Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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* "AdvcrtTscinenTs iuiffeVuiIsTH ad Jo tentw I
line for ti ) llrnt Insertion , 7 cents for cuch sub-
h < * < iueut Insertion , nnd Hro ft line , per month.
No advertisement token for less than 2.1 cent ;
the flrat nsertion. Seven words will tie counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
intiHt ho paid In A0ANCi : . All advertise
ment * must ho handed in before J2x : ; ) o'clock p.
in. , nncl tinder no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties niUertMnu In these columni and hav
ing thMr answers addressed In cnreof TUB UKK
w 111 please ask for n check to ennblo them to get
their loiters , IIH nnno w 111 be delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should hn enclosed In envelopes.
All adt. ertlspinent * In these , columns are pub
lished In Ixitli morning and owning editions of
U'HI : HKK , tlio circulation of which aggregat s
more tlmn IH.'Ol pnuerH dally , and given thn ad-
vtrtlsers tlio benefit , not oniy of tliu city clrcti-
Intlonof TIIK IIi.K , but aluo of Council lIlulTs.
Lincoln and otlicr cities and touns throughout
tills section of thii country.
Advertising for these columns will betikcn
on thu ubovo conditions , at the followIng busi
ness houses , who are authorised agents forTllK upeclal notltus , and will quote thu adlua
rates as can be had at the main olllce.
TT OHN Ur. JJUUrhufinacUt , ISO South Tenth
eJ Street.
HASH & r.IHiY. Stationers and 1'rlntors , 113
o South ICth btreot.
'H , I'harmacLst , SII5 Cum-
Ing Street.
wT J. Street. IIUOHKS. I'liarmuclst , KM North loth
G r.oT\V % PAllO , I'haniiacTst , IfOH Bt. iiory'a
STH11TLV sober , number ono all around
man wants position in carriage or car whop.
Address H. F. llrakor , Manmotto , Kus. _ _ _
A NTKD-bltuatlon as housekeeper. Mil N
Mil Bt. MB 2.V
ishes Hituntlon. First
clasH on repairs and salesman. Town or
country. Address HI 1 , Heo. 8B02.-.J
AN'TED-Slhmtlou cake
- by a first-class
and bread baker. ( Qviiuuu. ) Country pro-
ferred. Address 11 12 , Heo olllce. b7l > 25t
) Situation by a eolorcd man , can
do any kind of work , no bad habits. Ad-
drebs It 10 , lieu olllce. MS 25 *
"VATANTIID Position ns dishwasher or wiper ,
( . .James , Florence , Nob. 61'iSit
"WANTIID Situation by experienced pi Inter
T an < l newspaper man to go lu the country.
Address H , lleo olllco , Lincoln , Nob. 711 25
Al'JHST class dress maker , strimgor in the
city , would like a place to sow In families.
Apply at room 5. an N. Kith Ht. OIJ-2tJ !
N eastern milliner wants a position as trim
A mer. 1011 N Itlth St. , Omaha , Neb. K742S *
" \\rANTIID- A position by a young man , a
> llrxt cliisf bookkeeper , will glvo oorurlty
for II.UUU ; bi-st luf.s. Address 11 7 , lloo ollico.
82 au *
IT t'ATI ON Wanted A colnpoton t young
lady ik'Slies a situation as book-koo per ; city
leferences. A fa. Hoe. 7J1 2b *
'tSf AN'JrHD Man for Janitor work ( white ) ;
wtoadywoik for hard worker. Address
113' , Ul-eomco. WW-27J
BOY wanted to take care of horsn and buggy
and make himself usufill about the house.
Apply to Dr. Hiillmlin. U01 B 13th. 71)7 ) 2 ? *
\\rANTKD- A man to collect. Keferunco and
T > Hecurlty reimlrod ; rSHcllimin blk. Oi7-27J
\\'ANTii : ) CashU-rT young man , rapid poti
man , ana with good refurtuces. Nkoll ,
the tailor , 110 ! ) Douglas. ! I5'128 '
< \ \ rANTIHSalesman experienced In tailorIng -
> > Ing or clothing. Id'terences loqulrcd.
110 Douglas , Nlcoll the Tailor. 1C.I-2S
\\rANTii : > Tiitlors' biisholman. Nieoll the
l > lailor , IIIW Douglas st. HVJ-'S
"I \rANTEI ) A man to collect ; lol'oronees and
> > st-cmlty reiiulrod. Hoom 52 , llellmiin bl k.
HIS 25 *
" \ArANTl'.I > A young man for olllco work ,
T T must be aiutunlutcd w 1th the city and good
penniun. IniiuUu ut W. II. t-pollmau.
\\7ANTKD-iV good stonecutters at Knst 2nd
T and Vine , Des Molnes. la. 83'J 25 *
AGUNTS wanted Chcaiost ) and tlnest cam-
palgn portrnlt badge , largo prollt.s , samples
mailed on receipt of 5 2 cent .stumps. H. M ,
lllack & Co. , 1MH Liberty St. , Pittsburg. Pa.
B12 25'
\\fANTKD Two bojs , ono lady to instruct in
JT.I , ln booK-kooplng ; good Bltuatlons in Sep
tember , J , II. Smith , room 518 , Hamgo block.
702 25 +
"V7"ANT1'D'oung man to work In storuj
TJ must have some experience In crockery
,11110 , and good reference. Address A C8 lleo oil ,
plating iigo-aud exlierlcnco.
TKO-A llrst-class oxnorlonced window
, T > dredger. Immlro at the liur. 083
TXT'ANTnD Espoilenccd poitor , must be PX
T > perlenccCl nnd hnvo rofcrences , liuiulri
The Pair. 884
" | 7I7 AN'IT.D 5 or fl good lathers for steadj
T > work at the Gordon block , Sioux Olty , la
Olson Hios. , Contrnctnrs. WB "M
TAT ANTKD A good boy \\lio can ddvo i
T > > team. C211'nrk avo.2 frit
. . . . . D Gcrniau drug clerk , registered ll
j i Nob. , for position Sup. Ut in In country
K. W , Druggist agency. H. low , Paxton blk. 7 ( > l 27
"iX ANTI'.D Teamsters , 82."i per mo. ; scrappi
T holders , 11.75 per day ; 3 blacksmiths toi
Illinois Central It. It. Apply Northwosten
.Labor agency , 315 South 10th st. 810 1
SOLICITOUS wanted for a largo manut'actur.
Ing company ; references rcimired. Address
Uox 2ti7. Omaha. ( iC7 B30
TA 'TIM ) lmnicdla < ly , two boyp. quo lad'
to Instruct In book keeping ; guod ultua
tlons In September , J. ill. femlth , room 6If
Itahigo blocg. C31 3 *
WANTED Kneigetlc men and women every
where for a genteel money-making busl
ness. JtiO weekly pi ollt guaranteed eimler thai
tOU monthly othviwiso , F.xporleuco ub-olntel !
tinneccssary. rorniuncnt position and exclii
plvo territory nBbilred. 92 samples free. Writ
for partlcularH. Addre. s , with stamp. Meirll
> lf'g Co. , It M , Chicago. 4'7 slli'
T\7ANTiD ; Several draftsmen , or youn
men fumlllarwith aic Itcctuial drawing
ns helpers in ju-ii drawing for photo engraving
A pply room 21 , U. S. Nat , bunk building. lUJ
OKNTS WANTl-i-i75 : a month aud 05
pensvs paid any actIve person to Hell ou
Roods. No cajiltal required. Salary pal
monthly , expenses In advance , riillvrtrttcuhu
free. Standard SlUerwuro company , Itostoi
Mass. ! W5Sllp
\\rANa'F.D-llXralUoad ) men fur Wushlugto
T > teiritory at Albrights Labor Agency , IU
I'lU'iuim. liu
: V\T"ANTiD-Jli'n : for the west. Albright' '
T.t labor agency. J IVO Fornam st. 010
BO\'H-A"lu7 llbT. ) Tcl. Co. , J304 Douglas !
"V\rANTiO : A good girl for general lions
work In a small family. Uernmu tu
ferieil. Mrs. S. llortfiiian , 710 So , 18th st. 9H1- :
\VA.NTii-At : onco. a nurse girl for child
f > yours old , lo.'l Park avo. 1C ! 2i
\\7"ANTKD-nod ( girl for general housewor
T Mrs. W. C. Patterson , 1UW SouthJCnd bt.
t-37 ' . 5 *
\\7ANTI5D A good girl for housework. M
_ w- IIIUBliam , M2 aoilth ICth st. Ml 2
\l7ASTKD-Lnily book-keeper nnd stcn
T gr.ipher. Must furnish ro fi-roucen. Sta
Salary oxpetted. Addrcaa U ; iO , Hee. & 15 27
\\r A NTIJD-At tmce-GIrl for cooking an
general housework in small family ; mm
\imu-rstand cookiug and waiting on table ; a
conveniences ; best quarter town ; peed wagi
to satisfactory party. Addrejj 11 15 , lleo olllc
P01 27"
"IVANTKD i\peilencod : cook , washer at
* > irouur , with references , In family of thri
ndults. liiiUire | mlddM houae , Amouts' Hats , S
B 7tn ht. . Council llluirs. bM 27 ;
J"1 ADV AGUNT8 coin money withmygrai
-i now rubber under Himcntb for female
o\er n million sold. Proof fret ) . Mrs. 11.
Little. Chlc-igo. 111. SU 3U
GOOD cook and washer and Ironcrvln prlva
family , gi'od wayes to rlijlit patty. Call
1053 Park ave alter 0 p. in. f2so ) *
" \Ar.\N'TJ0 A cook and second girl. Mrs.
VV . Kennara , Ita Dodge. _ Cia
ri\7'AKT.HD-'Lady agents for "A" skirt ai
'Tl bust ) "H" hose
* combined : alsp suppoi
U , Oiir.Galenburtf. 111. , agent clcareil.f IOS in
( Uyx. Lailte ' Bujply Co. , SHI W.Vaahingti
WANTKD A blliul unimouWlus mashli
man \v ned | at once ; Omaha I'lunliu- l
COM anh aud Poppletou uve. t = v'i ,
ll persons holding tickets and
others doflrjtlg to participate in the
exhibition of pnln > sicen of Bebastopol , to meet
every evening this wepk at 7 o'clock sharp , nt
the amphitheater , on North ICth st. , between
lllnnay und Wlrt. John Haymond , stage man-
ftKOT. UJ1-28
" \\T A NTH D-f 00 ladles to have thMr photographs -
graphs taken at the Star gallery , I'lO'.l
Douglas t.r cabinets fl.lri tier doz. for l.i davs
only ; former iu leaf IM ( per doz. H. A , 01 on ,
proprlotor. _ _ TOMJ
to do dressmaking in him-
llies sollcllcd. Mlfs Sturdy , S017 Leaven-
worth st. WGH24'
"V\rANTLD More houses to rent , good-paying
> tenants , quick rents Insured. H. II. Wan-
dcll140 N Ilthi2iid lloor. _ 411)025 )
" \\rANTRD Washing and Ironing , special at-
T t tentlon given to dark dresses end line
laces. Mrs llurg , 2suu Cons st. _ Kid 85
" \\7"ANTiD : All persons holding tickets nnd
all who deslio to take part lu Pain's Siege
of Sebustopol to meet to-night at 7 o'clock sharp
at the guards armory , on c'apltol avenue , hot.
li > th and 17th streets , formerly knowu as the
llluk. John llaymoiid , stage manager. 71'3 " ' >
MA LI ! or fcmalo help furnished in or out of
city , private families a specialty. H. H.
Wandell , 408 N ICth st , 2nd lloor. 437 a2o
WNNTHD To meet demand for book-keep
ers , 1 will Instruct a few persons and wait
for half pay uutll situations are furnished. J.
II. Smith , H r H Ilamgo block. Ml 27 ;
WANTKD If you have any lands , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
other property , call on me or write. lean find
you a customer. C. C. Spotswood , 305 > i 3. l < tn.
WANTKD The public to make good use of
The Ilee'a message boxen throughout the
"V\f ANTKDTen good men who know a good
TT thing when they see It , to visit the Great
Ten Dollar South Omaha lot sale , commencing
Mondav morning at 310 South 15th st. , to buy
the only full block of lots left at the low prlco
ot tlO each. &W
A NTi : I-More nouses to rent. Jlosworth
A : Joplln , Uarker block. 500
CANADIAN employment olllce. MrsHrega ,
314'i S 15th. Htfereuco Omaha- National bank
WO sl *
WANTKD To rent a barn or room for a car
penter shop. Rtiito piico and location ,
Address A CO , leo olllco. 815 27 *
WAN'TlTl ) To rent , about Sept. 15th , a house
of fi rooms In good neighboihood , south of
Hurt st preferred , htato locution and price.
Addioss , Itoom 0 , V. S. Nat'l bank. K51 20
with barn. 3510
1/iOH HKNT-Slx-rooui house
JL1 Uuirles st. bWi 25 *
P | ) HlINT 5-rooui house 1 block fiom
L church , school and streetcar. ril8N27th ,
J22 per month. 1 miulro 821 S Ibth st. 8M 25T
fjUH HKNT 2-room Timiso lor faintly no'chll-
Ju dron , cor. ysth aud Howiild. KM 25J
FOH HNKT 5-room house , 1B10 Jackson st.
r. 1C. Darling. 15'l rarnam. 8172" )
FOH HKNT Nearly now 7-room house , well
andcistem water , $20. S 12 st near Mimlia.
FOH IlKNT ! ) houses , six room houses In-
quite of John L. Hill , cor.Uth and Vlntoii.
02i ) 25t
HOrSF.S , stores ttnd Hats to rent , all parts of
city. H H. Wundoli , 40S N 10th , 2nd lloor.
E10U HKNT September IfgooifiTFbom house ,
city water , largo yard , very convenient to
business , J50. 711 S. 15th St. Call at Citizens
bunk. 0222)
FOH HKNT At very low rates , residences of
10 to 1.1 rooms lu new brick row on Cass and
2-lth .sts. , on 21th street car line. All modern
improvements. Apply II. T. Clarke , 2jth and
Cuss or at Union Tiust Co. V !
IT10H 11DNT Klght room house and good barn ,
JL. ' near llanscom jiark , per month. C
K. Meagher , room 2 , over Haymoud's jewelry
Btoio. Uli-2HJ !
TilOH HKNT Cottage , fi rooms , very desirable.
JL 1212 Hh St. , near Seward st. Inquire 1400
C uo. . 1C1 !
rilKN room house near P. O. ; rent S-15 ; price of
-L furniture JUKI. 21) ) room flat , centrally located ,
with fuinltnro for sale. 8 room house on Far-
iiiuu St. , near 17th ; rent and fuinlturo leusona-
bio. 7 loom house ou N. Uth st. ; lent J.5 ; prlco
of furniture J.SO , and other desirable places.
Call anil see our list. Co-Opurativo Laud If Lot
Co. . 200 N. ICth. M i 27
T7IOH HKN3' ' An elegant 7-room llat. Inquire
JJ at The Fair. H !
FOH UKNT it-room cottage , city water , 2
closets , 1 pantry and cistern , located u w cor
24th and Pierce. Apply N. Fredrlckseu , 1010
Howard. HS2 27
TT1OR IlKNT 10 room house , 222. . ) Leavenworth
JL. street , line repair , good terms to reliable
8 room house and barn , good repair , west of
poik , $ ir > per month.
6 room house , Itristol street , near ICouutzo
place , bran new. $11.5)1. )
2-1 room houses Dnpont place. $17. near Shoe-
ley stop dummy tralu. Hugli G. Clark , Hoom 7 ,
Chamber ot Commerce. 870 27
171011 ItKNT-tGoodiJ-roain house , cistern , co-
JL. mented collar aud line lot , S. 15th st. Kn-
qulro C. W. Ciinlluld. 1200 Douglas ht. M5 27
FOH IlKNT Three 4-room cottages , cistern
and cemented cellar , nil now , Enquire of C.
W. Canlleld , 1200 Douglas Ht , MO 27
FOH KENT Ono moioof thosoelegantS-room
houses with bath aud barn on cable line
cheap. II. r . Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental block ,
SIX room house for rent. Inquire at BO fl so
luth st. 757-28 ?
I7UHI IlKNT 3 new 7-room lllats , cor. 10th and
JL-1 Jones. A.C. Powell , 1201 Farnam st. 760
T7IOH HENT Neat JO cottage. Apply at onco.
JJ C. Harrison , 413 3.15tn st. 727
FOH HKNT New E-room house on Cum Ing
st , near Lowe avo. Terms reasonable. Apply -
ply quick. Spotswood , SOjji S 10th. 723
TpOH HKNT Elegant brick house , all modern
JO comonlcnccs , flvo mlnutos' walk from P. O. ,
220 N 1'Jth. llnqulro at 21U N 10th. ClU
FOU IlKNT Klegant 10-room modern house ,
ue.iv High bchool. fM. G. K. Thompson ,
Shcoly block , 15th and Howard. 701
fOH HKNT fl-room cottage centrally located.
1 Mead , \ Jamison , 311 S. 15th. GM
FOU HKNT Three B-room houses. S. K. cor.
Mth and Iodg ) sts. ; city water ; tit and J15.
Hiiigwalt Hro3. , Darker block. UO
"IJ'Oll ItKNT S-room house , sewer , gas , hot
J-1 and cold w ater , bath room , now and com
plete , $10 per month , ready Sept. 1. Apply at
onco. C. T Harrison , 418 S. 15th bt. 4S.1
FOH KKXT Six-room cottage , 1515 Ilorney
at. , i25 per month. 351
"I710H HI1NT S room house nnd barn nw cor.
.L1 2Sth ave and Webster Bt ; Inquirent room
C05 Paxton bit. 1' . J. Creedon. Mw
FOU H11NT When you wish to if nt n house ,
store or olllco call on us. 11. K. Cole , 10011 :
0. Continental block. 4S7
"ITlbu HUNT A 10-room house brick house
Jv with all modorii improvements , on 20th bt ,
noav Lcavenworth , Imiulre , No. a ! " S 20th bt.
SIX room hoitbo for sent , city watt-r , No. 11V street. Knqulro at 1UOJ Howard. 10
2 ITloTl IlKNT 10 room modern house & 55.PO. I
.L' room ditto , MJ.OO. 7 room ditto. J25.00. Othei
houses , atoms aud olllces. G. K. Thompson
Sheeley blk , luth and Howard stp. lilU
TjlOH HKXT Ilaiidsomouow home , 10 rooms
JL ; all conveulelRfls , best neighborhood am
w Ithln flvo minutes' w al1 ; of poitottlce. Nutlini
Shelton , I5q'i I'arnam ht. 'JH
TTIOU HUNT 7-room housi > . No. 151S S 5th st.
JU 0-room cjjttauo. No. C19 Win. st. ; 5-room cot
tiice , No. 2725 Charles st. Inquire UOO Cap av
| : C15
T71OH UKNT or Sale New cottage. Itedtori
K Place , on cany paymants. Kmiuiro M. L
lloeder , loom 403 Paxtotiblocic , 010
Fa1 H HKNT A line 10-room bilck house i\"itl
all , modem Improvements , fine location 01
6tre t car Jlno. It. M. Gvulus , ItOd Douglas bt.
PLF.ASAM' furnished rooms , 1801 Varnamsi
MS s.2J1 (
10H HENT Two rooms nicely furnished
* ' call ut 11 15
- - Jones. _ UI1-27J
17KM lir.NT rront room , largo and ulcel' '
J-1 furnished , located near tha High school , ii
n the highest and coolest section of thu city
caulu line and horse cars pasa tha door. EC
quire at ' "Jii Dodge near 21th ai. ECO-
f * I1011 HKNT-2 f urnUhod roonis for light housi
in Jc keeping to party without children , tot IIov
m nrg 7h a >
; _ _
IU5.NT An ek'saut Eiilt of front rooms
JL1 also slugla room. \ \ 1th board , in private fan
ily ; two strj-ol car lines pass door ; uonn bn
m-n-ciftsa.we iMri > ly. wri'ttrkave. uaaj
.u 1Q [ F UltNlSUED rooms , 113 S 20th.
. "SOsSl-
FOH HKNT Newly and nlrely furnished
rooms ; llrst-elass table board ; 1721 Daven.
port. 1CO-U
TflOll HKNT-Front room , furnished , ground
-1 lloor , Dodge near 'Mil. Address H2U'llep.
AFHONT room , newly furnished , for rent
cheap. Call Sunday , Monday and Tues
day , N K corner Cumlngs and lth .s\g. 117-27 *
rPWO fiout rooms , lR151)odgo st , 075
T710H HENT Nicely furnlshad front loom
J. suitable tor two gentlemen. ISil Fimuini ,
TTOH IlKNT A pleasant south front room ,
JL modern convcnlenro , l ? st locality , suitable
for ons gentleman. 12 I'arnnin at. 772 27
K OOM for geuttemen near P. O. , 323 N 17th.
702 27 *
" 1JOOMS Including board Intho Young Wo-
JLi men's home 1310 Dodge st. Heferoucos re-
< lli Ircd. itli )
" \TICELY furnished roonis , } 1 per week or M.50
J- > per month , 5U2 , 5JI anduO'J S. 18th st.
fvltl alt *
F IOIl KENT Furnished rooms , 1201 rarnam
st. ; M3 31 *
SMALL front room , modern conveniences
2107 Douglas St. 511
\\rKLL furnished clean roonis , nil modern
T T conveniences , 1 block from P. O. 1015
Capitol avo. U70 27 *
HKNT Furnished looms , 1701 C.ip ave.
6U2 27 *
B KS1HA11LY furnished rooms , slnglo and
-'double. Gentleuion preferred. 1UUS Capitol
ROOM and board , 1812 Chicago st.
187 S Ot
rOH HKNT Furnished room , .modern con
veniences. A. Hospe , luin Douglas. 174
C1OH HKNT Furnished rooms In Greunlg blk.
JO cor. l.'Hh and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. U. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 02U
FOR IlKNT A nicely furnlBhed room.sultablo
for two , at 11)11 ) Furnaiu , aud boaid ; line lo
cation , pleasant home. 714 31
ITlUltNiSHUuTooms , 1S18 Dodge.
-I ? 455315
L Alton and small room suitable tor gentle
man , with or without board , Ibl2 Dodiro.
. rooms ISIS' , St.
AIary' a\o , 3d lloor , east side. W7 2J ?
FOlt HUNT To small family , 3 looms at I Ub N
13th jit , 7HI5J
_ _ _ _
T71OH nulck rental and good tenants list your
J-1 houses with II. II. Wnudull , 4W ( N Kith st. 2nd
lloor. 4'I7 aZi
ri'MIlUii : (3) ( ) rooms. 1110' . S.7thf > t . 110
JL . " and 1'aul . K G1)
Tin eo (3) ( ) room cottagt."lat st.
Three CD room cottage , IIU'I ' Nicholas st . . . 15 00
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 1701 Webster st . IB 00
Four (1) ( ) rooms , 411 South I'.ith bt . W OJ
Three CD rooms Tld'i ' Tacltli-st . 1100
' 1 lire e (3) ( ) rooms , 11O ) N'oithu'lst st . II 00
'IhreeCD rooms , imi'ieicu st . i 10 00
IhreoCDiooniM , JON. . Mth ) st . 11 ' ,
Three (3) ( ) roonis. 7U7 1'aclllc st . 1H >
Two (2) ( ) rooms , 1S11 Howard street . H Oi )
Tin ee CD rooms. I7IU Webster st . 13 CO
I'ourd ) rooms. 1701 Webster st . HI2I
mireo (3) ( ) rooms , 707'5 Pacific st . 11 00
TliieoCDiooms , 1412 1'lerco st . 150
Apply to Judge Iteming Agency. Herald
building , S. W. corner of 15th mid iluruevbt.
T710U HENT nfurnlshed or furnished double
-L1 parlors , cai N. 17 th bt. 1WJ 21 *
ITHHt ilENTN'lcelv furnished olllcd. gTouml
X1 lloor , half of SOU rf Ifith st. oppoblto Chamber
of Comnicrco , SI. A' Upton Company. W.I
O VF1CI3S and basements for rent , corner 13th
and Jacksonsta. JIis. r. J.ange. bOl
1710U HKXT-llalf of stoic ; suitable business ,
JL1 good location , good stieot , reasonable rui't. '
A < ldiossn 11 Ice olllce. 781-27 *
"TT10U HUNT ntoro-ioom under Omaha ll.uik-
J. lug Co. , cor. 15th and Harney. hiilt.iblo lor
money loaning or estatobusjiuess. raulson
& Co. , No. lull , loom f , I'arnam3t. ( 2
T/IOll KENT Vine rotnil btoio room witli
Jv large basement , * 90 per month. C. J' . liar-
ilson , 418 S. 15th bt. 4SJ
rpWO choice store roonis In the Her building ,
JL between Howard and.lupkson bis. Apply
Itaymer A : Her btote , 521 S 10th St. 4" ! slu
FOH HKNT Double store room , suitable for
clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
ill st class. Address XU1 Heo qlllce. Utt
rilWO btoros , 22x50 , just coiuplotod , with Hats
X of seven rooms above , with v > ater and gas ,
llrst-class llnlsh , Oth nnd J'aclllc sts. , low tout.
Apply to Elllnger llros. , U12 S. 10th bt. , Omaha.
STOHR for rent , llli Farnam street. Jnquiro
of Nathan Shelton , at 1505 ranuuu street
! ! 27
FOll HENT Olllco sulto K-'i month , 2 single
olllcos J15 each , all fronting Kith st. , Ilitsn-
man block , N. 13. Cor. 18th ana Douglas. W. M.
Uushman , 1311 Lcavenworth. 320
T710U ltr.NT-9toreroom , No.211 S. Ilth sr. Ap.
J ply at 1110 Howard st. 077
TOKK for rent. 610 N. 10th. Inquire of
Henry Ostholl. 1511 California st. 6-4
T7IOH lliNT-425 ; per month flrs > t lloor , $15 pei
J-1 month becond lloor , 151J Harney st. 352
/TjOOD barn cheap , 1021 Chicago st. 59a
/"I E. THOXIPSON.Sheely blk , 15th .V Howard
"V\7B glvo special attention to renting and col
IT lectlng rents , list with us. II. U. Cole , roon
C , Continental block. 187
IF YOU want your houses rented piacathou
with Benawa it Co. , 15th , opposite postollice
LOFVT Uasmio to a ladles' black drass. Tin
Under win confer a favor by leaving a
Illmebaugh Sc Taylor's store. 832 25 *
A YOUNG Imly , stranger iu city , wishes tin
JuLnc < iunlntaiice of n discreet gentleman w 111
means. AiUUoss II i lleo olllce. 7U7 2o
TOST A golden opportunity It 1 fail to at
JLJtoud the closing s.ilo of those $10 lota , coin
nicnciug Monday morning , Aug. 27utilO : S 15tn
rilAKEN tTP Ily the subscriber , nbout tin
J10th of August , 1W8 , 2 cows , 1 red color w ill
broken horns and 1 roan and white ; can b
found at my farm 11 miles northwest of Omah ;
on Military road. Henry Logoman.
a 1825al815
JAMIIS : No , you cannot buy $10 South Oniahi
lots anyv. hero In the United States , except
ing at 310 South luth st. Next Sillo commence
Monday morning , Aug. 27 , atSlOSouth 15th st
Helen. b'jj
T > I < IISONAL Information Wanted Any per
X pen knowing the thereabouts of Mrs. .fcmil
Clarke will confer n favor to her brother by ad
dressing M. M. llrlckcr , Camas , llingham Co ,
Idaho. 7M 257
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or escnang
call on or a4dre d George J , SterusdorU
room B , opposite P. O. 2U1
iUKBONAli If youliavun personal item , o
any couimunUatlou , drop it in ono of'l'h
Bee's message boxes. 10U
SIIKKP for bain , A few thousands ; gooi' '
agud , wooled , w ustoru feeding ethers. Ai' '
ilrcss J. it. Odbcit , lto J i : . htreet , Lincoln , Not
171011 SALK-New mllth cows for Fale by D. I
JKodmiin. . ' .Hallo west of Harracks. S70 31
"l/'Oll ' SA LU Cheap ior cash , a good roadntc
-L1 7-ypnr-olil nnd ulinost new Columbus to
buggy haiueas ; If jou wun * . n line lookln
rig Itlll pay you to Inveatlgate. George .
Stcriisdoig , Hoom b , opp. P. O. t > W
AI1UAN now Kmer on uptight piano togotht
1th btool , scarf anil music ; will soil cheu
for caxhortaka pait trade. George J. btern
aorir. lioom C , opp. P. O. h52
FOH SA Ll'r-Planing mill machinery , Call i
iva Davenport st. Omaha. 310
" 1710U SA LK A now 0 beat Itockaway carrlas
4ut Leu .VNichoU' Uvory barn. * n\enty-elght
andLeaveuworth. 'felephono BIO. _ 417
TT OIt SALU rnrultur lu eight room house
J. owner leaving the city , will sell cheai
House und barn torrent IJiW Sherman nye.
_ _
TTlOU SALE-l-nirniture of twelve roomi f'
J-1 taw cash , vent * W , Income lleo , 1304 1'arnan
- _ _ J _ 778 2OT
FT.OOp tons of Ice for sale by Hooge Packing Cc
U Sioux City. GStiKi
TTiOIl HALIIA , few choice jullk cows. C. 1
JHarrison. . 41H8. MUi. _ _ itt.'A'i '
| 7KH SAMy'llie Jease ota ten room flat an
-JL furniture , which is nearly now. Addrei
U. 07. care lloe. - <
rnilOTTING breaiiorars : standard bred mares
-L In fonl to fiislilafnably bred stallions ; n few
choice ountj mares gojdlng * , broken to
harness and suitable for track or road. John
W. Watt. Moorelleia. Nell. 7iJ'J 7 *
7"i AS tlxtures for sale cTie/ip. / Have a large as-
vlsortment of the latest designs In gasllxtures
vhich I will sellnt cost. M. K. Krco , successor
to J. C. Klllott , agent , 151J1. Kaiuani st. 27S
" 171011 SALK rurnlturi'ilDarly new ; house U
-L rooms ; terms reasonrtblo. 170a Douglas , J ,
I , . Chamberlain. , 1M
FOll SALIV-Klegant , rarrlago her .e , new
phaeton aud linrne . Inuulro room 40 ,
Uarker block. c 411
fllAIILl ! board and furnished and unfur-
J. nlshed roonis in business center. 1'or par-
tlculais call ou Stevens llros , 1521 rarnaui
street. 01827
\\fl LL receive bids until September 1 for the
T V excavation and removal of about thrto
thousand cubluyuuls of dirt , corner 11th nnd
Capitol in e. 1' . Del lone , corner 12th ami Doug
las street. UJ5SJ *
B1IAUTIMJL faces and forinw guaranteed.
I'nco bleach removes frucklos. pimples and
wrinkles. Jl per bottle. Hook of receipts for
the comjilpxlon'2i cents. Send 4 cents' for cir
cular. Madame Huppvrt , 21 ! State st. , Chicago.
I AST clianco to got ono of these ten dollar
i South Omaha lots. Closing sale commences
Monday morning. Aug. 27th. at D10 S. 15th st.
rpJlKbnuJo taught as an art by Geo.F. Gellcn-
-L beck. WJ Harney si. Iffl
SEND your orders for flue family and gentle
men's washing and Ironing to Wing Slug , < XK )
North 10th St. ; will call for clothes in any part
of the city and luako tornts oil application. ( VX )
W POMAN'S Kxchange , 1G17 Fnrnam st. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. UW
AUCTION nud Storage Wo nre prepared to
receive consignments of furniture nnd other
goods for sale at nuctlori at our large salesroom
No. 1121 L'aniuin Ht. Cash advances made. Wo
have also the best of storage facilities. Outside
sales attended. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. ,
tV > R } _
OME for Destitute Women ana Children ,
Hurt st. ! HO
you nave anytnlng to trade cab on or address
dress George J. Sterusdorff. UooiuU , oppo
site postolllco 107
G K. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 Shcely block.
A UCT1ON and Storage We nro prepared to
-cxrecelvo consignments of furuitiu-o and othnr
goods for sale or storage At our warehouse , 1121
ruinain st. Outside auction sales attended.
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. U" 7 SO
fJIOH IlKNT Storage very cheap at Illock Sc
XJ llcyilian , clothleis , 11U l arnam Bt , Two
Ol plums' old stand. t2oa28
nillACKAQR. storage , lowest rates. W. M
X llushmnn , 1311 Leavonworth. 167
V\Tl I'll pav cash for a small pony and cart for
M child Address 2211) ) Leavimworthbt. 875 27 *
" \\fANTKD-Sccond-hand boiler , must beT
> T cheap and in good condition State
price , M70 and how long used , llrown's rustau-
laut , Lincoln , Neb. 755
A\T.ANTHU To buy or rent 2 ciinnots with
> hiu ness for fair , Sept. 2t ) , 27 , 2S , 1RS8. W. F.
I'nlne , Sidney , Neb. TJ12St
Sl'OT cash for second-baud furniture , stoves
and carpets. Anything from a bedstead tea
a house and lot. Orll & to. , 117 N. IBth st.
VV ANTKD To buy or traclo for a good build-
T ing that can bo moved , I'loaso call on
or address Oeorgo J. Stejcnldorir , room 0 , onuo-
iitol' . O. 2111
_ _
rANTT.lJ lloiisuhou\jCiuulttire , etc. , Oma-
hu Auction .V Storas&Co. , 1121 Tarnnm fct.
200 si )
WANTI2D Good houan and lot In desirable
part of the city ; will give tlrht-class bar-
pain to anyone.If suited. J Ueo. o. Sternsdord ,
Koom6. I'renzer bin. I alU
SUVJillAIj store buildings or housed that c.iu
be moved. Will jiar good price if bulled.
George J. Sternsdorlf , riom 0 , opposite pos5-
for secouilfhand furniture at A.
> W. Cowan's , iwi N. 10th bt. IKil SO
IF you have improved-1 business or icsltionco
property that you wish to sell , call and see
me. George J , btornsdorir , room 0 , opposite
postol'ice. > ? 231
buy furniture of a nouse or flat ceu-
trally located. Co-op. L. &L. Co JJ N. 16th.
YAI.KNTmll'S 8iiorthanil"nud ' 1 ypowritiHB
Institute is the largest and best ernilppeu
shortlMiul school in the west. Graduates all oc
cupy good paying situations. Students can en
ter at any time. Send for circular. Now Pax-
toil pulldlng , Omaha. BIOS. 3
, r\R. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med-
AJ leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. lath
tt..Kooins 2&3 Tel. U. 1U >
IVf ID f/AND Guarantco nnd Trust Co. , 15U5 > ar-
J-'J-nam Couipleto abstiacts furnished , & titles
to real estate examinud.perfected & guaranteed.
. _ _ _ 153
BENSON fc CAHMICIIAKIi fumlsh complete
nnd guaranteed abstracts of title ito any
real estate in Omaha and Douglas countv upon
short notice , 'i he most complete .set of abstract
boom In the city. No. 15U ) I'arnam st. 5i > 2
rilHK Omaha Financial Exchange , Uoom 11 ,
X Barker block , southwest corner of i'ar-
nam and 15th sts.
Jlukci a specialty of ihort-tuue collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand in sums of 1100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved s -
Becuied notes bought , sold or exchanged
Clear real estate and cash to exehango for
coed first or sec&nu mortgages ,
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bon-ls , trust deeds , first or second mortgage so-
curlty , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and falily. Itoom 15 , Darker
block. Corbett , .Manager. t2i )
GI'KKCRNTmoney tolpan casn on hand AV.
il. Harris , room 20 , I'roulzcr block , opp. 1' . O.
B KAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odell llros.
Co. . 312 S. ICth bt. fcM
OANS made to parties desiring to build. D.
V. Sholes rooni 1. Uarker block C4U
LOANS made on any available so-
\J curity. Heal ost.ito loans made on Omaha
city property. Secured notes bought All bus
iness done promptly , quietly and fairly at the
Chattel & .Heal Estate Loan Agency , Hoom 7 ,
Hedtlck block , 1500 Farnam St. , up stair
Archer & Hobbins. 701
MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan agency
In Oiuaha. Loans of } 10 to $10. ) made on lurnl-
turo , plaaos. organs.horses , wagons.inachluury ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly confidential. Loans GO made that any
part can bo paid at any time , each payment re
ducing the cost pro into. Advances made on
lluo w utchns aud diamonds. Persons bhould
caiefully consider who they are dealing with , as
many new concerns are dally coming into exis
tence. Should you need money call and see me.
W. ll. Croft , Hoom 4 , Withnell bulldlng.lSth and
Harney. ( U )
Hit. IltKY KUXano to loan on city property
aud improved farm land. Freuzer block
MON1JV Good commercial paper and short
time mortgages bough ; . Heal estate loans
negotiated. 8. A. Slomau , 13th and I'arnam.
_ ira
MONI3Y to loan onnorses , furniture ana other
personal property or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business couildwntLil. Ollloo S. W. cor
ner 15th and Douglas sts.T Entrance on nthst.
The Falrbank Investment .
fiOO/XMto loan on Orilalia city property at
per com. 0. W. Day , -so cor Ex. old , f3.1
MONEY to loan in any , amount , either for
buildlugor othcrwllkliit lowest rates oflu.
terest and on short notice. Mioles \ Hunt , suc
cessors to D , V. Sholwa , room 1 , Darker block.
TF you are figuring ou a. loan go and talk wltli
_ _ A. K. Hiley , 15U ) Farnam. 813
T3UILDING loans. Llnaluiii k MahoneyT
< l l > , w ) ) to loan on lusldo property Honu
jPllist mortgages for bule. Nathan Sheltou
160. > 1 ariiam nt , 758
DON'T b ow money on furniture , horses
wagons , etc. , until you have seen O. 11
Jacobs , room 410. First National bank bulldlne ,
cor , 13th and l araaia 055
MONEY to loan : cash on hands no delay. J
. jy- Squire , 13W Farnam bt. , First Natlona
bank building. HI
fONEYtoloan. Ixing time. Goortjo J. Paul
L 100U Farnam st. IBS
MONE\ loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral becurity
Business strictly confidential. A. K. Greenwood
& Co. , U1 , Cunningham block , cot * 13 It Jackson.
° < { 1 > city will farm loans wanted by A.K
UUey , 1519 Faruam. jfU
$ 500,000 to loan at i ! percent. Llnahan A Mahoney -
honey , Hoom too Pnxtoti block. 01,1
MONEY loined at C , F. Heed , V Co.'s Loan
olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other
article * of value w Ithout removal , 31H S. Ulh.
AH business strictly confidential < VX )
T\l ONKY to loan on turnlture , horses , wagons ,
JJJ etc. , or on any appro * , cd security. J , W. Hob-
bins. H , 20H Slicely blk. 15th and Howard. Mil
TOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heed \ Co. , 1521 Farnam.
DON'T fall to ceo A.1C , Hlley about your loan ,
lit 1.M ! ) Fariiam. 812
TJII HPT mortgage loans promptly placed. A.
JL ! 1C. Hlley , 1510 Farnam. 812
T OANSmadeon Improved and unimproved
J-Jclty propeity at lowest rates of Interest ,
special ratli enl urge loans ou lusldo proporty.
Udell llros. & Co. 313 3. 16th st. OJ7
ONKY to loan. oTr. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , l.vm Furnaiii st. ft'M
EASTKUN money cheap. City and country.
Olllce Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
rooniH. Hoard otTrade ( leu. W P. Coates 7 5
MONBY to loan ; largo nnd small sums at low
lutes , for short time , on real estate or
chattel security ; second notes bought ; all finan
cial business strictly confidential. People's Fi
nancial Exchange , O. Uouscart'ii manager ; room
1 MY Darker block , 15th aud Fiitniiin. 007
f ! PER CENT money to loan , Patterson & Har-
Unanl 3ia S 15th st Pl.t
keep on hand money to loan on inside
property in Omaha and South Om.iha lu
sums from WOO to fiooO. and as wo do our own
valuatlng , make all papers , etc. , wo can com
plete a loan any day you wish ami pay you the
money. Hates , Smith * Co. , Hoom 20J , Hamgo
building. 04
CHATTKLand collateral loans , M. E. Davis ,
111 S. 13th at. Uoom 27. 751
ONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
property , C. F. Harrison 41 * s. 15th st. 311
.1000 Oper cont. Money to loan on mpro-
_ - > ved farms or city property. James A. Wood
man , at tno old fire Insurance office of Murphy
& Lovctt. 220 S. 13th St. C54
FOHSAIii : A general stock , composed of
groceries , dry goods and boots and shoes.
Cash sales nro heavy , nnd the business well-
i-stahllshed. Location Is ono of the best lit Ne-
biaska , commauaing u liugo trade.
1'or particulars , address.V , D.Taylor , snperin-
tendunt Iliadstieet's agency. ( Jiuahii. 81U 7
171OH SAU-CheaVDld"slorTTjuridlnK ; ] , Iflx'-'J.
J3 Address 11 if , lleo olllco. K'M '
T71OH SALE Horse , buggy , harness-whip and
X1 lap robe , cheap. Pai t cash , balance monthly
payments. 1619 Dodge. 5'Jl-2.i
STOHAOE Safe , dry and clean nt low rates.
Hlddelt & Hidden , 1112 Howard. 4'4a25
POlt SALE Hoarding house , saloon nnd sta
ble , llesl location in Omaha. Apply to II.
launwoilcr , 411 S Ilth st. 721 25 *
[ T10H SALE or exchange The stock of a chart -
t ? teicd member holding the choicest oil lands
n Hattlesnako district , Wyoming. Address A
i7 , Hee oillce. 7b8 2W
FOll SA LE fl good restaurnntM , well located
and doing n good business. Parties desir
ing to enter business of this kind will do well by
calling and seeing w hat wo can oiler. To confec
tionery and cigar stores , lu good location : prlco
of one $550 ; rent S-5 , nnd the other about $150 :
icnt f l" > . Ono stocK of hardware and a peed sa
loon. Co-OperntlVo Laud & Lot Co. , S05 N. ICth.
I710K SALE Half Interest In permanent pay-
XT Ing ollico business , J100 cnsh , references ex
changed. Address 1114 , Heo olllco. SOU 27
FOH SALE Drug stock. Invoice $1,000 , In ono
of the best tow ns in state , will bo Bold at
bargain , must go at once ; have several stocks
in city and country for s.alo . nnd trade. N. W.
Druggist Agency. U 40' ' . Paxton block. 7ftl 27 $
SALOON Want part casli balance in good
property. II. E. Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental
block. 7U9 27
"IJIOlt SALE Umber shop and bath rooms In
X ? Paclllc hotel : will bo sold at a bargain after ,
Sept. Ibt. Charles Moser , Norfolk , Neb.
713 20 *
"IJIOH SALE llcstaurant complete , dishes
X ? tables , table linen , napkins , cutlery , chairs ,
ollico desk , and till in good shape. Feeding
rxO people n day , can bo bought at your own
pilco for a days only. H. II. Wnndell , 40S NlGth.
712 28
Foil SALE All Interest Inn good manufac-
tin ing business , miibt have 2,50U. Address
A 67 , Heo olllce. 075 27
T71OH SALE A w ell-established w holesalo and
X ; retail tobacco nnd cigar business , enjoying
n good jobbing trade In city nml country ; busl-
nesil is located on ono of the principal business
streets In the city. Good reasons for belling.
For particulars address X 65 , Heo ollico , 502
1Olt SALE-Cheap Tor cash , N. V. Hotel and
Hestaurnut , 7U9 N. IBth st. : good business ;
desirable location ; reason for selling , have
other business to attend to. Call ou or address
E. A. Marsh , W8 N. ICth st , OmalU. 631
T7IOH SALE At .Kearney , Neb. , the furniture
X ? nnd lease of Grand Central hotel. Tlo | second
end best house In the city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots. joiuga paying busi
ness. Price $1,500. Inquire T. .0. llnimard ,
Mldw ay hotel , Kearney , Neb. 271
FOR SALE A goodlumber.coal.ralagrlcultu
Implemeht and llvo stock builnessess. Addr
Hedge Hros. , Yutnn , Neb. 7U1 s 1
FOH SALK Or trade , for good productive
property , one of the best Hotels in Omaha.
Address. Xof Hoe olllce. 171 88
Foil SALE A first class bakery , ice cream ,
fruit onrt confectionery business lu Fre
mont ; Biilemlld location , good leasons for sell-
lug. Address Geo. Uasler. Fremont , Nob. 888
"TjTOll SALE Abstract books of Omaha nml
X ? Douglas county , This In an established ,
rapidly increasing , business , paying n
large Interest on the investment. For books
nnd good will of the business. Omaha leal es
tate or secured paper w 1th n fair cash paj ment
will bo taken. George W.Ames , 1507 rnrnnm ,
DKUG store , established 20 5 rs , tills clty.2lXKl
cash , rare bargain ; address X 03 Hoe. SlB-bO *
17 011 SAfiE Livery stable. Block and fixtures
X ! complete , nil nearly now , rent reasonable ,
centrally located. Address A 14 , lleo olllce.
474 a 131 :
"ClOlt SALE A good grocery , established four
X ? years , good location , doing a good business.
Good reasons for selling. $2,000 capital , and will
take nothing but cash. T 2U. Hee Olllco. COO
FOll SALE or exchange 8 drug blocks , , ' .
hardware. ! ! general merchandise , 8 boots
nnd shoe , " millinery , n groceries , 'I hotels , :
books and stationery. Insurance agency , ilairj
and milk route , foundry , 2 Job printing otllces ,
brick yard , pastry and colleo house , restau
rants , buloons , choice tcriltc.ry of fas.t selllnv
articles , grist mill aud many other choice busl
ness chances. Correspondence bollclted
Omaha Husiness Exchange , S. W. Cor. 15th and
Douglas , room 6. UW 27
FOll EXCHANGE Five room house and lol
f.0x7" > feet , on South lr > th st. Nice home
Want an SO aero farm. C. U. Meaghcr , room 2
over Ilnymond'st Jewelry store. U20-1J
rpo THADE Houses nnd lots , vacant lots
L farms nnd horses and 50 acres adjoining
Lincoln , Neb. Stevens Hros. U18 27
C-HOOM house nnd good lot on S , 10th st. , foi
house and lot in Kountzo Piece ; reason foi
change , moving business to north part ot town
Apply at ouco. C. F. Ilarilson , 418 S , 15th at.
WHAT have yon to trade for hu acres or lane
unincumbored In .lunean county , Wls ,
Smiles fiom county seat. O. J. Sturnsdorlf.roon :
8 , opp Postolllco. 107
IF you have a stock of groceries , general mer
thundlse , hardware , drugs or millinery good1
to exchange for western laud nnd some cash
nddiess , John * Case , Cambridge , Neb.
720 28-
ACHE property lightly encumbered for gooi
farm land. H. E , Cole Itoom 0 , Continental
800 27
\\niAThave you totradofor some north
t > western oil stock ? Address U B , lleo olliec
GOOD farm lands in Iowa or Nebraska , am
cahh to exchange for mds
general > e , Co-opei
atlvo Land \ Lot Co. , UU" > N , 10th st , 411 }
HE. COLE glvos special attention to u *
changing property. Call nnd see us. II
E. Cole , Hoom 6 , Continental block. RJ ) 27
GJ. STEHNSDOItl-T , Uoom 6 , opposite I
O. , Irns boino choice farm land to trad
for city property. Will assume lisht Incim
bran ces. _ ai
EIGHTY (80) ( ) acres of ami adjoining Lar !
Munaw a. Council. Hluits. Ja. This trac
will make 400 beahtlf ul lots and U fret ) trot
encumDriinco. What nave > ou to oiler ? ( leonj
J.Slern3di > rU roomu , opp f' . o. _ 1U7
MFHANKIllN formerly of Ml Paxton Illdn
.will carry on hi i trading .at IMl FarnaniBl
lleillck's Hlovk at PauUeu aud Arnewan's rooi
and will always hnvo a good list of propart
to trade and exchange. 450
rp HAWKS mails in real e Ute and perooni
X. property. See excUwii.9 book. ( Jo-oo. 1
andL. Q.aOjN..16tlist. ] '
OL EAK , HO Dlxon Co. . Neb. , ' for equity In Ic
or house ana lot , H. B.Col9' llooia 0. Coi
tlneutul block. '
T OTS on car line lightly Inctimbf rod for farm
XJiaud. U , U , Coir , IK ) , Coutlneutal.Rip
Rip 27
ELKOANT 10 room home , all modeni conven
iences , ono block of cable : wnnt some cunli
balance gowl property. 11 , K , Cole , Itoom 0 ,
Continental block. 7t".i1/7
? 1M'-Ut lot in Drown Park , South Omaha for
V/fartu latul. It. K. Cole , Hoom U , Continental
block. 7i > 3 27
"VXrilAT have you to otfer for lA O acres of
T T timber landl u West Virginia , clear of In-
cumbratice , perfect title. George J , Storusdorlf ,
Hoom a , opposite P. O. 2:11 :
BHICh. Wanted 100,000 bricks in cxcnuiiKo
for good Inside Omulm property. 8. A.
Bloman room 22 nnd 23 Hollnuiii bldg. ml
COUNCIL Hluirs lots lightly iuciimberod , for
farms or Omaha property , H , K. Cole ,
Hoom 0. ContlnentaL WO S7
WANTKD A good horse , liugmr and harness
In cxchango for South Omaha lots. George
J , Steinsdorlf , room 0 , opp postolllce. S30
WILL give you n coed tnmo tor an eight or
trn room House nnd lot. Qeorgu J , Htcrns-
dorff , Itoom 0 , opposite P. O. SJ1
FAHM1NG in eastern Nebraska pays now.
To the o wanting t6 go on n farm we can
toll how to get good land with veiy little money.
The day that this can bo done will soon bo
passed. M A. Upton Company. KC7
VACANT lots on car line lightly encumbered ,
nlso equity in house and lot for farm likud.
111' ' . Hee blllco. 877 0 *
TTlOll SALE-NIco 7-room cottage in lledlck
X1 park $2,500 , very easy term. C. 1' . HarrUou , , t < 0t
SHOPMEN , attention-Dura lot right in town.
1 have u number of 'M ana Xi foot lots with IS
foot tilley , S blocks from paved streets mill
horse curs , s blocks * from line brick public
school. Walk out nnd look at them , cor. iL'nd
and California sts. , will sell to llrst purchasers
nt $1,000 , on very easy terms , J. 11 , Evans , 1510
Dodge st.
For salo-Nnw 4-room house , a closets , heotlng
and paper under the siding ; snug , warm homes ,
lot ! W.x'i8 on Charles st ou the hill , tl.WO , $200 or
3.100 c.ish , balance monthly. J , 11 , Evans , 1510
Dodge st.
For sale Lots In Hitchcock's add , to these
who will build : no cash required. .1,11. Evans ,
1510 Dodge st.
1'or sale A handsome 0-room cottngo on easy
terms , lot 40xU > 0. bouth front In line location ,
12,000. Monthly payments. J. II. Kvuns. 1510
Dodge st.
For sale , choice and cheap A tiO-foot cast
front corner lot , llanscom place , only } 2,200.
easy lerms. Choice full lot In Hawthorue , at
grade , Jl.liUO. Mngiiltlcoiit building site , 150 feet
east front , ovoilooklng everything , 150 tcet oust
of Dundee , cheap and easy terms. South and
cast front corner , Pleasant st , at i oit. The best
properly lu the city for sale by J. II. lvann ,
1510 Doago. M'lJW
T71OH SALE or trade for good Omaha prop-
X ? erty :
5GO ucro farm , .150 ncres Improved , good build
ings , orchard , pasture , all No. 1 tillable land ,
tw o miles from railroad station.
aid ncro farm. 200 acies cultivated , orchard ,
small fruit , laigo giove , good buildings , all good
bottom hind I1/ miles from county seat.
400 acres , highly impioved farm , IKW
bearing apple trees , small fruit , timber and w a-
tcr , large house and barn , 4 miles from county
y0 | aero farm , 200 under cultivation , largn now
house , Mablos , pasture , timber nnd wutcr , 1H
miles f 10111 county seat.
These lands are all situated in Tliayer county.
Neb. , in the best crop region In tin * state. This
s your chnnca to buy or trade for w hat Is woi th
.he money. For prices and terms call ou or
\rllo C. 11. Coon ,
Hoom S3 , Ware llldg ,
" 40 27 Cor. 15th nnd Furnam sts. , Omahn , Neb.
BIG Thing 11 lots , ft blocks N. E. of depot nt
Albright , South Omaha , that wore reserved
localise of their sightly location , can bo had if
.akcii this week at one-halt their actual value ;
owner leaving cityM. . A. Upton Company.
Foil SALE 100 acres No. 1 hay land in Doug
las Co. , only 8 miles fiom Omaha.
010-acro ranch , with stock nud nil improve-
nents , nt n great bargain , lu West einNebiaska.
Several houses and lots , and Inrgo interest
luj Ing property for sale. For further particu
lars apply to Martin Calm i : Co. , real estate , 1321
Furimm st. , up btulrs. 731 23
TUMI SALE At * ) ,5 0 , under price , corner lot ,
- ( UxlTii ) , on L and Slth streets , South Omaha.
D. D. Smeatoii , linker block , Omaha. 700 27
I710H SALE 70xr. 0 Hainoy and 25th stieet ,
X ? IKxl'll Hartley and 20th street ; finest resl-
lenco property in the city. CiOxl.'EI 20th near
Nicholas street. Lots in WIse & Parmaleo's and
HiIggs'place. Will take some moitgago notes
and brick. 1'aul. 1W. Fatnain. Oii3
FOll SALE Or exchange. We have bema
good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or trade for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots and shoes , groceries or hardware. Schles-
Inger lira * . , CM S. 10th st. Citf
FOll SALE The very bestland In Cheyemu |
county. Neb. , from $ . " ( .00 to 17.00 an acre.
1 tenth down , balance in ten annual tqual pay
ments' . Leddlo liros. , Julobburg , Colo.
fl 800 buys n full lot and good 4-room cottage ,
P easy terms and good location. Bholes A :
Hunt , successors to U. V.Sholes , room i , litukor
bbck. ! B
I AM instrnctod to soil a $750 lot in South
Oulahn , in good location , for $50 cash balance
easy nnd for every $100 more cash R2& less on
the prlco. U. 1) . Smeutou , Darker block ,
Omaha ,
TTlOlt SALE New f > room cottage , full lot , cor ,
X7 iiith and CasB , only S-,20i ) , nntllSept. leasy ;
terms. C. H. Sllkworth , ICOiFarnam. 084-27 *
SPLENDID bargain , lot on 17thstreet in Kirk-
wood , worth iM.ftOU , for 81,000. Easy terms ,
Owner must have money. II. E. Cole , room 0 ,
Continental block. 601 27
/1IIANCE to get a little homo in a line location
v in South Omaha on small payment down ,
balance $15 monthly. D. D , Smeaton , HarKov
block , pnitthu. 7ti5 s 3
.71011 SALE A good bargain ; a bourdlns
X ? house with saloon ; ten rooms ; completely
furnished. Address 11. 24 , lleo olllco D2-J 28J
TJIOIl SALE Or trade ; 4 new fi-room cottages ;
X' Iblock from paved street ; caller address 11 ugc
& Luobber , 57 Ifarkcr block. 027-27J
. makes tiri > t payment on a flue 7-rooui
house 5 block from paved street , nnd in one
ortho best residence locations in the city. Hotter
tor investigate this. II. K , Cole , room fl , Contt
nentnl , Mil S7
FOIl SALE NewB-room house , all modern
improvements , near corner Woolworth anil
Virginia avenues , Hnnscotn Place , $1,500. C
F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th Bt. 4S3
/COMMENCING Monday morning , Aug. 27 , ]
V wlll sell 40 more of these 810 South Omaha
lots , at 310 South 15th st. bay
terms a nice new house and full lot
{ 4,000. a his Is a bargain. Only JJOO cash
balance to suit. Also two elegant houses anil
lots in llanscom place on easy terms. WS11 tak <
a good building lot as part payment of any ol
the above. Stevens llros. , 15'il Furnam. U1S-27
$150 cash and $15 per mouth will buy a nici
i\W \ > cottngo near car lino. Steven :
Hro3. , 1521 Farnam st. Ulb-27
TTOUSES and lots In all pait.sof the city 01
J Xensy terms. Steven llros. , 1521 Farnam st
" | 7OUH ! lineonst front lots in South Omaha
XJ must ho sold roguidloss of cost , for n bar
gain call on D , li. Smeatou , Barker block
Omaha. 8233
"VTEHHASlvA fa'ins Wo have some good IfiC
JL > aero forms up the Elkhorn valley with J40Q
and ifoCO long time mortgages ngulnst then
that from MOO to J OO cash will buy the equities
Now Is the tlmo to invest lu Nebraska farn
lauds , although selling cheap they nre valuabli
and more productive than custom land valuoi
at four or the times our prlco. M , A. Upton Co
/1OUNCIL Illulls Tlia very choicest rosldeno
WBito lii Council Illuirs , fronting three streets
six blocks from the postolllce , largo plat o
ground , high elevation and magnlllcent view
Can offer this lor u few days at a low price. Cai
be bought only of us. M. A. Upton & Co.
BEAUTIFUL 11.000 depot nt Druid Hill 01
belt line , ! ! ' ) lots near tills depot at a llgun
that will miiko buyer humUome returns ou in
vestment. M. A. Upton Company. 807
T710H BALE Fine cast front iUn.icom Plac
X ? lot. 61 feet front on grade , t2noo , } j casli
handy to bouth Omaha suburban trains. O , I
Harrison. 418.S 15th st. 48 ' , )
\N easy term * , some splendid homes. Don'
Wpay lent , but como and see EOIH of thes (
H , E. Colu , loom ( l , Continental. bOl 21
FOH SALE-Hy loxtor ) I , . Thomas , nt N (
braskn 8a\lngs Hank , IGth and Farnam
30 per cent elf value.
lu lull Jots at grade 0 blocks from postofllc
block. South Omaha. { 500 each , terms to bull
who wants first choice ?
i ) lots on Farnam street , east of Dundee Pu.c <
north or south fronts , fi,5iu oacn and Jess.
ft nicest full lots In Hedtord Place.south front !
choice U700 , terms easy.
10 nicest corner lots and adjoining In Llncol
Placevery cheap andtorms to suit.
Sand 10 acre timber tracts 0 es fromOmah
P.O. , * 10d per acre.
nl87fa2 ? by * 'lorflaeOi cau't be beat fc
small fruit tfiO
, per acre ,
I own the above as well asloti In various a (
Coin1 ! ! ? 8 lot5 oa west DroatlWR :
Bee me for a bargain.
DaxterL. Thomas , at N brasVa S7lng n.inl
Hoard Qf Trade building. Ui. |
ITHB SALB Improved farm of 80 acres ; goo
* - . orcli rd.fencei. bonM. barn , outbuilding
"Jd Hvlng vrater ; fifteen miles from Oman- -
The bast produca and llva stock market in tl.
Omaha.P'r Mre > C > r' HrrUon'4U P-I5tl
7-Jl-N cotUgos and lots near P.O. and st. car * ,
Jll.KXi , i.i'1 cash , balance monthly. I ) . C. Pat-
tenon. Omahn Nat. bank bulldlug. M5 31
T AM agent for como of the llnps trosldenco
.1 lots in llanscom Flare and can offer them at
figures It wl I pay you to Investigate. Hicks ,
Hoom 40 , Darker block. 411
GJ. STKHNSDOHFF. room a opposite post-
. olllce. will cell you a good 4-room house
on Ifith street , 2 blocks south nf car Hue , by pay.
ing MM catm. Imlanpo monthly payments to
bull. This Is a Hploudld opportunity for any.
ono wanting a cheap horn- . 201
IJUIHSALK It.KXIfora neat 5-room cottage ,
J2011 Gracu Rtnico homo fora mechanic wont
ing In the north part of town. Easy payments.
C. P. Harrison. 41H South 15th st. ail
SOl'TIIOMAIIA-Lot U. block 77 , S. K. corner
atlli and M streets , 6 room house , t10,000 , } {
Lot 14 , block 7i > . S. K. corner 2ith nud M streets ,
13,000. ' cash , House on this rents Illi ,
If thesocorners were on S street thev would
sell for MOW > each. M will bo a hotter street
than N in a year from to-day. Each ono of
thoMjcorners will make seven business lots. M.
A. Upton * Co. 803
ONLY a few lots left In II. * M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to offer/
George J. Slarnsdortfi Hoom 6 , opiCP. O. SU
WILL soil a lot near Lowe nve. for ! IMO , and
loan } tVXI ( to lutprovo s line , on f r > month ,
ly payments , Address. D. c. Patterson. 491
171011 SALE-IleautlfiilB-room house with all
X1 modern Improvements , full lot , Kouutz
place , $7noO : M cash , Will trndo for good viv
cant business property on lower Saunders st ,
C. F. Harrison , 41S S)5thst. ) M
FOll SALE A beautiful residence lot In Isaao
iVSeldeu'H addition ; it you want a bargain ,
investigate. Oeorgo J. SternsdortT , Itoom 0 ,
opjt. i > . O. 681
171011 SALK I am prepaicd to build joua
X1 good house In u good location and taka
monthly payment * on the house nnd lot. Call
and see mo about It. C. 1' , Harrison , 4 IS 8 15th.
171011 SALE Full lot nnd largo 2-story houss
X1 of 7 largo rooms , good well , collar , cistern lu
the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cur. ,
church , school and stl > ro close by. All new and
complete , * Sft i. Small cash payment , baluuco
monthly. Just the place lor a man of modernta
means nnd largo family. Como nud see mo
nbout It. 0. F Harrison. 418 S , nth t. NW
EAST front lu ShuU's 2 < l add. throe-quarter ?
of n blk from thn route of cabin ; lot 50x127 ,
ft fectiabovo grade ; 12,800 If taken quick. C. F.
llarrlbon. 118 S 15th. 171
Mrs. J. 1) . SimuUtiii'r , of Sioux Cityis
the { juust of Mrs. J. N. Cusiuly , on Oult-
Iniui iivonuo.
Mrs. Uoos. wife of Kov. AV. II. W.
Rocs , is visitiuj * ; with rolutives nt ( . 'res-
ton , Atlantic untl other nuifjhboring
Miss Allio Birtonger and Mrs. Mnso ,
of Omaha , an * in the city for a fo\v dnys ,
the quests of Mr. and 5lrt ) . U. S. Bron-
M. I. Sears returned yesterday morn
ing from a woolc'tt visit at Daveiumrt.
Contrary to fjenoral oxpootatioii , no returned -
turned tilono , and will haveto miilco
another trip.
Mort Ilotbon , of the pay dopartuiont
of the Uoclc Island , with hoadquartora
in Chicago , is spending his annual
week's vacation with his cousin , Fred
W. Lninb , in this city.
W. L3. Butler , of Hod Oak , court rep -
p ortor for Judge Deotnor , was in the
city yesterday. ] Io loft last evening
for Clarinda , whore .ludgo Deonior will
open a three weeks' term of court to
Prof. DcNorinandio arrived in the
oily yesterday , very much improved in
health from his eastern visit. Ho will
asbtimo the position ho vacated on leav
ing hero , via : orgunUt at tlio Congre
gational church , next Sunday.
Miss Giibsie Stagg , daughter of John
Stagg , who for borne time has hoon engaged -
gaged as operator at the South Omaha
Stock exchange , has been promoted to a
responsible position in the practical
operations of the " \Vcatern Union olllco
in Omaha.
W. II. "Wnro , csq. , arrived home yes
terday from the west. lie has , during
the past week , been engaged in a law
&uit at Guiuiison , in which the title to a
tract of land in central sub. is involved.
The contesting parties are Mr. Mullen ,
an old resident of this city , and Wil
liam Soidentopf. Ware represented
the latter and won the case.
Prof. J. R. Carrothcrs , who has been
connected with the Western Iowa college -
logo of this city for some time , has ro-
bigned as secretary of that institution
and accepted a position with the Omaha
business college. lie will outer upon
his new duties this morning , as princi
pal ot the shorthand and mathematical
departments , and assistant in the com *
Miss Carrie , daughter of S. S. Slov-
cos , general manager of the Chicago ,
Rock Island & Pacific , loft Friday even
ing for Salt Lake City , whore she will
ronmin about four weeks viewing the
the sights of the capital of Mormondom.
She was accompanied by Mrs. J. L. Fil
more , wife of the general superinten
dent of the Central & Southern Pacific
Superintendent W. J. Hancock , of , the
Wolla. Fargo & Co. 'a express , returned
yesterday from the cast , accompanied
by his family , and will at once close up
his business hero preparatory to remov
ing to Now York City , where ho is now
located as general superintendent of
the Wells , Fargo & Co.'s express. The
removal of himself and his estimable
family is universally regretted by the
citizens of Council BlulTa , especially
those who have had business relation's
with Mr. Hancock since ho beoamo a
resident of this city several years ngo.
Ho is a most genial gentleman , a thor
ough business man , nnd ono possessing
such excellent qualifications of hand.
and heart that any city would bo proud
to number him among its citizens. The
best wishes of every citizen of Council
Bluffs will go with Mr. Hancock and his
family to their eastern homo.
An employe of the Union Pacific by
the name of Hull was struck by a west
bound dummy train just west of the
transfer yesterday nnd seriously in
jured. Dr. J. II. Cleaver , the com
pany's surgeon , was called to the spot ,
but before ho arrived the injured man
had been taken to Omaha. Both Jogs
were badly mangled nnd the unfortu
nate man woa also severely cut and ,
bruised about the head.
The Gorman's Minstrel nine will play
a game this afternoon at Mannwa Ath
letic park with the Bluffs club. There
will bo no admission fee charged at the
gate , and there will doubtless bo a good
attendance. The Germans carry a llrst-
class ball team , and have yet to ba
beaten. The clubs will leave for the
lake on the 2:45 : motor , BO as to got back
In time for the ovaning performance.
If no hits are made during the after
noon , there will surely bo a number of
good ones in the evening.
The Chicago flyers are now a thing of
the past. The Burlington and Uocle
Island rends have both abandoned ,
their fast trains and in another weclc
the Northwestern will increase the run
ning time of its fast train
about two hours between this
point and Chicago. No trains will
bo abandoned on this lino. The changes
on the Union Pacific will goMnto effect
next Sunday. It is postponed until that
time to nccommodato tno Central Pa-
aifio , which has not vat issuqd its new
time cards. It is probable that tha
Union Pacific will return to the old
tlmo card , as there is no necessity for ?
ita trains to arrive hero iu th
middle of the afternoon when
there are no outgoing trains
on tli eastern Hues uutll ovouluC (