THE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY , AUGUST 23 , 1883 , LINCOLN SEWS A8D NOTES , A Mother Potltlons for the Custody of Her Olilld , THE CONGRESSIONAL OUTLOOK. Biijiilcinonnl | ( Ijlst of DflcijfUOH to tin ; lfcp Witter Convention to Jlc Jli'ltl nt Denver Uriel'.MctitlotiH. LIKCOI.N IJniiuu OF Tun OMAHA nen , 1I 1 Ntt'J 1 SriuiT : : , I LINCOLN , AiiKUnt3 . ) The following netltlon for writ of habeas corpus was filed In thu county court tills morning : Your petitioner , Ktnrnii Sexton , icsppct- ftllly if iirosiints to tins lionorubln court , unil to Hon.V. . 10. Stt-'wnrt , juiljrc tin rrof : 1. Tlmt fiho is thu tiiolhcr of Dii'k Sexton , ninlnorof UioiiKoof three yenM , ntul that who In entitled to the care , custody mid con trol and education of mild Infant md : minor child. 2. That said minor and Infant child Is un lawfully deprived of his liberty by William Koxton , .lohn Livingston and Alexander Sexton - ton , and ho haa liuon by said persons unlaw fully and wrongfully tiikcn from his mother , your pptltioner. Volir petitioner thrroforo prays that a writ of habeas corpus may bo Issued out of this honorable court , unil that Huid Dick Sexton may be ( iinclmi-Kcd from said unlawful im prisonment , and that he may bo restored to your petit loner. The writ was issued and the case will bo tried as noon us a return can lit ) hud , C OXOUU4fllONAIi OUTLOOK. The ainokn 1ms about cleared uway from the contest over delegates to the eonfjres- nlotiul convention with the outlook favorable to Mr. Council. Ho will KO Into the conven tion with n positive ) strength and iv force of instructed doleKUtcs equal to the combined force of hiH competitors , The Indications now are ho will 1x3 nominated on the first ballot. Without including Lancaster county , instructed for K. E. Hrown ; ( Jii'e ( county , Instructed for Ucneiiil Colby , or Richardson county , Instructed for .tuiliru Kcavos , he will receive on the llrst ballotnt ninety votes , or eight moru than will bo required to nominate. Should Lancaster county or Oa o county drop their homo candidate the veto for Mr. Conuell will bo largely in- created , as many of the delegates from those counties look upon him personally us their eccond choice. i .i.iruTKs rou i > ix\r.n. The following is a supplemental list of delegates appointed by Governor Thaycr to the deep water convention to bo held nt Uon- ver , Col. , on the itoth of August , 1SS3 : Frank Sharp , -At'iinson , Holt county ; 1. 11. Alter , Grand Island ; 1'uul Schminko , Nebraska City ; M. I. . . Hajwood , Nebmska City ; Church Howe , Albion ; T. . I. Majors , Peru ; .1. M. Leo , Oxford ; .1. W. Dolan , Indlanoln ; Lornn Clnrk , Albion ; A.H.Connor , Kearney - noy ; E. M. Coffin , Ord ; Henry C. Andrews , Ord ; George 1) . Moiklejohn , Fullerton ; II. C. Cornell , Valentino ; G. W. Wilkinson , .Dakota City : .J. W. Dawcs , Crete ; M. A. Dougherty , Crete ; A. 13. Slater , Wayne ; Ezra Hrown , Harvard ; Vf. 11. C. Hico , Central City ; C ! . M. Lamburtson , Lincoln ; K. P. Davidson. TecuniReh ; Ira Hrashcars , Sidney ; Harrison Hontwick , Hastingw ; C. Uurch , Wyiuoro ; C. W. McNamara , Plum Crcok. CITY NT.Wft ANII NOTKS. General Vim AV'yck pasnod through the city this morning on route homo from Carlton - ton , where he addressed an old settlors' re union yesterday. C. E. Verity , of Sioux county , n former north Nebraska newspaper man , represents his county in the state convention. Ho is for Lccso und all other candidates for the people. The fanners of Wayne county tiled a peti tion against the rescinding of freight rates to-day. It was signed by thirty members of the alianco and othur good citizens. Henry Veith vs .lames McMurtry ot nl was Joined in the supreme court this uiorn- ang , on an appeal from the Lancaster district court. and Vitality Arc quickly given to every pnrt ot the body by Hood's Snraitpimlla. Thi tired feeling is entirely overcome. The blood in purificclonrieliod and vitalized und carries hunlth instcud of disease tc every organ. The stomach is toned anil strengthened , the appetite restored The kidneys and liver are roused am' invigorated. The brain is refreshed the niiud made clear and ready for work. Trv it. THE BUNKO MEN. Au Old-Time Steercr Discourses Upoi * a Iloviving Art. Saratogo Special to Philndolplii Times : It has recently boon said tha "bunko" is ono of tlio lost arts , bu among the swells ol this cool and delightful lightful resort is nu ox-bunko king wli has acquired wealth , and under his nov name is a successful broker in Wai Btrect. Ho is tall and graceful in car riugo , and keeps the linost tournou that dashes pant the Grand Union hotu.1 Not one in a thousand knows that it is not ton years since ho sola a ' 'gold brick" to John \V. Garrett , the woll-ro- luomborod president of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , for $10,000 , and eot away with the money , The railroad presi dent's "brick" was found to contain gold to thu amount of 81 in the left-hand corner thereof. Garrett never told the Btory , but it leaked out through the "chevalier , " who now occupies 0110 of the best rooms at the United States hotel , and whoso chock would bo good in Saratoga for $100,000. , tJUAMTIKS UKlJtriKKD. Engaging this man in conversation , I asked htm what wore the requisites for a successful bunco operation. Ho re plied : "Three things are absolutely need ful : " 1. The bunco man imibt bo dressed in the height of fashion. " : i Ho must have unbounded faith in the credulity and gullibility of man kind. " ! 1. Tie must bo of gontcol address and ho must have subllmo audacity. " "Tho rest is easy. I remember that 'Hungry Joe , ' who was finally 'sent up' by Inspector Williams , of Now York , used to boast that lie sold a 'gold bride' to ex-Senator Gordon , of Georgia , and it is really astonishing the number of victims a woll-drossed sharper can cor ral onto in a your. " TALKS or mrxco 31 KN. A Philadelphia , gentleman , who sat on the plami of the hotel , spoke up and' eaid : "lean believe , sir , all you bay , for McColgan , who to long kept a pool room iu Philadelphia , was bounced out of & ? ,000 by a young man who met him in Cincinnati , and played no newer racket than the old ouo of being Mr. Droxol's nephew. " My handsome acquaintance , who varied the monotony of his story by ti visit to the long bar room ) where the Roodcror was always cold , remarked that ho "didn't think there was a 'pro fessional' who would stoop to So small an act as to boat McColgan out of $3,000 for a professional bunkoor always struck for higher game. " Ho described with minuteness the success whiah attended a celebrated crook who called himself Cyrus. W. Maltaland , or Henry Wost- brook. Putting his foot on the plnzzu , and with n fiOc Flora dl Cuba between his lips , ho told the story in those words : CYIIUS M.UT.U.AXD'S CAUKKU. "Cyrus Maltaland wns the discarded son of a great English manufacturer , who has twice boon n Member of Par liament , and who supplied his eon's lux urious tastes aslougos that was possible , Cyrus was born with , elegant deslros , which nothing less than Hothchild'f wealth would gratify. Crookedness ol lha crookodcst kind caused Cyrus to seek American shores. "His first field of operations was Capo May , whpro lie got away with a MU < )0 ) chock from a rich nuUitnoraan , who was so ashamed of being duped by ono of his own , proti-ndcd , to\s'nsmen that ho took care never to toll the talc himself , But the Jersey authorities did not take kindly to Maitahuul , or to Ills heathen chinco games. T'lo ' police force could not bo induced to 'stand in with him , ' as the saying goes , and ho was glad to got away from the Capo. "Maitalund's favorite alias was Henry Wustbrook. Ono cool morning in early July the register of the Choptank house bore on its pages in a bold , clear com mercial hand the iiamo of 'Henry Westbrook. ' lie brought loiters they were in a good biiuinoss hand , for ho hud written them him-olf from bomo the loading people of Haltimoro. lie hud the llticst drug , pulled at a " : 10 gait on Atlantic avouue by the finest chest nut coil in nil Atlantic county. For a month Westbrook devoted himself to the social graces only , and happy the 'Choptank' maiden that hud the after noon 'call' for a drive behind the high- stepping chestnut. AVKSTlllSOOK'S 1'IltST VICTIM. "Ill August wealth and fashion had poured into the big city by the sou. Tills was We&tbrook's time. Ho rode less in the afternoon , saying ho was en gaged in * hanging some valuable pic tures liis unolo hud sent him from Paris. ' His llrst victim was a Baptist deacon , who was accosted by name , the hotel register of the Mansion disclo-iing ills identity. Ho examined Wostbrook's ' 'pictures' 'to his borrow , and Deacon Rogers' llrht hour with Ills swell friend cost him &J.OOO in cash and $1,000 in checks , all of which ho paid rather than bo brought out as a 'squealer' ' in the public prints. "Still Westbrook continued the idol of tho'Choptank' maids and dowagcr.s , and a rich ironmonger fell into his not and left behind $1,000 in cash and his check for $5,000. The iron man lirst took a hand at the game , at which the greenhorn is allowed to win , with 'a dead sure thing' that the next lime ho puts up cash or check ho is sure to lose , A not infrequent trick of Westbrook 'a was to profess to tear up n largo check and accept a small ono , which always ended in Mr. Bunko Man's keeping both checks , which sooner or later turned up against the victim's bank ac count unless the user stopped the checks. "The iron man did not worry over his 81,000i0b3 , but the $ .5,000 check struck him hard , and ho telegraphed his bank in Philadelphia , one of the strongest financial iiintitutlons in Iho city , to stop payment. This brought the iron mon arch's name into the papers , and \Vest- brook , on Iho arrival of the 10 n. m. train at Atlantic Oily , was named as the somewhat celebrated bunko sharp of Baltimore and Now York. The 'Chop- tank' maidens straightway cuthitu dead , and the brightest of the fair bevy ol beauty took an immediate train to Bal timore. timore.WKSTHKOOK'S WKSTHKOOK'S TUACHC DEATH. "But bold as Numidian lion and strange to say , entirely fearless of UK city authorities. Wcbthropk determiner to make a bold dash for big game before the city by the sea got too hot to hold him. At Iho bathing hour the quiet but well dressed gentleman from Balti more addressed Treasurer Homer , of the P. , B. & W. railroad , saying ho was an old friend of his sons. The treas urer , a grand old man of bcvonty sum mers , was delighted with the frankness of his new made friend , and willingly ccompnnjcd him to his picture gallery n Atlantic avenue. "By faomo subtle alchemy which the oung exorcise over the old , the treas- ror tried his luck , and wont out of the picture' gallery leaving $200 cash in Vestbrook's pocket and a check for 7M)0. ( ) "Tho treasurer's son got 'wind of it , topped the check , and after a lively awsuit , in which Lawyer Page and Thomas H. Diehl defended againbt the heck , the bunko man gave up the light uid gave up the check. "Muituland drifted , like so many of lis class to Now York , and falling into bad streak of lucU , was found ono norning at the Grand Central hotel .vith the gas turned on and life's fitful fever was o'er. " The grand flourish of trumpets often heralds the advent of an article which 'ails , when tried , to justify the noise made in its behalf. The unassuming merits of Van Duzor's Flavoring Ex tracts , derived frojn choice fruits , of standard purity , and elected over a quarter of a century ago to the chief iluco among flavors , are too well known o need inoro than a general reminder. Cheap competition of valueless articles 'loighton the popularity of those. All ? rocore. HE MAY FLY'IN THE AIR. Mr. CnnipbeU'H Air Ship America Nearly Heady to Show AVIiat It Can Do. Now York Sun : "I don't propose to ross the Atlantic , or go to the North Polo , or to conquer any cyclonisor ride any blizzards. What I do intend is simply to sail easily and gracefully , not too high , but just high enough in the upper air , in calm weather , from 0110 city to another , and that much I cer tainly will do , probably within a month. " So says Peter C. Campbell , the in ventor of an air ship now Hearing com pletion. The ovoid form above the ear is a balloon of silk forty-two foot long and twenty-four feet in its greatest di ameter , with a capacity of lb,000 cubic foot , and will bo charged with hydro gen gas. Connecting the balloon with Iho arrow-like rod beneath is a keel of the sumo material as that composing the body of the balloon. Suspended below that polo is a boat-shaped car , containing the machinery for propul sion and direction , with a contra ! well- like baskqt for passengers. This car is thirty-six feet long and bovon foot wide in the middle , with a depth of four foot in the basket. The basket is made of wicker work , with a bottom tom of red cedar , very light , but strong. ' The rest of the car is con structed almost wholly of rattan , spruce and silk. To avoid unnecessary weight , the putting together of its parts has been done with boat builders' glue and waxed linen thread , instead of nulls or screws. On the sides are wings seven teen feet long and seven feet in extreme - tremo width , made of silk stretched to rattan frames , which it is not intended shall bo Happed , but sot at suoh var iable untries as may bo required by the direction of the wind , to give an otlcol similar to that produced by the out spread wings of faoma great birds , like the albatross , that seem to Ily without motion. Tills olTect will bo further en hanced by two great pairs of wings , fore and aft 'of the basket , that may bu closed , opened and bet at will , as requis ite to aid in elevating , depressing or directing the structure. It is not purposed by Mr. Campbell that the balloon shall have vary much moro lifting capacity than sulllciont to neutralize the weight of the machine its occupants and the necessary ballast To ascend , it will bo necessary to em ploy the force of a propeller whoo eight feet in diamdtor , tha lies horizontally boncath the has kot. Professor Ritchel demonstrate ! that a iilMuch wheel BO employed novlng with great velocity , would over come a dead Height of fourli'on pounds > ut upon an exactly ballaneed balloon. An application of 'blcyclo treadles and Multiplying gears rotates the propeller. The btiniu power can also bo applied to the rotation of another eight-foot pro filer at the stern , or to ono or moro of , hroo other propellers which are to steer with. There is also a rudder made liKe .ho wings at the bow inslcad of the stern of the car , and worked by lines from the banket. The roar propeller , instead of having blade * , will bo made of steel rods and silk , curiously put to gether , so that when in motion it will throw it nlf inlo the form of a two-twin screw. This is an invention of C'arl Myers. Another attachment is a sort of parachute arrangement thai , whom not in use. lies up Hat against the swelling sides of Ihe biiloon , but which cnu in an instant be spread so as to moderate do- Pcont in CU.--0 of accident. The uciuht of the ontlro ship is only RoD pounds , of whiih but soventy-llvo pounds niv in the power producing ma chinery. Keeping it down PO low permits Iho carrying of ' ( oil lo ! > sO pounds of passengers and ballast. The car , with all its wings , propellers and other attachments , except the powrr , lias been completed , and is now on exhibition at C'onov Island. John T. Smith , of I-V. ) and Kit ) South street , who built the car , is now liuiMiing the power and its connections , which ho cx- peels to have completed in about a week. The balloon is being made by Ourl My ers , husband of the aeronaut Carlotta , at Mohawk , llcrkimor county , N. Y. , and ho writes that it will bo finished in two 01-at most three weeks. The bal loon used by Carlotta is one of Mr. My ers' mako. and is said lo be the lightest of equal ofllcioncy in the world. It woiglis but 55 pounds and carries up SJI5 uoiinds easily. Carlotta has been engaged to make the lirat trip in Mr. Campbell's air fillip. A stock company lias been formed to build and exploit the Campbell airships. This lirst ship will only have cost about 3:2,500 : , and her builders say that they can duplicate her for ono half of that. The president of the company is Daniel B. Thompson and the treasurer , .lohn 'Burrill , both of Brooklyn. Thoittmmls or Dollars are spent every year by the people of thin state for worthless medicines for the cure of throat and lung diseases , when wo know that if they would only Invest ? ! in SANTA AHII5 the new California discovery for consump tion and kindred complaints they would In ibis pleasant remedy find relief. It is rec ommended by ministers , physicians and pul- llcsponkurs of Uio Golden State. Sold and guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co. nt 81 a bottle. Three for f-.r.O. The most stubborn case of catarrh will speedily succumb to CALIFORNIA CAT-K- Ct'UK. Six months' treatment forl. By mull $1.10. _ Peculiar Klectricnl Phenomena. Some very singular electrical phe nomena , says the English Mechanic , wore observed on two very dry days at a printing olllco in May once , when the establishment seemed to bo converted into a huge electrical battery. Electric sparks several centimetres long could lie drawn with the lingers from all parts > f th'o printing machinery , iust as may )0 done from a charged electric ma- liine. The action of the sparks bo- amo so pronounced that the laycrs- 011 and takors-od ( who , it bhould ) o remarked in Gorman print- ng olllcos are mostly young vomon ) refused to work , as burning iparks were omitlod every time the ma- ihines were touched with the hands. LMip electrical phenomena wore most striking in the machines used for litho graphic printing. A strong1 paper made ) f cellulose was being printed at the time , and the lakors-oll observed a slight crackling as the sheets , when nd- lorod pretty closely to the oil clolh cov ering of the cylinder , wore being wilh- irawn. Tliis crackling was finally de- velopcd into a loud explosion , accom panied by beautiful Hashes from ten x > twelve centimetres ( from four nehes to live inches ) in length. The discharges are stated to iiiyo been moro effective the moro quickly the sheets loaded with eloc -ricity wcro withdrawn. A small oircu- .ar saw , mounted about four inches from an iron column , discharged at intervals of from twenty to thirty seconds , when driven , powerful electric sparksaccom- panicd by loud explosions , upon the col umn. These phenomena wore observed for hours , and continued for two days , when the printing ollice bocumo free from electricity , and has remained so since. The following explanation is [ riven by Iron of the occurrence. The outer walls of the building in which the printing machinery is placed are separated from the surround ing soil by a thick layorof nsphaltoserv ing to keep the moisture arising from the soil from penetrating the walls. In the present case the asphalto at the same time served to isolate the electric ity generated within. The floors of the boyoral maohina rooms are also laid thick in asphalto , and the machinery is fixed direct to the llooring , so that it is likewise perfectly isolated. There are only a few iron columns having direct connection with the earth. On the morning of the day on which the start ling phenomenon described was llrst observed , all the machine bolts had been greased with a mixture con sisting of resin and linseed oil , serving to increase the friction between the bolts and the pulleys. As soon as the machinery was set in motion each indi vidual pulley was converted iulo an oleclric machine on a largo scale , nega tive electricity being formed on the belt covered with rosin , and positive electricity on the iron pulley. The stored electricity , of course , was immo- mcdialoly given olT whenever one of the machines , which for the time being were changed into accumulators or sec ondary batteries , was "tapped. " An Almnlitto Cure. The ORIGINAL AWETINK OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and Is uu absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , ami nil skin erup tions. Will ponitlvely eaio all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AIUliTINK OINT MENT. Sold b.v Goodman Drug Co. , at 'Jo cents per box by mail ! JO cents. Jolly OhiirlcH Crocker. Sun : The lute Clmrlo.s Crocker out side of business was as merry and full of pranks as a boy. . At the Mary J. Mor gan art t-alo , Mr. Crocker , jolly as llio naughty boy of a class , sat directly in front of the reporters , and to them ho first whispered the pranks lie meant to play. Each of the rich moil had homo private sign to indicate his bids , while the faces were impunotraVlcas n sphinx. For the bids Mr. Crocker used to lay in wait. By the time homo article had mounted into good figure Mr. Crocker had discovered who was after It. . "Old Huntington wants that , " ho would turn around and chuoklo to thn newspaper people. Then ho would begin bidding , utterly indifferent as to figures , and ojthor carry it oil tri umphantly or send it up into such round figures that Mr. HuntSngton or Mr. John L. Martin would have to pay roundly if they wanted it. When Mr. Crocker was not teasing Mr. Huntington and playing the mischief .among the rich mon , ho was casually buying in the more luxu rious personal trillos for- ids daughter Hattie , now Mrs. Alexander , who sat by hit * nidi ) . "Would you like it , dear'1" he would say ns the bidding wns prospering for eotiio rcspousso toilet mirror or rock crystal jowl case. "Why , yes , papa , if you don't mind. " And ho would gayly KMH ! up some hun dreds of dollars to bring down this pretty trillo , like an ideal , indulgent Drink Malto it is pleasant. A BURIED CITY. Itcinuins of llinldiiiifs Dltioloscd liy n Oloiiilbui'.st , St. Louis Globe-Democrat ! The pro priety of a bill introduced a day or two ago by Chairman llolman , of the committee mitteeon public lands , into the United States hou--o of representatives to sot apart a largo tract of land near C'ochito , on the Kio Grande , in New Mexico , us a national reservation , on account of its many arehu-'ologieal remains , was illus- Iraled and confirmed bv Hon. Amanda Chavez , ono of the leading citizens of the territory , who lives not far from that section of country , and who comes occasionally to El Paso on business. Ho discovered , a short time ago , ono mile north of the little town of San Mntoo. the ruins of an extensive city , the existence of which had never even been suspected boforu. The action of the winsliado covered the larger portion of the ruins with sand and other de tritus , and converted the whole inlo an extensive mound , and it was only a severe ' vere rainstorm and cloudburst , 'sweep ing uway ono nnglo of this mound and disclosing some heavy btono walls that made this discovery possible. Mr. Chavez has since uncovered one or two of the ruins and obtained a number of interesting relics. A skeleton was found having throe strands of beads around it.-t nock ono of lorquoiso , ono of jet and Iho other of bono. There wore also largo earrings of jet and tur quoise with the skeleton , and remains of liair , which was not black , but light brown , besides ornamental pottery and arrow-heads with a quantity of maize , partly carbonized. Tlioskeloton , with the articles enum erated , was found in a small chamber of masonry built up witli very adhesive cemenl. The excavations thus fur miulo have discovered a largo building with massive slono walls and a tower at oaoh corner. It looks moro like the remains of a citadel than an ordinary dwelling. The masonry is of the best kind , aud the interior 'chambers are plastered and painted white. In the center of this structure wius found a rooorvoir , from which btono acqueducts led in many di rections. A dim tradition among the native Pueblo Indians located hero a prehistoric city named Guato , which was btill in existence at thu time of Corloz's coming to America. "BUFFALO BILL'S" AUNT. Stock Speculations Kuhi Her and She IM N iv Destitute. San Francisco Croniclo : Mrs. M. T ; . Cody , aunt of William F. Cody ( "Buf- 'alo'Bill" ) , is living in strniloiicd cir- jum&taucos at ( i03 Geary street. Mrs. 3ody , who was once in good circum- ilanoes , told a Uhrouiolo reporter that during the first rise in Sorru Nevada a H'oniinonl manipulator of that stock ave her an alleged pointer which she dieted upon and which cost her $90,000. She tried to regain her losses by a series of in vestments in mining stock , but mot ivith continued reverses , and last Satur day , 87,000 , the last she. possessed , was est in a deal. Mrs. Cody is almost crazed by her osses , and bus pawned all her trinkets to purchase the necessaries of life. The "list valuable in her possession , a gold jard case , was pawned yesterday. She has written and telegraphed to her nephew for assistance , but has received no answer. She attributes this to the fact that there is a coolness existing be tween thorn because she refused to recognize - cognize his mistress , for whom ho forsook seek his wife and children. Mrs. Cody is anxious to return to her homo in Col orado , where bho has friends , and could manage to live comfortably. Its Biipcrlnr excellence proven In millions of homos fr.r morn limn n quarter of a century. It is used bv I'm Tnllcd States fiovirntnont. T.n cloriml liytlmhoadR nf tlio grout Universities a * tlwstrongest purest nnd most healthful. Pr , I'rlco's Crnnm linking Powder does not contain nmmonln. lime or nlum. Sold onlv In runs. PUR'K llAKlNnPOWDKHCO. New Yort , Chicago , Bt.T.oulfi Tor skin and wnlp troublee such us Jlczemu , Tetter , King Monn , Scaly Ilruptloin , ( Ironnd Itch , Poison O.ik , Dandruff , Toll Ing Hair.c. . , BKAIIIWV'H ilv WORTH niiov tpimi AI < o vi" is Miiperloi to nil other lorn ] r.-mcdle.s. It I * n pnrn Medicated Soup entlrel ) THEIR tree from m Ids , nllcixlles orotlim tnjurlotismntlcr. lleingsHec'llj B < ent I'd 1 1 1i 1 pleasan t nnd refresh WEIGHT ing for the toilet , Imth nnd nur wery. I or the general purposes of i IN disinfectant , HKAIIIMIV'H Si i , runt OVNIIMX are highly esteemed teemed by Physicians every- GOLD where. Tliofo rnmlles nru nent cleanly , m\lo. nnd convenient foi disinfecting St ore ItooniH.flosetj COIN Ollum , Sinks , Ships , Hunts , \c InsnrnUfo Companies recom mend them us n mite UUMUM o cmploylug Sulphur. ' Tim for uctes nnd Palus. She Tried and Knows. A IcadiiiR chemist of New York B.iyB ; " Xo nlnstcre tif kiioli merit us l'lusteraliavvevcr thuAtli-lo-pliOTO before been produced. " Tlmy nre n novelty because they ore not made simply to sell cheap , they nru the licst thnt science , skill and money cnu produce , nnd will do wlmt in vlnimed for them. For tpruins , aches , weakness , luiuencss , etc. , they ure uucqualud. 4M ( Fultun fit. Rsnrlnrty.O , Nov.21 ' 87' 'llio AthU Jiorns J'lwlfr actwl like . It lx the ! > " > I e > er trtnl and I Euric. nwil iimny ktiuU. Our ilruKirl t Ktld "I'lautcni aruall atmnt thn HAIIIO" hut I don't think KO now , I rpralncd my nrm and xhouldtr In .Inly , audit baa Iwen I lnfnl Bluer , but It uo < net pain meat Ml now. Mm. WILLIA MAOIU. AT * Bend C rents for the l > cantlful colored plo ture , "iloorkliMaldin. " THE ATHLOPHO.WS CO. 113 Wall St. N Y. North 10th Street , Hotwoon Hinncy nml Wlrl Sts. , Omnlin , Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. 30 THE GRANDEST OF MILITARY SPECTACULAR CONCEPTIONS Invented and produced by 1'nin & Sons , of London nnd New York. Thcarle & Cooper Manager ! , , Kualistic bombardment of forts , by boats , on an immense Aitili- cial Lake. Tcrtific Assault of Portress by Allies. 350 PERFORMERS 350 Coircctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldiers , Cossacks , French and English troops aud marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc. MARVELOUS PERFORMANCES By specially engaged at lists , Russian alh'etcs , Swordbincn , etc. The whole to conclude witli $1,000 FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Consisting of the latest novelties.Mauhattan Heacb Aerial and Aquatic Pyrotichnica Music by Sabastopol Military Band. Admission 5Oc ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c 1888 THE GREAT 1888 OMAHA FAIR AND EXPOSITION Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive. Most Complete nud Best Arranged Fair Grounds in the West The best accommodations for stock , which can bo unloaded from cars at the grounds. Superior accommodations for agricultural exhibits. The best and fastest track in the country. Competition open to the world. No entry foe ex cept in racing purses. Special Attraction Each Day. GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pyrotoblinical Display every evening of th SIEGH OF SKBASTOPOL. For premium lists , circulars and informa tion , address J. H. McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska , Monday , Au 1888 Kearney , the " .Minneapolis of Nebraska , " so-called on account of its unrivalled Water Power , is now coming to the front as u railroad center. The bonds for the Santa Fo have been voted , insuring us the greatest and best road in the world. The Missouri Pacific will soon complete the remaining 23 miles , and the branch up Wood River will be ironed this season. These now roads , together witli the packing and canning plants now started , will give us a greater boom than any other city In the west. Kearney only ncodR some wholesale houses to give us the supremacy between Omaha and Denver. For the purpose of building a large job bing house on the block soutli of the Midway Hotel , I will soil at auction on Monday , August 27th , 1888 : 5 BUSINESS LOTS Kast of the Midway , now used for a lumber yard. This is tlio best corner for sale in the city , and will soon be the center of business of 60,000 people , aud will bo worth 10 times its present cost. I will also offer 80 RESIDENCE LOTS. Known as Swit/'s Sub-Division , being only 7 nloi'ks east of the main street , and 2 blocks from the street car lino. This if , the last opportunity to got good inside property in Kearney at your own price.This tract lays as beautifully as the Garden of Kdun , and is a half nearer business than any other tract now on the market. For First Class Kcbidonco Property it is entirely free from the objection that can bo mentioned about other parts of the city. By investing a few dollars to make your llrst payment , you can soon double your money , and at the hiimo time assist in starting the jobbing house above referred to. Parties commencing dwellings of the value of 8500 and upwards on those lots within 80 days uftor the sale will bo entitled to a donation of live per cent of the value of the name in dry goods , gro ceries or clothing at my stores. TI-jKMS Ob1 SAJjK One-fourth cash , balance in payments every three months , or five per cont. Discount on deferred payments for cash. J. S. HARBING-TON , Kearney , Neb. DR. HORDE'S Electro-MapeliG Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science ' Scientifically Mude nnd Practically Applied. Gentlemen's Belt Stl/intl/h / MltL Klettrle DISEASES CDR wiTflOUT HEDICIHES , n r ' In tli rtnek. Ulra , JToafl or Limbs , UL7II I < niHE3C ? ViTTIS ° Te I' " El VWiluEa . 'OUrCEl YUU Itrr.ou , l > l > imy , I.umbagn , ( iunorul IXiblUtr , Ilheu- mullln , I'aral A ! r l la , e latl < * , lN > ura of Klrtnry * . HplMll > Ur * vi , Torj.ld Llrer , . . . . . . - . . . . . .pilu , ConnlpoUi.n , Kryilpclat , Inillyrittoi , Weaknc * * , ImpoUnoTt t'alarrh ' , 1'llca , JCpll p > y. Dumb A Mf , llUbctoa , lljUroccIo , Uloud la JiutVuot 7 n Ucc4 te arplltd . _ . . . . - | BU - cnimmr ollrk lte WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. \i nenulne ndotoclli7liermliJlon. NIITE tb following who hate baen M-A. J. IIoaeUnd.H. B. J'arkrrMirtJ.M.lUslott , all on Hoard or Trade , -nd tuouKandi ofotberi. Dfi HORHE'S ELECTRO MAGNETIC BELT rrVroiirons mirats ; , . , -d.- Irei proilooei a contlnuoui enrrtnti coijTeya l triilty throuBh Ibe body on the nervea. I our t dlMia < by gkneratlne a continued ! current of electricity ( IO or 19 bouri out of IM ] Ihrouuhout the human ijtteni ailaylnialliierro nM lmine < llat lTu t producing a mw elroolalloa or Iha ur rorcoi tbe bloodIm parttmrTlgor.itrwgtbenemy aiulb ltbb > uauotbertreatment > < aifall < ! . Tbe merit * of tblfiolen line liult aralielna rw3orniinl anil Indoned by thomaqdi whom It bai onrud. ItErEUENCKA.-Any bankeonimorolalayency or wboletale houie InObloagO ) vLoleialo druggists Ban rrancUf o and Chicago. UT Band tunp for 11 page Illustrated pampblat. 3DXV. "W. JT * MCOUJdJ InTtntor andKanujacturcr , 1U1f bMb Ariaae Chl ajt > . RUPTURE SKMPDH , HORME'S ELECTRO.MAGNETIO BELT-TRUSS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH DIAMOND BRAND JHC ORIGIN AL HC ONLY C NUINC ENNYROYAL BEWARE OF WORTHLESSlMITATlONS ASKDRUGGISTrORffllCHESTErVS ENGLISH SAFEJU.WAY5HEL1ABIE.TO LADIES1 DIAMOND BRANDJAKEHooTriffi- ' 'INDISPENSABLE.SOID BY ALL DRUKGISTS ? 'OR INCLOSE 4F ( STAMft ) | ASK FOR DIAMOUD , TOR PAnncuLAna , IN ICTTH BY RFTUHH MAIL CHICHESIWWEMICAU3 l5l PRtrKADiSCUS3.ftUU.PVTlI CI9NATURCON IVUr I9X UNsausiTEDWRiTTtNTESTiuoHiALs . . . . 1 AND oveRrMulADIES - v no HAVC USID -1YAL PILLS WltHSUCtlH. . JU1ICIQU8 AND PEHSISTEHf Advertising ima nlirnjs joxivca successful. Doforo placing any Nowspnpor Advcrtlaltifr conatrti LORD & THOMAS. AUTaBTItlKU KIEJTB , U U t U * I U Utrert. CHICAGO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM - Coio * , Ilunlon , eta 6top allj lu. hirer lallj to cun. wiio u WKAK. WKnvorn. nrnti.iTA * TKI > , who 111 bin FOIIY siul IUM n A WOK rim TKinEI > awnr hU TIOOR of I1OHY , drnlni upon thn F pf'NTAlMfl ! of I.irr. . IIIA ; i > A < t'n E , iiAi'HArni : , nrr/nma Ircmi. WKAHTKSI ! of Wcinorr , HASH. riTI.NENNln dOlUF.TT , l < IMII.F.NUt > on 111 * rACK. AtiUallth * KFl'Ktri'H lonllnr to KAU1.Y nivO.l Y nml pethariCOSNlim . 'S1 H or INSANITY , ilipuM consult ftl once. ( ha CKI.EflMATr.ll Dr. Clatlio. Kclnt > lliiccl ) 1M1. rr Clarke ha < mode NEUVOUN HE. nil. ITT. : iin ! VH ) nn < t nil DlicatM of Uis OKNITO UHLVAHT OrcMii a l.llo r > uily. It inakM RO lirffrcnr WHAT jou , \ Ti ! tnken or WHO has fell oil to euro you. Kf FEH A I.EH jlllTcrltiK from dlieniti pcctl4 Uftr to their eex cnn roniult with the insurance of ipoedy relief nnd euro. KenU 2 c uU poatngo for works ou four dl nuf. < . irPcnd 4 cenli | > o lnio ; for Colcbrntrrt Wortxn on Clironir , MrrroiiH nnd Itcll * nn"c Ui cri c . t'oninltntlon , jitrjonal.'y ' or by totter , free. Consult the ultl Doctor. Vtioiinntids rnrotl. onirmniul imrloiii prTHo.Tho ( o coiiteinplntliip Murrlnge fiend for Dr. Clnrkn'i celebrntrd culuo Mnlr nnd Frmulo , cnrh I'M. , both - > c. ( ilamps ) . Hpfnio conrlrtlnc yonr ri e , conmiH Mr. CI.AKKE. A friendly lotttror rail muy inre future uflerlimnnd shiunc , nml ndd colilcu y ra tn life.Book Hfr'w ( Secret ) Kr- ror . " 50c. ( Utni' ) . Mmllrln * and wrltlnp ) rcut everywhere , crcuro from rxpovurc. Ilourp , Btoii , sundayn , o to 12 Addrcn , F. D. OIjAAKaa , M. D. J.fiQ Sex , ClnrU a. . . ( oaiCAUQ. ILL. IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT Arroprlotury Median" Unit nuodb but u trial to provu Its worth. Or , Cafader's ' Left Liver Bite I The only Distilled Hitters In the United Plates. Th only Hitters recognized by the United State * Internal reyontie laws as Pro prietary Mttdlclne. Lawfully Patented. No. ot Talent 1 4-9.573. Contains no tusll oils , no " - " 1,110 foreign milistance nrilninae- tne tlrtits. A porfflctly iniro medicine , co poundeil fmm 1'uru Hoot llerbs mid Old 1'rach ; ( ilcnaant to the tnslo , quiet Hliil decisive 111 Its effect. Curoa DyspepMn or Yellow .Innnrtlce la five iluys. Itcsulatcs tlio IlowoH Invigorates Inactive Liver , C'lrns Disused Mvpr , Itflvlvoi the Kidnoj-s , Improves tlia Appetite Quickly , Ilcgulates the wnole sybtura. Now Life to th whole system. J.eftI.lTOrIllUcrn nrc nM In Omnlin , Ni'b. , ttj no lollOHlnit ilriiXKlitv. Hlclinrrtvm I'riiK Co. , Special Wliolevuu , lor Hie drug tiilurvHor NebmskuItvlnll' CHmdmanVnV.m Co. . W. J. WhlMiou.0. T. W , SpRirmcl. fenm 11. Purniwortli , Sclirotcr's 'linrnincy KulinAOci. , John ( ihulltli , i. rarr , J. A. Pu.lor * I' * ) . , W.J.llnulius , John II. Ciinte , C..I. t'r' ' " " . * ' > Powell , V. 117 Oi-iilfrh , JohiiK. ilutr ky. Morrell'i ' ! rimrmuCT , .Innica Koriytli , II. < ! . Boll. Dr. J. J. . . f. ( Jlmndlor. llu'in's 1'hiir- ttoTlllo , C. SI. Crlvuy , , K.nn fll.p. . . . . . I 1 I I J , f , tfllll. .l.YV fll.rUM .1 H.ltt ! mua3Oll , l.fMiIVO uu jur , nuyu r i-iiurnmu/ . A. Mcfrlinr , Howard Muyor . Frank Delimit ) & Cn , \\bulc9ulu ucalurs Iu LlKura u"d l.eltl.lvur Dltturs. Dn. B. 0. WEST'S NEHVE Ann BRAIN TftBA H NT , a guaranteed upoclnc for Hysteria , Ulzzl < ness , Conrulslons , J Its , Nervous Neuralgia , HtddacQe. Nervous Prostration , caused by th ese of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness , Mental Depression. Softening of the Drain , resulting in Inianttv , and leading to mlsorr. decay nud death. Premature Old Age , Harrennoss , Loss el Power In either sey. Involuntary l.otnes and Bpermatorhtrft caused \ > y over-oxertlon of th brain , self-abuie or orer-lndulgenco. Kaon bet contains one month's treatment. (1.00 a box. or Biz boxes for 15.00 , sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of price. WE CHARACTER BIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by as for nix boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , w will send the purchaser our written guarantor to i ef und the money It the treatment does not effect a euro. Guarantees Issued only byO. P. OOODMAN , Dnintlst , Hole Agent , 1110 Farnam Street. Omaua. Nel > . U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capita ! $250,000 Surplus 50,000 II.V. . YATIS. : 1'ro.sldcnt. Lnwis S. KKKII , Vlco President. A. K. ToiJZAMN.nil Vlco President. \V. II. f. Hum IKS , Cuslitcr. WIIEOTOHS : W. V. MOIHK , JOHN B. COI.T.IKS , 11.V. . i'.mw , LKSVIH S. . HELII , A. E. Tl UHAtl5. Tlnnklng OHIce- THE IRON BANK , Corner 12tli and Knrnnin Hts. A General llunkiug UuslnusH Tran.sacted. SteekPIano Kemnrtablo for powgrfuljymp thelle tone , pliable action und ab- aoluie qurablllty. iH years' record , the be t gunrantco ot the excel- leace of'tnese itiiitruiuvntii. U H ATKI-UL-COMTOKTIN (3. ( Epps's Cocoa HUIUKFAST. "Ilr n tlioroucli knuwlurtito of llm nntiirul lawi wnlcli KOvern the oin'rntloiis of dlxettton and nu trition , ami by uonrohil uppllcmtlim or thonno iirnrw ortk'sol noll-sulncleil Oocuii , Mr. Uppa liui protldud our breakfast tn'ilus ' nlln ailPllcntclrtlaToruil bover- BKO wliiuh limy eave us many heavy doctors' hllln. Ii Is IIJT the judicious u e of uch nrllcles of illot Hint ronntltutlon iiiujr bo Rruilimllr built tin until sironir enciiiKli to rcsl.ii every tendency to ilUeii > o. Hun * u red iot nubile iimhidlci uru lloiittnu u round us ready to attack nhcrnver them Ii u wunk iiulnt.Vu nmy etcune iimnir nfatnl iliull liy kecplnnuurjulvoi well Inrtlllcd wlili pure blood anil a properly nuur- UlwJ frnmo.-ClrllHcrrlcufJarotlo , Mniln pimply wllli bnllhiK wutcr or milk , HolJ only Inliult pound tins by Orucern , lulieled thus : JAMESEPPS & CO. . DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John O. Jacobs. ) 1 | | Undertakers & Embalmers At the old Btautl , IK/I Fnrnain.Bt. Orders by . , . tolc rupli solicited anil jiromiilly attended 'II Telephouo to.Nd. Hi LOWEST RATES ! AND BEST TERMSI Hesponslble represcntutlvoi wanted. Call or write UK. BUIINHAM , TU13VKTT & MATTI8 , " ' - - liuatrlco