tfHS OMAHA DAILY BEE ; -THURSDAY.- AUGUST 23 ! 1838 ; SPECIAL NOTICES. Tj fivcrtifeine-nlB iniTpr Jim neaiT 10" cents per llnO lOrtho tltst Iliscftlon , 7 cents for each sill * Benin-tit til.ertloiinnd . ll.W ) n lltlq per month. No ftdve-rtlsmniMlt taken for less than S. ; cents Ihc llrnt Inscitlon , KVCII words will bo counted to the llhot thpy must tun consecutively nnd IntiHt bo paid In ADVANfil. All ndvt-rtlso * menlH InllSt bo handed In before 12 . " 1 o'e lock p. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties udvertlHliiK in these columns andliav- Ing their answers addressed In earn of Tn r. HKK vlllpleaco nsk f or u chock to enable thrm to get their letttTf , us nom- will b delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to adver- UsHiit-nlH fhould bu e'lieloscd In onvclopci. All prtlnpitK-ntH In these columns are pub- llshi'il In both morning and evening editions of 'Jlli : lli.K. HID clrellliitlon of which aggregates Jnora than If.CUO papers elally , and Hives the ad- \ertincrH the benellt , not only of the city circu lation of Tin : HIK : , but also of Council Illuffs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this pi'etlon of the country. ! BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo takpn , on tinubeo conditions , at the following busi ness house" , who nro authorised ngents forTiiK Jli'K special notices , and will eUote | > the same rales as can be had at the main olllcp. _ _ JOHN W. lnLLVhurmaci : t , 820 South Tenth Btrect. C llASE X EDDV , Stationers and Printers , 113 South Kith Street. HTPAlTNsVoKTH , 1'harmnclst , 2115 Cum- _ .ing Street. \\J .1 HUailES , Pharmacist , 031 North 10th Jr > ' Street. " P.O Avenue. , W/PAHK / , Pharmacist. 1POH St. Mary's STTUATJO'NS WANTED. K ITl'ATION"Wanted A "competent voling ludj desires a situation as book-kcepei ; cliy lefercnces. A IV ) . llee. 7Il ! 2S * "WANTEDSituation for a No. 1 barber , also for a llrst-e'lass tailor , pants and vest maker. Mrs. Hrega , Jlll'i S. Pith. IVJJI * WANTED Situation by n llr > t-cbiss clotnlng cutter ; can glcrood loferences. Ad- rtrpss lire olllce , Lincoln , Nob. 751 2JJ "WANTED Situation by pitpe-i loured piiuter i and newspaper man to go In the country. Addiess II , lleo eillico , Lincoln , Neb , 711 Sat "WANTED Sltimttin-An ( e'oolc , with gond leeomniendatlons from leadlnt' hotels , desires a position in an all the year hotel. Address A Ci8 , lleo. l at "Vl/'ANTED lly a careful , ii'sponslble woman Ti business ollico to can- for and clean bj the i. Week. Address f < l 1 8 "Ith st. ( A'J 2lt ! * T WANTto take ( hnrco of auraln eluvatoi ; Jha\o hnil H years' expeilence ; am nmirlitl find steady , lleleienics given on application Correspondent u hollcited. Addioss llox llli , Hampton , Neb. IWIZ } ' WAHTED--W1AUK KELP. A NTHD-rOtrncklaveis at AlbtlghfB labor iiKeliey , ll"l ( Fnrnnm st 7M-'Jl < \ \ 7ANTIjl ) Uooil ilothiug salesman nt t > 17 N. > > Iflth Ht. 7J'J J \\7PANTEO A good man to take chaigei of t f our business in Council Illulls. Must linvo JIUO cash. Call at J. L. Klco .V CO.'B otllcp , rorncr lillli and Douglas , Wednesday at 10 a. m. to a p , m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 70(122 ( * "WANTED A first class barber. - of T > H D.Uacon , Aillngton , Neb. 710--1 * " \\7ANTED < iOodlt\i men to wholesale the lie-it miuhlno made. ( Ireal Inducements. Call at loom 13 , No. I'M Douglas st , between land 2 . : ) ) ) . m. - - " \\7ANTIH ) Im mediately , a good wagon man i to veil llread on commission ; Kood encour- Uirnniciil to thoilghtpnrtyjnjfereuc'esrequired , 3ll7Claik ) at , 7i)7 ) 22 * WANTED 3) ) griidpr nt once , 81.75 per day , at 2-.M North nth bt. loom . 717 2J ' "ol II1 ! ) oTtB waiiteTTriifliTaTgoluiirrufactur- ln company ; references roinilrcd. Address llox 207 , oiniihu. ( HI ? ao "TA7 ANTED 2 coat and 2 punt mukcrti Volz T ? llros , , Soulhomalia. d70 22 * WAN'l IIIA ) Hist clas druggist , must have good experience and come wull recom mended. AddreBi K. and H , inNoithElexeinth street , Lincoln , Neb. CKi22J : w ANTED A llrst class coatmaker at 1.01 N. Kith street. WU SB UANTED A Hlttiatlon by a llrst class ( Je-r- , T man bread and cake baker , country pro Icrrod Address A fi4 , lice onice. toSif WANTED-Immediately , two boys , one lady to Instinct In book keeping ; good situa tions In September , .1. ill. biultli , room Olb , Itamgo blocic. Kll 3 * WANTP.D (20) ( ) twenty good cornice makeia nnil tinners at Western Cornice Woiks on Ifith Ht. , KotiUi of Jackson st. ; steady woikfor Ke > od men. C. Spec-lit. j K14 2t "V\ ANTED Kliergetic me > n audwomcnovory T > where for a genteel money-making busl , HP9S. tM weekly profit guarflntoed easier thai , SCO monthly eithfrwlso. Kxprrlenco nbsolutelj , ' unnecessary. Permanent position and oxclil i filve territory npnured { 'J samples free. Write , * Tor paniciilars. Address , wilh stamp , Jlerill ! S \\7ANTKD Several draftsmen , or yoitiif i T V men fninllliirwlth iiro Itcctural drawlnji us bedpers In pen drawing for photo engraving Apply room 21. U.ti. _ httlldlng. 40il * \\T E w Ish to employ a taw tikli-amen on salarj to tell our I'oods by pamplo to the whole halo nnd retail trade of all the leading cltlc * undtowus. Wo aiei the laigest manufuctuieri of our line In the country. tend two cents Ir stamps for full particulars. No postal : nnMVered. Centennial Manufacturing com Tmny , ( inclimatM ) . 3'JI20p "GENTU WANTHD-KS n moutrr'nnd ex -nfft paid any active pel * on to sell ou : . . . . No capital rpirnlred , Salary pale monthly , expenses in advance. Pull narttculan freo. btuudiiid Silverware company , lo ! ton Mas.s. ikf ) Blip " \\r ANTED 100 railroad men for Washlngtoi T > territory nt AlbiJghte Labor Agency , 112 yarnani. lui TlirANTED SIcn for tn - west. Albright' ; TV labor agency. Ji2UFarnum st. ulO B OX SiAm. . Dbt. Tel. Co. , 1OT1 Douglas. Gil WANTED-- FEMALE HELP. \\rANTP.D Woiklng housekeeper on a farn fll cnlldren ) , also un old woman willing r vork ou farm . lor hinall wagon ( llwht work : working liouf > okci > pcir for a counting house must bo a goid ( coo. ; , cook for private boiirdini hou i' , 1 dining room glrlf , 2 dishwashers , aui i ) girls lor general housework. UU'J S. nth 711 1 * JANTEU-NufbO ' Klrl. uOJ S. 2Jth. 721) ) ! TV'W W ANTED-Girl forhousework , 22H Dougla : 73S23' WANTED -Oirl for general housework. Ii qnlro S-yg Howard st. yu 23 " \\rANTED ( lood dressmakers. Apply at OIK > i at no cor. 15tn and Capitol ave , e\po-.ltio . Imlldlng , 715 22 \\TANTRD flood girls who w Ish places ov T of city to call and register at onco. Mr : Ilrega , illlHS. Iftth. UH7 23 * WANTED A good , reliable , steady girl , on who can cook , w abh and iron , Mrs. A. So : cnson , 11)1 ) $ Capitol ave. UJ5 WANTED Competent girl for general liousi woik , Ucruian or Danish preferred. 25 : . 087 - * ' \\rANTED-dood Rlrl for general housowor ! V > Apply at 1128 P. Illth st. 07U 2U * \\7ANThD-Uirl for house work at 1510 Hov > uidjit. ikss 2lrf WANTl-H ) A competent female cSokr Appl immediately ut iVOu Capitol a\o. CM 2 ; "lArANTKD ( lood girl forccueral housoworl * Apply at once to 511 t i-'d. KM 22 ? WANTED Nurte girl. Call at onceTTioc Wages. 21121 ) ouglas bt Crtl-22 \\7ANTKD-A cook and second girl. Mrs. J rT > 11. Kcnnard. lica Dodgo. fl3 \\7ANTED-01rl for cenoral hoiiseworl > smull family. Mrs. Wright , 2018 Sewar raaas "lATANTED DIuliiK-ioom girl , second coc J [ > end dishwasher. 1001 N , Icith st. 3'fl ! ' \\7ANTED-Lady agents for "A" Bklrt ar T bustle combined : also "H" hose suppoi rr . Our ( lalosburc. 111. , agent cleared Jloa in days. Ladles' Supply Co. , 2S7 W. Wushtngtc Bt , Chicago. Ufei ! > 24 'ta IS ELTANEO U S VAH TsT WANTP.D Lady loom mate < ; rent it per m Inquire N.y cor.J.iJtli uuil Casa sts. 7B2-i sr\rAN'irhD epcond-hand boiler , must ' 11 cheap nnd In good condition , Sta Iirlce , size ) and how long use-ci , Droxvu'u resta lant , Lincoln , Neb , 7M WANTED Tan coed ni u who know a go thing when they see it , to visit the ( Ire 'Ten Dollar South Omaha lot mile , commeucli Monday morning at .110 Sonth 15th at. , to bi t IIP only f nil block of lots loft tit the low pri of lit ) each. cVW W ANTED More r.oiuca 10 rent. Jlo wor & Joplln , Harker block. too " \X7ANTED If you have nny lanctv , lots , TT bonnes and Iota to sell or exchange f other property , call on mo or write , lean Hi you acubtomor. C. C. tjpotbw oed , 'JOj'iS. lei U12 \\TANTED-Tlie public to make peed u e tvf T t ilie llee's mcssaco boxes throughout the city. 100 " \\rANTLD MoroTiousos to rent , good-paying > > tenants , quick rents Insured. H II. Wand - d ! l. 408 N Hth. 2nd lloor. 4(0 ( ar. E M P LOY WEN T /CANADIAN employment ofilcp. Mr . llrpira , V-'lll'i S 15th. Hefeience Omaha National b-ink t MA s7 ! * _ _ MALE or female help furnished in or out of city , prlvnlu families u speclaltv. H. 11 , Wandell , 40S N Kith st , 2nd lloor. 4J7 a25 WANTED-TO RENT. ppiitli-imen desires furnished teem AVOPNO family of tnlliiemcnt , west of 1/lth / street , within 20 mlnuto's walk of postolllce. llrcakfast uud Biipper If desired. Hetertnces KlVen iiildreimlred. Address A 04 , Hoe olllcu. * WANTKD About AUK. 30. by n young man , room nnd board In pilvate. family ; location Kouth or southeast of L' . P. depot. Address , A 01 , llee ollico. 718 23 * _ _ WANTEO-To rent , about Hcpt. loth , a housa of 0 rooms In gooel neighborhood , south of Hurt st preferred , htato locution and urlce. Address , HoomO , C. S. Nat'l bank. Ml 21) ) \\7ANTRD-Thrceor four room1' , furnished T > tompleto for light housekeeping , by man and wife ; no children ; state location and terms. Addrnsg A 51. lleo ollico. n.15 22 * _ \\7 ANTED lly a lady who lit a stranger in the T T city , a furnisheel room , where no eitti'S- tlona wUl bo asked. Aelilrcs \ 4 , llee. C4i 22' _ _ FOR RENT-MOUSES. I7TDK KENT n now T-ronin fllats. cor. 10th and JU Jones. A. C. Towoll , 1201 Parnam st. 7W "I71OH HENT 7-room house , hot and cold city JL ; water and tlMnrn , good barn ; place JT > mo , 1' . 1C. Darling , ir > 21 Pntimtn. 717 SI iriOIl UHNT-fi roomrtwclllntj , 1)15 ) Cass st . JL. ' liiqulio next door , only small family need Ituulro 74 1 W HENT New 7-ioom house , full corner J lot for yard , well , clstein and outbuildings complete , twenty mlnutos' walk from postolllce , I II per mouth Call ut 722 Hickory sti eel. 72.21t _ _ 171OH HENT Neat $20 cottage. Apply at once. -L C. P. lliuriBQii. 4lsb. nih st. _ 7'7 'I71OH HENT Noarlv new 7-room bouse , well JL ? aud clstein water , i20. S 12 st near Manila. 71J 2 _ _ 3 i'o II HENT Vow 8-room house on Cumin st , near Lowe a\o. 'leims icnionable. Apply - ply iiulck. bpotswood , iiUS't ' b ICth. 722 HUNT Elegant brle-khonsp , all inodc-ni cemvonlences , llvo mlnutiH' walk from P. O. , 2 0 Ninth. Enquire at alb N Ulth. ( , 'Ji FOH KI.NT Eli-uant 10-room modern house , near High seheieil , $ r,0. ( ! . E. Thompson , Sheely block , 11th and How-Rid. lul " | 71H ( ) HEVT ID-loom hoti-,0 and largo barn , JL1 221f. Hurt st. ; ftpleudld location. H-ioeiin heiusv and good bain , and Seward , onlj $ .liei ) ] month. o-room liouse , 2Sth and Hamilton st , $17. fi-room house , 21 1' ) Ohio st , $ | H. ( Ico. .1 Pox , Hoom 1 , Continental block , 1120 Douglas Mil ) 2,1 "I71OH HE'JT ,1 holies , .six room bousos In- JL.1 quire of John L. Hill , cor. 1 Jth aud Vlnton. O-'U 2'if POH HEl'iT Neat 7-room house , Davenport st , near High school , 610 a month. BHrciinaii & Co. Chamber of Commerce. M 1.0 FOH HENT C-room eottnnu centially located. ilead \ .lamison , 311 b. 15th. IK.O 171OH HENT Three 5-room houses , S. E cor. JL S8th and Doelgf Hta. ; city water ; S14 and iflo. Hlngwalt llros. , llarker block. fi.i'J FOH HENT A nlco n-room cottugp , city water , water closet In lioute , 27C.1 laldwell St. ; a good 7-room house1 , modern comcuiences , WO per mouth. J. II. Evans * Co. , 1)10 Dodge. (11722 ( _ HENT One Bloom house nnd one 10 FOH room house on 21th stieet Just noith of Kountzo Place tend opposite residence of .lohn L Itedlck. Prod W. Gray. _ 010 2J Foil HUNT F-ioom IIOIIRP , sewer , gas , hot nnd colel water , liath room , new aud com- liletu , (10 per month , leady Sept. I. Apply nt ouce. C. P. Harrison , 418 b. lIHh st. 4sl TTIOll SALE News-room hou o , all modem J Impiovenie'iits , near corner Woolwoith and Vligiula Avt-miPi ) , IlniiBcom I'laco , $1,500. C. P. llaulsoil , 418 S. 16th st. 4H3 > H HENT New I loom house , with all cou- \enleiices. 1545 S. 21st , between Ct-ntor and Dorcus. 4i > 0 20j Poll HENT Now six-room house. Apply 412 N Kith yt. 411 22' > HOOM cottage , Ulth and Decatur sts. . $3 per Omonth. Inquire nt UOs Webster. 462 22 * TTIOK KENT 7 rooiifiiut $4o7"wtl S 13th in- JU eiuire at tlm fair. 102 "TTIOll HENT Six-room cottage , 1515 Harney JJ St. , tlZ per montli. 351 "I71OK HKNT 7 room housn. No. 1037 fo720th JL ! st. Vtfi per month. Call quick. K. P. Sea- ver. lloom 10 llarker block. 342 H OUSES , stores unrt Hats to rent , all parts of city. H H. Wandell , 403 N 10th , 2nd lloor. 4 M uST , KENT H room housu and birn nw cor. IJ10K .fthuvo and Webster s-t ; luqulro at room COo 1'axton blk. P. J. Ci eeclou. 800 HENT When you wish to lent a house , FOH fit ore or ofllce call Ou us. H. E. Cole , loom 0. Continental block. 487 HP.NT A 10-room house brick house FOH with all modern Improvements , oii20th st , near Lcaveuworth , Inquire , No. 827 S 20th t > t. 7D3 TTOK HENT Sept. 1 , elegaut past front 10 room JL1 house , on Pleasant st , , JuO per month. 0. 1' , Harrison. 418 S. 15th bt. 112 T710H HENT House of S rooms , 3 closets , pan- JL ; try , good well and cl&tetn , on 1,1th st. cm llnp , paved street. Enquire nt 1102 Sllttnst. , room 5 , over drug stern , M5.00 per month , 076 room house fe > r sent , city water. No , 1111 SIX btieet. Enquire at IcMM Howard. 101 UK-NT in room modern house J55.00. ! room ditto , Hi.OO. 7 room ditto. J..i.OO. Othei houses , stores nnd oincos. (1. E. Thomp ion. Sheoley blk , 15th aud Howard sts. : tl' ) RENT Handsome now honip , 10 looms FOH all convenlonccs , best neighborhood am within live minutes' walk of poatotllce , Nathai ; Slieltem , ir.OTi Parnam st. H OH HENT 7-rootn hoiuo , No. 1&13 S 5th st. : ( l-reiom cottage. No. ail ) Win. St. ; r.-ioom cot tage , No. 272j Charles st. Inquire HOG Cap ave FOH HENT or Sale Now cottage , lUtlfoic' Place , on easy payment * . Enquire M. L Hoedc-r , room 403 PaxtoublocK. 018 FOH HENT Popte'mber 1 , good t > room house city water , largo yard , vcrv convenient t < buslnobs , J5U. 71J S. 15th bt. Call at Citi/ons bant. u.2 25 " | 7UK HKNT A line in-room bilck house will JL. all niodprn Improvements , tine location 01 Elitet car lino. It. M. Ucuius , H03 Douglas st. _ FOR KETJT--ROOMS FURNISHED. KENT llooms furnished nnd nnfur nlshed , No. 1HOJ Jackson st. 7 3 22 * KOOMS including board In the Young Wo mon'd home r.'lO ' Dodge st. Hcfeicnces ru quired. t'tO ' TJ1OK KENT Pour furnished rooms up stair JL1 ut 614 S Mill st. 723221 FOH HENT A nlctdy fnrnlshpd loom.sultabl for two , at lH ! Paruam , and board ; llnolc cation , pleasant homo. 714 31 Tmoit HENT Nicely furnished Iront roor JL1 sutlablo for two gentlemen , nlso slnjjl room. Modern conveniences. 1U17 Cubs. 1M > OOM for Bontleuien near P. 0. , a23 N 17th. I 76J22 * b NE room with board , U24 N 20th. He Terence icqulred. Vouiig men proforrod. 70.123t TjlOK KENT Two furnished rooms , ono $10 pa Jl ? month , the other HIS. U02 N. 17th. coa 2S VIT'ELL furnlihcd clean rooms , all moder > > conveniences , 1 block from P. 0. 181 Capitol ave. B70 27 HENT Furnished looms , 1701 Cap avi ffB 27t 171UHN1SIIED room with closet , & 7 , W-l 8.22. JO 0102117 TjMJKNISHED rooms , single or en suite. 171 -L Dodge. _ 040 2Gt TOIl HENT Front parlor and back park JL1 with small room , with board. A llmtte number of day boarders taken. 1'rench tabl 0 at 102U Douglas , L. Heuard , proprietor. f 08 2U 0 TICCLY f urnUlied rooms , II per w eek or $3.1 > per month , 602 , 601 and 600 8 , ISth st. 61U s 17 * EOH HENUV-To business or professional me and Indies , newly furnishtd rooms with llrs class home board ; leferenco required , 17S1 Dai enport st. _ 63721 * TWO neatly furnished rooms with board : e : rollout location ; reference desired. 8. t cor.J.'Oth and Kurnain , \ 4SO 23J SMALT , front room , modern convenience 2107 Douglas St. 5U rPWO front rooms , ItiU Dodge t. 575 I710H HBNT Front room , large nnd nicely -L' furnlaheci , located near the ulgh HCIIOO ) , in thp highest nnd coolest section ot the city ; rnblo line and horse cars pass tha door. En- ( jDlre nt V > Dodge near 24tlis > . _ Hw- 'OOO.M and boardflSU dilcugo st. irTmTlLNT-l'tit-nlslied rooi. ' . , moderircoi ? JVtaieiues. . A. llospe. 1S1J Douglas , lil _ " ? OH HENT riiir.l hedroom < Mnrcun5 ! JL cor. 1 ith nnd Uodu'o sts. Inquire of. Ueo. II , , Da % l . Mlllard hotel billiard room. 020 _ HE > T-Iurnlshed front and back parlor ; also small bed room w 1th or w ithoiit boaid : moderiuoinciili'iiresi bath , si earn , etc Her block , fi20 S. Ibtli st , ild Poor. 7.iO 24 * OH HnNT-Purnlshed tiont room , 2ini ) Par- liam st , 401 21 * ! | T1Oir HENT-Pnrnl iiod anil tmfurnlslfiTd JL1 rooms ut 1020 Douglas street , with meals Prench tulslne. L. Heuaid , propiletor , nyi-lp 171OH HENT An elegant suit of front looms ; JL1 al o single room , w ith board , in prlvalo f iim- lly ; two street car lines pass doors none bnt 111 st-cUiss mod apply. IM7 Park live. doi 2'iJ ITH/HNISIIIID rooms , 1MO Dodge. Ju 45sl > I'J OOM and board for JjiTweek , IM S. I , V furnished rooms , single and l-'doublo. ( lontlumen prefened. l ) s Capitol ivo. SIP "IIW3H HENT HntulxotiiPtv furulslu-d sulto of JL ; rooms , location splendid. 1707 Dodge st. FOH HENT 2 furnished looms with closet ou giound lloor , in cottage. 414 N. 14th. 077 2ii * L Altai ! and small room tmllablo for penile- mau , with or without board , 1812 Dodiru. 02 , ' FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED 171OK HENT 'Mooms 2rtth and"Pacltln7 * ' > 7l JL ; month. Apply to N. P. Lludqiilst , b'JJ S. IT.'tl. 73,1 21 * FOIt KENT rnfiirulshed or furnisheddoublo parlors , GO I N , 17th st. 7. i 21 * 17IOH HENT-Thrco good rooms at KW S. IStli JL st. , ntai Ploico. d7lt3t TTIOH KENT To biuall family , 3 looms ut ( ,0s N JL1 llith st. I.U 2JJ _ ) El.l'.O ANT unfurnished rooms. Mnisle or en -J suite , nor building , good location , southern exposure. 1)1. Olturbomir , lotn and llaiuuy tts. 4W Sit iiE CD looms. Illilij S. 7th st . 110. ) JL. Till i'o ( Hi looms , lir.V ) N. 2Ist ot , . II l ) Three < I ) loom cintiiLte , IIM i .Nicholas fit I"i 10 Tliri e i Ii looms , | i2. N.'ntli fct . 1,1 Ao Pom it ) looms IIUS. full tt . ' . " f i Pour it ) rooms. 1701 \ \ rlnter st . Is ( M 'I liic-o I'll looms. TOJ't ' Paclllrst . li&O 1 our i H looms , KIP : Webster t . IS U ) Pout { Ii looms , 41) ) Soutli Ilitli st . ISO ) 'Uncoil ) looms , 1UM Noith.'Kt st . 11 00 I line I.I ) looms , UIJ PIHI.P st . 10 CO 'I Hun ( I ) looms lor , N. Will bt . 112' , 'I hreo ( ! ) looms 7 7 Pacific 8t . KM Pour ill looms , fin ! Wohstpr 8t . Hi Si 'I breed ) looms , 70 , 'i I'aclllc st . II in 'I wo ( ! ) rooms , IMI Howard Rt . 1'i fO Three Clu oems , llli I'lPive Rt . U fO Apply to .Indite Itenllnz Atfiicv. Heraltl building , S. W Lomerof Pith and Iliiruevst. FOR RENT-STORES A ND - suitable for V > carpenter suoi ) . Addrese. , stating pile omul location , A ( iO , lieu olllce. 7I'l ' ! S > * I OIl HENT Pour ulithtsln the week , aery X desirable lodiro lomn intt.iblo for small so cletles. Ntw builiung , good lei utioiiUims mod erate. Address \ , ( > l , lice olllce. ; 0'J2i ' * IjlOH HENT Moip-iooiniindpr Omaha ILiiiiT- Ing Co , cor. nib and llainoy. suitable lor luouej loanlui ; or real estate liiblness. ) Paulson .V Co , No. P > 11 , loom f , I arnam st. tuYJ I71OH HPNT Store21x00 ami d looms abo\r > on JL1 CumltiB , west ot 2Uth. Ineuiiic at to * N nth. Ml B2J 7/IOH HENT Plin iclnll store room with J-A lingo linBement , J'.W pel month. C. P. llav- Ison , IH H 15th st , 41 oice stoic rooms in the Her building , JLbetv.c-Pu Howard and .lackson hts. Apply Haymei \ Her stole , Ml S st 173 sir , IHOIl HENT Double- moro room , suitable for clothing , grocoiieeliy goods , e'tc. , location irst class. AeldU'-s , X Id lice ullii e. 1 U TWO stoics , 22\50 , just completed , with Hits lot se\on rooms aboxv , with water aud gas , .lrst-i-la s llnlsh , ( , th aud Paclllo sts , low lent. Apply to Ellliiger llros. , UL ! S. 10th st. , Omaha. Ml J'lOHE for rent , llli Parnam htreet Inquire 3of Nathan hhelton , ut 1505 Painam Street ! K7 POH HENT-llco | sultp K * > month , 2 slnsjle olllces $15 rach , all fronting Kith St. , llusu- man block , N. E. Cor. Iflth and Douglas. W M. llushman , I'lll Lcn\enworlh. 3iJ FOH HKNT Stornroom , No. 211 S. 14th Bt. Ap. ply nt 1110 Howaulst. U77 FOH KENT Hfllf of ilOT S. 10th St. . opposite Chamber of Commerce. JI. A. Upton.I Co. S' .TOUR . ' for rent. Sl'J N. inth. Inquire of Henry Osthoil , 151) ) Cullfornla st. fi.M FOR RENT MISCEI.ANEOUG. "ITlOlt UENT i'iVper month flrsttloor , $11 iur J- month becond door , 161. ) Homey t. Ji2 G ODD bum cheap , Hfll Chicago st. RENTAL ACEHC'EG. GE. THOMPPON.Sheely blk , 15tn & : Howard. 011 WH glvn si > eci l attention to renting and col lecting reuts , list with us , II. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 4i > 7 C1011 quick rental and good tenants list your JP houses with H. H. Wandoll , 103 N 10th st. 2nd lioor , 4-i7 a21 K. SMITH. 010 N. Kith st. tF YOU want your Houses rented place them with Uenuwa ; i Co. , IBth , opposite postotlice. LOST LOST A gold rim ; with letter It engraved In set. Plndcr will ho iin\aided byiotmnlng to J.V. . llainett , line Howard bt. ulo-2- . ' * LOST-Tho last chance I ' 11 over liavo in a 100 years to buy n South Omnha lot fee fit' ' , un less i attend tlie great * 10 lot ale at ! )10 S 15th bt. , commencing Monday , Aug. " 0th. EM ! FOUND. ITIOL'NI ) Ono moie chance to buy a Mxl-II foot J- South Omaha lot for J10 : warrant ) deed given ; free from encumbrance ; bale com mences Thursday morning , Aug. 10 , at 310 S. 15th. PERSONAL. PHHSONAL Prant 1 have already traded -I t ho J10 lot you bought for me at JIO S. liitli f > t , for a horse and buggy. Do not fill to attend the halo again all next week and get me more lots. Hoxy. fi6J PEHSONAI/ you liavo a personal item , or any communication , drop It in ono of The Heo's message boxes. 10-J IF you want to buy , s ll , rent or exchange call on or address Ooorgo J , Sterusdoifl , room 0 , oppoblto P , O. 231 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. 17Klt SALE A tine younp gentle cow , one- JL.1 third Jersey , n perfect family tow , only * . ) j. Call ut 722 Hickory Kt. ,202(1 * "IJHOH SALK Purniture in eight room house ; JL' owner leaving the city , will bell cheap. House nnd barn for rent UOO Sherman a\e. IA1-2U * TT1OH SALE 0 head line fresh milk cows , yJO JL N. Sithbt. E.S. Jester , C72 22 * TfKK SALK Household furniture ) nt nbar- JL ? gain , and the house for rent nt 1313 Capitol avenue. C91 2t ! | rpWO thousand tons of Ice for sale at a bar- JL gain. Call on or address John Keznlchek A Co. , 2707 Leaenworth t. t 'J 22 FOH SALE Horse , butrgy , hp.rness , whip nnd lap robe , cheap. Pait cash , balance monthly payments. 1518 Dodge. 6Jl-ai g.OOO tons of ice for sale by Ilooge Packing Co. , /7J.AS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a large as VJsortment of the latest designs In gasUxtures which I will sell ut-cost. M. E , Pree , successoi to J. C. Elliott , qgont. 1 ill Faniam st. 27S " 17OK SALE Heavy young team horses. Email JL.1 payment clown. A , J , Eaton , 131T Douglas , FOH SALE-Fine new piano. Will take horse and buggy or equity in lot s part payment Must have part cabb. . iiSJll Hamilton st. SiXI-ri' TTIOK SALE-A few choice inflk cows. C. p. JL' HarrUon. 418 S , 15th. 022 5 ELEGANT two-seated carrlage , Dest make ; will sull cheap for cash. Q.J , Sterusdorir Hoom 0 , opp. p. 0. Ml T71OH BALh uiie lease of a ten room nat anil L' furniture , which jj nearly new. Address U.flT.carallee. 075 P.lil ? ALR-riamng mill machinery. Cnll * i liua D \ enport st , pinnha , SIO 171011 SALE A newBseatfltockivwaycarrlaBO K nt i/w .V Nichols' livery Irnrn , Twenty-cightli tndjA-ateiuvorth. 'feleplying tV ) . 417 SALE Furnlturo Moarly now ; house U rooms ; terms reasonable. 1IOS Douglas. J. L. Chamberlain. 151 T7V3irSALr. Elegant' ctirrlago horic , now .L uhaeton olid liatnes-1. Inquire room \ ) , llarker block. r 441 MlfS ciLL.Afll-OUS. 7 . - " neatly ilono nnd pecond- hand clolhe'bought luid sold , bi7 S.lith st. GJI yoitrordetsforaluofrtlnlly and gentle- SEND washing and Itpnjng to Wing Sing , ( KM North loth st. : will call fgr clothes tn any purt of the city nnd make lerms on application. f > M A Hi : yon n trader ? Are you a speculator ? If so , clou t tall to buy ono of those f,0 < 12"i foot South Omaha lots , free from encuiubrrance , at the great $10 lot wale at . ' 110 H. Kith St. , commencIng - Ing Monday nuunliig , A'.ig 2.1th , M7 WOMAN'S Exchange , Kd" Fnrnnin st. Lunch dally , supper Saturday nights. U(0 ( A irCTION and Storage Wo are pivpared to JrVrcceh o consignments of fnrultuio and other poods for sale at auction at our large salesroom No. list Paruam st. Cash advances made. Wo liaMinlsotlio best of ntoiago facilities. Out-side Bales attended. Omaha Auction It Storage Co , q-,8 S'i ' fpllE banjo taught as an art by Oeo.P. delicti- J. beck , H.W Iljuney st.nn 182 _ "TTOMW for DesUtuto Women and Children , Jia7l8 Hurt st. UIO MI1HELLAS lepalved at 111 Sllthst. UW53J rpAPP.WOHMS removed with hood complete JL or no charge. E. Fuller , 11J S. 21th st. Omaha. WHSW ' navs anytnlnu to trade cab on or ad- 11'vou ( leorgo J. SterusdoilT. Koom I ) , oppo- pile postolllce 107 E. THOMPSON , lloom 112 Shcely block. S'55 STORAGE AUCTION and Storage We are prepared to i etelvo couslKiiments of f in nltni e and other poods for sale < > r stornKo it our warehouse , 11UI 1'ainam it. Outside auction sales altendod. Omaha Auction A , StoiaBU Co , .I"i7 S'i ' " OU lir.NT Stornfjo very ( heap at Illock te Heyman , clothleis , 111) ) r.iruam Bt , Two Oiphiins old stand. ft.'J.i"S ; i-'afo , < lriinil clean at low latos. A. Hlddell. Ill- lion mil. 42lna "MlACKAdB , stoiawe , lowest I'atoa. W. M T llushman , 1 111 I.eavenworth. 107 WANTEO-TO BUY. \\'ANTIJD To buy orient 2 chailots with > hainc'ss for fair , bept. 2i ( , 27 , Mi" , I'M. W , P. Paine , Sidney , Nob. 7'i'i 2i * " \ \ kfANTED A 10 or M gallon milk route , .lohn > > Walsh , Ottumwa. la. fM-2l ) * _ SPOT cash lor second-baud furniture * , stovoa and caipe-ts , An > tlilnv from a bc-detead tea a house and lot. Orll Ac Co. , 117 N. Ifith st. BIG , S.,1 \VAVI in ; To buy or ttado for n good build- i ing that ran bu moved. Plonso call on ornddie- Cieorgo J.Stcnisdolll , loom II , oppo site P. O. 231 \V ANTED Household luiiiitiirp , etc. , Omu- T ? ha Auction A. Stoi ago Co. , 1121 I'uriium st. ( Jood nouso and lot in deslrnble WANTlID part of the city ; will give 111 st-class bar- pain to anyone If suited. Uoo. j. Stems'loilT. ' HoomO , Pren .qr blK. . 813 _ \\rANTEl ) En t flout ) Itit in west part of _ _ > ton. . Address. X : \ ? lleo ollke. 71 1 l * "T lT\'TitAirsibie liilidlHca or Slhe he moved. Will pay good price If suited. George J. bteinsdorll , room U , opposite post- oIlU u. ' l J _ _ cash for .ocond-liniid furnltuie at A. SPOT \ \ . COW.IH'H , IWi N. liith st. Ml gii IP you liavo Improved ( mslness or loMdnnco propci ty that jou wlsb. to sell , call nnd sco mo. ( jeorgo J. titerusdorn , room 0 , opposite postol'lce. _ ai \A 7LL bu > fuinlturoota nonse or Hat centrally - T Y trally locutoil. Co-op. L. & L. Co tt > 5 N 16tU SHORTHAND \YPEWRITINQ YALINTINM\S : : shoitimna and fi > p v.iitiug Institute is the largest and best viiilniiuiT shorthand school in the \v\i' > t. Graduates all oc cupy good paying Utiiations. Htudeuts tan in- ti-r ut any time Send for circular. New Paxton - ton Imlldlng. Omaha. bins. : i CLAIKVOYAHT. DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvoranl. Med ical , tniMneng and test medium. DiasnosU free. Feinftle diseases a specialty. 118 N. Iflth BUHooms 2&3 Tel. 844. 1'W ABSTRACTS OF TITU5. "IVTlDLANDauaianteo and Trust Co. , IMS tar- i-U-nam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to real estate examined.perfectod & guaranteed. _ CM BKNSONAc OAUMICIIAP.L furnWi" complete and guaranteed ubtti.icts of title to any leal estate in Omaha and Douglas coimtv upon short notlfo. The most complete set of abstract books in the city. No lXn ! 1 arnam st. fiSJ MONEY TO LOAN mill : Omaha Financial Kxrhanpi , lloom 15 , JL llaiker block , southwest corner of Par- nam nnd J.itH sts. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral aud ical estate loans. Money alnaya on hand in sums of S1CO andup- v.'ards to any amount , to loan on approved se curity. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to exchauze for rood lltht or second moitgagos. Loans made upon laud contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Pinanclal busiuois of any kind tiansaoted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Room ll > , Harker block. Corbett , Manager. 623 M ONEY to loan. Lens ; tlmo. George J. Paul , 1C09 Parnainjst. IJ52 ri O LOAN l , 100 on good real estate security Jat iKte N 13th st. t 2 22j _ MONEVTo Loan lly the nndorslgned , who has the only propelty organized loan agency in Omaha. Loans of $10 to tlOl made on nirni- tint' , pianos , orgaushors > es , wimous.macnlnery , etc. , without lemoval. No delays. All business strictly conlldential. J.oaus so made that any part cuu be paid at any time , each paj ment re ducing the cost pro rat.i. Ad\ancos made on Iluowitchns and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider vho they are dealing with , as many new concerns nre dally coming Into exis tence. Should you need mono } call and peeme. W. u. Croft , Itoom I , Wlthr.cll uuildlng.iathand Harney. KO MONEV Good commercial paper end Miorl time mortgages bought. Heal estate loans negotiated , b. A. , IHli and I'urnam. _ _ _ ] 53 MONEV to loan onnorso * . turnlture and other personal property or collateral. Hates mod erate : business confidential. Olllce S. W. cor ner and Douglas sts. Entrance ou l.lthst. The Palrbank ln\ustmeut Co. $50UUUto loan on Omnha city propel tv at per cent. O , W. Day. se cor Er. old. tffl MONKV to loun m any amount , either for bulldincor otherwise , lit lowest rates of in tercst and on short notice , Sholes & Hunt , suc cessors to I ) , V Sholes , room 1 , llarker block. _ | _ HB D ONT fall to see A.K , Hiley about your loan , at 151W Karnam. 12 DG G OOD city and farm loans wanted by A. Iv , Illley , 151' ' ) Paruam. his LOANS made on Impioved and unimprovei city property at lowest rate * of Interest , special rates enl argo loam on luslda proparty , tJdelUlrps & Ccx31J _ S. ICth st , _ _ UJ7 _ _ _ R 12AL estate loans , lowest rates. Odell Hros & Co. . 312 h. ICth St. bM II1' j ou nro figuring on Oilown go and talk will A. K. " lBW nwta 812 _ _ "OUILDINO loans. Lt alian ic JIahoney. _ _ / ' ttl DON'T b OTT monoj * on furniture , horses , vagons , etc. , until jbu have seen C. U Jacobs , room 410 , Klrut National bsuk bulldlnB1 cor. IJth and 1'araam . C55 lt/ < MONEY toToan ; cash dnnaud : no delay. .1 W. Squire , 11'J Parnam St. , Flrat Natlona bank bulldini.- . 14k G PEHCENT money to loan-casn on nand W. M. Harris , room20 , Pronlzer block , opp. P , O , MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. , without removal or on collateral bectirlty. Business strictly confidential. A. E. Greenwood Jc Co. , It 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson. $500,1X0 to loan at B p r cent. Llnahan A Ma- honey , Koom 600 Paxton block. 048 MONEY loaned atO , K. Heed .V Co.'s Loan office , on furniture , nlanos , horici , wagons , personal nroperty of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal 8198.13th. All business strictly confidential C50 fi\l \ H8T mortgage loans promptly placeeU A , J K. Illley. 1MB Farnam. ia T OAN8 made on real estate and mortgages JL Jbonght. Lewis S. Heed it Co. , 1521 Furnam. . lHEY-JJeJO.000 tel oan on city propertjf and Improved farm land , Frenzer block _ _ twi LOANS made to parties desiring to build. D. Y , Slioles , room 1 , llarker block W f 1HATTEL LOANS made ) on any available soW - W CHrHy. Heal tistuto loaus miido On Omaba city property. Secured notes boiipht AII bus- lnp s done promptly , nuletly and fairly at the [ 'unite ! A Heal Estate Loan Agency , Koom 7 , Heelrlck tilrtck , 1KA ) Putnam St. , up stlr Archer , V llobblua , TtH HfONKVloToan. O , P. Dnvis Co. , real -stKto A' ' nnd loan agents , 1UM Paniatn st , e > 12 l ONTiY'to loan ou rurnlturp , horsKsrwagoTi J.-l etc. , or on nny approved security. J. W. Hob- bins. H. i.111 Phc'Qly blk , loth aud Howard. BIH'J I f At * i l.KN money cheap City and country. Ji'OllIco Phlladplphla Mortgnire- and Tnut I'o , room la , lloaul of Trade UeoV. . P. Coatcs 7lo MONKV to loan ; large ami small sum.s at low i.ites , for shoit tinip , OH real estate or litttt ; ! poctirity ; second note4iiu'sht ! ; all tlnan. lal business Etllctlr coulldetitlal. People's l 'l- nandal Exelmnifc , O. llouscarenmanager ; room Wi llarker block , 15th and Parnam , fi07 ! PEH CENT , money to loan , Patterson * liar- U nardaiSSlothst OU WE ktvpon hand moiioy to loan on lusldo property In Omaha and South Omaha In umn from SiM > l to t-\W , nnd ns we do our own aluiiUntr. make nil papers , etc. , wo can c-om- ilcto n loan any day you w lah and pay you tlio noney Ilfttcsi , Smith S. Co. , Hoom 201 , Hamgo mlldliig. 104 / < HA'lTP.Land collateral loans , M. E. DaMs , V-/II1 y , 13th st. Jtoom'JT. 751 to loan on Oinatmund South Omaha property , C. F. Harrison 4H s. 15th st. all ( huOO.OOit ( ipeTr crontT Money to ioan on "rupnv ipved farms or city property. James A. Wood- nan , nt tliei old flro Insurance ollico of Murphy i Loett , 220 S. 13th St IVil BUSINESS CHANCES. \VANT1SD-A partner with tl.noo to J.2,000 to ' enuagoiua manufacturing business w hero ncicased capital Is roiiulrod. Addro s A , 72 , tee olllce , 731-iVt ! 1JH1K SALE llarbcr shop and bath rooms In JL1 Pacltlc hotpl ; will bo sold at n bargain after , Sept. 1st , ( .binlesMoser , Norfolk , Nob.W W 20' "IOH SALE He'stiiurnut complete , dlsiios JL ; tables , table Ilimn , napkins , cutlery , chnlrs ollico dek , and nil in irood nhupc. Peedlng iK ( ) people ft ilny , can bn botiltht at your own prluu for 3 das s only. H 11. Wandell , 40S N 743 2S IT OIt SALI' HoardbiK housp. saloon and sta- JL'blp. ] | p < a location in Omaha. Applvtoll. Miiiiuwolle-r , 411 S llth st. 1:1 1 ! AA AN rnl-HlKhTpaTi7 ) ith ? ,1KlO ( cash to ' ' manage olllce ot a welli'stabllshcd Jol bitig iiislness in Omaha. Palaiyiili per mouth ntcrest In the piollls Address en- call at loom 7 > * i , Aic-aelu hott-l , until Dp. in , to-dav. Aftctr to- lay uddreas No. fiSU Grand n\eICausas Ctty.Mo. "TTHMl SALE A le'tall Rioccry business sltim- JL ; te-el on ono of the best e'orners lu this e-it > ; un old and c'stubllshed business , and a b.iigiiln lor somebody. Addiess A 61' ' , this olllco. ( " . ' ) buj s a clgnr store worth J701 , srlcndld lo- $ lattou , alsoii lestuuinnton N. Ifith st for f loll , pint cash , Co-operntho Land A ; Lot Cei. ( 205 N Kith st. 7r ( : 22 . . .3T-CL\Sa saloon for sale , centrally lo cated on t. Addro-sAM , Heeollieo. US ! Silt "JT OH SA LI'-An Interest Inacond mannfac- J tuiuiK business , must luvu fJ,500. Address A r,7 , lieu olllce. fi7n 27 LAUNDHY tor sale. Address A fXJ , lleo ollico. 073 23 * \\r.\NTED A buyer lor 2.0'X ' ) tons of icn. > ' , Iohn Hezulchok A ; Co. , 2707 Leavenworth St. ti'.H ) 22 old nstnblisliod hotel for sale , with to steady benders , 2 blocks 'fiom 17. P. depot , Aeldress , A M , llee. 050 20J "IT'OH.SALE ' At a bargain , complete emtllt for JL ? iiowspapnrniid job olllce' . Tor pnrticnlars address M. H , Carlctou , Loup City , Neb. Q > 9' ) WANTHD Paituerslilp in grow Ing business by energetic young business man. if'OJ capital. Aeldress A ! , \ lleo olllce. ( MXJ1 * "fjTJH SALE ' 1 ho bi-st groi ery for u small cap- Jw itnl In Omaha ; stocti now ; ales t" > 00 to S'lOO lipr month Investigate ; it must bo sold , Horse' will bo taken same as cash. Address A fi2 , llee. UJ722 * TJAOi HALT. 1'Irst-class bllllnrd hall and bar , iIOUR lease on propoitj1 , best stand In city ; good leasons for Bulling. Audress A "llee ollico. 574 iM _ _ "JjlOH SA LK A w ell-e.stabllshcd w holesale and Jletall tobacco and cigar business , onloylutf a Kood jobblui ; tr.ulu In city and country ; busi ness Is located on one of the principal business Mi eels In the city. Oood reasons for selling. 1'or pai tlcnlais address XCn , lleeotllce , f > U OH KALr Cheap for cash , N. Y. Hotel and Hestiiurant , 70 ! ) N. Kith St. ; good business ; deslrablo location , reason for HellliiK. hftvo other business to attend to. Call on or address K. A. ilaish. W8N Kith ht Omulni. _ Ml TjlOlt 8AM2 Urlck bank nnd Hxtures nt Doug- JC las Wyo. ; iiro chance. Adcliess Alex , T. Hutlei , DouKlas , Wyo. tS&'M OK SALi ; Abstiact books of Omaha and Douglas county , This Is an established , rapidly increasing , business , paying n larijo Interest on the Investment , For books and good will of the business. Omaha leal us- tate or secured paper w ith a fair cash payment will bo taken. George W. Ames , 1607 riirnom. _ filii _ 1710K SALK Livery stable , stock and llxturoa -U complete , all ue.iily new , rout reasonable , centrally located. Address A 14 , lleo olllce. 4T1 s Lit _ _ TJlOIl SALi ; Or trSile , for goodMfiroductlve J property , one of the best notels in Omann. Address . 58. lleo olllce. _ 171 8 3 1/1OU SALIi At JCPni-noy , Neb. , the furniture J.1 and lease of Urnnd Central hotel. The second end Best housu In the city , and the best located , being opposite depots. Doinrf u paying busi ness. Pilce $ l.r,00. lunnlru T. U. llralnaid , Jltaw ay hotel , Kearney , J\'ob. _ JJ71 FOU SALK A ( jooil him beicoal , ralagrlcultu implemeht ami llvo stock bu luesscss. Addr lledgo llros. , Yutan , Neb. 791 s 1 ltlJU store7esTablishcd a ) J rs. this cltyJ2,000 cash , rare bargain ; address X.bA lleo. iJI FOH SALK Stock of hardware , In good coun ty seat town , only two stocks in the town ; best location In brick corner stole ; good coun- tiy surioundlne ; ciops and buslnuis prospects nxcellent. Oood reasons gh en for selling. Ad dress J. W. Dolan. Indlanola. Neb. 2J1 g } FOH SALK A first class bakery , ice cream , fruit end confectionery business in Pre- moiit ; splendid location , good leasous for stillIng - Ing , Addiess Oeo , Ua lor. 1'remont , Nob. 88 FOH SALI } A gocirt grocery , established four years , good location , doing a good business. Oood reasons for rolling. i.iUO ( cwpltal , nnd will take nothing but cash. T St ) , Dee Oilico. ( KID FOR EXCHANGE , \\TANTni ) To tiade n ? 100 equity In a good ? * ( llot torahorsoand buggy. Call at 1518 IJodgo st. V.4 1 IP yon liavo a stock ot grocorles , gciieral in or- chandlsp , haidw.ire , drugs or millinery goods to exchange for w stern land and NOIIIQ cash , addicss , John A ; Case , Cambridge , Nob.M ? M 23' G-HOOM honsB and good lot on S , 10th St. , for house and lot 111 Kouutza I'luiu ; reason for change , moving business to north put tot town. Apply at once. C. P. llarilsou , 41s S. 15th st. Ml WHAT have you to trade for 8U acres or land unlncumbeied in .lunoan county , Wls , n miles fiom county seat. Q. J. 6 , opp 1'ostodico. 107 WANTKD To trade an t OO ClilclTei Ing piano slightly used for n howe and buggy. Call nt 1511 ! Dodge st. _ _ _ _ T-jJ2 ; _ GOOD faun lands in Iowa or Nebraska , nnd cash to exchange for geneial md&e. Co-oper- atlvo Land A. Lot Co. , L'0N. . Ifith st. 4lij aJ.STKHNanOUFK.Iloom 0 , opposite P. > ( ) . , has some choice farm land to trade for city piopeity. Will ussumo li ht incum- brancos. sri \ \ ANTJU-A Email block of clothing and > > furnishing goods or boots and shoes to trade for land or lots in Lincoln , Addiess llox fcO , Lincoln , Neb. 4JU _ \\7HAT liavo you to offer for 1j ! > o acres of T T timber laudl n West Virginia , clear of in- cnmbrance , perfect title. QeorKO J. Stornsdorff. Itoom 0. opposite P. j ) . _ 331 fllKADES made in real estate and personal J , jiroperty. See exchange book. Co-oo. L. ud L. Co. awJ lOth st. _ _ 1U3 _ AdOOI ) , clear lot to triule for a horsb and buggy or horae. Co-operative Land A : Ixit Lo . 'JOJ N ICt h t. | 595 23 _ _ EIGHTVTSO ) acres of nnd adjoining Lake Munawn , Council. niulTs , lix. This tract will make 400 beautiful lots ana is free from encumbralico. What nave you to offer ? Oeorga J. Slernsdorll room . opp P. o. _ 107 BUICK Wanted 100,000 bricks m exctiange for good Inslilo Omaha property , H , A. Sloraan room L"J ana "J Mailman bldg. rat \\7ANTEn-A good horse , buggy and harness T T In exchange for South Omaha lot * , ( leorga J. Btctnsdorlf. room fl. opp postofllco. 10 WILL give you a good traaa ror an eight or ten room nouse and lot , Georb'o J , Sterni- dorff. Koom 0. opposite P. O. all G OUNCIL Uluffs Iho very choicest residence site in Council Illufr * , fiontluu three streets , six blocks from the postofllce , large plat o ] ground , high eloratlon and mngnttlcent view , Can offer thin ror a few days at a low price. C s be bought only of us. M. A. Upton i Co , 741 _ 5ilOOM now honne on West Casi for sale on monthly iiayratnts ; price K.MW. F. K. Dar ling , 1UI ruronou , 718 21 FOH SAI.HA very choice hojiio In Kount7u place , 10 rooms , all com dnlences , J4,0i ! < i , tljM rash , bal. tobtilt ; If > on are looking for n good ln\e tuient in this addition hero Is your chance. , price asked ts actual cost , built bv owner nnd must be sold , 1' . JC. Dai ling , 15 . ' 1 I'atnnm. TBM _ "IjlOll BALI' Pine east front ilallscom Place J-1 lot , f.l feet front on grade , } JnoO.l. . cash , handy to Houth oninlm culmrban trams. ( ' . 1' . llnrrit-on , 418 y 15th tit. " _ 4 .1 _ H OU811S in any part "oTTho elty for sale on monthly payments ; como look over the list. P. K. Darling , Ital Pin nam. 74n SI "IJ1OH SAlJ ; or trade for good Omaha prop- Jerty : AOUncrn furm , ! 1V1 acres improved , teed buildIngs - Ings , orchard , pustule , all No. 1 tillable laud , tw o miles from railroad station. illOacrn farm. SM acres cultivated , orchatd. imall f rnlt , large grove , good buildings , nil good bottom land 14 miles from county seat , 4(0 ( acres highly Impioved farm , ' X ) bearing apple tix-es , small fruit , timber and wa ter , huge liouao and barn , 4 miles fiom county Beat. ; ilO aero farm , 200 under cultivation , large new- house , itnble , pasture , timber nnd water , 1'j ' miles from county eat. 'Iheso lands nro all situated In Thayer county , Neb. , in the best crop region In the utate. This is 3 our chance to buy or trade for what Is Worth thu money. Per prices uiul terms call on or writeO. II. Coon , Hoomai. Warollldg. , 740 27 Cor. IMIi and Karnam sts. , Omklm , Neb. 171011 SALII-inO acres No. 1 hay land in Doug. JJ las Co. , only b miles from Omaha. ( UO-ncro ranch , with stock and all Improve ments , at a great bargain , in Western Nebraska , Several houses aud lots , and largo Interest jiajlngpioperty for wilo. For further purlieu- lais apply to Martin Calm & Co. , real estate , 1 : > " 1 Khruam nt. , up stairs. _ 731 ! id FOK SA LK New f > room cottage , full lot , cor. and Casx. onlyJV-i ' . nntllSept. leasy ; terms. U. 11. Sllkwoith , luWPiunam. ( W4-S7 * 1 HAVi : three lots In Wakeley s addition , east .1 front corner , fi'J Ci-dxIM ) , whlcii I will trade for a piano. Lots \ allied at FiW a piece. These are deslrablo lots , and close to Dunuee place , whom thtiMituo sire lots are selling inpldly for fl.COO apiece. Address , AC. , lice ollico , 715 " 4 ? TJIOlt SA"lii : TOsl'MTTanioy nnd Kith street , M lICJxlU Harney and 'Jiith street ; llnestresl- deure piopprty In the city. Wixl.Cl SOth near Nicholas street. Lots In Wise & Parinali'U'Hiiuil 111 lugs' place. Will take "omo mortgage notes nnd brick. Paul , \ NtKiiinam. \ . wVl | 7 0H SALI' Or exchange. We have some JL' good Omaha real estate and Nebraska fat inn , which wo will sell cheip or trade for slock of clothlm ; , furnishing good" , drr goods , boots and slums , groceries or hardware. Schlos- lmjerjb os. . IIH S. 10th st. _ 0 15 UM.MI-0 ) ( rash , balance to milt , either by thu Pmonth or year buvs n good , now , two stcny housu in llillsldoadd. No. I ; house has water , gas IKturos , electric bells , speaking tubu , two palls hiidlng doors , Hue wood mantel , bath- loom , cesspool connection. clstein , largo rreiieh window ait glass transoms , laundiy In base ment , large porch , oil Ilnlsh , and uvorvthlng good ; lot 50\r > 0 , all to bo xodded and fenced. MyownhoH e. and 1 can make pi Ice to suit. Call on 1) . V. bholes , room 1 , llaiker block. il't'liit ' _ TfTlOK S\l.i-llotel : nt mu i Illce , contains Si -L1 looms , lents for $1,200 u year , splendid IOIM- tlon \\iilsell for * MHM , one-lhlid c.ish. Ad dress James P. Iilllon , attorney. Koom ( M , Omaha National bank building. 5'ilK'i ! * "IjlOlt SALI' A C-room east fiont cottage on J "Oth st , Inside the mlle elide , only { .IMN , ) , on easy terms. J. II. Kvans , 1510 Dodge .st. 51(1 ( 'iJ 1T1OH SALP.-lly Dexter L7 Thonms7Tvt No" Jj biaska Savings Hunk , 10th and I'aiuam ; iO per cent oil \uluo. lu lull lots at ijiado 0 blocks from postolllco dock. South Omaha , J50J each , terms to bull ; \\io \ wanis llrst cholco/ ! l lots on Painam street , east of Dundee Place , lorth or honth fronts , ll.WM earn and h-ss. fj nicest lull lots In lledfoid Place.south fionts , choice J7X ( ) , terms easy. ID nicest corner lots nnd adjoining in Lincoln Place , very cheap andteuns to suit. 6 ana 10 acre timber tracts ( i miles fiom Omaha P.O. , fldil per acre. P noio tracts by Florence , can't bo boat for bmall fruit , JfiJ per acre. 1 owuthuaboxons well as lots In vailous ad- lltlBiis luoludiug 0 lots on West llroadway , Council Hlults. See mo for a bargain. Dexter L. Thomas , at Nebraska Savings Hunk , Hoard of ' 1 lade building , ! tl "V1I\V cottages and lots near P O. and st. cars , JL > Jl.HOO , * .Ml cash , balatue monthly. D. ( ' . Pat- : er ou , Omaha Nat. bank building. 5lr > 111 iriOlt SALK- Some good renting properties -I.1 that will pay over 10 per tent revenue on ; > rlce. J. II. livan.s. 1510 Dodgo. _ r.ld 2J FOH SALI ; Several of the llncst building sites In the citv , iutludiug some choice " -outh and east trout corners. J. It. Kvans , 1510 Dodge , f.lB S3 OH SALK Kixfiil feet , corner Chicago nnd 11th stn , with butcher whop thereon , Apply to Thos 0 Connor. ! 118 8 12th at. 4M S3 * Foil SALT A new , tidy 4-room cottage ; ! l closets ; building paper between sheeting and siding ; SiMoot lot , only $1,500 ; $ JJO or * JW ( cash and balance easj monthly payments. J. II. Evans. IMP Dodge st. _ _ M6 gJ IjlOH SALK Improved farm of 80 acres ; good JU orchard , fences , house , barn , outbuildings nnd living water ; fifteen miles from Omahii. The best pioduco and live stock market in the world. $15 per acre. 0. P. Harrison , 418 S. 15th , Omaha. 5t _ _ for oomo of the lines trosidonco IAMngent lots in Hanscom Place nnd can off r them at llguros It will pay you to Investigate. 1 licks , Itoom 10. Darker block. 4U _ _ _ _ 7T J.srEllNS'lJOIll''P. roomO opposite posf VJ otllco , will hell you a good 4-room house on 10th street , " blocks south of car line , by pay ing iWO casn. balance monthly payments to suit. This is a splendid opportunity for any one wanting a cheap home. :31 : CJROO buys a full lot and good 4-room rottago , P easy terms and good location. Sholes & Hunt , successors to D , V. bholes , room 1 , Hint or block. Wl FHANKLIN formerly of f,4I P.ixton Illdg. will catry on hii trading at 1511 Farnnmbt. Itudlck's Illock at Paulson and Arnemau's room and will always have a good list of property to trade and exchange. 410 TJlOHSALn $1,800 for a neat B-room cottage , J ? 2011 ( Irace st.nlce home fora mechanic worn- Ing in the north part of town. Kasy payments. C. F. Harrison. 418 South 15th st. ail _ " 171OH BALK The very best laud In Cheyenne JU county , Neb. , from $ . " > .00 to J7.IW an acie. 1 tenth down , balance In ten annual iqual pay ments. Ledulo llros. , Julesburg , Colo. KU-a 23 _ _ TTKMl SALE 240 acres choice land adjoining Jil the original town of llxeter , Nebraska , l-'o acres In timothy grass ; M acres cultivated land ; M ) acres good w lid grass land. This Is suitable for line farm or addition to town. Mxetor has two lines ot H. It. , II. & JI. and N. W. , has mill , elevators , schools , churches , canning factory , &c , Addiess J. W. Dolan , ludlanola , Neb. _ \ _ _ JHOi 23 _ ONLV few lots left In II. A.M. . park addition to South Omaha. What have you to offer ? George. ) . BternsdotlT. lloom O' . O. _ _ 231 _ \\71LTj soil a lot near Lowe ave. for SI/XX ) , and T > loan flKX ( ) to Improve same , on tl'i month ly payments. Address , D. C. Patterson. 431 T710H SALK 1eaiitifuT8-room"Tiouse ! wlthaU J-1 modern improvomunta , full lot , Kountzo place , $7 , < iOO ; H cash. Will trade for good va cant business property on lower Sauudors st. C. F. Harrison. 41HSl5th st. _ C-JO FOlt SALi ; A Teautlfnl resldonce lot In Isaac A : Selden's addition ; If you want a barnaln , imestigrtte. George J. Btornsdorlf , llooin 6 , opp. ! . ( > . sal _ _ _ % ITlOil SALE I am prepared to build you a JL good house In a good location and take monthly payments on the house and lot. Cull and see mo about it. C. P. Harrison , 418 S 15th. 700 .U.i ; 1'ullJoi and Urge 2-btory nous of 7 large rooms , good well , collar , cistern In the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars , chinch , school and store close by. All new ana complete , $ _ ' ,0 K ) . Small rash payment , balance monthly. Just the place lor a man of moderate means and large family. Oomo and see me about 1 0.J' . Hanlson. 41BS. _ _ 15th St. B.T3 EAST front In Shu IPs 2d add , three-quartnra of a blk trom the route of cable ; lot 60x127 , fifeetnbovw grade ; J'J.BOO if taken quick. O. F. Harrison. 418 S 15th. 171 Proposals for Brlok. SEALED proposals will be received at the ollice of the county clerk of Douglas county , state of Nebraska , up to 2 o'clock p. in. Batur d y , August Suth , A. 1) . lfs , to furnMi said Douglas county , fifty thousand (50,000) ( ) No. ] hardbilck , tobedelheiudatthe city of Florence enco In said county. A certitlcd check for fifty dollars must accQnv pany each bid. 'I he board reserves the right to reject any 01 nil bids. lly order of County Commissioners. a'jldot if. H. itociiE. County Clerk. Notice to Contractors. SEA LEO proposals will be received nt tnc olllce of county clerk. Douglas county , unti : 3 p. in. August iSth , I8b8. for removing C.OU yards , moro or less , earth , on load botweer Sees. S3 and 27,15-12 , east ot Heury Ecko. Ccrtltlod check for JoO.UJ to accompany each bid.The The board reserves the right to reject any am' all bids. M. D. Itocm : , county Olerk. ft3ldto2lm2twU Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposals will be received at th < ofllce of county clerk , Douglas county , until 2 p. in. August 23th , 18S8. for removing 2.uut yards , more or loss , earth , at Intersection ot 1 street , Boath Omaha , ana Union I' cltlc mil Certlfled check of 150.00 to accompany cad .fhf board resemi tlie right to reject any am U bid * , M. D. UOCIIB , Couuty Clerk. ' -.I ( NtCOUAINTte ITH THE OlPflmPHTOf TMt COUNTRY Will , MUCH iNronM Tiox r OM A tuoir or THII MAP or rug CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC H Its main lines and branches Include * C1IICAOO. PEOIIIA. MOLINE. HOCK ISLAND. DAVEN- PORT. DE8 MOINE3. COUNCIL BLUFFO. MUS OATINE. KANSAS CITT. OT. JOSEPH. IJ2AV ENWonru. ATomsoN. CEDAK KAFIDS. WATERLOO. 2HNNEAPOI.IB , anil BT. PAUI * and scores of Intormactiato cities. Cholco ol routoa to and from the rnciflo Const. All trans fers tn Union depots. Fast trains of Flno Day Ooacboa. elegant Dining Cnm , tnnmilflcsnt Pull * roan Falaco Bloopero , nnd ( batwoen Chlcngo , Bt , Joseph. Atchlaon and Kauias City ) Uacllnlni Chair Care , Be a to Froo. to bolder ! of through Qrat-clnge tlcKota. Chlongo , Kanoas A Nebraska R'y "Croat Rook Island Routo. " XztendB We t aud Southwest from KnnoaB City and BU Joseph to NELSON , 1IORTON. . BULLE- VIHJS. TOPE1CA. lIEnrNOTON , WICHITA. mjTCirtNSON. CALDWKLL , , and all points la KAN8A8 AND SOUTHERN NKBRA8KA and beyond. Entire pnaaenRor equipment of the celebrated Pullmnn manufacture. All eafety op- Vllnnces and modern Improvomonts. The Famous Albert Lon Route ts the fnvorlto liotwoon Chlcnpo , Rock lolnnd , Atchleon , Kansas City and Mlnnenpolls and St. 1'aul. Its Wntertown branch travorrca the great "WHEAT AND DAIRY DKLT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , ntul Ervot Central Dakota to Watortowu , Spirit Lnko. Bloux Falls and many other towns nnd cities. The Bhort Una vlClonocn and Kankakoo offers cuperlor facilities to travel to and from Indian * nrolln , Cincinnati and other BouUiorn points. For Tickets , Miim , Fildera. ordoelrcd Informa tion , apply at any COUIMU Ticket Ofllce or aildresa [ i. ST. JOHN , U. A. HOLDROOK , Qcu'l JHanasor. Ocn'l Tkt Ct Vaats. Ast. CHICAGO , -TUB OF TIIR Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' The licst Itonto from Omulia nnd Council IJIufTs to -THE EAST- - TWO TKAJN3 DAILY HKl'WKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL UI.U1 1'S Chicago , AM ) JIIh\auIcp , St. I'nul , Mliuii.ap.olit > , Oihir Iti\iill3 ( , Iloek Island , Itorkford , Clinton , Dnvcnport , Elgin , Madison , .Inncsullc , lldoK , IVinunn , Lu Crosse , Aud all other ImporlHiit iiulnta Knit , Norlhesnt nnfl Sontliouit. For through tickets cnll on th tlcVot occnt ntlSOJ rurnnmilreut , In llnrkpr Block , or nl Union I'uclflo r'iillnmn ' Sleeper ? niul the flne-4 Ulnlns Cur In th world nre run on tlio main line of ihu Chicago , Mil Kniiktu & M i'nul Itnllnu ) , nnil mi'ry uttuatlon ll ] mkl to patsengurs by courteous vmplOTCt at Uit comnnny. ll.Mlf.tiKH , ( lonpml MiiniiKor. J. r. ' 1 UCKHll. A | ( .ciiornl Mnnncer. A. V. It. CAKl'KMIJll , ( , unuinl I'anengor Bad 6f O 'KR ? KAFroni > , Assistant General l > an ca6I anJ'llckot Aijint. . . . . J.T. CLAU1C. Uoucml auucrlntcndent. RAILWAY. Omali ! . Council Bluffs Chicap , The only rend to take for Dos Molnc , Mnrdhnltown Codur K.iplcH , ( 'Union , Diion , Clikaao , Alllwaukoo , nnil nil point * Kn t Ti the people of Nobnisktt.Uolo- rnilo , Wjoiiilim , limn , iiliiho. N'ovmlii , OrnKon , Wa U InKtiniHiid California , U uliura Miiporlor advHntngc < notpoislbln lj any otlior line. Anionc iv li'w nftlin nil nienms points of aitporlorlty cnjnyi-il liy tlio patrons uf this rnml bttvrcon Ouiuhn nnil Chli.ii | > , nro Its tlirco trulns it ( Injr of DAY COACHIX which nro thn llncst tluit hiiniun art unit InKenulty cnn crentf. Its I'ALAOKhLKKI'INO CAItH. the cqntii of which cannot bo loimclrl o horo. At Council llluirs , the trulni of tlio Union I'nolllc Hull- way connect In union depot with thcuo of the Chi- cnuo.V Noithwe'tcni lly. In Chlcnito the ) train * or this line miiko clone lonncctlon with thoao of all other Kastarn llnp . For Detroit , Colnmbns , InillKnapnlls , Cincinnati , Nlnuiira I'lills'Iiitrnlo , rittaburic , Toronto , Montronl llo'ton , Ifnw ork , I'hllnilllphlu , Ilnltlmorc , Wash * Inaton , and all points In the least. Ask lor tickets via lba "NORTH-WESTERN" If you with Iho best ncconimocutlou. All ticket njientusoll ticket * via this lino. if. 11 U < ! 111 IT , K. P. WI L ON. Oen'l ' Mnnngcr. Oen'll'nsj'r AKOnfc , CIIIOAflO , Il.IJ * . NY. N BAMCOCK. \ventornAgent , D. 15. KIJIBAI.U Ticket Anent , c ) . K. W1MT , city 1'itHsenKcr Agont. 1101 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PAKIS EXPOSITION K13. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. SHE MOST PEEPEOT OP PENS , TORCHESFLAGS , BAN- ER8.TRAN8PARENCIE3. Send for Mnnufs Catnloa GFFosterSon&Go , S-t" 172 Mad l80n- . Chicago. T. E. CILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Room 03 Traders' IJull CHICAGO. Iteforeneoi-MetronoltUn National n. it. Q. bun it Co. Tim Uradnrctt O Notice to Ijnnibor Denier * . Boalod proposals will tie received at the office of the county clerk , Douglas county , Nebraska , until 2 o'clock p.m. , on the day of August. 1B8P , to furnish lumber for Douglas county ; for the year , commencing September 1st , 1088 and ; ending September 1st'Ib8 . Specifications as to kinds and rmaltty.the sama us last year. Tlie board reserves the right to i eJect - Ject any and all bids. Cortliied chock of fifty dollars to accompany each bid. alBddt JI.B. HOCHE , County Clerk. Notice to Contractors. SHALT5I ) proposals will bo received at the otHco of county clerk , Douglas county , until S p. m. September 1st , lnh , for removing 20,00(1 ( yards , more or loss , ourth , around now touuty hospital building , Ccrtlllod check of 150.00 to accompany each but. Th3 board re-gorves the right to reject any and all blda. M. 1) . KOCIIK , County Uork. S. W , Cor , Farnam and 15th Sts. I'alU ill Capital . $500,000 OEO. B. HAUKRIt , President. E. L. 1H15HUOWHH. Vice President. 1M1. JOHNSON , Cashier. Ii. II. WlM.tAMS. B. fj. H. K. JOIINRON. J. II. MejeJoNNKU , . V/M. / BIHVKIIB. OIIAH. MBTO. AM.ENT. KKCTOH. D. Oo.NNrNonAM. K A. UHN80N , OC1TAV ANDEMOtf. , J. L. MILES. / Accounti of Hankers , Merchants and IneUvld IUU received ou tli woaH Yvi' blu tormj ,