Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The ititoriuil rovotiuo collections
ycstordny tunottntcd to $4,401.1 ! ) .
On Tuesday last Miulmn Mnry Du-
buch , who has figured recently as n pro
curess , guvo Lee S. Hstollo u moi'tKiiRo
on the organ , beds , stoves , furniture-
and other personal bclotiffinRs in the
woman's rooms at 611 South Fourteenth
Htrcet. The lien was tiled with the
county clerk yesterday.
For a week past an individual has
been soon * tmitling on the principal
street corners , hearing a woebegone
countenance and a placard which reads :
"Please help a poor blind man. " Yes-
tnrday this alms solicitor ran up to a
moving grip car unaided and boarded
it with the agility of a dudo.
Personal 1'nrajjraphn.
J. J. Cox , of Lincoln , Is at the I'uxtoti.
P. P. Ncnl.of IMBiir , is a Mlllurd guest.
Miss Gnicc G.uruU , of liuiliiigtou , In. , 1s
n I'nxton Kucst.
Mr. mi J Mrs. .1 O. White , of Lincoln , were
In the city imtculny.
1.1. . Unwell , representing tlio Killson clcc-
triollKht , IB In the city.
J. W Stcttor , John II. Harr and .Tntncs
Gurtsido , of VulcntliioLaro at the Millarcl.
lie AMHM | | < M | .
Wcscott ttamlull , general storekeeper at
Wood Kivor , is reported by Uradstrcet's to
have in.ulo an assignment for the benellt of
Ills creditors.
Capitol Avenue Curl ) .
The rount'U has changed the curb lines of
Capitol tivemio from ttigliteontli to Twen
tieth street. The avenue huro is exception
ally wide and little- used except as an approach
preach to the High school. It is nroposcd to
lay out cither sifle Of the street as a imrk ,
which will bo sodded and otherwise be.iuti-
lied in a way which will greatly add to the
attractiveness of this portion of the city.
A Now Hridco nt 1'oot'H.
County Commissioners O'ICeefTo and Cor-
rlgun have gene to the vicinity of Bonnlng-
ton , where they arc superintending the
erection of a bridge of sixty feet span near
Pout's ' placo. The old structure was consid
ered dangerous and had to bo lemoved.
After they llnish this Job they will attend to
similar \\oik in licnnlniHon. They will not
return before Saturday.
Kxilaliiiuic | His I'lani.
E. II. Meyers of Detroit , the architect on
the county hospital , has wired the commis-
sioneis that ho will meet them hero next
Monday morning to explain sotno points in
the plans and drawings for the plumbing ,
steam heating and lighting of the hospital ,
which were not cleaili undct stood by the
commissioners and eontraclorw for he.itlng ,
who deairo to bid on thu work. Mr. Muyors
will be on his way to Denver at that time.
Cm 1 1 111 ; Western Union WlrOH.
The erection of an additional story to the
Omaha National bank bus necessitated the
gradual cutting of thu wires of the Western
Union Telegraph company , which number
eighty- four.Voikmoii are now engaged
connecting them with cables Containing nine
teen insulated wires and this connection Is
made at Fai nam street. The work is slow
and some duvs will j et bo requited la which
to liaish it.
An Kiror of Ten DnvH.
John McCarthy was the victim of an error
in the police court icstorday to the extent of
ten days' time in the county Jail. McCarthy
stole a coat several days ago and the Judge
iravc him twenty das s in which to lupent.
When ho was taken to the lull ho was told
that ho was to soi vo thirty days' timo. Thu
gentleman then madu a vigorous and vocifer
ous kick. The orior occurred In making the
mittimus , and thu extra ten days were taken
A Monster \ \ ililcnt.
George C. Knudsen of Pries Lake , near
Florenuo , brought ono of the largest wild
cats to the county clerk's ofllco i esteulay tlmt
has ever been presented for bounty to
ofllcial. It was eighteen inches high , forty
Inches long , and weighed thiity-six pounds.
The cat was ende.uoilng to make a dinner
out of tomu of Mis. Knudsen's spring chick
ens when it was seen and shot.
The regulation 51 bounty was paid for the
killing of the beast. Mr. Knudscu will have
it stuffed as an ornament for his pallor.
Fell TliroiiKli ft Whitlow.
Harncy Golden , a harmless old bum , was
before Judge Ucrka on Wednesday on ho
charge of being exceedingly drunk. He
pleaded bo hard not to be sent to Jail that the
court released him on his piomiso to lca\o
town. Yesterday afternoon Bnrno.v's good
naturcd but rum soaked countenance loomed
up again , this time on thu chnrgo ot falling
through a saloon window. Uarnoy was on
his way out of town , but on the tilp ho
bowled up several times , mid , leaning up
npahibt the window , went in. This time thu
Judgu gave him JS and costs to sober up on.
A Shoplifter Caught ,
A woman giving the name of Mrs. Clay
was caught in the act of shoplifting in J. L.
Brandcls & Son's store yesterday afternoon.
Her appropriation only amounted to a rem
nant of blue ribbon , valued at 75 cents , but
nsshohns been suspected of acting in the
same manner In thu just thu court imposed a
flno of $7.50. Mrs. Clay only -had 75 cents in
her possession , but said that her husband
was able to pay it. The court told her to go
home , as she said shu hud n , small baby whs
needed her attentions badly , but to be on
hand In the nioining v , ith thu amount of her
flue , or she would take another ride in the
A Homo Inventor.
Frank Leslie's Now York Newspaper ot
the 4th last , rccitos itmt the engineers of the
Now York waterworks have devised an in
genious method of getting thtough quick
sands ut thu Quaker bridge dam , as follows ;
"While sinking a diamond dilll for the pur
pose of ascertaining the geological forum
tlon , a onlcktand was encouuteied which
barred fui thor progress. To overcame the
diniculty thu drill was withdrawn and a very
liquid cement poured Into thu hole. This
-found its way through the sand , and when
set formed a solid column resting on the
solid rock below the nulcksand. A second
hole driven thiough this cement passed the
1 troublesome strata without any dllUculty. "
This expedient , it is claimed , did not orig
inate with thu above engineers ; it has been
utilized and was patented souio years since
by Clmiles 1'ontean old resident ol
Omaha , and many yeais scientist of the
Union Pnclllo company. It is precisely the
same modus operandl as described theicln.
Thiough quicksand or other shifting ma
terial , a perforation with stable lining , cither
largo or small , can bo inadu at small expense ,
mid at Inlhiltety less cost than the method
offieozing through Iron pipes , which has
gained a w Ido reputation. The method h
'susceptible of many diverse i applications ,
Thoiu arc many localities which arc known
to bo underlaid with placer or vein gold , but
are inaccessible to search on account of quick
Bund or other pounciiblo material to bi
passed through to icuch the metal.
An Acchlont Which Nearly Cost C.
Johannes II In Ijlfe.
The deadly Klngor ale bottle nearly caused
the death of Charles Johannes Wednesday
Mr. Johannes is city salesman for Paxton
& Gallagher , and with Mr. Wells , from the
same house , was taking stock In Burgcn's
grocery store on Sixteenth street. Wells
found a bottle of ginger ale among the coeds ,
and not having a cork screw Johannes vol
untccrcd to show him how to open It ,
Ho struck the neck of the botttc
ngulust a shovel , and immediately the/c
was an explosion UKo a dynumiv
bomb. A piece of the flying glass strueK Mr
Johannes on the pulse of his loft wrist , BUV
erinc the main artery and the tendons. The
blood spurtn' ' for a distance of several fo < H ,
&ud thu endeavors ol the y ounif jnon to stoi
it were .fruitless. Dr. Parker was called ,
but us the man was in danger of bleeding to
death two other physicians were summoned ,
who worked on him for two hours. Ho was
then placed in a carriage and removed to his
homo near Twentieth street and St. Mary's
avenue. During the rldo u vela in the wrist
broke , and bled profusely causing some
alarm , This was soon stopped , however , and
to-day Mr. Johannes was rustlnif as comfort
ably as possible under the circumstances.
How Our CntiKrosHincn May Ilnconr-
a 1:0 It In Nebraska.
A. Thlcssen , the leading silk raiser of this
part of the countrycame to the city jesterdny
from his homo in Jaiiscn , Jefferson county ,
in this stale. Ho brought with him a braid
of raw silk of a rich gold color , several de
signs In Mower work made from the cocoon ,
which are very pretty , besides a couple of
spools of silk thread made by n lloston llrm
out of the raw silk i ulsed la th Is state by the
gentleman In question.
Mr. Thlesscn has been In the silk business
all his life ami has devoted some to it
in this state. His explanation of the busi
ness is very Interesting. Heccntly ho was
employed by the stnto of Kansas as the
superintendent of the silk station at Pcabody.
The place was in a wretched condition when
ho took hold of the management , and by the
time ho cot it Into good shnpo the small ap
propriation expired. As a consequence the
station is now Inoperative. While engaged
In ICtinsas Mr Thiessen maintained his homo
in this city.
Ono month ago the government appro
priated 3rJ."i,000 for the cultivation of silk In
this country , and Mr. Thlesseu hopes to so
Interest our delegation in congress that Nebraska -
braska may receive a share of this amount to
establish a silk station here. Ho claims that
&i,000 could erect a better plant than Kansas
has paid 810,000 for.
Mr. Thiessen will have some silk workers
nt thu Omaha fair. Hu says thoiu are 1,500
Gorman' fanners in Ncbiaskii who under
stand the cultivation of silk , and who would
go Into the business if such a station weio
but organized.
Mr. Thios un a couple of years ago visited
Hussiaon business. Ho was attested us a
German spy. Ho telegraphed his wife. She
telegraphed Seciutury Hn.Mird , and on the
showingof the latter gentleman Thiesson was
The Itond Hcnltliwnrrt Made Easier.
You have been ill , wo will suppose , and are
convalescing slowly. That is , you aiu try
ing to pick ill ) a little flesh , to regain some of
\our wonted color , to accustom your stomach
to moru solid nutriment than Its iccontlv en
feebled condition permitted i on to take How
can jou accelerate your snail's pocu health-
ward f Wo aio warranted by concuriont
testimony in atllrning : , that If you will use
twice orthricca day Hosteller's Stomach
Hitters , nn enabling medicine of long ascoi-
tuined purity and tonic viitucs , that you will
bo materially aided. It promotes a How of
the gastric Juices , and helps to asslmulatu
the nourishment of which it stands so much
in need It remedies a tendency to constipa
tion without convulsing the bowels. The
IKcr It stimulates to renewed activity , safely
promotes the action of the kidne.vs and bind-
ber , and annihilates malaiia and rhcumatisn
at the outset.
The VctlnuoKiies Pass Itesoltitlons
ConvexInn Them.
The following resolutions were adopted
yesterday at thu last session of the institute
of Douglas county teachers :
We , the teachers of Douglas county in in
stitute assembled , desiring to express our
thanks to all who have aided us in making
this session a pleasant and piotltablo oue ;
therefore , bo it
IlohOlvcd , That we extend to the instruc
tors , Mrs. Hiomi , Dr. Stiong and Piofs.
liuhrhough and Wet ley , our unqualified
thanks for the earnest and elllcieiit manner
in which they have conducted their respec
tive departments of instt action.
Hesolvcd , That Prof. Dailoy , of the Omaha
Husincss college , is hcieby tendered the
thanks of this msututo for his instructions in
penmanship , and also for the use of the col
lege rooms for the teachers' icception , which
lie aided so materially in making pleasant.
Kesolved , wo ex-press our gratitude
to the board of education of Omaha for the
use of the high school building for this nor
mal session.
Kesolved , That the press of the city de
serves the thanks of tins institute for their
kind notices.
Hesolvcd , That Miss Maude Eastman re
ceive our thanks for music furnished during
the institute.
Resolved , That Superintendent Hruner is
entitled to our special thanks for his untir
ing and successful endeavors to make this
institute liitcicsling uud pleasant to all at
Kesolved , That a copy of these resolutions
bo presented to the city papois for publfca-
What it Mcani.
To the man orvomuu who has
never DCOII ill , the word ' 'health"
is meaningless. But to the ono who
has sulTorcd and despaired , health ap
pears as a priceless boon. To the thou
sands ot unfortunate ) women who uro
sulloring from some of the many forms
of weakness or irregularities peouluu1
to thoirso.x , Dr. Pierco's Fnvorito Pro
scription holds forth the promi- of a
speedy restoration of this "priceless
boon. "
They All Took n Turn of a Danijovoin
Joseph Komtnor niirauuously cscapoil a
terrible death at Foil Omaha yesterday
He is a private soldier in Company D , Second
end infantry and was engaged in delivering
ice at the ofllceis' quurteis , when the four
iViuliS which ho was driving bceame fright
ened while passing some tin cans , which
brightly ro dec led the sun. The road is on
an elevation of over twenty feet. Komuicr
was uuablu to control the team , and as lie
was about to Jump , the immense wagou with
the multitt and their load rolled down the
steep bank with a crush like thunder. Quito
a number , attracted b.\ the noise , hurried to
the scene 01 the accident , and were surprised
to sec ICemmer get out of the wreck sustain
ing a bovuro shock and several painful
bruises , _
Po///oni's Complexion Powder pro
duces a soft ti ml ber.utitul fakin ; it com
bines every ulotneiit ot beauty and pur
Instruments Placed on Itccoril Dur-
ini * Vustctilny.
J 12 Taylor nmlulto toV IJ llunnon , lot
IK , blk.I , lUwthornoBUb . S2.400
W i ; Illinium and viro to W 1' Dunning.
lot ID. blk 3 , Hawthorne sub. w d . 2,100
Ii.I It ) tin to U Itnsp. lot , blk 2Vako -
ley , w d . . . . „ . 600
G l ! IliirKur ot til to 1 O'l Hug , lot 1 J , blk 1 ,
Orchard Hill , w il . 700
K Ciisshly ct al to A ( 'orrlgun , part of lots
1 and 2 , blk ! ) . Missouri AMUIUO i'ark ,
w a . i
Jinx- Meyer etui to J T fuller , lot 17 , blk
T , unil lot 4 , blk - ' , .Miinhuttim add.v d . 1,000
A li lluigqnUt to II h IlfigimUt , uM ftoC
lot "H'f , Mlllaul X t'nliUv nil's add , q c (1. 1
Uuttml btutos to I' 1' Hcumaus , nw ot ua
ami s 1 , oCuu IH-li-lle , patent .
United htates . to J N 1'utrick , so 1.1-15-12 e ,
pnent .
United Status \\llllnm Herrmann , nw
of BO IH-iri-U c , putent .
Q W Itnck to U Ulluy. lots 1 and . ' , blk 10 ,
Omaha View , w tl . 3.0W
United Mates to H U Heater , no Ut-lVU e ,
patent .
C 11 Konntze and wlfo to WT Hmlth et al ,
lot U , bile A ) , Kountrc place , w cl . 1,300
Charles C'orbt-tt and wlfo to CO Spots
wood , lots 1 and - , blk U , Matthew s' sub ,
wil. . . . . . . . ! 1.600
J Huiiiuigiiu and wife to Kllon Arnold , w
JJlot 4. bll < 5. llchidero. wU . 300
So Oninlia Land Co to U Akofer , lot 1 , blk
71 , SoOmalin , wd . 800
S 1'iujn and \\lfe to r K Itojd. lot IB , blk
S. ami lot Id. 1)11 : 'J , Pruyn park , wd . 1,000
So Oinnna I and Co to A F Ifoschc , w 81 ft
lot H. blK 73. So Oraahn , w it . 8,400
W 0 Khrlver and w Ifo to 1 * A Moorr , lot a ,
blkT , Shrlvir place , wd . 000
NlueUcu transfers , nggrogatlng . J40 , H
Uuihliti ! ; Pennies.
The following building permits were is
sued yesterday :
T. It. Vnn Dody , Improvements , Twenty.
second , near J.eimmworth streets . 3UO
M. Cody , btablo , Thirty-Ural ami Urowti
streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John A. I'nttcrson. cottage , Thirty-third ,
new Lcnvenworth staw . . . . . .
' . '
They Lock n lUchar > ; cil 1'rlHoncr Up
Without Cause.
William Hichnrdson , an honest-looking
colored man , was up before the police court
charged with vagrancy. Ho told a Hti night-
forward story , and the Judge attested to Its
credence in the same by discharging him.
The court's ' surprise will be appreciated when
It Is stated that Klclmrdsoa was np before
him again jcsterday on the same charge.
" \Vlmt docs this menu I" thundered Judco
Ilcrka. "Didn't 1 Just discharge you . \estcr-
day morning lor this very same offense I
There must bo something wrong with you
after all. "
"Well , judge , Just watt until you
near my story. Yesterday morning
when you released me , I started
to leave the station to go about my
busi'iess , but , before I could leave thu court
room , a policeman again arrested mo , and
vithout listening to me , hutrled mo back
ito a cell. 1 tried to tell him that J ou hml
Ischnrged mo , but ho snid that mndu no
ilTcrenee. and lie locked mo up , and I have
> cen there over since. "
"You at u discharged , " promptly announced
hocouit , and his Hashing eye and angry
olco denoted Unit ho was much provoked at
he action of this ofllclous policeman.
liow Itato to .Salt Imko and Itetnrn.
For the grand regatta to bo hold tit
Salt LiUo : , August III ) and 111 , the Union
'acillo , "Tho Overland Uoiito"will t-oll
ichots August "o at ono faro for the
omul trip. Good going to and iiiclud-
ug August : tU , returning until Heptom-
bor ( J. IlAiiiiV LJ. DIHTUI , ,
City Pashcugcr Agent ,
I.0l2 ! Fai'iimn sheet.
iValHton , ol' Atusuot , and \Vllcox
Tclln of His I'ostolllpc HroalCM.
AV. \Valston , the joung man at rested
or the robbing of the pjstolllcei and stores
it Mascot and \Vllcov , Hiuliin county , Is now
n the county jail.
Ho was brought in by Deputy United
SUites Marshal Allen and has already made
a full confession of his crime to the govern-
nent ofllcials.
Ho will be airaigned today before
Justice Anderson and , on his own plea of
guilty , will uiob ibly bu turned over to Judge
Dundy for sentence.
Walston is a rather slendoily built , smooth
faced boy and savs ho is only svonteoii year s
old. His nppoaianco will bear him out in his
When a Htu : repoitcr spoke to him , ho
camu up to the bars of the cell , and , In a very
cool and convets.itlonal tone , told the follow
ing history of himself :
"lam onlj so\enuun , and was a member
of the Freshman class In the college at
Bureka , 111. , until the end of the winter
term , when 1 taken sick and was com-
iiclled to leave school. As my homo is in
ISloommgton , 111. , and my father is a man
sevontj-Uiieo ycais oldimd dependent partly
for his suppott on me , Idid not want to go
liomo , but concluded to come west , thinking
that u changu of climate might do mu sotno
"When I arrived in Nebraska , 1 took out
an agency for a campaign book , "J'ho His
toty of Pi election , ' to sell it in and about
Mascot and Wilcov. I did not succeed very
well , and was about 'broke. ' 1 saw how
careless the stores where these postolllces
were kept wcio secured lur.unst burglars
and I concluded to make a stake by aiobbery
and quit thu country.
"I went through the postofllcc at Mascot
on the fouith of August and the 0110 at Wilcox -
coxa week Inter. I only got JOO in money ,
but I secured a largo amount in stamps , or
ders and registuicd letters which were of no
use to mo. 1 gained entrance through the
window at each of thcso stores. A number
of stores in "thai neighboring towns were
robbed about the time these postoftlces were ,
ahd Isuppose I will be blamed for the work ,
but I did not do It. ' *
The yoilng man told this story of his crime
with us much nerve as an old criminal tuul
ended with the remark that ho thought the
Judge would not toery severe In sentenc
ing him.
Ho was arrested , at Alma while on the
train by Sheriff Allan of Harlan county , on a
description furnished him by 1'ostofllco Inspector
specter Urowti.
Among the stolen property in Wnlston's
possession were dr.tfts on the State National
bank of Witeox. and the United States Na
tional bank of thm city , a largo amount of
stamps , letters and valuable postofllcu paper.
It Is estimated tnnt about W.OOO worth of
property was stolen fiom the two postoftlces
aud stores.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Glebe hotel , host located
house in Omaha.
Dlehohl SalVi.
Call and see the largo stock of safes
and \ault doors carried by Moaghcr k ,
\Vhitmoro at 11 ! ) S. lOth street Omaha.
Cct Youi'Iliillroml Tickets
P.ASTandViST : ,
and secure > our sleeping berths at
l.'llK ! KnninmSt. ,
Union 1'iu-ilie Ticket odleo ,
HAKU\ . lirr : , ,
_ ( 'ity Ticket tigent.
The Sulphur Sprlncs Gas-Iloliler t\- :
plodes With Suooess.
There was a dangerous dcmonstuitlon of
the poner of natural gas near Sulphur
Springs Wcdiiosdai' iifteinoon.
Mi1 LewU. n gas export fiom Hniddock , Is
in the city visiting friends , and offoied to ex
amine the enrbiiretted hydrogen coming
tioni the pools near the springs. John Diexol
hud a large receiver placed In ono of the
pools to cateh the gas as It rose In bubbles ,
something on the principle of the largo re
ceiver nt the gas works. In twenty-four
houis about ono bundled eublo feet of gas
had accumulated , and Mr. Drexel , accom
panied by Messrs. Lewis , McLaughlin and
Clmilcs Winter , repaired to the spot.
The single jet in the top was ignited ,
when , thiougli some delicicney in the
make up of the affair the lire was communi
cated to the gas inside the receiver and tno
whole contrivance exploded. L'ortnnatcl.y
none of the fragments stunk thocxpeu-
menters , but for u moment they were envel
oped in a sheet of flame and hair , oic-biows ,
lashes , beard , and even clothes weio singed.
Had not the receiver been Heating freely on
the water without any anchorage , Mr. Lewis
saj s that all of them would have been killed.
AVill Walt Until Sprint ; .
Nothing has thus far been done in re-rtml
to commencing the new Commercial National
bank on Sixteenth and Fainam streets.
The lease of the ground docs not expire until
the 1st of next Apiil , when , Mr. Hopkins
sajs , the bank will bo ready for a stint.
Visitors to the city should try the
Globe hotel , 131 Douglas.
Kor the lrmmuer = .
Five hundred Japanese paiasols have been
received by the committee on uniform
for Drummers' Day at the fair. These sun
shades arc to bo tihod as the downing orna
ment of the drummers in their parade and
ono of them will bo presented to each man
who marches in the piocession by thu uui-
forrn committee.
Monday , Aug. 27 , 1888
Kearney , the "Minneapolis of Nebraska , " so-called on accounfcof Its unrivalled
Water Power , is now coming to the front us u railroad center. The bonds for the
Santa Fo htivo boon \otcd , insuring us the greatest and bctt road in the world.
The Missouri Pacillo will teen complete the remaining miles , and the branch
upVood River will bo ironed this season. Those new roads , together with the
pncldncr and canning plants now started , will ivo us u greater boom than any
other city in the west. Kearney only neodn borne wholesale houses to give us the
supremacy between Omaha and Doinor. For the purpoio of building a largo job
bing bouse on the block south of the Midway Hotel , I will sell at auction on
Monday , August ii'th , 18SS :
East of the Midway , now u-ed for a lumber yard. This is the best corner for stile
inthocitv , mid will boon be the center of business of oOOUO people , and will bo
worth 10 times its present cost. I will also offer
Known as Swit3ubDivision , being only 7 nlocka cast of the main street , and 2
blocks from the tercet car lino. Tills is the last opportunity to get good inside
property in Kearney at your own price.Thin tract hys as beautifully as the Garden
of Eden , and is a half nearer business than any other tract now on the market.
For First Class Residence Property it is entirely free from the objection that can
bo mentioned about other parts of the city , liy investing a few dollar * to make
your llrst payment , you can POOH double your inonoy , and at the same time assist
in starting the jobbing house above referred to. Partied commencing dwellings
of the value of $500 and upwards on these lots within ! ! ( ) days after the sale will bo
entitled to a , donation of live per cent of the value of the tame in dry goods , gro
ceries or clothing at my stores.
TERMS OF SALE One-fourth cash , balance in payments every three months ,
or live per cent. Discount on deferred payments for cash.
J. S. HARRINGTON , Kearney , Neb.
1888 THE GREAT 1888
Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive.
Most Complete aud Beat Arranged Fair Grounds in the West
The best accommodations for stonk , which can bo unloaded from cars at the
grounds. Superior accommodations for agricultural exhibits. The best and
fastest track in the country. I'ompotition open to the world. No entry fee ex
cept in racing purses.
Special Attraction Each Day.
GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pyrotobhnleal Display every evening of th
SIEGE OF SEI3ASTOPOL. For premium Hats , circulars and Informa
tion ) address
J. H. McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Clothing House
Semi-Annual Stock Taking Sale.
Wo have completed our semi-annual slock taking and have decided to devote the balance of this month to the closing
out of all broken lots , in each of the departments. All the lots remaining unsold Sept , . 1st.ill lie taken from our tables td
make loom for fall goods. Wo mention a few lots olTered at this sale which are the bostlvalues ever offered by the "Con
tinental. " Lot No. 1
Stock No.101S , 4010 niul 10" > 0 250 Imported Whipcord Suits , innrto in a , four-button cutaway style only , in regular sl/ca
! W to U. Tlicbo suits were innilo in our own machine room during the last (50 ( days , and the cut ami make of thorn is ns cor
rect for ilrobs purposes as it is possible to have them ; and as the present month Is the month of all the scar when people are
thinking about dre s suits , wo claim that this lotof Worsted Suits is AHSOL.UTKLY TIIK MOST DKSIUAIU.E which it hag
ever been our privilege- offer to the public. This garment was mtuloup to soil In our stock for $18.00 , but us 0110 of the lead
ing bargains in our Men's Department for this sale , it is olToiod at the ridiculously low price of $ lli. Wll UN1IKS1TA-
Men's Blue Assabet Suit. Price
. , $10.00.
Wo have left in this lot about So Men's Frock Suits , full Indigo , made from the celebrated Assabet Mills Flannel. No
better goods in the market. Guaranteed full Indigo , elegantly made and trimmed , at the extremely low price of $10.00.
Our price all through the season has been Slfi.OO. If the bujor does not 11 ml the suit to bo worth $16.00 , it may bo icturned
and money refuntied. Remember the price $10.00 in Frock Suits. Sizes 05 to II. Lot No. 3
Men's Blue Pantaloons. Price
. , $2.50.
We find n surplus in our Men's Blue Flannel Pantaloons stock , tuul offer nt the sale 150 pairs of Mon's Indigo Blue
Pantaloons tit W.60 per pair , the urn-chaser of over pair in this lot , makes a saving of at least $1.60 on every pair pur *
chased. Si/cs up to 1Uaist. . Lot Is'o. 4
Boys' Long Pants Suits. Price , $6.00.
We have consolidated four lots of Boys' Strictly All Wool C.ibsimoro Suits. Coat , pants and vest , for boys from 10 to \ \
years. The lowest price of any suit in this lot lias been $8.00 , and some have sold as high as $10.00. Wo name $0.00 as the
price for an.\ suit in these four lots. We guarantee every Milt in this lot to bo just as represented and every suit not satis *
factory may'bo returned and the money cheerfully refunded.
Boys' Short Pant Suits. Price , $2.50.
One of the cheapest lots of Childrpn's Suits ever offered by the Continental is a lot embracing four. , stjles of Fancy
Cassimere Suits , in sizes 4 to 11 , short pants , at the extraordinary low price of $2.50.
We wish to inform our patrons that invoices of Fall and Winter Woolens have been received and by Sept. 1st otu
block in tliis department will bo complete and will bo the largest variety of foreign ami domcbtie woolens shown by any
merchant tailoring establishment in the west.
Thousands ail through the west have taken advantage of our methods in this department anil invvo found it cnirotpj
All goods sout C. O. D. with privilege of examination. Wo pay return charges for all amounts o\or $10.00 and all
charges upon goods that tire not satisfactory.
OMAHA Freeland5 Loomis & Co.
DES MOINCS Proprietors :
Cor. ISfcli anil Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
N.W.Cor. 13th & Oodgo Sta.
licit facilities , nppirattis aud rcmccMcs for n
ressful treatment ut every form of difcase rcquu
Tag or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance , best hospital accomvi
ilatlons In the ucst.
WKITB roil CIRCCIARS on Deformities at
llriccs , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Curvature of tt.
Spine , Piles , Tumor * , Cancer , CnUrrh llrouchti
Inhalation , IJleetricity , Paraljsis , llpilcpsy 1. '
ney , Illadder , Fje , Kar , SUii and lilood , .it'd , il
.Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Woman a Spooia'.y.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
llitic 1'oibon remoyed from the sj stem without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Toner , I'ei'-ons unable to visit us may l < t
treated at home liy correspondence. All commn
mentions confidential. Medicines or Instruments
ent by mail or express , ttecurely packed , no
marlts to indicate contents or sendir One per
tonal interview preferred , Call and consult us or
send history of > our case , ami ne will icud m
V-liiu wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases Tm
yoteucy , Syphilis , Gleet and , nitli
lestion list. AddreM
Untdfiii Sfulleal and Surf/leal Jiutlltttrc :
Cor. 13th ana Oodae its. . OMAHA. NEB.
DR. B. 0. WEST'S Nnnvr. AND nntx
HBNT , a guaranteed Bpecltlc for Hysteria.
ness. Convulsions , Flt , Nervous NeuuilKia ,
Ueadachn. Nervous Vroatratloa. caused by th
nsoot alcohol or tolmcco. Wnkefuluesa. Montnl
Depression , Hoftenlng ot tUo Drain , reiultlnc In
Insanity , nnd lenillni ; to inlsaiv. decay iinil
death. Premature Old ARC , Ilairennesa , I/osaof
Tower In either ric-r. Involuntary Losses nnd
Bperm torhu > a caused by over-exertion ot tlic
brain , self a\iu o or oror-lndtilKenco. lpch box
contains one month's treatment , f 100 n bet , or
alrbo > nforl300 , aent by mall piepaldonr * .
ceipt cf prict.
To cure any cass. With each order received by
as for elz boxes , accompanied with 13.00 , w *
will send the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money It the treatment does not
ff ct a cine ( luarnnteos Issued only by 0. K.
OOODMAN. DniKSlJt , Hole Agoat. 1110 Faruam
nw.r nmniii N *
Ketnarlcable for powerful lyinpi
thotlc ton" , pilabfo act Jon and ab-
olut durability. i years' record ,
the best guaruntoa of the eicet-
lente of tnesa Instiunientii.
Has. 303-404-170- .
lie still have IcJt
Jew odd suits from
our laras stock of
. u in in ci' Good * , tliat
n-c want to dispose of
before the fall season
open * , price * $10 ,
$12 , $1 > . Remember
tlicso arc titricllji all
wonl aoods , nindct In
llOtlt SULliU tC
Jowclers and Music Dealers.
General Agents for
and other llist-elass Pianos.
1 Stoluway Square , cost JO'iO ,
foi * 17" > $ S t10.00
1 ICn.ibu Square , cost o Wfor
SJ5J . . . ffii.00 15.00
11)eck < r llroi. Square , cost
MVJforfc'J ) 2J.OJ 10.00
1 llmmeratm butlire , coit
IIOJ , forfcX ) 10.00 C.OO
1 Now ton \ Co. Square , cost
811)0 ) , lor $110 15.00 8.00
1 Miirwhnll.VVcudol Upil ht
1'liuio , cost now kiOJ.foril tJ iW.OJ 10.00
1 Ilnllet & Davis Unrhsht
nsKood us new , cost * .AW ,
111 allooA : n'-xvh Hiuarb'cost
nowlViil , forilA ) . . . 20.00 10.00
1 hhonlncer r. O' tiv\-o Orcnii ,
co-it new STfi , for only M > . lu.OJ f..OU
1 ' lionlnper OrKiin. n- > nil ono
year , test ni-wri.Ti.for 5 10.00 6.00
1 .Mn-on i llmnlln DrB.m
doalln bunk , coat new > U ,
10.0D COO
„ tiils"rid"v.ltli ! you to uvold mhliiken.
MAX MEYER & B/10. ,
Corner Sixteenth aiut I-'urtinni StH.
I'nld Up Capital
Surplus 50,000
II. W. VATES. I'n-sldent
Lmia.S. lltKli , Vice President.
A. U.Tuu Al.lN. 2inl Vlco 1'irnldent.
W. II. H. lluuni.s , Cu hler.
in .
W. V. MORSE , Jens R
II. W. VATK * . I.uwis b. llti.ii ,
Banking Offlco
Corner 12th and Kurnini St < ,
A General liunkiui ; lluuluei > s Transacted.
ATENTS 1 Obtalnocl. ride Mark ,
( ? .
PA , PnDt * ml Copyright protection 10.
cutd. Good work , goo J r fcr t n , oicxltr.
atoch'fi. Send for pimphlel. R , G , DllDolt
iJll 916 F St , Wilhlnjtsn , D , Ci
Tf.I ) . who In his FOLLY fatnl I N lt ANdR
tiH TRIFI.KI > kw y hit VIUORof IIODT.
rjJWD and MANHOOI .rjiii8lnf ; xbHUitlDg
JrcihiB upon the FOUNTAINS of I.IFK.
IF.AIA IIE. n\1KAVUE , Drondfu {
Drenmi , WKAKNEKN of Memorr , BAS > (
fr'CI.NEKHln HOCIETT , I > IM1 < LEN upoij
the i'ACK. and all the EFFCCIN lenrtltiL'tS
KAItLY ni.OAY&nd pcrhapi CUNHUMP *
yON or INSANITY , should coniult at onca
too CCLKBUATED Dr. Clarke , E > tabll hcd
trAI. 1'r Clnrlca hai runde NURVOIIN l > Ei
IHI.ITY. 'IIHONK ) mid oil DUeatea of I
Uia inPfIT HKItVAHY Ortrniu a Mffl
p'uJy. It maid NO dllTcronco WHAT you
1070 taken or WHO hat tailed to euro you.
C2TFKrtX AI < EN surTerlnR from dlioasea peep'
liar to their lex can coniult with the aisuranco
cf ipoedy relief and cure. Genet 2 centi poitaga
for works ou your dlseasca /
OirnciU 4 neiit-i pofltaRO for Celcbrnteq
V orkn uu CUronlc , Nfrvonn and Iletljl
r - Dlneuei. CoMultatloii , pernonHl'y ' or 67
tetter , frdn. Consult the old Doctor
'iionnninlx ctircil. Oilier * and iinrlortt
prtvnito. aj-Tho e cnnteniplatlnr ; Marrlaiq
nil for I > r. cinrke'a celabratod guldd
Kliilo and FcniiiU' . each 15c. , both V > .
( ( .tainpi ) llefoio confwlm ; jour caie. coniulc
Dr. OLAKKi : . A friendly letter or call maj
tire future huflariugnnd ahninp , nnd add Rolden
fvnra to life. -B < x > k ] , ir 'u ( Secret ) Er
ror * , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing *
pout everjtrhere , secure from oxitoinre *
llourB , 8toH. bundayn , a to 12. Addrrts ,
F. D. OLAAKE , M. D.
J863 * Claris as. . CUICAQO. ILLJ
Left Liver
Ai'ropilutary Moilluun that iiccdn but u UU |
topro\ulU worth. /
s Left Lira Bfar
Tno only Dlstlllort Hitters In th
Stutis. 'Hie only Hitters recognized by th
I.'iiltut 8tulH Internal revenue lawn as u Prc
prktary Moillrlna. I.av , rully J'uttnteil. No. o
I'Htvnt 119,573. Tontalua no fiull oIN. n
e i > entlai oils , no forelcn sul > snnc ( < j ordaina ?
Inn ( IniRB , A perfouly tmru medicine. co
pouiulrd from I'uru Hoot lloibi undUld I'p&cn
pleasant to thn tixntn , qultt ami decisive Inlt
etlect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundlfo loj
nveilaju. Itt cnliUei , the llow els. InvJKorntefl
Inactlro f.iTor. Our < > 3 nineine-l I.lvor. ItovlvcS
the Kirtnoys , improves the Apputito OukkliS
ItiWiUtesthownoIosystoni. Now ! . ! ( to tU *
whole syatciu.
l.cftl.lrorlllttiTi nro mill In Omnhi , N'b , br ad
lolluwinii ilni ijt , UiclmnlMHi l > rasc Cn. hpecl * !
\\lioje ale , loriiiedriirftnlore'tof .Nebraska , llctait *
" ' * "
"i'o < tman"fnriu Oo. W \Vliltchou e , T.f ,
rjiulfud , H m II I'nruinortlj , Srhrotcr'l I'liTnincr
Huljii.VCo. , Joliu ( .livluli , ,11 l-iirr , J. A. lullor *
I'o , WJ.llnKiu | , John II CDIIIU. O.J. Vrlurt , M.JJ
- - - -
- - - - - - -
Jl icliiiilli-Mux"fleilit } : j.
l.umborson , U H. Cor. Mnx ( kinra l , lr > nk W. tour ,
. . lUiudur , llujnl I'liurnmcr , C
A Mi loliHr.llciMunl Moju . Krunk Dullnno .1 Co. .
_ I'ENNVJIOVAIj W.VriniS are *
. \K , puor < fully used monthly l > y over 10tXX )
' . ' * Jludlcs Aro.SVi/e. Kffeltunlandl'tttuant
SI | > r box liy inall.or at ilrugil6U ) . Rcaletl
V' ' - yrirruariUpoata ( i > ktanipa. Addruea
TUB JX'iijiiA CUKUICJU. Co. , UamoiT , Micu.
For aulc and by mall by ( iooitman
Co. , Omaha , Xcb.
uffprlnrfr m ri < i ft'
fect or > uuLLul rr *
iTuhJ l.etc I wlfl'iwrVVluSJ "frrr tlMfJJ' lJ5 >
ruluiulu full pAtUculari fur hoiut ( .urr , frto tt
CL 10F. fl'cl'FOWLCn , Moodua , Oonn.