Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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President Cleveland's Message on
the Fisheries Question.
1'romliKMit ConurcHwinnii Kxnrcnfl tlic
Opinion Tlint the Kxocntlvo Al
ready linn the Authority to
Protect American Intercuts.
A Campaign Dooiininnt.
WASH I.NO tox. D. C. , August 23. 1
President Cleveland's message to congress
this afternoon on tlio fisheries ( luestiou
created httlo surprise. It hut been whispered
nround for two week * thut such u message
wus in preparation unUcipatlng the rejection
of the fisheries treaty by thu sountc. Tiio
threat nmdo by Senator Morgan , who spoke
for tlio administration , during the debate ,
pat everybody on his guard. Senator Mor
gan announced that It would bo unwise to
jond the president into the most severe actIon -
Ion Just at thin time when the tension of the
campaign wi\s on and every nye was directed
toivard the whlto house nud every move was
liable to bo misconstrued. Ho said that H
was among the possibilities at least that If
tin treaty should "bo rejected und pressure
brought to bear upon the president that the
chief executive would bo forced to the UNO of
Uio retaliatory law which might precipitate
n war with our Canadian neighbors. There
lire , of rourso , two views takou of the situa
tion as it now stands. The democrats
ay the president is acting in the utmost
good faith and that n careful rending
of Ills mcssago will convince any one of thut
fact. The republicans contend that it Js but
the "Jingo" policy and that the president is
bidding for popularity among the Irish rotes
of New York , that ho is anxious to have con
Kress push him into a difficulty with Canada
Just at this time , so that ho may solidify him-
nelf with the elements which are always
clamoring for war mid to enable him to right
liinisclf with the classes that have buun criti
cising Ills foreign policy.
now TUB ML.ssMin IB uEcnivr.n.
It is too curly to get a very rollablc'con-
census of opinion from congress , ns the itn-
jirosHlon seems to prevail to-night that the
.president will not want very long for any ad
ditional authority that lie may need to cu-
lorcB the retaliatory act. There will bo many
who will contend , however , that the presi
dent lias , in the act approved in Muruh ,
18S7 , all at the authority necessary to
criforo the treaty of 1818. Senators like
Frye , Kdmunds and Hoar hold that the
question was thoroughly sifted when the re
taliatory act was Tinder consideration , and
that congress gave in that act all the author
ity it was deemed wise and sufllcient for tlio
president to exorcise in the enforcement of
our rig'htn , and that it is not only infractions
of the treaty of 1S16 thut the American llshur-
juen complain of. ; that itisnn abridgement ,
mi abrogation and u discountenance of com
mercial utility and those civilities and courte
sies which arc extended by all countries one
to another without any special arrangement.
If this view of the sltuatiun is taken liy the
republicans In the senate , there -will bo no
tfurthor legislation on the subject. In fact it
is a question which will bo strongly debated
among the republicans in both lioubcs
whether it is advisable to CKtcnd further individual -
dividual power to the president Just at this
time , in view of his inclination to ex
ercise it rigorously. The democrats
'luild that the president has not KUfllcient
authority to enforce what was intended by
the rutullutory net , and that if lie is to bo
1u3d responsible for our foreign relations
lie should huvo all the authority necessary to
enforce the laws. Only a few statesmen
'ivoro found to-night who wcrowilling to give
expressions on the subject of the message
and but a-small number heard it rend in the
liousu and are not aware of its true charac
ter. There is ono point tipon which all re
publicans seuui to bo unanimous to-night uud
that is that the president has "been holding.
llis.lottor of acceptance baclj for this move'
ntnd other moves yet to come. They say that' '
4io docs not Intend to ittHue lira letter till .ho
ees what is done with Ills request for' '
tlio further legislation asked for In this
message , and ulso Whut the republican tariff
\W11 \ contains. If for no other reason , the re
publicans will refuse to take uction upon "the
.message until some weeks liavo passed.
There is a detnrmination on the part ol the
republicans that nothing shall bo done to
iRivo the president the advantage of the situ-
tution. The republican members ol the son-
Bto committee on foreign relations are hold-
ling with pertinacity to the belief that 1ho
president is trying to avoid the
sues in the impending campaign and to drift
nway , from the tariff and kindred subjects
.uud direct public attention to u vigorous for-
Expressions from a leading republican sen-
ntor and a leading republican member of the
Jioune indicate the republican sentiment in
congress. Democrats take exactly the onpo-
, ite-viow.
Senator Mnnderson , of Nebraska , says :
Tbo message of the -president was wholly
( Unnecessary. The retaliatory net gives Jtira
authority to do anything he should do. His
motion In issuing this message is U'Ooufession
nd nn uvolduuce. The president con fosses
* o the justness of the position occupied by
the republicans In the senate in rejecting the
tishcrics treaty , and he seeks to avoid the is-
uus which contront him , and ho asks congress
to strengthen his hands. It is possible tluit
lUie president is acting in peed talth , but I
regard it as u campaign move. The message
SB a campaign speeeb from beginning to end ,
and is u high bid for the Irish vote and the
Vote of all foreign-born citizens in > Tew York
And other coast states where the greatest in
terest is taken in the fisheries , and other in
ternational questions. 1 do not believe that
congress will confer upon thu president any
udditiomil authority for the enforcement of
the fisheries treaty. In my Judgment the
retaliatory act of March , 1SS7 , is vastly
"broader than the authority nuked for now.
While it may not sixrcify tlto act named in
the mcssago , it goes beyond thnt end makes
hi * power unlimited. "
General Browne , of Indiana , says : "I
thlnlc It Is a mistake to consider the message
nil a bluff. While I regard it ns n campaign
move , pure and Dimply , arranged weeks ago
by the cabinet , 1 think the president would
Ixs very glad to get into a IIIUBS with Canada.
He evidently thinks it would solidify him with
the lighting element und make his re-eleo-
tiou sure. Hut ho will llnd himself in dolu-
ion. In the lint place thcro is no excuse
for trouble.Vo have already had too much
talk about this question. Prompt , decisive
diplomatic action would have kept us all
tight with Canada. Tluiro has been no diflU
culty whatever under other administrations ,
but a lack of courugu and diplomacy ,
with a superabundance of vuscillntion
has brought us into a pickle with
our northern neighbor. This question was
lully dlscussod. Wiicn the present retalia
tory law was under eonsidcr.itiou in congress
few months ago we gave the iircsideiil
ample authority and power to enforce the
treaty which other presidents have enforced
without difficulty. Wo said then that we
were willing that ho should go Just no fur ami
no farther thnt was for enough. The pros !
dent bos found himself incapable of enforcing
the treaty , and now on the eve of election in
wants Uio republican senate to force lilu
Into war. llo wants to apply a counter
irritant , nnd divert the Issues. Yes , he wouli
bo willing to fight if ho could make theropub
licans responsible for it. But I think ho wil
pet no more authority from congress. Hi
has enough of it and must act upon his owi
responsibility. I knew two weeks ago Urn
this was coming. It will prove a boomernni
to Mr. Cleveland. " Pciwv S. HEATH.
Nebraska nml Iowa Pensions.
WJJSIUKOIOK , August 23. [ Special Tele
cram to TUB BEE. " | Pensions granted Ne
brnskunit Original invalid John Glasgov
Hall , Bcnnent. Increase JcromoUano , Oga
lall ( Alonzo Mounts , Nonpareil ; Join
Brooks , Firth ; William Wlndle , "Falls City
John.V. . Shollabargcr , Western.
Pensions for lovvantt Original invalid.
( Special act ) Rosaloo Sage , Low Moot
Joslfth Brown , Boonej Jacob F. Carver , Bi
fclound , Iacita e Tlionuu It. Taggori
Lyotn ; John Blanrhard , Blencoci Philip W.
Syferd , Allorton ; Htitfu Ballentinc. Janes-
villo ; Henry Stlcklcmnn , Siara : Alexander
Pierce , Sheldnhl ; Kiipoleon . Shipenson ,
Keosauqiia ; Jesse Peck , OtUunwa : Alex M ,
Duck , ; John T. llobbs , Ottumwn ;
Henjamin Hlller , Lowell ; John Cameron ,
Kcosaqua ; Edward John , Dean ; William
K. Dodd , Kenicuk ; William Scars , Council
Ninth ; Bailey Wilcox , Thnyer ; John Swanson -
son , CUnriton ; Enoch O. ( Jnrrison , Mason
City ; U'lllinin H. ( loodall , Ottumwa. Mcxt-
can survivors Janios Daniels , Ossian.
Benedict's ' Course Commended.
WASHINGTON , August 2.1. Mr. IJlchardson
of Tennessee to-day presented to the house
the majority report of the sj > oclal coimnittco
having in charge the investigation of the
government printing ofllco under the present
and last administrations , It'Is a comprehen
sive defense of Benedict's management of
the office nml n comparison between that and
Hounds' management , with conclusions tend
ing to show that thcro has boon more econ
omy and hono.My of c orvioc , and a much
better condlt ion of affairs generally , since
Benedict assumed charge , H acquits Bo'ne-
clict of every charge made against him , uud
liberally commends his conduct of the office.
Mr. Gallinger of New Hampshire , will soon
present the minority rt ] > ort.
Steve l > or oy Sanguine of
Snecuss in November.
CHICAGO , August 23. Special Tclegr m to
THE Bcc.j "If the republican party 'can't
win on the tariff issue it had better go into
bankruptcy and got n receiver. "
Thus spoke Stephen W. Dorscy , who ar
rived from New York to-day. He is exceed
ingly hopeful us to the republicans once more
securing control of national affairs , und ex
presses his hopes in no uncertain terms.
"In New York , " ho said , "tho outlook is
fine. 1 doubt if any persons are .aware nl the
fnct that New York City IB the largest manu
facturing city in the country , and ns the
Mills bill affects almost every artleJe manu
factured there it is most reasonable to sup
pose thnt many who have heretofore voted
for tlio democrats will next November cast
their ballots for the republicans. I look for
a great chanpo among the workingmeu of thu
metropolis. The democrats used to declare
themselves opposed to free trade. Now ,
however , they have thrown clown the iraunt-
lot of the doctrine nud it is impossible lor
them to dodge the issue. "
"How about the stale of Now York ? "
"It will go republican by u vote larger than
any majority cast in the state since IbtK
There is no doubt of it. 1 base my opinion on
the tarin" question. "
"How about the republicans winning in the
event of their losing Now York I"
"We will win anyhow , with or without it.
Connecticut is a snro thine ? , and though Now
Jersey has always gone democratic except
whan Greoley was nominated , the tariff is
sue will bring it into the republican fold.
And Indiana is u sure thing. Thcro is no
doubt of Harrison carrying it , and , besides ,
I understand that the democratic leaders
there are anything but harmoniotin. "
"U'hut do you think of the PaieiHc coast ? "
"No fours about that. Oregon has already
spoken , and the other states will speuk the
same waj' . "Why , California would suffer
morotlmn any other state by the adoption of
the tariff doctrine of the doincieratH , und its
grout fruit industry is too valuable to bo
Jeopardized by returning Mr. Cleveland to
the white 'house. ' " *
"How is the prohibition party in Texas ? "
"Big , and growing rapidly. But oven
when united with the republicans they do
not come within 7.1,000 votes of tlio demo
crats. But what's the use talking about the
southern states , ; It's a waste of time and
sheer nonsense. They don't vote down there ;
they count. I .hear now und then urmiething
said about carr.ying a southern state , but
there is nothing in it , with tlio remotely pos
sible execution of "irginia. "
"What do you think of Mr. Blame's first
speech at Portland ' . "
"Nothing in it ; that is , nothing that calls
for the great udo being made about it by the
proas. Had hu gone iuto the subject a little
farther than ho did everybody would '
liuve seen what ho meant. There
it. no law agaiiiKt trusts , 'and
until there is you can't prevent them. Andj
I don't believe any law can be passed to pre
vent them. A trust is not a company ; it. is
Bimply whore u number of companies come
together and place thc-ir affairs in Jho hands
of a number of men who act us trustees.
Sue ) Now nnyoue of sense knows well
enough that thu republican party is not in
favor of prcut monopolies. Neither is Mr. ,
Bluine. There is nothing in his speech.A ,
correct interpretation will discover nothing ,
thut warrants .anyone Ju believing .it. " I
niaine'fi Speech at
BVKOOH , Mo. , & .ugust 2U. Bhiiiie delivered
n speech to tin audience of 5,000 people here
to-day. He said that the democrats hud perverted -
verted several statements in his Now York
Bpuuch in ref orcnco to the wages uf English
and American workmen , and devoted sumo
time to showing up tlio absurdity of their
charges. The fallacies of free trade wore
clearly sot forth , and the administration
charged with attempting to foist upon the
country a policy which meant ruin to its im
portant industries. Ho was followed by Hon.
John A. Kusiion , of Iowa , who made un able '
argument on the tariff.
The Greenback Convention.
Dns MOINKS. la. , August 3J ! . [ Special
Telegram to THE Be cj About twenty rem
nants of the greenback labor party met in
congressional convention in this city to-day
and nominated Mayor W. -Carpenter , of
tliis city , for congress. He will bo endorsed
by the democrats. Ho was the f nBion can
didate two years ago npuinst MJaor Conger ,
and was def eutod by U'JO votos.
Harrison Guarded Front Visitors.
PUT-IN-BAY , O. , August 2,1. General Harrison
risen spent the afternoon und evening on the
pavilion und in reading nt the cottage. The
members of the Middle Baas clun will not
allow delegations to land on the island , nnd
it ib impossible for strangers to secure per
mission to visit the cottage whore ho is iiuur-
tered. _
Tluirinnii ns : i Kisser.
POUT Ht'lios , Mich. , August 23. At an in
formal reception tendered to Judge Tuurrnun
at the residence of I ) . W. Brooks , the Old
lloinun was surrounded by a bevy of pretty
pirlR who Insisted thnt ho kiss every one of
them. The judge lias decided to start for
Chicago early iu the morning.
Losses 1 y tlic Flood * .
PrrrsDUnci , August 23. The rivers liavo
receded to eighteen fr ct this morning , and
were once more quietly flowing within their
banks , and mills und railroads are { retting in
running order again. The loss estimate of
last night was not exaggerated. It will
reach * 1,000,000 , and may exceed it. The loss
at Wheeling , including the damage to the
Baltimore A : Ohio system , is reported lo bo
$ , ' 50,000 ; at Altoonu , P nu. , itududing the
damage to the Pennsylvania road , $250,000 ;
Washington county , J2JiOJ ) ( ) ; Westmoreland
county nnd Indiana county , $100,000 each.
The damage hero was confined to the flood
ing of houses and the stoppage of work in
many mills. No additional casualties uro re
Stele Ten Thousand Dollars.
NEW YOUK , August 23. Detectives and
oUier postonleo oulcials are engaged earn
estly at work in an endeavor to ruu down the
thief who stole n registered paclcago of
f 10,000 in money while it was being trans.
ported from Portland , Ore. , to the Cheralca
National bank of this city. Its loss wns diS'
covered at the Nd v York postofllco Friday
last. Since then the worlt of searching foi
Uio thief has been carried on and publicity
of the fact of thu theft was only made yes
11 Q v. V. J. Uitrrljinn'H Successor.
CJJBVCLAXM , August 23. Uev. William Mo
Mahonc , pastor of St. Bridget's church here
. has received notice of his appointment us mv
1 tlonal treasurer of the Cntnollc Total Absli
l" nenco union of America , vice Kev. P. J. Gar
rigus , of Fitchburg , Mass. , i
Dora Pedro Homo Again *
Rio DK JAXEUIQ , August S3. The eiuporo :
and empress of Brazil have arrived hen
from Europe. Tney were both well. The ;
given a public oration.
LnylnR the Cornerstone of Fro-
tnont's Now Mnsonlo Tomplo.
1'rcpnrallotiH For tlio Reunion nt Nor
folk and Proceeding ol' Similar
Ontlicrlnt H UlmwhetxHnt > -
l > enliiis Ovup the State.
Tnyliic tlic Cornerstone.
'Fur.MONT , Neb. , August S3. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tlic Bcn.j The cornerstone of
Fremont's now Mu onlo temple was laid this
afternoon In accordance with the usual for
mal rites of the order. The procession
formed nt the lodge-room uiul consisted of
the various lodges of the Masonic order In
Fremont , the three orders of Odd Follows
and McPhcrson post , G. A. 11. , all In uni
form. Tlioy marched to the new tcmplo on
Fifth street , where the ceremonies of the
Btono-lHying , conducted by Grand Master
FranoeF , containing many TiiRtoricnlrelics and
other souvenirs , were enclosed in the stone.
Sir Knight Hev. John Hewott , of this city ,
delivered n magnificent oration , touching
upon the history and tenets of the Muionic
order. It was n coincidence which oitunod
pouonil comment that to-day is also the
thirty-second anniversary of driving the llrst
stake for the townsitu of Fremont.
A Solid Growth.
Coj.rMiius , Neb. , August 23. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Br.u. ] Columbus has had no
boimi in fnct never had but it is making a
steady growth , which promises more for its
permanent prosperity than a spasmodic de
velopment. Within the past few months the
city has expanded u large amount for public
improvements , which add materially to the
convenience of the public and give enhanced
value to the property. The stroct railway
will bo extended to all parts of tlio city. The
city will cull nn election to vote bonds for nn
extension of the waterworks , which , when
added to our present system , will reach every
part of the eity. A magnificent fountain is
being placed in the public square , watering
troughs and drinking fountains on either
side and a pavilion in thu center.
When completed all out-door public gather
ings will bo held thcro. The $40,000 bridge
across the T oup is Hearingcompletion. . A
bridge will bo built across the Plnttc ut once ,
thus opening up a trade for Columbus that
has been cut off for some time by poor
bridges. Several fine business blocks arc
gtiing up. Noteworthy among these are the
Commercial bank , Fitzputrick's music hall ,
the Grand Central hotel , which will bo three
stories exclusive of basement , with all mod
ern Improvements , and scores of magnificent
residences. Arrangements for the erection
of an opera house to cost "JOOJO , , and be com
mensurate with the size , dignity und needs
of the city , are being quietly perfected , and
the prospects are that this much-needed im
provement will soon materealino. M. II.
White , u wealthy citizuu of the city , in con
templating starting a wholesale grocery on
his valuable property on Thirteenth street.
A bettor point for a wholesale business could
not bo found in the state than Columbus ,
with her natural udvautuges and railroad fa
cilities. _
Communion ofVotH.
AVii.HKB , Neb. , August 23. [ Special to Tire
Br.r. . ] The G. A. H. county reunion cloned
to-night. Hundreds of soldiers and their
friends were present. The reunion was hold
in ono of the finest groves in the state and
enlivened by bands of music , eminent ( speak
ers from abroad and favored with nice cool
wonthor , the occasion has been much en-
ioyed. Tuesday afternoon the ball was set
oiling by one of Captain W. C. Henry's
: huructcri tic speeches , followed by union
tvur Hongs by the glue club. In the evening
Governor Tlinyor spoke. Wednesday after
noon was taken up up by dress nanule and a
pooch by John January , who umpututod ills !
wn legs in Audorsonvillo prison. In tho'
fternoon the Wilucr Turner society gave u ,
niagnilTcunt exhibition and the G. A. 11. boys '
'iigugcd ' in n sham battle for the hundreds of '
pcctators. ' 1 ho night was spent in various ,
ivays by the immense crowd , some remain
ing on thu grounds to dunce und.others coming - :
ing to town to hear the drama , " .Enlisted for
the War , rendered by homo talent. The '
sntiro programme was a success , und the
iooplo ol Saline county congratulate the i
Tlic Kcimion nt Norfolk.
NOIIFOLK , Nob. , August 23. [ Special to
Tiic Ben. ] The city is all activity in prep
aration for the coming reunion. Telephone
loles are going up to-day , and connection
ill bo made with the camp und the fuir
rounds. Everybody is hoping the rains are
jver , und that the flays of next week will be
us bright mid beautiful as to-day. One bat
tery is here. The troops are expected to ar
rive on Sunday morning. Tents in Hitf-
ncicnt numbers are on the way. The city
will nnvotho electric light system in full op
eration. The -first exhibition of tlio North
Nebraska Fuir and "Driving Park association
also opens on Monday the 27th.
Politics In KUO.Y County.
CiiiuoiiTON , Neb. , August 23. [ Special
to THE BEE. ] Knox county politics .uro
rather complicated at present. Two nowpar-
tlen have local candidates the union labor
and prohibition. The real fight , however ,
lies"botweon the old parties , the republicans
against the democrats , the latter aided by
the side issao parties , neither of which has
much of a lollowlng. Notwithstanding , Kimx
county will hulu roll up the customary state
majority for the republican presidential can
Endorsing Attorney Gtjuurnl
Nouroi.K , Neb. , August 23. [ Spooiul to
THE Br.i : . ] At the recent republican con
vention held hero , the following resolution
was unanimously adopted :
Whereas , Tlio question of railroad trans
portation is of vital importance to the people
of the state of Nebraska , und
Whereas , Our present Attorney General
Leeso has shown himself'to bo in accord with
the people on this important question , and
has proved himself worthy of tholr trust ;
therefore bo it
Kcsolved , That the delegates to the state
convention bo instructed to use all 'honorable
means to secure his ronomination to thnt im
portant ofllco.
Democrats nt lliislivlllo.
Neb. , August 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bcn.J Tlio democratic
county convention met hero to-day. The
following ticket was nominated ; E. M.
Mugeo , for county attorney j Bennett Jrwin ,
for commissioner. The representative dele
gation , consisting of S. V. Pitcher , F. W.
Sprague , S. Uowcy , K. M.Mugoo . Moore ,
\voro Instructed for W. H. XVoatovor. The
senatorial delegation are J. K. Itorko , G. P.
Comer , H. M. Mat'ce , Thomas Hutt , W. A.
Parker. They go tminstruetcd. The state
and congressional delegation consist of S.
Joyce , a. Uewey , F , W. Sprague uud E. A.
A Ilurclar Onpturoil.
VAT.BSTIXE , Neb. , August 23. fSppcial
Telegram to THE Bcc.1 ] Fred Zolglorwho
burglarized Carman & Hornley's hardware
store two ingots ngo , was caught at Crooks-
toe , twelve mllca west of hero , this morning
whore ho was following the soldiers trying
to dlsposo ofhis stolen goods , most of which
were found with liitn. Ho had stolen eight
revolvers , four dozen pee I tot knives und a Ic/t
of razors and amuuitlou. Ho had accidentally
shot himself through the bund. Hu was
brought liero to-day and hU wound dressed. .
He was given a hearing before Judge Zari
and remanded to jail until the next term o1
the district court. It is now almost n cer
talnty that he was the party who robbed the
mall sack hero last week , -as ho was in towr
during the night and loft on the morninf
train. JCoiglor is evidently a professioua
crook although young in .ycara.
Benne County Teaclicra.
ALBION , Neb. , Auuu&t 23. [ Special to Tni
Ber. . ] The Bocmo county teachers' InstituU
Is now In session In. thl * city. The number
of teachers In nttendiinca is eighty. The In
stitute Is divided Into three grade * , under
the supervision of Superintendent Enrlght
Profs. Hon , Spear , Jenkins and Mrs. Jenk
ins. The Institute follows the manual pre
pared by State Suidrliiteiidont | Ltuie , and
will be the liu.sU of tlic work in our schools
for the next year. On Tuesday evening I cv.
H. G. Plttcnger delivered a lecture on "Sec
ular Education,11 utiVl tins evening Prof. Bon
will lecture on "I-Vcebel. "
Old Settlers iit llumlioUlt-
IICMiitiuiT , Nob. August 2,1. [ Special to
Tin : BEI ; . ] Tlioolfl sHftlors' picnic mid re
union commenced'on : tholr grounds , about
live miles east of this t/lty / , yesterday. This
is the event , each year , of this part of the
state , and fully 10,000 people nro on the
grounds to-il iy. Eminent speakers , bands of
music and historical sketches from old settlers
tlors occupy the time. The collection of
tools , wagons , rentiers , threshing machines ,
etc. , such as woru used by our forefathers , is
un interesting feature of the picnic.
Drowned in Ijlnooln Creek.
YOUK , Neb. , August 2 , ' ) . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BcE.j George French , a car
penter of this place , was drowned this after
noon at S o'clock in Lincoln crook , near
Tlmyer , about eleven miles from Yo'rk. Ho
was with a bndco gang und attempted to
swim the stream to do sonic work on the
other side preparatory to the erection of u
bridge. His body was recovered about S
o'clock. He leaves a wife and two small
Another llnllrund t Superior.
Sui'Eiaon , ICeb. , August 2.1. [ Spociul Tolo-
gruui to Tuu Biii : . ] The truck layers of the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Misiouri Valley railroad
reached this place this afternoon , thus giving
Superior her third line of road. With the
Santa Fe , which is also building here , this
will make her one of tlio best railroad centers
in the state , with fonr lines of road operated
by four of the companies west of
the Mississippi river.
Plutto County Crops. , Neb. , August 2 ! ! . [ Special to
THIS Bnn.J The crops in this section of the
country never looked butter , and with warm
weather mid Into frost the corn crop will
simply bo immense , consequently the furm-
ors are happy. U'hcut is nearly a failure on
account of chinch bugs. Oats promise a
very fair crop. Potatoes are abundant uud
of good quality.
Oton County Democrats' ' .
SvuiUTSU , Neb. , Augnnt2i. ; [ SpociulTelo-
-grum to Titu BUE. ] The democratic county
convention met hero to-day and made the
following nominations : State senator , Eugene -
gone Munii ; representatives , John Mattes
and John Ijoinuii ; county attorney , I ) . T.
Hayden ; commissioner , N. H. Uahon. A
resolution was unanimously adopted de
nouncing F. it. MorrisHcy's attack upon J.
Sterling Morton.
A Hunk
Sent' riiu : , Neb. , August 2 : ! . [ Special to
Tin : BIE. : ] Quito u ehungo WUR made in the
management of the State bank of thin place
yesterday. James liacbidun , who has been
connected with the institution since its or
ganization , sold his interest to the other
stockholders. It is rumored thut he will
open up a private bank in one of the new
western towns.
.Robbers at Colunilmfl.
Neb. , August 23. . [ S | > ecial
Telegram to THK Buu.J II. J. Alexander ,
a milk dealer residing near the city , had two
horses stolen from his b'ini last night by. un
known parties. One of the horses was found
this morning some distance from the city.
The other lias not been recovered. A num
ber of private residences were entered by
burglars about tlio suniu time.
C01U711N 3IUST PAY' .
Tlio AVny .lolin Diorks Worked Imst
Fall'H Ciniilidntes.
* rho suit of Ell Clayton against Sheriff
William Coburn was tried before Judge
hiolds iu the couuty court yesterday , and n
udgment was rendered against the defend
ant for SSor.DO. The suit was for the en-
'orcemeut ' of n note , but back of this is a bit
of interesting history.
The John Diorks manufacturing company
was removed from-Council Bluffs and Jocatcd
n ono of Omaha's suburbs known as Mascot.
Mr. Dicrkb' , tho.hcad of the concern , IB a gen
tleman of assurance nud imagination , and is
fertile in resources for "raising the wind. "
There was an election last year.
And the county was full of candidates for
fat olllccs. Mr. Dierks conceived a brilliant
scheme for advancing the commercial inter
ests of Omaha , and lie offered the aforesaid
candidates un opportunity to prove their
Mr. Coburn embraced It.
The modus operand ! was similar hi
nil cases. but with slight varia
tions to suit individual casoa. Mr. Dierks nl-
lowed liis imagination to run loose , und ho
painted a glowing picture of thu possibilities
uud the certainties of his shop for the manu
facture of farming implements.
Ho had "TO employes.
At least that's what he told ono of the anx
ious aspirants. To another ho said ho had
thirty employes and would have 200 "very
soon. "
"And they nro nicn men. "
So ho told one. "They are obliging and
will do about us we wuut them , " he said to
The ingenious Diorks fed the candidate's
vanity with taffy and spoke enthusiastically
of the factory's prospects.
Ho broached his Bcliemo.
Ho wuntcdtho ; candidate's subscription to u
S500 block of fitbeK. Mr. Candidate was likely
to bo elected and would bo n man of promi
nence and influence.
His money was not wanted.
But his name would bo of great value as it
would hoi ] ) to place the stock of the concern
among the people. The doul must bo straighten
on its face , lipwever , tiud the "buyer was ex
pected to give las note for six or nine or
twelve months.
If ho didn't want to keep the stock nt the
time of the note's maturity it would bo taken
Sheriff Coburn hit.
So did Charles Neodhuin , candidate for reg
ister of deeds.
County Commissioner Corricnn is reported
to have ttwullowed the hook , but could not bi >
found yesterday.
Judge Shields thanked the Philanthropic
Diorks for his lluttoring opinion , but said
that ho 'didn't wish to impose on the bono-
volcut gentleman by clying him u worthless
'Coroner Drcxol wah n > t buying votes. He
wanted to know if 'piorks was llnding any
cmokcrs at $ . " > L'0 for thirty "votes.
Commissioner Moufyt had learned by ex-
puriouoo that whonov6r he gave u note some
lellow turned tip with It lit maturity and de
manded cash. He passed.
County Clerk Uoolfo and KogisterMogoatn
declined withthanki'
District Court Clerk Moores and Candi
dates George Guy and peorge Timmo were
also approached. With , what result was not
learned. ,
Mr. Coburn'B-noto.ttirhedup. .
Itwus in thoImndsbl Mr. EH Clayton , a
money lender. The sheriff objected to pay
ing ; and suit was brought. Clayton asserted
thut he wus an innoc nt'jnichaser , nnd the
court had to give him judgment.
The stock of the 'Dorics manufacturing
company is not emoted on change. In some
cases Dicrlts did not offer to take back the
stock. Ho had other plausible propositions.
The following now cases have begun in
Judge Shields' court : William T. Lyon
ogaihst Caroline A. Clowry for damages und
breach of contract in regard to the leasing
of. a IIOUBO and also for ? 35 rent advanced
to her ; dough & Coo against J. V. Wodor-
pren und M. Burke ft Sons , to enforce
the payment of n promissory note for
* 1U8.25 ; Hiuiobaugh & Taylor acainst
Hamilton & Woolloy for a balance of ? 1SB
due on a promissory note1
Henry Scott has sued the city for lowering
the prude on Seventeenth street near Si
Mary's nvonne. Scott had a livery barn at
that point nnd nad to lower it , ut n cost ol
507.U2. Ho wants to bo reimbursed , and
also claims $300 for duimiges.
Sterling P. Hounds asks Judgment agalnsl
Urban B. Halcombo for ? ; r > ; i.41 on account oi
two year-notes given iu 1SS4.
A Judgment was entered in the sum of $2.11
in favor of the plaintiff in the coso of Huinil.
I.-ton against Elliott.
T fl lfV It TfM 71T * TXTTIT Ct
An Alleged Pitcher Pounded for Ton
Eivrnod Tallies.
Vestprdny's Kxlilliltloii Proves Tlmt
AdoloHOcnt Air. Ilorner Should He *
( urn to Ills Corner nnd Pnr-
tnkcorills Christmas I'ic.
Western Association Stnndluir.
Following is the oHIcial standing of the
Western association teams up to and includ
ing yesterday's games :
Plnyod Won Lost Pr Ct
St. Paul S3 M 80 . ( HIS
Dos Molncs 77 49 28 , C3(1 (
Omaha 81 -47 ! M .5S )
Kansas City 7 42 87 .Ml
Milwaukee 8S 41 47Utt
Sioux City HH 10 yi .410
Chicago 84 4 60 .404
Minneatwlls . .76 26 49 .842
ChicuK .ir , Omaha 4.
CIMCAOO , Augusts.1) ) . [ Special Telegram
to THE BIE. : ] The iwaroons surprised them
selves this afternoon aud uurncd enough
uns to be scattered among half n do/.on
games. Dwyer was put in to pitch und
Hoover took tlio other end of the battery.
The Maroons began to gauge Hornor's do-
Ivory In the llrst inning nnd pounded the
ball as they hud not pounded it for weeks.
Innrahun went to bat tlrst and "touched
up" the ball for n single. liholms and
Spriujuo found thu ball during the inning ,
ind errors by Cooney , Nuglo und Aunls nl-
owed four runs to bo made. In the third
Kulton made the first homo run of the game
nnd pushed Hhelui iu ahead of him. In the
sixth the heavy batting began und the visit
ors were kept chuslng the ball until they
grew weary. A wild throw by Turner was
one of the errors of the llrst inning but the
Visitors only scored ono rim. Another was
scored in the sixth by the aid of a couple of
singles nnd a wretched mult by Scott. In
the seventh and eighth Burns and Tabcnu
nude homo runs but nothing could be'dono to
equal the butting of the Maroons in the sixth.
Tlio score :
All. H. II. Sll. I'O. A. E.
Burns , If
Annis , cf
roolcs , 2b
O'Connell , Ib 4 1 1 0 8 0 0
Coonoy , as
Tebeiui , ! > . .
McG-irr. rf ! l 0 0 0 0 0 0
qlu , o -1 0 0 0 8 ii 3
Uorner , p 4 0 0 0 0 7 1
Totals 87 4 7 2 27 10 0
AII. it. n. sii. ro. A. i : .
Hanrahan , ss (
Dwyer , p 6 0 1 0 0 C 1
Turner , rf. .
llneiiiiB , 2b 5
Sprague , If
Nulton , ! ! b 0
Scott , Ib 5 2 2 0 15 1 1
Hoover , c. . . . .
McCulIoui , cf
Total . . . . ' . . . 4-1 15 1C > 1 2" 22 5
Omaha 1 4
Maroons 4 0200580 1-15
Earned runs Mat eons 10 , Omaha 2. Two-
base hits Hhelms , Dwyer , Cooney. Three-
base hits Nulton , Scott. Homo runs Ilan-
rahan , Nulton , Seott , McCullom , Burns , Te-
beiiu. Bases on errors Maroons 4. Omuliu
4. Huso on bulls Turner , Kultou , Hoover ,
Annis , Mi-Garr. Hit by pitched ball
Dwyer. Struck out Haur.ihun (2) ( ) , Dwyer ,
Scott , McCullom (2) ( ) , Burns , Teboau , Mc-
Garr , Naglc. Left on bases Maroons 0.
Omaha 8. Passed balls Nugle Ii. Time f
game 2 hours. Umpire Sullivan.
JCH Mollies 0 , St. I'uulX. .
ST. PAVI. , August 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bii : : . | The homo team to-day
dropped to second plaoe in thu Western nsso-
ciuUou pcnnunt rucc'Des Moiuus winning
Uie second gamu of the present Buries uud
going to the front. Tlio home team earned
throe runs In the first two inning * but al
lowed the visitors to pile up five runs in the
same innings , only ono of which wus earned.
After the first innings the homo toum settled
down to business uud put up a good game ,
but they could not overcome tlio visitors
lead. In the seventh inning the Hawkeyes
piled up four errors nnd things begun to look
rosy for the homo team , but they gathered
themselves together before it was too lulu.
The score :
St. Paul 2 4
DCS Moincs 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 * (1 (
Base hits Des Molnos b , St. Paul 8. Er
rors St. Puul 8 , Di-s Moines 7. Batteries
Tuekormau and Karle , Cushmun and Traff-
ley. Umpire Hagan.
JUHwnnlcee 4 , Kunsnn City f .
MILWAUKEE , Angnst23. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Biii.j : Kansas City won to-day's
trame by hitting ut the right time. Manning
nnd Bradley each made homo runs ufter two
men were out nnd with n man on base. The
visitors fielded ruggedly und the homo men
were not fur behind thorn in this respect.
The score :
Milwaukee 0 08010000 4
Kansas City. . . . 1 02000200 5
Earned runs Kansas City 3. First base
on balls By Winklcmun II. Struck out
Lowe , Strauss. Walsh , Ardner , Curtwright ,
Hussutnacr , McCurtlry ( ) , tiunson (2) ( ) .
Homo runs Manning , Bradley. Double
plays Long and Curtwright. Passed balls
Mills 1. Umpire FesRcnden. Time 1:01) : ) .
Yesterday's Winners in the National
Ijejifciie ContctitH.
DETIIOIT , August 21 ! , Result of to-day's
game :
Detroit 0 2
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 n * 8
Pitchers Beatin and Baldwin. Buso hits
Detroit 5 , Chicago 5. Errors Detroit 4 ,
Chicago 8. Umirtre Daniels.
PlTTsiiuno , August 23 IJcsult of to-
game :
Pittsburg 0 00050200 7
Indianapolis 0 00000000 0
Pitchers Calvin nnd Boyle. Base hits
Pittsbnrg 11 , Indianapolis ( i. Errors Pitts-
burg 0 , Indianapolis 1. Umpire Lynch.
Pitii.Aiir.u'iuA , August 23. Kesult of to
day's game :
Philadelphia..0 0000000 * 8
.Now York 0 2
Pitchers Koofo nnd Bufflntou. Base hits
Now York 7 , Philadelphia 7. Errors-
New York 2 , Philadelphia 8. Umpire Val
WAsiiixorox , August 23. Result of to
day's game :
Washington 4 0
Boston 0 4
Pitchers Wiiiner und Iladbourno. Base
bits Washington S , Boston 10. Errors
Washington 2 , Boston 4. Umpire ICelly.
American Assocuntion.
CINCINNATI , August 23. Kesult of to-day's
game :
Cincinnati 0 0
Cleveland 1 00000000-1
Ijnf.iyetto vs llnrdin.
The John J. liardlns , coming chanpions of
the city league , and the Lafaycttes , the
cWauipion colored team of the slate , played
at the bull park yesterday afternoon , the
Hardlus coming out victorious by u score of
0 to 7. The feature of the Hurdins' play was
the twirling of Pitcher Iluches , who hold
the strong colored sluggers dowiHo six hits ,
and struck out sixteen. Smith , of the Lafay-
ettes , was knocked out of the box in the HOC-
oud inning , and King went in in the third.
The following is the score :
Hardlns 1 2101 0230 9
Layayettes 0 7
Umpire Lovott.
Clnrka 8 , Contra ! City O.
Cn.uic.Neb , , August 23. [ Speol > Tele ,
gram to TUB BnB.j Clerks defeated Contra !
C < t > this afternocn4n u score of eight to six.
Bnttcrlos Hlgglns and Hronsnn for Clarke ;
ilopcwctl nnd Convert for Central City.
Jlrnvcr CroAfllttK II , Kxctcr" .
CoiroovA , Neb. , August 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK llii.l : : The game hero between
Kxfler and Heaver Crossing resulted In a
score of U to 2 in favor of 1 leaver CmMlng.
Kamons _ ( ) , Alum ID.
MrCooK , Nob. , August 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hun. ] Tlio Famous nml Alma
teams played hero to-day. The score was 20
to Hi In favor of Famous.
Third Day's Meetlni ; of the North-
\vontorii Brooder * ' AfcHOclntJou.
CHICAGO , August 23. This was Jleld day
for trotting In the west. The third Any of
the Northwestern Breeders' association was
attended by 7,000 people , nnd their presence
demonstrated thut honest trotting in the
northwest requires but a small effort to bo
fanned into life. The day was nn ideal one ,
nnd the track could not have been much
faster. The principal event was the Cling
stone-Prince WiUtea special race , and those
who expected to see a close contest , in which
five heats would bo necessary for a decision ,
were disappointed , ns Wilkcs did us ho
pleased with the great Clingstone , who had
started out as u hot favorite.
Au event which has sent Clingstone's de
feat Into the shade was the breaking of the
two-year-old record cast of the Kocky moun
tains by Axtell. This sensational iafnut
had u record of 2:3ltf : , and it started
out to break it. Its first trial was
made iu iMlOif , uud its second spurt
surprised everybody , as the record of Hell
Boy , of 2:2(1 : ( , hud been broken by 1 { seconds
ends the mure making n mile in 2:24Jf. :
Wild Flower only has u hotter two-year-old
record , but she is u California horse. Axtell
is by William L , u full brother of Guy
Wllkes , out of Lou , who is by MumbrJuo
Boy 220. She Is owned by C. W. Williams ,
of Independence , la.
The regular race was one Tor the 229
class. Ncilin V was m do the favorite , and
she proved the winner of three uninterest
ing heats. Nester wus second , Emulation
The Cllngstono-WIlkes rac-o was called at
2:80. : Bud Doble was behind Clingstone ,
wliilo Grit D.ivis , weighing twenty-eight
pounds more , handled the ruins over 1'rineo
\Vllkos. In three heats Clingstone only had
the lend once , aud for a short distance only.
Wilkcs was usually two lengths ahead , and
when Clingstone's chances appeared best ,
and at the most critical points of thu
heats , he would break , thus permitting
U'ilkes to win as ho pleased. Before the
rare- Clingstone wus u hot favorite , bringing
$10. ) against S40 for Wilkos. Before tlio second
end lioat Wilkes sold for $100 aud Clingstone
$17 , aud before the third heat Wilkes brought
$ .10 aud Clingstone ? i. The bent time was
inado In the llrst heut , namely , 2:10 : , und the
fastest , quarter in tlio lust heat.
Following this special race came the third
event , which wus for three-year-old btukes ,
with W.O added. Diplomacy , the favorite ,
won in one , two , tlmio ft.vle , though ho had
a worthy opponent in Plmllumont. Girl , who
did some very fast trotting , making the lust
heut in 20. : ! !
The lust event was for the stallion stilct'.s : ,
with $250 added. Octavius wus the favor
ite , nnd won the first two heats. After this
Franco surprised the gnesserB by winning
the next two heats. Owing to darkness the
fifth heat will bo trottou to-morrow. The
summaries are us follows :
First racu , 2A : > class , purse , ? 1,000 , :
Nellie V 1 1 1
Nester ti 3 2
Kmulation 2 3 8
PeterK 8 f. 7
Ed Mack 5 5 5
Little Eva 4 4 ( i
Mellutt 7 7 4
Time 2:22 : , 2:21' : 2:20J
Second race , special , $ 'J,000 :
Prineo Willies 1 1 1
Clinu'htono , 3 2 2
Time 2:10 : , 2:1BK : , 2:1 ( ! > .
Third race , best two iu three :
Diplomacy. . 1 1
Pliallamont Girl 2 2
Strathbridgo 3 4
SuUllu 4 3
Time 2:8. : % 2:29.
Fourth race , 2-10 : class :
Octavius 1123
Minuula 3232
France 4311
Wellington 3 dis.
Tlme 2:2G : , > { , 2:2S : , 2:20 : , 2:80. :
Sarntopn KUDOS.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 23. Racing sum
maries :
Throe-fourths of n mile Fiddlohcad won
in 1:21 : } , Aluho second , IJemsen third.
Ono mile Terra Cotta won in 1:5,1 J , Bo
hemian second , Joseph third.
Two miles Los Angeles won in 8:5j : f ,
Alexandria .second , Young Sweep third.
Three-fourths of a mile Yum Yum won in
1 ilKOij , La Clair second , Kebollion third.
One and ouo-sixteouth miles Dago won in
2:00 : > ; , Michael second , Belle Broeck third.
Moninoiitli Park Kaces.
MOX.MOPTII PAHK , August 23. Ilaclug
summaries :
One mile Egmont won in 1:41 : > , Goano
second , Bauburg third.
Three-fourths of a mile Mndstono won in
1:1I : > :1 : , Hodlifiht second , Brahmin third.
One mile Hynoonto won in 1 JlC ' , Ocean
second , Now-or-Never third.
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Little Minch
won in 1 : .r > lj , Eurus second , Niagara third.
Three-fourths of n mile Britannic won in
l:15i : , Salisbury second , WhoolerT. third.
Throe-fourths of n mile Freedom won In
1:10 : , Himalaya second , Rcdnctto third.
A riocord Ilrokpn.
SAX FRANCISCO , August 23. At. the Potu-
lama , Cnl. , fair grounds to-day , VMlenMn's
black lllly , Fleet , trotted u mile against Har
ris' filly , Lorono , making the distance In 2:44 : ,
or 5 } seconds better than the best record for
yearlings. The record of 2:31i : , in ado by
Norlamo in Ibbi1 , was made against time , uud
not in u racu.
A Disropiunlilo Woman .Stubs u Man
In \Vinp Room.
About 12 o'clock last night a man nnd a
woman got into n quarrel in a wine room at
Doty .t Dorst's saloon at Dodge and Fif
teenth streets. The man's face was cut from
eye to chin. He was taken to Conrad's drug
Btoro on Fifteenth street ntthercnr of Boyd's
opera house , and u stream of blood on the
sidewalk marked his course.Tlho wound
was sewed up and thu victim tulicu hoiuu in n
cub. Reporters and watchmen were fired
from the drug store. The uolico were uot
Marriniio Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. Age.
Charles A. Foster , Omaha SO
Mrs. Ellen S. Drake , Omaha 40
Fred Kesner , Omaha HI
Josephine Mars , Omaha 22
Lorenzo O. lines , Oinahu 35
Maryett Macy , Omaha , .18
Ijondcd AItli Joivclry.
William Davis , colored , who claimed to be
a waiter , was arrested by Oflicer McCarthy
last night us n suspicious character. On his
person were found two watches , two rings
and a ladles' locket. Early in the evening
ho took two other watches to n Douglas
struct jeweler to have the names and inscrip
tions removed. Ho is also known to have
pawned u revolver. Davis was a special po
liceman ut the fair lust year , but is consid
ered crooked.
The Steamer Collision.
SAX Fiuxciboo , August 23. Official in
quiry into the cause of yesterday's steamer
disaster will bo made by the United Stutcs
supervising inspector next week. As the
Oceamu sailed under thu Jlrltisli flair Uio
conduct of her ofllcurs will bo Investigated
bj ) the British consul.
A solid vestibule , train diillv , with
dining car attached , v'mtho Burlington
route , leaves from their own depot ,
Omtiha , at 3:15 : p. m. , arriving nt Chicago
cage 8 a. in. Tickets Bold una sleeping
car berths reserved lit the city ol
1223 Purutim street. Tcjophono : J50.
Tbo Qouarnl Mtwingorof tho"Q."IIixa
Olio AJterueUiVO ,
The TionttnoloMR llntlroftd
Continue * HU Tnlo Wliloli
Strengthen * The ItcoM Stntu-
inents of Vcsiurday.
Chances Tlint iVro to Ciinu .
The gentleman who gave the Br.r. n pointer
on the prospective ehungo in tlio manage
ment of the Chicago , llurllngton & Qulncy
railway had not loft town last evening , and
was mot by trc | > ortcr.
" 1 notice that the denial caino all the way
from Boston , " hu said , smilingly , ns ho took
a cigar from his mouth and released a cloud
of sinoko to curl lazily toward the ceiling.
The ice of formality having been broken ,
tlio gentleman clmtted along In n familiar ,
conversational strain. Ho hnd the air of n
man In n cnsunl tnlk with an noqunintanrc
upon n subject of common Interest. Hu
spoke without reserve ns ono naturally
would who bud no interest In the subject
other thnn that of nn observer ,
"Tlio denial was certain to come , " ho con
tinued , "but I looked for it from Chicago.
You have nrobably discovered that railroad
oflleials are 'coiiNervutivc' I think the word
will imply , " with n face wreathed in mcr
riment , "about giving Informntkm
concerning their business. It is especially
true when changes ra management are im-
IH-nding. It is very natural. You can see
that yourself without any explanation of
reasons why.
"As a newspaper mnn , you understand the
supreme importance of the change in the
Q of which 1 have told you. In Mr. Stone's
case an effort has been made to oonllne all
knowledge of the true situation within u
small circle of ollleiuls.
"And they deny it , " ho suid with u tinge
of contempt in his manner.
"Why , Just look at It , " ho continued. In
his earnestness ho changed his attittidu of
easy lassitude and Hut bolt upright. "Accord
ing to its lust imnuul rejKirt the Chicago , Burlington - -
lington ic * Qulncy hud u surplus of over
fOWUOO , but money had to bo borrowed
to pay its July dividend. And thut wus only
1 per cent , although the usual quarterly pre
vious to this year was 2 per cent.
"How can you account for ill
"There's only ouu way. It was duo
almost wholly to the strike of the
engineers , and that was largely duo
to the management of Mr. Stone
or nt least thu long continuance of its dis
astrous effects was. Thu directors voted to
sustain Mr. Stone , to bu sure ; but bacK of
them art : the stockholders. They want divi
dends , mid they do not wnnt the value of
their holdings impaired. It is all well enough
to uphold thu uuibority und tlio oQiciul dig
nity of u general manager if It doesn't result
In thu passing of u dividend. When that k
happens you may expect u growl.
"What are the tacts )
"Why , Uie quarterly report of July 1
showed a docreuno in earnings of nearly five
million dollais. Such u fulling oil had never
been known in the history ot railroading.
As I said before the usual quarterly dividend
had been 2 per cent. Hut the losses in Feb
ruary and M.irch were so great that the
April dividend wus reduced to 1 per cent ,
nnd part of thut wus paid out of the surplus.
Certain bonds matured in Junu and were
paid from the surplus.
"The July dividend came duo.
"But there was not money enough iu the
treasury to pay It not even the 1 per cent
that was declared. There was only ono
thing to do , und that was to borrow the
money. President Perkins , Directors Forbes.
Peasloy and others weut to Henry Clews and
Drexcl & Morgan to negotiate u personal
loan. They offered their Chicago , Burlington
& Ouincy stock as security.
"The collateral was rejected.
"When the fact became known the 'Q'
siock fell four points iu the market. Imagine
the effect of thut shower buth on eastern
investors. In order to r.iiso the loan the
directors gave their personal holdings of
United Suites 4 pur pent bonds , and they are
paying the buiikero C pur cunt interest on
thut loan.
"A Hue state of uffairs ehi
"Hut there Is moro griuf In store. Another
dividend is duo October 1. Angry stock
holders are to bo faced and placatcd.Tho direc
tors , with the probable exception of Mr.
Forbes , are ready to make n senpo-
goat of Mr. Stone. By sacrificing
him they can nt least assure the stockholders
that things will mend in the future.
"And then there's another thing.
"The ' ( , ( ' people uro in great fear of an
other boycott if Mr. Stone is continued in
his position. It was hinted at during the
meeting of the engineers in St. Joe. Another
conference will ho held at Detroit or Cleve
land between September 15 and 25. Tlmt Is
ut the beginning of the busiest part of the
year , aud if a boycott bo declared und inude
successful it will bo u disastrous blow.
"This is not idle talk.
"The stockholders fear that hotheads may
got control of the brotherhood and crowd
Uio issue , in order to relieve the engineers of
the heavy assessment for the support of the
strikers. T understand that , ns u matter of
fact , the road has conceded the point raised
to the 'scab'
by the brotherhood by paying
engineers the wages demanded by the
strikers. You can readily understand why
the change in the management of the 'Q' is
likolv to take plaeo soon before October ,
"Mr. Stone will object.
"Ho has been headstrong but ho will
demand Uio support of the direc
tory to tlio bitter end. To uiako a change
now. he will argue , will boa confession of
defeat. Chairman Forbes is an uncle of Mr.
Stone's wife. His influence put Mr. Stone
in the manugcr's chair , and pndu and pique
may lead him to support the demands of hi.s
pro'tegu. But the other directors uro < letur-
mined upon u change. They have demanded
Mr. Stone's resignation as general manager ,
and will provide nnothcr position for him.
"There is ono alternative.
"Mr. Stone may stay If ho will
take moiisiircs to avert the threat
ened boycott nnd regain the lost tralllc.
That means u compromise with the strikers.
The alternative is exceedingly distasteful to
Mr. Stono. I don't think it at all wild to
predict a change in the 'Q. ' munugcmuiitnoxt
month. Do you I
"Hure is another fact :
"Tho usual ofllriul eirc-ulnr was sent out
announcing that Mr. Holdrego would act ns
general manager of the Chicago , Burlington
, V Qumcy system during Mr. Stone's ab-
stTJco in the east. Doesn't that of itself
strike you ns an unusual and significant oc-
tion ? Mr. Stone has been away from his
post boforo. nnd has hail assistants in the
Chicago offices to take up the lines of his
work. It has not hitherto been necessary to
send to Nebraska for such n man , Mr. Hold-
rcgo was called to Chicago by President Per
kins to bo acting general manager. These
facts are significant , oven if there were no
other evidence. I understand Mr. Holdrego
came to Oinuhn this morning , but ho will
probably return. "
TlicVontli r Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , warmer
southerly winds , becoming variable.
For Iowa : Fuir , warmer southwesterly
For Dakota : Fuir , warmer except in north
ern portions , cooler winds becoming variable.
C ures Lij