> a , t rrBapp'xiw f jay - yrf ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : flPUESPAY AUGUST 28. 18881 LINCOLN NEWS' AND GOSSIP , The Whereabouts of Scott and Mc- Mtihon Still a Myatory. A SLIPPERY CROOK ON TRIAL. Incorporation of the Ilcntrloc , Nc- Iminka City At Northwestern A Jlnllrcuul Coinpnny Cttinos to Time Minor Mention. LIXCOLX DtrncAU OK TIIR OMAHA BEE , 1 1WJ 1' STIIKRT , LINCOLN , August ,27. | What has become of Scott and McMuhon , the detectives who have been missing since the Into riot , and for whom warrants worn immediately Issued ! This question Is re- pe.itcdly asked on the streets of Lincoln. No one seems to bo nlilo to answer It. liut it is a notorious fact ttiat tlio Burlington au thorities IOBO no ttmo In making arrests. First it was Spcllmnn , the wounded bralce- ninn , for inciting to riot , aud tlion young Scott , clunked with assaulting tlio depot po liceman when the bar of Iron was hurled at the head of the unknown nuin who was on the tender of the engine , at the time the shooting and riot bid fair to become general , liut this is all right. Lincoln cltlzcus en dorse every uflort to bring the guilty to Jus tice , but the 'wonder is why the sumo interest Is not manifested on the other sldo. Tlio question was asked TUB JJiu : represent ative two or throe times to-day , "What isbo- ing done to capture .Scott and McMuhon , the detectives who hnd a hand in the late shooting - ing * " "I know nothing ubout it , " was the only reply that could be umdo. Liut It is evi dent that there Is apathy in the matter , and probably very few care whether tlio sup posed criminals are capturml or not. It is reasonably urn-tain Unit nothing is being done to cfTect their capture. KUAN STII.I , Till : HTATT.'S I'UISOXDII. S. P. Dean , the Saunders county embez zler , who was taken before Judge Stewart this morning on a writ of habeas corpus , found the road his attorneys had taken to secure hla relearo a rocky ono to travel. Dean was ready for the racket at the hour llxcd , but the state asked a continuance until i ! o'clock aud it was granted. The warrant was found to bo defective and the ofllccr who CUIMQ down after him hnd found it out and had gone back after another ono , ' so that it could bo immediately served in tlio event of Ids release , and again place the slippery crook in the hands of the law. The ronl in tention was hid under a gauzy pretext la the motion for a continuance. Sure enough , the first warrant was not sufticiont to hold him , uud the habeas corpus WHS sustained by thu court. Uut , no sooner than Ills release was ordered than an lllcer of the law again put him under urrost , and took him tu the sccno of his crime on the afternoon train , lill- lingsby , the prisoner's counsel , however , nerved notice on the officer who made the second arrest , and all others implicated Unit they would bo prosuoutod for false imprison ment and malicious prosecution. Dean is charged with having sold an organ belonging to T. II. Bowman , a musical instrument dealer Ht Valparaiso , and appropriating the proceeds to his own lisa. A QUICK iiEiunN. On the 23d of August H. C. Evans , on the part of the citrons of Newport , Brown county , llled a complaint before the board of transportation , alluding that the Elkhorn railroad company had provided thoin with a depot and other conveniences , but hod failed to build stock yards at that phtcc. and al leged that they wore greatly needed and in- disponsihlo tor their full commercial trans actions. Mr. Waring , clerk of tbc board , served notlco and copy of the complaint on tlio railroad company on the same day , aud on the 3" > th orders were issued by the general manager of the road , to the division superintendent , for the imme diate construction of suoh yards as the de mands required. It Is needless to say that this complaint will never couie before the board for a hearing and adjustment. The general manager's ' letter to this effect was received by Secretary Mungor this morning. NEW HAIMTAT COMPANr. Articles incorporating a new railroad com pany were illod in the oltlco of tlio secretary of stuto this morning. The company will be known as the Beatrice , Nobruslyi City & Northwestern railroad company , and the ob ject is to construct , equip and operate a line of road from Beatrice to Nebraska City by way of Talma c , aud thence to Wahoo , in Saunders county. The hi cor porators are the well known capitalists , D. P. Uolfo , E. S. Hawley , Kobort Lorton , W. A. Cotton nnd D. T. Hayilon , of Nebraska City ; and a capital of $3,000,000 Is authorized. Jt Is said that this amount will bo necessary io construct the road , and 'that it will be built. These gentlemen never enter into n combination without accomplishing their purpose and ends , TO-HArv's COMMISSIONS. The following notarial commissions were issued this morning by the governor : Ulcnard Cunningham , Columbus , Platte county : Robert Wilson , Noliph , Antelope county ; James M. Strlbbart , Octuvja , Butler county ; S. F. Thomas,1 Plattsmontti , Cass county ; T. C. Crowley , Olax , Custor county , Flaglcr D. Hayes , Kedington , Cheyenne county ; Edmund'O. McOilton , Omaha. CITV XKWS AND NOTBS. Mrs. James A. Smith of Wcbt Lincoln died yesterday at her homo of consumption and will bo interred to-morrow nt 8 o'clock. Mrs. Smith was but twcntr-six years of ago and leaves a husband and one small child to tnourn her departure. Joseph Bcott , the young man who was ar rested at Omaha recently and brought to Lincoln on the charge of having assaulted. Tom Kgan , the depot policeman , on the night of the latu riot , was nrralgnod before Judge Stewart this morning. He withdrew his plea of not guilty and was roloasad upon the payment of a fine of $5 and costs. Walt Socley cnmo up from Bennett this morning to escape the snares the preachers nro setting for his reformation. Camp meet ing Is m session down that way. The democratic stale convention , which convenes hero on the 39th , 1ms not created a ripple nf excitement as yot. No arrivals uud no talk of un.V to-day. It is said that the candidates will not bo legion , and of course the deliberations of the convention will bo short nml swoot. Itoom 2 ! ' of the Capital hotel has boon se lected as headquarters for Vho meetings of the executive committee of the state central committed. The Jlr.st meeting of the coinmit- tee will bo hold next Monday. A full at tendance is expected nnd desired. A Good Appetite Is essential to good health ; but nt this Boason it is often lost , owing to the poverty or impurity of thu blood , de rangement of the digestive organs , and the wenkoninir effect of the changing season. Hood's Siu-sanavilln Is n wpn- ful medicine for creating tin appetite , toning the digestion , and giving strength to the whole system. Now is the time to take It. Bo sure to got Hood's Sui'Siiparilla. 18 VIIGRK A "DIVVY : ? " \Vliy Were HaJiu'w Figures liaised on tliu'HllTiix Idst ? "I want to talk with you about the oouncll nnd tax lists , " said an olllciivl j estorday to n Bi'u reporter. "Proceed. " "Do you know much about tajc lists ! " "Considerable. " "Well , then , I want to toll j-ou that the 18S7 tax list by Halm was never computed , and Is , to-day , a mass of errors. Ho received ; $1,500 for making It , and afterwards put in dat bill for < K > 00 cxtri ? but the council rut that down to $300 , malting a total of $ 1,800 for the tax list of 1SS7. " "Tho lax list of 1S3S was a great deal ala. larger , but was lot to Auchraoedy for $1,000. This was for the list alone , but nil now addl tlons and subdivisions wore to bo added. " Ho had to use the assessment list of 1SST made by Uahn , nnd after he had the same nearly completed he found out that the as scssmcnt lUt of 16S7 wax Incomplete , isnd had to correct his work , which ho did , uslnj Uio tax list of 1SS7 for a guldo instead of the ussasMacnt list. For correcting Halm's nils' take he put In ablll for $ # 0. IsU "Tlio city clerk says Halm's list U correct. : Thp olty treasurer siys thtit Auchmoedy's list has not o flaw In It , "For the tax list of 1S39 Hatm and Auch- rioody bid. Avchmoeay's bhl xvas V,000 ! for the assessment , tax list complete , additions nnd subdivisions added. Halm bid ? 1SOO for ft e" ! > V of the county tax list. The committee of tlio council reported that , ns Mr. Holm's bid was not explicit tnough. both bo rejected , and the city clerk make n statement ot Just what was needed and lot them bid ngaln. "The city clerk stiys ho knows Halm's hid was the lowest and best , and the council gives Halm the Job nt Auchmoedy's bid ? > OjO-whlch Is S2.W inoro than Halm asked. Moral "Ono man does n good Job , nnd for correcting another mun's mistakes putt in it bid for ! 00 , Just what It costs him. Another man makes a lot of mistakes , never finished his work It Is not finished yet gets his full pay of ? ! , & ( ) ! ) , ami also ? ' ) OJ for putting the city to nn expense of J300 besides , and then , to further pay him , is given n contract for ? JOO more than ho asked. All , because ho Is a friend of .Too Southard. "Kvery one except Southnrd who has had anything to do with the tax list says tlio best list ' was made out by Auchmoody. " For dolicncy , for purity , mid for im provement of the complexion nothing I'o/woni'B Powder. equals / . THHV WKUK NOT MAKllIHD.l Tlio Kxpcrlonco ot'n Mnn niul AVoinnn From lown. Stephen Klon and his wife , formerly of South Omuha , now of Dubuque , la. , were at tht'lcourt house yesterday searching for the record - cord of their marriage. Mrs. Klon is about to coino into possession of a considerable in- heritutico from relatives living in Llesnor. Germany , ' ' 'our yeaw ago she w.is married to her present husband , and it Is legal proof of this marriage that must bo sent to her ro- lativcs in Germany in order to m iko the money forthcoming. It scums that the squire that performed the ceremony thr.t made Mr. and Mrs. Klen imn and wife neglected to make n report of the same to the proper county oftlcml , and the oversight may possibly deprive the worthy couple of a Imntlsomu legacy. When Mr. and Mrs , Klcn wore taken to n number of Justices' odlcos to identify the place wheio they were married , lu order that Bouio clue might bo obtained us to tlio missing rouord , an oflleo in the Crcicliton block was jiolnted out us the ono in v/hieh the coroinony ocourrcd. But when the old gentleman in sisted that he had paid a foe of ( i , itvas ap parent that the ceremony had consisted sim ply ] in getting a license , and that ho hud put that ' in his rocket in the thought that all the conditions hnd boon complied with. When they were told that they had never been married at all , three was an evanescent blush on the faces of the twain , and they forthwith repaired to the ollico of Judge Wade , and were legally united. _ If you uood a perfect tonic or blood purilicr , take Dr. Jones' Rod Glovoi1 Tonic. It speedily curoH all troubles of the stomachkidneys and livor. Can betaken taken by tlio most delicate. Price 60 cents. ( Joodnian Drug Co. Mr. Mooncy'fl Wife and JMIsslvo. The police authorities are In receipt of a letter from Edgar Mooney of Modalo , Iu , , and the husband of the \yoinati who camn hero ono day last week in company with one Charles Huskins , and who was locked un on suspicion and afterward turned over to the Women's Koforui union , Mooney was anx ious to know whether his wife was charged with any crime , und was awaiting trial. If she was ho would como .here. The letter also enclosed a missive to his wife , which ho requested the authorities to place in her builds , POn SIiKEPJjESSNESS - Use Horsforil's Acid Phosphate. Da. C. U. DAKK , Belleville , 111. , says : "I have found it , and it alone , to be capable of producing a sweet and natural sleep in cases of insomnia from overwork of the bruin , which so often occurs in active professional aud business inou. " i AVIii ) Knows Herman Hector ? Chief of Polioo Seavny has received sev eral telegrams from the superintendent of the police at Chicago during the past three days inquiring about the death of Herman Hector , who , it is supposed , died herb early last week. However , nothing whatever can bo learned about him. There was a man who died at St. Joseph's hospital one day last week whom the attendants suspected as hav ing given a false name , but whether ho was Herman Hector or not there sooins to bo no means of ascertaining. Uanlc Imposture. "Fraud loves a shining murk. " SO- ZODONT is a conspicuous target for unscrupulous marksmen. So they lly their shafts at it in the shape of lies , alleging their wretched preparations for lift teeth to bo equal to that match less article. Aecopt nothing instead of it. m Fort-Site Bids. If Is understood that there will bo about a dozen offers of land for the now situ of Fort O maha , some of which will coino from as far n s Calhoun , though the call Jor proposals from the war department states that the bids must bo on property within ten miles of this city and this state. Some of the bidders are Mr. Hookman.'of Blair , Messrs. Crounso and Franm , of Oulhoun , a gentleman near Bellevue - vuo and n syndicate west of the city , near the intersection of the B. & M. and Union Pacific roads. ' Free to All. The beautiful picture , "Will They Consent ? " is n largo magnificent en graving , printed upon a sheet 19 inches wide by 21 inches long. It is an exact copy of an original painting by 1C wall , which was sold for $5,000. This elegant picture represents a young lady standing in a beautiful room , surround ed by all that is luxurious , near a half- open door , whllo the young man , her lover.is seen in an adjoining room asking the consent of her inircnts for their daughter in marriage. Tlio line Interim ; decorations , together , with the graceful position of the beautiful girl is in keeping with the sentiment of the picture. It must bo scon to bo appreciated. This valuable picture is lilting to adorn the wall of any ladies' parlor , ami in order to offer nn extraordinary inducement to intro duce our Wax Starch , this costly picture will bo given away , free to every person purchas ing a small box of Wax Starch. This starch is something entirely now , and Is without a doubt the greatest starch Inven tion oftho nineteenth century , ( at leastovory- bodysaysso that have used it ) . It supercedes everything heretofore used or Vnown to science in the laundry art Unlike anvother starch , ns it is coated with pure white was nud chemically prepared upon scientific principles by un expert in the laundry pro fession who has had years of practical exper ience In fancy laundrylntf. It Is the firstnnd only starch in the world that makes Ironing easy and restores old summer dresses to their natural whiteness , and imparts to linen a beautiful and lasting llnish. Please remember that the present you re- rclvo with each box of Wax Starch , Ims never been sold nt retail for less than one dollar. This great offer is only good for six weeks , nfter which the present will bo omit ted nnd the starch sold nt the usual price. Try it and bo convinced of the whole truth. Ark your grocer for Wax Starch nnd ob- tniu this beautiful and costly picture free. THE WAX STARCH CO. , Keokuk , Iowa. On bio Cars to the Depot. The work on the extension of the cable line on Tenth street to the Union Pacific depot is rapidly progressing and It Is thought that by Thursday the cubic cars will bo in operation over the same. same.An - An Absolute Cure. The OIUGINAL AHIETIXE O1XTMENT Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped bands , nnd all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the OIUGIMAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , nt 'Jo cents per box by mall SO cents. - ' * Bitten by a Dog. A dog belonging to Oillcer Hinchoy bit and tore the leg of n boy named Patrick Connors yesterday nt Thirteenth nnd Vinton streets. Tbo dot was lifter war a shot. FAST HORSES FOR THE FAIR , I The List of Flyers for the Omnha Speed FINE SPORT FOR EVERY DAY. Sonic lloctml Ilrcnkor * Antoni ; tlic IJHI | Tliu HOI-MO * lintercd for the Grand Sloolc VardH Slake , Next Week's Turf Kvontq. Until the innnngera of the Omaha Fair As sociation tuul completed ttio contract , they did notc.nro to announce nny now attraction * ! for the fair. On sotno duy to bo numod licro if- tor , the celalmUed lone distance trottlne horse 1 b'utolllto will make un effort to boat his 1f former six-mile record of 17:30. : As nn exhi bition of cmliminco mid spocd , this event cannot full to bo a R.'oat uttr.iction. As the amount of the purse depend * on the tlnio made , the objections usually urged against spcclul trials will not apply ii this casu. Included In the list of horses published below - low , will bo found sover.il iihcnomlimls , whoso names until this tcasou , were hardly known by their grooms , but in n short time hnvo tniulo national reputations for speed mid endurance. OMO of these celebrated flyers , is the f 10,000 beauty , FloBslo G. , mid the other , the four-ycur-old stallion , Hrown , with a record of 2:18. : Below will bo found a correct list of the entries : MO.NIUT , SnrTCMlIRK 3. Trottlnp , 2-yoar-old colt stakes ; Associa tion adds IOO ; Hobbio P , b. B. , Kit Pylo , Tocumsoli. Neb , ; Kilty C , b. f. , C. II. Croiglitou , Omnliu ; Countosi , roan f. , Frank Crum , Avoca , In. : Mannotn , b. f. , A. T. Turnuy & Hens , IJcd Oak , la. ; Leamey Forest - est , II. W. Gllm.in , Ouiuha ; Floyd , It. T. f neobs. Sioux City , In. Hunnin , liulf-mllo heats , all aces , $100 ; irst horse , $ TO ; second , 20 ; third , 510. Closes Septembsr 1 , r > p. in. TUKSimMJI'ICMIIKU 4. Trotting. 3:34 : class ; purse , S5GO ; HenD'Or , & Pearson , Lincoln ; Alexander K , . McEvoy. Klkhorn ; Guo. W. Cook , Perry ohnson , Colorado Springs ; tioltalro , 11. W. 3ruwn , Fremont : Goldau Wing , H. .T. Joorc , Dunlap , la. ; Uovcrnuss , H. T. Cnccbs , Sioux City ; Pete Garden , T. V. Anvlur , Omaha ; Alma Hey , Frank Lane , Aberdeen. Paeinp , 2:35 : eiass ; JSTO : .ludco M , .T. M. HillitrJ , ICeokuk ; McFadden , Perry John- ion , Colorado Springs ; St. John , N. Hrown , Omaha : George L , J. H. McSlmuo , Omaha ; Sol Miller , Luland & Nelson , Troy , Kup. ; Highland Laddie , G. C. Loomis , Pipostreo , Miuu. ; C H II , F. H. Loomis , Pljiestrco , inn. ; HurkhaLan , Craig & Co. , Lincoln , vas. ; Hilly the Kid , J. A. Graham , Uissjs- rillo , 111. WKDVRrlDiT. SBPTRMnBH 4. Trotting , S : S3 class ; purse S5U0 : Frank P. , Perrv Bros. , Wuvue , Neb. ; Kose Coi > lilan , 13d Pylo , Humboldt. Nob. ; Spectator , J. A. Grahum , BiKgsvillo Ills. ; Mnxcy Cobb , ] r , Miller & Pearson , Lincoln , Neb. ; Forrost- Wilkes , Perry Johnson , Colorado Springs ; Manjula , Tuler stock farm , Wichita Kas ; Van Dyke , P. T. ICombs , Sioux City ; Ouolph , A. T. Turny * c Son , Hod Oak ; Johnnie P. , Pal mer Bros. , Ln Crosse , Wis. ; Hou Wriehts , H. L. Wilson , Coldwntor , Mich. ; Ottawa ululd , W. T. Welsh. Ottawa , Ills. Trotting , 2:24 : olass ; ? 5UO : Carl , Perry Johnson , Colorado Springs ; Black Tom/Paler stock farm , Wichita , Kns. ; Surprise , Leach & Calkins , Omaha ; KtholY. , W. W. Latta , TcUnuiali : Chunco , H. L. Wlxson , Cold water , Mich. ; Illinois Egbert , M. E. McIIonry , Frceport , 111. ; Little Thorn. William N. Johnson , Aberdeen , Lak. ) Free for nil , stallions ( trottinc ) , $1,200 : grand South Omnha stock yards stake. ( This is u special stake purse , to which the entrance will 'bo only ! > per cent. ) : Earl McGregor. J. A. Graham , Bigjjsville , 111. ; Hyron Sherman , W. A. G. Cobb , Fremont , Nab. ; Surprise , Leach & CilUins , Omaha. Nob. ; C. Gregory , Council Bluffs , Iu. : Mc- Lood , II. Chambcrlen , Omaha , Neb. ; Long fellow Whip ; J. D. Spoors , Prorin , ill. ; Hrown , J. J. Case , Undue , Wis , ; Uobcrt Hysdylc , F. J. Grigsby , Maryvillc , Mo. Tllt'HMUY , SBITUMIIEIlO. Trotting , 2:27 : class ; purse S.VK ) : Kittio B. , Perry Bros. , Wayne , Nob. : Brian Boru , J. W. Hullard , Kookuk , la. ; Edward H John Chapman , Wichita , Kas. ; liyron Sherman , W. A. G. Cobu , Fremont , Neb. : Louis S. , William Duffee , Omalm ; Ethel Y. , W. W. Lattn , Tehumah , Nob. ; Harrnps Tom , J. B. Granoy , Troy Kas. ; Cnpi Hunt , N. Brown , Omaha , Neb. ; Dead wood , Palmer Bros. Ln Orosso Wis. : Captain. H. Bean & Co. , Emporia - poria , Kas. ; William H. , F. U. Abbent. St. Paul , Minn. ; Howdy , R. Bean , Emporia , Kas. ; Joe Moncland , J. O. Adams , Spcnoar , la. Pacing , frco for all , $500 : Lorans. Wade Gary , Council Bluffs ; Billy thu Kid , J. A. Graham , niggsville , la. : Wcstmont , C. II. MeCormlck. Oitmha ; Dr. West , Jno Uiloy , Omaha ; Tommy Lynn , C. E. Mnyno , Omahn : Billy Bunko. J. Be Cassaday , Col orado Springs ; Raven Boy , W. A. Jones , Rushvnio , Ind. 1'aclng , 2:33 : class , $500 : Nightingale dim , , J. A. Graham , UlRgBvlHo ; Olls'er E , J. C. Elliott , Omaha , Trotting , 3:33 : class , $500 : Gladys. U. S. Mallory , jr. , Huraboldt , Mo. ; My Maud , R. O. Adams , Omaha ; Aleck K , P. McEvoy , Klkhorn ; Gco. W. Coolc. Perry Johnson , Colorado Springs ; Slmdcland Onward , Gould & Miller , Fullerton : Darknight , C. H. Creighton , Omaha ; Golden Wing , B. J. More , Dunlap ; Joe Monolund. J. Q. Adams , Spencer , la. ; Lou White , Lou White , Peoria ; Trotting , free for all , $500 : McLeod , H. Chamberlain , Omaha ; Flossio G , McHcnry &Abby , Freeport. 111. ; Loretto F , C. C. Pound , Jackson , Mich. ; Longfellow Whip , Apoars & Schofiold , Peoria , 111. ; James G J. I. Case , Racine. Wis. WUUXASDAY , BuriBMncn 5. Trotting , 2:32 : , purse * 500 ; Frank P , blk. s. Perry llros. , Wahoo , Neb , : Rose Coglun , b m. , E. Pylo , Humboldt , Neb. ; Spectator , b s. , J. A. Graham , Bigpsville , ill. ; Matej Cobb. jr. , br. s. . Pearson & Tucker , Lincoln Kas. ; ' Forrest Wilkes. b. g. . Perry Johnson Colorado Spring * . ; Marquis , D , g. , Tabor stock farm , Wichita , Kns. ; Van DuUo , b. s , R. T. Kncobs , Sioux City , la. ; Guolph , blk s. , A. T. Turnoy ft Son , Rod Oak , In. ; John nie P. br. g , Palmer UrcH. , LnCrosse , Win. ? Ben Wright , b. s. , II. L. Wilton , Coldwater , Mich. ; Ottawa Mnlrt , b. m. . William T. Welsh , Ottawa , 111. ; Joe Moorolnnd , b. 8. , J. O. Adams , Frcojiort , 111. ; IWwdy , ch. g.-11. IJenn , Kmporin , Ku ? . Trotting , 3:2-J : , ptirgo ? WO ; Carl , ch. g. , M. L" . Mi-Henry. Preenort , III. ; Liltlo Theme , b. ui. , William N. Johnson , Aber deen , Dak. . Frco for all stallions , trotting , (1,900 , grand South Omaha stdck yards stake. This is a special stake purse ! Karl McOrogorch. s. , J. A. Graiiam , BlgeDVille , 111. . ; Byron Sherman , b. s. , W. A. Glubb , FrpnontNcb. | ; Surprise , ch. s , , Loach & Calkins , Omahn. Neb. ; "Cyclone , b. s. , C. Gregory , Council Bluffs , In. ; McLcod , oh. P. , II. Chamberlain , Omaha , Nob. ; Longfellow Whip , bl. s. , Kpccrs ft Scholleld , Peoria , 111. ; Robert Hysdy 1C , br. s. , F. , T. Grigsby. Maryville , Mo. ; Brown , br. s. , J. I. Case , Uiiclne , Wis. Kiinnlng 1 mile dash , idl ages , purse H50 ; entries close the night before. Tllt'tlSDAY , fcCrTKMllKII 0. Trotting , 2:27 : , purse $500 : Kitty B. , br. in. , Chas. Beel'O , Wahoo. Nob. ; Bruin Born , b. g. , .1. M. Bullard. Keokuk , In. ; Edward B. , ch. e. , John Chapman. Wichita , Ifaii. } Bvron Sherman , b. s. . W. A. Ghibb , Fre mont , Neb. ; Louis S. , s. g. , Win. DulTee , Omaha , Neb , ; Ethel Y , b. in. , W. W. Lntta , Teltanmh , Neb. ; HarropsTom , b. g. , J. B. Cranny , Downs , Kan. ; Capt. Hunt. b. g. , Nat Mro vn , Omaha , Neb , ; Dundwnod , br. s. , I'alinorBros. , LaCros p , Wis. ; Cuptain , g. g. , K. Bena ft Co. , Emporia , Kun. ; Will iam II. , br. g. , F. D. Abby , Jr. , Freeport , 111. Fieo-for-nll . ' .OJ Loreno - - pacing pursu : , blk , in. , Jno. D. Crelghton , Omaha ; Billy the Kid , br. g. , J. A. Graham. Hlggsvllle , 111. ! Wcstmount , br. g.C. H. MoCormick.Omaha , Nob. ; Dr. West , br. g. , Jno. Kiley , Omaha , Neb. ; Tommy Lynn. b. g. , C. 13. Mayne , Omaha , Neb. ; Hilly Hunker , blk. p. , J. B. Cassady , Colorado Springs ; Haven Boy , blk. g. , W. A. Jones , Kushvlllc , Ind. colt stakes association Trotting four-year-old , tion adds $3)0 ) : Gco. Simmons , b. s. , C. II. Creiehton , Omaha ; Dorlnda , b. in. , P. Mc Evoy , ElKborn , Neb. ; Baby Mine , b. f. , l-"rank Crum , Avocn , In. ; IIaipy | Maud , b. f. , U. B. Uuthcrford , Aurolhi , In. Fill DAT , SKIT. 7. Trotting , 2:3S : , purse S.'iOO : Ghidy's. ' blk. m. , U. S. Maloney , jr. , Humboldt , Neb. ; My Maud , b. in. , K. O. Adams , Omaha. Neb. ; Alexander 1C. , b. . , P. McEvoy , Elkhorn , Neb. ; Goortre W. Cook , br. s , . Perry John son , Colorado Springs ; Shadelnnd Onward , br. K. , Gould ft Miller , Fullerton , Neb. ; Dai knight , blk. s. , C. II. Crclghton. Omaha ; Golden Wing , ch. . , B. J. Moore , Dunlap , la. ; Joe Moreland , b. H. , J. Q. Adams , Frco- port , ills. ; Lon White , b. g. , Lon White , Pe oria , Ills. Free-for-all Trotting Purse , $300 : Mc Lcod , ch. s. . H. Clumberltn , Oinnlm , Neb. ; Flossie G. , ch. m. , M. E. McEncry , Frcopon , Ills. ; Lovettu I-1. , b. m. . C. C. Pond , Freeport - port , 111. ; Fongfellow Whip , blk. s. , Speers ft Scholield , Peoria , Ills. ; J.lines G. , ch. s. , J. I. Case , Kacinc , Wis. Kunning two-mile dash , all ages , $ ' 200. Uunuing livc-eiguts mile and repeat : purse Entries close night boforo. Visitors to the city should try the Glebe hotel , ISliJ Dbujfltis. Throe Hundred Years Old. ' H. Hutchison , a well-known stock dealer of Republican City , tliip staio , passed through Dmithn , a few d.iys iago , on his way homo ! rom Canada. Ho carried with him an an tlque bible in old EnRlish letters , which was > rinted in lf > S9. Though lacking but one year of boing30v ) ycafrs-of ago , it w still in a state of excellent preservation , though it boars evidence of having been in its time most liberally used. U bears on some of its . ( es the record of the birth and death of some of Mr. Hutchison's ancestors , the entry having been made in K1SO. It tells the tale to-day it did when the names were transcribed , though 'the writer thereof has long since been among the departed majority. The bible has long ) been with Mr. Hutch ison's family iu Canada , and will hereafter remain in the care of , the gentleman himself , who claims that he would not part with it for $5,000. $5,000.A A Horse \Vlio Can Talk. Everybody bus heard of a "horse laugh'hut who has ever seen nn equine gifted with the power of speech ? Such un animal would bo pronounced n mir acle ; but so would the telegraph and telephone n hundred year.ago. . Why , very recently a cure of consumptiot would bo loolced upon as miraculous , but now people are beginning to roili/.o : that the disease is not incurable. Dr Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery wil euro it , if taken in timo. This world renowned remedy will not muUo nov lungs , but it will restore diseased ones to u. healthy state when all other means have failed. Thousands can gnitofullj testify to this. All druggists. Drink Maito at soda fountain. Woods ns the Foot-Pads' Friends. It has boon hinted to n reporter by a citizen that the rank vegetation of weeds in variou parts of the city arc affording to much of screen to the tliugs and robbers. Nearly all the highway rob Dorics of late have occurred near such snots , the shade cast by tho'wocds oven being deep enough to conceal the high waymen. It is thought that thcso ought to bo removed before the fair. In another column of this issue will ho found an entirely now and novel speci men of attractive advertising. It is one of the neatest ever placed in our paper and wo think our readers will .ho well repaid for examining the SUPPOSED display letters in the advertisement of Prickly Ash Uittors. the Institute. The roof has just been placed on the now building at the institute for the deaf and dumb , which Is to be used as 'a dining-room , kitchen nnd pantry. The npproprintion tor the structure was made nt the last session of the legislature , and nmounted to 510,000. Gillcspio says that the now addition will greatly increase the capacity of the institute. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH DIAMOND BRAND \THComGIN AL.THC ONLY CI-NUIHB ENNYROYAL .BEWARE OFWORTHLESSlMITATIONS , ASK DRUGGIST FOR © ( CHESTER'S ENCUSH . SAFtALWATSRUIABU. TO LADIES , DIAMOND BRANDJAKENOOTMES . ? ' INDISP NtABLC.SOlODYAlL DRUS6ISTS 'OR INCL03C f ( I ( STAMPS ) B | & H 0 Mire * DIAMOND jiRAHOjtHicMtnnnncus 'OR PARTICI : , ULARO | | C ANDTAKtui omo ) m SKMn uoii iviiv BOX 'IN LCTTCR BY OFT I UII X ICICigHATURCO v AKDoviirFeuUDlESv WHO .uLrlLtw ' HTBAOBDiWITFIBE WORKS , Some Pieces Never Before Produced in This Country , ThitMrtny , An nst Doth , the Opening Msht of 'Tlio 8clK" ' ° f Hohis- topnl" The I'rnpnrntlons Tor the Gront Invent Ooin- plotftl. Tliuwilny , August { , 1P3S. w 111 1m a ilny IOIIR to be ri'inuiubertMl by tlio eltlzona of Onnilm. the nliiK ilay of tliu KroiU npcctnciilnr f lay 'The o of HobustniHil. ' ' No jmllis or expense liuvo benit spared by tlio iimmiKement iiiul Its sticcess Is un nssiireil fact. Mure tlmn tliroo lunitlrvil ntul llfty persons will tHKopnrt In Its production , iniiklu.it nt UUCP , In point of numbers iiuil nmnnlltconce. one of the ( iroatiMt nlTnlrs over brotiKht to the west. TUB Olnnlm tlunrds 111 DKUIU crniplcitously In Hits lutfi-estlnir elu > > nmllicii plttuil aK.Unit the regulans will Una the old steady heads full of nu-tnl ; men who are ntcd tu the sudden imtstliiR of n xhi'll or the boom of a cniiiinn. The erent Ilreworks Olsplny In connection with the "SolRe of Sobnstupol" Is being enliirtceil nnd mnjinimtcil in iniitiy wnyd by the Introduction of soiuullio plectM recently inanufncttireii by Jlr. 1'nln , nml which lm\o nuvrr been Klven In this country before. Thurmlay evenliiR. the opeiilug night , will bo n special Omnha night , reonlo RhouUl not conrouud thU exhibition w 1th n panorama , It IK nothing llku It. In this uro found real live lighting mcutialiird to the business ; peimtno fihflln which explode mid buildings crumblobo- iiealli the very feet of the Blunting narty and ovurtho lieailx of those. Rccreteil. Tlio vholo eiitortiUniiivut Is full of life , nud u mure exclt- Imr. realistic prortnctlon was never conceived. Iloio ohnvea gcnuluo lake with bontsupon It , llrlng their deadly mlsille.s at the too. Tim entlroBccuoIaouoof most bewildering gruml- our. our.It Is owing to tliB enterprise of same of Onmha'B Hvo and energetic oltlrens that wo are favored by tuts gigantic exhibition , the like of which has never before been Been In the west , and it Is Just this same enterprise that has made Omaha the city that Ills. Wehavohoro homo of tliu tihloBt Ihiaiicler * . thu Bhroudost merchants and the ablest piofessloMal men to bo found In the country. Among the latter wo wish to mention particularly Dr. Charles M. Ionian , who for the past year has been the resi dent physician for the widely known specialist , Dr. .1. wesapMcCoy. . Our readers have been presented e\cry wonk with the testimonial of Home well known Utlzcn who had consulted anil buen treated by the doctor and what Is more , been cured by him. The latest to add her testi mony to the iVt Is Mrs. 11. II. Hall , whoso \i\t\ca \ of residence Is No. yniii South & > lh street. Jlr. II. II Hall , the husband of Mrs. Hall , has been omp'oyed by Harris A ; 1'ishcr , the well known meat men , for over fourteen years , and Is well and favorably KIIO\MI In this city. Mrs. Hall says : "Tor more than a year I had been troubled with nn allllctlon of my he.td , throat and stem ach. My head was continually Ktopped up iiutt full of pain. 1 haduu uwful piln overmyoyes all the time. My throat as moro or less sore , and I \\a-s kept busy hacking and spitting. Mv stomach wu > > out of cnlermost of the tlmo and nothing that I could eat would agree with mo ; my lungs fait Horn and I began to got frlghttm- ed ; my noao was stopped up , Urst one side then the other and I would luve a tightness on my chustthat would scaicoly allow mo to breathe. This went mi this way for 11 while , and It got so bad that I could scarcely stand It any longer. I was afraid thMroness In my lungs would go Into consumption and when 1 got n cough to my troubles , become seriously alarmed ami con- miltml a physician. Ilmdbeenfor some time lending the tostlmonlul of persons cured by lr > .T.Ciesap McCoy and after considerable hesita tion 1 at last concluded I would try him. I called at his ollico and was examined by Ur. Jordon. who told mo my trouble was cntarrh and that ho could cure mo. I believed him and started treatment , and after the llrst treatment 1 felt Loiter and my friends noticed the change ; tlio doctor thought ho would euro mo In throa months but H only took two mouths and 1 am entlioly cured. 1 do not have any pains In my head or over my eyes and the hawking and spit ting Is all gone ami what Is better , the soreness on my lungs ami the dllllculty 1 had In breath ing has all left me , and 1 am as well again as ever I was. Von can have no Idea the change the doctor made In me In two months and I have enough confidence In Ills ability to boll vo he can do the same for anyone hiilTerlngns 1 did or even worse , " As above stated Mis. Hnll resides at No. SOOU HoiitliSitthsiTPetand will willingly and cheer fully coroborate the above testimony to anyone who will take the trouble to addie&s or call on her at that address. " 1 Don't llellcvn It. " No doubt this Is the remark made many times after reading our testimonials by skeptics "They buy their cases. " Just toiisu'er. for one moment , are the poopla of tnls community so grasBlng for money that they in general our cases nro taken from the general public would connive for a paltry sum to hoodwink and tleeco their fellow men ? Not only that , could we atror.l. In u monetary house , not to speak or lliidiiiglho person , to pav from ten to Hfty dollars lars for the u o of a man's iinmo and his man hood to cheat and bwlmllo poor unfoitunates ? No. Our testimonials are given voluntarily by thankful patients whoso names and addresses are given In full , wo do not give the Initials fet lowed bv a , but the correct mime and a d dress so'that all can tludthem. Theio are thous ands of skeptics still luthoclty who sulfer fiom stopped up noses , wltli mutus collecting In their throats , making the-lr voices thick and husky and with a nasal twang , sulferlng from head ache , cars ringing , coughing , hawking and spit' ting continually , others with discharges from their ears , more or less deaf , a great annoy- anceto tncrosHivesandothors , aim why ? Slnv ply because they are skeptical ; they don't take the trouble to look our cases up , and even If they did , they oftentimes hug the small sum that would make thorn well until it groans. Health Is worth more than money , and at tin low price for which relief can bo obtained It I a "blotch oa his escutcheon" to let the chance BO by. _ _ _ _ bOMlSTIUNG WORTH KNOWING , an-.l of Dia- The Ttr ginning Progress a - oixso su Couinioti in this Climate. A. Fnw Symptoms of Disease That May Prove Serious to You. Do you have frequent flts of mental depression - sion ? Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises in your oars/ Do. yon feel as though you must suffocate when lying down ? Are you troubled with a hacking cough and general debility ? Are your eyes generally weak and watery and frequently Inllaiued ? . , . , . , Does your voice have a husk , thick sound and n uasal wort of twang'/ Is yon breath frequently offensive from some unaccountable cause ? Have you a dull , oppressive headache , gener ally located over the eyes ? Do you have to hawK and cough frequently in the ollort to clear your throat ? Are you losing your sens of smell and is your sense of taste becoming dulled ? Does your nos > always feel stopped up , fore- Imr you to bieatlm through your mouth ? Do you frequently feel dizzy , particularly when btoopinu to pick anything oir.the Moor ? Docs every little draft of lr and every slight change of temperature glvo you a cold ? Are you annoyed by n constant desire to hawk spit out an endless quantity of phlegm I Do you rls-e from bed ns tired and weak as you were the light before and feel as though you wanted to lie thoie forever ? Is your throat Illlcd with phlegm In the morn ing , which cxn tmly be discharged after violent couching and haw King and spitting ? Do you occasionally wako from a troubled sleep with a start and feel as If you had just escaped a horrlolo death by choking ? Have you lost all interest In your calling or business or former pleasures , all ambition gone , and do you feel indlirerent whether tO'iuoiroir Hurts you alive or dead ? Are you troubled with a discharge from the head Into throat , sometimes watery and exces sive , sometimes mucus , thick , btlcklna to what ever It touches , sjinetlmes bloody , and nearly always putrid and ollenslve ? The above are como of the many symptoms of catarrh and tlio beginning of lung troubles. Not ono case in a hundred will have all of thcm , but every one allected will have a few or many of them. The greater or inoro fcerlous your symptoms , the more dangerous your condition. U'hls ' class of disease Is tieatld very successfully by Dr. McCoy or his associates. The many cases reported through the columns of the dally papers proves this , and each fctatcment pub lished Is substantially the same as given by the patient cured. Dr. McCoy uud his associates use no secret nostrums , but euro disease by their skillful combination of the best kmnMi remedies , applied In the most approved mati- ncr , and by using the latest and most highly lecommonaed appliances known to the profes sion. They thus produce results that speak for themselves in the many patients cured , and wo HSMiro our readers that tlicso eminent phy sicians have achieved a success In curing dis ease which fcir or no other doctors can dupli cate. 1'einanently Dr. J.Crcsap McCoy , late of Ilellevue Hospi tal , Now Voile , succeeded by Dr. Charms M , Jonlon , late of the Univer sity of New York City , also of Wwhinc' ton , D. 0. . hare located permanently In 1Cl ! llamgo Ulock , Omaha. Neb. , whoru all curable cases are treated skillfully. Consumption , IlrlRht's Disease , Dyftpepsla. Itheumatlsm , and all nervous dlseasea. All diseases peculiar to tcx a specialty. CATARRH CURED. Consultation at ofllco or by mull , 11 , Office hours , U to 11 a. in. , U to 4 p. m. , T tu H p. m. Sunday Hours , from O a. m , to 1 p. 111. Corespondenca receives prompt attention. No letters answered uufesi accompanied by 1 ctnU in stamp * . * BARNUM-BAILEY 15 New UNITED SHOWS Omaha , Wednesday , September 5tli , Grounds at Charles St. , Between 21st and 24th Sts , P. T. BARNUM'S Grcntcxt Show on Ihirlli , forever milted ( o lie ! GREAT LONDOM CIRCUS , , Paris Olympla Hippodrome and Monster World's ' Fair , 5 NEW SHOWS ADDED THIS YEAR , Tremendously Big Shows Combined 3 Ciroiisrs In O U Mcuncorics In 2 lotits. Horse Fair , QRO Horace In np'colnl tent. 1'arls olyntpla Hippodrome. Hugo I'jteVHtcil Stage Performances. Museum of Ijivlnc WomlorB. ArtUlolut Ijako ofltoftl Water. Talking Scale , Trained Zebras , Kleiilinntu , Oatriehos , Giraffes , &o.t Aio , -TT7"lV/r'T = 3C' " > as natural as life and his Capt. PAITL UOl'TOJV , the Acqiuitic Marvel. RonJ WILD MOORISH CARAVAN ; Genuine TRIBE of WANDERING Bedouins ; ALGERIAN DANCING Girls ; Arabian Horses , War Weapons , &c. THRILLING RACES , DARING FEATS , AMAZING ACTS , JAPANESE troupe of Exports ; 100 Sonsutional and Novel displays ; 200 Uhonom- cnuliind Dashinr { Porforincrs ; 1000 Now Feuturos never soon boforo. &T"lmposslble to praduce another such sftoft > . " .g | 2 Performances Every day , - 2 and 8 p. nrit Doors open nt 12:30 : nnd 6:30 : p. m. ADMISSION TO ALL 60 CENTS. CHILDREN UNDER 0 YEARS , 25 CENTS. All tents remain up until 0 o'clock at night. ISFTremendous New Free Street Parade. With a myriad of absolutely now features , at 9 o'clock n. . m. through 10th , Farnam , Douglas and principal streets. To accommodate visitors , reserved numbered scats will bo sold at the regular price , nnd admission tickets at the usual slight advance at J. T. Kinslor's druff store , 1307 Farnam street. HEDUCJSD KATES ON ALL RAILROADS. WILL EXHIBIT IN LINCOLN SEPT. 0. SEBASTOPOL AMPHITHEATER North ICth Street , Between Binney nnd Wirt Sts. , Omaha. Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. 30' Siege of Sebastopol , THE GRANDEST OF MILITARY SPECTACULAR CONCEPTIONS- Invented and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York.'Thc rlc & Cooper Manager * , Realistic bombardment or forts , by boats , on an immense Artifi cial Lake. Terrific Assault of Fortress bjr Allies. 350.PERFORMERS 350' Correctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldier * , Cossacks , French and English troops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc. MARVELOUS PERFORMANCES By specially engaged artists , Russian athletes , Swordsmen , etc. The whole to conclude with $1,000 FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Consisting of the latest noveltiesManhattan Beach Aerial and Aquatic Pyrotichnici Music by Sabastopol Military Band. i Admission 5Oc ; - - Reserved Seats , 75ov H S . 1888 THE GREAT 1888' ia OMAHA FAIR AND EXPOSITION ! Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive. Most Complete and Best Arranged Fair Grounds in the West' ' ' The best accommodations for stonk , which can bo unloaded from cars at the # * grounds. Superior accommodations for agricultural exhibits. The boat and > ? fastest track in the country. Competition open to the jvorld. No entry too except copt in racing purses. Special Attraction Each. Day. GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pyrotobhnical Display every evening of th SIEGE OF SEDASTOPOL. For premium lists , circulars and informa tion , address J. H , McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska , DR. HORDE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! | The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Selene * 1 m 4 Seiftlliik Scln ca"y M"de and Practically Applied. DISEASES CURED WITHOUT 1IEDICIHES , BTP Ufll I ftllDE ? Vflll < > Pali * In tae Haelr. ! . Head or Umni , II VVIL.L. VrMrfEi TVlU K.rr.ia lUhllllr. L bU , . , 4i n.rS P.kllllr , Hha. : matlam , ParalTiU , * NtDrala ) , HUM , IM * u of lUdarr * . Mplnal VUrmnt , Torjild I.lTar , 4 > e tt KikBtMtliHi , K lMl * AatliMa H 0it &UFBM , Pjviiepftio , C nntlpiiil * > 7 lp l , l 4l > tl iH WMkntM. lmffttm.tr , C l rrk , Hllci , K lltp > 7. Dn b Ajtm , I > Ublc t Il4r < MM , Ultod utwMM. l r p r. i t , lkt IkU belt U Jut Wnat ! oe d. guetrtcitt Irulanllu nit I 0 n b rolled to nr pwt at the bo3y. Whale Uiollcui VlfHEN ALL. .4 . . w r It. I tleelrlflM the bloo and eur n rCTIUnUlil * er7 on geuulji Bdtn Jhf t > rT liiloti. If TB lh followtnjf who bare b * n Id 1 ImUIIIAL * CUIUro t- > . J. Hoall , nO , R. fi ; f rk r nnd J. U. llatlittt , nllon Hoard of Trade , .4i leaioi A. ( intorr , oemmlMUnttUXbinl.Btock Vanli ) UnddI > obl .tbaineatboriiiinaJiCal. | OonnBljT , of the Intrr Octant Q. IT , Pcllol. M. l > , Mormoolowu , lowai Litmuil UlTk. Kankak elll.t Judge i. M , i Man-ar , H p r tll . lll.i J' . L. Atbolt , > pt. cltr walrrworki , South loud , Ind.i Rnbt. K. Bunpton , Chlc o pail ofitcei L. P. MoMlcna l , M. U. , Buffalo , 1. . " Tonr liel t bat acoorapllnaeil wkal no other renwdr ba t itoailr n rtM andcomforutl . l paluiiht. " BobU Ball , alJerulaD , 160 Xait Mlb6tru < t.Itir ( fork - aad tbotifanda of othira. - n. UflMjeie Cl CPTBfl UlBMCTin BCI T ( npriortokl1cth < n eQrr nt < ot < lorti Hit HUnilC CLCuInU mNIRCIIU RCkl irarellronit or mild a.i the wearer may _ _ aim preduen oonllniau eurreot ) eoneti electricity throiuth the boden the r rve . It euros lilioaiei t > r reneratlns a contlDBOei cat-rent of electrleltr < 1O or 1 * bour < out of IH ) Ihrjuuhout ( be buraan tjtttm , aUejlnaiiilnerTouineulmniedlatelr , and proaucloBamw elroulaUon of tka life forcoa the blood , lm- pardnir Tlirorttrenxtbeaeriir * 3dhtaltbwhenallo h rtreatmenthaifalleJ , TbetntrlU of tUi eioa < UfleUkltarebeliuireeoirBlaeilaAdlndonedby tboiuandi whom It hi " tKCM Anr lunk.cominjroliUa encr or wbolecale Uoaie InCblcuot wholtjalo Baa rraa enoaadCbleage. UjTBend tampCat IB PM1 lllortrated papiphltt. 3DX1 * W. * T. dCOXU < VXg. taTontorandKanalMltmr , lllWabuh A.TVDBB CJa t a o. RUPTURE ° . n7 DR. NOME'S ELECTRO-IUINETIC BELT-TRUSS. P , I'rint cured. CoadworkgCoadrtrerncct , ta dar > II' . . Surgeon and Physician , Offlc * N. XV Cornnr lUli unrt Uouclim St. Offl Ulophyne , tti ; HeoMonco UlopUune , SCi. gtifcrfkalA a i fctftth . iii * 4' # * fcef *