Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 : THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST :22 : ; ' 1888.
Chief Rnlltgtin , of the fire depart
ment , is nrrnnKliiU for mi intore&tiiig
affair as nit incident to fair weok.
Atiffust Kntith , who was arrested on
Sunday , WIIH lined ? 10 und costs for
fifrhtlng. In dufuult of bail lie went to
In the cnso of Golden , Ilurdinu nnd
Bnrtlett , the flim-fliim auction men on
Thirteenth street , Judyo Borkti rc-
ficrvcd his decision.
Jesse Armstrong , Clmrlcs Wtiyoff nnd
Peter Peterson were lined $ .1 and costs
by Judge Ltorlm ycstordny for being
drunk and lighting.
Four ' 'bolts" on the head of n com-
tianion with a club cost William Wood
920 nnd co-its. lie appealed the cnso ,
which will come up later.
The Seventh ward democratic club
will meet at the Ilnnscom Park house
to-night to nominate delegates to the
county convention. They will bo voted
lor nt Friday's primary.
Fourteen dilTorent parties wore ar
raigned before the police judge yester
day afternoon for obstructing the
Btreots. The olTcnso consisted of hav
ing their residences built beyond the
sidewalk. Four removed their build
ings , but the others wore lined.
IRTwo mortgages given by Eaton Bros.
were filed yesterdny. One was for $145
in favor of the Confectioners' nnd
Bakers' Supply company nnd covered
the fixtures of the store. The other
wns for $ feX ( ) In favor of Julius Peycko.
It covered both stock and fixtures.
The fish car from Boston , which
went west over two months ago with
llsh for stocking waters on the Pacific
slope , returned over the Union Pacific
yesterday afternoon. The return was
delayed seven weeks by n smash-up at
Iltimboldt , Nov. The car was taken
back to Sacramento for repairs ) .
.T. H. Yntcs , of Nullah , is a Mlllurd
J. W. ICroitler , or Norfolk , Isjat the Mil-
Innl. "
B. A. Nelson , of Frcwont , is n Puxtou
Vim. S. Ashman , of Fulls City , is nt tlio
Pax ton.
tl. O. Barkrr , ot Holdrugc , anil Milton D.
Polk , of Pltiltsmuulli , wcro in Oiimlm ycstcr-
O. H. Dietrich , of Hustings , II. W. Scott ,
of Iloldrcijc , und F. I ) . Trnkull , or Alliance ,
wcro 111 the city yesterday .
Kx-SfMtntor Snimdorn.
Telegraphic advices from Colorado Springs
Bay tliat ox-Senator Snunilcrs was feeling
better yesterday , but still not out of danger.
Tno liver nnd kiunoys must bo kept
in good condition. Hood's Sarsipar-
Ula is n great remedy for regulating
those organs.
Chief Gnllignn of the lire department was
elected vice president of the national associa
tion of lira chiefs at Minneapolis , during his
visit tlioro lust week. This is very compli
mentary to Omaha's worthy nnd efficient
chief. _
A 1'clty Hiirftlnry.
Burglars broke into the shoo store of S.
Kopald on Tenth and Jones Monday Highland
made way with about tw.onty-llvo dollars
worth of goods. They effected a forcible ! en
trance through the rear of the store. There
is no clue to the thieves.
She Spanked Her.
Mrs. Mary Oakes of 14th ami Pacific
Btreots , swore out a warrant yesterday
for the arrest of Mrs. liiokoy Lnfl'erty ,
charging her with beating and maltreating
her ( Mrs. Onkes' ) little seven .vfcar old daugh
ter. Among other things Mrs. Latterly
opauited the .child.
A sick stomach nnd nn aching head
I promptly cured by Tarrunt's Seltzer
TlioPurccI ) Acuulont.
The funeral of William Purcell , the little
boy who was dracgcd to death by
his horse near Fort Omaha will bo held to
day. The funeral will take place uttho
Holy Family church at 010 : ! o'clock. The
remains will ho laid in Holy Sepulchre cem
A solid vc&libulo train daily , with
dining car attached , viatbo Burlington
route , leaves from their own depot ,
Omaha , at 3:45 : p. m. , arriving at Chicago
cage 8 n. m. Tickets sold ana sleeping
cnr berths reserved at the city olllco ,
122i ! Furiiuin street. Telephone 250.
Klopcd With an Old Woman.
y. E. Liivorty , of Dos Molncs , writes the
chief of police that his son Charles , a big ,
overgrown boy of nineteen , lias eloped with
n woman old enough to bo tils grandmother ,
and that the illy-mated couple came to
Omaha. Lnverty thinks his boy is in the
tolls of the woman , and was frightened into
taking the steps that ho has. Ho wants the
parties locked up und arrested on whatever
charge that will reach them the hardest.
Free to All.
The beautiful picture , "Will They
Consent'is / a largo magnificent engraving -
graving , printed upon a uheot 19 inches
wide by "I inches long. It is an exact
copy of an original painting by Kwall ,
which was sold for & 5.000.
This elegant picture represents n young
lady stimulus in n beautiful room , surround
ed by uil that Is luxurious , near a half-
open door , whllu the young man , her
seen In un adjoining 'com asking the consent
of her imrents for thelrdaughlerinmarriage.
The line Interior decorations , together , with
the graceful position of the beautiful girl is
In keeping with the sentiment of the picture.
It must be seen to bo appreciated.
This valuable picture is fitting to adorn the
wall of any ladies' parlor , nnd in order to
offer nn extraordinary Inducement , to Intro
duce our Wax Starch , this costly picture will
bo given away , free to every person purchas
ing u small box of Wax Starch.
This starch is something entirely now , and
Is without n doubt the greatest starch inven
tion of the nineteenth century , ( at least every
body says so have used It ) . It supercedes
everything heretofore used or known to
science In the laundry art Unlike anv other
tarch , as it Is coated with pure white
wax and chemically prepared upon scicntltlo
principles by un expert in the laundry pro
fession who has had years of practical exper
ience In fancy laundrylng. It is the first and
only btnrch in the world that makes Ironing
easy und restores old summer dresses to their
natural whiteness , and imparts to linen u
beautiful and lasting finish.
Please remember that the present you ro-
colvo with each box of Wax Starch , has
never been sold at retail for less than one
dollar. This great otter Is only good for six
weeks , nfter which tbu present will bo omlt-
Uil and the starch sold at the usual price.
Try It and bo convinced of the whole truth.
Ark your grocer for Wax Starch and ob-
talii this beautiful and eo.stly picture free.
ICeokuk , Iowa.
„ on the Tontcil Field.
The members of the Knights of Pythias
have arranged to go into camp nt Hanscam
frk AuKuntiM , for ono day. All the dlvl-
ttotn tills city will bo present , and
HlvMoun from South Omaha und
wilt uUo Loon the ground. Dur-
tfH ( ifo rUnuwn thcro will bo exhibition
lt * > m number of the romnanlcs
un\ \ onration wilt uUo bu delivered
T lAtftin nn otiu of the features of
' * 6ft' ' rtlflmunt. The cvcnlnc will
lit Hi * | ' < M r Jin-lino.
/ * 1 < tf Wi Injured on the
A.Mf * / < lrl VnU < y road ,
/w * Writ Wilts in/or hounu.
The city physician recommended the ampu
tation of Utdcon's hand , but the pfl.vstclan nt
he poor farm concluded to dress the wounds
nnd cuts , nnd , If iwsslble , save some part of
U , which ho has succeeded In doing.
Mr. Gideon has some means , And It was
deemed Strange and unnecessary to send him
to the county's home. Ho waste have been
married next week to n young lady near
Po/.xoni's Complexion Powder pro
duces a soft and beautiful skin ; it com
bines every element of beauty and pur
Obstructions in the Wny ol'ClonnliiK
the City.
The sanitary policeman and the superin
tendent of the garbage department are loud
in their complaints over the lack of facilities
for disposing of the city's filth nnd refuse.
They say the city Is still In n deplorably un
clean condition and Is dally growing worse ,
nnd not much Improvement can be accom
plished until the city provides an additional
dump boat. There is but one now , the one
nt the foot of Davenport street , and n BIB :
reporter , at the request of Garbage Master
Goldsmith , took n stroll down there yes
terday , nnd was electrified by the sight of
at least fifty wacrons laden with garbage ,
drawn up In n line awaiting their turn
to get on the dump boat. Gold
smith says this Is of a daily occurrence , and
that the atmosphere for blocks about the vic
inity of lower Davenport street is constantly
kept surcharged with the mcphitlo odors
from this caravan of mistiness. Of course
this can only bo conducive of disease at this
season of the year , and the officers think that
some steps should bo taken to expedite the
disposal of this noxious matter. The garbage
master says It will bo Impossible to clean up
the city before the winter months set In and
effectually stop all work of this kind unless
additional means are at once supplied to re
lieve the garbage haulers. In i-.ise another
dump boat was provided , double the force
now employed in renovating the streets and
alloys could bo set to work , anil a vast
amount of cleaning done that under the
present pro visions must go undone.
They Expect to do a .Millionaire IJunl-
iioss Diirinc Fair \VVoK.
The fake auction shops still continue to do
n thriving business. The licensed sharks
who run the ono known as "McConnel's , "
near Dewey it Stone's warehouse , swindled
n German out of ? l .r > 0 yesterday on a
worthless brass watch. These fellows are
looking forward to n great harvest during
fair weok. In the language of a prominent
citi/en , "The city ought to provide some pro
tection during the fair to prevent a whole
sale fleecing of her guests. Some means
should bo adopted to close up the dens of
these soulless robbers if Omaha has any re
gard for the opinion of cltUeus of other towns
in the state. " _
HcbiiHtopnl Notice.
All parties holding tickets and others
desiring to take part in Pain's Siege of
Sobnstopol will please report promptly
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock at the
armory ef the Omaha Guards , on Capitol
tel avonuo. Jonx RAYMOND ,
The Location and ISond Election
Should no Divided.
Councilman Hcuford denied to a BEK re
porter that ho intended to introduce into the
council lust night an ordinance providing for
the exchange of the city hall and Jefferson
Square for the county court house nnd the
ground upon which It stands. Ho said that
ho never suggested such an idea , though he
woula not be opposed to such u move.
What ho was particularly anxious to effect ,
however , was a division of the vote on site
of the hall mid the bonds for the erection of
the same. Sectional prejudice would destroy
a selection of the place , and with that would
full the bonds. Ho wanted a vote first to betaken
taken to locate the building und then to have
the bonds voted for in the November elec
tion. If that were done Farnam street would
probably bo selected. A building could bo
finished there for $200,000. On Jefferson
square , It would cost $400OOJ or > ( K,000 , be
cause it would bo necessary to build a front
on four streets. _ _
She In No Bettor.
Mrs. Shields , mother of County Judge
Shields , is still very ill and her family enter
tain fears that she may not recover.
Solid Vcstibulcd Trains
now run over the Michigan Central ,
"tho Niagara Falls Route , " and the
New York Central and Boston & Albany
railroads from Chicago to New York
and Boston. Those trains are not only
equipped with the finest Wngnor palace
sleeping cars , but are made thoroughly
complete by having vestibulcd dining ,
smoking , firbt-class and buggngo cars ,
and although constituting the
famous "limited" of the Michigan Cen
tral , carry all classes of passengers with
out extra charge. Attached to this train
is a through sleeper , Chicngoto Toronto
( via Canadian Pacific ) , whcro connec
tion is made with parlor car for Mont
real. Accommodations secured at the
Michigan Central ticket offices , No. 07
Clark street , corner Randolph , and
depot , foot of Lake street , Chicago.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Globe hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
Get Your Hal Irond Tickets
and secure your sleeping berths at
1802 FarnnmSt. ,
Union Paoilio Ticket office ,
IlAllKY P. IJUIj ,
City Ticket agent.
Diohold HnlfcH.
Call and fcco the largo stock of safes
and vault doors carried by Meaghor &
Whltmoro at 419 S. 16th street Omaha.
Visitors to the city should try the
Glebe hotel , 13112 Douglas.
The ElltB' Grill Iloom.
The repairs to the elevator In the Conti
nental building , which has been in progress
for two or three weeks past having now been
completed , the grill room of the Elks' club ,
which has been closed in consequence , will
bo ro-opencd to-day.
I- "J"BW
Its nuperlor excellence proven In millions of
homes for mure than .1 quarter ot a century. It
la used by tlie United States Government. En
dorstd by the heads of the great Universities us
the stront'eit purest aud most healthful. Ur.
Price's Cream Halting Powder does not contalu
ummonlo. lime or alum. Sold only in cans.
Now Tort. Culcaxp , Bt.Louti
Jx i MS f a sS UI ifftHHIUItCt
Your Left Liver
APropiletury Modicum that nceils but a trial
to prove Its worth.
Dr. . Callender's ' Left liw Bitters ,
Tno only Distilled Hitters In the United
States. The only Hitter * lecognlzed by tha
United States Internal revonnu laws as u Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. of
1'atent I4-Q.673. Contains no fusil
essential oils , no foreign substation ordiunag-
Ins drugs. A pertActly pure medicine , com
pounded from 1'ure Hoot Herbs und Old i'cacli ;
pleasant to the tusto , quiet and decisive In Iti
effect. Cures Dyspppiia or Yellow .lanndlce In
five days. Keculates the Howels. Invigorates
Inactive I.ivor , Cures Diseased Mvor , Mevlres
the Kidnes , Improves the Appetite Quickly.
Regulates the wuolo system. New Life to the
whole system.
J.ettl.ivcrimtL'n nru oM In Omnhn , Ni'li. , by no
lollonln driiL'Khlv. lllclinnl ( iti Iiriitf Co.iicclnl !
\Shole nle , for thedriiK Interact of Nubnwku. llctnll-
era us rnhnn < :
I'lincll , I' . II. ( icntfoli , .Idliu K. itiill kv , .Morrella
riiurmiier , . ( nines Kornrtli , II. ( ' . Ili'll. Dr. .1. J.
favlllc. 0. SI. CrlHtejF ( 'handlorllulin's ' 1'hnr-
inacr.turner , V Day < , J.O. Kluu , J.W.CIiirkc , .1.
11. Sclitiililt.Mtix llcclil , J. S. riir | t.rn in , W. K.
l.uinber oii , U.S. Cox , Mnx Coin ml , W. I'nm ,
llJtiiiiniisMiii , liporiia Itnoiltir. Itnyil'M I'liwrmncy. 0.
A.Mek'liHr.llimnul .Mejcr < . trunk Dcllunu & Co. ,
luilc iile dealerIn ii'/nr nnd 1. tt i nr'M * ' "
I > entirely a Trgetnblo proparatlon con
taining no Mercury , 1'otnsti , Arsenic , or other
poUouous tibstanccfi.
HIM curcil hundreds of cases of rplthcllo-
ma or Cancer of the Skin , thousand ! of case *
cf Eczema , Illocxl Hutnon and Skin Disease ! ,
and hnndrrtla of thous.inUs of case < of Scrof
ula , Blooil 1'ulsou and IJlood Taint.
Has rcllcvcNt IhounanJiof on'es of Jlerca-
rial l ol oului ; , Rheuuiatliin aud Stlffncn of
the Joluta.
ATrAxnooA. Txini. Jnnofr.l
cinc Co. , Adiuitn , ua. Oontlemon i In tlia
early part o ( the iirommt year , it Lad cone of
blooil poison oppeurod upon mo. I tie an
tnklnn .S. S. a nuder adrlca of another , and
to il y I feel neatly ImprOTed. I am ktUl
takloK the mmliclno ana thall continue to dee
o until I am perfectly well. I believe U 111
effect a perfect euro. Your * truly ,
Doc. r. HOWARD ,
111 West BLitu St.
CotCMiiiA , B. a , July 7 , WS-Tho Swin
Epeclfla Co. , Atlanta , Oa. Ouullemcn : I no *
Kroat tulTerur f rom muscular rhcumatUm
for two yearn. 1 could got no permanent re-
llff from any inwllcln * preio'-lbwl liy my
phy > lclan. I took ovrr a dozeu bottled of
your S. H. S. , nn J now I am 0.1 well as I ever
was In my llfn. I am lure your metllclna
cured me , and I would recommend u tn unr
one 8Uff rlug from aur blood dlsoaiio. Youri
truly , O. K. HCOHZS ,
, Conductor C. O.K. K.
WACO , TMAB , May . 1833-Oontlcmen i Tha
wlfo of onn of my custom r was tarrlblr
affllrteil with a loatlwoine skin dlscue. that
corered her whole body. Ebe i oonflm l
to her bed for several yearn hy this affliction ,
and could not help herself at nil. She could
not tleop from a violent Itching and atlnirlntt
of the ikln. The dlseuo baffled the iklll of
the physician * who treated It. Her husband
began anally glIng his wife Swift Specltlc ,
and ihe commenced to Improro almost Im
mediately , and In a few wceki he was ap-
pareutly well. She ll now a hearty fln -
Jooklng lady , with no trace ot the affliction
left. Youri ivery truly. J. K. BEARS ,
Wholeiale Drugglit , Austin Arenue.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlieuei mailed
free. Tns Bwirr Sricmo Co. , Drawer 8 ,
Atlanta , Oa. | New York , 7M Broad way.
f.OUA/riO.V-21 inlloa north of Chicago.
1M CULT If-A Full Corps of Klperlcncert In
structor * .
JWKKijnii/UM-KlvpCournei. of Study.
! Atlll.l I Il.H Unsnrpimcrt forInBtrtictlOD ,
Itcnllh. Home Comfort i , and Christian Influenceg.
K"-1. ' l..1AV11 . . . ON. Nnpl. IIlBhlHUd
I'ark , III.
henrt for CntHlouuo.
GnrYi < ocic INSTITOTK.
South Wllllumstown , IJerkshlro county ,
Jlnss. A private acliool for boyi. 1'ropnro for
college , bulcntlllc school or business. Forty-sev
enth year begins Thursdny , Pi-ntember IJttn.
1'or cntalogtte uUdrt'a3 OKO. F. MIMiS ,
Morgan Park Military Academy
Tito IloHt Hoys' Hoarding School in the West.
Sixteenth year beglnH Bent. I9th. Send for cata-
logiiotnCAlT. lil ) . N. KIUK TAhCOlT , Supt. ,
Beitie Stuart Institute ft
Will commence Its 21st year September 12tu. 1S&S. Art
vniuiiKes unsurims etl. Homo comfortii curuful
ttumliiK. Apply to Mrs. M. McKEK UOMba.l'riudpul.
- . Iloardlnit *
fclmul for Oirli and Yoiinv ltrtlB . PoTL.
cattiloeue * ddren o. TilAVKH. U , . I ) . . "
KU 1'atk. Ill.ut > i7 Madliou bueet , CUcavo , III.
41th year. For cataloging semi to UKV. A. Q.
CHAM1IUHS. A. M. . Principal.
I'oeksuill-on-lhulsoH.N. Y. Send fur cuta-
loguo. JNO. M. TlbDEN. JI.D. M.A. . Prlnolpul.
Of 1889.
Olllco of the U. 8. Commission.
All persons , tlruu or corporations who ( U'slre to
nmkuujiliiutls ut the altovo nuiuutl Kxnonltioii itro
hereby iiotltlcU Umt iniorniutloii anil blanks fur aix
plications lor i < co will bu furtibbed lir the uudur-
eluutJ upon ui > | iMcatloii at the above mldrung.
WAI. H. l-'UA.SKI.l.N , Coui'r.Uuuvral.
bOMKUVH.LK I1. T LLh.Aes't.Com'r. Ocner
Health is Wealt i !
MINT , guaranteed snecitlc for Hysteria , Olzzl.
neis. Convulsions , Fit * , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headacne. Nervous J'roatrutlnn. caused by Ihe
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakef ulness. Mental
Depression. Softening of the Drain , resulting in
Insanity , and leading to mlserr. decay and
death. Premature Old Ace , lUrrenneis. Loss f
Power in either ser. Involuntary Ixnses and
Bpennatorho-a raused by over-exertion of the
brain , self-abuse or cvpr-iniluleence. Each box
contains on * month's treatment. 11.00 a box , or
six boxes for 13.00 , sent by moll prepaid OB re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With * ach order received by
ni for sl > boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , we
will Rend tha purchaser our written guarantee
to refund tha money if the treatment risen not
Sect a cure. Guarantees issued only by 0. P.
GOODMAN DnifKlst , Sole Asent , UlO Farutm
_ Trade Mark ,
P Label , Print and Copjrngh protection re-
cured. Good work , ( oed rcfcrtncci , mod < r *
' : . * tA.hssP& . * ° VM *
TKI . who In hln roiI/Ti.M IGNOKANCB
buTRiriiKDawar hU VI OHof HOI Y ,
BIND and HAffHOOlk , muting extmnitlng
Artlni upon the roU.HTAIRN of LIFE ,
nKAI > A4Hr. ! IlACKAClf r , Drendrut
DrMOil , WKAKH BUN of Memory. BANH-
the FACF , and all the XrrECTO leading to
5AKI.T DUCAT and porhapf
ION or It MANITT , ihould coniolt at once
the CELEBRATED br. Clarke , Btabllib d
18M. Fr. Clark * ha * made NERTOVM DE
BILITY. CHRONIC and all Dheaiti of
the OENITO TRINART Organi * Lift
0ndjr. It make * NO difference WHAT you
tare taken or WHO hai failed to cure you.
. . 4VFEMALEHiufrerlnRfromdlieaieip cu <
liar to their MX can couiult with the aiiurance
Of ipeedjr relief and cure. Bend 2 centi poitago
for worki OB your dlieaiet.
49-Oend 4 cent * pottage for C I brnt d
Work * on Chronic , Nervou * and licit.
tm'.t Iriieoici. Coniultatlou , penonaL'y or br
toner , ftrei * . Coninlt the old Doctor.
Thoncnndi enred. OMcra and pnrlora
prlvBto. 4Thoie contemplating Marriage
o nrt for Dr. Clnrko'i celebrated guide
nle and Vernal * , each ICc. , both U&e.
( tamps ) . Heroic confiding your caie , coniult
Dr. CI , AHKE. A friendly letter or call may
iare future suffering anrt ihame , and add golden
yean to life.Dook Mfc'i ( Secret ) Error -
ror , 60c. ( itampi ) . Medicine apd writings
lent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Ilouri , 8 to 8 : Huudayi , 9 to 12. Addrrai ,
P. D. OIjAaKBM. D.
1 86 So. Clark atCHICAGO. . ILL.
I01U L/1/U /
General Agents for
nml other first-class Pianos.
Lei > k at FOM.OW1M ; HAUdAIXS FOll
1 Stelmvixy Square , cost JO ,
for 117 : . ps.oo J10.00
1 Ktuibi ! Squurv , cost t 00for
f.V > ) 2.1.00 15.00
1 Decker Ilros. Square , cost
Jifioforww 20.00 10.00
1 KinnicTson Simile , cost
JIO ) , for J'.W ' 10.00 5.fiO
1 New ton iV Co. Siiunru , cost
IIUO , forfllU 15.00 8.00
1 Murshiill k Weurtel Uprlnht
Pltino , cost now t-VW. for if l.n ) 20.00 10.00
1 Mallet As Davis " ' '
ns good as new , cost f500 ,
roriM 25.00 in.oo
1 llallct A : Davis Square , cost
ucwtVil ) , forfJiK ) Ol.OO 10.00
1 Slionlnger 5 Octave Oruun ,
cost nu\v ti , for only $3" ) . . 10.03 fi.OO
1 t'lionlngcr Orgaik used ono
year , cost now jli'forf 5 . 10.00 C.OO
l.Mabon < V llamlln Urgan
doiililo liitnk , cost new J )0 ,
10.00 0.00
ilrlng this ad. with you to avoid mltitiikes.
Corner SlMocnth und Fnrnnm S s.
We still have left
few odd suits from
our large stock of
Sum met' Goods , that
we want to dli > esc of
before tlic fall season
opens , prices $1O ,
$12 , 9lit. Remember
these arc stricllji all
wool goods , made In
both Sacks C Frocks.
It * main lines and branch * * Include CUlOAaO ,
and scorci of Intermediate cities. Oholco of
routes to and from the Paclflo Coatt All trans
fer * In Union depots. Fait trains of Fin * Day
Ooachei , elegant Dining Car * , aaeniflccnt Pull
man Palace Sleeper * , and ( between Chicago. St.
Joieph , Atchlaou and Sanaa * City ) Keclinlng
Chair Oar * . Beats Free , to bolder * of through
flnt-clou ticket * .
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Island Route. "
Extends West and Southwest from Kansas City
ondBt. Joseph to NELSON. HORTON. . BELLE
HUTCIIINBON , CALDWILL , and all point * in
and beyond. Entire pasMnoer equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All cofety ap
pliance * and modern improvement * .
The famous Albert Lea Route
I * th favorite between Chicago , Bock Island ,
Atchlson , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
PauJU Its Watortown branch traversa * the great
of Northern Iowa , SouthwMttrn Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Bplrit LaXe.
Blouz Tolls and many other towns and cities.
Tha Short Line via Sencoa , and Koukakeo offer *
superior facilities to trsnrel to and from Indian *
apolls , Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets , Map , Fi'lden , or deiired informa
tion , apply at any Coupon. Ticket Omce or oddres *
Qen'l TUanager. Oonl Tkt. ft Pass. A t.
CfilCAQO . 'JO t
aima ntuiuiidi utiuu.
Paid Up Capital $ ii.0.000
Surplus. . . . . 50,000
H. W. YATKH. President.
LEWIS H. , Vice President.
A. E. Tuu AllN. - nil Vice President.
\V. 11.8. Iltiiius. : Cusliler.
UllltCTOllH :
W. v. Monsi : , JOHN H. COI.I.I.MJ ,
11. W. VATI ! * " , LKWIS H. HKEI > ,
DauklnK Ofllco-
Corner 12th and Farnam Fits.
A General Hanking liuslness Transacted.-
A and eneraetlo ladr.canTasier * reildlng In ibli
* * or other touni. No capital neeet srr. Goods
ell the Tear round. U fer ulrsd. Address
WKSTBUN AUKNT81 tSUl'.i' .ZU flUU AT * . ,
af9llt- .
The iuci-GiiBO in the sale of our Dress Shirts since wo intrqcludod the "Nebraska ; '
. brand , lias been enormous and wo are justified in claiining thai ouv wonderful success.
in this specialty has no paralell. . .
The popularity of the "Nebraska" shirt is fiimply duo to its superior quality in goods
and make and the unprecedented lovr prices. These shirts are made and put up express
ly for us. They are all cut lengthwise of cloth , are full size , and every shirt is carefully -
ly examined before being placed in stock.
We have three qualities of unlaundried shirts. Our Me shirt is made of good muslin ,
linen bosom , reinforced front , patent extension sleeve and back facing.
Our 50c is made of New York mills muslin , 3-ply line linen bosom , full reinfo.iced
front and back , patent extension facings and full felled seams.
Our 70o shirt is made oil best New York mills muslin , extra line linen bosom , full re
inforced front and back , patent extension facings , felled seams , hand made button holes.
Our Lnumlrieil Shirts afc G5c , Ode and $1.25 arc fully as good as those other houses arc selling forifil ,
$1.50 and 2.
AVe are selling thin season an elegant pique bosom , open front Shirt at 91 ; it cniinot be matched else-
Avhere for less than 92.
We have just opened the handsomest assortment of French ,
Scotch and Domestic Flannel Shirts , in new patterns , for fall wear.
These goods have no superior in quality , make and fit , and we sell
them from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any other house in town.
We still have a good assortment of sixes of the e fine Linen Collars warranted 2100 linen and con
tinue to sell them at C5c per do/en lo > s than one-third their value. Only one dozen to each customer.
Our fall stock of Hats is in. It is the grandest collection of Hats
ever shown under one roof.
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
North 10th Street , Between Hinncy nnd Wirt Sts. , Omuhn.
Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. 30
Siege of Sebastopol
Invented and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York. Theurle & Cooper
Managers , Realistic bombardment of forts , by boats , on an immense Artifi
cial Lake. Ttrtific Assault of Fortress by Allies.
Correctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldiers , Cossacks , French
and English troops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc.
By specially engaged artists , Russian athletes , Swordsmen , etc. The whole to
conclude with
Consisting of the latest novelties.Manhnttan Beach Aerial and Aquatic Pyrotichnics
Music by Sabastopol Military Band.
Admission 50c ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c
Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on till
Pugol Sound National Bank Given as
Security ( or Money Invested.
To llM > iiifli lrniicf IntjIiiK property nn tltncTra
odor the following \Vo ulll ullow tiotii 3 montnq
ulc nl 'iBlitiinil you oiin clrnw your money at any
tlin thoiiliby | nnrtolnr you forletl your rlchts tb
piirrha oland. Muke your Income , no nnUtcrhoW
cuiull.cnrn Komrthlne. Trnnncontlnrntnlrallroadl
itinhcnilliiK for Scuttle , anil ninnufmtiirliiKl'flour'
Ithlrii : . ( lUiierHl comuiorru IB In u stHt6ot aubvtah *
Hill l > niiri"iM.ii. . Tlio > 1ally pnpo > s am tilled with
accounts of IICIT entprprlne . Caliln mr mill horja
CHrpclrcloSrattln. Address COOK A .IKKIKCi
Who bftvo Hie l.AItlJUST I'UOl'KltTY Mb'f la
Advortlblng hai always proven
successful. licforo plucltigniv
Nuwspupcr AavortlsltijT conaidl
ilIITltllNO | 1UEMS , I
41 It 1 .d lck Slrt.t. CHICAQOj
Clothing ouse
Stock Takin
Wo have completed our semi-annual stock taking nut ! luivo decided to devote the balanceof this month to the closing
out of nil broken lots , in each of the departments. All the lots remaining unsold Sept. 1st. will ho taken from our tables to
make room for fall { roods. Wo mention a few lots ollcred at thia sale which are the bostjvnlucs ever offered by the "Con-
" " 0" " " "
Stock No. 4048 , 4049 and 40-30 250 Imported Whipcord Huits. made in a four-button cutaway style only , in regular sizes
35 to 42 Those suits wcro made in our own machine room during the last GO days , and the cut and make of thorn \H \ us cor
rect for drcbs nuruoscs ns it is possible to have them ; and as the prebcnt month is the month of nil the year when people are
thinking about dress suits 1 , wo claim that this lotof Worsted Suits IB ABSOLUTELY THE MOSTDESIRABLE which ithas
over been our privilege ' This .ado . up to sell in our stock for $18.00 , but as ono of the load-
Men's Blue Assabet Suit. Price , $10.00.
Wo have loft in this lot about 85 Men's Frock Suits , full Indigo , made from the celebrated Assabct Mill ? Flannel. No
bettor poods in the market. Guaranteed full Indigo , elegantly made and trimmed , at the extremely low price of iJlO.00.
Our price all through the season has boon $15.00. If the buyer docs not find the suit to bo worth StC.OO , it may bo roturnea
aud money refunded. Remember the price $10.00 in Frock Suits. Sizes 05 to 41. Lot No. U
Men's Blue Pantaloons. Price , $2.50.
Wo nnd a surplus in our Men's Blue Flannel Pantaloons stock , and offer at the bale Itt ) pairs of Men's Indigo Blue
Pantaloons at $2.60 nor pair , the purchaser of ever pair in this lot , makes a saving of at least $1.50 on every pair pur
chased. Sizes up to 42 waibt. Lot No. 4
Boys' Long Pants Suits. Price , $6.00.
ye ' ' - thoBo lour lots. Wo guarantee every suit in this lot to be just as represented and every null not sutit-
factory may" be returned mid the money cheerfully refunded.
Boys' Short Pant Suits. Price , $2.50.
Ono of the cheapest lots of Children's Suits over offered by the Continental Is a lot embracing four fstyles of Fancy
Cafcsimerc Suits , in sizes 4 to 14 , short mnts , at the extraordinary low price of $ . ' .50.
Wo wish to inform our patrons that invoices of Fall and Winter Woolens have boon received and by Sept. 1st out
stock in this departmentwill bocomplete and will be the largest varinty of foreign nnd domestic woolens bhown by any
merchant tailoring establishment iu the west.
Thousands all through the west have taken advantage of our mothodg in this department and nave found It onlrotR
SaU ' sent C. O. D. with privilege of examination. Wo pay return charges for all amounts over ? 10.00 uud all
charges upon goods that are not satisfactory.
OMAHA Freeland Loomis & Co.
Proprietors ;
Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska *