B 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. AUGUST 27. 1888 : THE DAILY BEE. \ COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. IS 1'KAHLi 8TIU3UT I- Delivered by Carrier lu Any 1'nrt of the CH" ot Twenty Cents 1'er Week. ' I II , W. TII.TON . . .VlANAOBlU " 4.1 NIOIIT KWTOU. .og'j. MINOR MKNX10N. N. Y. Plumbing company. John .TclTorsoii Jtnd Annlo McCain , - ' both of Omaha , wore miirrlod Saturday ' evening by Squire Hriggfl. The V. A. S. society will hold a rogu 5 lar meeting thla overling at the O. A. II. hall. A full attonduncu ! H desired. * Mr. and Mrs. Grayson. of South First street , uro rejoicing over the recent ar rival of a nlno and a half pound daugh ter at their homo. The Council Bluffs presbytery of the Presbyterian church , will meet at this jilaco Tuesday , September 4. The ses sion will open at 8 p. in. Dr. Wade Gary's pacing mare , Lo- reno , won u race in straight boats at k- Onkaloosa , Friday ; best tlmo 12:223. : This is the fastest time ever made on the > Oskaloosa track. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \VllliamHnssoy died Friday night of dropsy of the heart. The funeral took ' place'ycsturdav from the residence four miles south of the city. Gorman's minstrels appear at Do liany's this evening , and will doubtless bo greeted with a packed house. On the occasion of their fast visit standing room was at n premium. The hnhctiH corpus proceeding of A. M. Fairliold for the possession of his child , has buon continued until the regular term of the district court , which convenes to-morrow. The democratic county convention will bo held to-day at the court house , for the purpose of selecting seventeen delegates each to the congressional , fitato and judicial conventions. Olllcer Cusick found a heavy winter overcoat hanging on a lamp post nt the corner of Broadway and Seventh street yesterday. The owner can have the same by applying at the police station and proving property. Hereafter the republican head quarters is Masonic tomplc will bo kept open each week day and evening , and a ? supply of daily papers and periodicals < will bo on hand for the benefit of call ers. All ro welcome. The formal opening of Dohany'sopera house will take place next Wednesd evening , on the appearance of Miss Vornona Jarbeau in ' "Starlight. " The now and beautiful drop curtain will then bo used for the first time. The headquarters of the Young Men's Republican club have been finely and tastefully decorated with Hags , bunting , etc. , and present a very inviting ap pearance. The work was designed and executed by two members of the club , who arc entitled to great credit for good taste and skill. Ye&lerday morning Rev. G.V. . Crofts , pastor of the Congregational church of this city , who has returned from his Hummer vacation , preached to a full house on "Fellowship with Christ. ' " The music was effectively rendered by n quartette consisting of'Miss Christie , Miss Liddoll , Prof. McDermid and Mr. "VVcsteott. There was a lively "scrap" at the Western house at an early hour ycstor- day morning. When the police arrived nil of the participants with the cxcop- tion of Henry Kalor had skipped out. Kalor was arrested , and is awaiting trial this morning. The others arc known , but have disappo.ired and it : s thought have left the city. George Rodony hired a team at the "Rink Stables" Saturday night for the purpobo of "Oriving his mother out homo. " Instead of that ho drove to the Mint and took in three other follows , and was preparing to leave when ho was arrested for obtaining property under false pretenses. Ho could not give bail and was locked out. The Printers and Groondalcs played a lively game of ball at the Driving park .yesterday afternoonresulting in a crushinfr.defoat for the latter nine by a score of 23 to 4. Batteries Martin and Jones for the Printers , and League and Huso for the Groondalos , The game was for $20 a side. The typos are play ing goodjmll , and can down Rudio's darlings if a game can bo arranged. The Council Bluffs delegation to the Denver deep water convention loft the transfer depot for the west at 11:30 : yesterday - - torday forenoon. The pearly was a merry ono , consisting of ton individuals who will do all in their power to advance the interests of this city as opportuni ties for bo doing may arise during their absence.They will bo gone about a , week , expecting to return next Satur- ilay.Tho The Strcotsville Sabbath school will give a concert and basket festival to morrow evening at the Episcopal miH- hion building on Eighteenth street. Each gentleman attending will bo charged 1W cents admission. Each lady \vliq'fails to take a basket of provisions will bo charged 15 cents. The gontlo- inon will receive tlekots at the door entitling - titling them to a supper and the lady who prepared it. A-horbo and buggy belonging to Mr. Nichols , foreman of Croon's packing y .house , was stolen from in front of K. Mottaz' store on Broadway Saturday evening. The thief drove rapidly down Broadway and has not boon scon since. The horse was found grazing in a ravine near the packing liouso yester day morning. The harness and buggy have not been hoard from. It is sup posed that the thief camped for the night and that the animal got away from him and returned home. The identity of the party Is unknown. The police are looking for him. Yesterday was a very "heavy" day at Lake Manawa , ttio attendance being barely a hundred. The proposed ball game with the Crane Bros , team did como off , as the visiting club failed to put in an appearance. The few visitors amused themselves in the usual man ner. The hotel was opened for the day but the management nro conducting the place in such a manner that no money can bo lost there , even it none is made. If the regatta is secured for the ( ith and 7th of September it will make things lively at the hike ; otherwise it is probable - able that this season'a business is no.irly at an end. Benson fc Shepherd have lots front ing on First avenue from Twenty-third street to the river at prices and terms to suit anybody. See them before you bjiiy. bjiiy.J. J. G. Tlptou has bargains in real estate. FJU line of sheet music at Council Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway. Patrons of the Pacific House have none but words of praise for the atten tion given them. E. II. Sheafo it Co. , make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllce Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Now blue grass and timothy at Foa- ron'a. \VHAT \ WAS DONE IN THE CITY , Ohlof L'dcaa Looks Out For a Sober Sunday. ATTEMPTED HORSE STEALING. A Sermon For the Serious Stolen ami Lost Tracked niul Trapped by the Police Trnvrleil ilio Wrong Iloiul. Prohibition Prohibited Yesterday. The saloonists have evidently con cluded that Chief Lucas intends to dons ho says in regard to keeping the saloons closed on Sunday , as every ono of them was locked up "tighter than a drum" yesterday , both at the front and rear. The effect of it was notlcnblo , as not a drunk was to bo fcoon on the streets , or registered at police headquarters. Two of the "boor jorkers" prolonged their Saturday night's trade into Sunday morning , thinking that the alert Chief would not bo abroad at that unseasona ble hour , but their illusion wan abruptly dispelled about 2 o'clock , when that olll- ciont olllcor collared them at their hole- in thc-wnll on the "Row. " and marched them to the station. They were both Ethiopians , and gave the names of Hen ry Stuart and .1. R. Roliiihon. They gave bonds for their appearance this morning. Stuart was "pinched" a few days ago for being involved in a free- for-all fight with his sister and other members of the family. Benson & Shepherd have lots in all additions , especially toward the river. Their titles are perfect on everything they oiler. Ijiiwl Sermon of the : Summer Morion. The pastors of the various churches have given a bories of most excellent sermons upon practical topics in the union services hold during the past three months. The last of the series was held last evening at the Broadway Methodist church. The sermon was by Dr. Cooley , of the First Baptist church , and was fully up to the standard of those that have preceded him. The subject was 'The strength of Ro manism. " In opening ho saiu : It is well for every Christian and intelligent man to know the cause or reasons for any institution which has lasted forcenturies and has exerted a controlling influence over a largo portion of the hu man race. Such an institution is the Roman Catholic church. It claims to have existed since the introduction of Christianity and to bo coeval with it , and is acknowledged to bo over twelve hundred years old. It s hoary with antiquity , and hay sur- ived the rise and fall of empires , and many succeeding dynasties and royal 'amilies. * * * During the middle ges it restrained barbarism and culti vated learning. In her raonastaries she preserved the literary productionsof for- ner ages and the love of learning. It s a question whether the choice litera- , nro of the classic ages of Greece and Romp would have been lost to the world : iad it not been for this church. All of , ho scholars of the dark ages belonged , o the clergy. They were the teachers , the writers , as well as the preachers of Christendom. It was rare , in those udo and turbulent times , to II nil ono outside of the clergy who could write his own : iaino. Says Macaulay : "There s not , and never was on this earth , a ivork of human policy so well deserving examination as" the Roman Catholic church. " The history of that church joins to gether the two great ages of human civilization. No other institution is .eft standing which carries the mind back to the times when the smoke of sacrifice rose from the Pantheon and when camelopards and tigers bounded in the Flavian amphitheatre. The proudest royal houses are but of yester day when compared with the line of the "Supremo Pontiffs. " The papacy remains , not in decay , not a muro antique , but full of life and youthful vigor. * * * The dominance of the church by conflict and acquisition were detailed by the preacher. She now claims that she will have under her dominion this fair America. She is increasing hero with wonderful rapidity and from this fact wo should study her sources of power and ascertain what are her purposes for the future. This strength is owing : First to her extraordinary history , running back to the earliest ages. Wo are not disposed to grant her claim to bo coeval with Christianity and her descent from the apostles , for it was not 'till the com mencement of the seventh century that the Roman Catholic church was fully established and the primacy of the bishop | of Rome confirmed. The per iod of existanco covered by the various churches was compared by the speaker , showing that none beside this can lay claim to any antiquity. The bamc chants and hymns that were sung dur ing the first four centuries are sung to-day , and "it is her boast that her creed has never been changed. " * * The very fact that she has ex isted unchanged through the ages ; that she has lived and flourished through the varying circumstances else so many centuries ; that she has encountered - countered , so many foes and has out lived them : that she has stood the test of time , is , so far as it goes , a proof ol her adaptation to the wants of the world and the truthfulness of her claims. This argument is put forth as unanswerable by her apologists and kept in the foreground in all controver sies. A church that has stood the strain of centuries , sny they , must bo divine , Second : Her strength is owing to the great amount of truth embodied in her system. That truth will stand and orroi must fall is axiomatic , but a systeir partly true and partly false is danger ous because the truth connected with il gives it life and vitality. All systems of religion which have existed for n great , period of time have more or less truth connected will : them. Mahomotanism lays grcal stress on this unity of the Godhead and the doctrine of future rewards and punishments. The heathen religions had a distinct idea of the evil of sin and the value of virtue. Confu cianism and B mill ism hnvo these special cial truths , Each in some way has spoken to the consciousness of the hii' man heart , and in some measure hai met the felt want of the human soul. Otherwise their sway would have beer extremely limited and transient. Tin greater the amount of truth oxpressei by any ono of these religions the widoi has been her rule and the more lasting her power. Hero Catholicism is strong It has always been recognized as ortho dox as far as the essential doctrines' o the bible are concerned She is to hi censured not so much for what she denies nios as what she holds. It is for the execs other teachings that wo would arraigi her. She has supcraddcd to the gospe the teachings and traditions of tlv church , and by this means baa oltoi made the commandments of God of no effect. There is truth enough in her creed to save every pinner. The speaker referred to notable examples of this fact , names made immortal by their connection of good dcuds imd heroic lives. The other elements of strength noted by the speaker are : The devotion of the church to art and the esthetical part of nature. Its extraordinary or ganization. Her use of every talent in the church. Her relation to political pat-ties and her flexibility , or her power to adjust herself to now conditions of society. She iscastlron in her creed , so that hero she never changes , but she has such power of adaptation that she fits herself to various conditions of society and forms of government. She is very different hero in the United States from what she is in Italy and Spain. Different in England and Ger many from what she is in Austria and Portugal. In ono country nho is the friend of education and learning ; in another an enemy of the Mime. In ono country she circulates the bible ; in an other she represses it. In ono couutry she advocates the largest liberty of con science and freedom from all interfer ence by government in matters of re ligion ; in another she culls upon the state to suppress all dissent from the moslsovoro measures. This sermon will be followed soon by one upon the "Weakness of Romanism , " thus giving both sides of this question as reviewed from the position occupied by this reverend gentleman. A list of fifty vacant dwellings for rent can be obtained at office of E. II. Sheafo & Co. , corner Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Bill of fare : Music , refreshments , dancing , gt > od time. One ticket takes them all. Beuo's hall , Tuesday night. S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money. If you have property for sale at a bar gain list it witli us and wo will advor- lito it free of charge. A. A. Clark & Co. , corner Broadway and Main , over American express. Not ii Very AVIilto Trick. Saturday afternoon a young man rep resenting himself as the sou of George Graybill , hired a livery rig at Dohany's stable to go a few miles into the coun try. He drove to Omaha and olTcrcd to sell the outfit for $17i ) . Ono of the horses was recognized by a man named Peterson , who put the policeon the track of the fellow. Ho was arrested and gave the name of Frank White , which proves to be his correct name. Mr. Uohany was notified of the occur rence and ho sent Mr. .lames Brooks after the team and man. White con sented to return to Iowa boil , and was accordingly brought b.ick here yester day afternoon anil lodged in the county jail. OIHcor Ward , of the Oniuhii force , was detailed by Chief Seavey to bring the follow across. The team was re covered intact. The prisoner has a hard reputation and is accused of being engaged in a similar transaction on a former occasion with a team belonging to M. Weatherbeo. White will have his preliminary examination to-dayhut will not have to wait long for the grand jury. His little triclc will cost him a term in the pen. Got your lawn gra s seed at Fearon's. Choice celery at Fearon's. Social party at Bono's hull Tuesday night by the Acme club. Refresh ments and dancing. Music at 80. : ; ! You can buy cheaper of Benson & Shepherd than of any ono else. They own the property they oiler. No com mission to pay. A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok ers , have a list of choice inside property on their books. Nothing but bargains offered. A Traveler Tupped tile Till. The till of Hugh McDonald's fruit stand , 402 } Broadway , was robbed yes terday noon while the proprietor was at dinner. During the forenoon a well dressed stranger went in there and sat down , and said that lie was a Now York traveling man , but was "dead broke , " having been boo/ing considerably since arriving in the city a week before. Ho said he had several trunks at the Bech- telo , which statement was untrue. Hugh sympathized with him , and loft him there when ho went to dinner. The stand was in charge of a little boy who clerks there and who had the key to the cash drawer. A small sale was made and the clerk received a peculiarly marked dime. lie put it in the drawer after examining it closely out of curiosity , and then stopped outside to make another sale , leaving the key in the drawer. Shortly after ward the drummer came out , toolc a cigar from the showcase and handed the boy a dime , with the remark , "That's all right. " The clerk was astonished to see the samoiflimo ho had placed in the drawer a few moments before and rushed inside to find the till ompty. Shortly afterward the proprietor came back , and the clerk said ho would find the follow. Ho ran across him at the Ogden livery , whore ho was waiting to have a team hitched up , The boy told him that his employer wanted to see him. Ho said ho would drive down immediately , and crossed the street to "got a drink. " That was the last seen of him. Ho did not call for the team. Investigation shows that the alleged thief is II. R. James , a traveling man who has been running in here every thirty or sixty days for the last eight years. Ho has been selling laces and dry goods for a Chicago house. Ho was bounced from the Ogden house a week ago , and wont to the Bechtolo , whore ho claimed to bo waiting for a draft from New York. Ho borrowed a few dollars from the clerk of the Bech tolo , James McDermott , who is that much out on account of it. Ho is well known here , and no ono suspected that ho would bo guilty of such an act. Ho is a line appearing young man , and his former conduct here has boon above re proach. It is supposed that ho. saw no means of liquidating his indebtedness , and stooped to petit larceny , in order to got the necessary with which to get away from horo. The police were on his track all da\fi but ho managed to avoid them. A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on farm and city property. Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtele. Money loaned nt L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of Value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. E. H. Shoafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidental. Oflico 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown , ol Georgetown , O. , are visiting their rel atives , Mr. and Mrs. Faul , in this city. OH K AT SAMS Of Council mini's 1-otd nt Aiictl.n. I will offer for snlo and sell without reserve to the highest bidder one-half of all the lots in' Cochrnif s addition to Council Bluffs. Ono lot of every other pair through out the whole addition will bo sold with the privilege to tiff1 purchaser of the re maining lot at the same price. The ground on which the addition is laid is known as the old' fair ground forty , north of the Union -Pacific depot , and south of Broadway * The number of lots are 160 , or four to the acre. TK'HMS. Ten per cent of the purchase money cash in hand. The balance in nine equal annual payments to bo evidenced by notes bearing interest at 6 per ceift per annum , secured by mortgage. The property purchasers will got warrantee deeds , title perfect. 1 will also sell on the same terms and at the eamo sale 100 lots in Central sub division and Street's addi tion on grounds joining on the north. Some of these lots are situated on Broadway. DAY OK SAM : PII'TKMIIKK : 12. The place of wile will bo on the grounds on Wednesday , the 112th of September , 1SS8 , and continue from day to day till all is sold. The lots and blocks will bo numbered on stakes and maps furnished bidders on day of sale. Other particulars on day of salo. A. CocmtAX. For bargains in real estate see E. II. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main street , upstairs. _ _ _ _ _ Social parly and dancing. Tuesday eve , at Reno's hall. A good time for all , who attend. Pacific llou-o is open to the traveling public , notwithstanding to the contrary. Artists prefer the Hnllott & Davis piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway. MB. B. T. N. , NORTH PLATTE , Neb. Dear Sir. We have- the goods you mention and have expressed to you to-day the the samples you want. Our stock this year is MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER. New patterns and styles. We' also carry A FULL LINE OF BEDDINGSUPPLIES. . Send exact measurements. Will give your order immediate attention. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. Theodore Lund , a well known resident of this city for a number of yearn , re turned yesterday from a visit to his relatives and friends in Germany. Ho left hero last February to revisit the scones of his childhood , after an nb- . sonco of eighteen years. Ho found his people enjoying the best of health , and enjoyed to the fullest extent his six months' stay with them. His trip lias done him a great deal of good , and increased - creased his weight by twenty pounds or more. His many friends are glad to welcome him homo again , and congrat ulate him on his safe return. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HDI Pl/l IVI Dl ( VI C * Hydraulic atul Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , . Dl niXI IN Dill L. " Specification' . Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Blull's , Iowa. HIM I CV Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115 rllNLLY " " Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. N Justice ot the IVace. Olllce over American Express , No. 419 , " " Broadway , Council BUill's Iowa. Attorneys at Law , Piaclice in the State and Federa STONE & SIMSAttorneys Courts. Oillce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Blufl's , Iowa. UA7FN Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci CP , nA .LIN" Bluff , , , Iowa. > ' < f f f' S # / Smith's Bakery. "Whdlesalo Bread 8s Gates. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOIO. SPECIAL advert Ispinents , such us Lost , round , To Loan , For Sale , To Ucut , Wants , Hoard- Inc. etc. , will he Inserted lu this column at the low rate of TKN CKNTS J'Ul MNK for tilt ) drst Insertion and Kivu Cents Per I.lnu for uuch nib- seqtient insertion. I.eivo advertisements at our olllce. No. li I'eurl Street , near llroudway. Council lllulls , lovui. WANTS. FO1I BALK My new eight-room cottage cm Second liveV. . C. James. FOR SALK llnrbcr hhoji at 150 llroudway. Council ItHillh ; ijood trade ; satisfactory reasons for Belllus ; bargain for the right man. Foil KXniANir.-A line , well assorted 1,000 block of stationery , fancy jroodi , Jewelry , etc. , in a thrlrlnu tn\\n for residence. In South Omaha. U. T. lirynnt to Co. , tttd llroadwuy , Council Hlufte , la. LOT for s.ilu or trade tor a team. Inquire at IK ) ) Hh nt. HOt'HKS for runt. Johnston to Van I'atten , UI.Maliibt. TjlOII KENT Four rooms for housekeeping ; Ju nNo s iltu ot three , unit t o slnule rooms , also furnished rooms , No. in North Main st. Y\7ANTni ) A good responsible party to tnko IT charge of and furnish a new tbreo-Ktoi'Y brick hotel located In Harvard , Neb. W. J. Turner , treasurer , Aacro ) small fruit farm very cheap. Just - ioutaldo city limits , or will divide. Into 11) aero tracts to Milt purchaser. K T llryant to Co FOU SAMJ The best small fruit and vegeta- blo farm In 1'ottawattamlo county , two miles finm Council Illuirs postolllce , nt a price- tlmt will bell It , on remarkably easy terms. Tltlo perfect und property In rood condition. Possession given at any time. Uoad reason for selling. H. T. llryant to Co. , ( KM llroadway. Council Illuirs , la. 0-Stocks of merchandise to ex change for city property in Council Illurrs , Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind. We make exchanging n specialty. 11. T. llryant & Co. , KM llroadway. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1511 Douclau St. , Omaha , Nob. < n nil .ix n i n 111 Con. 5TI1 AVE. AND 7XH ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational Institution , furnish ed with all modern Improvements for boarding and day school. The academic year consists of two sessions , beginning on the first Monday In September ami lebruary , respectfully. Terms Hoard and tuition per session , ITS. For further particulars address Sister Superior , St. francla Academy , Council Muffs , la. KYNETT'S ' MIXTURE AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR WHEW DIARRHEA , DYSENTERY , FLUX , CHOLERA INFANTUM AND CHOLERA MORBUS , Overcoming all opposition. 1111 the cemeteries with newly made graven , leaving the once happy home with nothing but memen toes of loved ones loit. Wliero Js used it is universally found to bo EQUAL TO ANY EMERGENCY , The value ot a single bottle for use In anv of the above named diseases is really Incalculable. Jlouev could not induce those who hnvo thor oughly tried It to bo without it. The market IH lull of icmedles lor a similar purpose , and nil hnvo merit In horn's cases , but with them it IH a stubborn f.ict that these are lu many places the MOST FATAL DISEASES of the country. With this medicine they are THE LEAST FATAL. This medicine has now been used In this country FOR FORTY YEARS , ANII TO-DAV KYNETT'S MIXTURE Has no equal on earth. Polil by druggists every where. HARLE. HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Agents , Council Illuirs , Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. ECOBroadway Council Illuffd , Iowa. Established KW D. H , HcDANELD & GO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 20 ana 823 Mala Street.Councll THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. FRIGE $15 , Is equal to any High Priced Machine. TboKdlton Mimeograph , the belt apparatui for manifolding , ftutovraphlc and typo netting work. 3,1X0 coplei can be taken. The Excelsior C ; . , Council Bluffs , la , MUELLER MUSIC CO 1814 St. Marys Jive , , 103 Main Street , OMAHA , i\r. . COUNCIL lU.UIT.S , IA PIANOS. A triumvirate of instruments which cannot bo excelled in tone , beauty of finish and general workmanship. Royal and Century Organs Excel all others in style of case , beauty of finish and volume of tone. Sold for CASH or on MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All kinds of Musical Instruments , Russian Gut Strings , Sheet Music and Musio Books. Dealers supplied at Chicago prices. Send for Catalogue. Our Department of TOYS iiiul FANCY GOODS , wo are cloning out at lest than cost. Dealer. * please make u note of tills and net our goods cheap. 1842. INCOKPOHA1I3D 1879 SUSSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. Especially Adapted f < SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , POWER , Mills and Elevators. AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-OFF ENGINES. Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Hogulatlon , Durability Guar antied. Can show letters from users where fuel Kcouomy is equal with Corliss Non-Condensing. ICIMNCII HOUSE , COUNCIL ISLUFI'S , IOWA. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. REDUCTION From 15 to 25 Per Cent. PH NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE "d PETER C. Bluffs."d Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAKTEU-LOCAL AND TK.VVIILING AGENTS ON COMMISSION. A HOME FOR $50 CASH IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. To close out the remaining lots In Squire's addition to Council lllufls , I will .soil the llncbt located loth in the city ( or $50 cash payment , and long time on balance , to perbOiiH who doslro to BO euro homos , and I will make liberal - oral loans to tho.so who dcblro aid in building houses. Call ut ouco and sea mo ut Mn&onic Toinplo , Council BlulTa , Iowa. C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260