Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    . f > , .
The Burlington's General Manager
Called Into Ohlcngo
{ The Imttcr'a Itcfilgnntlon ns Ooncrnl
SlannRcr of.tlio "Q" Duninndcd
by the Disgusted Directory
of the Jlond ,
TliO Latest Railroad Ktinior ,
Several railroad mec haVe boon In the city
this week and through ono ol thorn comes
Information of important changes in the
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy management.
The news comes direct from Chicago. Th < 5
informant asks to have his numo suppressed ,
tout his" connection with prominent railroad
officials la the west Is such as to entitle his
Btntcments to b ltof ,
"I notice that your Mr. Holdrcgo hat
been called to Chicago. Do you know what
that means ! " ho asked.
Tgnoraneo was plodded by the listener and
tlie speaker urged to explain.
"General Manager Stonn of the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy has bocn called cast
and General Manager Holdrego of the B. &
M. wont to Chicago last Saturday to act la
Mr. Stone's-placc. Mr. Stone's resignation
hat been requested , and ho will probably
tep down and out during September. Prcsl
eat Perkins accompanied him east , and the
presumption Is that there will bo a directors'
netting to provide another berth for Mr.
fKoue. Mr. Holdrcgo la slated for the posi
tion of General Manager of the 'Q. ' Gen
eral Superintendent Calvert of the B. & M.
Will bo advanced to Mr. Holdrcgo's position
The Burlington officials Will probably deny
thin statement , but It Is true. The directors
nd stockholders of the * Q' arc alarmed at
the IOSBOE following the strlko. Mr. Stona
lias prevented a settlement of the trouble.
The engineers-are' friendly to Mr. Holdrogo ,
gnd it is believed that under his management
.terms can bo made for declaring the strike
Thogentlcirian was plied with doubUand
\Vhens aud whys , and added this statement :
"Of course nothing is absolutely certain
until it has come to pass. Mr. Stone has
been given to understand that his resigna
tion would bo acceptable , but ho may be able
to bring poworfnl influences to bear nt court
U he decides that ho wants to stay. Ho is a
relative of Mr. Forbes , of Boston , chairman
of the board of directors and the heaviest
Stockholder in the 'Q. ' The Forbes influ
nee has kept him in his place for a month
past despite the clamoring of other holdings ,
excellent reasons exist for the belief that Mr.
Forbes has decided to make the change .but 1
Is within the range of , possibility that Mr ,
Stone's visit may niter the decree. ( Messrs
Perkins and Stone were called cast early
last week. Mr. Holdrcgo was directed by
President Perkins to go to Chicago and no
4 general manager of the Chicago , Burling
ton tc Qulucy system during Mr , Stone's ab
aencc. I understand that on account of thi
tckncss of his father-in-law Mr Holdregc
dld'not get away until Saturday. Ro Is nov
in Chicago and signing orders as general
manager of the 'Q. ' ' He knows of the elc !
ration In prospect for him if Mr. Stone fall
to soften the hearts of the 'Q1 directors
You must not ask for my sources of Infer
nation or use my name. You may make an
. .Item of this or not , Just as you please ; but i'
"you do don't crawfish in the face of the inev
liable denial until there has bcon time fo :
the developments. "
Tlmo Changes.
The work on the now time table for th
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley is pro
grossing. The changes bolng made are tc
take effect Sunday next. The 8:15 ft. m.
teaia I * to leave hereafter at 10:50 : a. m. , and
the evening train will arrive at 7:30 : p. m. In-
ead of 4:86 , The extension to Vcrdlgreo
ft Will be opened next Sunday.
-The Heaviest Train.
The heaviest train over pulled into Omaha
wvertho Union Paciflo was No. 20 yesterday.
ft had thirty-five twenty-ton cars drawn by
tooomotlvo 820 , Engineer Stockdalo , who ran
the fast mail on the "Q. " Ho beat the rec
ord by four can. An ordinary load is twenty-1
frlx cars. _ _ _ _ _
Fast Trains For Denver.
Inasmuch as the Burlington railway has
ftt last effected terminal facilities in St.
Louis , a fast p'asscngcr train , in addition to
two fast freights , will bo put on between the
( ptouad CityOmalm and Denver. This change
Will be greeted by the heartiest indorsement
en the part of Omaha shippers ,
k Spikes.
B. W. Baxter , trainmaster of the Union
Ific , ha been , lot out. His duties will bo
lined for the present by J. A. Foley , chief
The two or three new posses of mon sent
| * pwrsulsof the Dana station train robbers
mt9 ta hot pursuit.lho desperadoes are
> tMNUhttobelathe black pines about Lara-
, * < lepark.
i , A yet the Union Pacific baa been unable
, < . t * induce the Central Paciflo to put on an-
, < r , -pther train so as to make bettor connections
" * Mtwqyi the two roads Jt is hoped , however ,
sJ : that Mine such arrangement will yet be ef-
* The contributions for the Potter monument
' are still pouring m. The amount to be raised
is 123,000 , and it Is thought that this will
i partly be secured. The main contributions
, thus far are from the cast , particularly from
Mr. Potter's friends In Chicago. The pluco
far locating the monument has not yet bocn
decided upon.
The Union Labor Party Holds K Bfcet
Ing Last Nichr.
A meeting of the Union tabor party was
fceia last nl ht at G. A. II. hall on DoUglaa
afreet for the purpose of perfecting the per ,
BMMBt organitttion of the Union Laboi
Clabln Omaha. Through some misunder
standing as to the time and place of mooting
there was a rather small attendance.
Mr , lolland , temporary chairman of the
tak , stated that the cause for'tho tn eagre at
ft teadafico was principally the lack ol
advertising , He proposed to advertise the
Meetings as the other4 parties did , with
band * , dodgers and transparencies. The la.
teortng men could not find tlrao to hunt for
tteaM advertising meetings , and tho/ must
change their methods to get tne ndvocatan ol
ike party together. Messrs. Brlglmm , Green
formerly editor of the Truth , and Edgerton ,
member of the South Omaha Union Laboi
plub , spoke.
< J H. Sovereign , of Atlantic , la. , who is t
fcte-labee caadwato for congress , and , ar
MMiMMtt water in the cause , will tpaak at the
O. A. B * hall on Saturday oyeulug next ,
'Wfcra a public meeting of the party will be
jawr Mr. Sovereign will deliver an inter
h wUag tpMoh , and one Which every man wh <
IB JBi aywpathy with labor should hear.
ttfbe aau oonventioa for the purpose o.
Meting delegate * to the state convention o
thVmon labor party will bo hold in the G
A. R. hall at 8:80 : o'clock the same afternoon
fcfca iwblio speaking U for the purpose of in
MnMUog mea of every political shade in tb <
' iek i of the party. At the meeting las
numerous outhuslutlo speeches wer
< - . . , With War * Democrat * .
. j MM * podiwily , B raar4 SwhOMO aad i
fc Wlgga were elected delegate * *
the convention of democratic clubs at Lin
h - toUowte * primary ticket wa.
JaM SUeU , Bernard SaehMM
Hughe * . Thoaoas , Bayi
ward < > J b will . . * >
ty eYeath aad Lake atreeU.
'eltib met a
d iwuoboMBju4a Vti
lay's primary. Messrs. John S mner and P.
3asoy will bo clerks.
The following slate was made for delegates
x ) the county convention : Messrs. Thomas
3nso.v , Low Herman , Walter Brandols , Pat
rick Uagloy , Andrew Frlck , Thomas Lowry
\nd John /.ellcr.
Messrs. Walter Brandcls and GcorcloJICof-
man will solicit funds for u flag polo.
Eighth Ward Democrats.
The Eighth Word Democratic club mot at
Lhe corner of Cumlngd and Sounders streets
lucBday. Tno meeting soon adjourned , and
went Iftto caucus with A. Ilngan In the chair.
Ihls Rontlnman appointed live gentlemen to
select seven names for the primary ticket ,
uncl the following wcro selected ! O. V. Gal-
Inohor , E. A. Bchroedcr , N. Willlhms , Henry
9cnroouOT , Ar Hobm , Charles Jacobs ixnfl ( j'Js
The Third Wnrd.
This ovonlntf fit 7:80 : the Third word domo-
oratlo club will incct at 1020 Fornam to select
delegates for the county convention ,
ABi/vaE / uv "THE VLOODH
Unprecedented Rntns In the Northern
Pnrft of 1'cnnnyivanlit.
PiTTsnono , August 23. The flood has
almost reached its limit hero , and will not
reach n disastrous height. The lowlands ,
however , are submerged , and the damage
will bo qulto houvyi Both rlvors are still
rising , but the water is coming up slowly ,
and experienced rlvermon do not look for"
more than twenty-six feet. It Is still cloudy ,
and moro rain is not Improbable. The rain
In the mountains and up the Monongaheln
river was almost unprecedented. All small
streams are terribly swollen. In tnnny places
they have overflowed thblr banks and flooded
largo districts.
Reports from adjoining districts state that
the valleys arc overflowed and the damage to
the crops can scarcely bo estimated. Bridges ,
stables and outbuildings we're whirled away
bofora the rushing flood.
At McKcosport the flata are under water
and several mills nave been compelled to sus
pend operations. An Italian laborer was ro-
jtorted drowned.
At Greonsburg the great rain loft many
traces of Its devastation. Many people were
driven from tholr homes and several stores
were swamped by the flood.
The Hungarian camp below town is sub
merged and many Hungarians narrowly
escaped drowning.
At Jeannette , the Sollora-McKea glass
works are almost entirely under water , as
ore eighty or moro .houses. The towns of
Larlmor. Shafton , Irwln , Pcnn. , and Manor
are partially under water , and many of the
Inhabitants are living iu the upper stones of
their houses.
In this city many mills and factories Imvo
suspended work. In Allegheny City n row
of seven now frame houses In Pleas
tint vallov were wrecked a by a land
slide. The railroads arc great
sufferers in the section. No trains
have arrived over the Baltimore &
Ohio road since yesterday morning1. Every
culvert and bridge on the Wheeling division
has bcon washed away. The other roaas
suffered similarly to a greater or loss extent.
On the Pittsburp , Virginia & Charleston no
trains are running south of Dravosburg ,
twelve miles from this ctyy. The tracks are
covered with debris and many bridges have
been swept away. The Chartiors branch
ot the Panhandle is also obstructed
and no trains are running. The Plttsbur ? &
Wcstcrnjtracks nro three feet under water ,
but tratlfc. although delayed , has not been
suspended. The telegraph service is badly
K VSTOX , Pa , Aujmst 23. The Dclnwaro
river at 11 o'clock this morning -was
nearly eighteen feet above low
wntor marlf , and the Lchlgh was
thirteen. Both nro still rising- . Navigation
has been suspended on the Morris , Delaware
and Lchlgh canals , and all mills in South
Easton have been shut down. The Lchldi
canal above Chalndnh dam has been damaged
and cannot bo used for a week.
KKADIXO , August ! } . The Schuylkill river
this morning was fourteen feet above the or
dinary water mark , which is the highest
point since IbOO. The SchuylkiH rivoi'.Uulon
canal and SchuylkiH canal , all lying along
side of each other , nro nil ono body of water.
The mill of tbo Reading1 iron works , three
paper mills of the Bushon Paper company ,
the Consumers' Gas company.which supplies
the city with gas , and other manufacturing
establishments , employing probably 800
hoffds , were obliged to shut down because ot
the hlgn water. Hundreds of acres of corn
and potatoes nro under water. Therivei
commenced falling this afternoon.
The Storm at Beaton.
BOSTOX , August 23. It will be difficult tc
estimate the actual daraaga caused by the
disastrous rnln-fnll last night. Hundreds ol
collars wcro flooded and much property was
lost. There are two largo plants In Koxburj
that suffered an aggregate loss of nearly
$50,900 and smaller sums will Increase tlm
sum to many thousands. The Boston bcltlrir
company suffered to the extent of $25.000
The towers of the oil cloth works wore dam
aged ? 20,000. The storm created moro troubli
for the Nayv York & Now England rallroai
than for any lino-running out of Boston. No
a train has left or entered the city up ti
noon to any. The long cut through. Soutl
Boston has formed a complete barrier to al
progress , having six' feet of water in it.
Ten Victims In Maryland.
BALTIMOII * , August 22. Reports of thi
atonn in the southern portion of the state ar
coming in very slowly , nut it is known tha
the damage has been very severe. A cyclon
truck the village ofStill Pond , Kent countj
and houses were blown down and ten pcopl <
are said to have boon killed. There is ni
telegraphic communication and reports an
mostly received-from , steamer * arriving fror
points along tbo bay.
A special from Still Pond , Kent count }
gives particulars of the1 cyclone thatwrongh
such dostructlon'ln that neighborhood yes
terday afternoon. The largo frame bulletin
occupied as a canning establishmont-
struck and completely demolished. Abou
ono hundred tnon. women and children wcr
at work , and in their efforts to cccapo fret
the wrtick nine -wore killed outright , tlirc
wore dangcioualy hurt and a number sllghtl
injured by the falling tlinberu. The on
plovci of tHopacklnp-houffe wora Bohemian
niul Germans. Orchards and growing cvo\ \ '
were badly damaged and many houses an
barns demolished.
The Mprchant are Slowin Rcportin ,
to the Committee.
The arrangements for tha merolumU' an
Jobbers' display the Oth of September , i :
connection with the drummers' day parade
Is In charge of a committee of merchants an
Jobbers appointed' at ono of the drummer :
Mr. Joseph Garnoau is a member of thi
committee and was appointed to prepare
circular to mall to all local Jobbers and-mo ;
chants asking them how many wagons the
would have in the display. The object of th
vrafi to arrange for the foratiiff of the parad
and ascertain how many wagons there woul
be inline. >
"I sent out about one hundred and twont ;
flvo circulars about a week ago , " said M
Garnoaa to a BUB reporter , "and I have } u :
received answer * directly from twonty-thn
house * . I know from personal oonversatio
with , the men that they all expect to boropr
ented in the display. Their slowness I
responding to our circular is due merely 1
carelessness. I never saw a set of busluo :
men treat a matter that lutoreststhemselve
and themselves only , a carolassly as the
have this.
"These twenty-three replies that I have r <
celvcd. state the number of turnouts th <
want In the parade and foot up about sove
ty-Jiva. Some firms will have as high i
eight wagous oa the street. When wo hei
from , the other hundred Arms you. can for ;
nn-estlmato of what the parade is to bo.
"Wo are very anxious for the merchants
respond without waiting to bo called on pe
tonally. Thcro I * not a maa on tbo comm
tee who has the time to call on thorn. It co
earns each * nd every saerebsr.t asd Jsbb
la the city , and it 1 * to his interest to be re
reseated oa that day. aad represented we
tee. "
A prettiaeat patntlut ; aad decorating fir
In the city stated that they have already r
ceived a large number of orders for i
deeeratlag ofwagen * aaa horse * tot that c
MIM. Tha arraaffeBMate/ara far eaeai
completed to * how tltat thi * will be the ani
trade * dUplay vc mate to tai * part of t
The iMaroona Think Ho Bobbed
Thorn of Yesterday's Qttmo.
DCS Molncs Takes the Apostles Down
a Hung In the Pennant
Ladder UnncmR City
Field * Bllsbrnhly.
Western AMOcliulon Standing.
Following Is the official standing of the
Western association teams up to and includ
ing yesterday's games !
Plnvna Won LostPrCt
StPaul & 53 20 .040
DCS . . . . . . . . , 48 29 .631
Omaha. . . . , . .80 47 83 .587
Kansas City 78 41 87 .633
Milwaukee 87 41 ' 46 .471
Sioux . , . . , , . . . . 10 23 .410
Chicago 83 83 50 .397
Minneapolis . .7S SO 49 .543
Oniaha T , Maroona 3.
CHICAGO , August 82. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BBK. ] Umpire Cusick failed to put
in an appearance for to-day's Maroon-Omaha
game , and Miller , of the Omaha * , took his
place. Miller forgot that ho wasn't playing
boll with hit team. In tbo eighth- * do
clslonn wcro o unfair that the Maroon * lost
heart and so lost the game. Flvo of the six
basns on balls oft Spraffuoshould have been
strike outa , and three of the four strlko outs
credited to Kennedy should have boon bases
oti balls. The Maroon * earned the game and
it will undoubtedly bo protested. Never be
fore has a crowd shown such anger during n
Chicago ball game. It hooted , yelled and
howled. It wa * openly charged that Miller
stole the gatno for his team and that ho
meant to , Sprague pitched a strong1 game
and deserved to win. The Maroons gnvo
him nn errorless support up to the eighth ,
when they lost their nerve and hope because
of the rank decisions. The same teams will
piny to-day , with Dvvycr In the box for
the homo team , and Lovett for the visitors.
There will bo on umpire on hand. The score ;
n B ro A B
Burns , If
Aunts , cf 1 0 .2 0 0
Crooks , 2b
O'Connoll , Ib 0 0 10 0 1
Coonoy , 84
Tobcau , 3b , .t. . . .
McGarr , rf
Nagle , c
Kennedy , p
Total . -7 5 27 10 1
, n B ro A E
Hanrahan , ss
Turner , rf
Morlarty. cf
Ktiolms , 2b
Scott , Ib . > . . . . . 1 0 11 0 0
Koogan , If
Total. . . . . . . . . . 8 0 24 : 17 3
Omaha 0 0100105 7
Maroons 0 0101010 0 3
Earned runs OmahnsS , Maroons 3. Two-
base hits Dugdalo , Tcbeau , Coonoy. Thrco-
buso- hits Bums. Homo runs Omaha.
Bases on balls Morlarty , Nulton. Scott , To *
beau , McGarr (2) ( ) , Crooks (2) ( ) , Naglo. Hit
by pitched ball Annls. Passed balls Dug-
dale 2 , Naglo 1. Wild pltchos Sprague 1 ,
Kennedy 1. Struct outBy Sprague 4 , by
Kennedy 4. Left on bases Omaha 5 , Ma
roons 8. Time 1AS. . Umpire Miller , .
DCS Molncs 7 , St. Paul 1.
St. PAUL , August 13 , [ Special Telegram1
to Tim BEB.J The Hawkey oa took a gamo'
from the Apostles to-day by vlrtuo of super
ior all-around playing. Hutchluson was in
flno form and pitched a magnificent game
for-tho visitors , striking ont twelve men and
not allowing the homo batsmen more than
ono hit In any one Inning ; He also pounded
the ball over the fence twice , bringing in
five of the visitor1 seven runs. Manager
Barnes foolishly put Sowdors in the box
again to-day , he having * pitched yesterday's
game , with the result that ho was hit hard
and often by the visitors , against whom ho
has previously boon well-nigh Invincible.
The visitors' hits were well timed and well
bunched and outside of the first inning they
played without a fielding error , The score :
St.Paul..i..wl 0000000 0 I
DCS Moines..0 3030011 * 7
Baae hits St. Paul 5 , DCS Momcs 9. Total
base hits St. Paul 5 , D-ss Motncs 19. Er
rors SU Paul 4 , DCS Molncs 3. Batteries
Sowdcra and Broughton , Hutohlnson and
Sago. Umpire Hasan ,
Milwaukee 1O , Kansa * City 5.
Mii.WAUK EAujrust3i [ Special Telegram
to Tnn BHU. ] To-day' * game between MU-
waukoo and Kansas City was a burlesque on
the national game. The Kansas City mon
played especially bad , , making error * at
every opportunity. In the third inning1 they
made seven errors in succession , which al
lowed the hoWO men to score sti times. They
finished the game witb a total of fourteen er
ror * . The score :
Milwaukee 0 0010109 2 10
Kansas Citya.,1 0' 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 E
Earned runs-Milwaukee 0 , Kansas City 8.
First base on error * Milwaukee 9 , Kansas
Clty5 ( First base on balls By NlrholB 1.
Struck out Hawcs (3) ( ) . Lowe , Hassamcr.
Two-baso hit * Hawctf , Walsh * Long ; Gun-
son. Threc'baso hits3artxvrlghl. . Homo
runs' Long. Double plays Walsh , McCabe
and HawesrCortrlght and Ardnor. Umpire
CUslck. Time 1:50. :
Yeatordnyr * 'Winners In , the National
Coutestg ,
, AttgUSt 23 , Result of to-
day's game :
IndlanbpolU..0 10100000 !
Detroit. . . 0 2010010 H
Pitcher * Burdich. and Getzcln. Base hltt
Indianapolis 8 , Detroit 8. Errors Indian
npolia2 , Detroit 3. Umpire Daniels.
PirrsBuuo , August iiJx Result ot flrsl
game :
Pittsburff . a oooooroo i
Chicago . 0 00-40110- * <
Pitchers SUluy and ICrock. Base hits
Pittsbura 8. Chicago Or Errors Plttsburj
1 , Chicago 3 Umpires Lynch and Powers
Second game :
PittSburg . 0 0110031 4 1 (
v 3 010000Q
Pitcher * Morris and Barcher * . Base hlti
PltUburKia. Chicago 10. Errors Pittu
bur 4 , Chicago 4. Umpiroa Lynch and
WAtmisaTON , August S3. Result ot to
day1 * game :
Washington . 0 00000000 1
Now York. . . . . .a aoiiooo * :
Pitcher * Whitney and Welch. Basi
hlis Washington 3 , Mew York 11. Errors-
Washington U , Mew York. 1. Utnplra-
PUILADKLI'IIIA , AllgUSt 23. Result of to
day' ,
* gainer -
Boston. . . 0 30000141 !
Philadelphia. . . . ! 0000011O- ;
Pitchers Clarkson. and Sanders. Baa
0- bits Boston 14 * Philadelphia 0. Errors-
0n Uojtou. 0 , Pailadolphia 7. Umpire Valon
nns tine.
IV American Association.
01 Augost 31 Result of to-day1
tor CuTcionatl OOOOQOOOO
r-- Cleveland. JO 0300.0010
KANSAS CITT , August at Result of to
day'a game :
Kansas City..l 10300000
Baltimore 0 00000311
ST. Louu , August 33. Result ol U
day'agame :
m BtLoui * . B 100000.0 *
ehe Brooklyn. . . 1 001 0 0 0 0 0- :
10Ih H rdiaa va Lafayette * .
Iht The Hardini aad Lafayettea flay the !
he last game ot the § erje today at the hat
ball park for tha 0ktuauloaUlp otUieiUt
and a fSOO'purso , Rachof the nines has won
ono gamo. The following Is the batting or
der : * iif i
Hardins. Position. Lafayottos.
Hughes . iu tpltchor . Smith
Camp . ; MMbaso. . < . .G. Hubank
Swalls.A > . catcher . Parker
MelroRQ. . . . . . . . . . ,1st base . Plummor
Tyler . .IHhrfrtstop . H. Hubank
Gulon. . ,3d bnso . Lewis
Baldwin . . .left Hold . Callett
Beunlgton . .Tlfijjit field . King
. Lancaster
Second Day'aiJVfoetlitR of the Northwestern -
western Breeders' AHHOclntltm.
CirfCAGO. Augrtn S3. Two thousand per
sons were present nt the second day's mcot
Ing of 'tho North western Broidsrs' associa
tion. The track was hard and fast. The
first event WAS for the $2,000 stakes for
horse * In the 3:37 : class. It brought out a
good alzcd field. The favorite , of course , was
the Rochester surprise , who brought 9.V )
against f27 on Seymour Belle , $0 on the
Jones mare and $13 for the rest. Jack's back
ers had no reason for regret , as ho won thrco
heats right off the reel. Belle wa * his only
dangerous competitor , and In the second
heat Budd Doblo Just succeeded In getting
him under the wire ahead of Belle by a
scant nose ,
The second race was for the 3 :18 : clftss of
pacers , for a purse of $3,000. Ed. Annan and
Roy Wllkes sold for $31 and (35 , re
spectively , while the flold brought $13.
Raven Boy took the first and second
boats with ease , and bo became a hot
favorite at 930 against Ed. Annan , who
brought $20 , and the field , which sold for
$15. The next surprise took place in the fol
lowing thrco heats , when Harry Z. , who was
not Hupposed to bo In the race , won as ho
pleased. The second heat Was made In 3:15 % ,
and was productive of a rattling finish be
tween Raven Boy and \vilkos , the eventual
winner of the race finishing fourth.
The third event was interesting only for
the last heat , which was trotted in 2:20 : at
0:45 p. m. Sally Cossaclt and Diatonic were
the only starters , and the race proved a snap
for , ho mare.
Sandwiched botwoert thcso events was a
trot against 3:40 : for a- cup byGirfluc. She
made it in 2 :
To-morrow will bo tuo great day of the
mooting. Clingstone and Prince Wllkcs will
trot for a stake of ifJ,000 , and there will bo
sovornl other extra events. Axtel , nn Iowa
two-year-old , with a record of 2:31J : { , will trot
against the best two-year-old record , made
1 > V Boll Boy , of 2:20. : The famous son of
Electioneer will arrive In the morning , and
those who attend will see a trotter which
was recently sold atat auction for $50,000.
The summaries are as follows. Firstraco :
Tack Ill
Seymour Belle 428
CalvinlSpraguo. 813
Plush 448
Betty.Tones. . . . 354
Junemout COS
Roy 987
Illinois Egbert 770
Indigo . . 0 8 10
Linda Sprague 10 0 0
Tirno-2:20K : , 3:20K : , 2:23. :
Second race :
MaryF. . . ! 4 4111
RnvenBoy 1 1255
Wilcox 2 8842
RoyWilkes 3 2584
Ed. Annan , 5 5428
Timo-2ll ! % 2J : < $ $ . > 217 ! , 2:17 : , 2V : %
Third race Subscription stake for five-
year old , with $2oO'.pd/ied :
Sally Cossack 1 211
Diatonic * & 2122
Time 2:2 : % 3:83 # , 2:30 : , 2:20. :
The Windiip of.the Ball Season in
The Omahas wilty homo Friday evening
and on Saturday open up a series of three
games with the St. Pauls. The Minneapolis
team were next scheduled for August 80 ,
September 1 and 2puf ' these games will not
bo played , owing to the dlsbandmcnt of the
Flour City team. ilid Chlcagos follow on
September 2. 5 and'jkjthcn , the Milwaukccs
7 , 8 and 0. Then.thero will bo no moro
games until the 14th , when DCS Mol.ies will
bo hero to. close the season with thrco games.
It will be seen that there vet remains but nn
even dozen of games for the home grounds ,
and so far as Omaha is concerned , the pro
fessional season is near its end. Ibis is to
bo regretted ns the autumn , of all the year ,
is the numt attractive and enjoyable season
for base ball , yet wo are to have none of it ,
Trap and Trlxirer.
The Omaha Gun club held their' regular
shoot yesterday , twenty-fire bind rocks ,
eighteen yards 1'Iso. Tha following ard the
scores made :
Parmelee.t..11111 11111 11110 11111 11111-24
Hughes 11110 10111 11110 11011 11111-21
nrewer 01111 Illll 10011 11101 11111-21
Kennedy Htm 11U10 inn mil 11111-21
Fields . (10100 ( 11011 11010 Illll 10111-17
woney loiio loooo 11110 non niu-n
ninko inn oiiu nooo oint 11001 1
liruciter Illll 11110 Illll llltn ) looio-io
A side match , flvo pairs , f5 entrance , of
doubles , was next shotwith the appended re
sult :
Parmflleo 11 10 If 11 II o
Kennedy 10 11 11 11 11 o
Hi-ticker 01 01 11 01 11 7
'I'ownaeild 01 01 11 01 11 7
Hucll < .v . . . . . . . .11 31 11 11 1I-M
Worlcy 10 U 11 10 11 8
flrower U H 11 11 11-10
Messers. Hughes and Brewer , being a tlo
ou ton straights , divided the pot.
A third shoot , live birds , modified English
rules , for a purse of > 0 , resulted :
Parmclea. . . . . . .1 1111110
llnicker. . . . . . . . . . .1 1 1 1 1 I I 0
wortey , . . . - , . . . . . . . i o
Kennedy. . . , . ; . . . . 1 0
IHake , . . . llllio
Huches a
Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Band Ball.
The first series of games of a hand ball
match between Klrby and Kilgallon , of
Omaha , and Burke and Holloron , of South
Omaha , came off at Hurt & Kll
gallon's hand ball court , at Twelfth and Cht-
cago. The first contest resulted in favor of
Kirby nn&KHgallon , by a score of 21 to 13 ,
and the second in favor of the South Omaha
team , by n score of 22 to 17.
The next two contests will tnko place , at
Councilman J. N. Burke's court in South
Omaha , this 'evening. There is a good
deal of interest taken in the match , and
much money will change hands over the ro-
Bin1 Enough for Darnum.
On next Saturday It will bo decided as to
whether the proposed coliseum , will bo built
partly ot wood or entirely ot brick. The
original dimensions wore 100x300 feet , but it
i * stated it Is no w intended to malm It 233x835
fcetv-largo enough , almost , for a-horse race.
Tha structure will cost , 130,000 , one-halt ol
which has already bean subscribed * It it
nlw stated , that 2,300'annual tickets have
boon sold at $5 apiece,1 'which ' insures a reve
nue for the first year. )
Tbo Wcnthor Indications.
For Nebraska : F ir ; warmer , southeast
erly winds. 'nl' , '
For Iowa : Fair , dtarmer , wind becomins
southeasterly. ol n
For Eastern and ) Southeastern Dakota !
Fair , warmer , soutnertj ) winds , varying U
westerly , increasing ) force.
ORLEANS , August 23. The Henri
Lowery , a tow-boat tftj jjio St. Louis & Mis
slssippl Valley Transportation company , en
countered the rooeaii > qtorm at Elghty'Milc
point , where she lost a barge , containing
1)0,000 ) bushels of wheat In bulk. The barg <
and her cargq wcro valued at 810,000.
Go to Pries' lake foe picnics. Flno
concert every Sunday ,
Never Received a Latter.
Atlanta Constitution : Vivrnor Hurt
who resides o- few miles north of Cum
mlng , called ut the postotHco one dnj
lost week to purohaso 10 cents' worth o
stumps , and rcmurkod that those wer <
tha first stamps he over bought , al
though ho is BOW over seventy-six year
old. Ho also Btutod that ho had nova :
received or written a loiter. Ho is i
8 man of considerable property aad ha
over ono hundred notes and accounts 01
various parties , amounting in in the og
Ir I gregate to several hundred dollars
w I Many of thorn are out of date and BO
' worth a coat on the dollar.
It Drives the Wolvorlno Bourbons
Into Paroxyama of Dollght ,
Judge Thitrnmn Hnllghtcns Hln Be
nighted Krioiid * on the Tariff
Question in n Somewhat
Lengthy Speech.
Thurmnn Flrca the First Gun.
ST. Crun SPRINGS , Mich. , August 23.
After leaving Grosse Point the Thurnian
party had nn experience which will probably
not soonbo forgotten. Twenty miles of
rough sailing in n little steam yacht made an
enlivening evening. The staunch llttlo ves
sel rode thewavos * Hko a Cork and scarcely
nnyono suffered from sea sickness. After
two hours and a half the canal nt St. Clalr
Flats wait reached , and from thcro on smooth
sailing was enjoyed. The party was wel
comed hero at 12:55 : this morning. Judge
Tfturman enjoyed the trip greatly and seemed
not at all Inconvenienced by the storm.
Passhig Marino City tuo party received a
midnight reception , although no stops were
mado. Chinese lanterns hful been hung
along the dock. Ked , white and bine lights
were burned , a cannon wa * tired and steam
whistles and human voices added to the greet
ing. At the Oakland house the guests Joined
In a Welcome to the party.
The speeches to-day will begin about 3
o'clock , and the attendance promises to bo
immense. A message was received this
morning from Postmaster General Dickin
son , stating his Inability to bo on hand and
sending good wishes and greeting.
At VJM5 tha start for Huron was ntndo on
the Picket. The plan is to spend Thursday
at Port Huron aud Huroma Beach , and on
Friday morning the trip to Chicago will
In Pine Grove , n beautiful park that lies
between Port Huron and Port O rat lot , n
speaking stand had boon erected , about
which a largo crowd awaited the oxorclsos of
the afternoon. Fully thrco thousand people ,
mostly men , wnro present when the chair
man called the meeting to order , but several
hundred moro came up during the speech of
Judge Thurtnnn , and all united in the ap-
pltluso that was given the speech and speaker.
Mr. J. G. O'Noil , of Port Huron , introduced
Judge Thurmnn , and in doing so made a neat
comparison between the "Grand Old Man"
of Tingland and the "Old Roman" of Amer
ica. Judge Thurmnn was greeted with a
burst of applause from the crowd. After
the people fiuiotcd down ho spoke as follows :
The following Is Judge Thurman's ' speech
at Port1 Huron this afternoon :
Ladles and Gentlemen : Will you allow
mo to keep my hat on ? Of course : certainly.
I am afraid that tills cold north wind might
do mo some harm if I went bareheaded ,
and although I am willing to uncover my
head before the people , still I don't want to
brcalc down at the beginning of the campaign.
( Voices , "Keep your c.ip on. " )
My friends , this Is the first time in my
lifo that I have had the honor to speak in
your city. I have bcon invited again and
again , but have novcr been able to accept any
invitation before this. I esteem it a great
privilege to bo able to address you to-day.
( Applause. )
It Is not necessary for mo , before I pro
ceed , to speak of the president of the United
States and his administration in moro than n
very few words. I defy any man who nas a
rpgard for tuo truth to say that Grover
Cleveland has not made a good president-
of the United States. ( Applause. )
A brave , intelligent , level headed ,
noble man , bo has had a clean and upright
and successful administration , [ Applause ,
and a voice , "Hurrah for Cleveland. " ! Four
yours ago ho was elected. In the canvass
that preceded his election his opponents pre
dicted all manner of evils in case ho should
succeed. Ho did succeed , and pray what has
become of their predictions ! Where is the
ruin that was to follow the election of Gro
vcr Cldvclandl Where is tha disgrace that
was to follow his elect Ion i On the contrary
the country has been moro quiet , more peace
able , moro prosperous than it has been for
many years that have gone by. [ Applause. ]
Now I know the man ; I know him woll. I
tell you , my fellow citizens , that a moro up
right and wise man I do not believe dwells
within the limits of the United States [ ap
plause I , and ho has a noble band of counsel
lors around him , and not the least among
them is that distinguished citizen of your own
state , Mr. Dickinson. [ Great opplause.J
Cleveland knows not only how to rule him
self within the limits of the constitution , but
ho knows tull well bow , to ohooso good con
stitutional advisers.
Now , rny friends , having said this much
about the administration let mo proceed to
that question to which I have alluded , com
monly known as the tariff question. I presume -
sumo that there is not a person within the
sound of my voice who does not know wlmt
Is meant by the tariff.- And yet it may aid
us to-day if I glvo a clear and prcciso defini
tion of what the tariff is. The tariff , nly
friends , is nothing In the world but a tax
a tax levied by the general government upon
every article of commerce that comes into the
United States , mid that is intended for sale
within her borders * and which incidentally
raises the prlco , and therefore becomes a tax
or burden , upon every article of domestic
manufacture of Hko nature with these which
pay a tariff tax. Now we have at this mo-
ruont , according to the lastadvlceslhavoseen ,
about $115,000,1)00 surplus revenue ; that is ,
taxes collected from the people beyond the
necessities of the government. Those $115-
000,000 are lying perfectly idle in the Vault
of tho-treasury of the United State * . Thej
are of no service toanv human beingdntwirR )
no Interest , earning no profits , but taken
from the pocket ot the people , where they
properly bokmgr , and whore , if they wort
now found , thousands and tens of thousands
and hundreds of thousands of people of the
United States would put them to good use
and hnprovo their condition aud prosperity.
Now tlm democratic party says that this is c
wrong condition of affairs ; that that mono ;
onfthfruottobe , Hko the talents of the mar
we tire told of in the sci iptures , buried in the
ground ; that this is a vary poor use to make
of the money ot tha people , and therefore th <
democratic party sayn that this surplni
revenue which , is produced in the main bj
these tariff taxes ought to bo reduced , anc
that the taxes should bo reduced so that tliii
surplus will not continue to accumulate
[ Applause. ] Our opponents , on the othei
hand , say it is better to lot tha surplus ac
cumulate. It is- bettor to tnko moneyfron
the packets of the people. It is bettor to pil <
it up in tha vaults of the treasury department
mont , although it docs no good what
tiocvor , und It is a great harm
It is bettor to do that thai
touch tha tariff laws ol thcso Unltoc
States , Wo say , on tha contrary to reUevi
the overtaxed people is to roducu tha taxes.
Wo say that the way to treat the people
honestly , fairly and wisely is to take nc
tnora taxes out of their pockets than the
government actually needs for its expondl
The issue , then , is fairly made up ootwecr
us ; , Ills bgtuecu high , taxation on tuoom
baud and reasonable taxation on the other
It is between taking tha money of the pco
pie out of their own control , their own pock
cts , and burying it in tha cellar of the trcas
ury department , or It Is between leaving tin
inonoy where it belongs , In tbo pockets a :
tbo people , to bo used by them as their want !
require and aa their Intelligence and honusti
d'rect. ' Now , my friends , in the long polltl
cal llfo that I have led I have heard a grea
many falsa pretenses preached to people , i
great many intended to deceive am
delude them , but In all my Hf <
1 have never witnessed such audacit ;
as I havo. noticed this year on tha part of tin
advocates ot a high protective tariff neve :
before.It seems- that a singular dtsregan
of truth , has suddenly afflicted tliein , I d
not wish to call the people hard names ,
have al ) my llfo endeavored to keep a clvl
tongue in my hood , and I moan to keep it a
long as I live , but I do say that some peopli
sometimes do lose their senses so that the ,
con not see tbo truth , and often , unfortui :
fttoly , can not spcuk It. Now lust think of I
for ono moment , Wo are told that a big
tariff makes the country richer , as if it wer
' i possible to make a country rich by oppresi
ivoly taxing Its people. [ Applause. ] Ain1
that a new way to make a man rich to ru
your hand into his pocket and take ou
what you find , there , and that wit )
out any just reason whatsoever for doln
ol Isn't that a singular way to make an :
body rich ! ( Applause. ) And yet that 1
precisely tbo plan that the people toll us I
the plan to adopt to enrich , this country
That this country Is to bo made wealthy b
taxation. Again , they have the uda <
ity to lay that this tariff tax Is not paid by
the consumers ot the article which Is taxed.
Why , if the consumers of thcso taxed articles
do not pay the tax I would Uko to know who
doesl Do thcso protectionist orators pay It t
Do the manufacturers pay Itl Who pays It.
If Iho pcoplo who consume the articles that
nro taxed do not pay it ?
Now , my friends , If you will reflect for a
moment you will sco that It is necessarily
the case that tariff taxes are paid by the con
sumers of the articles which are taxed , and
ot all domestic articles of Hko kind which
nro manufactured In the United States , for It
Is a curious fait , and ono of the worst things
about this tariff tax , that whllo the govern
ment gels $1 resulting from the tax , the do
mestic manufacturers got f5. [ Great choor-
Thn amount of dutiable goods Imported
Into the United States in the year 1S 7 , for
which wo have any returns , were In value
150,325,023. The tariff duties collected were
t212.OJ2.431. There wore , therefore , In that
single year taxes levied on the United States
by the operation of this law of $113,0:12,424 : ,
which wont Into the treasury of the United
Stales. Hut that , as I have told you , was the
least part of the burden. The domestic man
ufacture of thosamo kind of commodities
amounted in that year to | 5H < J.l.570,11)1. ) That
Is , In other words , to $5,309,000,000 , and
as Iho prlco of those goods was raised by the
tariff In nearly equal proportions to the prlco
of the goods that wcro Imported Into the
country , the amount which the pcoplo paid
In those high prices of what they had to buy
and had to use amounted to about 11,000-
000,000 , or flvo times as much as the tax re
ceived by the government for the use of the
government. In other words , the whole
country was taxed about $1,000,000,000 for
the benefit ot a oomparatlvnly small portion
of the country. And that Is ksald to bo Jus
tice ; that Is said to bo fair play ; that Is said
to bo for the benefit of the American people.
Why don't they carry out this principle )
Why don't they , when they llnd In Port Hu
ron a lawyer 1 think I may name them be
cause I am n lawyer myself when they find
ono , the proceeds of whoso profession don't '
afford him and his family comfortable sup
port , why don't they tax you all for his ben
efit , so as to protect him ? Or , when they
find a doctor whoso income is not sufficient
to support him or his family , why
don't they tax all the pcoplo of
Port Huron In order to ad'l to the wealth
of that doctor ! And so on , with everything
elsd. Why don't ' th'oy do 111 The principal
general fact Is that this tax ( Hero the
speaker was Interrupted by the cheering and
applause which followed hisproduclng a ban
dana handkerchief. )
Well , gentlemen , this n good , honest hand-
korchlof. I would have bought It a good deal
cheaper if it had not been for the tariff tax ,
[ Great laughter and prolonged cheering. )
Now there nro men who say that the con
sumer don't pay n tax. I Imvo said that that
is a most audacious assertion , and I huvo tried
to show that ho must necessarily pay a tax.
Thcso gentlemen who are howling around
about tuo benefits of protection and the ruin
that the democrats are bringing on the coun
try , toll you that this thing which President
Aithur recommended only so lately Is nothing
in the world but free trado. They nro moro
afraid ot frco trade than they are
of rattlesnakes. They are terribly
alarmed lest they should bo bitten
by free trado. [ Laughter. ] Well ,
now , so far from this being frco trade , the
most sinking thing about the Mills bill is
that It Is the most moderate reduction of the
tariff duties that has over boon attempted in
this country. The average duty levied under
the present tariff was 47 per cent , nud under
the Mills bill the average would be only about
40pcrcent a reduction of only 7 percent
upon all commodities , taken together. Of
course , there nro some things upon which the
duty was reduced more. For instance , the
duty is taken off of a number of articles
called raw material , which are used by manu
facturers in their work , in the fabrica
tion of their products. . . And ns they
rceivo this great benefit of having their raw
materials free , or with comparatively small
duty , the bill Wisely provides that the
articles manufactured by them , when
brought Into the country , shall pay a lower
rate of duty than they did boforo. But that
is nothing more than a compensation for tak
ing oft the duty from raw material.
Now , my friends , there is another thing to
which I wish to call your attention. They
say , all at once. ( I say all at once for it is a
very late doctrine ) , thcso advocates of pro--
tcction are all at once seized with a wonder
ful solicitude for the laborlncr man of this
country , and they want a high protective
tariff , not to benefit the capitalist ; not
to benefit tha monopolist ; not to benefit
the1 manufacturer , according to their state
ment. Ho Is the man they seek to protect.
And how nro they going to protect him !
Why , they say that a high protective tariff
will bettor his condition. Give htm moro
wages , higher waged. I would Hko to know
now that can bo. t would Hko to know how
taxing the laboring-man aa everything from
the crown of his head to the sole Of his feet
is going to enrich him. ( Laughtor.and ap
plause. ) Yet this is exactly what this tariff
taffiff tax does. It taxes him on what ho
wears ; on that cap I put on my head to keep
it warm. It taxes him on his shirt , on his
necktie , on his underclothes , on his coat , on
his vest , on hla breeches , on his stockings.
on his ooots , on everything , and
yet they say that this is for the
benefit of the laboring man. My frinnds ,
that Is a very bold-faced statement if thcro
over was ono In thoworld. But there Is an
other thing about it. How is lie to get thcso
high wages ? Why" , he is to get them because
his employer , the capitalist or the monopo
list , will make moro money , and therefore
can afford to pay his employes higher wages
than ho paid them before. I agrca that ho
could ; I agree that it increases his profits ; I
agree that ho might , having these Increased
profits , pay his laboring men moro than they
word paid boforo. Hut does ho do it ? That
is the question. ( Applause and cries of
No , " "No. " ) Did you ever know
him to do it ? ( Crle * of "NO , "
"No. " ) The tariff lias been raised
again and agaltrand again it was Immensely
raised by the tariff of 1S61 or 1SG3 ; I forget
which of these years It was. It was raised
in a few years again , and it has bcdn raised
again and again , and I havcrnevei' been able
to find n manufacturer or a capitalist who.
upon the raising ot the tariff , baa increased
the price paid to Ills laborers. If there was
such a case it has escaped the attention of
Congressman Hatch of Missouri was the
second speaker of the afternoon , and he ably
continued the discussion of the tariff ques
tion , especially devoting himself to the effect
of the tariff on the agricultural interests.
At the conclusion of Congressman Hatch's
speech Alderman Christ Jacobs ot Detroit ,
in the name of the Fifth ward democratic
club ot that city , presented Judge Thurman
with a haudsoma gold hooded cane. In
response to a .neat presentation speech
Judge Thurinau made n brief speech , of
thanks for the gratitude shown him.
Judge Thurman and family nro the
guests of Collector and Mrs. O. A.
Ward at thole homo In this city ,
and to-moriow will bo entertained at
HuronlaBeucu by Mr. David Brooks , of
Columbus. To-night a torch light procession
was reviewed by Judge Thurman , and
speeches were made in thalialls. about town
by different prominent men present. An
Immense crowd was on the street und the
town has been decorated and lighted up
General Harrison's Movements.
TOLEDO , O. , August 22. General Harrison
and party left Toledo at 10 o'clock this morn
ing. The yacht Sigma was utilized , and after
a rather stormy trip , during which many
ladles of tlm party were seasick , the entire
8 o'clock this
party reached Put-In-Bay at
afternoon. His ai rival was greeted with a
salute , from the gunboat Michigan. Soon
after tha party departed for Middle Vast ,
where they will remain at least two weeks.
Dakota Republican Convention.
WATEUTOWN , Dak. , August S3. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK BEE.J The territorial re
publican convention organized this afternoon
by the election of A. B. Nash , of Huron , for
temporary chairman , This is considered as
n defeat for Dclogato Gtfford , Who Is a candi
date for renowluutlon.
Cry for PitcW'j Castorli.
Wfctn Baby WM rick , v gar * her C JtorU.
Wke ih * WM Child , sbo trUd for CMtorta ,
. Wkca ib * be m * XlM , aba dune to CMtOTi * ,
- I
Further Particulars of the Shooting
Near Superior.
Farmers Still ChnolriR the Assnssln
A Itrittnt Fluht at Kearney
Snfo Crackers nt Work
Otlicr State News.
The Shoot Ing Near Superior.
Summon , Nob. , August 23. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Further reports from
the shooting south of hero verify thosa mndo
yesterday. A negro had been camped near
the Santa Fo camp furnishing the graders
with whisky. During the night ono ot
the gang , called Texas Bill , vlsltod waht
ho supposed was the negro's camp.
It proved , however , to bo that of a stranger.
Calling him out the grader demanded some
alcohol. UIXMI botng told that ho had none
the said , "Then , d yon , I'll shoot you. "
and did so , the ball passing through the body
near the splno aud coming out
nt the groin. Ho thou rode back
to the boarding cftmp and boasted whllo cat-
Ing breakfast that ho had been up and killed
the negro. After eating he loft the camp
and has not yet been captured , though *
large number of people are in search of mm.
The unfortunate man's name is W. II. Whitney
noy and though still nllvo there Is no chance
for his recovery. Ho was traveling and had
camped for the night. If captured , the ono
Who did the shooting will undoubtedly bo
lynched as the fooling is decidedly against
Arrested on nn Old Ghnrge *
LINCOLN , Nob. , August 22.--Spocial [ Tola-
gram to TUB BKE. | John G\\iogcrs , an en.
glnecr on train No. 8 , was arrested to-night
on his arrival here , on n requisition from tho-
governor of 'Now York. In 1834 ho was em
ployed In the poss.cngor service of the Balti
more & Ohio railroad. Ho was sent out as
iillot to n now engineer , nml when approach
ing Savannah ho notified the now man
and the whlstlo was sounded , but
they had the right of way mid steam was not
shut off at once and they run into a passen
ger which they wcro to moot and several
persons were wounded and several killed In
the smashup. With the engineer bo was ar
rested , tried ana acquitted on the charge of
manslaughter. He resigned , came buck
west and went to work on the Burlington
last spring , but ho is again arrested on the
sumo chnrgo. Ho says It Is nt the Instigation
of the brotherhood engineers , who hnvo
threatened to ruin him.
A Cattio IHsense.
SrtEl.TOS , Nob. , August 23. [ Special to
Tnn BCK.J On the 8d inst. II. A. Lee
brought to his faim near hero four car loads
of native stock cattle from the Kansas City
stock yards. On the 13th inst. one died an *
govern ! showed symptoms of being diseased.
To date eight have died and moro nro sick.
The state veterinarian , although notified on
the 10th lust. , has failed to put in an appearance -
anco , so wa nro in doubt as to the true nature
of the disease , which seems now to all ex
perienced men hero , but is evidently some
disease contracted in the above yards , and is
probably Texas cattle fever.
Prof. Clmso's Llttlo Indian * .
.VALENTINE , Nob. , August 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tnu Bnn. ] Prof. H. It. Chase ,
superintendent of the Indian school at
Genoa , returned from Rosebud Agency to
night , with the Indian band of his school ,
which has bocn homo on a ten day's visit ,
and bringing with him thirty-five Indian
children who are now pupils. Prof. Ohasd ,
on Invitation of the democratic club , deliv
ered an address at its headquarters , where
the band delivered music. '
Troops En Konto to Koarnor.
NORTH PLATTE , Nob. , August 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HBB. ] Five companies of
) he Twentv-flrst Infantry and the regimental
band from Fort Sidney are encamped on va
cant land west of town. The troops are in
command of General Morrow and leave hero
to-morrow for the school Of instruction at
Kearney. Eight companies of the Seven
teenth Infantry , from Fort Russell , Wyo. , on
route to Kearney , are expected to roaon here
to-morrow evening.
Thirteen id Ttwa.
DAVID CITT , Aurnst 23. [ Special to Tjit
BEB.J Mayor Jones and Marshal Riddell
successfully pulled a bagnio last night in
which were found thirteen men and two
woman of easy virtue , who had but recently
planted themselves in David City. The
women wcro taken before Pollco Magistrate
McCaskoy and fined $25 each and costswhich
they at once paid , amounting to some $00.
David City is not a healthy locality for such
a business to thrive in * and Mayor Jones has
officially declared against them.
Kearney's BUildfnc Boom.
, Neb. , August 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBK. ] Over (809,000 worth of
business and residence houses are in course
of construction in this city. With the assur
ance of the Santa Fe railway ru the near fu
ture and good prospects of the Missouri
Paciflo and NortmVestorn soon , business is
reviving and visitors say that onrs is the
busiest little olty between tnd MUsottrl and
the Kocklos.
t >
Taken to tlio Penitentiary.
, Neb. , August 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TrtE BEE. ] Sheriff Wilson went to
Lincoln this morning with thrco prisoners :
Albert J. Murrlsh , the wife-murderer , sen
tenced for a four years' term in the peniten
tiary ; Mrs. Dorotlm Gauso , of Sartoria , and
Mrs. John Massor , at Armada , for the insane
.Democratic Primaries at Beatrice * .
BcATiuiE , Nob. , August23. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tun UBB.I The democratic prima
ries hero to-day were carried by W. H. Ash
ley , candidate for tha state senate , by sixty
majority. Ills opponent was R. S. Bidd ,
present county attorney. A lack of harmony
prevailed. Loading democrats say that Ash-
Icy stands no chance of election If nominated
at the convention next Saturday.
A Sunday School Picnic.
BLAJB , Nob. , August 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BnB.J The Sunday schools of
the Chongrcgatlonal , Mothodhtjind Presby
terian churches hud an excursion to Calhoun
to-day ; About thrco hundred from , Blair at
tended. A basket plcaio la tbo grova was
ono at the features of the excursion ,
Drowned In the Cistern.
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , August 2J. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKB. ] A daughter of J
Stull , llvluir west of town , was d.owned in a
cistern to-day. Her mother keeps milk In
thuclstcrn and seeing her got it from there ,
the daughter thought sha could do the sumo
and full In. Her mother was nlona and bo-
.foro she could summon aid the child was
dead. _
A Gasollnrj Explosion.
AULISOTOK , Neb. , August 23. [ Special to
TUB BBK. ] Mrs. HasuofTa gasoline stove
exploded yesterday and the flames scorched
her badly and quite severely burned the face
of her daughter Kmmu. The explosion was
caused by some reckless meddling with the
stove by Emma , the , ten-year-old daughter.
Burglars at Valentine.
VALE.VTTNB , Neb. , August 3J. [ Special
Telegram to TIIEBBB. } Carman &Hornloy'
liar d ware store'wu burglarized here last
night. A lor e quantity of cutlery and pistols - "
tols were taken. The sheriff U on the track
of the thief , and his c pturs ! aincoted
soon. _ . . . . j
Opened For Tr o.
NBRiUBiulCiTr , Neb. , AugurtS [ | cW
Telegram to TUB DEB. ] The pontoon wage "
and passenger bridge across the river at thU
point was completed to-day and teams wer *
crossing this evening.