Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    frXV r" *
Advor i oment ! ) under thin nead 10 cents per
line for the tlrnt Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
Femii'tit Insertion , ntiil I1.W ) a line per month.
Ho advertisement taken for le than 2r. o nt
the llntt Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
to the line ! they mint run consecutively nnrt
inilRt lo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise.
mcnts must bo lmnde < i in before 12 : no o'clock p.
jn. . ntul under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artles advertising In thrso columns nndhnv-
Ins their unsworn nrtdres ed In corn of Til r. Hr.r.
will plcnHU usk fornchcck to enable them togct
their letters , us none will ho delivered oxiept on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements in these columns am pub'
llNtiPil In both morniim and evening odlttons of
TUB llr.K. the circulation of which aggregates
morn than 1P.OOO papers dally , nnd gives thu ad'
vertlciTH the bcnont. not only of the city clrcu-
Inllonof Tun HKK , nut nlso of Council HlufTs.
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this pcrtlon of the country.
Advertising for these columns ulll Iw taken ,
on the nbove conditions , nt the following bust-
npHH housc . who arc anthorlzoil agents forTiiK
llKi sptx-lal notices , and will quote the enme
rates as can be bad ' nt tlininnln nlllcu. _ _ _ _ _
TOIIN W. IlKLU'rharmaeist , 820 South Tenth
* J Street.
OIIAHR & EDDY , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
Kouth 10th Street.
O II. FAUNHWOUTII , Phnrmnclst , 2115 Cttin-
ing Htreot.
TAT J. I1UOHH8 , Phnrmaclst , C24 North Iflth
Htr nt.
GRO. W.PAUIt , Pharmacist , 1609 St. Mary's
WANTED A situation by n flrst clans Or-
man bread and cnko baker , country pro-
tcrrcd. Address A M , Heo olllce. CM-SB
SITUATION Wanted A competent young
lady deolres a situation as book-keener ; city
references. A IB , llee. 731 2h
\\TANTIID- Situation for a No. 1 barber , nlso
T T for a ilrHt-clnss tailor , pants and vest
jnaker. Mrs. Urega , ,1I4K 8.15th. 093 23 *
WANTRD- Situation by a llrst-clans clotnlng
cutter ; can glvu uood roturencos. Ad-
4rcss Dee omce , Lincoln , Neb. 754 "tt
WANTIM ) Situation by experienced printer
nnd newspaper man to go lu the country.
/licit-oil II , Doe ollko , Lincoln , Nob. 711 2oT
WA NTlfti Situation An exporlonccd hen
cook , with good recommendations from
hotels , deolres n position in an nil the
year hotel. Addre-ss AM , llee. OHO
WANTED lly n careful , responsibly woman
business ollico to carti for ami clean by the
week. Address 811 S 24th t. GK )
T WANT to tnko charge of n grain eluvntor
have had 8 years' experience ; um mnrrled
nuil Htendy. Ilefercnces nen on application
Correspondence solicited. Aadiess Ilo < 11U ,
llainplon. Neb. 4WZK
\\rANTI5D Teamsters. ii > per mo. ; scraper
Holders , J | . 7."i i > cr day ; It blacksmiths for
Illinois Central II. II. Apply Northwestern
Labor agency , ; ilu Sjjutli 10th t. _ H16 I
WANTKI > An experienced mnn to drive
Hodn wnter wagon In city. Apply Onmliu
llottllng works , 20th and Ohio bts. MCI 2.1 ;
" \A7ANTKD I good farm hands t'M. winter's
T > work. Mrs. Hiegn,3I4Vi 8 ICth. SOU 2IJ
ACJKNTrf wanted Cheapest and finest cam
paign portialt badge , largo profits , samples
uiiUlod on receipt of 5 2 cent stamps. II. M.
lllack A ; Co. , Wi Liberty St. , Pittsburg. Pa.
B12 2 *
_ _ _
" 17 ANTED City solicitor for n grocery nnd
novelty otore. Address 1:110 : and 1H12 H iMh ;
\\7ANTKD-Two boys , one lady to instruct In
i In book-keeping ; good situations In Sep
tember. .1. It. Smith , rooinOlP , Hamgo block.
_ _ _
W ANTRD-Nlght clerk ArcndoToteL
7 UP 23 *
" \\7ANTRD-Shoemnker to make cowed nnd
T > peg work nud do icpairing ; steady work to
Rood workman. Address i-ruuk Loekwood ,
Xtapld City , Dak. 7b7 2I >
WANT 1JD German drug clerk , registered In
N iibraBUi. for position September 1st In
In con ntry. Itoom 4W , Paxton block. 70127 *
BOY Wanted One about 17 years of ago nnd
living with his tolkt * ; rcfereuco requited.
Apply KH Farnam st. 707 2.1
" \\7ANTKD-Vouug man to work in store ;
TT niiiNl have s&me experience in crockery
line and good reference. Address A f.S lice oil.
plating uge nnd experience. iG2-25
W PANTED Good black smith nnd horseshoer ,
German. Address A 70 llco otllce. 7GC-2U
WANTED Salesman to sell spring wagons
nnd carriages in Net ) . , ono that cnn talk
flerninu. Direct irtth references Bpatilding it
Buyder. Grlnnell , Iowa. 77423 *
"MTA NTEO-M ) tracklayers nt Albright's labor
T T ngency , 1120 Farnam st. 763-21
ANTED Good clothing salesman nt 017 N.
10th st. 739 23
" \XTANTED Good llvo men to wholesale the
TT beet machine made. G rent Inducements.
Call nt room 13 , No. 11113 Douglas Bt , between
" ( LItrioTl8 ! wanted for a largo mnnufactiir
ing company ; references required. Address
JJox 2 7. Omahn. 007 S20
WANTED 2 eont and 2 pnut makers. Vol < !
Jlros. , South Omaha. 07022 *
WANTED A tlrst class druggist , must hnvo
good experience nnd como well recom
mended. Address K. nud II , 117 North Eleventh
Ktrnet. Lincoln. Neb. C 222 ;
IXTANTED A tlrst class contmakcr nt fiOl N.
T T loth street. OIJ123T
WANTED Immediately , two boys , one lady
to instruct In book keeping ; good situa
tions in September. J. iB. binlth , room 64t < ,
jlBuigo block. 631 3 *
WANTED (20) ( ) twenty good cornice makers
and tinners at Western Cornice Worfci on
intli st. , south of Jackson bt. ; steady work for
Koodjnen. C. Specht. KH 24
\\/A NTED Euurgotlc men and women every-
TT whore for n genteel money-making busi
ness. * ) \\eekly profit guaranteed eaxler than
IiM monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
tiuuecebbnry. rermuncut position nnd cxclu-
nl\e territory assured. } 2 samples free.Vrltn
for particular ! * . Address , with stamp. Merrill
Mf'R Co. , II 63 , Chicago. W1 MH
\V ANTED Several draftsmen , or youiifi
TT men familiar with arc itocturnl drawing
s helpers lu pen draw Ing for photo engraving
Apply loom 21 , U. S. Nut. bank building. 403
AGENTS WANTED-J75 u month and ev
pcnsea paid any active person to sell 0111
goods. No capital required. Salary pull
monthly , expenses in ndvnncc. rnllimi-tlcnlnr ;
free , Standard Silverware company. Uoston
V\rANTKD-IOi ) railroad men for Wnshlngtnr
T > territory nt Albrights J.nbor Agency , ] 12i
Varnnm. 1W
W TANTED-Men for the west , Albright's
labor ncency. Ji2uFarnuni fit. 010
"DOYb-Am. Dlst. Tol. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
WANTEO-25 girls. 0 dlnlngroom girls ,
dishwasher , 1 laundry girl tl week , 1st tine
Sd girl tame placo. cooks fur hotels and board
tug houses. Omulm Emp. llureuu , llu N IDth.
\v JTANTED - Good girl for general hotiseworl
at 021 South H'th st. M per week.
| 81022 *
If ANTED Girl for general housework. Hoi
T ereuce required , 1V21 tit , Mary'a avenue.
book-keeper. II 3 , Ik-
WANTED Worklug housekeeper on a fan
( it cnlldren ) , also an old woman willing t
Work on n farm for small wages ( light work ,
\vorklng housekeeper for a boarding house
luuht bu n good cook , cook for private honrdln ,
house , 4 dining room girls , 2 dishwashers , am
gOttliU tor gcuenil housework. 3I4K P. IHh ,
A YOUNG ladr , stranger in city , wishes th
iTvacquulntnucu of a discreet gentleman wil
menus. Address U 4 lieu olllce. 7U7 21
ANTKD-GIrl for housework , 2214 Dougla :
TJS23 *
I ANTED Girl for general housework. It
qulro 2W3 1 lowani St. _ 732 23
"lATANTED Good girls who wish places ov
VT of city to call nud register at once. Mr :
Ill-ego , 3Hii B. IStll. W7 S3 *
good , reliable , steady girl , on
f who cnn cook , wash and iron. Mrs. A. 0 :
tnton , 11)18 ) Capitol nve. _ OT5
\r ANThD-Glrl for house work at 1&10 How
VV nriUt. b&SK
_ _
WANTED A competent feuialo'cook. Appl
Immediately at lUCS Capitol ave. UM - " .
Call at once , ( ioo
Vf agej. SI 13 Dou hm st Cdl-22
A N X ED-Glrl for gvnerai housaw orl
small family. 'Mm. Wright , ] $ ftwon
WANTED A. cook nnd second glr ( . Mrs. F.
II. Kennard. lC2 ! Dodge. . 049
WANTED-A girl forllght housework. Vf )
N. IMhst. tCO 23 *
NU11SE girl. Good wnaes. 2113 pouolns.
I tS > * ( * J
\\rANTED-Lndy ngents for "A" skirt nnd
T > bustle combined ; nlso "H" hose support-
Ml. Ourllnli'sburg. lit. , ngent clcnrod } IIMIn 10
days. Ladles. ' Supply Co. , 2S7 W. Wnshlngtou
St. Chicago. Ws21
\VANTED TJio address of thongcntlor the
T > I'lcncn back corset. Addiess boxfiUI , Du-
luth. M Inn. feur > 24 *
WANTED If you have any Inmu. lots , or
houses nnd lots to sell or exchnnge for
other property , call on mo or write. I can find
you a customer. C. C. Spotsw oed , 30iJ { 8. Ifitn.
\ \TANTI50 -1 he public to mnko good use of
> T The lien's message boxes throughout the
city. 100
ANTED Lady room mnte ; rent 14 per mo1
Inquire N. W. cor. 2nth and Cnss sts. 7 2-21 ?
w ANTTJD Second-hand bollor , must bo
cheap nnd In gcwxl condition Htato
price , size and how long used. Urown's restnu-
rnnt , Lincoln , Neb. 755
WANTED Ton good men who know n good
thing when thwy see it , to visit the ( iruat
Ten Dollar South Omaha lot sale , commencing
Monday morning at 310 South 15th st. , to buy
the only full block of lots loft at the low prlcu
of f 10 t-nch. ( M
W ANTED More nouses to rent. Ilosworth
& Joplln. lUrker block. Will
" \A7ANTl5lJ-Moro houses to rent , Kood-pnvlng
V > tomints , quick rents insured. II. II. Wan-
dell. 408 N lull. 2nd floor. 440 a2j
" ' '
CANADIAN employment onice. Jlrs. llregn ,
3l4ii S 15th. Reference Omaha National bank
Mfl s7 ! *
M A LR or female help furnished In or out of
city , prlx'ate famlllnH a specialty. II. II ,
Wandell , 408 N 16th st , 2nd floor. 437 n25
WANTED To rent n barn or room for n car
penter shop. Stnto price and location.
Address A CO , I ee oDIce. 815 27 *
WANTED To rent of the owner , n 5 or
room house for the winter. Convenient ,
to Bchool nnd Htrert cnrs ; must bo cheap. Ad'
dress until Saturday noon , II2 Itce olllcp.
7WV21 *
" \ TrANTr.D September 1st , good room nnd
T T board for married couple In private fam
ily. Kelorcnces exchanged. Address , stating
turins and locution. Itoom 23 , U. S. N. bnnk ,
78l-4 : *
WANTED Desk room.some centrally located
olllce , ground ttoor preferred , nt once. Ad
dloss A U Hue olilce. 70'J 23
" \\7AvrED-About Aug. 1 , by n young mnn ,
V > room nnd board in pilvato family ; locntion
south or southeast of U. P. depot. Address , A
lil , Heo olllce. ' 18 ' % *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WANTED To rent , nbout Sept. 15th , a house
of (1 ( looms In good neighboihood , south of
Hurt st preferred. Stnto location nnd tirlce.
Addioss , Itoom 0 , t' . S. Nnt'l bnnk. l il 20
fXll HENT 2-room house for family no dill-
1 dren , cor. 2 ! < tli and Howard. 800 2'iJ
"ITlOlt KENT One more of those elegant 8-room
JL' houses with bath nnd barn on cable line
cheap. II. E. Cole , Itoom 0 , ContinsutiU block.
71'3 ' 27
A SIX room house torrent. Inquire ntraoso
Kith st. 737-28 *
flOH HENT 'I new 7-room Hints , cor. 16th nnd
' Jones. A. C. I'owell , 1201 l-'nrnnm st. 7&0
"I710H HENT 7-room house , hot and cold city
JJ water and cistern , good barn ; place iXi mo.
F. K. Dai ling , 1321 Faruam. 747 2:1 :
T7I ( RENT Now 7-room house , full corner
-I : lot for yard , well , cistern nnd outbuildings
complete , twenty minutes' walk frompostolllie ,
$ .1,1 per month Call ut 721 Hickory stieet.
725 2U ?
ITIOH KENT Neat 520 cottage. Apply ntoiico ,
JL1 Q. llnrrlsou , 4ls S. lutn st. 727
"ITVMt HENT Nearly nmv 7-room house , wel !
JJ nud cistern wnter , $20. 8 12 st near Martha
712 21 ?
Foil HENT New 8-room house on Cumin ; .
st , near Lowe avo. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. Spotswood , iXKiH S Ifltb. 722
POH HENT Elegant brick house , nil modern
conveniences , llvo minutes' walk from 1' . 0.
220NU'tli. ' Enquire nt 2111 N lUth. BU-l
F KENT Elegant 10-room modern house ,
J near ! Illch tcliool , $50. G. li. Thompson ,
Sheoly block , IDth and Howard. 7U1
T710R RENT 10-room house ami largo barn ,
JL ? 2215 Hurt St. ; sploudld location.
8-room houbonnd good barn , 25th nnd Seward ,
only $30 per mouth.
5-rooni house , 28th nnd Hamilton st , $17 ,
5-room hoiibc , 2113 Ohio St. , $18.
Oeo. J. For , Room 1 , Continental block , 142C
Douglas. OGU 23
POH RENT 3 houses , six room houses In
quire of Jolin L. Hill , cor.ldth and Vlnton.
C2I > 23t
TTIOK REx'.T 7-room house , Davenpor
JL1 st , near High school , $10 n month , t Ilrennau
& Co. Chamber of Commerce. 043 20
"I7HR KENT 0-room cottage centrally located.
Jj Mead to Jamison , 311 S. 15th. 030
OR RENT Three 5-room houses. S. E. cor.
ItXtli and Dodgu sts. ; city water ; fU and 615.
Klngwalt Hros , , Harkor block. Ml )
TniOR RENT Ono 8 room house and ono 10
JL' room house on 21th street just north of
Kountze Place nnd opposite residence of John
1. lledlek. Fred W. Gray. CIO 23
FOR HUNT 8-room house. Bower , gas , hot
nnd cold water , bath room , new and com-
Dlete , & 0 per month , ready Kept. 1. Apply ut
oncu. C. F. Harrison , 413 S. 13th st. 4KJ
" 1IUHI BALE Now8-room house , all modern
JJ Improvements , near corner Woolworth and
Virginia avenues , llnnscoui Place , $1,500. C.
F. Harrison. 418 S. ISth st. 183
JOH HENT New 4 room house , with nil con
veniences. 1545 8. 21st , between Center
uud Doicns. 4UO 20J
TmOU KENT 7-room Hat S15 , 508 S 13th. In-
JU ( iniro nt the Fnlr. 102
FOR RENT Six-room cottage , 1515 llnrnoy
St. , 125 pur month. * 3.11
.1 OUSl'.S. f-tores and Hats to lent , all parls ot
city. U" 11. Wandell , 403 N liitli , 2nd"lloor ,
4'1J u25
"IT1OH HUNT 8 room house and barn nw cor.
Jj 2 > th ave nnd Webster tt ; inquire at room
a 1'axton blk. 1' . J. CreeUon. bOU
TTIOH HENT When you wish to rent n house ,
JJ stoio or onico call on us. 11. E. Cole , room
C. Continental block. 4S7
'TT'OH lU'.NT A 10-room house brick house
X1 with all modern Improvements , on 20th st ,
near Lcnvcnworth. inquire , No. S27 b 20th st.
VJ3 _
" 171OH HENT Sept. 1. elegant east front 10 room
JJ house , on Pleasant st , , { 00 per month. O. 1' .
Harrison , 418 S. loth t. 112
SI X room house for cent , city water. No. 1117
1'acillc street. Enquire at 1UO Howard. 101
HENT 10room modern house J55.00. 9
room ditto , t-Ki.0) ) . 7 room ditto , eil.OO. Other
honses , stores and olllces. G. E. 'Ihompsou.
Bheeleyblk , 15th nnd Howard sts. 34U
FOH HENT Handsome now home , 10 rooms ,
all conveniences , best neighborhood nnd
within dvo minutes' walk of postolllco. Nathan
Bhelton , 1505 1'arnam St. U14
ITIOH HENT-7-room house. No. 1518 S fith st7 ;
k JJ 0-room cottnge. No. filD Win. St. ; 5-room cot-
tnge , No. 2723 Charles bt. Inquire liOO Cup nve.
f- FOH HENT or Bnle New cottnge , Ilcdford
I'lnce , ou cnsy payments. Euqulro M. L ,
HoedtT , room 403 I'axtonblocc. Olff
Fc R RENT September 1 , good 8 room house ,
city water , large yard , very convenient to
buslnesa , RW. 7U S. 15th St. Call at Citizens
bank. C2223
Tmoil KENT A line 10-room brick house with
JL ! nil modern Improvements , fins locntio
street cur lino. 11. M. Genius , llOd Douglas
"fTlOH HENT 2 furnished rooms for light house-
JJ keeping to party without children. W)3 ) How-
nrd. WX'
TI10H HENT IMrnMied Bleeping rooms ; W.OO
J. upwards , payable weekly or monthly. Wj
n- llownid st. 770.2(1 * 0a
TJMllST-CLASS furnished front room witli board
ut J. In priuate family , pleasant home , terms lea-
SollubU. U5 South 2oth ave. 771 20 $
TTiOH HENT A tplensaut south front room ,
J. modern conveniences , best locality , sultnblt
for uuj gentleman. 2212 Farnam st. 772 27
TOOOM for gentlemen near P. O. . 823 N 17th.
KOOM3 including board In the Youne Wo-
iy meu's homa 11)10 ) Dodse st. Heferences re
quired. 810
/ \N E room with board. 024 N 20th. Inferences
v/requlred. Young men preferred. 703 23t
m\VO front rooms , 16U Dodc Ht. 67S ,
ITHIt HKNT-Front room , largo and nicely
J-1 furnished , located near the nigh scliool , lu
the highest nnd coolest section of the city ;
entile lin nnd horse ears pass tha door. In
quire at'iiij Dodge near 24th si. HX > -
TTWH HENT A nicely furnished room.suttnbls
J- for two , nt 1914 Karnnui , and board : tine lo
cation , plensnnt homo. 'II 31
FOR HENT Nicely furnished Iront room
suitable for two gentlemen , nlso single
room. Modern conveniences. 1 17 Cass. 1H4
SMAIJj front room , modern conveniences
2107 Douglas st. 641
WEIjt , furnished rluui rooms , nil modern
conveniences , 1 block from I1. O. 1015
Cnpltol nve. 07(1 ( 27 *
1I10K KENT 1'urnlshcd rooms , 1701 Cap nve.
JU R 27t
TTIUUN1SIIEO room with closet , 17 , KM H.22.
U IIII)2W ) (
Tj\UHNIBHED \ looms , single or en suite. 171S
J ? Dodge. ( ! W2C
170H HI'.NT Trent pnilnr nud back parlor
J-1 with small room , with board. A limited
number of day boarders taken. Trench t blo
nt 10M Douglas , I , , lleuard , proprietor. ' M 8 23p
NICKIA * furnished rooms , tl per week or WJX )
per mouth , 6U2 , Wl and OOti H. ibth Ht.
MU s 17
Foil HENTTo business or professional men
and ladles , newly furnished rooms w Ith ( list-
class homo board ; reference required. 17-1 Duv-
enport st. 53721 *
rpWO neatly furnished rooms with board : ex-
JL cellent location ; reference desired. 8. E ,
cor. 20th and Furuum. 480 23j
ROOM nnd board , 1812 Chicago st.
187 W
Foil HENT Furnished room , modem con
veniences. A. llospe , 1S13 Douglas. 174
I7IOK HENT Furnished rooms in Oreums blk
Jcor. . l.'lth and Dodge sis. Inquire of Geo. II. .
DnvlH. Millard hotel billiard room. 020
POH"HENT - 1 urnHied front nnd back
parlor ; also small bed room with or without
board : modern conveniences ; bath , steam heat ,
etc. Her block , TO ) S. 10th St. , 3d floor , 730 21 *
TjKH HENT-Furnlshod nnd unfurnished
JU' rooms nt 102(1 ( Douglas street , wllli meals
French cuisine. L. Hounrd , proprietor , [ Af.t 23p
"UVK KENT An elegant suit of front rooms ;
Jnlso single room , with board , lu private fam
ily ; two street car lines pass door ; none but
llrht-clnsHiieeil apply. 1)47 ) I'ark ave. OlTiBiJ
l , 1810 Dodge.
11' O0 ' r and board for (3 n week , C04 S. l.ttli Bt.
471 2i5
DrsiKAHLY furnished rooms , slugln and
double. Gentlemen preferred. 11HJ1 Capitol
uve. 2VK )
T710H KENT 2 furnished rooms with closet
- * - on ground lloor , lu cottage. 414 N. 14th.
077 20 *
JAHGB and small room suitable for gentle
man , w 1th or without board , 1812 Dodi/u.
rilllllME (3) ( ) rooms. 1110(4 ( S.7tlt. . 11 00
JL Three CJ ) rooms. 1020 N. 21st Bt . HID
Thrco (3) ( ) room cottage , 21st nnd Paul St. . . . 1250
Three (3) ( ) room cottage , Ilil'l Nicholas st . . . 1.1(0 (
1'our ( I ) rooms. 1701 Webster st . 1 ( H )
Four ( I ) rooms. 415 South lUth bt . 18 ( H
Three pi ) rooms , 1018 Nnorth c21st nt . U W )
Three HI ) rooms , 7Ui' ' Pncitlnbt . 1f > 0
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 1702 Webster st . 18 10
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 413 South Mn Bt . IH ( W
Three ( ill rooms , 1120 Norlh'Jlst bt . II 01
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1412 Pierre nt . 10(10 (
Tnreo ( .1) ) rooms , 102.1 N. 20th st . 11 2Ti
Three ( II ) rooms , 707 Pnclllc st . 12 B )
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster Bt . ! " > l
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 70T Pacitlc st . 11 HO
Three (3)rooms ( ) 1412 Pierce bt . 1fO
Apply to Judge Keutlng Agency , Herald
building , a W. corner of 15th nnd Ilnrnovst.
O NE unfiirntbhod room for rent at 812 N 23d.
7U1 2. ' ,
"I7W ) ll KENT To small family , U rooms nt OOh N
-P lath l st. 781 2f > J
TTIO HENT-3 rooms. 2lth ( anil Parlllc , iTi !
J-1 month. Apply to N. P. Llndiitilst , tr ? | S. 2-'d * ,
Foil KENT rnfmnlshodor furnished double
parlors , 001 N. 17th st. 730 21'
OFFICES and basements for rent , corner 13th
nnd Jacksoiibts. Mrs. F. I.ange. bOl.
1J10H UENT-llaifof'storeT suitable business
J- good location , good street , reasouabla left.
Address n 1 llee olllce. 7t-t2 ; ;
ANTED To Tent , biilldlng suitable for
carpenter snop. Address , btatmg price and
location , A M , Heo olllce. 71tf 2u
HENT Four nights In the week , a very
desirable lodge room suitable for small bo-
cletles. New building , good locutionterms mod
erate. Address A , (3 ( , Dee ollice. ,0i-2i ) *
FOR HENT ntore-room under Omahn Bank
ing Co. , cor. 15th nnd Harney. suitable for
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
& Co. , No. 15ll , room 8 , Farnam st. 652
IT1OR RENT Store 24xflO and 0 rooms above on
JE ! Cumlng , west of tfJtU. Inquire at tW N 13th.
7b2 2.1J
TjlOK KENT Fine retail store room with
JJ large basement , StO per month. C. F. liar-
rlson. 418 S. 15th st. 48. )
rpWO choice store rooms in the Her building ,
-L between Howard and Jackson sts. Apply
llaymer & Her store. 521 S 10th st. 47.1 slu
"IjlOR HENT Double store room , snltalile for
J } clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
llrst cla.-.s. Address X 111 llee olllce. 1H3
TI1WO stores , 22x50. Just completed , with flats
Jof seven rooms above , with water nnd gas ,
tlrst-clnss finish , Cth and Pucltlu ots. , low rent.
Apply to Etllngcr Ilros. , 'J12 8.10th st. , Omnhu.
I'd I
STOKE for rent. 11U Farnam street. Inquire
of Nathan Sheltou , at 15U3 Farnam street
FOR RENT OUIce suite ? ai month. 2 single
oflices jlfi each , all fronting IGth St. , llusn-
man block , N. E. ( X > r. luth ana Douglas. W. M.
Uushmau , 1311 Leavenworth. 320
T71OK llENT-Slorerootu , No.214 S. 14th st. Ap-
JP ply at 1110 Howard Et. 077
POIl KENT Half of WM 8. Iflth st. . opposite
Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton * Co.
TORE for rent. 510 N. IBth. Inqulrn of
Henry Osthoir , 1.113 California st , CM
LEASE Lot 17x2Jl near corner Cumlugo street
onPuunders ; long term for right party. Ap
ply to .lean Schons , KJJ rarnam street ; Htrnng's
building. 761-20 *
"TJ1OH HENT fc per month Ilrst floor , $15 per
JJ month second lloor , 1013 llnrney st. '
G 001) barn cheap , 1921 Chicago st.
GE. THOMPSON.Sheely blk , 15tn tc Howard.
03 *
WE glvo special attention to renting and col
lecting rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room
0 , Continental block. 487
TJ1OR quick rental and good tenants list your
JU houses with H. IL Wundoll , 4U8 N IMh st. 2nd
lloor. 417a2i
1 11. SMITH , OWN. 10th St. 334023
F YOU want your nouses rented place them
with Benawn St , Co. , 15th , opposite postomce ,
T GST-Silver watch marked Illrdle. finder will
JLJbo tewurded by returning to X''JJ CaplUdavu.
tOS 23j
OST A basket of laundry on S 13th st. Reward -
ward will be paid for us return nt drug
store cor , Uth nnd Pacitlc. 778 2.U
IOST S ) ) tted coach pup.has on nickel-plntoil
Jcollar with brass lock ; liberal reward will be
paid if returned to Mrs. Aehby's burn , b'aundoia
HI. , flrst bulldlug bouth of Redlck rcsldcnre.
77023 *
LOST -Tho last chance I'll over ha e In a 100
years to buy n South Omaha lot foe $10 , un
less 1 attend the great 410 lot bale nt 310 S. 15th
St. , commencing Mondny , Aug. BOth , DtiU
"I71OUND Ouo more chauce to buy ft 50x12.1 fool
J- South Omahn lot for < 10 ; warranty deed
given ; free from encumbrance ; snlo conv
mences Thursday mornlus.Aug. Hi , ut 310 S. 15th ,
44' )
TDERSONAL-Information Wanted Any per-
J- son knowing tha whereabouts of Mrs. Jennlt
Clarke will confer a favor to her brother by ad
dressing M. M. llrlcker , Cnrnas , IJingham Co.
Idaho. 768 > 1
IJKRSONAL-Frnnk 1 hare already traded
the tlO lot you bought for me at 310 B. 15tl
fat , for a horse and buggy. Do not full to attonc
the sale again nil next week nnd get mn mort
lott. Roxy. MJ
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or excnang <
call on or address Georc * J. Btirnsdorif ,
toout 8 , opjxMlU P , a SI1
PEHSONAI/-If'yonharoa personal H mor
nny communication , drop It In on * ot The
Hoe's message boxes. 108
TTKR 8ALE-Plamng mill machinery. Tail at
X11408 Davenport st. Omnlift. 310
TT1OR SALE A new C sf at Jlockaway carriage
X1 nt Leo & Nichols" livery barn , Twenty-eighth
and Lcavenworth. Teletmmlo 810. 417
T71OR SALE niralturetln eight room house ;
JO owner leaving the vniyi will sell cheap.
House nud bnrn for rent I'ltX ) Sherman ave.
U81-29 *
TjlOR SALE Furnlturo'of twelve rooms for
JL1 ft00cash , rent KU , inooimi tltW , 1304 Fnrnam.
/ t 771) iUt !
T710R SALU-2 fresh COWSV2114 Nicholas st.
JJ 7W 21 j
rpllOTTING bred horses ; standard bred mares
X In foal to fashionably bred stnlllons ; n tow
choice young mnres nnd geldings , broken to
hnrness and suitable for track or road. John
W. Watt. Moorelleld. Neb. 78fl S7t
'IPOR 3A LE Cheap , ktlchon and bed room et ,
XI mis Uth st. up stairs. ( J34-2il *
TjlOR BALE A flue young gentle cow. ono-
JL third Jersey , a perfect family cow , only J)3.
Cull at 731 Hickory st. 720 2rt *
T7H1R SALE Household furniture at n bnr-
JL gain , nnd the house for rent at 1318 Capitol
avenue. 091 2(1 ( ?
rOR SALE Horse , bupgy. harness , whip nnd
lap robe , cheap. Part cash , balance monthly
payments. 1519 Dodge. 5U1-Z1
5,0(10 ( tons of ice for sulo by Uoogo Packing Co. ,
Sioux City. K..ia2S
GJA8 fixtures for sale cheap. Have n large as-
ft.sdrtinvnt of the latest designs In gas llxtures
which I will sell at cost. M. E. Free , successor
to J. 0. Elliott , agent , liilUS Fnrnam st. 278
OR SALE Heavy young team liores , small
pii j men t down. A , J , Eaton , 1.117 . Douglas.
FOR SALE Fine new piano. Will take horse
nnd buggy or equity in lot as Dart payment.
Must have part cash. 386 ! Hamilton si. 603-23 *
TTiOR SALE A lew choice milk cows. C. F
JD Harrison. 418 S. 15th. ICM
"ITM'EGANT two-dented ocst make
' - rnrrlagp , ;
JuJwlll bell cheap lor cash. G. J. Stemsdorlf ,
RoomO , opp. P. u. 581
FOR SALh The lenso of a ton room tiatnnd
furniture , which is nearly now. Address
U. 07. care Hco. 075
FOR SALE Furniture nearly now ; lionso U
rooms ; terms reasonable. 1703 Douglas. J.
L. Chamberlain. 151
FOR SALE carriage horse , now
phaeton and harness. Inquire room 40 ,
llarker block. 411
I ADY AGENTS coin mom- } ' with my grand
now rubber nndergnrnuntB for females ;
over n million sold. J roof free. Mrs. II. F.
Little , Chicago , 111. HI 3U
\\7ANTED All persons holding tickets and
i T nil who denlro to tnko part In Pain's Mego
of Bolm-ito ) ol to meet to-nlglit nt7o'clock shnrp
nt the gum ( Is armory , on Cnpltol avenue , but.
Kith nnd 17th streets , formerly known as thu
Itlnk. .lohii Itaymoiul , ntuge manager. 71' : ! 2' > U
( JENI ) your orders for line family nnd gentle-
Omen's wnshlugand Ironing to wing Sing , WJ
Noith lilth bt. ; will call for clothes In nny part
of the city nnd make terms on application. C.JO
A HE you n trader ? Are you n speculator ? If
MO , don't fall to buy nnifof tho'jo fOxr.'i foot
Smith Omaha lots , fioo friilii f neumberuncu , at
the great $10 lot snlo nt 3ijjtf | , 15th st. , commenc
ing Mondav moinlng , A'.ig.ji th , MI7
WOMAN'S Exclmngn , liU7 Farnam st. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. UIO
A ITCT1ON nnd StoragoWo are prt-pared to
1-iecolvo conslgnnientH wt furniture nnd other
goods for sale at auction qt pur l.irgo salesroom
No. 1121 Farunin st. Cish advances made. We
have alhotho best of storigo fr.cllltles. Outsldo
bales attended. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. ,
< U5S S'J '
HTJlE banjo titight as an art by Geo.F. Gullen-
JL beck , hiw llarnuy st.- j . _ 1S2
BO > 1 R for Destitute Women and Children
2718 Hurt t. UIO
TAPEWORMS removed with head complete
or no charge. E. 1'uller. 113 S. 24th st.
Omaha. U S
IF you nave auytiilng t ( ) trade cab on or ad
( IressGuorgo J. SternsdoriT. Uoom 0 , oppo
site postolllco ' 107
G.E. . THOMPSON , Room 112 Steely block.
. 105
AUCTION nnd Storage We aru prepared to
receive consignments of furniture anil other
goods tor sale or storage at our warehou e , 1121
Farnam st. Outside auction sales attended.
Omaha Auction A. Storage Co. 017 Sl (
FOR RENT Storage very cheap nt Hlock &
Ileyman , clothiers , HUi Fumuin st. Two
Orphans' old stand. 52Sn28
STORAGE Safe , dry nnd clenn nt low rates.
Itlddull & Hidden. 1112 Howard. 4'4a2i
rpRACKAGK , storage , lowest rated. W. M
X Jlushman , 1311 Lonvenworth. 1B7
A\rANTED To buy or rent 2 chariots with
> > harnesa for fair , Sept. 2i ) , 27,2 < ? , Ih88. W. F.
aine. Sidney , Neb. 7312
rANTED A 10 or 50 gallon milk route. John
Walsh , Ottumwn. la. tetf-24 *
SPOT cash for second-hand furnltun1 , Btoves
nud carpets. Anything from n bedstead to
n house and lot. Orll k Co , , 117 N. Itltu st.
84ti. S.U
\WANTED To buy or tiado tor a good bullet-
> T ing that can be moved. Please call on
or address George J. SternsdorIT , room 0 , oppo-
bile 1MJ. 231
w ANTED Household furniture , etc. , Oma
ha Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Knmam st.
WANTED Good nonsfi nnd lot In desirable
part of the city ; will give first-class bargain -
gain to anyone if siiltod. Ueo. j.Sterns'lorir ,
KoomO. Frenzer bit. 818
WANTED East front lot In west part of
town. Address , X 3 , llee office. 71 1 21 *
SEVERAL store buildings or bouses that can
be moved. Will pay good price if sult-ed.
George J , Sternsdorlf , room 0 , opposite post-
olllce. 123
SPOT cash for second-hand furniture at A.
W. Cowan's , 10(1 ( N. 10th St. IKI1 SO
IF you hnvo Improved business or residence
property that you wish to soil , call nud see
me. George J. Sternsdorif , room 6 , opposite
poKtot'ico. ai
" 1S 7ILL buy furniture of a nouse or Hat centrally -
T T trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co ' 305 N. 16th
VALENTINE'S Shorthand and 'I yncwritiiig
> Institute Is the largest and best 4-mlpped
shorthand wheel lu the woat. Graduoles all oc
cupy good paying situations. Students ctin ( n-
terat any time. Solid for circular. New Paxton -
ton building. Omaha. BIOS. 3
r\R. NANNIE V. Warr-m , cialrvovnnt. iled-
Jleal , business and test'niedinm. DlaguoaU
free. Female diseases n f > p claUy. 119 N. Utu
St. . Rooms 2 A3 Tel. 944. ' 1UJ
T\f IDLANO Onarantee and.Trust Co. , 1TO l-nr-
-U--nam Complete abstracts furnished , If titles
to real estate t > xnrnlnodpcrfectod & guaranteed.
B liNSONA"cAltMICirvHIl furulnh complot
nnd guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omahn nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. Iho most complete set of ubstinct
booKs in the city. No. 1503 Fiu iinm st. 582
Omaha Fiimnciali'tochange , Room 11 ,
Harkor block , southwest corner of Far-
iiam and 1.1th sts. i . ,
Makes a specialty ot shorttlme ; collateral and
real tatato loons. l 'i'
Money always on hand ipnums of 1100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved se
curity. '
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear rtal estate and cash to exchange for
good flrst or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , flrxt or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial . , business . , , , of . . _ . any _ kind trannactcd
promptly , quietly and fairly , Hoom 15 , llarker
block , Corbett , Manager. U23
MONEY To Loan lly the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan agency
in Omaha. Loans ot 110 to tlOJ made on furni
ture , pltt.ios , organs.horses , wagous.machiuery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. AH buslnesa
strictly routldentlal. Loans so made tliat any
part cau be paid at anr time , each payment re
ducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on
One watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are dealing with , aa
many new concerns are dally coining into exis
tence. Should you need money call and see mo.
W. H. Croft , Room 4. Wlthnell DuUding,15th and
Harney. 6SO
G PERCENT money to loan casn on hand W.
M. Harris , room 20 , Frenizer block , OPJI. P. O.
OANS made to parties oesirlns to build. D.
V. tiboles. room 1 , Darker block CW .
/ " IfATTKIi LOANS mad on anynrnllnhlo noV -
V cnrlty. Heal estatn loans made ou Omaha
city property. Secured notes bought. All bus.
iticss done promptly , quietly and fairly nt thn
Chattel & Heal Estate I < onn Agency , Itoom 7 ,
Hedrlck block , 1508 Farnam St. , up stntr
Archer & Itobblns. 7i'4
. to loan on Inside property. Some
J.OOJ mortgages for snlo. Nathan Shelton.
rnninm st. 75H
"I } EAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odcll Ilros.
-li&Co. . Bigs. 1Mb St. PP4
HI ) . 1URY $ &unom to linn ou city property
tand Improved farm land. Frenzer block
MONET Good commercial paper nnd short
time mortgages bought. Heal estate loans
negotiated. S. A. tUloman , Uth and Fnrnatn.
TXIONEY to loanonnorscs , furniture ami other
J.-l personal pioperty or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business confidential. Olllce S. W. cor
ner IMh and Douglas sts. Entrance on IMhst.
The ralrbnuk Investment Co. reil
flJoiiO.WMto loan on Omaha city propervat
Pper cent. O. W. Day. se corEx. _ bltl. 133
MONEV to loan m nny ninonnt. either for
buildlngor otherwise , at lowest rates of in
terest and on short notice. Sholes \ Hunt , suc
cessors to D. V. Sholes , loom 1 , Darker block.
fPO LOAN * 4,400 on good real ostnte security
a 503Ninth Bt , MS 22J
_ _
TF you nre figuring on n loan go and talk with
A. K. Illley. 1MB Farnam. 813
B UlLDiNlTloans. Lliiahau k Jlahouey. .
DON'T b ow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. II.
Jacobs , room 410. First National b nk ImlMInc ,
cor. 13tn and Farnatn CM
MONEY to loan ; cush onnntid ; no tlelay. J.
W. Squire , 1210 Faruom St. , First Nntlonnl
bank building. , 141
M ONEY to loan. lx > n time. George J. Paul.
UXXt Fnrnam st. I'M '
MONEY to lonn'on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or ou collateral .security.
Business strictly confidential. A. K. Greenwood
& Co. , 111 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson.
tor *
J > raonoo to loan nt tl per cent. Llnaliun < & Ma-
Pbonev , Hoont MM Paxton block. fi < 8
MONEY loaned nt C. F. Kced Si Co.'s Lo.xn
ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
lorsorml Property of all kinds , uudall other
rtlcles of value without lemoval , Ol' < S. 13th.
11 buslnexs strictly confidential ( TO
liItST \ mortgage loans promptly placed. A.
J-1 1C. Illley , liil Famam. i > 12
AOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. lleeil A : Co. , IWI Fnrnam.
D ION'T fall to see A.1C. Illley about your loan ,
at irID , rurnam. M2
GOOD cltv and farm loans wanted by A. 1C ,
IHley. 1.119 F.irnnm. 812
LOANS made on Improved nnd unimproved
city piopoity at lowest rules of interest ,
ipeclal rutos oul arge loans on Inside property.
Jdell Ilros. At Co. 313 8. Ifcth ftt. | fI7
MONEY toToan. O. 1" . Iavls Co. , reaJ estate
and loan agonf. J.W ! I'nmam nt. < ! 32
ONEY to loan on rurul'turB , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Itol > -
" Ins , H. ail Sliecly blk , 15th nnd Howard. < U 'J
EASl'EKN money cheap. City and country.
OHIce I'hllaUelphla Mortgau't ) and 'I'nist Co ,
room 13 , Hoard of i'rado Geo. W P. Coate.s 7C5
MONEY to loan ; Inrgs and -mall sums nt low
ratoH , for hhort time , on real c-tute or
chattel fcrcurlty : second notes bought ; all flnan-
cliil business strictly contldentlal. People's Fl.
nanclal Exehant'o , O. Ilouscaren inaiiaeer : room
Wi. Hnrker block , Kith and FnniHiii. 5U7
Gl'EU CENT money to loan , Patterson It l' <
nard 313 S 15Ui st Oi3
\\7E kfnpon hand money to loan on inside
T property in Omaha nnd South Omaha lu
iums from * . "iOO to M.UUO , and K we do our own
ralunting , make all papurs , etc. , wo can com
plete a loan any day you wlsli nnd pay you tno
money. Hates , Smith & Co. , Iloom 20 : ) , llnmge
building. H
CHATrRLund collateral loans , M. E. Davis ,
111 S. Uth bt. ltoom27. _ 751
ONEY to loan on Omahannil Soutli Omaha
property , C. Harrison 4H s. 15th st. Uil
l per emit. Money to loan on nipro-
tpved farms or city property , .lames A. Wood
man , nt tno old fire insurance ofllce of Mm pay
& Lovett , 220 S. 13th bt. 034
SALOON Want putt cash balance m good
property. II. 13. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental
iilock. 7 'J 27
PAYING position or liiteiest to 11 man ot
A ( .aU'.smnn's ability and push ; man of middle
ago pi'ut'eired. 115 , Deo. 775 2J *
"I710H SALE Drug stock , invoice Jl.rtJO. in one
-L of the beat towns instate , will b sold at
bargain , nud must go nt once ; also have sev
eral other Blocks in city and country for sale
and trade. Itoom 40. * , Paxton block. 7UI 2U
TITO" SALE IJlacksmitli shop and tools inC
-C South Omaha ; best location in town. In
quire A. Frazer , 2.1th bt. bet. N. and O. 7i'J-2fl *
WANTED A Partner with 81.CKJO to $2.000 to
' engBgema manufac-turing business where
increased cupltitl U required. Addicts A , 72 ,
Bee ollico. 751 2
FOH SALE llarber shop nnd bath looms In
Pacific hotel ; will bo sold nt a bargain after ,
Sept. 1st. Churles Moscr , Norfolk , Neb.
743 20 *
FOIt SALE Itcstnurnut complete , dls'.ios
tables , tublo linen , napkins , cutlery , chairs ,
oltlce desk , nnd all in good shape. Feeding
txtO people a day , can be bouchi at your own
price for 3 days only. H. II. Wandell , iW N 10th.
742 23
FOll SALE Jloardtng house , saloon and sta
ble , llebi location in Omaha. Apply to II.
MannwolIer.JU4 S14th _ st. I-L 1 * .
TT1IK8T-CLASS saloon for sale , centrally lo-
-l ! catcd on Faruam st. AddroMi A D-J , llco olllce.
Wi sat
FOH SALE An interest In n good manufac
turing business , iniibt have 2,5UO. Address
A 57 , Hee oflico. 075 27
AUNDHV for sale. Address A 50. lleo olllco.
I 073 23 *
AN old established hotel for snle. with 4o
steady boarders , 2 blocKS from IT. P. depot.
Address , A 50 , Hoe. G.13 2 lj
WANTED-Pnrtnershlp in growing business
by energetic young business man. $50)
capllHl. Address A 5fl. Heo olllce. ftiO-24 *
OR BA I/E TlrHW'lnss billiard hall nud bnr ,
long lease on jiropcrty , best stand In city ;
rood reasons for selllnt ; . Audress A 2 lieu olllco.
574 21
T710R SALE A wall-established wholesale and
JJ retail tobacco nnd cigar business , enjoying
n good jobbing trndo In city nnd country ; busi
ness is located on ono of the principal business
btieethin the city. Good reasons for Belling.
1'or particulars address .V 55 , Hue oHlco , MS
T71OR "SALE ChclTp for cafcl > , N. Y. Hotel and
J Restaurant. 7U'J N. Kith ht. ; good business ;
desirable locntion , reason for selling , have
other business to attend to. Call on or address
13. A. Mai-sli.j WN.JHtlljitiOiiialia. Kll
FOR SALE Hrick bank nud llxtures nt Doug-
Ins. Wyo. ; rare chancu. Address Aler. T.
llutler. DouclnsWy _ ( ) . 02 < i 20
T710R SA I.E Abstract books of Omaha and
L Douglas county. This is nn established ,
rapidly inci casing , business , paying a
large int mt on the investment. For books
and good will of the business. Omaha real es-
tnto or secured paper with a fair cash payment
will be taken. George W. Ames , 1507 Faruam.
I71OH SALE Livery stable , htock and fixtures
JJ complete , nil nearly new , rent reasonable ,
centrally located. Address A 14 , llee olhce.
17IOH HALK Or trade , for good productive
JJ property , one of the best notela in Oinnhn.
Address. X 5S. llee ofllce. 171 s3
fjlOH HALE At Kearney , Neb. , the furniture
JJ and lease of Grand Central Hotel. The second
end best house in the city , and tbe befit located ,
being opposite depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. 1'rice J1.WO. Inquire T. 0. Hralnnrd.
Midway hotel. Kearney , Neb. 274
TJIOH BALE A good lumber.coal , ralagrlrufiu
JJ Implement nnu live stock buslnessess. Addr
Hedge Ilros. . Yutan. Neb. 7'JI s 1
DHUG store , established 20 } rs , thlsclty.2,00i )
cash , rare bargain ; address X C3 llee. 15-s3'
F"btt SALE Stoci of hardware , in good coun
ty sent town , ouly two blocks lu the town ;
best location in brick corner storp ; good coun
try surrounding ; crops nnd business prospects
excellent. ( Joodieasons given for selling. Ad
dnjss J. W. Dolau , Indlanoln. Neb. 2-l ) 23
Foil SALE A first class bakery , ice cream ,
fruit end confectionery business in Fremont -
mont ; splendid location , good reasons for sell
ing. Address Geo. Ilasler. Fremont , Neb. 86) ) )
TTUH BALE A good grocoi-y , established four
JJ years , good location , doing a good buslnesa.
Good reasons for soiling. $2,000 capital , and will
take nothing but cash. TJW , llee OOlce. OtiO
LEAH lot in Ilrown 1'ark , Bouth Omaha fo
farm land. II , K. Cole , Itooia U , CooUiicnta
block. 7 3 27
WANTED-To trade a f40oTiulty in a goo (
taUO lot for a horse and buggy. Call nt 1&1 >
Dodge st. 1X1 S3
fMlOOM house and need lot on S , 10th at. , for
Uhouse ami lot in Kountze I'lece ; reason for
change , moving business to north partot town.
Apply at once. C. V , ilarrlaun. ilb tJ. lith st.
WHAT have you to trade for HO acres of land
untncmuNml in .lunean county , Wls , ,
fl miles from county seat. G. J.
6 , opp rostollloe. 167
IF you have a stock of grocerTesTgenernl me ?
chandlje. hardware , drugs or millinery goods
to exchange for western land and some c-usli ,
address , Joliu & Case , Cambridge , Neb.
" \\niiLtrade No , one spring wagons forunlin-
TT proved land In Iowa or Neb. SpauldlngA :
Snyder , Grlnnell , Iowa. 77323'
A CHE property lightly encumbered for good
farmland , II , E , Cole Iloom ( I , Continental.
\\ril.\T have you to trndo for some north *
TT wcsteiu oil stock ? Addiess Jl fl , Heo olllce.
IilOU SALE or exchange The stock of n char
tered member holding the choicest oil lauds
in Kattlesnnko district , Wyoming. Address A
07 , Heo olllco. 7CS S , $
"WANTED To trade an $ MJ ) Chlckeriugplnnn
TT slightly used for a horse and buggy. Call
nt IMfi DodBQjit. 7il : 23
GOOD farm lands In Iowa or Nebraska , nnd
cn h to exchnnge for general indso. Co-oper-
ntlvo Land & Lot Co. , 2Qj N. Ifith st. 4iVi
HE. COLE gives special attention to ex-
changing property. Call nnd heo us. II.
E. Colo. Iloom 0. Continental block. POO 27
J. STEHNSDORFF , Iloom 6 , opposllo P.
O. . has some choice farm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light Incum-
brances. 231
T OTS on car line lightly Incumlwred for farm
JUlaud. II. K. Cole , K 0. Continental.
800 27
\\7ANTED-A small stock of clothing and
T T furnishing goods or boots and shoes to
trndo for land or lots in Lincoln. Address llox
BO. Lincoln. Neb. 4:19 :
\\71IAThave you to offer for 1.2HO acres ot
T > timber landl u Went Virginia , clonr of In-
cumbrance , perfect title. George J. Stvrnsdorff ,
Itoom 0. opposlto P. O. ! Xil
TpKADES made in r \l estate and personal
X property. See exchange book , ( jo-ot ) . U
and i. Co. ate N. Ifltli at. ll i
Git RAH , IfO Dlxon Co. . Neb. , for equity in lot
or houno mm lot , 11 , . Colo' Itoom tl. Con
tinental block. 7TO27
EldHTY ( M ) acres of nnd adjoining I.nko
Jlunawa , Council , lllutts , la. This tract
will make 400 beautiful lots and is free from
encumbrance. What nave > ou to offer ? George
J. Stcrnidorir rooin U. opp f' . O. 1C7
"ITM.KdANTlO room house , all modem conven-
J lences , one blocKof cable : want some cash
balance good property. II. K. Cole , Itoom B ,
Continental block. 7U9V7
Wtintoil-100.000 bricks in excnnnco
for good Inside Omaha property. 8. A.
Slomau room nnd 23 1 tollman bldg. GUI
OnrNciLHluITs lots lightly Incumbered , for
fniius or Omaha property. II , K. Cole ,
Iloom . Continental. 800 27
\S7ANTKn-A good l.orse. buggy nnd harness
I > In exchange for South Omaha lots. George
J.Steiiisdprif. room n. onp postolllco. 230
\\71 lAi give you n good t ruao tor nu eisht or
TT tun room nouso nnd lot. OcorgoJ. Sterns-
dorff. Iloom 0 , opjioslte I1.0. 231
SIMUNDID bargain , lot ou 17thstreet in Kirk-
wood , worth tl.WW , for Jl.UOO. llasy teims.
Owner muni ha\-e money. II. 15. Cole , room fl.
Continental block. Hl ) 27
lOPNCIIj lllunn Tlio vorj'choicest rnxldonco
L Hlte in Council HluQs , fronting threq Htreets ,
ix blocks from the tmstolllcr , lnrg plat of
round , high elevation and magnlllcrnt view ,
'an oiler tlilH for a few days nt r. low price. Can
o bought only of ua. M. A. Upton c.VCo. _
t-HOOM newTioiise on West Cass for sale on
Jmonthly payments ; price $ --00. K. 1C , Dar
ing , 1521 r'arnaui. 74b 24
IjlOH &AIJ { A vorv choice home in Kountze
L1 place , 1(1 ( rooms , all conveniences , JG.UJO , SI.WX )
ash , bal. to suit ; if yon am looking for u good
uvestinent in this addition here IH your chance ,
> rlce asked Is actual cost , built bv owner and
uust bo told. 1' . K. Darling , 1521 Kurnam.
[ 71O11 SALK Fine east front ilanscom 1'laco
13 tot , M feet front on prade , 52'JOO , 4 cash ,
mnilr to i-oiith Omahn hiibnrbuu trains. C. F.
larrjsou. 41BS. Ijth Bt. _ _ 4W _
HOUSES In any part of the city for sale on
monthly payment * ; como look over the llbt.
' . K. Darling , 1MI FiirnJim. 7t'J ' 24
" VN easy terms , come splendid homes. Don't
/pav rent , but como nnd see some of these.
I. K.J'ole , loom ( I , Continental. HOI 27
POH SAL1J or trade for good Omaha prop
erty :
500 acre farm , 310 ncres Improved , good build
up , orchard , pasture , nil No. 1 tillable land ,
wo miles from railroad station.
311) ) acre farm , 200 acres cultivated , orchaid ,
small fruit , largo grove , good buildings , all good
bottom land Hi miles from county seat.
4U ) acres , highly improved farm. 300
x'Hrlng apple trees , small fruit , timber and wa *
er , largo house and bam , 4 miles from county
310 acre farm , 200 under cultivation , largo now
: iouse , stables , pasture , timber and water , l'/t
: ulles from county scut.
TliCMi lauds are nil situated in Thnyer county ,
Ncli. , in the best crop region In th < - state. This
is your Uiance to buy or trade for what is worth
.he money. For prices and terms call on or
write C. It. Coon ,
Hoom 23. Wnro llldg. ,
740 27 Cor. lutti and Farnam sts. , Omahn , Neb.
CIIANCi : to get allttlohomo In n line location
In South Omaha ou small payment down ,
iialiincA $ r > monthly. D. D. Smoaton , Il.u-Ker
block , Omaha. 7U. " > 3 a
q " /,00 ) makes llrnt payment on a line 7-ioom
u3lnmsi > 'i , block from paved uticot , and In ouu
ottha best resltlunco locations In thu city , llet-
tor Invostlgato this. II. R , Cole , room it. Conti
nental , bUl 27
17KH BALK 1B1 Heron No. 1 hay land in Doug
I ? las Co. , only b mlles from Omnhn. ranch , wltU stock and all Improve
ments ut n gr 'at bargain , in Wustern Nebraska.
Several lioures and lots , uml large intcr Ht
liiiyliiR property for sale. For further particu
lars apply to Martin Calm & Co. , real estate. 1324
i'arnam bt. , up stairs. 7JI 28
FOR SALK New l > room rottnge. full lot , cor.
; and Cnss , only JV-00. untllSept. leasy ;
terms. C. II. Sllkworth , IGOiFamaiu. ( iSi-27 *
FOR 8ALR At SI.510 , under price , corner lot ,
UJxlfiO , on L and 2.H11 stroot.s , South Omaha.
D. D. Smentou , linker block , Omalm. TCU 27
T > IAVIJ three lots in Wnkuley's addition , east
-Lfront corner. ( KOdxlSO , which I will trade fern
n piano. Lots valued at $700 n piece. These nro
desirable lots , nnd close to Dunueo place , where
the huuiu KiZM lotb are Boiling rapidly for $1.000
nplcco. Addiess , A 02 , Dee odlco. Y15 21 *
Ijiolt ALr.-70xlW ! Ilaniey "mid street ,
Jlitixllll llarimy nud2tlth Btroat ; finest real-
fleuco projierty in the city , WxIIU 20th near
Nlchohib btrucL Lots InVisa \ i : I'unualeo's unrt
ggs'place.Vllltnkefcomo mortgage notes
and brick. I'aul , loou 1'arnam. ( Wl
FOK SALU Or exchnnu-e. We have berne
good Omaha estate nnd Nebraska
farms , which we will neil cheap or traae for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots nnd shoes , groceries or hardware. Bellies-
inger llroi. . 814 S. 10th st. 035
UM/iOU "f'lOO c.ish , balance to suit , cither by the
7'moiith or year buya u good , now , two-btory
house in Hillside add. No. 1 ; house has water ,
gastlxtures , electric bells , speaking tube , two
pairs Hiidlng doom , line wood mantel , bath
room , cesspool connectlon.clstern , large French
window art glass transoms , laundry In bnso-
ment , largo porch , oil llnlsh , iiml everything
good ; lot fWxlW , nil to bo Bedded nnd fenced.
My own house , and 1 can mnko price to suit.
Call on D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Itarkor block.
am 31
Foil SALP.-lly Dexter L. Thomas , nt No
braska Savings Hank , 10th mid i'arnam ;
SO percent elf value.
lu full lots at erade C blocks from postofllco
block. South Onialia , e.VW each , terms to suit :
> ho wants ilrHt choice
U lots on I'arnam street , east of Dnntfee Place ,
north or touth trontn , 61.WW cacti and less.
D nicest full lots in Bedford I'lacc.south fronts ,
choice 8700 , terms easy.
10 nicest corner lots and adjoining In Lincoln
riace.very cheap nud terms to unit.
5 ami lOucie timber tructae inllea from Omaha
P.O. . tiui per acre.
f acre tmcts by 1'lorence , cau't 1)8 ) beat for
smnll fruit , ITO per acre.
1 own thu above as well ns lots In various ad
ditions , including fl lots on West Ilroadwuy.
Council Hlutrs.
See me for a bargain.
Dexter L. Thorn an. ut Nebraska Ravines Rank ,
Hoard of Trade building. 1BO
NKW cxttages and lots near P.O. and at. cars ,
81bOi ( , $ . cash , balance monthly. Ji. C' . Pat
terson , Omaha Nat. b uk building. 615 31
I710K SALE Improved farm of W acres : good
J- orchard , fences , house , barn , outbulidlnga
and living water ; flftnen miles from Omaha ,
The best produce and live stock market in the
world. Wiper acre. 0. If. Harrison , 418 S. 15th ,
Omaha. U54
I AM agent for some of the flues tresidenc *
lots In Ilanscom I'lnco nnd can offer them at
figures it will pay you to Investigate. Hicks ,
Iloom 40 , Darker block. 441
J.BTKKNSDqHFP.roorae opposite post-
. olllce. will Mil you ngood 4-room hous
on Ifith street , 2 blocks south of oar line , by par.
lag iM > ca n. balance monthly payment * to
suit. This is a splendid opportunltf for any
one wanting a cheap home. U3l
TTIOH SALE 11,000 for a neat 6-room oottaie ,
JJ 2011 Grace stnlc home foramechnnlo worK
Ing in tbe north part of town , Eaay payment *
C. V. HarrUon. 418 Bouth lithst. 8U
< E00 buys * tu\\ \ \ lot anil peed 4-room cottafro ,
T > easy ternm and good location. Sholes A
Hunt , successors to 0. v.Sholis , room 1 , lluikcr
bock. ! s _ mi
Ml'HANKI.IN formerly of N4IJ I'nxlon Hide.
will curry on hit trading at 1511 I'aninmst.
lledlck's niix-k at I'miNen nnd Arnumiin's room
nnd will nlwnys hn\o n good list of property
totrndo and exchange. 4W )
S 6ttTH"oMAIIA-liotTTwwk 77 , S. H. corner
aith nnd M Htre t , & room house , $10IW , K
Lot U , Mock W. S. II. corner 21th nnd M streets.
IJ.WM. * i cush. I liime on this rents 115.
If these corners w em ou N street they would
pell for MO.OOO each. M will bo n better street
tnnn N In a year from to-dnv. r.nch one o
these corners " 111 make snteu business lots. M.
A. Upton A. Co. _ SJ8
" | 7KH ) 8A I.K 240 ncre.s choice land adjoining
JJ the original town of Exeter , Nebraska. urf
ncres In timothy crass ; i acres cultlvHteil laud ;
( Mneres good wild grass land. Tills is sultnhlo
for line farm or addition to town. Kxeter 1ms
two lines ot It. It. , it. A M. nnd N.V. . , has mill ,
v levators , schools , churches , canning fnctory ,
Ac. Address JV. . Dolan , Indliuiolu , Neb.
_ _ SXI2 2.1
ON1.V n few lots leftTn II. * M. nark 'addition
to South Umnha. What have you to offer ?
George J. Sternsdorff. ItoomC.jjpp.y y. _ Sll
WIMj sell n lot near Lowe nve. for 1 1 , MX ) , nmt
loan $ lone to Improve same , on tV > monthly -
ly payments , Address , D. C. Patterson. 481
Foil SALE lleautif ill 8-"room hotise with all
modern Improvements , full lot , Kountza
place , IT.HK ) : * j cash , Will trade for Rood TR-
cant business property oil lower launders st.
C. F. Harrison. 418 a 15th at. 696
FUTALU ( A beautiful residence lot in Isnao
A : Seldeu's addition : if you want a bargain ,
Investigate. George J , Btornsdorff , Itoom 0 ,
opp. I1. O. Ml
171011 SALIC 1 am prepared to build you a
ja good homo In ft good location and trtko
monthly pnyments on the house nnd lot. Call
and see uio about It , C. F. Harrison , 418 8 15th.
TjTOU HAliK Full lift unil largo --story house
JL ! ot" large n > ems , good well , collar , cistern la
thu kitchen , good neighborhood , street cnr.- ) ,
church , school and store close by. All now ana
complete , 2,01) ) . Small cash payment , balnnca
monthly. Just the plnco lor n man of moderno !
means nnd lanr * family. C < nno nnd sen mo
about it. U. V. Harrison. 418 S. nth st. H !
EAST front In ShuH's 2d add , three-quarters
of ablk Irom thorMite of cnblo : lot &UxaT.
r. feet nbovuL'rade,800 ; it taken iiulck. C. F.
Harrliou. 41SH. iJth. 171
Not lee
To Plumbers and Steam lleatcr.s nnd Mnnufac-
turer.s of Kluctrlcnl Aiiiiaratns.
Sealed proiNisnlM will bo received nt the ofllo
of County Clerk Dough's County , Nobrusko ,
until ( * u. m. , Saturday. September Bth ! ! * < , for
Steam lleatlnir , I'mmblnc , nnd etc. , for thu now
County Hospital llnililHiK. 1'latiH nnd xpuclllcn *
tlotiri can bo nei'ii at olllco of County Clerk.
Certlfled check of ifWW to nccompnny caih bid.
The board reserves the light to ruject any anil
nil olds.
M. I ) . ItociiE , County Clerk.
n. Sl-m & e-to s. S.
PropoBals for Brick.
SEALKI ) proposals will bo received at the
ollico of thu-county clerk of DoiiKlas county ,
Htateof Nebraska , up to S ! o'clock p. m. Batur
day , August l th , A. 1) . 1M > H , to luniluh nalil
Douglas county , fifty thotit > nuil ( Mi.OOJ ) No. I
hnril brick , to l > e dollveieil ut the city of Flor-
eucu in Hald county.
A ccrtltled check for fifty dollars must accom
pany each bid.
1 he board reserves the right to reject nny or
nil bldx.
lly order of County Commissioner" .
ic.'ld t AI. 1) ) . HoL'in : , County Clerk.
Notlco to Contractors.
SRAljKI ) proposals \\111 be rrcolved nt the
ollko of county clerk , UottKlns county , until
Jp til. September 1st , IttKH , for inmovliiK U.dOU
yards , more or less , earth , around now county
hospital building.
Cvrtllleil chock of M.lX ) to accompany each bid ,
The boaid reserves the tight to reject any and
nil bids. M. I ) . lloi-HK , County Clork.
Notlco to Contractors.
D uroposals will bo received nt tn
ollico of county clerk , Douglas county , until
2 p. in. August &tli , 1WH. for rcmovliiR r > ,000
yards , moru or le H , earth , on road botwi'Ott
tfcc.s. and 27,1K-12 , east of Henry Kcko.
Coi tilled chuck for $5U.OJ to accompany cacll
The board reserves the right to reject any and
nil bids. M. D. ItnciiK , County Clerk.
Notlco to Contractors.
SEALED proposals will IIH received nt the
oillce of county clerk , Douglas county , until
2 p. m. August 2.'th , IBS" , for lemoviug 2.WM
yards , moro or leiH , ourth , at intersection of W
street , South Omaha , nud Union 1'acillo rail *
w ay.
Ccitilled check of KO.OO to nccompany each
bid.The board reserves the right to reject any nnd
all bids. M. D. HOUIIE , County Clerk.
or TUB
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y.
The Best Route from Omalm and Council
IJIun'M to
- = = THE EAST = -t
AND Hilnaukoe.
St. i'anl , Miimmpolis , Cedar RapJd
Hock Island , Frrpport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Daicnport
Elgin , Madison , .TauesTlIle ,
Itclolt , Wlnena , La
And all other Important point ! Bait. Northeast * E9
For thronih tickets call ontb * tloktt ai nt at IHt
Faroam itrett , la Barker JUock , or at Uofou faoli *
l > oput.
1'ullinan Hleepera and th * Ontit Dlnlni Ca
world are run ou tbe main line ot lb Chick
waukee & Bt. Paul lUUwajr. and very atUt
paid to paueixerl tf caurteooa t
. . . .
J.F. TUCH.EK , A > iliUntu neratMan
A. V. U. CAUrKNTill. O nra4
liKAFTOBD , Ajsiittnt
J. T. CI AjJL UQ < rl Bu orlnUnilat
Its Biota lines and branches Include CHICAGO.
and scoroi of InUrmediate dtlos. Cbalco ot
routes to and from the Facing Ooest All trans *
term In Union depots. Vast tralni of Tina Day
Coacbe * . elegant Dining Oars , magnificent Pull *
man Palace Blaaptrsvud ( btwen Chicago. Bt.
Joseph. Atohlaon and Eaow * Oity ) Beclinlci
Chair Oon , GaU VTM , to bolder * of througli
Urst-cOjUM ticket * .
Chicago , Kansas * Nebraska R'y
"Crent Rook Island Rout * . ' *
grtends Weet and 0oo > tbweet tram KaneM City
end St. Josevb to KUL&Otl. HOBTOW. . BXZXB *
ITOTOIIINBOH , OAU > W IJj , and ail points la
and beyond. Entire pa Hunger eaulpment ot tie
celebrated Pullman manufacture. AU oTity ev
pliances and modern taprovomenta.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Is the favorlto between Chicago. Bock leland.
Atchisan , Kaneae Olty and MInneapolls and Bt ,
Paul. Its Watortown branch traverses tha Kruat
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Zllnneeota , a&4
Xaat Central Dakot& to Watertown , Spirit Iko <
Oioux rollo and many other towns and cltlei.
The Bhort X.lno via Deneca and Kaokakee offrs
fuperior fociUU to travel to and from Indian *
lipolle , Cwclanatl and other Boutburn polnU.
forTickete , Mapi , n-ldere , or desired lufonna *
Uoa , Applr t ur Coupon Ticket OOou er addro
Surgwn and Pkyslclan ,
Oflea N.1 Corner i4th ana UoujlM St.
telephone , M6 ; Uusldooce toliphoaa , 6Ji.
1 % and ner etie lad ? aantauen reeUliMl In itbte
eell the unil.