0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEJfiiTHURSDAY / , AUGUST 23. 1888. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ori'ICn , NO. 11 ! I KAllb STUIJiri1 Delivered by farrier In Anv J'nrt of the City nt Twmty Outs I'er Week. II.V. . TII/10N . ; . . . . MANAOKH. riH < r.l'lONE3i ! JiUMXF.ps Oi riCK. No. 41. NimiT 1:1111011. : Xo.W. atixot N. Y , Plumbing company. Hmtor , the tailor , HID Broadway , hna received a full line of lluo fall cixxlb. Tim Western house property on Up { cr Broailwiiy luw boon bold to W. W. 1311- yor for $0,000. Mr. und Mrs. Charles Powers nro re- joicinj ; ever the advent of iv thirteen pound girl to their homo , bW ( Tenth btrcol. Gas connections arc Iwliip laid on Fifth iivunuu t-o us to avoid future Uiar- IIIL'S up of the pavement which in to bo laid thiH fall. The city dork Usiied building por- mitH joitorduy to 12. L. Jacolw for two JSIH ) cottages and A. J. Mandell for u $700 residence. The fire ItulH at No. 4 hose hous-o secured four of the largo pictures ottered an pri/.GM by DuUo & Sons for the largest ' number of'cameo cigarette wrappers. The remains of Oru , youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Collins , wore for warded to Cilenwood yesterday uiorning for burial , Tlio deceived wits tweut > - two months of ago. Marriage liceiiseH wore issued yester day to Kred II. McMillan and Mary A. Jones , both of thin city , James 1' . Lar son and Mary C'hristaiiihon , of Neoltt , and George Anderlcirlc and l tta Troop , of tills city. Mifasos Georgia Bennett and Grace Gleas-on entertained a pleasant party Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. .Ioli n Honnett , on Willow avenue , in honor of Misses Mamie Oliver and Minnie Wells. ' 1 here were about lif- tcon couples present , and the occasion was heartily enjoyed by all. C. W. Dwinncll died at 12 o'clock Tuesday night at his residence , ! 1H ) Benton street , after a long and painful illness. lie was thirty years of ago and n Hon-in-laiv of L. Sherwood. His mother , two brothers and a sinter reside at Stan wood , Cedar county , and have been notified of hiu death. The funeral will take place from the residence at U o'clock this afternoon. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ollico , on furniture. piaiuH , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , ana all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly eonli- dential. _ S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. I'erHonal 1'aranrapliH. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Loom is are vis iting in Chicaco. .7. W. Field , of Cleveland. O. , is in the city looking after his real estate interests. lion. L. W. HO-.S . will deliver an ad dress at the old settlors)1 ) icunion at Mal- voru to-day. Misa Mao Chapman starts to-day for bonio , having spent a most enjoyable season in Europe. , Mr. George A. Webb , of Portland , Ore. , is visiting his daughter , Mrs. II. Stevenson , in this city. Hov. Father Adolph Wossolling re turned last evening from a short visit at Atchibon , Kan. , his old home. Mrs. F. W. Olmstond is visiting at her old home at Grand Rapids , Mich. She will bo abaout several weeks. Mrs. L. Simmons and daughter have returned from an extended trip to Bos ton and other cities on the Atlantic sea board. Deputy United States Clerk P. M. Hunter yesterday removed his ollico from the court house to the now federal building , whore lie may hereafter be found. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lyons , nee Jennie Vraddcnburg , have gone to Chicago , where bo will take a theolog ical course preparatory to entering the ministry in the Congregational church. Tlis wife , while there , will lake a course of musical instruction in ono of the in- Htitutions with which Chicago is well supplied. On Monday last Mr. J. J. Brown loft for n brief visit at Denver. Tuesday evening ho was notified by telcgrapu that Mrs. Morris Brown , of Dubuque , had passed away from this life , and he immediately stapled for homo. On his arrival homo ho will immediately pro ceed to Dubuque to attend the obsequies of the deceased lady. Mrs. Brown pro ceeded her husband to the borne of sorrow row yesterday morning. Wickluun Bros , began work yester day afternoon on the foundations for JlVO now six-room cottages to be creeled . by A. II. Fitch , of Omaha , on the south \ \ side of Avenue A , at the corner of Twenty-ninth street. The carpoiner work will be done by G. W. Lamborson. Mr. Fitch expects to have them ready for occupancy in about a month , anil will then proceed with the erection of live moro. The residences will bo situ ated on the motor line , thus making them readily accessible. It is probable > that they will all bo leased before the foundations are llnibhed. V Go to Fearon's for all kinds of teas Und colTccs. Mixed spices for mcklos and catsups sold only at Fearon'a. { - Our Itrnvo PolVmlorh. [ f The members of company A , Fifth regiment. I. N. G. , wlio are attending the regimental encampment atYilllb.cn , are : A. W. Cowlos , captain ; W. E. Atchi- ton , first lieutenant ; J. W. Dixon , see- Ktf end lieutenant ; Walt McNcal , Rnv Bix- If by , E. M. Tlnlcy , J. R. Barrett , F. M. K Compton , J. Holder , T. A. Bergen , Walt 1 Spoouor , II. Driosbaob , J. M. Grav ' , 0. II. Stinson , B. 13. Foster , P. McCu'llom , C. A. Williams , C. A. Stillman , James Wallace , Ambrose Burke , I. U. Parsons , C. E. Pat-sons , C. E. Woodbury. II. W. Patterson , J. O. Thomas , Fred Driver. Musicians Louis Whitoand Lee Ben nett. nett.On On Friday Governor Lnrraboo , accom panied by Adjutant General Alexander and others , will visit and inspect .the camp. _ Fresh celery and all kinds of vegeta bles at Fearon'a. All orders for groceries filled promptly at Fcaron's. AVlioro tlio Children Go. Rooms nro being fitted up in the Hil school building to accommodate th < scholars who attend tho' Mill school until the completion of the now build ing. The larger scholars will be son to the IIU1 sohool , and an offer has beoi made to secure the Lindsay building on North Main street , for the use of tin 'smaller scholars. The board meets thi ovcnlns to appoint janitors for the on euing year and to pass upon the actloi of the teachers' committee in assignim the tcacjiorb of the various schools fo the next ycor. WEDNESDAY IN THE BLUFFS , jlttlo Attention IB Prtld to Its Own Ordinances. XNOTHER CHAPTER ON SEWAGE. IJi-IlK Solitude nt Mnnawn How Ho Lost UN I'oiitliar Docket and ( iraiul Jury Council Not ( o uo Admired. The city council should take steps mmediately for the enforcement of the mlinanco relating to dirt wagons. The mlinance was passed s-omo time ago , jut is a dead letter so far as any benellt 'com it is loncerned. Tlio wagons daily leposlt their usual amount of dirt on Lho paved streets , and the street com missioner is compelled to keep a force busy cleaning up after them at a con- itunt expense to taxpayers. Some of Lho paved streets receive the greater purl of their deposit from the dirt WHshed down from tlio blurts by heavy rains , but this is the ease only in a few Instances. Streets that are nottifoctcd in this way in the slightest degivo become coated with mud to the depth of two inches , which is the direct result of the negligence of the city olllcials to enforce the ordinance above referred to. This is not the only particular in which the otllcials exhibit indilVercnce. Yester day afternoon a wagon loaded with corn hus-ks from the canning factory , jjiled high above the wagon box , was driven along Main street and Broadway , a quantity of the husks shaking out upon the paving at every stop , but no ono in terfered , although there was any amount of kicking from citi/ens who objected to having the principal streets littered up until they closely resembled a hog yard. In the same way loads of ashes and garbage are driven through the streets and the utmost indillerenco exhibited as to whether or not a part of it , is de posited along tlio public thoroughfares. A few parties ha\o been arrested , but have pleaded ignorance of the ordinance or that they wore "doing tlio _ same as all the rest"and have been discharged. What is needed is a strict enforcement of the ordinance and a severe penally for its infringement. A few good les sons would prove very bonelieial , and it would require but a bhort time to con vince the careless npartics that the council means what it says. It is ono of the rights of the taxpayers that tlio council shall not needlessly inflict the extra ex pense upon them. The streets were paved to got rid of the mud , and not to alTord a foundation upon which to deposit - posit a lot of tilth and crude malaria. If the council proposes to allow the mat ter to continue as it is , it is folly to think of doing any additional paving , as a very fair grade and depth of mud can bo secured on the unpaved streets for considerable less than $1.6U per square foot. There nro now sevc-ral miles of first-class paving in the city , and it certainly seems as if the council could keep it clean at a less expense than they now have. Prevention is bettor than euro the lobs there is deposited - posited , the less there is to be carried away. E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel becurity of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlldontal. Otlico oOO Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on farm and city property. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtolo. Not the Grent Unwashed. The sewer system of the city and its condition has lately boon made the sub ject of some newspaper comment and criticism. The statement made that insulllciont attention is paid to this matter by the proper authorities , that the sewers are clogged up and in a foul condition , is disputed by the city en gineer. That ollicial says that during the heated term and until this date special attention has been paid to this mattet and all the main sewers have been kopl as clean as it is possible to do. Some complaint was recently made of both the Fifth avenue and Ninth avenue mains and they were given prompt at tention. As to the other mains there lias been no complaint. Said the city engineer : "These state ments are ill-advised and harmful in the extreme , for a wrong impression has gene out among the people whieli materially interferes with the work we have yet on hand to do. Of course I am \\illiug to bo criticised for any failures "n my oilice work , but a paper should 'yt ' careful and state only fautb't then tic larm can result. " Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur- nibhings of the Now York plumbing Co. E. II. Sheafo & Co. . make long 01 short lime loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllci Broadway and Main street , upstairs. J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate Pacific flouso is open to the traveling : public , notwithstanding to Ihc contrary Charming Cupid. There was a happy galhoring o friends yesterday afternoon at the real donee of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace to witness the marriage of their daughter tor , Miss Mabel Wallace , lo Mr. Jame II. Wyman , of Dos Moincs. The room ; were elaborately and tastefully deco rated , and especially the parlor in whicl the ceremony was performed. Th < arcbcb beneath which the weddiiif party was to stand wore wreathed ii green and brightened byllowors , amoni the designs being a largo horse shoo Long white satin ribbons served a guides , reserving the center of tlv room for the bridal party , and making ; clear passage way from the foot of tin massive stairway. The guests boini given their places , at the arrival of the appointed hour , 3 : 0 , tlio music started Prof. Lipfort at the piano rondorct MondelbFohn's Hochzoit March , and th bridal party descended the stnirwa and onlored the parlor. The bride wa leaning upon the arm of her father , an the groom and Mrs. Wallace followoil As they took their places , the Rov. Mi Crofts , puitor of the Congregation ! ! church , began the service , which wn in strict following of the Episcopal r\\ \ \ ual. The bride was dressed in pur white , with veil , and her only jowolr , was a beautiful diamond brooch. Sh carried a largo boquot , and her costum was very rich , yet apparently simple The service was followed by the usun opportunity for the expression of cor gratulations and well wishes. The repast which followed was vor ; nicely served. The dining room wr temptingly adorned , there being in th center a largo mound of all fruits , wit boquots at tlio corners of the tabli The bride and groom occupied a tab' in the doorway , Hum honoring the guests in both rooms. There was a very largo number of re membrances' in the wnv of gifts , varied and elegant , novel und useful. Artists prolor the Hallett ft Davis piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway. Full line of shoot music at Council Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway. Snlltmlc nt Mnnnwa. There is a great contrupt between Manawa in the afternoon and evening and in the forenoon. To see three or four thousand jolly folks gathered there on a gala evening , ono can hardly im agine how dreary and lonesome the scone is the next morning. Yesterday forenoon n Bci : Investigator took a run down to the lake. There were but two passengers on the motor. On arriving at the hotel there was a funeral luibli everywhere about the house , drawn curtains and deserted pi ax/us. Of all the steamboats on tlio lake but ono was bteamed up , and this made thu trip across to the beach , carrying the two lonesome tourists. But ono rowboat was on tlio lake , and that \\as out sim ply as an experiment. The navi gators had fixed up a stern wheel and borne sort of n device for hand propell ing with a crank attachment. All else was as lifeless as a painted ship upon a painted ocean. At the beach there was a little scrubbing of bath housed and wringing of bathing suits preparatory to the evening rush. The ice cream booths were closed , the shooting gal lery deserted and everything as dead as the sand on tlio beach. Ono solitary youngster had perched himself on the end of the spring board and \\as drowsily sily waiting for some sucker to nibble his bait. It's a dreary ort of a place when the crowd is scattered anil the lake is left alone. If you have property for sale at a bar gain list it with us and wo will ntlvor- tiso it free of charge. A. A. Clark & Co. , corner Broadway and Main , over American express. For bargains in real estate boo E. H. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main street , upstairs. A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok ers' , have a list of choice inside property on their books. Nothing but bargains oll'cred. * How lie ljo .t Ilia Foot. Henry Rohlings , the boy who lost a foot in the "Q" yards Tuesday afternoon , is getting along as nicely as could bo ex pected. His version of the affair is that ho was on duty at the time , nna was walking down the track to deliver a message. Ho was between the trncke , and saw an engine and three cars com ing toward him. Ho stopped ever to the other track , and was walking back ward watching the cars that hud passed , when his heel became caught in the "frog , " and ho was hold there fast. A switchman came to his rescue , but was unable to release him , and pulled his body outside the rails , so that ho might escape with the loss of a foot. The wheels passed ever the foot from the point of the heel to the instep , tearing the llosh up to the ankle. The injured member was amputated by Drs. Lacey and Green , at a point a fo winches above the anklo. The boy stood the opera tion splendidly , and will probably re cover. Comparatively little blood was lost during tlio operation , and the pa tient was yestordav quite strong. Ilit injury will keep him in the house foi several weeks to come. GRKA-T SALE Of Council UlulTs Lots nt Aucil. n. I will offer for sale and sell without reserve to the highest bidder one-hall of all the lots in Cochran's addition tc Council Bluffs. Ono lot of every other pair through out the whole addition will be bold with the privilege to the purchaser of the re maining lot at the same price. The ground on which the addition is laid is known as the old fair ground forty , north of the Union Pacific depot , and south of Broadway. The number ol lots are 1GO , or four to the acre. TIIIMS. Ton per cent of the purchase mono.y cash in hand. The balance in nine equal annual payments to bo evidenced by notes bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum , secured by mortgage. The pro.ort.y ] purchasers will got warrantee deeds , title perfect. I will also sell on the same terms and at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub division and Street's addi tion on grounds joining on the north. Some of these lots are situated on Broadway. DAY or SAW2 sr.rTKMiinti 12. The place of sale will bo On the grounds on Wednesday , the 12th o September , 1888 , and continue from daj to day till all is bold. The lots and blocks will bo numborci on stakes and maps furnished biddcri on day of sale. Other particulars 01 day of salo. A. COUUUAN. t'ropnrinjj for Trouble. The bar docket for the August ti/nn o the district court , which convenes nox Tuesday , has been issued , and is one o the largest for years. It contains 41 ! cases , and trial notices have been borvei in ninety law and sixty-thrco cquit ; causes of this number. There are als tliirty-thrco criminal causes , mostl ; liquor and gambling cases. Judge C. I1' Loofbourow will bo upon the bench Following are the names of the gram jury : A. T. Whittleboy , Kane ; .7. II. C Stuhi1 , Pleasant ; Thomas Leonard IIa/.el Dell ; S. Dye , Macedonia ; N Kiorch , Koir Crook ; II. Ilaywood , Garner nor ; O. II. Dutrow , Crescent ; A. Hat ris , Knox ; A. J. Taylor , Washington S. V. Pratt , Norwalk , and James Rain bow , Silver Creek. Money loaned on furniture , piano' diamonds , horses , buggies or anythini of vnluo , at low rate of interest. N publicity ; fair and honorable dealing A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broad wa , and Main , ever American Express. A list of filty vacant dwollini. ' for rent can bo obtained at ollico of E II. Sheafo & Co. , corner Broadway am Main streets , up stairs. ROUK > I on lints. Four vags appeared in tlio police cout yesterday morning , and were bout eve the same road as others of their clasi who have business with Judge Aylei worth in his ollicial capacity. They wi pose on the streets for the next te days , as objects of public property. Pat Murphy was relieved of 88.10 1 satisfy the claims of justice.Villlai Smith , R. O. Boyco , Arthur Wisnoi Bert Sorensen and Charles Gib.so figured in the role of "bleeds. " The became very noisy on Upper Broadwni and were run in for disturbing til peaco. Their cases were continued. Drink Malto for the nerves. Patrons of the Pacific House ha\ none hut words of praise for the nttoi tion given them. f ' - " t - n r i A Itousof I''or MntinMw. The Count 11 BjulTs Houtng ii tion Is making un effort to hold a grant regatta at Lake Manawil about Septom bar 0hl which hit the amateur rhftln plon scullers and oarsmen of the Unltet States and Canada will bo here , and i Biiltlcient inducement is offered the ; \\ill htop over and row for gold medals They are on their way to Salt Lak < City , Utah , to attend a regatta gottei up by the rallrond companies to ndvor tlce Salt Lake , ami only champion ere wi and scullers were invited to attend. The following entries can bo secured for Council Hluflo : Uoubto sculls Horf & Weinnnd , twict champions of the world ; Muchmore < King , of Minnoanolis : Kllby & Sehneck of Ottumwa and Council Blufis. Single pculls J. F. Corbet , champion of the world ; J. E. Muchuioro , of Mlnno apolls , and E. L. Kllby , champion o Iowa. Pair oared shells Gnstriek and Mai- com , twice champions of the \\orld ; LiV' ingston and Male , of the Sylvttns , ami Council Binds. Four-oared shells SylvaiiH.of Mollno , who have never been beaten ; Lurlines , of Minneapolis ; O-wash-tn-nongs , ol Grand Rupids ; Fnrrnguls , of Chicago and Council Blulls. For fast and exciting races this re gatta will bo equaled by rene ever hold in the United States , and Council Blullsi is very fortunate to have auopnortunity to bid for it. A nocting was hold last evening at the olllce of Dr. Suybert to consider thu matter , but owing to the small attend ance it was postponed until to-morrow evening , when everybody interested in the matter is requested to meet at the board of trade rooms at 8 o'clock. Such a regatta us that proposed would advertise Manawa and Council Blulls very extensively , and the opportunity should not bo allowed to pass. It would bring thousands.of people to the city from surrounding towns. The associa tions will pass through this eityon tlieii way westward next Sunday morning , and it is designed to hold the regatta on their return. Tlio necessary purses and medals for a two davs' regatta would cost about $ )00 , and tlio citizen. will bo called upon to subscribe thai amount. Those interested 'at Manawa can well afford to give the greater purl of the amount , as iwouU immediately return to their pocket' increased by 100 per cent at least. Sucl races woulil increase the business o the motor line at least 8-500 a day , ii fact it would bo unable to furnish trans pprtation to all who would desire t < visit the lake. Other interests wouli bo bcnelittod in proportion. It certainly tainly seems as if there would bo IK dilllculty whatever in securing the desired sired amount , and it is hoped that in toroj-ted parties will not fail to hi present at the meeting to-morrov evening. Baird has the most complete line o fruits in the city1 , fresh and cheap. Soli by the do/.on or box. Missouri peaches by the basket vor ; cheap at Parks & Sons' this morning Call early. _ Full line of shbot music at Counc Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway. Stop at the Pacific House. The mos centrally located hotel in the city. The New Pirst Header. Detroit Free Press : Lesson I. "Lc us go upon the street ear and take long ride. Do you , see with what swift ness they movoV" "I do. Tlio motion almost takes in , Urcatli away. " "You must hang on to your hat or yo will lose it. Do you see the lady wit ] pink strings on her bonnetV" "Yes , I sec her. She is very pale am nervous. Is she afraid that the car wil run off the track ? " "Not exactly. She is worried abou the conductor. " "Is bo not a good man ? " "Ho is a noble follow , with n wife am ton children to support ; but she i afraid of his eyesight. Do you see tha coin in her lingers':1" : "Yes. It is a silver quarter. " "No , my son ; it is a lead quarter on she has been trying to got rid for ; month. Now ho comes along and bh hands it out and smiles and sweetly exclaims 'Tickets ! ' " claims : , please "And the conductor ? " "Ho smiles sweetly but sadly. " "And " "And returns it with the remark tlia she ought to have worked it off on cir cus days. " "And is she sorrowful ? " "Oh , no. She is mad as a wet hen and she takes the number of the ca and will try to have the conducto bounced foi1 incivility to passengers. " Lesson II. "It is night , but if yo liavo sharp eyes you can BOO a man ii iho shadow of the trees across th way. " "Yes , I see him. lie soomb to bo spj ing on the house. " "So ho is. Some folks might jump t the conclusion that ho is a burglar , bu he is not. Ho is , on the contrary , on- - of our most estimable citizens , and live in that very house. " "Why doe.s ho act so qucorly ? " "They all do when out till this hit hour , lie is talcing time to decide. " "Must he decide something ? " "Ho mu.sl. Ho must decide whothc to walk in openly and boldly tell hi wife that ho was detained at the olfic on important business , or sneak in an hope to find her asleep , and then vo next morning that it was only 1 o'clock. " "But wasn't ho detained at th office ? " "Oh , yes , but it's an old chestnut , yo know. " "Perhaps she is1 asleep. " "Perhaps she isn't. That's her at tli upper window , and she is watehin him. Poor man ! How sad his lot ! Bi such is life in a great city. " Po-/.7.oni's Complexion Powder pri ducos a soft and boitutiful skin ; it con bines every clement of beauty and pui ity' ' . - , "Watermelon .1 nice for thoComploxloi St. Louis GlobQ-Domocrnt : Miss Carri Townsend , South St. Louis , tolls tl : following : "I Always have a fooling i pity for girls who have llorid or sallo complexions , or whoso faces are bespa tercel with freckles , looking as if ihc had been about when a bran bin hn exploded. I feel sorry for thorn , m because of any hai'm that the frockli do , for really I think them nice , as the are evidence of a pure , light an healthy complexion , but because the r < moval of them or the snllowncss is t easy if they only knew how. I ace dentally discovered a sovereign reined a couple of years ago , which cost no : to nothing. "Ono day the plumber shut our wat < ' off and I 'could got none in which ' wash my face. I was fearfully faoilei and looking out of the window Just the I say a friend approaching to call c mo. Glancing about mo I noticed hn of a watermelon from which the me had been removed seine time before , was partly filled with juice and I habti washed my face in it. The result was soothing that I repeatedly washed n face in that manner. Judge of my o tonishmont , a few davs later , on seoii that there was not a freckle left on n - /J * _ - LATESfBY TELEGRAPH ! THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE WAS RECEIVED LAST EVENING : NOKTII PLATTK , Nob. , August 22.To Council Blulta Carpet Co. Gentlemen : I have just completed a two-story , nine room house. I want carpets as follows : 40 yards Mo- quette , 50 yards HniBdels , 75 yards Ingrain , 35 yards Velvet. Also curtains as follows : 35 shades , 8 pairs Brussels lace curtains , 3 pairs Swiss lace curtains , 5 pairs Irish Point , 2 pairs Turcoman Portieres , 1 pair Plush Portieres , with curtain loops , poles and all necessary fixtures. Please send samples and prices. YOUR GOODS AND PRICES LAST YEAR WERE MORE THAN SATISFACTORY , Please reply by return mail. U. T. N. aco. A number of my girl friends then .ried it , and the result wnsagrcut benu- ifying of countenances. No matter vhat is wrong with the face , the juice of the watermelon will rectify it and u'oduco a clear pkin. " O. Ij. S. C. CiuurAiQtu , N. Y , August 'JJ. The sov- nth anninil comtacncemtMit of ttio Chautnu- un Literary und Sciontillo citrlo was hold o-day , with i"OJ members of thu cluss of present. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIC'K. CJl'lTIAIj nilvprtlspmi'iitSMirhat Io t , round , -j Tolo.uiror Snlp.'i'o Hunt\\unts. Itourdlnjr , itc , will l > Insi-rU'd in thin loliimn nt the low aluofTI NTNTS IM'.K 1,1-NI , for tltn tlrst in- : ertlcm unil I'vu Cents Per Ilnu for uucn HUbse- iiii-nt insertion I.L'avo mlvurtlsumpiits til our illlee. No. 12 1'eurl Street , near HrouQ\say , Council 11 111 Hi , Icmn. WANTS. for ront. Johnston .V Vnn Patten , HOUSES ht. TJVJH HKN'I' 1'otlr rooms for housfkecplnu ; Jc nNo suite ot three , and two ulnnle rooms , O furnlthed room" . No. 15 North Mnln st. S A t.K Harbor slioj ) and llxtnrcs nt 1W FOIt , Council HlutTH ; need trudo ; unt- : fnctory reasons for selling ! bargftlu for the right man. WANTKD A peed responsible pnity to take charge of mid furnish n new three-story l > rick hotel located la Hurvitrd , Neb. W. J. i'urner , tieaturer. F OUND-Atlno water spaniel. Call nt 1101 Seventh aoutie. . A W-acre small fruit farm very cheap. Just -cX outMldo city limits , or will divide into ! 0 aero tincts to suit purchaser. H T llrjnnt & Co ANTIJD A Kood lrl for Kcneral house work. No. KS ) Sixth ineinit ; . LOST Or stolen A 12-year-old Krny inure. Howard for leturu to Axel Oleson , 7-0 Washington nenuo. . TT1OK SAI.i : The best small fruit und veReta- J bio larm in Pottawattamio county , two miles from Council lilulls postolllce , nt a price that will sell it , on remarkably ea y terms. Title perfect and property in yooil condition. Possession given nt any time. Good rnason for selling. It. T. llryant & Co. , OJ3 Hroadway , Council llluffs , la. ) Stocks of merchandise to ex change for city propei tj' in Council HlulTH , Omaha , or westein laud or chattels of miy kind. Wo make exchanging n specialty. K. T. llryunt & Co. , ( SiS Hrondwny. Stocks ot merchandise. Have WANTKU and Council lllutrs city property , also w estern land to exchange for Koodi. Call on or address .lohiiaoii Ac Christliiu , Koorn 33 , Chamber of Commerce. Omaha. TAXI DERMY F. J. BREZEE , THE TAXIDERMIST , In accordance with numerous requests has de cided to teach Taxidermy iu all its branches. Mounting ulrdi , $ .V ) ; with mammals and other Intricacies , $ luO. Would also like to receive aiders lor laiKO or small case1 * . Order now to K 't fall specimens. No. CIO Main St. , Council UlulTs. SNYDEB & SNYDER M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDER , SPECIALIST : Disoiiflcsof Women und Children , SOT Hroatwur. Council Ululls. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. WOHroadway Council IIluffs , Iowa. Estaulbhod D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. tSO and R. Main StreetCouncil Illuffs.Iowa , FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 151-1 DOUGIj.YS ST. . OMAHA. NKU THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PIUCE $15. Is equal to any High Priced Machine. Tlio Kdlson > llnicourali | , the best appumtus for innnlfolillDKi autliOBmiihlo ana trpowrller wor * . 3OU ) copies ran to taken. The Esiohlor Co. , Council Bluffs , la. m. MCIS mm COn. 5T1I AVI1 AND 7TH ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent eclucatlonnl Institution. fmnhU- cd with nil modern linprovcroonta for boiudlus and day Bchool. The academic year consists of two sessions , beginning on the llr t Monday In September and February , respectfully. Terms-Hoard and tuition pur session , S75. For further particulars address Slsier Superior. - Council Uluits , 1 . Bt. I'-rsncls Academy , tinr- " > REDUCTION From 15 to 25 Per Cent. DAYS "d NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE Bluffs."d PETER C. MILLER , Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAM'HO LOCAL , AXD TltAViil\ : < ; : : \TS OX Smith's Bakery. "Wholesale Bread & Cakes. KSTAULdSHICD 1812. INCOIll'OKATUD 1878 CO- , MASSILLOX , OHIO , MAM'FACTUIU'.KS. Especially Adapted fofl SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINES. Speclllcatloni and chtlmatos fiiniishud for complete steam plants. HcKuIutlon. Durability Guatv. oiiU'cd , Can show lulurs liom iihorshere fuel Kronomy Is equal with Corliss Nou-C'ondunsini ; . KUAKIII IIOL'fel ) , COIJM'II. , IIMJITS , IOWA. Send tor Catalogue E. C. HARRIS , Manager. A HOME FOR SSO CASH IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. To eloso out the roiiiniiiing lots in Squiro'a addition to Council BlufTa , I will soil' the lincst locult'il lots in the city for $50 cash payment , and longtime , homoa , and 1 will make lib- , who dcsiro to fcocuro time on bulniii'o to i > on = ons . oval lo'ins to these who desire aid in building houbca. Call ( it once mid. sen mo at MRMHile Temple , Council lllulTb , Iowa. C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260