn Steady ; No. a , 4Cc. Oats Easy ; No. 2 white , 28c. Kyo Firm ; No. 1 , 5'JKc. Uarlcy Quiet ; No. 2 nominal. I'rovisious Easier. Minneapolis , August M. Wheat Re I'oiptH 37 cars : shipments , 23 cars ; No. ' hard , August and September , U3)c ; October We ; No. 2 northern , August and September UlKc : October , 91c ; now northern , Augus1 and September , b7Kc ; October 87c. Clnoliiimtl. August 29. Wheat Steady No. 2 rod. UOc. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 40. , Oats In fair demand and steady ; No. ! mixed , 20Kc. ; Whisky $1.14. City , August 29. Wheat- Strong ; No. 2 red , cash , 7Sc bid ; September 79K" . Corn Stronger ; No. 3 cash , 30e bid September , 35&e bid. Oats No. 2 , cash , 20c bid. OMAHA llVi ; STOCK. Cattle. Wednesday , August 29 , 18S3. There were not cattle enough to make ver ; much of a market , only twenty-nine fresl loads being received. Out of this numbc theru were KM head of fair to good corn-fei steers , which were sold to the local pucker nt strong prices. The cow market wn lightly supplied but there wcro a few cow good enough to brim ; $3.00. The remalnde of the receipts was made up of native stock crs and feeders. A few loads of feeder changed hands but the demand was nior d limited even than the receipts , and there wa 3 not much lifo to thu trade. , , flogs. The hog market was in many respects ver , ; unsatisfactory to-day , and diRlcult to report 3 A few loads , which happened to 'strike th buyers' fancy , sold early nt about stead , prices , but other loads equally as good sol Idn. 5c , and oven lOc , lower. Some of the heav . cst buyers were bearish from the very starl , and after the first round the market coul safely bo quoted 510u ( lower than yesterday flit The trade was inclined to drag , salesmen b < itn ing slow to conccdu any decline and it wa nS afternoon before the pens were cleared. 53 Sheep. The market was liberally supplied bu ; there was not much doing. SIt Jtcceiptf. . . . . . oc , . . . . . 4OC ; Sheep . 1,0 : * Prevailing Prices. The following is a table of price * paid ii thu maruot for the grades of stock mon tioned. Pninestoers. ISOOto 1500Ibs.5,25 (25.50 ( I'nmo steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . .4.50 ra > 5.35 cr Native feeders. . . . , . . . ' 3.25 © 3.50 Western feeders. . . . . ' . 2.75 ( M.40 Katiiro uleors , coni'on to choice H.OO ( $4.25 Common to good cows , . . . 1.40 ( n2.00 Choice lo fancy cows. . . . . . . . . . 2,25 ( g3.K ( ) Common to choice bulls , . . . . . . . 1.00 O2.2 , } Fair tocnoico light hogs . . 0.00 Fair to cholco heavy hops 0.15 . Fairtocnnlco mixed hogs 0.00 (30.15 ( ItcprcNcmntiTO ditto * . CATTLK. No. AY. -Pr. 1 COW .1,010 { I.S5 . ' 11 cows , natives . VIJ < 5 2.10 1 cow , native .1,000 2.25 1 bull 1 cow , native IDcows , . .1.0S3 2.85 10 cows , natives . . 010 2.40 1 cow , native . 1,0:10 , : 2.50 45 feeders . . > 4 a.oo 1 bull . . 1,41)0 ) : ioo 0 cows , natives . .LOSS 3.00 48 feeders . .1,009 8.0.-I 21 feeders , nalives . .l.ltW 3.15 24 feeders , nalives . .1,000 3.15 10 feeders , natives . .1,041 320 22 feeders . . 1.1:18 : 3.80 52 steers , nalives . .1,118 4 55 82 steers , natives . .1,242 , 5.20 noon. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 78..222 200 * 4l.OO 49. . . . 'i'O 240 75..2.17 120 0.00 03. . . .1 )0 40 fell . . .213 200 li.dO 03. . , .SJ2 KM ) , .2.'W 200 ' ' ' I. " 7l2l8 ! ! ! 'bO o'.Oo 77. . , .2-17 B20 ( I.12JJ G . . . .20.'i 120 O.r ( ) > 70. . . .247 120 0.124 | iU..20 ! > 100 0.05 75. , , .219 40 0.15 0j : . . .257 120 0.0.1 05. , , .22 < ( 0.15 . .2)5 ) 200 0.05 72. 100 0.15 118 . .ail 280 li.05 03. 200 0.15 72. . .212 240 (1.05 ( KM. . .202 100 0.15 03..227 400 0.115 ll'.l. ' ' not 0.15 73..231 80 0. < )7 ) > 70. . .249 Too 0.15 0.-.2.7 240 11.10 02. 0.15 00..2X1 120 li.10 ! ! ! 100 0.15 [ VI..244 100 11.10 78. . . .II * 120 0.15 75. . . . 25 40 0.10 05. . . .278 120 0.15 70..257 20J 0.10 72. . . .273 ICO O..O 05..2.-M 240 0.10 07. . . .2113 KO 0.20 70..2.V.I . . . (1.10 ( 70. . " o- , bO 0.20 o214 OS..247 320 010 65. . 214 40 0.20 Oil..231 bO 0.10 74. . . .2:14 : 120 0.20 09..198 210 0.10 07. . . .222 bO 0.20 59..202 40 0.10 70. . 21 0.20 79..240 2sO (1.1(1 ( ( 75. . .225 210 0.20 7C..211 0.10 08. . .an a to 0.20 09..243 120 0.10 08. . .2I'I im 0.20 C2..277 2M 0.10 254 120 0.20 70..223 bO 0.10 (13. ( . ! 2fl2 120 0.22)4 ) 05..29.1 . bO Ii.l2'i 1M. . .198 400 0.22)i 74. . . . 191 240 0.12' ' SO. . .S'JJ 12) ) 0.25 77..20. ) UK ) 0.12 > < 71. . .243 40 0.25 78..227 bO 012f 71. . 0.25 I'nckers I'lirolinscs. Showing the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers on thu m.irkcl to-d.iy : G. If. Hannnoiul & Co > 421 Omaha Packing Co 1,213 Armour C. P. Co 1,514 .1. P. Squires & Co 842 F. Whlttaker & Son r. . . 2ri : llljjIlOHt nlltl IjOWOBt. The following arc the highest and lowest prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hoga on this market during the past few days , and for the corresponding period In 1887 uml 188(5 ( : August KS.S. _ August * fi Rl toll 0 < 1 fi in > : wIT Snnd'iy. r. K cm uo r > wj 4 CO ( ill 70 B H ) ( ll 11) ) 4 K5 l 'i H fi IK ) W25 \ n in 4 41 , W Ptindav. 5 wi IT ! } 4 40 & 4 Til B o' , < 3.n w 4 ( HI _ 05 4 41) l r i > n m uB : Sunday. 4 4- . 4 nT'/i B ft'i dW 25 4 W < & , 13 i m < &a 2u 4 ( K ) < & > 20 4 4r > 4 'JO @ 20 4 fi- , o iu ( an ; ij fi U ) SVt 25 4 4" > Sunday. ! > IHI WM 4 2U UM 70 n 05 c/ii a * , 4 ( HI < & > lit 4 : n ) df.t fin o iu fen ; u Sundiiy. 4 M ( i/.l 10 Ijlvi- Stock Notes. S. D. Taylor , Beatrice , was here with two loads of feeders. N. J. Ilenpcn was hero from Blue Hill with a load of cattle. Whittuker & Son , St. Louis , bought six double decks of hogs. Titus itTerhune , Litehtleld , sold two loads of light hoga at S0.22 } . Among those who s > old 23c hogs was Henry Ueutinp , of Plait Center. Prank Lower , Osceola , and M. Hacerty , Neola , came in with hogs. J. M. Kaymond brought In thrco loads of fat caltlu from Magnolia , la. G. C. Underbill , Umulila , stopped at the yards on his way homo from a trip east. II. E. Pultnerton came In with three cnrs of cattle and one carot'Jogs from Holdredpc , Neb. Neb.G. G. Grovenor , Tekamah , and J. Borland , Stanton , sold hogs at $0.25 , the top of the market. S. W. nurnham , Lincoln , came in with four cars of cattle of his own feeding , which sold at (5.20. E. P. Hanson , Bancroft , was hero with a load of feeders. John McKecgau came in with him to look over the market. E. M. Gibson , Clarks , was hero looking over the market. Ho has 25,000 sheep which will be shipped from Utah cast this season. Produce , Ft-uitN , Etc. UUTTEII Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 18 @ 21o ; choice country , l' ' } 17c ; common grades , 10@13c. EQQS Stnctlv fresh , 15@10ccandled. Oil\NQES Mcsstnas , fo.CO@0.00 per box : Rodi , $ U.OO@G.5 ! ! IK.T box. CAI.IFOUXIA DAMSONS $1.25nor box ; south ern Damsons , 75ciitl.OO ( per box. CALiFOKNiAGitAl'cs tl 23(5 ( 1.50 per case. ; SOUTIIEKN GUAI-ES 75c@$1.00 per 10-lb basket. , PIIACHKS California , $1.00(7.50 ( ! per box ; Missouri , 50c@$1.00 per ! < bu. BANANAS Common , J1.50@2.25 per bunch ; choice , $2.50ffl3.50. LEMONS f4.00/5.50 ( per case. : SQUASH 2o per lu. CANTCLOI'KS 75cS1.50 ( per dozen. PLUMS ? 1.23@1.M ) per bu. HccKi.EiiEiiuius ? 1.2o per drawer. POTATOKS 50@75c per bushel. Swr.r.T PoTAToiS > l ( < ? 3e per ib. Pot'LTitv No dressed fowl In the market ; live chickens , ? : i.50@3.75 per doz. ; spring chickens , J2.25@3.00. TOMATOES $1.00i ( ! ) 1.50 per bu. WATIUMII.ONS : $12.0J17.00 ( por.100. PrAiis California , J3.00@3.50 per bu box ; Southern , 75 per % bu. CKLEUY ai ( < i30u oor dozen. ( jAiniAOES f2.50per 100. E io PLANT fl.OOCl.a5 per dozen. Oxioxb IKo per ID. Ai'i-LES ? 2.00fti3.K ( ) per bbl. CuAiiifi'i.r.8 $1.00 per box. CIIIKII Michigan , .50@0.50 uer bbl 33 gals ; California pear cider , f 15.00 per bbl. POP Conx Kico , 3VJ4c ( ; common , 2j < I3c. ' CAKHOTS 75c per bushel. Bu\xs Cboicoeastern handpicked navies , ' f2.70yJ2 > o' per bushel ; western hand picked navies , $2.05(32.75 ( ; mediums , * 2.00@2.15. Lima beans 5c per pound. HA f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , ? 0.00 ; No. 2 upland , ? 5.00. ] ) KAK $10.00. Cuorrcu FEED $1700per ton. Grocers List. Kevlsed prices are as follows : Btcoixo Stark A. seamless , 21o ; Amos- kcag , seamless , 17HjO ! Lowlston A , seamless , lOo ; American , seamless , 10 ! o ; burlaps , 4 to 6 bii,8 > { @ 'J > u ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gun nics , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines- Flax , 3So ; extra sail , 20g21o ( sail B , 19@20o : cotton. 21c ; Jute , lOc. COFFEES Mochu , 25@20o ; Rio , good , 10(3 ( 17c ; Mandahllng , 2tl@2Sc ; roasting Rio , 14(3 ( lOo ; O. G. Java , 24@2 ic ; Java , interior , 22Q 25o : Rio. fancy , 10 fl9o ; Santos and Mara- caibo. 17S19o ( : Arbuckles , 18e. . SUQAK Granulated , 7J @So ; conf. A , 7Ve ; white extra C , 7)jo ; extra C , 7 ( < J7Ve ; ! ) owdercd' ryt. t. . . „ . , „ : 12 ( lSo for ono pound frames ; 10 strained honey , 0(38a ( per pound. ly UKKSWAX Choice yellow , 20@22 } c ; dark id colored , 18314c. rlU Ciir.r.SE Young America , full cream. rlId OJfQlOJfc ; full cream choddurs , 9(39Wc ( ; full Idy. cream Hats , | ) @ 9.f ! ; good to choice skimmed y. Cheddars , 0Sti.f ( ; ; skimmed flats , 5@5fc. PICKLKU Medium , in bbls , $ o.6u ; do in hall bbls , $3.00 ; small , In bbls , $0.50 : do In hall bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , in bbls$3.00 ; do inhall bbls , $1.50. TOUACCO Plug , 2rttfG5o ; smoking , 10S90c , ut JELLIES $1.25 per ! SO-lb pail. SALT $1.30C'iil.H5 per bbl. HerE 7-10. a Qlllc. SPICES Nutmeg , per Ib , 02SSo ; pepper , 00 per Ib , l\i \ ) 2lc : cloves , per ib , 18@2lo ; all 00 spice , 7(3bc ( ; cinnamon bark. 3Sc ; cassia. Co 50 cassia buds , I4o ; cloves. 20c ; mace , 75c ginger , African , 7V c ; Jamaica , bleached ISo : sage , 7e. MAPLE SUGAR iincks , Ilill2o ( per Ib penny cakes , 12Ql3o per Ib ; pure maple syrup , { 1.00 per gal. TEAS t oung Hyson , common lo fair , 18(0 ( 25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 80@55o 'I ' ; Gunpowder , common lo good , 22 < jj25c- , Gun powder , choice 3 fancy. ( Vic ; Japan , com.- mon to medium , \ ! > ( < i > 'M , Japan , .cholco to fancy , 30 ( < ? 45c : Oolonp , cdnnuon to good , WQ $ ! 5c ; Oolone , choice to foncv , 50l70e ; Itnper- lul , common to medium.25@3. " > oj Imperial , good to fancy , 40-I5V. ( Nets Almonds , 15ij817o ( ; filberts , Ilai2c ( ; Brazil , DC'tlOc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , Italic ; Dcanuts , 5@Sc. CIUCKKII ? 5/VllOo per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7 @ 20c per Ib , as per list BIIOOMS Extra 4-tie , $2.40 ! parlor , 3-tle- painted handles , $2.W@2.\5 ! ; No. ll.bO ; ; No. 2 , $1.70 ; heavy stable broom . M.OO. STAIICII Mirror gloss.5J/c ; Graves' corn , Go : Oswego gloss , 7c : OSWPRO corn , O' c. POWDKK AND SHOT Shot , $1.20j bllCKsllOt , $1.45powder , kegs , W.OO ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; fuses. 100 ft. S7(7fic. ( REFINED LAUD Tierce. S > < fo ; 40-lD square cans , 8Kc ; 50-lb round , b < c : 20-lb round , 8fe } ; 10-lb palls. Oo5-lb ; palls , 9'te ' ; 3-lb palls , O'/c , PROVISION'S Hams,13itl ( ! } c ; break fast ba con , IKull o ; bacon sides , lO tlO c ; b. s. sides , 11g9j4c ( ; shoulders , 0 ( < i.Uu ) ; dried beef , 8 ( ( tlO'c \VOODEXWAUI : . 'iwo-iioop pails , per doz. , $1.40 ; tlirec-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $ .00 ; No. 2 tub , $7.00 ; No. 3 tubs , fO.OJ ; washboards , $1.50 2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ ' 5.00 ; No. 2 churns , $7.00 : No. 3 churns , $ J1.CO ; butter tubs , small , o.ich 22i- ; medium , li6e ; large , 2j > c ; nests , 4570c ; siirure , in nests , 7c ( ) per nest. DiilEi ) f ut'lTR Figs , in Doxch , per ib , 13 ® lOe ; dati-s. In boxes , 5-i@7o } ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box , * 3.50a3.75 ( ; Malaga loose raisins. $ . ! .30IJ2.50 ( ; now Valen cia raisins , per Ib , 7K ( c ; Call- forma loose muscatels , per box. $ . ' . (0. ( California London layer raisins , per box , ( 2.35(32.50 ( ; pitted cherries , per 11) , ,0ii2le ( ; California pitted plums , per Ib , r.'ftililc : dried blackberries , per Ib , 8H@ " " ! dried raspberries , per Ib. 2li2.c ( : oviiporatcd ap ples , /ci4e ( ! ; California sun dried peaches. 13c ; California unnared evapdrated peaches , l.i@lc ; evaporated California apricots , llc ) ; X.antfecurriints , 7'/C't8e ' ; Turk ish prunes , 414rfc4l4c ! ; citron. 210'2.'c ; orange peel , 15- : lemon peel , lOc. FISH. Holland Hurrlnir , S5cc 90p. per keg ; White Fish , X bbls. No. 1 , $0.00 , Family , $3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , > 5'J : Mackerel , " bbls. Bloater Mess , ? lb.OO. Bloater , $10.50 , No. 1 Shore , J13.50 , Largo Family , $10 50 ; Labra dor Herring , $1.50 ; Columbia River Salmon , S17.00 per bbl. Conrixn Per Ib , whole. Oc ; bricks and strips , 7(39i- ( . Hry Goods. COTTON FUNNI.I.S 10 pi > r cent dis , ; CAHI-CT WxuiHib White , ll > c ; colored , 22 c cHtTTd Stiimlnrd , So ; Gem , lOo ; Houuty , 12' < e ; Hoone , lie ; H , e.isoil , < i.r ( > 0. PRINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Sinter Merlin oil , OVo ; Oiinier oil , tij7c. KT Jiss ; AndmHcoifisIn , 7 ; < Jo ; Keur- 7i4c ! ; Uoukport , ( Pfc ; CancHtogu , O'jC , TICKS York , ! U ) in. , 1'J'fe ; Yorlc , ! U In. . lPi.c ; Swift Kivor. So ; Thoriiillko OO , 8X0 ; Tliorndiko Kb1 , 8 > . , c ; TliormhUo 120 , U'-Je ' ; Thorndiko XX , Ifio ; Cordls Mo. 5 , ttj ; c ; Cordis No. I , lie. DitN'iMAtnoskcui ; , v oz , Iti'i'u ; Kverott , 7 oz , la'fc ; York , Toz , ! : t-ic ' ; Huvnmker , 8'c ; JutTrrv XX , ll'.Jc ; Juffroy XXX , it ! } < c ; Heaver Crook AA , 12o ; Lfoaver Creek UU lie ; Ue.iver Creek CJ ( , lllc KBsnfCKV.fivNs.Memorial , l.r > o jDalcot.i ISo ; Durham , 27KC ! Horcnlcs , lie ; Lcamiup. InKtun , 22 < fe ; Cuttswold , S7' ' < c. Ciu u. Stevens' 1J , Oc ; Stevens' U , bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 ! < e ; Stevens A blenched , b } e ; Stevens' P , bWc ; Stovnt' P. bleached , 9' < c ; Stevens' N , 0 { < ; e ; Stevens' N , bleached. lOj e ; Stevens , SHt , 12 o MisK'Bi.iANKOl' " . TIIDIU on ciotli , $2..1 : ) ; plain Holland , ! Kc ; L.ulo Holland. 12 ' , c. lirown Hhci'tliifr Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7i c ; At lantic II , 4-4 , 7ife ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , llc , ; At- latitio P , 4-4 , lie ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4tic ! ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJfo ; Ilooslor LL , 4-4 , (5e ( ; Imtinn Head , 4-4 , , ' c ; Luw- reneii LL , 4-4 , lie ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , fi',0 , ; Pcpperoll H , 4-4 , 7e ; Peppcroll O , 4-4 , lijfc ; I'eppercll. 8-1 , ISKc'.Pcppwoll.O-l.UU" Pop- peroll , 10-4 , 23e ; UticnC , 4-1 , 4nfc ; Waehusett , 4-4 , 7i < < c ; Aurora II , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora H , 4-t , fij c. c.UfCK West Point RO In , 8 o ? . , lOUo ; West Point 29 In. 10 oz. l c ; West Point 29 In , 12 oz , 15e ; West Point 4U in , U oz , llio. FIAXNKI.S Ked , C , 24 In , 15 > ; B , 24 In , _ 21c ; G G , 24 in , ISo ; II A F , Jf , 2.r > o ; J H F , > f , 27 } < o. PHINTS Pink and Itobos Hlehmnnu , OV/e , Allen , Go ; Hivernomt. So ; Steel Ulver , ( ij e ; Uiehuiond , ( i3 < cP.vlic ; : , ic. PRINTS Dress Charter Oak , n'4-c ' ; Hatnapo , 4ke ; Lodi , 5140 ; Allen , llo ; Rich- inonil , tic ; Windsor , OWe ; Eddystoue , 0)ic ; PaeiUc , lfc. ( UI.IACMII : : ) SIIKI-.TINO 13erkoloy cambric No. W ) , 9J < c ; Hust Yet , 4-4. llc ; butter cloth OO , 4lfe ; Cabot , 7J c ; Fnrwcll half bleached SJ o ; Fruit of Loom , 9J.ic : Greene G , fie ; Hope , 7 % ; Kini ? Philip cam bric , lie ; Lonsdulo cambric , 11 ! < J ; Lonsdale , 9c ; Now York mills , lOKc ; Peppercll , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 40-in , 12e ; Pep)0rell | , 0-1 , llio ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pop- percll , 0-4 , 2te ; ; Pepperell. 10-4 , S.MJ ; Canton 4-4 , 8J4e ; Triumph , 6e ; Wuinsutta , lie ; Val ley. fxj. FI.AXSKI.S. Plaid H Tt8men,2oCosticn ) , ; Clear Lake , ! MJ c ; Iron Mountain , . FIAX.VI-.I.S White G HN'o.2 , Jf , 22' ' c ; G H , No. 1 , ? f , 3 .Xc . ; U II , No. 2 , Jf , 22Kc ; U H. No. 1 , , 0c ; Qneehe'e , No. 1 , tf. 42e. PluiiKett checks , 7J e ; Whittcn- ton , TKc ; York , 7 ] < c ; Normandi aivss , 8 c : Calcuttu dress.8t < o ; Whittenton dress , 8)50 ; Hcnfrew dress , 8Wlil2i5o. ! CAMIIKICS Sinter , fij c : Woods , 5J c ; Standard , 5 > Co ; Peacock , 5 ! c. PHINTS Ixmoo Hi.un Arnold , Ol < c ; Aincr- iean , fi'jc ' ; Gloucester , Oj/o : Arnold C lone cloth , 9 : Arnold U loiif , ' cloth , 10j ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10'i : Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold Ticket , 1IIK. SniKTixn Checks , Caledonia X , O' e ; Cal edonia XX , lO c ; Eeoiioniy , 9c ; Otis , Uc. Ijontlier. Hemlock solo , 18 ( < i27c per Ib ; oak sole , ! 10@ Sic per Ib ; oak harness , 28@iOc : per Ib ; t > olee- ted oak and trace , ; i.c ! per Ib ; OJK and hem lock upper , 20g22i' ( per foot. Hemlock calf skin , No. 1 , bOuilMii per Ib , according to woiKht ; o.ik calf skin , No. 1. 90c51.00 per Ib ; Philadelphia e.dl skin , extra , l.iH1.10 ) per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , U0ft ( > 70o per Ib ; oak kip skin , No. 1 , 705So ? ( ) per Ib ; Phila delphia kip skin , extra , bOfit'.Hto ' per Ib. French calf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) , ? 1.15@1.75 ier ) Ib ; French kip skins , do , 80cV ( § $1.10 per Ib. Cordovan , russett , 18c ; satin tlr.ish. 20c per foot ; welt leather , $ 'l.r)0@l..r)0 per side ; moroccos , ( iobblo goat ) , 20 ( < ( ; iOc per foot ; moroccos , boot let ? , 2o@Uo ; ( jmr foot ; glove calf fiUins , 20Slc ( ! ( ) ] > er foot ; Douglas kid , , ' )0iMOc ) ( per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40 30o per foot , according to quality. Toppings , S3.00 ( < 10.00 ] > ur dozen ; linings , J5.00@9.1K ) nor dozen ; apron skins , $10.00 ® 12.00 per do/en. _ Metals mill Tinners' Stock. Tin plate. I C , 10x14. best , $0.75 ; tin plate , tin , 2 < c ; solder , 14@17j ( ; copper bottoms , 31e ; sheathing copper , tinned , 29o ; planishing copper , tinned , 85o ; lead pipe , 5c ; sheet iron , N S. IS to 21 , $3.20 ; Uussia iron , 13c ; Am Hussia planished , A , lOj o ; Am Uussia planished , H , 9' ' c ; painted barb wire , $3.23 ; galvanized barb wire. $1.00 ; steel nnlls , $2 2J © 2.HO ; steel wire nails , $2.GO@2.70 ; iron nails , $2.10@2.15. JUXK Machine castings , { 12.00@13.00 ; stove plates , $7.00rt8. ( < iO ; wrought lronS.OO@ 10,00 ; bones , dry , $ o.OO ; steel , $5.00 per ton ; copper. $8.00 ( < iO.OO ; brass , $4.00@8.00 ; zinc , { 2.00(33.00 ( ; solid lead , $2.00@3.00 ; tea lead , $2.00C t2.50 ; rubber , $2.50@3.00 ; mixed rags , $1.10 { < $1.15 percwt. Coal nnd Ilmo. LIME S5@90c ; Portland cement. $3.55 ; do mestic cement , { 1.35 ; plaster , $2.00 2.15 ; hair , Sl@25c. COAL Anthracite , range , and nut , $10.00 ; largo egg , $9.75 ; I Jock Spring , $7,00 ; Su perior , $0.00 ; Iowa , $4.50@5.50 ; sleam coal , $1.50 to { 2.00. lannlier. Add SO cents per 1,000 fret for rough Joist. noAiins. No. 1 com , B 1 B $19.00 I No. 3 com , sis 110.00 No. 3 com , s 1 f 17.50 I No. 4 com , sis 13.0C Add,50 cents Per 1,000 for rough. No. 1 , 4 end 0 ID , IS ana 14 ft , rouh.18.0C ( iNo. . L " W ft,1 . . . . 20.0C N'o.2 , * ' 12 ami 14 ft , " . , . , iar.O No , 'J , " 10ft , " , , .j 1S.OO M11INO. A , 12 , 14 St 10 ft20.ull I C ; 12 , 14 ft 10 ft.$14.7r. 11 , " " 19.T5 1 U. " " 11.75 CEI .1X0 ASl ) 1'AKTITIOV. 1st com , } { In whlto pine celling. . t..t. VUX > .M " " " . \7.00 ! Clcnr V In Norway plno ccilliiR . Ifi.fiO FLOOniNO. AO In white pine . $ 4.00 I ) " " " . IW.OO C " " " . 23.00 D " " " . 21.00 E " " scl. . ( tcnciiiKi . 1S.W ) Six Inch drop siding TiOo per 1,000 extra. 1UTTENS , WKl.ti TUUISd , 1'IUKKTK. O. G. Units , 8 ( ill . $ OS O. O. Halts , itfx : . l s . X > a in well ttibdij. , 13. ft M. ami Hev . IK. 00 and Clu-inloalH. MMCKUASF U < Sulph. arid , ljfc ( ; citric nuiu , OOc ; turturic , f > 0c : bill , cop.tvlu , ( l c ; borax , 10o : chloroform , 4c ; glycorliiu , 2to ; ; pun Arabic , select , (1.00 ; gum camphor , 20o ; gum opium , tJ.SS ; sulph.tnorphln , $2i > 0 ; tire MI I do potusslutn , 42c. OILS Carbon , Ifioo OHo ; liondllght. 1750 i : Ko ; frusolltic , 74 ° 12i c : \\est Virginia summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 colden inn- chine , ISc ; c.xtr.i W. S. lard , ( Me ; No. I lard , 42c ; turpentine , 44e ; linseed raw , SOc ; boiled , 5II < % ( Ji i.vKu P. & W. , per oz , 55c ; Ucrmun , l > er 02 , 42c. _ _ LOVE WILLING TO WAIT. How n Poor hover , 1/ost for Ton Years , HctitriiH to Cliilin HH | Hrldc. Now York Journal : There \viis n ilnitnntif scone nt the resldeneo of Miss Hlliu Wollewby , buelc in the country two miles north of lirow-nsvillo , I'onn. , iv few days aijo when Miss Etllo's former swoetlieni-t , Hurry L.vnton , whom who lind mourned us ilt-nd for tenloiitf years , suddunlv niipearcd to claim her n.s hi.s bride. In .lune , 1S7S , Hllte Wellosby , tlien sweet Hixtcen , was iaid lo bo the ] irot- tiosl girl in Ihe county. Her father was wealthy , owning , bohido the Inrjjo farm on which they lived , extensive nnd vnl- ' tiublo traots 'of coal , lumber and ( jil lands , nnd also having an interest in bcveral steamboats. Of course his daughter did not lack for buitors from many of the best and wealthiest families ' of th'e country , but of them all she choio Harry Ljnton , the son of a poor coal minor , who followed his father's avoca tion , and had no other propuct than that of doing so all his life , though pos- Mjssinj , ' natural intelligence fur supe rior to that of mo-it mon of his station. The lines of class distinction are not very closely drawn in the rural society of this rutrion , and the young people mot at a picnic , where they immediate ly foil head over heels in love with each other.VhtMi John Wcllesby , a man noted for his violent and ungovernable temper , discovered ICIHo's passion for the poor miner , his anger knew no hound * . He ordered the young man from hih house , and threatened to kill him if lib ever again found him in the house , while ho commanded Miss Ellin to immediately transfer her alTcctions to a young man of wealth and social po sition who had been vainly endeavoring to win her smiles. The lovers we.ro not to bo so easily ballled. They nrranged clandestine meetings and spent many hour together in a grove of grand old forest trees near Kllie's house , at times when John \Vol- lesby believed his daughter to bo bleep ing the sleep of happy girlhoood. Well knowing that her father would never relent. EIHc at length consented to an elopement , but before it could bo carried out an unfortunate accident marred all. L Her father discovered the truth. His suspicions were aroused , and looking into his daughter's apartment ono night after she had ostensibly retired lie found it unoccupied. Sallying forth in search of her ho found the lovers in a- groove. A dreadful scone ensued. Wol- lesbv taunted the young man with the nfori ority of his position and charged him with wishing to marry his daugh ter that lie might live without labor on his fathor-in-law's means. Lynton spir itedly resented these iusulta , and the elder man finally struck him a terrible blow witli a heavy cane and ho fell ap parently lifeless to the ground. Bijliovijig that lie had killed Lynton , Wollesby sei/.ed his fainting daughter , bore her to the house , laid her upon her couch , locked the door upon her , telling his wife what ho had done , and hastily collecting a few necessaries , ho mounted his host horse and Hod. Nothing was heard from him until about a year ago , when n. letter was received from the superintendent of a charity hospital in Montreal , whore ho died a poor outcast. The letter inclosed his will , in which everything ho possessed was left to Ktllc. , who had continued to rcbido at the homestead with no companion save a widowed aunt and the hired help who carried on the farm , her mother having died soon after Wellesby's llight. Nothing having been seen or heard of her lover since that fatal night when her father struck him , she believed him dead and that her father , before taking llight , had returned to that frightful spot and buried the body of his victim , but all this she and her mother kept locked in their own breasts. So , the other day , when , as she sat with her aunt on the pla//a , a tall- broir/.od man entered through the gar , den gate , came up the gravelled walk and stood before her and ga/.ed intently in her eyes , Etlio thought it was her lover's ghost and not the real Harry Lynton she saw , for in the mature man of thirty years she instantly recognized her boyish admirer of ten years ago , to whoso memory she had been so true all that long decade. The rest is soon told. Lynton had been merely btuiined by Wellesby's blow , and on coming to himself ho had registered a vow to prove the injustice of Wollesby's taunts by never marrying Eflie , and never bceing or writing to her again till ho had made himself financially her equal. Ho started that very night to work his way to the Paci fic coast. There ho shipped on board a vessel bound for Aubtralia , whence ho drifted lirst to England and then to Soutli Africa , where he finally brought up at the diamond mines , There , after a series of financial ups and downs that would furnish material for a score of Ruler Haggard's novels. ho at length secured a claim that proved a rich ono and that ho finally sold for enough to buy all his intended father- in-law's possessions two or throe times over. Then ho started on abeo-lino for his old homo and Etlio Wellesby , whoso constancy ho never doubted for a mo ment , When next Harry Lynton disappears from his sweetheart's view it will bo to go to Union town to get a marriage license , and Ellie Wellesby will become Elllo Lynton before she is a week older. .ii.rAi.MEn. .v. p. mcniiA.Y. j. U.III.A.SCIIAIIU PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. . Liye Stock Commission Merchants. OOUe-Koom 24 , Opposite Exchange lluildlng , Union _ atock Ynrai. tioulli UmAa , Neb. r.ORIMER.WESTERFIELD St MALEY Liye Stock Commission , Itoom 15 , Kzcbinxe llullillnx. Union Block Yiirds , tHjutUUmnbn.Nub. ALEXANDER i FITCH. Commision Dealers in Liye Sock , Qoom 22 , Oppotlie Kichnngo llulldlne , Uoluu Stock YurUi , HuulU Omaha , Neb. " UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , Agricultural Implements , C H U R C fTl LL > Dealer in Atricnltoral Implements , Wagons , Cnrrliyfi mil tliitfglrt , Jmr Street , betwcoulthnnj 10thOiuklNvbtaik * . LI NINO E R" & M ETOALF CO. , AerIciiltnralIffliilcincnlslWagonsCarria , 6s t , Klc. Wholeitle. Ouitht , Nebrark * , "T'ARLIN , ORENDORF 8t MARTIN , Wholrulr Dtiltrtln Agricultural Implements , ! agons & Buggies tot , 1W , Wfi n < l to ? Jonrt Strict , Ore ti . P. P. MAST& CO. , Manufacturers of Bnctoyc Drills , Seeders , CulllT lor , H r IUkr . Cliler Mltlo iiml I.ul.nn Put- Terlti'U. Cor. llth tnil Nlohotm ft . IMPLEMENTCO. , -Wholnalf - Agricnltural Implements , fagons& Buggies iT Hlh "nil Klftiolin yi OMAHA BRANCH. J. P. SEIBERLINQ & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W.I ! . Me i1M tmor. Hni.onTynwortrnt. OmRli * . MOLINE.MILBURN&S'DbARDCo Mnnufactu rfr mill Jobbf i-i In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Piows Etc , Co r. Ptli n nil I'liclflc titrevta , Oinnhd.Nrb. Artists' Moterlalou " A HOSPE. Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Poimlnn Stirrt. Opiihs. Ncbraika. Booksellers nnd Stntlonors. H. M , & S. W. JONES , Surrcunrato A. T. Ki'iijuli A Co. , Wliolcsnlo A KctMl Booksellers and Stationers , I'llio Wcilillng M 'ioi nrT , Ciuunierclal btntloncry I.Vi ; Duunlai Street. Uuialm. Neb. Boots nnd Shoes. _ KIRKENDALL , JONES & . CO. , ( Successors to Hceil , JOM * ' * A CO. ) Wholesale ManufactnrersofBootsandShoes Ai ! ut for llojton Hubticr Shoo Co. 110 ! , 11M & HIM lUmejr t. , Omiba. Nebraak * . W. V. MORSE * CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , 1KB-HOJ DOUE | St.Onmlm Manufactorj.Sum- mer _ CoffooB , ploo8 , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE CO. . Omaha Coffee and Slilcc Mill * . Teas , Coffees , Snices , Baking Powder. Hatorlnu Kxtrtictl , Lauudrr lllue. Inkn , Etc. 1J14- Kltllluruey Slrei't. Omaha , Ncbrunta. Crockery and Glassware w. L''WRIOHT/ Aucnt for the1 Manufacturerii and Importer" of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Htc. Ofll ce. :117 : 8.131h t-t. . Omnlia. Kobraska. PERKINS. CATCH &LAUMAN , Imuurtcrh and Jobbers of Crtc'iery , Glassware , Laws , Silverware Etc. 1M4 raruiim ft. , New 1'mton ISulMlnR. Commission and ? torag . _ _ _ RIDDELL & RID'DELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Fp cluttlr * 'ntlliT. FVr . rrr"- T'niiltry , Game , 1112 Howard Streot. ( ) m ht , GEO. SCHROECER & CO. . ftucccieorn to McShone It Fchrnctter. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nubraika. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Corropomlcnce solicited. 101 North U'th Street , Onmuii , Nub. Coal , Coke and OMAHA"C"OAL. coKE" Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal 200 Couth 13th Street , Omaha , N bra ka. JTlir JOHNSON & Manufacturers of Lime , And uhlppern ol Coal , Cunk , Cument , l'l t r. M Drain 'Itlo. anil Suwer 1'lne. Office , 218 , 8. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. . NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Cute , 211 South 13th St. , Omaha. Neb. JDry C2opdsnnci Notions. M. E SMITH * CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Douglai. Cor. Htu St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCHDRYCOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsMions , Cents' KurulihlnR Coods. Corner llth anil IlaJney ht . . Omaha , Nebrntka. ZHInUiiC2 DEWEY * STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karuani Street , Omaha , Nebratka. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Furniture Omaha. Nebraska. CropoHoB. PAXTON , GALLAGHER If CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , 700,7CT , 709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , t th nnd I.cnienworth StreetsOmaha , Nebraika. _ Hardwaro. LE"ETC"LA"RkE. ANDREESiEN HAKU- WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , f < hcpt Iron , etc. AccntR for flowe Si-ales , Jlluinl 1'onder nnd I.yiiutn llarbcd M Ire , Omaha , Nebraska. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mochanlu' Tenli nnd Buffalo Rciilei. K0f > Douulai Htreet , Umaha , Nebratka. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harner Ht . . Omaha , Nrb. Western Agenti for Auilln Powder Co. , Juirerton rSteel Nails , Kalrbanki btanilard Hralot. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO. Wbolciala Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jabbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 140:1,1105 : and Ufl7 Harner SU.Omaba , Nebraska. Heavy Hardware. " W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wancn Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. IV ) ami nil lltruuj StreetOuiaha. Hate , Caps , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE St CO. . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods 1107 Harner Strett , Omaha , Neb. Lumbor. _ - OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali 1SU Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , - Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doeri , Etc. Tardi-Corner 7lh and DtutflUi Come lib and Uouilii .Lumber C. N. D1ETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , llth and California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska , KlltiU W. UllA Y , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Mb anil Dqu Us St..o iaha. TTW. HARVEY LUMBEn'C To Dealers Only , Office , 1403 Karnsra Street , Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and American I'ortlan.l Ootnt. SUM AKcntfurMllwaukcn HrilraulleCctiient an * Qulncr Whit * Urue. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnrnoer , Wood CarpeU and 1'srquct Flooring , Wh and Hontla Wl HI I n e [ X.n n dN _ o t [ on sT T OBERVELD'E Wco. . ' Importers & Jobbers in Mii.lnery . & Notions * * Hi llth tri > ot Overalltt. CANF'IE'LD MANUFACTURING co. , Manufacturers of Oyeralls , nts , Shirts , Ktc. lUttanrt not Douglas Strett , Omaha. ? < eb. Noti'ona. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods < ! X1 and 4Bnth 10th St. , Omaha. OMtv CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Luhricating Oils , Alia Urease , Etc. , Omaha. A. H. Ulthup , Manaiter VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1UC Ilarnrr BlrfPt.Oiniilia. Offloo Fixtures. THE SlMMOSDS MANUKACTUU1NO CO. Manulncturo,4 of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * . SMcbonr.ls , llnok Onsen , Dniu FlxturovWall Ca p ! > . r itltloti , UallliiKnCuimtcr . Hcurand Win * Cooler" . Mlrror'.eti" . K ctory am' ntllcp , irJO nnd 17AI South Ulh . - < t.mnha ) , Telephone. HU. JPolnts C U M M f N C S Wholc'alo DenierIn Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 111 * Farnam Streft. Omaba , Nob. Poipor. " CARPENTER PAPER CC. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , C rrj a nlcu. f.oc'l of Printing , Wrapping and Wrltlai I'r3r.j' c > lal attention ulvna to far load ( inters. * ---l 6 JOHN L. WILKIE , , , jfor Omaua Paper Box Factory , Nos. 1117 anil 1319 Douglaa St.Ouiab _ , Neb. Seeds. ' -s , " " PHIL. STIMMEL."C"cd \ . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds'c Sll ami U13 June * Htrcct Uiuaha. Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Branch huiito nf the llemiojr Uimgy Co. Dticgle M wliulvsalu and retail , 1 KM 1.110anil Ml Izard blreet , Omahii. Tolcphimu Ho.'fO. Smoke Stacks , BollersJ ti > " " "hLK. SAWYER. Manufacturing Dealer in Soiokc Stacks. Brltchlnics , Tnnki , nnd Ucncral Holler Uepalrtnf. 13U tjtrect. Omaha. Neb. Brewers. STORZ&1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1221 North KlvthtcoDtU Street , Omaba , Xcb.c / " _ _ EAGLE CORNICE WORKsT i , 4 Manufacture Galyanized Iron and CoruVTr John Kponuter. Proprietor. OTO Dodge and lai North 10th Street , Omaha. Prljitors Moterlnls. ' ' NE'WSPA'PER UNION , Aniiliary Pttblishers , Pvalen In Tf po , I'ritnuoi anil I'rluttri' Buppllci. 102 South 12th tiirect. Omaba. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 911 Clothing and leather llcltlnic. 1UUH Knrnnm Street. tVi. A. DISBROV/ CO. , Wholesale MttnuT ; cturer of Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch bmco. Ulh and 1/nrJ Streets. Omalia , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , .VculdluK" , Stair Work nnd Interior llnrd WooJ Rii u. N. K. Corner 8th and Ix'aveuwortli btrvuts , Omuhti , Nuo. Pumps , Eto. A. L. STRANC CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ! team- " - Ete- CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Watar Supplies. Headquarter * for Mast. Foost ACo'sgoods. nil 1'urnam Ht.Ouiaua. U. S. WIND ENGINE K PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , Uallldar Wind Mills. OlSnndMOFarnam Bt.Omah . O. F. Iloss , Actlr * l n Ber. BROWNELL Si. CO. , Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery Iheetlron Work Ktenm I'ump .Saw MIM _ 1213-1211 Luavenworth t-lreot , iimalm. _ Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter & eon , I'rop'a. Manufacturer ! of all klndi Steam Boilers , Tanks and Shest Iron Wort Work ! South 20th and D. & M. Cronlng. PAXTON A VIKKUNQJIION WOHKU. Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilding Work , Engine ! , nraei WorkGeneral Foundrr. Machine aai lllackiiullb Work , uniie and Work ! , U. 1 * . llr. and lth Street , Omaha. OMAHA WlRETTlRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings D ik Italli , Window Quanli. Flower BtandiTlr Blgiu. Etc. ta Norlli Uth Street , Omahfc. ' OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS. Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaults. J ll Work , Iron and Wire Fcnclnit , Blf ni. Kto. Q , Andrecn , I'rop'r. Cor. llth and Jackion BU , CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS v * Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Screen ! , for banki , nffireiitorr > . reildencei , etc. Improved Awnlniti. Ixickimllh Machlncrj ad llluckimliU Work . tai tioulh Ulh HI. MEACHER & WHITMORE , SrSJFftfflHBijp'1 < LJ