Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Deliver * (1 by farrier In Any Part of tlio City t
TWMjty Cents I'er Wci-k.
It. W. Tim UN . ; MANAUUK.
Jll'SlMKqOmf lNo. . 41.
run-on , No. SI.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Ilciter , the tailor , : UO Hrondway ,
received n full line of line full cooilH.
P. M. Hunter , deputy clerk of the
United States courts , has moved his of-
lice- from the court hout-o Into tlio new
government building.
Married , at the Methodist parsonngo
Tuesday at U o'clock p. in. , Mr. Samuel
Ferguson and Miss Mnv V/ood , both of
Hloomington , la. , Rev. W. 11. W. Rees
Regular meeting of Park City Council ,
Northwestern Legion of Honor , thin
ovcning. Kvory moinbor should bo
present , as business of importance- will
bo considered.
The Council Hluffn ball team goes to
Logan to-morrow , for n game with the
team at that place. Very little ntoioy
IH up on the rcHiilt. although an inter-
citing game is promised.
The president of the state board of
health has appointed ] ) r. Dickiiihon and
W. L. Loring , of DesMoinert , to make a
sanitary inspection of tlio state institu
tion for the deaf and dumb in this city.
Mrs. Hannah Wychvifo of J. R.
Wych , died Monday afternoon at her
homo on Canning street. Tlio funeral
will take place to-day , and the remains
will bo interred in AVnluut Hill ceme
tery.Unity Guild sociable which \\nsto
bo held Thursday evening August J3 ! , at
the residence of Mrs. llarriH , is post
poned until further notice , on ncount of
the dangerous illness of ono of the mem
The carpenter work on thoNoumayoi1
hotel is completed , and the building
will noon bo ready for occupancy. The
contractor , A. W. Covalt , has performed
a , piece of work in the construction of
the building that is highly creditable to
Marriage licenses were Issued yester
day to John Marshall , of Cheyenne , and
Nora Young , of Pittsburg , Pa. ; Frank
E. Lyon , of Gravity , la. , and Jennie
E. Vredonborg , of this city ; So mud G.
Ferguson and May B. Wood , both of
At a meeting of the school board Mon
day ovcning several bills were allowed ,
and the contract for grading and ter
racing the Hill school grounds let to
F. J. Kelly for * SM)1. ) Tlio matter of ap
pointing janitors for tlio ensuing year
was deferred until to-morrow ovcning.
Mr. J. Ncumoyer did not go to Chicago
cage or any other city for tlio furnish
ings of his now hotel. The Council
Bluffs Carpet company have the sup
plying of all carpets , curtains , shades ,
etc. Homo dealers should have the
bonollt of homo trade. This is a lesson
nil can lonrn with profit to themselves
and all others.
Married , at the residence of the
bride's parents in this city Tuesday at
4 o'clock p. m. , Mr. Frank E. Lyon to
Miss .Tonnio C. Vredenburg. Rev. W.
' H. W. Rees olliciateu. Mr. Ljon has
boon editor of the Gravit/ Echo and has
gene with his bride to Chicago , where
in Morgan Park seminary ho will
study for the ministry in the Congrega
tional church.
The knitting factory will start up full
blast to-day. The factory was shut
down bccauho of some difference between -
twoon the manager and the stockhold
ers as the host way to provide ready
cash with which to tide ever the time
before returns begin coming in for
goods manufactured. The financial ar
rangements have boon perfected , so
that the factory can carry its customers
without crippling itself. The enter
prise has demonstrated the fact pretty
satisfactorily that it can bo made to pay
well if sulllcient capital is put into tlio
business to conduct it properly. The
stockholders are very confident , not only
te of a profitable venture , but also that the
K. factory will grow In sl/.o and consequent
Increase of business.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
Rim all other articles of v.iluo without
removal. All business strictly confi
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. Frank d'Urro leaves to-day for
Los Angeles , Cal.
Mr. Ohio Knox , of Macedonia , was in
tha city yesterday.
F. O. Orcutt , wife and son Louis have
returned from a week's sojourn nt Spirit
Mrs. Nick O'Brien and Miss Josie
Durgan are enjoying a two weeks' so
journ nt Colfa.r.
Eddie and Roddio Lanzendorfcr have
returned from a two month's visit with
relatives at Florence , Nob.
Mrs. George A. Webb , of Portland ,
Oro. , is visiting her daughter , Mrs.
H. Stovoneon , in this city.
Mrs. F. W. Olmstoad'lcft yesterday
for Grand Kaplds , Mich. , her old homo ,
whore she will visit a few weeks.
W. B. OAks , cashier of the Silver
City bank , was in the city yesterday on
route for Okoboji for a ton clays' outing.
Alderman Lney has so far recovered
as to bo able to ride out. It is thought
that with care ho will hn vo no further
trouble with hemorrhages.
Miss Grace Osborn will depart for
the cast about the 1st of September to
complete her studios in one of the load
ing seminaries of Now York state.
I3t. T. S. Couch , master mechanic of the
III Chicago , Rock Island & , Pacific , has
HI. gene to Chicago to attend the funeral
* of his father , who died there last Sun
Mrs. L. II. Douglas , who lias been
stopping In the city for several months ,
loft yesterday for Cluvoland and Cin
cinnati. She expects to return In Oc
Motor Mluoo Mont.
Last evening the motor train ran into
H tonm belonging to P. II. Wind , at the
corner of Fourth uvonuo and Ninth
street , and a valuable gray liorao wai
killed. It Is stated that the boy who
was driving the toum was looking at
tome other boys playing ball , and did
not iiotlco the approach of the motor.
Tills BKK has frequently remarked tha
Rbsonco of procr | ) warning signals on
the motors , and prophesied an accident
i\6 the result of it. In the prut-out case
'proper whistle or bell would have
called the driver's attentionoven if his
mind was otherwise occupied. It seems
that the aocidcnUs to bo attributed di-
fcotly to the negligence of the motor
management , or to the carelessness of
Us employes.
Full line of sheet musio at
Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
Patrons of the Pad Ho House have
none but words of praise for the uttua-
Uda given them.
Liquors Solzod Under a Search
Warrant Ordered Roturnod.
Two Dollars 1'cnnlon Allowed For
Two WoiimlN null Thirty Itnt-
tlrn A V < Jnsollnc Alarm
Gathered In by Cops.
Mnnnwa Police Needed.
The management of the motor line is
ngaln coming in for n scorching on ac
count of the manner in which passen
gers of the cars are allowed to be im
posed upon while en route to the lake.
It is fast getting so that it will bo im
possible for n lady to travel over the
line without being subjected to all
kinds of annoyances and insults. Sun
day evening as the 8:10 : motor was getting
ready to leave the lake , a row ensued
between the engineer and a drunken
passenger , and coupling pins were
drawn as weapons. The belligerents
wore disarmed , but the air was filled
with oaths and curses for fully live min
utes afterwards , and no attempt \vns
made by any employe of the motor line
to hush up the racket. There is no po
lice protection whatever on the north
ern shore of the lake , and drunken
toughs and bums do pretty much as
they please. The grounds are filled
with tliugH , crooks of all kinds , and
prostitutes , and the most glaring
acts of indecency are hourly perpetrated
without the slightest attempt on the
part of the management to check them.
The percentage of respectable people
visiting the lake is rapidly lessoning ,
and it will be but a short time until
Manawu will become a report for the
low and depraved of both se.xes , and re
spectable people will shun it as they
would a plague.
The only way in which such a result
can bo avoided is to have ofliccrs con
stantly on the grounds , with Instruc
tions to squelch these reckless law
breakers from the very start. The ho
tel is now being run in such u manner
as to give perfect satisfaction , and the
now management is making money. It
will require iv small outlay on the part
of all parties interested at the lake to
provide oflieers for the protection of
their patrons and the maintenance of
order and decency on the grounds.
Something must bo done at once or
Manawa will receive a name from the
olTects of which it will take it a long
time to recover.
Wrongful Seizure of liquors.
Justice Schurz decided a liquor case
ycstorday. It was that involving cer
tain liquors soi/od at No. 019 Main
street , under a search warrant issued
by Justice Barnctt. The case was taken
on a ehango of venue to Justice Schur/ .
The defendants filed a demurrer , in
which they claimed that the informa
tion on which the search warrant was
issued was defective , as it did not
describe the kind of packages , whether
kegs , bottles , etc. , and did not describe
the liquors with sufliciont particularity ,
the information being simply a list of
various liquors. It was also claimed
that the persons supposed to be in pos
session of the liquors were not definitely
stated , it appearing in one place that
Frank LowerGus Bergman ' 'or others"
wore the ones , and in another part of
the document that Oliver Lower , Gus
Bergman "or others" wcro the ones.
Attorney Haldano insisted that such a
search warrant was good for nothing ,
as the law required that the informa
tion should state ' 'as particularly as
may bo" the property and the persons.
Justice Schur/ yesterday sustained the
demurrer. Then the prosecution asked
leave to amend the information , but
this was refused. Thus the cabo was
knocked out of court , and the constable
was instructed to return the liquors to
where ho found thorn and put them in
as nearly the same place as possible.
It appears from this decision that it
will bo necessary for the raiders to de
scribe exactly whether they are going
to search , for boor , or for whisky , or
brandy , and to describe whether it is in
kogs'or bottles , etc. In fact they will
have to know what they are going for ,
before they can make ttio search war
rant slick in Justice Schurcourt. .
The search warrants are mainly issued
by Justice Barnett and if a ehango ot
venue is taken to Justice Schurz it is
not difficult to see what will become of
them , unless moro care is taken In gath
ering the needed information and lire-
paring the papers. It is not always very
easy to find out just what liquors are
being sold , and in what packages they
arc kept , but it seems from this decision
that such will bo the caso. Justice
Schurz did not give any reasons for his
decisions , simply stating what conqlu-
sion ho had reached , but the logic of
how ho reached it is gathered from the
arguments in favor of the demurrer.
Another lot of liquor was condemned
in Justice Barnett's court yesterday
and destroyed. The goods wore ob
tained from Jack Green , Gus Rood ,
John Lawson , Dick Smith , Hank Myers
and others.
Petitions were filed yesterday In the
district court by A. Overtoil , through
his attorneys , Stone & Sims , for injunc
tions against Mrs. Emma MotcalfOlivor
Lower , George Sclundlo , and Mrs.Mary
Boohntug and M. Marcus. The filing
is too late to have the eases heard at the
coming term , but they will como up at
the November term. The places at
which liquor is alleged to bo sold are at
Mrs. Motcalf's roadhoubo , 1023 South
Main street , 17 North Main street and a
place in Grimes' addition. Several
other cases are to bo brought against
keepers of holes-in-tho-wall in various
parts of the city.
E. II. Shoafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlldontal. Ollico 600 Broadway , corner -
nor Main stiout , up-stairs.
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on
farm and city property.
A Hard ICarned Pension.
Michael Rattican , a well known
farmer , who has figured In court hero
rather prominently , Is nevertheless pos
sessor of a war record of which any man
might well bo proud. He enlisted in
July , 1801 , and was discharged in May ,
180-1. His discharge paper shows that
ho was in thirty battles , the list with
the dates appearing on the back of the
old parchment which Is so fondly cher
ished by him , and which yet shows that
time begins to got action upon It. The
list of battles is as follows : Slogo of
York town , Willltunsburg , Mochanlcs-
vllle , Galncs' Mill , Mulvorn Hill , \yest-
ever , Boonsboro , Antlotam , Sharpaburg ,
Piedmont , Markhain , Alnesville , Frod-
erkksburg , Rapldan , Upporvllle , Get
tysburg , Willianisport , Boonsboro ,
Funkstown , Culpappor , Raccoon Ford ,
Hobhifcun'a lUver. Cold Tlarbor Travll-
vllle , Appomattox .
Rntticuti UIIH a private in the Second
United States artillery. Ho was twice
wounded , once In the side nt Raccoon
Ford , and once in the tliighntrold
Harbor. IIo has been magnanimously
remembered by the government by a
pension of * 2 a month. IIo naturally
begins to feel that with the inflrmitioH
of ago , and the shattered condition of
his body , that a portion of the surplus
in the treasury , which everybody wants
to have got rid of , should como to him.
IIo is n republican , which imiv bar him
out from an incrca&e , but politics aside
it does seem ridiculous that any man
who has thus been wounded , has risked
his life In thirty battles , and has drawn
pay simply as a private for three of the
best years of bis life , should bo remem
bered only to the extent of $2 n month.
Are republics ungrateful ?
Or Council IJIuft'H Ijots at A no Ion
I will offer for sale and sell without
reserve to the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots in Co'chran's addition to
Council BlufTs.
One lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo sold with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
maining lot at the same price. The
ground on which the addition is laid is
known us the old fair ground forty ,
north of the Union Pacific depot , mid
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 1GO , or four to the acre.
Ton per cent of the purchase money
cash in hand. The balancu in nine
equal annual payments to bo evidenced
by notes bearing interest at 5 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
property nut-chasers will get warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
1 will nUo sell on the same terms and
at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on tlftj
north. Some of those lots are situated
on Broadway.
DAY or SAI.I : sirrr.MiiiR : : 12.
The place of sale will bo on the
grounds on Wednesday , the liith of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is fold.
The lots and blocks will bo numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on day of sale. Other particulars on
day of sale. A. CociiHAX.
That Deadly Frojt Again.
Yesterday afternoon Henry Rowling ,
a "Q" mossoniror boy. mot with a terri
ble misfortune. He was off duty for a
little while and was playing around the
railroad yard , when his foot caught in a
frog. The little follow saw a switch en
gine bearing down upon him and ho
vainly tried to release himself from his
awful position. The engineer did not
realize the position of the lad until it
was too Into to entirely save him. Just
before the engine struck him tlio little
follow , with admirable coolness , threw
himself to the outside of the track.
After the engine had passed the boy
was was taken up , when it was
found that the entire forward portion
of the foot had been cut oil. Ho was
quickly taken to the parents' residence ,
712 Twelfth avenue , where Dr. Lacy at
tended him. The accident means much
to the lad , but that ho escaped with his
life is remarkable.
This accident is butono of many which
have occurred in the yards here by
moans of these unprotected frogs. The
law of the stnto specially designates
that nil frogs shall bo "blocked. " This
planking closes up the frog so that noth
ing larger than tlio flange of the wheel
can outer it. If the law was obeyed
these accidents would not bo possible ,
but it is not obeyed. In all the local
yards fully one-half the frogs are en
tirely unprotected. In many cases the
plank ing has been done , but has become
broken and has not boon repaired.
This condition of things , the non-
cpmpllnnco with the law for the protec
tion of life and limb , is little short of
criminal neglect , and tlio railroads
which thus either carelessly or wilfully
disregard the rights of the people should
bo given a lesson they will not bo swift
to forgot.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the New York plumbing Co.
E. H. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. OUico
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
There' * Music In the Air.
Arrangements are about completed
by which a pipe organ manufactory will
bo located hero. The matter has boon
handled very quietly , with no flourish
of trumpets , but from the fact that the
business is in the hands of men who
are thoroughly practical , and first-class
organ builders as well , there is no
question ns to the fact above stated.
The builder is one who has already two
of his best instruments in the churches
of this city and has boon hoio recently
to look over the ground with the view
of branching out the business us indi
cated. The location of the city , the
rapidly developing country and other
material things have conspired to
bring this end about. The gontlomun
will bo associated with local men who
have both money and experience in
this branch of manufactures. Within
a short time the matter will assume amore
moro definite and tangible form. Those
are the things upon which Council
BlufTs must depend for a legitimate and
healthy growth in the future. They
are the initial points of self-support and
everything which can aid in securing
this result should bo heartily done by <
all our people.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
They All AVant Protection.
There is considerable complaint from
citizens living upon the streets now un
dergoing Improvements on account of
the recklessness exhibited by many of
the men employed. It is claimed that
these men , while running the sewer
ditches and laying the pipe , not only
drive carelessly , dofacinc trees , fences ,
etc. , but they mix their mortar , or ce
ment beds , upon the parking , thus de
stroying the sod. The majority of the
people having homes abutting those
streets , take a great amount of pride In
improving their places , and after they
have boon to this trouble , and expense
they naturally do not want thorn need
lessly defaced. It would scorn to be the
duty of the contractors to see that the
rights of the citizens are protected in
these matters , and , possibly , with this
reference to it , these practices will be
The Unruly Onua.
The boozers and peace disturbers had
each goodly delegations in police court
yesterday morning , and they wore
cinched by the judge In a manner that
will make them rather careful for some
tlrno to come. The jJtiO kcrs" wore
first called up , and UtOlrilo'-es inelcil
out ns follows : H. S. Snyde ! ' , James Me-
Auloy , David Russell and A. Ita > good ,
SS.lOeach ; William O'MrleV , $ " . < > .
The praco disturbers hlul also par
taken of the deadly Hfuwutcf nt tlto
Mint , which nITeeU'd themHlrnngely before -
fore they could even got out of doors.
The result was a frco foif all "scrap , " ' in
which somebody would hnVo been hurt.
but for the fact that Captains Dyer and
Anderson and Olllcer Fowler wore
watching the fun from the other side of
the street , and took n hand In the gnmu
immediately after tlio first' hand was
dealt. Dyer hold the ace of clubs and
raked in the wtiolo | > ot. Hurt Smith
concluded that he did not want to spend
tlio night in the hole , and "lit out , " '
followed by Anderson who captured
him after a run of three
blocks. The autographs of the
trio , as Inscribed on the register , were
E. Johnson , JKmCs Honolulu and Smith.
Johnson was lined fUH ) , and the cases
of the others were continued.
Artists prefer the Hallctt & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
Full line of shcot music at Council
BlulTH Music Co. , 2J4 Broadway.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtolo.
a Cli.-ince For IliH Hoy.
The rumor was widely spread on the
ntreets yesterday that W. R. Vaughan
had bought the Evening Herald. The
presence of Mr. Vnughan about the
Herald ofllco rather con firmed the re
port , but that L'ontluiimn , on being in-
terrocuted for the benefit of TIIK MII : :
readers , stated that ho had not bought
a controlling interest in that paper.
Ho had for some Mine boon determined
to make a newspaper man out of his
son , W. R. Vnughnn. jr. , and in further
ance of that plan had been buying up
some of the stock of the Council Bluffs
Herald. Young Walter would take the
position of solicitor , and would begin
work right away. Mr. Vaughan has
for some time boon attending to the
Omaha business of thai paper , and nat
urally being interested in the success of
this prohibition .sheet , makes way for
the Doling man to take a position with
it. Young Vaughan lias a good donl of
his father s wajs , and will doubtless de
velop into n like successful solicitor.
If you have property for sale at a bar
gain list it with us and wo will adver
tise it free of charge. A. A. Clark &
Co. , corner Bioadway and Main , over
American express. „
For bargains in real estate see E. II.
Sheafo < fe Co. , Broadway and Main
street , upstairs. _
A Dark War Cloud.
The illustrious Johnson family ap
peared in court ye tordity. - The John-
sous arc colored nristoerntSvJbut they are
subject to failings coininpn } o moro ple
beian Ethiopians , heric 'the'ir presence
in Aylosworth's judicial pariors. A little
tlo misunderstanding among themselves
resulted in an open bronch and hostili-
tioi were declared. The etluso of all
the trouble was abonnot/ , trade between
the two dusky daughters. Cora and Mag
gie. The old lady Johnson resides in
Omaha , and Cora lives in her mother's
house on Pierce stieet. Maggie is a
domestic at Stella Long's bagnio , and
Henry , a brother , kooos a hole-Sn-the-
wull near by. Tlio two girls traded
hats back and forth u few times , and
finally a quarrel ensued. The mother
happened ever on a visilj and espous-ed
the cause of Cora. Tins greatly in
censed Maggie , and she proceeded to
"bill dem two black niggers" in a
very vigorous manner. At this
juncture , Henry , the chivalrous son and
brother , took a hand and throw Maggie
to the floor , where ho choked tier ,
pulled her hair , scratched her face ,
pounded her teeth loose , and in sun
dry other atlectiouate ways Demon
strated with her for getting so noisy.
As soon as possible she rang up the po
In the course of the trial Cora became
somewhat excited and embraced the
jdty marshal very lovingly , telling him
that ho was "all right , " etc. The court
reviewed the case at some length , and
fined Maggie and Henry $14. (10 ( each ,
and discharged the other two. Cora
was profuse in her thanks to the court ,
and promised him a largo slice of
"watormillion" when next he visited
his barn on Pierce street. It is prob.iblo
that the judge appreciated the offer , al
though ho failed to express his thanks.
A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok
ers , have a list of choice inside property
on their books. Nothing but bargains
- * -
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value , at low rate of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , otllco cor. Broadway
and Main , ever American Express.
Another Gasoline fllnze. .
There was n slight bhi7o nt Chris Lar
son's grocery store , 907 South Main
street , yesterday afternoon. A clerk
took a lamp down collar to draw some
gasoline , and sot it down about twelve
foot away. The gas from the fluid came
In contact with the llamo , and for a few
minutes things looked serious. The de
partment was quickly on hand , and the
lire extinguished with a loss not to exceed -
coed $10. Gasoline has boon the cause
of several incipient blazes of late , still
those who handle it do not seem to profit
by the experience of others.
A list of filty vacant dwellings
for rent can bo obtained at ollico of E.
II. Sheafo & Co. , corner Broadway and
Main streets , up stairs. >
Fulton lOvplains.
TIIK Bii : : yesterday morning gave a
brief item in regard to a $5 , gold piece
being dropped accidentally through the
grating on the Main street side of the
Boston Tea company's ldro , and the
refusal of the clerk inside to lot the
stranger recover it. 1 now appears
that the person inside was 51 r. Fulton ,
ono of the firm. IIo Is qHilfo hot over
the insinuation that ho had' ' any Inten
tion of keeping the money. He ex
plains his refusal to let Uio man get
the money by saying that ho was
afraid It was a put1 up job.
IIo was afraid they wanted to rob the
store. His refusal to admit Chief Lucas
is explained by him by saying that ho
did not see the chief. It seems that
Mr. Fulton , by his peculiar actions , his
timidity , or stubbornness , placed him
self in a position to arouse suspicions
which were not just , having no inten
tion to keep the money himself. IIo
says ho intended to lot thorn got it in
the morning. Another time ho will
probably act differently under like cir
Ernest Foigo , of East SaginnwMich. ,
ono of the contractors for the furniture
for the now government building , ar
rived in the city yesterday morning ,
accompanied by Henry Molchess , of the
same city.
Stop at the Pacific House. The most
centrally located hotel In the city.
NoiiTii PL.VTTI : , Neb. , August , 'J2. To Council BlufEs Onrpot Co. Uoutlemeu : I have
just completed a two-story , nine room house. I want carpets as follows : 40 yards Mo-
quette , 50 yards BrusHulw , 75 yards Ingrain , 35 yards \7olvet Also curtains as follows :
35 shades , 6 pairs Brussels lace curtains , 3 pairs Swisd lace curtains , 5 pairs Irish Point ,
2 pairs Turcoman Portieres , I pair Plush Portieres , with curtain loops , poles and all
necessary fixtures. Please send samples and prices. \
Please reply by return mail. B. T. N.
Deputy Downs , who has for some
\\oekn boon working in the city in the
interest of the Northwestern Legion of
Honor , lias Covered his connection
therewith and associated himself with
the V. A. S.
WPIX'I.M. Hilvprtlvimi'iituMalms Lost , I'miml ,
Tolotinl' ' < ) r Sule.To KentWants , llonullnjr ,
etc. , will 1)8 Inscrti-il In this toluinii ut the low
into of TiN : CUNTS 1'llit MM. for thu lint hi'
portion ninl I'M ! Cents I'or ltno for rut n Milise
qnoiit Insoitlon. l.i.i\o iiilvrrtUt'ini'iitH tit our
ollico , No. I" 1'eail Mit-et , near lltoiulwaj' ,
Coiuiill lllulls , low 11.
\\7ANTEO A Rooil H'sponsllilt ! pint ) to takn
rliarKu or mill furnish R new thrtii-stoiv
lulck hotel located In llnrvaKt , Nub. \ \ ' . J.
Turner , treiiMirer.
TTNlt'Nl ) A line water .spaniel. Call at 1101
.1 ? So\riitliavumu' .
AL'O-arrosmall fnilt farm \ciy < ln'ui > . Just
outslilo city limiter u ill ill\iil Into in
acre tracts to suit putclmsor. H T llryunt ! c Co
WANTKD A peed Ktrl for i-enenil house
work , No. biO SKtli iiM-nue.
T OBT Or stolen A IS-jcur old trruy iniiro.
-I J Howard for letiuii to Axel llleson , 731
Washington a\cnno.
"IJflOU SAM : The bust small fruit and i cKeta-
-L hie farm In I'ottawattnmli ; county , two
miles fiom Council Illuffrt voatolllce , at u jiiho
that will Hull It. on rrnmrkatily easy ttuns.
Title jiurfuct and inoperty In jjood condition.
I'ossesslon given at any time , ( lood reason for
.wllliiK. It. T. llryunt V Co. , G23 Ilroadway ,
Council lIlulfH. lit.
WANTKI1Blocks of merchandise to e\-
( hango for city piopeity In C-ounell Illntrh ,
Omitlm , or western land or chattels of iiny kind.
Wo niako oxchanxliiK a spei laity. It. T. llryunt
iVCo. , IKS llroddnuy.
TIT'ANTKD .Stocks ol moiclitindlse. llav
IT Omaha aud Council Illulfs city propelty ,
alto western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address John-ion fe Christian , Kootu 3j ,
Chamber of Commeico. Omah.i.
. "h ercoiiiliiR all opposition , till the cemeteries
with newly made graves , leaving the once
happy home with nothing but memen
toes of loved one-i lost. Where
Is used It is universally found to l > o
The value of a uln le bottle for use In anv of
the above niimcd diseases Is icully incalculable.
Money could not induce those nlio have thor
oughly tried it to be without it. The niaikrt Is
mil of icmcdlca for a similar puinose , and all
have merit in some case- , , but with them it IH a
btubboru fait that tlie-e are in many places the
of the country. With this medicine they aio
'Ihls medicine has now been used In this couutiy
Has no equal on earth , fold by driiKKtatfi every
where. HARLE , HAAS & CO. .
Wholesale .AgeiitH , Council DUitl's , Iowa.
KXJUroadway Council liluffa , Iowa. listablUhed
D. H. McOANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KM and 823 Main StreetCouncil DlutTaJowa.
1514 noUGI V8 ST. . O91AI1A , NKI1
PRICE $15 ,
Is equal to
any High
The Killion Mimeograph , the beU apparatus for
manifolding , authovrapblu and typewriter wori.
3JOO coplei can lie Inkon.
The Exeehior Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational institution , furnl'li-
cd with nil modem improvements for boardlnc
and day school , The academic year consists ot
two besslons , beginning on the llrst Monday in
September and I'ebruary. lespcctfulljr.
Terms-Hoard and tuition per session , ITS.
Tor further particulars address Sister Superior ,
St. Francis Academy , Council llluffy , U.
SO 0-0 TO
Baird's for Fruits.
Assorted Baskets Put Up to Order.
N. I. TIBBETTS , and Save Money.
No. IMS Hroadway.
For your .LightCarriages
See Henry Van Brunt
Largest Stock and Lowest Prices.
No. ISO Broadway. Telephone No. 2O1.
Go to
No. 2O Main Stroot.
SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway
nat Flaiins anil Oiutttu on Monthly Iliymriifs.
rntsr-t'LASS ix JBiv/zr
IK the I'tiute tif the llluh Temiwraturrnf ( 'i > ni ) > < ( f/foM. /
UOSTON noor & siion sroiin. E. n. ADAMS .t co ,
, Yo. JIT JiMimlKci/ ) < m > ir ( ( lllnffn , IDWH.
Successor to
SCOFIELD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Broadway.
All Fruits In Their Season. Tel. 29O.
Jf you Want Safe JJcpoult of Cheap Loan , Call on
International Bnlldlna , Loan and Investment Union
Jf. r. KIDD l < SON , GOO BrtMilivat/ .
V ft TT TTT'TT' ' } 2O N. Main
\/V / H 1 1 .tL
. j. p. ANDERSON
THE GROCER , 744 B'dway
' While at L.AKE MA3JAWA Take Uio
M. F. ROHRER For the Beach.
INPIMP Hydraulic anil Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Intimates ,
HRIPI iDlllL" Specification ! , . Supervision of Public Work. Drown
Building , Council Biuflfb , Iowa.
CINI CV Dl ID1/C Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Uuililinn , 115
T 111 LL T DU imC. " Pearl St. , Council Blufls , Iowa.
N QPHIIR7 Justice of the Peace. Offlcc over American Express , No. 419
Broadway , Council Dlufl's , Iowa.
Si QIIWIQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed era
Ot OIIYIO" Courts. Onice Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-Beno Block.
Council Bluff's Iowa.
p HA7FIMDcntist' Corner Strcct and First Avenue > Counci
- - '
Blufl'b , loua.
3BTJSSEL3L. . 3z CO. ,
Adapted for
25 TO 300 ,
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Spci ideations and estimates f mulshed for complete steam plants. Humiliation , Diuablllty ( ! iiin >
antced. Can show letters from users he : e fuel Economy is etiual 1th Corliss Nun-l'oiideuilns.
Send for CatalOgye , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the romninlnK lots in Squire's niWUlon to Council uB.
for S 0 cunli , und long
wll the lliietit locatcil lots in the city ; payment
will i no on 1 . , to norso.ih . who doslro to secure homos , iind I will make lit- ,
i. i1 levins to those who desire aid in building ImUbCM. Cull ut oncu and 4 o
n e at Mtwonio Temple , Council Bluff * , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.