TI 11.1. rt-i FHE OMAHA DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 24. 1SSS. NUMBER 71. FAITHFUL SERVICE REWARDED William A. Loose is Ronomlnatod for Attoruoy General. GOVERNOR THAYER'S ' WALKAWAY No Opposllliin to Ills Kcnominatlon Captain Hill Dcli-nts Yost , on the Ninth Hnllot The Other ? iomlnalons. flic Stain Ueiullloan | ) Convention. LINCOLN , NOD. , August 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . ] Long before the hour llxed for the meeting of the convention a great concourse of people gathered in front of Funko's opera house barring the stair ways nml exits. By 2 o'clock tlio galleries were literally packed.nnd every ono of the OiO scats allotted were filled. Onthostago the reporters for the press and prominent public men were seated. By 2:30 : standing room could not bo had in any part of the house. Thu lobby of railroaders , bankers nnd insurance nabobs were conveniently seated. While the ooiivonticii was wait ing and Secretary Secley was engaged In arranging the delegates that were compelled to occupy seats on the stage , the Lincoln republican glee club favored the vast assemblage blago with Homo line campaign songs , bring ing down the house and creating wild on thusiasni. Chairman Meiklejohn , of the state central committee , called the convention to order promptly at 2:30 : o'clock. As his gavel fell the upturned faces of the 070 delegates and proxies I'IIKHINTII : : > A viiuv SIJOOCSTIVB SPECTACLE. The uervous anxiety of the candidates and politicians was apparent. Hov. Harinan of Jefferson , pronounced the Invocation , after which Chairman Moiklejohn briefly addressed the convention , expressing the hope that Nebraska would stand in the vanguard of the republican states of the union , and that calmness and wisdom would characterize the deliberations of the conven tion. Ho expressed the opinion that the yeai would bo a lucky ono for the republican na tional ticket , and that Nebraska ought to como to the front with n majority of 30,000. General McHrido then placed in nomina tion A. E. Cady , of Howard , for temporary chairman , nnd H. Hostwick named Judge Wall of Sherman. The call of the roll was ordered. It was called a test of something , but no ono Boomed to know of what. At the close of the call Holt and Cheyenne made a change of their vote. The vote stood , Wall ! 105 and Cady 273 votes. JfllOl ! WALL WAS IIECLAIIEU ELECTED. Cady of Choyeniio , Cook of Lancaster , and Hopklnmoyor of Hall , were elected temporary ary secretaries. Mercer of Douglas , Ab bott Jof Hall , and Majors of Nomaha , were appointed a committee to escort Wall to the cliair. Mr. Meiklcjohn introduced the judge to the convention. The judge made n ringIng - Ing speech. Ho said ho beheld before him the yeoman , the scholar , the rich , the poor , all of whom were living under principles in augurated by the republican party , and that ho knew the action of the convention would be to sustain aud perpetuate these principles. At the conclusion of Judge Hall's speech , Hascall of Douglas moved the appointment of n committee of fifteen delegates on resolu tions , but it was sido-traciced on a motion by Lanibertbon of Lancaster to the effect that the temporary organization could not act upon business the property of the permanent organization. The polut was held to bo well taken. As there were no contests , Gllchrist of Box Hutto moved that the credentials p.io- pared by the secretary of the state central committee bo adopted. Then , on motion of Mercer of Douglas , the temporary organiz i lion was made permanent and 111 SINESS COMMENCE ! ! IN EAItSEST. Ilascall's motion was then reconsidered nnd the chair appointed the following com mittee on resolutions : I. S. Hnscnll of Douglas , S. J. Alexander of Lancaster , G. C. Bowman of Platte , Church Howa of No- malm , C. A. McCloud of York , V. Franklin of Hcd Willow , F. P. Olmstcad of Adams , H. M. Wells of Saline , J. C. McUrido of Lancaster , James D. Gage of Franklin , S. P Brierly of Perkins , C. A. Luce of Furnas , M. Crane of Loup , F. T. Itanbom of Otoe , B. W Johnson of Holt. F. M. Dorrlngton moved that the veterans of ISiii1SIO bo declared the vice presidents ot the convention. It carried with ringing cheers. Judge Purdy of Jeff erson , ana Major Cunningham of Dawes went forward and made interesting speeches comparing the political situation then and now. Six others also acknowledged thu honor by stepping upon the stage. On motion of Olmstcad the convention proceeded to nominate ntuto officers without speeches although It was vigorously opposed. It pre vented useless oratory aud spread cuglo ipccchcs. It was decided that the uomiua- tlou of electors should como last. Speaker Hurluu tuoa took thu floor aud named GOVUIIXOII THAT roit and moved that it bo made by acclamation. It was done with a hearty will. In response to n call Governor Thaycr then said : Mr. President , Gentlemen of the Conven tion : With feelings of the profoundest gra titude , I appear hero to acknowledge your cordial greetings and to express my fullest appreciation of the distinguished mnrk of contldonco In mo Just made manifest by your uuuuimous vote. You have made an Impression upon uiy mind whlcti can never bo elT.iml. You have laid mo under it debt of grntltudo which I fear can never bo cancelled. Hut let mo assure you my best efforts shall bo directed towards Its discharge. With all the strength of lan guage I command , the homngo of n grateful heart is extended to you for the great honor which another republican convention has conferred upon me. This united action of yours will bo a new inspiration to mo to labor with Increased effort , more earnest zeal nnd renewed devotion for the best Interests of Nebraska , It shall be my purpose no to conduct our public affairs that none of you will have cause to regret having given mo your support so to perform my duties that the commendation of the people may bo my reward. Gentlemen , n great national political battle Is upon us , and 1 congratulate you upon the bright prospects of a republican triumph in November next. The country has tried Grover Cleveland nnd the democratic party for nearly four years. T.lmt experience has been suQlcient. The signs of the times , the increasing confidence of the republicans , their harmonious action and their inunlmlty of purpose unite to form an almost certain augury of victory. Constant vigilance , untiring werk and an 'unswerving purpose will secure that great achievement BO zealously sought , pooarnebtly hoped for by every true lover of his country. Thu repub lican party is ono of grand ideas. It has grasped the true function and aim of govern ment and has brought to pass results which will make the history of the nation from 1S01 forever memorable and honored. It was TUB SAVIOIl OF TUB UH'N'TttV in the hour of its cxtrcmcst porll , for it guided its destinies through the strife and convulsions of civil war to u triumphant is- sue. It struck down aod forever destroyed that human curce , outbern flnvory , nd made this land the land of the free as well us the homo of the bravo forever and ever. It has proved Its devotion to hmnnn rights. It has aided the cause of human progress and has developed in this land the highest typo of American elvlli/ation. Hearing up tlio un measured responsibilities of a gigantic civil war , It established two systems under the influences of which this nation 1ms reached the foremost rank of nations in wealth and In power. The financial system nnd protective sys tem established by the republicans in tlio midst of that conflict have brought to the country n measure of prosperity never paral- ellcd In the history of nations. That , finan cial system ; lias established our monetary u flairs on such a firm basis that it commands the approbation and confidence of tlio most eminent financiers of all civilized nations and our credit is without impairment or reproach In all monlud centers. Our protective system has dignified labor , has elevated wage earners , has fostered and protected American industries , and has opened the way for all the people to Improve their condition in life. It has proclaimed justice to all the people. Its motto is that the humblest cltlzon that walks on God's footstool Is ns noble in tiio sight nf the law ns kings , princes and presidents. Its mission is not ended. It must ngaln control tlio affairs of this nation that the esults it has already accomplished shall bo MAPI : at HI : AND I > IIIMANE.ST : 'or all time to come. It demands that all ho people shall enjoy the blessings of good government , fairly and honestly adminis tered. It demands that every citix.cn in Una broad land , from the mountains to either ocean , and from tlio southern boundary of British power to the Mexican gulf , shall bo n thu 'Complete possession and undisturbed enjoyment of every rignt guaranteed by the statutes of the country to every person who obeys the laws. It demands that every citizen , richer or poor , white or black , native or foreign , shall bo permitted to deposit his ballot with out molestation , and that ballot shall be re corded according to tlio will of the voter. It demands that the American people shall bo iroteetcd ugainst the aggressions of corporate . ) ewer , and the blighting influences and effects if gigantic trusts , it demands the adoption of u bold , jir.miMiNcn AMI-.IHCVX roiirinx roi.icv , a policy which shall bring us into Inter-coin munication and close commercial relations witli Mexico and the nations of Central and Soutli America. It demands that when American llshei men sail Into waters where rights ? have been guaranteed to them under treaty stipulations , they shall bn shielded against seizures by British cruisers , nnd if such wrongs are again perpe trated , that American cruisers shall bo there to protect our fishermen. It do- : nands that the American navy bo restored o a condition which shall be alike honorn bio to this nation , and shall command the re spect of the world. It demands that when a territory contains far morothan the requisite population it shall bo admitted to the sister hood of states. It demands that the pros- ! [ lent shall rise above the contemptible qninbles and party technicalities of u ninth-rate lawyer , nnd permit the deserving defenders of the union to enjoy the pensions which the congress of the United States has awarded to them. It trusts that the presi dent will not go off on u lishing jaunt on Memorial day , n , day sacred to the memory of dead heroes , though ha may bo sadly in need of brain food. It demands a liberal ad ministration of the pension laws , so that all who are entitled thereto shall receive its benefits. TUB HEPUHL10AN" PAUTV CONDEMNS that policy whien will bring down the wages of American toilers to the level of the miser ably poor laborers of Europe. It condemns the fraud and violence by which u large pop ulation which was enfranchised , and which has given thirty-eight votes in the electoral college , and thus made the south solid , have been deprived of their votes. Itcondemnstho fraud and violence and suppression of the eleuivo franchise byvhich the solid south has succeeded in electing u democratic presi dent. Gentlemen , wo have abundant reason to rejoice that wo are citizens of this great and growing commonwealth , every part of which bears uvidonco of universal prosperity , and where bountiful crops give joy to all the pee ple. AVe have reason to rcjoico that wo nro citizens of the American republic. That wo have ono common union , indivisible and In- dlstructiblo , made so by the republican parly ; ono country , ono people , ono govern ment , ono flag , ono'natlonal sovereignty , in dependent and supreme over all , where all wear the honored badge of American citizen ship. ship.On On the conclusion of the governor's speech , which was heartily applauded , NOMINATION'S rOU'UUt'TP.NANT fiOVEKNOIl were called for and George D. Moiklojohn of Nnuco and E. M. Cot-roll of Thayer wore named for the trust by their respective dele gations. On thu call of counties the vote stood : Meiklejohn 507 , Correll 103. Thayer county moved the unanimous nomination of Moiklejohn. The motion was carried and Mr. Moiklejohn thanked the convention for the honor. Gilbert L. Laws was the unanimous choice of the convention for secretary of state. IIo modestly responded to the call and thanked tlio state for the honor of the rcnomlnatlon. The nomination of state treasurer was then in order. This is acknowledged to be the priceless position and excitement ran high as the following candidates wore named : E. D. EuiBol of Phclpj , J. E. Hill of Gage , A. H. Graham of Cuming , D , H. Cropsoy of Jeffer son , C. E. Yofet of Douglas , John Harper of Butler , Hartley of Holt , ' Haird of Cass , Mc- Clay of Madison , Clary of Saline. Weeks of Grceley and Southerlaml of Lincoln. The quietest hour of the day was whou the clerk commenced the call of counties. An anxious buzz followed the call of unorganized territories. i'll.ST 1ULLOT. Ktnscl 113 Hill 81 Cropsoy } JO Yost ( is Sutherland -ID Hartley J3 G rah am 102 Haird ys Weeks 23 Hnrpcr -a McClary 23 Clary 15 t > icoNi : > DAi.i.or. Kinscl 110 Hill 101 Cropsoy 20 Yost 73 Sutherland 150 Hartley 85 Graham 131 Haird 3T > Weeks tl Harper ill McClury < - . is Clury 15 Till ill ) IIALLOT. Elnsel m Hill 123 Cropsoy 9 Yost 74 Sutherland 'M Hartley m Graham 15 ! ) Ualrd 23 Weeks 0 Harper , 23 McClary , ai Clary 21 FOUIITH U ALLOT. Einsel IBC Hill 144 Cropsoy Yost ill Sutncrhmd 25 Hartley 70 G raham , . , 143 Ualrd 10 Weeks Harper , 10 Clary 14 At the end of the fourth ballot uu adjourn ment was taken until 8:30 : p. ui. firm u ALLOT. Klnsel % . . . .147 nm us Yost ' , , k .100 Ornhim , ,143 Hartley. , 04 Sutherland , 23 Hnlrd 18 Harper 0 Clnroy 14 McClay 2 Cropscy 1 SIXTH IIALLOT , Elnsel lf 7 Hill 100 Yost 08 G rail am I'M ' ! Sutherland 2i Hartley M Haird 12 Harper 9 McClay 2 SEVENTH IIALLOT. Klnsel 10.1 Hill 1U2 Yost 01 ( i raham 10 < l Sutherland 22 Hartley 24 Harper ! ) Pending the announcement of the seventh ballot the Harrison Glee club of David City sung "Tho Mugwump'1 to the great nmuso incut of the assemblage. It gave democratic auditors the blues. The club was cheered to the echo. EIGHTH IIALLOT. Einsel 171 Hill 233 Graham lf > 0 Yost 85 Sutherland 20 Jnrtloy 3 lurpor 9 NINTH 11AI.LOT. Einsel 57 Hill 535 rnham 71 Yost 7 As soon ns the call of the counties closed ! asper E. Yost took the floor and moved that Captain J. E. Hill bo declared the unatil- nouB choice of the convention for state treas urer , by acclamation. The enthusiastic cheers with which the motion was greeted attested that the convention was in the right humor to endorse it. Pandemonium reigned for a time. mi , ! , WAS nnciAiint ) NOMINATED , nnd heartily thanked the convention for the trust reposed. Yost , Einsel and Graham were called for in turn and cheerfully en dorsed the choice and promised the nominee hearty support and allegiance. There wns no acrimony over the result. It gives perfect satisfaction. Peters of Hoono , Bcntonof Lancaster , nnd Grosshans of Clay were named as candidates for auditor of state. Husiucss was again the cry , and the call was promptly made by counties. At the close of the call it was manifest that Henton was very near the goal. Lancaster asked to make a change and cast her vote solid for Henton. Witli no other Changes the vote would have made him the nominee , but Douglas changed to Peters , other counties followed nnd for a time it was "which and which. " Grosshans was lost sight of. IIo was no longer in the race. It was Benton or Peters , The changes , however , created such a confusion that at the close of the call a motion was made for a new ballot anil car ried. It was immediately taken. The can didates were on the anxious scut. The ballot stood : Henton 3.T Peters 321 Grosslmns 1- Benton was nominated and tendered his heartfelt thanks to the convention. He faith fully promised the republicans of Nebraska they should never have reason to regret this choice. Hurriedly Leoso of Seward , Irvine of Hut lor , Scott of York and Cheney of Wcbstci were NAMED ron ATTOHNEV GENEIIAL. The convention was in no htimnr for play It was warm on the corners. The vote ol the convention was taken amidst suppressed excitement , for Lceso was the people's favorite ito , and tlio railroaders and corporation strikers had pitted their entire strength against him. niisT IIALLOT. Lceso 32. Scott M < Irvine 15 Cheney 4 ( Halloa 4 SECOND IlALl.Or. Lecso T4 ( Scott l.V Irvine lf.7 Cheney 111 The announcement of tlto Custer vote settled the battle and gave Leeso two mon than the required number to nominate aiu the fact was at once manifested by erics ot "lie's all right" from all parts of the room The excitement was only equalled during the convention by the result of tlio vote for state treasurer. In his speech of thanks Mr. Lecso said : " 1 appreciate tin high lionor you have conferred upoi me. 1 assure you that , in the future as ii the past , I will servo the people of Nebraska to the full extent of my ability. I will try to got better acquainted with yon iu the fall I tliank you. " At the close of the attorney general's re marks the convention gave him Tintni : in : MI iv ciuius : : and both Irvine nnd Scutt. cheerfully pledgei their support to the ticket. The nominations for commissioner of pub He lands and buildings were now made. Thuy were : Dew of Johnson , Carter and Parker of Lancaster , Heobo of Custor , Steen of ii.iuudcrs , and Lundeen of York. During tlio call a chairman of ono of thu delegations , in announcing his vote , &ald thrco of thoi : votes were east for any candidate Lancaster might suggest. It w.-.s a crucl thrust. * i BALLOT. ISO Carter fli Parker S3 Heebe iu ( Steen HT Lu iiiiccn 01 During the progress of the second hallo Magoou of Lancaster withdrew the uumcs of Carter and Parker. Thcro was nothint hOL'gfsh about this. SECOXI ) BALLOT. Dow 14 ( Slee u ! ld Lu ndeen ( i ( Hecbo D ; Carter 4 Stcen's nomination was made unanimous George H. Lane was renomlnutcd for BU pcrintcndcnt of public instruction by uccla matlon. For senators-ot-largo George II. Hast ings of Saline and H. C. Uus- sell of Colfux were nominated ; from the First congressional district M. M. Butler of Cussctho : Second , James MoNorny of Webster ; the Third , Clmrlci F. Iddllngs. This closed the nominations mid the repub lican ticket of Nebraska for 1SS3 was made , nnd at 2:15 : o'clock this morning the couvou- tlou adjourned sine die. Colo's Victim Will Itccovcr. GI-IIIE HOOK , Neb. , August 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hen. ! Charles E. Graut , the man shot by Cole , is out of idanger. Dr. Cornell , of Knoxvllle , la. , found the bullet to-duy and cut it out. It was imbedded deep between the ribs Just over the apex of the heart. Old Settlers at Cordova. CoimovA , Neb. , August 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE UEE. ] The old settlers' re union held here to-day was a t'rand success , fully 5(0. ( ) pcoplq attended , coming from York , Howard , Exeter ; Friend , Geneve and A FISHERIES TREATY MESSAGE Full Text of the Document Trans mitted to Congress. CLEVELAND'S VIEW OF THE CASE. IIo ItouoiiuncndH nn Canada' * Valuable Transit Priv ileges Uy Way of llctall- tion. CIcvelnnd'H jMesHngo to Congress. WASHINOTON , August B3. The president sent the following uiessago to congress this afternoon : To the Congress : The rejection by the senate of the treaty lately negotiated for the settlement and adjustment of the differences existing between the United States andO real Britain , concerning the rights nnd privileges of American fishermen in the iwrts and waters of British North America , seem to Justify n survey of the condition to which the pending question is thus remitted. The treaty upon this subject concluded in ISIS , through disagreements ns to the meaning of its terms , has been a fruitful source of irri tation and trouble. Our citizens engaged in fishing enterprises iu the waters adjacent to Canada have been subjected to numerous vexatious interferences and annoyances. Their vessels have been seized upon pretexts which appeared to be entirely inadmissible , and they have been otherwise treated by Canadian authorities nnd offi cials iu a manner inexcusably harsh and oppressive. Tins conduct has been jus- tilled by Great Britain and Canada by the claim that the treaty of 1818 permitted it , and upon the ground that it was necessary to a proper protection of Canadian interests. Wo deny that the treaty agreements justify these acts , and wo further maintain that , aside from any treaty restraints of disputed inter pretation , the relative positions of the United Stages and Canada as near neighbors , the growth of our joint commerce development , and the prosperity of both countries , which amicable relations surely guarantee , and , above all , tlio liberality always extended by the United States to tno people of Canada , furnished more lines for kindness and con sideration , higher nnd better than treaty covenants. While keenly sensitive to all that was exasperating in the condition , and by no means indisposed to support the just complaints of our injured citizens , I still deemed it uiy duty to attempt , by negotiation , to remedy the existing wrongs , and finally terminate by a fair and Just treaty thor-o over-recurring causes of difficulty. I fully boltovo that the treaty just rejected by the senate was well suited to the emergency , and that its provisions were adequate for our security in llio future from vexatious in cidents , and for the promotion of a friendly neighborhood ami intimacy without sacri ficing in the least our national pride or dignity. It is of importance to note that this treaty has been rejected without any apparent dis position on the part ol the senate to alter or amend its provisions , and witii the evident intention that no negotiation should at pres ent bo concluded touching the matter at Issue. 1 am by no means disposed to abandon the interests and rights of our people in the premises or to neglect their grievances , nnd 1 therefore turn to the con templation of u plan of retaliation as a means of treating the situation. I am not unmindful of the gravity and responsibility assumed in adopting this line of conduct , nor do I fail in the least to appreciate its serious consequences. It will be impossible to injure our Canadian neighbors by retalia tory measures without liiilictluir some damage - ago upon our own citizens. A policy of na tional retaliation manifestly embraces the infliction of the greatest harm upon those who have injured us with tlio least possible damage to ourselves. And , above all things , the plan of retaliation , if entered upon , should bo thorough and vigorous. Tlicso considerations lead mo to invoke the aid and counsel of congress , and Its support in such further grant of power as seems necessary nnd desirable to render effective the policy I have Indicated. Conirrcss bus already passed a law provid ing that in case of American fishing vessels being or visiting in waters at any parts of the British dominions of North America they slumid bo deprived of the rights to which they were entitled by treaty or law. If they were denied certain other privileges therein specified the president might deny to vessels and their masters and crows of the British dominions of North America any entrance into the waters , ports or harbors of the United States , and iilso deny mitry into any port of the United States of any product of said dominion , or other goods coming from said dominion , to the United States. While I shall not hesitate upon proper occasions to enforce this act , it would seem unnecessary to suggest that if such onforcu- m"iit is limited in such a manner as shall lesult in tlio least possible injury to our own people , the effect would probably bo entirely inadequate to the accomplishment of tlio purpose desired. J.deoni it my duty , there fore , to call the attention of congress to cer tain particulars in the action of the authori ties of the dominion of Canada , in addition to the general allegations already made , which appear to bo in such a marked con trast to the liberal , and Iriendly position of our country , us in uiy opinion call for such legislation as wltf , upon the principles already stated , properly supplement the power to inaugurate the retaliation already vested in the executive. Actuated by the generous spirit which has character ized our legislation , our tariff laws have , binco IsCO , been so far waived in favor of Canada as to allow free of duty the traut.it across the territory of the United States of property arriving at our ports and destined to Canada , or exported from Canada to other countries. The president hero quotes the twenty- ninth article of the treaty of Washington be tween the United States and Great Britain , negotiated in 1S7I , which , bo says , was largely a modification of the treaty of 1818 , in which the privileges above referred to were made reciprocal and given in return by Canada to the United States. Continuing , thu president says : During the last sis years the imports and exports of the British Canadian provinces carried across our territory under tlio privileges granted by our laws amounted in value to about 5270,000,000 , nearly all of which were goods dutiable under our tariff laws. By far the larger part of this trafllo consisted of exchanges of gooda between Great Britain nnd her Amer ican provinces , brought to and carried from our ports in our vessels. The treaty stipula tion entered into by our government was in harmony with laws which were then on our statute books , and nto still in force. I rec ommend immediate legislative action con ferring upon the executive the power to sus pend , by proclamation , the operation of all laws and regulations permuting the transit of goods , wares aud merchandise in bond across or over the territory of the United States to or from Canada , There need bo no hesitation In suspending these laws arising from a supposition ' that their continua tion is secured by treaty obligations , for it seems VVnuito plain that article 29 of She treaty of Ib71 , which was the orfly article incorporating bueh laws , terminated July 1 , ISNl. The article itself declares that Its provisions shall remain | n force "for the term of years men tioned in ni-tlclo 23 of this treaty. " Turning to article 23 , wo find no mention of the twenty-ninth article , but find a provision re ferring to articles ,18 , to 2ft. inclusive , and article 30. I am of bplnion that the "term of years" referred to in artlclo 28 means the period during which articles 18 to 23 , in clusive , and article BO , commonly called the "fishery articles , " shall continue In force. In addition to other satisfactory evidence sup porting this construction of the language of article 23 , it will bp found that the law passed by congress March 1,1873 , to carry the treaty Into effect , furnishes conclusive proof of the correctness of such .construc tion. tion.After After quoting the act of March , 1373 , " the president snysi Heye , then , is u distinct en- actment of congress limiting the duration of this article of the treaty to the time that articles 18 to 25. inclusive , nnd article ! ) fdiould continuu in force. There appearing : o be no conflict or inconsistency between the treaty mid the act of congress last cited , It is not necessary to invoke the well-settled [ irinclple that In case of such conflict the statute governs the question. Whether the law of 187:1 : construes the treaty or governs It , section 21) ) of such treaty , 1 have no doubt , terminated with the proceedings taken by our government to terminate articles 18 to 211. Inclusive , and article ! H ) of the treaty. These proceedings had their inception In the joint resolution of congress passed May . ' ! . IbSl , declaring that these articles ought to bo terminated , and directing the president , to give the notice to Great Britain provided for in artlclo ffil of the treaty. Such notice hav ing been given prior to tlio first day of .luly , 18S5 , the articles mentioned wore absolutely terminated on that day , but the statutes granting to thu people of Canada valuable privileges of transit for their goods , which had been passed prior to the making of the treaty of 1S7I. and independently of it , remained iu force , and evnr since the abrogation of the treaty the people of that dominion have en joyed , without diminution , the advantages of our liberal and generous laws. Without basing our complaint upon a violation of treaty obligations , it is nevertheless true that Hiich refusal of transit and other injur ious acts which have been recited constitute the provoking insistanco upon riglits neither mitigated by the amenities of national inter course nor modified by recognition of our liberality andjgcnerous considerations. The history of events connected with this subject makes It manifest that the Canadian government can administer Its laws and protect the interests of its people ple without a manifestation of unfriendliness aud without unneighborly treatment of our ilshlng vessels , of which wo have justly com plained , and whatever is done on our part shall bo In the hope that the disposition of the Canadian government may remove the occasion of n resort to additional executive power now sought through legislative ac tion. I desire to call the attention of congress to another subject Involving such wrongs and unfair treatment to our citizens as in my opinion requires prompt action the naviga tion of the great lakes. The immense busi ness and carrying trade growing out of tlio same have been treated broadly and liberally bv the United States government , and made free to nil man kind , while the Canadian railroads and navigation companies' share in our coun try's transportation upon terms as favorable as are accorded to our own citizens. The canals nnd other public works built and maintained along the line of the lakes arc free to nil. In contrast to this condition , and evincing a narrow and ungenerous commer cial spirit , every lock and canal which is a public work of Canada is subject to tolls. By the treaty of 1871 a provision was made to secure to the citizens of the United States the use of the \Vclland , St. Lawrence and other canals In the dominion of Canada , on terms of equality witli the inhabitants of the dominion. And yet evidence has for some time been before congress showing that the tolls charged on cargoes destined to Canadian ports are nearly all refunded , while cargoes bound for American ports are not allowed such advantage. I recommend that legisla tion lie had us will give Canadian vessels navigating our canals and their cargoes the same advantages granted to our vessels and cargoes upon Canadian canals , and that the same bo measured by exactly the sarno rule of discrimination. These are subjects which partisanship should not disturb or confuse. Let us sur vey the ground ci.lmly , and , having put aside all other means of settlement , if wo enter upon a iMjlicy of retaliation , let us pursue it ilrmly , with n determination only to subserve the interests of our people nnd maintain a high standard becoming the pride of Ameri can citizenship. GUOVEU CLEVELAND. BIO H.YHjHOAl ) OEAIj. The Northern Pacific Sells Five Mill ions' AVortli of Securities. NKW Youic , August 2'J. The Northern Pa cific railroad company has completed the sale of about 55,000,003 of its securities. The available balance of third mortgage bonds and nearly thrco million of branch line bonds make the total sura. The price and the par ticular branch line bonds are not made known by the ofliccrs ot the company. The sale is to a syndicate , headed by Henry Villard , aud the bonds will go to Europe , where the bulk of the third mortgage is already held. The transaction is said to extinguish tlio floating debt of the company , and to leave something less than $2,000,000 iu tlio treasury to expend in improvements. In addition to the sale of the bonds , it is learned that an independent company , with a capital of $3,000,000 , has been formed for the explicit purpose of supplying the railroads with equipments. Over two-thirds of the capital has been subscribed , nnd the success of the scheme has been as- nured so far that largo orders for engines and cars have boon placed. The equipment com pany is composed of the largo stockholders and directors of the Northern Pacific , but it is an entirely separate organization , nnd the railroad is not bound for anything be yond the rental of the equipment furnished to it. _ _ I > ed by n Mule. Child. CHICAGO , August 2.1. ( Special Telegram to THU Bm : . ] "There's papal" shouted a little child at the union depot last night. The little one's mother , however , a richly dressed woman of about thirty-flvo years , tried to restrain the child , but the little arms twined about the neck of u bronzed , fluo- looking man. The man trembled : the woman lowered her veil. It was their first meeting in six years. Ho was .lames Whitney , n San Francisco merchant , and was returning from Now York. Since their estrangement Mrs. Whitney had boon living with her parents , wealthy I'hlladelphlans. She was on her way to visit frieuds in Omaha. They cluspeil hands , and the thrco entered thu west-bound traiu. Allison MnkoH a Denial. WABIIINOTO.V , August 23. Senator Allison Rays it is not true that ho made a proposition on thu part of the republican senators that congress take a two weeks' recess pending the preparation of the tariff bilL The re port doubtless prows out of a casual sug gestion by Senator Hoar to the members of the sub-committee that a recess bo taken to give the sub-committco a belter chance to complete Its work. This , however , Mr. Alli son said was impracticable , for the reason that appropriation bills tire still pending. Mr. Heck thought well of the suggestion when ho heard of It , but on consultation with his fol low democrats , It was concluded that noth ing could be dono. Hold for u Sent ; . NEW Yonu , August 23. [ SpeoJal Telegram to Tun HIE.J The furniture , carnets , and personal effects of the notorious Mmo. Dlss Do Bar , were sold nt auction to-day. There were about 300 lots , which were disposed ol at low prices. The whole sale did not realize more than 200. There was no desire mani fested by those present to secure any of the spook pictures or other articles as memen toes. The picture of Ann Odella , said to have been taken while she was Iu Ludwig ol Bavaria's palace , sold for forty cents , and Milton's poems , with her autograph , brought but a quarter. A Dollar Ibr Wheat. * ST. PAUL , August 23. [ Special Telecrain to TUB BBE. ] Oliver Dalrymplo , the bo nanza farmer , In an Interview yesterday , said : "Winter wheat has been greatly dam aged by early frosts , and the crop will bo short. Farmers will do well to hold their wheat just as long as possible , for it will bo worth ll u buahel before long. There wil be a short crop in Kuropo , and that , with the deficiency here , will make wheat go up to a high figure. " Den Buttorworth Nomlnato.'d. CINCINNATI , August 23. Benjamin Bu.ttcr- worth was nominated by acclamation. by the republican convention pX the First Ohio ' ' alstrict to-day. ' " ' . . F1KTIKT1I CONGIIKSS. Senate. WASHINGTON- , August 23. Six vetoes of private pension bills were hud before the senate and referred to appropriate com- nittees. The bill to amend the eleventh section of the net of February , 1SS7 , authorizing the construction of a bridiro across the Missis sippi river at St. Louis , by striking out the words "stockholder or , " was reported from ho committee on commerce and passed. The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Mmunds , fixing the dully hour of meeting at 12 o'clock , was adopted. Mr , Stewart offered a resolution calling on the secretary of tlio Interior for copies of the reports , atlldavlts mid communications on which the commissioner of the general land office bases his letter to Mr. Burns , nt the louse of representatives , on the subject of timber depredations. It went over until to- norrow , Mr. Stewart stating that ho would. subihit a few remarks then. The senate then proceeded to the consid eration of a preamble and resolution reported from the Joint committee on library , accept- ng and returning thanks for the bust of [ Jarlbaldi presented to the United States by the Italian citizens of this country. Mr. Chandler took the floor and concluded us speech relative to the alleged election frauds in the last Louisiana election. The resolution was laid asldo without action. The senate then took up the resolutions re ported from the judiciary committee on .luly J3 on the subject of the suppression of colored votes at the municipal election In .lackson , Miss. , and Mr. Wilson of Iowa proceeded to address the senate In support of them. Mr. Pruden , ono of the p.-csldenfs secre taries , then appeared nnd delivered to thu senate "A Message in Writing. " Soon afterwards Mr , Wilson of Iowa yielded to Mr. Edmunds , who moved an ad journment. Mr. Morgan suggested that the president Intended to send in an important mossauo this morning on the subject of the rejection of the fisheries treaty. The presiding ollicer "Tlio message has been received. " Mr. Morgan "I hope it will bo submitted to the senate before adjournment. " Mr. Edmunds "Tho message can wait till to-morrow. " Mr. Morgan "I ask the yeas and nays on the motion to adjourn. " Tlio question was taken nnd the motion was agreed to yeas 23 , nays 20 , a strict party vote ; so the senate adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , August 2.1. In the house the senate bill was passed declaring that cer tain water reserve lands in Wisconsin are subject to the provisions of the act of con gress granting to railroad companies a right of way through the public Ian Is of the United States. Mr. Cnun of Texas introduced a joint reso lution authorizing the president to veto specific items in appropriation bills. He- ferred. The house , after some unimportant busi ness , resumed consideration of the conference report on the army appropriation bill. Mr. Butterworth of Ohio contended that the rights of the house had been invaded by the senate , and that the committee on mili tary affairs had been guilty of trespassing on tlio rights of another committee. Mr. Holinan of Indiana thought that the house owed it to its own sense of diijnity not to consent that the rules should bo violated by the senate with full knowledge of the facts. Mr. Laird of Nebraska did not consider that bis dignity as a member of the house had been Insulted by the action of the sen ate , aud declared that tin efforts of the mem bers of the committee on appropriations to stir up resentment was but a trick to array the prejudices of the house against the merits of the legislation , and thereby destroy any chances which the country had of secur ing a coast defense. Mr. Towiishend of Illinois regarded the complaints that the senate had insulted the dignity of the house as mere child's play , and ho argued that the committee on military had full jurisdiction over the subject of ord nance. The confcronco report was rejected by a vote of 33 to Ot. The house further insisting upon its disagreement to the sennto amend ments , n further conference was ordered. The report of the special committee ap pointed to investigate the government print ing office was submitted and ordered pnntctl. The house then went into committee of the whole on the deficiency appropriation bill. Pending the point of order against the French spoliation clnimstho section was sus tained by the chair on the ground that the order directing the committee on appropria tions to make provisions for the payment of the claims was 'repealed by Implication by the subsequent adoption of a code of rules in antagonism therewith. Mr. Dibble stated that Inasmuch as repeals by implication were not favored , and in asmuch as the speaker had referred , under instructions of the order , the claims to the committee on appropriations , and that the committee had provided for their payment , ho must appeal from the decision. The question being on sustaining the de cision of the chair , tellers were ordered and the vote announced as ti5 to ( X ) . Mr. Dibble made a point of no quorum , and tlio icllent resumed their places , but the vote was suspended to allow the committee to rise and the speaker to lay before the house president's message rnlatiyo to the fisheries question. Tlio reading of the paper was listened to with profound attention. At its conclusion the democrats burst into ap plause. TUc speaker referred the document to the commlttoo on foreign affairs , Mr. Mo- Crcary of Now York securing unanimous consent to report from that committee on the subject at any timo. Mr. Hilt of Illinois moved that 15,000 , copies bo printed. Kofcrred. Mr. Wilson of Minnesota immediately offered a bill , which was referred to the com- mittco on foreign affairs , to empower the president more effectually to carry out the purposes of an act entitled , "An act to authorize - thorizo the president to protect and defend the richts of American lialiinn vuhools , Amer ican fisherman , American trading and other vessels in certain cases and for other pur poses , " approved March 8 , 1887 , and to au- thosUo the president to protect American In terests against unjust dibcrimlnations In the use of canals In the British dominions of North America. The tellers then resumed their place * , bufc no quorum appearing the committee iu'0 c , and the house ailjourne.il , A COLOUAuO IIA.VOIXO. An Italian Murderer K.vpiateK His Crime on the GallowH. DnsvEH , Colo. , August 23. [ Special Telo- grain to Tin ; Bnu.1 Nlcolo Fcinmenelln , nn Italian , was hanged at Huena Vista , Colo. , at 12:25 : p. m. IIo died without u struggle and was pronouncco lifeless In three minutes and a half. The uiurdorcr was executed for the assassination of Mike Casey at Granlto ou March 11 , Ib83. The execution was con ducted privactly , but the Jail yard was sur rounded by a largo crowd of people. Femmenella , in whoso behalf many of his countrymen had made strenuous efforts for executive clemency , hold hope that something would interfere which would save his nock , if only for a short time. When told that hope was gone ho broke down. Subsequently ho confessed his crlmo and owned that ho lied when on trial. Ho asked for a now suit ol clothes and was given them. When the hour of execution arrived ho walked firmly to the scaffold and refused to say anything. Lcmmonclla leaves n wife ID Italy. Ho was very ignorant. His failure to intelligently understand English led to the exorcise of ex ecutive clemency toward him , which might not otherwise have been neconied. A Baptist aioctini ; Dlrtturbed. MACON , Ga. , August 23. Near Montiecllo 'to-day , at the Baptist association meeting * desperate fight occurred between the Tyler and Malone , families and friends. Thirty shots were fired in less Uian ono minute James MaUono and Sam Tyler were instantly killed. Ed Tyler was .mortally' wounded and Walter Malone aud several others severely. DEATH IN DREADFUL FORM , lorrlblo Results of mi Explosion la a Wisconsin Town. EIGHTEEN KILLED OUTRIGHT Spectators at n Klro Crushed to Death liyn Shower of Uriel ; * and Tliu- liern Many Others liijiircil , Hattoryol' Holler * Explodes. MiLWAfici1 : ! , August 21. A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Xeeniih , Win. , says that at 1 :3tl : hut evening the largo paper mill owned by GeorgeWhitinir , situated on the island between this city and MenaMia , was burned. While it was burning and thu struc ture was surrounded by n crowd of specta tors , the battery ot boilers exploded. Thereof roof and walls were thrown outward , send ing n shower of bricks and timbers among the spectators. Eighteen persons woru killed , several fatally injured and a number less seriously hurt , several of whom will die. die.When When the flames broke nut about fifty men weroin the building. Thefiivularin brought several hundred people to the spor , who crowded as close to tin burning building as the heat would permit. About 1 : . ' ) o'clock , while the budding was a mass of flames , thu explosion occurred without warning , and hi an instant scores of men were buried by the heavy debris. Hundreds begun the work of recoverlnpf the bodies of the dead mid rescuing and carIng - Ing for the wounded. Body after body was found crushed and mangled b.V the great tim bers. The injured were carried to neighbor ing residences or to their homes as soon t\tt their Identity could bo established and the dead were talicn to the city hall. The dead are as followsJohji Moore , Joseph Bridges , William Guiltz , Tho.A. Dour- gas , Frank Shelter , Gilbert Mender , FraiUc Mundover , Frank Muneiiner , Chris Lulg- houzer , John Kiehoivger , John Hoffman , Lewis Koesch , Joel Heel. John Eiko , Thomart letter ! * , John Shoowleesji , Sylvester Jij- lousc , and a man unknown. Tlio latally injured are : Albert Hooch- nor , Benjamin Crouse , Joseph Sniitch. Joe Smith , John SulloeU , - Tiiiule , Sooltz. The loss on thu building is tuV,0)0 ( ) ; insur- nsurance , fVJ.OOO. Tlio lire caught in the boiler room and A argo quantity of fuel , shavings , etc. About 2 o'clock the fireman loft his post to get n drink of water , and on looking back in the joilor room found flames among the piles of shavings. Before ho could get the hose oc give an alarm the flames rushed Irom the room and drove him back. An immense revolving bleach was in the icating room , adjoining the lire room , and was filled with rags and straw. When thu roof over the heating room full In the fireman turned the hose over the bleach , and in stantly an explosion occurred , and ten ton * of boiler debris shot out of the building into i lot 200 feet away. In its passage it struck the heads of the slanders . , mowing them lown like grass. Tlio cause of the awful calamity Is traocd lirectly to the iron bleach. It is said thab this was full ot'stcam and rags , nnd hud become - como overheated. When the cold watCtf truck it an explosion instantly followed. The mill was built by William Gilbert , ot Chicago , and Georzo A. Whiting , of Neonah , Wla. , in 1882. The momburs of the firm baa justness differences and dissolved about two years ago , Gilbert retiring. It is impossible ; .o learn what the mill was valued at , but it > is surmised thatGO,000 is about right. IOWA NRXVS. A Woman Who Exhibited a ( jack of Common .Sense. WATEUI.OO , la. , August 23. [ Special Tele- ram to TUB BEE. ] A woman living noa * Vlnton started to drive her cow across tha railroad track yesterday to a pasture near by. She carried her baby , about thrco years old. in her arms , and on reaching the traolt ; she sat the little ono down , intending to como jack as soon as she had turned the cow into the pasture. It wan only a short distance , and she never dreamed of an accident , but ; she had hardly left the child before Miu traiu backed down and ran over the little one. rushing and mangling it beyond recogull tion. Fear Kej > t Them Silont. DUIIUQUE , la. , August 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Last evening a number- of young boys went swimming in the river. All returned except Willie llyuu , the nlno- vcar-old son of Patrick Kyan. This morning the boys were questioned , but denied alt knowledge of their companion. They offered to go and search for him , ami when near the river ono of tliem pulled out the missing lad's ' clothing from under a log , where they Iwd liid them. They then confessed that tha boy , while bathing with them , was drowned , and they were afraid to toll of it for feutf they would bo put in jail. The body has not ! yet been recovered. A Zinc Mine at Davenport. DAVENroiiT , la. , August 23. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Bui : . ] The reports of tha finding of valnnWa ulno ere two miles \vcati of this city have boou vorillod hero to-day. William E. Moore , for seventeen years con nected with the works ut. I'oru , made n care ful examination of the locality. Ho found two long crevices rich In zinc and lead , and thinks it is of good quality. It is the only field between Pubuquo and Kt Louis show ing good zino oro. Geographically , thu ex istence ' ot the ere cannot bo accounted foe except on thu supposition of an upheaval. Drowning at Slon.v City. Sioux. CITY , la. , Ausust 23 - [ Special Tele * gram to TUB Itaj. John Bond , a workman , foil from the railroad bridge this afternoon into the Missouri river and was drowned. Loslnp his balance on tiio trosllo , Bouil jumped. Ho came to the surface of the water uninjured and bravely bwnm 100 yards , but sanlc when ten leot from thu bhore. A rescuing boat had aluiust reached him. Hu was thirty years old and his homci was in Cairo , 111. O. B. Ilomli'rMiii Ill-nominated. O WATKKLOO , la. , August 23.--Special [ Telegram to Tin : Bue. . | The Tiui'U Iowa district republicans to-day ronomiimtod Col onel David B. Henderson for congress. Ha has already served three terms. Hon. Bon Buttorworth telegraphed from Washington : "Accept congratulations on rciiomlnation ot Henderson. Thcro alnt a llaw in him. Ho has splendid ability , manly courage t.nd spot > less integrity. " Fire nt Grnndy Con tor. WATEIILOO , la. , August 83. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn BEE. ] A flro Htartcd in Conrad Do Soolhorst's furniture store nt Grundy Center this mornlnjj. The furnlUiro store" , the Grundy Center Argus , fay & Bridcer's * store and the Odd Fellows hall were entirely consumed. Estimated loss , ( UJU , ( ; insur * ance , J5.700. . Two Bad I'ullH. ANAMOSA , la. , Autcust 23. [ Special to Tun ) BIE.J : Last evening u derrick in Johu Grccn'rt quarry ut Stone City full nnd crushed in the hip of ono man , also breaking his arm. The doctor nays he can survive but a few hours. J. Willis , who was ivcontly pardo'ncd by Governor Larraboo , IMI licon returned to 1h < prison to oompleto In.ncnlonc.0 , owing to Ilia having been caught stealing inonoy again. Coiilli rntioiiM In ST. PKTKUMU-IUI , August 2.1. One thousand houses have been burned at Orenburg. Ti'ri thousand factory operatives tire made hov.c * less by thu lln > . . . '