Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    w THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : VlirPAY , AUGUST 24. 1888 ;
A Tremendous Boom Witnessed In
the Wheat Pit
Corn It-lien Itnthcr Quiet Onts Homo
tvliat Improvi'il 1'rovlnlonH Fnlrly
Active Cntllo Stcncljr
CHICAGO , Atigust23. fSpcclal Telegram to
Tnr. HKK.I Wheat traders who went home
last night short , and those who had parted
with their property under the belief thnt
them was going to bo u reaction wcro doomed
to disappointment. The unexpected happened.
The market opened up with September < | uotcd
at bTAfuand December at b9)8'c. ) Heforo
10H : ! ) September had crossed ii3o and Decem
ber OOc , and long before noon September was
' J December OJ c-
Belling nt bOXQS-'X" , ' -
Yesterday September sold us low as 8 < i. ' c
and December ut SS'/fS'-KIJifc. This bulge in
ono ilny , on top of the previous straight ad
vance of l&fiu , is not often seen in thcso
markets these latter days. The Inspiration
of the early advance wns exceedingly strong
cubles. Foreign markets tire quoted ns ex
cited and higher in alt private dispatches ,
and public cables reflect this feeling , though
in lesser degree , perhaps , The markets to
day were wildly excited. The shorts made a
generul scramble for cover und the conn-
, try , too , was a generous buyer for invecVtneiit.
The country has been ; long time
waking up , but it 8eiri8 to bo quito lively
now. To "old hcails" on the market It looked
us though It might ho considerably strained
Tliero was too much of u professional "whoop
up" In the pit und a good share of the en
thusiastn that wns witnessed was palpably
simulated manufactured to older. On the
crest of the advance there was unqucstion-
lionubly heavy realising by lending local
longs , and late cables brought selling orders
for continental account. There is no way of
telling what Hulchinson is doing , but ho Is
not u man who usually lets golden oppor
tunities slip by for taking profits. The mar
ket quieted down sensibly later In the ses
sion , but the pit continued to bo u sccno of
excitement to the end of the session. A tro-
uiendouii business was done. The leh-graph
hois were busier than on uny of the previous
days of thu boom , u certain indication of pub
Ho Interest In the deal of u broaden *
Ing und deepening market. Several
nharp reactions occurred during the
session , ono near the opening of KC
and Ihu other about noon , when values
worked back nearly Ic from the top. The
luarKct was more nervous tnun it wnsstrom.
at a p.trtlal recovery from this last break urn"
closed M < 3Jf ° below the top , but over 2i
above yesterday's closing range. On the
whole It was a "rip roaring" bull day , the
biggest the bulls have yet experienced.
The corn market was fairly active to-day
and developed some little strength , owini ,
largely to the excitement in wheat. The pit
nt times was rather dull , the excitement it
wheat drawing attenllon very largely in that
direction. The extreme fluctuations of the
session covered a range of scarcely ? | C , und ut
the close September was only ubout-'HO higher
than It closed last night. October wns ubout
j/o higher , but May wus ubout Jfc higher
Liberal receipts and fuvorablo crop pros
jiccts had n tendency to cheek the strengtl
that would nuttirally have resulted from u
sharp advance In wheat. The volume o"
business wus only fair , and the closing rathe
quiet. The feature of the market was the
unusual strength in long futures , many sell
ing from -10c to 4UJ c.
Oats exhibited a little morn nnimatloi
to-day , with enough demand to cause n Urn
market , with cash und long futures J < @ ! o
higher , while near months at times showed a
fractional gam. Receipts were light nnd
showed little or no Improvement In quality
and few outsldo buyers appeared , though the
business wus chlelly between local traders.
August sold up j'hC ' to S\Ufc , with May touch
ing 28X@"SKc , under moderate inquiry for
that month. In No. 2 regular cur lots sold ut
25 025 0 , with transactions chiefly by
In provisions the day was reasonably In
teresting. Notwithslanding hogs wore In
belter supply nnd lower , the entire market
commanded generous support , and in lard
something of a boom was experienced.
Higher prices , in fact , wore the rule all
around and , as compared with yesterday's
final figures , closings showed an advance of
2 0 on pork and 12 } ( iil5c on lurd. Short
ribs closed unchanged to 2J c higher. Lard
attracted more attention thau cither short
ribs or pork.
CHICAGO , August 23. [ Special Telegram to
TnK UEK.I CATTLE Husiness was active
nnd prices about steady as compared with
yesterday , yet values are S.'iCSiiUc lower than
last week on the ordinary run of natives ,
with best 15@20c lower than last week.
Texas cattle show no essential change as
compared with yesterday , but are fully 10@
15o lower than last week. Northern range
cuttle wore not ns plentiful us yesterday , but
prices show no essential change , remaining
Ii5@20o lower than last week. Common na
tives uro down to nearly low water mark ,
fanning stock , whether natives or Texans ,
Belling as low as ut any time last j car. Hulls
arc also making low prices. Veal calves
how no improvement. The stockcr and
feeder trade remains dull. The receipts in
cluded (1,500 ( Texas and western cattle ;
choice to extra beeves , f 11.20(10. 4S ;
medium to good steers , \KO to ir.OO Ib3'f > .00
( ffii.oo ; 1200 to ii.o : ibs. S4.2o < 25.-ioj USD to
1200 Ibs , $ J.50iM3J ( ; Btockers mid feeders ,
$2.00 ( < < : U5 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , S1.25Q
3.00 ; bulk , J2.10ffl2.bO. Texas cattle steady ;
steers , WO to 11)50 ) Ibs , f3.bO@3.25 ; 7,10 to
WO Ibs , $2.40i ( < 3.l > 0 ; ( XX ) to 70(1 ( Ibs , i.20rt (
" ,00 ; cows , $1.70(32.tO ( ! : western rangers
steady ; natives and half breeds , $3.00@4.75 ;
wintered Texans , $2.0@i,75. :
Hoes Business was lairly active , with a
downturn of 10@lf > o all around , best assorted
heavy showing the greatest weakness and
thu greatest decline , the same closing at
about $0,4U(3(5.50j ( ( packing sorts sold as low
ns 5.10(30.00 ( for common aud $0.10(2 ( 5.5 : ! for
fair to choice. Ught torts sold at M.4C@l5.50.
liuver.s known as city butchers paid as high
us $15,05 for a few fancy burrows ,
Chicago , August 23. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cuttlo Hecelpts , 11,000 ; market steady :
beeves , J0.0@5.45 * ; steers , $3.50@0.00 ; stock-
i-rs and feeders , $2.00@3.15 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , $1.25@300 ; Texas cattle , ? 1.70@3.25 ;
western rangers , $2.70 ( < f4.75.
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; market weak anil
lee lower ; mixed , t5.bOW0.45 ; heavy , f < 5.00(3 (
6.55 ; light , $5.85@0.50 ; skips , $4.00 < ( J5.bO.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market blow and
weaker ; natives , (2.75@4.40 ; western shorn ,
$ 'l.50dl3.UO ; Texans , shornf2.i5@3.b'5 ; lambs i ,
3.60 G.OO.
KnnstiN City , August 2J. Cattle Ko-
cclpts , 4.000 ; market about steady ; cows tie-
tlve ; good to choice corn-fed. $5.00(35.50 ( ;
common to medium , f3.25Q4.00 : steers.
ll.80@3.10j cows , (1.25(32.05. ( ,
Hops Receipts , 3,800 ; market opened
steady , closing weak and SglOo lower ; $001 !
to choice , ( U.25@ri.35 ; common to medium ,
fo 35 < g0.15 ; skips and pigs , f ,00@5.25.
National Stock VarilH. Kusc St ,
I/oiil * . Augusta 2.1. Cattle Receipts , SOU :
shipments , 1,000 ; market firm ; choice licarj
native steers , * 5.00@5,50 ; fair to good , heavj
unlive steers , St.IKKrfS.lO ; butchers' steers
medium to good , $3.4U < ! ? 4 40 ; stockers am
feeders , fair to good , f22o$3.jO ( : ; rangers
corn-fed , fct.50fl-l.0n ; grass-fed , f.5.30tf4.50. (
Hogs Receipts. 17,600 ; shipments , UTO
market strong ; choice heavy und butchers
selections , | 0.45 ( < iO.OO ; packing , medium t <
prime , tO.iKKgO.-t.'i ; light grades , ordinary t <
best , ? Q.W@035.
NEW YOKK , August 2.1. [ SpcclalTelegran
to TUB HEK. ] STOCKS The market my
lieavyutthe opening , with business ver ;
moderate , first figures being generally a lau
under the close of yesterday , though North
western started In at a ilecllfio of j c. H
wns pretly dull most of the time and , as for
some days past , there was Itttlo to interest
spectators. For u consldorablo ttiuo Iluctuu-
lions were within n very narrow range , nut
about the middle of the day there was an U- |
wnnl movement , In which Lnokawnnna and
Now York Central were the most conspicu
ous , each advancing somewhat. The entire
list felt the stimulus of this Improvement ,
hut the appreciation In the remainder of
stocks was slight. The report of Luke Shore
earnings showing n decrease lit the not of
$217,413 for the quurter ending June 30 , and
proving that for the lust six months they
earned on slock only 2.7 per cent , against
3.3 per cent In 1887 , was a disappointment to
the bulls nnd caused that stock to weaken
materially. The day throughout was a dull
ono , nnd during the latter p.irt of the session
prices gradually declined tinder offering of
long stock , closing In most , of the list not
very far from opening figures. The total
gales were 18 ,52(1 ( shares.
tl.fl.4s regular . .1211 } Northern Pacific. . . 25'
U.S. 4scoupons . . .I2H5 doprcrVrred Wj
U. .1.4'/sregular. IWJJ , C. * N. W ll'lii
U. S. 4'iscoupons lD7Ji | do preferred 141
Pnclllcdsof'in. . . , ja ) IN. V.Vntral ( Iiw'
( Vntnil Pacific . . . n < u I' . , I ) . .Vi : 2i j
Chicago le Alton 131 Hock Island KIT3. ;
( Jhlcngn.lltirllni'ton (1. M.&Sl. P 71"
\ Qiilncy Ml ! do pnilurrcd 1IU
I ) . . I , . & \V Hn > 4 Ft. Paul & Omaha . 40'j '
Illinois Central. . .IIS I do preferred ins
I.II.&W ir , < 4 CnlonPucillc Jit" *
Kun iis AsTuxaa . . Ill | W..Kt. I , . * P 14'i '
I.akM Shore lifi i do pri'fnrrnl. . . . -I ! ' .
Michigan Central h" 'Wtdtt-rn ' Union bl'f
Mls uiirll'acillc . . 7'J'il '
MOVKT ON CAM , ICasy at l's , ' ( < Z2 per cent ;
closed offered ut 2 per cent.
PitiME MisiiCANriLii 1'Ai's : : 1 } © ) ) per
STHIIUNO JOsOiuvoE Dull but firmer nt
$ I.S4 lor sixty day bills , $4.b7'f ' for de-
isanti. _
1' KG I ) U U K M AUK KTH.
CitHMfio , August 21. Wheat Steady ;
cash , BsXoj September , S5'ij ; ! ; October ,
Corn Firm ; cash , 4I7 ; September ,
45o ; October , 4r > o.
Oats Steady ; cash , 25'yc ; September ,
W.'v'c ; October , 2l > Vo.
Uyo JSJ..C.
H.irluy Nominal.
Prime Timothy $2.05.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Firm ; cash und Sppternber13.S2J ;
October , 13.80.
Lurd Stronger ; cash und September ,
SU5' ! , ; ; October , fO.O.I.
Flour Firm , with dealers unking an ad
vance of lC@l5o per hbl ; backsS2 75
( jt2 ! 0ln barrels , $3.00011.41) ) . Spring wheat in
.sacks , $1.7.@l.25 ; in barrels , . H.50 , < i4.b5 ;
rye in sacks. $ .J.5. > @ 3.00 ; in burrels , fJ.UO ®
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , f7.-l01Z7.50 ;
short clear , $3.bOiI9.00 ( ; short ribs , $ b.20@
8.22 # .
llutter Dull ; creamery , 15@20c ; dairy ,
T l/'rt l7r
Cheese Dull ; full cream choddurs and
Hats , 7 > ( jjc ( ; young Americas , t > @S ) < , c.
Kggs Firm atll ( < lDu.
Hides Firm ; heavy green salted , ( > e ; light
green salted , OJtfc ; salted bull , 5c ; green
failed calf , GjC'47c ; dry Hint. 7J/@Sc ; Jry
calf , 7j ( Sc ; branded lildcs IP. per cent off ;
deacons , 20@25e e.ich ; . sltinks , 10@15o ;
dry salted. 7c.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1. solid packed , 1 , ' c ;
No. 2 , yjc , und cake , 3 ' { ( < i lo per lb.
Ueci-ipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 13,000 8.000
Wheat bu S'2.KH ( ) 78,000
Corn , bu 273.000 252,000
Oats , bu 21U.OOO 140,000
Uye , bu
Hurley , bu . . . .
Now Vork. August 23. Wheat Receipts ,
104,200 ; exports , 5bOO : spot l > tf@2c higher ;
sales of No. 2 red , ' . ' ( aliyc in elevator ,
UiiJifjJSl.tXlJjC ullout , fl.Ol f. o. b. or store ;
No. 3 red , t)3c ) ; No.I red , b5c ; ungraded
red , Slil QfliiO ' ; options opened remark-
nblj' uctive and excited ut S' O--fcC ' higher ,
closing strong ; No. 2 led , September , closing
O'Jc asked.
Corn Uecclpts , 127,000 ; exports , 51,100 ;
spot , strong nnd l/tc higher ; No. 2 , quoted at
( VldJ.'ii'.iC ' delivered ; ungraded mixed , 5'ii ( $
54c ; options opened less active , September
closing ut Kl'ftc. '
Oats Heceipts , 139,000 ; exports , 505 ; spot ,
lf < | 2 ( ! lower , closing weak ; mixed wubtern ,
2felOc ( ! ; white western , 345c.
ColTce- Options opened llrm at 15i25 (
points advance nnd closed barely steady ;
sales , 03,750 bags ; August , Jll.00@ll.bO ;
September , ; October. S10.CO ( < e
10.05 ; spot. Uio , stronger , with moderate demand
mand and fair cargoes , 1 l c.
Petroleum United closed quiet nnd steady
at 87 > 4'c.
Eggs Finn and quiet ; western , lCfi17 c.
Pork More active and llrtnincss ; , f 14.00 ®
14.25 for old ; 515.00@15.50 for new.
Lard Spot , higher ; sales , western steam
closed at $ 'J.40@y.45.
Huttcr Stronger for best grades , loxv
grades dull ; western dairy , Il } < i' ( < il5c ; west
ern creamery , 13 } < ( n-20c.
Cheese More doing ; western , 0 @ 7 , ' c.
St. lionlH. August 2. Wheat Higher
and excited ; September , bOJifc ; cash , yo4@ '
Corn Higher : cash , 40fc ; September , 41c.
Oats Highercash ; , 25c ; September , 2JJ4c.
Pork Steady at $11.50.
Inrd Firm ut $ S.bO.
Whisky Steady at $1.14.
Hulter Light imiulry , dull ; crcamerylS@
Milwaukee , August 23. Wheat Strong ;
cush , b7 c ; SeptemberSCJrfe ; October , bi ; ) o.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 4IWfe.
-Steady-.No. . 2 white , 31(33'Jc. (
Hye-Firm ; lb. 1 , 50V < fc.
IJarlcv Nominal lit OOc.
1'rovisions Steady ; pork , cash und Au
gust , J13.SO.
MiniicaiioliH. August 23. Wheat-Tho
local receipts wcro CO curs ; shipments , 70
curs ; market quiet ; _ _ No. 1 hard , August ,
Cincinnati. August 23. Whe.itActive ,
strong und higher ; No , 2 red , OOc.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 45c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed. 2t ! ) c.
Hyo Firmer ; No. 2. 5''o.
Pork Quiet nt $14.75.
Whisky Steady at $1.14.
KniiHim City , August 23. Wheat
Steady ; No. 2 red , cash , 75c bid ; Septem
ber , 7tic bid ; No. 3 red , cash , 70 o bid ; Se | > -
lomber. 7tJ < fc bid ; No. 2 soft , cash. 80 , ' c bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 37o asked ;
No. 2 white , cash , 41c asked.
Oats No , 2 , cash , 201)c ) asked ; September ,
21e bid.
Thursday , August 23 , 1SS3.
There was very little life to the cattle Irado
to-day , although quito u good many cattle
changed hands. Ono bunch of rangers
brought $3.90 , while $1 55 was paid for sorao
light corn cattle. The market wus weak and
slow. There was some trading iu feeders'
and butchers' stock.
The receipts of hogs wcie the heaviest of
the week. The market was 5o lower and in
some cases lOc lower. The bulk of the hogs
sold at Stl.05 and over , heavy hogs selling as
high as $0.20 and assorted light at JO. 10. Ev
erything was sold before the close.
There were a few sheep here and one bunch
was sold on the market ,
Cattl-s 050
Hogs 5,200
Sheep , ' . " 00
Horses . ' 90
Prevailing Priues.
The following is a table of prices pild In
this maricot for the grade * of stock men
I'runosteors. 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . $5.25 (35.50 (
1'nuio steers , 1100 to 1300 ibs. . 4.50 fiM.33
Feeders . 2.75 (3:3.55 ( :
Rnngu steers , com'on to choice 2.75 OJ4.25
Common to good cows . 1.40 ( u2.00
Choice to faney cows . 2.50 (33.00 (
Common to choice bulls . 1.00 (42.50
Fair to cnoice light hogs . 5.05 ( ttO.10
Fair to choice heavy nops . 0.10
Fairtocaolco tuixea hoes . 6.05 ( 0.15
Koprcnoutniive dale * .
No. ' Av. Pr.
- 3 cows , natives , . S5D IL40
1319 150
2 heifers , 750 2.00
1 bull , 14bO 2.10
2 cows 1175 2.00
lOcows l'.M ' 2.IC ,
41 cows , natives WJ 2.15
1 bull , native 1100 2.15
Ucows 1WJ 2.25
1 bull 1300 2.25
24 cows , natives , b9. > 2.25
47 feeders 1213 B.60
2 steers , feeders KtO 2.75
3 feeder * MX ) 2.75
leow 1410 2.75
Bflfrrdi-M 833 2.75
25 feeders 1001 3.00
25 feeders KM 3.10
21 feeders 1018 3.15
20 feeders 1178 3.15
17 feeders HKM 3.25
4 feeders IIMI 3.25
lilt steers , natives 1224 3.75
135 westerns , corn fed 1170 4.J15
2J steers 1052 4.55
HANOI : ctTri.i ! .
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Knstmun Hros. & H. 13 cows IKX$2.25 )
Fryo.t Hriihn I'.ll steers IK'S. ' II.W )
Frye ft Hruhn 131 steers 1201. 31'0 '
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
(1S..P.U ( ( ) * > M ) 73..25J 40 ? I1.I5 (
8J..215 UK ) 5.b'i ( . . . .24 bO 0.05
157..2.VJ 41 5i ! : > (15. ( . . .220 12-1 005
81. . . .215 1'JO 5.15 fii . . .2til M ) (1.05 (
78..11H ) 1K ( ) 5.i5 ( 7.1..210 120 IU'5 '
711..2U5 Wt 5'.i.r , 74..230 bO (1.05 (
74..2H ! ) 2(10 ( 5.l7' ( < f 81..201I 40 O.nTi
rr.232 to 5..i7'i m..25-j b sc.-i
7).231 ) 210 ( KID ' . . . . ' : 120 005
( . . . . ' . ' NX ) 0' ' " } (15. ( . . 21J 40 (1.05 (
( it. . ' . & ' 3" ) 11.011 81. . . . ' 2 0 tl.05
C-.22tl 40 (1.00 ( W..BiO 120 li.1'5 '
7JI..2JI I'M OIK ) ( . . . . 2UO O.tl7 > ;
71..2"3 ' O (10) ( ) " . . . ( 120 0.07' . ;
OI..22-.I 20) ) (1.0) ( ) (15 ( . . .2.V.I M ) (1.07H (
170..2111 210 (100 ( 70..213 120 0.10
78..201 4MI (100 ( in..21 ! ) SI ) C..IO
lS..2 ! : l 12J (100 ( 71 . . .2.17 120 (1.10 (
7(1. ( . . . 215 20H | | . ( io 77.'Jil : 120 (1.10 (
73. . . 22(1 ( 3TO 000 73 . . 200 120 (5.10 (
71..201 2M ) ( lt)0 ) 45..21(1 ( ID 0.10
( VI..231 2 > 0 (100 ( 25..2'.U 120 H.lll
01 . . 20'.l J-0 (1.00 ( 70..251 210 (1.10 ( ,
05..210 2M ) 0.00 (12..243 ( bO 0.10
S | 2'hJ MO ( l.K ( ) Sit 201 ! 40 (1.10 (
72..212 120 (100 ( I'.KI I1"1' ' 12(1 ( 0.10
' . . . .251 20 11.10
(17..255 ( 1'JO (1.05 ( 05. >
5l..2iS li' ( ' ) 005 ( ( ) . . . . ' Ml I' , . HI
7J..2.IS 1(10 ( ( lO * . .V.I..2VJ l-'O (1.10 (
os..2:11 : so H.05 os..212 12) ) n.rJ1 ;
OJ..224 120 0.05 5'.215 SO ( U2 > tf
sI'm * ( ) ( i.o5 . . . . ' ; : ( 120 >
( iS..Vftl ! It ) (105 ( IW..25HM \ 0.15
78..210 1.0 (1(15 ( ( 1 IS. . . . 2(10 ( 0.20
7-5..215 .SO 005 ( . . . . ' : 11.20
(15..211 ( 120 U.05 IK ) ' - ! ) ) 1(10 ( (1.20 (
7S. . . . 22,1 40 0.05 (11. ( . . . 233 120 0.20
Showing the number of hoi } * bought by
the lo.ulmg buyers on the m.irket to-d.iy :
G. H. H.tmmond&Co 413
Omaha Packing Co 1,312
Armour C. P. Co 2,077
, ) . P. Squires & Co 103
Oibbs .t White 2i2 (
Davis & , Atwood. 2t'J
Hl licHt anil lowest.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices p.iul fur mixed and he ivy loads of hogs
on tliis market during the p ist t'ow days , and
for the corresponding parioit in ls > 87 and 188(5 ( :
August ! SijH. _
4K ! ) Wi I'l 4 .ii dl.l 5J
5 ! K ) dtt\ \ - " , 4 mi < - , ) . , r , 4 fi Oil W
4 w < & . - > ir > 4 4" . ttl il'i
" " 5 IN ) to i 'i 4 li' ' ) f < I.t i" >
1 < > I II ill" IJ',11 IU G I'l < tti i 'M 4 50 ( (51 IK
141 r > w < , ' > a ) Suniliiy. 4 ll'i il 70
in. r > M fi 'i ' w > B 10 fcf'i iU Simd.iy.
hi r K' > ( > ( . ' ! ( m ' 4 bO ( .61 70
I"1 ft H ) < ! . I'l ' 4 ' . ) > d' " > ? ! 4 W f-41 7'J"
Id ) ( . ( . i i B 05 ffo'i U. " > 4 41.I ( hU
Sund.iv. B 00 Wi" \ 4 40 ftM 70
15 ' . W1' \ ' ) 4 ' .HI 4fr"i u5 4 It ) Cil KJ'J '
ti in ) C'Wi : Suudiiy. 4 4' . 161 . )7'i
r > V , C4 25 4 l'i ) fitTi l" > Sunday.
li\\o \ Slock Not OH.
Thomas White , Plum Creek , brought in a
load of cattle.
S. L. Perry , Kearney , came in with two
loads of sheep.
C. H. Lyons , Valley , Neb. , was looking
over the market.
S. A. Oinernian , Norfolk , was here with
a loid of cattle.
Thomas Crow , Ponca , was hero and sold
two loads of cattle.
William Pricstman , Shenandouh , was u
visitor at the yards.
Mr. Hagcr , Marysville , an old Kansas City
shipper , came iu with cattle.
H. Thompson , Hayes Center , was at the
yards with two loads of cattle.
Creighton was represented by Mr. Hush ,
who stopped at the yards on his way home.
Mr. Nuckols , of the firm of Reef & Nuck-
ols , came in with a train of nine cars of
John Lansing , Falrficld , Neb. , was at the
yards with eight loads of cattle and a load of
Mr. Uoetchcr , of the firm of Hcrshey &
Hoctchcr , was among thu stockmen at the
Joe Cameron , Raymond ; S. C. Stubbs &
Co. , Uradshaw ; J. M. Abraham , Valley ;
Frank Adams , Logan , la. ; J. 1C. Simpson ,
Hransnaw ; J. F. Myers , Ravenna , and A.
W. Wikoff , Osceola , were among those who
came iu with hogs.
Money is in fair demand at ruling rates ,
8@10 percent ; exchange steady ut $1 per
1000 premium. General trade continues very
good in all lines and there seems no doubt
but that Jobbers' sales for the month will "ex
ceed those for the same uiontli in Ibb7.
Coffees are somewhat higher in the cast , but
no advance has been noted hero. Sugars urn
steady ut quotations. Coal mis been ad
vanced n notch at Chicago to take effect Sep
tember 1 , and there is almost n certainty
that un advance in anthracite will be an
nounced on the 1st prox. here. Collec
tions are fair and while not all that could bo
expected , ure better than usual at this
Produce , FrultH , Ktc.
HUTTKK Fancy creamery roll , 20(5 ( ?
21c ; solid packed , 10frlbc ; choice country ,
butter , 10 ( < jl7c ; common grades. lO UIc.
Eoo-i Strictlv fresh , I0i ( l7icandled. :
OIUXGES Messmas , $ > . ( hitI.OO ) ( ( per box :
Rodi , $ O.OiKa.0.25 per box ; $3.50 4.00 per half
CAMFOUSIA DAMSONS $1.25nor box ; south
ern Danibons , 75caiM.OO ( per box.
C.U.IKOIINU Gu.U'Kd $1.25C < ? 1.50 per case.
SoimiKiiN GiiirKs 75e@fl.00 per 10-lb
PITCHES California , $1.00rgl.50 per box- ;
Missouri , $1.00c@1.25per } < Z bu.
UASANAS Common , $1.50@2.25 per bunch ;
choice , $2.50(3:3.50. ( :
LEMONS f 1.00@5.50 per case.
SQUASH "c per ID.
CAXTELOI'KS 75cffi1.50 per dozen.
PLUMS $1.2501.50 > per bu.
HUCKI.CIIKKUIES S1.2o per drawer.
POTATOES New , homo growth , 50$75c ( per
POULTUV No dressed fowl in the market ;
live chickens , $ J.50@3.75 per doz. ; spring
chickens , $2.25@3.00.
TOMATOES $1.50R2.00 ( per bu.
WATCKMELONS-iSr.J.00@17.00 PCI' 100.
PEAKS California , i.00@3- ; < per bu box ;
Southern , 75per } bu.
CEL.EKY 30(5 ( ? > 40o nor dozen.
CAUIIAOES $2.50iicr 100.
Euu PLANT fl.00ffil.25 per dozen.
ONIONS IKc per Ib.
API-LES $2.003.00 per bbl.
CUAHAt'l'LES $1.00 per box.
CiDEK-Mlchlgan , .50@0.50 cer bbl 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Pop Cons Rice , 3@4c ; common , 2@3c.
CAKKOTS 75cper bushel.
HE INS Choice eastern handpickcd navies ,
t2.25s2.50 ( per bushel ; western hand picked 1
navies , $2.50@2.00 ; mediums , riOO@2.15.
Lima beans 5c per jxund.
HAY f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , fC.OO ; No.
2 upland , $5.00.
UK IN $10.00.
Cuori'ED FEED 117.00 per ton.
Dry Goods.
Corrox FLANNELS 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
li > 70
No. 50. colored. 12o ; No. 70 , colored ,
Urlstol , 12 > < c ; Union Pacific , 17o.
CAKI-ET WAIUUlb White , 10o ; colored | ,
HATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
12J < c ; Hoone , 14e ; B , cased , $0.50.
PKINTS Solid wlors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
5 > fo ; Berlin oil , 6Ko ; Garner oil , 0@7n.
COKSET JEANS Androscoggin , 7H ° } Kcar-
sarge , 7Jfo ; Rockport , 6J/c ; Conestogo , ti c ,
TicKS-Vork , SO in ! , iti c ; York , S3 in
18Xe ; Swift River. 8c ; Thorndlke OO ,
Tnorndlke t8)o ) ; Thorndikt 120 ,
Thorndlko XX , 15cj CoiOls Nb. ti , 1''c ' , ' ;
CordisNo. 4. lie. ,
DENIMS'Amoskoafl , Hoi , lO' ' t" ; Kverctt. 7
or , 13'jjc ' ; York. 7oz , lil'fc ; Huvmuker , S > o ;
JulTroy XX , llSoj JatVrcy XXX , I2i < o ;
Uknver Crook AA , 12oj Heaver Creek HU
1U- ; Heaver Crock CC.lOu.
KENTUCKY JK4..NS.Memorial. . 15c ; Dukotu ,
ISc ; Durham , 27 } < < ! ' . Hercules , isj ; Learning.
IngUm , 22) ) < e ; Cottswold , 27'ic ,
CIIASII. Stevens' U , Oo ; Stevens' H ,
plain Holland. U c ; Dado Holland. 12Lc.
FLANNK.I.S. Plald-Raftsiiien,2tcloBiicn ) ; ,
32i < o ; Clear Lake , 3'JJ ' < fe ; Iron Mountain ,
'FlMNNii.s-Wlilto-0 : II , No. 2 , * { , 21e G
II , No. 1 , "f. 27Jc ; B II , No. 2 , ? „ ' , 22K i
" , Renfrew dress , .
CAMIIIIICS Sinter , 5'jc ' ; Woods ,
Standard , 5'fe ' ; Peacock , 5'ic. '
COM roil rr.ns M ( Xif35.Ki. ) ( (
Bi.ASKr.Ts-White , $100(37.50 ( ; colored ,
. ,
. SIIIIBTINO llorkeloy cambrlo
No. ( V ) . ll' ' e ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 0 > ' ( c ; butler ui i
OO , 4'4o ; t'abot , 7 } < cFiirweIj hw'J ' uloaehed
8'ij'e ' ; Fruit of L-JOI- | | i4o ; Greene
O , Oe ; Hope , * : ' ; King Philip earn-
brie , .U" ; Lonsdalo eambricl' \ ' \
Luusdtile , ' . 'o ' ; New Yoik mills , 10'e ; ;
Peppei 1 11 , 42-in , lie ; Poppcrell , 40 In , 12e ;
Peppcrell , 0-1 , lOc ; Pupirn-ll. S I , 21c ; Pup-
perell , 0-1 , ; Peppeii'll. 10-1 , 2V ; Canton
I1 1 , S'4e ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , 5c.
Brown sheeting Atlantic1 A , 1 I , 7j'o } ; A
Buntie II , 4.1 , 7'4e ' ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , 04r ' ; At-
luntli- . I I , Oe ; Aurora LL , 4-1. Oe ; Anroi.i
C , 4-1 , 4 , ( ; Cnnvn XXX , 4 I , OVe ; Homier
LL , l-l , Oe ; Indian He id , 4 I , 7) ) i' ; Law-
rotu'c LL , 1-4 , Oe ; Old Dominion , 4 I , 5' ' , < ;
Pepperell R , 4-4. 7e ; Peppen-ll O. 4-1 , 0e ; , ;
Pepperell. S I , is'fe ' ; -pporelll ! t.21e ; I'up-
perell , 10-4 , 23e ; UtieiC. 1-1 , 1iWaehusiM , ; ,
l-l , 7 , ' , 'c ; Aurora R , 4-1 , 7f , Aurora If , l-l ,
' '
iii't-K- U'esl Point ! -J In , 8 o ; . , lo e ;
West Point 2' . ) in. 10 or , IV ; West Point
At in , 1207 , 15e ; Went Point 40 in , 11 olOe. .
Fi.\NMi.s-Ued : , C , 21 in. l.litf ; K , 21 in ,
2le ; Ci G , 21 In , 1-e ; II A F , , 4' , 25i ! ; . ) R F , ,
a. . . ' , c ; I ! , 'f. ' 35c.
ISHIM Pink anil Robes Riehmotul , O'jC ' ,
Allen , Oc ; Rivernoint. " : ; Steel itiver , On ;
Richmond , 0'v'e ' ; P.ieille , O'.c. .
PiiisTs Dress Charter Oak , 5l'e ;
Kanripo , I'.c ' ; Lodl , 5'c ' , ; Allen , lie ; IJich-
moml. Oc ; Windsor , OUe ; Kddystouu , OJjc ;
P.ieille , O'.c. '
PRIM * Isnuio Bi.i'i : Arnold , O'fc ' ; Ainer-
lean , 0'4e ' ; ( tlouecstur , 04c ] : Ainold C long
cloth , ( I ; Arnold B long eloth , 10 > , ' ; Arnold
Gold , | 0jr : Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Tiektt , KIM.
SliluriNd Cheeks , Cnlcdoniu X , 0 > c ; Cal
edonia XX , 10 ! < ; c ; Economy , 'Jo ; Otis , Oc.
liuvised prices are as foil nvs :
1 Stark A , sc'iinlcss , 2lc ; Ani'is-
keag , seamless , IG' ' c ; l.uwiston A , hoaniloiV ) ,
Hi,1 ; American , seamless , Hi'.e : burlaps. 4
to 5 bius C'Sgui.mi's ' ; , single , 1'tc ; gun-
nics , doulilc , 2lc ( ; wool ' ui'ks , IJjo. Twines
Flux , 3.V ; uNtr.i sail , 20f2ic ( suil H , P.i < < j20e ;
cotton. ' 'le ; jute , inc.
CotTKr.i Moclni. 2.V < fcVi ! ( ; Uio. treed , 10' ' ?
17c ; .Mumlalilinir , iMf ( < ) JNs ; rousting lie , ll / >
Uio ; O. G. Java , 21'wMu ; Java , interior , 2ii j
25c : Km , fancy , lOitU'ut htintos and Mura-
cuibo , 17uKlu. ) Ailmckl1 , lb'4c. .
Suuui Granulalcd. 7 4 ( < 4VC ; conf. A.
, ' , cwhlto ; extra C , 7' < , fW7ljc ; extra C , 7
( < i7'tc ' ; yellow C , ) , ( ii. " < e ; nowdered , b.'ioj
bjic ; cubes * > ' ' ( ii 'Vi ' i i
Ilosr.v IKulHe for ono pound frame" ;
striiincd honey , ( kiic per nouml.
HKIVA : \ Choice juhdtv , 20g-"Koi ( dark
culoied , 13 < Wllo. ' '
CM isr.iij Young America , full cri'um ,
! IV" 10'c ' ; full cream clu-ddar.s , Dtofl' i' ; full
cream Huts , W < jl'f ! ' ; LMCK ! lo choice skiiiuni'd
Cheddars , llodlf , ; ltinmil : ll.its , 5'(5'c. _
Pn KI.KS Mediiiiii , in bbls. > .V5) ) ; do In half
bbls , * UM ; small , in bids. SHOO ; lie in half
bbls , 3.25 ; gherkins , in bbls-j.'J" ; do in half
bbls , M.O. ) .
TOIIAI coPlug , 2l'tfOV ( ; smoking , lOifOJc.
. .IBM.IKH- 1 25 PIT 30-1b Jiail.
Su.l ? 1.30nl ( 35por bbl.
Hoi'E 7-lli. 'J'.in'.l'ii1. ' '
Sl'it'K1Nutmeir , per lb , 55@c. pepiKjr ,
per lb , 17 < iil'Je ; cloves , per lb , lS(2'lc ( ? ; "all
spice , 7 tc ; cinnamon hark. 3 0 ; cassia , Oc ;
cassia buds 12 , ' c ; clovisi , JOe ; iiuici7c ( ) - .
N MI.S iron nulls , per keg. t'J.05ic--10 ! ; steel
nails , per keg , S2.20jrdVJ5 ( ; wire nails , per
ki-ir. * J.Kl ( < 8 < i.70
TIAS : Young Hyson , common to fair , IS < §
25e ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , ! hK't < 55c ;
Gunpowder , common to goml12-Jn'25c ( ; Gun
powder , choice to faney,4iKi5c ( ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15(2 ( , ' Japan , cliolco to
fiinpy , 3Iu ( > 45e : Oolong , common to good , 25 ( < 5
35c , Oolong , ehoico to fancy. SOf/iTOu ; Iin ] > er-
i-il , common to medium , 25@T)0 ; Imperial ,
pooJ to fancy , 40'T > ( ) ii.
IvUTS Almonds , 15i$17e ( ; lllberts , ' . 'culOc ' ;
Brazil , < "c ; wilnuts , s > SL ( l'Jc ; pecans , 0 , d $
lO.'x.c ; peanuts , . " ( Skijfc.
CK\CKEU.S 5lC10c ( per lb ; assorted ca es , 7
@ 20c per lb , as per list.
MAM.E SUGAR linens , 10@10Ke per lb ;
penny cakes , llyill' c per lb ; pure maple
syrup , $1.0d per gal.
BUOOMS Extra 4-tio , $ .40 ; parlor , 3-Ue ,
painted handles , 52.25 ; No. 1 , Sl.sO ; No.
$1.70 ; heavy slublo brooms , $4.01) ) .
ST.IUCII Mirror glo , 5 ie ; Graves' corn ,
Co ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswegocorn , 7c.
POWDUII AND Snor Shot. $1.20 ; bucKshot ,
$1 45 ; ivowder , kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $ J.15 ;
fuses , 10 J ft , 55 J)70e. )
UKPIVKD iMiti ) Tierce. SV < c ; 40-lD square
cans , hKo ; 50-lb round , bc0lb ; round ,
8' ' e ; 10-lb palls , Oo5-lbpaiNv ; < J' ' e ; 3-lbpaiW ,
Pitoviiioxs Hams,13jtl ! > J c ; breakfast ba
con , lO dilii o ; bacon sides'J C'tlOc ; dry
hull , O' o ; fchoulders , b , ' 0- > % c ; dried beef ,
\Vooiivw\iiE. : Two-hoop p ills , per doz. ,
$1.:0 : ; throe-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub ,
87.00 : No. 2 tub , $ (1.00 ( ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ;
washboards , $1. ! > ' . < . 75 ; assorted bowls ,
$2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ .5.00 ; No. 2 churns ,
$7.00 : No. 3 churns. $ 'i.(0 ; butler lubs ,
$1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70e per nest.
DitiKi ) FiiL-irs Figs , in baxes , per lb , 13 , ?
Ifie ; figs , in mats , per lb , 5 > < frfOc" dates , in
boxes , 5 > @ 7c ; London Malaga layer
raisins , per box , $3.50f 3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins. $ i.30 2.50 ; now Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , 7 ( Wl c ; Cali
fornia loose muscatrls , per box. ? 1.CO.
California London layer raisins , per box ,
$2.35(82.50 ( ; jutted cherries , per lb , isi20c ( ;
California pitted plums , per lb , 12c C13c ;
dried blackberries , per lb , bV'i'ic ' ; dried
raspberries , per lb. 21 ( < il.:5j : ; dried
apples , 7WJc ; evaporated apple1 * , b
( uS c ; California sun dried pe.iches , lorm
lie ; California unnared evuporated
peaches , llfiOlCio ; evaiKirated California
npricots , ItkulseCanluo ; currunls , 7o ;
Turkish prunes , 3r | ' 4c ; citron. : " '
orange peel , Iliiil2 > ic ; lemon peel , 2J
Hemlock sole , Ib ( > i7c per Ib ; oak sole , 30@
3.e ) per Ib ; oak harness , 2sca0e : ! per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , 33c per Ib ; oalc and hem
lock upper , 20'S22e per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOST ! ) c per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No , 1. Me ? 1.00 per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , 1.00(41.10
per Ib ; hemlock kip skn. ! No. 1 , 00@70c per
Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70' sOc per lb ; Phila-
f 1.10 per lb. Cordovan , russett , 18c ; satin
llr.ish. 20c per foot ; well leather , $3..r > < K < ,4 r,0
per Bldo ; moroccos , ( pebble Koat ) , ' 'Ola.'MJc
per foot ; moroccos , boot lep , lio@auc per
toot ; glove calf sUhis , 20@tflc : per foot ;
Douglas kid , SOfitlOc per loot ; kangaroo
Rklns , 40@Vo ) per foot , acCordliiR to quality.
Toppings , { 8.00(310.00 ( per dozen ; linings.
t5.00@'J.OO per dozen ; apron skins , * 10.o3@
12.00 per dozen.
MctalH anil Tinners' Stock.
Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin plate ,
rooting , I C , 14x20 , $5.15 ; sheet zinc , $ * 1.50@
6,75 : pig lead , $4.80 ; bar lead , $4.55 ; largo pig
block tin , 28o ; small pig block tin , 27c ; bar
tin,2 c ; solder , 15@20e ; copper bottoms , 31c ;
sheathing copper , tinned , 2Uo ; planishing
copper , tinned , 35c ; lead plix ; , 5e ; siieet
Iron , N S. IS to 24 , $3.20 ; Hussla iron , 13e ;
Am Russia nlanlsheii , A , 10c > ; Am Hussia
planished , li , 9fo } ; painted barb wire , $3.15 ;
galvanized barb wire. $3.75.
JUNK Machine castings , $12.00(313.00 ( ;
stove plates , $7.005"8.00 ! ; wrought iron$3.00 , ®
10.00 ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ;
copper. $ S.MX < t9.00 ; brass , $4.00@8.00 ; zinc ,
$2. < XKiT3.00 ; solid lead , $2003.00 ; tea lead ,
$2.00@2.50 ; rubber , .50i5J3.00j mixed rags ,
tl.HXgl.lS | > cr cwt.
anil Clieinlcals.
MISCELLANEOUS Sulph. acid , l c ; cltrlo
aciii , OOc ; tartarlc , 500 : baL copavia , COc ;
borax. lOc : chloroform , 50c : glycerine , 23c ;
gum Arabic , select , ILUO ; gt m camphor , 30o ;
gum opium , f2.7r > t Kulph , morphia , 12.50 ;
urrmildo potimslum , 42o.
4'V ; tui-ioiiUtH' | , 4'Jo ; linseed raw , .We ; boiled ,
Me. and I.lnif.
Lnin 8.Xa'JOc ; I'ortlimd cemuiit , M.Wi ; do-
mcittlu cement , $1.O ! ; plaster , 2.00 ( ,15 ;
hair , S1@J.c.
COAI , Antliraclto. ranee , und nut , $10.00 ;
Inrgc ugtf , t'J.T.'i ; Kock Sprint ; , $7.00 ; Hti-
porlor , $ it.Xi ( ; Iowa , t-l 60it5. ( ' ' 0i stcutu coul ,
$1 rpj to $ > . ( .
Tjiiinhcr ,
TS. H \
ID tt. 18 ft nsi ftlu'i ft
111 00 ( ) } ! (
JiXII. Id It ) I'l 111 11)21 ) M2t Ut
xf. III 6'l I ! ) 01 I'.l ( KI.3) ( M'M UO
ax io . in nt Ill W ) ! I ( ) ' 'I OlM 01
I 22 HI
4X4HX8 . . . . . . . _ . . . _ l-jyi'lil ' Olll'.Utl'1. ' ! 01
Add BO cents per ! , ( " fi' < * t for roiijjj ; Joist.
No. I com. 1 s J 15.00 I No. 3 com , s t s $15 00
No. 2 r-oir. , s 1 ! 1(1.50 ( I No I com , K 1 s 12.50
Add 50 cents tier l.OtXI for tough.
No. 1 , 4 und 0 In , 12 und 14 ft , rough. . . $20.00
No 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.IHI
No. 2 , " 12 nnd 14 ft , " . . . . 1(1.00 (
No. 2 , " 1(1 ( ft , " . . . . 17.0J
A , 12 , 1 & 10 ft. * ! > 0 51) ) I C , 12 , 14 .t 10 ft.l 1.75
H , " " ll.7fl ! I D. " " 11.75
1st cnm , ) i In wliltii pine culling $3300
2d " " " " 27.M (
Clear % in Norway pine ceiling 15.50
2dcom ; < B m " " " 13.50
AOin wliltuplne M 00
H " " " 32.00
C " " " ' "JOO
I ) " " " 21 HO
K " ' " ( sel. lencing- 1850
SK Inch drop Hiding 5Jo pur 1,000 extra.
IIATIIAH , Wll.l : , Tl'IIIMl , I'iCKIjr.S.
O. G. Hulls , 2'v ' in $ IM
O. G. Hulls , ' < \ s 30
3 in well tubing. D. As M. ' and Hov 2J.50
Pickets , 1) . & H. Hat 111.00
PickeLs , D. & II. Kquaro 1'J.OO
TIIH 'I\V ( > KS.
Thc-y llnvo n I''l lit Over lluokcl of
Wat or.
Charles Klitj'n ns-ddes ut 1219 Dominion
stieet. Henry ICoeiiniger Is one of ins neigh
bors , ICo0nnl er ha * been getting water at
Kltigc's well , ami out cf this their mutual
troubles sprung. ICltigo stopped ICoonniger
from getting water at his well , und Kounnl-
gcr li.ii hud It In for him over sincJ. A day
or two since as Kiu e wiu , driving pastKocn-
nIgor's jiluce on Thirteenth street Koeiinlger
nut out und , pulling him from the buggy , as
saulted him. Ho stiuck him sovcrul blows
over the huad und face , and marked him up
considerably. Ho uh.o threatened to shoot
Kltme. so Klilge said. Koennlger was ad
judged guilty of assault und lined $15 und
The danger of n iniiliirial titmostiliore
limy bu avofti'il if you will occasionally
titk'o n doio of Dr. J. McLean's Chills
tind I'ovoi1 Curo.
Iloini : . '
A roturlor s.iw . a Jut of Omaha people who
worn represented to bep.itrons of a traveling
peddlar , who culls himself un importer of dry
goods. Ho has visited Om.iliu . once buforo
and is coming again. Neany everyone on
UK * list is u I'st.ito owner , and hus m.ido
nearly overythtng bo possesses out of Omuhu
le.ilcbtute. A bystunder reniurked :
"The HUM chants of Omulm lind it hard
onotigh to get along now , und if lliey don't
get along , wiiere does real cstutogo ? They
need all the cticouniiii'iiient they eun get , and
one would think real estate owner.s would bu
iMgi-r toivo it. Munv whu booKht of him
the last Urn ' . . .ivo found they were
pUic.t und could have bought the same goods
chfiipc-r of Oiiiuhu tii'M-clmnts " .
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only roifl to take for Dc'A MotnoA ,
O'lur ' Kip. ill. Clinton , Dixon , CbkHto ,
and all pnlntH Kn * t Tc Ihu p < "iple of No.
I into , \vy unliiK , Ulii'i , Iilulio , NeriulH. Oreuon. Wn h
InatonHiKl CalfnrniH , It nHert tuperlor ndviuitafes
nut po iclblo b ) any cith'T line.
A'uoru fi-w of Ihu nunicrniii. poliititof Miperlorltr
enJayiMl by the putronn of this roml bvtwi-vn Oinnbn
nnil Chluiio , urn Us ihn > triiniH mil y of DAV
C < > .V H1C < , which uro the llncni thnt biitn in urt un < t
liiKi-niiitri-iniri'nte. IwrAI.ACK-I.KIJl'INi. CAIlN
tb i iuHl of wiileli eaunot l > loun 1 o ! uwlu > rc. At
Cini. , II lllulN ihc truln of Ihu I nlon I'.u me Hull-
wnyrnnnert In unlnn ( tvpot wltli tbodt * of tbo Clil-
CIIKO A NorthwLMti'rn Ity. In Chlc'iim thi- train H of
thlt lln" nink , " ilo > e connuitloi lth lho o of all
dtlier Cni-lorn lines. , ,
for Detioll , CoHimbiH , InttlaimpolK Clnclnnntl.
NlHL'.irii 1 nils. tlulTHln. riltsliurK , 'Jtinliitn , .Monlrvul
Ilixton. New York. I'lillii'lllphlii , llnliliniiru , Wiish-
In'jlon , : uid all points In the Knit. A k lorllcktis vi.i
" ' "
If you wish ibu best nccoiniuonitlun. All ticket
iizt-ntB rcll llrkuts via thlt lino.
n. niiuiiirr , K. i' . WII , ON ,
( len'l StMiiaxcr. l.en'l 1'ass'r AKOnt.
W. N llAHCOClf , CJi-n'IWc-ioriiAcent ,
1) . K. KIMIiAI.U 'llckct At'cnt ,
< ; . K. WK"T , City I'as-enter Agent.
1101 raruuiii Stitet , Uinnhu , Nub.
No. n-L. A. No. ri.-i'itorosAis roit
AnuySiuiplleH. llenlqimrtent Dent , ottho
1'lntte. Olluo of Chief Commissary of Subsist-
enuiimlut. . Neb. , AUK. 2.1. liv . Suulud piopo-
M ls. in triplicate , biibject to the tiitial condi
tions , vili be received at this ollke until 1-
o' < lotk iu. , ci'iitral standard time , nnd nt the
ollicoof the lomiiiiS'.ary of sabsistt Ufe nt Che-
j tmiH Depot , Wyo. , uuii the ollices of the iictliiK
coiu-iiissarles of subsistence lit Torts Hldney ,
Neb. : Douclii'i , I'tiili : NlohrarnNeb. : Itoliinsiii ,
Neb. , and McKlnnev , Wyo. , until 11 o'clock a.
ill. , mountain standard tlni" , on Monday , the
21th day of September , IS' * , at which time aud
places they will ) > n opened iu the presence of
bidders , for the fui ulshinc and delivery of Hour
for iasuo ( is a component of thu ration. The
rltfht is reserved to reject any or all bids. Illiuik
piopo ulHaiid fpecilkatlons Hliowlni ; In detail
thu quantities re tulreu and Riving lull informa
tion us to condition of contract.sill bo fur
nished on application to anv of the above men
tioned ollicos. J. W. IIAltltlUKIiMaj. . nnd C.
S. , f. S. A. , Chief C 8. iUMiWh2ldSt
The Universal Oil Heater & Burner.
the only oil burner in existence that IIUH given
entire batisfactlun. U will heat a room thecold-
tht weather at H cost of Zo per hour. > MI1
iurnUh heat for CookliiK , \ \ ashing , Iroutnt , ' , etc ,
\\liurc all other contrivances have elKnally fail
ed. No wood , no coal , no asties. no trouble , no
danger. It Is as safu to use 04 coal or wood , 'fry
one aud be convinced. Bent to any address ou
receipt of f-.OJ. A liberal discount to agents.
Exclusive territory aud sale rights unsigned to
wide awake agents.
61 Market tit. , Chicago. 111.
PEERLESS DYES bouiurDEcoaun.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ofilce-Uooni24.Ot > poilt Exchange DulldlnE , UDlon
_ hlock Yardi , boulti Umilia , .Neb.
Liye StocU Commission ,
( loom 15 , Excbaniie Iluliainr , ITnloa Stock Tards *
South Omaha , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Liye Suci
as. Opposite Kxctianga IlntldlniUnion 6tOc
, Ynnl > , buultt Gmati * , Neb.
Of Omaha , Limitel
Dealer in AEricflltural Implements , Wagons ,
AgjlcnlturalIffliilenientsWa , onsCarriagei , !
. Ktc. Wholci te. Omi h , N brii ) ii\ .
B In
A Ticnllnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
Ml. an. B ntc ; J ni Street , Ore h .
Mannfacturers of Bnckcyc Drills , Seeders ,
CulllTttorn , liny U kn.i,1fr ; Mlll nJ l.ulmn 1'ul-
tt-rltcrs. Cor. lull J NlcbuUi fctrci'ls. _
Airicnltnrai Implements , Wagons & Boggles
_ Ci.niiT lllhvul _ NUtinl * ' stri'i't .
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery aiiilEMer Twine ,
W. K. Mrml.MaiiHker 121.1 1.PKTdiiwortU nt , Ora\h .
Jlaniit.-vciuri r nn.1Jobtic > rs In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Elc ,
Co. . ntli nil I I'A'Milc Direct" , Omiiliiii Ncli.
Artlots * Matorlnla. , _ _
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 DouifliiK Hrwt , Oiiinliii , Nvbrotkn.
Uooksolloru nntl Statlonors.
H. M. &S. W. JONES.
Siiici'S or to A.T. Kunjrun A. Co. . Wliulce lie i. ItctP.II
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Klnu WriMIng St Mmiflr > , Ciinitiu-rcliil SlnlloncrT
li.'J DoUk'ln' airi-cl Umnhn .Sri ) .
Boots nnd _ _ _
( ClIlO'fuUM Hi ll'Hl , JOI1C8 A 10 )
Wnolcsale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
.UimU lor llo-tiin ItutiU.'r f-hi ' Co III/J , 1IO A 1IUJ
llniuuy it. . Omaiia. cbml ! Ia. _ _
Jolliers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , 11KH1UJ JJouuli" Hi Uniiilin Jlanulatlorj.Hum'
mer kt. Hi Btun
Coffees , Splcos , Etc-
( imota ( olTco find fplre Mlllii.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Kl&vurliit ; KitrncK. I.nunilry Illun. Inks , Ktc. Kit'
l4lnll niBr i-lrui't. Oniibit. NcbrunVn.
Crockery and
/pent forllic Monufatturcri and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys
KU dOi t . ! ! " B. 13tli fct. . Oinuba , Nubratkn.
Iiuuorlc-pi anJ J"i bi r of
Vpfi fl'tu Tiinr Silvprwnrp
.Ul ] , UicmirruOj woiT1 iiJllll-S , iMuul rrdlu
: 1M4 Karnntu St .New 1'avton lIulldlnK.
CommlBslon and Storage.
' " " " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Kpocluitl < " " " ' I' > ' ' Itrj. Onmc
Ill llorrard Htreflt. Omaha ,
buciotom to McMiunc A NLrnudcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omabu. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
JlcrLbaut. Corrf iionili-ncosolkllcd. 10Hortb ICtb
fttruel.Omiiha , Neb.
Coal , Coke and Litno.
' ' " ' " '
Jotiliers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
2TO South nth Street , Omntm , Nt-braika.
Mannfacters of Lime ,
Anil alilpi''rs iiJ Coal. Coak , Cuiiicnt , I'mntcr , l.ln
Drain llle , * nd Bower I'lp ? . Oltlce , Zlt.H. Ulk
Et , Omalm , Neb. Teleiibonc bit.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
: i < South nth St. . Omaka. Neb.
Dry Goods nna Notions.
M. E SMITH i CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
llfRand 110 < Douglas , Cor. IHb Ft. , Omaba. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotion , :
Gents' I'urnlshlni ; ( iooili. Corner llth and lluaer
tts. , Omnba , Nrbrarka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. Ncbraika.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TOO , TU7 , ,03 and Til S 10th St. , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers , '
t th and Ixavenworth Street , , Omaba , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
iita , r-h pt Iron , etc. Aleuts for Howe Scalcb ,
Mluml I'onder and I.ymun llarlied wire ,
Ouiuhu , Nebraska.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mecbanlci' Tools and Buffalo Pcalei , liUJ Douglai
Htreet , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Wholesale Hardware
10th and Ilarner St , . , Omaba , Neb. Weitern AitenU
tor Auilln t'owder Co. , Jeffenon r > t el Null , ,
1'alrbanki btandard Hcalei.
Wholetalo Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. H03 , 1W5 and 1107 Haraojr 8U , Omftba ,
_ * . Heavy Hardware. _
W. J.ljROATcTr
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel
Hats , Caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
UK Haraer Btre.t , Omaha. Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
UtJ Street and Duloo Pacific TrackOmaha. .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath. Lime , Saso.
Doori.Etc. 'ra" " * r MU ! C r ei
I !
c. N. uitrrz ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Hlh nnd California SlreoUOmaha , Nubriuka.
i V . ( J , , , I ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ Comer rthasd Doucla * FU. . Omaha. _
To Dealers Only ,
OfflCf , nut Karnam Slrf ft , Omaha.
Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc ,
tuiportntl ami Aniprloa I'urllan.l l' mcnt. Ptltf
Au nt Jor Mllwnukcc llfiltiiullniJtafni and
Dealer in Hardwood Lumoer ,
Wood CarpoH and I'arqmil Kloorliu lh ami llnn l.
Mllllnory and Notlona7
" "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
iUh 1111 , Slrt-rl
Overalls. _ _ _ M -
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'auU , blilits , Ktr ll < Uni l Il'JI Duiiflai Htroet ,
uuiabn. ' tb
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
i l anil tU'i rU ulli loth M Omalin.
_ 0118.
V/holsele / Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Alia Urcne , ] ' . : . , Omnln. A II. Hlnhop , Manager ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
1105 Humpy Htrort. OinHhn
" Office Flxturoa. , , , .t
Bani , Offlcuu'saloon ? Fixtures ,
Mntitlci "MfboarJ" . Hook CHUCK. Drug Klxture .WaH
tun' .r ililioim Itaimui , l'ouit4-r , . llorranil Wjnn
( cuilurn Mlrruriietr Kui-torj BTIC * otluo , irJUuml l > a
i-oulll I.Itti hi. , OuiHba. Telcpbiiuo 1UI.
J _ " Paints and
Wholc'Hlu Iiealcritln
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
1I1R Furnam Plraft. Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice itock of PrlnttriB , Wrni'plnif and Wrltlof
l a sr. Bpcclal attention imun to car Ioa4 onlcri.
Paper Boxos.
' "
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
N09. Hit nnd 1319 IJoiUlaj Ht. , Omaha , Net ) .
Printers' Matorlala.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dvalcra In T/IIH , I'ruoo and I'rlnlrrs'Hupplln. tM
buulb 121U Uireut. Om tia.
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing anil Leather Ueltlnii. KU Farnam blr t.
3aah , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV f CO.- '
Wbolciala Manuf ctureri of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llranch ufflcc , I'-'lli and liard blrcf t , Omaha , Nek , %
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
uldln , Ptalr Work and Interior Hard Wood f\u \ >
n. N. K. Corner tth and l aTenff orUi btreeti ,
Omaha , t'co.
Pumps , Pipes and Enfines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Pupplles. Headquarter * for Malt ,
toott A Co'3 uowU. llll harnam bl.OinahH.
Steam anil Water Supplies ,
Uallldai Wind Mllln. 013 and 93) ) Farnam St. , Omaha.
_ ( J KJlos Aciln Manager.
BROWNELL" & uoT ! -
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
3hc t Iron Work Mcam Pump" . Snw MiMs. 1213-12U
Leavt-uworth btreot , Omaba.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
yilnudSUJoneai-trutt Omaha.
Btorago , Forwardl _ ig A , Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Crunchhou eof the Ilumier Dueitr Co. lluet-lcsal
nliultialu and rclftll. Lit UlOanil 1312 Uanl blri'ct.
Omaha. Telephone No. 7M.
Smoke Stacks , Bollors , Etc.
Mannfactnring Dealer in Smofcc Stacfe
Uritchlni ; > , Tanks nnd ( lenerai llolli-r Ilupalrlue. 131 *
Uojgo Sirfyt. Omuhu. Neb
Lager Beer Brewers ,
UZl North Kl.'tbtcentli Etreot , Ouialia , > 'eb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpunutcr. Proprietor. VJO Dodite and 1CJ ( and 101
North 10th Mreet. Omaha.
Iron Works.
Carter U ton , l'rop' . Manufacturers of all klndl
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Wort
Worki BouUi 20th and H. 1 M. Croulng.
Wrought and Cast Irou Building Wort ,
Knclnes , Dram Work , Genera ! Foundry , Machine an *
Ulackimltb Work. ORlie and Works , U , 1 * . Itr.
and ITlb btrcetOmaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron RailinES
tX k Halli , Window Guardi. Flower Ptandi1ln
fcliini , Etc. la North Kth Street.Omahft.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
faultf.Jail Work. Irou and Wire Fencing. Sl ni , lite.
O. Auilreen. 1'rop'r , Cor.UU and Jackauu till.
Irou and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
aad Screen * , forbankiofflcestorei , reldcnce .etc.
oTcd Awntntt. lock.uilth Machinery o4
Ulacktmlik Worki. fit Soutu Kth tit.
Fire aud Burglar Proof Safesjime Locks
Gtatral Accnta lor IV.ebold HmJe A Jxxik Ccmpanli
> VulMaadJaU\V rkll fc.litlibl.