THE © MAHAi DAILY BEE : ifcii DAY ATTGTJS3J 27 18SS. , AMONG COMMERCIAL- . MEN , kBtorioB and News Notes of the Pulse Feelers of Trado. A PIONEER TRAVELER TALKS. it. Woods Smith Tells of tlio I'ionrcr Jnys In Nebraska The Uniforms J-'nlr Day A Drummer's Itlmlnc'NH Notes. HUM One of the " UO.VB. " .T. Woods Smith , who liui the honor of boliiB called the ploncor Uminincr of the Loiip Vnlloy , was Rented In tno ofllco of tno ] \illMr < l htitcl Init Sunday , talking with sdmo gentlemen , Ho is ubout six feet tall unit weighs about 2 10 pound's. Ho Is full f need , Ims n Rood-nlrc'l nocc , bright eyes and a stiff lirowu inuslnclio. Ho woru u black 1'rlnco Albert coat buttoned at the top , and spread- Inp Knicofully at the bottom. A Kuntlenmnly nfcinl sombrlno hat rested .slightly on the sldo of his head as ho visited with his friends , Iln wus In the city to attend to somu privnto business and Imd attended the drum- HILTS' meeting the nl ht before - fore , where , as the "pioneer drummer ol thij Loup Valley , " bo made nil iiddruss to the boys who objected to the fair day cos- tunic in which ho mild In his plain but picas- nnt way , "Hoys , If I wore u drummer In Nu- brusku to-day , and could get Into this pro- cession. 1 would wear thu samu uniform the rent did and the onu tlio majority wanted if it cost mo my Job. " Ills remarks wore received with prolonged npplnusc. "How does It como they call you th'o 'pio- i\ccr uf Louit VnlloyV said n HEU ic | > ortcr to Mr , Smith after the He hesitated a moment before making a reply and looking the repoi tor in the face ho nald , "Wall , I'm pretty near as old as any of them , I RUess Is the reason. That Is the reason I am called the pioneer I suppose , and when I loft the road and settled down in the Loop X'nllfey the boys nil think of mo us bouiR puo Of the Hrst men in that part of the country , "Tliero , too , wo foil the boys on western Nebraska beef up thcro one Fourth of July nboilt three years ago , and as 1 was helping in thu arrangements for the day the boys all depended on mo to sco to their entertain- zn cut. "Thov nro nearly all children to me. I can pick out some of the old Innd'marks , but they arc gutting scarcer mid scarcer every day , "You think I do not look old , " said Mr. Smith in reply to the reporter's surprleo in regard to his , age. "I traveled In , Nebraska Just twcnty-ono yonrs , mid'for a'number of those'yeurtt I sold about all of the sloven then UHOU in the state I have boom off' of the road over llvo years , so you can sco I was lioru among the Jlrst of them. " "I wiw for seven yours with the Excelsior Charter Oak manufacturing company of St. Louis. I was six yours with tuo H.W. Uooth & Co. hardware company of Cincinnati ) O. The last long pull I had with any linn was With Cribbcii , Snxton ft Co. , stove manufac turers. f was also on the road ono year for Milton Rogers.- "During those years I covered nearly every stuto and territory west of the Missis- Blpplf and was in both of the Mexico's. "The boys now think they have hard trips if they have to stage It a whllo ornmUo.n chore , wagon trip. If you. just stop to think of it , there Ims. been n great iloul of railroad built in Nebraska and the wpst in the last twenty years. During ono winter in this Btnto I inado 1,500 miles with my own team. "Tho trips then wcro longer , thau they nro now , and the business was networked Hourly us hard as they are working it at present. And we sold moro goods too , owing to the slight competition , than the boys do now. I remember nna trip 1 mudu on which I sold seventy-six car loads of stoves on the 1'nclllo coast alone. I thought It was u good trip.for tho.houso and they aeomeu to think it wns too , as 1. turned in a heavy oxpcnso uc- count and tboro was not \vord.said. . "Our oxpcnsott were fnr heavier then than now and often used to uvcrngo $10 n day for. a whole trip. You sea it wus a team and' driver or two every day. It wns this that made our trips so long. "How did I como to leave the road ! " "Well it was about this way. I was getting a gond big salary and I found but few oppor tunities to spend it. I dropped into n piece of property hero and there and I Dually found that it had increased in vnluo so that I was a little better oft than noino of the boys. I thought there was some thing in store for.tho Loup valley , so I laid out Loup City and helped to Retii railroad up to It. It was the big JollllkMtion wo had thcro three years ago that brought us , hi to prom inence In the west. Wo had the governor and slati ) ofliciols there , ran excursions to the town for the day and had quito a tlmo. That brought the eyes of the people onto us , and to-day thcro is quito a town there and , it Is a good live plnco. "I saw about the same ohancq for some do- YclopiuuiiU at Callawoy and I Ia4dthut plaoo nut. Wo hnvo a nlco towii-ilisra nowj wltU tbreo banks and two railroads graded into it. As I own ono of' ' the banks I think it a little moro comfortable to live there with my family than bo on the road , so 1 am with the boys only in spirit. "It does mo good to got buck hero with them oncii in a while ami talk ovoc the old rims. Jt nmkoa mo j oung again. " Mr. Smith looks to bo about forty-five years old , and Is of that Jovial disposition that un less some accident bo-fulls him ho will meet With the boys for the next twenty yours to talk over the old days iu pioneer Nebraska. Advloe to the "Hoys. " OiuNi ) ISIASD , Nob. , August 19. To Edi tor of Tim Hm : : for over two years I have been n regular reader of your excellent nowijppper. Among many pleasing features Of .sour piogres < and acumen , I have been j > le.utud with your column for commercial tnuu. As I have been for years associated with that class of the business public and liefeel nn honorable and as I think iury prldo in my follows I would llko to bo n'.luuod ' to speak to them through your columns. What 1 have to say will doubtless bo taken nioru as a criticism than otherwise , but virtue mill manliness need no w.itchors. For thirty years of public and business , llfo I Uuvu noted with eager care the conduct of men , and especially young wisjuosu wen. U'liuso years of study and experioiico have tuught me some things which I bellevo arc Worth head inn. L'irsl : No public , or busi ness man can uftord to bo ungonttomanly \vhllo engaged with business involving the jiroscnco of others. 1 have teen agents whllo this uinplo.\cd mill especially if consciously ciiimgcd with these whom they knew or bo- llurcd wcro above vulgarity or trickery , use the veriest hypocrisy and deception as to luum.HOlvcs , and as soon us out of sight and heaving , gloat to their fellows of their sup- ) > o > cd smartness. I am sorry to know that bouiuof our "Uoih" defend this trickery and meanness , and call It "an art or science m trade. " I will not deny the argument but I will denounce the villainy. Auulu the same elusu demand that aut- sida of business engagements no onu has anything to do or siiy ubout the oc cupancy of their time and cjcpcnso of uipnoy t This Is u fallacy , and needs correction by a much mora vigorous policy by muuagora ul employe * . To cnforuo what I inoun I muit give some facts coming under my no- ticu iixuully. I reached u small town ono Dvuiuug Itut wcok , whluh U the terminus of it brunch railroad. Some half dozen or juoro young commercial men landed with mu nud stopped nt the gumo hostelry. I had occasion to makh n driva of some fourteen Inilcs to the country and return by night so us to bo ready for the train onrly next morn ing. Before leaving I lecrued of a dunoo to bo given In n country barn some six miles distant. On my return to the village at 10:30 : 11. m. the "" were all Keno but ouo , and liu hud run his mouth too hard against the . Uuughola of u barrel of "hard elder , " nud ho couldn't go. . .U I a. m. next uiorniuif the o \vbo "had n er.uul tlmo" came in lookiiu' nnd doubtless fooling miserable. They had luul the usual upset and wonderful escaim \vith only bruUcs. Same of the "bills" to bo nettled next morulug wcro not light and as but ono tnilii per day was available , business must ba loft out. Who is affoolod by such ilub.uich I Are ouly these follow * hurVI la only thulr bruins , and mouay , aud iutorcsU nnd characters Involved Let the answer bo filent. Hrs Si K.ut. Tliolr Pour travollug men who were going In ( ruin tucir Iowa run to their respective houses In Chicago mrulo n Ufa long Impres sion on n young society bcllo on the train by their humane nets. . They were seated In the middle of tin-car playing cards. A mother \viu > on the train with her little boy who was deathly sick. . The conductor and brake-man picked up the little sinTcrer to carry him to the roar end or the car whTo there was ono vacant seal to lay him down , The young lady In speaking of the sreno said ! "When they nearcd the center of the car otio of four men , looked up , iintl talcing In tlio .sit- uatlon lit a Blanco said ; 'loot's vacate , boya. Hero Is u litllo chap who is suffering terribly , and our Beats will Just about lit him.1 They were nil up In almost no tlmo nnd had cleared out their sample cases and llxed the little cot across the two scats , and were packing the mother's traps nway when the train started. With the Hrst Jerk of the train the little boy gave a groau and his face took on tin expression of Intense pain , and linally , unable to boar it longer , he cried out , 'Oh , mammal omammat 1 cin't stand It.1 And the poor frail fratno seemed a bunch of pain and misery. She stooped over and Kissed Ins forehead and soothed him us best she cnlild , but thu rocking motion of the train appeared as If it would kill him. Ono of the drummers proposed that ho and his companions raisu the cot from the scat and hold It in their hands. The little woman said something about bother , I couldn't hear exactly what , but the traveling men carried Into effect the propiHi- tion , nnd it eased tlio suHorer wonderfully. They held him In the nislo In such u way that the mother could slt and fan htm , and for two solid bouts they .stood and held that cot , letting It down only at stations. They didn't do it in u way that would make the mother feel at all uncomfortable. Thev laughed and joked nnd bought fruit for the little sufferer , and I didn't do anything but fcol good all the wav over. They took him off at Jacksonville , and ono of the men changed cars there ; ono of them got off at Springllold. 1 think hu is u train dispatcher at the Wabash , and the other two went on. Hut , I tell you , I have moro faith in human nature since then , espe cially in traveling men. " Itnrrlsou nnd tlio "Hoys. " When about n thousand drummers called to shake hands with General Harrison a few days ago at his homo in Indiana he received them with a very pleasant little address. In eulogizing them hu said : "I have traveled somewhat In the wako of the commercial men , and have observed that they have the habit of getting the best of everything wherever they go. [ Applause nnd laughter. ] I am therefore quito ready to credit thostatomont of the gentleman who has spoken In your behalf when ho told mo that the commercial travelers are all ropublU cans. I should expect they would get the best politics that were to bo found. [ Laugh ter nnd applause. ] Your calling is an active ono. You nro always on the move. You are quick to discover the wants of local tradoj You are porsuaslvo In speech and address * You are honest and love integrity , and do not forget that you must again face your customer after tlio poods are ( lolivoredi [ Laughter and applauso. ] The men who em. Ijloy you have chosen you , picked you ouU and they subject you to the weekly test of success. You have been proved and not found wanting. The wide intercourse you have with your followmcn and the wide view you got of our country must tend , to make you/liberal and patriotic. " The Fnir Day Uniform. The arrangements In regard to the nnlform to bo worn on drummers' day during fair week seems to bo such a combination that it Is impossible for all the boys to understand what is to bo worn. The uniform , as adopted by the committee , consists of a dark pair of pantaloons , suspen ders or not , to suit a man's choice , a light colored llunncl shirt , no coat or vest , u silk tile hat nnd a Japanese umbrella. By lightllanncl shirt is mount a white or any light checkered , striped or light gray shirt. The parasols are already on hand , and ono will bo furnished each man who is in the pro cession. The hats are being madu to order In the east , and ail orders must bo in not later tuah thu middle of this week. A Dny for Church. The Indies of the Christian church of Hast ings , Nob. , will give a supper , musical and literary especially for commercial travelers and their Indies Saturday ovoninir , Septem ber ! , 1833 , at the southeast- corner of Lin coln avcniiu Fourth street. Every effort will bo made by the ladies to make this a most pleasant nnd ngreeabio entertainment for the traveling men who will favor them with their presence. On Sunday morning , September 2 , Elder Maupin , pastor of the church , will deliver a discourse to the trav eling men. Subject : "Not Slothful In Husl- ness , Fervent in Spirit , Serving the Lord , " to which services all traveling men are cor dially invited. Oinnhn'fl Gront Day. The arrangements for drummers' day are progressing so satisfactorily to everyone In terested iu the commltteo work that a great day is already assured. The ros | > oises are coming In in elegant shnpo from the boys and thgy will all bo in lino. The trades display arrangements are also piogresslng very well nnd that department of the parade alone will extend a dlstauco of o t . . hlooks nnd the n.i.ry , turn-outs will be magiiiflcont ludeod. The fair grounds committee have had a special complimentary card printed to give to each drummer who takes part In the parade during the forenoon. The passes have al ready boon distributed among the uion. Ilnw Abandoned the llond. T. O. Craudnll , alias "Shorty , " a well known western drug traveler , has seVered his connection with Ulako , Uruco & Co. , nnd Is now located at No. U10 South Fifteenth street as western manager of the Chicago Watch Club company , and also as a drug broker. Ho sports diamonds as largo as an egg and expects to bo a millionaire in u year or so. Good For'thc Ilutchore. John O'Kcof , city salesman for Armour & Cudahay Packing company , iiitormsTui : UEE that all the wholesale and retail butchers will eloso their markets on "drummers' day" during the parade , and also take part In It us a body of cavalry. A meeting will bo called to ducido on a suitable uniform for the occa sion. Pair Dny Notes. Send in your size for a hat. Ln t call. Hustings sends word that she will turn out strong , Parade starts at 10:30 : sharp from board of trade corner. The trades display will bo immense , over two miles long. Some of the boys already have their hats. They are neauties. Any light colored plaid , striped or spotted flannel shirt will do. The committee have plenty of < the Japanese parasols on hand for all Kobert Simons , of Lincoln , the xxxs man , will help swall the ranks. There will bo MX ) traveling men in the parndo on drummers' day. Euxcno Hrndloy , of Nebraska City , writes , us to look out for him on that day. The headquarters at the fair grounds will bo a lively place Thursday afternoon , Everybody will attend the reception at the Uoiird of Trade rooms iu the evening. The "boys" at Grand Island say they will bo down to n uian on drummers' day. F. O , Lockwood , "tho silver tongued era tor" from Graud Maud , will bo with us. Send in your size for n hat. You cannot got ono on that day unless ordered nt once. Lincoln boys will undoubtedly send up a good delegation. Council HlulT * will dp the same. ' Thcro will bo a drum corps of eight men for the. bojt-s to keep step by. Also a band of twenty pieces. J. E. Corbott , with Gilmore & fiuhl , has gonu cast on a visit , out left word to save him a pluca iu thu ranks on "drummers' day. " Samples. n. F. Uowers , with the WclU Nollagor hardware company , of Chicago , caught on tea a nice opening order to go to St. Lubauy the fore part of the week , O. J. Ivonyon , the wall paper man reprp- seaUlng Houry LaUtuau , of Ouiaha , has ju t returned from n nucoessfui trip iu western Nebraska and Colorado. The territory formerly worked by O. H. Moshen , for the Uoctor Wllhelmy company , is now handled by Mr John 1'arrish , who is inakln&hu tlr t trip over the. route. Charley Morris , the portly , good-natured emissary for Porefoy & Moore , Couucll Hliiu"s. has been "doing them all up" on the salo'of his popular brands of cigars on the line of the Union Pacific the past week. L. 131.VHU , a new man In the wostj was among : the merchants of central Nebraska the Pastwudk representing the S. Hpwsor Oil Tank company , of Fort Wayne. Mr , Ulynn expresses himself ns Infatuated with tlio country west of the Missouri. "Tho Duck Urnrnl Uubbsr company , " of Chicago , Is In the Held for trade , retireI Rented , by A. Hlush , who Is enthusiastic over the prospects for a goud trade. Mr. Hlush is | n typical New Knulandor , and never knew or ha 1 any conception of the Vast product- Ivpncss of this country before , and says ho will know how to advertise it if ho over visits the cast again : Ontnhn'M Siimlav Gtirttfl. At the Mlllnrd F. II. Ketiro and H. M. Heed , Chicago ; N. A. Hardso and Edward C. Smith , St. Joseph ; A. Mutler and and S. Fink , New York ; George M. Uabeock , Syra cuse , N. Y. ; W. H. Johnson , and II C. Stlo- phen , Chicago ; II. Hodenheimor and F. H. Horton , New YorV ; W. II. Swift mid I1 , M. Smith. Chicago : \\illiaii : fiorman , Detroit ; .1. H. Watkins nnd I'eter Hanov , St. Paul , J. K. Hobbv Spriiurteld , Moss. ; E.H.Trent- Ion , San Fruneisco : S L Wilhird and A. Haum , New York ; C. I' . Hrausluu , .Minne apolis ; J. W. Hui'haimn and L. H. Lone , Chicago cage ; 1 ! . Dodd , St. Paul ; Gporeo L. Lovclt nud E II. Holtncs , New York ; II. K. Freeman and O. W. Fredenburg , Chicago cage ; Chailes F. Oriflln , Cincinnati ; G. H. Atkms , Tinin , O ; G. M Delano and S. W. Gianger , Chkago ; C.I. . Gilbert , Cleveland ; J. 10. Hlair and T. Mayer , Chlfairo ; C. A. Mock. Erie. Pa ; F. Jeffrey , Pniludelphia ; A. P. Tcnney and W. A , Simpson , Kansas City ; E. Katz and C. F. Wrlcht , New York ; J. 1C. Dlllmim , Detroit ; L. H. llalloy , Kansas City ; A. J. Walsh , Hock Island ; ,1. E. UatclllTe , Wheeling ; Marion G. Hryco , PIttsbfirg ; H. C. Hlocon , Wlnonn ; C. I. Mnrkham , Syracuse ; A , A. Whlpple , Kansas City. At the Paxton D. G. Panconst , Phlladcl phia ; Frank M. Paul and S. II. Gundor.Ncw York ; H. L. Koilso , Cleveland ; F. J. Wnr- ren , St. Joseph ; J. W. Clmppcll and E. C. Holbrook , New York ; H. II. Kosenbladt and A. P. Pcndleton , Now York ; W. P. Potter , Pitt.sburg ; 1 { . DallnioycrJeffersonCllv , Mo. ; Max Noel and W. S. McCrca , Chicago ; H. T. Stoffen , Newark ; S. W. Harris nnd E H. Shorb , New York ; J. T. Maddex and H. E. Lo Graw , New York ; C. H. Hoffman nnd Julius Cole , Chicago cage ; F M. Klclty and J. C. Tnlmage St. Louis ; John Kox nnd Knlph It. Harris , Chicago cage ; J. J , Monroe , Hoston ; John Stewart and T. M. Fulton , Chicago ; F. N. Payne , Hoston ; A. A. Meyers nud W O. Frazer , Now York ; D. H. Bradley , Lexing ton , Ky. ; C. C. White , St. Paul ; Wallace Sherman and E. M. Williams , New York ; E. H.Pratt , Frcdonia , N. Y. ; H. H. Scott and Gus Man toy , Chicago ; Gcorgo M. Van Schoador. St. Louis ; Iko Lenbrik and W. H. Hcnton , Now York ; M. H. Strong , Knches- tor ; G. C , Frascr and L. C. Spooner , Chicago cage ; John H. Worman , Hoston ; John A. Kloy and Ed F. Fassig , Chicago. Free to AH. The bcnutiful picture , "Will They ConsontV" is a lurgo magnificent en graving , printed upon a sheet 19 inches wide by 24 inches long. It is an cxnct copy ol an original painting by Kwall , which was sold for $ o,000. This elegant picture represents a young lady standing in u beautiful room , surround ed by uil that Is luxurious , near a half- open door , whllo the young man , her loveiys seen in an adjolning oem asking tlio consent of her uarcnts for their daughter iu marriage. The line interior decorations , together , with the graceful position of the beautiful girl is iu keeping with the sentiment of the picture. It must bo seen to bo appreciated. This valuable picture is titling to adorn the wall of any Indies' parlor , and in order to offer an extraordinary Inducement to intro duce our Wav Starch , this costly picture will bo given away , free to every person purchas ing a small box of Wav Staich. This starch is something entirely new , and is without a doubt the greatest starch inven tion of the nineteenth century , ( at least every body says so that have used it ) . It superccdes everything heretofore used or known to science in the laundry art Unlike anv other starch , as it is coated with pure white wax and chemically prepared upon scientific principles by an expert in the laundry pro fession who lias had years of practical exper ience In fancy laumlrying. It U the Hrst and only starch in the world that makes ironing easy and restores old summer dresses to their natural whiteness , and imparts to linen n beautiful and Listing llnish. Plcaso remember that tie ! present you ro- r-civo with each box of Wax Starch , has never been sold at retail for less than ono dollar. This great offer is only good for six weeks , after which the present will be omit ted nnd the starcli sold rtt the usual price. " Try it and bo convinced of the whole truth. Ark your grocer for Wax Starch and ob tain this beautiful and costly picture free. THE WAX STARCH COC , Kcokuk , lova. ASSESSING THE CLERKS. liaising ; Democratic Campaign Funds in the Chicago 1'ostolUce. Chicago Tribune : During the last few days nearly everybody connected I with the postolllco received a postal 1 card to this elToct ; DearSir : Please call and see mo at your early convenience on n matter of import unce. E. H. K ncn , Hoom HS , Ashland Block. Now what was the matter of iraport- anco ? A young man started out to penetrate - etrato the mv&tory. llo wont to room ; tS , Ashland block. Upon the door was neatly printed : ; JUDU , iiiTcinu & : Law Ofllce. : * 4 "Judd , Ritchie ft Eshor , " mused the young man. "Why , that is Postmaster Jiidd'a law linn. That's funny. " Then ho wont in and asked for Mr. Eshor. "That is my name , " s > aid the gentle man addrosbt'd , at the same time lay ing down his newspaper. Motioning the young mnn to a vacant chair ho in quired the nature of his business- ; . "I was told ydu wanted to see mo said the now comer ; "my name is Holland. " ' Who told you ? " asked Mr. E&her , eyeing the innocent-looking stranger bouiovvhat sufipicuously. "Ed Hobiuton. " "Who's Ed KobinsonV" "Ho works over at the postolfice. " "Do you work there , too ? " "Yos , sir. " "In what ' " department'1 : "Tho wesjtorn mail room. " Mr. Eshor took out a roll of manu script and appeared to bo searching for the name of his visitor. Finding the fcenrch tedious and fruitless , ho looked up from his desk and eyed the stranger in a muiincr that witnesses subjected to the legal gentleman's cro. > a-o.\amina- tion have had grout reason to dread. "I don't lind your nuino hero , " ho said abruptly. "Who is your suporior. " "Mr. Wilbanks , " replied the young man. growing bomowhat norvoun under the inquisition. "Whore's your card ? " demanded thp attorney sharply. "C.irdV" repeated the young mnn blankly ; "I don't that i or I haven't got auy printed cards I mean to say " The attoriioy kindly came to the 114- sistanco of his evidently embarrassed visitor , and dropping his slorn , "nisi prius" doinbunor , no assumed a look' in which patronage and kindness seemed to bubble forth from his every foaturo. "Never mind. If you did not receive a card a postal card , I mean you will do so. Now that you are here , however - ever , I may as well toll you what I wanted you for. How much will you subscribe toward the democratic na tional campaign fund ? " llo stamtnorod bomothing about not being able to do much , but supposed ho would have to como in with the rest. "Lot mo sop ; what is your salary V" Mr. E * > her inquired , perceiving the young npan's hesitation. "Only S75 a month , but 11 "Ah I see a good contribution , " broke in Eshor , gleefully. Lot uio see I $ .j slmlt wo Bay . $25 ? Yes , I think . ? 2o will , about bo satisfactory for a I young man in your position. " | .At the Batno tlmo ho produced a book wllorein a loig ) strihff of mimes of con- i tributors were inscribed , against each cif which was sot for the amount prim- j ised. The majority had subscribed $10 , I but many hnd named 915 as their limit. I I'crcolving that Holland was inspecting - ' ing the list somowlmt curiously , Mr. i i Esther hastened to explain that none of j the signatures on that list were in as I good a position ns $75 a month. "I must toll you Mr. Holland I think you said that was your name that the least you should giVe is &J5. " "But I have a wife and family , " began th young man , apologetically , "and besides , ns I am just going to house keeping , S2-3 is a big sum out , of ono month's money. By the way , when has this money to bo paid ? " "It should bo paid the first of Septem ber , but in your case I think wo may call it the 10th ; and suppose wo say $ UO instead pt Si3 , how will that suit ? " Tlio vislty moclcly acknowledged the condescension of his pseudo chief's partner , and , appearing to become bold iiy the graciousness ol the attorney , ventured to suggest $16 as the limit to whi'jh his housekeeping land should bo taxed for the benefit of the present ad ministration. "All right , wo will call it $15 , but don't toll any of the boys that you only gave so littlo. Sign your name in this book and just say , 'Payable by Septem ber ! ( > . ' " Thus requested , the young man ner vously sei/ed the prollered pencil and signed " . .I.1J. . Holland. Payable on or before September 10. $15. " "I remember your mime now1 said Mr. Esther as ho took the pen. "I recollect sending you a notice to como and sec me. You'll get it all right. " Then ho bade the young man good-day. "As glares the tiger en his foes , Hemmed In by hunters , ( .pears and bows , And , ere ho bounds upon the ritig , Selects the object of his spring " So disease , in myriad forms , fastens its fangs upon the iunnrir race. Ladies who oulTer from distressing ailments peculiar to their sex , should use Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive euro for the most complicated and most obstinate cases of leucorrhea , excessive ( lowing , painful menstruation , unnatural suppression ! ) , ptolapsas , or falling of the womb , weak back , "fe male weakness , " antcvcrsfon , retrovcr- sion , bearing-down sensations , chronic ; congestion , inllammation and ulcera- lion of the womb , inllammation , pain and tenderness in ovaries , accompanied with "internal heat. " A Mexican Hoy'H Pic. I asked of a boy who was stuffing him self with what I thought was pie if ho had breakfasted well. Ho did not un derstand my Spanish , but with that generosity which gqems born with a Mexican the little follow quickly di vided his "pio" anfl'lgavo me a goodly slice. Without vailing to see what the "pio" was made of 1 took quito a largo Into of it , and the nnxt moment I felt as though I hnd swallowed a bunch of needles with the red oiulof a hot poker. The boj- , laughed l-nnd rolled on tlio ground in his merriment ns the tears came to my eyes , and I tried in vain to gulp down the horrid stulT he had given mo to cat. And what do you think it was ? Two thin slices of hot cukes , dipped in a burning sauce made of hot red popper. I never again tried to break fast away from thoYAmcrican hotel , for I soon learned that rod pepper was the chief ingredient ofthe Mexican diet , and that even the boys and girls en joyed their fiery breakfast fully as well ns an American child enjoyed its cakes and syrup. Po/.zoni's Complexion Powder pro duces a soft and beautiful skin ; it com bines every element ot beauty and pur ity. f Buffalo Crossing the Missouri. Forest and Stream : The buffalo had many forces to contend with. In the spring , when they were weak , they ap peared to have an insane desire to cross the Missouri river. The shelving bar of a Missouri river bottom is almost al ways opposed on the oppos-e side , of the river by a very high bank. The buffalo coming in vast droves to cross the rivet- would start from the low bar , swim di rectly across and blindly endeavor lo ascend the perpendicular bunk. The river would bo animated with the struggling , impulse-driven animals. The strongest would crawl to the front , and with unreasoning pertinacity strive to ascend the directly upright bank. With an almost catlike climb they might , reach half-way , then down they would fall on their struggling compan ions in Iho rjver below. With added rage and oostinacy they would renew the climb again and again , until after hours of inflexible persistency they would finally succeed in the seeming impossibility of tearing a trail up the wall-like bank. Hundreds pi the weaker ones would succumb in this struggle in the river , and their lloating carcasses would collect inast numbers in the river eddies. The World Moves , " Maintained O.ilileo , when his .tormentors racked him for advocating the true system of Copernicus , Certain follies hold out , how ever , against the illumination of discover. * and experience , There are hosts of people who , because they have adopted certain prin ciples , continue to swallow them to their dyniffday in defiance of the laws of common sense. Mercury , drastic purgatives , super- potent narcotics and sedatives , tnougli they huvo given Rtound before the irresistible progress of liostutter s Stomach Hlttcis , a national , palnlcs * rcmcd > for disoulcrs o ! the liver , the stomach nnd tlm bowels. t > til continue to make ambulating apothecaries' shops of many btomachs The symptoms 01 liver trouble are easily remediable without any abdominal disturbance with this Lionel ! cent alterative. So also are constipation , sick headache , hcartbuiu und nn Inability u digest satisfactorily. It cures fever line ague , rheumatism and kidney trouble. Oennral Shorldan'K War llnrjc. General Sheridan's horse "lUenzi,1 or "Winchester , * ' utf ho was called li } tlm general after the oattlo at that place , died at Chicago , III. , in October 1878 , at the ago of 'twenty-one years His remains were sent to a taxidermis at Rochester , N. Y. , aud after holnfc skilfully mounted .tore presented by the general to tuo military institute for ex hibition at their inuoeuiu at Governor's Island , N. Y. Here the steed of tlm memorable ride to Winchester can stil be bccii , looking aa natural as life am is the object of the greatest interest to the daily visitor to the island. "Uionzi1 was presented to General Sheridan a Rienzi , Miss. , on the occasion of his promotion to the colonelcy of the See- end Michigan cavalry , by the ollicors o the regiment in the autumn of 1801 IIo continued to sorvu his master faith fully and well , taking part in all the fa mous battles , until a few years before his death , when , out of considoratioi for past services , ho was put on the pen sion rolls , the general declining to per mit him to bo used for any purpose "llienzl" was raited in Michigan am was of "Black Hawk" stock , as his dark , shiny coat , white foot and largo flowing mane and tail fully indicated IIo was about 101 hands high. Economy and strength are peculiar to Hood'd Suriaimrilla. the only medicine ol whiuh " 100 CoicaOuo Dollar" is true * * m * * * * * > . v .iimn , mmjm Clothing ouse NOTICE. We have completed our scini-nnnual stock taking nnd have decided to devote the balance of this month to the closing out of all broken lots , in each of tlio dopartmonts. All the lots remaining unsold Sopt. 1st. will bo taken from our tables to make room for fall goods. Wo mention a few lots offered at this sale which are the best valucs over offered by the "Con tinental. " Lot No. 1 MEN'S ' RIVERSIDE WORSTED SUITS. PRICE , $12.00 $ . Slock No. 1018.1010 aud 1050 2oO Imported Whipcord Stills , made in a four-button cutaway style only , in regular fllr.cs ! 55 to 1'J. These Hints wcro made in our own machine room during the last 00 days , and the cut and make of them is as cor rect for dross purposes as it is possible to have thorn : nnd as the present month is the month of all the year when people nro thinking about dress suits , we claim that this lotof Worsted Suits is ABSOLUTELY THE MOST DESIRABLE which it has over been our privilege to offer to the public. This garment was made up to sell in our stock for $18.00 , but aa one of the load ing bargains in our Men's Department for this sale , it irf offered at the ridiculously low prioo of $ li ! . WE UNHESITA TINGLY CLAIM THAT THE AVEISAGE RETAIL PRICE OF THIS SUIT IS NOT LESS THAN $18.00. Lot No. i- ! Men's Blue Assabet Suit. Price . , $10.00. We have left in this lot about Sf Men's Frock Suits , full Indigo , made from the celebrated Assabet Mills Flannol. No bolter goods in the market. Guaranteed full Indigo , elegantly made and trimmed , at the extremely low price of $10.00. Our price all through the season has been $15.00. If the buyer does not find the suit to bo worth $15.00 , it may bo returned ind money refunded. Remember the prieo 310.00 in Frock Suits. Sizes M to 44. Lot No. 3 Men's Blue Pantaloons. Price . , $2.50 , We find a surplus in our Men's Blue Flannel Pantaloons stock , and offer at the sale 150 pairs of Men's Indigo Blue Pantaloons at SL'.GO per pair , the purchaser of over pair in this lot , makes a saving of at least Sl.CO on every pair pur chased. Sizes up to 4U waist. Lot o. 4 ' Boys' Long Pants Suits. Price , $6.00. We have consolidated four lots of Boys' Strictly All Wool Cassimcro Suits. Coat , pants and vest , for boys from 10 to 14 ears. The lowest price of any suit in this lot has boon $8.00. and some have sold as high as S10.00. Wo name $0.00 as the irice for any suit in these four lots. Wo.guarantcc every suit in this lot to bo just as represented and every suit not satis- ict orv may be returned nnd Iho money cheerfully refunded. Boys' Short Pant Suits. Price , $2.50. One of the cheapest lots of Children's Suits ever offered by the Continental is a lot embracing four , styles of Fancy Cassimoro Suits , in sizes 4 to 1 1 , short pants , at the extraordinary low price of $2.50. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. We wi h to inform our patrons that invoices of Fall and Winter Woolens have been received and by Sopt. Iflt our stock in this department will bo complete and , will bo the largest variety of , foreign and domestic woolens shown by any merchant tailoring establishment in the wost. MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS. Thousands all through the west have taken advantage of our methods in this department and nave found it ontirolj sfactory. All ! ! goods sent C. O. D. with privilege of examination. Wo pay return charges for all amounts ever $10.00 andall charges upon goods that arc not satisfactory. OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors ; Cor. IStli and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. A IJricle'N Dower Iiost With the Uelsor. Philadelphia Press : Among the mer chandise lost on the ill-fated Goiser was $ ; 5,0fl ( ) worth of silverware , which lias been stored in Newark forsix years , and was the property of. Mrs. L. Tho- baud , formerly of MadisonN. J. , and now of Stockholm. She sent for it , in tending to give it to her daughter as a dower. Some S2" > ,000 worth of furniture and household otTeots belonging to the same lot and shipped from Newark at the same time could not bo stowed on the Goisor , and is safe , in storatfo in Ho- boken. The lost goods are insured. Nothing Extraordinary. "This , ladies an' gents , " vociferated a menagerie orator in a small town in Kentucky , "is the great Arabian drom edary , witlutwo humps upon his back instead of ono , but the extra hump will cost you nothing. Ho is the Arabs' beast of burden. Ho fetches an' car ries , while the Arab sits'idly in thp Eahu , aud [ impressively ] ho can go eight days without , watorl" "Only eight days ! " was the general exclamation , and then the crowdmqved on in search of something interesting. Beware of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The genuine cures headache , piles , dyspepsia , ague , malaria , and is a pure tonic and blood purifier. Price 50 cents. Goodman Drug company. KapturoiiM Hugs anil Kisses. New York Journal : There was a cu rious kind of a wedding in the city court of New York. Judge Khrlioh performed the cere mony William H. Walker , a colored man" aged twonty-threo , of No. " 0(1 ( East Ninety-eighth street , was married to Lina Solomon , a pretty brunette of German parentage , whoso homo is at No. II47 Kast Fift rst street. After the ceremony , the couple on reaching the hall rapturously Kissed and hugged each other. Scores of people witnessed the exhibition , and Sergeant Wood had to disjHirno the crowd in order to pre vent any unnecessary riot. Its superior excellence proven In millions of hornet for moro tnan n quarter of a century. It In need by the United States Government. in- : ( lor.sml by tb heads of the great Universities ns the strongest , purest and most healthful. Dr. Price's I'rearu Halving Powder does not contain ammonia , lime or alum. Sold nnlv In cans. PIUCK HAKIM ! POWDUU CO. New York. Chicago. St. Louis , Ti % TOCMn / . HbN'M > ' c/youlhfut rr. I U i 111 fa II mr . f rlr l"y. . Init ( ninhuad , etc. I win xnu a < liuU * In atl > 'mtlnli ronUUnlng full srtlcuUn for bouw cure , irv of . . Ci r Ari.Jfw * * PROF. F. C. FOWLER. Moodui. Conn. , TMTPO w Obtained. Mvk , p I'rmt and Copyright protection te. cured. Good workcoodreferences , modtr. cb'jt. S ndforpainphltt. It G. OnBell SACRED HEART ACADEMIES , Under the Direction oftho Religious of the Sacred Heart. BOARDING SCHOOL SELECT Day SCHOOL PARK PRACE , OMAHA. ST. MARY'S AVE. , OMAHA. Opens Wednesday , September 5th , 1888 Opens Monday , Sept. 3d. TKUMS-floard , Washing , Tuition 111 KnRllsh nnd Krcnch , Instrumental Music and use of IJouks , per be.sMouot live months , J150.UO , TEHMS According to Grades of Studies. 1'alntlng , Drawing , Shorthand , German , Italian , Vocal Music , Harp , Violin , etc. , nro extra Difference of religion Is no obstacle t the admission of young ladles. Tor further Informa tion apply to MADAME M. J. DUNNE , SuperUness of Hoarding AcaiUmy , Park Place , Omaha. Nebraska. , JIAUAMi ; L. 1)U MONT , Superioress of Day Academy , St. Mary's Ave. , Omaha , Neb. SEBASTQPOL AMPHITHEATER North 10th Street , Between Binnoy and Wirt Sts. , Omaha. Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. SO Siege of Sebastopol THE GRANDEST OF MILITARY SPECTACULAR CONCEPTIONS Invented and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York. Thearle & Cooper Managers , Realistic bombardment of forts , by boats , on an immense Artifi cial Lake. Ttrrific Assault of Fortress by Allies. 350 PERFORMERS 350- Correctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldiers , Cossacks , French and English troops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc. MARVELOUS PERFORMANCES By specially engaged artists , Russian athletes , Swordsmen , etc. The whole to conclude with $1,000 FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Consisting of the latest novelticsMauhattan Hcach Aerial and Aquatic I'yrotichnics Music by Sabastopol Military Band. Admission 50c ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c 1888 THE GREAT 1888 OMAHA FAIR AND EXPOSITION Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive. Most Complete aud Best Arranged Fair Grounds in the West The best accommodations for stock , which can bo unloaded from cars at the grounds. Superior accommodations for agricultural exhibits. The be t and fastest track in the country. Competition upon to the world. No entry fee ex cept in racing pur&os. Special Attraction Each Day. GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pyrotobhnlcal Display every evening of th SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL. ifor premium lists , cirpularuaiid infoivma- tion , address J. H. McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska , JOSEPH GiLLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 181) . Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4. THE MOST PEBFECT OF PENS. 21.828,850 Jansill's ' Punch Cigars mer In our employ Nootbcr l honso in the world can trutli- lullyniUliosncUOBhowlnK. Una agent ( dealer only ) " wanted in each town. _ J SOtO BY UAOINC DRUGGISTS. R.V/.TANSILL&C0..55 / Stale SLChlcaoo. FOUNTAIN _ KINE ) OUT AND F > LUQ- Incomparably the SteekPiano Hemarkable for powerful irmpa. thftlc tone. pIluGlo'actloa aniTab- oluie qurtbllUy. til years' ff cord , the bout guaramca of th eic t lence otTliesa InalruiutnUi. WOODBRIDGEBROS. Farm Loans. LOWEST RATES1 AND BEST TERMSI Heipou6lble representatives wanted. Call or write us. BURNHAM , TREVETT < k MATTIB. UJCATHICB ,