Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    m -3
Delivered by Carrier In Anv Part of the City at
Twputy Cents 1'er Week.
II.V. . TII/rON. . ; . MANAOU1L
TKIii'HONiS : : :
JltisiNKHS OKKICK , No. 4.1.
NKIIIT Dnmm , No.iiJ.
N. Y. Plumbing eompany
Roller , the tailor , 'U'J llroadway , baa
received a full liTio of line fall goods.
Jj. .T. Johnson was yesterday sent up
for fifteen days for stealing a coat from
a farmer's wagon.
A large number of the citly.ons of the
Bluffs attended the old settlers' reunion
at Malvorn yesterday.
The Blufls club visited Logan yester
day to try issues with the nine of that
enterprising little city.
The olllces of Dr. Cleaver have just
come from the hands of the decorators ,
and they are very handhomo.
A marriage licent-o was issued yester
day to Ellsworth E. Clark and Ida Garrett - ,
rott , both of Washington township.
Twcnty-thrco car loads of Htccl rails
for the electric motor line have just
been received over the Northwestern.
Mrs. Etta Barker yesterday swore out
a warrant against her husband for
threatening to shoot her and her three
t Patrick Quirk yesterday pleaded
guilty to disturbing'tho peace by filling
up with budge and shooting oft his gun
in the "Mint. "
The funeral of C. W. Dwinnell took
place at U o'clock .yesterday afternoon
from his late residence , on Benton
street , Rov. W. II. W. Rces olllciating.
The ladies of Harmony mission have
arranged for a dime sociable at Mr.
John Fair's , ill" Harmony street , this
evening for the benefit of the Christian
Prank Trimble was arrested last
evening in the saloon called "The
Mint" charged with having picked the
pockets of a man who was in the saloon
at the time.
As Miss Carrie Stevens , daughter of
S. S. Stevens , was driving along Pearl
street ychterday the horse slipped and
fell , breaking the buggy , but the young
lady fortunately escaped without injury.
Chris Markobon yesterday visited the
ollico of the city cleric and swore out a
warrant for the arrest of his brother
Henry for assault. The case will come
up for a hearing to-day before Judge
The delegates to the "deep water"
convention at Denver are requested to
secure their sleeping-car accommoda
tions not later than this afternoon. The
delegation will leave Sunday noon over
the Union Pacific.
The school board met last night and
had quite a stormy buhsion over the as
signment of teachers and the election
of janitors. The matter will probably
bo lixed up this morning and the full
list published in to-morrow's T5ii : : .
Mayor Rohror has made the following
changes in the delegates to the Denver
convention , owing to the inability of
some of tlioso formerly appointed to
attend : Judge W. C. James instead of
J. J. Stcadman , and V. II. Hill in
stead of E. L. Shugart.
Workmen are being employed to put
a protecting cornice upon the bnso of
the spire of St. Poter'b church. Through
a fault in the architectural design the
rains have been allowed to leap through
until no little damage has resulted.
This cornice is to furnish the protection
To-morrow evening the Daughters of
Robokah expect to go to Omaha , where
they will meet with the order in that
city and spend an evening of pleasur
able nssociation. While the men of the
two cities are forming aclosoraequaint-
anco and business relations the ladies
think the same course should obtain
with the ladies. And they are right.
The Y. M. C. A. is to have a now sec
retary , or ono who will act tem
porarily. The choice has fallen
upon G. S. Addoms , of Chicago. This
gentleman is young in years , but of line
attainments , being n graduate of Cor
nell university and having taken a com
plete course of training for this work at
Geneva. Mr. Addoms will undoubtedly
find a warm place in the hearts of his
On the first of January last the Y. M.
C. A. was more than $000 in debt. Those
having charge of the association set
themselves to the task of clearing off
this debt , and so well have they suc
ceeded that the last dollar has been
paid up. This , in addition to defraying
the current expenses , was no easy 'task
when it is considered that no "solic
iting" was dono. The association is to
bo congratulated.
if Last evening Miss Mollie Rico gave a
very pleasant party to about fifty of the
young folks at the homo of her parents
corner of Fourth street and Willow ave >
nue. Canvas was spread on the floor ol
the parlors , and , well , jyith can
vas on the floor of an elegant homo ,
with a charming hostess , the liveliest
music and a congenial company , how
could there bo anything but a delight
fill time. Choice tlowors tastefully ar
ranged lent their beauty and fragrance
to the occasion , and a dainty menu del
icately served only tended to the complete
ploto enjoyment of the evening.
The paving of Harrison street is now
well under way and the contractors ox-
poet to complete it on Monday next. On
account of the treacherous subsoil tha
Btrcot has caused the city and the prop
erty owners on the street no litt. .
trouble. To prevent a washing out under
dor the paving a bulkhead has beoi
mink at the head of the street. In ad
dltion to this the approach from the
hills will bo graded up with clay , thor
oughly tamped. This , as is wolf known
is very hard and will undoubtedly give
that point sulllciont protection from the
water. The contractors , Messrs. Me
Adam & Amborg , are receiving man
compliments upon the character of th
work they are doing , not only upon this
street , but upon others embraced in
their contract.
S. B. Wadsworth < fc Co. loan money.
WatohtnB " " .
"Q" Freluht.
Some of those who are interested in
the result of the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy strike have organized a sys
tematic ospoinago for the purpose of
ascertaining what linns anil business
houses are having freight shipped over
the road. The intimation is that these
lirms which stand by the strikers and
have their goods shipped over other
roads will bo given the preference in
matters of business where preference
cin be shown. The list already gath
ered is quite largo and all cases are be
ing examined closely that the real facts
may bo ascertained. The gathering of
this desired information is going on
very quietly and very shrewdly. The
result will probably bo kept from the
public save as it manifests itself in the
course of business transactions.
It is understood that a like move is
being made in other places , the inten
tion being evidently to bring all possi
ble pressure to bear to induce business
fr men to throw their freight to other
roads as far us possible.
Rov. Father Healy Loaves for a Now
Parish iu Kansao.
The rincst Vur > : ! Ticil Federal llullil-
I C 'r. ' tile Wuftt ItoyaAVlio Strike
lirokon Hones Watching
"Q. " Shippers.
A Urothoi-ln-lja\v Indeed.
The case of John Whiting , charged
with his Llllio
whipping slbter-ln-law.
Hough , was tried before Squire Prouty ,
in Garner township , Wednesday after
noon. Colonel Dailoy conducted the
prosecution , and Messrs. Snydcr &
Welch appeared for the defendant. The
principal witness for the prosecution
was Miss Hough , but when first
put upon the stiind she de
nied that iha' defendant had ever
struck her. This scorned to bo a death
blow to the prosecution , but Colonel
Dailey was not so easily discouraged ,
and for fully an hour ho handled the
witness with consummate skill , succeed
ing tit length in making her acknowl
edge that she was afraid of the defend
ant , and that ho had told her not to
testify that ho had whipped her. After
this everything was easy , and there was
no difficulty in establishing his guilt.
The girl is eighteen years of ago , and is
soon to become a mother. She has
lived with her sister and brother-in-law
since Juno 4 , 1887. About the 1st of last
January the family moved to their
present location from Omaha , and re-
wide in a wretched hovel. The neigh
bors say that there is but one room to
the house , and all three sleep in the
fcamo bed. It has been sus
pected for some time that all was
not right at the Whiting place ,
but nothing very unusual occurred
until afewdays agowhen neighbors liv
ing half a mile away heard screams and
saw Whiting chase the girl as far as
the creek , cursing her and threatening
to kill her if she ever came back. That
night several of them visited the place ,
, nd demanded to know what was the
latter. Whiting's answer was impu-
cut and decidedly unsatisfactory. The
, 'irl came to the door and stated that
10 did btrike her , and showed a bunch
in her head resulting from a blow. The
'irl albo swore that she and her sister
ndulged in frequent lights.
As soon as the testimony was all in
, ho court fined the defendant $30 and
osts , which ho paid. Ho probably an-
icipatcd the result , as ho came to the
iity the previous evening and borrowed
he money. It is not known who is the
: auso of the girls present delieato coa
lition , although the neighbors ! are not
it all backward in laying Hie blame on
Whiting. Ho accuses a soldier by the
name of John Stuart of being' the
guilty party. Stuart was found at Fort
Omaha , but has been at Kearney for the
last .year , and his connection with the
: aso is much doubted by thoGarnerites.
There is a general desire to get the
girl away from her present surround-
! ngs , but relatives object to it. Several
f the ladies in the vicinity have ottered
o secure a place in this city , but the
iffor lias been refused. A change of
some kind should bo made and the girl
' .tikcn from where she now is. The
case is rather a queer ono , and would
indoubtedly boar further investiga-
E. H. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
ihort time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Office
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Patrons of the Pacific House have
lone but words of praise for the atton-
ion given them.
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
Good-Hyo to Father Ilcaly.
Rov. R. J. Healy loft last evening for
; iis now field of labor in the Wichita
diocese , Kansas , whore ho will take
charge of a parish. IIo is expected to
build two now churches , and enough
other work is laid out for him to tax his
, imo and energies to the utmost. That
10 will bo equal to the demand is not
doubted by his many friends and those
who have watched his work during the
'our years during which ho has boon
Associated with Rev. Father McMcnomy
; is assistant pastor of St. Francis
Xavior's Catholic church in this city.
IIo has now many friends inside and
: mtsiuo the church. Ho has a warm
icart and an eloquent tongue.
Many were the expressions of regret
at his departure , and of well wishes for
"us future. The young ladies of the
Sodality yesterday presented him with
mi elegant gold handled silk umbrella ,
iluly inscribed , and with this gift was a
puise of $1V5.
Last evening ho was presented with a
purse of $175 by the parishonors. The
pleasant event Occurred at the residence
of Mr. William Fitzgerald , where
Father Ilealy and his mother have boon
making their homo. His mother will
remain hero for seine time , until Father
Iloaly can make suitable arrangements
in his now parish. In leaving his old
friends bore ho expressed warmly his
lasting afteotion for the people among
whom ho has labored , and his apprecia
tion of their kindness to him and to his
Artists prctcr the Hallott & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Full line of shoot music at Council
Blull's Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
If you have property for sale at a bar
gain list it with us and wo will adver
tise it free of charge. A. A. Clark &
Co. , corner Broadway and Main , over
American express.
Getting Hid ol'the SurpliiH.
The furniture for the federal build
ing was placed in position yostordaj
and was admired by hundreds of visitors
It is all of highly polished cherry and
is , without any exception , the finest lo
of crfbinot and joiner's work over scci
in this city. The government inspector
pronounces It the finest in any postoflleo
building in the country. It is all uni
form and the same high grade is main
tained throughout the entire building.
Every room is fully furnished , and the
only difficulty is-to find space for it all.
All of the ollico floors are covered with
handsome Brussels carpet , with heavy
shades at the windows. Each room is
furnished with wardrobes , desks ,
chairs , water cooler , umbrella
rack , mirror , etc. , and the
court rooms are fitted with handsome
settees forBpectatorswith heavy leather
upholstered chairs for the judges. In
the main court room everything inside
the rail is fitted up with a degree of
ologanco-that is surpassed in very few
private residences. The luxurious
lounges and easy chairs in the judgo's
rooms are particularly inviting.
The chairs provided for the jury tire
exceedingly comfortable and it israthor
doubtful if twelve men cab bo found
who will keep ( i\vako In thorn during
the progress of an ordinary trinl.
In the postolllco department the pamo
handsome work Is scon. Each of the
carriers is the temporary owner of a
small fortune in caolnet work. Post
master IJowinan's prlvato olllco IB fit for
a king , and its luxurious apartments
will be greatly appreciated by the
favored few who on tor its por-
tals. In fact , the entire building Is well
worth a careful examination , and the
citi/ens should avail themselves of the
opportunity to inspect it.
For bargains in real estate see 12. II.
Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
btrcot , upstairs.
A. A. Clark A ; Co. , real estate brok
ers , have a list of choice inside property
on their books. Nothing but bargains
Fall-mount 1'nrk.
It is thn pride of the city , and the
park commissioners are to bo highly
commended for their efforts to improve
it ; yet ono thing remains to ho done to
enable the public to enjoy and take ad
vantage of this beautiful place , that is
a safe and easy access to it. At present
there is neither a good walk , or a safe
wagon road that leads to the summit.
Madibon street is now paved to the park ,
and nothing remains for the commis
sioner to do but to make a now road
from the head of Madison street , where
the paving ends , ascending the hill by
a winding road to the right or loft ,
cither of which allords a good and
charming approach , that can bo used
by ladies or children in walking
or driving without any fear or danger.
At present the ascent is bo steep that
most people ) tire afraid to make the attempt -
tempt to drive over it , and thobo who dote
to do it with fear and trembling , as
breakage in the harness or a balky
horse would bo almost certain death.
The commissioners have thought of
milking this improvement for a long
time , and have assured our citizens that
it should be done as boon as funds would
warrant it. Now that the pavement is
completed , no time should bo lost in
making the now road. It should bo
done at once , so that the citizens can
enjoy September and October in ramb
ling and driving on the splendid
grounds of the park. At present they
arc nearly deserted , owing to this inac
A. A. Clark & Co. ncgotiato loans on
farm and city property.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtole.
Stop at the Pacific House. The most
centrally located hotel in the city.
A BoyiHh Strike.
Judge Aylesworth was called upon to
bottle a few difllculties yesterday morn
ing resulting from a miniature strike at
the canning works Wednesday after-
loon. It seems that some of the boys
) ocame dissatisfied with their pay , and
truck when the company refused to
; ivo them an increase. Another lot of
rays was secured and then followed the
ibiial battle between the strikers and
ho scabs. The strikers became very
lemotibtrative , and even stoned the of-
ice. The police were sent for , and two
of the malcontents , M. Ryan and Ed
belong , were placed under arrest. Pat
Donnoll was apponted special policeman
o attend to the strikers. Ryan was
fined $10. J. W. Woightman had one
of the disturbers , Matt Biltgen , ar
rested , and ho was fined $9.60. Yester-
lay the factory was running as usual ,
and it is probable that the strike is
over. The company won the light and
' .hero . was no necessity for any arbitra-
, ion. The strikers amuse themselves
jy throwing bricks and howling "scab"
vhenovor the policeman's back is
turned. Smaller boys do the work just
as well , and the strikers are now kick-
"ng themselves for their lonosotnoness.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
* oan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
nnd all other articles of 'value without
'cmoval. ' All business strictly confi
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidontal. Ollico 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Dour Curiosity.
Eugene , eight-year-old son of Captain
lapaljo , mot with a severe accident
yesterday morning on Seventh street ,
le was watching some house movers ,
and while standing behind the mule at-
.achod to the windlass , the chain broke
ind the capstan bar flew back and struck
urn on the breast , breaking the collar
jono and inlli.cting painful bruises. IIo
was attended to by Dr. Pinnoy , and is
doing well. It was a lucky escape for
iho little follow , who narrowly escaped
being killed.
Of Council III nil's liotB at Auut1.11.
I will oll'er for sale and sell without
reserve to the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots in Cochran's addition to
Council Bluffs.
Ono lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo soul with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
maining lot at the bamo price. The
ground on which the addition is laid is
known as the old fair ground forty ,
nortli of the Union Pacific depot , and
bouth of Broadway. The number of
lots are 1GO , or four to the acre.
Ten per cent of the purchase money
cash in hand. The balance in nine
equal annual payments to bo evidenced
by notes bearing interest at 6 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
property purchasers will got warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
I will also sell on the same terms and
at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of those lots are situated
on Broadway.
The place of sale will bo on the
grounds on Wednesday , the 12th of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is sold.
The lots and blocks will bo numbered
on btakes and inaps furnished bidders
on day of sale. Other particulars on
day ol sale. A. CocmtAK.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value , at low rate of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark is Co. , ollieo cor. Broadway
and Main , over American Express.
A libt of fitly vacant dwellings
for rent can bo obtained at oillco of E.
H. Sheafo & Co. , corner Broadway and
Main streets , up stairs.
Thn Lilchtnlnc Motor.
The electric motor company is making
arrangements for the erection of u car
house , 76x200 foot , at the corner of Ave
nue A and Twenty-ninth btroot. This
structure will not only bo used as a car
house , but will also contain the repair
shops of the company. Work on the
building will be commenced immedU
ately. The track is being hiid on Avenue -
nuo A at a lively .nito , and arrange
ments are now b ipp made for connect
ing with Broad way. The line will cross
over to Broadway , just cast of Indian
crock , and the company alms to do away
with sharp curves , thus increasing the
speed and insuring the safety of passcn-
Personal I
B. S. Josselyn loft for Col fax last
evening for a few days' recreation.
Miss Addle Smith , of Sprlngllold , is
visiting her sister , Mrs. E. E. Adams.
Alderman Lacy was able to bo out
yesterday anil is on the high road to
Miss Alllo Desmond , of Dubuquc , is
visiting with her cousin , Mrs. D. A.
Fan-oil , of this city.
William Moore and family , Alderman
Motcalf and Mtss Ilaldano have re
turned from Colfax.
Mrs. Frank D'Urro ' , who intended to
start for California yesterday , has been
detained by the sudden and rather
serious illness of her sister , Mrs. Charles
President Brooks , of Tabor college ,
has for several years been away from
homo much of the time as financial
agent for the college. It is understood
that this year he will return to his
duties as instructor.
MortHotson , of the pay department of
the Rock Island , with headquarters in
Chicago , is spending his annual week's
vacation with his cousin , Fred W.
Lamb , in this city. Ho expresses him
self enthusiastically as to the city , but
is especially charmed with Fairmount
Rev. Benjamin Talbot , who came to
Council Blulls with , and for many years
filled so faithfully the ollico of superin
tendent of the Iowa institute for the
deaf and dumb , is in our city for a short
time , visiting old friends. Ho is now
connocteO with the Ohio institute for
the deaf and dumb.
Slipped While Coupling.
A brakeman , Eugene Burohard , aged
twenty years , mot with quite a serious
accident at Hancock Wednesday even
ing. In coupling cars ho slipped and
fell in such a manner that ono ankle was
badly crushed under the wheels. Ho
was taken to Avoca and there given
the needed attention. The doctors
placed the leg in plaster paris , hoping
to do away with the necessity of ampu
tation. The young man had been on
the road but a short time.
Broke TllH
John Chl'istoforson was thrown from
his wagon in the south part of the city
yesterday morning by his horse run
ning a..ay , and his leg was broken
above the knee. Ho was taken to his
home , corner Seventeenth street and
Twentieth avenue , where Dr. Pinnoy
reduced the fracture. Ho is getting
along nicely and will bo able to be out
in about three weeks.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
IjatCSt i UHlliOIlS.
Woman's World for September ; How
much woman's fates are influenced by
the milliner ! The universal "wearing
of the green" can hardly bo said to bo
becoming , pretty as prevailing styles in
dress certainly are. The lightest Char
treuse tones suit only very young , fair
ikius ; and yetnothing daunted , blondes
uid brunes , woiiien of all ages , all
orms , and all complexions , have ac
cepted it , with the confidence of utter
gnorance as to the disastrous results.
It harmonizes only with cream and
> lack ; but a pink rose nestling in hater
or bonnet goes specially well with apple
green , the pink being of the tone of ap-
) lo-blossom. Palmorston defined dirt
is "a thing in the wrong place , " and
many colors good in themselves and
jeautiful in nature are altogether ill-
ilaced and ugly in dress.
Steel trimmings have come to the
'ore ' , either in or out of mourning.
Sleeveless jackets , composed entirely of
Ino steel beads on an invisible ground ,
mvo had loops of larger beads to fall
over the shoulders , and these have been
worn over green and black drosseswith
mnels of the same fine work on the
ikirt , and cuffs and collars on the bod-
.ces. Many of the coats have been or
namented with largo steel buttons , and
.ho pockets elaborately worked to
Yellow is the color which seems best
to accord with late summer nnd early
autumn , but the yellow worn ibis season
with white gowns is of a deeper tone
shau the light corn-color , which suits a
dark skin bo well , and accords with sun
shine. Yellow roses of all colors crown
; he leghorn hats , whoso broad brims
are now twisted into fantastic forms
very unlike the old hats of this kind
worn by the Miss Konwigs ( whom Dickens
ons immortalized ) , flapping down well
in the front and at the back , the long
[ ilaits of hair tied at the end witJi rib
bon visible beneath.
A wag described the latest fashion in
head gear as a "Homo Rule" bonnet ,
because it had no crown , and borne of
Iho newest models , literally , have no
crown at all , only an aperture bordered
with a wreath of roses , the back hair
showing well through. It requires an
education to tell a bat from a bonnet
now , or certainly a bonnet from a toquo.
Most of the newest bonnets have no
trings. The toques may bo a little
closer , and , without htan'ding up in a
point o3r the face , show the fringe of
hair , which makes thorn becoming.
They are often composed of plain un-
plaitcd straw of rose wigs , and other
unusual material , spring being quite
the newest. The kind used is of a very
light shade ; the bonnet is made of it in
a fancy plait , and the aigrdtto of loops
to match. The dress to wear with such
a bonnet could bo trimmed with course ,
well made strings,5 edging the velvet
cufls and collars , and this forms a happy
contrast. Feather.s have yielded the
palm to ribbons and artificial flowers ,
which are used in 'such ' profusion that
the entire crowns of hats and bonnets
are hidden by them. This is a stop in
the right direction. A superabundance
of fi athors has been worn of late , re
calling the story''of ' ' a certain Lady
Cork , who , a century ago , wore so largo
a plume in her turban that the critic of
her day said she resembled a "sliuttlo-
cock , all cork andifeathors. " *
Coffee H a piHlnfcctant.
Coffee is a handy and harmless disin
fectant. Experiments nave been made
in Paris to prove this. A quantity of
meat was hung up in a closed room un
til decomposed , and then a chafing dish
was introduced and 600 grammes
of coffee thrown on the fire in a few
minutes the room was completely disin
fected. In another room sulphuretted
hydrogen and amonia wore developed ,
and ninety grammes of coffee destroyed
the smell in about half a minute. It is
also stated that coffee destroys the smell
of musk , castci'rum and assafnetlda. As
a prool that the noxious smells are
really decomposed by the fumes of cof
fee , and not merely overpowered by
them , it is stated that the first vapors
of the coffee wore not sine lied at all ,
and are therefore chemically absorbed ,
while the other smells gradually di
minish as the fumigation continues.
The best way to effect this fumigation
is to pound the coffee in a mortar , aud
then strew it on a hot iron platewhich ,
however , must not be red hot.
NOUTII PLATTK , Nob. , August 22. To Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Gentlemen : I have
just completed a two-story , nine-room house. I want carpets as follows10 : yards Mo-
qtiette , 50 yards Brussels , 75 yards Ingrain , ,35 yards \7elvot. Also curtains as follows :
35 shades , 8 pairs Brussels lace curtains , 3 pairs Swiss lace curtains , 5 pairs Irish Point ,
2 pairs Turcoman Portieres , 1 pair Plush Portieres , with curtain loops , poles and all
necessary fixtures. Please send samples and prices.
Please reply by return mail. B. T. N.
NOT ic ! 13.
PKCrAfj ndvprtliementsstirhnsTjnst.rouml ,
> Toloaul'or Srtlc/l'o Itpiit.Wiintt ) , Hoarding ,
etc. , will l > o Inserted In this column at this low
Tito of Tl N CUNTS IT.K LINK fur tins first Insertion -
sertion and I've Cents Per I.tne for uucn subsu-
liit'tit Insertion. Lcuvo advertisements nt our
illlec , No. IS l'eirl Street , near llioadway ,
Council UltiirH , Iowa.
17UV13 DOIiljAKSrewnrrt wlllbo ] iald for the
JJ return of my dog Dick ; a good sUcd hound ,
luht brown , w 1th dnrK brown spots. Mrs. L.
SimmonsilU llioadttay.
OTfors.ilo or trade tor u team. Inqulio at
J 180' . 8th St.
HOU8KS for rent. Johnston A , Van 1'nttcn ,
31 Main kt.
[ jlOH KKNT font rooms for Imusrkecplng ;
H also siiltoof tlueo , and two single rooms ,
alto furnished rooms , No. 15 North Main st.
FOIl SAI.K H.irljpr hhop and llxttircs at TiO
Jlroudwny , Council Illuirs ; peed tr dc ; sat-
.sfactory reasons for selling ; bargain for t'uc
right man.
TS7ANTE11 A good responsible part to take
' c'ir.fge "f nnd furnish a now three-story
Si'lCic hotel located In Harvard , Neb. W. J.
.Turner , treasurer.
A SO ncre small fruit farm very cheap. Just
-cY. outside city limits , or will divide Into 10
aero tracts to suit purchaser. 11 T Hrynnt & Co
"plOK 8AI.U Tha best small fruit und regain-
-I-1 ble farm In I'ottawatUimlu
- - county , two
miles from Council Hlulfs postolllce , at a price
that will nell It , on remarkably easy terms.
Title perfect and property in peed condition.
Possession given at any tlmo. Good reason lor
soiling. It. 'I. Ilryant & Co. , 623 Hroadway ,
Council Muffs , la.
WANTED Stocks of merchandise to ox-
change for city property In Council HIutrn ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
\Vo imiko exchanging a specialty. It. T. Ilryant
& Co. , 628 llroadway.
" 117ANTTU Stocks ol merchandise. Have
ft Omaha ami Council Hluirs city property ,
lto western laml to oxuhance for Koodi. Call
on or address Johnson A ; Christian , itoom U3 ,
Chamber of Commerce. Omulia.
Overcoming nil opposition , fill the cemeteries
with newly made graves , leaving the once
happy home with nothing but meiueii-
toea of loved ones lost. Where
IB used It Is universally found to be
The value of a single bottle for use In anv of
the above named diseases Is really incalculable.
Money could not Induce those who have thor-
ouRhl'v tried It to be without It. The market Is
lull of remedies for R similar purnoso , and all
have merit In some cases , but with thorn it Is u
btubboru fact that thebe are In many places the
of the country. With this medicine they are
This medicine has now been used In this country
Has no ecjual on earth. Sold by druggists every
where. HARLE , HAAS' & CO. ,
Wholesale Agents , Council Blutls , Iowa.
D. H. DIcDANEtD & CD , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market. Prices. Prompt
KO and 622 Main Struct.Council HlulT-i.Iowa.
PRICE $15.
Is equal to
any High
Machine ,
Tbo Kdlson Mimeograph , the best apparatus for
manifolding , nuthographlo and typewriter wori.
3,1X10 copies c n be taken.
The SsceUIor Co. , Council Bluffe , la.
tOOUroailway Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational Institution , furntuh-
ed wllh all modern Improvements for boarding
and day school. 'Jlie academic year consists of
tw o sessions , beginning on the llrst Monday In
( September and Tebruary. respectfully.
Terms-Hoard and tuition per bcsalon , Ii3.
For further particulars addrecs Slater Superior ,
Bt. Francis Academy , Council Uluffii , la.
Baird's for Fruits.
1.16' Assorted BnsUots Put Up to Order.
N. I. TIBBETTS , nnd Save Monoy.
No 315 lirondunr.
For your JLightCarriages
See Henry Van Brunt
fO" Largest Stock and Lowest Prices.
No. 12O Broad wny. Telephone No. 2O1.
-Go to
_ T No. 2O Main Street.
SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway
Jffjit I'ianoi ami Oionnf on Monthly IMi/inmtit.
. No. 406 BROADWAY.
h the. Cdii.ic of tlic llttili 'J'einpeiatnicof Competition.
BOSTON BOOT , t KJlOi : ST01U : . E. K. ADAMS & CO. ,
A't > 4t7 JliiMiluaii , Council lllnffs , 7mm.
Successor to
SCOFIELD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Brondwny.
AM Fruits In Their Season. Tol. 2OO.
If You Want Safe Ucposlt or Cheap Loan , Call on
International ItuUdlnn , Loan and Investment Union
B. V. KIDD < C SON , HOG Broadway. 5
THE GROCER , 744 B'dway
While at LAKE 9IAN/VWA Take tlio
M. F. ROHRER For the Beach.
/ Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
HDIDL/IMDIMC " Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building ! Council Blufls , low * .
riMI TVDl < DI/r Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
I" I IN LtY bUniXL" Pearl St. . Council Ulunrs , Iowa.
' IDT Justice ol thOfcPeace. Oillce over American Express , No. 419
wUnUriZ. " " Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _
\ / > Attorneys at Law , Practice in the blate ami Federa
&OII\/IC " Courts. ] - 7 and 8 , Slmgart-Beno Block.
Council Ulufl's , Iowa.
Dentist. Cornar Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
Cr , " , iowa.
CO. ,
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Speculations and estimates furnished for complete stcnm jilanti. Regulation , Durability Gnar.
auteed. Can show letteiu from users where fuel Ktonomy Is equal with Corliss Non-Condensing
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the remaining lots In Squlro's n Witlon to Council B uffs , I
will sell the llnest located lots in the city for 8 0 cash payment , and lonff
time on balance , to persons who desire to secure homes , and I will-make liberal
houses. Call at once and see
eral loans to those who desire aid in building
mo at Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.