I I t OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 23. 1SSS ; NUMBER 70. PLOTTING FOR THE OFFICES. Lincoln Full to Overflowing With Stcito Politicians. CORPORATION CROWD ON HAND. The Oil llooin GIUIK Making Mighty liffortH to Capturn lie Convention The 10 nil Not In Hl lit. Tlio Outlook at Midnight. LINCOLN , Nob. , August 2. . ( Special Tele gram to Tun HEI : . ] The delegates to the republican state convention are nearly all on the ground. Tlio corridors of the hotels are packed closely. Crowds of people are gath ered in knots and groups on thu streets ad jacent to the Capitol and Windsor hotels. Carriages are rolling rapidly back and foith convoying delegates and lobbyists to or from the railroad headquarters , where conferences nre in progress day and night. Captain Phil lips , ot thu Lincoln Town Lot company , and Deweso , of the Hurlington , huvu been mar shalling the railroad forces nil day loni' for tlio coming fray , and trying to organize n combine with the bankers who arc struggling for the deposits of thu stale treasury. John M. Thurston , with the Union Pacific mercenaries , reached the battle ground early this afternoon , and the regular oil room con tingent landed nt the Capitol hotel at 100 : ! ! ] i. m , Thu gang of Omaha Third ward bums followed closely on their heels , cheering lustily for Yost , and rushed headlong into the hotel bar room. A birdseyo of the crowd at the Capitol hotel creates the Impression that we are on the of bankers' and brokers' tt eve a convcn- fy tlon. Almost every other man is a bank ofllecr , broker or money lender. The most prominent among these anxious financiers nro the lending Omaha und Lincoln bankers. The contest over the stuto treasurer over flhndnws everything and baffles all calcula tion as to the outcome. The fact that the Btnto treasurer has at his disposal nil thu way from three quarters of n million to a million and a half. Is suggestive in this struggle for the stuto deposits , plates and countcrplutc.s , combines and counter- combines rule the hour. Nobody can foretell - toll which of the bank rings will carry off the capital prize to-morrow. Of the twelve candidates for treasurer , Einscl , Yost , Graham and Hill rank in the order In which they are naine.l. Tlio back crs of Einsol and Yost claim over two hund red delegates each , but neither will muster more than one ono hundred mid seventy-live on the first ballot. It is currently reported that Councilman Hascall , of Omaha , who comes as a Yost del cgate , will bo sprung to-morrow ns a candl for lieutenant governor. Tills may com plicate Yost's chances materially. The gen eral Impression now Is that Yost has no chance of n nomination in any event m less Einscl or Hill combine with him. This is not probable , oven if it wcro practicable Hath Einscl nnd Hill feel confident and hopo- ful. They could not deliver their following to Yost oven if they wanted to , A canvass of the delegates Indicates tun' ' Attorney General Lceso has strength cnougl to ensure his nomination. His principal op ponent , Scott , who is known to bo a H. & M attorney , lacks warm support in his own del egation , nnd can not hold it solid more thai two ballots in any event. The auditorshlp , which is by all odds th most Important office in the state , is liable t go to a railroader by default. Grosshanf the only candidate who Is free from en tangling alliances , is not pushing his can va'ss with the sumo vigor as his competitors. The insurance clique , headed by Captain Palmer , are working hard for Hcnton. In this state the auditor Is the insurance com missioner , which explains the why and wherefore. The land commlssioncrship Is nn uncertain quantity , depending upon whuro the treas urer and auditor coino from , and with which of the treasury combines the respective can didates arc identified. An Afternoon View of the Scene. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 22. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UEE. ] It Is becoming moro and more apparent that n combination is forming that means Yost for treasurer , Ucnton for umfitor nnd Irvine for attorney general. Hut It will bo whisked to the breezes. It lacks backbone. The collusion of the railroad and insurance corporations to that end can never win. For it to do so would bo party suicide. Palmer , the insurance nabob of the statcund defunct candidate for lieutenant governor , is undertaking to bolster Hcnton. Congress man Dorsey pats him on the back and says , ! "elck 'cm. " This is all there is to Uenton's Doom , and he is bound to go where the woodbine twinoth. Where Jrvino is to get his strength out- bldo of n sickly combination is a conumdrum. Llko Scott , ho will simply lloat until ho iloats home. These gentlemen stand moro 1 clmnco of bulug struck by lightning than they tlo by the attorney generalship. Some of the level headed delegation Insist that n sensible combination of any kind can not bo mado. It begins to look that way. Unless some of thu perplexing questions aio settled in caucus the convention will bo ono of the most memorable over held in thestute. It will bo a night's siege , to say the least , nnd then the end will not bo In sight. ' The York delegation will do some heavy i' work for Lundccn whenever It is found that Scott is nn Impossi bility. Scott out of the wny of nctlvu work en tno part of thu delegation would make Lu ml ee u a formidable candidate for commis sioner of public lands and buildings. Ho would make Jake Daw hunt his hole , and Charley Carter would have to do some lively scratching. The convention will hear more of this man Lundcrn than It now anticipates. His canvass Is in the hands of somu wary politicians. Cropsoy ana Halrd are unknown quantities in the race for state treasurer. The same thing practically can bo said of Harper , of Butler. They seem to bo making no special fight , and are cling ing to the phnmtom Hope like grim death. They have their respective counties , however , nnd muy hove thu gratifi cation of naming the man. Graham and Hill tire bending their energies In thu struggle nnd the nomination of either of them would bo n credit to the party and to the stato. \Vlth the people they are unquestionably tlio I i prlmo favorites. The names of other candl- I ( dates might bo mentioned that would prove equally as strong , but the expressed favor is not so firm and doc * not give the same assur ance of success. Candidates are trading strength by working on credulity and ambition. Selections of presidential electors nro being made based upon pledged support ot this or that candidate for treasurer , au ditor or commissioner , ns the case may bo. Cuspcr E. Yost is especially prominent In this little gnme. Ho is working It for nil it Is worth. His spotters nro leaving no stone un turned that possibly may deliver him goods. "Union Pacific John , " however , is to bo made nn clectornllarge. . This honor is claimed for him by right of the distinguished services ho has rendered to the republican party. So it goes. Candidates are twisting and squirm ins. The end is .not in sight and tliero is no prospect of its sudden appearance. Egan of Dawes , Iddlugs of Lincoln , uud Humphrey of Pawnee , arc nmongtho Nnbrnslcnns mentioned for presi dential electors. Just what goods they are pledged to deliver for tlio honor is not known. If not of the oil room crowd for revenue only there may bo n change for the gratification of | 'rsonul ambition. Hut it is safe to bet that Humphrey has promised the Pawnee delegation , body nnd soul , to Yost , Einscl or Ucnton , and possibly to all of them. Ho belongs to the class ymt co the whole hoir. hoir.With With two or three exceptions the candi dates are nil here. Paul Schmlnku , of Otoe , will arrive this evening , nnd all of tlio known candidates for stnto treasurer will boctigaged in thecanvass. . Tlio honest miller goes to the bat hist , but tlicro is such n thing as hat ting the ball beyond the Held and making a home run. Delegations came lit swarms on tlio noon trains , Kvery county in the state will bo represented to-night or early In the morning , and thu lobby will buz/.as sweetly as though the play was United States sena tor making. It Is said that a supreme ef fort will bo made by thu rail road ana corporation henchmen to-night to gain control of the situation. If they fail they will try to make it n rotiith-nnd-tumblo fight , nnd work upon the cupidity of the nov- ieo and disappointment of the defeated , hop ing In tills way to capture ! the coveted pn/es. or enough of them to servo their purpose and ends. The enemies of tlio people are full of resources nnd they are bent on using any means , however treacherous and damnable , to make it iKissiblo for them to continue their fleecing thu shippers and thus rob the pro ducer and consumer. Lccso will go before the con vention with 25 to HOO votes. Hut for nil that his strength is his only weak ness. Tlio field against him and n combina tton is possible , but not probable. The rep rcsentatives of the people are on the keenest alert and will attempt to checkmate any de cided move of this kind. Hit On * Ills Hnr. KKAIINEY , Neb. , August B2. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEE.I E. O. Edwards and Mike Sullivan , young farmers living a few miles east of the city , got into an altercation this afternoon about a bit of neighborhood gossip , resulting in the entire loss of an car from the latter , which was bitten off by Ed wards , the assaulting party. A hearing was given him tills evening before u Justice , and ho was bound over for his appearance at the disttict court in tlio sum of $500. A Little nin/.c nt Hcnkl < 'innn. HENKI.EM N , Neb. , August 22. [ Spocia 'clogrnm ' to Tun Uii.l : The Commorein ,010 ! narrowly escaped burning Urn morn ng. Keiosluo oil was spilled on the iloor , 'lie clerk , to dispose of it , applied a match np in an instant the room was abhuo am ad it not been for the Uro department tlio uildlng would soon have been in aslu s. As t was the lire was soon subdued with bu light damage. Another Nchraska. City rtnrjj'nry. NBIIKASKA Cirv , Neb. , August , 23. | Spceia : o Tin : lii ! : : . ] The safe at the NoOruski : ! ity Munnfaoturing company's oflico wa1 > lown entirely to pieces by burglars las lijht , but only a small amount of cash wa : icctired. The town seems to be overrun bj hioves nnd robberies nre of almost nightlj ic'curreneo. A reward of 525 is oflorcd for my trace of thieves or goods stolen from & Meyer's store Tuesday night. A ! > Aiiierou9 Lodging Place. SriT.uiou , Neb. , August 22. [ Spccia Telegram to Tun BIE. : ] Lasteverilng an un tnown man , while intoxicated , lay down 01 the 15. M. track Just west of the yards a his place and the 13:40 : passenger cast strucl nm while running at a high rate of speed brewing him from the track and severely in uriug him , though , it is thought , not fatally. Objects of ClKirlty. KEUINEV , Neb. , August22. ! [ Special Tele gram to TUB HEB.I Mrs. E. Hoblnson , a widow lady , arrived hero to-day In destitute circumstances with three small children dc- .lendent . upon her for support. The two old est , eight and ten years respectively , were taken up as vagrants and scut to the indus trial school. _ _ IJLAINIS'S STUMPING TOUU. Ho Will Go Across tins Continent After Miilne'H Klectlon. AUGUSTA , Me. , August 22. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Hii.l Mr. Hlainu will start on u trans-continental stumping tour one week after the Maine election m October. Ho has no detailed plans fur the campaign , and ho will make none. Ho will place himself un reservedly in tlio hands of the national com mittee to use as they think best. If ho ROCS as far west as California it will bo during tlio last week of thu canvass , so that the time spent In returning will not bo taken out of the campaign. His speeches , with perhaps ono exception , will bo short. Ho does not feel able to undergo the severe strain of a long series of two-hour stump speeches. In the campaign of four years ago , owing to thu great number of out door speeches which ho delivered , ho overtaxed his volco somewhat which , ho says , requires htm to bo careful of it now. Mr. Ulaliio will speak once moro in tlio evening at Lewiston this week and will then go to Polano Springs to spend Sunday. Wisconsin Republicans. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , August 22. Tlio repub lican state convention met in this city ntnoon to-day. Philo S. Orton was chosen tem porary chairman and .1. S. Reynolds tem porary secretary. The usual committees were appointed nnd adjournment was taken to 2 o'clock this afternoon. The following platform was adopted : The republicans of Wisconsin , by their representatives In convention assembled , hcartilv approve of the nominations of Hen- juinin Harrison for president and LovlP. Mor ton for vice president as candidates worthy of the warm and united support of the repub lican party. They approve the platform adopted by the national republican conven tion In Juno last ns outlining thu policy best calculated to maintain and promote the wel fare of the country nnd prosperity of its people ple of all classes mid occupations. With re gard to affairs of btatc , they offer ns the best guarantee for the future unJ the strongest claim to the continued confidence of the people ple , tlio record of the present republican ad ministration It is a record of the honest , economical , impartial and Judicious applica tion of sound business methods to thu con duct of the various departments of the state government , lu conclusion , this convention desires to express its recognition of the fidel ity , ability and efficiency with which Gov- ernov J. M. Husk has discharged tlio duties of his responsible oflleu. Honest , courageous and Just , ho has held the office of governor longer than any of his predecessors , nnd has so berne himself as to win the respect and esteem of the whole people , Irrespective of party division. After taking an Informal ballot this after noon , the convention adjourned until 8 o'clock p. m. , when W. U. Hoard , of Fort Atkinson , was nominated for governor on the first bal lot. George W. Rylaml was rcnominated for lieutenant governor , Ernest G. Timmo for secretary of state , II. H. Harshan for i-tato treasurer. C , E. Estabrook for attorney general , J. H. Thaycr for state superintend ent , Atley Peterson for railroad commis sioner nnd Phil Check for insurance commis sioner. _ _ A Brewery Bnrnril. FOHT WAYNE , Ind. , August iii. The Berg- heft brewery was totally burned this morn- Ing. The fire originated from an explosion in the malt room , The damages are $100,000 ; insurance 25,000. I < 'lori8tH in Convention. NEW YOUK , August 3J. The fourth annual convention of the Society of American Florists was begun yesterday. Delegates are present , from nil parts ot the United States i.nd Camilla , m-i-Ih' Dentil. LONDON , August 2i The death of Dlshop Harris of Michigan occurred last evening at the Langhaui hotel In London. Ho showed symptoms of paralysis after preaching iu Winchester cathedral recently. ,1TE REPUBLICAN1 Tholr Thirty-Third State Convention Moots at Dos Moinos. THE RURAL ELEMENT PREVAILS. ParnierH Arc Not Versed In Ijaw Hut They Ge ( There Jnut the Same GraiiKer'H Luoky Name. Tno Town Ilcpnbllcnn Convention. DnsMoiNE3 , la. , August22. | Special Tele gram to THE Hr.E.l The thirty-third repub lican state convention brought together to-day a very largo but variegated set of men. It looked very much like the crowd at a state fair , so largely did the rural clement prevail hundreds of delegates coming irom their farms to the llrst state convention they ever attended. The spirit of the crowd was of about the amo quality and degree that brooded over the legislature last winter when the famous anti-railroad light was raging. The convention was loaded with a large club for everything that smacked of railroad or corporation Influence. The farmers and Jobbers having concluded to take a hand in nolltics. they were given full sweep , and they ruled the day. All of this intense nnti-railioad tooling has grown out of the licht last winter ind its continuation this summer by the rail- oads opposing tlio commissioners' schedule ind having it enjoined in the courts. The nest radical clement had prepared a slate is'hich was to include the nomination of com missioners Smith and Campbell , the selection ) f John Mahin of Muscatino for the third ; > lacc , the nomination of Judge Granger for supreme Judge , nnd the renomimition of At torney General Haker ; also the adoption of resolutions endorsing Governor Liirrabeo's course toward the railroads and sustaining the commissioners in their lights. As the convention was so largely inado up of farm ers their judgment on legal matters ivas not very discnmimitinir , and they fol lowed a few leaders who had fixed up the ilate without regard to the qualification of ho candidates. As one man remarked , 'Half tlio delegates can't tell the difference Ijotwoen a lawyer and a lamppost , anil what ilo they know about the right man for supreme premo Judge and attorney general. " All the same , they had the votes , and they swung them In true nntl monopoly stylo. The suc cessful candidate forsupremoJudgc.GranKcr , was very lucky In his name. It. took like fire water with the gentlemen from the slough water districts , and it is reported that many of them voted for him under the im pression that ho was named for hit love for the farmer. When the convention opened nt 11 o'clock this morning it presented an animated nnd handsome appearance. The stage of the opera house was profusely decorated with ( laps , banners and streamers. Suspended from the top was a life sized portrait of Harrison risen , crowned with ( lags and an American eagle. Beneath was a large banner , to which a bandana was attached , carrying these words in large letters : "The eagle and the Hag beats the rooster and the rag " General Tuttle , who is pretty well known from his connection with the Grand Army encampment at St. Louis last year , stirred up thu animals in his speech na temporary chairman. The general is not an orator , but when it comes to old fashioned cussing , with the copperheads and rebels as the recipients , he Is very fluent. So lie devoted the mostof his speech to what would some times bo called tno "bloody shirt. " Ho sailed into Cleveland - land for his pension vetoes and rebel Hag order , and tore the administration to pieces and threw them away. The farmers , for thu tlmo being , forgot their special mission at Des Moines and applauded vigorously. There were no special incidents of interest during the morning session , the rest of the time being devoted to routine business. When Senator Lafo Young , of Atlantic , took the chair after dinner as permanent chairman , a red hot anti-monopoly speech was expected , as he was ono of the leaders in the light against the railroads last win ter. Hut ho surprised the convention by also sailing in on the "bloody shirt" issue , and touching up the tariff question , but say ing not a word on the railroad question. Ills speech was received with great cheering , showing that the convention was of the stal wart kind on that Issue at least. An inci dent followed that also showed the temper the convention in this respect when a resolu tion was introduced that it was the sense of the convention that there should bo no re duction of the revenue of the country till every union soldier had received a service pension. This was greeted with wild ap plause , and was referred to thu committee on resolutions. Secretary of State Jackson nnd Auditor Lyons were then renominnted by acclama tion , the former having had two terms and the latter one. When the nomination of treasurer was reached , the precedent of giving a third term to Jackson had its effect in helping Twombly also , although General Hceson , his only competitor , crowded closely. Yet Twombly was ronominatcd for a third term with a dozen votes to spare. As usual , the secretaries got in a tangle ami couldn't foot up the returns alike , and after wrangling for a quarter of an hour the Gor- dion knot was cut by the Marshall county delegations from the homo of General Beo- son moving to tnako Twombly's ' nomination unanimous. For supreme judge , Judge Sccvcrs , the present supreme judge ; Judge Granger , of Allnmakco county , and Judge Given , of Polk county , wcro nominated on the first ballot. Soovers received 203 votes , Granger 480 votes , and Given 247 votes. Oa the second ballot Granger received 573 votes , Given 203 , and Seevers 101 votes. The nomination of Judge Granger was then made unanimous. For attorney general , Hon. A. J. Baker , the present incumbent , Hon. J. I. Stone , of Mills county ; H S. Winslow , of Jasper county , and Milton Rumloy , of Johnson county , wore placed in nomination. On the first ballot Stone received S10 votes , Winslow IS'.l votes , Baker 277 votes , and Uctnley Kit ) votes. On the second ballot Stone received 493 votes , Baker 215 votes , Winslow SO votes , and Rcmley US votes. Stone's nomination was made unanimous. The convention proceeded to the nomina tion of railway commissioners. Some dis cussion ensued ns to the manner of choosing them , some wishing to elect three on ono ticket , and others wishing to vote for each separately. The plan of voting for thrco at n time was adopted. At this tlmo great con fusion prevailed , and it was with difficulty that the chairman controlled the convention. John Mahin , of Muscatiuo ; ex-Governor Ncwhold , of Mount Pleasant ; Spencer Smith , of Council Bluffs ; J. S. Lawrence , of Sioux City ; F. T. Campbell , of Newton ; Merritt Green , of Marshultown ; Day , of Iowa City ; Kent , Klmball and Rossin , of Humboldt , wcro placed In nomination , The largu number of candidates made the calling of the roll very long and tedious. The result was us follows : Mahin , U02 ; Newhold , IS'J ; Smith , 130 ; Lawrence , 812 ; Campbell , 843 ; Kent , 71 ; Green , 40 ; Klmbnll , 22 ; Rossin , 90 ; Falrourn. 20 ; Dey , S ; Wilson , 117 ; Conln , 12 ; Williams , 21 ; Spencer Smith of Coun cil Bluffs and Frank T. Campbell of Newton , the present commissioners , having received n majority of all the votes cast , wcru declared the nominees. The conven tion then proceeded to ballot for the remainIng - Ing commissioner , The second ballot re sulted in the selection of Hon. John Mahin , of Muscatino , as the remaining candidate for railroad commissioner. The vote stood : Mahin , 5'iiJ ; Lawrence , 2W ; Kent , 17 ; New- hold , 12J ; Rossin. 2. A. 1C , Bailey havlmr refused to servo as elector from the Fourth district , J. O. Crosby was elected In his stead. For olec- tors-at-largo , Judge Lewis , of Woodbury county , Hon. Peter Hepbnrn and ox-Gov ernor Stone wore named. Ex-Governor Stone and Colonel Hepburn were elected by acclamation. The following were chosen as the state central commltte : T. W. Tettlo'ck , Louisa county ; L. P. Allen , Clinton county , Edgar Picket , Hlnckhnwk county } E. W. Wilbur , Flovd county ; S. C. Luland , Tama county ; O. M. Christian , PoweshluU county ; T. T. Anderson , Warren county ; H. T. Granper , Adams county : A. L. Hnrvev , H rri on county ; A. D. Hickncll , Humboldt county ; Edcjar E. Mack , Buonu Vista county. The following Is the committee on cre dentials : James Hnrlan , Henry county ; John Cownle , Iowa county ; M. H. Forbert , Dubuque county ; J. O. Crosby. Clayton county ; S. C. MoFarlaud , Marshall county ; J. G. Hutclilnson , Wapullo county ; William M. Stone , Marlon county ; J. W. Harvey , Decatur county ; John H. Wood , Cnss county ; J. 1C. Deal , Carroll county ; 0. D , Perkins , Woodbury county. The platform was much more moderate than hud been anticipated , speaking very firmly for the proper control of railroads , but also for fair and just treatment to all interests. It was received with great en thusiasm , after which the convention ad journed. Illnck IlawK County Crop * . WATEUI.OO , la. , August 22. [ Special to THE UIE. : ] The crops of 1SSS are better In Black Hawk county than for any preceding rear for nearly two decades. Hay Is n fair crop. The cold spring proved a blessing in : lisgiiise. Corn is away ahead of what it usually has been nt this time. Fields of maize , ranging in height from ten to fifteen feet , are quite thu rule , nnd so dense that sunlight hardly penetrates to the earth. Much of the oats in this county will yield over fifty bushels per aero , few less than thirty-live. Wheat will yield , on nn average , twenty-live bushels per acre. Iowa College Chances. IOWA CITY , la. , August 22. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. | Judge Walter C. Dunton , of Rutland , Vt. , ono of the most prominent lawyers of Vermont , n graduate of the Mid- dlebury ( Vermont ) college nnd a trustee of that institution , has accepted thu position of resident professor in the law department of the university and will move to Iowa City nt once. Prof. Parker , for many years ono of the most honored professors in the univer sity , loft for Grinnell to-day , where ho takes the chair of history. Many Touchers In Attendance. CAKIIOI.I , , la. , August 2.J. [ Special to Tnn H EC. ] Tlio Carroll county normal institute , under the supervision of Prof. O. J. Lay- lander , assisted by G. I. Miller , H. E. Hammond mend , Miss Florence L. Walravcn nnd Har riet H. Hickok , is in session nt this place. The attendance is larger this year than at any previous session , over 105 teachers being enrolled. The term ends August 24. A Woman Fatally Hurried. Siorx CITV , la. , August 22. [ Special to THE Bin : . ] A largo pile of paper in a corner of a Swedish laundry caucht fire this morn ing at ID o'clock , and a young woman , named Hilda Johnson , was frightfully burned in attempting to extinguish the ( lames. Her clothes ignited , cooking thu llesh on her limbs and body. The woman cannot re cover. _ Ordered to Leave Town. SHEN\NDOVII , la. , August 23. [ Special to Tun Bui : ] The parents of Frank Philips , who was recently tarred and feathered hero , have been ordered to leave the town , which they did this afternoon. The citizens inado up a purse of J.iO for them. FIFTIETH CONGKES9. Senate. WASHINGTON , August 22. The bill grantIng - Ing Mrs. Sheridan n pension was reported to the senate to-day and placed on the calendar. As Introduced by Mr. Farwell , it carried $5,000 a year. Tlio amount has been reduced by the committee to ยง 3,500. , Mr. Beck offered an amendment to the house tariff bill relating to the sinking fund nnd had it referred to the finance committee. The senate then proceeded to the consider ation of the senate joint resolution appropri ating $200,000 to suppress infection In inter state commerce. Adjournment then followed. House. WASHINGTON , August 22. In the house Mr. Townshcnd of Illinois presented the conference ferenco report on the army appropriation bill , making the amount appropriated $2'J,351,000. This was agreed to. The house then went Into a committee of the whole on appropriation bills , after which it adjourned. mtoiCE UP "THE GANG. A MIsHonrl Horse Thlef Evidence Lends to Other Arrests. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 22. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Charles Johnson , aged twcnty-eicht years , ajid the son of a wealthy farmer living about s x miles north of Platts- burg , Clinton county was arrested In this city to-day charged \th bolng the leader of an organized gang o : horse thieves which have been operating ! In that county for a year past. Johnson s arrest was brought about by the confcsion of Al. Drels , one ol the gang now confln ; 1 in the Plattsburgjall. Drels is the son of a ( viuowed woman living on Bartlett street , Inthis city. His mother owns considerable pi operty , and last Satur- day. together with1 Miss Blunkcnship , her son's sweetheart , vi1 ted Plattsburg nnd In- duced the boy to tur ! state's evidence. The officials believe that they have the loader ol the gang who stole twenty-tlireo horses in ono month in the vicinity of Johnson's homo last fall. The county was done considerable dumairo by the wldelproad publicity given to the affair by thu newspapers. to the liarbor Convention. DENVEK , Colo. . August 22. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Chairman Rich , of the Colorado Pool association , has written the following letter to the president of the real estate exchange hero in regard to thq deep water convention to bo hold In Denver on the 2sth of the present month : "Our lines are not prepared to make less than the $25 rate for the round trip , with corresponding rates west of the Missouri river , to Denver uud return. This rate will bo made with the understanding that round trip tickets are to bo used. These tickets will carry a limit of ninety days from date of sale and will bo good thirty days in each direction. " The Pall Mall Gazctto'H Opinion. LONIION , August 2) ) . The Pall Mall Gazette zetto , referring to the rejection of the flsh erics treaty by the United States senate , says It is thankful that the Chamberlain mission had not made the difficulty moro serious than it was before. Senator Morgan's speech , i s ays , was buncombo. The rejection of the treaty simply relegates the whole question to nmicuhlo settlement after the presldcntla election. _ Four PasHoneorH Injured. Si'niNonELn , O. , August 22. Early th ! morning an accident occurred to n mixei train on the Columbus , Springfield & Cincin noti railroad , nt Seven Milo bridge , past o this city. The train encountered a broken rail , which threw all of the cars off the track Two sleepers rolled down the crnbankuen nnd four occupants were Injured , Troubles. NEW YOIIK , August 22. Post , whoso fall uro was announced on the produce exchange yesterday , has made settlements on the basis of OOJtfe. Richard Harris , wholesale paper dealer made an assignment to-day with preference fitcntnslilp Arrivals. LONPON , August 22. [ Special Telegram to TJID HEI : . ! The Lydlaa Monarch , from Now York. QUEEXSTOWN , August 22. fSpcolal Tele Krum to TUB UCK.J The Italy from Ne\ York. NO REST FOR CONGRESSMEN , Democrats Rojoot a Proposition For a Short Vacation BUT MANY ARE SLIPPING AWAY. ScnntorH Mnndcrann ami Cnllom Will Oppose JthoVnKliliiKton Terrl- ory Hill A NebruHku hand Case A Union PncllloMovc. ItcfiiNod to Adjourn. WASIIINOTON HUIIR iu THE OM ut v IlRB , ) 513 PoDHTEENTIlSTItRET , , } WASIIINOTON. D. C , , August 22. i The republican members of the senate committee on finance to-day submitted to Senator Heck , who represents the democratic side of thu scnntuon all questions of apolitical character , the proposition that nt the end of this week a recess of both houses of congress shall bo taken for two weeks. Thu republi can senators said , in submitting this proposi tion , that they wore all very tired of their work and that business nt home had dropped far behind ; that they had been deprived of their usual summer vacation ; that the pros pects were that the session would be prac tically continued until thu 4th of next March and Unit It would bo nt least three weeks before - fore tno committee on finance could complete its tariff bill , and that therefore it would be advisable to tuko a recess for a couple of weeks no that the committee could go ahead with its work and the other senators nnd members of the house could have an oppor tunity to pay n visit to their homes. Senator - tor Heck inado n brief canvass of the democratic side of the senate and reported to the republican senators that their proposition was rejected , that the demo crats intended to hold the senate session until it was ready to adjourn , and that it was probable that they would not consider the time for adjournment at hand until the re publicans reported u tariff bill and ntcmpted to pass it. Senator Jones of Nevada , who is a member of the committee on finance , said to-night that ho did not believe the tariff bill would bo upon the senate calendar before the 10th of October. It is understood that the committee has been confronted with n number of obstacles during the last twenty- four hours , and Unit the work on the tariff bill will have to bo gone over again , nna that there will bo some moro hearings from the industries involved. The democrats say the republicans are holding back the bill till after the elections in Vermont and Maine. Thcru are only nboutonc-thirdof the mem bers of the house present and not more than two-thirds of the senate. Senator Hour is the only man from Massachusetts in cither house of congress in the city now. Senators are eagerly seeking pairs and are leaving the city as rapidly as they can get uwa.v while the work of the house is virtually at a stand still. The lack of a quorum made it impossible to pass any measure except by unanimous consent. The prospects are that there will not bo 100 members of the house present after this week and that it will bo difficult to keep a quorum of the senate after the failure of this proposition to-day. THE IDAHO QtKSTION. Senators Manderson and Cullom will bo the opponents to-morrow on the bill for the admission of Washington Territory. They do not oppose the admission of the Territory as it now stands , but they do object to the ad dition of the already largo acreage of Wash ington Territory to the Pan Handle of Idaho. The bill In its present form was reported from the senate committee on territories by the votes of the democrats on that committee and Senators Stewart of Nevada , and Davis of Minnesota. The passage ot this bill in its present form means , according to the minor ity report , signed by Senators Munderson and Cullom , the entire annihilation of the territory of Idaho , for these gentlemen say it is very well known that when the northern part has been apportioned to Washington the southern part will go to swell the population nnd the acreage of Nevadn. There is no doubt of the passage of the bill in the senate , but it has very little show to go through the house at this session , because of the prospect of such legislation touching the territories. DECISION IN A NEUKAblvA IANI > OlSE. The secretary of the interior to-day ren dered a decision in the land case of Justus Snook from the Valentino land district. The case was based on the charge of nn excess of area above 100 acres and involved lots 3 nnd1 of section 10 , township 31 , north range 25 west , and the oM so } { section W , town ship 81 north range 25 west. The secretary decides that the department Is without nu- thority to grant the relief asked for , and that the area must DO so reduced as to bring it within the provisions of the law. The de cision of the land commissioner to this effect is therefore nfllrmed. A UNION PACIFIC MOVE. There Is considerable comment upon the marked rally of Union Pacific stock on Wall street to-day. The buying was quite heavy and the stock showed unusual strength. Late In the day it came out that .telegrams had been sent from Mew England stating that , in spite of the delinquency on the part of congress to pass the refunding bill that a syndicate was being formed to raise funds with which to make n proffer to the govern ment of the entire amount of the funded In debtedness. This would nlso provide the necessary means for such extensions In Kansas as seen to bo at once culled for. It is strongly hinted that In case congress fails to relieve the road of the present burden - don from the operation of the Thurman law that it will take the step above indicated. AN EXCITING DEIIVTB. The senate started this afternoon the beginning - ginning of a mighty political battle that bids fair to make some music for the country be fore it is finished. Mr. Chandler called up his resolution providing for an investigation of the frauds which were so palpable in the the late Louisiana elections. Neither of the Louisiana senators were present. In the course of his remarks lie took occasion to refer to the outrages iu Washington county , Texas , which were lately Investigated by a sub-committee of the committee on privi leges and elections. These comments so en raged Reagan and Coke , the senators from Texas , that they moved over to the ropub. Hcan side and began to protest against it. He characterized Chandler's commchts as "impudent. " Ho was called to order by the chair , who requested him to withdraw his remarks , which ho did , and apologized. He and Coke denied , however , that the sena tor's charges wcro true. Mr. Spooncr , of Wisconsin , who was chairman of the sub committee which continued the Texas inves tigation , took Chandler's place and replied to the Texas senators in a speech that silenced them both. He reviewed the testimony offered - fored by witnesses before the investigation , nnd stated that ho had received last night from J. G. Moore , the principal witness in the case for the republicans , a letter stating that ha could notioturnto Texas since the investigation for the reason that tils life was In danger. Mr , Spooner dwelt upon the phases of the testimony and drove Reagan and Coke nearly wild by tlio explanation which ho said he had secured In the investigation , of the incendiary charac ter of the speeches which the Washington county negroes , who wcro arrested and hung by the mob , were alleged to have been mak ing. Thu witnesses for thu defense had ex plained the incendiary character by stating that ttio negroes had tried to inflame their friends by showing that if tlio republican party succeeded they would receive high wages but if the democratic party were successful wages would bo cut down. This was a doctrine , Spooncr said , considered by the democratic party in Texas worthy of death. At this | K > lnt Blair of Now Hampshire ra'.acd a most tremendous laugh by risingnnd solemnly expressing the hope that iho senators from Texas will take warnIng - - Ing from this state of affairs'lu Texas as rc- ycalud by the senator from .Wisconsin nnd vote for the'educational bill , which measure both senators nave violently opposed iu the mst. The Idea seems generally to prevail hat the Rciuito has entered upon the most violent political debate of this session. MI'MtrWIMl "sql'OV MEN. " The interior department Intends to enforce the new law relating to the umrriago of white men nnd Indlhii Women , with a view to breaking up the practices of "squaw men" uid the roughs on the frontiers who nro de- muchiiiK Indian women. TJio law now gives ho Indian woman who marries n white man all the rights to his property that nro given to n white woman. More than this the white nan , by his marriniro to the Indian woman , nherlts no tribal right * to property , and still 'urther , cohabitation is made prlimi facie ev- donee of marriage. Puituv S. HEATH. Army News. WASHINGTON , August 21. [ Special Telo- ; ram to THE HEE. ] First Lieutenant Edgar S. Dudley , Third artillery , Is relieved from luty at the university of the state of No- jraska , Lincoln , Neb. , to take effect Septem ber 1 , ami will proceed from Lincoln to Wa- 100 and visit the camp of the Nebraska state nilltia for one week , commencing Septem- jcr 1 , for the ptirposoof inspecting the troops .aking part in thu encampment , under such instructions ns he may receive from the ad jutant general of the army , and on the com- Diction of this duty will proceed to Join his battery. The travel enjoined Is necessary for the public service. First Sergeant Xavier Wilke , company E , Sixth Infantry , now with his command , is discharged. Leave of absence for n month , on surgeon's certificate of disability , is granted Captain Thaddeus S. Kirtland , Seventh infantry , In addition to the further extension of ordinary leave granted him on May 11. Tlio unexecuted portion of the sentence Imposed by a general court martial ( general rouit martial orders No. 7 , January SM. lbS7 , Department of thu Platte ) is remitted in thu casu of Emery \V. Hrown , late private Com pany H , Twenty-first infantry , and he is re leased from confinement. Captain Charles H. Kockwcll , of the Fifth cavalry , died here to-day of malarial fever contracted in Ari/.onu. His body was to night sent to Kent , O. , for interment. Mrs , Rockwell is a niece of Senator and General Sherman , and was with her husband when ho died. WASHINGTON , August 22. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HEI : . I The superintendent of the recruiting service will cause fifteen col ored cavalry recruits to bo assigned to tlio Nintli cavalry and forwarded , under proper charge , to sucli point or points in the De partment of the Plattu as the commanding general of the department shall designate. After arrival In that department the re cruits will bo distributed ns equitably as practicable among the troops of tlio regiment serving therein. The retirement of Colonel J. S. Mason , Ninth infantry , yesterday will cause thg fol lowing promotions : Lieutenant Colonel Al- ford L. Hough , of the Sixteenth infantry , to bo colonel of thu Ninth ; Major William 11. Pcnrose , of the Twelfth infantry , to be lieu tenant colonel of the Sixteenth ; Captain Jesse A. P. Hampson , Tenth infantry , to bo major of the Twelfth : First Lieutenant Clayton S. Uurbank and Second Lieutenant Isaac. W. Little , ot the Tenth Infantry , to bo respectively captain and llrst lieutenant in the same regiment , and Additional Second Lieutenant A. W. Perry to bo second lieu tenant. Nolirtiska nnit Iowa PenHlons. WASHINGTON , August 22. [ Special Tele gram to THE Hi'n.l Pensions granted Ne < brnskans : Increase Martin Vnustin , Ari zona ; Jesse S. McElhecs , Madison ; James McCullouch , Junluta ; Thomas J. Clark , At kinson ; George W. Eastman , Omaha ; Al- phonzo W. Colgrave , Heaver City ; Alonzo D. Straw , Elton ; Christopher J. Hale , Craig. Pensions for lowans : Original Invalid George W. DoForcst , Centralia ( navy ) ; John T. Davis , Fenton ; Joseph A. Tcague , Winfleld ; Frank Critz , Washington ( navy ) ; William W. Cory , Ottuinwa. Increase Robert M. McKnight , Creston ; John Allen , Lancaster ; Henry H. Cusick , Gravity ; Lcvl H. Andrews , Waubek ; Alexander H. Hrown , Audubon ; Knight Dexter , Toledo ; John W. Loofboro , Welton ; Aaron S. Obcr , Pacific Junction ; James H. Lamb , Union ; Jefferson Wall , Lowden ; George W. Smith , Sanborn ; James Y. Buchanan , Andrew ; Evan F. Cow- ger , Rlverton ; Robert N. Pierson , Hender son : Joseph Kinncr , Fort Dodge ; John M. Parks , Genoa ; Martin H. Haskins , Jancs- villo ; William W. Harnes , Sibley ; John Roe , Green Island ; TJiomas W. Huckcr , Gravity ; Henry L. Huntsingor , Holstcin ; Thomas N. Uray , Grinnoll. Original widows , etc. Mary Thompson , former widow of William H. Sagcr , Hopkinton. Mexican widows Barbara , widow of Arion Kolc , Farmers- burg. Nebraska and Iowa Patcntn. WASHINGTON , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Ur.n. ] Patents were granted the following Nebraska and Iowa inventors to-day : Andrew Bethschcder , Hebron , Neb. , pruning implement ; Eli Eshlcman , Chero kee , la. , draft equalizer ; Henry M. Huphes , Eldon. In. , roach bar for vehicles ; George 13. Rait , Evcrly , la. , cut-off vulve gear ; Horace ace E. Reeves , Sanborn , la. , corn harvester ; Abram M. Woodruff , Superior , Neb. , safety shoo for car trucks. A White Corn Worm. FWIMONT , Neb. , AuguDfc i. ( Special to Tun UEE.J A short time ar7i Dodge county farmer sent a specimen of the white worms which nre damaging the corn in this and va rious other sections of Nebraska , to thu gov ernment clomologist nt Washington , to which the following reply lias been received , It will bo of general interest to the farmers of the state : Your Interesting letter of the 7th Inst has been received , also box containing speci mens. In the absence of Prof. Riley , 1 will say that the dlffoi cut specimens arc all ono species , the corn root woim , diabrotica longi- cornis , in its different stages. The long , slender worms which you lind attached to the roots are the lurvnej and what you call the "short grub" is the pupa , or quiescent stage. We have received similar reports of injury by this insect this year from other parts of your state. It commences its attack in May or June , und changes to pupa Into In July or early in August , a few clays later emerging ns the perfect beetle. In Septem ber or October the Ctfgs mo Ida In the ground about the corn roots , wlieru they remain during the winter nnd hatch out the coming spring. The best remedy known is to practice rota tion of crops. This insect has not been known to thrive on uny other crops , and if u field infested the previous venr , Is sown to grass , iho larvae , when they hatch , will die from want of proper nourishment. It is no doubt too late now to save this year's crop , but if steps are taken in time the strength of the corn plants may be greatly Increased by the use of fertilisers so that they will bo able to overcome the injury to a great extent. The field should then bo planted to another croji the following year , avoiding sorghum as u crop , which it is possibla they might attack. There is no natural enemy of this insect yet known , nor is it evident that changes of weather have any serious effect upon it. Tri.Rii TOWNSEXP , Acting Entomologist. Ijanjtry'8 Theater Party. NEW YOKK , August 22. [ Special Telegram to Tun HER. ] Mrs. Langtry und a theater party occupied the two lower boxes at tlio Broadway theater last night. Frcady Geb- hardt and Frank Grlswold , the alleged rivals for the Lilly's favors , were of the party. Mr. Gebhurdt , when asked about the loss of his stables , said ho would save but ono horse , und that ho would never race him ugain. He said ho was not insured , but that he held the. Erlo railway responsible for the loss. Mrs. Langtry said she was coins to California on Thursday. WaHhecl Overboard nnd Drowned. MIMVAUKEK , August ! 3. Henry Metcalf of Minneapolis , porter ou the steamer City of Milwaukee , was washed overboard lasi nkht ana drowucd. WENT DOWN AT GOLDEN GATE , A Terrible Collision of Pnclllo Cconu Stoamors. OVER THIRTY LIVES ARE LOST * The Two Vcnspl Collide In ft DcneO FoKnnd Ono of Them Sink * to the Hottotn In Lens Than Five MlnuteH. Found ( iravr-4 in t IIP Ocean. SVN KiiAXtisro , August ' . ' 2. One of the most torriblu mnrlno disasters that uvcr oc curred on the 1'uelfie coast happened In the bay of San Kninclsco n short distance from Golden Gate at 10 o'clock this morning. The steamer City of Chester left her dock hero nt i ) :30 : and started on tier regular trip to Eureka , on thu northern coast of Califor nia. An unusually large number of passengers stood on her decks and waved udicux to friends standing on thu wharf. Thu Chestoi : steamed slowly down the bay , and when within two miles of the Heads encountered n thick fog so peculiar to that locality. Cnp tain Wallace , of the City of Chester , begun blowing his steamer's whistle to warn nil vessels of his approach. The Chester pro ceeded cautlouslj on her wuy when tlio hoarsa sound of another whistle Hooted across the water. Captain Wallace answered thu signal nnd gnvo the proper warning to the stranger to pass on the port side. This was evidently not understood , for in one moment those on boaid saw the huge urow of tlio Occidental ind Oriental steamer Oceanic emerge from , ho fog. The Oceanic had just arrived from Hong long and Yokohoma , nnd was moving up , ho bay to her dock. The huge steamer was so close to the Chester that there was no pos sibility for the latter to . escape , The cabin lassengcrs wcro nearly nil on the deck and he captain , seeing the danger , called on them to prepare for the shock. A panic nb once ensued , particularly among the women ind children , of which tliuro wns a largo lumber. The Oceanic struck the Chester on the port side at thu gangway , and the shock was terrific. Her prow cut into the Chester's upper works and then crushed down the bul warks , tearing the great timbers nnd Iron dates and breaking into the state rooms and cabins. The wildest confusion prevailed among iho passenirers. They crowded to gether , some shrieking with fear and others praying for help. The bow of the Oceanic crashed into thu middlu of the Chester , cutting her almost in halves nnd causing her to reel under the terrible blow. When the vessels were locked a number of the passengers were passed up over the Oceanle's bow and rescued in this way , but ns soon as the largo steamer could clear her self shu swung around nnd immediately began to lower her forty-four boats. At the moment of the shock the most of the oflioors and crew of tliu Chester scorned to loose possession of their senses , and sev eral passengers stated afterwards that some of the crew took thu first opportunity tg climb aboard of thu Oceanic and luft thu pas sengers to cut away the boats , nnd ono of these was lowered us soon ns possible nnd n number of the passengers taken off In them. Others provided themselves with life preserv ers nnd jumped overboard. The greater portion , however , wore compelled to remain on tlio steamer , which began to settle imme diately after the collision. Torrents of water began to rush into her hold and in five min utes after the collision thu Chester disap peared , sinking in fifty fathoms of water. Those of the passengers nnd crew who came to thu surface were picked up by tuo Occnnie's boat , but thu greater number were drawn down by the rushing water and never appeared again. As soon as it was known around the bay that a collision Had ocourrnd n number 9 ! tugs and boats of every description went to their assistance and rendered what assist ance they could In picking up tlio living or dead who were floating among the wreckage. The greatest loss of life is believed to have occurred among the steerugo passengers , among whom tlicro were twenty- * three aboard. Only two of thesa wcro accounted for UIH ! afternoon , and It is believed that the others were lost. They were In the hold , or lower decks ot the steamer at the time of tlio collision , am ] there was no opportunity to warn them of their danger or render them any nssistanca afterwards. The cabin passengers numbered seventy , and of thcso ten are lost. Tlirce ol the crew nre also lost. The names of the cabin passengers lost are as follows : G. W. AndoisonOakland , Cal.i Mrs. S. E. Prater , San Diego ; Mrs. ( J , II. Hancy , Eureka , Cal. ; J. A. Hampton and wife , Virginia , Nev. ; C. T. Davis , Spring villu , Cut. , and Miss Davis , his niece ; J. Greor , Napa , Cul. ; Mrs. Welch and Mrs. Per ter. ter.The The following members of the crew nro lost : E. R. Chambers , steward ; R. Fulton nnd Adam Richmond. Nonu of the survivors were lauded until 1 o'clock , and nt a lulu hour this afternoon there was still much doubt as to the number of those lost. THIS PACKING INTEREST. A Number of HOIIHCH Curtailing Kill * hit ; Until Cold Woiithcr. CINCINNATI , August ' . . [ Special Tclo- ginin to THE UEE. ] To-morrow's ' Price Cur- runt will say : Western packing has been small the past week , a total of 5:5,000 hogs against 110,000 last year. Total to date ; a,73.,000 , against 3 , ' . > SOOi)0 ) one year ago. De crease , 21.r > ,000 since March 1. Some houses are curtailing killing all they can and main tain their regular trade , some closing en tirely till the approach of Iho winter season. It is not unlikely that hogs will bo marketed , In somewhat incrcabing numbers next month. There Is little ground for expecting much gain In the marketable number of hogs the coming winter season. In regard to the ouU look for crops the change of most Importance the pas.t week is in thu inUucuco of the low temperature in the northwest upon tha spring wheat , which has been somewhat In- lured by frosts. Rains have recently fallen in n largo breath of thu western corn area , which , with the cool temperature , keeps the crops in n green nnd growing condition which Is favorable enough provided there , comes abundance ot warm iniumiugYcatbcr before the dumngmi ; fronts. Mrs. Norton'H Properly Scoured. KANSVS CITT , Mo. , August 2J. [ Special Telegram to TUB HER ] A Topeka , Kan. , special says that OK Governor Charles P , Johnson , attorney for ox-Editor Moore nnd Mrs. John W. Norton , arrived from St.Louh * to-day and brought the papers necessary to secure the properly hold by Johnson , Martin & Keeler for Mrs , Norton , and which Nortou claimed had been stolen from him. Tha property consisted of cash , bonds , notes nnd jewelry to the amount of $ i'l , < )00 ) , which was turned over to Governor Johnson and will bo delivered to Mrs. Norton , n basis of settle ment having been agreed upon by Norton t and his wife. Johnson says that Moore nnd 1 ; Mrs. Norton will soon be married. Norton ' has withdrawn nil proceedings commenced against Mooro. A KmiKixs bait Mine. KANSAS CITV , August 2-J. [ Special Telo * gram to TIIK Huc.J ATopckn , Kan. , special cial says that Dr. II. C. Llim has discovered n salt mine on his farm , ten miles west ot * , Topeka. Tlio dlscovory was inado at & < depth of 1,000 feet , and the Vein la110 fceti thick , Tlio salt is pronounced by exerts to1 * DO of the finest quality , wuch as has been dig * covered nowhere iu the United States and now imported.